JUMBO Magazine - Spring 2017

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ISSUE 17 / SPRING 2017




things Jumbo



HOW TUFTS is connecting technology and education to re-imagine the future of our classrooms

ON THE COVER WE THINK that Justice Washington ’18

will be famous one day…read about him on page 8. COVER PHOTOS BY KATHLEEN DOOHER (FRONT), EMILY ZILM (BACK)


FROM THE DEAN having access to a major educational hub enhances the time that Tufts students spend on campus. Now that I’ve been here for almost nine years, I’ve found even more to love. Tufts, like most college campuses, continues to evolve over time. But one of the things I admire most is the university’s commitment to growing with the times, keeping pace with what’s happening in the world, and encouraging our students to be active, engaged citizens. These are some of the reasons I’ve been at Tufts all these years. But this is a personal process; my reasons may not work for you. This magazine (and our campus) is filled with reasons why Tufts might make you happy. So explore widely, linger when your curiosity is piqued, and think carefully about what type of experience will give you both the comfort you need to build your confidence and the push you need to grow.

preparation for the work interview that would eventually bring me to this (awesome!) job as Dean of Admissions, I was struck by three things: First: Jumbos are incredibly talented—smart, worldly, open to learning new things—yet that intellectualism exists without pretension. The academic climate tends to be one of cooperation rather than competition and people know how much more fun it is to succeed and learn together than to do it all alone. But they also aren’t afraid to forge their own paths: Jumbos do research, write senior theses, study abroad, and create the experiences they want from their education.

MEET THE STUDENT COMMUNICATION GROUP Most of what you’re about to read was written by these Tufts students. Keep an eye out for their voices as they introduce you to the Tufts community.


Second: Tufts’ existence as a research university with a liberal arts core is an important combination for allowing students to have transformative experiences. The faculty here are top-notch researchers making strides in their fields, and they also want to engage students in their work. They’ll take the time to get to know you—your passions, your goals— and encourage you to do more than just learn from them. They want you to learn with them, and will offer you the chance to learn not only how to think, but how to apply your knowledge in and out of the classroom.

It’s my pleasure to introduce you to this issue of Jumbo magazine. While I know that choosing a college home is a very personal experience—one filled with hopes and dreams and a dash of anxiety—I hope that you’ll find as much to like about Tufts as I continue to find each and every day.

Finally: The greater Boston area is an amazing backdrop for a college experience. From job opportunities to cultural excursions,

Karen Richardson, Dean of Admissions

DESMOND FONSECA ’20 from Bridgewater, MA

CHLOE MALOUF ’20 from Gaithersburg, MD

CAMERON HARRIS ’18 from Shelburne, VT

ABIGAIL MCFEE ’17 from Chadron, NE

DYLAN HONG ’19 from West New York, NJ

HANNAH STEINBERG ’17 from Scarsdale, NY


LIAM KNOX ’19 from Princeton Junction, NJ

OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Tufts University / Bendetson Hall 2 The Green / Medford, MA 02155 617 627.3170 / admissions.tufts.edu / jumboeditor@tufts.edu

Produced by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Edited by Jaime Morgen, Assistant Director of Admissions Design by Hecht/Horton Partners


NINE YEARS AGO, as I researched Tufts in


Curious where Jumbos go after they graduate? Whether it is a job, graduate school or fellowship, Tufts students use their education to make a difference.

Post-College Careers and Popular Industries

16% Healthcare/Medicine, Research, Environment

13% Software/IT

12% Engineering

6% employed part-time, internship

Google Massachusetts General Hospital Teach for America (TFA) J.P. Morgan Fulbright Microsoft Boston Children’s Hospital Analysis Group Fidelity Investments Digitas LBi

9% seeking employment

Top Employers

85 % 71% employed full-time (job, fellowship, year of service) and 14% grad school

18% Finance/ Consulting



11% Communications/ Media, Arts

of graduating class is employed or attending graduate school six months after graduation

9% Education

8% Human Services

5% Law, Government, Think Tank 5% Consumer Products/ Business Services Enrolled in graduate school

3% Other

Tufts Career Center The one-stop shop for everything job related, from networking events to resume critiques, and everything in between


employers at organized career fairs with 2300 Jumbos in attendance in 2016.

1055 interviews followed the career fairs / 841 interviews conducted through the Campus Recruiting Program / 643 alumni engaged with students through networking events

Internships Tufts students take their knowledge outside the classroom to test-drive different career paths



of students have at least one internship. 66% have two or more.

$3500 were awarded to 56 internship grants in 2015 / 444 funded by the internship grant program / 185 internships secured through the Jumbo alumni network (through the “Hire a Jumbo” campaign)




SMFA ART SALE AT THE END of each semester, the School of the

Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts hosts the largest art sale in New England (with over 4,000 people attending in just one week) giving you the chance to take home your own masterpiece. The sale boasts thousands of works on a changing rotation by students, alumni, faculty and affiliated artists.


recently honored by the National Science Foundation and U.S. government for their achievement in research and teaching. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Kristen Wendell was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for her work in implementing community-based engineering in elementary school classrooms. Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering Ayse Asatekin and Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Jeffrey Guasto were also honored for investigating fresh approaches to fundamental research challenges.



president, part Twitter celebrity, and part cheerleader of the Tufts Marathon Team. Here is our favorite recent tweet:

LAST FALL , in the midst of protests at the Standing Rock

Sioux Reservation against the Dakota Access Pipeline, the Tufts Departments of Education and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies organized a teach-in. A series of lectures— on water rights and protection, settler colonialism and law, and more—gave way to discussion, allowing students, professors, and community members to learn, spread awareness, and spark student activism. 4

Great to run with Coach Don Mergerle and the Tufts Marathon Team this morning with special guest, former President Bacow!

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS (AGAIN)! THIS PAST DECEMBER, the Men’s soccer team took home the

title of NCAA Division III Champions! After scoreless regulation play, the Jumbos headed into not one, but two overtime periods. With minutes remaining, Tyler Kulcsar flicked in a corner kick by classmate Kevin Halliday for the win.


Isha Patnaik ’17 in Dewick-MacPhie Dining Center INGREDIENTS

Spicy Fries, Greek Dressing, Feta Cheese, Chopped Onions DIRECTIONS


and timely—speaking directly to changes in the world around us. One course this semester, “Power, Policy, and the Digital Age” asks what it means to shape a better world in an era of iPhone communication, online news, and Facebook event pages. Alongside their teacher Nathan Proctor ’05, the State Director of Grassroots Organizing for a Massachusetts non-profit, students explore social movements that are created and organized online, and ask how, or if, these digital movements can make an impact on policy and power.


This snack is for the lazy flavor-lover. Just grab a plate, load it with as many of Dewick’s spicy fries (served almost daily at lunchtime) as you please, and top with Greek dressing, feta, eta, and onions. Then feast.

EVERY WEEK, the Environmental Studies department sponsors a presentation by a professional working in the field. This series, called Environmental Lunch & Learn, includes free lunch for anyone who is interested in attending! Recent presentations have focused on sustainable innovations in fashion, how climate change is impacting tea and coffee farmers, and modern environmental politics.


GET AMUSED WITH PARNASSUS SUS ONE OF THE MOST popular literary collectives at Tufts is Parnassus, a group that holds weekly

meetings for aspiring writers and literary enthusiasts to drink tea, discuss what they’ve been working on and of course, write. Parnassus also holds long-form workshops for anyone interested, where members offer feedback. And if you’re walking into Tisch one day and notice an abundance of chalk-written quotes covering the patio, that’s the work of one of Parnassus’s “Chalk-About-It” events, which provide a forum for students to experience art in their everyday lives.

LOOKING EMOTION IN THE EYE ONE OF THE BEST PERKS of having an art gallery on campus

is that it allows for even non-art classes to take their learning outside the classroom. Associate Professor of Psychology Heather Urry recently brought the students in her class to Aidekman Arts Center’s new exhibit, Mortal Things: Portraits Look Back and Forth, which features portraits from over 100 different artists around the world. Students scored portraits using the Facial Action Coding System, or FACS, to understand which emotions people are experiencing. John Brown, Edward Brackett, 1860, Marble Tufts University Permanent Collection 5




I will not get to take fun classes freshman year The flexible curriculum at Tufts means you can take classes you’re really interested in star ting your first semester. My friends are in classes like History of African American Music and Environmentalism Through a Documentary Lens. First-year engineers get to choose an elective in any area of engineering—courses like Bridge Engineering and Robotics.

Everyone in college will be smarter than me After the joy of receiving my acceptance letter, I was seized with panic—it had to be a mistake. Turns out it wasn’t. People at Tufts are smart in a way that makes you want to befriend them, not in a way that makes you feel like Homer Simpson in a classroom of Hermione Grangers.

I will gain the “Freshman 15” Okay, I’m not going to lie to you: if you wanted to eat only French fries for every meal, our buffet-style dining halls wouldn’t stop you. But they also offer protein-rich entrees, accommodations for allergies, nutrition information for everything they serve and plenty of fresh veggies grown by local farmers. You’re probably going to want some of that (with French fries on the side).

I will not be able to find my classes I was surprised at how quickly the campus became familiar. Most classes are on the Academic Quad, while other academic buildings are on main roads and easy to spot. If you ever do get lost, people are more than happy to give directions. Believe me, I once walked into the Pearson Chemistry lab looking for my English class…

All of my classes will have 400 students The average class size at Tufts is 20 students, and only 1% of classes have over 100. Small classes mean that your professors do notice when you’re not there, and that they also know your name, ideas, and maybe a strange anecdote from your childhood.

Upperclassmen are scary False! They’re just us, with more wornin snow boots, a lot of helpful advice, and some funny stories. Juniors and seniors are eager to help with the adjustment to college. I have upperclassmen mentors for the arts, Latin Peer Group, and my advising group. They’ve helped me feel at home here—and find cheap textbooks.

I will not know how to join clubs The real problem is actually the opposite. Fresh off the Activity Fair, my friends and I found ourselves on the E-list of almost every club imaginable. Then we had to decide what we were most excited about, which meant dropping some impulsive commitments in favor of the ones that really mattered to us.

Sleeping 8 hours a night will be impossible I actually get more sleep in college than I ever did in high school. In college you can—to some degree—design your own schedule, which means you can prioritize sleep. Plus, Tufts encourages all students to find a work-life balance.

You have to know your major(s) from Day 1 Some majors at Tufts aren’t taught as high school subjects, and some classes here might make you fall in love with a subject you hated in high school. Engineers declare their major at the end of the first year, while Arts and Sciences students declare their major at the end of sophomore year, which leaves time to experiment.

Having a roommate will be terrible Don’t worry, they probably won’t put duct tape down the center of the room or blast music at 4 AM. They probably will ask, “How are you?” and laugh hard at your end-of-the-day anecdotes. Sharing a space has its challenges, but it’s well worth having someone there with you as you’re adjusting to college.



Benya Kraus ’18 is proof that an education is not limited to the classroom. Between her two internships in Washington, D.C. this past summer, her position on Tufts Community Union Senate, and her International Relations major, Benya is taking full advantage of the learning experiences at Tufts— and even creating some of her own. International Relations is one of the most popular majors at Tufts, but Benya brings extra experience to the table. “Growing up, it was like I was already getting a degree in International Relations,” she explained. Benya came to Tufts from Thailand, but has also lived in New Jersey, Switzerland, and Vietnam. To complement her major, she is creating a minor in Indigenous Peoples Studies. She feels that the narratives told by Indigenous People can teach us so much about the world today. This past summer, Benya utilized the Tisch College of Civic Life’s Summer Fellows program to find an internship in Washington, D.C. with a think tank called The Constitution Project. The Tisch College also paired Benya with a Tufts Alum to provide mentorship. “It was great to be in a new city and not feel alone at all,” she said. As part of her internship, Benya was given the opportunity to research, write, and proofread different projects for the team. Many of the projects she worked on were policy proposals for lawmakers, specifically policy about capital punishment. Even though the internship was full-time, Benya somehow managed to balance another internship simultaneously through the Institute for Global Leadership. She interned for Dr. Alaa Murabit, A UN High-Level Commisioner on Health Employment & Economic Growth, and one of her role models: “I just think she is such a powerful, compassionate, badass woman,” she said. Benya was able to draft speeches and conduct research for Dr. Murabit, who spoke at United Nations meetings and the White House over the course of the summer. Benya was able to accompany Dr. Murabit to many of these events and was given the chance to meet other professionals in the field. “I’m really interested in policy and legal language,” Benya explained. “I learned that I get frustrated with bad policies and that this is a field I want to dedicate my life to. It gave me a more nuanced understanding of what goes on in peace and negotiation work.” Not only did Benya put her knowledge of law and policy into practice; she also learned plenty about herself. She says that because of this internship, she discovered that this is the field she wants to enter after graduation. She also made another discovery in the course of the summer: “I did realize I get very antsy behind a desk and I need to be connected with people.” Not a bad trait for someone who hopes to change the world. —CHLOE MALOUF ’20


With two internships in Washington, D.C. under her belt, this IR major is taking full advantage of the learning experiences at Tufts—and is even creating some of her own.



Justice Washington ’18 will be famous one day. I wouldn’t say that about just anyone, but after sitting down with the juggling break-dancer with a passion for acting, I feel confident in my prediction. While investing himself in many courses and creative projects, Justice makes time to be involved in some of Tufts’ most unique student groups (Jumbo Jugglers and TURBO, our breakdancing troupe). Somehow, his over-involvement seems to make him more energetic, not less: he is one of the most animated people I’ve ever met. Justice came to Tufts at the perfect time to pursue his interests. At the beginning of his sophomore year, Tufts introduced the Film and Media Studies major, which allowed him to explore a newfound passion. “I knew that I liked acting, communications, and media, so once I found the major I was really excited,” he told me. And, while the major is designed to cover history, theory, global perspective, and all forms of mass media, one of the best parts is that “you get to decide what area of Film and Media Studies you want to focus on.” One area that Justice chose to focus on was filmmaking. His first exposure was through the course Filmmaking I, taught by Professor of the Practice Don Schechter. Justice’s eyes lit up as he described it: “All I want to do is create things, and that is exactly what you get to do in this class.” His professor would give students access to all of the equipment they needed, asking them to create whatever they wanted. Knowing about his involvement with performance groups on campus, it is probably unsurprising that Justice doesn’t just want to stand behind the camera: he enjoys the kind of creation that takes place in front of it, too. Along with most students in the Film and Media Studies department, Justice raves about the Intro to Acting class. Like Filmmaking, the course teaches technique but encourages students to experiment with forms of expression. The body, voice, and

mannerisms, rather than the camera, become the mechanisms for creating art. Once he was in the class, Justice realized these concepts weren’t so unfamiliar after all. “It took me back to being a kid and pretending all the time,” he said. “We got to practice projecting ourselves onto characters to the point that I’m now a professional pretender.” Two years from now, when Justice graduates, I hope that’s the title he prints on his business cards: Professional Pretender. It goes a long way towards describing how effortlessly he has adapted to his many roles on the Tufts campus, opening himself to new experiences while integrating his long-standing passions. But it fails to capture how genuine he is. When I asked Justice what he loves most about being a Tufts student, his answer was simple. “Everyone at Tufts is relaxed and caring and knows how to have fun,” he said. Justice strikes me as just that. —-HANNAH STEINBERG ’17




“Everyone at Tufts is relaxed, caring and knows how to have fun.”


DORM HACKS Tufts engineer Dylan Hong ’19 reveals some easy dorm hacks to maximize space and transform a typical dorm room into a home.


DIY NIGHTSTAND Using some adhesive clips, two shoelaces, a tray, and some physics, you can fashion a stable nightstand to hold whatever you need by your bedside! MAKESHIFT WALL PROJECTOR For movie nights, pick up a projector for your room, giving you a much larger screen at a fraction of the price of a TV. Or make one yourself with a shoe box and magnifying glass. If you don’t have a wall that the projector will work on, grab some cheap white bedsheets and you’ll be able to enjoy a big-screen movie experience in the comfort of your dorm! CLOTHES PINS FOR PHOTOS Using clothespins and some string to hang up pictures around your dorm room will make decorating your room easier. You can add and rearrange photos throughout the year, and they’ll make for quick and easy cleanup at the end of the year.

EASY CABLE MANAGEMENT Keep your charging cables neat and tidy with binder clips to hold up the big end of the charger. Or have fun with it and use Lego people; turns out their hands are the perfect size for holding iPhone cables (that’s right, bring those babies out of storage and take them with you to college). STICKY MAGNETS FOR ORGANIZATION For tiny things that seem to constantly run out no matter how many you buy (bobby pins, paper clips...), magnets are a perfect solution. You can stick them to the wall, your desk, or the inside of a drawer for simple, classy organization. PAINT SWATCH WALL MURAL If your walls are asylum bare and posters aren’t quite your thing, making some designs out of paint swatches is a budget-friendly and creative way to breathe some life into your room! Hit up Hillside Hardware on the corner of campus for some free decor. 9




If you throw a tennis ball at a wall, what is the probability it will mysteriously appear on the other side? How long would you have to wait until your dinner table cup instantly and unfortunately spills its contents? Associate Professor Peter Love answers these questions and more in Physics 61-62: Quantum Theory I and II. The mysterious world of subatomic physics harbors some of the strangest phenomena in the physical universe, such as quantum tunneling and exclusion. Albert Einstein once described the effect of entanglement, when two particles are intrinsically bound to one another regardless of their spatial location, as “spooky action at a distance.” Though indeed spooky, modern quantum mechanics gives us a language to express and understand these complex and often confounding effects. Rich in mathematical formalism, this novel language also dips into history and philosophy, casting Professor Love’s course in an interdisciplinary light. Our class would often move away from running through lines of calculations to exploring theoretical implications on the world around us. For instance, Schrodinger’s famous cat is a philosophical extension of the principle of superposition of states. What do you get when you place a cat in a box with a cup of deadly poison? Well, according to quantum mechanics, if we don’t open the box then the cat must be described as the sum of all possible states of existence, which for the unfortunate feline is both

alive and dead. If we were then to open the box, we as observers fundamentally force nature to decide whether the cat is alive or dead. The analogy is thus as follows: the act of observing a quantum particle collapses it into one of its many possible states. Author Dan Brown, known for The Da Vinci Code, explores this idea in his less-known action thriller The Lost Symbol, incorporating philosophical and religious implications of one of quantum mechanics’ most important principles. Much like Brown’s pageturner, Professor Love’s course delves deeply into these debates. Taking all they’ve learned from physics so far, physics, applied physics, and astrophysics majors at Tufts take Quantum Theory I and II in their final year and explore topics that push even further. We cover topics that range from scattering theory to quantum cryptography to entangled states. And even though our tennis ball never ended up transporting through a solid wall, it has been my favorite class yet. —Jed McKinney ’17





“Shifting between silly and intellectual topics as if it were not a strange thing is something that is so unique to Tufts, and I appreciate it so much.”

People like Bruno Olmedo ’17 are a mystery to me. He somehow manages majoring in Engineering Psychology, taking computer science classes, interning at the IDEO Food and Future CoLab (a human-centered design firm), leading a wilderness pre-orientation trip, and dancing in Tufts’ hip hop dance troupe Spirit of Color (SOC). We’ve been friends since freshman year, and yet I still haven’t figured out how he does it. In Tufts, Bruno found a school that, like him, could be many things at once. “There are these hybrid majors, that are unique to Tufts, where you can be in the Arts and Sciences school, but still study engineering,” he explained. And it is in the Engineering Psychology program that Bruno found his niche. “I was always interested in technology and science, but I knew that I wanted to work with it in a way that makes things more accessible,” he said. “I didn’t realize that was something I could study until I took Intro to Human Factors & Ergonomics.” One of the reasons that he loves the program so much is because of the hands-on nature of the classes, including one of his favorites: Human Factors in Human Machine System Design (a fascinating mouthful). “In order to teach us about how complicated system design is, our professor, Dr. Dan Hannon, did a simulation where we had to give each other instructions across the room while being blindfolded.” Professors also encourage students to push themselves outside of the classroom, which is what Bruno has done, voraciously. In the fall, Bruno organized the annual Tufts-students-only hackathon, known as Polyhack, where student teams compete in a series of design competitions for developers of different companies. Bruno also had the opportunity to intern at the IDEO Food and Future CoLab, an experience that he said was “so fulfilling and rewarding.” Bruno was in charge of testing new technologies (like digital farms) to see if people want, need, or use them to help make food more accessible and less wasteful. To me, Bruno embodies every aspect of a Tufts student, which is to say, he’s someone who inspires me daily. Naturally, I wanted to know what has meant the most to him about his time here. His answer? “The people. There is no other place where I can go from a conversation about Lady Gaga’s new album to a discussion about sexism in the workplace. Shifting between silly and intellectual topics as if it were not a strange thing is something that is so unique to Tufts, and I appreciate it so much.” And you know what? After we finished discussing his experiences with human-centered design, we walked out of the Campus Center together, talking about what ratio of cheese to sauce to bread makes the perfect pizza. —HANNAH STEINBERG ’17






Take Back the Night is an annual event to stand up against sexual assault on college campuses. This year, students marched through campus holding candles to show that sexual assault has no place on our campus. Nights like these make me extra proud to be part of this community.

Colorful dry erase markers are a fun study tool, especially when you have a wall of windows in your dorm common room to serve as your canvas. Visually working out my study material helps me remember it, and also makes for some nice window decor.

Sure other schools hand out these life savers that stick ck to the back of phones so that at us college students don’t constantly lose our IDs, butt do theirs have an elephant head on them? NO. Not only is this an aesthetically pleasing and incredibly useful tool, it is also a great conversation starter.




TUFTS DAILY Tufts is the smallest university that publishes a student-run daily newspaper. That means, on any given weekday, you can pick up a copy of The Tufts Daily to get your fill of campus events, politics, sports, and pop culture commentary. Not much of a news junkie? Daily crossword and Sudoku puzzles are a huge hit with students who like their morning eggs and coffee with a bit of an intellectual challenge. —LIAM KNOX ’19

FOAM FINGER If you see one of these bad boys around campus, chances are Tufts is coming down from a home game high supporting one of the many Jumbo teams who so often make the community proud. Win or lose, though, Tufts students love to show their Jumbo spirit, and what better way to cheer on the stampede than to whip the foam finger out for the ‘Bos? —LIAM KNOX ‘19




A convenient alternative to taking the train, ZipCar allows students who miss driving to school every day a chance to get behind the wheel again. Travel into Boston, to a nearby apple orchard, or to the coast. Just hop into one of the cars located around campus at designated spots and go!

I’ve recently gotten really into rock climbing! I go to a nearby gym with the Tufts Climbing Team for weekly coached sessions, and I climb with friends through Tufts Mountain Club (which even leads outdoor climbing trips)! It’s a really fun way to get in some exercise while staying far away from the treadmills.

Designed by two Tufts sophomores, this innovative clothing line has been spreading around campus since its creation last year. Students rock the DF logo on hats and t-shirts, but their most trendy item is their stickers. No pledging necessary—Dadfrat is for everyone.







As a poetry professor, Natalie Shapero ponders the ongoing relationship between one’s ideas and the world around them.


I first heard about Professor Natalie Shapero the way one might hear about a new coffee shop in town. “You’ve got to take it,” a fellow English major said of her Forms of Poetry course. Later, my housemate—a Computer Science major—started receiving poetry books in the mail. When Amazon accidentally shipped her two copies of Hardly War, she handed me the extra. “Here,” she said. “I haven’t read this yet, but every book Professor Shapero chooses is incredible.” I took the book. Then I signed up to take the course. Now in her second year as a Professor of the Practice at Tufts, Natalie Shapero is frank, funny, and easily casual, in the way that young professors sometimes are. Her story is compelling: after graduating with her M.F.A. in Poetry, she ended up in law school, then as a civil rights lawyer in Washington, D.C. “Being a lawyer changed the way I thought about being a poet,” she said. “Both practices are concentrated around looking at individual bits of language, and thinking about their multiple meanings.” She

returned to poetry a few years later, but her experience as a lawyer still informs her craft, perhaps present in the concise, probing lines of her first book, No Object. As a poet turned lawyer turned poet-professor, Natalie Shapero seems to embody the answer to a question I’ve been asking myself lately: how someone with many interests can shape a life and a career. Though Professor Shapero has already had successful careers in multiple disciplines, she doesn’t view them as separate. What she posits is something different: not the formulation of a single path, but an ongoing relationship between one’s ideas and the world. In her Forms of Poetry course, students read books of poetry each week. They also produce their own poems, which the class workshops together. “I want students to understand what their own project is,” Professor Shapero told me. “I want that to be informed by other writers and works of art and things in the world—to have all of that go into the

world [they’re] creating on the page.” Her students come from many departments: some are English majors, while others, like my housemate, happily count Shapero’s courses as an arts credit. Students in the English major can take up to five creative writing classes as part of their ten-course requirement. I admitted to Professor Shapero that I got carried away with the literature aspect of the major. Courses on the Jazz Age, postmodernism, and Jane Austen wooed me. I loved them. But now, in my senior year, I wish [I] had more semesters to fill with more creative writing workshops, like hers. “Don’t regret that, though,” she said simply. “This one can travel with you.” And that’s what writing has done: traveled with her, from Baltimore to Ohio to D.C. to this office at Tufts, a campus where her name buzzes from the breath of inspired students like caffeine. —ABIGAIL MCFEE ’17



GO JUMBOS! It’s been a year of exciting numbers for Tufts Athletics: Tufts Football finished the season with a 7–1 record, Men’s Soccer won the Division III NCAA championship, Women’s Field Hockey won the NESCAC championship and were second in the NCAA tournament, and Women’s Volleyball made the quarter finals in the NCAA championships.


Duxbury, MA


Boxford, MA

Major: International Relations and Arabic Position: Captain of the Men’s Lacrosse team Career Highlight: Tucker led his team to back-to-back championships and played in three NFL stadiums. Obstacles: Balancing the workload of his two majors with his commitment to his team. His Perspective: He cites the small moments as the best of his career: “Running, shooting, [watching] film, and lifting” with teammates. Big Picture: Tucker is proud to be part of the “eclectic, generous, hardworking, and tight-knit” group that is Tufts Athletics.


Major: Psychology Position: Captain and center on the Women’s Basketball team Career Highlight: She is Tufts’ all time leading scorer and rebounder, has been named Women’s Basketball Coaches Association All-American and was named NESCAC conference co-player of the year in 2016. Obstacles: Upon arriving to Tufts, she was surprised by how many hours she would spend with teammates in the gym. But she loves the sense of community, which translates to group study sessions at the library, too. Her Perspective: “I wouldn’t want to change anything about it.” Big Picture: This year, Michela’s team entered as the #1 ranked D3 team in the nation.

With all of the success that our teams have had this academic year, we couldn’t choose just one athlete to highlight! Meet four Jumbos who are doing incredible things, both on and off the field.


Haverhill, MA



Houston, TX

Major: Electrical Engineering Position: Midfielder for the Field Hockey team Career Highlight: Her team won NESCAC championships this year, for the first time in seven years. Obstacles: After not making her high school’s varsity team in her junior year, Celia had to work even harder to grab the attention of Tufts’ head coach. “I learned how hard work can take you places that talent can’t.” Her Perspective: “From being on a collegiate team, you learn how to work with all different types of personalities and that has helped me immensely in group projects as an electrical engineer.” Big Picture: During any given season, Celia says she can look into the crowd to see athletes from Women’s and Men’s Lacrosse, Women’s Volleyball, Men’s Hockey, and many other teams. This communal support from Tufts athletes has been a key component of her time here.

Major: History Position: Running back on the Football team Career Highlight: Broke the Tufts single-season record for yards rushed and touchdowns. He also won the NESCAC Offensive Player of the Year. Obstacles: His first season at Tufts, the team didn’t have a single win. His Perspective: “I’ve always cared more about our team’s success than my own.” Big Picture: Chance has been crucial to the resurgence of the Tufts Football team. This past year, he was awarded the Joseph P. Zabilski award for best offensive player in all Division III New England teams!


As technology and engineering increasingly impact our everyday lives, education in these fields is also transforming. The Dean of Tufts’ School of Engineering, Jianmin Qu, has an innovative eye for the future of engineering education. One of the difficulties in engineering education is how rapidly the field shifts. Just in the past 20 years, technology and society have undergone rapid changes. Technology has permeated our daily lives, presenting opportunities as well as challenges. Computers and automations will lead to the disappearance of many of the jobs we know today. “I think higher education is at a pivotal point where we cannot be doing business as usual anymore,” Dean Qu said. “We need to figure out new ways to educate our students, who are facing an uncertain future.”

To prepare students for careers that will matter in an ever-changing world, Dean Qu looks to interdisciplinary education, which mimics the world’s own mechanics. “If you think about major challenges that are facing us, things like energy, the environment, water, pandemics, human health, [and] climate change... Any of these problems will require solutions that draw expertise from multidisciplinary areas,” he explained. “And not just multiple disciplines within engineering, but across the boundaries between STEM, humanities, and the arts.” An example can be found in the Computer Science faculty who are working with other departments (such as philosophy) to program ethics into robots. The question of how to instill social values in an artificial being is one that can only be answered through an interdisciplinary effort, as philosophers, historians, and sociologists weigh in. A similar effort can be seen in the way that Tufts professors are tackling global issues, such as sustainbility. Dean Qu is proud to say that our research team examining the theme of water—water diplomacy, quality, contamination, and clean water technology—is among the strongest in the country. Why? Because our professors and researchers are looking at various other disciplines, such as community health, sociology, and international relations, to further their understanding of the world we live in. Traditional engineering education says that each discipline exists in its own silo. But Dean Qu has a different idea. He is working on increasing the breadth of engineering majors “by decreasing the number of required credit hours so you, as a student, have the flexibility to select courses from other majors, in other areas, to broaden your horizon.” The goal is that this cross-pollination will help students create more innovative engineering solutions. According to Dean Qu, Tufts is in a position to carry out this change because of our standing as a student-centered research university: “The unique combination of being research-intensive with a liberal arts setting really allows us to carry out what I call the ‘research and educational mission of higher education,’” he said—in other words, to be a place where students are creating knowledge as much as they are consuming it, where they are engineering their own educations. —DYLAN HONG ’19



In the past two years, Dean Qu has led the Tufts School of Engineering into new and exciting spaces, while keeping the idea of an interdisciplinary engineering education at the forefront.


MUSIC ENSEMBLES With over 180 performances every year, Tufts has a vibrant music scene. While some students will take advantage of the student groups, others will choose to pursue music as an academic major or minor. All music students can utilize the three sound-proof Wenger booths at the Perry and Marty Granoff Music Center, peer into rehearsals in the World Music Room, and showcase their talents in the Distler Performance Hall. Here is a list of some (but not all) of the opportunities to make music on the hill. VOCAL AND CHORAL GROUPS Chamber Choir Concert Choir Opera Ensemble Gospel Choir Private vocal lessons 10 different A Capella groups


JAZZ BANDS Tufts Jazz Orchestra Four small ensembles led by faculty members Fernando Michelin and Paul Ahlstrand

NEW MUSIC GROUPS New Music Ensemble (NME) Tufts Electronic Music Ensemble (EME) Tufts Composers WORLD MUSIC ENSEMBLES Kiniwe: the West African Music and Dance Ensemble Javanese Gamelan Ensemble Klezmer Ensemble Arabic Music Ensemble

ORCHESTRAL, EARLY MUSIC, AND CHAMBER ENSEMBLES Tufts Symphony Orchestra (TSO) Flute Ensemble Early Music Ensemble Chamber Music Program Tufts Classical Chamber Orchestra Tufts Jazz Chamber Orchestra BANDS Wind Ensemble Pep Band Jazz Improv

Tufts A through Z



An alphabetized take on all things Jumbo. If you are looking for more information on any of these, go to admissions.tufts.edu/a-z






ANI PATEL * Taking classes that combine two seemingly unrelated fields is one of the coolest opportunities college provides. In Professor Patel’s music psychology classes, he focuses on music and emotions, the influence of music on human behavior, music education and measurements of music ability.

Boom, snap, clap. Blackout is an award-winning step team that uses their hands, feet, and bodies to express themselves and the music and story of the African Diaspora. Check them out at Break the Stage, an annual step competition at Tufts that features teams from all over the Northeast.



Though this dining hall boasts a weekly stir-fry bar, sundae Sundays, and chicken wing nights, it is most notable for its theme dinners. Students look forward to Thanksgiving dinner, Under the Sea Night, and Breakfast for Dinner. (Banana pancakes at 8pm? Yes, please!)




Whether you spent your high school career on the stage or have never set foot on it, have a passion for acting or prefer the technical aspects of production, Drama 8 offers first-year students a hands-on experience in their first semester. Students take on roles as performers, assistant directors, stage managers, technicians, dramaturgs, and production staff—culminating in a fall production (for credit!).




The School of the Museum of Fine Arts (SMFA) at Tufts offers students an interdisciplinary, all-elective curriculum, encouraging them to engage with new ideas and forms of expression. “Exhibition of Performance,” in the Performance concentration, helps students to create live, time-based art. They develop performance techniques, utilize a large performance facility with access to video, sound, photographic, and fabrication tools, and examine the relationship between artist and audience.



Home to the Red Sox since 1912, this beloved baseball park creates a memorable experience for baseball lovers of all team loyalties—and for those of us who just come for the hot dogs. A ten-minutewalk away, you’ll find the SMFA at Tufts campus, where Tufts BFA students pursue an intensive path of study and all Tufts students have the option to take studio art classes.



GLOBAL HEALTH, NUTRITION, AND THE ENVIRONMENT * International Relations majors at Tufts choose one of six thematic concentrations, allowing them to pursue an in-depth study of an area that interests them. If you want to look at the connections between issues of global health, nutrition, the environment, and sustainable development—all through the lens of international affairs—then this concentration will provide you with the necessar y knowledge, even preparing students for professional entry into the field.




What’s one baseball-related thing that Red Sox and Yankees fans at Tufts can agree on? History buffs and sports fanatics across the board (or the diamond?) love Professor Sol Gittleman’s “America and the National Pastime” course, which tracks U.S. history through baseball.

This performance ensemble offers students the chance to learn traditional styles of West African drumming and dancing, as a way to broaden cultural knowledge in an increasingly global world. The group performs in a university-wide show and a Children’s Concert each semester.



I *

At Tufts, students are encouraged to think outside the box, and there’s no better embodiment of this than the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (CIS). Whether Tufts’ own world-famous philosopher Daniel Dennett has inspired you to delve into cognitive science or you want to explore the impact of late 18th-century literature on the women’s suffrage movement, CIS offers you a space for your un-categorizable passions.

L *

Tufts owns a lodge (aptly named The Loj) in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Throughout the year, members of Tufts Mountain Club lead hiking, cycling, and skiing trips. Students climb peaks by day, enjoy beautiful views from nestled inside The Loj at sunset, and play board games (a little too competitively) at night.




Have a design that you’re longing to bring to life? Just walk into Jumbo’s Maker Studio, which houses Tufts’ 3D printer and is open to all students. Recent projects include an Oreo De-Creamer, a mini BB8 replica and a cookie decorating robot. No 3D glasses required. 23



MICROBIOMES Biology class just got a little bit…tastier? Dr. Ben Wolfe (find him in Michael Pollan’s Cooked on Netflix!) brings artisanal cheeses into the classroom and the lab to examine the microbial communities in Roquefort and Camembert. Happy studying and bon appétit!




Since 2010, Tufts has won 18 team and individual national championships. In 2016 alone, Women’s Basketball, Men’s Lacrosse, and Women’s Field Hockey made it to the final game of the NCAA championships, while Men’s Soccer won. Being an athlete at Tufts means being part of a community, showing up to games wearing brown and blue, and making your roommate (on the bleachers, in full body paint) proud.

Whether you’re playing Spikeball on a warm March afternoon or reading Joyce under a tapestry of New England leaves, the Academic and Residential Quads are a great place to spend time in between classes. “Anyone wanna go hang on the quad?” will likely be one of the most common (and most quintessentially college questions) tossed around in your group message with friends.



O R *


It’s hard to say which part of The Observer is more beautiful: the voices and opinions it contains, or the graphics that accompany them. As a monthly outlet for student literature, art, and journalism, The Observer is poignant and powerful, spurring campus-wide conversations and appearing in many a backpack of students and professors alike.

Order a Medford Fog or a Voldemort and grab a coveted seat at this always crowded, always delicious student-run coffee nook. What the Rez lacks in decaf coffee it makes up for in cool playlists, creative drink names, and yummy double-chocolate muffins.



P *

Have you ever seen something perched on top of a building, in an impossible crevice, and just thought, how the heck did that get there? Come October, you’ll be thinking this quite a lot as pumpkins crop up, seemingly by magic, in the most unlikely places. At Tufts, we know there’s nothing to get you in the Halloween spirit like a few ominously placed gourds!

S *

One thing that isn’t on most packing lists for college but is absolutely necessary for Tufts? A sled! Every winter, students bundle up and head to the President’s Lawn to sled down the massive hill outside Anthony Monaco’s house, where Tufts Facilities puts up hay bales around the trees to make sure everyone stays safe.



One of ten destinations on the list of Tufts-run study abroad programs, Tübingen, Germany is a beautiful medieval city with a university that boasts seven Nobel laureates. If that’s not your scene, explore Santiago or Hong Kong on a different Tufts program, or enroll in one over 200 non-Tufts options all over the world!



Unless you’re an Engineering Physics major like Matt Peterson ’16, the title of his summer research project might not make a whole lot of sense to you. But that’s exactly what the Summer Scholars program is designed to do: give Tufts undergraduates the opportunity and the funding to explore their obsession—a topic that only they could do justice to—with a faculty mentor who gets it, too.

The Tufts Entrepreneurs Society believes in student ideas, and that these ideas can come to fruition not sometime in the future, but right now. TES brings young entrepreneurs together in a social and intellectual community, connecting them with faculty, alumni, and professionals in the field. Peter Sacco, a student at Tufts’ Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, recently founded Adelante Shoe Co., a line of craft leather shoes that pays shoemakers in Latin America enough to live well—a salary that they define.






V Z *


Tufts VOX believes that educating communities about reproductive justice and health is essential, and they strive to be that voice on campus. They are famous for their Tumblr, which fields all sorts of anonymous questions about sexual health, offering the kind of advice an older sibling might (but maybe a little more factual).

She was curator of the widely-acclaimed “Frida Kahlo: Art, Garden, Life” exhibit at the New York Botanical Garden, but her students know her as the passionate professor who, twice a week, tackles issues of identity, politics, race, and gender through Art History. Professor Zavala’s courses are proof of just how much the visual has to say.


(X) OK, the whole alphabet was tough… we couldn’t come up with X. Think you can do better? Send your thoughts for X to jumboeditor@tufts.edu!




As a lecturer in the American Studies department, Professor Wu compels students to ask difficult questions, teaches them critical histories that have been excluded from textbooks, and empowers them with tools to effect change. Her “Race in America” course tops many students’ lists of most important classes they took at Tufts.



PROFESSOR AND CHAIR OF SOCIOLOGY AND PROFESSOR OF AMERICAN STUDIES Pawan Dhingra seems to do it all. He lends his expertise in immigrant adaptation, race and ethnic relations, and social inequalities to the Sociology department, was a Museum Curator at the Smithsonian Institution for a project called Beyond Bollywood, and has recently published his second book, Life Beyond the Lobby: Indian American Motel Owners and the American Dream. Here, he answers our supplemental essay questions so you can get to know him, Tufts, and our application all at the same time!


Why Tufts? (50–100 words) The sky gets dark by 4pm starting in December. A blizzard keeps you indoors. An ice patch threatens to turn you horizontal. But then, before you realize it, birds are chirping again. On your walk through campus you get hit in the head by a Frisbee being thrown by a couple of students wearing shorts. It’s a bruise you cherish for days. Tufts offers all that plus great faculty and students.

There is a Quaker saying: “Let your life speak.” Describe the environment in which you were raised—your family, home, neighborhood, or community—and how it influenced the person you are today. (200–250 words) As a relatively private person, talking about my upbringing does not come easily, but I’ll give it a try. The environment in which I was raised was heterogeneous. There were multiple ways of being in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area where I grew up, in the 1970s and 1980s. I intersected through a few of them, and it is the incongruity of them that helped me realize the need to question singular interpretations of things or normative ways of being. I was the child of immigrants who approximated belonging in our neighborhood. I attended school with a variety of persons. And I found social and cultural opportunities in third spaces outside of the standard fares of traditional community, sports, and the like. None fit perfectly well, but the combination created positive outlets. None of these dimensions connected to the others, which probably turned out to be an asset. It probably says something about me that I still prefer the music I grew up listening to then and in college, where “your life speaks” through words not your own.

Nelson Mandela believed that “what counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” Describe a way in which you have made or hope to make a difference. (200–250 words)


As an academic, I’d like to think that our teaching, research, and service to the university make a difference. When we create new knowledge through our research, we contribute to society’s understanding of social, human, and ecological issues. So much of what we take for granted as facts and common sense over the years has a relationship to academic discoveries, whether in the natural sciences, humanities, arts, or social sciences. Teaching offers the most direct way to make a difference. The syllabi that professors create is a curated effort to provide key ideas and questions for students. The act of engaging with students in the classroom, the sharing of ideas, stimulates new ways of approaching the issues embedded in the syllabus. As professors, we also have opportunities to shape our university. The creation of the Consortium of Studies in Race, Colonialism and Diaspora is one clear way. We created this in order to offer alternative sites of pedagogy and research, building off of the accomplishments of others in the past. The work that many professors do outside of teaching and research, whether through university committees committed to promoting equity, through teach-ins, through programming, or through student mentorship, helps make Tufts a more enlightened place. Beyond the university walls, I have had the privilege of serving as Museum Curator at the Smithsonian Institution, in particular working on the Indian American Heritage Project and its exhibition, Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation. I also have served as a board member of the South Asian American Digital Archive, an online resource for South Asian American stories.

*Want to see the other options for the third question on our supplemental application? Visit admissions.tufts.edu/apply/essay-questions 27


BOSTON IS CALLING One of the biggest perks of being near a big city is that there is never a shortage of things to do. From concerts to sporting events to speakers, check out this calendar with a (small) sampling of events on and off campus!


SEPT 11 Somerville Dog Festival


DEC 1 Tufts Chamber Choir Concert



DEC 15


Tufts vs. Wesleyan Night Football Game

Oktoberfest in Boston

Nutcracker Ballet

Boston Bruins vs. Edmonton Oilers

OCT 16–18

OCT 18

JAN 18

JAN 28

Forbes 30 Under 30 Summit Boston

Sia and Miguel Concert

Museum of Fine Arts Martin Luther King Jr. Special Exhibit

Chocolate Festival in Cambridge

NOV 11–19

NOV 15

FEB 10–FEB 18


Boston Comedy Festival

David Axelrod Lunch and Learn at Tufts

Boston Science Fiction Film Festival at Somerville Movie Theatre

Sledding on the Hill at Tufts

Butterfly Garden at Museum of Science


MAY 21


APR 1–9



Broadway Show: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Boston LGBTQ+ Film Festival

Somerville Food Truck Festival

Watch Fireworks from the Tisch Roof

APR 17

APR 28

AUG 4–6

AUG 9–10

Boston Marathon

Tuftonia’s Day: an on-campus carnival complete with food trucks and games

Newport Jazz festival: the first Jazz festival in the country!

Summer Scholars presentation

APR 29

MAY 26–27



Spring Fling! Past headliners have included Matt and Kim, Kesha, Nelly and Childish Gambino

Film Night with the Boston Pops with Composer John Williams

Cheer on the Red Sox at Fenway Park

Visit the New England Aquarium




Tufts Commencement


When she arrived at Tufts, Jennifer Skerker ’17, like many incoming freshmen, was uncertain about her path of study. She had applied to the School of Engineering, but beyond that, she felt completely undecided. Then, when she took a course called “Climate Change Engineering” freshman year, everything came into focus: environmental engineering was her passion. “We got to experiment with solar panels, attempt to make ethanol from corn starch, and go to a wind turbine testing facility. We were exposed to really interesting things,” Jenny said of the class, whose professor, John Durant, is now her advisor. Bridging the divide between the School of Engineering and the School of Arts and Sciences, and between STEM and the social sciences, Jenny’s work focuses on utilizing engineering to improve public health. The spring of her sophomore year, as a public policy intern for Northeast Energy Efficient Partnerships, she traced different state bills across the Northeast that related to energy efficiency. That summer, in conjunction with the National Science Foundation, she researched whether Turfgrass could be safely watered with treated effluent water. And beginning the summer after her junior year, she has been conducting research on air pollution in Boston around Interstate 93. Jenny began her air pollution research as part of Tufts’ Summer Scholars program, which gives undergraduates funding to pursue a project with a faculty mentor. That research evolved into her senior thesis, as part of a larger project called the CAFEH (Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health) Study. She was given access to data obtained by a retrofitted super-RV that drove around Boston collecting information on different pollutants. (Ironically enough, Jenny jokes, that RV failed inspection and is now being replaced by a more environmentally friendly automobile.) She explained that, as cars travel through tunnels, emission levels increase and tend to reach a maximum right before exiting the tunnel. This posits the question of where and how those emissions disperse once a car exits the tunnel, as opposed to when a car is travelling on an open freeway: a question Jenny seeks to answer. She knows that answering questions like this is rarely easy, but it is vital not only to reduce toxins in the air, but ultimately improve the lives of human beings. When I asked Jenny what she will miss the most when she graduates, her answer sounded familiar: “I love the little communities here. When I toured Tufts, my tour guide said that everyone is passionate about something, and that could not be more true. It doesn’t matter what that passion is, and students may have multiple passions, but everyone has something they truly care about.”

In our 30-minute conversation, I was struck by the sheer certitude of Jenny’s mission. Inspired by her summer work at the Center for Engineering Education and Outreach, she yearns to get more women and girls to pursue careers in engineering, and to expand engineering access to those who do not have the tools to enter the field. As an environmental engineer, she wants to do whatever she can to improve the world. Whether it be developing innovative ways to combat climate change, assessing pollution, or furthering sustainable energy, Jenny believes that now it is “more important than ever” to go into environmental fields. There’s a lot of work to be done, but if anyone is up to the challenge, she is. —DESMOND FONSECA ’20

“I want to find a way to make an impact and feel like I’m doing something good.”



FROM WOODEN BLOCKS TO MAKING COMPUTERS TALK The technological revolution in education


By Abigail McFee ’17 and Jaime Morgen ’14


Students and professors from multiple disciplines—from engineers in the Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO), to Professor Marina Bers who is dually appointed in Child Study and Human Development and computer science, to education majors—are grappling with the intersection between technology and education: How can technology and education evolve to work more harmoniously? “When most people think of engineering, they think race cars, rockets, and robots,” said Dr. Merredith Portsmore, Director of the CEEO. At Tufts, we are constantly expanding on this idea as we question the future of engineering and who can be involved. If technology is changing our world so quickly, how should we be changing early education to keep up? In trying to find my own answers to this question, I am standing in the storage closet of the CEEO, surrounded by stuffed animals, storybooks, craft supplies and Lego bricks. “We want to help broaden the idea of what engineering is so that it includes more people,” Dr. Portsmore told me. Since it was founded in 1996, the CEEO has worked to integrate engineering into K-12 education by inspiring teachers, researching how children think and create, and developing tools for the classroom. “The exciting thing about Engineering Education,” Dr. Portsmore told me, “is that it’s relatively new. They’ve been doing research on how children learn science and math for years. But we were the first Engineering Education center in the country, and some of our projects and ideas are the first [of their kind].” When the CEEO was founded, schools had no engineering standards for teachers to meet. It would never have occurred to most educators, or scientists, that children could be engineers. But the mission stretches beyond accessibility: “We want it to be meaningful to them,” Dr. Portsmore said. And meaning arises from context. The stuffed animals from the storage closet are part of a project called “Chair for Mr. Bear,” which tasks children with building a Lego chair for a stuffed animal, in order to understand structural design. The storybooks are for the Novel Engineering Project, in which children design products for a book character.

Something happens when children are presented with meaning: they become capable in formerly unanticipated ways. Of the Novel Engineering Project, Dr. Portsmore said, “We saw [participants] do many things that the existing literature didn’t talk about them doing, in terms of scoping out problems, thinking about requirements and restraints, and considering trade-offs—because they had this wonderful client to think about. [They can say,] ‘I’m designing for Peter in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, and he lives in a tiny apartment in New York, and he has a little brother. These things would make sense for him; these things wouldn’t.’” I’m an English major at Tufts, so this is where I get excited: I understand the meaning that arises from engaging with a character in a book. Stories have been, for as long as I can remember, the framework that I apply to the world. But I never imagined that they had anything to do with the engineering design process.


continued to use this technology in his classroom— his students just finished creating videos about plate tectonics. He said, “It’s a great way for students to represent their scientific ideas,” he said. “It’s made a big impact on my teaching.” Professor of Child Study and Human Development and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science Marina Bers also sees the potential that technology has to move our classrooms into the future. Marina, who was initially drawn to Tufts for its interdisciplinary focus, believes that teachers and students should be viewed as collaborators. In addition to her appointments in two seemingly disparate departments, she leads the Development Technologies research group, which created the ScratchJr programming language app, used by over six million children. The app, which places an emphasis on using math in a meaningful context, allows children ages five to seven to program their own interactive stories and games. Her other project, the KIBO robotics system, is a robot kit for young children that allows them to make their ideas into something tangible. Kids can make whatever they would like and then use the KIBO blocks to create a sequence of instructions for their robot. It’s an intro to programming (without any screen time). Professor Bers describes her ideal classroom as a maker space, with bright sunlight and plenty of materials: “There are mentors available for helping out, but these mentors are also working on their own projects. Students come in and out as they want to, and once the projects are completed, they can take them to the real world to test them and then come back and redefine them.” This is an environment that DevTech and the CEEO are actively working to create, but it isn’t the reality of most teachers, and the CEEO is aware of that. The Student Teacher Outreach Mentorship Program (STOMP), created in 2001, sends Tufts undergraduates

into local classrooms, where they develop and implement STEM curricula based on individual teachers’ needs. Devyn Curley ’15 joined the program as a freshman while taking Simple Robotics with Dr. Portsmore. He served as a STOMP fellow during all four years of his undergraduate career and now works for the CEEO as Program Manager of STOMP. This year, he is overseeing 59 fellows in 44 classrooms. The CEEO provides STOMP fellows with training and resources to use in the classroom—it also pays them, so that the program is accessible to students who can’t afford to take an unpaid position. Implementing STEM curricula in classrooms isn’t the only thing STOMP fellows and research assistants are doing—they are serving as role models for young children, something Dr. Portsmore believes is crucial. Dr. Portsmore didn’t simply make this claim—that having strong engineering role models who are matters to kids—she investigated it. “We’re trying to do research on role modeling now,” she continued. “What is this phenomenon, and how much does it matter?” She is also excited to point out that STOMP is over 50% female. “It means that, in all those classrooms, we’re able to put a strong STEM role model in front of the kids, and say, this is Jessica, and she’s a mechanical engineer. This is Katelyn, and she’s a civil engineer.” Through talking to these different departments, it is clear that undergraduates in education are an important part of the technological revolution at every stage, from playing with ideas for new technologies, testing product iterations and bringing finished tools into the classroom. What these undergraduates do with this insight is varied. Some will go on to become teachers, some will design toys, and others will pursue a traditional career in engineering. But no matter what they go on to do, each of them has already made—and will continue to make—a giant impact on the way children learn.



he CEEO truly sees how technology can make complex ideas accessible to children. Professors and students in the Department of Education also see this potential. Matt Burch ’11, a double Jumbo with a Bachelor’s and a Master’s in Education from Tufts, saw an opportunity to use technology in his 6th grade class’s lesson on the water cycle. While completing his graduate school internship, Matt worked with Assistant Professor of Education Brian Gravel, the director of the elementary education program, and then-Professor of Education Michelle Wilkerson on two technology programs—a computer simulation program called SiMSAM (Simulation, Measurement and Stop Action Moviemaking) and a stop motion animation program. Matt saw a fun, innovative application for these programs as he taught his sixth graders about the water cycle, and invited Professor Gravel and Professor Wilkerson to his classroom. “For two weeks,” explained Matt, “we had students work to visually represent their ideas about the water cycle—specifically condensation and evaporation. Rather than explicitly tell students a definition, we gave them a situation—a puddle that disappears on a sunny day or the ‘sweat’ that appears on a can of soda—and asked them to use the stop motion animation and simulation programs to help them represent their ideas about why those events occur.” This experience prompted the students to not only create hypotheses, but also figure out the best way to visually represent their ideas. Since those two weeks, Matt has


We had students work to visually represent their ideas about the water cycle — specifically condensation and evaporation. Rather than explicitly tell students a definition, we gave them a situation…”


SERENA FAYE ’18 FEINGOLD I began my time at the SMFA at Tufts as a painter and thought I would focus in that medium, but within a few months I was experimenting with photography, screen-printing, metalworking, and ceramics. The freedom of SMFA’s interdisciplinary program has allowed me to consider every medium as a possibility, to choose what seemed most fitting for each project I undertook, and to follow through when something was working well. This inclusive philosophy has pushed my studio practice to where it is today; I now work mainly with metal, clay, fibers, and organic materials. I’m fascinated with the colors, designs, and methodologies of classical art-making in Europe, South America, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East, and I have spent many hours in the library researching these cultures. My conceptual work discusses the role art plays in conversations


about nature, and my academic studies on both the Medford and Fenway campuses augment this studio practice through classes in environmental literature, community development, and art history. In the spring of 2016, I took a course on the SMFA campus called The Greening of Art. We explored environmental issues through the lens of art making; it was my first true foray into blending studio practice with academic practice. The process was transformative and led me to another course on the Medford campus, called Earth Matters. It is taught by Professor of English Elizabeth Ammons and has exposed me to writers, poets, and filmmakers who are writing about and discussing the very subjects I am interested in: humans’ relation to the earth, climate change, and the welfare of all life on our planet.

I am also an avid traveler and have gained much of my visual and conceptual inspiration from being out in the world. The opportunities for travel that are offered through SMFA at Tufts have allowed me to continue this kind of research. In May of 2016, I was awarded the Ali Pratt Travel Grant, and was able to travel to Oaxaca, Mexico, to study pre-Hispanic and contemporary ceramic methods there. And I already have my next adventure on my mind—I am currently taking steps to secure a summer internship in Florence, Italy, so I can continue my study of ancient and modern ceramics. Through the SMFA at Tufts’ commitment to an art education without boundaries, I have discovered new avenues of thought and interpretation. The language of discourse that I have learned here is irreplaceable and will continue to inform my art practice forever.



As a third year student at the School of Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts, Serena explores how she can use different artistic media to push her studio practices to new heights.




While applying to college can be tough, choosing where to go can be even harder. That is why we compiled advice on how to choose—from students (and admissions officers) who have made the decision themselves!

Trust your gut. It is highly likely that you’ll get a good education wherever you go. So go to the college where you felt most comfortable, most connected and most at peace. If you visited and saw something that made you feel like you could fit right in—don’t hesitate. I got my information through phone calls and emails with staff and students, and they were so nice that I wanted to be a part of this community. That’s how I knew I would be happy at Tufts, and I wanted to prioritize happiness. Four years is a long time to be miserable. —Rabecca Mmbone ’20 I urge applicants to look beyond the typical surface aspects that schools may advertise, and create their own definition of what makes a good school. Search through colleges’ websites for information on retention rate, guest speakers, and their most popular clubs and activities. This information can speak volumes about what a school prides itself on and the types of students it attracts—all helping you imagine yourself as a student there. —Susie Ting ’19


First, ask the practical questions—are all of the schools on my list affordable for my family, factoring in financial aid packages and scholarships? Do they each offer an academic program I want to pursue (or many academic programs so that I can explore and figure out what I want to pursue)? Are they located somewhere I feel like I could live for four years? Once you can answer “yes” to all of those questions, the rest is up to fit—do the people there feel like your future friends? As you make this decision, it is natural to seek advice. But I encourage you to limit the number of people you implore for help. Pick a couple people whose opinions you trust and respect, and with all others deem the topic off limits. Ultimately, the only person who will have to spend the next four years at the institution you choose is you. Trust yourself at this important moment. —Meredith Reynolds ’11, Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions


Rather than graduation rate or student-faculty ratio, less traditional elements of a college or university can be the most telling. One unexpected indicator of your perfect college comes right to your CommonApp account in the form of its supplemental questions. The school whose essays were frustrating, boring, or just plain old-fashioned hard probably isn’t where you belong. You belong at a school whose essays you were excited to write (so excited that you might even have multiple different essays for each prompt), and whose “choose one of the following” questions were all prompts you would have gladly answered. —Mary Reynolds ’21 Fit encompasses both the big things—programs, courses, location—but it also includes the little things. I fell for Tufts not just because of its amazing academics, but also because of the genuinely friendly, down-to-earth vibe embedded in all things Tufts. So before you decide, take a moment to ask yourself: Is this somewhere I can be happy for four

years? At the end of the day, the goal isn’t just to find a good school. It’s to find a school both your brain and your gut can get excited about. —Yang Lowe ’21 One of the great things about college is the opportunity to form relationships with influential mentors and passionate peers. In making a college decision, I often ask students: does this seem like a place where you can build your “team” of people to advocate for you and support you in achieving your goals? Do students seem to be navigating their educational experience totally independently, with intensive support, or with some healthy combination of both? My hope is for students to graduate from college with meaningful connections to the faculty, staff, and classmates they spent four years with, so I encourage prospective students to consider whether a particular campus community will help them develop a network of caring individuals on whom they can rely. —Sean Ashburn, Admissions Counselor

As a student athlete, my college process was always different than many of my friends’. Instead of taking just a tour of universities, I had to meet with coaches and view the athletic facilities and had to consider how I would fit in not only as a student, but also an athlete. However different my process might have been there is one thing that was apparent: you will always end up where you are meant to be. Instead of touring a campus with previous expectations of prestige and beauty, it is important to begin your search with a clear set of eyes in order to understand how you specifically will fit in. —Sarah Grubman ’19


PROGRAMS With nearly 150 majors and minors, 30 interdisciplinary programs, and the courses of the ExCollege, Tufts’ offerings require more than a brief skimming, so you can find an expansion of this quick list on our website. But in the meantime, skim away. Just note that Tufts undergraduate programs are offered in three schools: Arts and Sciences, Engineering, and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts. Students may take classes across schools, and many students do. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES MAJORS *available only as a second major Africana Studies American Studies Anthropology Applied Mathematics Applied Physics Arabic Archaeology Architectural Studies Art History Astrophysics Biochemistry Biology Biomedical Engineering Sciences* Biopsychology Biotechnology* Chemical Physics Chemistry Child Study and Human Development Chinese Classical Studies Cognitive and Brain Sciences Community Health Computer Science Drama Economics Education* Engineering Psychology/ Human Factors English Environmental Studies* Film and Media Studies French Geological Sciences/Earth and Ocean Sciences Geology/Earth and Ocean Sciences German Language and Literature German Studies Greek Greek and Latin History Interdisciplinary Studies


International Literary and Visual Studies International Relations Italian Studies Japanese Judaic Studies Latin Latin American Studies Mathematics Middle Eastern Studies Music Peace and Justice Studies Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Psychology/Clinical Concentration Quantitative Economics Religion Russian and Eastern European Studies Russian Language and Literature Science, Technology, and Society* Sociology Spanish Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Engineering Science Environmental Health


Africana Studies Arabic Architectural Engineering Architectural Studies Art History Asian American Studies Astrophysics Biotechnology Engineering Chemical Engineering Child Study and Human Development Chinese Colonialism Studies Computer Science Dance Drama Economics Education


Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering Environmental Engineering Mechanical Engineering ADDITIONAL DEGREE OPTIONS

Architectural Studies Engineering Engineering Physics Engineering Psychology/ Human Factors

SMFA AT TUFTS AREAS OF STUDY The SMFA at Tufts’ curriculum is interdisciplinary. All students explore many of the following areas of study: Ceramics Drawing Film & Animation Graphic Arts Metals Painting Performance Photography Print & Paper Sculpture Sound Video FIVE-YEAR COMBINED DEGREE PROGRAMS Tufts/New England Conservatory: BA or BS and Bachelor of Music Tufts/SMFA (School of the Museum of Fine Arts): BA or BS and Bachelor of Fine Arts MINORS

COPY AND PASTE LIST FROM Engineering Education PREVIOUS ISSUE Engineering Management English Entrepreneurial Leadership Studies Film and Media Studies Finance Food Systems and Nutrition French Geology Geoscience Geosystems/Earth and Ocean Sciences German Greek Greek Archaeology Greek Civilization Hebrew History Italian Japanese Judaic Studies Latin Latin American Studies Latino Studies Leadership Studies Mathematics Medieval Studies Music Music Engineering Philosophy Physics Political Science Religion Roman Archaeology Roman Civilization Russian Science, Technology, and Society Sociology Spanish Studio Art Urban Studies Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

CLASS HIGHLIGHTS BIOLOGY As one of our most popular majors, biology helps students understand life on a molecular, cellular, organismal, population and community level. Here are a few classes offered in our Department of Biology this semester: Biology and the American Social Contract Animal Behavior Bioinformatics Experiments in Molecular Biology DNA: Structure to Function Biology of Aging Comparative Vertebrate Physiology Immunology Marine Biology Food for All: Ecology, Biotechnology, and Sustainability

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Whether students want to go onto graduate school or the work force, this ABET accredited major has a lot to offer! Introduction to Electrical Systems Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Probabilistic Systems Analysis PHOTO BY KELVIN MA/TUFTS UNIVERSITY

Digital Image Processing Introduction to VLSI design Communication Systems I Feedback Control Systems Semiconductor Devices Digital Logic Systems Microprocessor Architecture and Applications



Common Application or Coalition Application


Tufts Writing Supplement


High School Transcript(s)

APPLICATION DEADLINES AND NOTIFICATION DATES Early Decision I Application Deadline: November 1 Notification Deadline: November 15


Senior Year Grades

Early Decision II Application Deadline: January 1 Notification Deadline: Early February Regular Decision Application Deadline: January 1 Notification Deadline: April 1 Transfer Admission Application Deadline: March 15 Notification Deadline: Mid-May







Testing: a. For applicants to the School or Arts and Sciences, the School of Engineering or the Combined Degree Programs with the SMFA at Tufts or the NEC: SAT with two subject tests or ACT. b. For applicants to the SMFA at Tufts’ BFA program: SAT or ACT. Subject tests are not required.

20,223 Applications, 2,896 Acceptances, 14% Acceptance rate 100% of demonstrated Financial Aid met 10% First Generation Students 11% International Students


Letters of Recommendation We require one from a guidance counselor and one from a teacher. You may send us one additional one if you’d like.


Art Portfolio: Required only for students applying to the Combined Degree BFA/BA or BFA/BS and BFA applicants to the SMFA at Tufts.

Mean ACT 31 Middle 50% SAT Critical Reasoning (old SAT) 680–750 Middle 50% SAT Math (old SAT) 690–770

TUFTS UNDERGRADUATE STATISTICS 5,196 Undergraduate Enrollment 4.8 Miles from Boston


Financial Aid Documents If you are applying for aid, you will need to submit 1. FAFSA 2. CSS profile 3. Federal Income Tax Returns

20 Average Class Size 28 Varsity Sports Teams 300+ Student Groups 30% Women in the School of Engineering


Optional Materials • Alumni Interview • Arts or Maker Portfolio: Students applying to the School of Arts and Sciences or the School of Engineering may submit an optional arts or maker portfolio to highlight talent in studio art, drama, dance, music, or engineering.

45% of Juniors Study Abroad 37% Need Based Aid Recipients 11% International Students 27% US Students of Color







from Roslyn, NY My sister gave me this 3D-printed Jumbo when I was admitted Early Decision!

from Singapore My mom said “I want a picture of a dumbo hugging a Jumbo!”

from Colorado Springs, CO My brother drew this for me the week ED decisions were released

Admissions Counselor This elephant keeps me company in my office in Bendetson Hall

from New York, NY Jumbo chilling out with a baby Jumbo in Myanmar






Assistant Director of Admissions I found this Jumbo lollipop in New York City!

Assistant Director of Admissions I made these cookies for admissions committee—yum!

Assistant Director of Admissions This is the perfect mug for my afternoon cup of tea!


from West New York, NJ Taken from a recent trip to the Wat Xieng Thong Temple in Laos

Program Administrator Tufts 1+4 Bridge Year Program The Tufts 1+4 Fellow found a Jumbo in Brazil!

Equal Opportunity Applicants for admission and employment, students, employees, sources of referral of applicants for admission and employment, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with Tufts University are hereby notified that this institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, veteran status, or national origin in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Any person having inquiries or complaints concerning Tufts University’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, or Section 504 is directed to contact the Office of Equal Opportunity on the Medford/Somerville campus, 617-6273298 or 800-611-5060 (TDD 617-627-3370). This office has been designated by Tufts University to coordinate the institution’s efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Section 504. Any person may also contact the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202, or the Director, U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Region One, Boston, Massachusetts 02109, regarding the institution’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, 34 C.F.R. Part 100; Title IX, 34 C.F.R. Part 106; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 45 C.F.R. 90; or, Section 504, 34 C.F.R. Part 104. In addition, Tufts has formulated an administrative policy that educational and employment decisions are based on the principle of equal opportunity. The consideration of factors such as sex, race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, veteran status, or disability unrelated to a person’s ability, qualifications, and performance is inconsistent with this policy. In accordance with both federal and state law, the university maintains information concerning current security policies and procedures and prepares an annual crime report concerning crimes committed within the geographical limits of the university. Upon request to the Office of Public Safety, 617-627-3912, the university will provide such information to any applicant for admission. The report is also available online at http://publicsafety.tufts.edu/wp-content/uploads/Tufts-Public-Safety-Security-2016-2017.10.21.pdf.

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OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Tufts University Bendetson Hall 2 The Green Medford, MA 02155 -7057 617- 627-3170 admissions.tufts.edu

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