APRIL 4-10, 2013 VOL. 30, NO. 6
OPINION Tom Danehy 4 Irene Messina 6 Jim Hightower 6 Need help filling the sports vacuum left behind by the end of Wildcat basketball?
Mailbag 8
SPORTS Pedersen on Sports 13
CURRENTS The Skinny 9 By Jim Nintzel
Media Watch 10 By John Schuster
Shotgun Wedding 9 By Tim Vanderpool
Game and Fish and Safari Club International hunt hand in hand Education on the Rocks 11 By Craig Baker
A 30-page report results in calls for PCC board resignations and possible probation Police Dispatch 12 By Anna Mirocha
Probably talking about Mad Men all week.
The Iconoclast 14 By Jim Nintzel
Steve Kozachik has gone from a virtual unknown to one of Tucson’s most popular politicans
It’s Voting Time First of all, thanks for reading our 100 Essential Dishes issue last week. Getting a real sense of how many people read any particular part of the paper any given week is a challenge, but considering more than 1,100 people have shared the article on Facebook alone so far, this particular feature seems to be popular. Plus, it reflects on a positive aspect of living in Tucson and not something a news anchor did that they shouldn’t (that sort of thing is, regrettably, online traffic gold). On a less analytical level, I’ve personally enjoyed seeing people share the page on Facebook, remarking that they have a bunch of new restaurants to try. I know I have a long-ish new list of dining out to-dos based on comments left online of places we missed. We have at least one more food guide style article planned before Best of Tucson®, so hopefully you all will enjoy that as well. The research for that sort of thing is fun, at the very least, so we’ll probably keep running more food stuff until someone tells us to stop (please don’t tell us to stop). Speaking of news anchors, I have to admit, most days I agree with Channel 6 news personality Kent Brockman: Democracy simply doesn’t work. However, one possible exception to that trustworthy axiom: Best of Tucson® voting. On Thursday, we’ll kick off the first stage of assembling our annual list of the best people, places, events, etc. in our fair city, and of course, we need your help. Go to our website, submit your name and some basic contact info, and let us know what you love about Tucson. An obligatory request/warning: Please don’t try to stuff the ballot box. While I appreciate your enthusiasm, we’re good at sniffing this sort of thing out and we’ll start swinging our digital axe at ballots that don’t seem legit. Feel free to campaign. Send the link out to your friends and family, let people know that you’d appreciate their support, but keep it above board. Also worth noting, Jim Nintzel did a great job on his profile of Steve Kozachik this week. I’m sure Jon Justice is likely highlighting passages to mock right now, but it’s a great look at Tucson’s most influential politician during the year of his re-election campaign. Be sure to check it out. As always, thanks for reading the Weekly. DAN GIBSON, Editor dgibson@tucsonweekly.com COVER DESIGN BY ANDREW ARTHUR; PHOTO BY HAILEY EISENBACH
City Week 20
Into the Woods 45
TQ&A 22 Joel Hodgson
ARTS Classical Tales and Custody Battles 31 By Sherilyn Forrester
Borderlands re-creates the story of Medea; Chamber Music PLUS looks at Beethoven’s family dynamic Sweet Movement 34 By Margaret Regan
Ballet Tucson closes its season with a variety of dance styles — and desserts!
By Jacqueline Kuder
Lodge Sasquatch serves up big plates, tasty desserts and a bunch of TVs
MUSIC Still Around 53 By Gene Armstrong
Steve Forbert is looking back at a 35-year career under the radar Soundbites 53 By Stephen Seigel
Phoenix at Five Albums 54 By Dan Gibson
The French indie pop act found success with their last album … now what?
Tales of Tradition 38
Nine Questions 58
By Paul Wine
While scholarly in intent, Robert S. McPherson’s book on the Navajo remains reader-friendly
Live Review 59
Hating The Host 41
Dispensary Delay 63
By Bob Grimm
Our reviewer continues his Stephenie Meyer-fueled jeremiad A Martial Arts Mess 43 By Colin Boyd
First, there was fighting, then artistry, now CGI-fueled disappointments like ‘The Sorcerer and the White Snake’
TV/DVD Mad Again 42 By Bill Frost
Rhythm & Views 60
By J.M. Smith
CLASSIFIEDS Comix 63-65 Free Will Astrology 64 ¡Ask a Mexican! 65 Savage Love 66 Personals 68 Employment 69 News of the Weird 70 Real Estate/Rentals 70 Mind, Body and Spirit 71 Crosswords 62, 71 *Adult Content 66-68
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APRIL 4-10, 2013
Tom ruminates on the idea of a gay NFL player (and the new Jackie Robinson biopic)
WWW.TUCSONWEEKLY.COM P. O. BOX 27087, TUCSON, AZ 85726 (520) 294-1200
Thomas P. Lee Publisher EDITORIAL Dan Gibson Editor Jim Nintzel Senior Writer Irene Messina Assistant Editor Mari Herreras Staff Writer Linda Ray City Week Listings David Mendez Web Producer Margaret Regan Arts Editor Stephen Seigel Music Editor Bill Clemens Copy Editor Tom Danehy, Renée Downing, Ryn Gargulinski, Randy Serraglio, J.M. Smith Columnists Colin Boyd, Bob Grimm Cinema Writers Bill Frost TV/DVD Columnist Rita Connelly, Jacqueline Kuder, Jerry Morgan Chow Writers Sherilyn Forrester, Laura C.J. Owen Theater Writers Stephanie Casanova, Megan Merrimac, Kyle Mittan, Kate Newton Editorial Interns Hailey Eisenbach, Curtis Ryan Photography Interns Contributors Gustavo Arellano, Gene Armstrong, Rob Brezsny, Max Cannon, Rand Carlson, Casey Dewey, Michael Grimm, Jim Hightower, David Kish, Keith Knight, Anna Mirocha, Andy Mosier, Dan Perkins, E.J. Pettinger, Michael Pettiti, Ted Rall, Dan Savage, John Schuster, Chuck Shepherd, Eric Swedlund, Ben Tausig, Tim Vanderpool SALES AND BUSINESS Jill A’Hearn Advertising Director Monica Akyol Inside Sales Manager Laura Bohling, Michele LeCoumpte, Alan Schultz, David White Account Executives Jim Keyes Digital Sales Manager Beth Brouillette Business Manager Robin Taheri Business Office Florence Hijazi, Stephen Myers Inside Sales Representatives NATIONAL ADVERTISING VMG Advertising (888) 278-9866 or (212) 475-2529 PRODUCTION AND CIRCULATION Andrew Arthur Art Director Laura Horvath Circulation Manager Duane Hollis Editorial Layout Andrea Benjamin, Kristen Beumeler, Jodi Ceason, Shari Chase, Steff Hunter, Adam Kurtz, Matthew Langenheim, Daniel Singleton, Denise Utter, Greg Willhite, Yaron Yarden Production Staff Tucson Weekly® (ISSN 0742-0692) is published every Thursday by Wick Communications at 3280 E. Hemisphere Loop,Tucson, Arizona. Address all editorial, business and production correspondence to: Tucson Weekly, P.O. Box 27087,Tucson, Arizona 85726. Phone: (520) 294-1200, FAX (520) 792-2096. First Class subscriptions, mailed in an envelope, cost $112 yearly/53 issues. Sorry, no refunds on subscriptions. Member of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia (AAN).The Tucson Weekly® and Best of Tucson® are registered trademarks of Wick Communications. Back issues of the Tucson Weekly are available for $1 each plus postage for the current year. Back issues from any previous year are $3 plus postage. Back issues of the Best of Tucson® are $5. Distribution: The Tucson Weekly is available free of charge in Pima County, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of the Tucson Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable at the Tucson Weekly office in advance. Outside Pima County, the single-copy cost of Tucson Weekly is $1. Tucson Weekly may be distributed only by the Tucson Weekly’s authorized independent contractors or Tucson Weekly’s authorized distributors. No person may, without prior written permission of the Tucson Weekly, take more than one copy of each week’s Tucson Weekly issue.
BY TOM DANEHY, tdanehy@tucsonweekly.com
he buzz on national sports-talk radio last week (besides the NCAA Tournament) concerned the rumor that a gay player in the National Football League was considering coming out. To their credit (and/or eternal damnation), the folks at ESPN covered the “story” nine ways from Sunday, even trotting out their in-house business analyst to talk about how much money that guy would make after the announcement. Some pundits wondered what effect it would have on fragile locker rooms while others contemplated its impact on individual players, most of whom are not listed among the top 90 percent of graduates from their respective universities. One thing’s for sure; the NFL will figure out a way to make money off it. I thought back to when former congressman Jim Kolbe came out. He was a Republican in a Republicanmajority district and had to have figured that his job was toast. But his big news was met with a lukewarm shrug by the public, which then re-elected him. The same for Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu. He was the sweetheart of the right, a tough-talking, no-nonsense ex-military guy who was gonna crack down on those Meskins. He was always just a preening blowhard with a real easy target. Now, he’s a gay, preening blowhard with a real easy target. Almost nobody cares. This is not to say that it will go perfectly smoothly. A football locker room is an incredibly macho place and there is certain to be some pushback. Maybe some guy won’t want to shower when his gay teammate is around. Or, worse, he might resent physical contact during practice. While it has certainly gotten better—and the better seems to be accelerating—there is still a whole lot of Stupid out there. Remember the Titans is one of my favorite sports movies. Denzel Washington does his usual outstanding job, there are some great lines in it, and it reminds me of some of the things my friends and I had to go through in high school. However, there is one tiny subplot in that movie that absolutely drives me insane. When Ronnie “Sunshine” Bass joins the team from California, his long, flowing blond locks prompt team captain Gerry Bertier to label Sunshine “a fruitcake.” Later, Sunshine responds by kissing Gerry full on the mouth. They tussle, then later shake hands. Over lunch, some other guys on the team talk about it lightheartedly, with one player explaining away another’s anxiety over the matter with, “Coach (has) kept Petey out in the sun too much.” Let me say this as nicely as I can. In the early 1970s, there was no damn way that an allegedly gay player would have been welcomed onto a football team. None. Not in high school, not in college, not in the pros. That entire subplot is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me; it’s as though the gay-friendly Disney people who produced the movie tried to shoehorn it into the script and it turns out to be one of
RANDOM SHOTS By Rand Carlson
Copyright: The entire contents of Tucson Weekly are Copyright © 2013 by Wick Communications. No portion may be reproduced in whole or part by any means without the express written permission of the Publisher, Tucson Weekly, P.O. Box 27087, Tucson, AZ 85726.
the biggest GTFOH (Get The F--- Outta Here!) moments in cinema history. I grew up in a black neighborhood in Southern California during the civil rights days and I always considered myself rather open-minded. But I guarantee I would have struggled with it. I wouldn’t have understood. I sincerely hope that I wouldn’t have been one of the knuckleheads saying stupid things, but I can’t even be sure of that. About all one can hope to do is to come to the higher level of understanding sooner rather than later. A lot of the talk concerning the unnamed gay football player referred to Jackie Robinson, who broke Major League Baseball’s color line in the late 1940s. I don’t know if the analogy is perfect, but it’s probably close enough. (Speaking of Jackie Robinson, I really, really hope the movie that’s coming out next week about him doesn’t suck. It’s such an important story. I’m afraid it’s going to stink like that Red Tails movie about the Tuskegee Airmen did. Man, did that movie blow! It was like, “We’ll spend millions on effects and $1.75 on the script.” One thing is certain. The upcoming movie (42) can’t possibly be as awful as The Jackie Robinson Story. That movie starred Jackie Robinson as Jackie Robinson and he did a horrible job of portraying himself. It may be one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. It’s certainly in my top three of all-time awful movies, along with Love Story (for obvious reasons) and Eegah (look it up). The Jackie Robinson Story did have the beautiful Ruby Dee as Rachel Robinson, but that’s about it. The dialogue feels like it was written in crayon and the movie looks like it was filmed on used, discarded celluloid. When I was growing up, they used to show the same movie on KHJ Channel 9 every night of the week and twice on Saturdays. I watched that movie every time it came on and I kept expecting it to get better. Of course, back then, I also believed that roller derby was real. As for the gay football player, I hope it’s somebody really good, like Troy Polamalu or Aaron Rodgers. Then the average fan can say, “OK, you’re gay. Are we going to win next week?”
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APRIL 4-10, 2013
A piece of Tucson rock ’n’ roll history is documented in a film to be shown at the Arizona International Film Festival HIGHTOWER BY JIM HIGHTOWER
BY IRENE MESSINA, imessina@tucsonweekly.com
on McLean may have dubbed Feb. 3, 1959 “the day the music died” in his 1971 song, “American Pie,” but in the small town of Tucson, Ariz., rock ’n’ roll was alive and well. As a familiar story in American rock ’n’ roll history, McLean was referring to the day that Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson died in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa. Meanwhile, in Tucson, a less familiar rock ’n’ roll story was unfolding. On the evening of Jan. 30, 1959, Catalina High School seniors Burt Schneider and Ray Lindstrom attended a high school dance in the school’s cafeteria. The entertainment that night was Jack Wallace and the Hi-Tones. Lindstrom recalls Wallace was “kinda like Elvis in a way, the slicked back hair … a good voice.” The girls in the audience were even screaming. Schneider and Lindstrom had a revelation—why not record them? They approached Wallace after the dance and pitched the idea. Wallace agreed, and a mere eight days later, they all gathered in a recording studio in Phoenix to make a record. (There was no recording studio in Tucson at the time.) Less than two weeks from the school dance, Schneider received a box of records with the name of their label, Zoom, printed clearly on each one. The label existed for seven months, from February through August of 1959, and recorded nine titles by some of Tucson’s rising rock ’n’ roll stars. This remarkable and touching story has been documented in ZOOM! Tucson’s Late-’50s Rock ’n’ Roll Record Label, a film by producer/director Dan Kruse. Kruse is a lecturer, ethnomusicologist, musician and local host of NPR’s “All Things Considered” on KUAZ 89.1 FM. The film was shot by director of photography Bob Demers. Schneider and Lindstrom both live in Tucson and are still friends, 54 years later.
Step right up, folks, and take your chances in the Amazing New American Workplace. Constantly high unemployment! Low wages always! No employee bargaining power! A corporate paradise! This paradise has enriched the alreadyrich investor elite and rewarded top executives with multimillion-dollar pay packages. It also lets corporations treat the masses of people in today’s workforce like Kleenexes: Just use ‘em and toss ‘em – after all, they’re cheap, plentiful... and disposable. Indeed, taskmasters-in-suits have now redefined the term “hired” to mean that you’re tethered to a corporation full-time, but you actually work and get paid for only the few hours a week when the boss calls. This nefarious practice, known as “on-call shifts,” is all the rage among national retail chains. Such giants as Abercrombie & Fitch, Gap, and Urban Outfitters require “I was having lunch with a colleague—Dr. Brian Moon, UA employees to work without set schedules professor of musicology—and at the time, I was early in my and to be available to have their strings Master’s program,” recalls Kruse. “I told him that I hadn’t picked yanked at any time, day or night, even on a topic for my thesis and that I wanted to make a documentary. weekends, with as little as two hours’ “He said, ‘I met these guys who had this record label. You notice. Likewise, if customer traffic in a ought to get to know them. It seems like a great subject for a store is slow, retail workers who got dressed up, battled the morning commute, and film.’ Within a couple of weeks, I had lunch with Burt and Ray. reported on time, can simply be sent away after an hour or so – with no pay for their lost hours. THIS MODERN WORLD By Tom Tomorrow A recent survey of some 400 retail employees in New York City found that only 17 percent have a set schedule. Those with no set hours, also have no set income – and no life. If you’re at the beck and call of the boss, what do you do with your children, how do you make a doctor’s appointment, what if you’re taking a class or trying to work a second job? This shameful “on-call” practice says that the corporation owns you and that abuse of workers is a legitimate business practice in America. To help stop it, contact the Retail Action Project: www.RetailActionProject.org.
They were very receptive to the idea.” During the next two years, Kruse met with Schneider and Lindstrom several times, along with others who helped make the record label a reality. ZOOM! Tucson’s Late-’50s Rock ’n’ Roll Record Label was completed in August 2012. It is an Official Selection of the 2013 Arizona International Film Festival. The 33-minute film offers a glimpse into late-1950s culture. “I was born in 1952 in the rock ’n’ roll era. I had two older brothers, five years older and nine years older. One would be listening to one thing, and one would be listening to the other. As a little kid in the ’50s, I was surrounded by rock ’n’ roll,” says Kruse. In the film, a Catalina High School grad from 1959 remembers everyone going outside after class to turn on their radios. They were most likely tuned in to AM station KTKT. “It’s an image I can relate to in high school,” says Kruse, who grew up in St. Louis. “Everyone would be tuned to the (same) radio station. AM radio was so huge.” Schneider and Lindstrom had no qualms about riding over to the KTKT studio to ask the DJ to play their records. KTKT often got 55 to 75 percent of the audience. “KTKT was this powerhouse radio station,” says Kruse. “Today there is so much media … getting 50 or 60 percent of the audience is completely unheard of.” Schneider and Lindstrom even sent their records to Billboard Magazine to be reviewed, earning three stars for some of their songs. “They had no agent, no representation and wrote their own contract,” says Kruse. “Everything happened because of their chutzpah. They really approached this as entrepreneurs and … they did a great job.” ZOOM! Tucson’s Late-’50s Rock ’n’ Roll Record Label screens opening night of the Arizona International Film Festival at 7 p.m., Friday, April 12, at Grand Cinemas Crossroads 6, 4811 E. Grant Road; and at 8 p.m., Wednesday, April 17, at The Screening Room, 127 E. Congress St. Visit filmfestivalarizona.com for more details about opening night festivities.
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MAILBAG Send letters to P. O. Box 27087, Tucson, AZ 85726. Or e-mail to mailbag@tucsonweekly. com. Letters must include name, address and daytime phone number. Letters must include signature. We reserve the right to edit letters. Please limit letters to 250 words.
Tucsonweekly.com Commenters Chime In On Our 100 Essential Dishes Feature (March 28) “100 things on this list and the only thing you mention from Rocco’s is some vegan bullshit at the very end? Everyone
ignore these novices and get the wings.” —TacoSundae69 “El Charro is where hotels send tourists. Which means: STAY AWAY. You want *real*, authentic carne seca? Go to South Tucson.” —Alex Gutiérrez “Mother Hubbard’s Green Corn Waffle is my essential Tucson dish!!!! Disappointed they don’t get a mention.” —susanlantz
“Lucky Wishbone garlic toast? Are you kidding??” —No Taste “While I do love almost everything on The Cup menu, I prefer the Tofu Scramble at Blue Willow, preferably on the patio, and I agree with Susan that Mother Hubbard’s Green Corn Waffle w/ green chilies is a quintessential Tucson breakfast. Speaking of breakfasts, I also love Ghini’s Eggs Provencale, and I would really miss Adventure Coffee’s Full Moon Blend.
Other favorites: the chocolate Babka and sandwiches at Beyond Bread, anything on Feast’s ever changing menus, especially the chocolate truffle cookies, and my dogs and I can’t let a weekend go by without a stop at Coffee Times drive thru for Chai Tea Latte and dog biscuits ... they are such nice people.” —marilehmer “Lovin Spoonfuls has lots of deelish vegan food ... and pastries and cookies yum hasn’t anyone ever eaten there?” —Sat Bir Kaur
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Game and Fish and Safari Club International hunt hand in hand
Shotgun Wedding BY TIM VANDERPOOL, tvanderpool@tucsonweekly.com he gun-toting ghost of C.J. McElroy must linger in the trophy room bearing his name. For it’s here that the California flooring mogul turned big-game stalker deposited his many manly triumphs, from stuffed tigers and huge polar bears to nearly every species of antelope imaginable. His other legacy buzzes in the back offices of the International Wildlife Museum, this enduring institution he helped found prior to his passing in 2002. From these same grounds, say critics, McElroy’s Safari Club International promotes destructive hunting practices under the guise of sportsmanship and crusades to weaken endangered species protections under the pretense of conservation. And though the Tucson-based club’s mission may be global, much of its political work begins right here at home, through extensive ties to the Arizona Department of Game and Fish. Not only does it sponsor copious department activities, and count an unknown number of Game and Fish commissioners as members, but the club also has the commission marching in lockstep with it on many key issues, from motorized access on public lands to thwarting Endangered Species Act protections. This snug relationship should come as no surprise, but how many of the five current commissioners are club members remains a mystery; only two responded to my emails posing that question and asking whether they supported the club’s endangered species positions. In a phone call, commissioner Pat Madden of Flagstaff said that he was not a Safari Club member. But another commissioner, Robert Mansell of Winslow, was apparently peeved that I even asked. “I am puzzled why you question my membership, and will not respond to such inquiry,” Mansell wrote. “As for my approach to issues coming before the commission, each will be evaluated on an individual basis.” From the remaining commissioners—Kurt Davis of Phoenix, John Harris of Tucson and chairman Jack Husted of Springerville—I received only silence. On the commission’s website, Harris was the only member to list a Safari Club affiliation. Nor did Safari Club executive director Phil DeLone or deputy director Nelson Freeman return phone calls seeking comment. Ideology aside, the Safari Club “supports the department in a number of ways,” writes Game and Fish spokesman Jim Paxon in an email to the Weekly. For instance, the club has donated meals, port-a-potties and volunteer hours to a youth hunting camp in Avra Valley, he writes, and likewise buoys a deer hunt near Arivaca. Paxon goes on to list a number of collabora-
tive habitat-improvement projects—mostly to benefit game animals—such as the water caches for pronghorn near Sierra Vista. He also points to the department’s cooperative efforts with nonhunting groups, such as the Sierra Club, Sky Island Alliance and the Grand Canyon chapter of the Sierra Club. But Grand Canyon chapter director Sandy Bahr says environmental groups never enjoy the Safari Club’s insider status when it comes to commission decision-making, or activities of a Game and Fish Department mostly funded by hunting permit revenues. “The big-game species generate dollars, and so the trophy hunters—which is what the Safari Club is—are the groups that have some of the most influence. Those are their constituents,” Bahr says. “If you read the commission’s meeting minutes over the last three years, they really don’t consider people who aren’t part of those clubs. “And the commission is not worried about looking like they’re in the pocket of a particular group either,” Bahr says, “because there’s really not much accountability.” That accountability gap is compounded by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission Appointment Recommendation Board, which since 2010 has handpicked commission nominees, whose names are then forwarded to the governor for approval. The special-interest affiliations of the Recommendation Board’s four members were not available at press time. But at least one, Hays Gilstrap, was well known as a Safari Club member when he served as a Game and Fish commissioner several years ago. And his wife, Suzanne Gilstrap, is a lobbyist for the influential hunting outfit Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation—which counts the Arizona chapter of Safari Club International among its member organizations. Perhaps this cozy camaraderie explains why policies of the Game and Fish Commission and the Safari Club seem to dovetail so nicely on such a regular basis. That’s particularly true when it comes to reducing protections for predator species that compete with hunters for elk and other big game. In March, for instance, the commission voted to support efforts to yank gray wolves from the endangered species list—including the embattled Mexican gray wolf, which inhabits the Arizona-New Mexico border. In an earlier interview with the Weekly, commission chairman Jack Husted argued that removing federal wolf protections would halt lawsuits brought by conservation groups such as the Tucson-based Center for Biological Diversity. Those suits are aimed at forcing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to fully obey the
Endangered Species Act. That seems eerily reminiscent of rhetoric surrounding a team effort by Safari Club International and the National Rifle Association to block the reinstatement of federal protection for wolves in Wyoming, where the predators are seen as competing with hunters. Conservationists argue that such similarities are hardly coincidental. “The Arizona Game and Fish Commission has been particularly antiwolf, and anti-federal protection of wolves,” says Noah Greenwald, endangered species director with the Center for Biological Diversity. “I’m sure that’s very much in line with where the Safari Club is at.” Even when such policies don’t directly coincide, there are sometimes precious little peeks into Game and Fish’s philosophical soul. Such as the Center for Biological Diversity’s lawsuit, recently settled, that prods the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to consider long-overdue protection status for more than 750 species of animals. In March, Game and Fish spokesman Jim Paxon blithely explained how his department intervened in court against the center. The center’ ultimate victory was later appealed— unsuccessfully—by the Safari Club. Rationales offered by Game and Fish and the Safari Club were strikingly similar. “We do take issue with particular aspects of endangered species,” Paxon said, adding that evaluating so many species for protection was unfeasible. “We didn’t see that as being doable, to even analyze whether or not they even need the protection.” But in an email to the Weekly a few days later, Paxon flip-flopped. “Neither the Department nor the Commission,” he wrote, “have taken a formal position on the settlement of the CBD lawsuit with U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the 757 species to be assessed.” Huh? Paxon took the fall in a follow-up call, claiming confusion and contending that court intervention had been discussed only among a number of “low-level” department staffers. Or perhaps it was just the ghostly whisperings of C.J. McElroy that he heard.
Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild and South Tucson Mayor Jennifer Eckstrom joined with dozens of their counterparts across the nation last week to announce a new push for pressuring U.S. senators to support expanded background checks on gun sales when they return to work next week. Mayors Against Illegal Guns, spearheaded by New York City Mayor JOHATHAN Michael Bloomberg, coordinated a “day of action” last Thursday, March 28, to announce plans to collect petition signatures this week urging lawmakers to get behind the background-check bill now moving through the Senate. Pam Simon, the former congressional aide who was among the 19 people shot when a crazed gunman opened fire at Gabby Giffords’ Congress on Your Corner event on Jan. 8, 2011, said that the group hopes to persuade Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake to support expanding background checks on sales by unlicensed gun sellers. Under current federal law, only federally licensed firearms dealers are required to do a background check before selling a gun (and only federally licensed dealers have access to the background-check database). Simon suggested that supporters of expanding background checks to unlicensed dealers should call or write McCain and Flake “to let them know how important this common sense is.” A bill that includes background checks on virtually all gun sales passed the Senate Judiciary Committee last month. The bill includes some exceptions for firearms passed between immediate family members or temporarily loaned for hunting or sporting events. Some GOP senators, including Ted Cruz of Texas, Marco Rubio of Florida and Rand Paul of Kentucky, have threatened to filibuster the legislation to prevent a vote of the full Senate. “We should look for ways to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill prone to misusing them, but I oppose legislation that will be used as a vehicle to impose new Second Amendment restrictions on responsible, law-abiding gun owners,” Rubio said in a statement last week. “We should work to reduce tragic acts of violence by addressing violence at its source, including untreated mental illness, the lack of adequate information-sharing on mental health issues, and the breakdown of the family.” Flake voted against the legislation when it passed the Senate Judiciary Committee on a party-line vote after efforts to forge a bipartisan bill collapsed. Flake called the idea of universal background checks “a bridge too far” during an appearance on Meet the Press last Sunday, March 31. “The paperwork requirements along would be significant,” Flake said. McCain has supported requiring background checks at gun shows in the past and has said in recent months that he
MEDIA WATCH BY JOHN SCHUSTER jschuster@tucsonweekly.com
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Traditional ways of accumulating news continue to take a hit in light of technological changes, and the ways outlets such as television have combatted the situation might be making it worse, according to the annual Pew Research Center Project for Excellence in Journalism report. The numbers aren’t terribly surprising. For the newspaper industry, employment has dipped 30 percent since 2000 and has dropped below 40,000 for the first time since 1978. Although locally, the Arizona Daily Star, which has dragged its feet replacing the attrition of departing reporters, is said to finally be hiring again. Newspaper probably fared best in Pew’s study. It appears to be at or close to a bottoming out point that largely crippled the print portion of the industry for most of the last decade. Circulation has leveled off for the first time in years, although ad revenue continues to slip, victimized by online advertising options and alternatives to the classifieds due to the “Craigslist” phenomena. But for television news, on a national and local level, the outlook is even grimmer, and signs suggest television’s most treacherous days may still be in the offing. First, Pew’s study of national cable news shows a continued move toward what it deems cable talk, but couldn’t conclude whether that was due to financial restraints on reporting or because executives believe the editorial style talk model is more in line with what viewers want. Pew’s study also criticized reporters as “megaphones” for political talking points as opposed to using those talking points as the launch pad for further investigating. Locally, model deterioration has taken place for some time, and the ratings speak to that. The dominant days of double-digit shares are dinosaurs when compared to news organizations trying to get whatever slice of a smaller pie they can muster. And local news continues a demographic trend in the wrong direction. Most telling, survey respondents under 30 years of age who considered themselves local news viewers stood at 42 percent in 2006. That tally plummeted to 28 percent in the updated study. The answer, according to the local news approach: do less complete stories, and focus more on weather, traffic and sports, which accounts for 40 percent of the broadcast time. That number is of course significantly skewed in Tucson. While weather remains the major component of all Tucson newscasts, the focus on traffic is only emphasized in morning broadcasts, and sports is generally ostracized to that filler thing before the anchors give us their witty closing banter. The study did not focus specifically on two issues that will likely continue to act as major contributors to TV news struggles: exclusive access to breaking information and the DVR. Newspaper has the capital to remain viable, even as it’s been forced to dramatically update its archaic print model. The Daily Star still employs more reporting staff than any other news outlet in the market. Even as the print industry has taken a hit, and even
as papers have shut down, in most markets that reporting number advantage is still in play. That allowed newspaper to counter television’s ability to report a story faster. If you wanted more depth, you’d still check out the paper the following morning. Not to mention, most of the leads generated in the course of a television news broadcast are still lifted by stories first covered in newspaper. Now, however, there are a variety of online possibilities to get updated information, and it’s rare in a market of Tucson’s size to see a breaking story that commands the exclusive attention of viewers. But far more significant is the advent of the DVR. Local news would often get important boosts from network lead-in programming, but as less people watch television live, and simply record a program to view on their schedule, the local news broadcast won’t even be a part of the equation. The results of this trend are already apparent. KVOA TV 4 has implemented a multimedia journalist model, whereby reporters record and edit their own stories. KMSB TV 11 jettisoned its entire operation and paid KOLD TV 13 to produce newscasts for them. Local news still brings in revenue, but as ratings dwindle it gets more difficult for sales staffs to convince advertisers of the benefits.
DEL ROSARIO HIRED BY KGUN Simone Del Rosario is taking her chances in the local TV news landscape. She was hired on last month in the capacity of video journalist. Del Rosario arrives in Tucson with a Master of Science in Journalism from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern, and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from New Mexico State University. Del Rosario spent two months as Social Video Reporter for the Washington Post, and three months as a bureau reporter in New Delhi, India as a member of Russia’s RT Network.
WANT A JOB AT CLEAR CHANNEL? After its latest upheaval, Clear Channel is not only in the market for a new Operations Manager following the departure of Chris Kelly, but for on-air talent for country station KNST 97.1 FM. That’s the station Clear Channel flipped last month, opting to pull the plug on what appeared to be a successful simulcast of its news/talk format in favor of a country music format that will attempt to compete with KIIM 99.5 FM, the top-rated station in the market.
KVOI ADDS ‘FRONTLINES OF FREEDOM’ TO LINEUP Conservative talker KVOI 1030 AM is broadcasting Frontlines of Freedom Sundays from 9 to 11 p.m. The show is produced by Josh Leng, who used to act as Program Director for KNST 790 AM. “Frontlines of Freedom is a program that draws an audience anywhere, but especially in military towns and those with high veteran populations, and Tucson has both,” said Leng. “We look forward to having Frontlines on 1030 KVOI in Tucson, a city I love and know very well.” Hosted by West Point grad and 22-year Army veteran Lt. Col. Denny Gillem, Frontlines of Freedom, not surprisingly, focuses on issues pertaining to past and present members of military service.
A 30-page report from the Higher Learning Commission results in calls for PCC board resignations and possible probation
from Page 9
Education on the Rocks
supports expanding background checks in general. Simon will be discussing efforts to pass gun-violence legislation at the weekly Democrats of Greater Tucson meeting next Monday, April 8. The talk, “What You Can Do To Support Gun Safety,” begins at noon at the Dragon View Restaurant, 400 N. Bonita Ave.
BY CRAIG BAKER, mailbag@tucsonweekly.com
years, agreed. The HLC did not. After rejecting Flores’ advances, Jackson says she was suddenly pushed out of her position at Pima. “We called it being sent to Siberia,” she said. Though he was not forced out per se, PCC’s former Dean of Adult Education Greg Hart says Flores’ leadership was a major contributing factor in his decision to leave the college in 2007, where he had worked for seven years. According to Hart, Flores “was an abusive, imperious personality” who “treated people publicly with a great deal of disdain and disrespect.” This fact, unlike the allegations of harassment, had not gone unnoticed by the board. Sherryn “Vikki” Marshall served on Pima’s governing board from 2000 to 2012. Marshall lost her bid for reelection last November to former PCC community and northwest campus president Sylvia Lee. Though Marshall admitted in an email to a friend last April that the board was not “blind-sided” by the allegations brought against Flores the month before, Marshall said in a recent phone interview with the Weekly that the board was not only unaware that Flores had been implicated before March 2012, they did not even know that the allegations of harassment against him were sexual in nature. Marshall says she had heard “people say that he was too gruff, he was rude, he was bullying to them,” but until March 2012 she, and to her knowledge, the rest of the board had no idea that he had made sexual advances toward any of his employees. Jackson said the thought that the board could have been “oblivious” was “terrifying” to her. The board’s solution to the allegations of bullying? Marshall says “... we said smile more, be nicer.” The HLC report mentions that board members tried to “coach” Flores on his demeanor. It also says that no disciplinary action was taken when this “coaching” failed. When told that the women accusing Flores had tried to alert their supervisors to what was happening, and that they felt their complaints had fallen on deaf ears, Marshall told the Weekly “That has never been told to me… no one ever told me that they had told their supervisors.” Jackson disagreed. “I know…that several of the women did go to HR and (that they) got no satisfaction at all,” she said. Jackson pointed out that the HLC report named HR as one of the key departments perpetuating Pima’s “culture of fear.” To the HLC, the need for supervisor training at Pima was clear. Pima did not deny this in their response Friday. According to the HLC’s report, until January of this year Pima’s “Harassment (including sexual harassment) policy had not been revised since 1999”—four years before
ima Community College’s standing as an educational institution is in the balance this Saturday, April 6, as board members from Pima’s accreditor, the Chicagobased Higher Learning Commission (HLC), gather to discuss whether or not to place the college on probation. If put on probation, PCC would have two years to correct problems that the HLC determined are a threat to its accreditation status, or face the loss of accreditation. During the course of the probationary period, increased monitoring by the HLC will likely be required. Earlier this year, a team of investigators from the HLC came to PCC on a fact-finding mission. The result is a scathing 30-page report released on Friday, March 15 that said PCC administrators were cultivating a “culture of fear and intimidation,” that the former chancellor Roy Flores exhibited “inappropriate, unwanted and unprofessional behavior” toward his employees, and that the members of Pima’s governing board “knew about complaints regarding such behaviors as early as 2008” but failed to investigate them. Last Friday, March 29—the day PCC submitted its response to the HLC report —Pima’s faculty senate voted 51-1 in favor of a motion requesting that the board’s four most senior members, Brenda Even, David Longoria, E. Marty Cortez, and Stuart Scott, resign in hopes that doing so would show the HLC a commitment by the college to correct administrative inadequacies and, in turn, help the school avoid probation. In a recent phone interview with the Tucson Weekly, Jacquelyn Jackson, a Pima administrator from 2006 to 2007, called the atmosphere at the office under former chancellor “toxic.” Jackson was one of eight women who came forward to the board last March with claims of sexual harassment against Flores. Flores, says Jackson, had a “regular pattern” that involved invitations to coffee after work followed by phone calls after hours. Soon though, he was calling her from his bath tub and once even tried to seduce Jackson through a recitation of sexually graphic poetry, she says. An attempt by the Weekly to reach Flores by email was not returned. According to the HLC report, at least one board member had been made aware of anonymous complaints of harassment as early as 2008, and then again in 2010 and 2011. Board Member Scott Stuart told CBS affiliate KOLD last November, they felt that the complaints were “the kind of thing that is impossible to investigate.” John Richardson, the lawyer from the law firm DeConcini McDonald Yetwin and Lacy, who advised the PCC board throughout the Flores
Slyvia Lee: The resignation of board members is the “greatest hope for our Pima.” Flores was named chancellor. Board members, the report also noted, had “yet to receive any training on sexual harassment” as of this January. During the March 20 board meeting, Lee called the resignation of her fellow board members the “greatest hope for our Pima.” The Weekly made multiple attempts to reach the board members for comment by email, on their personal phone numbers, and via the PCC District office, all of which were ignored. The topic was also conveniently avoided during last Friday’s emergency board meeting in lieu of a discussion of PCC’s newly revised admissions policy. When asked about the call by the faculty senate for board members to resign, chairperson Brenda Even simply said that she had just learned of the request earlier that day and would need time to process it before the board would be able to comment. During the March 20 board meeting, Cortez said, “Mistakes were made ... we take responsibility for that. … We’re willing to learn, correct, and move forward.” However, even after multiple calls to resign, Pima’s response to the HLC report indicates no intention by any of the board members to do so. This may well seal Pima’s probationary fate come April 6, since, as Lee points out, the last paragraph of HLC’s report seems to point to the board directly. “The (fact-finding) team recognizes,” the report says, “that serious issues exist at PCCD … and it believes that new leadership is needed to help address these issues.”
Political gadfly Shaun McClusky is moving ahead with his plans to hand out free shotguns in Tucson neighborhoods. McClusky says the lucky recipients “will receive a cleaning kit, they’ll receive the shotgun, they’ll receive slugs, they’ll go through a background check and they’ll also go through the training class.” The program is a local affiliate of the Armed Citizen Project, which launched in Houston earlier this year. McClusky told The Skinny last week that he’d already raised $12,000 in pledges for the program. With each “package” costing about $350, that would mean, if all the pledges come through, that he would have enough money to hand out roughly three dozen “single-shot, break-action shotguns,” says McClusky, who hopes to raise more money to expand the program. McClusky says the program will initially target three Tucson neighborhoods: Pueblo Gardens, Midvale Park and the Grant-Campbell area. The latter area, he says, “is becoming rampant with break-ins.” Ward 6 Councilman Steve Kozachik, who lives in the Campbell-Grant area, was critical of McClusky’s plan. “For someone to say it makes sense to be giving away loaded shotguns in high-crime areas is absolute lunacy,” Kozachik says. “These people have lost their minds.” But McClusky, who unsuccessfully ran for the City Council four years ago and failed to make it on the ballot in the mayor’s race two years ago, says the City Council’s failure to fund the police department makes it necessary to hand out free shotguns. “My question to Steve is: When is he going to fully fund public safety?” McClusky says. “Response times are climbing every year. They keep gutting police and fire. When they start fully funding police and fire, a program like this would not be needed.” McClusky says that in the next 30 to 45 days, he’ll drop fliers around the neighborhoods where he wants to hand out shotguns. Anyone who is interested will be invited to a meeting, asked to undergo a background check and, if the check shows no problems, be given a free shotgun. Once the meetings are done, “we’re going to notify the entire neighborhood that we are going to arm citizens in your neighborhood and we’re going to protect your neighborhood. We’re going
POLICE DISPATCH BY ANNA MIROCHA mailbag@tucsonweekly.com
Men at Play UA AREA MARCH 24, 2:53 P.M.
Three intoxicated male UA students were jailed after ostentatiously “goofing around” with construction materials on campus, according to a UA Police Department report. A UAPD officer at the east side of Arizona Stadium, 1 National Championship Dr., saw three young men yelling and throwing around construction barriers at a site near Warren and Martin avenues. He soon saw them with hard hats and fluorescent yellow construction-worker safety vests. (One male actually donned the gear.) When the officer commanded them to stop, one male did so and dropped everything, while the other two (including the one wearing the conspicuously bright-colored construction accessories) tried to escape. The reporting officer identified the nonfleeing subject as a 19-year-old from California and noticed his bloodshot eyes, odor of liquor and other signs of inebriation. The subject said he and his two friends had come from a party to look for other friends near the stadium, where they compulsively picked up the hats and vests near some construction signs. “Sorry, so dumb to do that,” he said. “ . . . just being dumb.” After being handcuffed, his friends called his cell phone, which the officer held to his ear while he told his friends to stop running. The other subjects were directed to another patrol officer, to whom they yelled, “You’re looking for us! We ran from the cops!” (as if that officer couldn’t see their hats and vests). They were arrested for underage drinking, trespassing and theft.
Facebook Faceplant UA AREA MARCH 25, 5:47 P.M.
Two UA employees were fired after a single outrageous university Facebook post, a UAPD report stated. The police department learned that a UA custodian made the following post, almost exactly as it appears here, on the UA Facebook page: “some motherfucker at work better fucking watch himself if I find out you are even looking at my sister the wrong (way) basterd I will go to prison handling your ass … You think I give a fuck . . . well let me tell you fucking long hair faggot… you fucking say anything to my sister again and i will run you through bastard you’ve been warned faggot and don’t forget faggot you sold me weed on campus grounds fuck face!!!!! I don’t give a fuck if you fuck with my family and you will deal with me you fucking faggot.” The person to whom this post was directed—also a custodial employee, as was the poster’s sister—described to the UAPD a situation in which he’d helped the sister find her UA key set one night at work. But after the post, not only was the poster terminated from his position—so was his sister, since she’d “liked” the rant. 12 WWW.TuCsON WEEKLY.COM
Still having some trouble coming to grips with the end of Arizona’s basketball season? We can help
from Page 11
BY BRIAN J. PEDERSEN, bpedersen@tucsonweekly.com
y last season covering the Arizona men’s basketball team was 20042005, a season any self-respecting Wildcat fan will remember as the one that ended with “the Choke.” Leading top-seeded Illinois by 15 points with about five minutes left in the Elite Eight, it appeared the UA was on the way to its fifth Final Four. I was so convinced of this that during the under-four-minutes-left TV timeout I logged onto Southwest Airlines’ website, hoping to secure the cheapest possible flight from Tucson to the finals in St. Louis. I recall remarking to the Daily Oklahoman reporter sitting next to me courtside at the Allstate Arena in suburban Chicago that Arizona’s postseason run had me not knowing when I’d see my family again. For a three-week span it had been a whirlwind of trips to Los Angeles; Boise, Idaho; and then Chicago, with hardly any downtime at home in between. Then, in what seemed like a blink of an eye to those of us who would need to write about it—the UA squandered its seemingly insurmountable lead, went to overtime and ultimately was sent home while Illinois moved on. Once the interviews were done and the stories were filed, it was back to the hotel to pack up for a return to … well, the real world. The NCAA college basketball tournament can be such an immersive, all-consuming endeavor for those who are covering it, that when it comes to an end it feels like a giant void needs to be filled. But based on what I’ve seen over the years, for Wildcats fans the moments just after the final buzzer of the final UA hoops game can be like stepping out of a fallout shelter to find the entire world has been obliterated. That’s why I’m here to tell you: It’s going to be OK. It’s been a week now, but many of you may just now be crawling out from under a desk to see if there are still signs of life. And now that you’ve found that the sun did come up again—you’re suddenly in need of things to keep you entertained while you count down the days until next season’s Red-Blue game. That’s still more than six months away, giving you plenty of time to experience some new forms of entertainment. And, yes, there are things to do around here other than root for UA athletics.
For instance: * Marana Main Street Festival (Saturday, April 6): For a town that’s known to most people only as that area you drive past on your way to Phoenix, it sure does throw some good parties. Along with its Fourth of July and
Founder’s Day events, the Main Street Festival is a mix of food, music and some oddball activities that even the most picky sports fan could enjoy. I’m quite intrigued by the Bed Race, a sort of white trash version of team bobsled that involves four people pushing (and one person riding on) a bed on wheels. * Tucson Roller Derby Dust Devil Tournament (Saturday and Sunday, April 13 and 14): You’ve got chicks on wheels wearing skimpy outfits and trying to knock the snot of out each other. Need I go on? Tucson Roller Derby has been around since 2003 and played in various venues, the latest of which is called the Wreckhouse (1145 E. Valencia Road). The Dust Devil tourney is a chance to see a bunch of teams battle it out all at one time, something that’s definitely worth the price of admission. * Pima County Fair (April 18-28): The food is awesome, the rides and games are cool and the musical options are all over the map, style-wise. But it’s the “only at the fair” kind of attractions that keep drawing me to the fairgrounds to inhale an unhealthy amount of dust. A careful scan of this year’s lineup of “entertainment” has me champing at the bit to watch the Frisbee dogs and get reacquainted with my all-time favorite fair act, the pig
races. I still have my first ‘MY PIG WON’ ribbon hanging on my bedroom wall. * High school spring sports playoffs (April 23-May 14): Call me a softie, but I’m a sucker for prep sports. The pay-to-play club sports scene is cutthroat, competitive and shortsighted, but when those same kids are playing for their schools, there’s a genuine for-love-ofthe-game feel to it all. The spring season features them vying for individual and team titles in baseball, softball, tennis, track and volleyball, and there are plenty of locals with a chance to win it all. Sadly, though, after the first few days of the postseason you’ll have to trek north to cheer on the neighborhood school. The Arizona (read: Maricopa County) Interscholastic Association has placed the finals for every sport in the Phoenix area. These are just a few of your post-hoops options. And don’t forget there’s one more season of unappreciated minor league baseball, as well as another summer of FC Tucson soccer, to enjoy. They’re a great way to pass the time, and much better than dwelling on what might have happened if Grant Jerrett and Nick Johnson had not gotten mixed up on a switch and left an Ohio State player wide open to crush the hopes and dreams of Wildcat Nation. Remember, it’s going to be OK.
to take it back. The City Council is failing to protect you with police and fire. We’re going to give you the opportunity to keep your home safe.” Cindy Fayala, the president of the Pueblo Gardens Neighborhood Association, told The Skinny she doesn’t want McClusky handing out shotguns in her neighborhood. “I don’t have a problem with guns,” Fayala said. “I am a gun owner. I have a problem with how he is presenting himself. … He’s telling everybody that we are a high-crime, low-income neighborhood, and that’s not true.” Fayala says crime is not a big problem in Pueblo Gardens, which is located near 36th Street and Kino Parkway. She says the neighborhood, where she has lived for 30 years, is on the upswing. “Have you been to 36th and Kino?” she asks. “The UA bio park is over there. We’ve got a Walmart; we’ve got a Costco; they’re getting ready to put in a McDonald’s.” Fayala is upset that McClusky didn’t reach out to the neighborhood association before announcing his plans. “I’ve never even met the man,” Fayala said. “He’s making a total soand-so out of himself. … My honest opinion, I think he’s doing this for political gain.” Fayala says Pueblo Gardens has a good relationship with the Tucson Police Department. “They are an active part of our community,” Fayala said. “I feel like what this guy is doing, he’s trying to destroy the communications and positive stuff that’s going on in our neighborhood.” Earlier this week, McClusky said he had “no doubt” that Fayala is right about Pueblo Gardens not having a crime problem. “We’d like to keep it that way and the public has responded and said that they’d like to participate in the program, so, by the demand of the public, we will go forward with the program,” he said. But McClusky left the door open to moving to a different area of town. “I’m not going to tell you that it’s 100 percent set in stone,” he said. “If I don’t get enough inquiries or enough requests for shotguns, we’ll move to other areas.” McClusky says he’s been receiving “a ton of requests” for free shotguns in the area of 29th Street and Columbus Boulevard. Fayala says she doesn’t want McClusky moving forward with the plan. “I would rather he move to another state,” she says. By Jim Nintzel Find early and late-breaking Skinny at The Range, our daily dispatch at daily. tucsonweekly.com Jim Nintzel hosts AZ Illustrated Politics, airing at 6:30 p.m. every Friday on KUAT Channel 6. The program repeats at 12:30 a.m. Saturday.
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APRIL 4-10, 2013
When Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild stepped to the microphone at City Councilman Steve Kozachik’s campaign-kickoff party at Borderlands Brewing last month, he called the Ward 6 Democrat “an iconoclast.” “An iconoclast is a person who is a destroyer of idols and someone who questions old customs and old ways,” Rothschild said. “And that is something that is needed, particularly in times when we need change.” Love him or hate him (and there are plenty of folks who feel both ways), Kozachik is most certainly iconoclastic. He eschews many of the familiar trappings of politicians. He doesn’t appear concerned about his image; his hair sometimes looks as if he hasn’t tried to comb it in days and he has no qualms about showing up for town halls in a track suit instead of a coat and tie. He’s blunt about saying where he stands on an issue, even if it means upsetting the status quo. As Adam Kinsey, a former executive director of the Pima County Democratic Party who is now working as a consultant on Councilwoman Karin Uhlich’s re-election campaign, put it: “There’s absolutely no pretense. He’s not ideologically driven. He’s driven by what the right result for Tucson is going to be.” In his first term on the Tucson City Council, Kozachik has been remarkably effective. He was barely in office when he led the charge to cancel the plans
for a major downtown convention hotel. He was a key figure behind the ousting of former city manager Mike Letcher. His push to prohibit racing greyhounds from being injected with steroids has Tucson Greyhound Park teetering on the edge of collapse. He has upended the Regional Transportation Authority’s plans to widen Broadway to eight lanes between downtown and Country Club Road. Kozachik was narrowly elected as a Republican four years ago, but the party label didn’t stop him from endorsing Democrats such as U.S. Rep. Ron Barber, U.S. Senate candidate Richard Carmona and Pima County Board of Supervisors candidate Nancy Young Wright, to name just a few. He openly feuded with members of the local GOP legislative delegation over women’s rights, gay rights and the tendency of state lawmakers to sponsor legislation that restricted the powers of city government. And when he took on the issue of gun control by sponsoring a gun buyback in January, the backlash within the GOP was so great that he ended up quitting the party and registering a Democrat. After his party switch, Kozachik said—in his typically blunt fashion—that the decision was “nothing at all against the rank-and-file Republicans in this state who are embarrassed by this Republican Party and where they’re going. It’s my sense that this party is going to have to start hemorrhaging some centrist members before they start to understand how detached they are from the values of this community.” Kozachik has been warmly welcomed by his new party—which isn’t terribly surprising, given his high-profile criticism of Republicans while he was still a member of the GOP. “I don’t think you see one Democrat who has a problem embracing Steve,” said Jeff Rogers, former chairman of the Pima County Democratic Party. “He’s a thoughtful guy. And this is not to suggest that other people aren’t, but he’s hes really big on transparency and being careful with the taxpayer dollars.” At the same time, Rogers admitted some disappointment in Kozachik’s party’s switch: “It was refreshing to have a sane Republican, but I can see why he couldn’t last any
longer there.” Rogers said he admires how Kozachik has adapted to the local political scene: “For somebody who was a complete rookie when he started this off, he’s come a long way.”
Kozachik arrived in Tucson in 1968, when he was in the eighth grade. His mother, a divorced nurse who was raising him and his brother as a single mom, had had enough of Michigan winters. As Kozachik remembers it, they got on a train in the middle of the night and moved to Tucson, sight unseen. Kozachik has a lot of praise for his mother, Marian Kozachik, who is now in her late 80s and turns up at council meetings from time to time. “She fought like hell to keep custody, despite the fact that my dad kept coming back,” he said. “He had remarried, had seven kids by his new wife, so he figured he needed to take me and my brother away from my mom, too.” Kozachik graduated from Catalina High and earned a bachelor’s degree in public administration at the UA, where he met his wife of 34 years, Ann. The couple have a daughter, Kimberly, who graduated with a business management degree from the UA’s Eller College of Management. Kozachik’s first job out of college was managing a Long John Silver’s franchise, where he learned about the challenges of running a small business, from hiring and firing to making payroll. But the fast-food business was a “meat grinder,” so he found a job at Asarco in industrial relations. After eight years of that, he went back to the UA to earn a degree in higher education management. He’d always liked college sports, spor so one day in 1988, while still a student, he walked into then-UA Athletic Director Cedric Cedr Dempsey’s office with an offer: He’d work for free, doing what Dempsey needed done. Dempsey put him to work in event management and the gig worked out. Kozachik now manages capital projects, such as the current curren work on the new grandstand behind the north end zone at Arizona Stadium. Stadium Kozachik has long had an interest in both politics and public service; service he’s traveled in Zambia Zambi to
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build an orphanage, to Sri Lanka to help after the 2004 tsunami and to Louisiana to deliver relief supplies in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. But it was watching the city struggle with building a new arena and other Rio Nuevo projects downtown that got him interested in running for the City Council. “It was happening at the exact same time as I was building the Richard Jefferson gymnasium,” Kozachik said. “When you look at a place that you’ve lived in and raised a family in and you see it struggling to do just what I’ve done on campus … out of frustration, I got my oar in the water.” Kozachik didn’t have any particular loyalty to the Republican Party. He likes to say that he’s never voted a straight ticket in an election and was registered as an independent before he got into the race. His decision to run as a Republican was by default, more than anything else, since the incumbent, Nina Trasoff, was a Democrat. The odds were steep against a political rookie. It had been more than three decades since a Republican had unseated an incumbent Democrat in the heavily Democratic city of Tucson—and the Republicans who had won open seats typically had a famous name (Fred Ronstadt), political experience (Kathleen Dunbar) or the benefit of a Democratic primary that had fractured support for a nominee (Bob Walkup). But Kozachik took the fight to Trasoff, who had alienated some of her core supporters with missteps on the council. In particular, Kozachik zeroed in on the city’s failure to make visible progress with downtown revitalization through the Rio Nuevo project. “Seriously, folks, you’re spending other people’s money,” Kozachik said. “So much money was being wasted.” Kozachik pulled off a narrow upset, winning the seat by fewer than 1,800 of the 71,391 votes cast.
Kozachik had no idea how complicated the job would be when he was sworn into the Ward 6 office. “I was naively surprised by the complexity of the issues and the amount of study that they take if you’re going to do the job right,” he said. “Everybody that I meet has their issue and they know it well and they expect you to be able to take a position on it.” That means he has to do a lot of homework each week. It’s a time-consuming process, especially on top of a full-time job at the university, Tuesday council meetings CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
APRIL 4-10, 2013
and the time he has to put in with constituents and stakeholders at the Ward 6 office. He’s busy seven days a week and often doesn’t get home before 11:30 on weeknights. “I won’t do this job without being all in because there are too many important things that we are talking about,” Kozachik said. “It’s about the community we’re living in. For far too long, we’ve been poorly managed.” Rothschild is among those who praise Kozachik’s work ethic. “I can tell you, from my experience, that he reads everything that is put before council and that, in itself, is a monumental task,” Rothschild said. “Steve is dedicated to that task.” Kozachik said he wants a second term because there are projects he wants to get finished, including downtown revitalization. He’s happy to see more restaurants opening downtown and he has high hopes for a planned boutique hotel across from Hotel Congress. “There’s a lot of good energy going into the downtown area right now,” he said. Kozachik sees the city facing some “really critical issues,” including a $15 million budget shortfall this year, the future of Broadway Boulevard and other dealings with the Regional Transportation Authority, and ongoing battles with the Arizona Legislature. He’s also eager to work out the challenges ahead on more technical but vital issues such as city water policy and land-use policy. He said Ward 6 faces unique challenges as the University of Arizona seeks to continue to grow and nearby neighborhoods seek to preserve their historic character. He said one of the biggest mistakes of his first term was not being on the ball when the District, a 750-bed student-housing complex, was approved near Fourth Avenue and Sixth Street. The students at the complex have had numerous run-ins with neighbors over parties and traffic in the neighborhood. While Kozachik worked out a deal with the original developer to mitigate some of the problems, the District was flipped to a new owner who is not following through on those promises. “I feel as though the city got rolled on the District property,” he said. “I’m not going to get rolled again.” Listen to Kozachik discuss neighborhoods and you might think that he got his talking points from former Ward 6 councilwoman Molly McKasson. He told the Weekly that when he considers the impact of a new development in the ward, he now thinks: “Would I want that right across the street from my house? And if the answer is no, then that needs to frame the conversation, because somebody is going to have that right across the street from their house.” He doesn’t much care for the term NIMBY (Not In My Backyard): “NIMBY is used as a pejorative. Everybody who is a homeowner is a NIMBY when it comes to some issue, whether it’s a liquor store or a drive-in theater in your backyard or a mini-dorm. Pick your issue. Everybody who is a homeowner at some point has that label attached to them. It is offensive when somebody uses that as a criticism.” But he’s equally dismissive of complaints that the city isn’t friendly to business: “I’m tired of 18 WWW.TuCsON WEEKLY.COM
hearing that. We’ve put in place a plan review process, we have an ombudsman at Planning and Development Services, we’ve got economic development people in the City Manager’s Office, we’ve got incentive packages in place now. … You need to strike a balance and I think we’re doing that.” One of his biggest gripes is regarding some of the people who supported him in his 2009 race. “If there’s anything that’s frustrating as hell, it’s hearing the talk radio guys get on and be nothing but critical, knowing how hard some people are working to make good things happen,” Kozachik said. “And good things are going to happen. We are right on the cusp of it.”
As he looks to a second term, Kozachik has found himself in an interesting situation: For the most part, the people who supported him last time want him to lose, while the people who opposed him last time want him to stay. Kozachik’s initial moves—such as torpedoing the proposal for a downtown convention hotel—won him praise from the conservative Republicans who had helped win office. But he also soon found himself in conflict with other local Republicans, particularly those serving in the Arizona Legislature. As they pushed laws to restrict abortion, limit the powers of cities and crack down on illegal immigration, Kozachik started openly feuding with them. “We were just destined to have this falling out if they were going to continue to go after these key issues,” Kozachik said. His most visible clashes have been with former state lawmaker Frank Antenori, who claimed that Kozachik presented a different persona to him when he was running for the council seat. “Everything that he says he doesn’t agree with now, he said he supported,” Antenori said. “The guy’s a liar. His liberal buddies will probably appreciate that—‘Oh, good, he lied to the Republicans.’” Kozachik denied that he deceived Antenori. “While I was running, I knew in my gut that there were positions I wasn’t comfortable with that they were taking,” Kozachik said. “There has always been a rub between the far right and who I am, but they knew that. … They were digging it during the campaign: ‘Here’s a guy who can get crossover votes. Here’s a guy who can get independent votes, and we just want to win.’” Antenori, who has been fishing around for months to find a candidate to run against Kozachik, said it hasn’t been easy to find someone who wants to get into the race. “I don’t know if he’ll have an opponent,” Antenori said. Kozachik is working to discourage any challengers. At his re-election kickoff two weeks ago, he boasted that his team had already gathered the maximum 800 signatures on his nomi-
nating petitions and landed the endorsement of police, fire and public-sector unions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The goal was to slam the gas pedal down and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let up,â&#x20AC;? Kozachik said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My purpose in coming out really hard and really aggressively is to say: Bring it on if you want to. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be a waste of your time and your money.â&#x20AC;? Kozachikâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s re-election campaign has three co-chairs, representing Democrats, Republicans and independents: former U.S. surgeon general Richard Carmona, who narrowly lost a U.S. Senate race on the Democratic ticket last year; former Tucson City Councilwoman Carol West, who left office as an independent after clashing with Democratic Party leaders in her final term because she worked too often across the aisle; and Republican Bob Walkup, who stepped down as mayor in 2011 after three terms. Walkup isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the only former mayor supporting Kozachik. He also has Democrats George Miller and Tom Volgy in his corner. Volgy, who had Kozachik as a student in one of his international relations classes at the University of Arizona, said he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t support him in 2009. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sure what the policies were going to be and I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Râ&#x20AC;&#x2122; next to his
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name meant,â&#x20AC;? Volgy said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But even before re he switched, I discovered covered he was a man of incredible ncredible integrity and enormous bravery, and I liked the policies that hee pushed. â&#x20AC;Ś He took on a lot of bad guys, and nd he did it publicly.â&#x20AC;? But Kozachikk has also picked up support from Republicans. ans. He captured a key endorsement last week k from former congressman Jim Kolbe. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Steve Kozachik chik has demonstrated an ability as a Tucson cityy councilman to build bridges across party and nd ideology gaps to find practical solutions for our ur community,â&#x20AC;? Kolbe said in a prepared statement. ment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He studies the issues, asks tough questions, ns, and listens to all sides before making a decision that is in the best interest of the entire community. For too long, Tucson has been divided along meaningless partisan lines.â&#x20AC;?
Rogers, the former county Democratic Party chairman, said he doubted that the GOP will find a tough candidate to run against Kozachik. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll run anybody serious against him,â&#x20AC;? Rogers said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They might find someone who is not serious, but I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think anybody who is real serious about this will take him on.â&#x20AC;?
Clinical Research Opportunity for Kids with Depression
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Talk to your child about participating in a depression research study: To participate in an 8-9 week research study your child must: t #F ZFBST PME t )BWF TZNQUPNT PG EFQSFTTJPO
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Call: 1-520-626-7739 Or visit: www.psychiatry.arizona.edu/research/current-studies APRIL 4-10, 2013
Revenge of the Bicycles
Stations are set up along the route where people can decorate their bikes, take a fitness class, play games or do arts and crafts. A “pop-up skate park” is also available for those who skateboard. And those not riding bikes can be dancing in the streets instead, with music provided by DJs from local clubs. New to this year’s event is Cyclovia Street Life, “a series of performances, installations, sculptures and soundscapes connected with an interactive rubber-stamp treasure hunt,” according to a Cyclovia press release. Walzak went to 14 artists and asked them to create works that explore street life, community building, health and wellness, and fun. The artists came up with various ideas, including a painted piano that will be placed in the middle of an intersection, available for people to play. Another artist will offer a “learn to ballet with your bicycle” class at the festival. People can also get a passport and have it stamped at various places during a treasure hunt. The interactive activity is inspired by an old pastime called Letterboxing. “In our daily, busy lives where we spend most of our time in cars getting around, we miss a lot of details,” Walzak said. “And so by doing this Letterboxing activity in Cyclovia it encourages people to slow down and take a look at their surroundings and take in all the details and be really observant about what’s around them.” Other Cyclovia highlights include a bike rodeo, a puppet show and an obstacle course. “All of it is really encouraging people to interact with the street,
Kylie Walzak can’t wait to wear the costume she recently finished making for Cyclovia Tucson. It’s a rainbow-colored tutu made in shades of neon. Walzak will also attach a bubble machine and speakers to her bike. “So I’m going to be like a one-person, rainbow tutu-bubble machine with music coming out of my bike, and I’m so excited to see what everybody else brings out and what kinds of costumes and ideas they have,” said Walzak, coordinator of this year’s Cyclovia Tucson. The annual street festival is inspired by the people of Bogota, Colombia. Since the 1970s, more than 75 miles of streets in Bogota are closed every Sunday and holiday so people can walk, bike or ride anything but a car in the streets. Though on a much smaller scale—the route is 4 1/2 miles long—Cyclovia Tucson also promotes a day of car-free fun. Because they aren’t used to riding a bike in the middle of the street, participation builds slowly, but by 11 a.m., the party is going full blast. interact with the environment immediately around the street and interact with each other along the event and the route,” Walzak said. Food will also be available at various spots along the route, with at least a dozen food trucks on hand. Cyclovia Tucson will be held twice this year, with a second festival April 28 in midtown Tucson. The two block parties will feature slightly different activities because some of the DJs, performers and artists aren’t available for both events. The goal of an added day is to keep Cyclovia growing, and add more routes throughout the city. “We’d like to bring this event to as many different neighborhoods as we can,” Walzak said. The goal is to show people how relatively close certain locations are to their homes. “We want to get people to really think about using the bicycle more often,” Walzak said. Cyclovia Tucson is part of Bike-Fest, a monthlong celebration of the bike that includes organized bike rides, ride-your-bike-to-work days and incentives for riding a bike to work. “We take away the threat of the car for a day so that people who want to ride their bikes more can,” Walzak said. Cyclovia Tucson will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, April 7 on streets including Eighth Avenue, Fourth Avenue, 34th Street and 13th Street. Another Cyclovia event will be held April 28. More information can be found at cycloviatucson.org. Cyclovia Tucson is free. Stephanie Casanova mailbag@tucsonweekly.com
SPECIAL EVENTS Into the Wilderness An Evening with the “Father of Wilderness,” John Muir 7 to 9 p.m., Saturday, April 6 ZUZI! Theater at the Historic Y 738 N. Fifth Ave. azwild.org; prescott.edu
The Arizona Wilderness Coalition and Prescott College are hosting an evening with legendary 19th-century conservationist John Muir to celebrate his 175th birthday and his work. Doug Hulmes, an AWC board member and Prescott College professor of environmental studies, will do a Chautauqua presentation as John Muir, followed by a discussion. Meghan Mix, office manager of AWC, said Chautauqua “was a movement that was started by the American government and the media to kind of try to bring education and the muse to working-class people. The speakers were often times very gregarious and able to present the information in a way that was easy for the masses to understand.” Hulmes is an expert on John Muir and has done this performance many times, at different venues, but it his first time performing in Tucson. His presentation serves as a way to celebrate Muir’s life and work as well as a way to raise awareness about conservation in the American West. Corey said that performances like this are an asset because “as our society gets more complex, we get more disconnected from nature.” He hopes that the Chautauqua and discussion will give insight into Muir’s life and to our connection with nature. “It’s reflecting on John Muir, his vision and, I think, how timeless it is as well as how it applies to our society and our culture today, here in Arizona and across the West,” Corey said. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. There is a suggested donation of $8, which will support the wilderness stewardship partnership between AWC and Prescott College. —M.M.
Far left: Rory Stewart Left: The Cordials
Scholarly Travels
History Through Baseball
”History, Travel, Politics and Intervention”
A Musical Movement for Justice
5 p.m., Tuesday, April 9
Seventh Annual JusticePalooza
Room 202, UA Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Building 1130 N. Mountain Ave.
6 to 10 p.m., Tuesday, April 9
623-9141; afsc.org/tucson
JusticePalooza may have humble beginnings, but after seven years of bringing together the social justice community through live music, the American Friends Service Committee knows Tucson likes to celebrate for a good cause. The AFSC is a national nonprofit based in the Quaker faith, “with longstanding testimonies about peace, equality and justice,” according to Caroline Isaacs, the program director of the organization’s Tucson offices. Focusing exclusively on criminal justice issues, the AFSC in Arizona works to reform criminal sentencing laws, combat the privatization of prisons and reduce the incarcerated population through policy changes. It’s a fight fraught with challenges in a largely conservative landscape, and while the political tide has shifted in recent years due to rising costs and little effect on crime reduction, the AFSC has developed JusticePalooza from a backyard event to a full-blown concert to remind supporters that progress is worth commending. Isaacs said she was “thrilled” to be able to move the event to La Cocina for the weekly Tuesdays for Tucson fundraiser, in which 10 percent of the evening’s proceeds go to a nonprofit like the AFSC. JusticePalooza will feature performances from Salvador Duran, Howe Gelb, and The Cordials. The AFSC will be distributing information about its work in criminal justice at the event, and members will speak briefly between sets about their mission and upcoming campaigns. There is no cover for JusticePalooza, but donations are accepted and appreciated. “We live in Tucson, which is so rich for amazing local music,” Isaacs said. “And not just amazing music, but amazing people who are more than willing to donate their time and energy and talents. It just works out beautifully.” —K.N.
Warren Ballpark, at 140 years old the oldest multisport facility in use in the United Sates, is hosting its fourth annual vintage baseball tournament as a fundraiser for the ballpark. Mike Anderson, the ballpark’s historian and author of Warren Ballpark, said he has enjoyed “finding all kinds of discoveries, things that had been forgotten because the people that experienced them were long dead” while exploring it’s deep-rooted history. The Arizona Territories Vintage Base Ball League—consisting of the Bisbee Bees, Glendale Gophers, Phoenix Senators, Tucson Saguaros and Bisbee Black Socks—will play, along with the Colorado All-Stars from the Colorado Vintage Base Ball Association. They will play by the original rules of the game. The fundraiser will honor three figures from the history of baseball: Earl Wilson, Tony Antista and John McGraw. Both Wilson and Antista began their professional baseball careers in Bisbee. John McGraw was the manager of the New York Giants when they played a game at Warren Ballpark against the Chicago White Sox nearly 100 years ago, on Nov. 7, 1913. Postgame activities will start at 7 p.m. Saturday at Bisbee’s 555 Grill. Silent-auction items will include oldstyle replica baseballs signed by Buster Posey of the San Francisco Giants and a bat signed by Carlton Fisk, a Hall-ofFame catcher. Anderson said going to Warren Ballpark is a unique experience because “when you walk into that ballpark, you are back in a facility that was very much like all of the facilities in America in the 1930s, ’40s and ’50s.” Admission is $10 for one day or $15 for both. Children 12 and younger are admitted free; active military will get in free on Sunday. —M.M.
Fourth Annual Copper City Classic Vintage Base Ball Tournament 10 a.m., Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and April 7 Warren Ballpark 300 Ruppe Ave., Bisbee
Having trekked 6,000 miles from India to Afghanistan at the onset of the U.S. invasion in 2001, Rory Stewart, a writer, international scholar and former diplomat has carved a path in history. Stewart’s storied past will come to life when he visits the University of Arizona to give a lecture on “History, Travel, Politics and Intervention,” incorporating the experiences documented in his acclaimed memoirs, The Places In Between and Prince of the Marshes, and in his political life (he currently serves as a British Member of Parliament). The lecture is sponsored by the UA History Department, which selected Stewart as a speaker based on his dedication to “rethink and challenge contemporary viewpoints,” according to associate professor Miranda Spieler. Creating ties among students in various programs, from Middle Eastern Studies grad students to Honors College undergraduates and veterans on campus, was a goal for Spieler when planning the event. “We are eager to draw together people who are in different disciplines at the university, but share common concerns,” Spieler said. “I think he’s a speaker that will allow us to do that.” Stewart finds solace in both the written and spoken word when recounting his experiences abroad, but the role of an author will always be among his most preferred. “You cannot fall back on your confidence, your improvisation, or your tone of voice or intonation,” Stewart said in an email interview. “The page is silent.” Spieler encourages people to arrive early because the event is free and all 235 seats in the auditorium should be filled. Copies of Stewart’s books will be for sale both at the lecture and at the UA BookStores. —K.N.
La Cocina 201 N. Court Ave.
Mike Anderson
Submissions CityWeek includes events selected by Stephanie Casanova, Kate Newton and Megan Merrimac, and is accurate as of press time. Tucson Weekly recommends calling event organizers to check for last-minute changes in location, time, price, etc. To have material considered, please send complete information by Monday at noon 11 days prior to publication. Send to: Tucson Weekly, P.O. Box 27087, Tucson, AZ 85726, or fax information to 792-2096, or e-mail us at listings@tucsonweekly.com. APRIL 4-10, 2013
City Week Guidelines. Send information for City Week to Listings Editor, Tucson Weekly, P.O. Box 27087, Tucson, AZ 85726, e-mail our account at listings@tucsonweekly.com or submit a listing online at tucsonweekly.com. The deadline is Monday at noon, 11 days before the Thursday publication date. Please include a short description of your event; the date, time and address where it is taking place; information about fees; and a phone number where we can reach you for more information. Because of space limitations, we can’t use all items. Event information is accurate as of press time. The Weekly recommends calling event organizers to check for last-minute changes in location, time, price, etc.
Joel Hodgson Joel Hodgson is the creator of Mystery Science Theater 3000, which aired on Comedy Central, and later the Sci-Fi Channel, from 1988 to 1999. The show saw Hodgson and two robot puppet friends silhouetted against a movie screen, riffing on B-movies. Hodgson stepped down from the show’s lead role in 1993, but it remained a cult classic. Hodgson is now on the road doing a live show called Joel Hodgson Live: Riffing Myself, which comes to the Loft Cinema at 7 p.m., Saturday, April 6. Tickets are $20, or $18 for Loft members. A VIP ticket that includes a meet-and-greet with Hodgson is $45, or $43 for Loft members. For more information, call 795-7777, or visit loftcinema.com.
EVENTS THIS WEEK BEADS OF COURAGE DANCE MARATHON UA Student Recreation Center. 1400 E. Sixth St. A dance marathon raises funds to support beads of Courage and the Center for Arts in Nursing for children coping with Cancer and other serious illnesses, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday, April 6; $12 drop-in, $60 includes T-shirt, swag bag, refreshments, pizza party and prizes for best costume and most money raised. Visit courageinmotion.org to register and for more info.
Kyle Mittan, mailbag@tucsonweekly.com
It’s been 20 years since you were on MST3K. What have you been doing since then? Well, the last six years I’ve been doing Cinematic Titanic, which is like a live version of Mystery Science Theater. So we’ve done 100 live shows and put out 12 DVDs over the last six years. Lately, I’ve been doing my live show, and prior to that I worked in Hollywood. What do you think made MST3K into the cult classic it became? It was out nearly a decade before shows like South Park premiered. I think it’s just real simple. People like to say stuff during movies. When everybody watches a movie, they want that experience where they’re kind of taken away by the movie. But if that doesn’t work, for whatever reason, you might start saying stuff about the movie. I think everybody does that, so I think everybody relates to that. Now you’re out on the road “riffing yourself,” as you like to say. What was your inspiration to come out and share those stories from the show? It’s just from doing interviews. I bet you I’ve done 200 interviews in the last six years and it’s kind of like, you know, people ask questions. They want to know 22 WWW.TuCsON WEEKLY.COM
about the past, they want to know about the history of Mystery Science Theater. I started to realize there were so many things that, you know, kind of got uncovered and got me thinking about it. People frequently asked questions on a website. These are, like, “infrequent answers to frequently asked questions,” stuff I can’t really cover in an interview like this. Things that are more in-depth. It’s really about the origin story of how Mystery Science Theater was created. It’s such a unique show, there wasn’t anything like it prior, and so I kind of tell the recipe. I explain the formula and how I got to it. What’s the audience like at one of these live shows? Is it more of the middle-aged crowd who watched you as teenagers or young adults? Are you seeing that younger people are finding you on Netflix and coming to see you live? It all depends on the venue, you know. It’s really interesting; it’s never really the same, and some venues are used to having a lot of young people, and they just hear about it and come. But it’s pretty mixed. It’s a lot of college-age students who have found it. It’s kind of like, if you’re a comedy nerd, you have to know about Mystery Science Theater—it’s kind of in the family tree of
American comedy, and so anybody who knows about comedy knows about it. Can you think of any current B-movie you’d like to riff on? Yeah, sure. I think Olympus Has Fallen seems like it’d be really funny to riff. What about a movie makes it “riffable”? You can do it with any movie. For me, personally, I’m like a bacteria and I don’t eat things that are alive. I don’t really riff on new movies. People have a lot of hope for movies. We’ve had movies for over, like, 100 years in our culture and it’s kind of like people really need movies, and they are always hopeful until they get the word that they’re not any good. So I don’t really riff on current movies. I tend to riff on movies that are forgotten or movies that people don’t care about. Those are the movies that I like to riff on. It’s too cynical to riff on any movie. It says here in the press release that you’ll sign whatever the attendees bring. Are you really willing to sign anything? No. I think that was something that was just put in there; I don’t know what that means exactly. Are there certain things I wouldn’t sign? Absolutely. It should say that I’ll sign anything that’s clean and has a smooth surface.
CRUSH PARTY AND CRUSH GALA FOR THE TUCSON MUSEUM OF ART A party including samples of more than 100 wines, small bites prepared by 27 of Tucson’s best chefs, and a silent auction takes place in the lobby and courtyard of the Tucson Museum of Art, 140 N. Main Ave., from 6 to 9 p.m., Friday, April 5; $90, $75 advance, $150 VIP. A gala evening including a gourmet dinner with paired wines, dancing to the Ronstadt Cousins Band and a live auction of fine art takes place at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, 7000 N. Resort Drive, from 5:30 to 9 p.m., Saturday, April 6; $225. Call or visit tucsonmuseumofart.org for more information. CULTURE CRAFT SATURDAY Arizona State Museum. 1013 E. University Blvd. 6216302. The museum celebrates its 120th anniversary with a multicultural celebration from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Saturday, April 6; free. Activities include Tohono O’odham, Yaqui, Mexican, African and Chinese music and dancing; demonstrations by traditional artists; hands-on basket- and paper-flower-making; cultural games; a smartphone-guided tour; a piñata and cake. CYCLOVIA TUCSON Walk, skate, run, bicycle and socialize over a five-mile route through some of Tucson’s oldest and most interesting neighborhoods, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, April 7. The route is blocked to car traffic in an area bounded by 13th and 34th streets, and Fourth and Eighth avenues. Activities throughout the area include bike rental, capoiera, a jumping castle, a puppet show, an obstacle course, arts and crafts, street dancing, gardening demonstrations, a pop-up skate park, live music, dancing and more. Visit cycloviatucson.org for details. GALA BENEFIT CONCERT: AARON COPLAND’S AMERICA St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church. 4440 N. Campbell Ave. 299-6421. A gala reception and silent auction of six original paintings at 6:15 p.m. precede a 7:30 p.m. concert, “Letter From Home: Aaron Copland’s America,” on Thursday, April 4; $50, $25 concert only. The concert features compositions for organ and excerpts sung from film scores Copland composed from 1939 through 1954. Visit williamcartercutlip.myevent. com for more information, reservations and bidding. GRIFFEN GAMBLE White Stallion Ranch. 9251 W. Twin Peaks Road. 2970252. A Western Casino Night featuring heavy hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, a silent auction and a raffle take place from 5 to 9 p.m., Saturday, April 6; $50 or $90 per couple. Each attendee gets one raffle ticket and $50 lucky bucks. Silent auction items include family trips, a swim party, a spa treatment and more. Proceeds help provide scholarships to the school. Visit greenfields.org, or call 297-2288 for more information. PEDAL THE PUEBLO An entire week of incentives aimed at encouraging both new and experienced riders to bicycle for every trip from Monday through Friday, April 8 through 12; free. Wilko, Falora, Antigone Books, Food Conspiracy Co-op, Sparkroot, Fourth Avenue Yoga and other businesses offer discounts and giveaways to people who ride bikes to shop. Breakfast is free for anyone on a bicycle from 7 to 9 p.m., Monday, April 8, at Whole Foods, 3360 E. Speedway Blvd. Visit livingstreetsalliance.org for details.
SAHBA SPRING HOME AND PATIO SHOW Tucson Convention Center. 260 S. Church Ave. 7914101. The SAHBA Spring Home and Patio Show takes place from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6; and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday, April 7. $8; free for ages 12 and younger; $4 for seniors on Friday, only. Military discounts are available. Visit sahbahomeshow.com for more information. SAM HUGHES HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD TOUR Rincon Market. 2513 E. Sixth St. 327-6653. A tour of Sam Hughes Historic District, which covers a square mile bordered by Speedway, Country Club, Broadway and Campbell, features homes, gardens, businesses and restaurant samples, from noon to 5 p.m., Sunday, April 7; $20. Tickets and a tour map are available at Rincon Market. Call 323-7891 for more information. TASTE OF SPRING Five Palms Steak and Seafood Restaurant. 3500 E. Sunrise Drive. 615-5555. The Arizona Chapter of the American Parkinson’s Disease Association benefits from a wine-tasting event with eight local food sponsors, music, varietal wines, a raffle, door prizes and a silent auction featuring more than 100 items, from 2 to 5 p.m., Sunday, April 7; $60, $50 advance. Call 3265400 for reservations and more information. TUCSON PRIDE A Fundraiser is held Tuesday, April 9 at IBT’s, 616 N. Fourth Ave. Fundraising events are held throughout the year to support Pride Week from Friday, June 14, through Sunday, June 23, and Tucson Pride in the Desert in October. Events include a Pride Scavenger Hunt and a community forum, among other activities. Tucson Pride meets at 6 p.m., the first Thursday of every month at Wingspan, 430 E. Seventh St. Visit tucsonpride.org, or follow tucson.pride on Facebook for the most current information.
OUT OF TOWN BORDERLINKS WOMEN ON THE BORDER Javarita Coffee House (The Good Shepherd United Church of Christ). 17750 S. La Cañada Drive. Sahuarita. 625-1375. A woman who exemplifies the mission and spirit of Borderlinks will be honored at a dinner and program with the theme “BorderLinks Then and Now: 25 Years of Educational Excellence,” at 5 p.m., Sunday, April 7; $50. Proceeds benefit BorderLinks education programs. MARANA MAIN STREET FESTIVAL Marana Municipal Complex. 11555 W. Civic Center Drive. Marana. Bed-races, artists, business vendors, live music, heritage conservancy showcases, kids’ performers, food trucks and more showcase the town’s many assets, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday, April 6; free.
UPCOMING ALTRUSA BENEFIT FOR LITERACY PROJECTS Z Mansion. 288 N. Church Ave. 623-4889. Winetasting and a silent auction are featured, and music is provided by the Tucson Jazz Institute Combo, a benefit for Tucson literacy projects, from 5:30 to 8 p.m., Monday, April 15; $35. Call 751-8748, or visit altrusatucson.org for more information. ANGEL CHARITY Tucson Country Club. 2950 N. Camino Principal. 2982381. The Best Is Yet to Come is the theme of a casino party in the Copa Room. Poker, Casino and Sportsbook are set up Las Vegas style starting at 6 p.m., Friday, April 12; $120. Costumed showgirls, Rat Pack-style entertainment and buffet food tables are featured. Proceeds benefit Angel Charity’s programs for children. Call 326-3686, or visit angelcharity.org for tickets. ARTS IN THE PLAZA St. Philip’s Plaza. 4280 N. Campbell Ave. 529-2775. More than 60 arts vendors, kids’ activities and music by eight jazz combos are featured from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, April 13 and 14; free. Visit fineartfest.org, or call 797-3959 for more information. BIKE-IN HAPPY HOUR Borderlands Brewing Company. 119 E. Toole Ave. 2618773. A family-friendly happy hour takes place from 4 to 6 p.m., Thursday, April 11; free. Hors d’oeuvres are compliments of New Belgium Brewing Company and cumbia music is provided by Vox Urbana. Door prizes and giveaways are also featured. BLOOMS AND BITES Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 3269686, ext. 10. Food and wine tasting take place among displays of garden art and other specialty items from local retailers and landscape designers, from 5 to 8 p.m., Friday, April 12; $25. Visit tucsonbotanical.org for reservations and more information.
THE CHANGING FACE OF IMIGRATION UA Student Union Bookstore. 1209 E. University Blvd. 621-2426. “The Changing Face of Immigration, Parts 1 and 2” are presented at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., respectively, on Saturday, April 13; free. Part 1 features faculty members speaking about their immigration experiences and a performance of the song cycle Vignettes: Ellis Island. Part 2 is “Esvariaciones de la Canción Mexicana/ Un-variations of Mexican Song,” featuring pianist Héctor Acosta and singer-actress Verania Luzero of the Universidad de Sonora. Visit confluencecenter.arizona. edu for more information. LOS TUCSONENSES FOLKLORICO: NUESTRA HERENCIA CULTURAL Armory Park Senior Center. Sixth Avenue and 13th Street. 791-4865. Los Tucsonenses, the folklorico troupe of Tucson High Magnet School, continues a yearlong celebration of its 40th anniversary with a reunion mixer, Senior Night, at 6:30 p.m., Friday, April 12; $5. The event features folklorico and mariachi performances, a display of a 1973-2013 timeline and a DJ for dancing. Combination plates of Mexican food are for sale. Call 245-3114 or 624-8580 for more information. TSO MOVEABLE MUSICAL FEAST: TUCSON MUSEUM OF ART Tucson Museum of Art. 140 N. Main Ave. 624-2333. Great acoustics and a fusion of art, gourmet food and music are featured at a candlelit evening in the grand lobby with performances by Tucson Symphony Piano Duo and Brass Quintet, starting at 5:30 p.m., Sunday, April 14; $135. Visit tucsonsymphony.org for tickets and more information.
ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: THE WATER FESTIVAL DeMeester Outdoor Performance Center. 1100 S. Randolph Way. Exhibitors, theater and dance performances, workshops, music, a 3-mile Walk for Water, live art “happenings,” a mermaid and children’s activities are featured at the The Water Festival from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sunday, April 21, in conjunction with the Earth Day Festival; free. Call 623-2119, or visit waterfestivaltucson.org to register as a volunteer, artist, performer, speaker, workshop leader or exhibitor, and for info.
BULLETIN BOARD EVENTS THIS WEEK AAUW OF TUCSON HOSTS STATE CONVENTION Radisson Suites Hotel. 6555 E. Speedway Blvd. 7217100. “Stars in Our Pocket: Discovering Leadership for Tomorrow” is the theme of the state convention of the American Association of University Women held Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6; $40, $45 with Friday dinner. Presenters include AAUW national executive director Linda Hallman; Michelle Steinberg, director of public policy for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona; Arizona state senator Paula Aboud, and more. Pima County Public Defender Margo Cowan discusses immigration reform in her keynote speech. Visit aauwarizona. org, or email connieh2425@cox.net for details. BRIGHTEN YOUR LIFE: DRAWING IN COLOR Martha Cooper Branch Library. 1377 N. Catalina Ave. 594-5315. Participants learn the basics of color mixing, how colors work together to create color harmonies, and how to use color for self expression, in a class that meets from 2 to 3:30 p.m., every Thursday, through April 25; free. Call to register. COMPUTER, SOFTWARE AND INTERNET CLASSES Call to register for classes. Help is available for digital downloads for eBooks, audiobooks and videos, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Friday, April 5; and from 9 a.m. to noon, Tuesday, April 9; free. Bring your device and library card or PIN. Help with Facebook functions is available from 2 to 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 10; free. ELECTRONICS RECYCLING COLLECTION Tucson Clean and Beautiful hosts recycling events from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, April 6, at Whole Foods Market, 3360 E. Speedway Blvd.; and 5555 E. River Road; free. Bring televisions, computers, monitors, printers and other peripherals, cell phones and such small household electronics as fans, mixers, toasters, vacuums, etc. All working and non-working electronics are accepted. Call 791-5000, or visit tucsoncleanandbeautiful.org for more information. FOURTH AVENUE HISTORY STORY SHARING Historic YWCA. 738 N. Fifth Ave. 622-4700. Anyone who grew up, worked, lived around or just loves Fourth
Avenue is encouraged to join an evening of storytelling, food and art-making, from 6 to 8 p.m., the second Tuesday of every month, through May 14; $5 suggested donation. The information will be used in the design of a mural in Michael Haggerty Plaza, 316 N. Fourth Ave. Bring food and drink to share. GEOLOGICAL SIDEWALK SALE The Arizona Experience Store. 416 W. Congress St. 770-3500. Maps, books, field guides and geological gifts are sold at reduced prices from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday, May 20. Call for more information. Proceeds benefit the Arizona Geological Survey. Visit store.azgs. az.gov for more information. GREYT VINES CataVinos Wine Shop and Tasting Room. 3063 N. Alvernon Way. 323-3063. Sample six animal-label wines with snacks from 4 to 6 p.m., Sunday, April 7; $20 includes wine, $10 admission and snacks only. Proceeds benefit Arizona Greyhound Adoption. HOPS HOME BREW CHALLENGE Thunder Canyon Brewery. 7401 N. La Cholla Blvd. 7972652. The Northwest Firefighters’ Charities hosts a beer festival at 6 p.m., Saturday, April 6; $25, $20 advance. The event includes live music, food trucks, and tastings from 10 local microbreweries. The best home brew will have an opportunity to mass brew their beer at Thunder Canyon to be sold on tap. Call for more information. I DO AT THE ZOO Reid Park Zoo. 1030 S. Randolph Way. 881-4753. A wedding fair featuring a range of vendors and professionals takes place at the zoo from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., Sunday, April 7; free Call or visit tucsonzoo.org for info. MARKET ON THE MOVE Market on the Move sells USDA-inspected surplus fresh produce from 8 to 11 a.m., the first Saturday of every month; free admission. Call 749-9429, or visit the3000club.org for locations and more information. MENTAL HEALTH AWARD GOES TO RON BARBER Berger Performing Arts Center. 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. 770-3762. The Schoor Family Award for Distinguished Contribution in Furthering Public Understanding of Mental Health is presented to Congressman Ron Barber at a reception from 3 to 5:30 p.m., Thursday, April 4; free. Presentations about recent developments in men-
tal heath issues follow, with a Q&A. Reservations are requested. Call 626-1392, or visit schorrfamilyaward. eventbrite.com for reservations and more information. NETWORKING FOR NONPROFITS Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. Bring business cards, brochures and promotional material to share with other professionals from nonprofit organizations, from 9:30 to 10 a.m., Saturday, April 6; free, but registration is required. Call 791-4010 to register and for more information. ORIENTATION FOR LIBRARY VOLUNTEERS Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. Learn about volunteer opportunities at the library, from 2 to 3 p.m., Tuesday, April 9. RSVP to Karen at 791-4010, or email karen.greene@pima.gov for more information required to attend. Complete the form at library.pima.gov to take with you. PHILOSOPHY GROUP DISCUSSION Old Pueblo Grille. 60 N. Alvernon Way. 326-6000. A group meets for an open discussion of philosophical issues on the second Monday of every month; free. POETRY MESSAGE POT PROJECT Tucson Clay Co-op. 3326 N. Dodge Blvd. 792-6263. Participants inscribe a favorite poem on greenware bowls made by local potters every Tuesday and Thursday through Thursday, April 11, and by appointment. Poems are read from the finished glazed bowls at an exhibition and potluck party, at 7 p.m., Saturday, April 20; freewill donation. Call or visit tucsonclayco-op.com for info. SALSA, SANGRIA AND SUNSET Congregation Anshei Israel. 5550 E. Fifth St. 7455550. All are invited to sample salsas and drink Sangria at 8 p.m., Saturday, April 6; $18. TARTAN DAY Many Hands Courtyard. 3054 N. First Ave. 419-7191. Music, food, entertainment and whiskey-tasting are featured at a celebration of Scottish heritage from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday, April 6; $2 suggested donation. Participants are encouraged to wear family plaids, and enjoy performances by the Out of Kilters, Eric Wilson, Celtic Monshine, Tucson and District Pipe Band, 7 Pipers Highland Dancers and Lykiska. Visit tucsoncelticfestival.org for more information.
APRIL 4-10, 2013
BULLETIN BOARD The Smartest, Simplest Way to
TELLING TALES MEMOIR WRITING Ellie Towne Flowing Wells Community Center. 1660 W. Ruthrauff Road. 887-9786. Guided practice is available to anyone interested in writing a memoir to share with family and friends, from 1 to 3 p.m., Friday, April 5 and 12; free. Call to register. TUCSON LETTER WRITERS CLUB Dusenberry River Branch Library. 5605 E. River Road. 594-5345. Participants bring their address books, and write and type letters like in the old days, from 11 a.m. to noon, Friday, April 5; free except stamps. TUCSON NEDA WALK Reid Park. Broadway Boulevard and Alvernon Way. A walk to support the National Eating Disorder Association takes place from 8:30 to 11 a.m., Sunday, April 7; $25. Email mandyshoe@gmail.com, or visit nedawalks.org/ tucson2013 to register and for more information.
How About We... gamble on a band we’ve never heard of at Plush.
How About We... go for a hike at Tumamoc Hill.
How About We... get sushi and sake at Sushi On Oracle.
Tucson Weekly has partnered with HowAboutWe to bring you a simpler way to date. Just suggest a place, connect with someone you like and go out.
UNITY FESTIVAL Tucson High Magnet School. 400 N. Second Ave. 2255000. Music, hip hop, food and arts and crafts are featured at a community-building event that continues in memory of its founder, Consuelo Aguilar, from 2 to 8 p.m., Saturday, April 6; free admission, food prices vary. Call 401-3903 for more information. VETERANS FOR PEACE Ward 3 Council Office. 1510 E. Grant Road. 791-4711. Veterans for Peace meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Monday, April 8; free. Call 747-3138 or 298-7498 for info. WORLD HARMONY: CAN IT HAPPEN? Access Tucson. 124 E. Broadway Blvd. 624-9833. A live taping of World Harmony: Can It Happen? takes place from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Friday, April 5. Peace Activist Mary MacEwan, age 101, is honored before the main program, which features members of a UA student group, the Olympia Academy, devoted to critical thinking. Arrive at Studio A by 6:15 p.m. to watch the taping. For more information, call 722-2837.
Are you a thinking about a career change?
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Oro Valley Public Library. 1305 W. Naranja Drive. Oro Valley. 594-5580. Life coach Judith Rodman suggests ways to live a full life, build self-esteem and interpret personal experiences in positive ways, from 11 a.m. to noon; Wednesday, April 10; free. PIMA COUNCIL ON AGING REPRESENTATIVE Oro Valley Public Library. 1305 W. Naranja Drive. Oro Valley. 594-5580. People older than 50 who need information and referrals for housing options, transportation, food, mental health, caregiving, social services and legal aid meet with a representative of the Pima Council on Aging from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. No appointment is needed. WHAT IS YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE? Marana Health Clinic Counseling and Wellness Center. 13395 N. Marana Main St., #B Marana. 682-1091, ext 7132. A workshop helps participants find ways to play to strengths and work around weaknesses, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 10; free.
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RESPECT ARIZONA: RECALL ARPAIO Las Cazuelitas Event Center. 1365 W. Grant Road. 206-0405. William James Fisher, native Tucsonan and campaign chair of the Recall Arpaio campaign, discusses why Democrats, Republicans and Independents are working together to recall Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and how volunteers can help, at 6 p.m., Thursday, April 11; free.
BUSINESS & FINANCE EVENTS THIS WEEK FUNDRAISING PLANS: YOUR PLAN FOR SUCCESS Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. Learn how to develop a new plan with the promise of a whole new approach to building a philanthropic constituency that will support your organization for many years to come. Registration is required. Call 791-4010. GROWING AND PRESERVING FINANCIAL ASSETS Raskob/Kambourian Financial Advisors. 4100 N. First Ave. 690-1999. A seminar on growing and preserving assets takes place from 1 to 2 p.m., Friday, April 5. Participants receive a free copy of How to Choose a Financial Planner: Tough Questions to Ask.
INDIVIDUAL JOB COUNSELING Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. A job counselor from Career Services Unlimited provides free, one-on-one counseling about choosing a career, resume-writing, interview skills, networking and job-search skills from 9 a.m. to noon, every Thursday; and from noon to 3 p.m., Monday, April 15 and 29; free. No appointment is needed; sessions are limited to 30 minutes. Call 791-4010 for more information. NAWBO LUNCHEON AND PROGRAM Doubletree by Hilton Hotel. 445 S. Alvernon Way. 8814200. National Association of Women Business Owners host a luncheon and program from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., the second Tuesday of every month; $45, $40 for members; $15 less for registration by the previous Friday. April 9: “Miss Simplicity,” Lisa Rehurek presents “Win the Time War.” Visit nawbotucson.org, or call 3262926 for reservations and more information. REAL ESTATE INFORMATION NETWORK Village Inn. 6251 N. Oracle Road. 297-2180. Discussions about wealth formation take place over breakfast, from 7 to 8 a.m., the first Friday of every month; free program, no-host breakfast. Call 909-9375 for more information. SOUTHERN ARIZONA PROCUREMENT FAIR Kino Veterans Memorial Sports Complex. 2500 E. Ajo Way. People who make purchasing decisions, seek local suppliers, or want to do business with Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, City of Tucson Housing and Community Development and Pima County Procurement, as well as federal agencies, can network, exchange information and attend workshops, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday, April 5; $125. Visit pima.gov/procure/index.asp to register and for more information.
ANNOUNCEMENTS CATALYST CAFÉ: WHERE TECH MEETS TUCSON Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. Representatives of Pima County’s small businesses and nonprofits are invited to gather for coffee to discuss leading-edge technologies and innovative business practices from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., the second Tuesday of every month; free, including coffee. March 12: Kassy Rodeheaver presents “Facebook 101 for Business and Nonprofits.” Visit tucsontalks.blogspot.com or facebook. com/CatalystCafeTalks for more information. DROP-IN JOB-HELP Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. A computer instructor is available to answer questions and offer help with resume-writing, online jobsearching, email accounts, Internet-searching and more from noon to 3 p.m., every Monday; and from 9 a.m. to noon, every Thursday, in the second-floor Catalina Room; free. Walk-ins are welcome. Call 791-4010, or email askalibrarian@pima.gov to register. SCORE BUSINESS COUNSELING Oro Valley Public Library. 1305 W. Naranja Drive. Oro Valley. 594-5580. Experienced executives give individualized advice about starting or building a business, from 9 a.m. to noon, every Monday and Saturday, by appointment; free. Call SCORE at 505-3636 to schedule an appointment. TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAM YWCA Frances McClelland Leadership Center. 525 N. Bonita Ave. 884-7810. Get free tax preparation help, free electronic filing and asset development assistance from IRS-certified tax preparers from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., on Tuesday and Thursday, through Thursday, April 11. Bring driver’s license or picture ID, social security card or tax ID for each family member, income information (W-2s, Social Security statements, unemployment info, etc.), deductible expenses, other tax info, prior year tax return if possible, account and routing numbers for direct deposit. Call 884-7810, ext. 113 for information. TUCSON PRESIDIO ROTARY CLUB Hotel Tucson City Center. 475 N. Granada Ave. 6232000. Lunch is open to the public at noon every Wednesday; $15. Call 623-2281 for reservations. YWORKS EMPLOYMENT TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR WOMEN YWCA Frances McClelland Leadership Center. 525 N. Bonita Ave. 884-7810. Employment-training and development workshops for women who are unemployed, underemployed or transitioning in the workforce take place from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., the second and third Tuesday of each month. Each workshop is $25; scholarships and internships are available. Call 8847810, ext. 107, or visit ywcatucson.org to register.
FREE ALTERNATIVE CARE TREATMENTS Center for Healing Arts. 3333 N. Campbell, No. 12 885-8899. Experience acupuncture, cupping, massage, myofascial release or qigong treatments from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, April 6; free.
FIRST FRIDAY SHORTS Loft Cinema. 3233 E. Speedway Blvd. 795-7777. Max Cannon hosts a contest among filmmakers to win prizes or be gonged at the discretion of the audience, starting at 9 p.m., the first Friday of every month; $6, $5 Loft member. The maximum film length is 15 minutes; aspiring auteurs sign in with a DVD or Blu-ray that can be played on a regular player.
HEART HEALTH LECTURE Kirk-Bear Canyon Branch Library. 8959 E. Tanque Verde Road. 594-5275. Drs. Karl Kern and Kapil Lotun present “New Approaches to Opening Arteries: Update on Surgery and Interventional Approaches” at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 10; free. A video and demonstration of the chest-compression-only lifesaving technique take place before the lecture.
LESBIAN LOOKS Thursday, April 4: My Best Day, which premiered at Sundance, screens at the Loft Cinema, 3233 E. Speedway Boulevard, at 7 p.m.. For complete details and ticket prices, visit lesbianlooks.org.
ST. MARK’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH HEALTH FAIR E.C. Nash Elementary. 515 W. Kelso St. 696-6440. Students from the UA College of Pharmacy offer free screenings for hypertension, diabetes, asthma and cholesterol, and provide information about maintaining good health and prescription safety, from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 6; free. Email kurita@pharmacy.arizona. edu for more information.
NOW SHOWING AT YOUR LIBRARY: THE ISLAND PRESIDENT Himmel Park Branch Library. 1035 N. Treat Ave. 5945305. The Island President, a PBS Independent Lens Documentary about President Mohamed Nasheed’s fight to keep the Maldives above water, screens from 6 to 8 p.m., Monday, April 8; free.
GARDENING EVENTS THIS WEEK BUTTERFLY MAGIC Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 326-9686, ext. 10. Walk through a greenhouse full of beautiful and rare butterflies from 11 countries, through Tuesday, April 30. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., daily; $13, $7.50 ages 4 through 12, $12 students, seniors or military, includes admission to the gardens. FREE GARDEN TOURS Pima County Cooperative Extension Center. 4210 N. Campbell Ave. 626-5161. The Pima County Master Gardeners offer free guided tours of the gardens at 9 a.m., Wednesday and Saturday, through Saturday, April 27. There are no tours Saturday, March 30 and April 6; or Wednesday, April 3. Groups of more than eight must register. Call for more info. GROWDOWN! GARDEN DESIGN COMPETITION Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 3269686, ext. 10. Entries in Tucson’s Best Pocket Garden contest are on display through Thursday, May 30. Gardens are open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. Visit tucsonbotanical.org for more information. ORGANIC GARDENERS COMPOSTING EXHIBIT Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 326-9686, ext. 10. Tucson Organic Gardeners members answer questions in the composting-demonstration area from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the first and third Saturday of every month, through May 18; $13, $7.50 ages 4 through 12, free for younger children, $12 students, seniors and military personnel. Call or visit tucsonbotanical.org for more information. TUCSON AFRICAN VIOLET SOCIETY The East Side Night Meeting of the Tucson African Violet Society gathers from 7 to 9 p.m., the first Wednesday of every month, at The Cascades, 201 N. Jessica Ave. The East Side Day Meeting takes place from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., the second Wednesday of every month, at The Cascades. The Northwest Day Meeting takes place from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., the second Thursday of every month, at The Inn at the Fountains at La Cholla, 2001 W. Rudasill Road.
HEALTH EVENTS THIS WEEK ADULT LOSS OF HEARING ASSOCIATION (ALOHA) Santa Catalina Roman Catholic Church. 14380 N. Oracle Road. 825-9611. ALOHA meets from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., the first Thursday of every month through May 2; free. Call 795-9887 for more information. CANCER SURVIVAL CONFERENCE UA College of Nursing. 1305 N. Martin Ave. Cancer survivorship networking, small rough salon discussions and a choice of workshops for either patients or medical personnel take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, April 6; free, including lunch. Reservations are requested. Call 626-6252, or visit nursing.arizona.edu for reservations and more information.
STROKE SUPPORT-GROUP MEETINGS University of Arizona Medical Center. 1501 N. Campbell Ave. 694-0111. Stroke survivors and caregivers learn more about strokes, share positive solutions and support each other, from 10 to 11 a.m., the second Monday of every month, in the cafeteria, dining room C; free.
ANNOUNCEMENTS ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUPS All meetings are free; call for reservations. Family members and others caring for people with dementia gather for discussion, education and support from 1:30 to 3 p.m., the first and third Thursday of every month, at the Oro Valley Public Library, 1305 W. Naranja Drive, 229-5300. An Alzheimer’s Association Support Group meets at 4:30 p.m., the second Monday of every month, at Santa Catalina Villas retirement community, 7500 N. Calle Sin Envidia, 730-3132. An Alzheimer’s caregiver support group and concurrent activity group for those with the disease meet from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., the second and fourth Tuesday every month, at TMC’s El Dorado Campus, 1400 N. Wilmot Road, 324-1960. A second Alzheimer’s caregiver group meets there from 10:30 to noon, the first and third Thursday.
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ALZHEIMER’S EDUCATION SERIES TMC Senior Services. 1400 N. Wilmot Road. 3241960. A different topic related to Alzheimer’s disease is presented from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., the first Thursday of every month. FREE HEALTH SCREENINGS Radiant Research. 7840 E. Broadway Blvd., No. 140. 885-6793. Free screenings for cholesterol, blood sugar, gout and BMI are offered from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m., every Wednesday. Call to schedule a screening. GAY/LESBIAN AA MEETINGS Water of Life MCC. 3269 N. Mountain Ave. 292-9151. Groups for both men and women are Pink Triangle, which meets at noon, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday; and Odds and Ends Group, which meets at 7 p.m., Tuesday, and 8 p.m., Thursday. A lesbian-only Pink Triangle group meets at 7 p.m., every Friday. Visit aatucson.org for more information. GROCERY TOUR AND HEALTHY-RECIPE SWAP Quality Strength Fitness Studio. 3870 W. River Road, No. 108. 891-9488. Fitness professionals provide recipes and shopping tips, then guide a tour through a nearby supermarket to illustrate ways to eat well on a budget, at 11 a.m., every Wednesday. HIV TESTING The Centers for Disease Control recommend HIV testing for all people ages 13 through 64. Visit napwa.org for more information on AIDS testing and its benefits. Testing hours at SAAF, 375 S. Euclid Ave., are from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., every Monday and Wednesday; and 1 to 8 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday. Walk-in testing is also available at COPE, 101 S. Stone Ave., from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. All testing is confidential; results are available in about 15 minutes; and counseling is available. Call for an appointment and more information.
CRUSH 2013 APRIL 5 – 6 The CRUSH Festival gets bigger and better every season. Join us for the CRUSH pARTy on Friday, sample fare from more than 25 of Tucson’s best restaurants, taste more than 100 wines, and enjoy the VIP section! Or dress up for the CRUSH Gala on Saturday for an evening of wine, dinner, auction, and dancing. Must be 21 and over to attend. Rain or shine event. Call (520) 624-2333 or visit www.TucsonMuseumofArt.org to reserve your tickets today!
LAUGHTER YOGHA CLUB Men, women and children laugh for well-being from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., every Sunday, at Ancient Ways, 3340 N. Country Club Road; freewill donation. Call Gita at 777-7544, or visit laughteryogawithgita.com for more information. PCAP: AFFORDABLE MEDICAL SOLUTIONS FOR PIMA COUNTY RESIDENTS A representative from the Pima Community Access Program, a service that links uninsured Pima County
residents with an affordable and comprehensive network of health-care providers, is available by appointment to enroll members of the community and give a free assessment. Call 309-2923, or email cynthia@mypcap. org for information or an appointment.
KIDS & FAMILIES EVENTS THIS WEEK ALL TOGETHER THEATRE Live Theatre Workshop. 5317 E. Speedway Blvd. 3274242. A musical adaptation of The Brave Little Tailor continues at 1 p.m., every Sunday through May 12; $7 to $10, discounts for cash. Call or visit livetheatreworkshop.org for reservations and more info. BACKYARD BUGS Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 3269686, ext. 10. David Jester answers questions about bugs, and discusses the important roles they play in the garden and in the larger ecosystem, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the first Sunday of every month; $13, $7.50 ages 4 through 12, $12 students, seniors or military personnel, free for younger children, includes admission to the gardens. BOOKWORM CLUB Tucson Botanical Gardens. 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 3269686, ext. 10. Families enjoy storytime and a related hands-on activity in the Children’s Discovery Garden, from 10 to 11 a.m., the first Saturday of every month; $13, $7.50 ages 4 through 12, $12 students, seniors or military personnel, free for younger children, includes admission to the gardens. Visit tucsonbotanical.org for more information. CHALK-ART FESTIVAL Park Place Mall. 5870 E. Broadway Blvd. 748-1222. Local established artists, amateur artists, students, children and others at all skill levels create art on the mall’s sidewalks from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday, April 6; and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, April 7; free. The space stretches from the entryway between Sears and the old Borders to the front of Old Navy. THE CROSSROADS: A VALLEY OF THE MOON ADVENTURE Valley of the Moon. 2544 E. Allen Road. 323-1331. Zogog the Gatekeeper has been captured by the Evil One who intends to destroy the fantasy worlds that meet at the crossroads, and visitors join the gatekeeper’s son as he searches for his father through worlds like Narnia, Oz, Hogwarts and Middle Earth, in a new adventure that opens Friday, April 5, and continues through Sunday, April 21. Tours begin every 30 minutes, from 6:30 to 8:45 p.m., Friday through Sunday; $9, free for children age 12 and younger; Sundays bring two cans of food for the ICS food bank and get 50 percent off admission. FORT LOWELL ARCHAEOLOGY AND HERITAGE Fort Lowell Park. 2900 N. Craycroft Road. A living history event shows what Indian War troopers ate and how it was cooked in the field, how they guarded the fort, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, April 6; free. Also featured are artifacts from a 1,700-year-old Hohokam village at the site, and music by the 4th Cavalry Regimental Band. FREE PROM DRESSES High school juniors and seniors can pick up barely used prom dresses from noon to 4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7; and Saturday, April 13. Advance registration is required at cinderellasclosettucson.com/ dressform. Call 270-7833, or email melissa@ melissatureaud.com for more information. HAWK HAPPENING Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 7426455. Kathie Schroeder and Sueño the hawk present information about the Southwest’s Harris hawks, in the children’s ramada, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the second and fourth Wednesday of every month; $8, $6 senior, $5 active military, $4 student with valid ID, $2 ages 5 through 12, free member or child younger than 5; includes admission. MARCH FOR CHILDREN UA Medical Center South Campus. 2800 E. Ajo Way. 874-2000. Information booths, refreshments speakers and awards are featured at the end of a march to increase awareness of child-abuse and neglect, and Pima County’s role in prevention, from 9:30 a.m. to noon, Friday, April 5; free. Participants march from the medical center to Pima County Juvenile Court at 2225 E. Ajo Way. Call 740-4530, or visit marchforchildren. webs.com for more information.
ORIGAMI FESTIVAL Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson. 2130 N. Alvernon Way 445-2957. Over-size and larger cranes, koi, roses, butterflies and other paper sculpture are found throughout the gardens through Sunday, April 14. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Daily; $9, $7 senior, $6 student or military, $5 ages 3 through 15. Visit tucsonjapanesegardens.org for more info. OUTDOOR FAMILY DAY: LEAPIN’ LIZARDS Agua Caliente Regional Park. 12325 E. Roger Road. 877-6000. Families of kids ages 5 through 12 are sure to find several varieties of lizards and learn about the unusual habits and adaptations of lizards and other reptiles at the park, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Saturday, April 6; free. Reservations are required. Call 615-7855, or email eeducation@pima.gov for reservations and more information. THE PASTIME PLAYERS Doolen Middle School. 2400 N. Country Club Road. 232-6900. Presented by the Invisible Theatre, and featuring Pastime students from Doolen Middle School, The Me Inside of Me, an original musical production, is staged at 7 p.m., Monday, April 8; free PUTTING KIDS FIRST: MINI-GOLF TOURNAMENT AND FAMILY FUN NIGHT Golf N’ Stuff. 6503 E. Tanque Verde Road. 885-3569. A golf tournament for groups of four, each playing 36 holes, benefits the Arizona Basketball Academy, from 6 to 10 p.m., Saturday, April 6; $35. Non-competitive attractions include go-carts, pony rides, a petting zoo, bumper boats, later tag, face-painting, batting cages, a silent auction raffle, and a beer garden for adults. Anyone who does not wish to participate in the golf tournament may pay general admission. Visit golfnstuff. com for pricing. SATURDAY CRAFTERNOONS BICAS. 44 W. Sixth St. 628-7950. Kids and families create a different project each month in recycled-art workshops, from noon to 3 p.m., the first and third Saturday of every month; fees vary with the project. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. Advance registration is recommended but drop-ins are welcome. Email art@ bicas.org for more information. SONORAN SCIENCE ACADEMY SPRING FESTIVAL Sonoran Science Academy Elementary School. 2325 W. Sunset Road. 665-3430. A silent auction, carnival-style games, animals from the Reid Park Zoo, food, entertainment, human hamster balls and inflatables for jumping raise funds for the academy from 4 to 8 p.m., Saturday, April 6; free admission; ticket charges for games and food. YOUTH ULTIMATE FRISBEE Mansfield Park. 2000 N. Fourth Ave. 791-4405. A Youth Ultimate Frisbee League plays from 6 to 7:30 p.m., every Wednesday, through April 24; $10 to join, free specator. Each league night begins with a 20-minute mini-clinic.
OUT OF TOWN FAMILY CAMP OUT PROGRAM FOR BEGINNERS Karchner Caverns. Cochise Cochise. (520) 586-2283. Families that have little or no experience with camping learn basics of desert survival, mountain biking, hiking, fishing, astronomy, bats, archery and more on Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7, and 27 and 28; $65 for a family of four, $5 each additional family member. Pets and children age 5 and younger cannot attend this program. Families should bring bedding and personal items, but tents, sleeping mats, camp chairs, lanterns, flashlights, GPS units, water bottles, all equipment for activities, first aid kits, water, lemonade, coffee and food including two lunches, one dinner, one breakfast, daily snacks and campfire treats are included. Visit azstateparks.com/family to register and for more info. LIVING HISTORY OF THE SPANISH COLONIAL ERA Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. 1 Burruel St. Tubac. 398-2252. Volunteers dressed in period clothing reenact the daily lives of soldiers in the Spanish Colonial period from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday, April 5 and 12; $5, $2 youth ages 7 to 13, free for younger children. A display of native and imported foods from the era is also featured.
UPCOMING FELA! WORKSHOP UA Centennial Hall. 1020 E. University Blvd. 6213364. In conjunction with the UApresents staging of the Broadway show Fela!, a theater workshop for students grades 9 through 12 takes place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, April 13; $55. The day also includes lunch, a behind-the-scenes look at the production of Fela! and admission to the show.
STORIES THAT SOAR Students’ original stories come to life in a theatrical production by the Stories That Soar ensemble, at 8:30 a.m., Friday, April 12, at Robison Elementary School, 2745 E. 18th St.; free. Guests must sign in at the main office. TUCSON’S RIVER OF WORDS YOUTH POETRY AND TRAVELING EXHIBIT Ellie Towne Flowing Wells Community Center. 1660 W. Ruthrauff Road. 887-9786. This exhibit of art and writing expressing local children’s understanding of watersheds and the natural world opens Thursday, April 11 and continues through Wednesday, May 15. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday; and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday; free. Call 615-7855, or email eeducation@pima.gov for more information.
ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL FOR STUDENT ARTISTS High school students who live in the Second Congressional District are invited to submit art for Congressional Art Competition: Artistic Discovery 2013. A work can be no larger than 28 by 28 by 4 inches including the frame. The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m., Friday, April 12. Visit barber.house.gov/ serving-you/art-competition for details. CRAFTY READERS Oro Valley Public Library. 1305 W. Naranja Drive. Oro Valley. 594-5580. Children ages 6 to 8 listen to and discuss a picture book and then create a related craft from 4 to 5 p.m., the first Thursday of every month; free. THE CREATIVE SPACE Tucson Museum of Art. 140 N. Main Ave. 624-2333. Materials and activities are available in the lobby to encourage families to create museum-inspired artwork; free with admission. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday; noon to 5 p.m., Sunday; and closed Monday and Tuesday; $8, $6 senior and veteran, $3 student with ID, free younger than 13, free the first Sunday of every month. Visit tucsonmuseumofart.org for more information. GET OUTSIDE CLUB Staff and volunteers from Ironwood Tree Experience lead an urban nature walk along the Rillito River, from 4 to 5 p.m. every Thursday; free. Collecting-jars, binoculars, lizard-catching rods, plant presses, field guides and other equipment are available to participants throughout the walk. Call 319-9868, ext. 7, for more information, including the meeting place. Visit ironwoodtreeexperience.org for more information about the sponsoring organization. PICTURE THIS: ART FOR FAMILIES Tucson Museum of Art. 140 N. Main Ave. 624-2333. Families with kids ages 6 through 12 take a guided tour of a current exhibit at 1 p.m., the first Sunday of every month; free. An art project follows. RAILROAD DAYS Southern Arizona Transportation Museum. 414 N. Toole Ave. 623-2223. Docents guide visitors through the his-
tory and mechanics of the refurbished steam locomotive No. 1673, featured in the movie Oklahoma, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., every Saturday; free. A Gadsden scale railroad is featured inside the museum. Visit tucsonhistoricdepot.org for more information. RAPTOR FREE FLIGHT Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. 2021 N. Kinney Road. 883-2702. Harris’ hawks, great horned owls, ferruginous hawks, gray hawks, prairie falcons, redtailed hawks, Chihuahuan ravens and peregrine falcons fly completely untethered, often close to visitors, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., daily, through Sunday, April 14; $14.50, $5 ages 4 through 12, free younger child; includes admission. Visit desertmuseum.org for more information. READ TO A DOG Murphy-Wilmot Branch Library. 530 N. Wilmot Road. 594-5420. Kids ages 2 to 12 improve their reading skills by reading to a therapy dog from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., every Wednesday; free. SCIENCE SATURDAYS Wheeler Taft Abbett Sr. Branch Library. 7800 N. Schisler Drive. 594-5200. An interactive science program takes place from 2 to 3 p.m., every Saturday; free. STORIES IN THE GARDEN Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 7426455. Kids and their parents listen to traditional and original stories about the desert and its creatures in the Garden for Children at 10 a.m., every Tuesday; $8, $6 senior, $5 active military, $4 student with valid ID, $2 ages 5 through 12, free member or child younger than 5, includes admission to the park. Visit tohonochulpark. org for more information. TEENZONE MOVIE AND POPCORN Oro Valley Public Library. 1305 W. Naranja Drive. Oro Valley. 594-5580. Teens enjoy eating popcorn and sitting in loungers to watch a movie from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., the first Saturday of every month; free. Beverages and other snacks are available in vending machines.
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WEEKEND MATH TUTORING Math tutoring for TUSD students in grades 3 through 12 takes place from 10 a.m. to noon, most Saturdays, through May 11, at Roberts-Naylor K-8 School, 1701 S. Columbus Blvd.; free. Visit tusd1.org/math to register and for more information. WINGSPAN YOUTH PROGRAMS Wingspan. 430 E. Seventh St. 624-1779. Eon collaborates with several other agencies to provide support groups, outreach, homelessness services, social
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EVENTS THIS WEEK FIRST SATURDAY BIRD WALK Sabino Canyon. 5700 N. Sabino Canyon Road. 7498700. Sabino Canyon volunteer naturalists Mark and Jean Hengesbaugh lead adults on an easy bird walk co-sponsored by the Tucson Audubon Society, at 8 a.m., sharp, the first Saturday of every month; $5 parking or $20 annual pass. Wear good walking shoes and bring water. GET TO KNOW SABINO CANYON Sabino Canyon Visitorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Center. 5700 N. Sabino Canyon Road. 749-8700. Volunteer naturalist Ramona Pease discusses the flora, fauna and geology of the canyon on an easy, informative two-hour walk at 10 a.m., alternating Fridays. Carry water and comfortable shoes. Children younger than 18 must be accompanied by an adult. HISTORICAL TOUR OF AGUA CALIENTE PARK Agua Caliente Regional Park. 12325 E. Roger Road. 877-6000. All ages enjoy a guided tour of the parkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s historic structures, and learn about its farming and ranching history, from 10 to 11 a.m., Saturday, April 6; free. Call 615-7855, or email eeducation@pima.gov for reservations or more information. TUCSON MOUNTAIN PARK BIRDING WALK Tucson Mountain Park Ironwood Picnic Area. 1548 S. Kinney Road. Join birding expert John Higgins for a guided bird walk for ages 12 and older, from 8 to 10 a.m., Saturday, April 6; free. Meet at the picnic area. Call 615-7855 for more info.
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WILDFLOWER HIKE Tucson Mountain Park. 2020 N. Kinney Road. 8776000. Meg Quinn leads an easy-to-moderate, 3- to 4-mile hike to view wildflowers from 8 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 6; free. Call 615-7855 or e-mail eeducation@pima.gov for reservations and location details.
OUT OF TOWN SANTA CRUZ RIVER WALKS TumacĂĄcori National Historical Park. 1891 E. Frontage Road. TumacĂĄcori. 398-2341. A guide leads half-mile walks along a level, unpaved trail through rare habitat for birds and wildlife, at 10:30 a.m., every Wednesday, through April 24; free. TOUR OF HACIENDA DE LA CANOA Historic Hacienda de la Canoa. 5375 S. Interstate 19 Frontage Road Green Valley. 877-6004. A walking tour of the Canoa Ranch headquarters provides insights into the lives of people who lived and worked on the ranch, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., and 11 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 6; and Tuesday, April 9; free. Reservations are required. Call 877-6004, or email canoaranch@pima.gov for reservations and more info.
UPCOMING MEET ME AT MAYNARDS FOUR-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Hotel Congress. 311 E. Congress St. 622-8848. Teams of one to six people can search for scavenger-hunt clues as part of the Meet Me at Maynards Fourth Anniversary walk and run from 5:30 to 7 p.m., Monday, April 15; free. Prizes, music, food, a raffle and socializing follow. Visit meetmeatmaynards.com for details.
ART IN THE PARK Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 742-6455. A guided tour of the 1937 adobe home on the grounds examines the changing art and cultural exhibits that feature work by local and Southwest artists. The tour takes place at 11 a.m., every Tuesday and Thursday; $8, $6 senior, $5 active military, $4 student with valid ID, $2 age 5 through 12, free member or child younger than 5, includes admission to the park. Visit tohonochulpark.org for more information.
BEGINNER BIRD WALK Mason Audubon Center. 8751 N. Thornydale Road. 744-0004. The Tucson Audubon Society hosts an introduction to birdwatching for all ages with a casual, guided stroll through the saguaro-ironwood desert at 8 a.m., every Saturday; free. Call 629-0510, ext. 7011, for more information. BIRD WALKS Catalina State Park. Oracle Road, 5 miles north of Ina Road. 628-5798. A 2.5-hour guided walk along mostly flat terrain begins at the picnic-area parking-lot ramada at 8:30 a.m., every Friday and Sunday, weather permitting; $7 park entrance fee. Birders of any age or skill level are welcome. Dogs are not allowed. CONNECTING PLANTS AND PEOPLE Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 742-6455. A guided walk explores the edible and useful plants growing along the trails, at 10 a.m., every Saturday; $8, $6 senior, $5 active military, $4 student with valid ID, $2 ages 5 through 12, free member or child younger than 5, includes admission to the park. Visit tohonochulpark.org for more information. MASON CENTER MORNING BIRD WALKS Tucson Audubon Society Mason Center. 8751 N. Thornydale Road. 572-9881. Learn the basics of birdwatching and how to identify the backyard birds commonly seen in the Tucson area, at 8 a.m., every Saturday, through May 25. A brief presentation is followed by an easy walk on a half-mile trail. Advance registration is required; email volunteer@tucsonaudubon. org for reservations. MOUNT LEMMON SKYCENTER SKYNIGHTS PROGRAM Mount Lemmon SkyCenter. 9800 Ski Run Road. 6268122. A peek through the largest public viewing telescope in the Southwest is just part of a five-hour tour of the universe, from 5 to 10 p.m., nightly; $48 Monday through Thursday, $60 Friday through Sunday, $30 student. Reservations are required. Visit skycenter.arizona. edu for reservations. Search Facebook for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mt. Lemmon SkyCenterâ&#x20AC;? for daily photo updates about current events in the universe. PATAGONIA LAKE STATE PARK Patagonia Lake State Park. 400 Patagonia Lake Road. Patagonia. (520) 287-6965. Visitor center hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday. Avian tours take place on the pontoon boats at 9 a.m. and 10:15 a.m., Saturdays and Sundays. Pontoon boats depart for the Lake Discovery Tour to the west end of the lake at 11:30 a.m., Saturdays and Sundays. A twilight pontoon tour takes place just before dark on Saturdays. Each boat trip is $5. Bird walks are held every Monday and Friday at 9 a.m.; walks are about three hours long; free. Park entrance fees are $10 to $15 for each vehicle, $17 for non-electric camping sites, $25 for electric sites. Visit azstateparks.com for more information. RAMSEY CANYON PRESERVE WALKS Ramsey Canyon Preserve. 27 Ramsey Canyon Road. Miracle Valley. (520) 378-2785. Nature Conservancy docents give guided walks through the habitats of more than 170 bird species and a wide range of wildlife at 9 a.m., every Monday, Thursday and Saturday; $5, $3 member or Cochise County resident, free younger than 16, admission is good for a week. Pets are not allowed. SABINO CANYON STAR PARTY Sabino Canyon. 5700 N. Sabino Canyon Road. 7498700. The UA Astronomy Club operates several telescopes at the Sabino Canyon Visitor Center from 5:30 to about 9:30 p.m., the first Saturday of every month, weather permitting; free. The organization also typically has scale models to illustrate relative sizes in the universe. Email towner@email.arizona.edu to confirm or for more information. SABINO CANYON WALKS Sabino Canyon. 5700 N. Sabino Canyon Road. 7498700. Events are guided by volunteer naturalists. Nancy Carey gives a geology table demonstration from 10 a.m. to noon, every Tuesday, through April 23. Adults follow moderately difficult trails to identify plants and birds, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., every Wednesday, through April 24. Visitors learn the canyonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s geology and pan for garnets by Sabino Creek from 8:30 to 11 a.m., every Wednesday, through April 24. Geological events and formations of the canyon are discussed on a Gneiss (geology) walk, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., every Thursday through April 25. Activities are led by volulnteer naturalists; free with $5 daily or $20 annual admission to the park. Call or visit scvntucson.org for more information. SONORAN DESERT WEEDWACKERS Tucson Mountain Park. 2020 N. Kinney Road. 8776000. Volunteers age 12 and older help remove buffelgrass and fountain grass from 7 to 10 a.m., every second and fourth Wednesday; and every third Saturday; free. Work may require hiking and working on steep slopes. Meeting locations are in Tucson Mountain Park.
Details are given with RSVP, which is required. Call 615-7855, or email eeducation@pima.gov to RSVP or for more information. TOHONO CHUL GUIDED BIRD AND NATURE WALKS Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 7426455. Birders at any level of expertise tour the nature trails and gardens of 49-acre Tohono Chul Park and learn to identify some of the 27 resident bird species at 8:30 a.m., every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A one-hour walking tour of the nature trails takes place at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., Monday through Saturday; $8, $6 senior, $5 active military, $4 student with valid ID, $2 ages 5 through 12, free member or child younger than 5, includes admission to the park. Visit tohonochulpark. org for more information. TOURS AT TOHONO CHUL PARK Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 742-6455. “Walk in the Park” covers basic Sonoran Desert ecology, at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., Monday through Saturday. “Birds of Tohono Chul” helps identify both native and migratory species at 8:30 a.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday. “Wildflowers: What’s Blooming” identifies wildflowers, at 10 a.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, through Saturday, April 27. Tours are included with admission; $8, $6 senior, $5 active military, $4 student with valid ID, $2 ages 5 through 12, free member or child younger than 5. Visit tohonochulpark.org for more information. WAKE UP WITH THE BIRDS Agua Caliente Regional Park. 12325 E. Roger Road. 877-6000. Spot wetland birds, hummingbirds, songbirds and raptors on a walk from 8:30 to 10 a.m., every Thursday; free. Binoculars are available. Call 615-7855, or email eeducation@pima.gov for more information.
SPIRITUALITY EVENTS THIS WEEK AUTHOR GREGG BRADEN Berger Performing Arts Center. 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. 770-3762. New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden bridges science, spirituality and the real world and suggests practical ways to change thinking and people’s lives, at 6:30 p.m., Friday, April 5; $35. Braden leads an all-day workshop on Saturday, April 6, at Westward Look Resort, 245 E. Ina Road. $99. Call 399-8285 for more information. ENDING VIOLENCE FORUM St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church. 4440 N. Campbell Ave. 299-6421. Members of the St. Philip’s Ending Violence Ministry Group present a forum addressing gun violence at 10:15 a.m., Sunday, April 7, in the Murphey Gallery; free. NEW WARRIOR TRAINING ADVENTURE Mount Lemmon. Catalina Highway. An experiential weekend during which participants look at aspects of what is working in their lives and what is not, is open primarily to gay, bi and trans men, from 5:30 p.m., Friday, April 5, through 3 p.m., Sunday, April 7. Call 591-2828, or email tsbtucson@hotmail.com for reservations; visit mankindpride.com for more information. This organization is not affiliated with any religion. PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIAN BOOK GROUP Rincon United Church of Christ. 122 N. Craycroft Road. 745-6237. Pastor Steve Van Kuiken leads an open book club at 4 p.m., the second and fourth Wednesday of every month; free. TRUER THAN TAROT? Bookmans. 6230 E. Speedway Blvd. 748-9555. Guidance Deck creator Carol L. Fellure demonstrates his symbols cards and provides readings, from 2 to 3 p.m., Friday, April 5; free. WINGSPAN MULTI-FAITH WORKING GROUP Wingspan. 430 E. Seventh St. 624-1779. People of many faiths meet to plan events and activities that highlight the power of open and affirming faith in the lives of LGBT people, at 5:30 p.m., the second Tuesday of every month. Events include an annual multi-faith pride service and a multi-faith commitment ceremony. Call or email ccondit@wingspan.org for more information.
UPCOMING TUCSON IANDS EXPERIENCE SHARING (TIES) Unity of Tucson. 3617 N. Camino Blanco. 577-3300. Michael Tamura discusses his three near-death experiences and how he sees everyone as immortal souls, at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 11; $5. Call 395-2365 for more information.
ANNOUNCEMENTS EVOLVE TUCSON St. Francis in the Foothills Church. 4625 E. River Road. 299-9063. A discussion about how to create a healthy, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous community in Tucson takes place from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., every Sunday; freewill donation. LGBT JEWISH INCLUSION PROJECT Jews in Tucson have a unique set of challenges and opportunities to connect to LGBT and Jewish resources, people, and information. Volunteers are sought to help create a unique Tucson LGBT Jewish Community that meets members’ needs. Email lgbtinfo@jfsa.org. WAKE UP TUCSON Hi Corbett Field. 3400 E. Camino Campestre. 3279467. Ajahn Sarayut of Wat Buddhametta leads a walk around Randolph Park to promote physical and mental-health awareness, from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m., every Tuesday and Saturday; free. Visit tucsonbuddhistcenter. org for more information. WISE WOMEN DRUMMING Unitarian Universalist Church. 4831 E. 22nd St. 7481551. Mature women meet to drum and sing from 1 to 3 p.m., the first and third Saturday every month; free. Drums are available. Call 797-9323 for information.
SPORTS EVENTS THIS WEEK EVERYONE RUNS CATALINA STATE PARK Catalina State Park. Oracle Road, 5 miles north of Ina Road. 628-5798. A 10.35-mile trail run starts at 7:30 a.m., and a 5.25-mile trail run starts at 7:42 a.m. Saturday, April 6; $40 to $55, $7 park entry, includes a T-shirt and Mexican breakfast. The race is limited to 500 participants. Visit everyoneruns.net for more information and to register. PIECE OF THE PUZZLE AUTISM WALK, 5K RUN AND RESOURCE FAIR UA Mall. 1303 E. University Drive. The Autism Society of Greater Tucson hosts a walk and run with a resource fair on Sunday, April 7. Registration starts at 7:30 a.m.; the timed run starts at 9 a.m., and the walk starts at 9:30 a.m.; $30 runners, $20 walkers, $5 for children younger than 12. Prizes are awarded to top finishers. Donations from “virtual” runners and walkers also are welcome. Visit autismsocietygreatertucson.org. SPRINT INTO SPRING 5K Kennedy Park. 3700 S. Mission Road. The UA’s Wildcat Running Club hosts a 5K race to benefit the American Cancer Society, at 9 a.m., Saturday, April 6; $18, $15 students. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Visit active.com/running/tucson-az/wildcat-runningclubs-sprint-into-spring-community-5k-2013 to register and for more information. UA BASEBALL Hi Corbett Field. 3400 E. Camino Campestre. 3279467. Arizona plays California at 6 p.m., Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6; and 1 p.m., Sunday, April 7. They meet Arizona State at 6 p.m., Tuesday, April 16. Tickets are $7 to $12. Visit arizonawildcats.com. UA TRACK AND FIELD Arizona Stadium. 530 N. Vine Ave. 621-2211. The Jim Click Shootout Multis takes place at 11 a.m., Thursday and Friday, April 4 and 5; free. Visit arizonawildcats. com/sports for more information.
A full week of brain stimulating lectures and activities to help you maintain a healthy brain. Monday, April 15 - 10:00am – 11:30am Brain Basics - Stephanie Gillespie, FNP-BC
Monday, April 15 - 4:30pm – 6:00pm The Psychological Issues of Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries Alan Goldberg, PsyD, JD
Tuesday, April 16 - 10:00am – 11:30am Nutrition for a Healthy Brain Linda Rumsey, MS, RD
Tuesday, April 16 - 1:00pm – 3:30pm All About Parkinson’s Disease APDA Staff & Friends
Wednesday, April 17 - 9:00am – 10:30am My Aching Head: Headaches and Neck Pain Amy Tees, NP-C
Wednesday, April 17 - 2:00pm – 3:30pm All About Alzheimer’s Disease David Teeple, MD
Thursday, April 18 - 9:00am – 10:30am Advances in Brain Treatments Free Continental Breakfast Bar at 8:30 am Abhay Sanan, MD
Friday, April 19 - 10:00am –11:30am Meditation, the Brain, and Aging Alfred Kaszniak, PhD
WAKA KICKBALL Joaquin Murrieta Park. 1400 N. Silverbell Road. 7914752. The Arizona Blister kickball season continues every Thursday through May 2; $72. A tournament and end-of-season party take place Saturday, May 11. Visit kickball.com/season/azblisterspring2013 for more information.
Seating is limited. Please call 324-1960 to reserve a place.
OUT OF TOWN COPPER CITY CLASSIC VINTAGE BASEBALL TOURNAMENT Warren Ballpark. Corner of Arizona Street and Ruppe Road. Bisbee. Fans enjoy baseball played by the same rules, and in the same kind of uniforms, used when Abraham Lincoln was president, from 10 a.m. until dusk, Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7; $10, $15 for both days, child age 12 and under is admitted free with a paid adult, active-duty military attend free on Sunday, April 7. Amenities include stadium-type food, souvenirs, and local micro-brew. Proceeds go to restore Warren Ballpark. Visit friendsofwarrenballpark.com for tickets and more information. See also the Baseball History entry under “Lectures.”
TMC Healthy Living Connections Seniors Classroom El Dorado Health Campus 1400 N. Wilmot Road
Choose Well APRIL 4-10, 2013
PERFORMING ARTS Borderlands re-creates the story of Medea; Chamber Music PLUS looks at Beethoven’s family dynamic
Classical Tales and Custody Battles BY SHERILYN FORRESTER, sforrester@tucsonweekly.com uis Alfaro’s new play, Bruja, has the power to knock your socks off with its aura of mystery, its fresh reinvention of the ancient Medea myth anchored in the cultural turmoil of Latino immigrants trying to adapt to life in American society, and a cathartic recognition that only with great consequence will ambitions in a new country smother the values of one’s home. But the crew at Borderlands Theater labors to bring Alfaro’s play to life onstage. There are some glints of dramatic light that flicker from time to time, like the candles on the Bruja’s altar, but there are some conceptual disorders, a mix of styles that doesn’t always work and scenes that stutter rather than interlock into a dynamic flow. Bruja, a take on Euripides’ treatment of the Medea myth, concludes, Alfaro says, his re-creation of a cycle of classical tales by the celebrated tragedians of Greek theater. In Electricidad he reworks Electra; in Oedipus el Rey, he mines classical themes of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex. His plays are situated to filter the characters and their stories through the prism of the Latino experience in America. A community activist, playwright, poet and performance artist, and the recipient of a MacArthur Foundation grant, Alfaro is making a name for himself by examining the powerful nature of our cultural home, often from a feminist point of view, and the similarity of the themes that have plagued and intrigued all human civilization. In Bruja, Medea (Angelica Rodenbeck) is a healer, a shaman, a curandera. This opens the story to a sense of mystery and power, which theater is just the medium to exploit. But bruja also means “witch,” and extends the possible effects of Medea’s powers to dangerous ends. And since we know Euripides’ treatment of the myth, we know the horrors this scorned woman is capable of. Some issues on opening night may work themselves out as the cast becomes more comfortable. For one thing, they simply need to pick up their cues. By not doing so they not only slow the course of the tale, but also undercut their storytelling effectiveness because ordinary moments tend to feel like they have the same weight as the melodramatic ones. There are some good performances. But the actors tend to differ in their styles of bringing their characters to life, with the result that they almost seem like they’re in different plays. And although Vieja (Esther Almanzan) is an important character, and Almanzan is a capable actor, her presence is not utilized effectively. The result is that she is just there, hovering,
Angelica Rodenbec as Medea in Bruja. with no discernable purpose. Her character could provide so much more life and continuity to the story. Although the production has some miscues, Alfaro’s play addresses some provocative questions, and those come through, even though sometimes it’s a bumpy road we have to take to discover them.
fter an unexpectedly slow start to this year’s season, Chamber Music PLUS has been plenty busy since the calendar declared it is 2013. Since then, it has presented a more experimental than usual show about John Cage. It reunited Michael Learned and Richard Thomas, performing together for the first time since The Waltons. Then for the inaugural season of the Tucson Desert Song Festival, Chamber Music PLUS collaborated with Ballet Tucson and the Tucson Guitar Society in a show called Passionately, Piazzola, about the composer considered the godfather of Tango Nuevo. Then the Clark/Schuldmann duo (Harry Clark, cellist, and Sanda Schuldmann, pianist) presented an intimate concert featuring romantic music just a few weeks ago. This Sunday, Chamber Music PLUS is again in its signature concert format, which com-
bines music with a script, written by Clark. This show is titled Sister in Law Beethoven, and will feature actress Margot Kidder, who has appeared with Clark and Shuldmann here before. The show focuses on the strange and malicious battle between Beethoven and his brother Caspar Karl’s widow over custody of Beethoven’s nephew, Karl. Beethoven held on for 10 years, even pursuing legal action, claiming Johanna was unfit to raise the heir, that her son was related to nobility, that he would be the next Mozart—all ostensibly untrue. Kidder will portray Johanna, and she speaks with both excitement and admiration for what Chamber Music PLUS brings to the world of creative work. “What Harry does is incredibly brilliant. When I was there the first time, I had to throw out everything I thought I was going to do, and I realized that Harry was creating a really unique art form. The key is the marriage of music and words, and you have to take your cues from the emotional reality of the music. So I was blown away and a little lost, but really excited. I can’t wait to see what he’s got up his sleeve this time. Can’t wait. “Rehearsal is very exciting. I’ve always been in awe of music in the way it takes you to places in your soul that are wordless. It’s
Bruja Presented by Borderlands Theater 7:30 p.m., Thursday, April 4, Friday, April 5, and Saturday, April 6; 2 p.m., Sunday, April 7; 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 10, Thursday, April 11; and Saturday, April 13; 2 p.m., Sunday, April 14 The Cabaret at the Temple of Music and Art 330 S. Scott Ave. $19.75 general; $17.75 seniors; $12 students Runs 90 minutes, with no intermission 882-7406; www.borderlandstheater.org
Sister in Law Beethoven Presented by Chamber Music PLUS 3 p.m., Sunday, April 7 Berger Center for the Performing Arts 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. $40 400-5439; www.chambermusicplus.org
very profound. The challenge is fitting your (character’s) voice within what he’s done with the music. “I can’t wait to get down there to see what we’re going to do. It’s always a big surprise— like a birthday present—you have no idea what’s inside the box.” APRIL 4-10, 2013
of whimsical paintings by Pam Davidson, and Desert Wonders, a set of paintings by Kay Mitman, continue through Thursday, April 25. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday. Call 615-7855 for more info.
OPENING THIS WEEK ATLAS FINE ART SERVICES Atlas Fine Art Services. 41 S. Sixth Ave. 622-2139. Required Reading, a group exhibition of art works related to the written word, opens with a reception from 6 to 9 p.m., Saturday, April 6,and continues through Saturday, June 8. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday; and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday, or by appointment; free. THE DRAWING STUDIO The Drawing Studio. 33 S. Sixth Ave. 620-0947. Unbound, a selection of textile and mixed-media works by members of the Fiber Artists of Southern Arizona, opens with a reception from 6 to 8 p.m., Saturday, April 6, and continues through Saturday, April 27. Trish Hastings Sargent gives an artist talk at 5 p.m., and a Second Saturday reception takes place from 6 to 8 p.m., Saturday, April 13; free. Regular hours are noon to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; free. ESPRESSO ART-CAFE Espresso Art-Cafe. 942 E. University Blvd. 241-6409. A Tribute to Horses, an exhibit of Jaqueline Byrne’s impressions and abstractions of the equine universe, opens Thursday, April 4, and continues through Saturday, May 4. Hours from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m., daily. INDUSTRIA STUDIOS Industria Studios. 1441 E. 17th St. 235-0797. Inhumanity of ICE Detention, an exhibit of art and videography depicting the upheaval and dehumanization of detention by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, continues through Saturday, April 27. Hours are 1 to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. MARK SUBLETTE MEDICINE MAN GALLERY Mark Sublette Medicine Man Gallery. 6872 E. Sunrise Drive. 722-7798. Mark Bowles and Fred Borcherdt: New Works opens with an artists reception from 5 to 7 p.m., Friday, April 5, and continues through Sunday, May 5. Borcherdt also signs his book Fred Borcherdt: 50 Years of Sculpture. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday; free. Visit medicinemangallery.com for more information. STUDIO ONE Studio One. 197 E. Toole Ave. 304-7803. A Dim Flicker of Something ..., an exhibit of work by seven honor students in the UA’s Bachelor of Fine Arts program, takes place from 4 to 9 p.m., Saturday, April 6; free. THEE COLLECTION AGENCY Thee Collection Agency. 222 E. Sixth St. (213) 4532637. Eco Graphia: Visual Writings of the Earth, collage works on paper by Linda Cato, opens with a reception from 6 to 9 p.m., Saturday, April 6, and continues through Saturday, April 20. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; free. UNITY OF TUCSON Unity of Tucson. 3617 N. Camino Blanco. 577-3300. An exhibit featuring assemblage, mixed media and paintings by Patricia C. Bischof opens from 10 to 11 a.m., Sunday, April 7, and continues through Sunday, April 28. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Sunday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. WARD 6 CITY COUNCIL OFFICE Ward 6 City Council Office. 3202 E. First St. 7914601. Melange Art Showcase, an exhibit to benefit the Lacey Jarrell Foundation, continues through Thursday, May 30. Regular hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; free. The foundation helps support aspirations of student artists ages 13 through 21. Visit laceyjarrellfoundation.org for more information. WEE GALLERY Wee Gallery. 439 N. Sixth Ave., No. 171. 360-6024. Amy Novelli: A Painter’s Spring Break, an exhibit of works in a range of media, opens with a reception from 6 to 11 p.m., Saturday, April 6, and continues through Thursday, May 2. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday through Saturday; free WOMANKRAFT WomanKraft. 388 S. Stone Ave. 629-9976. Drawing Down the Muse, featuring art by women, opens with a reception from 7 to 10 p.m., Saturday, April 6, and continues through Saturday, May 25. Another reception takes place from 7 to 10 p.m., Saturday, May 4. Gallery hours are 1 to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday; free.
CONTINUING AGUA CALIENTE PARK RANCH HOUSE GALLERY Agua Caliente Park Ranch House Gallery. 12325 E. Roger Road. 749-3718. Cacti and Critters, a collection 32 WWW. WEEKLY.COM
DAVIS DOMINGUEZ GALLERY Davis Dominguez Gallery. 154 E. Sixth St. 629-9759. Origins: An Ongoing Installation, featuring paintings, works on paper and suspended opbjects by Tucson artists Katherine Josten, continues through Saturday, May 4. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday; and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday; free. Call or visit davisdominguez.com for more information. DESERT ARTISANS’ GALLERY Desert Artisans’ Gallery. 6536 E. Tanque Verde Road. 722-4412. Desert Dreams, an exhibit of work by several local artists, continues through Sunday, May 12. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Sunday; free. ENCAUSTIC INVITATIONAL Conrad Wilde Gallery. 439 N. Sixth Ave., Suite 195. 622-8997. An exhibit of encaustic work by 18 artists from throughout the U.S. continues through Saturday, April 27. A reception is held from 6 to 9 p.m., Saturday, April 6. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; free. JOEL D. VALDEZ MAIN LIBRARY Joel D. Valdez Main Library. 101 N. Stone Ave. 5945500. Exhibits of paintings by Maria Thomas, works made with paper by Sonoran collective PaperWorks, fiber works by the Tucson Handweavers and Spinners Guild, and The Other White Cube Project, featuring refrigerators as curated space, continue through Tuesday, April 30. Library hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Wednesday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday; and 1 to 5 p.m., Sunday; free. Call 791-4010, or email askalibrarian@pima.gov for more information. KIRK-BEAR CANYON BRANCH LIBRARY Kirk-Bear Canyon Branch Library. 8959 E. Tanque Verde Road. 594-5275. Fun With Images, an exhibit of collage works by nine members of the Contemporary Artists of Southern Arizona, continues through Tuesday, April 30. Hours are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday; and 1 to 5 p.m., Sunday; free.
TUCSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT GALLERIES Tucson International Airport. 7250 S. Tucson Blvd. 573-8100. Exhibits of abstract paintings by local artists are featured throughout the airport galleries 24 hours daily; free. Lower gallery: Longhorns and Landscapes by JoAnne Hungate, through Tuesday, April 30. Center Gallery: Rhapsody in Hue, by Eileen Dudley and Kathryn Gastelum, through Friday, May 31. Upper Link Gallery: The Essence of Field by Dlyn Fairfax Parra, through Sunday, June 30. TUCSON PIMA ARTS COUNCIL Tucson Pima Arts Council. 100 N. Stone Ave., No. 303. 624-0595. Inner Chambers, an exhibition of works by Lisa Agababian, Jonathan Bell, Elizabeth von Isser and Kyle Johnston, continues through Wednesday, April 17, in the lobby and No. 109. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; free. Visit tucsonpimaartscouncil.org for more information. UA POETRY CENTER UA Poetry Center. 1508 E. Helen St. 626-3765. From What I Gather: Works by Karen McAlister Shimoda, continues through Wednesday, May 15. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday and Thursday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday; and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday; free. Call or visit poetrycenter.arizona.edu for more information. YOU AND YOUR BIG IDEAS GALLERY You and Your Big Ideas Gallery. 174 E. Toole Ave. Tanline Printing Poster and Sticker Attack opens Thursday, April 4, and continues through Saturday, April 20. A reception takes place from 6 to 9 p.m., Saturday, April 6. Hours are 1 to 4 p.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; and 6 to 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday; free.
LAST CHANCE BROOKLYN PIZZA COMPANY Brooklyn Pizza Company. 534 N. Fourth Ave. 6226868. A display of 15 Jim Hlavac maze art paintings in the manner of pop-art closes Friday, April 5. Hours are 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., daily. DEGRAZIA GALLERY IN THE SUN LITTLE GALLERY DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Little Gallery. 6300 N. Swan Road. 299-9191. An exhibit of Joanna Pregon’s fine art prints, sketches and oil paintings on canvas, closes Friday, April 5. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., daily; free.
MESCH, CLARK AND ROTHSCHILD Mesch, Clark and Rothschild. 259 N. Meyer Ave. 6248886. The Artistry of Assemblage, a juried show of 30 pieces by 20 artists, continues through Friday, May 10; free. Hours are by appointment, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call or email ccanton@ mcrazlaw.com for more information.
ETHERTON GALLERY Etherton Gallery. 135 S. Sixth Ave. 624-7370. Surface Tensions, an exhibit of works by Joel-Peter Witkin, Alice Leora Briggs and Holly Roberts, closes Saturday, April 6. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; and by appointment; free. Visit ethertongallery.com for more information.
PHILABAUM GLASS GALLERY AND STUDIO Philabaum Glass Gallery and Studio. 711 S. Sixth Ave. 884-7404. Cast and Cut, featuring the work of Mark Abildgaard and Michael Joplin, continues through Saturday, April 13. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; free. Call or visit philabaumglass.com for more information.
MARK SUBLETTE MEDICINE MAN GALLERY Mark Sublette Medicine Man Gallery. 6872 E. Sunrise Drive. 722-7798. An exhibit of new works by Merrill Mahaffey closes Thursday, April 4. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday; free. Visit medicinemangallery.com for more information.
PORTER HALL GALLERY Porter Hall Gallery. Tucson Botanical Gardens, 2150 N. Alvernon Way. 326-9686, ext. 10. Windows, an exhibit of photography of the natural world by Vicky Stromee, continues through Friday, April 26. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., daily; $13, $7:50 age 4 through 12, free younger child, $12 student, senior and military personnel, includes admission to the park. Visit tucsonbotanical.org for more information.
RAICES TALLER 222 ART GALLERY AND WORKSHOP Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery and Workshop. 218 E. Sixth St. 881-5335. Endurance/Resistencia, an exhibit dedicated to the work of César E. Chávez, closes Wednesday, April 10. Hours are 1 to 5 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays, and by appointment.
SOUTHERN ARIZONA ARTS GUILD Miguel’s. 5900 N. Oracle Road. 887-3777. Monthly meetings at 8:30 a.m., the first Saturday of every month, feature a buffet breakfast, guest speakers, networking, socializing, promotion opportunities and critiques by qualified experts; $13, $10 member. Visit southernazartsguild.org, or call 574-6966. TOHONO CHUL EXHIBIT HALL Tohono Chul Exhibit Hall. Tohono Chul Park. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 742-6455. Tom Bergin: Featured Artists, featuring Southwestern landscapes, runs through Sunday, April 21. Paper: From All Sides, an exhibit of the many characteristics of paper as interpreted by Tucson artists, runs through Sunday, April 21. “Art in the Park,” an in-depth and behind-the-scenes look at the park’s changing art and cultural exhibits, takes place at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday, through Thursday, May 23. Artworks in Glass continues through Sunday, June 23. An exhibit of student artwork from the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind runs through Saturday, July 20. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily; $8, $6 senior, $5 active military, $4 student with valid ID, $2 ages 5 through 12, free member or child younger than 5, includes admission to the park. Visit tohonochulpark.org for more information.
SHERATON HOTEL AND SUITES Sheraton Hotel and Suites. 5151 E. Grant Road. 3236262. Fall/Winter Fine Art Exhibit, featuring works by members of the Southern Arizona Arts Guild, closes Sunday, April 7. The exhibit is open 24 hours, daily, on the first and second floors; free. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Unitarian Universalist Church. 4831 E. 22nd St. 7481551. An exhibit of paintings by Dee Bates closes Sunday, April 7. Hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday through Friday; Tuesday by appointment; and 11:30 a.m.to 1 p.m., Sunday; free. WEE GALLERY Wee Gallery. 439 N. Sixth Ave., No. 171. 360-6024. Armed and Dangerous, an exhibit of painted tin collages by Rand Carlson, closes Thursday, April 4. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday through Saturday; free.
ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS ArtsEye Gallery. 3550 E. Grant Road. 325-0260. Submissions are sought for the fourth-annual Curious Camera Pinhole and Plastic Camera Competition. Categories include plastic, pinhole, vintage, instant and cellphone. Submissions must be received by midnight,
Sunday, April 7; $10 per entry. Call or visit curiouscamera.com for more information. CALL TO ARTISTS Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery and Workshop. 218 E. Sixth St. 881-5335. Art by women working in any media is sought for an annual exhibition, Mujeres, Mujeres, Mujeres, which opens Saturday, April 20, and continues through Saturday, May 25. Works must be submitted at the gallery from 1 to 5 p.m., Saturday, April 6; or via email through Monday, April 8. Call or email raicestaller222@aol.com for submission requirements. TINY TOOLE GALLERY Tiny Toole Gallery. 19 E. Toole Ave. 319-8477. Sculpture, painting and contemporary bronze works are displayed from 8 p.m. to midnight, the first Saturday of every month; free.
MUSEUMS EVENTS THIS WEEK ARIZONA HISTORY MUSEUM Arizona History Museum. 949 E. Second St. 6285774. Romans in Tucson? The Mystery of the Silverbell Artifacts, an exhibit of archaeological finds that some say may indicate the existence of a first-century Roman settlement in Tucson, continues through the summer. Several of the artifacts were featured in an episode of the H2 Channel’s America Unearthed. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday; $5, $4 seniors and youth ages 12 through 18, free for members and younger children. ARIZONA STATE MUSEUM Arizona State Museum. 1013 E. University Blvd. 6216302. A World Separated by Borders, featuring the photography of Alejandra Platt-Torres, curated by Tucson Weekly arts editor Margaret Regan, continues through Saturday, Oct. 19. Basketry Treasured, an exhibit of 500 pieces from the museum’s collection of Southwest American Indian basketry, which is the world’s largest, continues through Saturday, June 1. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday; $5, free youth younger than 18, active-duty military and their families, people with business in the building and everyone for public events. Visit statemuseum.arizona.edu for more information. DEGRAZIA GALLERY IN THE SUN DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun. 6300 N. Swan Road. 2999191. The Way of the Cross continues through Monday, April 15. DeGrazia Watercolors runs through Wednesday, July 31. Ted DeGrazia Depicts the Life of Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino: 20 Oil Paintings is on permanent display. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., daily; free. Call or visit degrazia.org for more information. MINI-TIME MACHINE MUSEUM OF MINIATURES Mini-Time Machine Museum of Miniatures. 4455 E. Camp Lowell Drive. 881-0606. Small Scale Skirmishes: Battles from Imagination and Reality continues through Sunday, April 7. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; $9 general, $8 seniors and military, $6 for ages 4 to 17, free for ages 3 and younger. Visit theminitimemachine.org for more information. TUCSON MUSEUM OF ART Tucson Museum of Art. 140 N. Main Ave. 624-2333. Elements in Western Art: Water, Fire, Air and Earth continues through Friday, June 14. Desert Grasslands, works by 18 artists exhibited as part of the Desert Initiative Project: Desert 1, continues through Sunday, July 7. Art + the Machine continues through Sunday, July 14. Femina: Images of the Feminine From Latin America continues through Saturday, Sept. 14. The traditional holiday exhibit, El Nacimiento, runs through Saturday, June 1. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday; noon to 5 p.m., Sunday; closed Monday and Tuesday; $10, $8 senior, $5 college student with ID, free age 18 or younger, active military or veteran with ID, and TMA members; free the first Sunday of every month. Visit tucsonmuseumofart.org for more info. UA LIBRARY SPECIAL COLLECTIONS UA Library Special Collections. 1510 E. University Blvd. 621-6423. 50 Years: Civil Rights in Arizona from 1963 to Today, an exhibit of documents, photographs and papers from the Civil Rights era in Tucson, continues through Friday, Aug. 30. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday; free. Visit speccoll.library. arizona.edu for more information.
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APRIL 18 TH â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 28 TH
SUNDAY, April 21
THURSDAY, April 18 FREE ADMISSION 1:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3:00 WITH TWO CANS OF UNOPENED FOOD! Cumulus Tucson Presents Coca-Cola Wristband Day! Purchase a $30.00 wristband for unlimited rides on the Tucson Weekly Carnival, 3:00 p.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; midnight. Receive a $5.00 discount towards your purchased wristband with an unopened, 20oz. bottle of Coke or Diet Coke. Wristbands sold until 10:00 p.m. $2.00 games today on the Tucson Weekly Carnival! Brought to you in part by KVOA
NEW! Free admission 10:00 - Noon with a $5.00 or more receipt from any Brueggerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bagels! Enjoy breakfast or lunch at any Brueggerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and redeem the receipt of $5.00 or more to receive your free admission! One original receipt per person. Stylistics Tucson Invitational Low Rider Car Show until 5:00 p.m. with a special performance by MC Magic at 4:00 p.m. on the Corner Stage. AZTECA Presents KUMBIA KINGS ALL STARZ IN CONCERT at 7:30 p.m. on the NEW Budweiser Main Stage. Visit the Wild About Monkeys Show! Brought to you in part by Desert Diamond Casino and Hotel. Adopt a pet today at the Pima County Fair! Visit Pimacountyfair.com for a complete list of rules and requirements for adoption.
FRIDAY, April 19
MONDAY, April 22
92.1 KFMA PRESENTS SILVERSUN PICKUPS AT 8:00 p.m. on the NEW Budweiser Main Stage. Enjoy some of our fun attractions like the Amazing World of Birds and Comedic Hypnotist, Michael Swenson at the Miller Lite Central Park Stage, Fire Dancers and Acrobats at the Corona Plaza! Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to use your Fryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Discount Ride Coupons today and enjoy some great shopping in Thurber, Old Pueblo and Pima Halls! Check out the new KIDDIE KINGDOM and Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Convenience Area plus the improved Creepy, Crawly and Slimy exhibits in Pima Hall.
SATURDAY, April 20
DISCOUNT DAY!!!! Good News Communications and KLOVE Present Family Discount Day! $2.00 Parking! $2.00 Admission! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also the AARP Celebration present by KCEE with fun activities at Central Park from 1:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:00. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lots of shopping in Thurber Hall, and more Tractor Pulls today. Stop by the Corona Plaza and watch Fire Dancers and Acrobat performances and take the little ones to the NEW KIDDIE KINGDOM in Pima Hall! Brought to you in part by Civano Nursery and Desert Diamond Casino.
TUESDAY, April 23
96.1 KLPX and Pigglyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fries Presents the Demoltion Derby at 4:00 followed by THE KLPX FEST WITH SKID ROW, WARRANT AND LA GUNS, in concert at 7:30 p.m. on the NEW Budweiser Main Stage! Welcome Zapatistas Motorcycle Club Show and Shine today! Brought to you in part by FOX 11, Dominos Pizza, Harley Davidson of Tucson and Ride Now Motor Sports. Adopt a pet today at the Pima County Fair! Visit Pimacountyfair. com for a complete list of rules and requirements for adoption.
DISCOUNT DAY! Journal Broadcast Group presents $2.00 rides and $2.00 games today on The Tucson Weekly Carnival starting at 3:00 p.m.! Enjoy discounted fair food today, from 4:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6:00. Sample $2.00 menu items from participating food vendors and $2.00 beer menu items at Miller Lite Central Park and the Budweiser Main Stage beer gardens. Check out the Frisbee Dogs and listen to Gradymusic in Old Pueblo Hall. Visit the animal barns! Wanna get creeped out? Check out the Creepy, Crawly, Slimy exhibit inside Pima Hall.
A limited number of upgraded seating is available for Fair concerts on the Budweiser Main Stage. Get here early to purchase your upgraded seating for only $10.00 day of show at the Pima County Fair. Tickets are available at the Budweiser Main Stage Beer Garden.
THURSDAY, April 25 Clear Channel Radio Presents Coca-Cola WRISTBAND DAY! Purchase a $30.00 wristband for unlimited rides on the Tucson Weekly Carnival, 3:00 p.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; midnight. Receive a $5.00 discount towards your purchased wristband with an unopened 20 oz. bottle of Coke or Diet Coke. Wristbands sold until 10:00 p.m. Game Day! $2.00 games on the Tucson Weekly Carnival! Brought to you in part by CW Tucson and KGUN 9. Brought to you in part by CW Tucson and KGUN 9. 93.7 KRQ AND 98.3 KOHT PRESENT TYGA IN CONCERT AT 8:00 P.M. on the NEW Budweiser Main Stage.
FRIDAY, April 26 92.1 KFMA PRESENTS HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD on the NEW Budweiser Main Stage! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also Military Appreciation Day! $2.00 Admission with any Military ID. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Miss Kobertâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Amazing World of Birds Show, Hypnotist Michael Swenson, Pig Races, Petting Zoo, Frisbee Dogs, Kiddie Kingdom, Pony Trail Ride, Wild About Monkeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and More! Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget, today is your last chance to use the Fryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Discount Ride Coupons! Brought to you in part by KTTU.
4/20 wARRANT
4/20 sKID ROW
4/24 tESLA
Wendyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Discount Day! FREE admission today until 3:00 with any Wendyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s combo meal receipt. One original receipt per customer, good for one admission. Arizona Lotus Presents Coca-Cola Wristband Day! Purchase a $30.00 wristband for unlimited rides on the Tucson Weekly Carnival, 3:00 p.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; midnight. Receive a $5.00 discount towards your purchased wristband with an unopened, 20oz. bottle of Coke or Diet Coke. Wristbands sold until 10:00 p.m. Brought to you in part by Univision. $2.00 Games today on the Tucson Weekly Carnival AND Enjoy discounted fair food today, from 4:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6:00. Sample $2.00 menu items from participating food vendors and $2.00 beer menu items. 96.1 KLPX PRESENTS TESLA IN CONCERT AT 8:00 p.m. on the NEW Budweiser Main stage!
4/25 tYGA
4/20 la GUNS
SATURDAY, April 27 NEW! Free admission 10:00 - Noon with a $5.00 or more receipt from any Brueggerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bagels! Enjoy breakfast or lunch at any Brueggerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and redeem the receipt of $5.00 or more to receive your free admission! One original receipt per person. Also, today is the first annual Pima County Fair BEERFEST! 12:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:00 at the Sunset Cantina Bar and Grill with music, games, prizes and BEER! Tickets are only $10.00 for 10 tastes on sale at the Sunset Cantina Bar and Grill. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss the Door Slammers Car Club Show and Shine plus Power from the Past steam engines and modified tractor pulls today. Adopt a pet today at the Pima County Fair! Visit Pimacountyfair. com for a complete list of rules and requirements for adoption. LARGE STOCK AUCTION IS TODAY AT 11:45 UNDER THE RAMADA! 99.5 KIIM FM and The Boot Barn Present EASTON CORBIN IN CONCERT AT 8:00 P.M. on the NEW Budweiser Main Stage! Learn about 4/H, home arts and fine arts in Old Pueblo Hall. Large stock auction takes place under the ramada today at 11:45 a.m. Visit the Creepy Crawly Slimy exhibit in Pima Hall today Watch the Frisbee Dog Show Today! Brought to you in part by Dominos Pizza, Desert Diamond Casino and REM Sleep Solutions.
SUNDAY, April 28 FREE Admission until noon with two cans of unopened food! 102.1 La Caliente and Telemundo. Check out these great shows: Wild About Monkeys, Pig Races, Acrobats, Frisbee Dogs, Hypnotist, Fire Dancers, Creepy Crawly Slimy and Kiddie Kingdom in Pima Hall! Final tractor pulls are today and the small stock auction starts at 10:30 under the big ramada. Brought to you in part by Desert Diamond Casino. Adopt a pet today at the Pima County Fair! Visit Pimacountyfair.com for a complete list of rules and requirements for adoption. SMALL STOCK AUCTION IS TODAY AT 10:30 UNDER THE RAMADA!
4/21 MC MAG IC
'PMMPX VT PO APRIL 4-10, 2013
PERFORMING ARTS Ballet Tucson closes its season with a variety of dance styles – and desserts!
Sweet Movement revival of a 110-year-old Russian ballet about toys that come to life is the main course at the Dance & Dessert concerts this weekend. Performed by Ballet Tucson for the first time, “The Fairy Doll” is a comedy divertissement danced in classic Russian style. “It has three commedia dell’arte figures, a fairy doll and two Pierrots,” says artistic director Mary Beth Cabana. “It’s very cute but it’s technically demanding.” The ballet started as an Austrian confection in 1888, but in 1903 the Russian brothers Nikolai and Sergei Legat restaged it in St. Petersburg and made it their own. The precision of the Legats’ steps, Cabana says, illustrates the old-style Vaganova technique that for generations was shorthand for Russian ballet. Ballet Tucson’s artistic associates, Amanda McKerrow and John Gardner, who set the work on the company dancers, are veterans of the technique—both had long careers at American Ballet Theatre, a powerhouse of classical dance. Ballet Tucson is doing a 10-minute excerpt from the Legats’ much longer work, but because of the rigorous dancing it requires, the piece is double-cast. Emily Speed and Alexandra Sermon alternate the part of the Fairy Doll over the five concerts, dancing to the Riccardo Drigo score. Four male dancers trade off on the part of the comical Pierrots— the traditional clowns dressed in white. The popular annual Dance & Dessert shows reward dance lovers with a delectable array of desserts from local restaurants once the dancing is done. But the concert itself is a dance feast, with an à la carte program of nine short dances by nine choreographers, four of them premieres, in a wide range of dance styles. The program demonstrates that classical dance is by no means the only dance form that this pro ballet company has mastered. Yes, there’s the Russian classicism of “The Fairy Doll,” but modern, jazz and contemporary ballet are also on the menu. Audiences love the variety (the shows usually sell out), and the dancers do, too, Cabana says. With so many performances, “we have multiple casts and the dancers get a chance to do a lot of things,” she says. From her own career dancing with Cleveland Ballet and other companies, she remembers how refreshing it was when visiting choreographers saw her in a new light. “Directors can pigeonhole dancers,” she says. “With so many choreographers coming in for this show, they see the dancers in a dif-
ferent way. It’s really fun for them—they get to spread their wings.” Dancers Michelle Sigl and Deanna Doncsecz, for instance, turn away from ballet altogether and leap into modern in “ShillyShally” by Charlotte Adams. Adams, a choreographer and dancer who once dazzled locals as a leading light in Tucson’s late, lamented Tenth Street Danceworks, is now a dance professor at the University of Iowa; she’s more than once brought her own troupe, Charlotte Adams and Dancers, to play New York. Last summer she was back in Tucson, where she keeps a house, and began working with the two ballerinas on the new piece. During spring break in March, she returned to town and nailed down the final version. “Shilly-Shally,” making its debut at the Tucson concert, is a humorous “modern dance about indecisiveness—the dancers are changing clothes a lot,” Cabana says. Set to a montage of contemporary music, from John Prine to Kamikazee, the work is a good match for the dancers’ skills, she notes. “Michelle and Deanna are our strongest modern dancers.” The evening’s new jazz piece comes courtesy of Chieko Imada, company assistant artistic director. Imada choreographed an evening’s worth of tango for the evening-length Passionately Piazzolla concert, performed by the company in February. She enjoyed it so much—“She really got into Piazzolla,” Cabana says—that she wanted to try out jazz for Dance & Dessert. Imada’s new “Take Five” is in a “super-jazzy style,” and the all-male cast of five dancers wear fedoras. The dance is a tribute to Dave Brubeck, the legendary jazz musician who died in December, set to his most famous piece. Artistic associate Gardner tries his hand at contemporary choreography in his brand-new “Bottle Sticks.” Though he danced classical ballet for years at American Ballet Theatre, Gardner also performed with White Oak Dance Project, the Baryshnikov troupe that ventured into modern dance. For “Bottle Sticks,” he’s made a contemporary ballet set to Middle Eastern music. Danced by eight women, it’s “aerobic and energetic, with interesting rhythms,” Cabana says. Daniel Precup contributes another new contemporary ballet. A former principal dancer with Ballet Tucson, Precup has moved on to character roles—he made a convincing Piazzolla tango dancer in the February show— and he’s also delved into choreography. He set his new “Ne Me Quitte Pas,” to a song by Jacques Brel. Jenna Johnson, the
BY MARGARET REGAN, mregan@tucsonweekly.com
Ballet Tucson dancers in “Waltzes.” troupe’s prima ballerina, dances the mournful love duet with Stuart Lauer. Precup and Johnson, husband and wife in real life, reprise their longtime dance partnership in “Tavener,” a ballet pas de deux created by former company choreographer Mark Schneider a dozen years ago. “Tavener” is an ambiguous dance “that each person will interpret in a different way,” Cabana says. Another Schneider ballet, the neoclassical “Waltzes,” from the 1980s, is the concert opener. “We haven’t performed it since 2001,” Cabana says. “I was looking at the DVD and it really stands up.” Set to a series of waltzes composed by Prokofiev, the dance for 12 women is inspired by the northern lights, and the costumes—cut out of World War II-era parachutes—are colored pale pink, blue and green. “The fabric is lightweight silk and it moves beautifully,” she says. Five women get to dress up in goofy party dresses in “Birthday Variations,” a comic ballet by UA dance prof Sam Watson. A favorite work the troupe has danced before, “Birthday”
Dance & Dessert, presented by Ballet Tucson 7:30 p.m., Friday, April 5; 2 and 7:30 p.m., Saturday, April 6; 1 and 5 p.m., Sunday, April 7 Stevie Eller Dance Theatre, on the UA campus $30 general; $22 groups of 10 or more, available through Ballet Tucson. Includes post-concert dessert reception. 903-1445; www.ballettucson.org
zigzags through seven different versions of the Happy Birthday song, from classical renditions by Haydn and Brahms to tango and ragtime riffs. The entire company assembles on stage for the concert closer, “Red, White, Blue!” Imada and Cabana choreographed it in 2008, during the election battle between Barack Obama and John McCain. In a musical contrast to that precedent-setting campaign, they used old-fashioned tunes by John Philip Sousa. “It’s patriotic, high-energy and superdynamic,” Cabana says.
DANCE EVENTS THIS WEEK BALLET TUCSON UA Stevie Eller Dance Theatre. 1737 E. University Blvd. 621-4698. The Dance and Dessert benefit, featuring a variety of dances, and desserts by well-known local chefs, takes place Friday through Sunday, April 5 through 7, at Stevie Eller Dance Theatre, 1737 E. University Blvd. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., Friday; 2 and 7:30 p.m., Saturday; and 1 and 5 p.m., Sunday; $30. Visit ballettucson.org for tickets or more information. RED BARN THEATRE Red Barn Theatre. 948 N. Main Ave. 622-6973. Postcards From Paradise, a touring company of Polynesian dancers, perform at 2 and 5 p.m., Saturday, April 6; and 2 p.m., Sunday, April 7; $15.
THEATER OPENING THIS WEEK ARIZONA REPERTORY THEATRE 9, based on Federico Fellini’s film 8 1/2, opens Sunday, April 7, and runs through Sunday, April 28, in the Marroney Theatre. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., weeknights and Saturday; and 1:30 p.m., Sunday; dates may vary; $20 to $31. Call 621-1162, or visit tftv.arizona.edu for more information. ARIZONA THEATRE COMPANY Temple of Music and Art. 330 S. Scott Ave. 884-4875. Clybourne Park, a comedy of race and real estate, opens Saturday, April 6, and runs through Saturday, April 27. Showtimes vary. Call or visit arizonatheatre.org for tickets or more information. ETCETERA Live Theatre Workshop. 5317 E. Speedway Blvd. 3274242. The series Theatrum Orbis Terrarum consists of four original plays by Tucson collaborative Theatre 3. Each play revolves around a traveling family troupe that uses music, storytelling, puppets, masks and beer to engage the audience in the culture of a different geographic region. Audience members share their own stories in the final episode. Performances are at 10:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays. April 5 and 6: Japan. April 26 and 27: Tucson. Visit livetheatreworkshop.org for more information. AN EVENING WITH JOHN MUIR ZUZI! Theater. 738 N. Fifth Ave. 629-0237. A Chautauqua living-history performance celebrates the 175th birthday of the legendary 19th Century conservationist John Muir, from 7 to 9 p.m., Saturday, April 6; $8. The event also celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Prescott College Tucson Center and its partnership with the Arizona Wilderness Coalition. Call 319-9868 for more information. AN EVENING WITH RACHEL MADDOW UA Centennial Hall. 1020 E. University Blvd. 6213364. MSNBC Commentator Rachel Maddow shares her perspective on the news of the day, and respectfully engages members of the audience in a 30-minute Q&A, at 8 p.m., Saturday, April 6; $15 to $55. Call 6213341, or visit uapresents.org for tickets. JOEL HODGSON: RIFFING MYSELF Loft Cinema. 3233 E. Speedway Blvd. 795-7777. Joel Hodgson, Creator of the Peabody award-winning TV series Mystery Science Theater 3000, presents his one-man show Joel Hodgson Live: Riffing Myself, at 7 p.m., Saturday, April 6; $20, $18 Loft members; 100 VIP packages include select seating and a meet and greet with Joel Hodgson; $45, $43 Loft members. Visit loftcinema.org for reservations and more information. MARGOT KIDDER IN ‘SISTER-IN-LAW BEETHOVEN” Berger Performing Arts Center. 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. 770-3762. Margot Kidder stars in a play chronicling the final years of Beethoven’s life and his efforts to have an idealized family life, at 3 p.m., Sunday, April 7; $40, $15 for students. Cellist Harry Clark and pianist Sanda Schuldmann also perform an all-Beethoven program.
CONTINUING BORDERLANDS THEATER Temple of Music and Art Cabaret Theater. 330 S. Scott Ave. 884-4875. Bruja, a contemporary re-imagining of Euripides’ Medea by MacArthur Foundation Fellow Luis Alfaro, continues through Sunday, April 14. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., Thursday through Saturday, and 2 p.m., Sunday; $10 to $24. Call 882-7406, or visit borderlandstheater.org for tickets and more information.
COMEDY PLAYHOUSE Comedy Playhouse. 3620 N. First Ave. 260-6442. Henry Becque’s domestic comedy Woman of Paris continues through Sunday, April 28. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday; and 3 p.m., Sunday; $18, $16 seniors and students. LIVE THEATRE WORKSHOP Live Theatre Workshop. 5317 E. Speedway Blvd. 327-4242. The Cemetery Club, a comedy about three widows who meet once a month, continues through Saturday, April 27. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., Thursday preview, Friday and Saturday; and 3 p.m., Sunday; ticket prices TBA. Call or visit livetheatreworkshop.org for tickets and more information. ODYSSEY STORYTELLING Fluxx Studio and Gallery. 414 E. Ninth St. 882-0242. Six storytellers share tales from their lives based on a monthly theme, at 7 p.m., the first Thursday of every month; $7. April 4: Oh Gross! The Juvenile Humor Show. May 2: Mommie Dearest: The Love of Family. ASL interpretation is provided. Beverages are available for sale. To tell a story on a future topic, send a synopsis and a brief bio a month in advance. Call 730-4112, or visit storyartsgroup.org for more information
...all for taking our fun, friendly & free bike classes! We have classes for all types of riders, from beginners to racers. You’ll get Biker Bucks good for a free helmet, free front and rear bike lights and a free high-quality bike lock. Call 243-BIKE to learn more or to sign-up. Visit www.BikePed.pima.gov Sponsored by the Pima County Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
RED BARN THEATRE Red Barn Theatre. 948 N. Main Ave. 622-6973. Improv jams and student showcases take place at 4 p.m., every Saturday through April 27; cash only, $5, $2 student with ID.
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TUCSON IMPROV MOVEMENT Red Barn Theatre. 948 N. Main Ave. 622-6973. Scenes are created on the spot from audience suggestions at 4 p.m., every Saturday through April 27; $5. Visit redbarn-theater.angelfire.com for more information.
LAST CHANCE BROADWAY IN TUCSON Tucson Music Hall. 210 S. Church Ave. 791-4101. Wicked closes Sunday, April 7; $49 to $106. Showtimes vary. Visit broadwayintucson.com for tickets. RED BARN THEATRE Red Barn Theatre. 948 N. Main Ave. 622-6973. The musical comedy How to Talk to a Minnesotan closes Sunday, April 7. Show times are at 7:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday; and 5 p.m., Sunday; $16, $10 Friday, $13 senior, student or military. Call or visit theredbarntheater.com for more information.
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UPCOMING INVISIBLE THEATRE Invisible Theatre. 1400 N. First Ave. 882-9721. Fox on the Fairway, a comedy about love and golf, opens with a preview on Tuesday, April 16, and runs through Sunday, May 5; $28. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., Tuesday preview, Wednesday and Thursday; 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday; and 3 p.m., Sunday. Call or visit invisibletheatre.com for tickets and more information. Rush tickets are available at half-price, one half-hour before each performance. PIMA COMMUNITY COLLEGE THEATRE ARTS PCC Center for the Arts. 2202 W. Anklam Road. 2066986. The Diary of Anne Frank opens Thursday, April 11, and runs through Sunday, April 21, in the Black Box Theatre. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m., Thursday through Saturday; and 2 p.m., Sunday; $15. ASL interpretation is included on Thursday, April 18. Discounts are available for all shows. Call 206-6986, or visit pima. edu/cfa for tickets and more information. THEATER AT DESERTVIEW PERFORMING ARTS CENTER DesertView Performing Arts Center. 39900 S. Clubhouse Drive. SaddleBrooke. 825-5318. 39 Steps, a spoof of a 1935 Alfred Hitchcock thriller, opens Tuesday, April 16, and continues through Sunday, April 21. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; $24 includes pre-show coffee and dessert. Tickets are not sold at the door. Visit tickets. saddlebrooketwo.com for tickets and more information. UA STUDIO SERIES UA Directing Studio. Arts Complex, Room 116, Park Avenue and Speedway Boulevard. 621-1162. Alistair Beaton’s new translation of Max Frisch’s The Arsonists is staged at 8 p.m., Thursday through Saturday, April 11 through 13; and 2 p.m., Sunday, April 14; free. UAPRESENTS: FELA! UA Centennial Hall. 1020 E. University Blvd. 6213364. Fela, a theatrical production based on the true story of legendary Nigerian musician Fela Kuti, is staged at 8 p.m., Friday, April 12; and 2 and 8 p.m., Saturday, April 13; $40 to $65. Visit uapresents.org for tickets.
APRIL 4-10, 2013
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Detailed led studio maps & info: TucsonOpenStudios.com APRIL 4-10, 2013
While scholarly in intent, Robert S. McPherson’s book on the Navajo remains reader-friendly
Tales of Tradition BY PAUL WINE, mailbag@tucsonweekly.com n early May 1996, newspapers in Utah and New Mexico reported that two Navajo women, Sarah Begay and her 96 year-old mother, Irene Yazzie, were in their house in Rocky Ridge, Ariz. when they heard what sounded like an explosion overhead followed by a strange whistle. Then they heard voices and footsteps out in the yard. In one version of the story, Sarah went outside to investigate, encountering two silver-haired Diné (Navajo) elders. Frightened, she turned to go back inside, but the men stopped her, telling her to not be afraid. They said that they had been sent by the gods to help the Navajo people, explaining that the persistent problem of drought on the reservation was caused by the tribe’s disregard of traditional religious practices. Declaring that failure to resume the tribe’s ancient customs would lead to even more misfortune, they vanished, leaving behind nothing but moccasined footprints encircled with corn pollen. This singular event created quite a stir among the Navajo. By the end of May, more than 6,000 people had visited the house, hand tremblers divined that the visitation was indeed a spiritual phenomenon and the Navajo Nation President suggested that the site be made a permanent shrine. June 20 was designated a day of prayer and unity throughout the reservation, and, the very next day, the nearly year-long drought was broken by a torrential downpour. While the metaphysical implications of this visitation are anybody’s guess, it does offer an illuminative glimpse into the culture which produced it. In his scholarly collection of essays, Dinéjí Na’Nitin: Navajo Traditional Teachings and History, Utah State Unversity professor of history, Robert S. McPherson, uses this and other compelling stories to take readers inside the world of the Navajo, a “unique and vibrant” culture which is struggling, like indigenous societies worldwide, to preserve traditional ways in a world increasingly dominated by modern Western values. McPherson, who has lived and worked among the Diné for more than 30 years, writes that the traditional Navajo view of reality is difficult for most Westerners to grasp because it frames the world primarily in nonmaterial terms. However, he maintains that the Navajo
Dinéjí Na’Nitin: Navajo Traditional Teachings and History By Robert S. McPherson University Press of Colorado 287 pages; $24.95
worldview is no less viable than its Western, scientifically grounded counterpart. “Their teachings,” he says, “are perceptive, opening up the world to a very different set of understandings and assumptions not found in the dominant society. They are all connected and framed in a rational network of ideas that, when taken in their entirety not only make sense but serve as a guide for daily life from ...” Traditional Navajo culture is, indeed, an exceedingly complex tapestry of customs and beliefs. However, McPherson’s comprehensive exploration of Diné traditions is quite accessible. He expounds on the “holy people,” cosmic prime movers who, it is believed, are actively involved in human affairs; Navajo divination techniques such as wind listening and star gazing; the integral role played by metaphor and other figurative language in the transmission of cultural wisdom; the Great Gambler, an epic mythological figure whose questionable exploits symbolize mankind gone awry; and the deeply mystical notion that good and evil are manifestations of the same spiritual power. It is the stories which provide the clearest glimpse into this fascinating culture. One story delineates the violent, early 20th century showdown between a strong-willed government agent bent on modernizing reservation life and an intractable Navajo medicine man. In striking contrast is the truly inspiring story of H. Baxter Liebler, an Episcopalian missionary who, embracing Diné traditions, developed a lyrical blend of Christian and Navajo teachings. Seeing the younger generation of Navajos as being “buried in a contemporary blizzard of activities ... that (makes) the old ways seem arcane, outdated, and impractical,” many Diné elders view the fading away of traditional culture as the central problem facing the tribe. Following the mysterious visitation at Rocky Ridge, Navajo Nation speaker, Kelsey Begaye voiced the sense of urgency it elicited. “The majority of our children,” he says, “are not speaking their Navajo language; they are not being taught their cultural and traditional values; the foundation of family values are not being emphasized to them; and we are straying from our spiritual strength and values. We must begin our journey back to being a strong Nation, we must start now.”
ALBRECHT CLASSEN: EARLY BOOKS LECTURE SERIES UA Library Special Collections. 1510 E. University Blvd. 621-6423. Albrecht Classen, professor in the UA Department of German Studies, presents “The Golden Bull: Medieval Politics of the Highest Caliber in a Manuscript” from 7 to 9 p.m., Tuesday, April 9; free. Call 621-6423 for more information.
TOP TEN Antigone Books’ best-sellers for the week ending March 29, 2013 1. The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared Jonas Jonasson ($15.99) 2. A Long Day at the End of the World Brent Hendricks ($14) 3. The Best Buddhist Writing 2012 Melvin McLeod and the editors of the Shambhala Sun ($17.95) 4. Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power Rachel Maddow ($15) 5. Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? Jeanette Winterson ($15) 6. Lean in: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead Sheryl Sandberg ($24.95) 7. The Case of the Man Who Died Laughing: From the Files of Vish Puri, Most Private Investigator Tarquin Hall ($15) 8. The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection Alexander McCall Smith ($14.95) 9. Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey Into the Afterlife Eben Alexander ($15.99) 10. Flight Behavior Barbara Kingsolver ($28.99) Jonas Jonasson
BEGINNING POETRY WRITING Valencia Branch Library. 202 W. Valencia Road. 5945390. Learn poetry forms and, through examples and instruction, create your own versions of free verse, tanka, shape, ballad and sonnet writing, from 6 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, April 10; free. A CLOSER LOOK BOOK CLUB UA Poetry Center. 1508 E. Helen St. 626-3765. All are welcome to discuss novels and other works of fiction at 6 p.m. on selected Thursdays; free. Reservations are not required. April 4: Haruki Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore. Visit poetry.arizona.edu for more information. LACHLAN SMITH SIGNING Clues Unlimited. 3146 E. Fort Lowell Road. 326-8533. Lachlan Smith discusses and signs his debut mystery, Bear is Broken, at 3 p.m., Sunday, April 7; free. DANIEL HERNANDEZ : THEY CALL ME A HERO Antigone Books. 411 N. Fourth Ave. 792-3715. Daniel Hernandez, widely recognized for his heroism in the January 8 tragedy, discusses his book They Call Me a Hero: A Memoir of My Youth at 7 p.m., Friday, April 5; free. Refreshments and a Q&A follow. DEBORAH LEDFORD: CRESCENDO Mostly Books. 6208 E. Speedway Blvd. 571-0110. Debora Ledford signs her book Crescendo, a mystery featuring a Native American female protagonist, at 2:30 p.m., Saturday, April 6; free. FIRST SATURDAY BOOK CLUB Flowing Wells Branch Library. 1730 W. Wetmore Road. 594-5225. A book club meets for coffee and conversation at 10 a.m., the first Saturday of every month; free. Call for the current title. KIM STANLEY ROBINSON: 2312 UA Poetry Center. 1508 E. Helen St. 626-3765. Science fiction novelist Kim Stanley Robinson, author of the Mars trilogy and the recent bestseller 2312, shares insights into how technology, the sublime, futureity and the Paleolithic intersect offer new ways of coping with global crisis, at 7 p.m., Friday, April 5, in the Rubel room; free. Reservations are requested. Visit cohevents.arizona.edu. LITERATI St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church. 4440 N. Campbell Ave. 299-6421. The St. Philip’s book discussion group meets at 7:30 p.m., the second Monday of every month, through May; free. The April 8 selection is Anthony Shadid’s House of Stone. PROSE AND POETRY READINGS UA Poetry Center. 1508 E. Helen St. 626-3765. Readings are free. Thursday, April 4: Alan Heathcock, prose. Thursday, April 11: Ilya Kaminsky, poetry. Visit poetry.arizona.edu for more information. TREASURES OF JEWISH LITERATURE Tucson Jewish Community Center. 3800 E. River Road. 299-3000, ext. 106. Ruth Zerman leads discussions of the stories, folklore, poetry, plays and humor of such Jewish writers as Sholem Aleichem, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Emma Lazarus and Sholom Asch, from 1 to 2:30 p.m., every Tuesday through April 16; free. UA POETRY CENTER UA Poetry Center. 1508 E. Helen St. 626-3765. Maps, an exhibit about how poets use the concept of maps to explore space, place and the passage of time, continues through Wednesday, April 17. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday and Thursday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday; and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday; free. Call or visit poetrycenter.arizona.edu for more information.
OUT OF TOWN LEADING LADIES OF LITERATURE Oro Valley Public Library. 1305 W. Naranja Drive. Oro Valley. 594-5580. Marion Doane presents a reading series, “Leading Ladies of Literature: Standing Up, Speaking Out, Making Their Voices Heard,” from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the first Thursday of every month; free. A handout is available at the library’s info desk.
UPCOMING CAROLYN Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;BAGY DAVIS: DESERT TRADER Antigone Books. 411 N. Fourth Ave. 792-3715. Carolyn Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Bagy Davis discusses her book Desert Trader: The Life and Quilts of Goldie Tracy Richmond, at 7 p.m., Friday, April 12; free. Refreshments and a Q&A follow. Visit antigonebooks.com for more information. LILI DE BARBIERI: A GUIDE TO SOUTHERN ARIZONAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HISTORIC FARMS AND RANCHES Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. 1 Burruel St. Tubac. 398-2252. Lili DeBarbieri discusses and signs her book about the terrain, heritage, culture, working life and cuisine of Arizonaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s historic farms and ranches, at 2 p.m., Thursday, April 11; $7.50 includes admission to tour the park. Call or visit tubacpresidiopark.com for more information.
ANNOUNCEMENTS BOOKWORMS Bookmans. 1930 E. Grant Road. 325-5767. This book club meets from 7 to 8 p.m., on the second Wednesday of every month; free. ECLECTIC WRITERSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; GROUP The Eclectic Writersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Group meets from 7 to 9 p.m., every Monday, at a residence at 2060 N. Painted Hills Road; free. Call 797-6614 for more information. LAMPLIGHT READING SERIES Casa Libre en la Solana. 228 N. Fourth Ave. 325-9145. This decades-old series features readings by well-known Tucson writers and an open mics for poets, performance artists and writers from 4 to 6 p.m., the first Sunday of every month. Call 490-2002 for more information. NOOK 101 Barnes and Noble. 7325 N. La Cholla Blvd. 742-6402. Learn how to get the most out of the Nook eBook reader from 4 to 5 p.m., every Monday and Wednesday; free. Call for a reservation. ON-A-MISSION BOOK CLUB Mission Branch Library. 3770 S. Mission Road. 5945325. Discover new authors and enjoy conversation at 1 p.m., the second Wednesday of every month; free.
discuss development of the exhibition and what has been added to the understanding of the photographerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s career; free. An opportunity for the public to view portfolios of unframed photographs presented according to a different topic each month, takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., the first Friday of every month. April 5: Illusion. May 3: Twins. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; and 1 to 4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday; free. Visit centerforcreativephotography.org for more information. HERB SILVERMAN: CANDIDATE WITHOUT A PRAYER DuVal Auditorium, UA Medical Center. 1501 N. Campbell Ave. 694-0111. Herb Silverman, founder and president emeritus of the Secular Coalition for America, discusses his challenge to the South Carolina constitution and to his supreme court victory that pave the way for atheists to hold public office in South Carolina, at 3 p.m., Sunday, April 7; freewill donation. Call 297-9919 for more information. IN OTHERSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; WORDS: TRANSLATION AS/IN SCHOLARSHIP UA Education Building. 1430 E. Second St. A symposium sponsored by the UA College of Humanities highlights literary, poetic and historical translating, from 1 to 6 p.m., Friday, April 5; free. An RSVP is requested. Email dgl.@email.arizona.edu for reservations and a full program schedule. RORY STEWART: HISTORY, TRAVEL POLITICS AND INTERVENTION UA Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Building. 1130 N. Mountain Ave. 621-2311. Travel writer, Afghanistan expert and former Iraq diplomat Rory Stewart, author of the New York Times bestseller The Places in Between, discusses the complex cultures of Iraq and Afghanistan, at 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 9, in room 202; free. TUCSON AUDUBONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LIVING WITH NATURE SERIES Pima Community College, Amethyst Room. 1255 N. Stone Ave. Karl Flessa illustrates how habitats have been altered in the region of the Colorado River Delta, and present collaborative and creative means to restore them, at 7 p.m, Monday, April 8; free. Call 209-1812 for more information. WAFAA BILAL Center for Creative Photography. 1030 N. Olive Road. 621-7968. Wafaa Bilal discusses his use of diverse mediums including installation, photography, performance, â&#x20AC;&#x153;re-skinnedâ&#x20AC;? video games and tattoos to provoke and challenge audiences, at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, April 4; free. Now an assistant professor of art at New York University, Bilal grew up in Iraq under Saddam Hussein, and came to the U.S. after two years in refugee camps. Visit cfa.arizona.edu/vase for more information.
LIBRARY BOOK SALE Oro Valley Public Library. 1305 W. Naranja Drive. Oro Valley. 594-5580. More than 20,000 books including art, childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, history, humor, literature, mystery, romance, Southwest and sports books, are for sale from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday, April 11; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, April 12; and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, April 15; free admission. CDs, DVDs and other media also are available.
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LECTURES EVENTS THIS WEEK ART LECTURE SERIES Dusenberry River Branch Library. 5605 E. River Road. 594-5345. Docents from the UA Museum of Art and the Tucson Museum of Art give talks from 2 to 3 p.m., the second and fourth Tuesday of every month; free. ART LECTURE SERIES Murphy-Wilmot Branch Library. 530 N. Wilmot Road. 594-5420. Docents from the UA Museum of Art lecture at 2 p.m., the first Friday of every month; free. April 5: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Japanese Woodcuts: Images of the Floating World,â&#x20AC;? Kate Phillips. May 3: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mexican Art,â&#x20AC;? Johanna Stein. BASEBALL HISTORY PRESENTATION Baseball historians â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mudcatâ&#x20AC;? Grant, Jim Elfers and Mike Anderson discuss famous baseball personalities and events at 7 p.m., Saturday, April 6, at 555 Restaurant, 202 Tombstone Canyon, Old Bisbee; free admission. Call (520) 432-3813 for reservations and more information. Visit friendsofwarrenballpark.com for details of this presentation and the related two-day vintage-baseball tournament at Warren Park. BROWN BAG OPERA Grace St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Episcopal Church. 2331 E. Adams St. 327-6857. Bring a sack lunch for an informative, entertaining event featuring talented local singers in a preview of the Arizona Operaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s upcoming production of Mozartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Marriage of Figaro, at noon, Friday, April 5; free. CENTER FOR CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Center for Creative Photography. 1030 N. Olive Road. 621-7968. Lola Ă lvarez Bravo: Rethinking the Archive continues through Sunday, June 23. At the opening, guest curators Rachael Arauz and Adriana Zavala
JENNIE MACFARLAND: ARMCHAIR TOUR OF ARIZONA IBAS Joyner-Green Valley Branch Library. 601 N. La CaĂąada Drive. Green Valley. 594-5295. Audubon staff member Jennie MacFarland gives an illustrated talk about Arizonaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s imperiled native bird populations and the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 42 designated Important Bird Areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (IBA), at 10 a.m., Saturday, April 6; free.
ODD COUPLE: PADRE FONT AND CAPTAIN ANZA Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. 1 Burruel St. Tubac. 398-2252. Docents from TumacĂĄcori National Historical Park wear period costumes and discuss the fiery relationship Capt. Juan Bautista de Anza shared with Chaplain Pedro Font in 1775 when the pair led several hundred settlers to colonize San Francisco, at 2 p.m., Saturday, April 6; free.
UPCOMING BREAKFAST WITH FATEH GHOSN Temple Emanu-El. 225 N. Country Club Road. 3274501. Lebanon native Fateh Ghosn of the UAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s School of Government and Public Policy presents â&#x20AC;&#x153;United States Foreign Policy: A Middle East Perspectiveâ&#x20AC;? at a breakfast meeting hosted by the Tucson Great Decisions Association from 9:30 to 11 a.m., Thursday, April 11; $12, $10 member, $2 less in advance. Visit tgda.org or call 326-3018 for reservations and more information. WILL CORDEIRO: ROUGH TRADE-OFFS McClelland Park Building. 650 N. Park Ave. 621-4979. Ph.D. candidate Will Cordeiro presents â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rough TradeOffs: Sex, Capitalism, and Genre-Queering in The London Merchant, from noon to 1 p.m., Thursday, April 11.
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CINEMA Our reviewer continues his Stephenie Meyer-fueled jeremiad
Hating ‘The Host’
TOP TEN Casa Video’s top rentals for the week ending March 31, 2013
BY BOB GRIMM, bgrimm@tucsonweekly.com ey, kids, especially you aspiring filmmakers, gather around because Uncle Bob has got something to tell you. OK? Now, listen up. I want you to make your next movie experience The Host. I want you to go and see it as soon as possible because it is an important step in your moviemaking education. It’s an important step because it is the quintessential example of how to make a movie so shitty, Satan would actually turn his nose up at it and proclaim it too profane for his torture cineplex down in hell. This car crash of a movie is based on a novel penned by Stephenie Meyer, writer of the Twilight things and, at this point, one of my sworn enemies. Nothing good has been produced from this writer’s works, and I want her to take up full-time bowling or stenciling to distract her from her computer. Seriously, Stephenie … you have a lot of money now. Please … have mercy on those of us who can’t handle your pap. Stop hurting us with your crazy words and ideas. The Host leaves the land of sparkly vampires and journeys to a future Earth where aliens have invaded. These aliens are CGI super-white, flowing clusters of psychedelic sperm. They look like the trippy end result of a Daft Punk robot ejaculating (Daft Spunk?). These aliens have traveled through the universe, “bonding” with species by entering through a cut in their necks and turning their eyes a very light blue. In the opening moments, we see Melanie (Saoirse Ronan), a human resister being cornered by alien-infected human beings, chief among them being The Seeker (Diane Kruger). They give chase and Melanie plunges through a window to certain death. Sadly, for Ronan, Melanie lives on. Her life is saved after a Tiger Woods-looking dude puts an alien in her neck. She becomes Wanderer (later, Wanda) and seems in line with the alien plan for global domination. But, wait … Melanie is still inside her head, and she’s got some whining to do about the whole body being dominated by an alien thing. Watching Ronan having arguments with her inner voice is trash cinema at its absolute acrid apex. It reminded me of All of Me, that movie where Steve Martin’s body is possessed by Lily Tomlin. While Martin did a fine job arguing with the voice within, Ronan just sounds like a really wacky teenager with voices in her head. Wanda winds up with Melanie’s stillhuman uncle (William Hurt … oh, it’s so sad
1. Lincoln 2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3. Life of Pi 4. Killing Them Softly 5. Zero Dark Thirty 6. Argo 7. Les Misérables 8. This Is 40 9. Skyfall 10. Seven Psychopaths
Samantha Barks in Les Miserables.
Saoirse Ronan in The Host. to see you here) somewhere in the desert. Her uncle and his followers eventually accept Wanda (the essentially possessed Melanie) as a friend and family member. She entertains the advances of two boys (Max Irons and Jake Abel), one being Melanie’s old flame and the other being a dude who just thinks alien-possessed girls are super-hot. Andrew Niccol, who made the decent Gattaca but also made the awful In Time, directs the movie. In Time was visually unimaginative and sterile, as is this film. Shiny cars and white suits are the accouterments of choice for the aliens, and nothing could be more boring visually. Poor Saoirse Ronin. Here’s a young actress with the talent to command great roles for her age group and she finds herself in this swill. Sure, her peeps probably thought getting her a gig in the latest film based on a Stephenie Meyer novel would be a sure thing to get her blockbuster actress status. It’s actually one of the biggest creative bombs of the decade in cinema and will do nothing to move her forward. Ronan has chops. She doesn’t deserve this. On an optimistic note, Ronan is in Wes Anderson’s next film, The Grand Budapest Hotel. Perhaps this will be one of the films to get her back on track. Anderson is reliable, and surely he will find something to do with Ronan’s talents besides allowing her to argue with herself for two hours.
The Host Rated PG-13 Starring Saoirse Ronan, William Hurt, Max Irons and Jake Abel Directed by Andrew Niccol Open Road, 125 minutes Now playing at AMC Loews Foothills 15 (888262-4386), Century El Con 20 (800-326-3264, ext. 902), Century Park Place 20 (800-326-3264, ext. 903), Century Theatres at the Oro Valley Marketplace (800-326-3264, ext. 899) and Harkins Tucson Spectrum 18 (806-4275).
I value my minutes here on this Earth. I consider each minute a precious little diamond nugget that I will never get back. Therefore, I don’t normally wish for these minutes to pass me by quickly. I like to savor them. When I was watching The Host, I found myself wishing I was some sort of amazing Time Lord, who could grab the minutes in The Host’s remaining running time—just grab them in my amazingly powerful Time Lord hands and squash them to death, resulting in their passing without me actually experiencing them. Alas, I just sat there watching The Host, helpless and sad, jaw agape and eyes glazed over, aware that some moments on this Earth aren’t precious. They aren’t precious in any way at all. APRIL 4-10, 2013
FILM CLIPS Reviews by Colin Boyd, Casey Dewey and Bob Grimm.
Yes, the sequel is an improvement over the original, but don’t get your hopes up too high. Dwayne Johnson joins something like his 18th franchise, as does Bruce Willis, in this confusing yet sometimes entertaining follow-up to G.I. Joe: The Sucky First Movie. There are some good action sequences to be had, including a snowy-cliff sword battle and the destruction of London. There’s also a lot of clatter about Cobra Commanders and Snake Eyes and a bunch of other toy names I simply lost track of. Channing Tatum and Johnson have great rapport, and a whole movie with them together could’ve been fun. Unfortunately, Tatum makes an early exit, making way for The Smirk. Willis is OK here, but he doesn’t add all that much. Jonathan Pryce is fairly menacing as two characters: the president of the United States and his evil imposter. I’d tell you some plot details but that would be a waste of space. Just know that if you plunk down for this you will see a couple of good action sequences and a whole lot of mindless crap. Grimm GINGER & ROSA
Elle Fanning delivers a stellar performance as Ginger, with an excellent British accent I might add, in this film about two teenagers in Cold War England in the ’60s. Fanning runs the gamut here, showing all of the joy, anguish and fears of a girl living in an age where the world seems to be falling apart. Alice Englert is also terrific as Rosa, her more depressed best friend, while Alessandro Nivola and Christina Hendricks are also excellent as Ginger’s parents. The film goes a little off the rails in its final scenes, but it’s solid and steady for most of its running time, with Fanning showing the world that she is an actress to be reckoned with. Written and directed by Sally Potter, it’s a showcase for Fanning that should propel her into good future acting roles. Grimm LORE
Taking place after Hitler’s suicide and while the Allied forces are closing in, this WWII drama almost asks the verboten: to have a little sympathy for the enemy. In this case, it’s the children of an SS officer and his complicit wife. After her parents are whisked away to prison, teenage Lore (Saskia Rosendahl) must lead her four siblings, including an infant, through the Black Forest of Germany to a beacon of safety: their grandmother’s house. It sounds like a fairy tale, and indeed there are a fair share of obstacles and evils they encounter along the way. The biggest horror they face is learning what their beloved Führer, and more personally, their parents, where up to while they were living comfortably in the bucolic countryside. It’s a harrowing and sometimes grisly picture, and Cate Shoreland’s direction fits somewhere between Ken Loach’s gritty realism and Terrence Malick’s stunning, poetic imagery. Dewey
“A LYRICAL, DEEPLY AFFECTING study into a rarely seen legacy of the Holocaust.” -Megan Lehmann, The Hollywood Reporter -Megan Lehmann, The Hollywood Reporter
“+++H POWERFUL AND HAUNTING.” -Michael O’Sullivan, The Washington Post
-Stephen Holden
BY BILL FROST mailbag@tucsonweekly.com
Mad Again Hannibal Thursday, April 4 (NBC)
Series Debut: Like NBC and everyone involved, we’re all trying to forget Do No Harm, the last new crime drama the network served up for Thursdays—Hannibal will definitely help wipe that memory, if not through sheer gore alone. This Silence of the Lambs/Red Dragon prequel goes back to the days when Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen, Casino Royale) worked with the FBI (specifically, agents played by Laurence Fishburne and The Big C’s Hugh Dancy) to help crack serial-murderer cases. Yes, it’s another Quirky Outsider Assists the Law procedural—but this one happens to be(come) one of the most twisted killers of all. Hannibal (produced by Pushing Daisies’ Bryan Fuller) is creepy and bloody as hell, probably too much so for network TV; watch it while you can and wonder how much longer it would have lasted on cable.
Smash Saturday, April 6 (NBC) New Night/Burn-Off Alert: Ouch. The only worse timeslot NBC could have given their once-darling hype magnet would be after Last Call With Carson Daly—but even then, at least Carson Daly would see it. By dumping the remaining seven Season 2 Smashes on Saturday nights, the network is pretty much telling the cast and crew to find new jobs (Debra Messing already has, a CBS sitcom; Katharine McPhee, probably singing at boat shows) and ‘Merica to find a new Peacock show to hate/ignore (money’s on Hannibal). Smash had, and will yet have, many a fantastic musical performance and production number—just DVR it and skip past the “story,” “acting” and “Anjelica Huston.”
Mad Men Sunday, April 7 (AMC) www.musicboxfilms.com
Season Premiere: This year’s Off Limits list from Mad Men show© Southport Music Box Corporation
STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 5 THE LOFT CINEMA 3233 E. Speedway Boulevard, Tucson (520) 795-7777 42 WWW.TuCsON WEEKLY.COM
TV Tell Your Friends
Tell Your Mom
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
runner Matthew Weiner: Don’t tell “the year the season begins,” “the status of Don and Megan’s relationship,” “whether the agency has expanded to an additional floor,” “new characters” and “new relationships or partnerships.” Presumably, Jon Hamm’s trouser snake is off the table, as well. The Only TV Column That Matters™ can say that Season 6 kicks off with ad man Don Draper (Hamm) moping through the most ennui-drenched Hawaiian vacation ever—why’s he having such a miserable time, even with a bubbly, bikinied Megan (Jessica Pare) by his side? Don, like most every other character on Mad Men in this two-hour season, has big worries on his mind, and little of it has to do with selling advertising. There’s no “Zu Bisou Bisou” moment like in 2012’s season opener, but “The Doorway” sets up what looks to be a rocky year— whatever year that might be, because I’m not gonna say. Here’s something, though: Stan’s proto-hipster beard is outta control!
Ready for Love Tuesday, April 9 (NBC) Series Debut: If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “I like The Bachelor, but it’s not as confusing as it could be,” or “I wonder what kind of brilliant programming former Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria would produce?”, here ya go! As much as I was hoping that Ready for Love would be a Broadway show based on the songs of Bad Company (Wiki it, kids), it’s really just another reality dating show, with several unnecessary twists: Three bachelors (including Plain White T’s guitarist Tim Lopez— live this one down, band-mates) sift through 36 women with the help of two hosts (Guiliana and Bill Rancic) and two “relationship and compatibility” experts (I am so in the wrong racket) over eight weeks and two channels (NBC and Style). So, anyway … you can watch the whole blissfully simple season of Burning Love 2 now at BurningLove. com. Do that.
DVD Roundup Bad Kids Go to Hell Six rich private-school teens stuck in Saturday detention suddenly begin getting killed in horrific “accidents.” If your Breakfast Club radar weren’t already going off, this flick also stars … Judd Nelson! in Barry Manilow’s wardrobe! (Phase 4) Boss: Season 2 In the final season (unless Starz makes that wrap-up movie), Chicago Mayor Tom Kane (Kelsey Grammer) staves off brain-disease death and an ever-growing list of enemies in the grittiest, nastiest political drama since Spin City. (Lionsgate) Down the Shore When a Jersey amusementpark boss (James Gandolfini) and his ex (Famke Janssen) are confronted with the ashes of his dead sister and a man claiming to be her husband, questions arise. Like, “Famke Janssen? And him?” (Anchor Bay) The Kitchen Jennifer’s (Laura Prepon) 30th birthday party is about to be wrecked by her cheating boyfriend, her bratty little sister (Dream Walker), battling backyard bands and terrible, terrible friends. And, just guessing, something in the kitchen. (Monterey) Sexy Evil Genius A mysterious, wig-happy woman (Katee Sackhoff) lures all of her ex-lovers (including Seth Green, Harold Perrineau, William Baldwin and Michelle Trachtenberg) to a Los Angeles bar with revenge in mind. Why else go to a bar in L.A.? (Lionsgate)
More New DVD Releases (April 9) Crush, Dragon Wasps, Expiration, Family Ties: Season 6, The Four, Hyde Park on Hudson, Infected, Inside Men: Season 1, The Kill Hole, Late Bloomers, Luster, Merlin: Season 5, Paranormal Movie, The Phantom Father, Ring the Bell, Shadow Witness, The Sorcerer & the White Snake, Womb
Hitting the right notes in animation and humor surprisingly often, The Croods is one of the better 3-D cartoon experiences, solidified by a strong turn in the vocal booth by Nicolas Cage. The story is fundamentally very simple: The last Neanderthal family (the Croods) makes a mad dash for the future. Their world is ending and with the help of a Homo sapien named Guy (Ryan Reynolds), they might have the brain power they need to make the jump. A rather specious view of human evolution notwithstanding, The Croods is a fun jaunt of a family film, with just enough dark sarcasm to show the adults are paid some attention. But it’s really all about the vibrant 3-D and Cage’s terrific voice work. He leads a pretty impressive cast (Emma Stone, Reynolds, Cloris Leachman and Catherine Keener) out of the Stone Age. Boyd THE GATEKEEPERS
We often hear tales about the Mossad, Israel’s version of the CIA (and the subject of Steven Spielberg’s Munich). Serving alongside the Mossad is the lower-profile Shin Bet, which deals primarily with internal security and anti-terrorism in Israel. That story is told through gripping reminisces in The Gatekeepers, a Best Documentary nominee at the Academy Awards that begins its chronological tour with 1967’s Six-Day War. What we see is not just window dressing; director Dror Moreh constantly jabs his subjects—six former heads of Shin Bet—on the agency’s critical missteps, some of them quite shameful and harmful to the cause. But what emerges when all the pieces are laid on the table is just how complex and thankless all of this work is, and the lingering question of how worse off the country and the Middle East might be without it. Boyd OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN
Gerard Butler stars in one of the more ridiculous action films you will see this year. He’s a Secret Service agent on duty the night something very bad happens to the president (Aaron Eckhart), and he winds up with a desk job. When some nasty North Koreans hilariously infiltrate the White House and hold the president and his cabinet hostage in the bunker, it’s time for Gerard to dispense with the paper clips and pick up an automatic weapon! Yes, it’s Die Hard in the White House, or at least it wants to be. There’s some fun to be had here, but the movie has some tragic flaws, including terrible CGI and mawkish patriotic crap that distracts instead of making the heart swell (Melissa Leo screaming the Pledge of Allegiance as she is dragged to certain death comes to mind). You aren’t going to catch me calling this a good movie, but I won’t fault you for enjoying it to some degree if you choose to see it. It’s one of those “so bad it’s almost good” movies. Grimm ON THE ROAD
A cavalcade of stars shows up for this pretty, if meandering, adaptation of Jack Kerouac’s semiautobiographical novel. Sam Riley (so damn good in Control) provides a decent center as Sal (essentially Kerouac), who finds himself on a long road trip that involves hand jobs from Kristen Stewart and watching sex acts performed on Steve Buscemi (Yikes!). In short, this movie is a bit crazy, and its unpredictability keeps it interesting. Garrett Hedlund is solid as a character loosely based on Neal Cassady, and Stewart sheds her Bella image for a good, carefree performance. Others in the cast include Amy Adams, Viggo Mortensen and Kirsten Dunst. The movie is OK, but I was looking for a little more meat on the bone considering the subject matter. Grimm SPRING BREAKERS
This looked like it would be fun: a movie full of bikini-clad starlets, including Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez, going on a crime spree to raise money for a spring break trip and then continuing the crime spree when they get to Florida. Director Harmony Korine blows a good opportunity for fun by making a repetitive, slow, sloppy movie with no script. James Franco shows up as a rapper/crime lord who can’t rap for dick and looks like an idiot. I was hoping Franco could bring some offbeat fun to the party but all we get is him describing the contents of his room and making up stupid songs. This one feels like the director shot about 15 minutes worth of worthy footage and stretched it out by repeating said footage or picking stuff up from the cutting room floor and throwing it back in. It’s getting some relatively decent critical acclaim, and this shocks me. This shocks me on many levels. Grimm
First, there was fighting, then artistry, now CGI-fueled disappointments like ‘The Sorcerer and the White Snake’
A Martial Arts Mess BY COLIN BOYD, cboyd@tucsonweekly.com ne of the great pleasures of film over the past 40 years or so is the remarkable martial arts choreography in movies produced both in mainland China and in Hong Kong. Before the studios there could afford much in the way of visual effects, what made martial arts movies worth watching was the fights. The acting, the writing and the majority of the production values were subpar but you could find some ridiculous stunt work, packed as much with ingenuity and orchestration as with kicks and punches. Watch Jackie Chan’s The Legend of Drunken Master, Jet Li’s Once Upon a Time in China or even something more obscure but essential, like The 36th Chamber of Shaolin. The fight choreography tells as much story as the dialogue, and it’s the real craftsmanship of the genre. While maybe not the best representations of pure fighting, films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Hero helped Chinese films create a more visually compelling martial arts landscape through CGI and what is known as wire fu, essentially just kung fu choreography assisted by wires. They also improved the acting, the writing, and the budget, elevating the genre to a level of pure artistry (directors like Ang Lee and Zhang Yimou will do that). But those advances have come at a cost. If The Sorcerer and the White Snake is any indication, all the fine details of the previous generation of martial arts in Chinese epics have faded away, replaced forever by a dizzying palette of effects that overwhelm everything else on screen. This was produced in 3-D, and of course we know from Hollywood’s abuse of that technology how effects-laden the films have become. In the right spots, a lot of the effects fit the storytelling in The Sorcerer and the White Snake, based as it is on one of the culture’s more enduring legends. But when you see Jet Li in the middle of a “fight,” spinning in circles against a green screen as a barrage of swords flies by, it makes you long for the day when Li’s fight sequences lasted longer than 40 seconds and involved actual opponents. The film does not focus on Li, by the way. The heart of the story is a young herbalist named Xu (Raymond Lam). One day, he and a friend are climbing a mountain and capture the attention of two sisters. They’re not ordinary girls, but demons, with the nefarious green snake (Charlene Choi) deciding to give the climbers a fright. Xu falls from the mountain and into a lake, forcing Susu, the goodhearted white snake (Eva Huang), to rescue
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Jet Li in The Sorcerer and the White Snake.
The Sorcerer and the White Snake Rated PG-13 Starring Jet Li and Raymond Lam Directed by Ching Siu-Tung Magnet, 106 minutes Opens Friday, April 5, at the Loft Cinema (795-7777).
him. Of course, under the water, she takes a human form so Xu will trust her, and our starcrossed-lovers story begins. As Xu and Susu deepen their relationship, albeit with one very big secret left unrevealed, a monk emerges (Jet Li), able to spot the demons in their many forms and willing to fight them for Xu’s soul. This is where The Sorcerer and the White Snake gambles and loses. The CGI, while much of it does look great, inhibits the story, inhibits the actors and doesn’t lead us anywhere more promising. They’re just effects because the film wants effects, and it’s easier and cheaper to manufacture those things digitally now. Director Ching Siu-Tung seems to know the resonance of the story and wants to try telling it in a more imaginative way. But in giving Chinese cinema a face-lift, he removes its heart and soul.
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APRIL 4-10, 2013
N O W P L AY I N G Film titles reflect the most current listings available as of Tuesday evening, with screenings beginning on Friday for most opening titles. As schedules at individual theaters frequently change post-press, we recommend calling ahead to avoid any inconvenience.
AMC Loews Foothills 15 7401 N. La Cholla Blvd. 888-262-4386. Films are Thu-Wed unless otherwise noted Admission (PG-13) The Call (R) The Croods (PG) The Croods 3D (PG) Evil Dead (R) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (PG-13) G.I. Joe: Retaliation -- An IMAX 3D Experience (PG13) Thu G.I. Joe: Retaliation 3D (PG-13) The Host (PG-13) The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (PG-13) ends Thu Jack the Giant Slayer (PG-13) ends Thu Jurassic Park (PG-13) Fri-Wed Jurassic Park 3D (PG-13) Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience (PG-13) Olympus Has Fallen (R) Oz the Great and Powerful (PG) Oz the Great and Powerful 3D (PG) ends Thu Safe Haven (PG-13) ends Thu Spring Breakers (R) Tyler Perryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor (PG-13)
Century El Con 20 3601 E. Broadway Blvd. 800-326-3264, ext. 902. Listening devices and closed captioning are available. Films are Thu-Wed unless otherwise noted Admission (PG-13) Baadshah (Not Rated) Sat The Call (R) The Croods (PG) The Croods 3D (PG) Escape From Planet Earth (PG) ends Thu Evil Dead (R) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (PG-13) G.I. Joe: Retaliation 3D (PG-13) Ginger & Rosa (PG-13) The Godfather (R) Wed The Host (PG-13) The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (PG-13) ends Thu Jack the Giant Slayer (PG-13) ends Thu Jurassic Park (PG-13) Fri-Wed Jurassic Park 3D (PG-13) Life of Pi (PG) ends Thu Life of Pi 3D (PG) ends Thu Olympus Has Fallen (R) Oz the Great and Powerful (PG) Oz the Great and Powerful 3D (PG) Silver Linings Playbook (R) Spring Breakers (R) Stoker (R) ends Thu Tyler Perryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor (PG-13)
Century Gateway 12 770 N. Kolb Road. 800-326-3264, ext. 962. Listening devices and closed captioning are available. Films are Thu-Wed unless otherwise noted 21 and Over (R) ends Thu 6 Souls (R) Fri-Wed Argo (R) Thu-Tue Dead Man Down (R) FriWed Django Unchained (R) ends Thu
Emperor (PG-13) Fri-Wed A Good Day to Die Hard (R) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (R) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 3D (R) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (PG-13) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3D (PG-13) Jack Reacher (PG-13) ends Thu The Last Exorcism Part II (PG-13) Fri-Wed Life of Pi (PG) Fri-Wed Life of Pi 3D (PG) Fri-Wed Lincoln (PG-13) Parental Guidance (PG) ends Thu Safe Haven (PG-13) Side Effects (R) ends Thu Warm Bodies (PG-13) Fri-Wed Wreck-It Ralph (PG) ends Thu Zero Dark Thirty (R) ends Thu
Century Park Place 20 5870 E. Broadway Blvd. 800-326-3264, ext. 903. Listening devices and closed captioning are available. Thu titles unless otherwise noted: Admission (PG-13) The Call (R) The Croods (PG) The Croods 3D (PG) Dark Skies (PG-13) Evil Dead (R) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (PG-13) G.I. Joe: Retaliation 3D (PG-13) The Godfather (R) Wed The Host (PG-13) Identity Thief (R) The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (PG-13) Jack the Giant Slayer (PG-13) Jurassic Park 3D (PG-13) Olympus Has Fallen (R) Oz the Great and Powerful (PG) Oz the Great and Powerful 3D (PG) Spring Breakers (R)
Tyler Perryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor (PG-13)
17 W. Congress St. 624-1515. Century Call for films and times Theatres at the Oro Valley Gallagher Marketplace Theater 12155 N. Oracle Road. 800-326-3264, ext. 899. Listening devices and closed captioning are available. Films are Thu-Wed unless otherwise noted Admission (PG-13) The Call (R) The Croods (PG) The Croods 3D (PG) Evil Dead (R) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (PG-13) G.I. Joe: Retaliation 3D (PG-13) Ginger & Rosa (PG-13) The Godfather (R) Wed The Host (PG-13) The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (PG-13) ends Thu Jurassic Park (PG-13) Fri-Wed Jurassic Park 3D (PG-13) Olympus Has Fallen (R) Oz the Great and Powerful (PG) Oz the Great and Powerful 3D (PG) Quartet (PG-13) ends Thu
Thu titles: Amour (PG-13) Argo (R) Django Unchained (R) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (PG-13) The Impossible (PG-13) Lincoln (PG-13) Les MisĂŠrables (PG-13) Parental Guidance (PG) Safe Haven (PG-13) Searching for Sugar Man (PG-13) Side Effects (R) Zero Dark Thirty (R)
Natural Foods
Conscious Vegetarian Dining Organic & Locally Grown with Vegan Choices Relax in the Gardens Sublime with Koi Pond, Waterfalls & Aviary t -VODI 8FE UISV 4BU %JOOFS 5VFT UISV 4BU QN o QN t
Sunday Brunch 11am-2:30pm (East of 1st Ave, 2 blocks South of Ft Lowell)
UA Student Union, 1303 E. University Blvd. 626-0370. Zero Dark Thirty (R) Thu, Sun
Harkins Tucson Spectrum 18 5455 S. Calle Santa Cruz. 806-4275. Films are Fri-Wed Admission (PG-13) The Call (R) The Croods (PG) The Croods 3D (PG) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (PG-13) G.I. Joe: Retaliation 3D (PG-13) The Host (PG-13) Identity Thief (R) The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (PG-13) Jurassic Park (PG-13) Jurassic Park 3D (PG-13) Olympus Has Fallen (R) Oz the Great and Powerful (PG) Spring Breakers (R) Tyler Perryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor (PG-13)
Greedy Lying Bastards (PG-13) Thu Happy People: A Year in the Taiga (Not Rated) Thu The Jeffrey Dahmer Files (Not Rated) Thu Joel Hodgson Live: Riffing Myself (Not Rated) Sat Lore (Not Rated) Fri-Wed My Best Day (Not Rated) Thu On the Road (R) Thu-Wed Quartet (PG-13) Thu-Wed The Sorcerer and the White Snake (PG-13) Fri-Wed They Live (R) Thu
Oracle View 4690 N. Oracle Road. 292-2430. Argo (R) Fri-Wed Beautiful Creatures (PG13) ends Thu Django Unchained (R) Thu-Wed Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (R) Thu-Wed The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (PG13) Thu-Wed Jack Reacher (PG-13) Thu-Wed Lincoln (PG-13) Fri-Wed Mama (PG-13) Fri-Wed Les MisĂŠrables (PG-13) Thu-Wed
Parental Guidance (PG) Thu-Wed Parker (R) ends Thu Rise of the Guardians (PG) Thu-Wed Wreck-It Ralph (PG) Thu-Wed Zero Dark Thirty (R) Thu-Wed
The Screening Room 127 E. Congress St. 882-0204. Call for films and times
Crossroads 6 Grand Cinemas The Loft 4811 E. Grant Road. Cinema 327-7067.
ovindaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s G & #MBDLMJEHF %S t 520-792-0630
Fox Tucson Theatre
3233 E. Speedway Blvd. 795-7777. Call 795-0844 to check handicap accessibility Ballet in HD: Don Quixote (Not Rated) Sun, Tue Cleopatra Jones (PG) Mon Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (R) Fri-Tue Days of Heaven (PG) Wed Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Stop Believinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: Everymanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Journey (Not Rated) Tue First Friday Shorts (Not Rated) Fri The Gatekeepers (PG-13) Thu-Wed Ginger & Rosa (PG-13) Fri-Wed
Find more at www.tucsonweekly.com
CHOW Lodge Sasquatch serves up big plates, tasty desserts and a bunch of TVs
NOSHING AROUND BY JERRY MORGAN noshing@tucsonweekly.com
Into the Woods
Five Palms Steak and Seafood Open Following a soft opening last week, the Five Palms Steak and Seafood is officially open at the previous home of Cafe Terra Cotta, 3500 E. Sunrise Drive. After extensive renovations by owner Nino Aidi, the “three concepts in one building” is complete. The building includes the main Five Palms Restaurant, Nino’s Bar & Grill, and Dovino’s Wine, Cigar and Gourmet Shop. For more information go to www.fivepalms. com. Call 615-5555 for reservations.
BY JACQUELINE KUDER, jkuder@tucsonweekly.com he whole concept of a “concept” restaurant has always been a little strange to me—isn’t every restaurant a concept restaurant? Perhaps the only exceptions are the soulless corporate giants microwaving their premanufactured food, though millions of people get behind that concept every day. The Lodge Sasquatch Kitchen is a recent addition to a group of concept restaurants opened by chef Aaron May and his colleagues at Lettuce Turnip Beets Restaurants. The others include May’s Counter Chicken & Waffles in Tucson and several restaurants in the Phoenix area. The idea behind Lodge Sasquatch is to conjure the hunting-fishingski lodge vibe, and it definitely works, though it feels more like a sports bar than a lodge at times, with a multitude of TVs at every turn. On both of our visits, the restaurant was packed. The first night, it took only a moment to be seated but the second night came with a 20-minute wait, which wasn’t terrible since we didn’t have reservations. Just be prepared to wait a bit if you go on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday evening. However, the wait for the food on our second visit became a bit ridiculous—more on that later. The restaurant is into lodge décor in a big way, with game trophies, antler chandeliers and log cabin-style walls—the servers even wear plaid lumberjack shirts. The service on both of our visits was attentive and friendly. Plates were cleared, glasses were never empty and we felt well taken care of. If only the food had been so consistent. The menu at the Lodge is the perfect size— not too many choices so as to be overwhelming but not too few that picky eaters can’t find something to satisfy their palate. The focus is on classic American comfort foods, so there are burgers, sandwiches, mac and cheese and meatloaf, and plenty of deep-fried goodies to choose from. The prime rib of beef au jus ($18.99 for the 12-ounce cut; $24.99 for 18 ounces) and the barbecue chicken and ribs combo ($23.99) that Ted and I enjoyed on our first visit were good enough. But they were unremarkable, as were the white cheddar cheese curds that we started the meal with ($6.99). The sides were much the same—I picked the twice-baked potato and Ted went with the baked mac and cheese, and the vegetable of the day was carrots (on both of our visits). The prime rib was medium-rare, as requested, and was juicy, but lacked flavor and seasoning. The mac and cheese wasn’t really cheesy, and although the
A Couple of Closures
Chicken and ribs combo at the Lodge Sasquatch Kitchen. twice-baked potato filling was fine, the potato shell was a bit undercooked. And it lacked proper seasoning. The barbecue ribs and chicken were the best part of the meal—both meats were moist and fall-off-the-bone tender and the barbecue sauce had a little kick. The food was much more hit-and-miss on our second visit. Out of sheer curiosity, I was tempted by the monstrosity that must be the Sasquatch burger ($15.99), which is served between two grilled cheese sandwiches instead of a bun. But reason got the better of me and I went for the LSK burger with bacon, fried onion tidbits, LTO and your choice of cheese ($9.99; I went with cheddar). Ted ordered the fried walleye ($17.99). Thank goodness we decided to order the blue cheese fries ($6.99) to start, because it took more than 30 minutes for our entrées to get to the table. The blue cheese fries were delicious and could easily feed a small army— they were covered in blue cheese and creamy sauce, topped with chopped green onions and served in a giant bowl. They’re extremely filling, so order with a friend and save room for your entrées, which also come in large portions. When the entrées finally arrived, mine was mostly disappointing— the burger was well-done (I ordered it medium) and very dry despite the cheese, LTO and condiments I kept adding in a desperate attempt to make it edible. The sweet potato fries, however, were absolutely excellent and Ted’s walleye was delicious (though his regular fries were limp and a bit chilly by the time they
The Lodge Sasquatch Kitchen
Brewd – A Coffee Lounge, at 39 N. Sixth Ave., has closed. I pass this location downtown daily. It was open one day, and the next day it was empty and the signage had been scraped from the window. “We believe that downtown Tucson has a vibrant future,” the Brewd blog said. “However, at this time, we have found the many obstacles and unpredictability of downtown to be too much for a small, familyowned, “mom and pop” business.” Daglio’s Cheesesteaks & Hoagies, 250 N. Pantano Road, has also closed. The owner cited a higher cost of operations as the reason.
Jack’s Resurrection
Pluses: Good drink selection; well-executed concept; great service and desserts
After jumping though legal hoops since October, the husband and wife team of James and Sylvia Williams will be reopening a Tucson food legend. Jack’s Original Barbecue, 5250 E. 22nd St. will reopen on April 6 with Jack’s original recipes and some added dishes with a Southern flair. Hours will be 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.
Minuses: Inconsistency in food quality; TVs everywhere
Cholla Bud Workshops
7265 N. La Cholla Blvd. 219-8528; lodgetucson.com Open 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. daily
arrived at the table). The fish was flaky, moist and cooked through, and the batter was nice and crisp and had great flavor. Lodge Sasquatch has an excellent drink selection (Moose Drool on tap, yummy), and a creative cocktail menu, though all of them tend toward the sweet side—even the Sasquatch ($6): gin, grapefruit juice, St. Germaine and soda. Desserts are also plentiful, and creative, and really, really tasty. We tried the half-baked chocolate chip cookie ($5), which was so insanely delicious that I would return solely on the basis of eating that again. And the Velveeta cheesecake ($7), which sounds downright bizarre, was actually quite tasty, though I couldn’t get past the texture. If the Lodge can put as much effort into making the quality of the food consistent as it has into the design and development of the restaurant concept, it will be a great addition to an area that desperately needs more restaurant choices.
You can learn how to harvest, process, preserve and cook cholla buds later this month. Baja Arizona Sustainable Agriculture is holding a workshop from 8 to 11 a.m. on Thursday, April 18, and Native Seeds/ SEARCH is holding one from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 20. Both workshops will be led by Martha Ames Burgess, an ethnobotanist and traditional harvester. The cost of the BASA workshop is $40 for nonmembers and $30 for members. The Native Seeds workshop costs $55 for nonmembers and $35 for members. Advance registration is requested by both organizations. For the BASA workshop, contact Meghan at 331-9821 or at meghan.mix@ bajaaz.org. You can register for the Native Seeds workshop at www.nativeseeds.org or by calling 622-0830, ext. 100. The BASA workshop will be held near Trail’s End Road and Camino de Oeste on the westside. The Native Seeds workshop will also be on the westside but a specific location hasn’t been announced.
APRIL 4-10, 2013
CHOW SCAN Chow Scan is the Weeklyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s selective guide to Tucson restaurants. Only restaurants that our reviewers recommend are included. Complete reviews are online at tucsonweekly.com. Chow Scan includes reviews from August 1999 to the present. Send comments and updates to: mailbag@tucsonweekly.com; fax to 792-2096; or mail to Tucson Weekly/Chow, P.O. Box 27087, Tucson, AZ 85726. These listings have no connection with Weekly advertising.
are huge, too. And the taste? Our veal Florentine and chicken picatta were divine, as were the desserts. The far eastside has itself a winner. (11-6-03) $$-$$$ VIROâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ITALIAN BAKERY AND CAFE E 8301 E. 22nd St. 885-4045. Open Tuesday 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Wednesday and Thursday 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V, Checks. This charming little Italian joint serves up meaty sandwiches, fresh breads and pastries, pizzas and a handful of pasta dishes, along with impressive daily specialsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;-including a Sunday breakfast buffet that may be one of the best brunch deals in town. (10-25-07) $-$$ VITELLOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S RISTORANTE ITALIANO NW 15930 N. Oracle Road, No. 178. 825-0140. Open
With this coupon. Expires April 30, 2013.
KEY PRICE RANGES $ $8 or less $ $ $8-$15 $ $ $ $15-$25 $ $ $ $ $25 and up. Prices are based on menu entrĂŠe selections, and exclude alcoholic beverages. FORMS OF PAYMENT
V Visa MC Mastercard AMEX American Express DIS Discover DC Dinerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club checks local checks with guarantee card and ID only debit debit cards CatCard University of Arizona CatCard. TYPE OF SERVICE Counter Quick or fast-food service, usually includes take-out. Diner Minimal table service. CafĂŠ Your server is most likely working solo. Bistro Professional servers, with assistants bussing tables. Full Cover Multiple servers, with the table likely well set. Full Bar Separate bar space for drinks before and after dinner. RESTAURANT LOCATION C Central North to River Road, east to Alvernon Way, west to
Granada Avenue downtown, and south to 22nd Street.
The burger so good you die and come back to life to finish.
NW Northwest North of River Road, west of Campbell
Avenue. NE Northeast North of River Road, east of Campbell Avenue.
/ 5) "7& t t WWW.LO4TH.COM
E East East of Alvernon Way, south of River Road. S South South of 22nd Street. W West West of Granada Avenue, south of River Road.
ITALIAN TAVOLINO RISTORANTE ITALIANO NW 2890 E. Skyline Drive. 531-1913. Open MondayThursday 11 a.m.-3 p.m. and 5-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-3 p.m. and 5-11 p.m. Full Cover/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Tavolino is now a shiny, chic kind of placeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and it didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss a beat in the move. The appetizers are fresh and fabulous. The pastas will delight. (Try the tagliatelle alla Bolognese; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s killer.) Other entrĂŠes, especially those coming off the grill, are great examples of how Italian food is supposed to be. Service is most professional. (8-12-10) $$-$$$ TRATTORIA PINA NE 5541 N. Swan Road. 577-6992. Open MondayFriday 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and 5-9 p.m.; Saturday 4:30-10 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, MC, V. Some individual dishes shine, but others would do well to be avoided. If you order carefully and bring the right company, the spectacular mountain views can seduce you into a moment of sheer well-being. (11-30-00) $-$$
Monday 4-8 p.m.; Tuesday-Thursday and Sunday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. CafĂŠ/ Beer and Wine. DIS, MC, V. What a pleasant surprise Vitelloâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cozy; the staff is friendly; and the menu has just about everything Italian you might crave. The sauces range from a house marinara to a creamy vodka to a rich gorgonzola to a briny white clam. The pizzas are also quite good; theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re simple and rustic. Panini, salads, veal, chicken, seafood and dishes are also available. The cannoli is like Nana used to make. (1-13-11) $-$$$ VIVACE C 4310 N. Campbell Ave. 795-7221. Open Monday-
Thursday 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, MC, V. If thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something Vivace doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do well, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve never been able to discover what it is. Lots of innovative pasta dishes, grilled meats and fresh seafood distinguish the menu, along with salads, appetizers and desserts to die for. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a bustling bistro that deserves its ongoing popularity. (4-26-01) $$-$$$ ZONA 78 NW 78 W. River Road. 888-7878. Open daily 11 a.m.-
10 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Also at 7301 E. Tanque Verde Road (296-7878). Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s casual; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cool; and the food makes the most of many fine Italian items (goodies from Willcox and Australia are also a big part of the scene). The bar is a great place to hang out while you enjoy one of the many wines or house specialty drinks. The pizzas are stone-fired with great combos, or you can build your own. This is definitely a place to be a regular. (7-6-06) $$
JAMAICAN CEEDEE JAMAICAN KITCHEN E 1070 N. Swan Road. 795-3400. Open TuesdaySunday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Counter/Full Bar. DIS, MC, V. Yes, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll find jerk chicken here (and oh, what heavenly jerk it is), but there are plenty of other island specialties to choose from as well: curry chicken, oxtails, plantains and more. The side called festival is like a hush puppy, only bigger and better. Desserts are unusual but tasty; the cold drinks refresh. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bob Marley music, and the staff is friendly. The only thing missing here is the beach. (10-21-10) $-$$
KOREAN KIMCHI TIME C 2900 E. Broadway Blvd., No. 186. 305-4900. Open Monday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10:30 p.m.; Sunday 4-9 p.m. CafĂŠ. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. As you would expect from the restaurantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name, kimchi is the star at Kimchi Timeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good stuff. Adventurous diners will love the bibim bap and the kimchi chigae (kimchi soup with pork and tofu), while unadventurous types will love the katsu and the bulgogi. Go there; the five complimentary kimchi plates served with each meal are worth the trip in and of themselves. (9-27-12) $$ KOREA HOUSE E 4030 E. Speedway Blvd. 325-4377. Open Monday-
Thursday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 5-9:30 p.m. Diner/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Bulgoki of fire and flavor, and mouth-watering grilled beef ribs, Korean-style. Good noodle soups, also. $-$$ SEOUL KITCHEN E 4951 E. Grant Road. 881-7777. Open Monday-
VERONA ITALIAN RESTAURANT E 120 S. Houghton Road. 722-2722. Open Tuesday-
Sunday 4-9 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. DIS, MC, V, Checks. With more than four dozen entrĂŠes to choose from, there are options aplenty at Verona. The portion sizes
Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Bistro/Beer and Wine. AMEX, MC, V. Seoul Kitchen dishes up quick, affordable and authentic Korean food with a smile. The crab puffs are a canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t-miss item, and be prepared to be overwhelmed with tasty side dishes and banchan plates. Portions are generous, and the food is delicious; you definitely wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t leave hungry. (2-11-10) $-$$
gluten-free. Get a dozen tamales to go; they reheat easily and quickly in the microwave. (3-12-09) $
CONTIGO COCINA LATINA NW 1745 E. River Road. 299-1730. Open MondaySaturday 5-10 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Contigo adds a touch of class and chic to Tucsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restaurant scene with delicious Spanish, South and Central American-inspired dishes and inventive cocktails. Serving up twists on classics from these regions, Contigo puts a focus on sustainably sourced ingredients. With lots of seafood and vegetarian options, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something for every palate. (8-19-10) $$$
DON PEDROâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S PERUVIAN BISTRO S 3386 S. Sixth Ave. 209-1740. Open Monday-
Saturday 10:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Bistro. Beer and Specialty Drinks. DIS, MC, V. Don Pedroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, a transplant from Rocky Point, Sonora, is a big part of the growing Peruvian-cuisine scene in Tucson. With mild flavors and quick, friendly service, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a tasty vacation for your palate from the sea of southside Mexican-food restaurants. (3-3-11) $$ DOS LOCOS NW Hilton El Conquistador, 10000 N. Oracle Road.
544-5000. Open daily 5-11 p.m. Full Cover/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, MC, V. Dos Locos easily holds its own in the limited local nuevo Latino market. If its dishes lack the unusual imagination of those at, say, CafĂŠ Poca Cosa, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a restaurant that lets you feel a little daring, without really straying too far afield. (12-6-07) $$-$$$ INCAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S PERUVIAN CUISINE NE 6878 E. Sunrise Drive. 299-1405. Open Tuesday-
Sunday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Bistro. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. DIS, MC, V and checks. Incaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is the place to go for a twist on the usual meat and potatoes. Warmly decorated with friendly service and delicately spiced food, Incaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s offers dishes that are truly unique. The pollo entero (whole roasted chicken), the ceviche mixto and the pisco sour are canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t-miss hits. Make sure you make a reservation. (4-1-10) $-$$ MAYA QUETZAL C 429 N. Fourth Ave. 622-8207. Open Monday-
Thursday 11:30 a.m.-8:45 p.m.; Friday and Saturday noon-8:45 p.m. Summer hours: Monday-Thursday 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-8:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday noon-8:45 p.m. CafĂŠ. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. MC, V. Nearly magical yet simple taste combinations from the Yucatan and Central America are featured. You can almost taste the green of the tropics in Maya Quetzalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vegetable and nut-meat combinations. $ MIGUELâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NW 5900 N. Oracle Road. 887-3777. Open daily 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Summer hours: Monday-Thursday 3-10 p.m.; Friday-Sunday noon-10 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Enjoy regional Mexican dishes in a lovely setting. Plenty of seafood and other entrĂŠes are served up in unique and tasty sauces. A tequila loverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heaven with choices aplenty. (10-7-04) $$-$$$ TUCSON TAMALE COMPANY C 2545 E. Broadway Blvd. 305-4760. Open MondayFriday 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sunday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. The Tucson Tamale Company offers a great origin story: Intuit executive decides to follow a dream by starting a tamale business in the middle of a heinous economy. The Tucson Tamale Company also offers some delicious food: Try the Santa Fe tamale, with pork loin, green chiles, cheddar, tomatoes and garlic. Vegans and those with gluten allergies have plenty to eat here, as the masa is
EUROPEAN MARKET AND DELI E 4500 E. Speedway Blvd., No. 36. 512-0206. Open Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. DIS, MC, V. A smattering of EasternEuropean beers, wines, sweets, liquors and other groceries makes this market/deli unique. Fast, friendly service and tasty classics round out the menu along with a wide selection of deli meats and cheeses. (1-29-09) $ LEE LEE ORIENTAL SUPERMARKET NW 1990 W. Orange Grove Road. 638-8328. Open daily 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Lee Lee Oriental Supermarket is far more than an average grocery store. With thousands of products that span the globe, along with fresh produce, meats and seafood, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sure to discover some new favorites. Thuan Kieu Vietnamese restaurant (open daily, 10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., cafĂŠ) has an extensive selection with really fresh, tasty ingredients, and Nan Tian BBQ (open Wednesday through Monday, 10:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., counter) serves up all kinds of barbecued delicacies, from chicken and duck feet to whole roasted suckling pigs. (5-6-10) RINCON MARKET C 2513 E. Sixth St. 327-6653. Open Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday 7 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunday 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V, Checks. Open as a neighborhood market since 1926, Rincon Market today is known for its wide variety of fresh, inexpensive foods. In the dining area, there are options aplenty: deli sandwiches, a large salad bar, a grill, baked goods, coffees, rotisserie chicken and more. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an iconic Tucson place to grab a quick, simple, delicious meal. (7-14-05) $ TIME MARKET C 444 E. University Blvd. 622-0761. Market open daily 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Deli open Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. MC, V. Time Market is four things in one. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a top-notch deli; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a popular woodfire pizza joint; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a coffee bar; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a quirky market full of hard-to-find foods. With a friendly staff and reasonable prices, Time Market is a longtime Tucson favorite. We recommend the green gringo sandwich, mixing a green corn tamale with shredded chicken, cheddar, salsa and green olives on sourdough. Yum! (7-14-05) $-$$
MEXICAN BIRRĂ?A GUADALAJARA C 304 E. 22nd St. 624-8020. Open daily 7 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Counter/Diner/No Alcohol. Cash only. One of the best quick-stop Mexican food venues in town. The carne asada and birrĂa burros are standouts. $ BKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S S 5118 S. 12th Ave. 295-0105. Open Sunday-Thursday 9 a.m.-midnight; Friday and Saturday 9 a.m.-2 a.m. Counter/No Alcohol. MC, V. Also at 2680 N. First Ave. (207-2245). Nothing fancy, nothing grand, just a boatload of some of the best carne asada youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ever likely to sample. A scrumptious salsa bar with lots of goodies to complement your tacos, quesadillas or caramelos (quesadillas with carne asada) is a delightful bonus, and the Sonoran hot dogs put the usual ballpark fare to shame. $
BLANCO TACOS AND TEQUILA NW 2905 E. Skyline Drive, No. 246. 232-1007. Open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Another addition to the Fox restaurant empireâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and the second Fox restaurant at La Encantadaâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;is yet another winner. Excellent updated Sonoran food, crackling service, a spectacular view and a hip, young vibe make Blanco worth the foothills prices. (8-30-07) $$$-$$$$ BOCA C 828 E. Speedway Blvd. 777-8134. Open Monday-
Saturday 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday noon-8 p.m. Counter/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Boca offers upscale indoor versions of Tucsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s street food, and is doing tacos the right way, with lots of flavor and high-quality ingredients. Generous portions and playfully presented food are just the beginning. With a few dozen tequilas at the bar and reasonable prices, Boca is the perfect addition to the university-area restaurant scene. (10-710) $-$$ LA BOTANA TACO GRILL AND CANTINA C 3200 N. First Ave. 777-8801. Open Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. CafĂŠ. Beer and Margaritas. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. This little â&#x20AC;&#x153;cantinaâ&#x20AC;? offers big flavors and lots of fun. Build your own burrito or quesadilla by mixing and matching grilled meats, seafood and an assortment of other goodies. Seafood dishes are done well here, and dining on the patio is reminiscent of Mexican beachside spots. On weekends, margaritas are 2-for-1 all day long. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the perfect counter to the heat and smoke from many dishes. (1-21-10) $ LAS BRASAS TAQUERĂ?A C 2928 E. 22nd St. 881-6077. Open Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Counter/Beer Only. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Watch your own steak, chicken or tripas de leche sputter on the brazier grill and be deftly placed in a tortilla, taco or torta roll. The sides are fresh and zippy, and the mealâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a deal! $ CAFĂ&#x2030; POCA COSA C 110 E. Pennington St. 622-6400. Open TuesdayThursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.10 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. DIS, MC, V. For years, owner Suzana Davila has delighted residents and visitors alike with her Like Water for Chocolate style of Mexican food. The sauces at CafĂŠ Poca Cosa are extraordinary, reflecting an intricate blend of chiles and spicing as unusual
as they are delicious. Pile on the incredible purĂŠed salsa, and try not to miss the mole and pipian. (4-1300) $$-$$$ CASA MOLINA E 6225 E. Speedway Blvd. 886-5468. Open daily 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Bistro/CafĂŠ/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Also at 3001 N. Campbell Ave. (795-7593) and 4240 E. Grant Road (326-6663). A family operation with roots tracing back over the last five decades, Casa Molina is one of the most consistent places in town to sample true Mexican food. With an extensive menu that includes tacos, tostadas, enchiladas and chimichangasâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;as well as fried shrimp and hamburgers for more timid palatesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Casa Molina boasts something for every taste. Children are always welcome, and the margaritas are top-flight. (8-12-99) $-$$ CHACOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S CAFE S 2027 S. Craycroft Road. 790-1828. Open Monday-
Saturday 6 a.m.-2 p.m. CafĂŠ/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Chacoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CafĂŠ feels like a small-town Arizona joint, with casual service, red checkered vinyl tablecloths and inexpensive, tasty eats. All of the Mexican standards youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d expect are offered, from green-corn tamales to shrimp fajitas. The salsa bar is a nice touch, and you can entertain yourself by reading all of the wise sayings handwritten on the walls. (7-15-10) $-$$ CLUB 21 C 2920 N. Oracle Road. 622-3092. Open Sunday and Tuesday-Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. CafĂŠ/Full Bar. MC, V. Offering good Mexican food for more than 50 years, this neighborhood favorite should be considered when looking for a cool place to enjoy a margarita or a cold beer. Moderately priced meals make it a nice place for families, too. (4-22-04) $-$$ CROSSROADS RESTAURANT DRIVE IN S 2602 S. Fourth Ave. 624-0395. Open Sunday-
Thursday 7 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 7 a.m.noon. CafĂŠ/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Crossroads has been around for decades, and when you taste the restaurantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s food, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll know why. Traditional Mexican fare and seafood dishes primarily featuring shrimp and filet of sole highlight the menu. The service is friendly, and if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re in a hurry, you can get anything on the menu to go; you can even get a six-pack to take home. (7-24-03) $-$$
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EL CHARRO CAFÉ E 6310 E. Broadway Blvd. 745-1922. Open SaturdayThursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Summer hours: Monday-Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.9 p.m. Café/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Also at 311 N. Court Ave. (622-1922), 7725 N. Oracle Road, Suite 101 (229-1922), 6910 E. Sunrise Road (5141922) and 15920 S. Rancho Sahuarita (325-1922). A Tucson tradition since 1922, El Charro has taken its delectable show on the road with several satellite locations. The food is as fabulous as ever, no matter which establishment you happen to stumble into, especially the unparalleled carne seca and any of the giant chimichangas. $$-$$$ EL CORONADO FAMILY RESTAURANT S 9040 E. Valencia Road, No. 100. 574-7776. Open Monday-Saturday 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Café/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Good Mexican food has come to Rita Ranch! El Coronado serves up tasty stuffed quesadillas, and the chorizo and egg plate is a revelation. The menu includes both Mexican classics like menudo and gringo classics like chicken fried steak. In other words (cliché alert): There’s something for everyone! (4-8-10) $-$$ EL MEZÓN DEL COBRE C 2960 N. First Ave. 791-0977. Open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Café/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. If you think you’ve tried them all, check out El Mezón del Cobre’s special brand of Mexican food. The hot-and-spicy huichol shrimp will ignite the taste buds of hot fanatics, and the layered enchiladas bring new meaning and taste to the genre of south-of-the-border cuisine. Delightful cantina atmosphere. $$-$$$
EL MINUTO CAFÉ C 354 S. Main Ave. 882-4145. Open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Café/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. El Minuto Café has been serving Tucson some of the best Mexican food around for more than 60 years. The chiles rellenos simply can’t be beat. $-$$ EL PARADOR C 2744 E. Broadway Blvd. 881-2744. Open MondayThursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m.-2 a.m.; Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-10 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. This longtime Tucson favorite continues to please with one of the city’s most unique dining areas—the main room is an old courtyard that’s now indoors, even though real trees and plants remain. The food’s worth noting, too— some dishes are hit-and-miss, but you’ll always win with the fantastic tableside guacamole. (1-1-04) $$-$$$ EL RIO BAKERY W 901 N. Grande Ave. 624-4996. Open MondaySaturday 6 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sunday 6 a.m.-3 p.m. Counter/ No Alcohol. MC, V. El Rio Bakery’s been around for decades, and when you sample their delicious pastries (we particularly like the empanadas), you’ll know why. However, El Rio also offers up other tasty Mexican fare; the soups are especially good. We recommend a steaming-hot bowl of albondigas (meatball) soup. (2-18-10) $ EL SUR E 5602 E. 22nd St. 748-1032. Open Monday-Saturday
9 a.m.-9 p.m. Café. Beer and Specialty Drinks. MC, V. This is one of those secret little places that you might not want to share with everybody. Old-fashioned, damn good Mexican fare is served up with a smile. The tortillas are made specially for El Sur and definitely add an extra touch. The décor is funky and down-home, and the servers treat you like family. With prices and flavors that remind of a simpler time, the place attracts a crowd. Try the flan if you have any room for dessert! (12-29-05) $ LA FRESITA W 1450 W. St. Mary’s Road. 622-4005. Open daily 6 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. DC, DIS, MC, V. More than just a friendly neighborhood taqueria, La Fresita offers full plates of goodies such as steak ranchero, chiles, tacos, burros, quesadillas and more. The corn tortillas are homemade and served up fresh and hot every day. The fruit shakes are sweet and delicious. With breakfast, lunch and dinner on the menu, La Fresita has literally something for everybody, even gringos! Hamburgers are on the menu. (10-6-05) $ LA FUENTE C 1749 N. Oracle Road. 623-8659. Open Sunday-
Friday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday noon-10 p.m. Bistro/ Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Take a fresh look at this Tucson classic. With tasty Mexican-food classics like chiles rellenos and unexpected surprises like fried red snapper, La Fuente is definitely worth a visit if you haven’t been in a while. A nice tequila and margarita selection is also offered. (5-27-10) $$-$$$
GUADALAJARA GRILL WEST C 1220 E. Prince Road. 323-1022. Open daily 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Salsa is made tableside, and the customer is in charge of what goes into it. The chips are fresh, hot and endless, but leave room for what comes next. Every dish is redolent with distinct and finely tuned flavors. (10-21-04) $$-$$$ LA INDITA C 622 N. Fourth Ave. 792-0523. Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Tuesday 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.; Saturday 6-9 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Diner/Beer and Wine. DIS, MC, V. La Indita’s menu shows its Michoacan Tarascan Indian heritage. Menu items like the Tarascan tacos and Indian fry bread make La Indita a continued favorite. $ LEO’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT E 5114 E. Speedway Blvd. 325-9180. Open Monday-
Saturday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Café/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Leo’s may be one of the city’s best-kept secrets. You’ll find such delicious standards as cheese enchiladas, flautas and burros, along with treats like mole and fish tacos. There are vegetarian specialties and a kids’ menu as well. The house margarita also is a winner. Finish off your meal with those airy puffs of fried dough: sopapillas. (11-22-07) $-$$ LUPITA’S CAFE NW 7077 N. Thornydale Road. 744-7505. Open
Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday 7 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday, 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Café. Beer, Wine and Margaritas. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Lupita’s Cafe brings a little southside flavor to the northwest with authentic, affordable Mexican fare. Friendly service and a bright, colorful atmosphere make this cozy café a great dining experience, and the Sonoran hot dogs are among the best in town. Breakfast is served all day, and don’t miss out on the expertly cooked menudo on Saturdays and Sundays. (6-17-10) $-$$ MAICO C 835 E. 22nd St. 294-2836. Open Monday-Saturday
6 a.m.-11 p.m.; Sunday 6 a.m.-8 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. MC, V. One could easily miss Maico, situated along busy 22nd Street. We’re glad we didn’t. Tiny as it may be, Maico serves some excellent Mexican chow for diners to enjoy in its outside dining area. Maico has a way with beef, chicken, pork and fish. You’ll find all the usual taqueria items and friendly service. (11-13-08) $ MARIA’S CAFÉ S 3530 S. Sixth Ave. 620-1465. Open Tuesday-
Saturday 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Café/ Beer and Wine. AMEX, MC, V. Quality Mexican food and tableside pay television sets—what more is there to say? In operation for a quarter of a century, Maria’s satisfies on a variety of levels. $-$$ MARISCOS CHIHUAHUA S 3901 S. Sixth Ave. 741-0361. Open daily 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Diner/Beer Only. AMEX, DIS, MC, V, Cash and checks. Also at 1009 N. Grande Ave. (623-3563), 2902 E. 22nd St. (326-1529), 999 N. Swan Road (881-2372), 356 E. Grant Road (884-3457), 435 W. Irvington Road (294-3194) and 4185 W. Ina Road (572-2523). Alcohol served varies per location. A bit of the Mexican seaside has found its way north. At Mariscos Chihuahua, shellfish reigns supreme with fresh Guaymas shrimp being the specialty of the house. Don’t miss the shrimp ceviche, a Mariscos favorite that has regulars coming back for more. $-$$ MARTIN’S COMIDA CHINGONA C 555 N. Fourth Ave. 884-7909. Open MondaySaturday 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and 5:30-10:30 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Café/BYO. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V and checks. Martin’s fits the Fourth Avenue vibe perfectly: It’s fun; it’s casual; it’s independent; and the food’s pretty darned good. The huevos rancheros—with a surprising number of delicious vegetables—is excellent, and the carne asada has a rich, smoky flavor. Just don’t ask for guacamole or sour cream. (9-23-10) $-$$ MARY’S LUCKY DOLLAR MARKET S 1555 S. 10th Ave. 884-8720. Open Monday-Friday
6 a.m.-1 p.m. Café/No Alcohol. Cash. Mary’s is one of Tucson’s least-refined restaurants, but the insanely cheap, flavorful food keeps locals a-comin’. The chorizo is the house specialty; alongside some eggs, potatoes and refried beans, it’s pure deliciousness. (2-18-10) $ MI NIDITO S 1813 S. Fourth Ave. 622-5081. Open Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday 11 a.m.-10:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-2 a.m. Diner. Beer, Wine and Margaritas. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Another of the perennial Tucson favorites, with consistently good food and service generally worth the wait—particularly if you’re looking for a great chile relleño. $ MICHA’S S 2908 S. Fourth Ave. 623-5307. Open Sunday 7 a.m.8 p.m.; Monday 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m.; Tuesday-Thursday
6:30 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 6:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Diner/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. One of the perennial favorites among local Mexican food aficionados. The chorizos are made on site, and the chimis are crisp and full. $-$$ LA OLLA NW 8553 N. Silverbell Road, No. 102. 579-0950. Open Monday-Saturday 11:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. CafĂŠ. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. AMEX, MC, V. While chains dominate in Marana, La Olla is a wonderful mom-and-pop place with a Mexican bent. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll find all the traditional stuffâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;enchiladas, tacos, chimisâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;along with some surprisingly creative items, from appetizers to desserts. For starters, try the empanadas: tiny pies filled with cilantro pesto, shrimp chile and manchego cheese. EntreĂŠs include a breaded pork tenderloin topped with garlic shrimp and chipotle crema. (5-28-09) $$ PAPA LOCOS TACOS AND BURGERS S 8201 S. Rita Ranch Road. 663-3333. Open MondaySaturday 6:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.; Sunday 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, MC, V. What a find! To compete in Tucsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intense Mexican-food scene, a restaurant has to hit all of the marksâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;atmosphere, service and food. Papa Locos does that, and then some. The food is delicious and fresh, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s served in a friendly, upbeat way. The burgers are big and juicy; the onion rings are hot and crisp. But it is the Mexican side of the menu thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll bring you back. Try the enchilocos, a curious fusion of taco and enchilada. Canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t decide on red or green sauce? You can have both. The carnitas are amazingly rich and tasty. (10-4-12) $ LA PARRILLA SUIZA C 2720 N. Oracle Road. 624-4300. Open Sunday-
Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Diner/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Also at 5602 E. Speedway Blvd. (747-4838) and 4250 W. Ina Road (572-7200). Friendly service, delicious food and a large menu. What more could one ask for? Try the chimichanga; you will not regret it. (2-20-03) $$-$$$ PERFECTOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MEXICAN RESTAURANT S 5404 S. 12th Ave. 889-5651. Open MondayWednesday 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Thursday-Saturday 7 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sunday 7 a.m.-5 p.m. CafĂŠ/No Alcohol. DIS, MC, V. This homey little spot attracts a crowd. Perfectoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s serves all the usual stuff, and there is truly something for everybody. Kids will enjoy a burro and french fries; grown-ups will enjoy luscious soups, fresh seafood and homemade desserts. A Sunday buffet attracts a huge crowd, and the house-made choco flan is unique and tasty. (12-10-09) $-$$ LA PLACITA CAFĂ&#x2030; E 2950 N. Swan Road, No. 131. 881-1150. Open Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-9 p.m.; Sunday 5-9 p.m. Full Cover. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. The official Mexican restaurant of the Old Fort Lowell Neighborhood, La Placita CafĂŠ, tucked away in Plaza Palomino, serves up consistently good, lard-free Sonoran and Oaxacan food in nearsecret. Divine chile rellenos, sopa de mariscos and delicious mole are among the standouts on the large menu. Nice folks, too. (4-26-07) $$-$$$ QUESADILLAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GRILL C 110 S. Church Ave., Suite 7136. 798-3697. Open
Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. DC, DIS, MC, V. The menu features standard tacos, enchiladas and tostadas. The breakfast burritos are especially worth checking out, featuring an â&#x20AC;&#x153;assemble-your-ownâ&#x20AC;? list of ingredients that makes breakfast worth getting up for. (3-1-01) $ SAN CARLOS MEXICAN GRILL W 1370 N. Silverbell Road, No. 180. 792-2075. Open
Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. CafĂŠ/Beer Only. DIS, MC, V. Ample, reliable servings of shrimp and fish dishes inspired by Sea of Cortez cuisine, plus the usual Sonoran favorites, are as unpretentious but appealing as the restaurantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nicely done storefront space. (11-15-07) $-$$ SIR VEZAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TACO GARAGE E 4699 E. Speedway Blvd. 323-8226. Open Sunday-
Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. (bar open until midnight); Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-midnight (bar open until 2 a.m.). Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Also at 220 W. Wetmore Road (888-8226). Sir Vezaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is a cool concept, mixing cars (including occasional hot-rod-themed events), booze, sports, music and youthful energy. The food is cheap and largely tasty, with numerous taco offerings, salads, burgers and even â&#x20AC;&#x153;chicken and churros.â&#x20AC;? The patio is wonderful (even if the view is not), and there are numerous tequila choices. This is a great place to get just a little bit rowdy with friends. (6-3-10). $-$$ TACO GIRO MEXICAN GRILL E 5754 E. 22nd St. 514-2199. Open daily 7 a.m.-10 p.m. CafĂŠ. Beer and Margaritas. AMEX, MC and V. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
an undeniable formula for success: great food at seriously low prices. The salsa barâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cool, and the service is quick and friendly. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no decor to speak of, however: This is a place to go when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re craving good Mexican food, and you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to bust your budget. (2-21-08) $ TAQUERIA JUANITOS W 708 W. Grant Road. 623-2222. Open SundayThursday 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. DIS, MC, V. This tiny taqueria brings in a mixed crowd with its fast, flavorful fare. Tacos, quesadillas, burros, sopas and tortas can be found on the lunch/dinner menu. Protein options run the gamut from a nicely browned carne asada to a tangy ceviche. Breakfast burros are also part of the mix, but we preferred the huevos rancheros. Avocado slices are big here, and are included with most meals. (10-2512) $ TAQUERIA PICO DE GALLO S 2618 S. Sixth Ave. 623-8775. Open daily 9 a.m.-9
p.m. Counter/Diner/No Alcohol. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Although not as flashy as some of its competitors on the Tucson Mexican food scene, Pico de Gallo has nevertheless been serving up outstanding fare for years. Ceviche, birria, fresh fruit cocktail and a carne asada to die for are just a few of the treats to savor when visiting this gem of a restaurant. $ TEQUILA FACTORY S 5655 W. Valencia Road (800) 344-9435. Open Monday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-10 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, MC, V. An emphasis on presentation highlights the colorfully decorated Tequila Factory; each dish looks like a work of art. The food, featuring typical Mexican fare, usually tastes pretty goodâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but it always looks amazing. An all-you-can-eat brunch is offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday. (11-20-03) $$-$$$ TERESAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MOSAIC CAFĂ&#x2030; W 2456 N. Silverbell Road. 624-4512. Open MondaySaturday 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Diner/Full Bar. DIS, MC, V. With regional Mexican cuisine, featuring the cooking of Oaxaca, Teresaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mosaic CafĂŠ has become one of the nicer places in town to suck down margaritas and nibble on fresh tortillas. A lofty view of the Catalinas and the rich complexity of Oaxacan molĂŠs can be sampled with equal pleasure. $-$$ ZENDEJAS #13 C 1628 E. Sixth St. 867-8001. Open MondayWednesday 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thursday-Saturday 10 a.m.2 a.m. CafĂŠ/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, VISA. Legendary UA placekicker Max Zendejas is back, and instead of serving up last-second field goals, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s serving up inexpensive Mexican fare. Burros are central, as is cold beer and the casual, comfy atmosphere. The red chili burro is a winner for red meat-lovers; seafood fans will find a grilled tilapia burro. Gringos can munch on wings and burgers. The place is tiny, so if you want to get a table on game day, get there early. (9-9-10) $ ZIVAZ MEXICAN BISTRO E 4590 E. Broadway Blvd. 325-1234. Open MondayThursday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.9 p.m. CafĂŠ/Counter. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. While the look and layout of Zivaz feels familiar, the restaurantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s melding of tasty, nuanced Mexican food with a fast-casual format is quite unique. Most of the dishesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;from standards like tacos, sopa de tortilla and enchiladas to somewhat unusual fast-casual fare like the pescado ajillo (a garlic/mushroom mahimahi)â&#x20AC;&#x201D;are sure to please. (4-6-06) $-$$
MIDDLE EASTERN ALIBABA PERSIAN AND MEDITERRANEAN RESTAURANT C 2545 E. Speedway Blvd., No. 125. 319-2559. Open Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.8 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. This humble strip-mall restaurant serves a variety of delicious kabobs, pita sandwiches, lamb shank, gyro and more. Vegetarians have plenty of options. Catering services are available. $ FALAFEL KING C 1800 E. Fort Lowell Road, No. 168. 319-5554. Open Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. CafĂŠ/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Falafel King offers high-quality Lebanese fast food. The shawarma can sometimes be a tad dry, but the lamb kabobs are moist; the falafel is superb; and the baba ganoushâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a pureed eggplant dipâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; is smokey, rich and irresistible. (2-7-08) $-$$ SHISH KEBAB HOUSE OF TUCSON E 5855 E. Broadway Blvd., No. 118. 745-5308. Open Monday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Tuesday-Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday noon-8 p.m. CafĂŠ/Counter/Full Bar. AMEX,
DIS, MC, V, Checks. Try the motabal, a sinuous purĂŠe of eggplant grilled over an open flame, completely unlike any baba ganoush weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever had. Together with a deftly light and lemony version of hummos and the cracked-wheat dish tabouli, it makes a refreshing meal. The kafta is ground beef with a hint of ginger. Meals at Shish Kebab House are all available to goâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and with seating for no more than 60, that seems like a good plan. $-$$ SINBADâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S FINE MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE C 810 E. University Ave. 623-4010. Open MondayThursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Saturday noon-10 p.m.; Sunday 4-9 p.m. CafĂŠ/Beer and Wine. DIS, MC, V. The atmosphere at this university-area restaurant is delightfully beautiful, and the foodâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s even better. Fresh, flavorful and often healthyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;many selections are vegetarianâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no wonder Sinbadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is a Tucson favorite. (5-8-03) $-$$ ZAYNA MEDITERRANEAN CAFE E 4122 E. Speedway Blvd. 881-4348. Open daily 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Counter/BYO. MC, V. Zaynaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s serves up some of the best beef gyro youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll find anywhere. The meats served here are all moist and perfectly cooked, and the vegetarian offerings are delightful and flavorful. Consider a piece of baklava for dessert. (11-12-09) $-$$
mother hubbardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
cafe native american comfort food southwestern comfor t food
WEEKLY SPECIAL Red Mole French Toast Served with eggs and house-made sausage. Serving Tucsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Most Unique Breakfasts and Brunches
PAN-ASIAN ASIAN BISTRO C 3122 N. Campbell Ave., No. 100. 881-7800. Open Monday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-midnight; Sunday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. CafĂŠ/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Yes, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll find plenty of traditional Asian plates here, but this midtown â&#x20AC;&#x153;bistroâ&#x20AC;? also offers an assortment of dishes from all over China, Thailand and other countries. While dining at the restaurant is a pleasant experience, Asian Bistro also delivers to a wide area of midtown. Beverages include fruity slushes, bubble teas and blended coffees. (5-29-08) $-$$ AZIAN C 15 N. Alvernon Way. 777-8311. Open MondayThursday 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.-10 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.-midnight; Saturday 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and 5-midnight; Sunday noon to 9:30 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. While Azian needs more-helpful sushi-roll menus, and the servers need to explain the do-it-yourself Korean barbecue a heck of a lot better, the results sure are tasty. The all-you-can-eat options come with a buffet at both lunch and dinner, and bento boxes are offered at lunch time. (6-14-12) $-$$
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$1 Carne Asada Tacos $1 PBR $2 Tequila Shots $4 Chips & Gourmet Salsa $5 Margaritas
From Our kitchen to your
THE BAMBOO CLUB E 5870 E. Broadway Blvd., No. 524. 514-9665. Open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. An upscale Pacific Rim palace of a place where generous portions of familiar food with exotic twists are grilled, woked, sizzled, steamed and noodled. (12-12-02) $$-$$$ CHOPSTIX ASIAN DINER S 3820 S. Palo Verde Road, Suite 101. 889-7849. Open Monday-Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m.9:30 p.m.; Saturday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Sunday 11:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Counter/Diner/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. This diner serves fresh, fast food done up Asian style. By day, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a buffet. And at night, it offers friendly table service with all types of Asian specialties. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a nice place to enjoy a quick lunch or meet with friends. Enjoy the tasty wor wonton soup and crab puffs. No sushi, though. (1-20-05) $-$$ DAOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TAI PANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S E 446 N. Wilmot Road. 722-0055. Open daily 10 a.m.-8 p.m. CafĂŠ/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. A huge menu of delicious Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine makes Daoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worth visiting. The restaurant may look like a fast-food joint, but the cuisine and the service prove that Daoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is anything but. Be sure to try the multifaceted Vietnamese crepe. (2-17-05) $-$$ GRAIN RIVER ASIAN BISTRO NW 12985 N. Oracle Road. 818-1555. Open TuesdaySaturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday noon-9 p.m. CafĂŠ. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll find a just about all kinds of Asian food here. Korean? By all means, with a tasty bulgogi. Japanese? Try the teppanyaki. Thai? Both curry and noodle dishes are available. Chinese? Check out house specialties such as the fall-apart-tender Grain River fish. Friendly service. (9-13-12) $$
Belly up to the bar for a delicious drink!
Lunch, Dinner, & Weekend Brunch in our beautiful courtyard! Live Music Wednesday - Sunday!
HOT WOK ASIAN BISTRO E 7755 E. Golf Links Road, No. 101. 751-6374. Open
Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-8
201 N Court Ave
p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. DIS, MC and V. At this small Asian fast-casual joint, the food is plentiful and fairly priced—and it comes out of the kitchen hot and fast. While most of the menu is Chinese-influenced, you can also find pho, pad Thai and wings. Hot Wok is not glamorous, but considering that most of the restaurants nearby are chains, this is a pleasant neighborhood spot. Don’t look for smiles from the staff—but do look for a great deal. (3-1-12) $ OM MODERN ASIAN KITCHEN NW 1765 E. River Road. 299-7815. Open MondaySaturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 3-10 p.m. Full Cover/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. The menu at this sleek “modern kitchen” reads like a culinary tour of Asia. There’s a sure hand and a creative mind in the kitchen, assuring that flavors and textures come together in wonderful ways. A potato salad laced with luscious duck confit was splendid, and the sushi is as pretty as it is tasty. Bento boxes are served at lunch. (5-20-10) $$-$$$ PEI WEI ASIAN DINER C 845 E. University Blvd. 884-7413. Open Sunday-
Thursday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Summer hours: daily 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Also at 5285 E. Broadway Blvd. (514-7004) and 633 W. Ina Road (297-3238). The folks behind P.F. Chang’s have brought fast-casual Asian fare to Tucson with its Pei Wei chain, and the mini-Chang’s does the parent proud. Featuring delicious, freshly prepared Asian standards at fairly cheap prices, Pei Wei is a great place to grab some fine Asian food to go, or to sit down with the college kids and eat in a modern atmosphere. (11-27-03) $-$$ RICE HOUSE CHINA THAI C 54 W. Congress St. 622-9557. Open Monday-Friday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday Noon-9 p.m. Café/Counter/ Beer Only. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. The food at this downtown spot, which offers a full assortment of both Thai and Chinese standards, can be hit-and-miss—but when it’s good, it’s really good. The tom yum soup is incredible, and you should really try the pad prig king (a dry red curry). You can find some amazing deals as lunch specials, too. (1-12-12) $-$$ SERI MELAKA E 6133 E. Broadway Blvd. 747-7811. Open MondayThursday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Saturday 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 11:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Café/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. For a wonderful dip into the festive and aromatic cooking of Southeast Asia, a trip to Seri Melaka will leave your senses swimming. From the spicy, authentic sambals to the outstanding curries, Seri Melaka serves up authentic cuisine at reasonable prices. (10-18-01) $$ THAI CHINA BISTRO E 5121 E. Grant Road. 325-5185. Open daily 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. MC, V. What a nice little find! As the name indicates, there is both Thai and Chinese food here. There’s also sushi, with a bit of Korean thrown in for good measure. The pad Thai is tangy and tender, and the squid salad is a winner— loaded not just with tender squid, but also fresh greens and other vegetables in a soy-based sauce. The service at this fast-casual place is friendly and upbeat. (4-1912) $-$$ UMI STAR C 2502 N. Campbell Ave. 777-4465. Open TuesdayThursday 11 a.m.-midnight; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-2 a.m.; Sunday 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Bistro/Full Bar. MC, V. Umi Star brings Asian street food to the Campbell Avenue corridor. With a menu that’s half sushi and half Asian-style tapas, there are some creative dishes that definitely shine, like the sushi bruschetta, the sushi burrito and the smoked eel with avocado and candied macadamia nut. The drinks are crafted with care and are delightful, but the cold, empty-warehouse feel of the décor might keep you from sticking around for many of them. (1-3-13) $-$$$ WEI ASIAN CAFÉ E 9450 E. Golf Links Road. 722-1119. Open MondaySaturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday noon-9 p.m. Café/ Beer and Wine. MC, V. The far eastside’s restaurant scene is looking a bit better thanks to Wei. The café aspires to be truly pan-Asian, featuring a huge menu of dishes attributed to China, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore. The food is reasonably priced and consistently decent to excellent. Give the sesame chicken a shot if you’re unsure what to try. (10-20-05) $-$$
PIZZA 1702 C 1702 E. Speedway Blvd. 325-1702. Open MondaySaturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Café/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. This little university-area pizza joint has friendly service and pizza slices bigger than your head. With an ever-changing 50-plus beers on tap, there’s something for everyone. If that’s not enough, generous salads and delicious wings will keep you coming back for more. (3-13-08) $$ BIANCHI’S W 1110 N. Silverbell Road. 882-8500. Open Sunday-
Thursday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-midnight. Counter/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Twice-cooked for crisp crust that tears well, their Meateater’s Supreme is packed at 13 inches. $-$$ BROOKLYN PIZZA COMPANY C 534 N. Fourth Ave. 622-6868. Open Monday-
Thursday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-2:30 a.m.; Sunday noon-10 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. There may be nothing gourmet or innovatively outrageous about Brooklyn Pizza, but if you like your pie with a crunchy, handtossed crust, a savory simmered tomato sauce, lots of gooey mozzarella cheese and the traditional toppings of your choice, you’ve come to the right place. Sandwiches also reflect attention to the “only best ingredients” philosophy. There’s nothing here that will disappoint. $ BZ’S PIZZA E 9431 E. 22nd St., No. 137. 546-1402. Open
Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Café/Beer and Wine. DIS, MC, V. Eastsiders have a nifty little pizza joint that puts out some great gourmet pies. The crust is light and chewy; the sauce is smooth and rich; and if you can’t find a topping you like, you should just stay home. Nightly pasta specials, great salads and sandwiches are on the menu. The vibe is family-friendly, although BZ’s is also a great place to meet friends for a glass of wine and a couple of pizzas. (7-7-11) $-$$ EMPIRE PIZZA AND PUB C 137 E. Congress St. 882-7499. Open Sunday-
Wednesday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Thursday-Saturday 11 a.m.-3 a.m. Counter/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Empire Pizza and Pub has injected a new kind of life into downtown Tucson, serving up big New York-style pizza by the slice (or whole), along with some salads and Italian sandwiches. The small patio offers views of the craziness on Congress Street, while the back bar area offers a couple of TVs featuring whatever game happens to be on. (2-3-11) $ GRANDMA TONY’S E 7010 E. Broadway Blvd. 885-7117. Open Sunday-
Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Diner/No Alcohol. MC, V. Also at 7878 E. Wrightstown Road (886-4461). Brought to you by the folks at the Gaslight Theatre, these are hand-tossed pies with a round edge and real mozzarella. The favorites are the ham and pineapple or the mushroom and sausage. For the same lowish price, you can also order any combination of toppings. $-$$ GRIMALDI’S C 446 N. Campbell Ave., No. 100. 882-6100. Open
Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. One of New York City’s highest-rated pizza joints is serving some of the best pizza in Tucson. You’ll pay more here for your coal brick-oven pie, but it’s worth it. We recommend sitting in the bar area while you munch on your pizza or calzone, so you can watch the doughthrowing and pizza-baking show. All three sauces (red, white and pesto) are tasty; just be careful while selecting the often-pricey toppings. (9-25-08) $$-$$$ LA MADRINA NW 7872 N. Oracle Road. 742-2111. Open Monday-
Thursday 11 a.m.-8:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday noon-8 p.m. Summer hours: Closed Monday. Counter/Beer and Wine. DIS, MC, V. This tiny joint offers up good pizza, decent sandwiches, nice salads and a most-interesting cheesecake, all wrapped up in an unpretentious setting. Tucked away in a corner of the Trader Joe’s plaza on North Oracle Road, La Madrina has been in business since the mid-’80s. Pizzas come in four sizes with a wide assortment of toppings, including anchovies and shrimp. And the “best cheesecake ever” is pretty darn good. (8-16-12) $-$$ MAGPIES GOURMET PIZZA E 105 S. Houghton Road. 751-9949. Open Monday-
Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Also at 4654 E. Speedway Blvd. (795-5977), 605 N. Fourth Ave. (628-1661) and 7315 N. Oracle Road (2972712). Only the Fourth Avenue location serves beer and
wine. This local chain brags about serving the best pizza in town—and to a large extent, they back up that brag. Fresh ingredients and lots of them highlight their diverse selection of pies. (6-12-03) $-$$ MARCO’S PIZZA S 6330 E. Golf Links Road, Suite 142. 747-3898. Open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-midnight. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Also at 10550 N. La Cañada Drive (2976500) and 5650 S. 12th Ave., Suite 180 (300-4449). This Ohio-based franchise offers some of the better chain-joint pizza in Tucson. The chicken fresco pie— featuring moist grilled chicken, tangy red sauce and delicious bacon—left our mouths watering and wanting more. Some of the employees weren’t as knowledgeable as they could have been, but there’s no denying that Marco’s makes exceptionally tasty, moderately priced pizzas. (12-18-08) $$-$$$ NEW YORK PIZZA DEPARTMENT E 1521 N. Wilmot Road. 207-7667. Open Sunday-
Friday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. New York Pizza Department offers some of Tucson’s best thin-crust pies, both whole and by the slice. The ingredients make the pizzas so great—yes, that’s real ham, not lunchmeat, on your meat-lover pizza. Calzones, panini, stromboli, subs both hot and cold, Italian bombers, wings, salads and several entrées round out the sizable menu. (12-22-11) $-$$
3-9 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. You can’t argue with the success of Tino’s; the place has been around since the mid-’80s. The pies here will satisfy any pizza craving; they’re hot, cheesy and just plain good! Sandwiches, salads, calzones and sides round out the menu. This is an all-American pizzeria. (2-4-10) $-$$ VERO AMORE E 3305 N. Swan Road, No. 105. 325-4122. Open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Café/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Also at 12130 N. Dove Mountain Blvd., No. 104 (579-2292). The Dove Mountain location has a full bar. The only pizza joint in town that’s certified as following the rigid guidelines of pizza from the old country, Vero Amore serves great pies. A couple of pasta dishes and salads round out the menu. The atmosphere is warm and cozy, and the service is sincere. The wine list is just right. This little pizza joint is a nice addition to the myriad restaurants in the Swan/Fort Lowell roads area. (8-24-06) $$
a.m.-midnight or later. Counter/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Gourmet pizzas find dizzying combinations of fresh and unusual ingredients. Catering to signature creations or simply celebrating pizza, No Anchovies puts a new spin on the old pie. (8-2-01) $-$$
BEYOND BREAD C 3026 N. Campbell Ave. 322-9965. Open MondayFriday 6:30 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday 7 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunday 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, MC, V. Also at 6260 E. Speedway Blvd. (747-7477) and 421 W. Ina Road (461-1111). Voted best bread in Tucson ever since it opened, Beyond Bread specializes in reviving the art of artisan bread, with its small batches and hand-formed loaves. Monstrous sandwiches, excellent pastries and swift service have earned this venue its status as one of the best places in Tucson to grab a quick bite to eat. (2-5-01) $
OREGANO’S E 4900 E. Speedway Blvd. 327-8955. Open daily 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Diner. Beer, Wine and Specialty Drinks. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. A 1950s-style pizza joint, Oregano’s is sure to please on every level. From handmade stuffed pizzas and enormous bowls of pastas to salads and Italian favorites (lasagna, sausage sandwiches, ravioli), Oregano’s has it all. Be sure to call ahead to see how long the line is, since the wait can easily be an hour. (1-3-02) $-$$
THE DAGGWOOD CAFÉ C 736 E. Fort Lowell Road. 903-9663. Summer hours: Open Monday-Saturday 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Regular hours: Open Monday-Saturday 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. DIS, MC, V. The Daggwood Café offers belly-busting sandwiches that run from the usual offerings to a few house specialties. All are big, of course; what else would you expect from a place with such a name? Everything is fresh and tasty. Catering is also available. (10-27-05) $-$$
EAST COAST SUPER SUBS C 187 N. Park Ave. 882-4005. Open daily 11 a.m.8 p.m. Counter/Diner/Beer and Wine. AMEX, MC, V. A slice of the turnpike right here in our own back yard, East Coast Super Subs will make transplanted Easterners weep with joy. The cheesesteaks are unparalleled—great rolls, tender sliced beef, sautéed sweet onions, melted provolone and a red-pepper relish to die for. Super Subs come in sizes up to 16 inches. Without a doubt, a complete meal in a bun. (9-9-99) $-$$
NO ANCHOVIES C 870 E. University Blvd. 623-3333. Open daily 11
C 101 E. Pennington St. 882-5550. Open Sunday-
Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-midnight. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, MC, V. This restaurant, in the old Reilly Funeral Home on Pennington Street, has a fun, urban atmosphere unlike any other spot in Tucson. While the food can be hit and miss, there are far more hits than misses, and those hits are often home runs: The pizza with speck (ham) and egg is revelatory, for example. The bar turns out some fun and delicious cocktails, too. (11-15-12) $$ RENEE’S ORGANIC OVEN E 7065 E. Tanque Verde Road. 886-0484. Open daily
11 a.m.-9 p.m. Café/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Folks on the eastside have reason to celebrate. This little gem of a pizzeria offers up pizzas, pastas, sandwiches and salads using fresh and often organic ingredients. A nice little wine list is available. This is a familyfriendly place that rivals other upscale pizza joints in town. (3-23-06) $-$$
FRANKIE’S SOUTH PHILLY CHEESESTEAKS C 2574 N. Campbell Ave. 795-2665. Open MondaySaturday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. If you’re looking for an authentic Philly cheesesteak or a hoagie made from fresh ingredients, Frankie’s is the place to go. Fresh Amoroso rolls are flown in, and the meats come from Italy via Philadelphia. The Philly wings will give Buffalo-style a run for the money. Prices are more than fair. Service is upfront and friendly. A great place to eat in, take out or call for delivery. (3-24-05) $
tail, all while watching the game? PJ/T6 may just be the place for you. There’s nothing here on the menu that’s particularly noteworthy, but they do what they do well. (9-24-09) $-$$ WHICH WICH? C 943 E. University Blvd., Suite 125. 884-0081. Open Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday-Sunday 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Within about a dozen broad categories (various kinds of flesh, seafood, vegetarian, Italian, comforts, classics, etc.), you can customize your sandwich down to the type of mustard. The results can be terrific, if you choose wisely. Don’t pass up the thick shakes and warm, soft cookies. (6-4-09) $ WORLD WIDE WRAPPERS C 500 N. Fourth Ave., No. 7. 884-7070. Open MondayThursday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.10 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. MC, V. The folks at this longtime Fourth Avenue eatery offer fresh and healthful world-influenced food and drink. The veggies are bright and colorful, attesting to their freshness. The proteins are perfectly seasoned, and the other ingredients pop with flavor; we especially love the mango salsa. You get your choice of tortillas, or you can forgo them and have it all in a bowl. A great break during all that fun shopping on the avenue. (6-21-12) $
SEAFOOD BLUEFIN SEAFOOD BISTRO NW 7053 N. Oracle Road. 531-8500. Open MondayThursday 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Bistro/ Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Kingfisher’s sister restaurant is making a name for itself on the northwest side. Delicious seafood dishes for both lunch and dinner are the star attractions, but you’ll also be wowed by the comfortable, industrial-chic décor, the quaint outside patio and the large, welcoming bar. (10-13-05) $$$-$$$$ LA COSTA BRAVA S 3541 S. 12th Ave. 623-1931. Open Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Café/Full Bar. DIS, MC, V. A well-kept secret, La Costa Brava offers up a down-and-dirty deal on some of the freshest fish in town. Local distributor
Rodriguez Seafood serves fresh catches in a simple yet satisfying fashion. The real deal. (1-31-02) $-$$ KINGFISHER BAR AND GRILL C 2564 E. Grant Road. 323-7739. Open Monday-Friday 11 a.m.-midnight; Saturday and Sunday 5 p.m.-midnight. Bar is open Monday-Saturday to 1 a.m.; Sunday to midnight. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. This venue’s strength is the creative talent of its kitchen and innovative renditions from the American regional repertoire. The late-night bar menu is deservedly popular. Award-winning wine selections. (3-27-03) $$-$$$ RESTAURANT SINALOA W 1020 W. Prince Road. 887-1161. Open Sunday-
Thursday 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 9 a.m.11 p.m. Café/Full Bar. AMES, DIS, MC, V. Restaurant Sinaloa should be Tucson’s new hotspot for freshly prepared, affordable seafood of every sort. Shrimp is the specialty, and with more than 20 different shrimp preparations on the menu, there is something for every palate. Service is quick and friendly. Be sure to branch out and try the smoked-marlin taco. (10-6-11) $-$$$
SOUTHWEST AGAVE S 1100 W. Pima Mine Road. 342-2328. Open SundayThursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Full Cover/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC, V. Off Interstate 19 on the way to Green Valley, Agave is a gem in the desert, well worth the drive. Featuring a menu heavy on steak and seafood, along with delightful service and an upscale, earth-tones decor, it’s easy to forget you’re dining on the grounds of a casino. The prices are reasonable, too. (2-5-04) $$-$$$ FIRE + SPICE E Sheraton Hotel and Suites, 5151 E. Grant Road 3236262. Open Monday-Friday 6 a.m.-10 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 6 a.m.-11 p.m. Bistro/Full Bar. AMEX, DC, DIS, MC and V. Hidden next to the pool at the Sheraton is Fire + Spice, a restaurant that shows a ton of potential. Southwest-inspired appetizers like nachos, quesadillas and jalapeño snake bites are a delight, and the service and décor are friendly and welcoming. The kitchen occasionally skimps on ingredients or otherwise loses focus, but the quality of the menu is undeniable. (6-11-09) $$
Are you a thinking about a career change?
ROCCO’S LITTLE CHICAGO C 2707 E. Broadway Blvd. 321-1860. Open Monday-
Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Diner/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. This Windy City-style pizzeria has made a big splash in the Old Pueblo with its tasty square-cut, thin-crust and oversized stuffed pizza. Mushroom mania (the Fungus Humongous) and hot-and-spicy chiles and sausage (the Great Chicago Fire) are just two of the specialty pizzas that await your pleasure, or you can mix and match ingredients to create something uniquely your own. Little touches like ripe, red, sliced roma tomatoes and a blend of four cheeses make Rocco’s pizza a hit in any form. $-$$ SAUCE NW 7117 N. Oracle Road. 297-8575. Open SundayThursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.10 p.m. Counter/Beer and Wine. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Also at 5285 E. Broadway Blvd. (514-1122) and 2990 N. Campbell Ave. (795-0344). Whippet-thin specialty pizzas and tasty salads dominate the menu at Sauce, a fast-casual restaurant owned by the folks behind Wildflower and NoRTH. A trendy, bright atmosphere and a large outdoor dining area provide ample reasons for you to eat out, although to-go orders for those who want to dine at home are welcomed. (12-25-03) $-$$ TINO’S PIZZA E 6610 E. Tanque Verde Road. 296-9656. Open
Monday-Thursday 10:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday 10:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Saturday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Sunday
LUKE’S ITALIAN BEEF C 1615 S. Alvernon Way. 747-8399. Open MondaySaturday 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Counter/Beer Only. DIS, MC, V. Also at 101 E. Fort Lowell Road (888-8066), 4444 E. Grant Road (3219236), 6741 N. Thornydale Road (877-7897) and 2645 E. Speedway Blvd. (795-6060). These sandwiches are big and beefy, and the dogs snap when you bite. They come in wrappers filled with crisp, hot, crinkle-cut fries. Italian sausage and pizza are also first-rate. $ MELT E 5056 E. Broadway Blvd. 326-6358. Open MondaySaturday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Counter/No Alcohol. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. It’s a sandwich shop! It’s a cupcake store! It’s two eateries in one! At Melt, all of the sandwiches are named after American cities. Whether you prefer your sandwiches hot or cold, you’re bound to find something you’ll like. Salads and sides are available, and if you’re craving a fried-egg sandwich on your way to work in the morning, stop by. Of course, then there are all those cupcakes from 2 Cupcakes, which shares the building (www.2cupcakes.com). They are as tasty as they are pretty. (9-8-11) $ PJ SUBS T6 FILLING STATION C 2500 E. Sixth St. 326-9500. Open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Café/Full Bar. AMEX, DIS, MC, V. Want a tasty sandwich, some well-prepared fries and wings, and a cock-
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Steve Forbert is looking back at a 35-year career under the radar
By Stephen Seigel, musiced@tucsonweekly.com
Still Around
Nataly Dawn
BY GENE ARMSTRONG, garmstrong@tucsonweekly.com Steve Forbert n otherwise intelligent acquaintance of mine recently hooked a thumb over his shoulder at a nearby poster advertising the upcoming Tucson performance of singer-songwriter Steve Forbert. This fellow, in a manner most waggish, asked, “He still around?” The truth is, Forbert never went away. It’s possible, however, that the music-industry hoopla accompanying Forbert’s initial success in the late 1970s has made his long-running and more-than-respectable career since then seem a little underwhelming. With the appearance of his 1978 debut album, Alive on Arrival, Forbert was just one of many artists to be proclaimed “the new Dylan.” Such burdensome buzz followed him for a while, especially when he was in the eye of the storm a year later with the bona fide hit song “Romeo’s Tune.” By the time his third album, Little Stevie Orbit, was released, snotty music-bizzers were citing Forbert’s unrealized potential, simply because he wasn’t making pop hits and earning money for fat-cat executives. But this is a guy, let’s remember, who’s made 14 good-to-great studio albums (not to forget several live recordings) and who’s carved out a reputation as a talented, reliable artist adept at folk, country, rock, blues and R&B. From an artistic point of view, Forbert simply got better and better over the years, especially during his first comeback, with the albums Streets of This Town (1988) and The American in Me (1992). His most recent disc, last year’s heartachestricken Over With You, ranks among his best. Now it’s 35 years since Forbert’s debut, and his first two albums, Alive on Arrival and Jackrabbit Slim, were released last week as a two-CD package. A tour promoting it brings Forbert to Tucson for a solo acoustic performance Friday, April 5, under the stars in the courtyard at Plaza Palomino. It’s part of the Rhythm & Roots concert series. He’ll perform Alive on Arrival in its entirety, and then complete the concert with tunes from throughout his career. But first, there’s a Japanese tour. Reached on the phone before embarking for Asia, Forbert recalled the heady days of his early career. Born in Meridian, Miss., he moved to New York City at 21. He has mixed feelings about the adulation he received there during his early 20s. “I’m really a bit of a schizophrenic in relation to that fame. Part of me really didn’t like being so recognizable all over the place. You’re always suspicious of that kind of attention, and I don’t like the pressure. You can’t go somewhere and just have lunch. People feel like they just instantly know you. They feel like they
have an impression of what you are like, and in many ways it’s just like a job.” But that fame gave him the opportunities to make music and establish himself as an artist, and it gave him attention that furthered his career, even when he was dropped by his record label. “Of course, if there wasn’t that level of interest in those records, I wouldn’t be able to do the things I have done, or to enjoy all the sort of stuff I have experienced. The part of me that wants a real career should be able to accept the fame things and should be happy with what I’ve got now. I realize that I have been doing what I like doing.” While still in Mississippi, Forbert, like many kids, played as a teenager in many a local band. He’d discovered in himself an aptitude for music at an early age. “It goes way back. I just had an intuitive thing about songs when I was really young. I could run them through my head from start to finish after I heard them just a couple of times. And then, when the Byrds hit with ‘Mr. Tambourine Man,’ I just went over the edge. That was when the merry-go-round stopped for me, and I got on it.” Forbert is stymied when asked to compare that portrait of a budding artist with the journeyman musician he has become. “That’s an almost impossible question to answer. I’m 58, and I have changed a great deal. But I am still the same person, which I suppose applies to anybody. I feel really engaged and involved in life, but it wasn’t like that wasn’t the case then. “I have three kids now, and anybody is gonna go through changes. We’ve been through the credit wars, the great recession, the digital revolution. I couldn’t describe to you how that has changed me, my work and society.”
Steve Forbert 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 5 Plaza Palomino Courtyard, 2970 N. Swan Road Advance tickets are $18; $22 at the door. Available at Antigone Books, all Bookmans locations, Dark Star Leather and at www.rhythmandroots.org and 800-594-8499. For more info, call 440-4455, or email info@rhythmandroots.org.
The nature of singer-songwriters is that they create material that is personal, sincere and sometimes autobiographical. But few listeners in the 21st century are naive enough to assume that whenever an artist, say Steve Forbert, sings in the first person, it’s about him. Forbert has often written from a personal point of view, although he leaves the question of which songs are autobiographical open to the interpretation of the listener. “That’s part of the nature of songwriting and being a singer. A lot of that really just goes with the territory. A lot of my life is indeed in it. Some of the songs on Over With You, such as the title song, I would definitely say it reflects events in my life. And I wouldn’t want to go through that again.” Some of Forbert’s music directly reflects his life, some draws from general storytelling and some of it results from using personal experiences as the basis for a broader mythology. Either way, he hopes it has resonance for the listener. “A lot of the lyrics are written in such a way that they can be more anonymous. Then you add a melody and make the song accessible, and it has echoes that are more there for the listener. A lot of me comes through, but it’s made to reflect a lot of the listener, too. I don’t think in terms of these being directly a slice of my life in most of these songs. That’s one of the reasons I love this folk-singing thing.”
There are tons of big-name shows coming to town this week, but here are a couple interesting things that might have passed under your radar. House concerts – which are exactly what that sounds like: a concert that takes place at someone’s residence as opposed to a normal venue – are de rigeur in most cities these days, but for some reason Tucson seems to be a bit behind that trend. This week one of Americana’s most underappreciated singer-songwriters arrives in town to perform just such a show. Will Johnson has released solo albums; fronted the fantastic bands Centro-Matic and South San Gabriel; was part of the famed Undertow Orchestra with the late Vic Chesnutt, Mark Eitzel, and David Bazan; and was one-quarter of New Multitudes, a project that put music to previously unpublished lyrics by Woody Guthrie, along with Jim James, Jay Farrar, and Anders Parker. And yet, somehow his own compositions, as great as they are, have largely remained unknown by most music fans. He is a songwriter’s songwriter, but that doesn’t mean his music won’t appeal to the casual fan. I can’t think of a better introduction to Johnson and his vast catalog of great songs than to check him out at the first stop of his Western States Living Room Tour, which will take place at a local home at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10. Tickets are $15 in advance at undertowmusic.com. These shows are selling out quickly and only 35 tickets for the Tucson stop will be sold, so act quickly. While the term “YouTube sensation” kinda makes me cringe, there is no other way to describe the co-ed pop duo Pomplamoose, whose inventive videos started going viral soon after the group formed in 2008. Those videos, which featured both original songs and covers (“September” by Earth Wind and Fire was a particularly popular one), showed the songs being performed live, using multiple split screens to show all the instruments being performed at once. Add to that the beguiling voice of singer Nataly Dawn and, well, the numbers speak for themselves: As of this writing, Pomplamoose’s YouTube channel has racked up over 87 million views. In January, Nataly Dawn released her debut solo album, How I Knew Her, on Nonesuch Records, and this week she arrives to perform songs from it on Tuesday, April 9, at Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. The 18-and-over show starts at 7 p.m. with an opening set by Lauren O’Connell. Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 the day of show. For more info check out hotelcongress.com/club or call 622-8848.
VINYL HUNTERS UNITE! Calling all record-collecting nerds! From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 6, Hotel Congress will be holding the Spring Congress Record Fair to soothe your music-buying needs. Zia, Bookmans,
MUSIC The French indie pop act found success with their last album … now what?
Phoenix After Five Albums
BY DAN GIBSON, dgibson@tucsonweekly.com n 2000, when Phoenix’s debut, United, was released, I worked at the late Hear’s Music on Campbell. At the time, Phoenix were on Astralwerks, a label mostly stocked with electronica acts, and the group’s press material mentioned that guitarist Laurent Brancowitz was previously in a band with the guys from Daft Punk. So, I expected synth-heavy hooky disco-influenced dance music. While Daft Punk’s Thomas Bangalter shows up to play keyboards, United is more a take on bright, hooky 80’s pop. Enjoyable stuff, but nothing particularly groundbreaking. Their next album Alphabetical was a bit better, with two great songs up front (“Everything Is Everything” and “Run Run Run”) and more of the acceptably enjoyable stuff from their debut. They released a live album and I think most people would probably assume that Phoenix might end up riding off unspectacularly into the indie pop sunset. By 2006’s It’s Never Been Like That, however, Phoenix had picked up some new tricks, flying though 10 songs in just under 37 minutes, with buzzy guitars moving to the front to knock the last of the synths to the size, sometimes reminding listeners of Johnny Marr’s less-morose moments or the unwashed prep-school feel of the Strokes, but a little cooler, because they’re French, even managing to sell a few records. 2009’s Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was something else entirely, however. Phoenix found a way to hone their alternative pop sound, still nostalgic but also arty. Singer Thomas Mars seemed to abandon the idea of making sense lyrically, but it all worked, with songs like “1901” and “Lisztomania” ending up in car ads, a Grammy award win and an appearance on Saturday Night Live, and the group headlining giant festivals seemingly all of a sudden. So, what now? Phoenix will hit Tucson (or at very least, Tucson-adjacent out at AVA) on April 9 as part of this year’s batch of Coachellafueled stop-overs ahead of the release of their new album, Bankrupt!, on April 23. In an email interview from France prior to their U.S. tour, singer Thomas Mars remarked that the process of following up the group’s most successful album “was pretty much the same but the results were different.” While the group mentioned in interviews that they were aiming to be more experimental in recording their fifth studio album, after the first few months, they settled down to focus on songwriting. “Being in a band and recording album is the only thing we know how to do. We don’t have the choice. Most of the time in the studio is not exciting but there are five
Toxic Ranch’s top sales for the week ending April 1, 2013
1. Avon Ladies Avon Ladies 7” 2. Ghost Mice/Andrew Jackson Jihad Split 3. Hoax Collected 4. Ice Age Dead Kings 5. Iron Lung White Glove Test 6. Limp Wrist 1st 7. Slices Still Cruising 8. Spazz Dwarf Jester Rising 9. Stoic Violence Stoic Violence 10. Sweet Tooth Japanese Void 7”
minutes every week that keeps you going!” The first single, “Entertainment,” features some of the same frenetically cool pop from Wolfgang and is seems to signal another hit for Phoenix, but, as it stands, nearly all of the audience here Tuesday night will be unfamiliar with the still-unreleased new album. Mars promises a range of emotions (“Mistakes, clumsiness, tears of joy maybe”), but they still plan to show off their most recent material. Mars doesn’t seem too concerned that much of their night could be unfamiliar to the ticket
Phoenix 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 9 Anselmo Valencia Tori Amphitheater at Casino Del Sol 5655 W. Valencia Road $25 to $35 (800) 344-9435 or casinodelsol.com
holder: “I hope people won’t mind ... they have no choice, we do the setlist!”
Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers and a host of private dealers will be on hand offering tons of vinyl and other goodies to sate your sundry needs. Think of it as a kick-ass pop-up record store, if you must, but if you’re a voracious consumer of music, especially of the vinyl variety, you won’t want to miss it. Admission is free. Later that night Club Congress will be hosting a show featuring Dick “King of the Surf Guitar” Dale, along with openers The Mission Creeps. The show kicks off at 7 p.m. and is open to those 21 and over. Advance tickets are $20, and they’ll be $23 on the day of the show. If you’re looking for a way to kill time in between the record fair and the show, starting at 6 p.m. the Hotel Plaza will be holding an Art Mart which will feature dealers of goods of all variety – “the ultimate swap meet, flea market and street fair all in one,” according to Congress’ website. Hotel Congress is located at 311 E. Congress St. For more info about any and all of these events head to hotelcongress.com or call 622-8848.
A FESTIVAL YOU DON’T HAVE TO LEAVE TOWN FOR As if there weren’t enough musical events happening around town right now, consider this: The Way Out West Fest, an all-DIY musical festival now in its third year, featuring both local and national bands, hits town this weekend. The action will take place mostly at The District Tavern and the relatively new The Junxion Bar on Friday and Saturday, with opening and closing “ceremonies” happening at Tucson Live Music Space (TLMS) on Thursday and Sunday. First, a quick look at the lineups: The Pre-WOW Fest Show starts at 7:30 p.m. tonight, Thursday, April 4, at TLMS, 125 W. Ventura St., and will feature performances by Family Thief, Horror Squad, Logan Greene Electric, and No Radio. Admission is a $6 donation or free with a WOW Fest wristband. Similarly, the Post-WOW Fest Show begins at 7:30 p.m. at TLMS on Sunday, April 7, and will feature performances by Apathy Cycle, Harry & Friends, Bad Cop/Bad Cop, Babysitter, and Drizzle. Again, admission is a $6 donation or free with a WOW Fest Wristband. Both of the TLMS shows are open to all ages, but the action on Friday and Saturday is open to those 21 and older only. Your best bet is to buy a $20 wristband today, which entitles you to entry to all shows, drink specials at the bars and, if you buy early enough, a free WOW Fest 7-inch single from Jailhouse Records. As of Friday, April 5, passes will go up to $25 (still a bargain). Single-day passes will be available as space allows, but will not include drink specials. Here’s what you wristband-holders have to look forward to: Friday, April 5, at The District Tavern: Man Bites Dog (9:15 p.m.), Tenebrae (10:05 p.m.), Symbol Six (10:55 p.m.), Street Eaters (11:45 p.m.), The Resonars (12:35 a.m.). Friday, April 5, at The Junxion Bar: Hip Don’t Dance (8 p.m.), Moonraker (8:50 p.m.), Horror Squad (9:40 p.m.), Pu$$y Cow (10:30 p.m.), Signals (11:20 p.m.), Gentlemen Prefer Blood (12:10 a.m.), Bobby Joe Ebola (1:05 a.m.). Saturday, April 6, at The District Tavern: Best Dog Award (3:35 p.m.), Black Sparrow Press (4:25 p.m.), American Lies (5:15 p.m.), Blackdots (6:05 p.m.). Following a break for dinner and such: Payoff (9:15 p.m.), Holding Onto Sound (10:05 p.m.), Fort Worth (10:55 p.m.), Free Machines (11:45 p.m), Lenguas Largas (12:35 a.m.).
dinosaur jr.
Saturday, April 6, at The Junxion Bar: From Scars (4 p.m.), Occult Books (4:50 p.m.), Bad Cop/Bad Cop (5:40 p.m.), Harry and the Hendersons (6:30 p.m.). Go eat some food and take a shower ‘cause you stink, then: No Radio (8 p.m.), Pokedasquid (8:50 p.m.), Success (9:40 p.m.), The Scarred (10:30 p.m.), Uncommonmenfrommars (11:20 p.m.), Shell Corporation (12:10 a.m.), Lariats (1:05 a.m.). The District Tavern is located at 260 E. Congress St., and the phone number is 7920081. The Junxion Bar is located at 63 E. Congress St., and the number is 623-5869. For lots more details about the Way Out West Fest head to wayoutwestfestaz.com. If you have questions, email the organizers at contact@wayoutwestfestaz.com.
FUNDING THE FOLK Of course, the WOW Fest is but one of many festivals happening this spring, including (pimp alert!) the Weekly-sponsored Exile on Congress St. on Saturday, April 20, and the 28th Annual Tucson Folk Festival, which will take place on five stages in downtown Tucson on Saturday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5. After all these years, the Folk Fest remains free of charge to all attendees, and the only way to make that possible is to hold fundraising events throughout the year. This week the Tucson Kitchen Musicians Association (TKMA), which organizes the fest, holds its final fundraiser for the 2013 edition. The TKMA Spring Fundraiser will feature live music from noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday, April 7, at La Cocina at Old Town Artisans, 201 N. Court Ave. This year’s lineup looks a li’l somethin’ like this: El Trio Frio (Duncan Stitt, Johnny Strasser, and Marx Loeb (noon), Arnold Klingenfus Ensemble (1 p.m.), Don & Victoria Armstrong (2 p.m.), Sabra Faulk (3 p.m.), Way Out West (4 p.m.), Buffelgrass (5 p.m.). All ages are welcome, food and a full bar will be available, and admission is a $10 donation at the door. For further details head to tkma.org. The number at La Cocina is 3653053.
ON THE BANDWAGON Check out our listings sections for more info about appearances by Robert Earl Keen, Devendra Banhart, Widowspeak, The Wombats, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, Gwar, Igor and the Red Elvises, Arlo Guthrie, Local H, Kottonmouth Kings, and many more including Monster Pussy’s cassette-release show (and penultimate performance) with The Sadie Hawks and Burning Palms at Solar Culture Gallery next Thursday, April 11. APRIL 4-10, 2013
LIVE MUSIC & MORE Here is a list of venues that offer live music, dancing, DJ music, karaoke or comedy in the Tucson area. We recommend that you call and confirm all events.
ABOUNDING GRACE CHURCH 2450 S. Kolb Road. 747-3745. ARMITAGE WINE LOUNGE AND CAFE 2905 East Skyline Drive #168. 682-9740. AVA: ANSELMO VALENCIA TORI AMPHITHEATER Casino del Sol, 5655 W. Valencia Road. (800) 3449435. THE BASHFUL BANDIT 3686 E. Speedway Blvd. 795-8996. THE BISBEE ROYALE 94 Main St. Bisbee. (520) 432-6750. BOONDOCKS LOUNGE 3306 N. First Ave. 690-0991. THE BREEZE PATIO AND BAR Radisson Hotel. 520721-7100. BRODIE’S TAVERN 2449 N. Stone Ave. 622-0447. CAFÉ PASSÉ 415 N. Fourth Ave. 624-4411. CASAS ADOBES CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 6801 N. Oracle Road. 297-1181. CATALINA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2700 E. Speedway Blvd. 327-4296. CHICAGO BAR 5954 E. Speedway Blvd. 748-8169. CLUB CONGRESS 311 E. Congress St. 622-8848. LA COCINA RESTAURANT, CANTINA AND COFFEE BAR 201 N. Court Ave. 622-0351. DESERTVIEW PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 39900 S. Clubhouse Drive. SaddleBrooke. 825-5318. THE DISTRICT 260 E. Congress St. 792-0081. EL SAGUARITO MEXICAN FOOD 1763 E. Prince Road. 297-1264. ELLIOTT’S ON CONGRESS 135 E. Congress St. 622-5500. FAMOUS SAM’S SILVERBELL 2320 N. Silverbell Road. 884-7267. FINI’S LANDING 5689 N. Swan Road. FOX TUCSON THEATRE 17 W. Congress St. 6241515. GRACE ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2331 E. Adams St. 327-6857 THE HUT 305 N. Fourth Ave. 623-3200. IRISH PUB 9155 E. Tanque Verde Road. 749-2299. JASPER NEIGHBORHOOD RESTAURANT AND BAR 6370 N. Campbell Ave., No. 160. 577-0326. THE JUNXION BAR 63 E Congress, No. 109. 3583761. LAFFS COMEDY CAFFÉ 2900 E. Broadway Blvd. 323-8669.
THU APR 4 LIVE MUSIC Augustin Brasserie Naim Amor w/Matt Mitchell 6p.m. Boondocks Lounge Solwave w/Triple Double 7p.m. The Breeze Patio and Bar Live Music Night 6:30p.m. Chicago Bar Neon Prophet 8p.m. Club Congress Horseback Riding Divas of Tucson 6p.m., $5. La Cocina Restaurant, Cantina and Coffee Bar Stefan George 6:30p.m. El Saguarito Mexican Food Amber Norgaard 5:30p.m. The Hut Lollapaloozers 9p.m., Free. Jasper Neighborhood Restaurant and Bar Corey Spector 7p.m. Maverick Crazy Heart 8:30p.m. Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café Mustang Corners 7p.m. Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill Metalhead 9p.m.
DJ AND KARAOKE Famous Sam’s Silverbell Amazing Star Karaoke 9p.m. Music Box Karaoke 9p.m. River’s Edge Lounge Karaoke w/ KJ David 8:30p.m. Whiskey Tango Karaoke 4p.m.
MINT COCKTAILS 3540 E. Grant Road. 881-9169.
MUSIC BOX 6951 E. 22nd St. 747-1421.
NEW MOON TUCSON 915 W. Prince Road. 293-7339. NIMBUS BREWING COMPANY TAPROOM 3850 E. 44th St. 745-9175. OLD FATHER INN 4080 W. Ina Road. Marana. 7441200. OLD PUEBLO GRILLE 60 N. Alvernon Way. 3266000. ORO VALLEY TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11000 N. La Cañada Drive. 520-229-4700. PLUSH 340 E. Sixth St. 798-1298. R PLACE BAR AND GRILL 3412 N. Dodge Blvd. 881-9048. REBELARTE COLLECTIVE (SKRAPPY’S) 191 E. Toole Ave. 358-4287. RIALTO THEATRE 318 E. Congress St. 740-1000. RIVER’S EDGE LOUNGE 4635 N. Flowing Wells Road. 887-9027. THE ROCK 136 N. Park Ave. 629-9211. SHOT IN THE DARK CAFÉ 121 E. Broadway Blvd. 882-5544. THE SKYBOX RESTAURANT AND SPORTS BAR 5605 E. River Road. 529-7180. ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7650 N. Paseo del Norte. 297-7201. ST. PHILIP’S IN THE HILLS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4440 N. Campbell Ave. 299-6421. SUITE 147 AT PLAZA PALOMINO 2970 N. Swan Road, No. 147. 440-4455. SULLIVAN’S STEAK HOUSE 1785 E. River Road. 299-4275. SURLY WENCH PUB 424 N. Fourth Ave. 882-0009. TOBY KEITH’S I LOVE THIS BAR AND GRILL 4500 N. Oracle Road. 265-8629. TOPAZ 657 W. St. Mary’s Road, No. C1A. TUCSON CONVENTION CENTER 260 S. Church Ave. 791-4101. TUCSON LIVE MUSIC SPACE 125 W. Ventura St. UA CENTENNIAL HALL 1020 E. University Blvd. 621-3364. UA CROWDER HALL 1020 E. University Blvd. 6211162. UA SCHOOL OF MUSIC 1017 N. Olive Road. 6211655. VOYAGER RV RESORT 8701 S. Kolb Road. 5745000. WHISKEY TANGO 140 S. Kolb Road. 344-8843.
DJ AND KARAOKE Music Box DJ AJ 9p.m. R Place Bar and Grill Karaoke 9p.m.
Laffs Comedy Caffé Open mic 8p.m.
MAVERICK 6622 E. Tanque Verde Road. 298-0430. MONTEREY COURT STUDIO GALLERIES AND CAFÉ 505 W. Miracle Mile. 207-2429.
7p.m., $5. Old Father Inn Minute of Angle 9p.m. Plush K-Bass 10:30p.m., $5. Rialto Theatre Robert Earl Keen w/Andrea Davidson 7p.m. River’s Edge Lounge Shovelhead Road 9p.m. Shot in the Dark Café Mark Bockel 5p.m. The Skybox Restaurant and Sports Bar 80’s and Gentlemen 9:30p.m. Suite 147 at Plaza Palomino Steve Forbert 7:30p.m., Presale ($18) & Day of show ($20). Suite 147 at Plaza Palomino Rhythm & Roots Concert Series-Steve Forbert 7:30p.m., Presale ($18) & Day of show ($22). Surly Wench Pub Black Cherry Burlesque 8pm Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill Cooper Meza Band 8:30p.m. Topaz Widowspeak w/Colleen Green, Otherly Love & Burning Palms 8p.m., $5. Whiskey Tango Vintage Sugar 9:30p.m., Free.
LIVE MUSIC The Bashful Bandit Tumblin’ Dice 9p.m. Boondocks Lounge Neon Prophet 9:30p.m., $5. Café Passé Roman Barten Sherman w/Tom Walbank 6p.m., Free. Chicago Bar The AmoSphere 8:30 p.m. Club Congress Sweet Ghosts w/The Great Collision & Jazz Telephone 9p.m., Free. La Cocina Restaurant, Cantina and Coffee Bar The Greg Morton Band 6:30p.m. The District Way Out West Fest 9p.m., $20 Fini’s Landing The Tangelos 8p.m. Fox Tucson Theatre One Vision: The Music of Queen 8p.m. Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Brahms and Martin featuring the TCA Chorus and UA Arizona Choir 7:30p.m., $25 - $35. The Hut The Living Breathing w/Armastus 8p.m. Irish Pub B-Side 7p.m. Jasper Neighborhood Restaurant and Bar The Bluerays 7p.m. The JunXion Bar Way Out West Fest 8p.m., $20 Maverick Flipside 8p.m., $5. Mint Cocktails Barbara Harris Band 9p.m. Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café The Determined Luddites 7p.m. Nimbus Brewing Company Taproom Triple Double
SAT APR 6 LIVE MUSIC Abounding Grace Church History of the Blues Concert feat. Stefan George, Hans Olson 7p.m., Presale ($15) & Day of show ($20). AVA: Anselmo Valencia Tori Amphitheater Tejano Shootout feat. Ram Herrera w/El Chicano 8p.m. Café Passé Country Saturday feat. Matthew Cordes w/ Hans Hutchison, Hank Topless, Catfish and Weezie & Andy Hersey 7p.m., Free. Chicago Bar Neon Prophet 9p.m. Club Congress Dick Dale Record Fair Concert 7p.m., $20 - $23. La Cocina Restaurant, Cantina and Coffee Bar The Wayback Machine 7p.m., Free. La Cocina Restaurant, Cantina and Coffee Bar Miss Lana Rebel w/Kevin Michael Mayfield 12p.m. DesertView Performing Arts Center Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra 7:30p.m., $21. The District Way Out West Fest 3p.m., $20. The District Way Out West Fest Part 2 9p.m. Fini’s Landing SKITN 8p.m. Fox Tucson Theatre In The Mood 2013 Late Show 7:30p.m., $27 - $47. The Hut 80’s and Gentlemen 8p.m. The Hut Mike & Randy’s 420 Show 4p.m. Irish Pub Randy Prentice Band 7p.m. Jasper Neighborhood Restaurant and Bar The Chain of Fools Blues Band 7p.m. The JunXion Bar Way Out West Fest 4p.m., $20.
If you would like your band, club or solo act to be listed, send all pertinent times, dates, prices and places to: Club Listings, Tucson Weekly, P.O. Box 27087, Tucson, AZ 85726. Fax listings to 792-2096. Or e-mail us at clubs@tucsonweekly.com. Deadline to receive listings information is noon on Friday, seven days before the Thursday publication date. For display advertising information, call 294-1200.
The JunXion Bar Way Out West Fest Part 2 8p.m., $20. Maverick Flipside 8p.m., $5. Mint Cocktails Don’t Blink Burlesque 8p.m. Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café Shiho Takeda 4p.m. Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café Gabriel Ayala 7p.m., $10. Nimbus Brewing Company Taproom The Outlaw Rebels 7p.m., $5. Oro Valley Town Hall Council Chambers Mak and Millie - Just for Kids 10p.m. Plush Igor And Red Elvises 9p.m., $10. Rialto Theatre Roger Clyne And the Peacemakers w/ Greyhound Soul 7p.m. River’s Edge Lounge Wasted Aces 9p.m. Scottish Rite Cathedral Noteworthy 7:30p.m., $18. Suite 147 at Plaza Palomino Rhythm & Roots Concert Series-CD Release Party for Heart of The CountryChris Brashear w/Peter McLaughlin, Todd Phillips & Silver Thread Trio 7:30p.m., Presale ($18) & Day of show ($22). Suite 147 at Plaza Palomino Rhythm and Roots presents Chris Brashear with Peter McLaughlin and Todd Philips 7:30p.m., Presale ($17) & Day of show ($20). Sullivan’s Steak House The Bishop/Nelly Duo 7p.m., Free. Surly Wench Pub Bricktop w/The Besmirchers & The Industry 9p.m. UA Crowder Hall Jeff Lewis Quartet 7p.m. UA School of Music David Russell 7p.m., $20 - $30. Voyager RV Resort Southwest Native American Flute Festival 9:30p.m., Free.
DJ AND KARAOKE La Cocina Restaurant, Cantina and Coffee Bar DJ Herm 10p.m., $3. Famous Sam’s Silverbell Amazing Star Karaoke 9p.m. Music Box DJ Lluvia 9p.m.
Tucson Live Music Space Babysitter 7p.m. UA Centennial Hall UAPresents-Chris Botti 7p.m., $27 - $80.
DJ AND KARAOKE Music Box Karaoke 9p.m. River’s Edge Lounge Karaoke w/ KJ David 8:30p.m. Whiskey Tango DJ 9p.m.
DJ AND KARAOKE Brodie’s Tavern Amazing Star Karaoke 4p.m. Mint Cocktails Ynot Karaoke 8p.m. New Moon Tucson Amazing Star Karaoke 8:30p.m. River’s Edge Lounge Karaoke w/ KJ David 8:30p.m. Whiskey Tango Karaoke 9p.m.
Boondocks Lounge The Bryan Dean Trio 6p.m., Free. Chicago Bar The Ronstadt Generations 7p.m. Club Congress Local H 7p.m., $12. Elliott’s on Congress Jazz Guild Jam with Tony Frank 8p.m. Rialto Theatre The Fight To Unite Tour feat. Kottonmouth Kings w/Deuce, Dizzy Wright, Snow Tha Product & Eskimo Callboy 6:30p.m., Presale ($26) & Day of show ($28). The Rock North American Infinity Tour 2013 feat. Soilwork w/Jeff Loomis 6p.m., $20.
DJ AND KARAOKE Music Box Karaoke 9p.m. River’s Edge Lounge Karaoke w/ KJ David 8:30p.m. Whiskey Tango Karaoke 9p.m.
Mint Cocktails Ynot Karaoke 6p.m. Music Box Karaoke 9p.m. River’s Edge Lounge Karaoke w/ KJ David 8:30p.m.
LIVE MUSIC Armitage Wine Lounge and Cafe The Railbirdz 6:30p.m. Boondocks Lounge Heather Hardy & Lil’ Mama Band 6p.m. Casas Adobes Congregational Church 22nd Anniversary Spring Concert 3p.m., cost. Catalina United Methodist Church Brahms and Martin featuring the TCA Chorus and UA Arizona Choir 3p.m., $25 - $35. Chicago Bar Reggae Sundays feat. Papa Ranger 7p.m. Club Congress The Hot Club of Tucson 10:30am. Club Congress Roll Acosta 7p.m., $5. La Cocina Restaurant, Cantina and Coffee Bar Catfish and Weezie 12p.m. La Cocina Restaurant, Cantina and Coffee Bar TKMA Spring Fundraiser 4p.m. Fox Tucson Theatre Here Comes The Kid Tour feat. Arlo Guthrie 6:30p.m., $25 - $35. Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café Sunday Jazz Showcase w/Chillie Willie Groove 5p.m. Nimbus Brewing Company Taproom Larry Armstrong And CopperMoon 7p.m., $5. Old Pueblo Grille Pete Swan 7p.m. The Rock Badfish: A Tribute To Sublime w/Funky Bonz, Three White Lies & Brandon Jim Band 7p.m., $15. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra 2p.m., $20. St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church St. Philip’s Friends of Music Concert 2p.m., Free.
The Bisbee Royale Amy Ross 7p.m., Free. Boondocks Lounge The Titan Valley Warheads 7p.m., Free. Café Passé Glen Gross Quartet 7p.m., Free. Chicago Bar Bad News Blues Band 7p.m., $3. Club Congress Kids These Days 7p.m., $10. Fini’s Landing Tony Frank Trio 7p.m., Free. La Cocina Restaurant, Cantina and Coffee Bar Collin Shook Trio 6:30p.m. Maverick Back 2 Back 8p.m. Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café Josie Kuhn 6:30p.m. Plush The Woodshed 9p.m. Rialto Theatre GWAR w/Warbeast & Wilson 7p.m., Presale ($21) & Day of show ($26). The Rock Eternal Frequencies Tour feat. Minnesota w/ Protohype & DCarls 7:30p.m., $13. Tucson Convention Center Arizona Friends of Chamber Music: Ebene Quartet 7:30p.m., $30. Whiskey Tango Acoustic Jam and Songwriters Showcase 8p.m.
TUE APR 9 AVA: Anselmo Valencia Tori Amphitheater Phoenix 7p.m., $25 - $35. Chicago Bar The Jive Bombers 7p.m. Club Congress Nataly Dawn w/Lauren O’Connell 7p.m., Presale ($8) & Day of show ($10). La Cocina Restaurant, Cantina and Coffee Bar AFSC JusticePalooza Local Music Extravaganza 6p.m., Free. Maverick Two Fur Tuesday w/Back 2 Back 8p.m. Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café Ernie Votto w/ Chet Gardiner & Brad Fritz 6:30p.m. RebelArte Collective (Skrappy’s) Expire w/Twitching Tongues & Alpha And Omega 7p.m. Rialto Theatre La Santa Cecilia w/Salvador Duran & Santa Pachita 8p.m., $15.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS BLUEGRASS MUSIC JAM SESSIONS The Desert Bluegrass Association hosts free public jam sessions monthly. The first Sunday, 3 to 5 p.m.: Udall Recreation Center, 7200 E. Tanque Verde Road, 2961231. The first Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m.: Rincon Market, 2315 E. Sixth St., 296-1231. The third Sunday, 3 to 5 p.m.: Music and Arts Center, 8320 N. Thornydale Road, No. 150-170, 579-2299. The third Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m.: Pinnacle Peak Restaurant, 6541 E. Tanque Verde Road, 296-0911. The fourth Sunday, from 4 to 6 p.m.: Thirsty’s Neighborhood Grill, 2422 N. Pantano Road, 885-6585. Call the phone number provided for each venue for more information.
COMIC DOZ HARACTERS MIC DOZENS CALL FOR SINGERS AND MUSICIANS Lonely Street Productions holds auditions by appointment on Tuesday, April 9, for male and female
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APRIL 4-10, 2013
MUSIC ANNOUNCEMENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 57 vocalists, ages 18 to 40, and musicians from 18 to 55. Candidates must have professional music or theater experience, an excellent stage presence and the ability to move well. Sight-reading ability is a strong plus. Positions are paid and expenses reimbursed, commensurate with experience. Email tthayer@lonelystreet.com for an appointment. Prepare a pop, rock or standard song from the 1950s or â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;60s and bring sheet music for the accompanist. Visit lonelystreet.com for information about the company. CALL FOR WOMEN SINGERS The Tucson Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chorus holds ongoing enrollment for new members. No auditions, sight-reading or experience required. Enrollment fees are $75 adults; free for girls who accompany a singer. Those attending for the first time get in free. Auditions and rehearsals take place at 7 p.m., Monday at St. Markâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Presbyterian Church, 3809 E. Third St.; and at 7 p.m., Thursday, at Mountain Vista Unitarian Universalist Church, 3601 W. Cromwell Drive. Call 743-0991, or visit tucsonwomenschorus.org for more information. SHAPE-NOTE SINGING Sonora Cohousing Common House. 501 E. Roger Road. 404-1988. Shape-note singing from The Sacred Harp takes place from 2 to 5 p.m., the first and third Saturday of every month; free. Copies of The Sacred Harp are available for loan or purchase. Call 743-1268, or visit tucsonfasola.org for more information.
NINE QUESTIONS Josh Osteen A Milwaukee native who moved to Tucson in 1997, Josh Osteen works as an event booker at Club Congress, where he also hosts WaWaWa every Tuesday night under the alias PC Party. Kyle Mittan, mailbag@tucsonweekly.com
What was the first concert you attended? It was Chumbawamba. It was the sixth grade, and it was my birthday. Yes, I did get down, but I got up again. What are you listening to these days? These days, I like Chin Chin, Rusty â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Rustyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really cool â&#x20AC;Ś Demon Queen, and 1, 2, 3. Those are, like, my radio stations on Pandora right now, I just go crazy with that stuff.
Find more @ What was the first album you owned? Green Dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dookie, back when real punkrockers used to mail their CDs. Columbia, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d send you the little magazine, and essentially it was, like, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d get five CDs for, you know, 24 bucks.
Tucson Weekly for your phone check it out!
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What artist, genre or musical trend does everyone seem to love, but you just donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get? Basically, I hate rap music that is purely exchanging, like, songs about how badass they are. I miss the feel-good lyricist days of the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s and the early â&#x20AC;&#x2122;90s. What musical act, current or defunct, would you most like to see perform live? Current: Daft Punk. Defunct: Princeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Revolution. Musically speaking, what is your favorite guilty pleasure? Man, I love that 1970â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, like, funk-disco â&#x20AC;&#x201D; you know, the soundtrack to Blaxploitation films and stuff. Isaac Hayes just wailing away on his guitar and stuff. What song would you like to have played at your funeral? I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really like funerals. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d much rather have a wake thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be DJâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d by Matt McCoy, and held at Bladeworld. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll know what to play. What band or artist changed your life, and how? Oh, man, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re gettinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; deep. I really canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say that any single artist has changed my life. I mean, I listen to almost every type of music, or any music regardless of the genre or artist. Music has changed my life; it elevates my emotional state more than anything. Figurative gun to your head, what is your favorite album of all time? Joy Divisionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Greatest Hits. So good.
entertainment showcase
JEFF MANGUM Jeff Mangum, former and future frontman of late â&#x20AC;&#x2122;90s indie rockers Neutral Milk Hotel, means a lot to a lot of people. With nary a peep from him since the turn of the century, his silence has been as mythical as his music. A couple of generations later, Mangum is viewed in some circles in the same way as, say, Syd Barrett or Nick Drake: an artist whose art destroyed him. Of course, this only adds further intrigue to his followers who mostly discovered Neutral Milk Hotelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s two albums after the fact. Mangum, who appeared appropriately weathered from years in some mysterious abyss, unassumingly walked onstage to reverent applause, sat down with his acoustic guitar, and sang some Neutral Milk Hotel songs. He was in fine form throughout, intoning meditations on death, sex, self-loathing, and varying combinations of all three as the audience shuddered at every vocal tic and mumbled whisper. Mangum, possessor of an especially expressive voice, weaved in and out of his idiosyncratic melodies, exorcising every last bit of pain and longing in songs like â&#x20AC;&#x153;Song Against Sexâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Two-Headed Boy.â&#x20AC;? Almost exactly 45 minutes later, including the obligatory encore, Jeff Mangum was gone once again. As the house lights briskly illuminated Mangumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s farewell, the puzzle began to solve itself. The ticket prices that hovered in the $30-dollar range, the $100 vinyl box set being sold in the lobby, and the absurdly short set length all smacked of intentions of monetary gain, and little else. The recent announcement of Neutral Milk Hotelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s upcoming fall reunion tour revealed Jeff Mangum to be a crass businessman, expanding his profit margin by selling out his fans. If he were Britney Spears doing a comeback tour, the scenario would be perfectly logical. But Mangum is not a pop singer; he is an artiste whose music changed and shaped many lives under the guise of honesty and integrity. He desecrated his own parables by turning his work into a 45-minute advertisement for his upcoming Neutral Milk Hotel tour. If he needed the money, he could have licensed his songs for Target or Volkswagen commercials. But he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. He disrespectfully pimped out his music to the people to whom it holds untold worth, belittling his audience and reducing them to common johns, impersonally serviced in place of the implicit promise of enlightenment. Joshua Levine mailbag@tucsonweekly.com
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An advertising alliance of independent businesses
APRIL 4-10, 2013
David Bowie
Parenthetical Girls
The Strokes
The Next Day
Privilege (Abridged)
Comedown Machine
The peerless David Bowie is back after a decade with The Next Day, one of this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most intriguing and surprisingly excellent albums. The Next Day doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t serve as a departure or a reinvention, but in presenting an album cover that literally slaps the title over the Heroes cover, Bowie is masking his past, asking that this record stand as the now for him. And without having to resort to comparisons, The Next Day is pure Bowie. A natural chameleon, Bowie changes musical styles effortlessly. And while there are some shifts on this record, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for the most part a straightforward rock record, plenty danceable, full of booming drums and slashing guitars. A decade ago, Heathen and Reality halted Bowieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more experimental turn on Earthling and countered the dull Hoursâ&#x20AC;Ś . But trying to build expectations in 2013 out of that short run of albums is impossible. Again teamed with producer Tony Visconti, Bowie goes for a full reset on The Next Day. First single â&#x20AC;&#x153;Where Are We Now?â&#x20AC;? is a spacey ballad that serves as a point of contrast for the albumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wilder cuts. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Next Dayâ&#x20AC;? is glammy dancepunk, while â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dirty Boysâ&#x20AC;? is a sax-fed bit of off-kilter blues. Aside from being fantasticsounding rock songs, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dancing Out in Spaceâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Stars (Are Out Tonight)â&#x20AC;? shine a light on one area of Bowieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s songwriting that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s executed like no other. The cosmos in Bowieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s songsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;throughout his careerâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;is something that can represent the best aspirations of humanity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I tell myself I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know who I am,â&#x20AC;? Bowie sings on album closer â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heat.â&#x20AC;? But taken as a whole, The Next Day proves Bowie is as Bowie as heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ever been. Eric Swedlund
The subtitle for this fourth full-length by the mercurial Portland, Ore.-based indierock group hints that thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more to it. Indeed, during the years since the bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last album, 2008â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Entanglements, Parenthetical Girls released a series of five limited-edition EPs. Frontman Zac Pennington has compiled the highlights of that series here. I havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t listened to the individual EPs, but this 12-song collection of glam rock, chamber-music settings and synth-pop still feels expansive and complete. Pennington is well versed in pop-music history: He quotes the Smiths in â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Pornographer,â&#x20AC;? swipes some African drumming for â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Note to Self â&#x20AC;? and borrows the classic melody and title of the Everly Brothers hit â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let It Be Meâ&#x20AC;? during the intro to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weaknesses.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Careful Who You Dance Withâ&#x20AC;? (with its soaring Morrissey-style vocal melody) and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sympathy for Spasticsâ&#x20AC;? hint at the danger of social interaction and the dark underbelly of growing up. Even casual listeners will get the idea that Penningtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s songs explore challenging aspects of sexualityâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;some celebratory, some tawdryâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; leading to a sense of discovery and emotional catharsis. Sometimes you get the feeling that he wants to indulgently shock the listener with frank language. But just as often the songs reveal a tender heart. It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hurt that composer Jherek Bischoff provides rich arrangements and grand gestures. Privilege is an achievement simply in that it seamlessly references the work of such different artists as Antony and the Johnsons, Xiu Xiu, Link Wray, Phil Spector, Philip Glass and Depeche Mode. Gene Armstrong
On 2011â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Angles, the Strokes proved that they were interested in reinvention and growth. Rather than repeating themselves by restaging the sound of Is This It, Angles was eclectic, messy and quite often wonderful. Not every song worked, but the overall approach did. Comedown Machine shows the band continuing in this new direction. Even if their albums now lack the steadfastness and aesthetic purity of their debut, the Strokes are a more interesting band for it. Plus, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re still essentially driven by nostalgia, except rather than pining for the years of classic garage rock, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re also reliving John Hughes-era new wave on songs like â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tap Outâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Partners in Crime.â&#x20AC;? Weirdly enough, the title track itself, â&#x20AC;&#x153;80s Comedown Machine,â&#x20AC;? is the most derivative of the sound that made the Strokes famous. Though this new direction suits the Strokes just fine, Comedown Machine has some forgettable songs that feel like B-side experiments. The closing track, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Call It Fate, Call It Karma,â&#x20AC;? blends ambient minimalism with the sound of 1950s R&B ballads and is a fine novelty, but little more. For folks whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve stuck with the Strokes this long, Comedown Machine is pleasurable but not mind-blowing. Fans who want to see them stick to the garage rock pigeonhole will use this album as further evidence to dismiss them. Is This It is a fine album, but this weirder, looser version of the Strokes is a million times more compelling. Sean Bottai
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One of the World’s
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APRIL 4-10, 2013
Inkwell: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Q-Tipsâ&#x20AC;? by Ben Tausig
DOWN 1. City where Bach, Goethe, and Marlene Dietrich lived 2. Company whose Monopoly is fully legal 3. Not contemp. 4. Like someone smoking in bed, stereotypically 5. Small businessâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s designation 6. Tone similar to eggshell 7. See 5-Across 8. Wrap condiment 9. A doctor might tell you to cut it out 10. Fierce 11. Kaplan of indie rock fame 12. Atty.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s letters 13. Fails to reserve a juicy bit 18. Saves for later, in a way, as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Girlsâ&#x20AC;? 22. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Moving ___ the next topic, please ...â&#x20AC;? 23. Big dummies 25. Yankee Robinson who was MVP of the 2013 World Baseball Classic 26. ___ Yauch (real name of 24-Across) 30. Long-distance options 31. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Foiled!â&#x20AC;? 32. Two of four, e.g.: Abbr. 33. Golden ratio letter 34. Truth ___ (what the U.S. military once hoped LSD could be) 36. For all kinds of students, in a way 37. Popular glowing rectangle 38. Domestic decision for a duck 39. It lost to VHS in part because the porn industry didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t adopt it 43. Celebrity-endorsed diet supplement berry 45. Company lover? 46. Like much modern shopping and dating 47. Terrifying (or at least super irritating) group for anyone who isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t their age, often 50. Senator Hatch 51. One might scare a visitor to California 52. Zildjian product 54. Chemical in fertilizer 55. Practice with blindfolds and gags, for short 57. Sked note where a cancellation happened, maybe 58. Blockbuster 59. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That which was to be demonstrated,â&#x20AC;? in proofs FRS\ULJKWHG
Mild Abandon
Last Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Solution
ACROSS 1. Blow sound 5. They start with 7-Down 8. Nicks and Buckingham bandmate Christine 13. It might prevent a gas explosion 14. Necklace in Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s birth state 15. Bill mentioned often in the course of 2008 presidential mudslinging 16. Sheets for shoppers 17. Seven-foot golf assistant? 19. Boundary 20. Commit election fraud, perhaps 21. Restraint choice for a root beer magnateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dog? 24. Beastie Boys rapper who died in 2012 27. Low-rent NYC building 28. Her full name has just one vowel repeated four times (aaaaand this entry officially jumps the shark) 29. Array of food 32. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re beneficial to the core 35. Barberaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s partner in animation 36. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jacques, I rate your face a perfect score, but your butt is très mediocre!â&#x20AC;? 40. Met field 41. Cops might make them wail 42. Heavily Hispanic California region 44. Tribe near Salt Lake City 45. Bon ___ (witticism) 48. Banned bug killer 49. Device that automatically cooks a certain French dish â&#x20AC;&#x153;au vinâ&#x20AC;?? 53. Car company that makes the Tribeca 56. Middle alternative? 57. Copy of a copy of a Persian Gulf republic? 60. Historic European waterway, to the Germans 61. Sucks or blows, as it were 62. A Turner 63. Certain minced oaths 64. Mr. Tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crew 65. Scottish criminal 66. Gross lid issue
Now Open in beautiful Southern Arizona Country!
The distribution system for medical marijuana hasn’t evolved as quickly as most expected
Dispensary Delay BY J.M. SMITH, jsmith@tucsonweekly.com f you build it they will come. Maybe. Back in the day (the day being late 2010), when a functional medical cannabis program was a gleam in our collective eye, there was hope spilling all over the ground where medical cannabis was concerned. There was hope that we would quickly have that functional system. Hope that dispensaries and patients would soon be trading green for green. Hope that a thriving cannabis economy would spring to life across the state, leaving relief and comfort in its wake. Or not. A state report updated March 22 by the Arizona Department of Health Services shows that the dispensary system isn’t taking shape quite as fast as many had hoped. More than a year after publishing the program’s rules, DHS has authorized opening just 11 of a potential 120-plus dispensaries, in Page, Bullhead City, Williams, Glendale (two), Eloy, Tucson (three), Willcox and Bisbee. It’s unclear how many of those have opened because the state doesn’t give that information. But two are open in Tucson—The Green Halo, 7710 S. Wilmot Road, and Southern Arizona Integrated Therapies, 112 S. Kolb Road. One in north-central Tucson has been cleared to open but hasn’t yet, and a fourth is gearing up to open at 8060 E. 22nd St., although the state has yet to give it clearance. The Desert Bloom Releaf Center expects to open this spring, according to an email from Aari Ruben, who got the Dispensary Registration Certificate for the zone that stretches from Tucson east to the Cochise County line. The latest patient report from DHS, released March 12, shows there are roughly 38,000 Arizona medical marijuana patients statewide. Of those, just under 10 percent— about 3,600—are in the Tucson metro area.
There are 10 dispensary zones in and around Tucson, not counting outlying areas such as Green Valley and Oro Valley. The state has issued registration certificates for eight of those zones, meaning the operators have at least begun work toward opening. That’s a lot of cannabis vendors, IMO. Frankly, I’m skeptical that the market will support that many dispensaries. It seems the expected flood of patients through dispensary doors has been more of a trickle. When Integrated Therapies opened in December, it was taking patients only by appointment. It was a way to manage the influx of patients and the limited supplies at the tiny dispensary. But two months after it opened, the dispensary was welcoming walk-ins and staff hours had been cut. The bottom line is that dispensaries are expensive, and that alone will keep patients away in droves. I hear a lot of complaints about dispensary prices, which can easily be twice what caregivers charge. In fact, it’s pretty much the only complaint. Convenience is probably not enough to draw the number of patients these dispensaries will need to survive. It’s nice to walk into a shop and pick and choose from a variety of meds, but the bottom line is often the bottom line. Caregivers here are taking somewhere in the neighborhood of $10 per gram to compensate for growing costs. That’s half or less of what dispensaries can charge per gram. So unless competition from all these shops drives prices down significantly, most MMJ patients will keep doing what they have always done—get meds from their friends. And until the state approves more dispensaries, we won’t see that competition, so I guess we’ll just have to hurry up and wait some more to see what happens. Hmpf.
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APRIL 4-10, 2013
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY By Rob Brezsny. Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY HOROSCOPE 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700 $1.99 per minute. 18 and over. Touchtone phone required. ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Art cannot be modern,” said Austrian painter Egon Schiele. “Art is primordially eternal.” I love that idea. Not all of the artifacts called “art” fit that scrupulous definition, of course. Katy Perry’s music and the film Wreck It Ralph may have some entertainment value, but they’re not primordially eternal. I bring this up, Aries, because I think you have entered a particularly wild and timeless phase of your own development. Whether or not you are literally an artist, you have a mandate to create your life story as a primordially eternal work of art. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “All my best ideas come from having no answer,” said pioneer filmmaker John Cassavetes, “from not knowing.” I hope that testimony cheers you up, Taurus. As hard as it may be for you to imagine, you are on the verge of a breakthrough. As you surf the chaotic flow and monitor the confusing hubbub, you are brewing the perfect conditions for an outburst of creativity. Rejoice in the blessing of not knowing! GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Sant is a Hindi word that comes from a Sanskrit verb meaning “to be good” and “to be real.” Personally, I know a lot of people who are either real or good. But few are both. The good ones tend to be overly polite, and the real ones don’t put a high priority on being nice. So here’s your assignment, Gemini: to be good and real; to have compassionate intentions even as you conduct yourself with a high degree of authenticity; to bestow blessings everywhere you go while at the same time being honest and clear and deep. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you have the power to pull off this strenuous feat. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Let’s take a look back at the first three months of 2013. How have you been doing? If I’m reading the astrological markers accurately, you have jettisoned a portion of the psychic gunk that had accumulated in you during the past six years. You have partially redeemed the shadowy side of your nature and you have to some degree ripened the most immature part. There’s also the matter of your heart. You have managed some healing of a wound that had festered there for a long time. So here’s my question for you: Is it possible for you
to do more of this good work? The target date for completion is your birthday. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Naturalist Charles Darwin formulated the theory of evolution, which has been one of history’s most influential hypotheses. A crucial event in his early development as a scientist was a five-year boat trip he took around the world when he was in his 20s. The research he conducted along the way seeded many of his unique ideas. The writing he did established his reputation as a noteworthy author. And yet before his journey, his father tried to talk him out of embarking, calling it a “wild scheme” and “a useless undertaking.” Did your parents or other authorities ever have a similar response to one of your brilliant projects? If so, now would be a good time to heal the wound caused by their opposition. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I’ve got three sets of affirmations for you, Virgo. Say them out loud and see if they might work for you. 1. “I will be engrossed in fascinating experiences that feed my curiosity, but I will not be obsessed with grueling frustrations that drain my energy.” 2. “I will be committed to love if it opens my eyes and heart, but I will not be infatuated with maddening conundrums that jiggle my fear.” 3. “I will give myself freely to learning opportunities that offer me valuable lessons I can use to improve my life, but I will be skeptical toward rough-edged tests that ask far more from me than they offer in return.” LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “Pole of inaccessibility” is a term that explorers use to identify places on the Earth that are hard—and interesting!—to get to. On each continent, it’s usually considered to be the spot that’s farthest from the coastline. For instance, there’s a pole of inaccessibility near the frozen center of Antarctica. Its elevation is over 12,000 feet and it has the planet’s coldest average temperatures. As for the oceanic pole of inaccessibility, it’s an area in the South Pacific that’s most remote from land. By my reckoning, Libra, you would benefit from identifying what your own personal version of this point is, whether it’s literal or metaphorical. I think it’s also a great time to transform your relationship with it.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Every April, the ancient Romans celebrated a festival known as Robigalia. Among the rites they performed were ceremonies to exorcize the god of rust and mildew. I suggest you consider reviving that old practice, Scorpio. You would benefit from spending a few days waging war against insidious rot. You could start by scrubbing away all the sludge, scum, and gunk from your home, car and workplace. Next, make a similar effort on a metaphorical level. Scour the muck, glop and grime out of your psyche. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting.” Tinkerbell says that to Peter Pan in J.M. Barrie’s famous story. Sometime soon, I think you should whisper words like those to a person or animal you love. It’s time for you to be as romantic and lyrical as possible. You need to bestow and attract the nourishment that comes from expressing extravagant tenderness. For even better results, add this sweetness from French poet Paul Valéry: “I am what
is changing secretly in you.” And try this beauty from Walt Whitman: “We were together. I forget the rest.” CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Naturalist John Muir (1838-1914) had an ecstatic relationship with the California wilderness. He studied it as a scientist and he worshiped it as a mystical devotee. During the course of his communion with the glaciers and peaks of the Sierra Nevada mountains, he came close to seeing them as living entities that evolved over long periods of time. “Glaciers move in tides,” he wrote. “So do mountains. So do all things.” With Muir as your inspiration, I invite you to identify the very gradual currents and tides that have flowed for years through your own life, Capricorn. It’s prime time to deepen your understanding and appreciation of the big, slow-moving cycles that have brought you to where you are today. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): American author William Faulkner won a Nobel Prize for literature, an indication that he had abundant talent. The prose he wrote was often experimental, cerebral and complex. He was once asked what he would say to
readers who found it difficult to grasp his meaning “even after reading it two or three times.” His reply: “Read it four times.” My counsel to you, Aquarius, is similar. When faced with a challenging event or situation that taxes your understanding, keep working to understand it even past the point where you would normally quit. There will be rewards, I promise. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “Dear Rob: I just consulted an astrologer, and he told me that my planets are very weak because they’re in the wrong houses and have bad aspects. Please tell me what this means. Am I cursed? Is there any way to remedy my afflictions? - Paranoid Pisces.” Dear Pisces: Whoever told you that nonsense is an incompetent astrologer. You shouldn’t heed him. There’s no such thing as one’s planets being weak or being in the wrong houses or having bad aspects. There may be challenges, but those are also opportunities. Luckily, the coming weeks will be prime time for you Pisceans to overthrow the influence of inept “experts” and irresponsible authorities like him. Reclaim your power to define your own fate from anyone who has stolen it from you.
¡ASK A MEXICAN! BY GUSTAVO ARELLANO, themexican@askamexican.net amexican.net Dear Mexican: Please explain to me why so many mexicanas seem to think it more important to stay home and baby-sit than to attend school (so that they may become more in life than producers of offspring). As an educator (lately of students identified as “at risk” for failure in high school), I have faced “absent on account of child care” as the leading excuse for non-attendance and truancy among my mexicana students. Please note, too, that these are not the young women’s children; often, they are not even the children of the nuclear family. Consider as well that this is a rare-to-nonexistent excuse among any other student group (in other words, this does not come up among diverse Latina or other populations). Teach Her Dear Gabacho: I’m not really sure what’s the point of your question. Are you trying to imply that Mexican families don’t want their daughters to go to school? I’m hearing nowadays in my education circles concern about how Mexican teenage boys are falling behind their hermanas in educational attainment. Do you know for a fact that those girls are taking care of kids at home, or did you fall for their excuse by assuming that Mexican girls are about as far away from babies to take care of as a Bedouin is from a camel? I’m not trying to deny or excuse the disturbing rates of truancy among Mexicans, among the highest of any ethnic group in the United States, but instead of harping on one particular, imagined cause, how about about attacking the whole enchilada? In “Preventing Truancy and Dropout Among Urban Middle School Youth,” a paper in the January 2009 issue of Education and Urban Society by Louie F. Rodríguez of Florida International University and Gilberto Q. Conchas at the University of California, Irvine, the profes identified high truancy rates as a leading indicator of an at-risk student (DUH!) and did what you seemingly don’t: ask the students why they’re truant. They also studied a Boston-area community group that succeeded in reducing truancy among Latinos and African-Americans. The trick? Giving a damn about kids, demanding they and their parents care, and making sure it takes a rancho to get the chamacos to succeed. “Educational research,
policy, and practice have much to learn from grassroots community-based organizations that directly battle with the social struggles in urban communities,” Rodríguez and Conchas concluded. “Educators must assess the factors and influences within community-based organizations that motivate truant young people as a means to build stronger bonds across institutions.” Why do Chicanos criticize gabachos while they are in the USA, and when they come back to México, they despise their compatriotas mexicanos by showing off their dolares? Seems that they don’t belong in neither USA nor México. Chale con el Chilango Chafa Dear To Hell With Chilango Riffraff: The gabacho part is easy—Mexicans of all colores criticize gabachos, because the Virgin of Guadalupe told us to. As for the criticizing Mexicans in Mexico: they’re just learning from the natives, who never miss a moment to trash Mexicans who live in el Norte and their children as somehow lesser than Mexicans who live in Mexico. All we ever did? Save Mexico’s ass from the Third World over the past 30 years with our billions of dollars in remittances. Ask the Mexican at themexican@askamexican. net, be his fan on Facebook, follow him on Twitter @gustavoarellano or ask him a video question at youtube.com/askamexicano!
APRIL 4-10, 2013
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S AVA G E L O V E BY DAN SAVAGE, mail@savagelove.net
I am trying to understand some sexual fantasies I have. They involve having sex with a woman who has a penis. Sometimes I fantasize that my wife grew a penis. The fantasies started when we first tried pegging a few years ago. We recently had our first child and can no longer find the time for such kinky sex. These transsexual fantasies have caused a large strain in our relationship, and I don’t understand why I am having them or what I should do about them. I do not want to engage in a relationship with another person, I just want to know if it’s normal to have these fantasies. Confused But Hopeful
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Normal? No, most men don’t fantasize about their wives sprouting penises, CBH, so your fantasy isn’t normative. But no one’s sexual fantasy is. Fantasies are subjective and personal. Some are more common than others—a desire to be spanked, for instance—but even the most common sexual fantasies appeal only to small subsets of people. Here’s what you should do about your fantasies for now: Shut up and fantasize about them. Your sex life has taken a hit because you’re new parents; odds are good that your wife doesn’t have the time or energy for sex right now without you also asking her to do something impossible (grow a penis) or something risky (give you the okay to get this fantasy fulfilled elsewhere). And considering what that pegging awoke in you, CBH, your wife may be experiencing a bad case of pegger’s remorse right now. She may worry where your fantasies will ultimately lead, e.g., cheating or leaving. That’s not something a new mom (or a new dad) wants to contemplate. So, again, shut the fuck up and beat the fuck off for now. In a year or maybe two, after your sex life has kicked back into gear, your wife might be willing to either explore your fantasies through role-play games or give you a pass to get with a woman with a dick. To understand more about your fetish, google “gynandromorphophilia.” My boyfriend recently became interested in motorcycles, which makes me nervous for his safety. We had a good talk about it, and he settled on a motorcycle/scooter hybrid that looks like a motorcycle but goes only 50 miles per hour. Now he’s looking into upgrading to a full motorcycle. I don’t feel betrayed, but I am genuinely worried for his safety in taking a motorcycle on the freeway. However, it’s his life, we don’t have kids, and I certainly don’t control him. How do you deal with your fear over a loved one’s safety when they choose to do something that makes you nervous? Wants Improved Motor Practices My husband recently became interested in growing a mustache, which made me nervous for my sanity. (All of my uncles had mustaches when I was a kid, and the thought of kissing a guy with a mustache made me think of kissing my uncles Ray, Bill, Jerry, Jimmy, et al., and… ick.) He went ahead and grew one while I was out of town for two weeks. It’s his face, of course, and I certainly don’t control him. But I control my face, and I refused to press mine to his—or press any other part of my body to any part of his—until the mustache was gone. It was gone the next day. Maybe you could take the same approach with your boyfriend?
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I am a 29-year-old straight male. I was introduced to Fetlife—and to BDSM generally—by my former girlfriend, who has a profile on the site. The relationship ended a year ago, and things got tempestuous. We tried to be friends, but she changed her mind, and now we don’t speak. I joined Fetlife recently, and here’s where it gets awkward: After our breakup, I occasionally looked at her profile. When she posted a couple nice photos of herself, I stupidly liked them. Now she’s mes-
saged me a couple times, and I am terrified. There are no pictures on my profile, so she doesn’t know it’s me. Now I don’t know what to do: ignore the messages, or come clean, or what? Ex Currently Keeping Secret We can’t stop our exes from checking out our online personal ads, blogs, websites, Tumblrs, etc., but you stepped over the line when you liked your ex’s photos. That act amounted to initiating contact with a woman who made it clear that she no longer wished to be in contact with you. You could respond to her messages with “Hey, it’s me,” but she may feel that you tricked her into getting back in contact. Having her messages ignored might also upset her, ECKS, but a nonresponse from a presumed stranger will be less upsetting than a hello from you. There are lots of lurkers and flakes on dating sites, and it’s pretty common to send one or two messages to someone and never hear back. So don’t respond. I’m a 20-year-old full-time college student, studying the wonderful world of engineering. I work two jobs and participate in athletics. As you can imagine, with all of this going on, I have little time to myself, let alone time to spend finding someone to share that precious time with. But I recently became what you would call “involved” with a member of the faculty. He’s 20 years older than I am, and we have so much in common that it should be illegal! Should I cut the cord now? Or should I continue enjoying the hottest, sweetest, most thoughtful person I’ve ever met? Sincerely Smitten Student Hesitates Enjoy. And if your hot, sweet, thoughtful faculty member honors the Campsite Rule, i.e., he leaves you in better shape than he found you (no diseases, no unplanned pregnancies, no avoidable drama/trauma), you are in turn obligated to honor the Tea and Sympathy Rule, i.e., when you speak of this in future years—and you will—you will be kind (no nuttiness, no anger that a relationship that was unlikely to work out long-term didn’t wind up turning into an LTR, no sabotaging his academic career by naming names and institutions in a tell-all post on FuckedMyProf. tumblr.com). Have fun, SSSH. You’ve given a lot of great advice, Dan, but I have to take issue with your recommendation to Socially Interactive Sister. She was thinking about hiring someone to relieve her 22-year-old brother of his virginity. Why would you recommend a sex worker when you could recommend the services of a professional surrogate partner therapist? These professionals work hand in hand with licensed sex therapists and have training in order to work therapeutically with folks just like SIS’s brother. I don’t doubt that many sex workers have dealt with these situations, and I’m sure many are good at it, but surrogate partner therapists receive training within a curriculum designed for people like SIS’s brother and others. Additionally, you incorrectly associate sex work with the movie The Sessions, which clearly deals with surrogate partner therapy. Sex work and surrogate partner therapy are not the same. This will make it more difficult for those of us working in this field who are trying to legitimize surrogate partner therapy. I have no issue with sex work, but SPT is truly different. You can find more info at surrogatetherapy.org. Advocate For Surrogate Partner Therapy Thanks for sharing, AFSPT. Find the Savage Lovecast (my weekly podcast) every Tuesday at thestranger.com/savage, and follow me on Twitter @fakedansavage.
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BY CHUCK SHEPHERD Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla., 33679 weirdnews@earthlink.net or go to www.newsoftheweird.com
Fines to Fit the Crimes In March, Microsoft was fined 561 million euros (about $725 million) by the European Commission after, apparently, a programmer carelessly left out just one line of code in Microsoft’s Service Pack 1 of European versions of Windows 7. That one line would have triggered the system to offer web browsers other than Microsoft’s own Internet Explorer, which Microsoft had agreed to include to settle charges that it was monopolizing the webbrowser business. (Also in March, the government of Denmark said that Microsoft owed it about a billion dollars in unpaid taxes when it took over a Danish company and tried to route its taxes through notorious tax havens such as Bermuda. According to a March Reuters report, Denmark is among the first European countries to challenge such U.S.standard tax shenanigans and is expecting payment in full.) Recurring Themes • Being identified with the number 666 (the “mark of the beast” in the Bible’s Book of Revelation) continues to trouble the righteous. Walter Slonopas, 52, felt required to resign as a maintenance worker for Contech Casting in Clarksville, Tenn., in February after receiving his W-2 form, which he noted was the 666th mailed out by Contech this year. (However, perhaps Slonopas is not so innocent. He had been working for Contech for less than two years, yet had already been “assigned” the number 666 twice—on the company’s payroll books and the company’s time-clock system.) • The Iconic Phantom Black/Hispanic Perpetrator: In February, victims of crimes in San Antonio, Texas, and Terrebonne Parish, La., complained to police that they had been assaulted by, respectively, a “Hispanic male” and an “unknown black man”—whom the victims admitted later did not exist. San Antonio police learned that their victim had been accidentally, embarrassingly, shot by a friend mishandling his gun. Louisiana authorities found that their victim had not been abducted and raped (and had her baby stolen). Rather, she had wanted to hide her miscarriage from family and friends and invented a phantom attack as more acceptable. • Backward Incentives: Society continues to suffer from questionable company policies that encourage precisely the wrong behaviors. Bartender Twyla DeVito said she knew that one of her regulars at the American Legion Post in Shelby, Ohio, was too inebriated to drive home and thus telephoned police, alerting them to a potential drunk driver. An officer responded, observed the driver, and arrested him when his blood-alcohol read twice the limit for presumed impairment. Two days later DeVito was fired because, as her boss allegedly said to her, “(I)t’s bad for business to have a bartender that will call the cops.” • The Fabulous British Government “Safety Net”: Heather Frost, 36, and mother of 11, is 70 WWW.TuCsON WEEKLY.COM
getting a brand-new, specially designed house through the Tewkesbury (England) Borough Council, which deemed inadequate the duplex that the family had been using at taxpayer expense for five years. Frost had complained that she needed larger quarters because one daughter now owns a horse and needs to stable it (and, said a stable worker, had almost acquired two more horses, but that deal fell through). • Fathers caught up unfairly in state laws on child support have appeared in News of the Weird, but Lional Campbell’s story seems unusually harsh. Authorities in Detroit continue to bill Campbell for past-due support (which Campbell admits he owes even if unsure how much), but only recently did he discover that they were counting $43,000 pastdue to support “Michael,” who had died 25 years ago at age 3. Campbell said he had thought the support was for another child, born seven years after Michael, but it turns out neither the authorities nor Campbell knows precisely which fatherhood Campbell is paying for. The latest audit reduced Michael’s $43,000 balance to about $6,500. • Third-World Penis-Snatchings Continue to Vex: In Tiringoulou (pop. 2,000) in the Central African Republic, phantoms are thought often to steal penises, or shrink them, but according to a March dispatch in the magazine Pacific Standard, the stories’ origins may simply reflect distrust of outsiders. Townspeople over-attribute worldly powers to strangers, and when outsiders’ business deals go sour, men check their genitals. Also, animal-organ poachers operate nearby and arouse suspicion that they may be after human genitals, as well. (Asking for perspective on this weirdness, though, the Pacific Standard reporter wondered what Tiringoulou citizens might think about Americans who, for instance, starve themselves “near to death because their reflection in the mirror convinces them that they are fat.”) • More Poor Planning: (1) In San Diego, Calif., in February, two people broke into a Hooters after closing and stole a jukebox, apparently, said police, mistaking it for an ATM inside the darkened restaurant. (2) Jose Perales Jr., 24, was charged with breaking into Dr. John’s Lingerie Boutique in Davenport, Iowa, in February. Surveillance video revealed he was wearing men’s clothing when he entered, but left in a dress and blond wig. In fact, while changing clothes, his bare back was visible, revealing “Perales” tattooed on his shoulder. • Loretta Lacy, 49, perhaps set some kind of record in January as she sped from Sioux Falls, S.D., to Racine, Wis. (about 500 miles away) just to make her granddaughter’s school dance. Although her daughter told a Minneapolis Star Tribune reporter that her mother “can make it from A to B faster than maybe the average person,” Lacy collected four speeding tickets during one 2 1/2-hour stretch, including for speeds of 88, 99 and 112. Of course, she arrived late.
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Across 1 La ___ (Argentine city) 6 Irksome 10 Blacken 14 Museum piece 15 Name of counties in three states, all crossed by I-90 16 Loosen (up) 18 Amicable 20 Abridge 21 Windhoek-toPretoria dir. 22 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beloved,â&#x20AC;? in operas 23 Begin energetically 24 Player of Mark Antony in 1953â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Julius Caesarâ&#x20AC;? 27 Sing 30 Epithet for Franceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Louis VI, with â&#x20AC;&#x153;theâ&#x20AC;? 31 Singer Alan or Anita 32 Weather line 34 Abbr. in classifieds
35 Andries Pretorius, e.g., who gave his name to a national capital 39 What each of the 10 abbreviations in this puzzleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s answer stands for 43 Bloom support 44 Jimmy 45 Electorate 46 Gas brand north of the border 48 Pet rat in a 1972 #1 song 49 Medium bra specification 50 Old name of the San Jose Sharksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; arena 55 Kind of push-up 56 Muckraker Jacob 58 Clintonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s veep and his father 61 Gain knowledge 62 Skateboarding ramp
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23 24
Down 1 Like many a sniper 2 Runners 3 Veld flower 4 Uncle JosĂŠ, e.g. 5 Hybrid, in a way 6 Inspect 7 Wrongdoing 8 Less than 1% 9 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Assuredlyâ&#x20AC;? 10 Author Beverly 11 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Broom-___â&#x20AC;? 12 Much-advertised sleep aid 13 Fixed up 17 Where Harrahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s started 19 Sushi bar sauce 23 The L.A. Sparks play in it 25 Not all there 26 Frankfurt an der ___ 27 Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re flicked 28 Exam for future attys. 29 Have ___ to pick 30 Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll pass 33 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pow!â&#x20AC;? 34 Subject of the 2005 book â&#x20AC;&#x153;Conspiracy of Foolsâ&#x20AC;? 35 Drill part 36 Year in the reign of the emperor Augustus
No. 0112
58 64
Puzzle by Gareth Bain
37 Napkin shade, maybe 38 Party in a legal proceeding: Abbr. 40 Part of St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 41 No longer bothered by something 42 Baron ___ Richthofen 46 Like some runs
47 Small area meas. 48 City once divided by the Green Line 50 Mixer choice 51 Seemingly ceaselessly 52 With cruelty 53 Gay ___ 54 Plumbing, e.g.
57 Golfâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ballesteros 58 Lhasa ___ 59 Quick weight loss method, for short 60 Command eliciting barking 62 On the ___ vive 63 Mantelpiece pieces 64 Johnny ___
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