Certificaciones y Socios Comerciales Aertecnica

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Las patentes Patentes relativas a las centrales de aspiración • Sistema APF (autolimpieza del filtro de aspiración de polvo) Patente europea en trámite nº 06793421.6 • Sistema APF Patente Italiana en trámite nº BO-2005A000553 • Sistema APF Patente Estadounidense en trámite nº 12/066,592 • Sistema APF Patente China en trámite nº 200680040404.1 • Aspiradora de empotrar QB Patente en trámite nº MO2007A000077 Patentes relativas a las tomas de aspiración • Toma de aspiración New Air Patente nº 1267007 • Contratoma Air para toma de aspiración Patente nº 1267008 Otras patentes de la empresa • Aspiradora de empotrar Bravo Patente en trámite nº B02004U000012 Las certificaciones y patentes son garantías evidentes de la Calidad Aertecnica.

Certificaciones y socios comerciales Empresa certificada con sistema de gestión de la calidad UNE EN ISO 9001 y sistema de gestión medioambiental UNI EN ISO 14001

Certificación de producto para la gama de las centrales de aspiración monofásicas del sector residencial Perfetto Inox - Perfetto - Classic e Bravo - QB - Perfetto Inox TXA - Perfetto TPA - Perfetto TP - Classic TC



100% Made in Italy

Las centrales de aspiración para los sectores residencial y terciario, las tomas de aspiración y las contratomas son de fabricación italiana al 100%.

Made in Italy

China Compulsory Certification Certificación de producto china para la gama de centrales de aspiración del sector residencial Perfetto, Classic y Bravo

Para tubos y racores Ø 50 - Ø 63

Las centrales de aspiración para los sectores residencial y terciario, las tomas y las contratomas son conformes a las normas CE.

Certificación para Canadá y Estados Unidos para la gama de centrales de aspiración del sector residencial Perfetto TXA, Perfetto TPA – TP, Classic TC, QB, Studio TS N°. DMLW. E345064 - DMLW7. E345064

Certificación para Brasil para la gama de centrales de aspiración del sector residencial Perfetto TXA, Perfetto TPA – TP, Classic TC, QB, Studio TS

Las centrales de aspiración para los sectores residencial y terciario y las tomas de aspiración, antes de lanzarse al mercado, deben superar estrictas pruebas de control de calidad, seguridad, respeto del medio ambiente y estética. Nuestro exclusivo proceso de fabricación da origen a productos únicos en cuanto a calidad y eficiencia.

Para tubos y racores Ø 40 Ø 80 - Ø 100

Empresa asociada www.lignius.it

Cesena, 01/09/2014


Aertecnica S.p.A. Via Cerchia di S. Egidio 760 - 47521 Cesena, Italy

PERFETTO INOX TXA - PERFETTO TPA - PERFETTO TP - CLASSIC TC - QB STATES THAT Hereby that the VACUUM UNITS identifiable by the data indicated here in and designed to be connected to a centralised vacuum cleaning system for civil buildings is in compliance with the essential health and safety requirements included in the directives 98/37/EEC ANNEX II TYPE A (former 89/392/EEC), 73/23/EEC, 89/336/ EEC and following amendments.

Maurizio Martini Aertecnica’s CEO

Aertecnica S.p.A.

Via Cerchia di S. Egidio, 760 47521 Cesena (FC) Italy Tel. +39 0547 637311 Fax +39 0547 631388 info@aertecnica.com www.aertecnica.com

Stampa domanda


Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi Domanda numero MO2007A000077 Tipologia Invenzioni N.B. Non tutte le schede riportano la medesima struttura, essendo questa strettamente correlata alla tipologia. Dati aggiornati al 13 aprile 2015 (fonte: www.uibm.eu) Data Deposito N. Brevetto Data Brevetto 08 marzo 2007 0001378541 30 agosto 2010 Stato Domanda Anticipata accessibilitĂ Data di Pubblicazione rilasciata no 09 settembre 2008 Titolo impianto aspirapolvere centralizzato Titolare Inventori AERTECNICA S.P.A. | CESENA | (FO) | BALBO MAURIZIO Domicilio elettivo Indirizzo LUPPI CRUGNOLA & PARTNERS S.R.L. VIALE CORASSORI 54 - 41100 MODENA (MO) Centro raccolta colture microrganismi CLASSI Codice Classi A47L00500 PRIORITĂ€ Nazione -

Numero domanda -

Data domanda -

CCP/CCPF Nel database non sono state trovate domande di CCP o CCPF CONVERSIONE DELLA DOMANDA Nel database non risultano pervenute domande di trasformazione o di deposito contemporaneo. ANNOTAZIONI Nel database non sono state trovate annotazioni per questa domanda TRASCRIZIONI Nel database non sono state trovate trascrizioni per questa domanda

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16/04/15 09:50


20130418-E345064 E345064-20130411 2013-APRIL-18

Issued to:


Certificate Number

VIA CERCHIA DI S EGIDIO 760, 47521 CESENA FC ITALY This is to certify that representative samples of


USL/CNL - Household Central Vacuum Cleaner for indoor use Series TC, TP, TX followed by suffix “1,2,3 or 4”; with or without suffix “A”. Have been investigated by UL in accordance with the Standard(s) indicated on this Certificate.

Standard(s) for Safety:

Vacuum Cleaners, Blower Cleaners, and Household Floor Finishing Machines; UL 1017, Vacuum Cleaners, Blower Cleaners, and Household Floor Finishing Machines; CSA-C22.2 No. 243

Additional Information:

See the UL Online Certifications Directory at www.ul.com/database for additional information

Only those products bearing the UL Listing Mark for the US and Canada should be considered as being covered by UL's Listing and Follow-Up Service meeting the appropriate requirements for US and Canada. The UL Listing Mark for the US and Canada generally includes: the UL in a circle symbol with “C” and “US” identifiers: the word “LISTED”; a control number (may be alphanumeric) assigned by UL; and the product category name (product identifier) as indicated in the appropriate UL Directory. Look for the UL Listing Mark on the product.

William R. Carney, Director, North American Certification Programs UL LLC Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. For questions, please contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at www.ul.com/contactus

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CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Certificate Number Report Reference Issue Date

Issued to:

20130226-E345064 E345064-20130226 2013-FEBRUARY-26


This is to certify that representative samples of

VACUUM CLEANING MACHINES AND BLOWER CLEANERS Household Central vacuum cleaner for indoor use Models TS1, TS2, TS4. Have been investigated by UL in accordance with the Standard(s) indicated on this Certificate.

Standard(s) for Safety:

UL 1017/CSA-C22.2 No. 243-10 - UL and CSA Standard for Vacuum Cleaners, Blower Cleaners, and Household Floor Finishing Machines

Additional Information:

See the UL Online Certifications Directory at www.ul.com/database for additional information

Only those products bearing the UL Listing Mark for the US and Canada should be considered as being covered by UL's Listing and Follow-Up Service meeting the appropriate requirements for US and Canada. The UL Listing Mark for the US and Canada generally includes: the UL in a circle symbol with “C” and “US” identifiers: the word “LISTED”; a control number (may be alphanumeric) assigned by UL; and the product category name (product identifier) as indicated in the appropriate UL Directory. Look for the UL Listing Mark on the product.

William R. Carney, Director, North American Certification Programs UL LLC Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. For questions, please contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at www.ul.com/contactus

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20130117-E345064 E345064-20130117 2013-JANUARY-17

Issued to:


Certificate Number

VIA CERCHIA DI S EGIDIO 760 47521 CESENA FC ITALY This is to certify that representative samples of

VACUUM CLEANING MACHINES AND BLOWER CLEANERS Household Central vacuum cleaner for indoor/outdoor installation Model Q200. Have been investigated by UL in accordance with the Standard(s) indicated on this Certificate.

Standard(s) for Safety:

Standard for Vacuum Cleaners, Blower Cleaners, and Household Floor Finishing Machines, UL 1017 and CSAC22.2 No. 243-10.

Additional Information:

See the UL Online Certifications Directory at www.ul.com/database for additional information

Only those products bearing the UL Listing Mark for the US and Canada should be considered as being covered by UL's Listing and Follow-Up Service meeting the appropriate requirements for US and Canada. The UL Listing Mark for the US and Canada generally includes: the UL in a circle symbol with “C” and “US” identifiers: the word “LISTED”; a control number (may be alphanumeric) assigned by UL; and the product category name (product identifier) as indicated in the appropriate UL Directory. Look for the UL Listing Mark on the product.

William R. Carney, Director, North American Certification Programs UL LLC Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. For questions, please contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at www.ul.com/contactus

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FAMD Sistemas de Aspiración Centralizada Doméstica e Industrial Calle Pizarra, 13 Bajo - Almacén Calle Italia, 23 –29580 Estación de Cártama (MÁLAGA) España Tel. +34 687 64 65 59 www.aertecnica.es - integralesfamd@gmail.com

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