Tucson Weekly 02/14/13

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FEBRUARY 14-20, 2013 VOL. 29, NO. 52

Yo La Tengo? Still pretty good and coming to town May 6.

OPINION Tom Danehy 4


Randy Serraglio 6 Jim Hightower 6 Guest Commentary 8 Mailbag 8

CURRENTS The Skinny 9 By Jim Nintzel

Motor Madness 9 By Tim Vanderpool

Pistons rule in the world of Arizona Game and Fish Media Watch 10 By John Schuster

Heated Environment 11 By Mari Herreras

Retired Tucson firefighter doesn’t give up in gender discrimination lawsuit Weekly Wide Web 12 Compiled by David Mendez

Police Dispatch 12 By Anna Mirocha

Ready to Race13

Learning new and uncomfortable facts about our writers every day.

By Brian J. Pedersen

A race track in Marana could be the starting line for the next NASCAR star The Sex Issue 15 By Eric Esquivel, Noelle Haro-Gomez, Mari Herreras, Allie Leach, David Mendez, Hannah Nance Partlow and Inés Taracena

Going to Hell for This First of all, I should probably apologize to all the youth pastors who tried to teach me the Bible and a conservative set of Christian ethics over the years. I feel like I turned out OK, but surely one of those pleasant and well-meaning individuals are going to see the cover of this week’s issue and start shaking their head in shame. Sure, there’s an element of deliberate titillation at work with the return of the Tucson Weekly Sex Issue after a lengthy hiatus, but mostly we’re just trying to tell some fun and interesting stories. I probably wouldn’t have ended up at one of Fluxx’s fetish play parties, but I learned a little about what’s happening behind closed doors there this week. I can now say I know more than I ever thought I would about the contents of the “Duty Hut” at the infamous Meet Rack. We have a comic referencing mini golf played in bondage gear (I think jokingly, but who knows?) We still have the same news and arts coverage as usual, so we haven’t entirely lost our minds, but hopefully you’ll find this issue as fun to read as it was to assemble. Barring that outcome, feel free to post something on our Facebook page about how you were offended. That sort of thing seems to be happening more often lately. On another subject entirely, you might notice that our review of Cup Café running this week (page 41) isn’t the Weekly’s first. There’s a list of restaurants that we haven’t reviewed in more than a decade that are still around and thriving, so we’re trying to tackle one a month so that you can have an idea of what to expect at these places these days. Menus change, chefs come and go, and we want to provide the best information we can for Tucson diners. If you have a suggestion of a place we should revisit, let me know. Speaking of restaurants, we’re doing something new next week, presenting a beer dinner at Union Public House on Feb. 18. Should be a great time with five courses paired to beers by Sierra Nevada and oysters and short ribs in the mix of ingredients. So, if you’ve been looking for an opportunity to scold me in person (possible) or tell me what a splendid job I’m doing (less so), call Union at 329-8575 and sign up. I hope to see some of you there. DAN GIBSON, Editor dgibson@tucsonweekly.com COVER DESIGN BY ANDREW ARTHUR




City Week 22

A Tucson Classic 41 By Jacqueline Kuder

TQ&A 24

PERFORMING ARTS Tango Triumvirate 30 By Margaret Regan

The Cup Café has changed over the years, but remains highly recommended Noshing Around 41 By Jerry Morgan

An ambitious tribute to Astor Piazzolla


Relationships With Reality 31

By Michael Pettiti

By Sherilyn Forrester

Arizona Reperatory Theatre does its best with Love Song Musical Theater, Punk Rock Style 32 By Laura C.J. Owen

Hedwig and the Angry Inch opens at Bastard

BOOKS Nuns of Adventure 35 By Margaret Regan

The story of Catholic sisters in the American West

CINEMA The Bitter Pill 37 By Colin Boyd

If Side Effects is Soderbergh’s last film, it’s a solid way to walk away Waste of Talent 38 By Bob Grimm

Melissa McCarthy is too good to be stuck in Identity Thief

TV/DVD Life in the Fast Lane 40 By Bill Frost

Subtlety in Song 47 The xx’s rise to fame is fueled by their love for playing music together Soundbites 47 By Stephen Seigel

Live Music 49 Nine Questions 50 Live Review 52 Rhythm & Views 53

MEDICAL MJ Collectives as Casualties 54 By J.M. Smith

CLASSIFIEDS Comix 55-57 Free Will Astrology 56 ¡Ask a Mexican! 57 Savage Love 58 Personals 60 Employment 61 News of the Weird 62 Real Estate/Rentals 62 Mind, Body and Spirit 63 Crosswords 57, 63 *Adult Content 62-68










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Tom takes some time to think about the world of dirty cell phone images

WWW.TUCSONWEEKLY.COM P. O. BOX 27087, TUCSON, AZ 85726 (520) 294-1200

Thomas P. Lee Publisher EDITORIAL Dan Gibson Editor Jim Nintzel Senior Writer Irene Messina Assistant Editor Mari Herreras Staff Writer Linda Ray City Week Listings David Mendez Web Producer Margaret Regan Arts Editor Stephen Seigel Music Editor Bill Clemens Copy Editor Tom Danehy, Renée Downing, Ryn Gargulinski, Randy Serraglio, J.M. Smith Columnists Colin Boyd, Bob Grimm Cinema Writers Bill Frost TV/DVD Columnist Rita Connelly, Jacqueline Kuder, Jerry Morgan Chow Writers Sherilyn Forrester, Laura C.J. Owen Theater Writers Stephanie Casanova, Megan Merrimac, Kyle Mittan, Kate Newton Editorial Interns Hailey Eisenbach, Curtis Ryan Photography Interns Contributors Gustavo Arellano, Gene Armstrong, Sean Bottai, Rob Brezsny, Max Cannon, Rand Carlson, Casey Dewey, Eric Esquivel, Michael Grimm, Jim Hightower, Tim Hull, David Kish, Keith Knight, Allie Leach, Anna Mirocha, Brian Mock, Andy Mosier, Noelle HaroGomez, Brian J. Pedersen, Dan Perkins, E.J. Pettinger, Michael Pettiti, Ted Rall, Dan Savage, John Schuster, Chuck Shepherd, Eric Swedlund, Maria Inés Taracena, Ben Tausig, Tim Vanderpool

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BY TOM DANEHY, tdanehy@tucsonweekly.com


n the giant Venn diagram of individual human behavior, the great blob of Stupid intersects lots of different areas, including Personally Destructive and Professionally Damaging, and it even lightly touches Fire-able Offense. Fortunately for all of us, Stupid is just mostly stupid and allows us to make our mistakes and, one hopes, learn from them, perchance to prevent them from being repeated. (For example, decades ago, I would have incorrectly—and stupidly—used the word “hopefully” in that sentence, instead of “one hopes.” Lesson learned without permanent damage to my career … such as it is.)

It’s a bit different in the matter of group behavior. The great blob of Stupid can completely engulf mobs and frat houses and the Westboro Baptist Church. Our Arizona Legislature resides entirely inside the great blob of Stupid, kinda like Lesotho inside South Africa. Returning to the discussion of individual stupidity brings us to the case of former Tucson Police Department Lieutenant (now Sergeant, at least temporarily) Diana Lopez, who used to do an excellent job as the department’s public information officer. (That means that she looked wellgroomed on camera, didn’t use a whole lot of uh’s and um’s when she spoke, and could utter the phrase “The investigation is ongoing” without openly sneering at the talking head who had asked some lame question.) Once a rising star in the department, Lopez has seen her career knocked off the tracks by Stupid. And make no mistake about it, what she did was stupid. According to an internal investigation (the ridiculously hefty final written report of which could kill small animals if dropped from a height of 4 feet), Lopez sent a series of risqué photos and a video to a lower-ranking officer with whom she was personally involved. That’s a stupid thing to do. It’s not Rihanna Oh-he’llnever-beat-my-ass-again stupid, but it’s stupid. I can’t even begin to imagine how many women have allowed themselves to be photographed and/or filmed in sexual situations by the guy with whom they would be together forever … or until next month when he found somebody else who was willing to be degraded in such a manner. After the investigation was completed, Lopez was removed as public information officer and demoted from lieutenant to patrol sergeant. Her attorney, Mike Piccarreta, is probably going to have a field day with this. According to Piccarreta, “What Diana did over a year ago, she sent a private video and some pictures, none of them legally obscene, to her boyfriend and that was the end of it.”

RANDOM SHOTS By Rand Carlson

Again, stupid. But actionable? I’m not so sure. TPD Assistant Chief Kathleen Robinson was quoted as saying, “Lopez used extremely poor judgment in sending these images, undermining her credibility as a commander. Her actions have negatively affected not only her reputation, but the reputation and mission of the Tucson Police Department.” Wow, if the mission of the Tucson Police Department can be adversely affected by a couple of suggestive photos, what might happen if something truly serious came along? Having been brought up in a rather strict Catholic/Italian household, I lean toward the prudish in such matters. I certainly wouldn’t want my wife to create and send me such material, especially since I don’t own a cellphone. Besides, it’s infinitely better in real life. However, the adult in me says that such things are strictly a matter of different strokes and none of our business. If it didn’t affect her job performance, why should the TPD care? What’s rather funny (in a Wayne LaPierre sorta way) is that the Police Department, which generally follows the rules of law and evidence and stuff like that, said in the report that it could not find any of the photos or the video in question, but concluded that “there is no doubt they exist.” This is not to say that nobody should be punished in this affair. This all came out after the recipient of the material decided to go all Eighth-Grade Boy and showed the pictures around the locker room. When I talk to the girls on my basketball team about dating and such, I often start with the phrase, “You have to remember, most guys are pigs, especially when you allow them to be.” We can’t use that sentence here because of, you know, that “p” word. But guys can be real jackasses and, in the high testosterone world of law enforcement, guys can be industrial-strength jackasses. It’s funny; every single person with whom I have discussed this story has used the exact same word to describe the offending (and offensive) male officer who showed the stuff around. It starts with a “d” and, when employed correctly, is used in a discussion of female hygiene. (It’s just one of those words that, for whatever reason, I’ve never used in my life and I’m not going to start now.) But what a jerk! After such a breakup, a true gentleman would have returned the items to Lopez. In the real world, the vast majority of guys would have held on to them privately. But this classless ass chose to show them around. I’m sorry, but if I were one of his fellow officers, in the back of my head, I’d be wondering just how much I could trust this person. And trust is real important in that line of work.







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FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013




Randy uses this issue’s theme to look at how far sex has come HIGHTOWER

BY RANDY SERRAGLIO, rserraglio@tucsonweekly.com




nless you opened this newspaper directly to this column without glancing at the cover (has anyone ever done that?), you’re aware that this is the “sex issue”—that is, a publication momentarily preoccupied with sex, not some inky, soy-based fluid excreted during an act of journalistic depravity. When I counted the weeks and discovered that I would have both the privilege and the burden of writing for this issue, I rejoiced (sex being one of my favorite subjects) and then panicked (sex being a difficult thing to write about without descending into adolescent nonhumor or numbingly dispassionate clinical analysis).

Since being thumped hard by voters last November, Republican leaders have gone through a period of reflection, introspection, and contemplation – and they now say they must make fundamental internal changes to become realistic political contenders. Does this mean they’re finally going to We’ve got a long way to go, but we’re light quit being a political front for the Koch years beyond the days when J.H. Kellogg—yeah, the freaky brothers’ plutocratic fantasies, jettison their cereal guy—instructed parents to suture their sons’ foreskins tea party nuttiness about everything from closed and pour pure carbolic acid on their daughters’ clitonullification to “legitimate rape,” or stop rises in order to eradicate the evil of recidivist masturbation. their destructive fixation on budget slashSex took a great leap forward in the 1970s when the ing? No, no – it’s not their own, deeplyFederation of Feminist Women’s Health Centers rediscovflawed fundamentals they intend to change, ered—and then redefined, remapped and reclaimed—the but the inner workings of America’s election clitoris. As Rebecca Chalker recounted in The Clitoral mechanics. The problem, they say, is not Truth, Sigmund Freud and a host of other people with their unpopular policies or their offensive penises had killed and buried the clitoris in years past. strategy of attacking whole swaths of the Miraculously, people who actually have a clitoris resurrectelectorate – but that states are not allocated it, in all of its physiological glory. (Or maybe the miracle ing their electoral votes in ways that would was that people with penises finally accepted the obvious.) throw the election to Republicans. Eighteen distinct physiological structures! More than 6,000 For some time, we’ve seen GOP governors sensory nerve endings! Capable of great feats of elasticity and and election officials openly rigging rules excretion! (Look it up.) And all of it serves the singular purand voting procedures to shut out students, pose of sexual pleasure. Now that’s intelligent design. minorities, seniors, and other likely Even in the deepest darkness of centuries past, some Democratic voters from casting ballots. But knew of such secrets. Reay Tannahill’s 1980 opus Sex in now top Republicans are going all out to History cataloged a long litany of sexual horrors wrought by “fix” vote allocation rules in selected swing ignorance, shame, guilt, foolishness and—let’s face it—relistates, enabling their presidential candidates to “win,” even though they lose. For example, last fall, THIS MODERN WORLD By Tom Tomorrow Obama won Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. But, with Republicans in control of those state governments, the GOP is scheming to award the electoral votes of those states in the future not to the statewide winner, but to the winner in each congressional district. If it had been fully-implemented for last year’s election, this arbitrary slicing and dicing would have diverted enough electoral votes to Romney to hand him the presidency. For more on the GOP’s plot to steal the White House, see a full report at www.americanprogressaction.org.


gion of all stripes. But her fascinating text also noted moments of dramatic discovery and profound enlightenment. For every spiked collar that warded off nocturnal emissions by “warning of imminent erection” (spikes inward—yikes!), there was an obscure yet heroic midwife who not only understood human genitalia, but also advocated for its proper care and use. And now we’ve arrived at a historic moment when we can invite Tucsonans to work out their kinks 150 words at a time in our erotic fiction contest and publish their decadence for all to see. Lest we humans feel too badly for past prudishness or current carnality, we need only consult Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation, Olivia Judson’s clever compendium of animal sexual behavior and its evolutionary implications. Suffice it to say that our four-legged, feathered, reptilian, single-celled or exoskeletoned sisters and brothers have a crazy-kinky rainbow groove that makes us seem milquetoast by comparison. Animals engage in behaviors approximating bondage, orgies, adultery, oral and anal sex, cross-dressing, hand jobs, foot jobs, skull fucking, use of sex toys, celibacy and Darwin knows what else. On the darker side, there’s rape, gang rape, date rape (complete with various druglike excretions that render the partner defenseless), incest, murder, cannibalism—you name it. In fact, the one thing that’s truly rare in the animal kingdom is plain old monogamy, which Dr. Tatiana calls “one of the most deviant behaviors in biology.” Animal penises have spikes, knobs, bristles, hooks, horns and spines. Some are inflatable, some are detachable, and some produce musical sounds. Many reptiles have two penises. (OK, I’m envious.) Like most birds, the male redbilled buffalo weaver does not have a penis, but he does have a rather impressive fake that he rubs on the female’s genitalia for half an hour before he ejaculates. Dr. Ruth would be proud. One species of marine flatworm engages in “penis fencing,” a bizarre ritual that consists of a duel with erect penises extended, each attempting to pierce the other for the privilege of delivering sperm. Sounds like a Republican debate. And who can forget the epic sexuality of hermaphroditic snails, memorialized in the film Microcosmos a few years back? A writhing, slippery, gender-flexible embrace set to the swelling strains of Puccini—sign me up for that. Why all the weirdness? Dr. Tatiana explains most of it with wonky analysis of evolutionary advantages. But what of “gay” penguins? Or “lesbian” bonobos that regularly lick each other to orgasm? Some behaviors seem to have no other purpose than pleasure and personal fulfillment, even in the animal kingdom. Anyway you look at sex—whether it’s fencing flatworms or the beast with two backs—it’s all about diversity, and that’s almost always a good thing in my book.

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FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013







Send letters to P. O. Box 27087, Tucson, AZ 85726. Or e-mail to mailbag@tucsonweekly.com. Letters must include name, address and daytime phone number. Letters must include signature. We reserve the right to edit letters. Please limit letters to 250 words.


These Are The Sort Of Trollish Comments That Will Get You Banned From Commenting On The Range (If You Have Nothing Else Useful To Say)


“Yawn.... what a boring food scene Tucson has. Its a joke.� “I am from a lot of places. All of them with better food. I realize that you have to justify your job but come on.How many taco places can you review? I love a good taco but its all essentially the same menu and preparations.Is the orange cheese brighter here?� “Cafe Poca Cosa isnt authentic or any good for that matter. Anyway, its one place. You didnt mention where all of the other things could be found. Other than a couple of places that make tortillas.� “Hersheys syrup with cumin isnt mole by the way.� “Rita, if you keep digging we will discuss “authentic� Chinese food. Panda Express isnt it.� by “Bobbylou� (“Sit Down on 12th,� Chow, Feb. 7)

Tucson’s mayor reflects on where Rio Nuevo has been and where it’s going


ast week, we closed a chapter on the long-running saga of Rio Nuevo. Over my 14 months as mayor of Tucson, I have worked regularly and intensively to resolve the city’s disputes with Rio Nuevo in a way that is fair to taxpayers. I believe we have accomplished this, settling the litigation between the city and the district, and adopting a platform to guide the parties going forward—one that sets forth rights and responsibilities for each. Rio Nuevo is a TIF, or tax increment financing district. What it does is allow Tucson to recapture the state’s share of sales tax revenue generated within the district and keep that money in Tucson, for use on voter-approved revitalization projects downtown.

What started with great hope and goodwill in 1999, when Proposition 400 passed with resounding support, soured over time. Grandiose projects—like a $350 million Rainbow Bridge spanning Interstate 10—were proposed, then rejected. Plans were drawn, reviewed, and shelved The process repeated itself. Although important work was done using Rio Nuevo funds, much of that work remained unseen or went unnoticed. Environmental remediation of old landfills, public infrastructure improvements in the oldest parts of town and widening an I-10 underpass—these were not cheap. But they also weren’t flashy. Then again, jewels like the Fox Theatre, resurrected with Rio Nuevo funding, somehow never got credited as having been made possible by the TIF. The Rialto, too, benefited from the TIF, as did the Mercado. Other uses of Rio Nuevo funds were more questionable. Still, poor decisions do not constitute criminal activity. To date, investigations by the Arizona Attorney General’s Office and the FBI have yielded no indictments. If criminal wrongdoing is discovered, on either side, this settlement does not preclude prosecution. Anyone who wants to review Rio Nuevo’s financials can go to the city’s website: http://cms3.tucsonaz.gov/rionuevo. Click on the link, “Rio Nuevo Expenditures from Inception through 10/31/2010.â€? After that, the state-reorganized Rio Nuevo Board assumed responsibility for district accounting. In last week’s settlement, the Rio Nuevo District pays a number of dollar amounts to the city of Tucson. This should not seem unusual, as the district was created as a vehicle to collect and transfer money to the city for approved development projects. Some of the main points of the 16-point agreement are: • The Rio Nuevo District will invest $6 million in the Tucson Convention Center for maintenance, repairs and upgrades.

• The district will invest $1.1 million in Mission Gardens. • The district will invest $750,000 in downtown streetscapes— important because streetcar funds pay for work curb to curb, but do not pay for sidewalk or streetscape improvements. • The district will pay the city $2.2 million in bond payments it owes. • Both the city and the district will cooperate with performance and financial audits, required every three years by state statute. • The city will assume the obligations of the Depot Garage, financed by the district, with payback occurring over 37 years. • The city will transfer the property south of Cushing Street known as Heritage Park for completion of certain voter-approved projects. Two more things people should know: By law, the Rio Nuevo District cannot take on new projects until it has submitted a notice of intent to proceed with a hotel and a community center. With this agreement, the city accepts the district’s investment of $6 million in the TCC as meeting its notice requirement for a community center. The district still needs to meet its notice requirement for a hotel. And, finally, any Rio Nuevo project over $50,000 must be approved by the City Council. Last week’s agreement won’t undo the past. Missed chances and wasted opportunities remain just that. Mistakes are a costly education, but they are an education, nonetheless. I believe Rio Nuevo has moved this community from chasing Rainbow Bridges to tackling smaller projects—projects that are uniquely Tucson—and doing them extremely well. Today, instead of a Rainbow Bridge, we have the Luis G. Gutierrez Bridge, its arches graced with cottonwood leaves in metal and tile. We have the Fox Theatre, the Mercado and the Rialto. Downtown is happening. This is an exciting time to be in Tucson. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Jonathan Rothschild was elected mayor of Tucson in 2011.

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Pistons rule in the world of Arizona Game and Fish


Motor Madness ime was, a hunter nobly tracked his quarry step by step through the forest primeval. His skills proving worthy, he’d down the prey, field-dress the kill and likewise pack out the proceeds, one foot after another. Then came GPS, off-road vehicles and bulging waistlines. Now it seems many hunters hanker to do the deed with a bare minimum of human exertion. If so, they have a splendid friend in the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Eight years ago, in response to an increasingly trashed landscape, the U.S Forest Service decided to limit the acreage accessible by off-road vehicles. Known as the Travel Management Rule, this new policy would largely ban crosscountry travel and restrict machines to a fixed set of roadways. These modest reforms brought the predictable howls from Game and Fish, which has long toadied to piston-powered sportsmen and their backcountry din. In nearly all cases, the department has agitated for maximum motorized access across Arizona’s forests—despite its own survey showing that even a majority of hunters despise the racket made by increasingly abundant trucks and all-terrain vehicles in the outback. “It is the policy of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission to place high priority on conserving existing access and modes of access upon public lands for hunting, fishing, trapping, shooting, wildlife watching, responsible off highway vehicle use, and other forms of outdoor recreation,” says a draft department statement, “and to place high priority on improving access upon such lands in areas of the State where access is currently difficult or nonexistent.” Along with asking for yet more forest roads, Game and Fish has also pushed to let hunters venture a full mile off the road in many areas to retrieve their downed game. But even as Game and Fish claws to maintain motorized access, the impact on public lands continues to grow. Similar struggles are occurring throughout the West, where nearly 30 million homes now sit within 30 miles of federal public lands. The number of registered off-highway vehicles, or OHVs, tripled across the region between 1998 and 2006; wildcat routes carved by these vehicles on national forests are estimated to stretch for tens of thousands of miles. Ironically, while the Travel Management Rule has prompted a patchwork of changes across Arizona, it appears motorized travel has been treated quite generously. For instance, roughly 70 percent of the roads—covering some 3,000 miles—remain open to trucks and OHVs on the Coconino National Forest near Flagstaff. And


Kaibab National Forest near the Grand Canyon still allows vehicles on 3,100 miles of roads, down from 4,000 miles before the travel management plan took effect. Although Game and Fish grouses that the rule has been inconsistently applied from one forest to another, Forest Service spokesman Cathie Schmidlin argues that those differences reflect federal flexibility. “It’s the recognition that forests have unique recreation and economic issues they need to consider,” she says. “You can’t have it one-size-fits-all.” Although Southern Arizona’s Coronado National Forest has long prohibited cross-country motorized travel, decisions about existing roadways were similarly made on a case-by-case basis—deemed necessary “because our districts are spread so far apart,” says spokeswoman Heidi Schewel, “and they each have their own communities of interest. It made more sense to divide it up by district, and respond to the needs of each community.” The result is more than 2,100 miles of roadway on 2,787 square miles of forest remaining open to vehicles. While Coronado’s lack of big, heavy-to-packout prey such as elk has mostly kept it out of the Game and Fish cross hairs, elsewhere the department has pushed for extensive retrieval access. To spokesman Jim Paxon, that’s just a reflection of changing times. “When I was a kid, we rode horses and packed,” he says. “If it was a deer, you actually used a meat saw and cut your animal in half and toted it out on a backpack frame. “At age 65, I’m probably no longer able to do that, although I’m still in shape and able to go up and down mountains. So the matter of getting game out and not wasting meat is a huge consideration.” In some forests, he says, easy access also means hunters retrieve all of their game, including potentially polluting lead shot contained in the entrails. “We are much more conditioned towards getting the cooperation of those hunters if they’re able to put that on an ATV and get it out.” But to Cyndi Tuell, a Southwest conservation advocate with the Tucson-based Center for Biological Diversity, Game and Fish “is trying to get as many roads open as possible across all the forests in Arizona. They’re also pushing for hunters to be allowed to drive off any open road for up to three miles, to pick up everything from turkey to elk, because hunters in Arizona apparently don’t know how to hunt the traditional way.” She points out that sportsmen in neighboring New Mexico are apparently more physically robust, since that state’s wildlife department has not argued for such sweeping game-retrieval


BY TIM VANDERPOOL, tvanderpool@tucsonweekly.com

Cyndi Tuell: “They only care about making sure that hunters can drive wherever they want.” access. The response by New Mexico’s Department of Game and Fish to travel management plans on the Santa Fe National Forest certainly do stand in sharp relief to Arizona’s combative rhetoric. “As stated in our previous comments,” says a 2008 letter to the Forest Service, “the Department strongly supports the ongoing efforts of the Santa Fe and other National Forests in New Mexico to implement the Travel Management Rule, which will limit the number of roads and trails on national forests open to motorized vehicle access.” That missive even raises concerns “about degradation of aquatic and riparian habitats because they are essential for the survival of a majority of wildlife species of New Mexico.” Why the difference? To critics, Arizona Game and Fish is simply beholden to the OHV crowd, regardless of whether their access traumatizes wildlife and pummels sensitive habitat. “We asked them, ‘Why are you guys recommending this?’” Tuell recalls from a discussion with department officials. “We told them, ‘It’s just going to continue the spread of invasive species of plants. It’s going to continue to degrade habitat. And the noise alone is going to drive elk further and further into remote wilderness areas, where people who hunt from roads aren’t going to be able to get anything.’” At the time, says Tuell, she felt that Game and Fish officials hadn’t really pondered the impacts of motorized access. “But now they’re disregarding it. They just don’t care. They only care about making sure that hunters can drive wherever they want.’”

The City of Tucson and the Rio Nuevo Board have come to terms and signed an agreement to cease all those legal battles that have gone on since the Arizona Legislature created a new board in the wake of the city’s missteps in downtown revitalization. Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild said the settlement “puts to bed 13 years of disputes and sets a platform for moving forward.” Here are the basic takeaways of the deal: • All litigation between the city and the Rio Nuevo board has come to an end and the city is released from liability for anything that happened up until the signing JONATHAN of the agreement, so the Rio Nuevo Board won’t be threatening any more eight-figure lawsuits. • The Rio Nuevo Board will spend at least $6 million to spruce up the Tucson Convention Center, which is in dire need of some repair. • The Rio Nuevo Board has 45 days to decide if it wants to take title to a property on Congress Street and I-10. There’s been discussion in the past about building an arena on that spot, but at the moment, a developer has received the go-ahead to build a commercial and residential complex there, so the Rio Nuevo Board has to decide whether they want the hassle of unwinding that. Plus, it’s currently home to the Greyhound Bus depot. • The city gets the title to downtown’s Depot Garage, which is located underneath the new MLK apartments on Fifth Avenue. The city will have to pay Rio Nuevo $16 million for the garage over the next 37 years. • Rio Nuevo will spend no more than $1.1 million in completing the Mission Gardens project on the west bank of the Santa Cruz River. • Rio Nuevo and the city will work together on a downtown hotel project. “I’m happy that it’s resolved,” Rothschild said. “I’ve been in enough settlements where both sides would have liked to have gotten more or less or whatever. The fact that it’s true on both sides here means that reason has prevailed.” The Skinny is not going to try to recap all the sordid Rio Nuevo history, but we will say this: Downtown is more lively than its been in decades. Construction is booming, nightlife is hopping, new hotels are in the works and great new restaurants are opening their doors (BTW: We’re expecting a Big Announcement on that front in the near future). In short: Downtown revitalization is real and it’s happening. Let’s hope that both the city and Rio Nuevo find ways to build on the momentum.


FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013






99 Featuring:

BY JOHN SCHUSTER jschuster@tucsonweekly.com

GRIJALVA’S A SURVIVOR IN TUCSON MEDIA CIRCLES Barbara Grijalva has probably forgotten more about Tucson than most in local media know about our city. That’s how it goes when—in a notoriously nomadic profession—you’ve spent your entire career in one place. But it doesn’t mean Grijalva has stagnated. Anything but. “This is a business of survival,” said Grijalva, who was recently inducted into the Rocky Mountain Emmys Silver Circle, which recognizes the achievements of media standouts who have served in the industry in the Rocky Mountains region for 25 years or longer. “Not only do you have to do good work, but to stay at it this long you have to really like it.” In Grijalva’s case, her versatility has been

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a valuable commodity. For years, Grijalva teamed with Mindy Blake behind the anchor desk at KOLD Channel 13 during its noon and 5 p.m. blocks, but when she was reassigned to reporting functions, the veteran newswoman handled the transition with ease. “I love reporting, but didn’t know if I’d like it full time. But I really like it,” Grijalva said. “I like getting out of the building. It’s great to get out in the community.” And community is something Grijalva clearly understands. She has the kind of deep knowledge that develops only when you’ve spent years in the same place. “The story isn’t just what happened today,” Grijalva said. “You have to have a historical perspective to it. You need to know what happened 10 years ago, and that’s what led to this. Long-term reporters are rare. You can do research, but when you actually lived it, you bring an element to the story that goes deeper. The first year I was in radio, the TUSD desegregation order came down. That was 30-whatever years ago, and that story goes on forever. You know the history of the university, you know the history of Davis-Monthan, you know people who served as mayor. The ability to go back in history and be able to convey that to a viewer adds so much more to the story.” Grijalva started her broadcasting career in the 1980s in radio, at a station that no longer exists. “I worked at KIKX. All those towers on North Swan, that used to be a radio station.” Shortly thereafter, Grijalva handled news

director and producer duties at KNST, which at the time had its AM frequency at 940 and was just beginning to launch what would be the format that salvaged the signal and propelled the station to years of success. “KNST was just starting talk radio,” Grijalva said. “We had local programming, and then talk radio started while I was there. I produced … four hours a day [five days a week]. They wanted a different guest every hour. I had people like Ann Landers booked ahead of time. I was in radio for about six years.” And it could have been longer had KOLD made a different decision. As is the case in local media even today, folks would split time in different jobs. Grijalva started her TV career at KOLD, which led to the end of her radio days. “I was managing editor and worked evenings, and then did the morning show at KOLD. After a year I told KOLD to either hire me full time or I have to quit. I was working from 4 in the morning until 7 at night for almost a year to the day,” Grijalva said. “They hired me and I anchored every show they had, including shows they don’t have anymore. I worked with Hank Hubbard, Jimmy Stewart. I had tons of co-anchors, weekend shows, pretty much everything there was to do there. That’s the reason it wasn’t boring. I kept moving around.” Yet stayed in one place. “At first my husband and I were going to leave, get a radio job somewhere else and then get a TV job somewhere else. And then when we decided to start our family, we realized that most of our families are in Tucson, and we liked the idea of raising our kids around the families, around their cousins,” Grijalva said. “We were lucky enough to be able to stay.” She was also lucky enough to weather consistent managerial and ownership transitions, especially in her early days at KOLD, prior to the station’s now lengthy relationship with Raycom. “I consider myself fortunate. The key is just to survive. You go through managers all the time. KOLD used to get sold constantly. We’ve been pretty stable for many years now, but for a while we were getting sold every two years. Once someone owned us for exactly one year. Everybody got lopped off. They’d get rid of all the managers and all the anchors, and somehow I managed to survive that. The very first sale I went up to our general manager, Jay Watson, and said everybody is really scared. Never in your life would you think this is a good thing to hear, but he said, ‘Don’t worry, Barbara. You don’t make enough money and you’re not important enough.’ You know what. Those are the greatest words I ever heard. He was right. The people who were making the most money or were the most popular all got laid off and let go. It was a great thing to hear. Somehow I’ve survived since then.” And she’s set to continue working at KOLD for many more years. Grijalva recently signed a long-term contract extension. “I’m very happy they wanted to keep me,” Grijalva said. “I was really happy they agreed to a … longer-term contract. Right now I don’t really have to think about it, and that’s kind of nice.”

CURRENTS Retired Tucson firefighter doesn’t give up in gender discrimination lawsuit against the city


Heated Environment


from Page 9

BY MARI HERRERAS, mherreras@tucsonweekly.com espite the harassment Michelle Maliniak says she experienced in the Tucson Fire Department, it’s obvious that the retired firefighter is still proud of her 22 years of service. Just past the front door of her eastside home, a worn, yellow firefighter’s coat and helmet hang prominently on her living room wall next to a picture of one of the engines she drove for seven years while maintaining a blemish-free safety record. In 2006, Maliniak was granted permission to file a gender discrimination lawsuit, which eventually went before the late Judge John Roll in U.S. District Court. Roll determined the case should be heard before a jury, but not long before the trial was schedule to start, Roll was shot and killed when he stopped by to say hello to U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords at a Congress on Your Corner event on Jan. 8, 2011. The case, like many others on the federal docket in Tucson, went to Judge A. Wallace Tashima. According to Maliniak, her case finally went before Tashima on Nov. 5, 2012, and on Nov. 13, the jury awarded her $35,000 in lost pay and attorney’s fees. But on Nov. 21 Tashima dismissed the jury’s decision and ruled for the city of Tucson. Maliniak is now appealing to the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and she’s hoping that a website she’s created draws attention to her case and other discrimination cases, particularly those that involve gender discrimination faced by women in uniform. The website, Support Women in Uniform, is at http://supportwomeninuniform.vpweb.com. There’s a page devoted to Maliniak’s case, including a detailed account of the discrimination Maliniak said she experienced, and a way to help pay her legal costs. She says her attorney has donated more than $158,000 worth of time to her case. Her current legal costs top $60,000 and the appeal may cost another $20,000. Maliniak says she hopes to eventually be able to give financial support to other discrimination cases throughout the country. Tucson City Attorney Mike Rankin talked to the Tucson Weekly about Maliniak’s case and says Tashima did the right thing. “The jury came back with a modest award and the judge dismissed it based on insufficient evidence,” Rankin says. Rankin says that if Maliniak should win her appeal, the court could reverse Tashima’s order and “remand for a new trial” or reinstate the jury’s verdict. Does the jury’s verdict and Maliniak’s story mean the city of Tucson has a problem with


gender discrimination? Rankin says no. “Generally the city of Tucson as an organization does a very good job of making sure its employees are treated fairly—gender, race or other protective classes. That’s very important.” Maliniak feels differently, of course. The Weekly first talked to Maliniak after she took an unpaid leave of absence in December 2005. Back then, her allegations included male firefighters continuing to use the women’s restrooms, sometimes failing to flush the toilets. After a supervisor put a sign on a restroom door stating “No Men,” another firefighter added the words “for me,” she said. Another allegation was that someone put rocks in the hubcaps of her firetruck to sabotage her safety on the job. Maliniak started her career in 1989 in Sierra Vista, where she was the first female firefighter hired by her hometown. In 1990 she became one of 12 women hired by the Tucson Fire Department to settle a class-action lawsuit claiming gender discrimination. Although Maliniak experienced some harassment in the Sierra Vista department, she says the chief there handled issues before they got out of control. But as a firefighter in Tucson, Maliniak alleges, she was physically assaulted by a captain who held her inside a burning trailer without her air pack. Despite suffered respiratory and eye injuries, no disciplinary action was taken and the captain was eventually promoted to assistant chief, she says. On her website, she outlines other abuses that took place, including being called a “stupid woman,” a “bitch” and a “troublemaker.” Emails about her said she should be “hunted with pitbulls” and called her a “dreaded beast.” Her safety gear and tags were tampered with or stolen, and trash was placed in her boots. Maliniak says that when she complained, she faced charges of insubordination. She also recalls being promoted to paramedic and engineer but not receiving the same pay as men she worked with who had the same certifications. Prior to filing a lawsuit, Maliniak says she followed proper protocol, first going to the city of Tucson’s Equal Employment Opportunity office, which dismissed all of her complaints. She says the International Association of Firefighters union and the local IAFF 479 Tucson chapter, of which she was a member for 20 years, did nothing for her although it did collect $5,000 for a battalion chief who was disciplined for sending her threatening emails. Maliniak also went to the Tucson Women’s Commission and Tucson GLBT Commission, but interventions on her behalf were ignored. When the Weekly talked to her in December

Michelle Maliniak, 1993, carring a 100 pound hose. 2005, Maliniak had filed a federal EEO complaint and left the job on unpaid medical leave but returned the next year only to experience further harassment. Maliniak says she finally opted to retire in June 2011 after complaining to the city that she felt unsafe at her station and on calls with her captain after an incident during a call to the federal prison in Tucson. Since leaving the department, Maliniak, who went back to school to study counseling, has started a therapy practice and has talked to other female firefighters who have experienced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder that she thinks is often linked to on-the-job harassment. “It’s not so much from work, but when no one will help you and you’re helpless and in danger. Harassment, discrimination, is a perfect setup for that,” she says. Talking to other women, and sometimes to men, about those experiences has helped her, she says. “That’s part of the point of what I want to do right now. I want to let other women know you are not alone. It’s wrong and there’s help for you.” In addition to her appeal, Maliniak says she has a petition at Change.org asking Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild to stop sexual harassment within city departments. “Sure, part of it is that I wouldn’t just keep my mouth shut and go along with whatever it is they wanted to do,” Maliniak says, pausing by the front door to look at the picture of the engine she once drove. “My record didn’t matter. They still questioned my abilities.”

U.S. District Court Judge Neil Wake has struck down a state law that attempted to ban Planned Parenthood from receiving any public funds to provide healthcare services for low-income women in Arizona. The 2012 law sought to prevent women on the state’s AHCCCS program or other state-assisted programs from using Planned Parenthood’s clinics for any of their health-care needs—birth control, cancer screenings, STD treatment and the like. The case largely rested on whether Planned Parenthood was “qualified” to provide the services. Federal law says that the state can’t discriminate against qualified providers when deciding how to spend federal Medicaid funds. The new state law, passed during the 2012 session, declared that any organization that provided abortion services was not considered a “qualifed” provider. Planned Parenthood sued, arguing that the state couldn’t determine qualifications on that basis. It’s a case that abortion opponents are making in other states. So far, they’re losing in federal court. In the ruling he issued on Monday, Feb. 11, Wake said the state overreached by basing the qualification criteria on whether a healthcare organization provided abortion services. The state’s attorneys “present a strained interpretation of the word ‘qualified’ that would include any reasonable criteria a state sees fit to impose, regardless of whether the criteria relates to the ability to provide Medicaid services,” Wake wrote in his ruling. “That interpretation contradicts the plain meaning of the phrase ‘[providers that are] qualified to perform the service or services required,’ which describes qualified providers as those providers that are competent to provide the needed services.” Planned Parenthood Arizona CEO Bryan Howard called the ruling “a victory for all Arizonans. This case has never been about Planned Parenthood Arizona—it is about the 3,000 AHCCCS patients we serve and all Arizona women.” “Judge Wake’s approval of our request for a summary judgment indicates that the law is on the side of women,” Howard added in a prepared statement. “Politics should never interfere with a woman’s breast exam or birth control. It is wrong for the state to tell Arizonans who can be their health care provider.”

BULLET POINTS A few bits from the gun-violence beat: • Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly were scheduled to be the guests of Congressman Ron Barber and Sen. John McCain at the State of the Union speech.






BY ANNA MIROCHA mailbag@tucsonweekly.com


A drunken man decided to perform a gymnastics routine in a stranger’s yard in the predawn hours, according to a Pima County Sheriff’s Department report. Deputies responded to a call from a woman who said she had awakened by a man “being very loud outside.” She told deputies that when she looked out her window, she could see the man “just being weird . . . attempting to do the splits on the ground, and various things of that nature.” The woman said the man then sat on her front porch for a while before knocking loudly on the front door, pounding it so hard that the door shook. The woman said “she did not wish to be woken up in that manner,” adding that the man had also been running back and forth across her front yard. Deputies said they found the man still outside the woman’s house and obviously drunk. He told them he had mistaken the woman’s house for a friend’s place. The man was arrested on suspicion of disturbing the peace.


A couple denied having sex in a bathroom stall even though they were observed during the act, a University of Arizona Police Department report said. A UA police aide patrolling campus noticed some odd shadows through a frosted window on the ground floor of the Center for English as a Second Language, 1100 E. James E. Rogers Way. According to the aide, it looked as if two people were engaging in intercourse. When a police officer responded to the scene, he saw what appeared to be the shadow of a man pulling up his pants. Once inside the building, the officer saw that the light was on in the first-floor men’s restroom. After knocking on the door, he heard a male voice say that he was “just finishing up.” The man initially said he was the only occupant of the restroom, but when the officer entered the restroom, a woman emerged from the handicapped stall. The woman, he reported, “emitted an odor of intoxicants.” She explained the situation by saying she’d felt scared going into the restroom alone so her boyfriend went into the men’s room with her. The boyfriend, on the other hand, said he’d taken her into the men’s room because she had been feeling sick. Both subjects denied having sex in the stall. The female said her boyfriend never had his pants off and they’d only kissed. The male was uncooperative and “gave attitude,” the report said. The couple were cited and released.

Opining, Danehy-Style collection of thoughts falling on a day reserved for love and the occasional gangland massacre: • We had an absurd number of entries for “150 Shades of Shame,” our first foray into getting people to write smutty fiction for us—and most all of them were great, in some regard. Some held examples of spectacular dialogue; some were rich with vivid imagery; and some were simply fun reads, chock-full of references to institutions any Tucsonan would appreciate. Of course, there were also the terrifying ones that involved Weekly staffers in various, horrifyingly compromising positions, but hey, you take the good with the bad—and apparently, you do so in every orifice imaginable. • This is nothing against Greg Hansen, who is undoubtedly one of the only reasons to pick up the Daily Star (unless you’re looking for new names to put in your byline deadpool), but man, his tweets (@ghansen711) are borderline cringe-inducing. Take this one, written on a particularly dark and stormy day earlier this week: “Sun comes in Tucson. Thought their(sic) might be some doubt. Road for UA hoops now a dark and stormy path.” Lordy. That prose was so unnecessarily purple that Prince nearly fashioned a scarf out of it. I almost want to make it into a haiku, but then that would involve applying critical thought to something an ADS writer put to their keys, which I haven’t done since Brodesky left. ;-) • I’ve been fairly lenient with our commenters over the past few months – somehow, I was under the impression that a laissez faire approach to administrating the comments section might be the best way to allow free-flowing discussion. It appears that it tends to lead more to flame wars between folks of differing political ideologies and asinine complaints about Tucson’s food scene. Friendly piece of advice for readers: If you’re passionate about discussing a topic, raining deprecation on the people debating with you isn’t the way to get anyone to identify with your point of view. And continuing to press those buttons can lead to a termination of your commenting privileges (read: a banhammer). • [High school basketball reference.]


“Another socialist marxist(sic) move by the media and by liberal think tanks. Gov. Jan Brewer perhaps only common sense reliable politican(sic) there. Common sense needs to be discussed on the gun & illegal immigration issues. It is the decay of sociality(sic) that needs to be strongly looked at.” – TucsonWeekly.com commenter “hadenough” who should probably reflect further on the terms “socialism” and “Marxism” before throwing them out into adult conversation.

BEST OF WWW We’re loving the responses that we’ve gotten to our recent weekly polls as to the best particular food item in town. Our Facebook fans gave us more than 120 suggestions as to where we should be going for breakfast a few weeks ago, and we have more than 60 opinions as to where the best burger (meat, veggie, or otherwise) could be found in town. Keep feeding us ideas, folks—and if you have any suggestions as to what other foods we should be asking about, feel free to send ’em to us.

NEW ONLINE THIS WEEK — David Mendez, Web Producer dmendez@tucsonweekly.com

THE WEEK ON OUR BLOGS On the Range, we alerted the world to the approach of Eegee’s sugar-free strawberry flavor; lamented the trend of suicide deaths among military veterans; noted the absurdity of giving Crusty Old Sen. John McCain a live Twitter account; wondered what Edward James Olmos was doing on an airplane with Jan Brewer and Larry Fitzgerald; watched a really, really weird North Korean propaganda video; became weirdly impressed by a heroic hitchhiker with a hatchet; followed the most recent twists and turns in TUSD’s MexicanAmerican Studies saga; heard a response from the gentleman behind Blacked Out Media; and talked, at length, about the smut you wonderfully depraved folk have been submitting. On We Got Cactus, we talked about the reunion of Fall Out Boy; got excited to see French alt-rockers Phoenix when they stop at AVA this year on their way to Coachella; became disappointed when we reflected on the fact that this year’s Postal Service tickets were going to be absurdly expensive when compared to their second-ever show, which happened to be at Solar Culture; reflected upon why Coachella’s performance contracts are so great for Arizonans; asked Corey Reidy a few questions; and started dusting off our boots for the Dropkick Murphys concert coming to Rialto.

We continue to ask why Bill Walton won’t respond to our tweets.

We share some “150 Shades of Shame” entries

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The Quarter Midgets race track in Marana could be the starting line for the next NASCAR star

from Page 11

Ready to Race BY BRIAN J. PEDERSEN, bpedersen@tucsonweekly.com outhern Arizona’s biggest little secret is hoping to finally get noticed, beyond just being known as that odd red-andwhite structure we’ve all passed countless times driving along Interstate 10 northwest of Tucson. The Tucson Quarter Midgets Association has operated its all-volunteer race track in Marana since 1994, when longtime Marana councilman Herb Kai built the complex on some of his land to allow his grandchildren to race go-carts. To this day, though, the facility has hardly registered more than a blip on the local racing map. “There is a lot of racing in Tucson, but I don’t think a lot of people know about this kind of thing for the kids,” said Randy Kempton, TQMA’s treasurer and — like many of the parents of TQMA racers — a self-professed go-cart racing novice prior to bringing son Tristan to the track for the first time a year ago. “My son just loved cars, and he told me he wanted a go-cart,” Kempton says of Tristan, who was 6 at the time. “I looked around on Craigslist and bought one on a whim, not knowing anything about it.” But when he brought Tristan to the TQMA track he was greeted with open arms by a collective of parents and children more than willing to show a new family the racing ropes. “Everyone is willing to help when you’re learning, which is good, because there’s a lot to learn,” said Paula O’Brien, whose 7-year-old daughter, London, is set to make her competitive racing debut this Sunday, Feb. 17. “There’s a lot more to learn than you think, but someone has always been there to lend a hand.” Many of the kids in TQMA racing participate in other sports, but the consensus among parents is that the quarter midget community is the most family friendly because everyone is willing to teach and help. And another other advantage over other sports? Speed. “I just like going out and fast, and doing loud stuff,” said 10-year-old Estevan Silvas, who has raced at the Marana track for four years. “I’m like Ricky Bobby; I want to go fast.” With all that speed — the carts can go up to 35 mph on an asphalt track with high-banking curves — comes the possibility of crashes. Many of the carts on the course last week had dents and scratches aplenty, not just on the front and sides but also on the roll bars thanks to occasional flips. The likelihood of a crash is offset by an abundance of safety measures meant to keep the kids—who range in age from 5 to 17— as secure as possible in their carts. Bill Foss, who helps



Wyatt Foss, 9, prepares to race as his father, Bill, checks the safety measures on his Quarter Midget race car. train first-time drivers when they join the club, If You Go needed about 90 seconds to tie, snap and conTucson Quarter Midgets Association racing nect all of the straps and harnesses onto his TQMA track, 9-year-old son, Wyatt, before sending him out on eastbound I-10 frontage road between for a practice run. Twin Peaks and Avra Valley roads “The cars are so safe,” Foss said. “They have Next race is 9:30 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 17 the same safety devices as adult racing.” Admission: Free Added club president Ramon Silvas: “I’m More information: www.tucsonquartermidgets.com always worried, but as worried as I am putting or www.facebook.com/ (my son) out on the track, it’s probably the safest TucsonQuarterMidgetAssociation thing out there.” Silvas recalls the first time Estevan crashed — “I was on the track before the yellow flag came sports, this is the most family friendly.” out,” he said — but it was much ado about nothKempton, the TQMA treasurer, said the orgaing because of how strapped in his son was. nization’s shoestring budget consists almost “When I got to him and flipped up his visor, he entirely of racing fees because no admission is was grinning from ear to ear.” charged to attend races. TQMA does a few Estevan had a more kidlike take on wrecks: fundraisers, too, including the Touch-A-Truck “When you flip it once, it’s really fun. When you event on March 9, in which police, fire and conflip more than once it feels kind of weird.” struction vehicles will be on display to help raise New drivers go through three novice training money for the club and for the Northern Tucson classes before getting out on the course for fullFirefighters Association. fledged racing. Those classes involve learning TQMA also plans to hold more of its “Arrive the ins and outs of the vehicles, as well as knowand Drive” outings, which allows any of-age ing which kind of flag waved on the course child to get 10 laps in a modified (read: not as means what. To add to the family dynamic of fast-moving) club vehicle for $15. TQMA, parents in colored vests are stationed on The last Arrive and Drive event, held in corners of the course with flags and often have January, is the reason Paula O’Brien expects her to jump out to stop kids from racing if a crash family to be making a lot of trips from their Vail occurs. home to the TQMA track. “The good news is, the families are all so “(My daughter) started saying, ‘I wish I could close,” Foss said. “We all work together to make race,’ so we came out to the Arrive and Drive it fun for everyone. (My son) Wyatt has played and she was in love,” O’Brien said. “And my husfootball, baseball, basketball. Out of all of those band was in love, so now here we are.”

Americans for Responsible Solutions, the political action formed by Giffords and Kelly to advocate for new federal gun laws, aired its first TV ad this week. The 30-second spot featured Giffords talking about the need for new gun laws. “We have a problem,” Giffords says in the ad. “Where we shop; where we pray; where our children go to school. But there are solutions we can agree on, even gun owners like us. Take it from me: Congress must act. Let’s get this done.” The Skinny isn’t sure how much Congress is willing to do, but we’re guessing that an expanded background check will be the low-hanging fruit. • Barber signed onto the Gun Trafficking Prevention Act last week. The legislation would strengthen federal laws prohibiting people from purchasing firearms if the intent is to pass it along to a prohibited possessor. “Many Southern Arizonans who live and work along the U.S.-Mexico border do not feel safe in their homes and on their land,” Barber said in a prepared statement. “Heavily armed members of drug cartels remain a concern for my constituents. I fully support this bill which will help to address the serious and continuing problem of firearms trafficking along and across the border and throughout our country.”

CULTURE SHOCK U.S. District Court Judge David S. Bury issued a decision last week in the Tucson Unified School District’s longrunning desegregation case. As Mari Herreras reported online at The Range: In part of his ruling, Bury said that TUSD had to offer “culturally relevant courses” that reflect MexicanAmerican and African-American experience as part of the core curriculum. There’s plenty of room for interpretation in there, so TUSD may not be bringing back the Mexican-American Studies courses in the same form that they existed before the program was eliminated last year. TUSD will still have to navigate how to create the classes without running afoul of a state law that targeted the classes by deeming them an effort to overthrow the government and teach kids how to hate Whitey. The fight over Mexican-American Studies will get national attention again this week when the PBS program Need to Know focuses on the story. Anchor Ray Suarez will examine whether the program increased test scores for participating students or just encouraged subversive thinking. (We suppose it could have done both.) Need to Know airs at 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15, on KUAT, Channel 6. By Jim Nintzel Find early and late-breaking Skinny at The Range, our daily dispatch at daily. tucsonweekly.com FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013



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k n a p S

g i B e h T

n i t o o f r e ts h u p r e t i g r n i w r f e f d a t n s o )w Our s e m i t w t u (a fe o b h t a u l l o a m is e her n i l p i c s i ic d t s e m o d what

! LF YOU RS E R FIN D E practices V o E h w U IF YO M EON E O S O T ever, ever G TALKIN cipline, first, don’t is -selling d st domestic ad the be re e ’v y e if th Grey. ask them Shades of ty if F start l e v o n ion at the soft-porn that quest “I’ve never d e sk a I When reply was d rview, the you wante of an inte I thought hy . w k o s t’ o a b e th , th cipline is d even read ic st e out dom to talk ab

BY MARI H mherreras@ ERRERAS, tucsonweekly .com


I agreed to talk to you.” Quickly, I explain that I, too, haven’t read the best-seller, but I just wondered if people who practice domestic discipline are inspired by the BDSM laid out by author E.L. James. BDSM is not domestic discipline, my interviewee says emphatically. I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch for people to hear about spanking and think BDSM, the acronym for bondage, discipline (or dominance), sadism and masochism. And right now, popular culture is getting hip to BDSM through James’ novel about 22-year-old Anastasia Steele, who gets involved in a submissive/dominant relationship with Christian Grey. A riding crop is featured prominently in Fifty Shades, which everyone seems to be reading. The book and its two sequels have also triggered conversations about feminism, sexuality and what can get published these days. Of course, that’s not why I’m talking on the phone to a woman who lives in Phoenix and isn’t eager for her name to be printed in the paper. Certainly the practice of BDSM isn’t new. Doms and subs, those who like to spank and be spanked, have long been part of the Savage Love column published in alternative weeklies across the land. But I’m reminded by, let’s call her Jane, that this isn’t domestic discipline as she knows it. Jane says she and her husband have been practicing domestic discipline the past two years and found out about it through a website. Yes, they are Christians, and no, domestic discipline isn’t just practiced by Christians, she says. But it’s provided them with a method to reinforce a traditional household, something that is “too challenging in this day and age,” she says. Wary that I’ll put my foot back in my mouth, I tell her about the research I’ve done. “Look, to be honest, domestic discipline seems to be hung up on a lot of rules, and I just don’t know if I really get that.” Jane laughs. Well, yeah, she says, that’s the point. For Jane and her husband it’s about reinforcing his place as the head of household and making sure their home runs smoothly and happily. So when rules are broken, there is a punishment, and most often that punishment is a spanking. However, the person who gets spanked is Jane, not her husband. If you Google domestic discipline, you’ll find what seems to be hundreds of blogs dedicated to the topic. Most often, they are first-person accounts, usually from the women in the relationships, about why they got into domestic discipline. And, yes, domestic discipline is decidedly heterosexual. I never came across a blog that wasn’t from a wife-and-husband perspective. If there are any same-sex couples out there practicing domestic discipline, you’re an anomaly and you should give me a call for a follow-up story. One blog quoted Bible passages to build the case for domestic discipline, such as this one from Ephesians: Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. WHEN I READ THAT TO JANE FROM PHOENIX, she says “Well, I can’t really say that we read those passages and decided this would be a good idea. We were looking for something to help our relationship and this has worked.” But then I decided to insert foot in mouth again. Some people think domestic discipline borders on domestic violence, I say. “No, see, you don’t really get it,” she says. What about sex? I ask. “Does your husband get turned on spanking you and do you get turned on getting spanked?” Silence. Then she eventually says, “It enhances sex, but I don’t think it’s about sex. It brings us closer together and that’s what helps.” Punishments are very, very difficult, she admits, but once they are over, the household starts running again and everyone has their roles. “That’s what it’s about for me,” she says. Tucsonans who practice domestic discipline can be hard to find. A fetish group I contacted didn’t know of anyone doing it, but the writer of a domestic discipline blog I contacted hooked up with me on Google Plus. No one from Tucson showed up, but I did get on a listserv, and that’s how I found Jane. And one blogger I contacted while trying to find practitioners in Tucson gave me some advice: make sure people who say they practice domestic discipline are the real thing and not just people into BDSM. Probably the best blog I discovered is A Domestic Discipline Society (ADDS), at adomesticdisciplinesociety.blogspot.com. Instead of dom and sub, there’s HoH (head of household) and TiH (taken in hand) to describe the dominate and submissive roles in the domestic discipline relationship. There also are explanations that I have to say I found interesting and revolting at the same time. For some reason, a submissive/dominant relationship outlined in a book like Fifty Shades of Grey seems normal, while domestic discipline made to reinforce the male as the head of household sounds like a Green Acres episode gone wrong. But that’s also one of the things I liked about the ADDS blog: It acts as a clearinghouse for traditional domestic discipline blogs as well as more BDSM-flavored blogs. It explains everything from getting started —you should have rules that spell out when punishment is required; there’s a confession involved (which, who knows, some ex-Catholics might really like); and there’s aftercare, which involves checking in with the person you’ve just spanked. Here are two more websites that may help with domestic discipline issues. You can find a selection of paddles, whips and arnica cream at shop.domesticdisciplinestore.com. And if DD is your thang, check out www.spanko.net. It lists an Arizona branch that hosts domestic discipline spanking parties. Although I’m pretty certain they aren’t the Christian variety.

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Taking Kink for a

The Queer Play Party is an experiment in sexual adventurousness, including a man in assless chaps

in anity, sex is as vital To a portion of hum drink. life as the water we re ple form: foreplay he sim a r efe pr y an M d an , ds kin rse of various and there, intercou e or m ch mu is ers, sex it’s done. But to oth l ic. Sex is a theatricca ist art d an e rat elabo s op o logues and pr play, with outfits, dia e folks who have th are ese involved. Th t es and are transparen explored their fetish o . e to get off about how they lik a way as ed erg em es ies rti Fetish paart for the d an blast, for kinks to haavvee a sires by de eir th re lor frightened to explo of the dark corners bringing them out d Surprisingly, the Ol of their bedrooms. are e m So es. rti pa ch Pueblo has a few su an the others, and more clandestine th an others. some more queer th I experienced my Two weekends ago, first fetish party. eer Play Party I walked into the Qu ab ge out it, and with little knowled sity as a young boy rio with as much cu bation for the first discovering mastur time. nature led me to The party’s secretive tness some out-ofassume I would wi ual acts. However, this-world-filthy sex ly shattered ick that vision was qu walked into a d ha I ed liz when I rea vironment where welcoming, safe en re their sexuality people could explo of judgment. h nc ste without the rty started about The Queer Play Pa en, there hadn’t th til two years ago. Un parties geared been any local fetish community. toward the LGBTQ es I had heard rti “All the fetish pa ht people,” aig str on about focused , one of the party’s says Rachel Castillo ia director of organizers and med a local queer, ns tio Fluxx Produc ganization. “It’s community arts or ion your already hard to quest asures you. So ple at sexuality and wh straight settings coming into these doesn’t always to play in this way work for us.” strong force Castillo has been a rty since it behind the play pa ers wanted a oth began. She and folk to peek into r ee qu platform for ies. “It is also their sexual curiosit ents like this ev important to have e says. “But sh ” , ps ou for mixed gr ht or queer, some people, straig le with tab may feel uncomfor LISA RODEN


BY INÉS TARACENA, mailbag@tucsonweekly.com


Ride! this. So it is importa nt to provide everyo ne with options.” The party is hard to find, which is one of the reasons it is so dam n appealing. For th e most part, everyone who attends is a friend o or a friend of a friend. Unless you’ve been invit ited, the venue, the promote rs and otheer details remain a sec ecret. There is no ad vert rtising for upcoming Queeerr Play Parties, which has helped to maintai ain n their int in imate setting. Ye s, new guests are welco om mee, but this isn’t th e typ e of party that encourages a stamp ede of strangers. “Primarily, we want our friends to com e, our circle of people, ” Castillo says. “We ask ourselves, ‘Who wo uld I be comfortab le with when doing these th ings?’ We have refere nces of who is coming to the party, and this is what makes it such a com fortable environmen t to explore your sexua lity. If you can’t fuck your friends, then who are you going to fuck?” On this Saturday ev ening, I arrive at th e party with a mild ca se of anxiety. Aside from some hair-pulling an d spanking inside th e bedroom, I have ne ver been a loyal fol lower of BDSM. I don’t own leather clothing, ha ndcuffs or a sex swing. As I walk through the entrance, the fi rst thing I notice is a tab le with three plastic fishbowls filled with male and female co ndoms as well as various fru it-flavored lubes. Th is safety zone was spon sored by the Southe rn Arizona AIDS Foun dation. I stuck to the bar th e first half-hour. Th en the venue started fi lling up, although ev en at maximum occupanc y there were never more than 50 people in th e place. As the partygoers m ade their way in, one of the hosts sta rts handing out bead ed necklaces, known as “permission beads, ” to signal our level of pla yfulness. Green be ads mean “Let’s play.” Ye llow ones mean “A sk me if I am interested in playing.” And red m ean “Don’t touch me, ye t.” I grab a red one. I make my rounds through the stations , or “rides.” There we re about eight, each dedicated to a spec ific fetish: everything from voyeurism to flogging. “We create the stations based upon things we are into, and things others have said they would lik e to see and try,” Castillo say s. “It’s like a circus where I’d like to participate in every booth.” I wa s excited by the idea of the panty-sniffing and fruit fellatio stations Castillo had mentio ned earlier, but I guess neither of them mad e it past the suggestion s stage. CONTINUED ON PAGE 20

Let Me Entertain You Black Cherry Burlesque celebrate seven years of turning on Tucson audiences BY ALLIE LEACH, mailbag@tucsonweekly.com

by day as co-owner of Preen, a boutique on for some of their other traits, like their confitroupe of Burning Desires: Bunny Boom “I’m Lola Torch, and these are my Fourth Avenue. (Yes, she does make her own dence. Even though I wouldn’t feel comfortBoom, Ida Tapper, Ginger SinClaire, Stormy Burning Desires,” purrs Emilie Marchand, costumes.) Seeing these fun outfits makes me able revealing myself in front of an audience, Leigh, Fanny Galore, Natasha Noir, Lela the emcee and lead singer of Tucson’s Black take note: I should buy some sexy lingerie. It’d I admire their bravery. I’m apparently not the Rose, Diamonda Morgue and a handful of Cherry Burlesque. This February marks the be fun to take off a pair of stirrup fishnet tights. only one. On the night I saw the show, there others. These women of many shapes and seven-year anniversary for the troupe of I feel like I’ve been missing out by wearing were just as many—if not more—women sizes show off their long legs, toned tummies sparkly seductresses, who have been wooing oversized T-shirts and sweat pants to bed my than men in the audience. “It’s a show that and bodacious boobs as they strut across Tucsonans with their sexy dances and winkentire life. women can relate to,” Marchand says. the stage. Each woman gets her chance to ing glances twice a month at the Surly Wench Lola breaks me out of my to-do-list reverie When I think of a striptease, I think of an shimmy in the spotlight by performing a susPub. The third Friday of every month, the P when I hear her croon, “Whatever Looola audience full of sleazy men slipping dollar penseful striptease. They peel off gloves and ladies put on Black Cherry Raw, a revue that lad wants … Loooola gets.” Up to this point, our bills into women’s thongs. But the hooting hats, dresses and stockings, corsets and boy combines burlesque dancers, singers and a com ringleader has remained clothed in a long, and hollering in this crowd comes not only shorts until they’re naked, save for G-strings talented band comprised of four men rockform-fitting black dress. But in her final song, from the men but also from the women, and tassels. “God forbid we show a nipple,” ing out on a keyboard, sax, bass guitar and she slowly begins to unzip. The audience maybe even more so. And the women, too, Marchand jokes, because it’s illegal to show drums. The musical experience is a delightful goes nuts. Crumpled dollar bills bounce like throw crumpled dollar bills onto the stage. In blend of old-meets-new burlesque, with songs your pointed pepperonis en público. popcorn onto the stage. It seems that what this audience, women don’t sneer; they cheer. But the nipple factor isn’t the only thing ranging from “Hey, Big Spender,” to “Like a turns on the audience the most is not just In a culture that often teaches women to that sets burlesque apart from more mainVirgin.” Lola, but what she represents: the biggest hate their bodies, burlesque provides a rolstream stripping. Burlesque is theater. And The Surly Wench’s black stage and crimson tease. She proves that what’s often the sexilicking respite. One of the ways the performeach performer comes equipped with her curtains, exposed brick walls and gold chanest move is not the quick reveal but the great ers seduce is by moving their hands slowly deliers and street lamps harken back to a time own bag of tricks. Stormy Leigh pulls a bluewithholding dance. “Give in ... give in … give feathered boa through her legs like some kind down the contours of their bodies. While when burlesque was new and edgy and scansexy, it’s also a sign of something larger: These in,” she taunts. And then, with dramatic flair, of magician. And when Lela Rose dances to dalous. But in many ways burlesque is still she drops her bra and lifts her hands up high, women are proud of their bodies. They love “You Can Leave Your Hat On,” she takes off shocking to people. I mean, it’s not every day smiling. themselves. The show is not just entertaining, a floppy black hat, only to reveal a smaller that I see hot women taking their clothes off. but also powerful and poignant to watch. black hat underneath. To me, these clever “The female figure has never lost its power In addition to bimonthly performances at the Social commentary aside, perhaps more surprises are just as sexy as any jewel-studded and exoticism,” Marchand says. Surly Wench Pub, Black Cherry Burlesque than anything else, burlesque is supposed to G-string. Lola Torch is Marchand’s alter ego, her will perform at the NEON party at 11 p.m., be fun. “I love it because of the sparkly cosWhile the striptease is the main allure of burlesque name. And as the lead singer Saturday, Feb. 16, at the Rialto Theatre. tumes,” adds Marchand, who is a seamstress the show, I find these women to be standouts of the group, she carries the torch for her







FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013




I tried a ride that involved getting my nipples stimulated with electricity. The station’s host uses something called the Electro Erotic Neon Wand, an apparatus I had never heard of. The sensation is the same as touching an electro ball with my hand. She asks if I want to try it on my bare nipples. But I took the safer route and did it over my dress. After that, I was a spectator for the rest of the evening. I turned to a person in a bear costume. His domain was the cuddling station, which consisted of a white mattress placed next to the hot wax station. The furry creature gathered quite a following. So did his friend: a slender male wearing assless chaps and furry rainbow-colored boots. He was down on all fours, crawling around the “Puppyluv Play Zone.” I stopped in front of him, bent over, and fed him a cookie from the dog snack jar. If I were into Puppyluv, he would have done whatever the hell I asked him to. Then, a busty girl with ivory skin wearing a black and red corset asked me if I wanted to try the Magic Saddle, an erotic version of the mechanical bull. I passed. But, the girl behind me enjoyed the vibrating saddle enough for both of us. The girl rode it as the curvy mistress gently whipped her nipples. The people who run the stations have major experience with BDSM and other fetishes. They’re invested in these sexual subcultures and are pleased to show off their talents. “They are there to help and teach,” Castillo says. “Most of those who come to the party are baby queers, or people who are curios but have never had any experience with fetishes or BDSM.” Despite it being 2013, a big chunk of society is still afraid of anything that steps outside of a man and a woman doing it missionary style. If conservatives deem it offensive for straight people to express their kinky side, then there is no adjective negative enough to describe their stand on mixing LGBTQ with BDSM. Castillo hopes that fetish parties can serve as icebreakers and ignite more conversations among queers and straights about sex and everything that derives from it. The Queer Play Party was a brief introduction to the fetish world. It is perfect for people who have gotten over that initial fear of trying or watching or talking about these things. After leaving the party, I realized that the orgydungeonlike setting I had created in my head was a silly assumption derived from lack of knowledge. “We truly have created a safe, intimate place for sexual exploration and selfdiscovery,” Castillo says. “I’ve seen people come in scared, and covered up, to their first party. Then, by the second one, they show up topless and ready to try every ride. Sex is fun, and we have energy to burn.”


BY DAVID MENDEZ AN D NOELLE HARO-GOME Z, dmendez@tucsonweekl y.com Wallpapered with photos, letters, posters and the occasional Alcoholics Ano nymous chip, the Meet Rack is one of Tucson’s most beloved dive bars . Each item displayed is a trophy of sorts, from the bras on the ceiling, to the photo of Arnold Schwarzenneger “taking [a woman’s] temperature ,” to the stories detailing the mayoral candidacies of Jim “God” Anderson, the Meet Rack’s “consultant” (Anderson’s daughter hold s the liquor license, as he’s “not allowed to anym ore,” he says). Most

the latest , is the “Duty Hut,” infamous, of course that have ms roo d me -the of sex iteration of a series nt— cou his by ix, h bar—s been included in eac lifetime. his in ned ow has Anderson sample of ries of only a small These are the sto animal pelts that you and tars gui s, toy the pictures, ’ll have to ce. For more, you can find in God’s pla n. ow r talk to him on you e; I let things happen in her God: “I never make them happen.”

ET ACCORDING TO A ME DILDO ON THE BAR, in that got we r afte long t RACK BARTENDER: “No in seen around here comes e we’v e titut pros a , here t to ning. I say, ‘Do you wan about 2 or 3 in the mor How?’ I say, ‘Take e. ‘Sur s say she and make 20 bucks?’ makes a pussy.’ She looks at it, that whole thing in your ass?’ my in it put I ‘Can says face, then looks at us and don’t want to just fuck you sure you ‘Are no. and we say r, ’ So she puts it on the floo me instead?’ We say ‘no. re stopping. befo way half ut abo squats onto it, and gets no months in county, there’s She says ‘I just spent two her the $20 anyway. e gav We ’ ing. pen hap way that’s here. helorette party comes in A few nights later, a bac excited. gets and bar, the on it The bride walks in, sees going her jaw, then just starts She practically unhinges rt to tell her.” hea the e hav ’t didn I it. to town on

GYNO CHAIR: This is a relic, succeeding the dentist chair that was in Anderson’s old bar, Someplace Else. This hydraulic gynecologist’s chair was originally purchased in 1953 for $8,000 by a regular to Anderson’s bar, and was donated to the Duty Hut with one condition, according to Anderson: “He said, ‘the only thing I ask is if I ever come over here and want to demonstrate to somebody, that I can use it.’ Fine by me.”

BRAS AND UNDERWEAR : “Girls come in, and they say ‘How come the bras are up there?’ I say, ‘Well, if you give me your bra we’ll put it up there and I’ll take you r picture.’ They say ‘do I get a drink?’ No! Of course you don’t get a drink.”

STOCKADE: According to Anderson, “Who do you think always gets in the stockade? The girls. You’d have to get a gun to get me in there.” But it’s kept around—likely because “when a girl is in here, she has a hard time saying no—this is where you’re the commander,” he says. “Do you happen to know the male superior position for making love? All of them.”

ALARM BELL: The bell, hanging above the door to the women’s restroom, is part of a prank played on every woman who buys a condom from the machine in the restroom. The machine, when activated, activates a buzzer at the bar. When the door opens, the bartenders ring the bell, hit a gong, and join the chorus of barflies who yell “SLUT!” at the poor soul holding the rubber.


“New Floor” by Lucy Luscious

“The Tiki Tryst” by Saba Bennett

My hands caress her perfect buttocks as I thrust inside her. She lays, face first, on the Tucson Weekly, laid out on the floor. I just had the new carpet put in, and she is dripping from the hot tub. With bestial vigor I turn her around onto her back, her entire body is covered in print. Her feminine V, heat rising from it, has an article about potential tax cuts. I am drawn to it, I feel my great pen grow even more inside her. She cries out in pleasure, I lick the movie review on her abdomen. Her hands, the Editor’s Note, fondle her breasts, which summarize future road construction plans, and there, on her left nipple, a picture of the mayor at a recent press conference, and I cannot help it, as she orgasms I lay my own ink upon her body, and smear the summary of the Super Bowl.

“It’s only a faux Tiki head. No spirits live here except maybe a dead gold course coyote,” Bruce reassured Maria, his latest freshman find, a lit major who had carefully avoided the “freshman 15” with a steady diet of lowfat Eegee’s and vigorous late-night bucket list trysts with her leather-clad lover. They had so far copulated at Gates Pass, in a coffin at Old Tucson Studios during Nightfall, and in front of God in the Meet Rack’s blue room. The Hut’s fierce tiki head was #4. Bruce, a sexy 40ish scene fixture whose desert rock sound had seduced her since she’d first seen him pounding the skins at the Boondocks one extended Friday happy hour, led her up the dusty spiral stairs as Giant Sand played yet another reunion set of Tucson classics while a throbbing crowd of patchouli-smelling hippies gamboled before the stage. She clutched a yellowed copy of the Tucson Weekly opened to the Valentine’s Day edition of Savage Love. Maria had prepared for this tryst carefully, and as he mounted her lush loins during the crescendo of “Everything Should Come From The Deepest Place,” the noise from the vibrating cock ring he wore was drowned out by an extended guitar solo. As the piece ended, a coyote howl from on high confused the upward-gazing crowd, the sort of sound which gives birth to local legends.

SECOND PLACE (tie): “150 Prosthetics of Every Conceivable Color” by Monica Friedman “My darling,” Valmont huffed into the delicate, cauliflower bud of her ear, “lovemaking with a T-man is scarcely different than with your bio-boys, save for the improvement that my ardor can never flag. Furthermore, should it prove…insufficient…we can upgrade.” From beneath the bed, he withdrew a cedar chest, decoupaged with pixilated dancers cut from the back pages of the Tucson Weekly, removing the lid to reveal a countless assortment of silicone prosthetics of every conceivable shape, size, and color, and plucked up an especially thick, ebonyshaded device. “Oh!” squeaked Colette, her eyes grown wide above the tender rosebud of her mouth, practically begging for a kiss, which Valmont bestowed upon her. “Now,” he continued, “it goes without saying that should you find my selection intimidating, we can downgrade.” Before he could trade the large black armament for a tiny pink one, she reached out, murmuring, “Now, let’s not be hasty.”

Honorable Mentions:

shimmering with Vaseline, his sweaty cock full of sparklers. His piss hole quivers under their heavy pack. I torture him with small licks to his balls. He pulls against his handcuffs. “So, who’s winning the contest now, David?” I say, holding a lighter to the sparklers, and the heat makes him cry out, the fat head of his wang trembling in pleasure, inviting me closer, like a birthday candle waiting for a blow. My own shlong dangles so swollen it’s painful, so I stand, shoving the hot meat into David’s warm, waiting mouth, fucking into his face, humping, rocking, as his dick makes firework-circles in the air. “Who’s winning?!” I gasp. I think he says, “You,” but I can’t tell for sure because his mouth is too full of my cock.

“Bullet” by Mark Biery “Police Dispatch” by Narda Rivera ALL TIED UP Tucson Weekly Headquarters Feb. 7, 4:00am

“2” by Katherine Elizabeth Standefer It’s like seeing God spurt his stuff, this David Mendez bent over, agape, the rim of his asshole

were greeted by a strong odor of marijuana when they approached the building and quickly forced their way in and what they found was surprising. Editor Dan Gibson, writer Anna Mirocha and columnist J.M Smith engaged in what appeared to be a Ménage à trois party. Handcuffs, ropes, paddles, leather, whips, candles and chains littered the cluttered office. Dan’s naked body was covered with whip marks and hot oil. Anna’s wrists were handcuffed to her ankles as she was bent over a newspaper printing machine. J.M was dressed in leather chaps and deputies found a MMJ water pipe being used as a sex toy. All suspects were let go with a warning for disturbing the peace and J.M was cleared due to a legit MMJ Patient License.

Deputies were dispatched to a local newspaper headquarters after a jogger heard loud screaming and groans coming from a small office. Deputies

Karen sauntered into Epic Café, pausing to grab a Tucson Weekly from the rack before ordering coffee. The place was empty, with only a young woman, also reading a Weekly, seated nearby. She sat down, sipped her coffee, and looked up to see the woman’s eyes peering at her over the paper. Slowly the woman’s legs spread, and with a shock, Karen realized that she was not only without panties, but she had a miniature, wearable “bullet” vibrator in place. Without breaking eye contact, the woman reached into her purse and withdrew a pink remote control. She thumbed a switch and started a quiet buzzing. A moment passed, then another, and the woman’s eyelids drooped and she twitched several times, her eyes never leaving Karen’s. A moment later she stood and left, pausing only to drop her Weekly on Karen’s table. Circled on the cover was her name and number.

“Plant Man” by Tommie Johnson The honey-sweet musk drifted from the plant-man as he ensnared her in his vines. A sigh of hazy pollen-soaked air entered her lungs as he pulled her closer with his many tangled tendrils. The smooth; dexterous growths held her gently, brushing against her hips as they carried her to their master. His eyes sparkled with verdant energy, and a soft smile crossed his lips as he gazed into her. She stroked his bright green body as she got nearer, and they both shared a look of deep; primal lust. Slowly, writhing; pulsing the vines plunged inside of her. She let out a breathy gasp of pleasure as they twisted, overwhelming her with pleasure even as others were sensuously brushing over her bare skin with their tender green tips. And all the while, the woman thought to herself, “Hot damn, I need to check the Tucson Weekly hookup section more often!” FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013





Film History, Lost and Found

Films depicting history are nostalgic by nature, but Daughter of Dawn, restored after being lost for nearly 90 years, has proved it can capture the attention of audiences well outside its target century. Heralded by historians as the first feature film starring an all-American Indian cast and filmed on location in Oklahoma’s Wichita Mountains, Daughter of Dawn was selected by the Hanson Film Institute to screen at the UA on Monday, Feb. 18. After being briefly introduced to the public in 1920, the film promptly disappeared. It didn’t resurface again until 2003, when a private investigator received the film—with the nitrate reels still in their original cases—in lieu of payment for his services. The film eventually became the property of the Oklahoma Historical Society, which immediately set out to preserve the decaying nitrate. Bob Blackburn, director of the historical society, also wanted to find a composer who could capture the spirit of the silent film with a musical score, and contacted David A. Yeagley, a Comanche and UA alum, to see if he was interested.



“So highly did ing and the project “sat (Blackburn) value this film idle” for the better part of that he wanted the best three years. possible music behind it,” But eventusaid Yeagley, who gradually, the Oklahoma City ated from the UA with a University Orchestra doctorate in musical arts committed to recording in 1994. “He did not want the score, and the process ‘trendy,’ popular music. of assimilating image and He wanted classical symsound was completed just phony, and he also wanted in time for the film’s prean American Indian to do miere at the 2012 deadit if possible.” CENTER Film Festival Despite not knowing in Oklahoma City last Daughter of Dawn existed summer. The Oklahoma before their meeting, Historical Society is in Yeagley contracted with talks with companies Esther LeBarre and White Parker in Daughter of Dawn. Blackburn almost immediately to compose the score. Forgoing interested in marketing the film. synthesizers and music software altogether, Yeagley sat down at a Marketing the film on the university circuit has been relatively “banged-up, upright piano” with a DVD of the film, a stopwatch and easy, though, with Westover citing a “broad potential audience” manuscript paper, and wrote the music to match the scenes unfoldin areas of study including music, anthropology, history, film and ing before him. A Native American traditional flute, along with the the UA’s American Indian Studies program, which helped fund the piano and other orchestral themes, act as the voices of the film’s four screening. leads, who together reinvent the traditional love triangle. “It’s a really nice opportunity to ... find something that’s interestOnly a handful of the 300 Comanche and Kiowa Indians who ing to a number of disciplines on campus,” Westover said. appeared in Daughter of Dawn were actors. And the regalia, weapYeagley, meanwhile, has attributed his wish for the score to be onry and other materials seen in the film were entirely their own, performed live during a screening to the “delusions of grandeur” that acting as snapshots of their cultural identity. come with working on such a historically significant project. A live “It’s an opportunity to almost step back in time, because even collaboration is not in the works yet, but Yeagley said it would be “the though it’s a movie set, it’s not props to make up what Indians ultimate” to screen Daughters of Dawn alongside a full symphony. But would look like at the time,” Hanson Film Institute director Victoria with or without musicians in tow, Yeagley said it feels “greatly gratifyWestover said. “You can experience the past fairly authentically.” ing” to be invited back to the UA to speak about his score. Sharing their identity with the rest of the country was important “The austere beauty of that desert, it just seems to crystallize sento a people who had only been seen through newsreels, never feature timentality to me,” Yeagley said. “This is a unique privilege.” films. Daughter of Dawn will be shown at 5:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 18, “Indians were not totally unfamiliar with Hollywood in 1920,” in the auditorium of the Center for Creative Photography, 1030 N. Yeagley said. “They knew that this was their last chance to preserve Olive Road, on the UA campus. Admission is free. Score composer themselves for the next generations. They valued the opportunity.” David Yeagley will speak at the screening. Yeagley said finding a high-quality professional orchestra, without Kate Newton an equally high price tag, to record the score proved to be challengmailbag@tucsonweekly.com


SPECIAL EVENTS Get a New View of Tucson CityScape Adventures—Tucson 2013 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16 Starts at Gentle Ben’s Brewery 865 E. University Blvd. cityscape-adventures.com

CityScape Adventures is an urban scavenger race that was created “to help people to do something different then your traditional five- or 10-kilometer race,” says race director Tony Ghigo. The race is coming to Tucson for its fourth year on Saturday, rain or shine. The goal is to get participants to experience their city in new ways through a series of challenges and puzzles that lead them to various spots around Tucson. Participants compete in teams of two for prizes and the chance to participate in an unusual experience. Participants with smartphones may have the edge because they can use the Internet or QR code readers during the race. You can, however, participate without one. Although smartphones can help, Ghigo said he likes to emphasize that the race “shows the participants that there is life outside of a cell phone.” Ghigo, who started CityScape Adventures in 2009, has found that participants thoroughly enjoy exploring their cities and seeing places they didn’t know existed. “I hope they have a nice workout, a fun and challenging experience, and really build relationships with their friends or spouse or whoever they are participating with,” he said. Registration is open until the day of the event and costs $50 per person. For race details and to register, go to the CityScape website. —M.M.

Far Left: A scene from Dead Alive. Left: A scene at Bethlem Royal Hospital by William Hogarth. Below: A pyrite, fluorite and calcite specimen from China.




Scream to Your Heart’s Content

Viral Songs of the 17th Century

More Than Just Minerals

All-Nite Scream-O-Rama

Mad Songs and Englishmen

9 p.m., Friday, Feb.15

3 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17

The Loft Cinema 3233 E. Speedway Blvd.

Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 2331 E. Adams St.

795-7777; loftcinema.com

628-8119; musicasonora.org

If the hearts-and-roses side of Valentine’s Day isn’t your thing, The Loft Cinema is offering a darker look at the holiday the day after V-Day. The theater is holding its eighth annual All-Nite Scream-O-Rama, which features seven horror films screened across 12 hours starting at 9 p.m. The event will start with a Valentine’s Day horror flick, My Bloody Valentine. Other films on the program are Dead Alive, Phantasm, Christine, REC, The Manitou and Creepshow. Along with making for a horrifyingly lovely twist to Valentine’s Day, having the event in the middle of February allowed the Loft to stay with the tradition of scheduling the event around Friday the 13th, said Jeff Yanc, the theater’s program director. Since those unluckiest days of the week this year are in September and December, the organizers had to get creative. The early scheduling also gives the Loft two chances to do a Scream-ORama in 2013. Yanc said the event has become increasingly popular since it began in 2005. Only about 25 people made it through all 12 hours during the first year’s screenings, Yanc said, but last year more than 250 people were still in the theater when the sun came up. He said the late-night screening party has also appealed to the bar crowd, which typically shows up at about midnight to catch a few flicks after drinks. People also show up toward the end of the marathon to watch a horror movie around breakfast time. Prospective attendees are encouraged to wear pajamas and bring a pillow, and prizes for the “survivors” who last the entire event will be offered. Admission is $13 advance; $15 at the door; and $12 for Loft members. —K.M.

In England during the 17th century, the clinically insane were considered celebrities. The English became enthralled with lunacy and many playwrights—including William Shakespeare and Ben Johnson— began writing insane characters into their plays. The songs that these characters sang eventually became a genre of their own, called “mad songs.” Musica Sonora, Southern Arizona’s professional early-music ensemble, will give an educational presentation this Sunday on the history of the mad song, along with performances of some of them by ensemble soprano Mireille Hofmann Jacquod and harpsichordist Jeffri Sanders. Christina Jarvis, the ensemble’s artistic director, helped organize the event and has written program notes that explain the genre’s popularity. Certain singers who specialized in mad songs reached a level of popularity that compares to today’s viral video, Jarvis said, adding that the mentally ill in London’s Bethlem Royal Hospital became a source of theater. “People would just sort of pack lunches and they’d pay a fee and they’d go to the day rooms and they’d just watch the crazy people as a form of entertainment,” she said. Jarvis added that the idea behind the concert was to do something educational that Tucsonans hadn’t seen before. “We thought we’d like to do just sort of a lecture demonstration of some aspect of early music,” Jarvis said. Attendees don’t need to be scholars of English history to enjoy the event, either. Jarvis said her program notes will simplify everything for the listeners. Admission is $15; $12 per person for groups of 10 or more; and $5 for students. Tickets will be available at the door. —K.M.

Crystalline Treasures: The Mineral Heritage of Chinaa 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Mondayy through Wednesday; 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 6 to 9 p.m., Thursday and Friday; ay; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday; and 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday, through December 2013. Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium 1601 E. University Blvd.

Just in time for Tucson’ss annual gem, vaganza, the fossil and mineral extravaganza, andrau Science newest exhibit at the Flandrau Center and Planetarium is he Crystalline Treasures: The na. Mineral Heritage of China. um Each year, the museum changes the featured mineral exhibit to coincide he with the gem shows. The exhibit themes usually focus on a region of the world or a specific mineral. Dr. Rob Lavinsky, a prominent mineral collector and dealer, m approached the museum this year to display his collechina. Many tion of minerals from China. cently been new specimens have recently line Treasures found there and Crystalline shows off some of them.. “We’re kind of trying to bridge the old nvolve rocks and cultural traditions that involve he new trajectory minerals in China with the eral producer and of China as a great mineral as a country that’s tryingg to recognize and promote its mineral wealth,” said rau worker and Shipherd Reed, a Flandrau one of the organizers of the exhibit. Along with an amazingg collection of ludes information minerals, the exhibit includes story of China. about the culture and history “You will be able to see the mineral specimens themselves, which are amazhich minerals are ing, and learn about which prominent in China, butt at the same et Chinese histime you’ll be able to get ng to the minertory and culture applying als,” Reed said. lts; $5 children Admission is $7 adults; military; and $4 ages 4-15; $6 seniors/military; students. —M.M.


621-4516; flandrau.org

Submissions CityWeek includes events selected by Kate Newton, Megan Merrimac and Kyle Mittan, and is accurate as of press time. Tucson Weekly recommends calling event organizers to check for last-minute changes in location, time, price, etc. To have material considered, please send complete information by Monday at noon 11 days prior to publication. Send to: Tucson Weekly, P.O. Box 27087, Tucson, AZ 85726, or fax information to 792-2096, or e-mail us at listings@tucsonweekly.com. FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013






Ryan Westberg

ARIZONA REPERTORY THEATRE UA Marroney Theatre. 1025 N. Olive Road. 621-1162. Love Song, which features adult themes and language unsuitable for children, continues through Sunday, Feb. 24; $17 to $28. Dates and times vary. Visit tftv.arizona. edu for more information.

Ryan Westberg, a senior studying economics at the UA, helped start a charitable business in the fall of 2011 after studying abroad with Semester at Sea. Serengetee sells pocket T-shirts, with the pockets made of fabrics from different countries. For each shirt sold, 13 percent of the proceeds go to a charity in that country. The company also has T-shirts with flag pockets, from which a percentage of sales goes toward micro-finance lending. Serengetee has taken in $150,000 in revenue since the company launched. This year, it will be donating money to Pencils of Promise to build a school in Ghana.


THE BASTARD (THEATRE) The Screening Room. 127 E. Congress St. 882-0204. Hedwig and the Angry Inch, a multi-award-winning offbroadway hit about an East German rock ‘n’ roll goddess and victim of a botched sex-change operation, opens with a preview on Thursday, Feb. 14, and continues through Saturday, Feb. 23. Performances are at 7:30 and 10:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday; $15. Call 4254163, or visit hedwigtucson.com for tickets.

Stephanie Casanova, mailbag@tucsonweekly.com

Tell me more about how the business started. In 2011, I studied abroad on Semester at Sea, where I traveled to 13 different countries all over Africa, Asia and Central America. And while on the trip I met one of my best friends, Jeff Steitz, and he goes to Claremont McKenna College. That’s who I started this with. We were able to see … how amazing every country was and how unique and diverse the culture. We also were able to see the immense problems that still exist, the poverty, and that really inspired us to think of … a creative way to make a difference. So we began collecting fabrics in all the countries we visited and by the end of the trip we just had a huge collection. We wanted to do something cool with them so we came up with the idea to make them into pockets on T-shirts. And that’s how the idea behind Serengetee began. Was there a defining moment when you knew you had to do something to help these countries? India was definitely a huge culture shock for me … because I did see, like, dead bodies on the side of the road and the overcrowding. But there’s just so much promise in these countries … but also people don’t have the opportunity that they need to advance out of the poverty that they’re stuck in. 24 WWW.TuCsON WEEKLY.COM

Which is your most popular fabric and what country is it from? It changes so much because we’re always getting new fabric. (But) there’s some cool stories behind our Solomon Islands fabric. They don’t have huge textile plants there but a girl that helps us source fabrics visited and she had the villagers draw their culture onto paper … and then we made it into a fabric. So it’s like completely inspired by the Solomon Islands. So that’s like a really cool thing and the fabric looks awesome. Why did you decide to donate to a school being built in Ghana? For 2013, I just wanted to do something huge; something that would change the lives of generations to come. … It’s a huge goal because it’s going to cost like $25,000, but I was able to raise almost $1,500 in one day. … so throughout the course of a year I think it’s a very achievable goal. Building a school changes a community, not just the life of a few people. That can give children opportunities that they never could’ve dreamed of. So why Ghana? Ghana was one of the first ports we visited. … and Pencils of Promise just started to break ground there so it’d be one of the first schools there if we’re able to raise the money in time. Ghana doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned since starting this business? We came into this not knowing a single thing about the apparel industry. Not knowing a single thing about anything that has to do with our business. We just knew we had an idea, we knew it was a cool product and we really just thought we could sell it. We started the business for two reasons: We wanted to travel and we wanted to make a difference and give back to charities around the world. Clearly, we thought this could be big but it just got way bigger than we could’ve imagined. And now we’re just trying to run with it, keep it going. We started with $3,000 and we had no idea we would get featured in Forbes less than a year later. What would you say is the best part about giving back? The fact we were able to create something that’s not only beneficial for our lives but beneficial for people’s lives around the world. We’re able to do something that we love and are passionate about but also are able to enact change around the world. It’s always nice to be part of something that’s bigger than just yourself.

BE KIND TREE CHALLENGE Tucson Young Professionals has partnered with Planet Coexist to offer a sustainable alternative for Valentine’s Day. Instead of buying flowers or chocolate, an individual can sponsor the planting of tree for $35. A portion of the contribution goes toward TYP’s section of the Ben’s Bells mural. The program runs through Thursday, Feb. 14. Visit earthwalkunited.Org/typtrees for info.

and the Tucson Guitar Society for the Desert Song Festival, presenting Passionately Piazzolla, inspired by the life of one of the originators of tango music, from Friday through Sunday, Feb. 15 through 17. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday; and 1 and 5 p.m., Sunday; $35 to $41. Visit tucsondesertsongfestival.org for tickets and more information. RED & WHITE VALENTINE’S AFFAIR Chicago Bar. 5954 E. Speedway Blvd. 748-8169. A Valentine’s Day event featuring music by Twelve Tribes Sound with Papa Ranger and Jahmar International, takes place at 8:30 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17; free, 21 and older. Dress to impress. RETRO GAME SHOW FEATURING DAN AND TARA GIBSON Hotel Congress. 311 E. Congress St. 622-8848. Tempest DuJour hosts a Valentine’s Day round of Retro Game Show Night with The Not-So Newlywed Game featuring Tucson Weekly editor Dan Gibson and his wife, Tara, of Youth on Their Own, at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; $5, ages 21 and older. Visit hotelcongress.com/club for more information. ROMANCE FOR VALENTINE’S DAY Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café. 505 W. Miracle Mile. 207-2429. Vocalist and pianist Alisha Peru performs and a four-course dinner is served from 7 to 10 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; $75. A la carte and vegan options also are available. Call for reservations. Visit montereycourtaz.com for more information.

BUTTERFLY SEX Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 3269686, ext. 10. Take your sweetheart to a presentation about butterfly trysts, followed by a stroll through the Butterfly Magic exhibit, from 6 to 7:15 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14. $22, $18 members. Call to receive special pricing for two: $40, $32 members.

SWITCHBLADE PARADE FOR VALENTINE’S DAY Fluxx Studio and Gallery. 414 E. Ninth St. 882-0242. A cabaret show explores the many phases and facets of love, at 8 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 9, and Thursday, Feb. 14; $9, $15 VIP, $25 VIP couples.

CONRAD WILDE GALLERY Conrad Wilde Gallery. 439 N. Sixth Ave., Suite 195. 622-8997. Willow Bader: A Night to Remember, an exhibition of encaustic paintings inspired by the romance and nightlife of tango-dancing, continues through Saturday, Feb. 23. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; free.

VALENTINE’S DAY BUFFET Hibachi Super Buffet. 4629 E. Speedway Blvd. 3260000. Roast duck, crab legs and jumbo shrimp are on the Valentine’s Day menu; $12.99.

FOX TUCSON THEATRE Fox Tucson Theatre. 17 W. Congress St. 624-1515. Harold and Maude screens at 8 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14. INVISIBLE THEATRE Invisible Theatre. 1400 N. First Ave. 882-9721. First Kisses opens with a preview on Tuesday, Feb. 12, and continues through Sunday, March 3; $28. Call or visit invisibletheatre.com for tickets and more information. Rush tickets are available at half-price, one half-hour before each performance. THE JEWISH HISTORY MUSEUM The Jewish History Museum. 564 S. Stone Ave. 670-9073. The Ketubah Exhibit, a collection of wedding apparel dating to the 1600s, continues through Thursday, Feb. 28. The exhibit includes an 18th-century gold-bullion-thread wedding cap, and the gown worn by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords at her wedding to Capt. Mark Kelly. Hours are 1 to 5 p.m., Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday; and noon to 3 p.m., Friday; $5, free member. Visit jewishhistorymuseum.org for reservations and more information. LOVE AND CHOCOLATE Kadampa Meditation Center, Arizona. 1701 E. Miles St. 441-1617. A talk about the benefits of real love is followed by indulgence in gourmet chocolate treats starting at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; $15, or $10 for anyone who brings chocolate treats. LOVE AND HATE AT THE CHICKEN SISTERS RANCH Whistle Stop Depot. 127 W. Fifth St. 271-7605. Flam Chen and Chicha Dust perform for an intimate crowd of valentines, from 8 to 12 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; $25, $40 for two. Dancing is encouraged. Call 272-9041 for more information. LOVE AND MUSIC Sky Bar. 536 N. Fourth Ave. 622-4300. Live music features Steff Koepper and the Articles, The Neeners and Union Pacific at 9 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; free admission, special prices on drinks. LOVE BITES Radisson Suites Hotel. 6555 E. Speedway Blvd. 7217100. A Valentine’s Day Dinner Celebration and Singles Mingle, featuring buffet dinner and dessert, performance by Orbital Evolution hula-hoop troupe, comedy and song by Tom Potter and music for dancing by DJ Shorty, plus candy-grams and a mystery raffle takes place from 5 to 10 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; $50. Call 797-9431, or visit tpch.net for reservations and more information. PASSIONATELY PIAZZOLLA! Temple of Music and Art. 330 S. Scott Ave. 884-4875. Ballet Tucson collaborates with Chamber Music PLUS

VALENTINE’S DAY FEATURING CRAZY HEART Maverick. 6622 E. Tanque Verde Road. 298-0430.

VALENTINE’S DAY COMEDY HYPNOTIST Laffs Comedy Caffé. 2900 E. Broadway Blvd. 3238669. Dinner, chocolate strawberries and a rose for every couple are included at a comedy show featuring Don Barnhart at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; $25. Reservations are requested. VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER New Delhi Palace. 6751 E. Broadway Blvd. 296-8585. A special appetizer is free with dinner for Valentine’s Day at this restaurant featuring the cuisine of Chettinad, from 5 to 10 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14. VALENTINE’S DAY MURDER MYSTERY Magical Mystery Dinner Theater. 2744 E. Broadway Blvd 624-0172. Murder at the Vampire’s Wedding is staged, following a candle-lit three-course seated dinner at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; $42 also includes a rose. VALENTINE’S DAY SCREENING OF ANNIE HALL Loft Cinema. 3233 E. Speedway Blvd. 795-7777. Annie Hall, a neurotic romance that won multiple Oscars for Woody Allen, screens for Valentine’s Day, at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; $5.75 to $9.25. Visit loftcinema. com for a complete list of forthcoming films and to reserve tickets. VALENTINE’S DINNER AND DANCE The Breeze Patio Bar and Grill. Radisson Suites. 6555 E. Speedway Blvd. 731-1414. A four-course Valentine’s dinner includes champagne, music by the Bad News Blues Band, dancing and a silent auction of handmade jewelry to benefit Casa de Los Niños from 6 to 10 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; $35. Call for reservations and more information. WINGSPAN’S PUERTAS ABIERTAS New Moon Tucson. 915 W. Prince Road. 293-7339. Members of Puertas Abiertas celebrate el Día de los Corazones with music by the Shameless Flirts, from 5 to 8 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17; free admission. Food and beverages are for sale. WOO AT THE ZOO Reid Park Zoo. 1030 S. Randolph Way. 881-4753. A Valentine’s Day event features a buffet with prime rib and roast turkey stations, live music by Indigo and a light-hearted discussion about the mating behavior of wild animals. Seatings are at 5:30 and 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; $50, ages 18 and older, only. Reservations are required by Friday, Feb. 8. Call or visit tucsonzoo.org for more information. ZUZI! DANCE COMPANY ZUZI! Theater. 738 N. Fifth Ave. 629-0237. No Frills-Have a Heart--Dance Happenin’ features new and evolving choreography from a range of Southern Arizona performers in a youth showcase at 7:30 p.m., Friday,

Feb. 15; and an adult showcase at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; $10.

OUT OF TOWN CANDLELIGHT VALENTINE’S DAY Colossal Cave Mountain Park. 16721 E. Old Spanish Trail. Vail. 647-7275. Dinner under the ramada follows a candlelight tour of Colossal Cave at 6 p.m., Thursday and Friday, Feb. 14 and 15; $45, $85 couple. Reservations are requested by 5 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 12. Call 647-7275 for reservations and more information. MUSIC AT COMMUNITY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Community Performing Arts Center. 1250 W. Continental Road. Green Valley. 399-1750. Classics presents So Many Loves at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; $18, $15 advance. Visit performingsartscenter.org for tickets and more information. VALENTINE’S DINNER AND DANCE Apache Spirit Ranch. 895 W. Schiefflin Monument Road Tombstone. (877) 404-7262. A three-course prime rib dinner is followed by a barn dance, starting at 6 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; $35. Reservations are requested by Thursday, Feb. 14. Discounted rates on rooms are available. Visit apachespiritranch.com for more information.

SPECIAL EVENTS EVENTS THIS WEEK AMERICAN INDIAN EXPOSITION Quality Inn Flamingo. 1300 N. Stone Ave. 770-1910. An exhibit of crafts and other items for sale opens Sunday, Jan. 27, and continues through Sunday, Feb. 17. Entertainment, food and blessings also are featured. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily; free. Call 622-4900 for more information. BUTTERFLY GALA BENEFIT Skyline Country Club. 5200 E. St. Andrews Drive. 2990464. Integrative Touch for Kids benefits from this event featuring live and silent auctions, music, food and a chance to win a diamond necklace, from 6 p.m. to midnight, Saturday, Feb. 16. $125. Call 303-4992, or visit integrativetouch.org/EventsActivities.html. CELEBRATING WOMEN’S VOICES PAST AND PRESENT YWCA Frances McClelland Leadership Center. 525 N. Bonita Ave. 884-7810. Music by Mariachi Los Changuitos Feos and guitarist José Serrano is featured between imagined monologues of unsung women who made Arizona great and a reading by members of the women’s writing collective Comrades of Sowing the Seeds, from 7 to 9 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; $10 suggested donation. An open mic follows. Raffle prizes and refreshments are also featured. Call 390-8894 for more information. CITYSCAPE ADVENTURES Gentle Ben’s Brewing Company. 865 E. University Blvd. 624-4177. Pairs of contestants compete in a citywide race featuring 12 puzzles and challenges, from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; $49 per team. Email info@cityscape-adventures.com for more information. DUETS AND DINNER Tucson Scottish Rite Cathedral. 160 S. Scott Ave. 6228364. A gourmet dinner, a raffle and a silent auction precede a concert of duets with Tucson celebrities and a performance by the Tucson Girls’ Chorus, at 5 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17; $100. Cartoonist David Fitzsimmons is the emcee. Raffle and auction items include weekend getaways and passes to concerts and sports events. Call 577-6064, or visit tucsongirlschorus.org for reservations and more information. LA FIESTA DE LOS VAQUEROS RODEO Pima County Rodeo Grounds. 4823 N. Sixth Ave. The rodeo takes place Saturday and Sunday, Feb 16 and 17; and Thursday through Sunday, Feb. 21 through 24; $20 to $60. A dance takes place every performance day from 4 to 8 p.m.; $5, free rodeo contestant. Food and beverages are available at all events. Visit tucsonrodeo. com for complete information. ONE BILLION RISING UA Mall. 1303 E. University Drive. Men and women gather from 5 to 6 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14, to call attention to the fact that one in three women worldwide are raped or beaten in their lifetime. The free event is part of a worldwide action, organized locally by the Women’s Foundation of Southern Arizona, UA Sorority and Fraternity Life and the National Student Speech, Language and Hearing Association. Visit onebillionrising. org to register and for more information.

SECOND STREET SCHOOL SILENT AUCTION Hotel Congress. 311 E. Congress St. 622-8848. The Silver Thread Trio performs, and a silent auction includes art, jewelry and gift certificates, starting at 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; $25 includes a light meal. Call 327-2124 for reservations and more information. TUCSON GEM, MINERAL AND FOSSIL SHOWCASE An expo featuring museum-quality exhibits and vendors of gems, minerals, fossils, meteorites, beads, art, jewelry and supplies at nearly 40 locations, continues through Sunday, Feb. 17; free. The centerpiece Tucson Gem and Mineral Society show at the Tucson Convention Center opens to the public Thursday through Sunday, Feb. 14 through 17; $10, free for children younger than 15 with a paying adult. Visit visittucson.org for a complete list of shows and locations. YEAR OF THE SNAKE CELEBRATION Chinese Cultural Center. 1288 W. River Road. 2926900. A Taste of China Festival features Chinese Arts and Crafts, kids’ games, live performances and food for sale, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 9; $2, free for children younger than 12; free parking. The Year of the Snake Dinner, featuring hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, entertainment, a silent auction and dinner by Harvest Moon restaurant of Oro Valley, takes place at 5 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Feb. 15 and 16; $150. Proceeds benefit the center. Call 292-6900 for reservations.

UPCOMING TIHAN ANNUAL MEETING AND AWARDS NIGHT St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. 602 N. Wilmot Road. 886-7292. Volunteers and supporters are recognized for outstanding contributions at the annual meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 26. The program begins at 6 p.m., following a reception at 5:30 p.m. Call 299-6647 for more information. TUCSON RODEO PARADE Pima County Rodeo Grounds. 4823 N. Sixth Ave. More than 200 non-motorized floats parade along a one-andone-half-mile route beginning at Park Ave. and Ajo Way, at 9 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 21, and proceeding south on Park Ave. to Irvington Road; free. Grandstand seating is available at Irvington Road and South Sixth Ave.; $7, $5 for kids younger than 13. Visit tucsonrodeoparade. org for more information.

BULLETIN BOARD EVENTS THIS WEEK ARMCHAIR ADVENTURES Murphy-Wilmot Branch Library. 530 N. Wilmot Road. 594-5420. World travelers show and discuss slides, DVDs and videos of their travels, at 2 p.m., Tuesday, through ; free. Feb. 12: Rwanda and a Serengeti safari. Feb. 19: England, Edinburgh, France, Belgium and Amsterdam. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS The Downtown Tucson Partnership seeks volunteers to engage with the public during the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, daily through Sunday, Feb. 17. Volunteers welcome visitors and provide information about attractions, hotels, parking and more. Volunteers should be somewhat familiar with downtown and the website downtowntucson.org. Email brandi@downtowntucson.org for more information. DESIGNING OUTDOOR KITCHENS Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 7426455. Learn how to design your own outdoor kitchen at 10 a.m., Saturday, Feb.16. $8, $4 members. EBOOK AND AUDIOBOOK WORKSHOP Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. One-on-one help for downloading and transferring a book using your computer is available from noon to 1 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 19; free. FOOD TRUCK FRIDAY Bookmans. 3733 W. Ina Road. 579-0303. Food trucks gather at a celebration of Arizona SciTech Festival, from 6 to 9 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; free. The event features a demonstration of how to make ice cream scientifically.

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FREETHOUGHT CAFÉ DuVal Auditorium, UA Medical Center. 1501 N. Campbell Ave. 694-0111. Participants discuss issues at the intersection of religion, politics and culture with moderator Gil Shapiro, from 8 to 9:15 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 17; free. call 297-9919 for more information. GATHER: A VINTAGE MARKET Gather: A Vintage Market. 657 W. St. Mary’s Road. 7806565. Vintage and antique items are sold from Thursday






through Sunday, Feb. 14 through 16; free. Hours are noon to 8 p.m., Thursday and Friday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday. Call 310-7531 for more information. GEM AND MINERAL SALE Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 3269686, ext. 10. The museum auctions and sells exotic gems and minerals bequeathed by a sponsor, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Feb. 15 and 16. Visit tucsonbotanical.org for more information.

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KNIT BLANKETS FOR PEOPLE IN NEED Tucson Jewish Community Center. 3800 E. River Road. 299-3000, ext. 106. The Warm Up Tucson knitting group meets from 10 a.m. to noon, every Friday, to knit blankets for people who need them in the community. All skill levels are invited to work with an instructor to knit nine-inch squares to be assembled into finished blankets. SAGUARO EASTSIDE DEMOCRATS New Spirit Lutheran Church. 8701 E. Old Spanish Trail. 296-2461. Saguaro Eastside Democrats meet at 6:30 p.m., the third Monday of every month; free. SOUTHERN ARIZONA CHESS ASSOCIATION LEAGUE MATCH St. Joseph Catholic School. 215 S. Craycroft Road 747-3060. The Tucson Scholastic Cool-down: League Match 4, a four-round Swiss System tournament in both USCAF rated and non-rated sections, takes place at 9 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; $10. Students in grades K through 12 are grouped by rating. Registration closes at 9 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15, at http://www.events4chess. com/events.php?event_ID=298. THAI FOOD COMMUNITY BUFFET FUNDRAISER Wat Buddhametta: Tucson Buddhist Meditation Center. 1133 S. Swan Road. 745-4624. All-you-can-eat pad Thai, egg rolls, chicken curry, vegetarian curry, desserts and more are served from 5 to 7 p.m., the third Saturday of every month; $10, free child younger than 10. Proceeds help support free classes at the center.

BUSINESS & FINANCE EVENTS THIS WEEK ADDYS V 32.0: ADDY AWARDS Leo Rich Theater. 260 S. Church Ave. 791-4101. Awards are presented to winners of American Advertising Federation Tucson’s annual competition, starting at 5 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16. Visit aaftucson.org for ticket prices and reservations. Reservations are requested by Thursday, Feb. 14. MAYOR ROTHSCHILD’S 2013 STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort and Spa. 3800 W. Starr Pass Blvd. 792-3500. The Tucson Metro Chamber hosts Mayor Jonathan Rothschild’s State of the City address at noon, Tuesday, Feb. 19; $55 Tucson Metro Chamber members, $75 nonmembers. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. RSVP by Tuesday, Feb. 12 at tucsonchamber.org. NO PLACE LIKE HOME Keller Williams Realty. 1745 E. River Road. 615-8400. A home-ownership workshop takes place from 6 to 7 p.m., the second Thursday of every month; free. Call 909-9375 for more information. SOUTHERN ARIZONA LOGISTICS EDUCATION ORGANIZATION LUNCHEON Viscount Suite Hotel. 4855 E. Broadway Blvd. 7456500. Tim Strow of the Maricopa Association of Governments leads discussion about the Sun Corridor Freight Framework Study, at a luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 20; $30, $25 member or first-time visitor. Email rsvp@saleo.org, or visit saleo. org to register and for more information.

FILM EVENTS THIS WEEK ‘DAUGHTER OF DAWN’ Center for Creative Photography. 1030 N. Olive Road. 621-7968. The lost and recently restored 1920 film Daughter of Dawn is screened at 5:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 18. It is considered to be the first full-length film of an American Indian story that uses all American Indian actors. UA alumnus, composer and Comanche

nation member David Yeagley composed a new original score for the film, and discusses it after the screening. FEMINIST FILM SERIES UA Modern Languages Building. UA mall west of Cherry Avenue. The Women’s Resource Center presents Miss Representation at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 20; free. Refreshments discussion follow. FILM SERIES: LANGUAGE AND SOCIETY Integrated Learning Center, Room 120. 1500 E University Blvd. 621-7788. Movies that illustrate the linguistic, psychological and social aspects of meaning are shown from 3:30 to 6 p.m., every Thursday, through March 28, except March 14; free. Feb. 14: Snatch. Feb. 21: L’Auberge Español. Feb. 28: La Grande Illusion. March 7: Chinese Take-Away. March 21: Star Trek: Undiscovered Country. March 28: A Serious Man. Visit web.sbs.arizona.edu for more information. LOFT CINEMA SPECIAL EVENTS Loft Cinema. 3233 E. Speedway Blvd. 795-7777. The All Night Scream-O-Rama, featuring seven horror movies, starts at 9 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; $15, $12 members. Wear pajamas and bring a favorite pillow. The Oscar-Nominated Short Films 2013 screen at 7 p.m., nightly, from Saturday through Thursday, Feb. 16 through 21; $8, $6 member. A first-hand account of nonviolent resistance in the West-Bank village of Bil’in, 5 Broken Cameras screens at 7 p.m., Monday, Feb. 18; $9, $5 member. Visit loftcinema.com for a complete list of forthcoming films and to reserve tickets. MOVIE-OKIE Fluxx Studio and Gallery. 414 E. Ninth St. 882-0242. Sing along to your favorite musical, karaoke style, as it plays on the big screen, from 8 to 10 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; $5 benefits Habitat for Humanity. A prize is given for the best performance. Doors open at 7 p.m. Choose from more than 20 films. Food and drinks are available. Visit fluxxproductions.com for more information. NOW SHOWING AT YOUR LIBRARY Himmel Branch Library. 1035 N. Treat Ave. 594-5305. The Powerbroker, a documentary about Whitney Young, Jr., the Urban League and the Black Power movement, is screened from 6 to 8 p.m., Monday, Feb. 11, at Himmel Branch Library, 1035 N. Treat Ave.; and from 2 to 4 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15, at Oro Valley Public Library, 1305 W. Naranja Drive; free.

OUT ON THURSDAYS Fluxx Studio and Gallery. 414 E. Ninth St. 882-0242. As part of the Southwest LGBT Film Fest, a film is screened at 7 p.m. following a meet-and-greet at 6:30 p.m., on the third Thursday of every other month; $8, $10 VIP. Light refreshments are served.

NATIVE SEEDS/SEARCH SALON Native Seeds/SEARCH Agricultural Conservation Center. 3584 E. River Road. 622-5561. A gathering of gardeners and cooks takes place from 6 to 8 p.m., the third Monday of every month; free, including recipes and samples. Visit nativeseeds.org for details.


THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Loft Cinema. 3233 E. Speedway Blvd. 795-7777. The Rocky Horror Picture Show screens at midnight on the third Saturday of every month with Heavy Petting as the shadow cast; $10, $8 member. The film deals with mature subject matter and is not recommended for the easily offended. No one under 17 is admitted; ID is required; no alcohol is served.

ORGANIC GARDENERS COMPOSTING EXHIBIT Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 326-9686, ext. 10. Tucson Organic Gardeners members answer questions in the composting-demonstration area from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the first and third Saturday of every month, through May 18; $13, $7.50 ages 4 through 12, free for younger children, $12 students, seniors and military personnel. Call or visit tucsonbotanical.org for more information.

HEALING SPACES: IMPLICATIONS FOR PEOPLE WITH ARTHRITIS Arizona Inn. 2200 E. Elm St. 325-1541. Dr. Esther Sternberg, newly appointed director of research for the UA Center for Integrative Medicine, presents “Healing Spaces: The Science of Place and Well-Being; Implications for Persons With Arthritis,” from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14; $45, $35 members of the UA Arthritis Center Friends. Call 626-7901 for reservations and more information.


SEED LIBRARY Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 594-5500. Check seeds out from the library, and return seeds from your crop. Hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Wednesday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday; and 1 to 5 p.m. , Sunday; free. Call 7914010, or email askalibrarian@pima.gov.

EVENTS THIS WEEK BUTTERFLY MAGIC Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 326-9686, ext. 10. Walk through a greenhouse full of beautiful and rare butterflies from 11 countries, through Tuesday, April 30. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., daily; $13, $7.50 ages 4 through 12, $12 students, seniors or military, includes admission to the gardens. FREE GARDEN TOURS Pima County Cooperative Extension Center. 4210 N. Campbell Ave. 626-5161. The Pima County Master Gardeners offer free guided tours of the gardens at 9 a.m., Wednesday and Saturday, through Saturday, April 27. There are no tours Saturday, March 2, March 30 and April 6; or Wednesday, March 6 and April 3. Groups of more than eight must register. Call for more info. THE GREAT XERISCAPE Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 742-6455. A presentation and tour exploring how to use native and arid-adapted plants in water-saving landscapes take place at 10 a.m., the third Saturday of every month; $8, $6 senior, $5 active military, $4 student with valid ID, $2 ages 5 through 12, free member or child younger than 5, includes admission to the park. Visit tohonochulpark.org for more information.

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SEED LIBRARY VISITS THE FARMERS’ MARKET Santa Cruz River Farmers’ Market. 100 S. Avenida del Convento. 882-3304. The Pima County Library’s seed library is available at the Santa Cruz Farmers’ Market from 4 to 6 p.m., the second Thursday of every month; free. Call 791-4010 for more information. TUCSON AFRICAN VIOLET SOCIETY The East Side Night Meeting of the Tucson African Violet Society gathers from 7 to 9 p.m., the first Wednesday of every month, at The Cascades, 201 N. Jessica Ave. The East Side Day Meeting takes place from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., the second Wednesday of every month, at The Cascades. The Northwest Day Meeting takes place from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., the second Thursday of every month, at The Inn at the Fountains at La Cholla, 2001 W. Rudasill Road. TUCSON ORGANIC GARDENERS St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church. 3809 E. Third St. 3251001. Members and prospective members of Tucson Organic Gardeners meet for a program at 7 p.m., the third Tuesday of every month, through April 16; free. Free literature, refreshments and a mini-market are available. Call 670-9158, or visit tucsonorganicgardeners.org for more information.


HEALTHY HEART CONFERENCE DuVal Auditorium, UA Medical Center. 1501 N. Campbell Ave. 694-0111. Specialists from the Sarver Heart Center offer health screenings, information and lectures about risk factors and ways to prevent the onset of heart disease, stroke and diabetes, from 7:30 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Feb. 16; $15 includes continental breakfast. Visit heart.arizona.edu for details about session topics and presenters. Registration is requested by Monday, Feb. 11. ST. PHILIP’S MENTAL ILLNESS MINISTRY St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church. 4440 N. Campbell Ave. 299-6421. A 12-week course for family, friends and loved ones of adults living with mental illness begins from 2 to 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 20, in the Palo Verde room; free. The course includes information about various mental disorders, medications, current research, strategies for handling crises and relapse, care for the caregiver and support services. Call 622-5582, or email jkowalick@namisa.org to register and for more information.

UPCOMING HEART HEALTH LECTURE Canoa Hills Social Center. 3660 S. Camino del Sol. Green Valley. 625-6200. Dr. Peter Ott presents “Keeping the Beat; What’s New in Drugs to Treat Arrhythmias?” at 10 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 21; free.


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KIDS & FAMILIES EVENTS THIS WEEK 25TH BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION International Wildlife Museum. 4800 W. Gates Pass Road. 629-0100. Games and prizes for kids, entertainment, food and refreshments are featured from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., when admission is reduced to $3. Visit thewildlifemuseum.org for more information. ALL TOGETHER THEATRE Live Theatre Workshop. 5317 E. Speedway Blvd. 3274242. A musical adaptation of The Brave Little Tailor opens Sunday, Feb. 17, and continues through Sunday, April 21, at 1 p.m., every Sunday. Tickets are $5 to $8. Call or visit livetheatreworkshop.org for reservations and more information. BUTTERFLY BASICS Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 3269686, ext. 10. Elizabeth Willott, curator of Butterfly Magic, presents an introduction to butterfly biology, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 19; $12, $7 for members, includes entrance to Butterfly Magic after hours. Visit tucsonbotanical.org to register and for more information. ENTRANTS SOUGHT FOR YOUTH CONCERTO COMPETITION Applications are due by Friday, Feb. 15, for students ages 13 through 18 who would like to compete for cash prizes ranging from $250 to $1,000, and an opportunity to perform with the Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra. Applicants may perform on any instrument. Competition dates are Saturday and Sunday, March 2 and 3. Visit sasomusic.org/ycc.htm for more information and to submit an application. FAMILY DAYS UA Poetry Center. 1508 E. Helen St. 626-3765. An open house for kids and families takes place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16, March 16 and April 27; free. Poetry Joeys workshops for children ages 4 through 10 take place from 10 to 11 a.m., and the center’s poetry collection is open to youth for writing projects. Other activities include yoga, multilingual story time and Book Club 11+, which features a different title

each Family Day. Special guests from community arts organizations lead unique creative activities. Visit poetry. arizona.edu for a schedule. FAMILY SCIFEST Children’s Museum Tucson. 200 S. Sixth Ave. 7929985. Children participate in hands-on demonstrations and experiments related to aerospace sciences, astronomy, biology, ecology, engineering, environmental sciences and physics from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; free, including admission to the museum. The museum is acception donations to help the community of Newtown, CT, create their own children’s museum, Everwonder. GET OUTSIDE CLUB Staff and volunteers from Ironwood Tree Experience lead an urban nature walk along the Rillito River, from 4 to 5 p.m. every Thursday; free. Collecting-jars, binoculars, lizard-catching rods, plant presses, field guides and other equipment are available to participants throughout the walk. Call 319-9868, ext. 7, for more information, including the meeting place. Visit ironwoodtreeexperience.org for more information about the sponsoring organization. LAPS FOR LITERACY DeMeester Outdoor Performance Center. 1100 S. Randolph Way. A 5k fun run and walk takes place from 7:30 to 11 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; $15, free younger than 12. Proceeds benefit Make Way for Books, Pima County Public Library and other literacy programs. Visit altrusalapsforliteracy.eventbrite.com to register and for more information. NATURE STORIES Agua Caliente Regional Park. 12325 E. Roger Road. 877-6000. An art activity follows a story-reading from 11 a.m. to noon, Friday, Feb. 15; free. Call 615-7855, or email eeducation@pima.gov for more information. PFLAG TUCSON SCHOLARSHIPS Ward 6 City Council Office. 3202 E. First St. 7914601. PFLAG Tucson, an organization of parents and families of LGBT youth, seeks applicants for several $1,000 scholarships in 2013 in memory of Gene Moore. Scholarships are open to graduating high school seniors, undergraduate students and graduate students. Visit pflagtucson.org for application materials and more information. The deadline is Friday, March 29, 2013. Scholarship awards are presented at a public reception from 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesday, May 1; free. SHOOT-OUT AT THE CHAPARRAL Old Tucson Studios. 201 S. Kinney Road. 883-0100. This Western event features 12 teams of gunfighter groups, a fast-draw competition hosted by Old Pueblo Gunfighters and a chance to test your six-gun skills. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16, and Sunday, Feb. 17. $16.95 ages 12 and older, $10.95 ages 4 through 11, free for children 3 and younger.

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STORIES THAT SOAR Kirk-Bear Canyon Branch Library. 8959 E. Tanque Verde Road. 594-5275. Students’ original stories come to life in theatrical productions by the Stories That Soar ensemble, at 9 a.m., Friday, Feb. 15, at Anna Henry Elementary School, 650 N. Igo Way; and at 10 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 16, at Kirk-Bear Canyon Branch Library, 8959 E. Tanque Verde Road.; free. TUCSON RIVER OF WORDS YOUTH POETRY AND ART TRAVELING EXHIBIT Valencia Branch Library. 202 W. Valencia Road. 5945390. An exhibit of children’s poetry and art expressing their understanding of watersheds continues through Sunday, March 17; free. Hours are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday; and 1 to 5 p.m., Sunday. Call

615-7855, or e-mail eeducation@pima.gov for more information. TUCSON YOUTH POETRY SLAM Bentley’s House of Coffee and Tea. 1730 E. Speedway Blvd. 795-0338. A spoken-word competition judged by the audience takes place the third Saturday of every month, beginning with a poetry slam workshop at 5 p.m., and continuing with the slam at 7 p.m.; freewill donation. First-timers are especially welcome. Only original work may be spoken, but it may be in any style or language. Each event also includes a reading by a nationally known poet. Visit tucsonyouthpoetryslam.org for more information.

UPCOMING AMPHI NEIGHBORHOOD ACTION MURAL Woods Memorial Branch Library. 3455 N. First Ave. 594-5445. Students ages 11 through 17 can help paint a mural at the library from 5:30 to 7 p.m., each Thursday, Feb. 21 through June 27. Call 623-2119, or email michael@tucsonartsbrigade.org to register. URBAN NATURE ADVENTURE Prescott College/Tucson Center. 2233 E. Speedway Blvd. 319-9868. Kids ages 14 through 18 are welcome to hop on a bike from BICAS and ride through hidden historic and natural oases in Tucson, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 23. $55, register by Thursday, Feb. 14. A limited number of spots are available. Register at www.ironwoodtreeexperience.org.

OUTDOORS EVENTS THIS WEEK BIRDING AT SWEETWATER WETLANDS Sweetwater Wetlands. 2667 W. Sweetwater Drive. 791-4331. Birding expert Julia Fonseca leads a walk for ages 12 and older to see a variety of wintering and migrating birds and raptors along easy trails, from 8 to 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, Feb. 20; free. Reservations are required. Call 615-7855, or email eeducation@pima.gov for reservations or more information. PAINT OUT IN THE PARK Sweetwater Wetlands. 2667 W. Sweetwater Drive. 7914331. Walter Porter of the Tucson Plein Air Painters Society shares techniques for painting landscape scenes with artists age 12 and older, from 8 to 11 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; free. Reservations are required. Call 615-7855, or e-mail eeducation@pima.gov for reservations and more information. REID PARK BIRD WALK Edith Ball Adaptive Recreation Center. 3455 E. Zoo Court. 791-5643. Meet at the Edith Ball Adaptive Recreation Center opposite the zoo entrance for a twohour walk to look for waterfowl, warblers, woodpeckers and raptors, at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 19; free. Call 578-1830 for more information.


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Road. 297-1181. Sylvia G. Simpson presents “Islands and Tides as Symbols of the Self� at 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; $15, $10 member. Simpson presents a workshop about liminality, as the realm of the transcendent function and its affect on therapeutic relationships, takes place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; $60, $45 member. Visit safoj.org to register and for more information.



TUCSON IANDS EXPERIENCE SHARING (TIES) Unity of Tucson. 3617 N. Camino Blanco. 577-3300. Clinical psychologist Lupita Kirklin, who specializes in Jungian dream work and anecdotal evidence about neardeath experiences, discusses her own near-death experience on a family vacation, at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14. Call 395-2365 for more info.



URBAN RETREAT Kadampa Meditation Center, Arizona. 1701 E. Miles St. 441-1617. Guided meditations focuses on relaxing and inner contentment, at 2, 3:30 and 5 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; $12, or $5 per session. Visit meditationintucson.org for more information.



FC TUCSON Kino Veterans Memorial Stadium. 2500 E. Ajo Way. 434-1021. Visit fctucson.com for tickets and more information. Tickets are $10 to $75. The Desert Diamond Cup is played on Wednesdays and Saturdays, through Feb. 23. Saturday, Feb. 16, at 4 p.m.: Sounders FC meets Real Salt Lake; and at 6 p.m.: Red Bulls plays Revolution. Wednesday, Feb. 20, at 5 p.m.: Real Salt Lake plays Revolution; and at 7 p.m.: Sounders FC meets Red Bulls. Saturday, Feb. 23, at 4 p.m.: The Major League Soccer third-place team plays the fourth-place team; and at 6 p.m.: the MLS firstplace team plays the second-place team.

Use the Tucson Weekly mobile website to ďŹ nd all the info you need! Happy Hours, Movies, Events, Best of Tucson: It’s all there.






MEMBERS SOUGHT FOR THE MONSOON WOMEN’S TACKLE FOOTBALL TEAM A member club of the Independent Women’s Football League, the Tucson Monsoon enters its ninth year of play with the coming season. Visit tucsonmonsoon.com for information about how to join.

PHOTO: Felicia Boswell, Bryan Fenkart and the National Tour Cast of MEMPHIS (Š Paul Kolnik)

24 HOURS IN THE OLD PUEBLO One of the largest 24-hour events in the world attracts 3,500 participants to test their endurance for the benefit of Bag It, an organization that supports cancer patients, from 11 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 16, through noon, Sunday, Feb. 17; free spectator. 24-Hour Town features a bike expo, late night entertainment, several food and beverage options and 24 hours of tunes provided by 91.3 KXCI Community Radio from Friday, through Sunday, Feb. 15 through 17. Visit epicrides.com for schedules and details.

PUEBLO’S RODEO RUN 4 MILE OR 1 MILE RUN/WALK Peter Piper Pizza. 5385 S. Calle Santa Cruz. 4348000. A 4-mile walk or run along the Santa Cruz River Pathway and a 1-mile fun run celebrate rodeo days in the Old Pueblo starting at 9 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 17; $25. Day-of-race registration starts at 8 a.m. Visit taggrun.com to register and for more information. TUCSON ROLLER DERBY Bookmans Event Center. 5120 S. Julian Drive. 8811744. The Copper Queens meet the Furious Truckstop Waitresses at 8 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; $10. Visit tucsonrollerderby.com for more information. UA GYMNASTICS Mary Roby Gymnastics Training Center. 710 N. Martin Ave. 621-2211. UA gymnasts meet Nebraska, at 4 p.m., Saturday, Feb 16; free. Visit arizonawildcats.com for more information. UA MEN’S BASKETBALL UA McKale Memorial Center. 1721 E. Enke Drive. The UA meets Washington at 9 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 20; and Washington State at 5 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 23; $20 to $115. Visit arizonawildcats.com/sports for tickets and more information. UA WOMEN’S BASKETBALL UA McKale Memorial Center. 1721 E. Enke Drive. The UA meets Colorado at 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; Utah at 5 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17; and Arizona State at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 19; $3 to $8. Visit arizonawildcats.com for tickets and more information. UA WOMEN’S GYMNASTICS UA McKale Memorial Center. 1721 E. Enke Drive. The UA women meet Nebraska at 4 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; $8, $5 youth or senior. Visit arizonawildcats.com for more information.




TICKETS: ONLINE broadwayintucson.com PHONE 800-745-3000 IN PERSON TCC Ticket OfďŹ ce MEMPHIS contains mature themes including mild language and some racial slurs. Recommended for ages 13+.

FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013



PERFORMING ARTS Three local arts groups have come together g to create an ambitious tribute to Astor Piazzolla

Tango Triumvirate BY MARGARET REGAN, mregan@tucsonweekly.com y.com ctor Robert Beltran, of Star Trek: Voyager and Big Love fame, landed in Tucson on Sunday. Brian Chambouleyron, tango singer and guitarist, stepped off a plane Monday after traveling from Buenos Aires. And later that day, Chambouleyron and Beltran were to go into full rehearsal for Passionately, Piazzolla! with the 28 dancers of Ballet Tucson, local guitarist Misael BarrazaDiaz, flutist Linda Doughty and actor Steve McKee. By Tuesday, the whole ensemble was to be “in the theater,” Mary Beth Cabana, artistic director of Ballet Tucson, said of getting ready to open Passionately, Piazzolla! this Friday, Feb. 15. “It’s very complicated.” Indeed. Three Tucson arts groups—Ballet Tucson, Chamber Music PLUS and the Tucson Guitar Society—joined forces with the visiting artists to create and perform a brand-new, completely original dance-drama-musical. Written by Harry Clark of Chamber Music PLUS, with choreography composed by Chieko Imada of Ballet Tucson, the work recounts the life of famed tango composer Astor Piazzolla. The story takes him from Argentina to Paris, where composer Nadia Boulanger urged him to forget his dreams of classical music and turn to tango, the music he was meant for. “Piazzolla’s music is so moving,” said Imada, Ballet Tucson’s assistant artistic director. “There’s so much to it. I never got tired of it. I became a fan of his.” With the script to be written and dances to be composed, the complex project got under way a year ago. In rehearsals in recent weeks, as the production coalesced, local actor Robert Encila played Piazzolla, filling in for the absent Beltran, and the dancers tangoed to tapes of Chambouleyron singing and playing guitar. The elaborate scheduling and subbing have paid off, Cabana said. “It’s a super-interesting production, a different kind of event. Our hard-core dance audience will be thoroughly entertained.” And lovers of music and drama will also be engaged, the Ballet Tucson team said in a joint interview. “The dances move the narrative forward,” Imada said, and the “script holds the whole thing together,” Cabana declared. The Piazzolla extravaganza is part of the first annual Tucson Desert Song Festival. A host of collaborative festival performances have been unspooling on multiple stages around town for the past week. This weekend, for instance, in addition to the tango live on stage at the Temple of Music and Art, the



Elizabeth Egleson, Taylor Johnson, Daniel Precup, Jenna Johnson and Deanna Doncsecz prepared to tango. Tucson Symphony Orchestra is performing Verdi’s Requiem at the TCC Music Hall with the help of four visiting singers. Thursday night, baritone Nathan Gunn, star of the Metropolitan, Chicago Lyric and San Francisco operas, will sing at the UA’s Crowder Hall. As the festival title suggests, live singing must grace each show. Cabana wasn’t sure at first that a vocal project was right for Ballet Tucson. But she was familiar with Chamber Music PLUS’ concert-dramas that depict the lives of famous composers in a mix of classical music and spoken word. So when someone suggested that the two groups tackle Piazzolla—whose music is so strongly linked to dance—she agreed, and “it kind of snowballed.” Clark wrote a script in two acts tracing Piazzolla’s musical career and chronicling his three great loves; he also signed actor Beltran and musician Chambouleyron, a Frenchman now residing in Buenos Aires. Imada was tapped because “this is perfect for her as a choreographer,” Cabana said. “She’s very contemporary and incorporates many dance forms. She worked like a dog on it. I’m really proud of what she created.” Imada composed an hour’s worth of dances, a huge undertaking that she started last April. Some of the pieces are pure tango, inspired by the lusty dance moves that arose in the tough port of Buenos Aires late in the 19th century. (Others tend toward modern, jazz and even

ballet, with dancers in pointe shoes.) John Dahlstrand, founder of Sueños Tango, also contributed, providing a trio of classic tango duets that open the show. Dancer Daniel Precup, who alternates with Beltran in portraying Piazzolla—Precup doing the dancing parts, Beltran the spoken parts—also composed a dance or two. Imada first tangoed years ago with 10th Street Danceworks, a now-defunct Tucson modern-dance company. “I danced a tango solo set by Charlotte Adams of 10th Street,” she said. “Then I performed that same piece with Ballet Tucson.” Three years ago, she choreographed her first pure tango piece, a duet for Precup and Jenna Johnson of Ballet Tucson set to music by Carlos Gardel, a famous tango composer who influenced Piazzolla. (Gardel’s music is also in the show.) Imada brushed up on tango technique last summer in a workshop led by Dahlstrand. The technical director for the UA School of Dance and the lighting designer for Ballet Tucson, Dahlstrand has been a tango maven and performer in Tucson for years. “I got a lot of material from that class,” Imada said, as well as insight into the art form. “A tango dancer doesn’t show emotion. It’s all in the steps.” Tango is the opposite of ballet, Cabana said: Ballet is “all uplift and turnout, and tango is plié and bent knees.” But the dancers enjoyed

Passionately, Piazzolla! A collaborative performance by Ballet Tucson, Chamber Music PLUS and the Tucson Guitar Society; part of the Tucson Desert Song Festival 7:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15, and Saturday, Feb. 16; 1 and 5 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17 Temple of Music and Art 330 S. Scott Ave. $35 to $41; $29 tickets for groups of 10 or more. Available by phone or online 903-1445; www.ballettucson.org

taking on the challenge of the sensuous Argentine dance. Prima ballerina Johnson dances Piazzolla’s first wife; the charismatic Deanna Doncsecz is his midlife passion; and new company member Alexandra Sermon plays the young wife of his late years, a woman he considered his muse, Imada said. Act 1 of the musical sticks closely to traditional tango, but Act 2 is more “contemporary,” Imada said. “I break out of that tango way.” The idea behind the shift to contemporary dance in Act 2 is to signal that Piazzolla’s art remains vital, long after his death in 1992, Cabana said. “His music continues to be an inspiration.” Tucson Weekly arts editor Margaret Regan reports on the arts twice monthly on The Buckmaster Show, which airs from noon to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday on KVOI 1030 AM. Her next radio report will be broadcast live on Tuesday, Feb. 19.




The play itself is imperfect, but Arizona Repertory Theatre does its quirky best with ‘Love Song’

Relationships With Reality BY SHERILYN FORRESTER, sforrester@tucsonweekly.com


get a hint of Joan’s protective impulses toward Beane, although she seems so self-centered and inexplicably angry that these impulses don’t manifest into action. Beane escapes this scene, overwhelmed by Harry’s attempts to administer a personality test. Although Beane’s answers do make a certain kind of sense, they clearly are not what would be considered normal. When he returns to his apartment, he confronts burglar Molly (Kate Nienhauser), a young woman about Beane’s age, who is appalled—and pissed off— that there is really nothing of value in his apartment to steal. Beane seems quite tolerant of her presence, and receptive to her scolding about what kind of person would possess a spoon but not a fork, a single cup but no plate, and have no pictures on the walls, no photos of family. In fact, Beane seems to get at least a momentary glimpse of the emptiness of his life. Beane changes after meeting Molly. His behavior is no less odd; in fact it is more overtly so. He confides in Joan that he has “met someone.” Although she is skeptical, something is obviously affecting her brother in what seems to be a positive way. Molly returns to Beane’s apartment and we witness their strange relationship develop. And we are both surprised and not so surprised as we discover more about the true nature of their relationship. The play does have enough substance to intrigue, and it ultimately does get inside our heads and gives them a bit of a spin. But it doesn’t provide quite enough substance to help us connect all the dots we need to so that we can attach to these characters. Its humor provides a levity which helps balance the weird factor, but it doesn’t really offer a contrasting dimension that gives us a fuller appreciation of what’s at stake. And the play’s climactic shift leaves us wondering what exactly happened to result in Beane’s serious change of behavior. We are left a bit stranded. This play offers many challenges, particularly with Kolvenbach’s difficult characters. Director Lippman has guided her small cast well, helping them to develop these characters with a fullness not necessarily provided by the script. Kolvenbach really just sketches both Joan and Harry, but Miller and Davis succeed in giving the couple some credibility. Molly is also—by necessity, really—a strange, elusive character, abrasive and angry, and ungrounded in a strange and disturbed world. But she has to be someone who invites at least a bit of sympathetic curiosity. Nienhauser does a good job. Virgin gives us a sweet, lonely and at times

ECSTATIC DANCE TUCSON Rhythm Industry Performance Factory. 1013 S. Tyndall Ave. 481-8003. Participants express themselves with dance, and have fun in an alcohol-, drug- and judgmentfree environment, at 7:30 p.m., the third Saturday of every month; $7 suggested donation, free child. Call 229-6247 for more information. GRUPO FOLKLORICO LOS TUCSONENSES 40TH ANNIVERSARY Armory Park Center. 220 S. Fifth Ave. 791-4865. Los Tucsonenses begin a year-long anniversary celebration with “Nuestra Herencia Cultural,” a dinner and performance starting at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 20; $20. Call 245-3114 or 624-8580 for more information. NAUHI OLLIN AZTEC DANCERS Old Town Artisans. 201 N. Court Ave. 623-6024. The Nauhi Ollin Aztec Dancers perform in honor of Tonantzin (the Virgin of Guadalupe) at 1 and 3 p.m, Saturday, Feb. 16; and noon and 2 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17. Free. UAPRESENTS Thursday through Saturday, Feb. 14 through 16, at 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, Feb. 17 at 1:30 p.m.: UA Dance, Premium Blend, in the Stevie Eller Dance Theatre, 1737 E. University Blvd.; $15 to $29. Call 621-3341, or visit uapresents.org for tickets.

UPCOMING BALLET FOLKLORICO LA PALOMA Community Performing Arts Center. 1250 W. Continental Road. Green Valley. 399-1750. The folklorico troupe that has represented Tucson at two Olympic Games performs at 7 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 23; $25. Visit performingartscenter.org for tickets.


ove Song, John Kolvenbach’s self-consciously quirky play centering on an almost too quirky character, gives us something to think about, a little to laugh about and a very slight emotional brush with the characters occupying his story. The play gets a good workout in the hands of the young actors in the University of Arizona’s theater program in this production by the school’s Arizona Repertory Theatre. The young actors commit to giving these characters a sympathetic treatment, and under Laura Lippman’s direction, they coalesce to tell a peculiar story quite well. Kolvenbach’s play centers on a very strange young man named Beane (Owen Virgin), to whom we are introduced in the play’s opening moments in his bare, dingy, electricity-challenged apartment. Still and vacant, he sits at a chunky table in a dirty raincoat. The lone light bulb hanging from what appears to be a dangerously deteriorating ceiling glows dimly, then brightly, then more brightly, then dimly again. Each time it fluctuates, accompanied by strange, menacing sounds, it commands Beane’s attention, but surprisingly, not his alarm. As he sits at the table, staring at the light bulb, the chunk of ceiling holding the light bulb descends slowly, threatening to crush Beane as he stares at it blankly. The scene goes to black. It’s a striking opening scene, to be sure. The strange setting and ominous sounds and the odd young man who sits at the table intrigue us. And the scene proves to be a source of important information as the play unfolds, as, of course, it should. Sharing the stage with Beane’s apartment is another apartment interior, spare, sleek, modern. It’s the home of Beane’s sister Joan (Lauren Miller) and her husband, Harry (Cody Davis), who are attempting to relax after work. Professional woman Joan is agitated and needs alcohol, and Harry is trying to placate her, good-naturedly giving her some grief about her “firing” of yet another intern, which seems, in part at least, the source of her agitation. These folks seem more familiar to us than the odd Beane, but interestingly, not much more attractive. So a tale of two worlds is set up, and how they intersect is at the heart of the play, which probes fantasy, loneliness, sanity, familial bonds, the boundaries of reality and the nature of love, including love of self. As we witness Beane’s first interaction with his sister and brother-in-law, we begin to realize just how disturbingly strange Beane is, even though Kolvenbach fills the scene with humor and, oddly, a sitcom sensibility. And we first

ARGENTINE TANGO CLASS Café Desta. 758 S. Stone Ave. 370-7000. All levels of Argentine tango are welcome for a fun and informal class from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., the first and third Sunday of every month; freewill donation. Live tango music and dancing follows. Wear shoes that slide easily.

A soft-spoken, nearly despondent Beane (Owen Virgin) lives alone in an apartment with one light bulb.

Love Song Presented by Arizona Repertory Theatre 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 14; 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15; 1:30 and 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 17; 7:30 p.m, Friday, Feb.22; 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb.23; 1:30 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 24 The Marroney Theatre 1025 N. Olive Road (University of Arizona campus)

ANNOUNCEMENTS CONTRA DANCING First United Methodist Church. 915 E. Fourth St. 6226481. Live music, callers and an alcohol- and smokefree environment are provided for contra dancing at 7 p.m., the first, third and fourth Saturday each month; $8, $7 member of Tucson Friends of Traditional Music, $6 student. An introductory lesson takes place at 6:30 p.m.; dancing begins at 7 p.m. Call 325-1902, or visit tftm.org for more information. FREE TANGO LESSONS AND DANCE Casa Vicente Restaurante Español. 375 S. Stone Ave. 884-5253. A free class for beginners (no partner necessary) takes place from 7 to 8 p.m., each Wednesday; and tango dancing continues from 8 to 10 p.m.; free. Call 245-6158 for information.

$19-$28 Runs 90 minutes, with no intermission 621-1162; www.tickets.arizona.edu

annoying Beane. Creating a quirky character doesn’t really give one the unrestrained license it would seem, and Virgin discovers for Beane the necessary boundaries that allow us to care about him. Natalie M. Lape’s set design works well, each apartment helping define the environments in which their inhabitants dwell. The sound is a critical element of the play’s effectiveness, and Matt Marcus’ design is terrific. Love Song is far from a totally well-puttogether play, and the questions it poses are not ones we have never heard before. But Kolvenbach does take a unique approach to them, and even though he might not provide all we need to appreciate that approach fully, he does give us an interesting theatrical experience. And that can never be bad.

FREE ZUMBA CLASS Bookmans. 3733 W. Ina Road. 579-0303. Instructor Leslie Lundquist leads a workout for all skill levels, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., every Thursday; free. SCOTTISH COUNTRY-DANCE LESSONS Vineyard Church Hall. 625 N. Second Ave. 791-9971. Reels, jigs and strathspeys are taught in a fun and social dance class from 7 to 9 p.m., every Thursday; $5 class, $15 per month. Beginners are welcome. Call 319-8468 or 203-7987 for more information. SOCIAL MODERN SQUARE DANCING Old Pueblo Square Dance Center. 613 E. Delano St. 620-1566. All genres of music and steps ranging beyond traditional square-dance form are incorporated into social dance at 7:30 p.m., every Friday and Saturday; and 6 p.m., every Sunday; $5. No partner or dance experience are required. Call 429-0409 for info. (MUSIC LISTINGS START ON PAGE 49)

THEATER OPENING THIS WEEK BEOWULF ALLEY THEATRE COMPANY Beowulf Alley Theatre Company. 11 S. Sixth Ave. 8820555. Craig Wright’s The Pavilion previews on Thursday,





Feb. 14, and continues through Sunday, March 3. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., preview, Friday and Saturday; and 2:30 p.m., Sunday; $8 to $20. Call or visit beowulfalley.org for tickets and more information. LIVE THEATRE WORKSHOP Live Theatre Workshop. 5317 E. Speedway Blvd. 3274242. Regrets Only, a comedy of Manhattan manners, opens with a preview Thursday, Feb. 14, and continues through Sunday, March 24. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday; and 3 p.m., Sunday; $18, $16 senior, military or student. Call or visit livetheatreworkshop.org for tickets and more info. THEATRE 3 Live Theatre Workshop. 5317 E. Speedway Blvd. 3274242. Improviso! Contemporary Commedia Dell’Arte, an update of an old theatre form involving bawdy, vulgar and gross content, is staged at 10:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Feb. 22 and 23; and 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17 and 24; $10. Call 327-4242 for tickets.

CONTINUING THE COMEDY PLAYHOUSE Comedy Playhouse. 3620 N. First Ave. 260-6442. My Friend From India by Henry Du Souchet continues through Sunday, March 3. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 3 p.m. Sunday; $18. Call for reservations. Visit thecomedyplayhouse.com for info. THE GASLIGHT THEATRE The Gaslight Theatre. 7010 E. Broadway Blvd. 8869428. The Lone Stranger, or “Hilarity Rides Again” continues through Sunday, March 31. Showtimes are 7 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday; 3 and 7 p.m., Wednesday; 6 and 8:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday; and 3 and 6 p.m., Sunday; $17.95, $7.95 child age 12 and younger, $15.95 student, military and senior. Dates and times vary; additional matinees are available. Visit thegaslighttheatre.com for showtimes and reservations.

UPCOMING ARIZONA REPERTORY THEATRE UA Tornabene Theatre. 1303 E. University Blvd. 6211162. Cymbeline opens Sunday, Feb. 24, and runs through Sunday, March 24. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., weeknights and Saturday; and 1:30 p.m., Sunday; dates may vary with each run; $20 to $31. Call or visit arizona.tix.com for tickets; see BROADWAY IN TUCSON Tucson Music Hall. 210 S. Church Ave. 791-4101. Memphis opens Tuesday, Feb. 26, and continues through Sunday, March 3; $20 to $57. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., Wednesday preview; 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday; 8 p.m., Friday; 2 and 8 p.m., Saturday; and 1 and 6:30 p.m., Sunday. Visit broadwayintucson.com for tickets and more information. LOCAL COMEDY SHOWCASE Laffs Comedy Caffé. 2900 E. Broadway Blvd. 3238669. Comedians who sign up regularly for Thursday open-mic night team up for Showcases at 8 p.m., Thursday; free. Feb. 21: Marcus Gallegos, Josh Kalos, Simon and Andrew Horneman. Feb. 28: Bridgitte Thum, Mark Volner, Jarrod Martin, Joey G and Mike Sterner. PIMA COMMUNITY COLLEGE THEATRE ARTS PCC Center for the Arts. 2202 W. Anklam Road. 2066986. All Shook Up opens Thursday, Feb. 21, and continues through Sunday, March 3, in the Proscenium Theatre. Opening night features a 50s Rock ‘n Roll Celebration with refreshments and prizes for best attire. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday, and 2 p.m., Sunday; $18. Call or visit pima.edu/cfa for tickets. TRAIL DUST DAYS Trail Dust Town. 6541 E. Tanque Verde Road. 2964551. Free music and entertainment are featured at an event celebrating the Tucson Rodeo, from 1 to 6 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 24.

ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL FOR ACTORS Pinnacle Peak. 6541 E. Tanque Verde Road. 296-0911. The Pinnacle Peak Pistoleros Wild West stunt Show seeks male performers to join their stunt team part-time. Applicants should be at least 18 years old and athletic, with flexible evening availability. No stunt performance background is needed. Candidates should see a show before auditioning. Visit wildweststuntshow.com, or call 398-5618 for more information.


PERFORMING ARTS Raucous ‘Hedwig and the Angry Inch’ opens at Bastard on a night for lovers

Musical Theater, Punk Rock Style BY LAURA C.J. OWEN, lowen@tucsonweekly.com ormer Tucson Weekly editor Jimmy Boegle once wrote that “the best concert I’ve seen in Tucson … was in (a) tiny black-box room … as Christopher Johnson held court at Etcetera’s production of Hedwig and the Angry Inch.” Indeed, Hedwig, created by John Cameron Mitchell and Stephen Trask, is as much a rock concert as it is a musical. Mitchell first performed the role of Hedwig—an East German transsexual and “internationally ignored song-stylist”—at New York City’s famous drag bar Squeezebox, where Trask ran the house band. Mitchell and Trask used rock songs and live drag performances as inspiration, and their show had a wildly successful off-Broadway run in 1998. In 2001, Mitchell directed himself in a movie version of Hedwig, which has gone on to develop a rabid cult following. “Part of the show is not just acting the roles but (creating) a kind of punk rock environment,” says Christopher Johnson, who plays Hedwig in a new production opening Valentine’s night downtown, courtesy of the brand-new Bastard (Theatre). “That’s … how the show has to sound and feel and taste.” The premise is that Hedwig began life as an East German “slip of a girlyboy” named Hansel, then underwent a sex change operation. The plan was for him to marry an American serviceman and immigrate to the U.S. but the surgery was botched. Thus the “angry inch” of the title—it’s what remains between Hedwig’s legs. It’s also the name of the backing band, which plays as Hedwig both narrates and sings her story to the audience. This is the second time Johnson has taken on the part. When he was artistic director of Etcetera, the late-night arm of Live Theatre Workshop, he was prodded to play Hedwig by Dani Dryer, an Etcetera actor. “He had mentioned it to me once in passing, and I wouldn’t leave him alone about it,” says Dryer, who ended up playing Yitzhak, Hedwig’s long-suffering companion. “It just took awhile for both of us to feel like it was even something that was at all possible. Something that we could pull off.” Dryer and Johnson were overwhelmed at the response to the 2009 show. The audience sang along and threw panties onstage, and some folks even clamored to sit in the “car wash” seat. (Let’s just say that’s where you get some special attention from Hedwig.) Now, four years later, they’re staging it again. Johnson left Etcetera last year to act with the Rogue Theatre and he’s also co-artistic director of Winding Road Theater Ensemble. Dryer




Dani Dryer as Yitzhak and Christopher Johnson as Hedwig. also now performs with Rogue. But both actors are still committed to working together in cutting-edge theater. So the Bastard (Theatre) was born. And the Bastard’s inaugural show? Hedwig and the Angry Inch. “I always knew that when we started a theater company, we would start it with Hedwig,” says Johnson, who is directing, as well as starring this time around. “It’s a great flagship of our aesthetic and the energy of the work we like to do.” The philosophy of the Bastard is to produce “new and contemporary plays by, for, with and about Americans in their 20s and 30s.” Its creed is “Violent. Lusty. Straight from the gut.” Johnson is finding it a little different to be producing the show for his own company. “It’s the first play I’ve independently produced,” he says. “We’re getting to give ourselves our dream production of Hedwig … but financially, it’s different. … When we did it at Etcetera, all we had to worry about was whether it was going to suck.” “And what to wear,” adds Dryer. “Which is still a big concern,” Johnson acknowledges. “But this time, it’s like ‘Can I feed my dog and not get audited?’” But Hedwig has a built-in cult audience, Johnson says. “People are so excited that the show is happening, so it’s really felt very community-driven.” To fund the production, Johnson created a website, hedwigtucson.com, to help raise a much-needed $5,000. While they haven’t hit the magic number yet, Johnson was moved by how quickly and eagerly support poured in. Additionally, the Bastard has some creative fundraising and marketing strategies. That carwash seat, for example? You can reserve it for $50. For this production, instead of the small black-box theater at LTW, Hedwig will be performed in a much-larger venue, the Screening

Hedwig and the Angry Inch Presented by the Bastard (Theatre) Opens at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14. Continues at 7:30 and 10:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday, through Saturday, Feb. 23; also at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 21 The Screening Room 127 E. Congress St. $15 425-4163; www.HedwigTucson.com

Room. This downtown theater has a built-in movie screen for backdrop projections of images and animations (all designed by Johnson). There’s also room for the live band. Musical director David Lane, who performs as Madame Zero, pulled together a band from his contacts in the local music scene. “Part of what I love about the band is they’re not actors,” says Johnson. “They’re a real band trying to figure out the best way to play with each other, the best way to make the music sound right.” The musicians have also helped ratchet up Hedwig’s rock-show elements. “I’ve done a ton of musical theater,” Johnson notes, “but this is whole ’nother animal.” Ultimately, this raucous rock show touches people because it’s all about love, Johnson argues, both love for another and the more difficult love for oneself. “Hedwig is so foreign on a surface level in terms of her life and her circumstances and her body,” Johnson says, but “all she’s talking about is unrequited love and being lonely and every single thing any single person anywhere could relate to.” One of the show’s themes is that “love is genderless,” Johnson says, so it has “lent itself beautifully” to queer and transgender causes. But “it is not just about gay, straight, genderqueer.” It’s a “love song about love songs.”

ART City Week Guidelines. Send information for City Week to Listings Editor, Tucson Weekly, P.O. Box 27087, Tucson, AZ 85726, e-mail our account at listings@tucsonweekly.com or submit a listing online at tucsonweekly.com. The deadline is Monday at noon, 11 days before the Thursday publication date. Please include a short description of your event; the date, time and address where it is taking place; information about fees; and a phone number where we can reach you for more information. Because of space limitations, we can’t use all items. Event information is accurate as of press time. The Weekly recommends calling event organizers to check for last-minute changes in location, time, price, etc.

OPENING THIS WEEK ADVANCED ART WORKSHOPS BICAS. 44 W. Sixth St. 628-7950. Ongoing bicyclethemed workshops, featuring a different, advanced-level project each session, take place from noon to 3 p.m. on the third Saturday each month. Check bicas.org for class fee. BENTLEY’S HOUSE OF COFFEE AND TEA Bentley’s House of Coffee and Tea. 1730 E. Speedway Blvd. 795-0338. An exhibit of paintings by Wayne D. Crandell opens Saturday, Feb. 16, and continues through Friday, March 15. Hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and 8 a.m. through 6 p.m., Sunday; free. Visit waynecrandell.com for more info. DAVIS DOMINGUEZ GALLERY Davis Dominguez Gallery. 154 E. Sixth St. 629-9759. An exhibit of magic-realist paintings by Susan Conaway and abstract sculpture by John Davis opens Thursday, Feb. 14, and continues through Saturday, March 23. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday; and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday; free. Call or visit davisdominguez.com for more information. MATA ORTIZ PAINTING DEMONSTRATION The Arizona Experience Store. 416 W. Congress St. 770-3500. Mata Ortiz pottery painter Oralia Lopez demonstrates her distinctive technique from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; free. MATA ORTIZ WORKSHOP Bookmans. 6230 E. Speedway Blvd. 748-9555. Mata Ortiz potter John Bezy demonstrates and discusses the art and history of the Mata Ortiz pottery tradition from noon to 2 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; free. PORTER HALL GALLERY Porter Hall Gallery. Tucson Botanical Gardens, 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 326-9686, ext. 10. An exhibit of work by Quetzally Hernandez Coronado opens Friday, Feb. 15, and continues through Wednesday, March 20. An artist’s reception takes place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 21. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., daily; $13, $7:50 age 4 through 12, free younger child, $12 student, senior and military personnel, includes admission to the park. Visit tucsonbotanical.org for more information.

CONTINUING AKESO THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Akeso Thearapeutic Massage. 4715 N. First Ave. 3495183. Tranquility, an exhibit of art by Christy Olsen, continues through Friday, March 8. Hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday and Wednesday; and 2 to 7 p.m., Friday. Call 777-1405 for information. ATLAS FINE ART SERVICES Atlas Fine Art Services. 41 S. Sixth Ave. 622-2139. Albert Chamillard: Recent Work continues through Saturday, March 30. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday; 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday; and by appointment Monday and Tuesday; free. Visit atlasfineartservices.com for more information. CAMPUS CHRISTIAN CENTER ART GALLERY Campus Christian Center Art Gallery. 715 N. Park Ave. 623-7575. Power of Color and Contour, an exhibit of acrylic paintings on canvas by Tucson artist Carol Lucas, continues through Friday, March 8. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday; free. CONTRERAS GALLERY Contreras Gallery. 110 E. Sixth St. 398-6557. Rocks, Trees and Water, an exhibit of watercolor paintings by Frank and Owen Rose, continues through Saturday, Feb. 23. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; free.

DESERT ARTISANS’ GALLERY Desert Artisans’ Gallery. 6536 E. Tanque Verde Road. 722-4412. Desert Dreams, an exhibit of work by several local artists, continues through Sunday, May 12. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Sunday; free. THE DRAWING STUDIO The Drawing Studio. 33 S. Sixth Ave. 620-0947. Brush Spirit, an exhibit of work prepared by Yoshi Nakano using traditional Japanese media, continues through Sunday, Feb. 24; free. Hours are noon to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday.Visit thedrawingstudio.org for more information. ETHERTON GALLERY Etherton Gallery. 135 S. Sixth Ave. 624-7370. Surface Tensions, an exhibit of works by Joel-Peter Witkin, Alice Leora Briggs and Holly Roberts, continues through Saturday, April 6. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; and by appointment; free. Visit ethertongallery.com for more information. GEORGE STRASBURGER STUDIO AND GALLERY George Strasburger Studio and Gallery. 174 E. Toole Ave. 882-2160. Photos by Alfonso Elia and new paintings by George Strasburger are on display through Saturday, April 27. Call or email mail@ georgestrasburger.com for more information. GERONIMO ART GALLERY Geronimo Art Gallery. 800 E. University Blvd. 3058997. The Marshall Foundation and Cuadro Arte Latino International host an exhibit of work by Tucson artist and muralist David Tineo that continues through Thursday, March 7. Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday; free. HOTEL CONGRESS Hotel Congress. 311 E. Congress St. 622-8848. An exhibit of new figure paintings by Shana Zimmerman and Joe Pagac continues in the lobby, 24 hours daily, through Thursday, Feb. 28; free. JOEL D. VALDEZ MAIN LIBRARY Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. In Dreams, an exhibit of mixed media works on paper by Ellen Campbell, continues through Thursday, Feb. 28. An artist’s reception is held from 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17. Hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Wednesday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday; and 1 to 5 p.m., Sunday; free. Call 791-4010, or email askalibrarian@pima.gov for more information. JOSEPH GROSS GALLERY Joseph Gross Gallery. 1031 N. Olive Road, No. 108. 626-4215. Language of the Land: Popular Culture Within Indigenous Nations and the New Wave of Artistic Perspectives, featuring the work of Chris Pappan and Ryan Singer, continues through Friday, March 29. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; free. Visit cfa.arizona.edu/galleries for more information. KIRK-BEAR CANYON BRANCH LIBRARY Kirk-Bear Canyon Branch Library. 8959 E. Tanque Verde Road. 594-5275. Western Vistas, an exhibit of paintings and sculpture by Marcia Broderick, continues through Thursday, Feb. 28. Hours are 10 a.m., Monday through Thursday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday; and 1 to 5 p.m., Sunday; free. LOUIS CARLOS BERNAL GALLERY Louis Carlos Bernal Gallery. PCC West Campus, 2202 W. Anklam Road. 206-6942. Rearranging the Sands, an exhibit that features the work of Joe Dal Pra, Ben McKee and Barbara Penn, and includes the video The Shadows of Men by Jason Stone, continues through Friday, March 8. The gallery is closed Thursday and Friday, Feb. 21 and 22. MARK SUBLETTE MEDICINE MAN GALLERY Mark Sublette Medicine Man Gallery. 6872 E. Sunrise Drive. 722-7798. Young Guns, an exhibit of works by three Western artists younger than 40, continues through Thursday, March 7. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday; free. Visit medicinemangallery.com for more information. MESCH, CLARK AND ROTHSCHILD Mesch, Clark and Rothschild. 259 N. Meyer Ave. 6248886. The Artistry of Assemblage, a juried show of 30 pieces by 20 artists, continues through Friday, May 10; free. Hours are by appointment, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call or email ccanton@ mcrazlaw.com for more information. MONTEREY COURT STUDIO GALLERIES AND CAFÉ Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café. 505 W. Miracle Mile. 207-2429. An exhibit of landscape photography by Victor Beer continues through Thursday, Feb. 28. Hours are 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Tuesday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday; and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sunday; free.

OBSIDIAN GALLERY Obsidian Gallery. 410 N. Toole Ave., No. 120. 5773598. An exhibit of ceramic sculpture by Thaddeus Erdahl and Hirotsune Tashima continues through Sunday, March 10. Hours are 11 a.m to 6 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; free. Call or visit obsidiangallery.com for more information. OLD TOWN ARTISANS Old Town Artisans. 201 N. Court Ave. 623-6024. Desert Abstractions, an exhibit of work by Tucsonan Jeff Ferst, continues through Thursday, Feb. 28. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday; free. PHILABAUM GLASS GALLERY AND STUDIO Philabaum Glass Gallery and Studio. 711 S. Sixth Ave. 884-7404. Cast and Cut, featuring the work of Mark Abildgaard and Michael Joplin, continues through Saturday, April 13. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; free. Call or visit philabaumglass.com for more information. RAICES TALLER 222 ART GALLERY AND WORKSHOP Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery and Workshop. 218 E. Sixth St. 881-5335. ¡No Pasó! (It didn’t happen), an exhibition celebrating the failure of the world to end in 2012, continues through Saturday, Feb. 23. Hours are 1 to 5 p.m., Friday and Saturday. SHERATON HOTEL AND SUITES Sheraton Hotel and Suites. 5151 E. Grant Road. 3236262. Fall/Winter Fine Art Exhibit, featuring works by members of the Southern Arizona Arts Guild, continues through Sunday, April 7. The exhibit is open 24 hours, daily, on the first and second floors; free. SOUTHERN ARIZONA WATERCOLOR GUILD Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild Gallery. 5605 E. River Road, Suite 131. Experimental and Innovative Works in Water Media continues through Sunday, March 3. Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday; free. TEMPLE GALLERY Temple Gallery. Temple of Music and Art. 330 S. Scott Ave. 624-7370. David F. Brown: Life Boat continues through Tuesday, Feb. 26. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; free. Call 622-2823, or e-mail info@ethertongallery.com for more information. TOHONO CHUL EXHIBIT HALL Tohono Chul Exhibit Hall. Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 742-6455. The Art of the Cosmos, an exhibit of astrophotography and other artworks inspired by the stars, runs through Sunday, March 24. Paper: From All Sides, an exhibit of the many characteristics of paper as interpreted by Tucson artists, runs through Sunday, April 21. An exhibit of student artwork from the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind continues through Saturday, July 20. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily; $8, $6 senior, $5 active military, $4 student with valid ID, $2 ages 5 through 12, free member or child younger than 5, includes admission to the park. Visit tohonochulpark.org for more information. TUCSON JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Tucson Jewish Community Center. 3800 E. River Road. 299-3000, ext. 106. Visions of the West, an exhibition of photographer Edlynne Sillman’s work, continues through Wednesday, March 13. A reception takes place from 5 to 7 p.m, Thursday, Feb. 14. Viewing hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday and Sunday. TUCSON PIMA ARTS COUNCIL Tucson Pima Arts Council. 100 N. Stone Ave., No. 303. 624-0595. Inner Chambers, an exhibition of works by Lisa Agababian, Jonathan Bell, Elizabeth von Isser and Kyle Johnston, continues through Friday, March 15, in the lobby and No. 109. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; free. Visit tucsonpimaartscouncil.org for more information. TUCSON SCULPTURE FESTIVAL Whistle Stop Depot. 127 W. Fifth St. 271-7605. An exhibit featuring an eclectic variety of sculpture by Tucson artists continues through Thursday, Feb. 28, at Whistle Stop Depot, 127 W. Fifth St.; and the Sculpture Resource Center, 640 N. Stone Ave.; free. Hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., daily. Visit tucsonsculpturefestival2013. blogspot.com for more information. UA POETRY CENTER UA Poetry Center. 1508 E. Helen St. 626-3765. From What I Gather: Works by Karen McAlister Shimoda, continues through Wednesday, May 15. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday and Thursday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday; and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday; free. Call or visit poetrycenter.arizona.edu for more information. WEE GALLERY Wee Gallery. 439 N. Sixth Ave., No. 171. 360-6024. Chasing Julian, a solo show by Keith Marroquin, inspired by Southwestern archaeology, continues through

Saturday, Feb. 23. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.,. Thursday through Saturday; free. WOMANKRAFT WomanKraft. 388 S. Stone Ave. 629-9976. Scenes From the Trails We Travel continues through Saturday, March 2. Gallery hours are 1 to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday; free.

LAST CHANCE BENTLEY’S HOUSE OF COFFEE AND TEA Bentley’s House of Coffee and Tea. 1730 E. Speedway Blvd. 795-0338. An exhibit of new paintings by Wil Taylor closes Friday, Feb. 15. Hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday; free. Call 275-9484, or visit wiltaylor.com. MARK SUBLETTE MEDICINE MAN GALLERY Mark Sublette Medicine Man Gallery. 6872 E. Sunrise Drive. 722-7798. Fred Harvey and the American Southwest, an exhibit of paintings by Dennis Ziemienski, closes Friday, Feb. 15. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday. Visit medicinemangallery.com for more information.

OUT OF TOWN BIOSPHERE 2 CENTER Biosphere 2 Center. 32540 S. Biosphere 2 Road. Oracle. 838-6200. The Art of All Possibilities, an interdisciplinary exhibition that relates art to the scientific research, architecture and culture of Biosphere 2, continues through Thursday, Feb. 28. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., daily; $10 to $20. RANCHO LINDA VISTA Rancho Linda Vista. 2436 W. Linda Vista Road. Oracle. An exhibit of landscapes in oil or pastel by Betina Fink continues through Thursday, Feb. 28. Hours are 1 to 4 p.m., Sundays, or by appointment. TUBAC PRESIDIO STATE HISTORIC PARK Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. 1 Burruel St. Tubac. 398-2252. Southwestern Vistas, an exhibit of landscape paintings by Tubac artist Walter Blakelock Wilson, continues through Tuesday, April 30. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily; $5, $2 ages 7 through 13, free younger child. WESTERN NATIONAL PARKS ASSOCIATION Western National Parks Association. 12880 N. Vistoso Village Drive. Oro Valley. 622-6014. Exhibits, demonstrations and sales of traditional Native American arts take place from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., on selected Fridays and Saturdays. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 15 and 16: Oaxacan wood-carving and painting. Saturday, March 23: antique California and contemporary baskets. Free. WESTERN NATIONAL PARKS ASSOCIATION KIVA GALLERY Western National Parks Association Kiva Gallery. 12880 N. Vistoso Village Drive. Oro Valley. 622-6014. The exhibit Friends of Western Art: Celebrating Forty Years of “The Artist of the Year Awards” continues through Thursday, Feb. 28. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday, except when lectures are taking place, generally at noon and 2 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays; free.

UPCOMING CONTENTS INTERIORS’ INVITATIONAL ART SHOW Contents Interiors. 3401 E. Fort Lowell Road. 8816900. An exhibit of two and three-dimensional fine art and crafts opens with an artists’ reception from 2 to 4 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 23, and continues through Thursday, March 28. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday through Friday; 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Saturday; and noon to 5 p.m., Sunday; free.

ANNOUNCEMENTS BICAS COMMUNITY ART STUDIO BICAS. 44 W. Sixth St. 628-7950. Community members are invited to use the work space, donated art supplies, tools, sewing machines and recycled bike parts for personal projects, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday; free. CALL FOR ARTISTS Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 3269686, ext. 10. Submissions are sought for Flights of Fancy, an outdoor exhibit of bird houses created as real or imagined homes, to be displayed from Wednesday, May 1, through Sunday, June 30. Call 326-9686, ext. 35, or email communications@tucsonbotanical.org with Flights of Fancy in the subject line for submission requirements and more information.






CALL TO ARTISTS Tucson Museum of Art. 140 N. Main Ave. 624-2333. Submissions are sought for the Arizona Biennial 2013. Visit tucsonmuseumofart.org for the prospectus; $30 for three works. Entry forms, fees, CDs and videos are due by 4 p.m., Friday, March 22. Guest curator Rene Paul Barilleaux will jury submissions. The exhibit opens with a reception from 6 to 8 p.m., Friday, July 19, and continues through Friday, Sept. 27. Call 624-2333, ext. 125, or email jsasse@tucsonmuseumofart.org. THE FIBER SHOP Bisbee Community Y. 26 Howell St. Bisbee. (520) 432-3542. Works by members of the Bisbee Fiber Arts Guild are displayed for sale every Friday and Saturday through Friday, March 1. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; free admission. SOUTHWESTERN LEAGUE OF FINE ARTISTS Ward 6 City Council Office. 3202 E. First St. 791-4601. Speakers, demonstrations and conversations among artists are featured at meetings from 1 to 3 p.m., the third Monday of every month. Members’ works are exhibited at the Old Pueblo Grille and at other sites throughout the year. Any artist is welcome to join the group. UNDERGROUND ART GALLERY AND ART ANNEX BICAS. 44 W. Sixth St. 628-7950. A nonprofit gallery showcases hand-crafted art, jewelry and functional objects that reference bicycles or cycling culture or are created from re-purposed bicycle parts, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday in the Underground Art Gallery, and from noon to 5 p.m. in the Art Annex in Unit 1 D; free. Visit bicas.org for more information.

Peter Young’s large-scale abstract paintings from the 1960s to the present continues through Sunday, March 31. Hours are noon to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday; $8, free members, children younger than 17, veterans, active military and public-safety officers, and everyone the first Sunday of each month. Call or visit moca-tucson.org for more information.


6 p.m. on selected Thursdays; free. Reservations are not required. Feb. 21: Samuel Beckett’s Molloy. Visit poetry. arizona.edu for more information.



TUCSON MUSEUM OF ART Tucson Museum of Art. 140 N. Main Ave. 624-2333. Elements in Western Art: Water, Fire, Air and Earth continues through Friday, June 14. Desert Grasslands, works by 18 artists exhibited as part of the Desert Initiative Project: Desert 1, continues through Sunday, July 7. Art + the Machine continues through Sunday, July 14. Femina: Images of the Feminine From Latin America continues through Saturday, Sept. 14. The traditional holiday exhibit, El Nacimiento, runs through Saturday, June 1. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday; noon to 5 p.m., Sunday; closed Monday and Tuesday; $10, $8 senior, $5 college student with ID, free age 18 or younger, active military or veteran with ID, and TMA members; free the first Sunday of every month. Visit tucsonmuseumofart.org for more info.

ANTIGONE BOOKS READINGS Antigone Books. 411 N. Fourth Ave. 792-3715. Authors Miriam Ruth Black and Camille Gannon read from their books Turtle Season and Woman Overboard at 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15. A Q&A and refreshments follow; free.

ABBETT BOOK CHOICES Wheeler Taft Abbett Sr. Branch Library. 7800 N. Schisler Drive. 594-5200. Members meet to discuss popular titles recommended by other group members, at 2 p.m., the third Wednesday of every month; free.

CASA LIBRE EN LA SOLANA Casa Libre en la Solana. 228 N. Fourth Ave. 325-9145. Raja Lewis, Joel Smith and Grace Polleys read from their work at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 20, in the Edge Reading Series; $5 suggested donation. Alison Moore reads excerpts from her 2012 novel, Riders on the Orphan Train, at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 21; $5 suggested donation. Kindall Gray, John Myers and Joan Schuman are featured in Trickhouse Live, a cross-genre arts event, at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 26; $5 suggested donation.Visit casalibre.org for more information.

CALL TO SHORT-FICTION WRITERS Entries are due Monday, March 11, for the Kore Press 2013 short-fiction contest. Prizes are $1,000 and publication in a chapbook; $15 entry fee. Visit korepress.org for more information, and use the Kore Press submission manager to enter.

UA MUSEUM OF ART UA Museum of Art. 1031 N. Olive Road. 621-7567. Broken Desert - Land and Sea: Greg Lindquist and Chris McGinnis, part of the UA’s Desert Initiative: Desert 1, exploring human impact on nature, continues through Sunday, March 3. The Samuel H. Kress Collection and the altarpiece from Ciudad Rodrigo are on display until further notice. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday; and noon to 4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday; $5, free members, students, children, faculty and staff with ID. Visit artmuseum.arizona.edu for info.

CHOOSE BOOKS FOR SHUT-INS Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. Volunteers are sought to help select books to be delivered on bicycles to homebound community members. Orientation is from 8:15 to 9 a.m., Friday, Feb. 15; free. Call 791-4010, or email karen.greene@pima.gov.


MUSEUMS EVENTS THIS WEEK ARIZONA STATE MUSEUM Arizona State Museum. 1013 E. University Blvd. 6216302. Basketry: An Essential Part of Life, an exhibit of paintings illustrating basketry in ritual and everyday life, continues through Thursday, Feb. 28. Basketry Treasured, an exhibit of 500 pieces from the museum’s collection of Southwest American Indian basketry, which is the world’s largest, continues through Saturday, June 1. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday; $5, free youth younger than 18, active-duty military and their families, people with business in the building and everyone for public events. Visit statemuseum.arizona.edu for more information. CENTER FOR CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Center for Creative Photography. 1030 N. Olive Road. 621-7968. The Jazz Loft Project: Photographs and Tapes of W. Eugene Smith, 1957 to 1965, a national touring exhibit of vintage black and white prints and rare recordings, continues through Sunday, March 10. Visit centerforcreativephotography.org for more information. DEADLY MEDICINE Arizona Health Sciences Center. 1501 N. Campbell Ave. 626-7301. Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race, an exhibit featuring high-quality scans of artifacts and documents assembled by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, continues through Sunday, March 31, in the library. Hours are 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sunday through Thursday; and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday. DEGRAZIA GALLERY IN THE SUN DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun. 6300 N. Swan Road. 2999191. The Way of the Cross continues through Monday, April 15. DeGrazia Watercolors runs through Wednesday, July 31. Ted DeGrazia Depicts the Life of Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino: 20 Oil Paintings is on permanent display. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., daily; free. Call or visit degrazia.org for more information. MINI-TIME MACHINE MUSEUM OF MINIATURES Mini-Time Machine Museum of Miniatures. 4455 E. Camp Lowell Drive. 881-0606. Small Scale Skirmishes: Battles from Imagination and Reality continues through Sunday, April 7. Historian Jeff Albiniak demonstrates the art of painting miniature soldiers, and shares his diorama of a Zulu battle with antiques from the skirmish, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16. Wargaming enthusiast Greg Hundt sets up a war game with more than 500 miniature soldiers and explains how historic war games are played at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 23. Presentations are free with admission. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. $9 general; $8 seniors and military; $6 for ages 4 to 17; free for ages 3 and younger. Visit theminitimemachine.org. MOCA MOCA. 265 S. Church Ave. 624-5019. An exhibit of


SOUTHWEST INDIAN ART FAIR Arizona State Museum. 1013 E. University Blvd. 6216302. Meet more than 200 Southwest Native artists and learn about the cultural significance of their work, including pottery, katsina dolls, jewelry, baskets and rugs, at this 18th annual art show and market, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 23; and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 24; $8 adult; $3 youth ages 12 to 16; free child; free UA or Pima Community College student with school ID. Artist demonstrations, native food, a film series, and music and dance performances are scheduled throughout. Call or visit statemuseum.arizona. edu for more info.

ANNOUNCEMENTS THE AMERIND FOUNDATION AND MUSEUM The Amerind Foundation and Museum. 2100 N. Amerind Road, Exit 318 off Interstate 10. Dragoon. (520) 586-3666. A museum of Native American archaeology, art, history and culture. Interwoven Tradition, an exhibit of textiles that changes continually, is exhibited through Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013. Potters of Mata Ortiz: Inspired by the Past ... Creating Traditions for the Future and A Pottery Competition continue indefinitely. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday; $8, $7 senior, $5 age 12 to 18 and college student, free younger child. Visit amerind.org for more information. ARIZONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY DOWNTOWN MUSEUM Arizona Historical Society Downtown Museum. 140 N. Stone Ave. 770-1473. Exhibits depict early Tucson businesses and homes. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday; $3, $2 senior or age 12 to 18; free younger child, 2-for-1 admission the first Tuesday of every month. Visit arizonahistoricalsociety.org for more information.

OMNIVOROUS READERS Sahuarita Branch Library. 725 W. Via Rancho Sahuarita. Sahuarita. 594-5490. Author Maurynne Maxwell leads a discussion on a mix of contemporary fiction and nonfiction at 10 a.m., on the third Saturday of every month; free. RIVER READERS BOOK CLUB Dusenberry River Branch Library. 5605 E. River Road. 594-5345. Adults read and discuss popular fiction titles recommended by group members at 6:30 p.m., on the third Tuesday of every month; free.

ELIZABETH FRANKIE ROLLINS BOOK RELEASE PARTY Casa Libre en la Solana. 228 N. Fourth Ave. 325-9145. A book-release party for Elizabeth Frankie Rollins’ The Sin Eater and Other Stories takes place at 7 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; $5 suggested donation. Rollins gives a reading, and music and refreshments follow.


MARK KELLY, D.L. DENNIS SIGNINGS Mostly Books. 6208 E. Speedway Blvd. 571-0110. Mark Kelly signs his children’s book, Mousetronaut, at 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15. D.L. Dennis signs his book The Book of Common Sense for a Successful Life: Financial, Social, Spiritual, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 18; free.

DARWIN DAY AND THE SEARCH FOR EARLY HUMANS IN ETHIOPIA DuVal Auditorium, UA Medical Center. 1501 N. Campbell Ave. 694-0111. In honor of Darwin Day, Jay Quade presents “The Search for Early Humans in Ethiopia” at 10 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 17; freewill donation.

POG POETRY, PRINTING AND ART PRESENTATIONS The Drawing Studio. 33 S. Sixth Ave. 620-0947. A panel discussion about fine (letterpress) printing, the book arts and form and content, features Charles Alexander, Amos Paul Kennedy, Alice Vinson, Kyle Schlesinger and Karen Zimmermann, from 7 to 9:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; $5, $3 student. Alexander and Schlesinger read from their poetry and Kennedy presents his visual work from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; $5, $3 student.

DESERT GRASSLANDS Tucson Museum of Art. 140 N. Main Ave. 624-2333. A series of talks are presented in conjunction with the TMA’s exhibition Desert Grasslands, which continues through Sunday, July 7. “Desert Grasslands: Issues and Art,” a panel discussion, takes place from 4 to 5 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17; $10, $8 senior, $5 college student with ID, free age 18 or younger, active military or veteran with ID, and TMA members, includes admission to the museum. Visit tucsonmuseumofart.org for more information.

SISTERS IN CRIME Viscount Suite Hotel. 4855 E. Broadway Blvd. 7456500. Rhys Bowen, author of the Royal Spyness mysteries and the Molly Murphy Mysteries, and winner of the Agatha Best Novel Award, speaks at a luncheon and meeting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; $25, $20 members. After lunch, Dr. Mazda Shirazi, medical director of the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center and the UA College of Pharmacy, presents “Cause of Death: Poison.” THE TECHNOLOGICAL SUBLIME 2.0 UA Poetry Center. 1508 E. Helen St. 626-3765. Utah State scholar Jen Peeples lectures on “The Toxic Sublime,” at 4 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 20. Email cokinos@email.arizona.edu for more information. THIRD WEDNESDAY FICTION GROUP Mostly Books. 6208 E. Speedway Blvd. 571-0110. A group meets to discuss a work of fiction at 7 p.m., the third Wednesday of every month; free. Feb. 20: Joanna Trollope’s Next of Kin.

ARIZONA HISTORY MUSEUM Arizona History Museum. 949 E. Second St. 628-5774. The museum focuses on Southern Arizona history from the Spanish colonial through the territorial eras. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday; $5, $4 senior or age 12 to 18, free younger child, member, visitor to the library or the store, 2-for-1 admission the first Tuesday every month. Visit arizonahistoricalsociety. org for more information.

UA POETRY CENTER UA Poetry Center. 1508 E. Helen St. 626-3765. Maps, an exhibit about how poets use the concept of maps to explore space, place and the passage of time, continues through Wednesday, April 17. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday and Thursday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday; and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday; free. Call or visit poetrycenter.arizona.edu for more information.

CHILDREN’S MUSEUM TUCSON Children’s Museum Tucson. 200 S. Sixth Ave. 7929985. Ongoing exhibits include Bodyology, a healthand-wellness exhibit, and Investigation Station, a playful, participatory exhibit about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Unique events for kids take place monthly, and daily programs enrich early-childhood education. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday; and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday; $8, $6 ages 2 through 18, free younger child, $2 the second Saturday of every month. Visit childrensmuseumtucson.org for more information.

¡WIP! (WORKS IN PROGRESS) Casa Libre en la Solana. 228 N. Fourth Ave. 325-9145. Emilia Reuterfors, Colin Hodgkins and Lucas Wildner read in the UA MFA Reading Series ¡WIP!, at 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; free.

UPCOMING A CLOSER LOOK BOOK CLUB UA Poetry Center. 1508 E. Helen St. 626-3765. All are welcome to discuss novels and other works of fiction at


DISCOVER ART Woods Memorial Branch Library. 3455 N. First Ave. 594-5445. UA Museum of Art docent Jacquelyn Feller presents “A New Deal for Artists: Creating Art During the Great Depression,” from 2 to 3 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15; free. FINE-ART PHOTOGRAPHY TALKS Center for Creative Photography. 1030 N. Olive Road. 621-7968. Talks are at 5:30 p.m., in the auditorium; free. Tuesday, Feb. 19: Nathan Lyons speaks with Jessica McDonald about his life and role in expanding the art and popularity of photography in “A Life in Photography.” Tuesday, Feb. 26.: Sam Stephenson presents “The making of The Jazz Loft Project: Archives as Resource and Wellspring,” about the life and work of W. Eugene Smith. Visit creativephotography.org for more information. GENOMICS NOW UA Centennial Hall. 1020 E. University Blvd. 6213364. The UA College of Science presents a series of lectures exploring the role of DNA and how it expands our understanding of life, at 7 p.m., every Wednesday, through March 6; free. Feb. 20: “The Nine-Billion People Question.” Feb. 27: “Epigenetics: Why DNA Is Not Our Destiny.” March 6: “Genomics Tomorrow: A Panel Presentation.” Details about presentations and speakers are at cos.arizona.edu/genomics. Call 6214090 for more information. HISTORIC WATER HOLES OF THE SONORAN DESERT Agua Caliente Regional Park. 12325 E. Roger Road. 877-6000. Julia Fonseca discusses how historic and prehistoric settlements and routes of commerce across the desert relied on different kinds of water holes, from 1 to 2 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17; free. Reservations are required. Call 615-7855, or email eeducation@pima. gov, for reservations and more information. HOW TO BE A SAVVY NON-GMO CONSUMER Dusenberry River Branch Library. 5605 E. River Road. 594-5345. Holistic nutritionist and author Melissa



BOOKS A new book tells the story of the Catholic sisters who helped build community in the American West

Nuns of Adventure BY MARGARET REGAN, mregan@tucsonweekly.com t midnight on May 26, 1870, seven travel-weary nuns dragged themselves into Tucson. Three-thousand residents greeted them with ringing bells and lighted torches, ecstatic that the sisters were safe and would soon open a school in the Old Pueblo. The women had been traveling for weeks, by train, ship, wagon and foot; their epic journey had taken them from St. Louis, across the Plains, over the Rockies to San Francisco, south on the Pacific Ocean to San Diego, and across the desert to Arizona. The nuns had walked over mountains, tumbled down rocky slopes and nearly drowned in the Colorado River at Yuma. Sister Monica Corrigan, chronicler of the journey, wrote that in the desert, “the sand is hot enough to blister” and that the parched nuns found water “only in one place.” These Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, members of an order that today operates two hospitals in Tucson, were among thousands of Catholic nuns who braved treacherous journeys into the West in the late-19th and early 20th centuries. They wanted to spread Catholicism, to be sure, but for them, as author Anne M. Butler wryly notes in her massive new book, Across God’s Frontiers: Catholic Sisters in the American West, 1850-1920, “work trumped rosary beads.” Freed from the usual female constraints of childbearing, these intrepid women created and staffed schools and hospitals, ventured into mines and slums to help the poor, operated missions on Indian reservations and “inexorably facilitated the process of community building in the West.” The nuns, too often belittled by church fathers and infantilized in popular culture, changed the West and the West changed them. Butler argues that not only did the journey expose them to new cultures and startling landscapes—in the Rockies, Corrigan exclaimed over “the enormity of the towering and jagged rock”—their sojourn on the nation’s frontier also empowered them. Laboring thousands of miles from mother houses back East, nuns made decisions on their own, “responding to the immediacy of the unexpected.” Old rules were sometimes thrown out the window or, more to the point, down the canyon. In Europe and in earlier U.S. convents, nuns


Across God’s Frontiers: Catholic Sisters in the American West, 1850-1920 By Anne M. Butler University of North Carolina Press

TOP TEN Mostly Books’ best-sellers for the week ending Feb. 8, 2013 1. Mousetronaut: Based on a (Partially) True Story Mark Kelly and C. F. Payne, $16.99

$45, 424 pages

2. Deadly Stakes: A Novel had been “enclosed” in cloisters, where ancient rules governed every hour of their day. It was America’s Civil War, in which 600 sisters labored valiantly in field hospitals, Butler writes, that helped set them free. By 1900, close to 11,000 nuns were living and working in public ministry in the West. Butler, professor emerita at Utah State University and a well-known scholar of gender and Western history, defines this region broadly as the land west of the Mississippi. Drawing on archives housed in dozens of mother houses, including the Carondelet headquarters in St. Louis, Butler gleaned material from diaries and letters. Written by nuns acting as able “cultural journalists,” these documents describe the new lands and peoples the women encountered. Nuns outnumbered priests, Butler writes, but they were nonetheless subject to the “gender inequities that fueled western Catholicism” and that still damage the church. It’s a scandal to read how little the church supported the sisters’ enterprises financially, and many of the nuns lived in desperate poverty. Bishops demanded that nuns work without pay and sometimes freeloaded on their labor. In one case, an Oregon bishop and his priests moved into a convent of teaching sisters and required the nuns to cook and clean for them and do their laundry, on top of their already burdensome duties at school. Self-confident missionary nuns and mother superiors often stood up to the male authorities, and their power grew the more their labor was needed. Less admirably, Catholic nuns embraced prevailing attitudes toward Native Americans, agreeing with the larger society that “Indians should forget their history, language, culture, and spirituality.” Nuns often served heroically on povertywracked reservations, but their mission schools “contributed to the dissolution of Indian family life and the fraying of traditional practices.” Across God’s Frontiers gets off to a slow start, but soon livens up with its tales of courageous women and its forthright analysis of gender politics. Nuns for too long have been excluded from the “usual white pioneer epic for which American maintains such a fondness,” Butler notes. No longer. Her book restores these women to their rightful place in the history of the West.


Diane Smith presents tips about how to avoid genetically modified foods when shopping and dining out, from 10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; free.

J.A. Jance, $25.99

3. Les Misérables Victor Hugo, $6.95

4. Beautiful Creatures Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, $9.99

5. The Round House Louise Erdrich, $27.99

6. Life of Pi Yann Martel, $15.95

IN IT TO WIN: BUILDING A NONTHEIST RIGHTS MOVEMENT DuVal Auditorium, UA Medical Center. 1501 N. Campbell Ave. 694-0111. Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association, discusses how the religious right developed its influence, and ways nontheist rights might be expanded in the U.S., at 1 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17; freewill donation. LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. Kim Ortiz and Vince Rabago discuss “Mandatory and Minimum Sentencing in Arizona’s Criminal Justice System,” from 10 to 11:30 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 16. Refreshments are served at 9:30 a.m. Parking is free in the library’s underground garage. PLANTS AND BIRTHING IN RED MEDICINE Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. Patrisia Gonzales discusses the relationships between the natural world, indigenous time-keeping and ceremonial birthing, from 2:30 to 4 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16; free. RONNI SANLO: THE PROCESS OF COMING OUT UA Highland Commons. 1224 E. Lowell St. Ronni Sanlo, a professor in Higher Education and Educational Leadership at the California State University, presents “The Process of Coming Out: Understanding the Mental Health of Our Students,” from 10 a.m. to noon, Friday, Feb. 15; free. Sanlo is nationally known for her research on LGBTQ college-student issues. SCIENCE CAFÉ Cushing Street Restaurant and Bar. 198 W. Cushing St. 622-7984. Researchers from the Carson Scholars program in the UA Institute of the Environment present “Environmental Solutions With the Carson Scholars,” at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 19; free. Call 471-4484 for more information.

Barbara Kingsolver, $23.19 (sale)

SHOP TALKS UA Poetry Center. 1508 E. Helen St. 626-3765. Wendy Burk leads a discussion of the work of feminist Adrienne Rich, at 6 p.m, Tuesday, Feb. 19, in the Dorothy Rubel Room; free. Visit poetry.arizona.edu for more info.

8. The Hobbit


7. Flight Behavior: A Novel

J.R.R. Tolkien, $8.99

9. City of Ashes Cassandra Clare, $10.99

10. Killing Floor Lee Child, $9.99

TUBAC PRESIDIO STATE HISTORIC PARK Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. 1 Burruel St. Tubac. 398-2252. Talks take place at 2 p.m.; $7.50, $4.50 child age 7 through 13, free younger child, includes admission to the park. Saturday, Feb. 16, Jack Lasseter presents “Outlaws on the Arizona Frontier.” Sunday, Feb. 17, Steve Ellis presents “Trade Beads of the North American Fur Trade,” a hands-on presentation on the historical significance of beads. Visit tubacpresidiopark. com for more information.

UPCOMING THE RAPHAEL PATAI MEMORIAL LECTURE Congregation Anshei Israel. 5550 E. Fifth St. 7455550. Peter Machinist of Harvard University Divinity School presents “The Question of Job: Some Reflections on the Biblical Book,” at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 21; free. Visit judaic.arizona.edu, or call 626-5758 for more information. UA MUSEUM OF ART UA Museum of Art. 1031 N. Olive Road. 621-7567. Lectures are from 5 to 7 p.m., selected Thursdays; free. Feb. 21: “The Rillito River Project: Bats,” Gregg Garfin of the UA School of Natural Resources and Environment, Creative Director Ellen Skotheim and advisor Yar Petryzyn of the Rillito River Project, and UA art history professor and author Ellen McMahon. Feb. 28: “Air/Water/Mexico,” Stacie Widdiefield, UA art history professor, and Jeffrey Banister of the UA Southwest Center and School of Geography. UA SABBAGH LECTURE: THE NEW ARAB MAN Marriott University Park. 880 E. Second St. 792-4100. Marcia C. Inhorn, professor of anthropology and international affairs at Yale University, presents “The New Arab Man: Emergent Masculinities, Technologies and Islam in the Middle East,” from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 21; free.

Lee Child

WINGSPAN’S PUERTAS ABIERTAS Studio One. 197 E. Toole Ave. 304-7803. Raul Al-qaraz Ochoa presents “Industrial Prisons and the Latin@ LGTBQ Undocumented Community,” from 5:30 to 7 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 24; free.

FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013



Natural Foods


Conscious Vegetarian Dining Organic & Locally Grown with Vegan Choices Relax in the Gardens Sublime with &YUFOEFE IPVST UISV (FN 4IPX Koi Pond, Waterfalls & Aviary t -VODI 8FE UISV 4BU %JOOFS .PO UISV 4BU QN QN t

Sunday Brunch 11am-2:30pm & #MBDLMJEHF %S t 520-792-0630 (East of 1st Ave, 2 blocks South of Ft Lowell)



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CINEMA If ‘Side Effects’ is Steven Soderbergh’s last feature film, it’s a solid way to walk away

The Bitter Pill

TOP TEN Casa Video’s top rentals for the week ending Feb. 10, 2013

BY COLIN BOYD, cboyd@tucsonweekly.com his is, apparently, the last punch on director Steven Soderbergh’s dance card. Since announcing his retirement from feature films about three years ago, Soderbergh has continued to work furiously: He’s pumped out six movies, each one different from the next. Technically, he has one more feature film to go—the Liberace biopic Behind the Candelabra—but studios shied away from it so it’s airing on HBO later this year. If it’s true that Soderbergh is walking away from features at age 50 (leaving the door open for documentaries, one assumes), then it’s worth reflecting on what we’ll be missing. Just since his career rebirth with Out of Sight in 1998, he was nominated twice for Best Director in 2001 (Traffic, for which he won the Oscar, and Erin Brockovich), has churned through three Ocean’s movies, found more commercial success with Magic Mike and Contagion, and thrown in several indie flicks and documentaries for good measure. That’s not a complete list (he’s actually directed 20 movies in the past 13 years), but it shows how diverse and efficient Soderbergh can be; very few can match him at either, much less both. While not a perfect swan song, Side Effects is a strong outing for Soderbergh. He comfortably wears an Alfred Hitchcock suit this time around, as opposed to the Coen brothers clothes he threw on for The Informant! He substitutes Jude Law for Cary Grant’s ordinary man in extraordinary circumstances and Rooney Mara as every troublesome leading lady. Before the film doinks the landing with a silly, unsatisfying climax, Soderbergh ratchets up the intensity with a lot of twists, overly confined spaces shot at atypical angles, and an unsettling score by Thomas Newman. When her husband (Channing Tatum) is released from prison after a four-year stint for insider trading, Emily (Mara) turns to pills to cope with her anxiety. They don’t work, and following a failed suicide attempt (car + wall), she’s put under the care of psychiatrist Jonathan Banks (Law). Banks prescribes Emily a new drug that has some serious unintended consequences (sleepwalking + murder). Banks finds himself in the eye of the storm: Just what did he give Emily, what was her history with prescription medication, how much research did he do on the new drug, and— these things happen—was he romantically involved with his patient? His partners at the office turn on him quickly and eventually so does his wife, troubled not only by these allegations but the resurfacing of a similar issue


1. Flight 2. Seven Psychopaths 3. End of Watch 4. Hotel Transylvania 5. Here Comes the Boom 6. The Cold Light of Day 7. Taken 2 8. Downton Abbey (Season 3, disc 1) 9. The Paperboy 10. Searching for Sugar Man

Colin Farrell in Seven Psychopaths Rooney Mara in Side Effects. earlier in his career. Looking for any answer at all, Banks turns to Emily’s previous psychiatrist (Catherine ZetaJones). She reveals that Emily had been to see her since her husband’s arrest and that she had tried several treatment options with little success. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Rooney Mara is coming off a breakthrough performance in the remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and while this role isn’t as showy, she still finds a way to leave her stamp on Emily. Without revealing too much of what’s at play here, questions start popping up about the legitimacy of Emily’s claim and even her illness. Mara plays it all straight-faced; if she showed her hand the whole illusion would crumble. Instead, you’re left in the dark about what exactly has happened for a pretty generous amount of time. Jude Law has an easy air about him, as if the world has never posed him any real problems. And that’s sort of what we see with Jonathan Banks: He excels at a very serious job, never seems to stress about things and has a beautiful family. If you passed Jude Law on the street, that’s the storybook you would imagine he lived in. It makes his resolve when the world turns against him so much more involving. The script was written by Scott Z. Burns, who adapted The Informant! and wrote Contagion as well. Side Effects is not as much of a societal critique as a movie about the pharmacological culture in the U.S. could be. There’s a vague undercurrent about how the drug companies push

Side Effects Rated R Starring Jude Law, Channing Tatum, Rooney Mara and Catherine Zeta-Jones Directed by Steven Soderbergh Endgame, 106 minutes Now playing at AMC Loews Foothills 15 (888262-4386), Century El Con 20 (800-326-3264, ext. 902), Century Park Place 20 (800-326-3264, ext. 903), Century Theatres at the Oro Valley Marketplace (800-326-3264, ext. 899), Harkins Tucson Spectrum 18 (806-4275) and Tower Theaters at Arizona Pavilions (579-0500).

doctors into trials, how doctors push patients into unsafe decisions and how patients push doctors into false diagnoses. But the action is much more isolated overall. Missed opportunity? Maybe. The film gets particularly Hitchcockian when Soderbergh invites us closer to Banks’ panic but keeps us at arm’s length from Emily’s real medical diagnosis, even while her own life hangs in the balance at a tabloid-magnetizing trial. The subplot with Zeta-Jones turns out to be a deflating distraction, one that ultimately does more harm for the movie than good. Granted, it gives some motivation to Emily’s character, but that turns out to be both unnecessary and a bit of a copout. But for about 90 minutes, Soderbergh expertly pulls the strings one last time. FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013










– Joe Morgenstern, WALL STREET JOURNAL

Melissa McCarthy is too gifted to be stuck in a movie as terrible as ‘Identity Thief’


Waste of Talent


BY BOB GRIMM, bgrimm@tucsonweekly.com ashing in on her Oscar-nominated turn in Bridesmaids, Melissa McCarthy gets a headlining role alongside Jason Bateman in Identity Thief. While both performers are talented and make the best of the crap heap of a script they are handed, it’s not enough to make this anything more than a desperate misfire. McCarthy has a lot of talent. One only need see her in The Nines to know her dramatic capabilities. Her scope goes well beyond slapstick comedy. Yet, here she is being smashed in the face with guitars and asked to lip synch that stupid milkshake song while sitting in the passenger seat for yet another riff on Planes, Trains and Automobiles. This is the sort of junk Chris Farley would be handed back in the days before his heart exploded. McCarthy is a big woman, and so she is cast in the role of sloppy clown to Bateman’s dapper straight man. Well, McCarthy is also a beautiful and talented woman, and deserving of a more classy showcase. Watching this garbage, I was surprised director Seth Gordon never forced her to put on a few-sizes-too-small windbreaker and have her sing “Fat Girl in a Little Coat.” Bateman’s Sandy Patterson has his identity stolen by McCarthy’s Diana and faces legal and job troubles as a result. So he leaves Colorado for Florida in search of “Bilbo,” or so he calls her, because the cops won’t help him. When the two meet up, turns out Diana has a mean throat punch and will not go quietly. The two have a couple of good fights, with Diana getting smashed in the head with a guitar and struck with a waffle iron in one of them. Identity Thief actually does OK in the physical comic-violence category. I chortled a bit at the hits these two were taking. Probably would’ve been a better movie if it were just 90 minutes of Diana and Sandy throwing stuff at each other and getting hit by cars. Sandy eventually gets Diana into a car and, in the tradition of road comedies, the journey starts off bad, with the two hating each other. Sandy must endure a night of Diana having sex with a stranger, various roadside disasters, and the aforementioned Diana singing along to the radio. Of course, Sandy and his family will eventually see that Diana, even though she has robbed them blind, is a great lady deep down inside. She actually spends the night at their house holding hands with the kids as they sleep. I don’t know. I think it would take more than Diana putting mashed potatoes on her face for a couple of laughs at the dinner table






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Melissa McCarthy in Identity Thief.

Identity Thief Rated R Starring Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy Directed by Seth Gordon Universal, 112 minutes Now playing at AMC Loews Foothills 15 (888262-4386), Century El Con 20 (800-326-3264, ext. 902), Century Park Place 20 (800-326-3264, ext. 903), Century Theatres at the Oro Valley Marketplace (800-326-3264, ext. 899), Harkins Tucson Spectrum 18 (806-4275) and Tower Theaters at Arizona Pavilions (579-0500).

to be forgiven for destroying their financial lives. Sandy’s family includes everybody’s go-to movie wife, Amanda Peet, who is asked to perform the film’s most impossible task: playing a wife and mother who would even allow Diana in the house. My mom is a relatively meek lady, but if anybody like Diana tried to come in through the front door when I was a kid, she would’ve faced the wrath of Mom and her wooden spoon. Goddamnit, I hated that stupid wooden spoon. Gordon, who put together the much better Horrible Bosses, is basically working with one joke, that Diana is a mess and Sandy will be tortured dealing with her. Gordon tries to redeem Diana by the end of the film, even giving her a makeover that results in some cringeworthy dialogue. Still, it’s hard to have a lot of fun watching a man’s life getting wrecked by identity theft. Hell, somebody tried to steal my identity and go shopping with my debit card just a couple of months ago. I wasn’t laughing then, and I wasn’t laughing all that much at Identity Thief. Hollywood … please … don’t squander McCarthy’s talent. Give her the dramatic, respectable roles she deserves.

FILM CLIPS Reviews by Colin Boyd, Casey Dewey and Bob Grimm.


Michael Apted’s ambitious Up project got its start in 1964 showcasing the lives of 14 British schoolchildren, with each subsequent release catching up with them every seven years. The participants, now in their mid-50s, look back at their past and discuss how their various socio-economic backgrounds, scholastic endeavors, jobs, relationships, and the documentaries themselves have shaped their current lives. Neil, homeless and wandering throughout his 20s, has found his calling in council politics in Cumbria. Peter, who dropped out after 28 Up due to the tabloid press taking him to task for his antiThatcher remarks, is back and happily playing in an award-winning country band. The recent global recession is a recurring thread; many of the participants are coping with lost jobs or financial insecurity. This fascinating look at life’s many surprises ends on a gratifying note, and it’s a stellar entry in an always compelling series. Dewey BULLET TO THE HEAD

Like Schwarzenegger before him in The Last Stand, Sylvester Stallone gives it his all in service to a script that fails to distinguish itself. The results? Nobody seems to care about either star vehicle. Walter Hill (48 Hrs.) directs in a very Walter Hill way, meaning his action/buddy films tend to feel the same. Unfortunately, this one has more in common with his Another 48 Hrs., in which the formula had already gotten tired. Stallone plays a tattooed thug named James Bonomo and his buddy is South Korean Taylor Kwon (Sung Kang), which leads to more than a few uncomfortable racist jokes. The plot involves the usual crap: a double-cross, a partner getting killed, somebody getting kidnapped and ax fights. You must give credit to Stallone; he looks great and he delivers his stupid lines with much aplomb. Kang is just there for the ride, offering little in a role once meant for Thomas Jane. I will say that this film features the best Christian Slater scene is a long while. One great Slater scene does not a good movie make. Grimm

his wrists, to watch his plucky young niece for the night, is funny, well acted, and prime material for a feature. The other shorts are all good; Curfew just stood out by being the easiest to digest. Buzkashi Boys, about boys and horses in a war-torn country, has some miraculous cinematography, beating Asad in the category of Foreign Films From a Child’s Point of View. Henry is a nice bookend for the Best Picture heavyweight, Amour, and Death of a Shadow is a strange (almost too strange) steampunk fantasy. Each is easy to recommend, and collectively, the Oscar-nominated shorts make for a great night out. But Curfew may just sneak up on you. Boyd

for inspiration, but Portuguese director Miguel Gomes gives it a go and by and large creates an entrancing world split into two halves. The first chapter, called “Paradise Lost,� takes place in the mid-20th century and centers on a middle-aged woman asked by her neighbor to look for someone in her past. Chapter 2 —or “Paradise�—takes the action back another 50 years, and across the ocean to Africa. The man in the distant past turns out to be a lover, of course. We could almost do without “Paradise Lost�; it’s not as active as the chapter it precedes, but Tabu is nevertheless a gorgeous picture to watch throughout. Boyd



Sunday, Feb. 17 at 7 p.m., The Loft presents the Oscar nominated Animated Shorts, featuring a guest appearance by director Timothy Reckhart, a native Tusconan nominated for his delightful clay animation short, Head Over Heel. The short tells the tale of a couple living a very separated life under one roof. Reckhart will stick around for a post film question-and-answer session. He’ll face stiff competition from director Minkyu Lee’s charming Adam and Dog, the story of the first dog and what he gave up to be man’s best friend. John Kahrs’ Paperman puts paper airplanes to heartwarming use, and Maggie Simpson has a crazy day in Maggie Simpson: The Longest Daycare. Fresh Guacamole creates the title dish using Christmas bulbs that change into Monopoly hotels when diced ‌ I’m not kidding. Grimm SOUND CITY

Dave Grohl directs this tribute to the infamous L.A. recording studio that gave birth to Nirvana’s Nevermind, Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours, Tom Petty’s Damn the Torpedoes ‌ and the list goes on. Much of the movie deals with the studio’s history leading up to its recent shutdown. Grohl actually purchased the legendary soundboard and put it in his own studio, where he recorded a forthcoming album featuring Paul McCartney, the surviving Nirvana bandmates, Stevie Nicks, Rick Springfield and more. The film features footage of that album’s recording, most notably with McCartney, who puts forth a scorching “Helter Skelterâ€?-like number with Grohl and the remaining Nirvana members. This is a great, solid piece of rock history filmmaking. Grohl’s love for the subject permeates the entire undertaking. Grimm


Only the ninth foreign language film ever nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award, Amour might be the most emotionally intense movie in the running this year. Yes, the story alone would be a qualifier, depicting as it does the inevitability of death in old age. But more important is how director Michael Haneke puts us face to face with that mortality. It’s a slow, methodical deterioration that puts Anne (Oscar hopeful Emmanuelle Riva) on death’s door, while her loving husband, Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant), wonders when enough will be enough. Can he give Anne—and himself—any comfort sooner than death will come for her? Most movies would get this wrong, hitting a melodramatic target or simply blinking in the face of such dramatic weight. Not Haneke; he’s used to playing in the deep end of the pool. And armed with these performances, Amour is nothing short of devastating. Boyd

About seven minutes into A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III, you completely lose interest. That’s not a problem, really, because there are only about 80 minutes left and ‌ it’s not like you’re going to miss anything. Charlie Sheen is Swan, but it really feels just like Sheen—womanizing, selfimportant, no obvious talent worth all the headaches. Swan is crying in his beer over a breakup and he tries to self-analyze how he went so wrong. It’s art imitating life, because you’ll be asking yourself the same thing. A truly vapid film by Francis Coppola’s son Roman, Charles Swan tries to be a Wes Anderson film for people who don’t understand Wes Anderson films. Coppola’s cousin, Jason Schwartzman, plays a supporting role and Bill Murray shows up, but none of it matters. It’s boring, adolescent and stupid. Boyd OSCAR-NOMINATED SHORT FILMS 2013: LIVE ACTION SHORTS

Maybe it’s because the rest of the field is so serious (and in foreign languages), but Curfew was a lot of fun. An unlikely story of a deadbeat uncle dragged out of the bathtub, where he had literally just slit


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A bunch of great actors get together and do their best with middling material. Al Pacino plays a criminal released from a long prison haul and Christopher Walken plays the guy who is supposed to pick him up at the prison gate and take his life soon thereafter. I have a hard time with this premise right off the bat because the two are best friends and if you are a crime boss with any brains and want somebody smoked, you don’t hire the dude’s best friend to do the gig. Don’t you think there’s a chance the dude won’t follow through? Anyway, Pacino and Walken hang out for a night that includes stealing cars, snorting prescription drugs and hanging out with another old guy (Alan Arkin). The trio makes most of this watchable, but with this cast, you want something more than just watchable. Pacino works hard to get some credibility back after a string of loser movies, and he redeems himself just fine. Walken is good here, playing a man with more depth than his usual parts. Arkin is just doing his shtick. Nothing all that surprising happens. Grimm

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It’s not required viewing, but to make better sense of the aesthetic and thematic approaches to Tabu, you should check out the film of the same name made 80 years ago by F. W. Murnau. It’s an esoteric choice






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Zero Hour Thursday, Feb. 14 (ABC) Series Debut: A conspiracy-mag publisher’s (Anthony Edwards, last seen on some show called ER) wife is kidnapped because her antique clock shop contains an apocalyptic Nazi treasure map (Magazines? Clocks? Maps? Nazis? To the Google, kids); a cross-eyed cocktail of National Treasure, The Da Vinci Code and The Ominous Drum Corps’ Greatest Hits ensues. Zero Hour’s producers have said that they hope the show’s historical complexities will drive viewers to do their own research between episodes—because that’s what ‘Merica wants from TV: homework.

Freakshow, Immortalized Thursday, Feb. 14 (AMC) Series Debut: Not only has AMC brought Kevin’s Smith’s craptastic Comic Book Men back for a second season tonight (good luck without that Walking Dead lead-in, Kev), but the net that has no business in the reality-TV game is also dropping two new bombs right after it: Freakshow and Immortalized. The former follows the day-to-day of Todd Ray’s Venice Beach Freakshow; the spectacle is impressive, but watching Ray call stilted “staff meetings” while his crew spouts scripted banter at “the office” is as painful as that 61st face-piercing. As for taxidermy-competition(!) show Immortalized, the host sums it up best with “Get ready to watch art and animals collide.” Uh, no.

History of the Eagles Pt. 1 Friday, Feb. 15 (Showtime) Documentary: Don Henley and Glen Frey are geniuses—just ask them. The Eagles’ 40-year career in music likely wouldn’t have been as hit-laden and fiery without the players around that core duo—Joe Walsh and Don Felder are two of the most underrated guitarists in

True BY BILL FROST mailbag@tucsonweekly.com

Anna Karenina

Just Watch It

rock history; Timothy B. Schmit, well, has nice hair—but History of the Eagles makes it clear that Henley and Frey are the iron-fisted architects of, ironically, that laidback California Sound. There’s plenty of great ‘70s film rife with flannel shirts, porn ‘staches and performance footage, but little about the band’s fabled Rock Star Excess and in-fighting (Henley says it never happened; booted Felder’s auto-bio says differently). Pt. 1 covers the Eagles’ beginnings and heyday to their 1980 split; Pt. 2 (airing Saturday, Feb. 16), the exorbitantly-priced, fanfleecing reunion phase of the ‘90s on. Guess which part The Only TV Column That Matters™ is recommending?

Body of Proof Tuesday, Feb. 19 (ABC) Season Premiere: Dana Delany is back as Lady Quincy! (Wiki it.) Body of Proof has proven to be a solid, if unflashy, crime procedural—hey, works for Castle these days—carried by the MILF power of Delany and costar Jeri Ryan; the supporting cast, not so much. Answering that, Season 3 brings aboard proven utility player Mark Valley (Fringe,


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Just Pretend It Didn’t Happen

Human Target) and jettisons some dead weight—unfortunately, none of it belonging to Windell D. Middlebrooks, who inexplicably plays a large sassy woman trapped in the labcoat of a large sassy man. Take it to RuPaul’s Drag Race, honey child!

Cult Tuesday, Feb. 19 (The CW)

Keira Knightley, Jude Law, Emma Watson, Kelly Macdonald and several other proper British actors star in Tolstoy’s epic tale of love, adultery, family and great hair in 19th-century Russian high society. Just ignore the accents. (Focus Features)

Argo A CIA “exfiltration” specialist (Ben Affleck) devises a scheme to free American refugees trapped in 1979 Iran: Filming a fake Hollywood sci-fi movie and sneaking them out as the crew. Based on true events and awful fashion. (Warner Bros.)

Atlas Shrugged Pt. 2

Series Debut: Cult is a TV show about a TV show called Cult … wha? This is already too complicated for The CW. A good-lookin’ journalist/blogger (The Vampire Diaries’ good-lookin’ Matt Davis) investigates crimes that seem to mirror those on a popular drama about a charismatic cult leader (Prison Break’s Robert Knepper—not so good-lookin’), and CW viewers are called upon to follow two storylines while chewing gum and texting. The show-within-a-show blurred-reality concept has that not-sofresh feeling (Cult was originally developed for The WB waaay back in the day, after all), but at least it’s not Emily Owens M.D. (rest in pieces).

Proving that the free market doesn’t decide everything, the dullest movie of 2011 gets a sequel—with a new Dagny (Samantha Mathis) rushing to save the world from hippies and intellectuals. Hippies, I can see, but … (Fox)

Game of Thrones: Season 2 Peter Dinklage and a cast of about 200 characters thrust mightily into an epic second season of Seven Kingdoms sword-and-sorcery drama—and that’s not all that gets thrust into mightily, if thy catcheth my ribald drift. No? OK, lots of weird sex. (HBO)

The Pill

It’s like an o daily newspanline per. E xcept

(Not) just in time for Valentine’s Day: After a night of unprotected sex, Fred (Noah Bean) pretends to have romantic feelings for Mindy (Rachel Boston) for 12 hours until he’s sure she’s taken her second morning-after pill. Aw, sweet! (Passion River)

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DVD Roundup

Visit The Range at daily.tucsonweekly.com

More New DVD Releases (Feb. 19) Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome, Blood Kiss, Bullet Explosion, Closure, The Cyclist, The Factory, For Ellen, Fun Size, It Happened in the Park, Jetsam, Lake Placid: The Final Chapter, The Package, Repligator, Riddle, Sinister, Small Apartments, Sushi Girl, Swamp People: Season 3

CHOW The Cup Café has changed over the years, but remains highly recommended

NOSHING AROUND BY JERRY MORGAN noshing@tucsonweekly.com

A Tucson Classic

Arizona Beer Week on Tap Feb.16 through 23 is Arizona Beer Week, with various events, including special tastings and happy hours, highlighting the diverse—and exceptionally tasty—brews produced in our state. Participants include local breweries Barrio Brewing Co., Borderlands Brewing and Dragoon Brewing as well as out-of-towners such as Chandler’s SanTan Brewing and Tempe’s Four Peaks Brewery. For a full list of events, go to arizonabeerweek.com and type “Tucson” in the city search.

BY JACQUELINE KUDER, jkuder@tucsonweekly.com f you’ve lived in Tucson for any amount of time and have yet to make it to the historic Hotel Congress for a drink, a bite to eat or a show, don’t count yourself a true resident until you’ve done so. Yes, parking (still) sucks downtown, but that is no excuse to miss out on one of the gems of our fair burg. The Cup Café is nestled in the lobby of Hotel Congress, and it’s on a short list of places that I’ve been sending out-of-towners to eat for years. So when I was assigned this review, I was excited about the opportunity to take a fresh look at the restaurant. The Cup serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, and all-day dessert, and has a build-your-own Bloody Mary bar on Sundays that features all the usual fixin’s and more, including goodies like goat cheese, salsa and pickles. On both visits, the service was friendly and attentive, though drinks from the bar took quite a while to arrive at our table on both occasions. We had to wait about 25 minutes for a table at both our weekday dinner visit and our weekend breakfast/lunch visit, so reservations are highly recommended (especially during busy times, like the gem shows). And don’t try to call ahead and put your name on a waiting list—they don’t have one unless you’re there in-person. Food at the Cup is tasty, well-presented, and unpretentious. The chimichurri squid ($9) and tomato bruschetta ($8) along with a few cocktails—the signature martini ($11) and the train stopper ($9)—started off the meal right, although I asked for my martini dirty and there wasn’t a hint of olive juice to be found in it. The smoked chili aioli on the fried squid packed a deliciously spicy punch, and the tomato bruschetta was the perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess, featuring deliciously ripe tomatoes, lots of garlic and red onion, balsamic vinegar and basil—a standard flavor combination, but executed with precision. Entrée choices are heavy on seafood, fish and vegetables in this particular iteration of the Cup’s menu, but there are still plenty of delicious choices. The pan-roasted salmon ($21) with soft polenta and braised greens dotted with sweet oranges and pecans was excellent. The fish was cooked to perfection, with a nice crispy skin, and the saltiness of the polenta was balanced by the bitterness of the greens and sweetness of the oranges and pecans. The pork chop ($18) was equally well prepared, but the flavors weren’t quite as exciting. The apples, gingersnap cookie sauce



Pop Up BBQ Delivers the Goods

The Cherise: House-smoked brisket, chimichurri, jack cheese, pepper slaw, chipotle mayo and pickled onions on marble rye from Cup Café. and pork blended together nicely, but without any real standout flavor. The garlic mashed potatoes, however, were heavenly garlicky goodness. I’ve always been a breakfast lover, and the Cup has historically had one of the best breakfast spreads in Tucson. It was even featured on that horrible Rachael Ray $40 A Day Food Network show about 10 years ago (but I won’t hold that against the lovely folks at the Cup …). Anyway, the breakfast menu is good. Really, really good. I had a hell of a time choosing between the cast-iron baked eggs ($10) and the Braveheart breakfast sandwich ($11). I went with the eggs, but I’ll be back to try the sandwich, which features smoked beef brisket on sourdough toast with grilled tomatoes, sautéed spinach, Gruyere cheese, poached eggs and sausage gravy. I’ll just tell myself that the eggs were a healthier choice, however unlikely a story that is. Two perfectly runny poached eggs come out in a piping hot cast-iron pan, smothered in big chunks of salty ham, soft sautéed leeks, Gruyere and a whole bunch of cream. Messy, but absolutely fantastic. The potatoes that come with the breakfast entrees are addictive, salty, crispy potato bombs. Ted isn’t much of a breakfast guy, so we went after 11 a.m. so he could order from the lunch menu (breakfast is available until 4 p.m.). The Cup keeps it light at lunch, offering a nice selection of soups, salads and sandwiches (some of the choices are available during dinner as

Cup Café 311 E. Congress St., in Hotel Congress 798-1618; hotelcongress.com/cup Open Sunday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 7 a.m. to midnight Pluses: Delicious, unpretentious food; one of the best breakfast spots in Tucson; fantastic Bloody Marys Minuses: Reservations needed; drinks take a long time

well). Ted decided on the Cherise sandwich ($12) and a Dave’s Electric beer from Bisbee ($4.50 a pint or $5.25 for 20 ounces). The Cup has a nice selection of local brews, both on tap and in the bottle. The Cherise was sloppy and delightful. Smoked brisket, slaw with peppers, pickled onions and jack cheese are slathered with chimichurri and chipotle mayo, all stacked between two slices of marble rye, which could barely keep the contents together. The brisket was excellent, with just the right amount of smokiness, and the chimichurri, pickled onions and slaw cut through the fattiness of the brisket, cheese and mayo. With all of the new downtown construction, new restaurants and the changing downtown scene, it’s nice to see that a Tucson classic is adapting, alive and thriving, and maybe even better than ever. I do miss the Thompson Automatics from the old menu, though.

Pop-ups haven’t quite taken hold in the Tucson restaurant scene, but that’s not to say they aren’t worth a try. Pop Up BBQ, 20 N. Stone Ave., is doing a fine job so far. According to their Facebook page, the folks at Pop Up BBQ are selling “Seattle-style BBQ featuring succulent lightly smoked beef and pork sandwiches with a coffee-based BBQ sauce.” I don’t have any other Seattle barbecue experiences to compare their food to, but I can say it is tasty. Lunch is served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., unless they run out of food sooner.

The History of Chiles Do you like chiles? If you like Mexican food, the answer is probably yes. But it seems that they didn’t exist in the pre-Hispanic Southwest. Say what? No spicy salsa or barbacoa? Paul Minnis, a professor of anthropology at the University of Oklahoma, will give a free lecture explaining why and how the pepper we love so much came to spice up our lives. Minnis’ talk starts at 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 18, at the Native Seeds/SEARCH Conservation Center, 3584 E. River Road.

Here’s a Tip: Remember Your Server on V-Day This is a small plea from one who works in the restaurant biz. Please be kind to those who serve and prepare your meal if you’re going out to dinner on Valentine’s Day, one of the most hectic days of the year for restaurants. Flowers, a card and romantic dinner, and you’re golden with your date. Remember that the servers bringing your food and pouring your wine don’t get to take out their significant others, and the line cook who made your meal is in the back over a hot stove and not with his loved one. You want everything to be perfect, and so do we, but things happen sometimes. Please be kind to those working to make your night special. Thank you.

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Chow Scan is the Weekly’s selective guide to Tucson restaurants. Only restaurants that our reviewers recommend are included. Complete reviews are online at tucsonweekly.com. Chow Scan includes reviews from August 1999 to the present. Send comments and updates to: mailbag@tucsonweekly.com; fax to 792-2096; or mail to Tucson Weekly/Chow, P.O. Box 27087, Tucson, AZ 85726. These listings have no connection with Weekly advertising.

KEY PRICE RANGES $ $8 or less $ $ $8-$15 $ $ $ $15-$25 $ $ $ $ $25 and up. Prices are based on menu entrÊe selections, and exclude alcoholic beverages. FORMS OF PAYMENT V Visa MC Mastercard AMEX American Express DIS Discover DC Diner’s Club checks local checks with guarantee card and ID only debit debit cards CatCard University of Arizona CatCard. TYPE OF SERVICE Counter Quick or fast-food service, usually includes take-out. Diner Minimal table service. CafÊ Your server is most likely working solo. Bistro Professional servers, with assistants bussing tables. Full Cover Multiple servers, with the table likely well set. Full Bar Separate bar space for drinks before and after dinner. RESTAURANT LOCATION C Central North to River Road, east to Alvernon Way, west to

Granada Avenue downtown, and south to 22nd Street.

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QUESADILLA’S GRILL C 110 S. Church Ave., Suite 7136. 798-3697. Open Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. DC, DIS, MC, V. The menu features standard tacos, enchiladas and tostadas. The breakfast burritos are especially worth checking out, featuring an “assemble-your-own� list of ingredients that makes breakfast worth getting up for. (3-1-01) $ SAN CARLOS MEXICAN GRILL W 1370 N. Silverbell Road, No. 180. 792-2075. Open

Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. CafÊ/Beer Only. DIS, MC, V. Ample, reliable servings of shrimp and fish dishes inspired by Sea of Cortez cuisine, plus the usual Sonoran favorites, are as unpretentious but appealing as the restaurant’s nicely done storefront space. (11-15-07) $-$$ SIR VEZA’S TACO GARAGE E 4699 E. Speedway Blvd. 323-8226. Open Sunday-

Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. (bar open until midnight); Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-midnight (bar open until 2 a.m.). Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Also at 220 W. Wetmore Road (888-8226). Sir Veza’s is a cool concept, mixing cars (including occasional hot-rod-themed events), booze, sports, music and youthful energy. The food is cheap and largely tasty, with numerous taco offerings, salads, burgers and even “chicken and churros.� The patio is wonderful (even if the view is not), and there are numerous tequila choices. This is a great place to get just a little bit rowdy with friends. (6-3-10). $-$$ TACO GIRO MEXICAN GRILL E 5754 E. 22nd St. 514-2199. Open daily 7 a.m.-10

p.m. CafÊ. Beer and Margaritas. AMEX, MC and V. It’s an undeniable formula for success: great food at seriously low prices. The salsa bar’s cool, and the service is quick and friendly. There’s no decor to speak of, however: This is a place to go when you’re craving good Mexican food, and you don’t want to bust your budget. (2-21-08) $ TAQUERIA JUANITOS W 708 W. Grant Road. 623-2222. Open Sunday-

Thursday 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. DIS, MC, V. This tiny taqueria brings in a mixed crowd with its fast, flavorful fare. Tacos, quesadillas, burros, sopas and tortas can be found on the lunch/dinner menu. Protein options run the gamut from a nicely browned carne asada to a tangy ceviche. Breakfast burros are also part of the mix, but we preferred the huevos rancheros. Avocado slices are big here, and are included with most meals. (10-2512) $

NW Northwest North of River Road, west of Campbell



S 2618 S. Sixth Ave. 623-8775. Open daily 9 a.m.-9

NE Northeast North of River Road, east of Campbell

Avenue. E East East of Alvernon Way, south of River Road. S South South of 22nd Street. W West West of Granada Avenue, south of River Road.

Beer Dinner

tucked away in Plaza Palomino, serves up consistently good, lard-free Sonoran and Oaxacan food in nearsecret. Divine chile rellenos, sopa de mariscos and delicious mole are among the standouts on the large menu. Nice folks, too. (4-26-07) $$-$$$

MEXICAN LA PARRILLA SUIZA C 2720 N. Oracle Road. 624-4300. Open SundayThursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Diner/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Also at 5602 E. Speedway Blvd. (747-4838) and 4250 W. Ina Road (572-7200). Friendly service, delicious food and a large menu. What more could one ask for? Try the chimichanga; you will not regret it. (2-20-03) $$-$$$ PERFECTO’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT S 5404 S. 12th Ave. 889-5651. Open MondayWednesday 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Thursday-Saturday 7 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sunday 7 a.m.-5 p.m. CafÊ/No Alcohol. DIS, MC, V. This homey little spot attracts a crowd. Perfecto’s serves all the usual stuff, and there is truly something for everybody. Kids will enjoy a burro and french fries; grown-ups will enjoy luscious soups, fresh seafood and homemade desserts. A Sunday buffet attracts a huge crowd, and the house-made choco flan is unique and tasty. (12-10-09) $-$$ LA PLACITA CAFÉ E 2950 N. Swan Road, No. 131. 881-1150. Open Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-9 p.m.; Sunday 5-9 p.m. Full Cover. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. The official Mexican restaurant of the Old Fort Lowell Neighborhood, La Placita CafÊ,

p.m. Counter/Diner/No Alcohol. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Although not as flashy as some of its competitors on the Tucson Mexican food scene, Pico de Gallo has nevertheless been serving up outstanding fare for years. Ceviche, birria, fresh fruit cocktail and a carne asada to die for are just a few of the treats to savor when visiting this gem of a restaurant. $ TEQUILA FACTORY S 5655 W. Valencia Road (800) 344-9435. Open Monday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-10 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, MC, V. An emphasis on presentation highlights the colorfully decorated Tequila Factory; each dish looks like a work of art. The food, featuring typical Mexican fare, usually tastes pretty good—but it always looks amazing. An all-you-can-eat brunch is offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday. (11-20-03) $$-$$$ TERESA’S MOSAIC CAFÉ W 2456 N. Silverbell Road. 624-4512. Open MondaySaturday 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Diner/Full Bar. DIS, MC, V. With regional Mexican cuisine, featuring the cooking of Oaxaca, Teresa’s Mosaic CafÊ has become one of the nicer places in town to suck down margaritas and nibble on fresh tortillas. A lofty view of the Catalinas and the rich complexity of Oaxacan molÊs can be sampled with equal pleasure. $-$$ ZENDEJAS #13 C 1628 E. Sixth St. 867-8001. Open Monday-

Wednesday 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thursday-Saturday 10 a.m.2 a.m. CafÊ/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, VISA. Legendary UA placekicker Max Zendejas is back, and instead of serving up last-second field goals, he’s serving up inexpensive Mexican fare. Burros are central, as is cold beer and the casual, comfy atmosphere. The red chili burro is a winner for red meat-lovers; seafood fans will find a grilled tilapia burro. Gringos can munch on wings and

burgers. The place is tiny, so if you want to get a table on game day, get there early. (9-9-10) $ ZIVAZ MEXICAN BISTRO E 4590 E. Broadway Blvd. 325-1234. Open MondayThursday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.9 p.m. CafÊ/Counter. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. While the look and layout of Zivaz feels familiar, the restaurant’s melding of tasty, nuanced Mexican food with a fast-casual format is quite unique. Most of the dishes—from standards like tacos, sopa de tortilla and enchiladas to somewhat unusual fast-casual fare like the pescado ajillo (a garlic/mushroom mahimahi)—are sure to please. (4-6-06) $-$$

MIDDLE EASTERN ALIBABA PERSIAN AND MEDITERRANEAN RESTAURANT C 2545 E. Speedway Blvd., No. 125. 319-2559. Open Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.8 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. This humble strip-mall restaurant serves a variety of delicious kabobs, pita sandwiches, lamb shank, gyro and more. Vegetarians have plenty of options. Catering services are available. $ FALAFEL KING C 1800 E. Fort Lowell Road, No. 168. 319-5554. Open

Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. CafÊ/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Falafel King offers high-quality Lebanese fast food. The shawarma can sometimes be a tad dry, but the lamb kabobs are moist; the falafel is superb; and the baba ganoush—a pureed eggplant dip— is smokey, rich and irresistible. (2-7-08) $-$$ SHISH KEBAB HOUSE OF TUCSON E 5855 E. Broadway Blvd., No. 118. 745-5308. Open

Monday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Tuesday-Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday noon-8 p.m. CafÊ/Counter/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V, Checks. Try the motabal, a sinuous purÊe of eggplant grilled over an open flame, completely unlike any baba ganoush we’ve ever had. Together with a deftly light and lemony version of hummos and the cracked-wheat dish tabouli, it makes a refreshing meal. The kafta is ground beef with a hint of ginger. Meals at Shish Kebab House are all available to go—and with seating for no more than 60, that seems like a good plan. $-$$

SINBAD’S FINE MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE C 810 E. University Ave. 623-4010. Open MondayThursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Saturday noon-10 p.m.; Sunday 4-9 p.m. CafÊ/Beer and Wine. DIS, MC, V. The atmosphere at this university-area restaurant is delightfully beautiful, and the food’s even better. Fresh, flavorful and often healthy—many selections are vegetarian—it’s no wonder Sinbad’s is a Tucson favorite. (5-8-03) $-$$ ZAYNA MEDITERRANEAN CAFE E 4122 E. Speedway Blvd. 881-4348. Open daily 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Counter/BYO. MC, V. Zayna’s serves up some of the best beef gyro you’ll find anywhere. The meats served here are all moist and perfectly cooked, and the vegetarian offerings are delightful and flavorful. Consider a piece of baklava for dessert. (11-12-09) $-$$

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PAN-ASIAN ASIAN BISTRO C 3122 N. Campbell Ave., No. 100. 881-7800. Open Monday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-midnight; Sunday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. CafĂŠ/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Yes, you’ll find plenty of traditional Asian plates here, but this midtown “bistroâ€? also offers an assortment of dishes from all over China, Thailand and other countries. While dining at the restaurant is a pleasant experience, Asian Bistro also delivers to a wide area of midtown. Beverages include fruity slushes, bubble teas and blended coffees. (5-29-08) $-$$

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AZIAN C 15 N. Alvernon Way. 777-8311. Open MondayThursday 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.-10 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.-midnight; Saturday 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and 5-midnight; Sunday noon to 9:30 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. While Azian needs more-helpful sushi-roll menus, and the servers need to explain the do-it-yourself Korean barbecue a heck of a lot better, the results sure are tasty. The all-you-can-eat options come with a buffet at both lunch and dinner, and bento boxes are offered at lunch time. (6-14-12) $-$$


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THE BAMBOO CLUB E 5870 E. Broadway Blvd., No. 524. 514-9665. Open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. An upscale Pacific Rim palace of a place where generous portions of familiar food with exotic twists are grilled, woked, sizzled, steamed and noodled. (12-12-02) $$-$$$ CHOPSTIX ASIAN DINER S 3820 S. Palo Verde Road, Suite 101. 889-7849. Open Monday-Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m.9:30 p.m.; Saturday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Sunday 11:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Counter/Diner/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. This diner serves fresh, fast food done up Asian style. By day, it’s a buffet. And at night, it offers friendly table service with all types of Asian specialties. It’s a nice place to enjoy a quick lunch or meet with friends. Enjoy the tasty wor wonton soup and crab puffs. No sushi, though. (1-20-05) $-$$ DAO’S TAI PAN’S E 446 N. Wilmot Road. 722-0055. Open daily 10 a.m.-8 p.m. CafÊ/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. A huge menu of delicious Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine makes Dao’s worth visiting. The restaurant may look like a fast-food joint, but the cuisine and the service prove that Dao’s is anything but. Be sure to try the multifaceted Vietnamese crepe. (2-17-05) $-$$






Buy One Appetizer

GRAIN RIVER ASIAN BISTRO NW 12985 N. Oracle Road. 818-1555. Open TuesdaySaturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday noon-9 p.m. CafÊ. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. You’ll find a just about all kinds of Asian food here. Korean? By all means, with a tasty bulgogi. Japanese? Try the teppanyaki. Thai? Both curry and noodle dishes are available. Chinese? Check out house specialties such as the fall-apart-tender Grain River fish. Friendly service. (9-13-12) $$ HOT WOK ASIAN BISTRO E 7755 E. Golf Links Road, No. 101. 751-6374. Open

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Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. DIS, MC and V. At this small Asian fast-casual joint, the food is plentiful and fairly priced—and it comes out of the kitchen hot and fast. While most of the menu is Chinese-influenced, you can also find pho, pad Thai and wings. Hot Wok is not glamorous, but considering that most of the restaurants nearby are chains, this is a pleasant neighborhood spot. Don’t look for smiles from the staff—but do look for a great deal. (3-1-12) $ OM MODERN ASIAN KITCHEN NW 1765 E. River Road. 299-7815. Open MondaySaturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 3-10 p.m. Full Cover/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. The menu at this sleek “modern kitchen� reads like a culinary tour of Asia. There’s a sure hand and a creative mind in the kitchen, assuring that flavors and textures come together in wonderful ways. A potato salad laced with luscious duck confit was splendid, and the sushi is as pretty as it is tasty. Bento boxes are served at lunch. (5-20-10) $$-$$$ PEI WEI ASIAN DINER C 845 E. University Blvd. 884-7413. Open Sunday-

Thursday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Summer hours: daily 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Also at 5285 E. Broadway Blvd. (514-7004) and 633 W. Ina Road (297-3238). The folks behind P.F. Chang’s have brought fast-casual Asian fare to Tucson with its Pei Wei chain, and the mini-Chang’s does the parent proud. Featuring delicious, freshly prepared Asian standards at fairly cheap prices, Pei Wei is a great place to grab some fine Asian food to go, or to sit down with the college kids and eat in a modern atmosphere. (11-27-03) $-$$ RICE HOUSE CHINA THAI C 54 W. Congress St. 622-9557. Open Monday-Friday

11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday Noon-9 p.m. CafÊ/Counter/ Beer Only. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. The food at this downtown spot, which offers a full assortment of both Thai and Chinese standards, can be hit-and-miss—but when it’s good, it’s really good. The tom yum soup is incredible, and you should really try the pad prig king (a dry red curry). You can find some amazing deals as lunch specials, too. (1-12-12) $-$$ SERI MELAKA E 6133 E. Broadway Blvd. 747-7811. Open MondayThursday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Saturday 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 11:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m. CafÊ/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. For a wonderful dip into the festive and aromatic cooking of Southeast Asia, a trip to Seri Melaka will leave your senses swimming. From the spicy, authentic sambals to the outstanding curries, Seri Melaka serves up authentic cuisine at reasonable prices. (10-18-01) $$

THAI CHINA BISTRO E 5121 E. Grant Road. 325-5185. Open daily 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. MC, V. What a nice little find! As the name indicates, there is both Thai and Chinese food here. There’s also sushi, with a bit of Korean thrown in for good measure. The pad Thai is tangy and tender, and the squid salad is a winner— loaded not just with tender squid, but also fresh greens and other vegetables in a soy-based sauce. The service at this fast-casual place is friendly and upbeat. (4-1912) $-$$ UMI STAR C 2502 N. Campbell Ave. 777-4465. Open Tuesday-

Thursday 11 a.m.-midnight; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-2 a.m.; Sunday 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Bistro/Full Bar. MC, V. Umi Star brings Asian street food to the Campbell Avenue corridor. With a menu that’s half sushi and half Asian-style tapas, there are some creative dishes that definitely shine, like the sushi bruschetta, the sushi burrito and the smoked eel with avocado and candied macadamia nut. The drinks are crafted with care and are delightful, but the cold, empty-warehouse feel of the dÊcor might keep you from sticking around for many of them. (1-3-13) $-$$$ WEI ASIAN CAFÉ E 9450 E. Golf Links Road. 722-1119. Open Monday-

Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday noon-9 p.m. CafÊ/ Beer and Wine. MC, V. The far eastside’s restaurant scene is looking a bit better thanks to Wei. The cafÊ aspires to be truly pan-Asian, featuring a huge menu of dishes attributed to China, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore. The food is reasonably priced and consistently decent to excellent. Give the sesame chicken a shot if you’re unsure what to try. (10-20-05) $-$$

PIZZA 1702 C 1702 E. Speedway Blvd. 325-1702. Open MondaySaturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. CafÊ/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. This little university-area pizza joint has friendly service and pizza slices bigger than your head. With an ever-changing 50-plus beers on tap, there’s something for everyone. If that’s not enough, generous salads and delicious wings will keep you coming back for more. (3-13-08) $$ BIANCHI’S W 1110 N. Silverbell Road. 882-8500. Open Sunday-

Thursday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-midnight. Counter/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Twice-cooked for crisp crust that tears well, their Meateater’s Supreme is packed at 13 inches. $-$$ BROOKLYN PIZZA COMPANY C 534 N. Fourth Ave. 622-6868. Open Monday-

Thursday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-2:30 a.m.; Sunday noon-10 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. There may be nothing gourmet or innovatively outrageous about Brooklyn Pizza, but if you like your pie with a crunchy, handtossed crust, a savory simmered tomato sauce, lots of gooey mozzarella cheese and the traditional toppings of your choice, you’ve come to the right place. Sandwiches also reflect attention to the “only best ingredients� philosophy. There’s nothing here that will disappoint. $ BZ’S PIZZA E 9431 E. 22nd St., No. 137. 546-1402. Open

Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. CafÊ/Beer and Wine. DIS, MC, V. Eastsiders have a nifty little pizza joint that puts out some great gourmet pies. The crust is light and chewy; the sauce is smooth and rich; and if you can’t find a topping you like, you should just stay home. Nightly pasta specials, great salads and sandwiches are on the menu. The vibe is family-friendly, although BZ’s is also a great place to meet friends for a glass of wine and a couple of pizzas. (7-7-11) $-$$ EMPIRE PIZZA AND PUB C 137 E. Congress St. 882-7499. Open Sunday-

Wednesday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Thursday-Saturday 11 a.m.-3 a.m. Counter/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Empire Pizza and Pub has injected a new kind of life into downtown Tucson, serving up big New York-style pizza by the slice (or whole), along with some salads and Italian sandwiches. The small patio offers views of the craziness on Congress Street, while the back bar area offers a couple of TVs featuring whatever game happens to be on. (2-3-11) $ GRANDMA TONY’S E 7010 E. Broadway Blvd. 885-7117. Open Sunday-

Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Diner/No Alcohol. MC, V. Also at 7878 E. Wrightstown Road (886-4461). Brought to you by the folks at the Gaslight Theatre, these are hand-tossed pies with a round edge and real mozzarella. The favorites are

the ham and pineapple or the mushroom and sausage. For the same lowish price, you can also order any combination of toppings. $-$$ GRIMALDI’S C 446 N. Campbell Ave., No. 100. 882-6100. Open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. One of New York City’s highest-rated pizza joints is serving some of the best pizza in Tucson. You’ll pay more here for your coal brick-oven pie, but it’s worth it. We recommend sitting in the bar area while you munch on your pizza or calzone, so you can watch the doughthrowing and pizza-baking show. All three sauces (red, white and pesto) are tasty; just be careful while selecting the often-pricey toppings. (9-25-08) $$-$$$ LA MADRINA

NO ANCHOVIES C 870 E. University Blvd. 623-3333. Open daily 11 a.m.-midnight or later. Counter/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Gourmet pizzas find dizzying combinations of fresh and unusual ingredients. Catering to signature creations or simply celebrating pizza, No Anchovies puts a new spin on the old pie. (8-2-01) $-$$ OREGANO’S E 4900 E. Speedway Blvd. 327-8955. Open daily 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Diner. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. A 1950s-style pizza joint, Oregano’s is sure to please on every level. From handmade stuffed pizzas and enormous bowls of pastas to salads and Italian favorites (lasagna, sausage sandwiches, ravioli), Oregano’s has it all. Be sure to call ahead to see how long the line is, since the wait can easily be an hour. (1-3-02) $-$$

NW 7872 N. Oracle Road. 742-2111. Open Monday-

Thursday 11 a.m.-8:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday noon-8 p.m. Summer hours: Closed Monday. Counter/Beer and Wine. DIS, MC, V. This tiny joint offers up good pizza, decent sandwiches, nice salads and a most-interesting cheesecake, all wrapped up in an unpretentious setting. Tucked away in a corner of the Trader Joe’s plaza on North Oracle Road, La Madrina has been in business since the mid-’80s. Pizzas come in four sizes with a wide assortment of toppings, including anchovies and shrimp. And the “best cheesecake ever� is pretty darn good. (8-16-12) $-$$

REILLY CRAFT PIZZA AND DRINK C 101 E. Pennington St. 882-5550. Open SundayThursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-midnight. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, MC, V. This restaurant, in the old Reilly Funeral Home on Pennington Street, has a fun, urban atmosphere unlike any other spot in Tucson. While the food can be hit and miss, there are far more hits than misses, and those hits are often home runs: The pizza with speck (ham) and egg is revelatory, for example. The bar turns out some fun and delicious cocktails, too. (11-15-12) $$

MAGPIES GOURMET PIZZA E 105 S. Houghton Road. 751-9949. Open MondaySaturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Also at 4654 E. Speedway Blvd. (795-5977), 605 N. Fourth Ave. (628-1661) and 7315 N. Oracle Road (2972712). Only the Fourth Avenue location serves beer and wine. This local chain brags about serving the best pizza in town—and to a large extent, they back up that brag. Fresh ingredients and lots of them highlight their diverse selection of pies. (6-12-03) $-$$

RENEE’S ORGANIC OVEN E 7065 E. Tanque Verde Road. 886-0484. Open daily 11 a.m.-9 p.m. CafÊ/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Folks on the eastside have reason to celebrate. This little gem of a pizzeria offers up pizzas, pastas, sandwiches and salads using fresh and often organic ingredients. A nice little wine list is available. This is a familyfriendly place that rivals other upscale pizza joints in town. (3-23-06) $-$$

MARCO’S PIZZA S 6330 E. Golf Links Road, Suite 142. 747-3898.

Open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-midnight. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Also at 10550 N. La Caùada Drive (2976500) and 5650 S. 12th Ave., Suite 180 (300-4449). This Ohio-based franchise offers some of the better chain-joint pizza in Tucson. The chicken fresco pie— featuring moist grilled chicken, tangy red sauce and delicious bacon—left our mouths watering and wanting more. Some of the employees weren’t as knowledgeable as they could have been, but there’s no denying that Marco’s makes exceptionally tasty, moderately priced pizzas. (12-18-08) $$-$$$ NEW YORK PIZZA DEPARTMENT E 1521 N. Wilmot Road. 207-7667. Open SundayFriday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. New York Pizza Department offers some of Tucson’s best thin-crust pies, both whole and by the slice. The ingredients make the pizzas so great—yes, that’s real ham, not lunchmeat, on your meat-lover pizza. Calzones, panini, stromboli, subs both hot and cold, Italian bombers, wings, salads and several entrÊes round out the sizable menu. (12-22-11) $-$$

ROCCO’S LITTLE CHICAGO C 2707 E. Broadway Blvd. 321-1860. Open MondaySaturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Diner/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. This Windy City-style pizzeria has made a big splash in the Old Pueblo with its tasty square-cut, thin-crust and oversized stuffed pizza. Mushroom mania (the Fungus Humongous) and hot-and-spicy chiles and sausage (the Great Chicago Fire) are just two of the specialty pizzas that await your pleasure, or you can mix and match ingredients to create something uniquely your own. Little touches like ripe, red, sliced roma tomatoes and a blend of four cheeses make Rocco’s pizza a hit in any form. $-$$ SAUCE NW 7117 N. Oracle Road. 297-8575. Open SundayThursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.10 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Also at 5285 E. Broadway Blvd. (514-1122) and 2990 N. Campbell Ave. (795-0344). Whippet-thin specialty pizzas and tasty salads dominate the menu at Sauce, a fast-casual restaurant owned by the folks behind Wildflower and NoRTH. A trendy, bright atmosphere and a large outdoor dining area provide ample reasons for you to eat out, although to-go orders for those who want to dine at home are welcomed. (12-25-03) $-$$

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Red velvet waffle with fresh cream cheese sauce, served with thick-cut applewood smoked bacon, fresh fruit and chocolate treat. Serving Tucson’s Most Unique Breakfasts and Brunches



TINO’S PIZZA E 6610 E. Tanque Verde Road. 296-9656. Open Monday-Thursday 10:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday 10:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Saturday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Sunday 3-9 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. You can’t argue with the success of Tino’s; the place has been around since the mid-’80s. The pies here will satisfy any pizza craving; they’re hot, cheesy and just plain good! Sandwiches, salads, calzones and sides round out the menu. This is an all-American pizzeria. (2-4-10) $-$$

Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. If you’re looking for an authentic Philly cheesesteak or a hoagie made from fresh ingredients, Frankie’s is the place to go. Fresh Amoroso rolls are flown in, and the meats come from Italy via Philadelphia. The Philly wings will give Buffalo-style a run for the money. Prices are more than fair. Service is upfront and friendly. A great place to eat in, take out or call for delivery. (3-24-05) $

VERO AMORE E 3305 N. Swan Road, No. 105. 325-4122. Open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. CafÊ/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Also at 12130 N. Dove Mountain Blvd., No. 104 (579-2292). The Dove Mountain location has a full bar. The only pizza joint in town that’s certified as following the rigid guidelines of pizza from the old country, Vero Amore serves great pies. A couple of pasta dishes and salads round out the menu. The atmosphere is warm and cozy, and the service is sincere. The wine list is just right. This little pizza joint is a nice addition to the myriad restaurants in the Swan/Fort Lowell roads area. (8-24-06) $$

SANDWICHES BEYOND BREAD C 3026 N. Campbell Ave. 322-9965. Open MondayFriday 6:30 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday 7 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunday 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, MC, V. Also at 6260 E. Speedway Blvd. (747-7477) and 421 W. Ina Road (461-1111). Voted best bread in Tucson ever since it opened, Beyond Bread specializes in reviving the art of artisan bread, with its small batches and hand-formed loaves. Monstrous sandwiches, excellent pastries and swift service have earned this venue its status as one of the best places in Tucson to grab a quick bite to eat. (2-5-01) $ THE DAGGWOOD CAFÉ C 736 E. Fort Lowell Road. 903-9663. Summer hours: Open Monday-Saturday 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Regular hours: Open Monday-Saturday 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. DIS, MC, V. The Daggwood CafÊ offers belly-busting sandwiches that run from the usual offerings to a few house specialties. All are big, of course; what else would you expect from a place with such a name? Everything is fresh and tasty. Catering is also available. (10-27-05) $-$$ EAST COAST SUPER SUBS C 187 N. Park Ave. 882-4005. Open daily 11 a.m.8 p.m. Counter/Diner/Beer and Wine. AMEX, MC, V. A slice of the turnpike right here in our own back yard, East Coast Super Subs will make transplanted Easterners weep with joy. The cheesesteaks are unparalleled—great rolls, tender sliced beef, sautÊed sweet onions, melted provolone and a red-pepper relish to die for. Super Subs come in sizes up to 16 inches. Without a doubt, a complete meal in a bun. (9-9-99) $-$$ FRANKIE’S SOUTH PHILLY CHEESESTEAKS C 2574 N. Campbell Ave. 795-2665. Open MondaySaturday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m.

LUKE’S ITALIAN BEEF C 1615 S. Alvernon Way. 747-8399. Open MondaySaturday 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Counter/Beer Only. DIS, MC, V. Also at 101 E. Fort Lowell Road (888-8066), 4444 E. Grant Road (3219236), 6741 N. Thornydale Road (877-7897) and 2645 E. Speedway Blvd. (795-6060). These sandwiches are big and beefy, and the dogs snap when you bite. They come in wrappers filled with crisp, hot, crinkle-cut fries. Italian sausage and pizza are also first-rate. $ MELT E 5056 E. Broadway Blvd. 326-6358. Open Monday-

Saturday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. It’s a sandwich shop! It’s a cupcake store! It’s two eateries in one! At Melt, all of the sandwiches are named after American cities. Whether you prefer your sandwiches hot or cold, you’re bound to find something you’ll like. Salads and sides are available, and if you’re craving a fried-egg sandwich on your way to work in the morning, stop by. Of course, then there are all those cupcakes from 2 Cupcakes, which shares the building (www.2cupcakes.com). They are as tasty as they are pretty. (9-8-11) $ PJ SUBS T6 FILLING STATION C 2500 E. Sixth St. 326-9500. Open Sunday-Thursday

11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. CafÊ/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Want a tasty sandwich, some well-prepared fries and wings, and a cocktail, all while watching the game? PJ/T6 may just be the place for you. There’s nothing here on the menu that’s particularly noteworthy, but they do what they do well. (9-24-09) $-$$ WHICH WICH? C 943 E. University Blvd., Suite 125. 884-0081. Open

Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday-Sunday 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Within about a dozen broad categories (various kinds of flesh, seafood, vegetarian, Italian, comforts, classics, etc.), you can customize your sandwich down to the type of mustard. The results can be terrific, if you choose wisely. Don’t pass up the thick shakes and warm, soft cookies. (6-4-09) $ WORLD WIDE WRAPPERS C 500 N. Fourth Ave., No. 7. 884-7070. Open Monday-

Thursday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.10 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. MC, V. The folks at this longtime Fourth Avenue eatery offer fresh and healthful world-influenced food and drink. The veggies are bright and colorful, attesting to their freshness. The proteins are perfectly seasoned, and the other ingredients pop with flavor; we especially love the mango salsa. You get your choice of tortillas, or you can forgo them and have it all in a bowl. A great break during all that fun shopping on the avenue. (6-21-12) $

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FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013






The xx’s rise to fame is fueled by their love for playing music together

By Stephen Seigel, musiced@tucsonweekly.com

Subtlety in Song BY MICHAEL PETITTI, mailbag@tucsonweekly.com The xx ortune favors the bold, but not always. Back in 2009, when the young members of the xx—Romy Madley Croft, Oliver Sim, Jamie Smith and Baria Qureshi— released their eponymous album for Young Turks/XL, its snaking, subtle melodies caught fire in an indie music landscape more receptive to the sweeping vistas of Arcade Fire or the hairraising electro-racket of Animal Collective. Nevertheless, the xx’s debut was a charmer, with mysterious, opaquely taciturn lyrics, beguiling male-female vocal exchanges and a slight patina of clubby dream-pop. Recently, I spoke with Croft, who was busy rehearsing in London for the group’s worldwide tour, which brings them to the Rialto Theatre on Feb. 17. Croft spoke about her first awareness, during Coachella in 2010, that the group had arrived. “We were used to playing to about 100 to 200 people when we first toured America and we were playing small clubs,” Croft said. “But when we walked out on stage and there were 20,000 or 30,000 people, it was a defining moment. … It was terrifying but incredible.” Partly, what drew so many people to the xx’s Coachella performance is the mesmeric quality of the group’s hushed, sedate music. The xx’s approach is alluring in its simplicity, but Croft was quick to address their pragmatism. “Our minimal sound came from the fact that we couldn’t necessarily play our instruments very well at the beginning, and we wanted to make sure we could play everything live,” Croft said. “That’s why the songs aren’t that complicated, because we couldn’t play them. We couldn’t overcomplicate them if we tried.” Nevertheless, there’s a modicum of modesty at play in Croft’s comments because the xx’s micro-sound, sanded at the edges but chewy and substantial at its core, only seems basic. It is masterful; precisely edited for maximum resonance with minimal decibels. But by the time the trio—Qureshi departed shortly after the release of the group’s debut album because of “personal differences”—had toured their debut extensively, they found such dedication to their craft had ossified their personal lives. “All of our friends had moved out of home, gone to university, and almost finished university by the time we got home [from touring the first album],” Croft said. “We still lived with our parents and things like that. So, we kind of did a bit of moving out of home, got our own flats, and once we’d done that it all started naturally and we started writing again.” The process of creating their sophomore album, Coexist (Young Turks/XL), a natural, if more dynamic, progression of the group’s becalmed sound, took shape after touring


Golden Boots


because of the distractions of the road. “I find it quite hard writing on tour,” Croft said. “I like to be alone and have quiet … but you can’t really have that on tour because you’re constantly surrounded by people and there’s always noise.” Eventually, the group got around to working in earnest on their anticipated follow-up. For Croft, time away from touring and the comforts of her own place allowed her to begin songwriting. “For me, it’s the lyrics first. It starts more just like a poem or words on a page and then I sit down with my guitar or a keyboard and just lash out melodies and it kind of happens from there,” Croft said. “I usually send what I have to Oliver—he works via email—and he works on it and sends it back.” What may sound like a strained or isolated recording process perfectly suits the xx: The way Coexist closer “Our Song” repeatedly billows from a warm electronic pulse into a steady gallop before subsiding suggests the kind of introspective restraint idealized in seclusion. “It’s quite a comfortable way of working,” Croft said. “You don’t feel so exposed as if you’re sitting with each other in the same room.” Appropriately, Coexist, from its more confident, swaggering beauty to its brevity and genuine shyness, is a perfect representation of the individuals who comprise the band. “When we first started playing live, I couldn’t look up,” Croft said. “I couldn’t look anyone in the eye. I think through playing live … we’ve gotten a lot of confidence as people. And I think growing up and getting a bit older, I think the confidence shows a lot more onstage.” For all the love it received, Coexist also weathered a share of critical indifference—as though many were expecting full brass sections or boozy pub rock influences. Because the album is only a subtle step forward for the group, it is easy to overlook its complexity. Nevertheless, depth exists in the noirish, vamping undercurrent of “Fiction,” or the way “Try” cracks the surface of its shimmering beauty with alarm-call atmospherics, or how “Tides” uses blurry, unsettled rhythms to overwhelm its soulfulness, or even the anxious electronics of

The xx with Austra 7 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17 Rialto Theatre 318 E. Congress St. The show is sold out. 740-1000; rialtotheatre.com

“Swept Away,” a lush masterpiece. Although Croft said there was no set vision for Coexist, recording the album was inspirational. “I think we’ve learned very much from making Coexist, so that next time we’ll know what we want to do a bit more,” Croft said. “I’m really embracing whatever happens, and I’m really excited to make more music, much sooner.” Croft admits this surge of post-recording creativity will mean putting aside personal preferences and writing on tour (“Try and find a quiet room and push ourselves to work a bit more on tour, musically; I’m really excited to do that”), but she also admits to finding the life of the traveling musician to be difficult in atypical ways. Touring is “an amazing experience, but sometimes I think, ‘Oh, gosh, I’d quite like to be going to bed now,’” Croft said. “It’s very tiring to be doing that every night, but I wouldn’t drop it.” In large part, the xx will continue to thrive as a recording, touring entity because of their interpersonal relationships. Croft has been friends with Sim since the two were 3, and both have known Smith since the age of 11. Referring to both men as “my brothers, really,” Croft seems most expressive and excited when it comes to being creative, productive and together as the xx. “We are friends foremost, and when we make music together it feels right,” Croft said. “It feels very comfortable. It’s very nice to be back in rehearsals and hanging out and playing music and working out new things for our live show. It kind of reminds me that this is what we do. When you’re out on tour and (doing) promotional stuff it can get lost that you’re making music. It’s nice to get back to just the three of us playing together.”

With Philadelphia’s Dr. Dog on a brief hiatus after touring the hell out of their fantastic 2012 release Be the Void, we Tucsonans have gotten spoiled with a ton of recent Golden Boots shows. The two bands, of course, share a member – Dimitri Manos – and the Boots’ Nathan Sabatino is also Dr. Dog’s sound engineer. But that’s about to end. Golden Boots will be playing its last show for at least a month this week, as Manos and Sabatino are headed to Philly to begin work on recording new Dr. Dog material. The show will double as a release party for an unusual new release by the band as well. Golden Boots — whose other current members are Ryen Eggleston, Ben Schneider, and Andrew Collberg — have always been fond of doing weird stuff with the vinyl format and they found a likeminded conspirator in Olympia, Washington-based Mike Dixon, who owns and operates the label People in a Position to Know, which releases “limited edition vinyl recordings and handmade musical artifacts.” It was PIAPTK that released the band’s long out-of-print 2008 12” EV/Coyote Deathbed Surprise, which comprised the two titular previous EPs. Only 500 copies of the 12” were made — half in green/white/orange swirl vinyl, the other half in translucent blue/black swirl vinyl — and it had some built-in quirks tailor-made for vinyl nerds: Side A, which housed the Coyote DeathBed Surprise EP, played from the inside out, while Side B, which contained the EV EP, had double grooves that ran parallel. Which means that when you put the needle down on the record, you could be playing either the odd groove or the even one, and each contained a different set of songs. So, when it came time for a new Boots record experiment, they knew who to ask. According to a handwritten letter sent to the Soundbites desk by Manos, a few years ago Sabatino read about roentgenizdat, which were Russian records containing banned Western music, with the grooves embedded in hospital x-rays so that they could be bought, sold, and traded without the authorities realizing what they were. The Boots, being the Boots, had the idea to create a modern record that would be released on x-rays in homage to the practice. They asked Dixon if he could help them create it. The project had a couple hurdles to jump: the modern move to digital x-rays and hospital patient confidentiality. It was Dixon who came up with the brilliant idea to contact veterinarians to supply the x-rays, and he ended up procuring hundreds of them. As he writes on the PIAPTK website, “After years of experimenting and trying to make playable records out of actual x-rays, I finally found someone who could! Pirates Press in SF put my x-rays on their flexi-disc press and (after five sets of test pressings) finally accom-






from Page 47





340 e6th/plushtucson.com

plished the monumental task of turning this weird medical waste product into a playable record!” And so, the new Golden Boots song “White Skeleton” (a more than appropriate title for a song pressed on an x-ray, if you think about it for a second) is now available in a limited run of 250 x-ray flexi-discs, each one unique. At first glance it looks much like a normal flexi, but hold it up to the light and the image reveals itself. The song itself is a live recording of a nice little chugging twang-pop tune with Eggleston and Manos singing in tandem. All that being said, due to the unusual medium, it’s about as lo-fi as it gets. On my first listen, the needle settled into a locked groove at the end of the song, and I wasn’t sure if it was intentional (this is Golden Boots, after all) or just a skip in the record. On subsequent listens, the needle made it all the way through, meaning it was the latter. Still, even if you don’t own a turntable, it’s pretty nifty as a unique art item; if you do, consider the song a bonus – the band will be selling them at their show this week for only $2. They’ll also be selling newly pressed copies of a remastered, Army-green vinyl version of their excellent 2011 LP DBX ‘n’ SPF, a corelease by PIAPTK and Tucson’s Bloat Records. The covers were printed at the local Tanline Silkscreen Printing. (And while we’re on the topic of vinyl albums, let me address a pet peeve. Youth of Today: Please stop calling vinyl records “vinyls.” Thank you in advance for your cooperation.) Get your last fix of the Golden Boots live for a while and take home a couple aural souvenirs to stave off the loneliness in their absence when they headline a free show on the outdoor plaza at Hotel Congress, 311 E. Congress St., on Sunday, Feb. 17. The show kicks off at 7 p.m. with opening sets by Texas-based The Preservation and Andrew Collberg. For more information call 622-8848 or head to hotelcongress.com/club.


Thurs/Sat: Fri 2/15: Sun 2/17: Mon 2/18: Tues 2/19:



No Cover For Ladies ‘til 11pm


FRIDAY: MILITARY DISCOUNT $3 Cover & Drink Specials With ID

If you’ve got a ticket in hand for The xx’s first Tucson show, at the Rialto Theatre, also on Sunday, Feb. 17 (read all about it in Michael Petitti’s feature article this week), consider youself lucky: The show has been sold out for weeks. If you didn’t get a ticket when they were still available through the venue, well, you’re not that unlucky. If you’ve got some spare dough, check out Craigslist where, at press time, they were being offered at wildly divergent prices (anywhere from $50 to over $150 each). Or, consider either the aforementioned Golden Boots show or the other offering at Club Congress that night, a triple bill of Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Foxygen, and Wampire that the club is calling the “xx Official After Party,” which was just announced last week. In his glowing review of Unknown Mortal Orchestra’s latest release, II (Jagjaguwar, 2013), the Weekly’s Sean Bottai said that the psychedelic hodgepodge of an album references everything from Al Green and Jimi Hendrix “to krautrock, to Zeppelin, to Cream, to Sam Cooke.” Meanwhile, the similarly referential We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic (Jagjaguwar, 2013), the debut full-length by Foxygen, has fans and critics alike raving. Doors for the show open at 8 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 17, at Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. Advance tickets are $12; they’ll be $14 on the day of the show. Or, if you’ve

Beth Bombara

TOP TEN The 17th St. Guitar and World Music Store’s top sales for the week ending Feb. 8, 2013 1. Sergio Mendoza y la Orkesta Mambo Mexicano! 2. Grams & Krieger 5

3. Mitzi Cowell & the Valiants Just the Blues

4. Sergio Mendoza y la Orkesta got a ticket stub from The xx show, cover is only $5. Call 622-8848 or point your browser to clubcongress.com/club for answers to your questions.

Live at the Rialto


6. The El Camino Royales

We’ve already run out of room here, so be sure to check out our listings sections for tons of other great shows happening around town this week. For now, here’s a (rather large) sampling: John Pizzarelli Quartet at the Fox Tucson Theatre on Saturday, Feb. 16; Ra Ra Riot at Club Congress on Saturday, Feb. 16; Far East Movement at the Rialto Theatre on Monday, Feb. 18 (free show); Tom Russell at the Javarita Coffee House in Sahuarita on Friday, Feb. 15; Wynonna & the Big Noise at the Fox Tucson Theatre on Friday, Feb. 15; Uli Jon Roth of the Scorpions at The Rock on Wednesday, Feb. 20; Orange Kids albumrelease show with Latches, The Living Breathing, and Martin Aguilar at Club Congress on Tuesday, Feb. 19; Masters of Hawaiian Music: George Kahumoku at the Fox Tucson Theatre next Thursday, Feb. 21; British Invasion Night (local acts the Electric Blankets, Silverfox, Kaia Chesney, Smallvox, Sugar Stains, and Atom Heart Mother each covering a British act) at Club Congress on Friday, Feb. 15; NEON – ‘80s vs. ‘90s Video Dance Party with Black Cherry Burlesque at the Rialto Theatre on Saturday, Feb. 16; Dolan Ellis at Abounding Grace Sanctuary on Saturday, Feb. 16; Beth Bombara and Fur Family at La Cocina next Thursday, Feb. 21; “Tucson’s Best” Showcase: Ska/Reggae Edition featuring Three Point Turn, Bangarang, GriteLeon and more at the Rialto Theatre next Thursday, Feb. 21; The Resonars, Logan Greene, and Discos at Club Congress on Wednesday, Feb. 20; La Cerca, Jessa Cordova, and Burning Palms at La Cocina on Wednesday, Feb. 20; Drifter, Diners, Hip Don’t Dance, and Tinsels at Tucson Live Music Space on Saturday, Feb. 16; The Cordials, The Possibles, and Leila Lopez at Plush on Saturday, Feb. 16; Bethany Rose Womack: A Night of Local Love with Brandon Jim Band, Wake Up Joel, and Alisha Peru at The Rock on Sunday, Feb. 17; Lunar Light Collectors, Fire Dust, and The Monitors at Plush on Wednesday, Feb. 20; Low Culture, Turkish Techno, Free Machines, and Cold Charlie at Tucson Live Music Space on Sunday, Feb. 17; Black Cherry Raw burlesque with a live band at Surly Wench Pub on Friday, Feb. 15.

Boogie Royale

5. Stefan George & the Fellow Travelers Blue House

7. Marianne Dissard L’ Entredeux

8. Various Artists The Inner Flame: A Tribute to Rainer Ptacek

9. Rainer The Best of Rainer: 17 Miracles

10. Naim Amor Soundtracks Vol. III

Marianne Dissard

LIVE MUSIC Here is a list of venues that offer live music, dancing, DJ music, karaoke or comedy in the Tucson area. We recommend that you call and confirm all events. ABOUNDING GRACE CHURCH 2450 S. Kolb Road. 747-3745. THE BASHFUL BANDIT 3686 E. Speedway Blvd. 795-8996. BOONDOCKS LOUNGE 3306 N. First Ave. 690-0991. BORDERLANDS BREWING COMPANY 119 E. Toole Ave. 261-8773. CAFÉ PASSÉ 415 N. Fourth Ave. 6244411. CASINO DEL SOL 5655 W. Valencia Road. (800) 344-9435. CENTENNIAL HALL. 1020 E. University Blvd. CHICAGO BAR 5954 E. Speedway Blvd. 748-8169. CLUB CONGRESS 311 E. Congress St. 622-8848. CROWDER HALL/UA SCHOOL OF MUSIC 1017 N. Olive Road. 621-1655. EDDIES COCKTAILS 8150 E. 22nd St. 290-8750. FOX TUCSON THEATRE 17 W. Congress St. 624-1515. GRACE ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2331 E. Adams St. 327-6857. THE HUT 305 N. Fourth Ave. 623-3200. IRISH PUB 9155 E. Tanque Verde Road. 749-2299. JASPER NEIGHBORHOOD RESTAURANT AND BAR 6370 N. Campbell Ave., No. 160. 577-0326. LAFFS COMEDY CAFFÉ 2900 E. Broadway Blvd. 323-8669. LEO RICH THEATER 260 S. Church Ave. 791-4101. MAVERICK 6622 E. Tanque Verde Road. 298-0430. MINT COCKTAILS 3540 E. Grant Road. 881-9169. MONTEREY COURT STUDIO GALLERIES AND CAFÉ 505 W. Miracle Mile. 2072429. MR. HEAD’S ART GALLERY AND BAR 513 N. Fourth Ave. 792-2710. OLD TOWN ARTISANS 201 N. Court Ave. 623-6024. ORACLE INN 305 E. American Ave. Oracle. 896-3333. THE PARISH 6453 N. Oracle Road. 7971233. PLAYGROUND BAR AND LOUNGE 278 E. Congress St. 396-3691. PLUSH 340 E. Sixth St. 798-1298. RED BARN THEATRE 948 N. Main Ave. 622-6973. RIALTO THEATRE 318 E. Congress St. 740-1000. RJ’S REPLAYS SPORTS PUB AND GRUB 5769 E. Speedway Blvd. 495-5136. THE ROCK 136 N. Park Ave. 629-9211. RUNWAY BAR AND GRILL 2101 S. Alvernon Way. 790-6788. SKY BAR 536 N. Fourth Ave. 622-4300. THE SKYBOX RESTAURANT AND SPORTS BAR 5605 E. River Road. 5297180. SOLAR CULTURE 31 E. Toole Ave. 8840874. STADIUM GRILL 3682 W. Orange Grove Road. Marana. 877-8100. THE STEAKOUT RESTAURANT AND SALOON 3620 W. Tangerine Road. Marana. 572-1300. SULLIVAN’S STEAK HOUSE 1785 E. River Road. 299-4275. TOBY KEITH’S I LOVE THIS BAR AND GRILL 4500 N. Oracle Road. 265-8629. TOPAZ 657 W. St. Mary’s Road, No. C1A. TUCSON LIVE MUSIC SPACE 125 W. Ventura St. TUCSON MUSIC HALL 210 S. Church Ave. UA STUDENT UNION BOOKSTORE 1209 E. University Blvd. 621-2426. WHISKEY TANGO 140 S. Kolb Road. 344-8843. WHISTLE STOP DEPOT 127 W. Fifth St. 271-7605.

THU FEB 14 Boondocks Lounge Kevin Pakulis w/Amy Langley, Love Weekend w/Ned Sutton & Last Dance Casino del Sol Dog n Butterfly: the Ultimate Heart Tribute Band Chicago Bar Neon Prophet Crowder Hall Baritone Nathan Gunn 7:30 p.m. $15, $40, $50 Jasper Neighborhood Restaurant and Bar Copper and Congress Laffs Comedy Caffé Open mic Leo Rich Theater The Harlem Quartet 7:30 p.m., $30, arizonachambermusuic.org Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café Valentine’s Day w/Alisha Peru Old Town Artisans Stefan George Rialto Theatre Ed Sheeran w/Rizzle Kicks & Foy Vance***SOLD OUT*** Sky Bar Love & Music Are in the Air feat. Steff Koeppen and the Articles w/The Neeners & Union Pacific Solar Culture Gem Show: Sanctuary Within St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church The Trent Piano Trio 12:25 p.m., A Schubert Interlude, freewill donation, stphilipstucson.org Sullivan’s Steak House The Jeff McKinney Band Topaz Blues Control

FRI FEB 15 Boondocks Lounge Neon Prophet Borderlands Brewing Company The Introverts Café Passé Roman Barten Sherman w/Tom Walbank Casino del Sol Sugar Box Chicago Bar The AmoSphere Club Congress British Invasion Night Eddies Cocktails Dust Devils Fox Tucson Theatre Wynonna and the Big Noise Irish Pub Mark Insley Jasper Neighborhood Restaurant and Bar The Paul Marin Trio Maverick Flipside Mint Cocktails Heather Hardy Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café Rockers Uptown Old Town Artisans The Greg Morton Band The Parish Dash Pocket Plush IMC Night feat. Payphone Mafia w/Logan Greene & Kristen Chandler Red Barn Theatre Jimmy McHugh Revue 7:30 p.m, Popular standards on piano and violin, $5 RJ’s Replays Sports Pub and Grub Shell Shock Runway Bar and Grill Missyaya520 w/Celena Santa Cruz, Zeta Foxx & EcLipzo The Skybox Restaurant and Sports Bar 80’s and Gentlemen Solar Culture Gem Show: Sanctuary Within Stadium Grill Chance Romance Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill Chad Freeman and Redline Tucson Live Music Space LITS w/Broken End Stereo, Lariats & No Radio Tucson Music Hall TSO Chorus and special guests 8 p.m., Verdi’s Requiem, $49 to $79, 882-8585, tucsonsymphonyorchestra.org UA School of Music Special presentation 7:30 p.m., Crowder Hall, A collaboration between the School of Music and the School of Film and Television presents an integration of live song with video media, free

SAT FEB 16 Abounding Grace Church Dolan Ellis (Arizona’s official balladeer) 7 to 9 p.m., $15, lavamusic.org The Bashful Bandit Renegade Roller Derby w/Drizzle Punkrock, The Sindicate & John Brown’s Bones Boondocks Lounge The Equinox Band Borderlands Brewing Company Black Jackalope Ensemble Café Passé Matthew Cordes w/Hans Hutchison, Hank Topless, Catfish and Weezie & Andy Hersey Casino del Sol Boomer Chicago Bar Neon Prophet Club Congress Ra Ra Riot Fox Tucson Theatre John Pizzarelli Quartet The Hut One Drop

Irish Pub Project Mayhem! Jasper Neighborhood Restaurant and Bar NoethenButJazz Maverick Flipside Mint Cocktails Don’t Blink Burlesque Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café Kevin Pakulis And the Coyote Supper Club Old Town Artisans Miss Lana Rebel w/Kevin Michael Mayfield, Hot Club, DJ Herm Oracle Inn Beau Renfro and Clear Country Plush The Cordials w/the Possibles & Leila Lopez Red Barn Theatre Jimmy McHugh Revue 7:30 p.m, Popular standards on piano and violin, $5 Rialto Theatre Neon 80s vs 90s Music Video Dance Party The Rock Blazing Arizona 2013 Tour: Alex’s Ho Down Throw Down feat. Lethal Dosage, Hillbilly Bo, Dread the Day, Maid Misery, Scattered Guts, Headsling, Evasion & Psykryptyca The Steakout Restaurant and Saloon House of Stone Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill Chad Freeman and Redline UA Student Union Bookstore Professor of German David Chisolm and pianist Paula Fan 11 a.m., A discussion about the social commentary of cabaret songs, free, confluencecenter.arizona.edu Whiskey Tango Graveyard Darlings w/Snew Whistle Stop Depot Chicha Dust

SUN FEB 17 Boondocks Lounge The Last Call Girls Centennial Hall From the Top Live with Christopher O’Riley 7 p.m., on the patio, $15 to $35 Club Congress Golden Boots w/The Preservation & Andrew Collberg-Free Show Club Congress The xx After Party feat. Unknown Mortal Orchestra w/Wampire & Foxygen Eddies Cocktails Dust Devils Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Soprano Mireille Hofmann Jacquod and harpsichordist Jeffri Sanders 3 p.m., Music Sonora’s early-music ensemble presentation of Mad Songs and Englishmen, $15, $5 student. 6288119, musicasonora.org Mint Cocktails Y Not Karaoke Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café Sunday Jazz Showcase Old Town Artisans Boogaloo BBQ w DJ Herm and friends, Catfish and Weezie Rialto Theatre The xx w/Austra ***SOLD OUT*** The Rock Bethany Rose Womack: A Night Of Local Love Tucson Live Music Space Low Culture w/Turkish Techno & Free Machines Tucson Music Hall TSO Chorus and special guests 2 p.m., Verdi’s Requiem, $49 to $79, 882-8585, tucsonsymphonyorchestra.org UA School of Music Jonathan Dimmock 7 p.m., The Roy A. Johnson Memorial Organ Series, Holsclaw Hall, $5 to $9

MON FEB 18 Boondocks Lounge The Bryan Dean Trio Chicago Bar The Ronstadts Club Congress Night Beds The Hut Bluegrass Nite feat. Cadillac Mountain Rialto Theatre Far East Movement

TUE FEB 19 Chicago Bar The Jive Bombers Club Congress Orange Kids Album Release Show w/ Latches, The Living Breathing, & Martin Aguilar Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café Jamie O’Brien Playground Bar and Lounge Roll Acosta

CONTINUED ON PAGE 51 If you would like your band, club or solo act to be listed, send all pertinent times, dates, prices and places to: Club Listings, Tucson Weekly, P.O. Box 27087, Tucson, AZ 85726. Fax listings to 792-2096. Or e-mail us at clubs@tucsonweekly.com. Deadline to receive listings information is noon on Friday, seven days before the Thursday publication date. For display advertising information, call 294-1200.

FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013










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Keith McNesby is the owner of East Coast Super Subs, 187 N. Park Ave. Originally from New Jersey, McNesby is a self-proclaimed music enthusiast and dog lover, and calls both music and dogs “God’s gifts to humans.”

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Kyle Mittan, mailbag@tucsonweekly.com

What was the first concert you attended? The Police, 1984. Atlantic City.

Use the Tucson Weekly mobile website to find all the info you need! Happy Hours, Movies, Events, Best of Tucson: It’s all there.


What are you listening to these days? My roommates having sex. Just kidding, I’m listening to anything from the ’70s. What was the first album you owned? Billy Joel, Glass Houses. What artist, genre or musical trend does everyone seem to love, but you just don’t get? That Justin Bieber bullshit. Or anything related to that stupid stuff. What musical act, current or defunct, would you most like to see perform live? The Beatles. The Beatles or CCR. Musically speaking, what is your favorite guilty pleasure? Soul or blues. Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, CCR — anything with depth. What song would you like to have played at your funeral? “What a Wonderful World,” Louie Armstrong. What band or artist changed your life, and how? Led Zeppelin and Steely Dan. Led Zeppelin was hard-hitting masculine music, and Steely Dan was great team play. They understand what it takes to do the whole thing to make great, harmonious music. Figurative gun to your head, what is your favorite album of all time? Back in Black or Appetite for Destruction. And the mere reason is every single song is a starting quarterback. They’re all good. Every single song is on steroids.



WED FEB 20 Boondocks Lounge The Titan Valley Warheads CafÊ PassÊ Glen Gross Quartet Chicago Bar Bad News Blues Band Club Congress The Resonars w/Logan Greene & Discos Eddies Cocktails Dust Devils Irish Pub Jody Rush Maverick Against the Grain Mint Cocktails Y Not Karaoke Monterey Court Studio Galleries and CafÊ T. Greg w/ Mark Holdaway & Jim Lipson Mr. Head’s Art Gallery and Bar Comedy night Old Town Artisans Collin Shook Trio, La Cerca w/Jessa Cordova & Burning Palms Playground Bar and Lounge Live Jazz w/Naim Amor & Shekky Halper Plush The Monitors w/Lunar Light Collectors & Fire Dust The Rock Uli Jon Roth: 2013 North American Tour w/ Newtronn1project & Billy Moon Project UA School of Music Chamber music 7 p.m., Hosclaw Hall, faculty artists Jerry Kirkbride, clarinet; Daniel Katzen, horn; and Rex Woods, piano

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ARTIST SERIES DesertView Performing Arts Center. 39900 S. Clubhouse Drive. SaddleBrooke. 825-5318. Feb. 16: Patrick Murray and Matilda present Jamaican Me Laugh, at 4 and 7:30 p.m.; $24, $22 advance. Visit tickets/ saddlebrooketwo.com for tickets and more information. JAVARITA COFFEE HOUSE Javarita Coffee House (The Good Shepherd United Church of Christ). 17750 S. La Caùada Drive. Sahuarita. 625-1375. The coffee house presents live acoustic roots music every month at 7 p.m., on selected Fridays, through April; $10 to $20, $90 for the season. Feb. 15: Tom Russell. March 15: Scott Ainslie. April 12: Work O’ the Weavers. Visit thegoodshepherducc.org for more information.

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FEB 16


FEB 19




FEB 12


LONELY STREET SERIES DesertView Performing Arts Center. 39900 S. Clubhouse Drive. SaddleBrooke. 825-5318. Showtime is 7:30 p.m., Wednesdays. Feb. 20: Doo Wop Divas. March 6: Last Stop, Bakersfield. Wednesday, March 27: The Best of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. $30, $25 advance. Visit tickets/sadlebrooketwo.com for tickets and more information. MUSIC AT COMMUNITY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Community Performing Arts Center. 1250 W. Continental Road. Green Valley. 399-1750. Showtime is 7 p.m.; $18, $15 advance. Saturday, Feb. 16: Desert Doo Wop. Monday, Feb. 18: Joe Bourne presents A Tribute to Lou Rawls; $20, $15 advance. Visit performingsartscenter.org for tickets and information. ORO VALLEY CONCERT SERIES Oro Valley Marketplace. Oracle and Tangerine roads. Oro Valley. Concerts take place at 6 p.m., Thursday; free. Feb. 14: Shaky Bones, and Little House of Funk, R&B and jazz. March 14: Amber Norgaard, singer-songwriter. April 11: Mr. Boogie Woogie. May 9: Full Sail, sevenpiece horn band. Visit saaca.org for more information. TUBAC CENTER OF THE ARTS Tubac Center of the Arts. 9 Plaza Road. Tubac. 3982371. Vocalist Walter Belcher performs at 7:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15. Tickets are $20 at the door. Visit tubacarts.org for tickets and more information.

UPCOMING DOVE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Dove of Peace Lutheran Church. 665 W. Roller Coaster Road. 887-5127. Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata is performed at 2 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 24. The annual Bach Birthday Musical Celebration, takes place at 2 p.m., Sunday, March 24. The Kingfisher String Quartet presents music by Beethoven, Ravel and Shostakovich at 2 p.m., Saturday, April 27. All concerts are free, but a freewill offering is taken. Visit doveofpeacetucson.org for more information. FOX TUCSON THEATRE Fox Tucson Theatre. 17 W. Congress St. 624-1515. Thursday, Feb. 21, at 7:30 p.m.: Hawaiian slack-key guitarist George Kahumoku; $20 to $42. Sunday, Feb. 24, at 5 p.m.: The Oscar Experience fundraiser for Fox Tucson Theatre Foundation: $25 to $125. Call or visit foxtucsontheatre.org for more information.


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FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013




LAVA MUSIC Abounding Grace Church. 2450 S. Kolb Road. 7473745. Shows are from 7 to 9 p.m., Saturday; $15. Feb. 23: Redhouse Family Jazz Band. March 2: Salty Suites, youthful roots. March 16: Dreadnutts, bluegrass and folk. April 6: Stefan George and Hans Olson, blues history. April 13: Bright and Childers with Ice-9, countryfolk and blues. Visit lavamusic.org for tickets and more information. NOCTRANE Western National Parks Association Bookstore. 12880 N. Vistoso Village Drive. Oro Valley. 622-6014. Noctrane performs a concert jazz and bluegrass music fusion at 2 p.m., Friday, Feb. 22; free. SOUTHERN ARIZONA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Each concert is performed twice: Saturday at 7:30 p.m., at DesertView Performing Arts Center, 39900 S. Clubhouse Drive; and 3 p.m., Sunday, at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 7650 N. Paseo del Norte. Tickets at DesertView are $23, $21 advance; tickets at St. Andrews are $20, free age 17 and younger. Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 23 and 24: works by Richard White, Hindemith and Mahler, featuring Christi Amoson, soprano, and a female quartet. Visit sasomusic.org for tickets and more information. ST. PHILIP’S FRIENDS OF MUSIC CONCERTS St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church. 4440 N. Campbell Ave. 299-6421. Concerts are held in the

UAPRESENTS AT THE FOX Fox Tucson Theatre. 17 W. Congress St. 624-1515. Barbara Cook performs at 8 p.m., Friday, Feb. 22; $15, $40, $60. Call 621-3341, or visit uapresents.org for tickets and more information.

TSO POPS Tucson Music Hall. 210 S. Church Ave. 791-4101. Unless otherwise noted, performances are at 8 p.m., Saturday; and 2 p.m., Sunday; $26 to $69. Call 8828585 or visit tucsonsymphonyorchestra.org for tickets and more information. Feb. 23 and 24: Broadway Rocks, featuring Broadway vocalists. Saturday, March 16, at 8 p.m.: Pink Martini with the TSO Pops; $34 to $79.


TUCSON GUITAR SOCIETY Holsclaw Hall. UA School of Music, 1017 N. Olive Road. 621-1162. Gabriel Navia conducts the 16 guitars of the Tucson Guitar Society Orchestra in concert at 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 22; free. Visit tucsonguitarsociety.org for more information. UA PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. 2331 E. Adams St. 327-6857. With the Arizona Choir and the UA Symphonic Choir, the orchestra presents Serenade, a selection of works in praise of music, at 3 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 24; free. UA SCHOOL OF MUSIC UA School of Music. 1017 N. Olive Road. 621-1655. Faculty artists Brian Luce, flute, and Rex Woods, piano, perform on Monday, Feb. 25, at 7:30 p.m., in Crowder Hall; $5.

Dwight Yoakam

BLUEGRASS MUSIC JAM SESSIONS The Desert Bluegrass Association hosts free public jam sessions monthly. The first Sunday, 3 to 5 p.m.: Udall Recreation Center, 7200 E. Tanque Verde Road, 2961231. The first Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m.: Rincon Market, 2315 E. Sixth St., 296-1231. The third Sunday, 3 to 5 p.m.: Music and Arts Center, 8320 N. Thornydale Road, No. 150-170, 579-2299. The third Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m.: Pinnacle Peak Restaurant, 6541 E. Tanque Verde Road, 296-0911. The fourth Sunday, from 4 to 6 p.m.: Thirsty’s Neighborhood Grill, 2422 N. Pantano Road, 885-6585. Call the phone number provided for each venue for more information. CALL FOR MUSICIANS St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church. 4440 N. Campbell Ave. 299-6421. The St. Philip’s Friends of Music seek applications from musicians and ensembles interested in performing for the three concert series from 2013 through 2014. Call 299-6421, or visit stphilipstucson.org for an application and more info. SHAPE-NOTE SINGING Sonora Cohousing Common House. 501 E. Roger Road. 404-1988. Shape-note singing from The Sacred Harp takes place from 2 to 5 p.m., the first and third Saturday of every month; free. Copies of The Sacred Harp are available for loan or purchase. Call 743-1268, or visit tucsonfasola.org for more information. TUCSON GUITAR SOCIETY Holsclaw Hall. UA School of Music, 1017 N. Olive Road. 621-1162. A guitar recital takes place at 11 a.m., every Friday while school is in session, UA Museum of Art, 1031 Olive Road; free. Call 342-0022, or visit tucsonguitarsociety.org for reservations and more information.



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Bloom Music Center unless otherwise noted; freewill donation. Thursday, Feb. 21, at 12:15 p.m.: Venti e Arpe perform Finding Beauty in the 20th Century. Friday, Feb. 22, at 7 p.m.: Pianist Kathryn Christensen, Homage: Something Old and Something New. Visit stphilipstucson.org for more information.

Dwight Yoakam, Tommy Ash Band FOX TUCSON THEATRE Thursday, Feb. 7 “Take hold of my hand / I’ll do what I can / To make everything right,â€? sings Dwight Yoakam in the opening lines of his new album and tour. After sound difficulties marred the start of Yoakam’s set Thursday, that line rang true to the moment as the apologetic singer and his amazing band cranked up the intensity song after song, delivering a spectacular performance. After all, a little bit of suffering and some patience ultimately yield greater pleasure. Packing 28 songs – mixing a strong batch of new songs with hits and country standards – into one set requires racing through the tunes with hardly space for a breath in between. Unfortunately, that also meant it took five full songs before the crew caught the band’s attention. Left out of the PA, the vocals were all but inaudible to the audience, but fixed after a short break. Yoakam restarted the show with a quick “As I was saying‌â€? and made up for the trouble with some good humor (“I’ve never played so long, so low, for so manyâ€?) and a clear dose of extra effort: He treated the crowd to his signature shimmy running through those first five songs the second time around. With its soaring vocals and flashy guitar, “Take Hold of My Handâ€? is vintage Yoakam, an exuberant start to 3 Pears (which he co-produced with Beck) and the show. Then he turned back the clock 25 years with the hit “Please, Please Babyâ€? and took a dip in country’s past with “Little Sister,â€? his cover of the Elvis hit. The iconic “Streets of Bakersfieldâ€? and “Turn It On, Turn It Up, Turn Me Loose,â€? Yoakam’s ode to drowning out sorrows with music, rounded out the first five. Beyond just aging well, Yoakam’s signature hillbilly rock has become timeless and his band (multi-instrumentalist Brian Whelan, bassist Jonathan Clark, electrifying lead guitarist Eugene Edwards and drummer Mitch Marine) simply killed it, reaching a fever pitch on the encore – “A Heart Like Mineâ€? and “Long White Cadillac.â€? The opening Tommy Ash Band, from Phoenix, paired well with Yoakam, playing a tight and grooving honky-tonk. Singer Tommy Ash (Tommy in this case is a she) has a big, bold voice that’s just as adept for torch songs as the band’s rockin’ version of Johnny Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues.â€? Eric Swedlund mailbag@tucsonweekly.com

Night Beds

The Howling Hex

Yo La Tengo

Country Sleep

The Best of the Howling Hex





Considering this project’s name, the album’s title and the calming effect of many of the delicate songs on this fulllength debut by Nashville’s Winston Yellen, the temptation is to describe it as a collection of unthreatening altrock lullabies. But Yellen is up to something more complex: His compositions balance elements of sorrow, loss and desperation with the comfort of companionship and emotional repair. He delivers them in a lovely, well-tempered high tenor not unlike that of Fleet Foxes’ Robin Pecknold or Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon. The beautiful single “Ramona” combines Yellen’s delicate voice, a gauzy melody of piano and guitar and a driving beat atypical of the rest of the album. “Borrowed Time” is a restrained, introspective country-rock stroll, complete with touches of steel guitar and the barest hint of a two-step rhythm. Framed by gentle strings and harp, “Even If We Try” emphasizes the delicacy of Yellen’s quest for healing. Often, like a good magician, Yellen leaves his audience wanting more. Such tunes as “Faithful Heights” and “Was I For You?” (both less than two minutes long) draw you in immediately, but they feel like sketches that could’ve been fleshed out more. “Wanted You in August,” which contains maybe the album’s most gorgeous combination of instrumentation and voice, clocks in at well less than three minutes. Gene Armstrong Night Beds performs Monday, Feb. 18, at Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. Mellow Bellow and Best Dog Award open the 18-and-older show at 7 p.m. $10; 622-8848 or hotelcongress.com/club.

Twelve years after their demise, Neil Michael Hagerty has now spent just about as much time on his own as he spent in Royal Trux with his former partner Jennifer Herrema (currently fronting Black Bananas, formerly known as RTX). It’s fairly safe to say that while Herrema inherited the trashy rock, style and swagger from her old band’s pantheon, Hagerty got the risk-taking and experimental sensibilities (not to mention his guitar chops). Sometimes, challenging albums are well worth a few listens. Other times not so much. Best of, Hagerty’s 11th album fronting the Howling Hex (not including three initial solo albums) is unfortunately titled: It’s neither a retrospective (these are new songs), nor is it remotely the best work that Hagerty has released under the Hex moniker. Picking up where 2011’s Wilson Semiconductors left off, Hagerty is still mining his self-proclaimed “border sound,” which in recent years has meant repetitive polka/ waltz tempos on drums, bass and organ, along with Hagerty’s recognizable guitar wailing and inimitable voice. Unfortunately, the entirety of Best of is a repetitive and redundant listen. While tracks such as opener “Built a Friend” and “The General Prologue” feature a tight and compressed guitar skronk not unlike that found on Royal Trux’s catchy nod to the ’80s, 1998’s Accelerator (recently reissued by Drag City), the polka/waltz structure is too dominant and limiting. Historically, Hagerty has shown that he has the tools to construct interesting, if challenging, rock music. Here’s hoping he digs deeper into the shed next time around. Brian Mock

Yo La Tengo’s endurance undoubtedly earns them the euphemistic label of “veterans.” The problem with Fade, however, is that it truly is an album only a veteran (i.e., old) group could release: accomplished, smart, unfussy and assured. Guided by no concessions and no attempts at misguided reinvention, Fade is often excellent. Opener “Ohm” is a sprawling track that envelops a sinister organ drone in a tranquil but cacophonous pileup of fuzzy guitars and shaking percussion. Bacharachian strings infuse the low-fever buzz of “Is That Enough,” while closer “Before We Run” is a slow-burner dotted by militant, symphonic brass and swooping strings. Replacing longtime producer Roger Moutenot with John McEntire of Tortoise fame has spawned much discussion, and Fade certainly is a sumptuous album best heard through headphones. There are no weak tracks here as, again, the group is too “seasoned” for that, but “Well You Better,” a midtempo number with quirky squiggles of texture, is slight and forgettable. Fade, befitting late-era reflection, is a decidedly serene affair that at times feels like a confluence of shoegaze and country. “Cornelia and Jane,” with its moaning slide guitar washing over Georgia Hubley’s distant vocals, is beautifully wistful. Elsewhere, the ragged “Paddle Forward” and the noodling, radiant “Stupid Things” are YLT at their most recognizable and glorious. Yo La Tengo is one of the rare acts whose lengthy tenure has not, when it comes to proper releases, resulted in anything regrettable, with Fade continuing the trend. Michael Petitti

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FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013



MEDICAL MJ Courts are looking at the legality of cannabis clubs, but are they delaying the inevitable?

Collectives as Casualties? BY J.M. SMITH, jsmith@tucsonweekly.com od bless medical marijuana clubs and the people who run them, but a Michigan Supreme Court ruling last week might be the death knell for cannabis collectives everywhere. Hmpf. The highest court in the mitten state decided on Feb. 8 that it’s illegal for the shops to exist, that the club owners are astray of the law when they facilitate transfers between patients and/or caregivers. The state of Michigan started the lofty legal spat when it sued Brandon McQueen and Matthew Taylor of Mount Pleasant (it’s in the hand part, just west of the bottom end of the thumb), claiming the Compassionate Apothecary club was illegal. Patients and caregivers rent lockers at the club, where they store cannabis to trade for money— i.e. sell—or donate to patients or to the club. The club then trades cannabis for money—i.e. sells it—to other patients. The apothecary also charges a 20 percent tithe of medication stored at the site, which is then traded for money—i.e. sold—to patients. The club itself never owned any cannabis or actually sold any. It was all patient-to-patient transfers between McQueen, Taylor and others. That’s illegal, the state claimed. McQueen and Taylor respectfully disagreed, so they went and got themselves a lawyer. They won. Then the Wolverine State’s lawyers tore into them again in the Court of Appeals, where the ruling went for the wolverines. The club is a nuisance, and it’s illegal, the court ruled. So the Compassionate Apothecary lawyers appealed that ruling to the highest court in the Great Lakes State. In October they talked till they were blue in the face, and last week they lost that case. End of the line, cannabis clubs in Michigan. The state is now armed and willing to take you out. Ouch. The case might have relevance in Arizona, because we have dozens of collectives—mostly in the Phoenix metro area—that are waiting for a similar ax to fall. More than a year ago, in a case against several Phoenix clubs and indi-



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viduals, including a bunch of John and Jane Does and mystery companies (literally), the state asked the Superior Court to rule on the legality of collectives here. Is it legal for them to operate or hold themselves out as though they are able to “lawfully participate in the possessions, production, transportation, sale, or transfer of marijuana pursuant to the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act?” Attorney Generalissimo Tom Horne asked. The case promptly went nowhere. Mr. and Mrs. Doe are still waiting to see what the court here says about the issue. The similarities with the Michigan case are numerous. The clubs here are facilitating transfers between patients and other patients, just like the ones in Michigan. There is money changing hands, just like in the Michigan case. And the Superior Court judge appears to be on the side of the clubs, at least on first blush. Soon after the case was filed in 2011, the judge ruled the collectives can stay open until the case settles out. Go, judge. Now keep going. Go ahead and rule the clubs legal, so we can get on with the appeals from Horne and Gov. Jan. Then we can wait another year for the Court of Appeals ruling and another year after that for the Supreme Court of Republicans to rule. In my eyes, whose vantage point is 100 miles from Phoenix and more than 1,000 miles from the bottom row of knuckles in the Michigan mitten, it’s almost irrelevant what our Supreme Courts say. It’s all about the feds, IMO. Sometime in the near future, if you think 10 years is the near future, I suspect we will be dribbling cannabis oil on our spinach salad and joking about that time back in the day when you couldn’t just get your herbal remedy from the herbalist, so to speak. My guess is they will still call themselves dispensaries or apothecaries, but the cannabis clubs and shops, and specialists like McQueen and Taylor and John and Jane Doe, will be plying their trade under the protection of federal law. Until then, we’ll just have to wait. Oh whale.

Inkwell: “Switching Sides” by Ben Tausig


Down 1. Inhales as a drug, as gasoline 2. Helvetica cousin 3. Like some breakups 4. He was Will Hunting, Private Ryan, and Mr. Ripley 5. Dupe 6. Matador competitor 7. Spun 8. Inappropriate Neil Diamond single “Girl, You’ll Be a Woman ___” 9. “Are we there yettttttt?” sortie 10. Negro Leagues great Buck 11. What many Motown songs sound best in 12. Garden near the tree of life 13. Use a needle, in a way 21. Links warning 22. Lobbies, often 26. Record store clerk, stereotypically 27. “Apocalypto” person 28. Paris’s city 29. Unit in a Brownian model 30. Prideful sort? 31. Provocatively named clothier 32. Easy stride 33. Belle & Sebastian’s “The State I ___” 35. Vessel for a famous couples cruise 36. Certain university department 38. Ale color 41. Means of assessing freakiness, say 42. Xbox 360 alternative 46. In recent days 47. Transmission repair chain 49. Destroy, as a contract 50. Redding covered his “A Change is Gonna Come” 51. Finished a run 52. Senior golfer Aoki 53. Ayn of didactic monologues from wooden characters 54. Trade show, for short 55. Skewer 56. Thereabouts 57. B&B cousin


Mild Abandon


Across 1. Draper player 5. Junk accumulations, perhaps?: Abbr. 9. Shows up 14. Leaking substance? 15. Hanged leader of 1948 16. + end of a battery 17. Go all in with a hand? 18. 101-year old cookie 19. Decide to keep getting Details, say 20. 2003 book subtitled “The Dark Side of the AllAmerican Meal” 23. Sneaky fella 24. FNMTV’s predecessor 25. Olympian with a spear 27. Gold of HBO 28. Hair 31. Bait, as a message board 34. Third Reich group 37. “¿___ te llamas?” 38. Important artery 39. Accepted 40. 1978 stoner film with “Low Rider” on its soundtrack 42. Job-type’s question 43. Twice, a New York Times puzzle 44. Digital food stamp letters 45. Mortal ___ 47. Whacker 48. Former Beyoncé alter ego Sasha 52. 2002 act that refers to “weapons of mass resolution” 57. Noguchi of fuckyournoguchicoffeetable.tumblr.com 58. More, minimally 59. Thing with tracks for runners 60. Folk singer Griffith 61. One may be checkered 62. Greek salad veggie 63. Caffeine tablet brand 64. “I Got You Babe” reed instrument 65. Saw what that baby could do, perhaps

Last Week’s Solution




FREE WILL ASTROLOGY By Rob Brezsny. Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY HOROSCOPE 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700 $1.99 per minute. 18 and over. Touchtone phone required. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Afrikaner author Laurens van der Post told a story about a conversation between psychologist Carl Jung and Ochwiay Biano, a Pueblo Indian chief. Jung asked Biano to offer his views about white people. “White people must be crazy because they think with their heads,” said the chief, “and it is well-known that only crazy people do that.” Jung asked him what the alternative was. Biano said that his people think with their hearts. That’s your assignment for the week ahead, Aries: to think with your heart—especially when it comes to love. For extra credit, you should feel with your head—especially when it comes to love. Happy Valentine Daze, Aries! TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Have you ever sent a torrent of smart and elegant love messages to a person you wanted to get closer to? Now would be an excellent time to try a stunt like that. Have you ever scoured the depths of your own psyche in search of any unconscious attitudes or bad habits that might be obstructing your ability to enjoy the kind of intimacy you long for? I highly recommend such a project right now. Have you ever embarked on a crusade to make yourself even more interesting and exciting than you already are? Do it now. Raise your irresistibility! Happy Valentine Daze, Taurus! GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Happy Valentine Daze, Gemini! After careful meditation about what messages might purify and supercharge your love life, I decided to offer suggestions about what not to do. To that end, I’ll quote some lines from Kim Addonizio’s poem “Forms of Love.” Please don’t speak any of them out loud, or even get yourself into a position where it makes sense to say them. 1. “I love how emotionally unavailable you are.” 2. “I love you and feel a powerful spiritual connection to you, even though we’ve never met.” 3. “I love your pain, it’s so competitive.” 4. “I love you as long as you love me back.” 5. “I love you when you’re not getting drunk and stupid.” 6. “I love you but I’m married.” 7. “I love it when you tie me up with ropes using the knots you learned in Boy Scouts, and when you do the stoned Dennis Hopper rap from Apocalypse Now!” CANCER (June 21-July 22): This Valentine season, I suggest you consider trying an


experiment like this: Go to the soulful ally you want to be closer to and take off at least some of your masks. Drop your pretenses, too. Shed your emotional armor and do without your psychological crutches. Take a chance on getting as psychologically and spiritually naked as you have ever dared. Are you brave enough to reveal the core truths about yourself that lie beneath the convenient truths and the expired truths and the pretend truths? LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Sex is a substitute for God,” says writer Cathryn Michon. “When we desire another human being sexually, we are really only trying to fill our longing for ecstasy and union with the infinite.” I agree with her, and I think you might, too, after this week. Erotic encounters will have an even better chance than usual of connecting you to the Sublime Cosmic YumYum. If you can’t find a worthy collaborator to help you accomplish this miraculous feat, just fantasize about one. You need and deserve spiritual rapture. Happy Valentine Daze, Leo! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Lately you’ve been doing exemplary work on your relationship with yourself, Virgo. You have half-convinced your inner critic to shut the frack up unless it has a truly important piece of wisdom to impart. Meanwhile, you’ve managed to provide a small but inspired dose of healing for the wounded part of your psyche, and you have gently exposed a self-deception that had been wreaking quiet havoc. Congratulations! I’ve got a hunch that all these fine efforts will render you extra sexy and charismatic in the coming week. But it will probably be a subtle kind of sexiness and charisma that only the most emotionally intelligent people will recognize. So don’t expect to attract the attention of superficial jerks who happen to have beautiful exteriors. Happy Valentine Daze! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The coming days could be an animalistic time for you, and I mean that in the best sense. I suspect you will generate lots of favorable responses from the universe if you honor the part of you that can best be described as a beautiful beast. Learn fun new truths about your instinctual nature. Explore the mysteries of your primal urges. See what you can decipher about your body’s secret

language. May I also suggest that you be alert for and receptive to the beautiful beast in other people? Happy Valentine Daze, Libra! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): For the French Scorpio poet Paul Valéry, swimming had an erotic quality. He described it as fornication avec l’onde, which can be translated as “fornicating with the waves.” Your assignment this Valentine season, Scorpio, is to identify at least three activities that are like sex but not exactly sex—and then do them with glee and abandon. The purpose of this exercise is to educate and cultivate your libido; to encourage your kundalini to branch out as it intensifies and expands your lust for life. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): This Valentine season, meditate on the relentlessness of your yearning for love. Recognize the fact that your eternal longing will never leave you in peace. Accept that it will forever delight you, torment you, inspire you, and bewilder you— whether you are alone or in the throes of a complicated relationship. Understand that your desire for love will just keep coming

and coming and coming, keeping you slightly off-balance and pushing you to constantly revise your ideas about who you are. Now read this declaration from the poet Rilke and claim it as your own: “My blood is alive with many voices that tell me I am made of longing.” CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): According to physicists Yong Mao and Thomas Fink, you can tie a necktie in 85 different kinds of knots, but only 13 of those actually look good. I encourage you to apply that way of thinking to pretty much everything you do in the coming week. Total success will elude you if you settle on functional solutions that aren’t aesthetically pleasing. You should make sure that beauty and usefulness are thoroughly interwoven. This is especially true in matters regarding your love life and close relationships. Togetherness needs a strong dose of lyrical pragmatism. Happy Valentine Daze, Capricorn! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “All these years I’ve been searching for an impossible love,” said French writer Marguerite Duras late in her life. The novels and films she

created reflect that feeling. Her fictional characters are often engaged in obsessive quests for an ideal romance that would allow them to express their passion perfectly and fulfill their longing completely. In the meantime, their actual relationships in the real world suffer, even as their starry-eyed aspirations remain forever frustrated. I invite you, Aquarius, to celebrate this Valentine season by taking a vow of renunciation. Summon the courage to forswear Duras’s doomed approach to love. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): To avoid getting hacked, computer tech experts advise you to choose strong, hard-to-guess passwords for your online accounts. Among the worst choices to protect your security are “123456,” “iloveyou,” “qwerty,” and, of course, “password.” Judging by the current astrological omens, Pisces, I’m guessing that you should have a similar approach to your whole life in the coming days. It’s important that you be picky about who you allow into your heart, mind, and soul. Make sure that only the most trustworthy and sensitive people can gain access. Your metaphorical password might be something like this: m*y#s@t&e?r%y.

¡ASK A MEXICAN! BY GUSTAVO ARELLANO, themexican@askamexican.nett Dear Mexican: I’m 39. My stepdad—who raised me—just died. This freed my mother to tell me (stepdad always forbade it) that the man I thought was my biological father all this time was not. The man who IS my biological father is Mexican…totally (e.g. both of his parents were Mexican). He was married twice, and had seven kids (five with the first wife, two with the second) other than me. It appears I was conceived during his first marriage, as he remained married until death from leukemia in 2008. He was a Hispanic leader in my metro area and even ran once for mayor. What does finding out that I am half-Mexican mean for me? I don’t have a meaningful relationship with the man I thought was my biological father. In fact, this news is quite a blessing to me. But I’m kind of paralyzed by it all. Any suggestions? Brand-New Bewildered Beaner Dear Half-Wab: Man, where’s Cristina Saralegui when I need her? The most important thing for you right now is to not blame the Mexican ethnicity of your dad for him having abandoned your mother and yourself—I hope and trust that you know pendejos exist in all cultures. I would also talk to your mother about why she held that information from you all your life, as I’m sure it’s upsetting. Was she ashamed she once shacked up with a Mexican, or was it an abusive relationship? Once you’re able to work out the personal part of your discovery—seriously: get at peace with yourself and your mami—then you can move on to the ethnic question. The pregunta to then ponder is this: how does finding out your part-Mexi feel? Are you ashamed? If so, make sure to tell others that your dad was “Spanish” and make sure to hide the truth from your children, just like your parents did from you. Are you proud of your newfound nopal en la frente? Then ease into your mexicanidad. If you have an English-language name with a Mexican equivalent, Hispanicize it—become a Juan instead of John, or a Rogelio instead of Roger. Wear a cinto piteado, but cover it up by not tucking in your shirt. Say “Latino” instead of “Hispanic,” as you currently do. Finally, if you don’t care either way that you’re Mexican? Do what all other crypto-Mexicans do: Only become Mexican to get

the secret house salsa at your local taqueria, or when the United States faces off against Mexico in soccer. Why do Mexicans use the streets as a playground, their driveway as a futon and the ditch as a trashcan? I live across the street from 100 percent pure Mexicans who do all their entertaining on the street, making the vehicles drive around them. Is this something taught to them at birth, or is there a class given to them at the prepa (what they call high school)? I just have the need to know. Vecino de Mexicanos Dear Neighbor of Mexicans: Crap labor and crappier living conditions for immigrants in America waltz together like Astaire and Rogers— remember slaves and their shacks, Okie farm workers in California’s Central Valley during the Great Depression, and the Jewish and Italian peons that stare balefully into Jacob Riis’ camera in his monumental 1890 exposé of New York’s tenement slums, How the Other Half Lives. The immigrant high-density blues continues with Mexicans: according to The State of Housing for Hispanics in the United States, a 2005 study prepared by Dr. Carlos Vargas-Ramos of New York’s Hunter College, 12 per cent of Latinos live in overcrowded housing (defined as more than one person living in a room), compared to 2.4 per cent of the general population. Add to that the fact that Latinos usually live in neighborhoods bereft of parks, and be lucky your Mexican vecinos play in the street and not on your lawn. Better yet, be a good neighbor and join the poverty pachanga! Ask the Mexican at themexican@askamexican.net; be his fan on Facebook; follow him on Twitter @ gustavoarellano or ask him a video question at youtube.com/askamexicano!

FEBRUARY 14–20, 2013




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I’m a 37-year-old single father with a 14-year-old son. I’ve raised him on my own basically since birth, with help from some good friends and nearby family. Overall he’s a good kid: gets decent grades, rarely gets in trouble. Our relationship isn’t perfect—I work a lot and he’s a teenager, but no major issues. Over the past year, however, I have become increasingly convinced that he is gay. I’ve found gay porn on his laptop (yes, I snoop; I pay the bill and I’m his dad), he’s shown ZERO interest in girls, and he has always been a tad effeminate, though I know that’s probably an unfair stereotype. I have no problem with gay people and I support full equality for same-sex couples. And truly, if my son is gay, while I won’t pretend it’d be no big deal and not require a bit of mental adjustment, I’d love him and support him fully. My son has a friend, let’s call him “Gomer,” who comes over often. Sometimes they’re here when I’m not, and often they’re alone together with the door closed. If Gomer were a girl, these things wouldn’t be allowed. I’ve had the (straight) sex talk with my son, and he knows that I don’t want him to be sexually active yet. But a friendship with a guy isn’t sexual… unless it is. I have no specific knowledge that anything has happened between them. Gomer is a nice kid, and I’ve met his parents. I have no problem with them hanging out. But if my son were gay, I would have a different, stricter set of rules regarding male friends. BUT HOW DO I BROACH THE SUBJECT? He’s a sensitive kid, and I worry he’d lie or resent me. And if he’s not gay, I worry I could seriously damage our relationship and hurt his pride by suggesting he is. I’m swimming in unfamiliar waters here with no life vest. Dad Under Duress

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“In an ideal world, Dad Under Duress would take a slow and roundabout way to encourage his son to come out to him,” says John Schwartz, a correspondent for the New York Times, a father of three, and the author of Oddly Normal: One Family’s Struggle to Help Their Teenage Son Come to Terms with His Sexuality. “Instead of a direct confrontation—are you gay or what?— DUD could make gay issues a part of the day’s general conversation. Discuss issues like samesex marriage and stories in the newspaper that bring up LGBT themes. In that middle ground between pushing and ignoring, his son might decide that his dad is safe to come out to.” Whenever possible, queer kids should be allowed to reveal their sexuality on their own timetable, Schwartz emphasizes, but there are times when a parent has to force the issue. For instance, if a not-yet-out gay kid is in crisis, or if a parent stumbles over evidence that a not-yetout gay kid is doing something risky, a parent can and should go the “are you gay or what?” route. In your case, DUD, you already know your son is gay—“Browsers don’t lie,” says Schwartz—and the fact that your son might be having sex in his room, thereby breaking dad’s house rules, may rise to the level of “are you gay or what?” “If he’d tell a hetero boy to keep his door open, a gay boy should get the same message,” says Schwartz. “He’s not being the monster and he’s not being insensitive. He’s being the dad. He should keep in mind, though, that if his son is already having sex with his buddy, telling him he can’t do it at home is likely to send them off to places—to school, to a car—where getting caught could have bigger consequences than getting grounded.” Let’s pause for a moment to recall why—generally speaking—parents frown on their straight kids having friends of the opposite sex in their bedrooms: An unplanned pregnancy can quick-

ly derail two young lives. While a couple of gay boys can get into trouble, DUD, and while sexually transmitted infections are a concern, Gomer isn’t going to knock up your son. So if your gut tells you that your son isn’t ready and that he would be traumatized if you forced him to come out, DUD, you might wanna let him think he’s pulling one over on his clueless straight dad. There aren’t many perks to being a closeted gay teenager—a few sleepovers that the straight kids couldn’t get away with might be a small consolation. John Schwartz shared your letter with Joseph Schwartz, the gay son whose coming-out story John tells in Oddly Normal. Joseph thinks it’s time for a gay sex talk. “Gay kids need sex education more than straight ones,” Joseph tells his dad. While your son might have had sex education in school, even the best sex-ed classes focus on malefemale. “There’s less reliable information about gay sex than there is about straight sex,” Joseph says, so gay kids turn to the internet—or to porn—for information and, as Joseph points out, “half of it could be physically dangerous, and the rest is poorly explained.” “If he’s lucky,” says Schwartz, “DUD lives near an LGBT center with a youth program, which will help his son find a community and also get a healthy dose of sex ed and risk reduction. If not, he could be in for an uncomfortable conversation or two. But the underlying message you’ll be sending is that you care, and that you’re the dad.” Oddly Normal is a terrific book, and any parent with a queer kid should read it—and since any kid could be queer, that means every parent should read it. You can follow John Schwartz on Twitter @jswatz, and there’s a good interview with Joseph Schwartz at the Atlantic: tinyurl. com/oddlynormal. What are the effects of perpetuating the myth that gay men should all be tanned and chiseled Adonises? Because that is all one sees. Not All Adonises In the last 24 hours of casual media consumption—cable news, daily papers, my Twitter feed, straight blogs, queer blogs—I’ve seen my fair share of tanned and chiseled Adonises. I’ve also seen pictures and/or video of Bayard Rustin, Barney Frank, Harvey Fierstein, Harvey Milk, Daniel Hernandez Jr., Ian McKellen, Evan Wolfson, Jinkx Monsoon, Jared Polis, Bruce Vilanch, Alan Turing, George Kalogridis, and more. All great guys, all of whom have made or are making a difference (leading the civil rights movement, leading the LGBT rights movement, making art, telling jokes, helping to defeat Nazi Germany, pushing the boundaries of drag as an art form), but not one of whom was, is, or ever aspired to be an underwear model. Images of perfect male bodies can fuel body-image issues in both gay and straight men. Gay men in particular are at higher risk of anorexia, bulimia, and “bigorexia,” aka muscle dysmorphia, aka “gay dude who lives at the gym.” So those images of tanned and chiseled Adonises can do harm. But if all one sees are images of tanned and chiseled Adonises, NAA, then that’s all one is looking for. Yes, the media—gay and straight—focuses too much on the young and the hot. But if you’re not seeing gay men of all ages, sizes, shapes, and colors, NAA, it’s because you’re choosing not to see them. Open your eyes. Find the Savage Lovecast (my weekly podcast) every Tuesday at thestranger.com/savage and follow me @fakedansavage on Twitter.


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NEWS OF THE WEIRD BY CHUCK SHEPHERD Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla., 33679 weirdnews@earthlink.net or go to www.newsoftheweird.com

One for the Road Cliche Come to Life: The Kerry, Ireland, county council voted in January to let some people drive drunk. The councillors reasoned that in the county’s isolated regions, some seniors live alone and need the camaraderie of the pub, but fear a DUI arrest on the way home. The councillors thus empowered police to issue DUI permits to those targeted drivers. Besides, reasoned the councillors, the area is so sparsely populated that such drivers never encounter anyone else on the road at night. (The councillors’ beneficence might also have been influenced, reported BBC News, by the fact that “several” of the five voting “yea” own pubs.) Can’t Possibly Be True • Spare the Waterboard, Spoil the Child: William Province, 42, was arrested in Jefferson County, Mont., in December and charged with waterboarding four boys, two of whom were his own sons, at his home in December. (Also in January, Kirill Bartashevitch, 52, was charged with making “terroristic” threats to his high-school-age daughter after he allegedly pointed his new AK-47 at her because her report card showed 2 B’s instead of all A’s. He said he had recently purchased the gun because he feared that President Obama intended to ban them.) • Emma Whittington, of Hutchinson, Kan., rushed her daughter to the ER in December when the girl, 7 months old, developed a golfball-sized lump on her neck. Two days later, at a hospital in Wichita, a doctor gently pulled a feather out of the lump and hypothesized that it had been in the midst of emerging from her throat. Doctors said the girl probably swallowed the feather accidentally, that it got stuck in throat tissue, and that her body was trying to eject it through the skin. The Redneck Chronicles (Tennessee Edition) (1) Timothy Crabtree, 45, of Rogersville, was arrested in October and charged with stabbing his son, Brandon, 21, in an argument over who would get the last beer in the house. (2) Tricia Moody, 26, was charged with DUI in Knoxville in January after a 10-minute police chase. The officer’s report noted that Moody was still holding a cup of beer and apparently had not spilled any during the chase. (3) Jerry Poe, 62, was charged in a road-rage incident in Clinton on Black Friday after firing his handgun at a driver in front of him “to scare her into moving” faster, he said. Poe said he had started at midnight at one Walmart, waited in line unsuccessfully for five hours for a sale-priced stereo, and was on his way to another Walmart. Sounds Like a Joke Twin brothers Aric Hale and Sean Hale, 28, were both arrested on New Year’s Eve in Manchester, Conn., after fighting each other at


a hotel and later at a residence. Police said a 27-year-old woman was openly dating the two men, and that Sean thought it was his turn and asked Aric for privacy. Aric begged to differ about whose turn it was. Unclear on the Concept • Voted in December as vice presidents of the U.N. Human Rights Council for 2013 were the nations of Mauritania and the Maldives, both of which permit the death penalty for renouncing Islam. In Mauritania, a person so charged has three days to repent for a lesser sentence. (An August 2012 dispatch in London’s The Guardian reported widespread acceptance of slavery conditions in Mauritania, affecting as many as 800,000 of the 3.5 million population. Said one abolitionist leader, “Today we have the slavery (that) American plantation owners dreamed of (in that the slaves) believe their condition is necessary to get to paradise.”) • Non-medical employees of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have been campaigning for union representation, suggesting that their current wages leave many workers dangerously close to poverty. Though raises have not materialized, UPMC (according to a November Pittsburgh City Paper report) has now shown sympathy for its employees’ sad plight. In a November UPMC newsletter, it announced that it was setting up “UPMC Cares” food banks. Employees (presumably the better-paid ones) are urged to “donate nonperishable food items to stock employee food pantries that will be established on both (UPMC campuses).” One astonished worker’s response: “I started to cry.” • In December, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch revealed, through a public records check, that the appointed Collector of Revenue for St. Louis County has failed since 2008 to pay personal property taxes. Stacy Bailey and her husband owe taxes on three cars and in fact filed for bankruptcy in 2011. Bailey’s boss, Director of Revenue Eugene Leung, told the Dispatch that he had checked Bailey’s real-estate tax status but not personal property taxes. Nonetheless, he said, “Knowing what I know now, she’s still the most qualified person for the job,” among the 155 applicants. Perspective First-World Problems: Before “cellulite” appeared in popular culture around 1972, almost no one believed the condition especially remarkable, wrote London’s The Guardian in December. Similarly, the new concern about “wobbly” arms—flesh dangling loosely when a woman’s arm is raised horizontally—seems entirely made-up. However, Marks & Spencer and other upscale British retailers now sell “arm corsets” to fashionably hold the skin tighter for sleeveless tops. Wrote the Guardian columnist, “I wish I didn’t know that my arms weren’t meant to wobble. I’d be happier.”



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Across 1 Baby docs 4 Replay view, often 9 Plays, as records 14 Org. whose logo features the letter pi with an arrow through it 15 Like wickerwork 16 Comic Cheech 17 Pipe joint 18 Start of a quip by 44-Across 20 1980s Salvadoran president 22 Parliament, e.g., in brief 23 “That’s all ___ wrote� 24 Courtier who invites Hamlet to duel with Laertes 25 Key in the middle of the top row 27 “Oh, c’mon!� 28 Quip, part 2 30 Overly assertive

31 Nietzsche’s “never� 32 Wood used in making some dartboards 33 $$$ for later years 34 Quip, part 3 39 “___ This, Not That! The NoDiet Weight Loss Solution!� 40 “Breaking Bad� network 41 Bagel accompaniment 44 Writer Brendan 47 Quip, part 4 50 ___-retentive 51 London jazz duo? 52 Greenskeeper’s tool 53 Rejections 54 Campaign freebie 55 One of the Beverly Hillbillies 56 End of the quip 60 Awards ceremony rental










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61 Watches like a wolf 62 Holder for a toilet paper roll 63 Pittsburgh-toBaltimore dir. 64 Word with cookie or rap 65 Flip over 66 Chemin ___ Dames (W.W. I battle locale) Down 1 You are here 2 Only person to have the #1 movie, #1 album and #1-rated late-night TV show all in the same week 3 On the payroll 4 Feature of Dr. Frankenstein’s lab 5 Come up short 6 Fertility clinic stock 7 Cry over spilled milk, perhaps? 8 Tripping 9 Urban woe 10 Bit of butter 11 Van Gogh masterpiece 12 Recesses 13 Bashful companion 19 Invalidate 21 Detroit rapper ___-A-Che 25 Peter who played Columbo 26 Data holder on a cellphone 27 “The Ghost of Tom ___â€? (1995 Bruce Springsteen album) 29 Shipped Metaphysical ANGEL/SPIRIT GUIDE READINGS Hawaii-based psychic in Tucson for a limited time. Get readings by phone, skype, email or in person. 520-837-1143 or www.lotuslightintuitive.com Self-Improvement TAKE THE PASSION CHALLENGE! Identify your passions‌ the clues to your life’s purpose. Visit: lightyourinnerfire coaching.com 520-982-7091 Don’t Wait, BE HAPPY!





















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Puzzle by Brendan Emmett Quigley

30 It’s held up with a hook 33 Resident of the ancient city Choquequirao 35 True 36 Actor McKellen 37 ___ Kitchen (organic frozen food company) 38 Came down 42 Make a clichÊ

43 Some duplicates 44 Relatives of ukuleles 45 “All right already!� 46 Give a hard time 47 “Gracias� reply 48 Thing watched while driving through a speed trap

49 Subj. of the 1948 Nobel in Physiology or Medicine 51 Small blemish, in slang 54 “Hey!� 55 Razz 57 Pipe joint 58 62-Across, e.g. 59 Duo

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