Jumbo Magazine - Spring 2018

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ISSUE 20 / SPRING 2018



24 DIALOGUE ACROSS DIFFERENCES INTRODUCING the Bridging Differences campaign



HOW ONE distribution requirement could change everything




FROM THE DEAN biologists and dancers, mathematicians and computer scientists, each bringing our own unique brand to the mix. And while the students are the center of this community, faculty and staff contribute their talents to the university to create the welcoming feel many have come to associate with the Tufts name. When I first started here in my role of Associate Director of Admissions many years ago, I was struck and most pleasantly surprised by the understated intellectualism that permeated the campus. Devoid of ego or pretense, everyone here seemed to really care about being a part of something larger: a community of continual learners. Ten years later, I’m proud to say that I jumped into that dynamic environment and haven’t looked back. Know that if you choose Tufts, you, too, will find yourself becoming part of the fabric of the university, etching your imprint on the place and its people in your own way.

(either as a prospective applicant, matriculating student, or adult in the life of one of these two), the word “community” is one you hear a lot. And, I must confess, as an admissions professional, I’ve used the word more often than I can count in my career. But what does it mean in the context of a college campus? Who constitutes the college community, and why does it even matter?

MEET THE STUDENT COMMUNICATIONS GROUP Most of what you’re about to read was written by these Tufts students. Keep an eye out for their voices as they introduce you to the Tufts community.


As a residential university where our undergraduate population spans two campuses (Medford/Somerville where the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering exist and the Fenway which houses the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts), our community is an intentional one. Comprised of students, faculty, staff, and other administrators, the Tufts campus (and I purposefully use the singular here as we are all part of the Tufts community) is made up of a dynamic mix of thinkers. We are painters and philosophers,


Karen Richardson Dean of Admissions and Enrollment Management

DESMOND FONSECA ’20 from Bridgewater, MA

JULIE DOTEN ’18 from Enfield, CT

AINSLEY BALL ’21 from San Francisco, CA

CHLOE MALOUF ’20 from Gaithersburg, MD

JHEANELLE OWENS ’21 from Spanish Town, Jamaica

JACOB SHAW ’21 from Glencoe, IL

OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Tufts University / Bendetson Hall 2 The Green / Medford, MA 02155 617.627.3170 / admissions.tufts.edu / jumboeditor@tufts.edu

Produced by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Edited by Jaime Morgen ’14, Assistant Director of Admissions Design by Hecht/Horton Partners


COMMUNITY. As someone looking at colleges

I’m pleased to present this edition of JUMBO, where you’ll meet a sampling of the Tufts community. Through their stories, you’ll learn about what’s important to the people and the place. Perhaps you’ll find that this community is the right one for you. I wish you success in your search.



At Tufts, we emphasize interdisciplinary and collaborative research that spans disciplines and makes an immediate impact. Check out some of the many science research projects happening on campus, and explore online for research in other academic departments!




The Allen Discovery Center With the goal of reading and writing the Morphogenetic Code, this center examines the role that bioelectrical signaling plays in somatic cell networks.

Associate Professor Danilo Marchesini In his work, Professor Marchesini delves into the formation and subsequent changes of galaxies since the Big Bang.

The Emotion, Brain & Behavior Lab Using tools like autonomic psychophysiology, this lab explores how the brain and body work together to let us experience, express, and regulate emotion.



The Robbat Research Group The analytical instruments, tools, and software created by this group can detect and quantify hazardous chemicals in our surroundings and in our food.

Psycholinguistics & Linguistics Lab This lab aims to connect different theories of language processing using tools like case studies, computational modeling, and experiments.

COMPUTER SCIENCE Human Computer Interaction Lab This lab collaborates with the Biomedical Engineering Department to create user interfaces that can adapt based on brain input from the user.

GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES Professor Grant Garven A recent study examined low-frequency acoustic waves produced by the migration of groundwater through fractured bedrock on campus.

PHYSICS Professor Tim Atherton The Soft Matter Theory group seeks to understand the connection between shape and ordering in emulsions, liquid crystals, and other complex uids.




ARTIST RESPONSE How have artists used their work to respond to a world that is constantly changing? An ongoing exhibition on the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts’ campus, Artist Response features work from artists who use creative strategies to respond to historical and contemporary social issues. The exhibition premiered with a wall installation entitled Documents of Resistance by Antonio Serna and later featured a guest-curated project by James McAnally which focused on the new formation of artist organizing in St. Louis.


SPRING FLING This highly anticipated annual concert brings well-known artists to campus so students can come together and celebrate the end of the year. Students gather on the President’s Lawn to listen to music and enjoy the spring weather before the stress of finals kicks in. Musicians in the past have included Childish Gambino, Kesha, Nelly, and Ludacris. Last year, the concert featured its first line-up of all artists of color with Tinashe, Aminé, and Metro Boomin.

This student-run group works behind-thescenes in the dining halls to prepare all leftover food to be delivered to families in need. Every afternoon, a team of student volunteers slip into the kitchens, suit up with an apron and hairnet, and get to work assembling balanced and tasty meals from the leftover ingredients. The only program of its kind in the country, it’s like Chopped, but for charity.

DINING HALL HACK: JUST MAKE IT A SALAD The dining hall “chicken tendies” are pretty iconic around campus, and there’s always a line to scoop some up, but sometimes I can’t rationalize the fried chicken-y goodness on its own. A favorite hack for the tendies is to throw them on some lettuce, add some carrots and dressing, and call it a day. That way you still get the chicken, but you can also text your parents and tell them you ate a salad for dinner.

FAVORITE TUFTS TWEET @TuftsUniversity: Alum Danielle Weisberg, co-founder of @theskimm, made @TIME’s list of 25 Most Influential People on the Internet!



WELCOME TO THE HILL: AMY FREEMAN As Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Provost, Amy leads all diversity and inclusion initiatives happening on campus. Amy is a champion of women and multiculturality in engineering, serving as the president of the Women in Engineering ProActive Network. She is thrilled to join the Office of the Provost and writes, “I am looking forward to partnering with others and contributing to Tufts’ continuing success in cultivating a diverse and inclusive academic community.” Welcome, Amy!

Whether you need to record a podcast for a class project, print a poster for a research conference, or 3D print a Jumbo statue for your room, the Digital Design Studio in Tisch Library can make your ideas come to life. The self-serve creative space enables students to produce a variety of digital projects by using the recording studio, multimedia and digitization workstations, a large format printer, and more.

EX-COLLEGE CLASS HIGHLIGHT: PODCASTING FOR CHANGE Podcasts are everywhere right now; it seems like there’s one for every topic. But can these fun, informational conversations be tools for change? This class involves listening to and analyzing current popular podcasts (everything from Serial to Fresh Air to 2 Dope Queens) in order to understand storytelling as it relates to independent media and finding justice. Then, instead of just listening, students learn all the tools for interviewing, recording, and broadcasting a podcast so they’ll leave the class with a pilot episode, and the chance to start their very own masterpiece. (If this has inspired you to start listening to podcasts, check out the Tufts Admissions Podcast Tower Chat, available on our website.)

SKIP THE SMALL TALK This dinner put on by the Academic and Community Engagement (ACE) Fellows was designed to do exactly what the name implies—skip the small talk. At this event, students engage in structured one-on-one and small group discussions to foster deeper connections. Discussion prompts included questions like: “What activities make you feel fully alive?” and “If you were going to become close friends with me, what would I need to know about you?” Oh, and FREE dinner from the legendary Dave’s Fresh Pasta is provided.

BREAK THE STAGE Every fall semester, Tufts’ African Student Organization hosts one of the biggest step competitions in the Northeast. Teams from across the region come all the way to Somerville to perform in front of a roaring audience in Cohen Auditorium. The show is bookended with hot performances by Tufts’ own step teams, BlackOut and ENVY. 5


“Art can always transcend its context and enhance life.”




In the heart of Brooklyn, one girl’s daily highlight was riding the subway. Sharing a small apartment with her family and commuting on the subway daily, she was constantly finding beauty and art in her routine. Sketchbook in hand, she would excitedly board the subway, studying the characters around her, and imagining their stories. As she got older, she began conversing with passengers, and learning about them. For her, the arts have always been a medium for connection and telling stories, and leveraging language and art together to effect change is at the core of her practice. Lily Pisano now spends her days doing just that. Joining the best of both worlds through the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts, Lily passionately pursues a major in International Literary and Visual Studies (ILVS) with an emphasis in Japanese and Chinese culture while also working toward her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. She has expanded her artistic repertoire, grounded in sketching and painting, to

include 3D endeavors and pieces constructed in Jumbo’s Maker Studio. At the same time, she has explored language to satisfy her passion for connection. The unique ILVS major and opportunities at the SMFA at Tufts have allowed Lily to continue her study of Japanese from high school without sacrificing her time in front of the canvas. She is now considering traveling abroad to Japan this spring and will continue to serve as head of decorations for the Japanese Culture Club. In her words, the Combined Degree program gives the gift of being able to “exercise both sides of your brain at the same time, which is what makes it tiring but so much more rewarding than solely going to an art school or a research university.” The SMFA at Tufts is inherently different, she explained. Its urban location between worldrenowned art museums may feel different from Tufts’ green quads and brick buildings, yet the abounding opportunities signature to Tufts are equally present. “There’s always so much to do

and not enough time to do it,” Lily said, “and it’s comforting to see people so willing to experiment in unique classes and clubs.” To further bridge the gap between the two schools, Lily co-founded the campus arts magazine, Currents, to promote collaboration and showcase artistic work across the university. Lily and her two co-founders also lead guided trips to the Museum of Fine Arts so all students, regardless of major, can connect and interact with art. Lily’s interests may seem disparate, but she has found that her intellectual flexibility is perfectly suited to the real world of today’s industry. A few years ago, she interned at Eyebeam, an arts and technology organization, which she claims opened her eyes to merging art, technology, and business. Whether practical, educational, political, or professional, Lily asserts that “art can always transcend its context and enhance life.” —-JACOB SHAW ’21



ROOMMATE REPORT We know that for high school seniors ready to start college, the roommate question can be stress-inducing. These Jumbos want you to know that it will all be okay. Whether they met at Jumbo Days or were matched by the Office of Residential Life, these three pairs of roommates are excited to share their story (and their space) with you. 1 Chloe Malouf ’20 (environmental studies and international relations double major and music minor from Gaithersburg, MD) and Francesca Rubinson ’20 (political science and religion double major from New York, NY) “Logistically, we work as roommates because we have similar sleep schedules, and we respect when the other needs a little quiet time to just relax or watch Netflix. But we’ve stayed roommates for two years now (and will be living together next year) because we make each other laugh.”

2 Emma Tombaugh ’21 (geology major from Oradell, NJ) and Samar Shaqour ’21 (biopsychology major from Miami, FL) “We think alike, handle stress in a similar way, and can relate to each other’s problems, even though we come from very different environments. Because we aren’t exactly the same, we’re still able to learn from each other. Our favorite part of being roommates is that we get to know each other more and more every day.”

3 Hezekiah Branch ’21 (computer science and biotechnology double major and education minor from Columbia, SC) and Olaoluwa Faleye ’21 (economics major from New Carrollton, MD) “We actually met at Jumbo Days but what brought us together the most was the Students’ Quest for Unity in the African Diaspora (SQUAD) pre-orientation program. Being able to share those memories and knowing that I have not just a friend, but also a brother on campus means the world to me. My hope is that the future generations of Jumbos will one day be able to say the same.”









Professor Charles Inouye pays close attention. This power of observation might have started in his childhood on a farm in Southern Utah, but it has led him a long way away: to Tufts, where he leads the program in International Literary and Visual Studies (ILVS) and the Japanese Program. Maybe Professor Inouye’s destination is not all that unexpected, coming from someone who speaks three languages and has always enjoyed writing essays. Professor Inouye has been at Tufts since 1990 and has seen his programs shift to reflect the interdisciplinary world that we live in today. This concept—things taking shape over time—is practically an area of study for Professor Inouye: his forthcoming book explores the role of figurality in the development of modern consciousness. But while he’s a scholar in his own right, he speaks most passionately about what his students have done through the ILVS major. The major focuses on the comparative study of literature, visual culture, and cinema from around the world, and students can explore any number of things—and they

certainly have taken advantage of that flexibility. “Some students will translate novels; some will write a series of short stories. One started her own fashion magazine; [another] started his own recording label,” Professor Inouye said proudly. He is quick to highlight the uniqueness of the program, as it allows students interested in international affairs, but also arts and humanities, to find their home on campus. Professor Inouye is equally proud of the progress the Japanese program has made since he first arrived. He especially enjoys seeing the unexpected connections that students make with the classes offered. “Today, Japan is a pop culture superpower. Most of my students have grown up on Japanese pop culture without even knowing it. Power Rangers, Hello Kitty, Pokémon…when they show up to class they connect with something that is deeply a part of them even though it is a foreign culture,” he explained. It is this flexibility given to students—to make unexpected connections to the material— that leads Professor Inouye to believe we have one of the top Japanese programs in the country.

Since he has been at Tufts for more than two decades, I figured there must be something special keeping him in his Olin Center office and in the classrooms with students. He replied with a common theme: the interesting people, and our outwardlooking community. He loves the international emphasis at Tufts, as well as students’ desire to give back. But most of all? Professor Inouye is excited about the possibilities for students to pursue multiple areas of study and synthesize that knowledge in a novel way. He explained, “There are a lot of exciting things you could think about: being a humanities student who knows how to code, or being an Engineering student who has a knowledge of the history of the moving image.” As an English major who came to Tufts years ago with a shared love of writing papers, but—unlike Professor Inouye—a fear of the language requirement, I find it comforting to know that there are professors like him who teach classes that connect language to the rest of the world. —JAIME MORGEN ’14, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS

Whether he is in his office adorned with books or in the classroom with students, Professor Inouye has found his home leading two of the most interdisciplinary programs on campus.


Annie came to Tufts with little idea of what she wanted to study, but during her time here, she has found her path in electrical engineering, and has not looked back.



After speaking to Annie about her most memorable courses, a class called Electronics emerged as the clear favorite. The ease with which Annie described her final project, a pulse oximeter, was awe-inspiring, and demonstrated her comfort with the subject. The project required her to build a device which could read electrical signals from the body, and even sparked her interest in working in the medical field. She continued chatting with me about another project for her Digital Logic class where she had to create a simulation of a vending machine. I could see her pride as she described the process of receiving this vague assignment, then working alongside her peers, and problem-solving each hiccup to create a finished product fully equipped with a little slide for your soft drink. “It was really satisfying… I had so many resources and I was able to put it all together—it was fantastic,” she said, beaming.

The next time I need a custom-built soda dispenser, or a user-friendly pulse oximeter, Annie will be the first person I call. After she whips up a schematic of said vending machine, we’ll chat in French, just one of the three languages she’s studied in her time at Tufts. It is this vast array of interests and self-motivated involvement that left me completely amazed by Annie, a student who has no trouble getting outside of the Collaborative Learning and Innovation Complex to audit a philosophy class, bake with her housemates, or head to a show in Boston. “What being an engineer at Tufts entails is that you have a strong engineering education in a liberal arts setting. It’s so great to be around that sort of environment,” she explained. Just a few minutes into our conversation I could tell that Annie was one of those students who chose to be an engineer at Tufts because of the liberal arts, not in spite of it. For her, being exposed

to students involved in a variety of disciplines gives her more to learn, and only strengthens her aptitude for electrical engineering. By no means does Annie keep this passion for engineering to herself. Since her freshman year, Annie has been working with Tufts’ Student Teacher Outreach Mentorship Program (STOMP) which sends her into elementary school classrooms where she is responsible for creating curricula and teaching kids engineering concepts. Annie stays involved on campus as well, serving as the Junior Representative for the Tufts chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). There, she creates programs to get Tufts students excited about electrical engineering, and even helps others in course selection. “It’s the outreach, especially with children, which I love,” she shared. —-AINSLEY BALL ’21





At the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts, students are encouraged to explore across mediums. Check out some current student work.





1. Cornibus Rursus (Sprouting Back) by Khadine Caines ’19


2. House by Chih Ching (Jill) Ma ’18

3. It. And. She by Liz Maelane ’20

4. Memory by Minoo Emami ’20

5. Untitled by Beckett Reed ’21



EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED Our distribution requirements give students the chance to explore and maybe even discover a new passion. There are many classes, across all departments, that satisfy each of the five distribution areas, and not all of them are what you’d expect. It was a challenge, but we identified some of our favorites from this semester.

Introduction to Songwriting Whether you’re walking through the hallways of the Granoff practice rooms or dropping into Goddard for an a cappella concert, music is everywhere on campus. But where are these songs coming from? Students who may have an interest in music, but have only ever been audience members or fans, get the chance to step behind the music in Introduction to Songwriting. The semester builds on basic musical understanding and gives students skills such as tonal and modal chord vocabularies, melody, notation, form, instrumentation, voicing, and aural skills; certainly enough to impress fellow Jumbos with impressive Spotify playlists. NATURAL SCIENCE Primate Social Behavior Because this class is housed in the Departments of Biology and Anthropology, you gain a unique understanding of how the two areas build on one another when studying our most fascinating relatives: primates. This class looks at how identifiers (such as age and sex) can impact interactions between individuals. Discussions cover all the weird habits only ever observed from behind glass or on the Animal Planet like competition, cooperation, and dominance and territoriality. Experimental and observational studies give students the skills to engage with scientific literature and method. Introduction to Human Factors Engineering To get a soda from a vending machine you press a button, insert a dollar, and wait for the bottle to drop into the slot. However, from an engineering


psychology standpoint, a million moments take place in between these steps that dictate how a human will interact with a machine or product. This interdisciplinary course exposes students to the fascinating intersections between engineering and psychology and dives into topics such as ergonomics, work stations, and even environmental and legal concerns. All these topics help students understand what it means to design for human use. HUMANITIES Language and Mind Millions of words are spoken each day. However, regardless of the various languages or dialects, these words serve a greater purpose than to ask where the subway is, or to indicate which way a steak should be cooked. Language and Mind focuses on the idea of language as a means of understanding the human mind. Through readings from both classic and contemporary texts, this philosophy and linguistics class examines ideas such as conventions, metaphors, human interaction, and consciousness. Visualizing Colonialism History and art museums boast shelves lined with clay pots and paintings from colonized societies, but this class takes a more critical look at how colonialism left tangible impacts not only on society and culture, but on the visual and artistic world as well. Students examine representations of non-western worlds in a variety of mediums such as contemporary art, film, photography, and literature, with a deep look at the persisting effects of colonialism and how representation morphed over time. SOCIAL SCIENCE Sex and Gender in Society Arenas like the labor force, families, the state, and emotional life play a prominent role in the American experience. This class explores how, for each gender, these experiences differ. Students examine the inequalities between women’s and men’s social positions in the contemporary United States, eventually gaining a broader understanding not only of how society impacts sex and gender,

but vice versa. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this topic, you will have multiple lenses through which to study the issue of how gender interacts with society as well as individuals. Global Cities A quick trip on the Red Line gets you to Boston, a city filled with big green areas like the Commons, long shopping streets, and brownstones. To the impartial observer, it seems like a great place, regardless of the cultures and motivations behind its development. However, Global Cities gives students the anthropological tools to see cities as intersections of people, ideas, capital, and the physical environment. Cities are examined using themes such as space and place-making, utopic and dystopic urban visions, urban mobility, economies, social and economic networks, sensory experience and more. MATHEMATICS Computer Science for All With the inundation of technology in our society, computers are now for everyone. This class proves that computers are powerful tools not just for fields such as physics or chemistry, but for the humanities and social sciences as well, and that the real power is unleashed when we can tell the computer exactly what we want it to do for us. Computer science can be intimidating for those with no experience, but the course is aimed at students who want exposure to the vast field (including the computer language Python) without the commitment of the major. Logic People talk all day long, often with little formal understanding of what makes their words compelling or their arguments persuasive. This class tackles the question of what formal language is, and what is to be gained from expressing arguments in English or other languages. Students will look not only at the mechanics of language, but also at the theory of quantification and identity expressed through speech. Ways of speaking are deconstructed through topics like sentential logic, first-order predicate logic, identity theory, definite descriptions, and metatheory.


ARTS The Horror Film Why do we enjoy watching films that make us feel undesirable emotions? If you’re curious, The Horror Film is the class for you. The course takes you through the complicated history of the horror film since its beginnings in the 1920s and raises questions about everything from film theory to societal impact. While the focus is mainly on American horror films, the class also discusses other cultural traditions, providing lenses through which the phenomenon can be better understood.



Tamara Marquez-Raffetto Professor of Spanish “Her passion for the material she teaches and her amazing sense of humor will make even the most difficult Spanish text seem like a piece of cake; it’s an absolute joy to come to class every time!” —Alizee Weber ’18

Paul Henjes Sociology ’20 “Paul is a super-dedicated student who is passionate about everything from urban planning to the Tufts Burlesque troupe. He is a gem at Tufts and impresses me every day.” —Chloe Malouf ’20


Isaac Bakis Undecided ’21 “I spent five days in the wilderness with Isaac during pre-orientation, and since then, he has never failed to ask about my day. I love knowing that whether I need some medical advice, or a hug, Isaac is my go-to!” —Ainsley Ball ’21

Anne Moore Program Specialist “As the Director of the Summer Scholars Program, she gets visibly excited about research and fosters a community focused on academic development. She is fun, caring, and deeply intelligent.” —Aaron Watts ’18

Ayse Asatekin Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering “She is the most enthusiastic professor and her courses on separations and polymers are certainly favorites among students. I love hearing about her experiences in industry and academia.” —Aaron Watts ’18

Barbara Skambas Carmichael Dining Hall Assistant “As she put it my freshman year, she is my ‘mom away from home.’ From welcoming me every morning for breakfast with a smile and a hug, to baking me Greek pastries for Christmas, she’s helped me find a sense of community at Tufts.” —Alizee Weber ’18

Andrew Alquesta English PhD Candidate “He helped me with all my applications to graduate school and because he really tried to get to know me as a person, he was able to give me meaningful feedback every session.” —Alizee Weber ’18

Handy Dorceus Mechanical Engineer ’20 “Despite always being busy with mechanical engineering, several oncampus jobs, and the BlackOut Step Team, Handy never fails to be a positive mentor and friend.” —Desmond Fonseca ’20

Stephan Pennington Associate Professor of Music “This man brings history and musicology alive and makes it accessible to all kinds of students, whether or not they are a music major. He is also a great mentor!” —Chloe Malouf ’20

Jaclyn Waguespack Professor of Dance “The three classes I took with her were amongst my favorite at Tufts. Her warmth and positivity continue to inspire me, not to just be a better dancer but also to be a better person.” —Julie Doten ’18



Walking into our interview, the first thing I noticed about Farley was his black and gold Real Madrid soccer jacket, and his stack of books about Angola. The jacket was troubling, as I am a Barcelona supporter, but I knew that those books gave us a connection. Prior to ever meeting Farley, I was copied on an email between him and my professor for my class titled Africa: Seeking Gendered Perspectives, as we are both interested in conducting research on and in the African country of Angola. While today, Farley seems resolute in the decisions he has made at Tufts and going forward— notably to do research in developing countries—his path has not always been so clear. Living between his country of birth, Mexico, and Honduras throughout his childhood, Farley went to a predominantly Black and Latinx high school in Compton, Los Angeles. In reminiscing on his freshman year transition, Farley says he knew that he “needed extra support in navigating” a new environment, as his

parents never went to college. He found that support through the Bridge to Liberal Arts Success at Tufts (BLAST) program as well as playing on the national championship-winning soccer team his freshman year. Coming to Tufts, Farley aspired to do “something related to science,” but had a breakthrough in taking Principles of Economics. Four years later Farley is an economics major—inspired by a lecture on microeconomics with microfinance which dealt with the economic development of developing countries. Currently, he is fascinated by the lack of diversity in the Angolan economy, with the clear majority of the wealth coming from oil profits. Right now, he is in the process of doing literature reviews to explore this topic even more. He will then work with Professor of Economics Melissa McInerney to manipulate data into Stata (a data analysis and statistical software) to observe changes in the mining and petroleum industry and the last decade.

In wanting to work with developing countries, specifically in Latin America, Farley has taken up the study of several languages, despite already speaking English and Spanish. The summer after his freshman year, Farley studied in France through the Tufts in Talloires program. At the risk of never speaking to anyone without the help of Google translate, Farley became conversational in French relatively quickly. Later, it was a trip to Brazil his sophomore year which inspired him to take Portuguese at Tufts. With an academic focus on developing nations across the global south, Farley is committed to picking up as many languages as he can to apply all he’s learned so far. Reminiscing on his time at Tufts, Farley has very little regrets about the choices he has made, however if he were to have a do over he says “if I had to do it again I would learn a third language...or a fourth or a fifth!” —-DESMOND FONSECA ’20


In his exploration of economic development in the global south, this senior has made it his goal to learn as many languages as possible.




DEAN OF STUDENT AFFAIRS Since coming to Tufts in 2014, Mary Pat has cemented her position as one of the most beloved people on this campus. In her role overseeing career services, student accessibility, campus and residential life, and health and counseling services, she works tirelessly to improve the quality of life for every student. Here, she answers our supplemental essay questions so you can get to know her, Tufts, and our application all at the same time!


Which aspects of Tufts’ curriculum or undergraduate experience prompt your application. In short: “Why Tufts?” (50 –100 words) Throughout my time in higher education, I’ve known about Tufts’ longstanding commitment to international affairs. The Jumbos I knew were engaging and impressive, but I had never actually been to campus until my own interview in January of 2014. I was struck by the distinctive sense of place that meets you the moment you set foot on the Academic Quad. That matched the energy I saw in every person I met—the students, faculty, and staff share a strong commitment to social justice, innovation, and connecting with one another. I knew it was the right fit for me.

There is a Quaker saying: “Let your life speak.” Describe the environment in which you were raised—your family, home, neighborhood, or community—and how it influenced the person you are today. (200–250 words) Three Massachusetts cities—Westfield, Springfield, and Lowell—are my family’s hometowns. I grew up in Westfield, where my parents were teachers. My grandfather was an early TV journalist in Springfield; when I was a kid he was everywhere, all the time. Most of my twenty-odd cousins and seven sets of aunts and uncles on the other side of my family were in Lowell. For me, family and community are deeply intertwined. These cities share certain qualities that you’ll also find here in Somerville and Medford, from city planning designs that are deeply reliant on rotaries to a candor and directness in how people communicate. Understated humor and a pop of connection run through every little conversation and exchange. I lived outside of Massachusetts for two decades, and I realized when I moved back that I missed this language and pacing. When you meet someone, you have to take some time—but not too much—to check in before you get to business. For example, the Tufts Chief of Police Kevin Maguire and I frequently find ourselves talking at odd hours, and usually about challenging problems that need quick but sound thinking. We have developed a tradition where we almost always start out, no matter the hour, talking about the Red Sox—trades in the off season, last night’s game—and then we get to the point.


It’s cool to be smart. Tell us about the subjects or ideas that excite your intellectual curiosity. (200–250 words)* I’m a history nerd, the kind who frequently gets carried away and thinks everyone else ought to be as excited about how “our past is never even past.” As an undergraduate history major, I loved every course, article, paper, and discussion. The Center for the Study of Race and Democracy recently led a walking tour of African-American history at Tufts with Professors Kendra Field, Pearl Robinson, and Jeanne Penvenne that brought to life incredible stories of Tufts students, faculty, and staff members whose perseverance and legacy are truly inspiring. I’m also fascinated by the ways scientific research has upended theories that historians may have widely agreed upon. For example, apparently rats are not responsible for the bubonic plague after all. Vindication for the rats! And when archaeologists exhumed five-hundred-yearold remains from a parking lot in Leicester, England, I couldn’t stop talking about the ways the bone scans and genetic testing were leading to the conclusion that King Richard III had been found. The Drama and Dance Department staged a production of Shakespeare’s Richard III in 2015, and the set design was that Leicester parking lot. It was brilliant. This semester I’m co-teaching an Experimental College course called Hamilton in Context. The senior who is co-teaching with me is an equally obsessive fan. We are primarily reading Ron Chernow’s biography and listening to the Broadway soundtrack, but we’re also taking a 5:30 AM class trip to see the battle reenactment at the Lexington Battle Green on Patriots’ Day in April.

*Want to see the other options for the third question on our supplemental application? Visit admissions.tufts.edu/apply/essay-questions 19



Instrumental 2/24

Family and Children’s Concert Series Tufts Wind Ensemble


Tufts/New England Conservatory Concert NEC Combined Degree Students


Family Concert Series Tufts Jazz Ensemble


Vocals/A Cappella


Tishler Competition Finals Music Majors


B.E.A.T.s Show Bangin’ on Everything at Tufts





Tufts A Cappella Fair All Tufts a cappella groups

Tufts Gospel Choir Recital Tufts Gospel Choir

sQ! A Cappella Show Tufts’ freshest all-gender group


Jackson Jills Spring Show Tufts’ oldest all-female a cappella group


The Ladies of Essence A Cappella Show Tufts’ all-female group focusing on music from the African Diaspora


Enchanted Spring Show Tufts’ only all-Disney group

Anchord Spring Show Tufts’ Christian a cappella group



Shir Appeal A Cappella Show Tufts’ co-ed Jewish a cappella group


S-Factor A Cappella Show Tufts’ all-male group specializing in music from the African Diaspora


Tufts Beelzebubs A Cappella Show Tufts’ oldest all-male group

Tufts Amalgamates Show Tufts’ oldest co-ed a cappella group

A Cappella shows are based on dates from last year, and are subject to change. 20

Visual Arts 1/23–4/7

Joanne Greenbaum: Things We Said Today School of the Museum of Fine Arts—Anderson Auditorium


Visiting Artist Talk: James McAnally SMFA at Tufts


Visiting Artist Talk: Jillian Mayer SMFA at Tufts


Visiting Artist Talk: Keren Cytter SMFA at Tufts



Visiting Artist Talk: Malik Gaines SMFA at Tufts


Visiting Artist Talk: Carolina Caycedo SMFA at Tufts

Beckwith Lecture: Arthur Jafa and Christina Sharpe SMFA at Tufts


Decoloniality: Aesthetics and Methodologies Tufts University Art Gallery



Screening of “Through the Repellent Fence” & Q+A SMFA at Tufts

Aram Han Sifuentes: Protest Banner Library Workshop SMFA at Tufts

Dance Drama/Theater 2/15–2/18

Le Nozze di Figaro Tufts Opera Ensemble

2/15–17 & 2/22–24

Lysistrata Tufts Department of Drama and Dance


Red 3Ps (Pen Paint & Pretzels) Student Theater Organization

4/12–4/14 & 4/19–4/21

Fires in the Mirror Tufts Department of Drama and Dance


Assassins Torn Ticket II, Tufts’ student-run musical theater group


TASA Culture Show Tufts Association of South Asian Students

4/12 & 4/14

Sarabande Dance Ensemble Spring Show Student-run dance group that focuses on ballet, contemporary, and jazz styles


Tufts Dance Collective Show The dance troupe for non-dancers


Spring Dance Concert Tufts Department of Drama and Dance


Senior Thesis and Capstone Week Tufts Department of Drama and Dance


Dance on Camera Screening Tufts Department of Drama and Dance

4/26 & 4/27

Spirit of Color Spring Show Tufts’ student-run hip hop and contemporary group


Tufts Tap Ensemble Spring Show



ANOTHER JUMBO YEAR It was a great year for the Jumbos! The hard work and dedication of our athletes culminated in:


Out of more than 400 D3 schools in the 2017 Learfield Directors’ Cup, which recognizes athletic success for NCAA colleges and universities.

Check out more highlights!

Students were named to the Academic All-American team. One was named national scholar-athlete of the year.


Jumbos finished the year with 4.0 GPAs

7 Coaches were honored as regional or conference coaches of the year



FALL 2017

Women’s Basketball: With a 30–3 season, the Jumbos made their 4th straight NCAA Final Four appearance. Coach Carla Berube also found success on the national stage after being named the U16 National Team coach. Carla and her team blew out Canada 91–46 and qualified for a berth to the 2018 FIBA U17 World Cup.

Men’s Soccer: After winning the NESCAC tournament, the Jumbos went on to the NCAA finals and made it to the Elite Eight. The team only gave up two goals the entire season. Conor Coleman ’18 won the National ScholarAthlete of the Year Award for Division III Men’s Soccer and Coach Josh Shapiro was named NESCAC Coach of the Year.

Men’s Basketball: The team made their second straight Sweet Sixteen appearance in the D3 NCAA tournament. Baseball: The Jumbos won their second straight NESCAC championships. Men’s Track and Field: 20 runners qualified for the outdoor meet, the most in program history. Women’s Track and Field: Tufts hosted the New England Division III indoor track and field championship and received third place. At the NCAA outdoor championships, Brittany Bowman ’18 ran 35:22.11 in the 10,000 meter race, shaving more than 10 seconds off the Tufts school record. Softball: The team continued their streak and surpassed 20 wins every season since 2004.

Women’s Soccer: The team had its best season in years (10–6–3 overall; 6–2–2 in NESCAC), advanced to the NESCAC tournament championship game, and qualified for the NCAA tournament for the first time since 2007. Coach Martha Whiting also took home the title of NESCAC Coach of the Year. Sailing: The Jumbos took 13th place overall at the Atlantic Coast Championship and Alp Rodopman ’19 placed sixth at the Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association (ICSA) singlehanded national championship. Cross Country: The women’s team placed seventh in the NCAA regional championships, the top finish among

NESCAC teams. Men’s cross country finished eighth out of 55 teams at the same meet. Coach Kristen Morwick was also named the New England Cross Country Coach of the Year! Crew: The Jumbos had a great showing at the Head of the Charles, the largest annual two-day regatta in the world. Men’s collegiate eight, men’s collegiate four, and men’s quad boat (with four Tufts alumni!) all had successful races. The Women’s quad boat finished 15th and the Varsity Eight boat placed 11th. Volleyball: The team ended the season with a 23 –7 record and undefeated 10–0 in NESCAC play. They advanced to the Sweet 16 in the NCAA tour nament and Cora Thompson was named NESCAC and American Volley ball Coaches Association (AVCA) Northeast Region Coach of the Year. Men’s Golf: The team finished third in the NESCAC qualifier and will play in the NESCAC finals this upcoming spring!




Recounting her “awakening” to the realities and horrors of mass incarceration in the United States, Dr. Hilary Binda thinks back to her time as a high school English teacher in Rhode Island, where she taught students who were in and out of prison. Teaching with the shadow of the carceral state looming over her classes made it impossible for Dr. Binda to ignore the harsh reality of the US prison system. Now, the Founding Director of the Tufts University Prison Initiative at Tisch College (TUPIT), Dr. Binda has dedicated herself to the intersection of education and true criminal justice. Currently operating within the medium and maximum security prisons in Shirley, Massachusetts, TUPIT seeks to increase collaboration between Tufts students and faculty, incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people, correctional staff, educators, and activists to facilitate creative responses to problems with the system of mass incarceration. The initiative is widespread, and includes twelve upcoming courses taught to imprisoned people, an in-prison weekly Tufts faculty lecture series, and events at Tufts on a variety of prison-related topics. Her favorite example is a collaboration with S-Factor, Tufts’ all-male a cappella group specializing in songs of the African diaspora. S-Factor is working with a group of prisoners to develop a Tufts-Shirley choir that will perform at the end of the semester. Another group of students is dedicated to collaborating with incarcerated individuals on an arts journal, and another is in the process of forming a debate team. For Tufts students interested in learning more about structural inequalities in prison, Dr. Binda teaches a class called Mass Incarceration and the Literature of Confinement, where ten Tufts students go to the prison at Shirley to take a class with ten incarcerated individuals. Looking back on the fall semester, Dr. Binda was thrilled over the ease with which everyone could learn from one another. Fortunately, this is just the beginning—the class will run again during the spring semester and summer session. As someone with incarcerated family members, this part of my interview pulled at all my emotions; I was upset over the realities of the carceral state, yet encouraged that initiatives like TUPIT exist. On top of her TUPIT work, Dr. Binda is also the Director of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Tufts and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Visual and Critical Studies at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts (SMFA). Still, she cannot separate this work from TUPIT, knowing that prison itself is a radically gendered environment, and that visual studies, writing, and literature offer critical opportunities for prison education. Talking to Dr. Binda for merely an hour, one can tell that her passions for justice permeates her life, and she inspires Tufts students with those same passions. —DESMOND FONSECA ’20


The founding director of the Tufts Prison Initiative, Dr. Binda has dedicated herself to the intersection of education, writing, visual studies, and true criminal justice.




DIALOGUE DIFFERENCES By Abigail McFee ’17, Admissions Counselor

IN AUGUST, AN E-MAIL ARRIVED IN MY INBOX, SENT BY THE TUFTS Announcements e-list—the kind of e-mail I usually open just to make the notification disappear. But the first order of business caught my eye: “Bridging Differences.” A hyperlink led me to a website with a minute-long video of Provost David Harris, asking a question: “How [do] we create an environment that’s conducive to working across lines of difference?” Coming nearly a year after the polarizing 2016 presidential election, amidst the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis, and less than two weeks following white nationalist rallies in Charlottesville, this question is not just the topic of discourse on college campuses, but everywhere. Provost Harris didn’t offer an answer. Instead, the website featured a feedback form, where the community could submit ideas. This was the beginning of the Bridging Differences Initiative, which—in the months since—has brought together a cross-section of students, faculty, and staff from all of Tufts’ campuses, with the goal of addressing that first weighty question. Their motivation? If we can bridge differences in politics, race, gender, and religion on our campus, we can give students the tools they need to bridge those differences in society.


That sort of large-scale change might start in a much smaller space: the classroom. In Professor Jonathan Garlick’s freshman seminar, called Science and the Human Experience, he asks his students to think about polarizing science issues through the lens of three questions. Students begin by focusing on their identities (Who am I?) and their values (What do I care about most?). They then turn this understanding into a question that opens outward, into the world: What are we (collectively) going to do about that? “Our times demand that we work together to overcome barriers, which are limiting open-minded conversation on polarizing issues,” Professor Garlick told me over the phone. Though this was our first time speaking, I already knew his voice well—he appeared in the welcome video for my class of admitted students, back in 2013, performing an impromptu rap that rhymed “global mission” with “fruition,” “admission,” and “Tufts tradition.” I remember thinking, “That’s the kind of professor I want to have.” Garlick’s career title is a collection of “slashes.” Each slash acts not as a division but as its own sort of bridge between fields, and between ways of thinking: STEM cell researcher slash dentist slash pathologist, scientist slash clinician slash educator. This crossover is intentional. When the research in Dr. Garlick’s lab “began touch[ing] upon issues that had ethical, political, and moral consequences,” he realized the need to be “a scientist in society.” As a Senior Fellow with the Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts, he helped to create a new discipline called “Civic Science,” educating citizens to make informed choices about divisive science issues. Now, Professor Garlick is a member of the Bridging Differences Task Force. In many ways, it’s a continuation of the work he’s been doing on campus over the past several years: facilitating difficult conversations within the community. “We’re trying to create programs and practices through which students can develop a deep sense of belonging at Tufts,” Professor Garlick explained. “To feel seen, heard, and accepted for who they are.” Creating those programs will require an understanding of diverse perspectives within the community. That’s where the task force comes in. In five meetings over the course of the fall semester, the task force served as a representation of different parts of the Tufts community. They met in a room each month to talk. “The whole point of what we’re hoping to create at the end [are] programs that bring people together who are different from each other, in a way that they can talk honestly about who they are and what they want,” Jamie Neikrie ’18 explained. “And it’s been funny that this room is sort of a microcosm of that.” Jamie’s presence in that room makes sense: a senior political science major and member of Tufts Senate, he has focused his time at Tufts on improving civic education. As a freshman, Jamie worked with the Andrew Goodman Foundation (AGF) to improve voter registration rates on campus and drive


students to the polls, but he didn’t see the kind of results he was hoping for. “We were thinking of voting as an election-day issue rather than the application of an opinion that’s formed the other 364 days of the year,” Jamie explained. So starting in the spring of his sophomore year, as leader of AGF, Jamie began organizing community-wide dialogues on civic issues. Their focus is on “solution-based work,” and it’s one of several models that have been considered by the Bridging Differences Task Force. If you were to attend one of these dialogues, it would look something like this: you enter a room where 40–50 other community members are gathering—not just students, but professors, staff members, and Medford/Somerville residents. You sit at a small group table, where each seat comes with a printed guide that provides context on the issue—whether it be college affordability, refugees, or immigration—and then outlines three possible solutions. This guide serves as the backbone of the conversation that follows, which takes place over dinner. “I think too often people say, ‘Oh, I can’t really have this conversation because I don’t know enough’ or ‘I don’t know the number off the top of my head, but…’ and then you’re having a conversation that isn’t really based in fact; it’s based in opinion,” Jamie explained. “Having this guide ground[s] the conversation. And the good thing about having three different paths is it provides a way to incorporate different viewpoints.” Still, these conversations can become heated—they touch deeply upon issues of identity, which Jamie knows can’t be represented in the key facts and figures highlighted on each guide. In order to create a safe environment for people to learn from one another, and to disagree, a group of students who are part of AGF have been trained in dialogue facilitation. One sits at each small table, guiding the conversation. “As dialogue facilitators, what we try to do is get people to listen to the stories that someone else is telling,” Jamie said. “That is where the real understanding is born, when you hear not what people think but why they think it.” This is a theme that arose often in my conversations with members of the task force: listening. As far as interpersonal skills go, this one might seem like a given on a college campus—what are you doing in all of those classrooms and dorm common rooms if not listening? The short answer is, of course, talking.


Heather Barry ’88 believes that effective engagement requires a give-and-take between the two, as students learn both to express their opinions and to understand each other’s perspectives. “How do you create a space where students—or anybody, right, in this very polarized climate?—can talk to each other?” Heather asks. “That’s a major part of the class, getting students to talk to each other and not be afraid.” The class she is referring to, called Education for Public Inquiry and International Citizenship (EPIIC), is offered through the Institute for Global Leadership (IGL) at Tufts and allows students to focus in-depth on a single global political theme, becoming experts. Heather was a student in the class back in 1988. For Heather, who had entered Tufts wanting to major in English and Economics, EPIIC was a watershed moment. She went on to become the Associate Director of the IGL. Over the past three decades, she has seen hundreds of Tufts students find community with each other as members of EPIIC, in part because of the space provided to them: one in which they’re able to test ideas without fear of judgment. Before students can engage with complex issues, she realizes, they have to feel comfortable with each other.

faculty in dialogue facilitation, and permanent spaces for response when difficult issues arise locally, globally, and nationally. According to Provost Harris, the measure of the initiative’s success—and one of its greatest challenges—will be engaging as many community members as possible: faculty and staff, student activists as well as students who don’t typically vocalize their thoughts on contentious issues. The central skill that Provost Harris and Chief Diversity Officer Amy Freeman hope the Tufts community will gain from these programs is the ability to engage across differences, even when those differences make them uncomfortable. “The goal is not for people to agree, but to understand,” Dr. Freeman said. “If I know you, if I can see the humanity of myself when I look at you, that’s going to make me act differently. It’s going to make my treatment of you more humane.” This is the outcome that Professor Garlick strives for in each of his classes, where conversation is meant to serve as a humanizing force, and the goal that Jamie has set for each of the dialogues he’s co-hosted on campus. “I’m hopeful that, in every dialogue we’ve had, and I think we’re getting better at them,” he said, “people who attended are leaving with a deeper understanding not only of the issue but of the people on the other side of the issue from them.” The act of “getting better,” as Jamie puts it, is perhaps as central to the Bridging Differences Initiative as that final goal of mutual understanding. Provost Harris frames the initiative as a campus-wide experiment to see what we can create, using research and community input to guide us. No one has the answers yet. But wouldn’t something powerful happen, the initiative seems to propose, if we could ask these questions together?

When it comes to effective dialogue, this sense of belonging is crucial not just within the classroom but within the campus community. The Bridging Differences Initiative recognizes that. The first semester of task force meetings concluded with a lengthy spreadsheet of ideas, including on-campus forums, training for


Through his various roles on campus, Professor Williams is expanding the reach of Tufts’ engineering school.




On the corner of Professor Williams’ desk sits what at first glance appears to be a large children’s toy. Encased in a clear plastic cylinder the size of a canister of oatmeal, three smaller sections stack together with magnets, a 3D maze snaking around the inside. The objective is simple: drop a marble in the top, then try to stack, rotate, and configure the cylinders to manipulate the marble through the maze to the bottom. Professor Williams demonstrates. Then he adds that it is, in fact, a children’s toy, and not just that—it’s tangible evidence of the important intersection between engineering and design. With a background in biochemical engineering, Professor Williams pioneered studies in nanobiotechnology, and his projects have proven integral in revolutionizing targeted therapeutics. Exciting as the work was, Williams sought ways to engage communities around science and engineering, from the K–12 classroom to the university lecture hall and beyond. So, he traded his lab coat and goggles for chalk and tie and transitioned to education, and ultimately, administration.

As the Director of Tufts’ Center for STEM Diversity, Professor Williams endeavors to demystify the role of the scientist. Coming from a large family of engineers, including his mother, he knows that successful scientists can be much more than the archetypal older Caucasian man. To debunk this stereotype, Williams implements formal and informal support systems and often partners with other groups on campus (like Career Services and Counseling and Mental Health Services). As Dean of Education for the School of Engineering, he works to break down walls between science and other disciplines by connecting to broader organizations, like the Tisch College of Civic Life and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts (SMFA). Tufts is “student-centered at our core, and we embrace that as our ethos,” Williams proudly explained. And to forge that consummate well-rounded, productive member of society, he believes in providing the resources to stretch beyond one’s area of study. The introd uction to engineering course he teaches

with Jennaca Davies from the SMFA—entitled Foundations of Design: Methods of Making— merges students’ engineering and fine arts perspective to more holistically understand design. Give them inspiration from anthills, access to a 3D printer, and the space to let their creativity soar, and you end up with the toy on Williams’ desk. He hopes this is the first of many courses that will guide students through a four-year path of “design thinking.” “Tufts is an ecosystem that can well support all students with a seedling of creativity,” Williams shared, and it offers an education that manages to be comprehensive yet still allow for a deep dive to exercise one’s passions. There may be a million trajectories from matriculation to graduation, but the resources are there to build yourself a custom path for personal success. Sounds a little bit like that anthill toy. —-JACOB SHAW ’21



BOSTON BOUND Life on campus is going to be exciting, but it’s always fun to go out and explore. Luckily, we have the best college city in the country less than five miles from campus. Whether you are looking for an internship, show, sporting event, or just some great food, there is no shortage of options! Here, some current Jumbos share their favorite Boston experiences with you.


“I’ve been going into Boston twice a week this entire semester to go to my internship at Judge Baker Children’s Center. As a clinical psychology major, I get to work in the center and learn more about effective child therapy.” —Suzannah Blass ’18 “I went to see Improv Boston with a couple of friends and other members of Cheap Sox (Tufts’ improv troupe).” —Josh Gitta ’18 “I wanted to get off campus during finals so I took the T to Copley Square and spent the day in the Boston Public Library; it’s such a beautiful building and the ambience makes it a great place to get work done.” —Ainsley Ball ’21

“I went and saw my favorite comedian John Mulaney live!” —Mira Guha ’19 “I’m a huge Broadway fan so I was psyched to see that the touring shows come to Boston. In February, I got to see Waitress at the Boston Opera House with a friend I met during Orientation!” —Sarah Wagner ’20 “The last time I was in Boston I was at The Paramount having brunch with two friends on a very cold December day. We froze, but still, brunch was great and I had some amazing French toast. The cold builds character!” —Ayotola Onipede ’19 “Last semester, I went with three friends to a Celtics game. I had never been to one, and because I am currently abroad in London, I wanted to knock it off my bucket list before the semester ended. Finally, I got to watch one with friends who feel like family, which made it even more special.” —Muna Mohamed ’19

“During one of my first weekends at Tufts I went to the top of the Prudential Center with some friends. We spent 30 minutes looking out a telescope to see if we could see campus.” —Grace van Deelen ’21 “I got hungry while wandering around Chinatown and headed to Beard Papa’s for some cream puffs. They were the perfect pick-me-up.” —Sarah Wiener ’21 “85 degrees. Boston Pride 2017. My best friend and I held hands and after being showered with candy, pride flags, and Chipotle coupons, we went out for ice cream.” —Lupita Rodriguez ’19 “My best friend from high school was visiting for the weekend, so we went to an Italian restaurant in the North End and stopped for cannoli on our way back to Tufts.” —Julie Doten ’18



By Julie Doten ’18


o imagine this: you’ve gotten into college! Congratulations! You’ve made it through the long and arduous college search process and you’re ready to start a brand new and exciting journey. And then comes the question that you’ll be answering for the next few years of your life: What’s your major? Coming from the structured, limited academic schedules of high school, new college students quickly find themselves in a sea of introductory courses, distribution requirements, and potential directions of study. As someone who was completely undecided about what I wanted to major in, this newfound freedom was incredibly daunting for me. Even those around me who thought they knew exactly what they wanted to do were learning to be flexible with their expectations. So how do you navigate through this seemingly endless sea of choices? The answer is a simple one: use individual classes as your compass.


lex Caulfield ’18 came to Tufts knowing that he liked music and used this interest to drive his course choices. Thinking that he wanted to go into the business side of the entertainment industry, he started taking classes in the Department of Economics. He enjoyed the lectures involving behavioral economics, but something about the subject didn’t seem to fully click with him. He knew he needed to switch things up a bit. “I’d always been interested in how people’s brains worked,” Alex told me when explaining his decision to take Introduction to Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CBS) during the spring of his freshman year. “I knew it was a natural science requirement, and I thought it was really interesting, just getting into how people make decisions and how people learn things.” It was after that one course that he decided to major in CBS. Because of the requirements for the CBS major, Alex took Introduction to Computer Science, which gave him the creative outlet he had been looking for in his academics. In this class, Alex discovered that building


things from scratch on a computer was very similar to making music. He realized that what he loved about music was the creativity and the endless possibilities it allowed for, and he was excited to find the same qualities in the computer science major. “There are infinite ways to solve problems, and there are infinite problems to solve,” he said. Now, Alex is passionately pursuing a double major in CBS and computer science.


he need to solve problems was also greatly instrumental to the academic journey of Grace Polakoski ’18. Now pursuing a degree in environmental engineering, Grace originally began at Tufts in the School of Arts and Sciences, unsure of her major. How did this huge change come about you ask? It actually wasn’t an engineering course, but instead a philosophy class called Food Ethics, taught by Professor Sigrun Svavarsdóttir that sparked the change. Grace explained to me that she had always been interested in agriculture and food systems, so this class sounded like a good fit. It also satisfied her humanities distribution requirement. The class ended up giving Grace crucial insight into her own priorities. After talking to experts who brought certain problems to light, Grace realized she was learning about things she wanted to fix! She knew that whatever she ended up studying needed to allow her to come up with solutions to the problems that mattered to her. Through my conversation with Grace, I realized that sometimes it takes learning what we don’t want to do to help us realize what it is that we want to pursue. And so without even taking a single engineering class, Grace transferred to the School of Engineering. Her leap of faith was rewarded. A class in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering called Public Health perfectly captured what she had been looking for all along; Professor Daniele Lantagne would talk to the class about her field experience in the subject, so “you actually get to see why what you’re studying matters and how it’s applicable in the real world,” Grace explained. After that class, she knew she had made the right choice.


idd Divakaruni ’19 was one of those Tufts students who came to campus with an idea of what he wanted to do. He was pretty confident that he wanted to study international relations (IR) and be on the pre-medical track, and dove right into a science-heavy curriculum his freshman year. After taking only a few science courses and fulfilling the natural science distribution requirement, he decided that it wasn’t the path for him. Instead, he eventually landed on the Global Health, Nutrition, and the Environment concentration within the IR major. Sidd realized that in high school, the classes he loved the most were government or history related. While helping him to fully commit to the IR major, this revelation also led Sidd to try out a class called Great Britain and the British Empire, which would end up impacting him in multiple facets of his life. “I think that class influenced me so much in terms of learning about the UK, that it not only pushed me to pursue a Colonialism Studies minor, it also pushed me to discover more about my identity as a member of the Indian diaspora, and, most importantly,” he added laughing, “I think it influenced me to study abroad next semester in England.” For Sidd, this class didn’t directly lead him to switch majors, but it played a crucial role in the path of his education.


alking to recent Tufts alum Cecily Lo ’17, I continued to discover that the influence of a class doesn’t just lead to one’s major, but can also give someone even more direction that continues into life after graduation. Cecily took classes in the School of Engineering during her time at Tufts, originally thinking of a degree in mechanical engineering. In addition to her math, science, and engineering courses, Cecily ventured into other subject areas to fulfill the humanities, arts, and social sciences requirement (HASS) for all engineers. Even though she ended up graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, a class at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts (SMFA) caused

her to completely reconsider her career goals. “I took my first graphic design class at the SMFA my junior year and I had a revelation that the creative industry is ultimately what I wanted to pursue,” she told me. After that class, she continued to follow this newfound passion in any way she could, from taking art history and film classes to freelancing and working on her own design projects. And where is she now? In New York City, working as a junior designer at a creative agency and as a freelance video artist, all because of one class that she took when she decided to go out on a limb and follow her interest in design. I know well that college doesn’t have to be a linear, clear-cut journey. I came to Tufts terrified of the language requirement and somehow ended up majoring in Spanish, all due to the Spanish literature class I took just to fulfill the world civilization requirement. Senior Lecturer Kathleen Pollakowski, who taught that class, eventually became one of my academic advisors. I enjoyed the class more than I thought I would. It wasn’t just another language class— we were discussing literature with the same depth as an English class and learning about the historical significance of our readings. It gave me confidence, a renewed interest that allowed me to continue with the subject, and even inspired me to study abroad in Spain the fall of my junior year. As a student in my last semester who is a double major in Spanish and economics, I love that my two majors complemented each other so well and allowed me to work both sides of my brain—a skill that will be useful as I begin working as a marketing analyst after graduation. Across all of these different experiences, exploring one’s interests and being open to new possibilities seems to be a common approach to choosing classes and courses of study in the wide-open sea of options that is the course catalog. After talking to friends across all disciplines, it is clear that they relished the balance between flexibility and structure that the Tufts curriculum provided. After all, you never know what class is going to change your life until you take it. 35


CHOICE WORDS To all the seniors reading this, your college application process is ending, and we can almost hear the collective sigh of relief. But now comes the hard part—choosing the place you want to call home for the next four years. In hopes of sharing some advice, we asked the students and professors featured in this issue to answer: Why Tufts?


Tufts is a place where people can explore their interests and identities. It is a place for one’s imagination to run wild and free, and for those imaginations to be validated and accepted. It is a place bursting with funny, interesting, and inspiring individuals who, although very different, can relate to and find common ground with one another. Because of the resources Tufts provides, I am able to explore a variety of my disparate passions. I can study Japanese and Chinese simultaneously while also pursuing my dedication to visual art. During my time here, I have found inspiration in places I didn’t expect. These places have led me to do new and exciting things—I now paint sets for the drama department’s student-run productions, and founded an arts magazine that is distributed throughout the year. Coming to Tufts, I never thought I would find myself in these places, but now they feel familiar and right to me, as if I was brought here to find them.

When it came to picking which college I wanted to attend after finishing my senior year of high school, the choice was easy. No other school offered the academics, opportunities, and experiences that I knew Tufts was going to give me. Naturally, there were a lot of logical reasons for my desire to come here: it was close enough to my home, it was right near the city of Boston, the size was good, and, most importantly, it had the course of study I wished to pursue. These reasons were well and good, but there was also this inexplicable draw I felt when I was on the campus. My brother attended Tufts and graduated when I was still in high school, and whenever I would visit him, I always felt at home. It was that feeling of comfort that made me choose Tufts in the end, because I knew that I could thrive in a place where I felt at ease. When I visited Tufts after I was admitted, I sensed a possibility and potential to be and do whatever I desired. Even after being here for almost three years, I still sometimes get that feeling when I walk across campus and look around at all the incredibly talented and brilliant people that I am surrounded by every single day.

FARLEY FLORES ’18 I chose Tufts because of the Bridge to Liberal Arts Success at Tufts (BLAST) program. As a firstgeneration college student, I was certain that my college experience was going to be different than many of my peers. Through BLAST, I was able to have a support system that allowed me to learn about different opportunities such as studying and working abroad. In addition, I chose Tufts because I felt that the students had a good balance between academics and social life. At Tufts, students talked to me about their research as well as their weekend activities. When I was on campus, it felt like the community was welcoming and students were happy to be there. Looking back, I would have loved to know the demographics and backgrounds of the Tufts student body and wish I had talked to more students like myself. I don’t regret coming to Tufts because I made friendships that will last a lifetime, however, I wish I had asked more questions about diversity then.


DARRYL N. WILLIAMS I remember the nervous excitement of leaving my hometown of Albuquerque to venture off to the faraway land of Virginia to start my first year of college. Inspired by the groundbreaking show “A Different World,” I was sure I wanted to experience college the way it was depicted on television. When my parents said their goodbyes and drove away, I walked back upstairs to my dorm room and was quickly overtaken by anxiety and doubt—“What in the world am I doing?” I was embarking on a major transition in my life, one full of uncertainties about pursuing my engineering major and the lack of a defined social network. But as time went on, there were less uncertainties because I took the initiative to make college my own by getting involved in organizations like Habitat for Humanity and the National Society

of Black Engineers. I learned to step out of my comfort zone and to seek support from all of the campus resources available to me. I also learned to develop relationships with professors who would serve as critical mentors, and to make good choices about selecting people who would later become lifelong friends. I believe that Tufts provides a similar experience for students and allows them to define their own path and thrive, both academically and socially. Our world class faculty and staff truly work to make a supportive and inclusive “student-centered” learning environment, and our students take initiative and build pathways that lead to local, national, and international impact—they are the epitome of what it means to be “globally-minded” and “active” citizens.

ANNE MOORE My official title at Tufts is Program Specialist in Scholar Development, but what I really do is help Tufts students connect with money, glory, or (hopefully) both through nationally competitive fellowships and awards, I also run our undergraduate research program. So, I get a front seat for all the most incredible things that Tufts students spend their time doing. I have a student who conducted groundbreaking independent research on galactic evolution as a sophomore—she can also bench press her own weight plus 40 pounds and is an MMA black belt (I’m pretty sure she’s one of the X-Men). I have a student who wrote a speech advocating for women’s human rights that was read on the floor of the U.N. I have a student who went from living in a group home for LGBT kids in New York to giving papers on queer theory in North Korean literature in international conferences as an undergraduate. Why Tufts? Because the truth is that the students I work with here show me every day how much more life there is out there than I’d ever imagined. ILLUSTRATION BY CHRISTOPHER DELORENZO


PROGRAMS With nearly 150 majors and minors, 30 interdisciplinary programs, and the courses of the ExCollege, Tufts’ offerings require more than a brief skimming, so you can find an expansion of this quick list on our website. But in the meantime, skim away. Just note that Tufts undergraduate programs are offered in three schools: Arts and Sciences, Engineering, and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts. Students may take classes across schools, and many students do.

SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES MAJORS *available only as a second major

Geology/Earth and Ocean Sciences





German Language and Literature

Food Systems and Nutrition



French Geology

Africana Studies

German Studies

Biomedical Engineering



American Studies


Chemical Engineering

Visual and Critical Studies


Greek and Latin

Civil Engineering


Computer Engineering

Geosystems/Earth and Ocean Sciences

Applied Mathematics


Applied Physics

Interdisciplinary Studies

Computer Science


Electrical Engineering


International Literary and Visual Studies

Architectural Studies

International Relations

Mechanical Engineering

Art History

Italian Studies




Architectural Studies

Tufts/SMFA (School of the Museum of Fine Arts): BA or BS and Bachelor of Fine Arts


Judaic Studies





Engineering Physics

Biomedical Engineering Sciences*

Latin American Studies

Africana Studies


Engineering Psychology/ Human Factors


Middle Eastern Studies

Engineering Science

Architectural Engineering



Environmental Health

Architectural Studies

Chemical Physics

Peace and Justice Studies



Child Study and Human Development




Classical Studies

Psychology/Clinical Concentration

Political Science

Environmental Engineering


German Tufts/New England Conservatory: BA or BS and Bachelor of Music


Art History Asian American Studies Astrophysics

The SMFA at Tufts’ curriculum is interdisciplinary. All students explore many of the following artistic areas:

Biotechnology Engineering Chemical Engineering

Greek Greek Archaeology Greek Civilization Hebrew History Italian Japanese Judaic Studies Latin Latin American Studies Latino Studies Leadership Studies Linguistics Mathematics Medieval Studies Music Music Engineering


Child Study and Human Development

Quantitative Economics




Community Health



Colonialism Studies

Political Science

Computer Science

Russian and Eastern European Studies


Computer Science




Roman Archaeology

Digital Media


Roman Civilization


Russian Language and Literature

Graphic Arts



Engineering Psychology/ Human Factors

Science, Technology, and Society*

Graphic Design





Engineering Education

Science, Technology, and Society


Engineering Management

Environmental Studies*




Film and Media Studies

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Entrepreneurial Leadership Studies

Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Drama Economics

French Geological Sciences/Earth and Ocean Sciences


Papermaking Performance

Film and Media Studies


Sociology Spanish Studio Art Urban Studies Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


CLASS HIGHLIGHTS PSYCHOLOGY The study of psychology is vast and interdisciplinary, which is the exact reason why Tufts offers five different psychology majors. The general psychology major gives students a great deal of flexibility, while the majors of biopsychology, clinical psychology, engineering psychology, and cognitive and brain sciences allow students to pursue specialized interests. Here are just some of the classes being offered this semester!

CIVIL ENGINEERING The technical concentrations covered in this ABET accredited engineering major include environmental, geotechnical, structural, and water resource engineering. Students walk away with a broad understanding of the field, as well as its relationship to fundamental engineering sciences and its interaction with the humanities, arts, and social sciences. Check out some of the classes offered here.

Black Psychology

Leadership and Group Dynamics

Public Health Engineering

Earth Support Systems

Human Sexual Behavior

Wastewater Plant Design

Hydrology and Water Resources

Psychology of Sports

Theories of Personality

Steel Design

Structural Analysis

Nutrition and Behavior

Psychology and Law

Air Pollution Control

Reinforced Concrete Design

Psychology of Music

Interpersonal Conflict and Negotiation

Foundation Engineering

Solid Mechanics

Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination



Common Application or Coalition Application


Tufts Writing Supplement


High School Transcript(s)

APPLICATION DEADLINES AND NOTIFICATION DATES Early Decision I Application Deadline: November 1 Notification Deadline: Mid-December


Senior Year Grades


Testing Beginning with applicants to the Class of 2023, we require either the SAT or the ACT


Letters of Recommendation We require one from a guidance counselor and one from a teacher. You may send us one additional one if you’d like.

Early Decision II Application Deadline: January 1 Notification Deadline: Mid-February Regular Decision Application Deadline: January 1 Notification Deadline: April 1 Transfer Admission Application Deadline: March 15 Notification Deadline: Mid-May

TUFTS CLASS OF 2021 STATISTICS 21,101 Applications 3,127 Acceptances 15% Acceptance rate 100% of Demonstrated Financial Need Met 12% First Generation Students 10% International Students


Art Portfolio Required only for students applying to the Combined Degree BFA/BA or BFA/BS and BFA applicants to the SMFA at Tufts.


Financial Aid Documents If you are applying for aid, you will need to submit: 1. FAFSA 2. CSS profile 3. Federal Income Tax Returns For a list of financial aid documents required of international, undocumented, or DACA applicants, please visit admissions.tufts.edu/apply

31–34 Middle 50% ACT 700–760 Middle 50% SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 710–780 Middle 50% SAT Math

TUFTS UNDERGRADUATE STATISTICS 5,459 Undergraduate Enrollment 4.8 Miles from Boston 23 Average Class Size 28 Varsity Sports Teams


Optional Materials • Alumni Interview • Arts or Maker Portfolio: Students applying to the School of Arts and Sciences or the School of Engineering may submit an optional arts or maker portfolio to highlight talent in studio art, drama, dance, music, or engineering.

300+ Student Groups 36% Women in the School of Engineering 45% of Juniors Study Abroad 39% Need Based Aid Recipients 80 Countries Represented 32% US Students of Color

H E Y.



Tufts is a student-centered research university, which means that we like to dig into our passions deeply and figure things out for ourselves—whether that involves using silk to regenerate tissue or spending a fully-funded summer exploring the political implications of Shakespeare’s plays through the Summer Scholars program. Students and professors come together, across disciplines, to ask questions and create meaning.

....in a lot of things. Tufts students don’t limit themselves: they combine biology with philosophy, compete as nationally-ranked D3 athletes, pursue Bachelor of Fine Arts Degrees in studio art at our School of the Museum of Fine Arts, and solve problems as engineers. They’re part of a community that embraces the unconventional and the uncategorizable.



Jumbos use their skills and ideas to better people’s lives, whether they are teaching engineering in local elementary schools, creating sustainable businesses, or spending a year doing full-time service as a 1+4 Bridge Year Fellow. They understand that they are citizens of a global community, and they embrace that responsibility.

This is a place where students are as excited to debate Game of Thrones fan theories as they are to apply mathematical theorems—as intellectually playful as they are powerful. We believe that ideas can have a profound impact on the world, and those ideas can be born around the seminar table but also in the dorm common room.

Sound about right? Read the stories here to learn more. Also check out our website: admissions.tufts.edu


Equal Opportunity Applicants for admission and employment, students, employees, sources of referral of applicants for admission and employment, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with Tufts University are hereby notified that this institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, veteran status, or national origin in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Any person having inquiries or complaints concerning Tufts University’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, or Section 504 is directed to contact the Office of Equal Opportunity on the Medford/Somerville campus, 617-6273298 or 800-611-5060 (TDD 617-627-3370). This office has been designated by Tufts University to coordinate the institution’s efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Section 504. Any person may also contact the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202, or the Director, U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Region One, Boston, Massachusetts 02109, regarding the institution’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, 34 C.F.R. Part 100; Title IX, 34 C.F.R. Part 106; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 45 C.F.R. 90; or, Section 504, 34 C.F.R. Part 104. In addition, Tufts has formulated an administrative policy that educational and employment decisions are based on the principle of equal opportunity. The consideration of factors such as sex, race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, veteran status, or disability unrelated to a person’s ability, qualifications, and performance is inconsistent with this policy. In accordance with both federal and state law, the university maintains information concerning current security policies and procedures and prepares an annual crime report concerning crimes committed within the geographical limits of the university. Upon request to the Office of Public Safety, 617-627-3912, the university will provide such information to any applicant for admission. The report is also available online at http://publicsafety.tufts.edu/wp-content/uploads/Tufts-Public-Safety-Security-2017-2018-09.28.pdf

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OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Tufts University Bendetson Hall 2 The Green Medford, MA 02155-7057 617- 627-3170 admissions.tufts.edu

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