Home of Innovation 2022

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Stories about innovation and societal impact



PRODUCTION TU Delft | Innovation & Impact Centre, Jurjen Slump ( Editor in Chief) Malou Spruit (Concept & Art Direction) Jens Kok, Merel Zeilstra (traffic)

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Agaath Diemel, Bennie Mols, Karin Postelmans, Merel Zeilstra



PHOTOGRAPHY Willem de Kam, Guus Schoonewille Cover: Gualtiero Boffi, Shutterstock


LAY-OUT lizzil creative

PRINT Edauw en Johannissen © TU Delft | Innovation & Impact Centre


INTRODUCTION Tim van der Hagen

VISION ’ Our added value is in System Integration’

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Delft Energy Initiative


Our ‘formula’ for accelerating the Energy Transition


The Accelerator Team

POINT OF VIEW European Commissioner


Frans Timmermans

on the Energy Transition

ECOSYSTEM ‘ We need to work together to make the energy transition a success’


Maarten Abbenhuis (COO Tennet) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

24/7 Energy Lab John Schmitz & Marjan Kreijns



‘ A gift from mother nature’ Battolyser Systems





Control Room of the Future Peter Palensky & Alex Stefanov


‘ We’re focusing on a mixture of proven and innovative techniques’ The Energy Transition on TU Delft Campus


‘ Symbiosis with TU Delft speeds up advances in offshore wind energy’

avid Molenaar, D (CEO Siemens Gamesa)





Paul Althuis

Paving the way for hydrogen

‘ Think big, because the task we face is a big one’

In 2022, our university celebrates its 180th anniversary. For the past 180 years we have been building the future. Our research has created new knowledge and insight. Through design, engineering and innovation we have shared that knowledge with society. Our graduates have made the Delft engineer a byword for problemsolving and getting things done. Our campus has grown into a community where researchers are working hand in hand with entrepreneurial spirits to bring ideas and inventions to fruition. Our joint efforts have contributed to prosperity, safety and wellbeing in the Netherlands and beyond. Immensely proud as we are of these achievements, we must also acknowledge that they have contributed to what we now see as the flipside of industrial development and economic growth: pollution, dwindling natural resources and climate change. We will make sure we are also part of the solution. To achieve this, we equip new generations of engineers with the knowledge and skills they need to meet today’s challenges. We focus on concrete solutions through innovation, and we work on new research findings that may lead to prospective solutions. Our campus community is evolving into an innovative ecosystem, a space for the kind of co-creation that can accelerate innovation, so our latest discoveries can create impact in society at the earliest opportunity. In the fight against climate change – our biggest challenge – the energy transition is a crucial weapon. Only if our energy system is carbon neutral by 2050 will we be able to mitigate the effects of climate change. But at the current pace, we will not get there in thirty years’ time. That is why ‘speeding up the energy transition’ is the theme for our anniversary year – a year in which we celebrate our active role in the energy transition. In this edition of Home of Innovation you will read all about the movers and shakers who are making it come about: a clean, affordable, safe and reliable energy system in order to hold climate change in check. Professor Tim van der Hagen

Rector Magnificus/President of the Executive Board TU Delft

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition



Kornelis Blok


With around a thousand scientists, TU Delft is one of Europe’s largest research institutes in the field of energy. As such, the university is playing an important role in the energy transition, innovation and in the debate in society. So, what makes TU Delft so distinctive and how does the university intend to accelerate the energy transition? We put it to Professor of Energy Systems Analysis and Chair of the Delft Energy Initiative Kornelis Blok, Professor of Energy Systems and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences Paulien Herder and Rector Magnificus and President of the Executive Board Tim van der Hagen.

Text: Jurjen Slump

All three agree: TU Delft’s strength lies in the variety of its fundamental research and its application. Whether it concerns wind and solar energy, hydrogen, new synthetic fuels or nuclear energy: fundamental research is being conducted on all types of energy technology and there are tests on new applications, together with partners in the field labs on TU Delft Campus. “We have everything under one roof here”, says Herder. “From very fundamental research to extremely applied.” That means you can address the key challenges at system level in order to make the energy transition a success. “Take hydrogen – on the supply side, we have a great deal of knowledge of offshore renewables”, explains Blok. He also chairs the anniversary committee. “When it comes to the production of hydrogen or synthetic fuels, we also have experts in electrochemical processes. And we have research groups working on transport, logistics and the markets on which renewable energy is traded.” The same applies for the transition of the built environment. “Not only do we have people who know

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition

VISION how to generate geothermal energy sustainably in order to heat buildings, but also how to transport it to offices and households, how the heating system is arranged and how you organise the heating market.” All of these examples show that TU Delft ultimately offers added value at system level. “System integration is what we’re good at. There are very few research institutes that can cover the whole gamut”, says Blok.

This is why TU Delft is not ruling out research into nuclear energy. “The climate problem is too important to casually exclude a particular technology”, says Blok. “Across the world, nuclear energy is already playing a major role as a CO2-free source of energy.” The nuclear energy research in Delft is focusing on the next generation of nuclear energy generated using thorium reactors. This could be a promising technology for the longer term: cleaner, safer and more sustainable.

CENTRE OF EXPERTISE Because of this, TU Delft can take on the position of centre of expertise in the energy transition, says Van der Hagen. “Whenever policymakers, ministers or politicians have questions, they know they need to turn to us.” The Rector Magnificus believes that the energy transition is moving too slowly. “As a university, it’s our moral responsibility to make acceleration possible.” Education, research and innovation in the field of energy have a multidisciplinary structure. Everything comes together in the Delft Energy Initiative, which is led by Blok. Four institutes are part of it: the Wind Energy Institute, the Urban Energy Institute, the PowerWeb Institute and the e-Refinery Institute (see image on page 9). Thanks to the Social Innovation Platform, there is also plenty of focus on the ethical and social aspects of the energy transition. All of this means that there is significant expertise available, but much more research is needed to make the energy transition a success. This applies to almost any technology that can play a role. Herder mentions a few examples. It is already possible to develop green fuels directly from carbon dioxide in the lab. “But, doing that on the scale of Pernis and Moerdijk will take decades”, explains Herder. Upscaling these kinds of processes will require a lot more fundamental research.”


“ Our role is to provide options for politicians: across a range of technologies, we’ve developed insights into the technology and know what the pros and cons are” Paulien Herder ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Take solar energy, for example. The cost may have fallen, but the materials are often not recyclable. Some fundamental material research will be needed to achieve circularity. Then there is the complete digitalisation of the energy system, which calls for a great deal of research into data and artificial intelligence. We’re doing that in Delft in the ESP Lab (see page 16).

URGENCY Herder is also keen to emphasise the university’s role in the debate within society. “As a university, we must stress how urgent the energy transition is.” This is not to imply that TU Delft should set the direction of travel. “Our role is to provide options for politicians: across a range of technologies, we’ve developed insights into the technology and know what the pros and cons are”, she says.

ACCELERATOR TEAM In order to emphasise the urgency, TU Delft is establishing an Accelerator Team: a group of ten young and talented scientists – from across all faculties – who together embody the university’s vision on the energy transition (see image on page 10-11). “The Accelerator Team serves an important function”, says Blok. “They’re all energy scientists making a difference with their research. By focusing on the themes they’re working on, we hope to accelerate research and innovation. They will also showcase TU Delft’s position in various ways.” Future Energy Labs are also being established, with a view to accelerating innovation in the energy transition across seven themes, together with several partners (see page 37). Blok, Herder and Van der Hagen all agree that the Netherlands could also be acting

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition


faster when it comes to innovation. For example, the Rector Magnificus would like to see more long-term multidisciplinary research programmes in which the brightest brains collaborate. “Achieving the energy transition will require radical and revolutionary innovation. That’s why it’s important to think across disciplines.” Herder adds that the costs of new technologies can quickly fall if the government applies a stable and targeted innovation policy, as was the case with offshore wind.

the energy transition involves come together. TU Delft is right at the centre of that. “We need to achieve almost all these innovations literally in our own back yard. That really helps our students and staff to see the point of it all”, she explains. “If you cycle here and see the Rotterdam port area, you understand: all of this needs to change.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

CLIMATE CHANGE Acceleration, acceleration, acceleration. That is the underlying theme. Ultimately, the energy transition will be essential in limiting further climate change. “Energy consumption is the largest source of greenhouse gases. The energy transition is the most comprehensive action we can take to combat further climate change,” says Van der Hagen. Blok takes the same view. The professor has spent his entire career working to improve the sustainability of the energy supply and is also a member of the UN’s IPCC climate panel. “I started out in energy, but have found myself up to my ears in efforts to combat climate change.”


Herder simply has to get on her bike to see what she is working for. In Zuid-Holland, all the major issues that

What does the energy transition look like?

“The energy transition is the most comprehensive action we can take to combat further climate change” Tim van der Hagen ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Global final energy use

Electricity Fuels and Heat

Energy efficiency Buildings, transport, industry

Fossil ~2/3

Solar Wind Hydropower, nuclear, other

Mostly fossil

grids, demand response, short term + long term storage

Geothermal and solar heat

Bio-energy Fossil + CCS Hydrogen/new fuels Inspired by: IPCC, Global Warming of 1.5 °C, 2018 Ecofys, The Energy Report, 2011 EC, A Clean Planet for All, 2018



After transition

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition

New infrastructure



Designing and investigating wind energy technologies and systems to meet the societal energy needs and expectations

Designing intelligent and integrated energy systems that can facilitate the producer and consumer in their changing needs

Research and development of electrochemical conversion technology for the sustainable production of chemicals and fuels

Designing solutions for speeding up the urban energy transition at the building, neighborhood, district and city scale Illustration by Iris Jönsthövel

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition





TODAY, WE FIND OURSELVES IN … an environment where products and services consume high amounts of energy and end-users struggle to make their behaviour more sustainable. Our linear economy leads to depletion of natural resources and exhaustion of scarce materials.



DECREASE Energy and Material Consumption





… an energy system designed for centralised energy production, onedirectional energy distribution, and human decision-making. It can’t facilitate large numbers of decentralised renewable energy production and storage facilities.

DIGITISE Energy Systems




… a society that relies on fossil energy sources for producing electricity, fuelling transport, and feeding chemical industries. Today, there are no effective solutions to fully mitigate their CO2 emissions.



WHO WE ARE The people behind the Accelerator Team Photo’s: Sam Rentmeester Illustration: Iris Jönsthövel

Andrea Ramirez Ramirez Professor of Low Carbon Systems and Technologies

Axelle Viré Associate Professor of Floating Offshore Wind Energy

David Vermaas Assistant Professor in Electrochemical Conversions

Hadi Hajibeygi Associate Professor in GeoEnergy Engineering

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition

Gerdien de Vries Associate Professor in Climate Psychology

FEATURED The Accelerator Team is a team of talented TU Delft researchers in the energy domain who work together to speed up the energy transition. They are a driving force behind breakthrough research and ground-breaking interdisciplinary projects. While recognising the complexity of the energy transition, they summarised the key challenges of the energy transition in their formula for acceleration. There will be no single technological solution to this formula; it requires a broad portfolio of technologies and solutions and strong collaboration between science, industry and policy makers to make the energy transition happen.

WE ARE WORKING TOWARDS … a sustainability-aware society where green products and services are available to everyone, powered by efficiency and circularity.

Technology Policy

Digital Twin






… a reliable, safe, cost-effective, fair energy system that balances supply and demand through intelligently controlling energy production, distribution, storage, and usage at all scales and all times.

… a carbon-negative society where clean energy is abundant and industry uses fossil-free sources of carbon such as CO2, biomass, or waste as feedstock.



Laure Itard Professor of Building Energy Epidemiology

Olindo Isabela Professor of Photovoltaic Technologies and Applications


Peter Palensky Professor of Intelligent Electrical Power Grids

Phil Vardon Associate Professor in Geothermal Science and Engineering

Ruud Kortlever Assistant Professor in Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition

Deborah Nas Professor and Coordinator Accelerator Team

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‘ IT’S POSSIBLE! BUT FOR THAT TO HAPPEN, WE NEED TO CHANGE COURSE NOW’ As the European Commissioner responsible for the Green Deal, Frans Timmermans has been working for the past two years to make the green transition, including the energy transition, a reality. In recognition of his societal achievements in tackling climate change, Timmermans received an honorary doctorate from TU Delft. He also attended the opening of the anniversary celebrations. Altogether, plenty of reasons for an interview. An excellent opportunity to hear more about the climate agenda, the opportunities for accelerating the energy transition, and his personal motivation for his efforts. Text: Merel Zeilstra, Jurjen Slump Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition

POINT OF VIEW Our warmest congratulations on your honorary doctorate from TU Delft. What does receiving this honorary doctorate mean for you? “It’s a tremendous honour, and primarily serves as recognition for the European Green Deal achieved by my team, led by Delft alumnus Diederik Samsom, and by the European Commission as a whole. As the oldest and largest university of technology in the Netherlands, Delft is a bastion of intellectual freedom and outstanding research. That openness to people from across the world is also a sign of an open mind. These are essential values for an open society and also a necessary ingredient for the success of the green transition. Innovation, new technology and applications will be crucial in all kinds of areas.”

The COP26 climate summit in Glasgow probably failed to achieve the result you were hoping for. What does that mean for your climate and energy plans (Fit for 55)? “We had indeed originally hoped to achieve more in Glasgow, but we actually ended up making more progress compared to what we thought possible just before it started. At the summit, the world found a new momentum, critical mass and the right direction of travel. First of all: before Glasgow, we were on track for a temperature increase of 2.4 °C, and the International Energy Agency (IEA) determined quickly that the new pledges could actually put the world on track for 1.8 °C – provided they are all implemented. Moreover, everyone is now accepting an increase of only 1.5 °C as the new norm. “Secondly, there was a worrying shortfall of something in the region of $20 billion in the pledge made by developed countries to provide $100 billion annually to the poorest countries to enable them to take action on climate. The EU and its member states provide more than their share and we’ve pushed other countries to take responsibility too, especially the US. By joining forces, we hope to achieve the $100 billion by 2022. Thirdly, to effectively compare efforts made by different countries and ensure that the carbon market can operate effectively, data and methodologies need to be comparable. We achieved an important agreement on that in Glasgow. Finally, at COP26 the entire world stated for the first time that there is no future for coal. All of that is a positive achievement.”

What expectations do you have of the new Dutch government when it comes to the 2030 climate targets? What opportunities are there for the Netherlands to accelerate the energy transition? “In Europe, the member states and the European Parliament have adopted a Climate Law to be climate

neutral in 2050, and to reduce emissions by at least 55% to get there. Just like all other EU member states, the new Dutch government will need to align its policies to contribute to these targets, not an easy job for anyone. The Netherlands has conducted a very good analysis of our ‘Fit for 55’ proposals and its own Climate Agreement is leading the way in Europe. But the Climate Agreement is not enough. The good news is that the Netherlands has the resources, people and knowledge needed. The report by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency shows that the Netherlands will probably achieve the 2030 climate target for renewable energy thanks to solar and wind. “All in all, the Dutch energy infrastructure will need to be made future-proof, not only for 2030, but for 2050 too. The electrification of transport may be ahead of many other EU member states, but the Dutch infrastructure and the electricity grid can and must be modernised and expanded in order to cope with the ever-increasing production, storage and use of energy. Equally, on the road towards a hydrogen market, the Netherlands can lead the way by developing intelligent synergies between heavy industry and energy producers. It’s now a question of how decisive a new Dutch government can be in terms of going beyond the Climate Agreement and putting its ambitious target into practice. The new coalition agreement points in the right direction.”

In January, TU Delft celebrates its 180th anniversary. The theme of the anniversary will be the acceleration of the energy transition. In your view, where does Europe stand out in terms of its achievements in the energy transition? In what areas could there be improvements? “The EU has demonstrated courage by no longer waiting for the rest of the world and taking a major step forward instead. Firstly, by agreeing that the EU will be climate neutral by 2050. Then by reaching agreement on a more ambitious target of at least 55% fewer emissions by 2030. Setting ambitious targets for decades in the future is relatively simple. The EU has gone further and is unique in the world in having an all-embracing step-by-step plan for the green transition, the so-called ‘Fit for 55’ package. “Despite this, we must accelerate our energy diversification, especially if you consider developments in geopolitics and how certain powers don’t hesitate to use energy as a political weapon. Take hydrogen: too often the EU has lagged too far behind on technical developments and applications – when it comes to

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batteries and hydrogen, we need to work hard to maintain our leading position.”

sustainable ones. But, for that, it’s important that we are offered new accessible and affordable alternatives.

Do you think we’re in a phase when we need all the different renewable energy options or that we should be starting to make hard choices in favour of solar, wind or hydrogen, for example?

“I’d particularly like to pay tribute to young people, because without them, who took and are taking to the streets as part of ‘Fridays for Future’, there would never even have been a Green Deal. Similarly, further innovation will be impossible without a robust science sector. And when the market sees that there are major profits to be made from a green transition, there’ll be no stopping it. In all of this, I always highlight one thing in particular: this time, the new economy needs to take everyone with it. Ultimately, we’re not doing this for the planet – she can save herself without humanity – we do this for the health, well-being and prosperity of all people.”

“Each European member state is starting from a different position and is sovereign when it comes to its own energy mix. In some places in Europe, there is more sunshine and others have more potential for wind. Some countries are radically opposed to nuclear energy, whereas others are very much in favour. But, there is increasing consensus that coal has had its day. The importance of solar, wind, hydroelectric energy and hydrogen is also clear. In the long term, nuclear fusion may ultimately live up to its promise. New knowledge and discoveries will force us back to the drawing board. We need to continue to search, learn and adapt. In the meantime, we know that we will be able to use gas as we transition.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


“ New knowledge and discoveries will force us back to the drawing board” Frans Timmermans ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Who really are the main players when it comes to enabling the energy transition? Politicians, scientists, businesses or citizens? “It’s up to all of us. It’s up to governments to create the regulatory frameworks and the market to provide clarity and create a level playing field that will stimulate investment. Both public and private resources will be needed for further innovation. Citizens – and I’m specifically not talking about consumers here – also have their own responsibility, for example by changing old habits and replacing them with new, more

At times, politics can obstruct innovation, because of outdated rules that fail to keep pace with the changing world, so how can delay be prevented? “Democracy has been designed to have the right checks and balances to ensure that no single political actor or party can suddenly take on all of the power. At a time of crisis, some people can find this a problem. Nevertheless, the European Green Deal has come about at the political speed of light thanks to unprecedented agreement between the European leaders, parliaments and public opinion. “After all, there’s always an alternative and effective way of achieving growth and innovation, increasing prosperity and tackling the climate crisis decisively and effectively whilst at the same time disregarding human rights, democracy and freedom. China is doing it in its own way. We’re determined to move forward faster, but to do so democratically and inclusively.”

You are a key figure in the fight against climate change. Was there a time in your career or personal life that shaped what motivates you in terms of this issue? “I readily admit that I’m a late convert. When, much to my surprise, (now former) President Jean Claude Juncker made me responsible for sustainability at the start of my first term in the Commission, I quickly became acquainted with the topic and discovered how alarming the climate and biodiversity crises really are. That’s why I put them front and centre during the 2019 European elections. The Green Deal is partly the result of that. It actually became very personal just over a year ago when my first grandson Kees was born. He’s now a year old, is able to surf along the furniture and happily throws everything he can onto the ground.

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition

POINT OF VIEW “By 2050, he will be 31 years old. Just think – if we’re successful in this transition, he’ll be living in a liveable world. The great thing is, it’s possible! But for that to happen, we need to change course now. It’s time for us to adopt the same attitude as our parents and grandparents had after World War II; they did everything they could to make life better for their children. It’s important for my generation to accept that we’re planting trees in the knowledge that we will never ourselves be able to enjoy their shade and shelter. That’s why I talk about citizens who are part of something bigger, rather than about consumers who need to make the most of the here and now.”

What message would you like to give to TU Delft students and staff with regard to the energy transition and climate change? “Our Western civilisation is under pressure –from within and without. Facts and science are being brushed aside and replaced by ‘opinions’. Democracy itself is sometimes even dismissed as ‘fake’. But, without shared truths and fundamental values it’s difficult to sustain a democracy. It’s important to stand up and speak out for facts and science and to continue to debunk untruths, myths and lies. This is a duty of every citizen, and that also includes you; it calls for civil courage. By the same token, I would say: make sure that your degree programme and everything you do is about more than just building up a sparkling CV en route to a great and well-paid job. Make sure that science encompasses not only ‘everything that is possible I

will do’ but also ‘everything that I do also has a moral component and should ultimately serve humanity’. “Shimon Peres once said to me that ‘progress in humanity is caused by dissatisfaction and curiosity’. That was our inspiration for the Green Deal and I’m sure that it’s also the inspiration for your university and your students who enjoy worldwide success in the Delft Dream Teams. You’ve been given a lot and it’s only fair that a lot is also expected of you. As far as this great transition is concerned, I hope you will approach the world with an open mind, help to write history and in doing so contribute to a better, liveable and free world for all of humankind.”

FRANS TIMMERMANS 2014-present First Executive Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of the European Green Deal and responsible for international EU climate diplomacy 2014-2019 First Vice-President of the EU Commission, in charge of Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. 2010-2012 Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands 2007-2010 State Secretary, Foreign Affairs 1998-2007 Member of the Dutch House of Representatives, PvdA (Dutch Labour Party) 1987-1998 Diplomat, various positions, including in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and at the Dutch Embassy in Moscow. 1980 -1985 Degree in French Language and Literature, Radboud University, Nijmegen & Postgraduate courses in European Law and French Literature, University of Nancy, France

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Tennet has an important role to play in the energy transition. The company faces some major challenges. To develop new innovations, the European grid operator is working with TU Delft in the recently opened Electrical Sustainable Power (ESP) Lab, where the electricity grid is being readied for the future. Maarten Abbenhuis, chief operating officer (COO) at Tennet, was closely involved in the development of this unique research and testing facility.

Text: Jurjen Slump


evolutionary. This is how Abbenhuis (himself an alumnus, who studied systems engineering, policy analysis and management in the 1990s) describes what has happened in the last decade. The existing high-voltage network dates from the 1960s and had considerable overcapacity until recently. However, the last decade has seen a ‘huge shift’ take place from the generation of energy using coal and gas towards solar and wind power. “All of these renewable energy sources have to be connected to our network.” Things are getting tight. There have been several recent reports in the newspapers that new wind turbines, solar fields and other renewable projects cannot be connected to the network because of a lack of capacity. “In Drenthe, there is a lot of low-cost land available for new solar farms and wind turbines, but our highvoltage network has only limited capacity there”, says Abbenhuis, highlighting one of the many challenges.

INVESTMENT PROGRAMME Not only is supply increasing, demand is also set to rise. “That means that we have to improve the capacity of our network in order to be able to match demand and supply at any time of day.” That calls for a ‘dynamic’ network, because the amount of energy generated by wind and the sun varies significantly compared to coalfired and gas-fired power plants, for example. All kinds of different technological issues are involved in this.

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition

ECOSYTEM Tennet has set up a major investment programme intended to cope with the increasing demand and supply of renewable energy. The year 2020 saw investments to the tune of € 3.4 billion and that will soon increase to around 5 to 6 billion a year. The most important challenge faced by Tennet involves integrating the different speeds with which these developments are happening. Any new government policy takes time to bed in, the construction of new infrastructure has already accelerated and, finally, there is the ‘superfast’ increase in renewable energy. “The main challenge will be in ensuring that we converge all these different speeds. One way of achieving it will be through innovation, which is why we are so proud to be a partner of the ESP Lab.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

VERITABLE TEMPLE OF SUSTAINABILITY In the ESP Lab, the Dutch electricity grid is being readied for the future. Three lines of research have an important role to play in this process: Photovoltaics, Power Electronics and Digital Technologies. In all of these areas, innovation is happening across the board: from generation, conversion, transport, distribution and storage through to the use of (green) electricity and from innovative hardware to smart algorithms.

“Put in concrete terms: how will 150 electrolysers for the production of hydrogen effect our network? Or, think of the millions of heat pumps, solar panels and electric vehicles that will be connected in the years ahead. How will the system react to them? How can we cope with this as effectively as possible with the existing infrastructure? You can model all of that perfectly in the ESP Lab.” Another example: what will happen to the European network if all of the wind suddenly drops? How do you downscale wind farms when necessary, for example for maintenance? “In situations like that, you need flexibility. That’s also something we can research effectively in the ESP Lab.”


“ It would be great if we could structure the system in such a way as to ensure that electricity consumption moves in line with availability” Maarten Abbenhuis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ELECTROLYSERS, HEAT PUMPS AND SOLAR PANELS All of Tennet’s statutory duties – transport services, system services and facilitating the market – can be simulated in the lab, using hardware and software. That opens up unique opportunities for developing integrated solutions for the energy system.

Abbenhuis continues: “It would be great if we could structure the system in such a way as to ensure that electricity consumption moves in line with availability. When there’s a lot of wind, industry could up the tempo a little. When there’s less wind, we can scale things down. Envisaging the practical implications of that is something we can very effectively simulate in the new lab.” There is also the issue of the market: how will all of this green energy be bought and sold? New market concepts can also be developed in the ESP Lab, together with academics from the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. The same applies to software and data. The Lab is home to the Control Room of the Future (see page 26). “There has been a huge increase in the amount of operational data. But how do we use that data in a way that also benefits us? All of these issues make for very interesting research projects.” What makes the lab unique is that it enables Tennet to develop and test innovations and applications without the end user being affected. “What matters most is security of supply. We need to do all the maintenance and updates on the grid while it’s in use. That means

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition



that we can’t simply use new hardware without first testing it thoroughly.”

INTEGRATED APPROACH Tennet has an important role to play in the energy transition. How can this be accelerated, in Abbenhuis’s view? “We need to look for solutions at system level. Lots of different parties are involved, each with their own specific roles. An integrated approach will be essential in ensuring that the network can change into a European multifunctional connector of a dynamic electricity supply, with controllable demand for energy and a link to storage in molecules and electrons.” The ESP Lab is the ideal place for developing and testing these innovations to enable them to be successfully integrated. That is what makes the lab an essential link in the successful shift towards a new energy system. “That’s why it makes perfect sense for us to be a partner from the outset.”


“If we want to make a success of the energy transition, we will need to work together: universities, the market, industry, government and the grid operators”, says

Tennet is a leading European grid operator, also known as Transmission System Operator or TSO. It designs, builds, maintains and operates the high-voltage network in the Netherlands and large parts of Germany and facilitates the European energy market. Tennet transports electricity across a high-voltage network of around 23,500 km to more than 42 million people. With a staff of more than 5,000, Tennet achieved turnover of € 4.1 billion, and a total asset value of €23 billion in 2019.

Abbenhuis. “We have a mammoth task ahead of us in the next twenty years. That’s why we need to continue to nurture our partnership.”

PRIVILEGED “I consider myself privileged to be able to work in a sector that is tasked with completely reinventing itself”, he concludes. “I’m convinced that we’re doing the right things to make the energy transition a reality, in alliance with science. If we are successful in this, we can use that knowledge to ensure that the rest of the world follows suit and that we leave the Earth behind in a better state than we found it.”

ower generation, conversion and storage facilities, grid P and microgrid components, power facilities for high, medium and low voltages, and extensive ICT facilities: the ESP Lab is a unique combination of facilities.

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition



Marjan Kreijns and John Schmitz


The energy transition will be at its most tangible in residential areas, where there are major challenges. Residents will need to refrain from using gas and the increase in heat pumps and renewable, localised energy production is creating problems for the electricity grid. At The Green Village, field lab for sustainable innovation on TU Delft Campus, a unique project has been launched in order to accelerate the energy transition in the built environment: the development of a local CO2-free self-sufficient energy system. Text: Jurjen Slump


ver recent years, a conventional natural gas network was already set up at The Green Village and was later adapted for hydrogen. Three 1970s-style terraced houses were built in order to research how these homes, which are still very common, can be made more sustainable. There is also an open low-temperature heating grid. There are electric cars that can be used as batteries and the site has access to a DC and AC electricity network.

HUGE STEP FORWARD All of these projects sowed the seeds for the new 24/7 Energy Lab project: the establishment of a local energy system. The idea behind it is simple, explains Marjan Kreijns, director of The Green Village. “Currently, the built environment accounts for some 35% of energy demand in the Netherlands. If we succeed in making this partially CO2-free, we will be taking a huge step forward in accelerating the energy transition.” However, the use of renewable energy in making residential areas self-sufficient is not without its challenges. “Demand and supply always need to be

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^ Eventually, 24/7 Energy Lab connects all of the buildings and systems at The Green Village > balanced”, as John Schmitz, the former Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, who is leading the project explains. “Renewable energy causes significant fluctuations: there’s no sunshine at night and the wind can also drop completely. What’s more, most solar energy is generated in the summer, whereas energy demand in buildings peaks in the winter.”

This ties all the projects from recent years together. “We have solar panels, a system for making hydrogen and converting it into electricity, a hydrogen network, an open low-temperature heating grid, an AC and DC electricity network and homes fitted with heat pumps and hydrogen central heating boilers”, Kreijns explains. “This gives us all the ingredients for a ‘smart multicommodity grid’ that connects the different energy carriers – molecules, electrons and heat.”

SEASONAL BUFFER One of the potential solutions involves building up a seasonal buffer to store excess energy generated in the summer for use in winter. This is possible using a battery, with hydrogen or by storing heat in underground wells. “We intend to explore how we can use batteries and hydrogen as storage media”, Schmitz says. When energy exceeds demand, the surplus green energy will partly be stored in batteries and partly used for hydrogen production.


In the event of a shortfall during the day, the batteries can step in immediately and the hydrogen can be converted back into electricity in the winter. The conversion of hydrogen into electricity also releases heat. “We want to see whether we can capture this heat and feed it back into the heating network.”

Schematic representation of 24/7 Energy Lab. The project starts with the construction of a simple basic system.

The hydrogen network and the heating grid were installed in collaboration with grid operators Alliander, Enexis and Stedin. “Of course, we’re also talking to them about this project. They’re very interested in the results.”

SMART MANAGEMENT The greatest technological challenge involves linking together all of these components and managing them. Electricity, gas and heat now flow through the street separately, but that is set to change. A stable, sustainable energy system will require convergence between electricity, hydrogen and heat, with specific possibilities for buffering each of these. “You will need transformers in order to connect solar panels, which supply direct current, to an alternating current network”, Schmitz explains.

Household Solar PV


Water tank


Source: Wintersol Renewable Energy Storage, edited by Iris Jönsthövel.

Hydrogen Heat Electrolyser


Hydrogen storage

Fuel cell


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Fuel cells for the consumption of hydrogen produce a low-voltage direct current, which means you also need another converter for that. “How all this will work in practice is not at all clear at the moment. That is what we intend to research at this point in time.” The same applies to its management. “Does it make sense to produce hydrogen all day long or is the opposite the case? And how much energy can you store in batteries or heat buffers? Within two years, we aim to develop an Energy Management System (EMS) that makes the right choices. The whole system will be packed full of sensors and all of the data will be collected on the data platform of The Green Village. The data can then be used to optimise the system.

UPSCALING The project is starting on a small scale: the capacity of the basic system is sufficient to meet the energy needs of a student house. After that, all of the buildings and systems at The Green Village will be connected and the electric vehicles (using one’s own car as a battery),

the solar panels and possibly small wind turbines will then come into play. All of this will be integrated in this autonomous network with the help of the EMS. This will be an important step: The 24/7 Energy Lab must demonstrate how these technologies can be scaled up affordably. This is why commercially available components are being used, to enable rapid upscaling. Schmitz expects it to take around two years before the EMS is fully up-and-running and at least five years until the whole Green Village is self-sufficient. It will then be possible to consider further upscaling, connecting up entire residential areas. When that becomes a reality, it will have the added advantage of taking the pressure off the electricity grid, because energy will be locally generated and consumed on a large-scale. “Electricity consumption will increase

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significantly as a result of the energy transition”, says Schmitz. “There is already an awful lot of congestion on the grid.”

SOCIAL EXPERIMENT The technological aspects are just half of the story. “The energy transition is actually a massive social experiment”, says Kreijns. “For example, who owns this locally generated energy? What happens if your neighbour switches on the fuel cell to produce electricity? Who pays for that and how will it be calculated?” Residents are quite willing to participate in the energy transition, provided it does not cause them too much hassle. “We intend to show that it’s possible to ensure that there is always sufficient energy, in a smart and sustainable way, without residents being inconvenienced.”


The Green Village will hold a unique position, as a living lab. There are currently twelve people living on the terrain, and their experience as consumers will be extremely valuable in developing a user-friendly system. “This will be an energy lab with real people. That’s what makes it unique. It’s going to teach us an awful lot.”

ENERGY SWITCH Any large-scale application of energy self-sufficient districts will also require action on the part of politicians. There are still plenty of legal restrictions, especially concerning the use of hydrogen. “Legislation

on heating, electricity and gas is lagging behind the technology”, says Kreijns. “There is a real need for politics in The Hague to provide more room for manoeuvre when it comes to developing innovations.” There is also a significant lack of qualified staff looming. “We will be facing shortages across all sectors: among the grid operators, installation companies, manufacturers of solar panels and heat pumps”. This is why TU Delft and The Green Village have established the Energy Switch programme, with a view to making the labour market in Zuid-Holland energy transition proof. A range of players in ZuidHolland are joining forces in Energy Switch to achieve more effective coordination of demand, supply and training and retraining.

DELTA WORKS The major ambitions and challenges that the energy transition brings for the urban environment all come together in the 24/7 Energy Lab. If proven a success, the Netherlands will also benefit as a country. “If, as a nation, we effectively focus on the development of the hardware or business models associated with this kind of system, it could bring economic prosperity as well”, anticipates Schmitz. “As a task, you might compare it to the Delta Works, but this time in the field of energy.”

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SPEEDING UP THE ENERGY TRANSITION Delft University Fund supports TU Delft by contributing to research, education and talent development. With the support of our alumni and others, we help our students to develop ambitious ideas, our scientists to bring their research excellence to society and our teachers to pass on the Prometheus flame of knowledge in the classroom and beyond. With Tech for Energy, a campaign marking TU Delft’s 180th anniversary year, we aim to support excellent Delft scientists in their research and endeavors toward speeding up the energy transition in the Netherlands.

The 24/7 Energy Lab is an innovative and smart, local energy system for the built environment. Together this could result in a 35% reduction in the final energy consumption in the Netherlands. For this, we will engage and combine the latest know-how and innovations of TU Delft and other partners. We will test existing and new technologies in the unique living lab ‘The Green Village’. While doing so, we will also look explicitly at affordability, acceptance and regulations.

MORE INFORMATION ABOUT DELFT UNIVERSITY FUND Please contact us or visit our website: www.tudelft.nl/techforenergy | ufonds@tudelft.nl | +31 (0) 15 278 64 09 Delft University Fund has ANBI status (organisation serving the public interest). Your donation may therefore be tax deductible.


“ This project is my way of contributing. To make an impact locally and inspire others to do the same. So I can say to my grandchildren: I did what I could.” Prof.dr. John Schmitz ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


You too can make an impact. Join John and make the important work of our researchers possible with a donation to Delft University Fund. Please contribute to IBAN NL48 ABNA 0441 4822 95 of Delft University Fund, citing “Tech for Energy” or scan the QR code.

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition

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Currently, storage is the key issue holding back the energy transition. Professor Fokko Mulder and CEO Mattijs Slee from Battolyser Systems are within reach of the solution: the Battolyser is a battery and a hydrogen factory in one. The TU Delft spin-off is a textbook example of how to create impact from research. Text: Agaath Diemel

Mattijs Slee (left) and Fokko Mulder


t is a familiar problem: the production of solar and wind farms varies throughout the day and across the seasons. In order to cope with these fluctuations, demand for storage is set to increase enormously. This is why Professor of Energy Storage Fokko Mulder embarked on his quest for alternatives for the ubiquitous lithium battery several years ago. A potential candidate was the nickel-iron battery, originally discovered by Edison, but never a commercial success. One of the reasons: when this kind of battery is being charged, water is electrolysed, producing hydrogen and oxygen. “For a long time, that hydrogen was seen as an undesirable by-product, but the energy transition has now transformed that disadvantage into an advantage. Instead of attempting to reduce the production of hydrogen, it became much more interesting to deliberately split that water”, explains Mulder. This is the idea behind the Battolyser: an integrated appliance that serves as a battery for day- and nighttime storage and starts to produce hydrogen when it is full. Hydrogen can be used for long-term storage, as a fuel or as an interim stage in the production of raw materials such as ammonia. “So, it’s a single device that replaces two. What also makes it so special is that the materials remain very stable when switching between the different functions: charging and discharging the

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ECOSYSTEM battery and the electrolysis.” In addition, nickel and iron are very plentiful and conflict-free materials. “A gift from mother nature”, is what Mulder calls it. “In the context of the energy transition, this combination of materials turns out to have a unique set of characteristics. It is sublime in its simplicity.”

of Commissioners and, as shareholders, they see to it that their investment thrives.” But financial gain is only part of the story: “The Battolyser will enable TU Delft to make a very concrete contribution to the energy transition.” In other words: impact for a better society, as the university’s mission states.

UPSCALING TO SERIAL PRODUCTION The prototype for Mulder’s lab has now been upscaled to a pilot unit the size of several households. “Next year, it will be installed at Vattenfall in order to demonstrate that the technology is also effective in an industrial setting”, explains Mattijs Slee, CEO of Battolyser Systems. Serious efforts are also being made to upscale the capacity, firstly by developing a commercial demonstration unit and then advancing to production capacity. Each stage will involve new issues relating to efficiency, feasibility and affordability. “The pilot is about proving that it works, but if it’s to be upscaled for commercial use, it will also need to be efficient, affordable and reliable. The phase after that will be commercial serial production, when we as a company will need to be able to earn money on every unit.” That means that the current focus is on a lot of R&D, but as it becomes increasingly commercialised, Battolyser Systems will begin to attract more capital. “There’s a lot of interest in the market. The trick will be in the timing: if you act to early, it will be too expensive, but leave it too late and you’ll impede growth”, says Slee. Slee knows what he is talking about: before joining Battolyser Systems, he was responsible for investments in non-fossil fuel and raw materials applications at Shell Ventures. In addition, this young company has Kees Koolen, CEO of the clean energy conglomerate Koolen Industries, as a major shareholder. “He’s a seasoned venture capitalist and is advising us on these issues.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“ Our device will very quickly be able to compete with separate devices for energy storage and hydrogen production” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

FRUITFUL ALLIANCE TU Delft has invested in Battolyser Systems via Delft Enterprises and is remaining closely involved in the spin-off. It is a fruitful alliance for both parties. “At Delft Enterprises, they have a lot of experience in start-ups and the issues they face, which they can translate into advice for us”, says Slee. “They are part of our Board

Battolyser Pilot Stack 15KWh/KW. Credits: Battolyser Systems ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mulder and Slee are very optimistic about the Battolyser’s prospects. “Everyone is determined to make it work. IMPACT Our company, TU Delft and also the government. The Netherlands wants to play an important role in the energy transition, but we don’t yet have any companies that manufacture electrolysers in the Netherlands. We’re helping to plug that gap”, says Slee. He also envisages opportunities outside the Netherlands. Mulder: “Our device will very quickly be able to compete with separate devices for energy storage and hydrogen production, which also require materials that are difficult to source. This has potential on a global scale. The whole world actually faces the same problem. Wind and solar energy farms will struggle to use the energy they generate on a daily basis. If you want to accelerate the energy transition, you need to resolve that increasing demand for storage.” The Battolyser also does that in a unique way. “The Battolyser not only allows you to store the surplus and sell it at a time that’s favourable, you can also serve the hydrogen market in the process,” says Mulder. Slee: “It’s an unusual combination of a battery that never gets full and an electrolyser that can switch just as quickly as a battery. This is the first time that fluctuating renewable electricity generation can be linked economically to society’s energy demand. This is a key to the energy transition that we never had before.”

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On 1 October, the Control Room of the Future was opened in TU Delft’s Electrical Sustainable Power Lab. This ultramodern control room can simulate any disruption to the power grid in a controlled research environment, from lightning strikes to cyberattacks.

Text: Bennie Mols



n the Control Room of the Future, simulating a cyberattack on the power grid is a piece of cake. “We will show you how we research cybersecurity”, says Alex Stefanov, assistant professor in Intelligent Electrical Power Grids at TU Delft’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. One of his PhD candidates changes ‘false’ to ‘true’ somewhere in the computer code. “Several circuit breakers in the network are now being tripped”, says Stefanov. On a large screen, which depicts the main power lines of the power grid, it now starts happening at breakneck speed. First, one of the main power lines fails. An alarm starts to ring. Then another main line drops out. It is followed by a domino effect as multiple lines fail. All the alarms sounding off simultaneously create an infernal noise. Much of the electricity grid is now down. Fortunately, this catastrophe is only happening in the virtual world.

MANY SCENARIOS It is just one of many possible scenarios being investigated in the Control Room of the Future. “Hacking a power plant is difficult”, says Peter Palensky, professor of Intelligent Electrical Power Grids, “but hacking thousands of electric cars connected to the electricity grid is much easier. We’d better assume that the power grid is going to be hacked and work out how we can detect and curtail cyberattacks and how we can resolve the potential consequences. The idea of perfect protection is illusory.” Palensky leads around ten researchers who are working with the Control Room of the Future. In reality, cyberattacks are constantly happening on electricity networks across the world. Most of them are nipped in the bud and never make it onto the news. Occasionally, however, things really go wrong. In 2016, for example, cyberattacks on grid operators in Ukraine

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Peter Palensky (left) and Alex Stefanov

caused power outages. But the TU Delft researchers are not only focusing on the consequences of cyberattacks on the power grid, but on all kinds of disruptions: from broken transmission lines to short circuits.

operators such as TenneT, distributors like Alliander and Stedin, and vendors like Siemens and General Electric are eager to do research with TU Delft.

DIGITAL TWIN “I’m fascinated by how the digital and physical worlds are coming together in control over the power grid”, says Stefanov. “They are two very different worlds and bringing them together hugely increases the complexity of everything that can happen.” Stefanov is the technical director of the control room and also designed the research facility. “The fact that we can simulate the entire ecosystem of electricity generation, transmission, distribution and consumption is quite unique”, he says. “Our control room is an innovation centre where industry and the academic world can meet.” Students and PhD candidates can experiment there, operators of the real, physical electricity network come to share their knowledge and acquire new knowledge and grid

Of course, experimenting on the real power grid is out of the question. That’s why experimenting with a digital twin that resembles the real network as far as possible provides a solution. But it does not stop at just one digital twin, explains Palensky: “We’re actually using a whole family of simulations, not just a twin, but also brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces, all with their own characteristics. The power grid is so complex that we have to run lots of different simulations to explore everything that might happen when there are disruptions.” The application of artificial intelligence (AI) is set to play an important role in the Control Room of the

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Future. “We’ll be using AI to detect cyberattacks, develop defence strategies and to support the human operators working in the real control rooms”, says Stefanov. “Currently, people are always involved in the process of monitoring the power grid. They keep an eye on electrical capacity and voltages and ensure that the electricity supply is effectively coordinated to meet demand. In the future, AI could take on some of the human tasks involved. We might see something similar to what happens in aircrafts, where the human pilots usually do the take-off and landing, but the automatic pilot takes care of the most predictable part of the flight.”

research theme across the whole field of artificial intelligence.

“Ideally, the human operators should be able to learn from the AI”, adds Palensky, “and the AI learn from the human operators. Just like in an aircraft, totally replacing humans is something far off in the future.” Besides this, human operators struggle to accept AI decisions if it is unclear why the intelligent system is suggesting them. “That shows that we need to work on explainable decisions”, continues Palensky, a key

The Control Room of the Future is like a breeding ground for the power grid of the future. There is no doubt that it will need breakthroughs in network management, flexible topologies, and the algorithms that monitor and control the electricity network. “We envisage a future in which the operation of the power grid is autonomous, intelligent, resilient, and cyber secure”, concludes Stefanov.

VIRTUAL REALITY What do Palensky and Stefanov expect the Control Room of the Future to look like in five or ten years’ time? “By then, we have a digital twin of the whole Dutch electricity network”, says Palensky. “And perhaps also one that we can connect to twins of other European countries. I also anticipate human operators doing their work wearing virtual-reality headsets. And it’s almost certain that AI will take on some of the tasks that people are currently doing.”



The idea for the Control Room of the Future was partly inspired by the energy transition, which is also the driving force behind much of the research happening in the overarching Electrical Sustainable Power Lab. Palensky: “In an attempt to move away from fossil fuels, society is in the process of transitioning anything still running on oil and gas to electricity: industry, the transport sector and the way we heat our homes. As a result, demand for electricity will majorly increase in the future.” The energy transition is also changing the nature of the power grid: from a centralised network with several large power plants, to a decentralised network with relatively small-scale

energy generators, such as solar panels and wind turbines, distributed widely. This transition leads to new challenges on how the power grid is managed. Palensky and Stefanov hope that the Control Room of the Future will help accelerate the energy transition. “The fact that various major companies from the electricity sector are working with us means that we can quickly transfer knowledge”, says Palensky. “Political decisionmaking is just one aspect involved in achieving the energy transition: the businesses that manage the physical infrastructure also need to be ready for the transition. We’re helping them to find new solutions faster.”

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TU Delft has everything needed to play an important role in the energy transition with the help of technological innovations. So, what is the university itself doing to switch to renewable energy and sustainable operations? We talk to Sustainability Coordinator Andy van den Dobbelsteen and Hubert Linssen, Sustainability Programme Manager at Campus & Real Estate (CRE), about the plans for the period ahead. Text: Merel Zeilstra

Andy van den Dobbelsteen


ndy van den Dobbelsteen and his team have drawn up an ambitious plan to seriously reduce TU Delft’s carbon footprint and potentially even convert it into a positive climate impact. The approach is not limited to any single aspect: “If you focus on energy alone, you miss out other key areas where there is a lot to be gained. It’s also about a green campus, our food consumption and mobility.”

RENEWABLE ENERGY The transition to renewable energy was set in motion years ago. Currently, wind energy from Eneco is already being used. So, that is obviously sustainable. By 2030, TU Delft aims to use energy from renewable sources only. But its ambitions go further than that. “We’ve set ourselves the target of generating half of our energy demand on campus ourselves. Because some buildings are older and in intensive use, the demand for electricity from our buildings is relatively high. We aim to achieve our targets for generation by means of solar panels and possibly also hydrogen and synthetic methane in the future,” says Van den Dobbelsteen. Besides that, the buildings that are being renovated are becoming much more energy-efficient.”

BROAD SCOPE TO MAKE AN IMPACT Van den Dobbelsteen’s interest in a sustainable transition was given a practical boost in the Faculty of

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Architecture and the Built Environment, when he taught the Zero-Energy Design course. As an example, he decided to analyse his own house and make it carbon neutral, and one thing led to another. “I discovered that, after saving energy at home, my impact on the climate was mainly down to food, my van and flying for work. All of the savings I’d achieved at home were completely wiped out in other areas. This is why I’m convinced that a major project such as improving the sustainability of TU Delft requires a broad scope.”

AMBITIONS FOR 2030 Some serious ambitions have been formulated with the Executive Board aimed at making the campus more sustainable. TU Delft aims to be CO2 neutral by 2030. “We’re not only taking account of energy consumption on TU Delft Campus, but also our activities, such as travel and eating,” explains Van den Dobbelsteen. Efforts are also being made to achieve complete circularity. That means recycling raw materials as much as possible and taking account of the energy performance of new materials.

there’s the construction process. You always have to look at the whole picture,” observes Van den Dobbelsteen. All of the things on campus came as the second surprise. “Think of all the office items, furniture and equipment – all those things have a major impact on our footprint. If we draw up a more efficient inventory of everything we have before making a purchase, that can make a big difference. We’re also focusing on circular procurement and on suppliers who work with biobased materials or who take items back after use”, says Van den Dobbelsteen.

FROM DREAM TO REALITY A sustainable campus with a focus on the energy supply, buildings and green areas on and around the campus sounds attractive. Campus & Real Estate (CRE) is currently hard at work making that vision a reality. Hubert Linssen, sustainability programme manager, is looking forward to the period ahead. He has a lot of experience of sustainable projects. “In 2015, I was responsible for the realisation of The Green Village and now it’s there.”



In order to identify the adaptations needed to achieve the targets, an analysis of the situation in 2019 was conducted. It had some surprising results. For example, there were plans to demolish and rebuild several buildings on campus. “We were able to demonstrate that new development was actually less favourable in terms of the carbon footprint than initially thought.” It turned out that there was more to be gained from renovating old buildings and insulating them more effectively, for example. “In the case of new buildings, there’s also the production and transport of materials to consider. Then

CRE has adopted a project-based approach to plan the renovations as the TU Delft Campus is redeveloped over the next ten years. “That means that there are plans for several major mid-life renovations and for the southern section of TU Delft Campus, our focus is on new development. At the same time, a significant expansion of solar panels is taking place. A number of buildings have already been provided and plans are ready to considerably grow solar panels on roofs and facades in the coming years”, says Linssen.


Carbon neutral, by 2030 Referring to all TU Delft related activities done on and from the campus Circular, by 2030 Related to all resource and waste flows going through the campus Climate-adaptive, by 2030 Dealing with heat, drought, excessive rainfall, floods and extreme weather Contributing to quality of life, increasingly so Aiming at biodiversity, safety, health, comfort, inclusiveness and happiness Exposing its excellence and sustainable character on campus Accommodating and demonstrating living labs and innovative projects

New development presents a perfect opportunity to opt for a circular approach. “We’re making sure that any new buildings can be dismantled and are made from sustainable materials”, says Linssen. A building passport makes it possible to identify at a later stage what materials were used in construction in order to make reuse possible. Climate-adaptive construction, about which a great deal of experience has been gained on The Green Village, is also an area of focus for new designs. This means that the built environment needs to be capable of withstanding changing weather conditions. These include extreme rainfall and heat waves. In the years ahead, several new development projects will be built in which circularity and the changing climate have been specifically taken into account in the design. The new QuTech building will be built on the southern section of the campus and the Faculty of Applied Physics is scheduled as well.

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IMPACT GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Geothermal energy is heat from deep strata underground. Deep in the subsoil warm (salt) water is stored in various places in the Netherlands. The deeper underground, the hotter the water becomes. Via a well in Delft, at a depth of around 2.2 km, it is possible to pump up water with a temperature of around 75 degrees. Heat exchangers transfer the heat from the groundwater to an enclosed system of pipes (heating grid), which has fresh water in it. This can be used to heat the buildings. The groundwater cools down to around 50° and is returned via a second well to the same layer of earth, underground at a distance of 1.5 km from the other well.


“ We’re making sure that any new buildings can be dismantled and are made from sustainable materials” Hubert Linssen

TU Delft, Hydreco Geomec, Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN) and Shell are collaborating on the geothermal energy project on TU Delft Campus. The intention is to realise the source on Rotterdamseweg, next to the combined heat and power plant opposite the Nieuwe Haven. The project is being run in consultation with Dutch State Supervision of Mines (SodM). Dr Phil Vardon (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences) is coordinating the geothermal energy research programme for TU Delft. In his role as TU Delft project manager for sustainable real estate and energy systems, ir. Hubert Linssen is responsible for coordinating the project on behalf of all stakeholders.

we gain in making this shift will be crucial for scientific research and also help innovations to advance further in this area”, says Linssen who is TU Delft’s coordinator for the geothermal energy project. As a result of the renovation work planned for the buildings, the demand for heat on TU Delft Campus is expected to fall. This means that not all heat generated will be needed immediately, which is why heat storage also has an important role to play in this project. The idea for using geothermal energy goes beyond the campus itself. “The geothermal source can supply sustainable heat to housing associations in city of Delft”, explains Linssen. Delft is located at the centre of the Rotterdam/ The Hague metropolitan area, one of Europe’s most densely populated regions. “Contributing to the delivery of the sustainable heating supply for this entire area is a great ambition”, adds Van den Dobbelsteen.


BIG LABORATORY WITH NO ROOF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY One of the more major changes expected in the years ahead is the shift towards geothermal energy as a source for the heating grid on campus. “Geothermal energy has the potential to make a real difference for our plans. With geothermal energy, a project we are working on with partners, CO2 emissions caused by the generation of heat will be reduced to zero almost at a stroke”, explains Van den Dobbelsteen. If everything goes to plan, the installation of the heat source can start next year. Geothermal energy will not only help improve sustainability; the source on TU Delft Campus will also become one of the world’s biggest hotspots for research into geothermal energy. “The experience

In addition to the need to minimise the negative climate impact, there are also other reasons for working on the transition towards a sustainable campus. “TU Delft aims to make an impact for a better society and we are achieving that thanks to our innovations that help the world to advance. By applying innovations in practice, we can help to remove bottlenecks. That’s why it makes total sense for our transition not only to focus on proven technology, but also to allow room to give innovative technologies a chance”, says Van den Dobbelsteen. “We need to make full use of all the knowledge collected here and facilitate that, with safe conditions, we can test to our hearts’ content. TU Delft Campus as one big, living laboratory with no roof”, concludes Linssen.

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Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and TU Delft are collaborating on the Dynamic Wind Farm Flow Control research project. The seeds of the alliance were first sown back in 2001. PhD candidate David Molenaar needed a test field for his research into the cost-effective design and control of wind turbines and established an alliance with the company (then still known as Siemens). Now managing director of SGRE Nederland, he explains why the wind industry and TU Delft need each other. And why that makes him happy.


Text: Karin Postelmans


iemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) is the world’s largest producer of offshore wind farms. The company can make a substantial contribution to resolving the climate issue while also accelerating the energy transition. The Dutch arm of the company is based in The Hague and is headed by David Molenaar. He did his degree and doctorate at TU Delft before joining Siemens as a sales engineer.

PIONEERING Molenaar: “What I missed while working on my PhD was proper collaboration with industry. That’s why I sought it out myself at the time. I even interrupted my PhD research to do it. It was real pioneering in those days. Fortunately, we’ve moved on a lot since then.” TU Delft and SGRE are collaborating closely on the TU Delft project Dynamic Wind Farm Flow Control (DWFFC), that is part of Crosswind (an alliance between Shell and Eneco). The project’s aim is to reduce the ‘wake effect’. Molenaar: Within DWFFC, Delft scientists can test the models and algorithms they have developed in a real offshore wind farm. (See box). David Molenaar (CEO Siemens Gamesa)

NETWORK USING DELFT ALGORITHMS TO CONTROL WIND FARMS Controlling a wind turbine in a wind farm based on models is an advanced form of control technology largely developed in Delft. Molenaar: “An amazing amount of expertise is concentrated in Delft. Our wind farms also make it possible to test new technologies in practice. The researchers use the results to optimise their models. Ultimately, we then apply those improvements in practice. That symbiosis accelerates the development of the technology. It also offers opportunities for speeding up the energy transition.” Molenaar has used the knowledge and insights that SGRE is acquiring from this alliance in his conversations with government when he encountered issues with regulation and long licensing processes. “They were designed with the right intention, but ultimately delivered the wrong result. For example, in the past wind turbines were often chosen based on types that delivered the most subsidy rather than those that generated the most power.” That has now changed. And licences primarily stipulate conditions concerning nuisance, environment and nature, rather than technical specifications and restrictions. “The alliance with TU Delft provided knowledge and insight that enabled me to make that clear. That makes it possible for politics to make adjustments.”

OPTIMISING TOGETHER Between 2010 and 2018, the focus was on reducing the costs of wind energy. The turbines became increasingly taller as a result. The whole supply chain had to make changes. Every turbine that is larger in size features new specifications for the foundations, tower, rotor blades and installation vessels, among other things. The Hollandse Kust Zuid offshore wind farm (Vattenfall, 2018) was the world’s first financially viable, subsidy-free wind project. Now that wind farms are financially viable without subsidy, and there is a social need for faster CO2 reduction, you have to set different goals, according to Molenaar. “Not the lowest costs, but lifespan and reuse.” Molenaar is calling for European agreements that would fix the maximum tip height for a decade, for example. “That kind of condition is needed to speed things up and set the bar higher every year for CO2 reduction, lifespan and zero waste.” Some progress was made recently: the licence period for new projects has been extended from 25 to 40 years. “That makes a real

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“ The energy transition is the most comprehensive action we can take to combat further climate change” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

SIX-FOLD INCREASE IN SPEED Adjustments are definitely needed, in view of the Dutch government’s climate goals. As of the end of 2021 there are offshore wind farms with a total capacity of 2.5 gigawatt (GW). According to the Energy Agreement (2013), offshore wind energy must be able to supply at least 4.5 GW by 2023. It was agreed in the Climate Agreement (2019) that there will be 11.5 GW of wind farms offshore by 2030. That was recently increased to 22.2 GW, or more than 16% of all of the energy in the Netherlands. “It took thirty years to reduce national CO2 emissions by 40 Mt. We now need an 80 Mt reduction in the space of a decade. To achieve that, you need a six-fold increase in speed,” calculates Molenaar. “That’s the equivalent of an additional wind turbine every other day.”

REDUCED WAKE: IMPROVED PRODUCTION, LOWER COSTS A wind turbine alters the air dynamics, creating a kind of plume behind the rotor blades. This ‘wake effect’ means that wind turbines catch each other’s wind, reducing energy production. To combat this, TU Delft is testing two technologies as part of the DWFFC project. Closed active wake mixing shortens the wake and actively changes its direction, away from other turbines. HELIX active wake mixing is used to control the speed of individual turbines in a farm, ensuring that there is more wind left for the turbine behind. Both technologies improve energy production and continuity. If it ultimately becomes possible to build turbines closer together, costs could also be reduced. The project was launched in April 2021.

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition


difference,” emphasises Molenaar. “It provides long-term security for the capital-intensive wind industry, in which funding and licence duration are linked.”

INTERESTING, BOTH COMMERCIALLY AND FOR THE CLIMATE Securing the future is also a key result of the collaboration with TU Delft. “Our shared objective is to make progress on climate change. In that respect, research opens up prospects for the future. What possibilities are there and what is worthwhile investing in?” Molenaar gives an example. In the case of onshore wind turbines, the tower and the foundations were designed separately. That was possible on land, but not offshore, where the situation is much more dynamic. SGRE joined forces with a TU Delft student to find out how much steel we could save if we designed a single unit. Molenaar: “The graduation project revealed that we could use up to 25% less steel. That’s of benefit both commercially and in terms of the climate: steel accounts for 40% of the CO2 emissions of wind turbines.” It resulted in an engineering department that is responsible worldwide for the integrated design of offshore towers and foundations. “Incidentally, it’s led by Dr Sven Voomeeren, who completed his doctorate at TU Delft with SGRE’s support.”

MORE THAN A HUNDRED GRADUATION INTERNSHIPS In Molenaar’s view, the secret behind a collaboration’s success is openness. “Be upfront about what you expect from the other party. What you want to achieve yourself and what challenges you see. And make agreements about that. And if something goes wrong, let each other know.” He acknowledges that this requires trust. “When I was studying and doing my doctorate at TU Delft, I saw for myself how far you can come if you are given the space and confidence you need. If you’re allowed to try things out and learn from mistakes. That’s something I took with me to SGRE. And I also try to give some of it back.” More than a hundred students have now completed graduation internships at SGRE. The company has already enabled four PhD research projects and a fifth recently started.

AN AWFUL LOT OF FUN Ultimately, Molenaar’s message is that you make more progress and do so faster by working together. So, what is his personal motivation for collaboration? “Above all, it’s an awful lot of fun! The great atmosphere, the vibe with the scientists, the fresh perspective they bring to challenges. And, of course, the latest developments that it enables you to put into practice. It’s something that makes me really happy.”

Home of Innovation | Speeding up the energy transition



“ Technology needs to be higher on the political and industrial agenda because that will help to accelerate transitions.” That was the call made by TU Delft student Noa Ommering during the Techrede in 2020. Afterwards, she felt a gnawing sense of urgency. Joining forces with other TU Delft students, she set up the Drivers of Technology. She also launched the ‘Hydrogen Board’ (Waterstofschap), an alliance that aims to break down barriers for hydrogen applications. Merel Oldenburg, a fellow Driver of Technology, also signed up. Text: Karin Postelmans



After the Techrede (the technology equivalent of the King’s Speech to Parliament) Noa Ommering thought: “That’s great, but what action do we now take?”. “Energy is a wide-ranging subject. Hydrogen technology is already far advanced, but still has its challenges”, the MSc student Complex Engineering and Management (Energy track) says. That’s how she came up with the idea for the Hydrogen Board. In order to reach out to more students and make a difference in structural terms, the group behind the Techrede set themselves up as the Drivers of Technology.

Merel Oldenburg is also doing the MSc Complex System Engineering and Management (Energy track). She became a Driver of Technology after the year of coronavirus, 2020. “I like getting on with things, but everything went quiet on the extracurricular front. I missed the connection, something with substance. The Drivers of Technology could offer that.”

Ommering then embarked on a Transition Tour, visiting a range of organisations to find out the issues they face with hydrogen applications. “Legislation, regulations and subsidies are struggling to keep up or totally lacking,” she discovered. For example, plans for an H2 fuelling station were delayed by planning procedures that lasted for years. “That’s no way to meet the energy targets. It’s our future we’re talking about here.” From Ommering’s perspective, the energy transition comes at just the right time. As a small girl, she used to stare in fascination at the power plants in Rotterdam from the back of her parents’ car. For a school project, she even built a wind turbine, just to see if it was possible. “My fascination for energy knows no bounds.” Ommering expects to see the Drivers of Technology have the occasional stumble. “But that’s something we’ll learn from. It’s the only way we can ensure hydrogen applications gain access to the market. The Delta Works also came about in fits and starts. And we’re proud of them now.”

Oldenburg’s main aim with the Hydrogen Board is to speed up the implementation of hydrogen. “We need to liven things up. The clock is ticking.” There are so many different interests at stake, but you need to put your own interests aside in favour of the energy transition; making concessions for the greater good, she believes. And the chances are looking good. “I spoke to people who can really make a difference. When they really grasp what I’m trying to achieve ... that makes me very happy.” Oldenburg also hopes that the Hydrogen Board will help young people to become involved in discussions about the role of hydrogen. She mentions a cross-sectoral working group representing twenty organisations and claiming ‘future human capital’ as an important theme – but without involving young people. “It could be so much better.” After her studies, Oldenburg is eager to play a professional role in the energy transition. “There’s plenty to do.” Although she may be young and fresh at the moment, she suspects that things will ultimately become more routine. “In that case, the best thing that could happen to me would be for the new generation of students to turn to me. Asking what I am going to do for them.”

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At TU Delft, around 1,000 scientists are working on the shift towards a sustainable energy supply. In order to ensure it makes a real impact, the university is investing heavily in innovation. In the next year, seven Future Energy Labs are being further developed to enable the rapid adoption by society of new and promising technologies and applications, writes Paul Althuis, director of the TU Delft Innovation & Impact Centre.

“By definition, the energy transition means that we have to think big. Because the task we face is a big one. Ultimately, this is a climate problem and the energy transition is an essential process in our attempt to curtail global warming. This urgency calls for leadership, not only in identifying solutions (fundamental research), but also in terms of the next step: ensuring that society can quickly reap the benefits (valorisation). “Thinking big also involves the need to integrate. This university is the perfect place for a grand vision, focused on system integration. In the energy transition, that will be essential in achieving success since it affects the whole of society and we need to design totally new, sustainable energy supply chains. With interaction between molecules, electrons and heat as energy carriers. From generation, conversion, storage, transport through to end-user. And the energy market that is part of all that. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“ This university is the perfect place for a grand vision, focused on system integration.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“In order to accelerate innovation in the field of energy, we are creating seven Future Energy Labs (see box) focused on the themes that we expect to be working on in the long-term and in which TU Delft can play a leading role. This includes the development of a local, CO2-neutral energy system for the built environment


(24/7 Energy Lab) or future-proofing the electricity grid (the recently opened ESP Lab). “As part of the innovative ecosystem on TU Delft Campus, the Future Energy Labs will collaborate closely with the field labs. A good example is the 24/7 Energy Lab, that is being launched this month. Several faculties were already working on the question of what an autonomous, sustainable energy system will look like. Potential solutions are currently being tested at The Green Village. “If the 24/7 Energy Lab proves successful, we will still not have achieved our goal. It will not yet provide sufficient proof that this approach will be able to supply a complete residential district with locally generated renewable energy. It is only one step in the upscaling process. But, despite this, it is the smallscale applications that will demonstrate how to make progress in the overall process. “The Future Energy Labs can become a visible link in the chain of innovation. Take 24/7 Energy Lab: it will be an important eye-catcher on TU Delft Campus to demonstrate to the world what is actually practically possible in terms of the energy transition.” “The Innovation & Impact Centre will play a facilitating role for the labs: we will explore the possibilities, help to secure funding, bring the right people together and take care of things behind the scenes. “We are also ensuring that the business community gets involved and co-funds these labs. Their involvement will be essential in order to accelerate the energy transition. If you want to ensure that new and promising innovations reach society and end-users,

you are more likely to be successful if the business community and other social partners are involved from the outset. They have unparalleled understanding of the conditions that new technology will need to meet to ensure they can actually be deployed and make a real impact.”

7 FUTURE ENERGY LABS 24/7 Energy Lab - The development of a local, CO2-neutral energy system for the built environment. See also page 19 - 22 Campus Geothermal Well - The development of and research into a renewable source of energy based on geothermal heat at TU Delft Campus. See also box on page 31

e-Refinery Centre - The development of sustainable fuels and chemical products. ESP Lab - Readying the Dutch electricity grid for the future. See also page 16-18

Floating Renewables Lab - The design and engineering of the next-generation offshore renewable energy systems Power & Heat Generation Lab - Converting energy in the form of chemical bonds into electricity or power, capturing and putting as much of the released heat to good use TPM Energy Transition Lab - Quantifying and modelling different kinds of human aspects related to the energy transition

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We selected the top innovations in the field of energy transition in one clear and fun illustrated overview. Be sure to order the newest edition of this Home of Innovation Projects booklet via hoi-projects@tudelft.nl or find out more online:

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