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Debbie Chism, Chair of Governors
TUDOR INTRODUCES… Debbie Chism, Chair of Governors
Debbie Chism, Tudor parent, awardwinning Family Lawyer, and our new Chair of Governors offers her perspective on Tudor from 2020 onwards
Named 2019’s ‘Family Lawyer of the Year’ by Spear’s Magazine, Debbie’s leading national reputation in family law has been built on over twenty years’ experience advising high net worth men and women.
Recent achievements include a landmark Court of Appeal judgment secured by Debbie for her client, which has been widely celebrated as a victory for women and for gender equality. She successfully fought to overturn the previous court ruling which had failed to provide a wife with an equitable divorce settlement, and in so doing has stopped the ‘floodgates opening’ for women losing out on what they are entitled to in divorces.
Having first become interested in studying Law after watching the film The Paper Chase, whilst studying for her A Levels at the girls’ grammar school she attended
in Kingston upon Thames, Debbie went on to read Law free to explore and experience things from a very at Mansfield College, Oxford. After completing her supportive pastoral community with lovely friendships. Law degree, she studied at Law School and progressed The single-sex environment is still important for to become an articled clerk in London. Her decision teenage girls as we are not in a place where we can be to work in family law was inspired by her mentor, complacent about girls’ place in society, or the world Blanche Lucas, one of the top of work. Girls need the strongest family lawyers of her time and a real character. “Blanche was an extraordinary woman: bright,
I am committed to ensuring that our girls
platform from which to go out into the world and, for me, there is no better base for this strong, glamorous and a true feminist,” Debbie reflects fondly. “For me, family law was the most
continue to flourish, continue to have the
than Tudor. I am committed to ensuring that our girls continue to flourish, continue to have interesting area to specialise in, because it is all about people and helping them to find solutions.”
opportunity to develop to their full potential,
the opportunity to develop to their full potential, and that, as a school, Tudor continues to be Debbie has been a partner at her current law firm, Stewarts, since
and that, as a school, Tudor continues to be
ready for the challenges ahead in the single-sex independent sector. I think this Michelle 2009 when she and a colleague were taken on to build the firm’s family law team. Over the past
ready for the challenges ahead...
So, what made this high-flying city lawyer choose Tudor Hall for her own daughter’s education? What inspired her to commit her time to serve on the school’s Governing Body? And, as the new Chair of Governors, what is her vision for the future of Tudor? “Tudor Hall creates a wonderfully warm and cosy first impression, but the reality is it’s an incredibly dynamic environment. The School’s relatively small size and its focus on the individual ensures that no one gets overlooked and girls really are supported to reach their full potential, whatever sphere interests them. There are so many opportunities for girls to achieve and to give back and nothing to hold them back or dent their confidence: they are
Obama quote sums up how I feel about my role as a Governor, ‘When you’ve worked hard, and decade they have expanded done well, and walked through from two or three lawyers, to a very well respected, that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut forty-strong team, which Debbie describes as “full of behind you. You reach back and you give other folks energy”. Somewhat unusually for a Law Firm, Stewarts the same chances that helped you succeed.’” R actively supports a range of charities: “It’s a nice culture to work in – we try to give something back,” Debbie says. Debbie with her daughter.