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Senior Pub Night gets high marks

Laws targeting unsafe driving practices take effect in Mass.



Daily Editorial Board

Organizers and students who attended last Thursday’s Senior Pub Night were pleased with the event, citing considerably fewer rowdy incidents than last fall’s events. The event, the first pub night of the semester, took place at Hurricane O’Reilly’s in Boston. “It went really well,” Senior Class Council President Lindsey Rosenbluth said. “We’re thrilled with the outcome.” Rowdy and inappropriate student behavior at the first Senior Pub Night last fall put last year’s Senior Pub Nights in jeopardy. The administration decided to cancel the events for the remainder of the semester but resumed them in the spring. A tamer crowd so far this year, however, means that the pub nights will continue for the Class of 2011. “I think people had a great time and were able to enjoy themselves but didn’t take it too far,” Rosenbluth said. “We’re excited that we’ll be able to host more in the future.” Office for Campus Life (OCL) Director Joe Golia agreed that Thursday’s event marked an improvement over past years’.

In particular, he said the busing system to and from the bar was well-run, and students respected the rule not to bring alcohol on the buses. Still, the event did not go off completely without incident. Managerial staff at Hurricane O’Reilly’s decided to end the event at approximately 1 a.m., one hour before the night was slated to end. The decision to close early always lies with the host establishment, Golia said. The venue’s staff, decided that it was in the students’ best interest to stop alcohol service early, he said. “It was for everybody’s safety and security,” he said. “We were OK with that and went along with what the place decides.” The bar’s staff escorted out a few students who were exhibiting excessively drunken behavior. Beyond this, Golia said the OCL heard of no other complaints from the venue’s personnel. “There definitely were some incidents of rowdy, drunken students who were a little disrespectful to the place … but the numbers were very low,” he said. “Definitely the majority were fine.” see PUB NIGHT, page 2


MARTHA SHANAHAN Daily Editorial Board

Text-messaging while driving is now outlawed in Massachusetts after laws restricting the use of mobile devices by drivers went into effect Thursday. The restrictions are part of the Safe Driving Act, which was passed in the Massachusetts State Legislature and approved by Gov. Deval Patrick (D) in July. The laws make it illegal to send text-messages from behind the wheel and ban all use of mobile devices by drivers under the age of 18. Massachusetts will become the 30th state to adopt such restrictions on text-messaging, according to State Rep. Denise Provost (D-Somerville). A statement from Patrick's office said that any driver suspected of composing or reading a text-message can be stopped by law enforcement and fined. Provost, who supported the bill in the State House of Representatives, applauded the act's passage. “I think it is important that we have finally banned texting while driving,” she told the Daily. “It is dangerous and unnecessary.” Provost said that quantifiable changes in the frequency of accidents caused by distracted drivers should not be expected immediately.


Legislators hope to reduce auto accidents and make the roads safer through the passage of new driving laws. “Human habits, once they are adopted, are difficult to break and take a lot of effort to break,” she said. She hopes the act will eventually make Massachusetts roads safer overall. Tufts University Police Department (TUPD) Capt. Mark Keith said the new laws will be somewhat difficult to enforce. “Generally, there's a feeling that the enforcement of the new law is going to be a little complicated because of the difficulties in detecting whether or not a person is texting, which is illegal,” he said. Under the new laws, using a phone to place a call or use a GPS application is permitted, but it is

Dental school dean Norris to step down BY

ELIZABETH MCKAY Contributing Writer

Dean of the School of Dental Medicine Lonnie Norris will step down in August 2011 after 15 years in his role. Norris has been lauded for his contributions to the dental school, especially a five-story, $68 million addition to the school’s facilities that was completed under his leadership last year. “He has elevated [the school] to newer heights, functionally and physically,” Provost and Senior Vice President Jamshed Bharucha said, calling Norris “a Tufts treasure.” “What he provided was an unusual period of growth and stability,” Mark Gonthier, the dental school’s assistant dean of admissions and student affairs, said. “He has been a tremendous dean and a tremendous leader.” Norris’s fundraising efforts resulted in the realization of the massive Boston campus expansion in the midst of an economic downturn. New assets include an expanded simulation clinic, meeting areas for alumni and expanded space for continuing education, Gonthier said. “It will enable the dental school to continue to recruit great students and faculty and expand its programs,” Bharucha said of the addition. The facility has also allowed for increased service to the community. Because of the addition, Norris said, “we are in a better academic position and service condition.” Bharucha said that he plans to announce a search committee for a

new dean soon. The committee aims to make a decision about Norris’s successor next semester, in advance of his August departure. Norris hopes the next dean will not face difficulties during the transition period. “Every leader of the dental school in the past … has left a strong foundation for the next person to take on this leadership,” he said. “I hope I’ve left a really strong foundation for someone else to take it to even higher peaks than I have done.” Bharucha said Norris has succeeded in elevating the school to a very high plateau. “The new dean will be coming in with a school that’s in perhaps the best condition that it’s ever been,” he said. The months between the selection of the new dean and Norris’s official retirement should help smooth the transition process, Bharucha said. Leadership is currently in place that will also help with the changeover, according to Gonthier. “There’s a very good group of senior leaders in the school that will steer us through what will come next,” he said. Norris said that while he hopes to enjoy an easier schedule in retirement, he does not plan on completely removing himself from the world of dental education. He said he plans to remain active on some boards and doing consulting work. “There are still things that I can make some contributions to in dental education,” he said. In his final year, Norris said he will

Inside this issue

difficult to tell from a police car if a driver is text-messaging or using his or her phone for something else, Keith said. “If an officer observes somebody to appear to be texting, as is with any suspected violation, it is up to their discretion to make a vehicle stop and investigate that, and then depending on the situation, they officially can either give a verbal warning or citation,” he said. Keith explained that TUPD is still deciding how to enforce the text-messaging law. “We haven't devised a plan of action,” he said. “I think there's see DRIVING, page 2

Fellowship aims to inspire student entrepreneurs BY


Contributing Writer


Dean of the School of Dental Medicine Lonnie Norris plans to step down in August 2011. continue to pursue an active role in the school’s administration and further his goals for the school. One of these major projects is raising funds to reach — and possibly surpass — the dental school’s $40 million portion of the university’s broader Beyond Boundaries capital campaign. “We’re about 90 percent there,” he said. Norris credited other administrators, alumni and students for his success as dean. “If I’ve had success, it’s because of the support that I’ve received from others,” he said.

A new entrepreneurial fellowship program has come to Tufts this year, introducing a select group of freshman participants to the world of social entrepreneurship. Compass Partners, a two-year fellowship program currently based in five universities, aims to this year connect 15 Tufts freshmen with internships and business opportunities. It also unites the fellows with six upperclassmen mentors, who host lectures aimed at educating them about entrepreneurship. Over 100 students applied for the program. The application process consisted of a written application and an interview with a mentor. The program began last Wednesday with a lecture by Lauren Kay, a Brown University student who founded a hybrid babysitting and tutoring service called Smartsitting. The fellows engaged in a discussion with the mentors following the lecture. “Life is really about networking,” Kay told the fellows and mentors assembled at the lecture. “I wish I had the network now that you have.” The fellowship is made up of four phases. In the first phase, students pursue personal development and then move on to the second phase of business development trainsee COMPASS, page 2

Today’s Sections

The Internet has transformed the role of the salesman in the United States.

HBO’s newest offering, ‘Boardwalk Empire,’ is a standout with a stellar cast.

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Fellowship program matches aspiring entrepreneurs with mentors, opportunities COMPASS continued from page 1

ing. In the third phase, students complete an internship. Compass Partners provides its students with internship, education and funding opportunities at organizations such as Prudential Financial, Inc., and One World Youth Project. The final phase gives them access to capital to start a socially beneficial business venture. “The Compass fellowship is intended to take young, passionate students who are interested in making a difference in the world and equip them with the tools and skills they need to do that,” Compass Partners Co-founder Neil Shah told the Daily. Senior Stephen Gershman brought the program to Tufts after meeting co-founders Shah and Arthur Woods, who originally founded the program at Georgetown University. “Boston is the perfect area,” Gershman said. “At Tufts, we have all these great resources; we have students who come here for social change. This is the perfect place.” The upperclassmen mentors are entirely responsible for choosing the fellows as well as organizing lectures and implementing the

program, senior Sam Estridge, one of the mentors, said. “We chose students for the passion and the ambition they showed in the application process,” Estridge said. “It’s about who can get the most out of the program and who’s going to put the most into it.” Compass Partners provides a network of organizations that supports the program, according to Pamela Goldberg, the director of the Entrepreneurial Leadership Program in Tufts’ Gordon Institute. “Compass Partners will give them a leg up when they’re starting to take entrepreneurial leadership courses and looking for internships in the social entrepreneurship sphere,” Goldberg said. Compass Partners currently operates at Georgetown University, The George Washington University, American University, Indiana University and Tufts. Freshman SaraMarie Bottaro, who throughout high school ran a small business that sold homemade eco-friendly items, said she found the first lecture inspiring. “Compass Partners is exactly what I wanted because I want to pursue entrepreneurship,”

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Bottaro said. “It will be an invaluable resource for accomplishing my dreams.” Shah said that Compass Partners focuses on businesses that have some sort of social impact. “All ventures that go through our program are required to be socially beneficial,” Shah said. “They have to have all the aspects of a business while having all the aspects of a charity.” Student-run businesses should pursue philanthropic efforts while still striving to make a profit, Shah said. “Philanthropy as we knew it is dead,” Shah said. “Enter social entrepreneurs. They’re businesses that all have a social mission. They all give back to the community they work in.” Shah said that because Tufts students cannot begin to take Entrepreneurial Leadership courses until sophomore year, Compass Partners gives them an opportunity to begin their entrepreneurial efforts early. “We’re all extremely excited about it,” Estridge said. “We have a great group of freshmen who will go on to carry the legacy and run the program the next year and years after.”

Gov. Deval Patrick engages with college journalists


Gov. Deval Patrick (D-Mass.) spoke to college journalists last night via a conference call. The governor touched on subjects including higher education and student loans. For a full recap of the conversation, head over to Jumbo Slice at blogs.tuftsdaily.com.

Better-behaved crowd bodes well for future Senior Pub Nights PUB NIGHT continued from page 1

Some students said they saw a girl attempt to urinate in the main room of the bar, and that she was subsequently ejected from the establishment. Public urination took place at last fall’s event. Senior Gabriela Gerlach enjoyed the pub night and found student behavior to be better than she expected. “I pretty much thought it was going to be like a giant frat party and wasn’t

expecting much from the students,” she said. “I heard some students were pulled out, but that was bound to happen. Overall, considering my expectations, [students] behaved.” Despite improvements from last fall, Dean of Student Affairs Bruce Reitman said the Tufts community still had work to do before student behavior reached an acceptable level. He said he was disappointed that attendees continued to treat pub night as an occasion to “get wasted.”

Police Briefs

“There was no really bad, outrageous behavior, but on the other hand, there was a lot of drunkenness,” he said. “I’m not sure it’s anything to feel proud about yet.” The Senior Class Council and OCL are planning one remaining pub night for the semester at the end of October or beginning of November, according to Rosenbluth. They have not yet decided on a location. Senior Victoria Gram said that she had fun on Thursday and plans to

See tuftsdaily.com for an interactive map.

attend the next pub night but hoped that the ticket distribution process would be improved. Organizers are hoping to set up an online ticketing system to make ticket distribution easier, Rosenbluth said. They had originally hoped to do so for this event but could not get the system up in time. Ben Gittleson contributed reporting to this article.

Act limits drivers' use of phones DRIVING

MY BIG FAT GREEK PRANK A Tufts University Police Department (TUPD) officer at 12:45 a.m. on Oct. 1 observed five males carrying a wooden boat down Professors Row. The boat belonged to the Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) fraternity house. Several of the individuals ran away but eventually returned. Upon TUPD’s request, they returned the boat to ATO.

HOT MESS A fire alarm went off in a Sophia Gordon Hall suite at 12:58 a.m. on Oct. 1 after a student used a fire extinguisher without cause. TUPD officers found the extinguisher in the suite, along with powder residue from the apparatus scattered everywhere. The officers also found two wooden pipes with marijuana residue in the common room. When one of the suite’s residents arrived, he said he was not involved with the drug activity. TUPD compiled a list of the suite’s residents and turned the case over to the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs.

PUB NIGHT: MORNINGAFTER EDITION A TUPD officer at 1 a.m. on Oct. 1 saw two males walking down Curtis Street. One appeared to be supporting the other, who was vomiting. The ill individual told the officer he had drank “way too much” during Senior Pub Night. He was transported to Lawrence Memorial Hospital.

LEAVE. ME. ALONE. A TUPD officer at 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 2 witnessed a male stumbling down Sawyer Avenue. His friend was trying to get him off the street. When the officer approached, the individual became belligerent. Tufts Emergency Medical Services reported to the scene and examined the student. The individual signed a form refusing further treatment and was let go.

BOOZE SNOOZE TUPD at 4:18 p.m. on Oct. 2 responded to reports of an unconscious female on a bench next to Zimman Field. She said she had been drinking and was taking a nap while her friends were watching the soccer game nearby. She signed a form refusing further examination.

PLEASE DON’T STOP THE MUSIC TUPD at 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 2 received a report that a fire alarm was activated during a party at the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house at 12:40 a.m. that morning. Attendees evacuated the house, but when they returned, the disc jockey noticed his laptop was missing.

JAILBAIT TUPD officers at 8:42 p.m. on Oct. 2 observed a car speeding down Professors Row and driving through a stop sign. The officers pulled the car over

continued from page 1

in front of the Mayer Campus Center and placed the driver, who was not carrying a license, under arrest for unlicensed operation of a vehicle, speeding and failure to stop at a stop sign. The driver was not affiliated with Tufts.

ROUGH AND TUMBLE A student living in Hodgdon Hall at 10:05 p.m. on Oct. 2 reported that her roommate was lying unconscious in bed. The roommate said that she had drunk seven or eight vodka shots prior to coming home. The individual had fallen out of bed and hit her head, causing a contusion on her forehead. She was transported to Somerville Hospital.

TIME-OUT TIME TUPD officers at 12:30 a.m. on Oct. 3 reported to a loud party at an off-campus residence on Boston Avenue after the Medford Police Department requested assistance. The resident of the house helped to clear everyone out when the officers arrived. Medford Police, however, placed one of the attendees, a Tufts student, in protective custody at 1:15 a.m. later that night. The student was not placed under arrest but was found to be under the influence of alcohol and taken into protective custody at the Medford police station for roughly four hours. —compiled by Alexandra Bogus based on reports from TUPD

going to be a period of time where we need to develop an action plan for how to effectively enforce this law." TUPD has the authority to enforce Massachusetts's motor vehicle laws on the Tufts campus, Keith said. He said TUPD has seen many incidents of drivers text-messaging behind the wheel. “We see it throughout the Commonwealth, including on campus,” he said. Jeff Larson, the president of the Massachusetts safe driving awareness organization Safe Roads Alliance, said that he sees the new laws as an improvement. “It's a huge change from not having any restrictions,” he told the Daily. In addition to the new texting law, there is a new regulation stipulating that drivers under the age of 18 found to be using any mobile device will face a fine and a license suspension, regardless of whether they are using a hands-free device. Larson said the provision banning teenagers from using cell phones is meant to help new drivers focus on the road and develop safe driving skills. “It's based on the assumption that inexperienced drivers need to focus on the road and avoid distractions more than adults do,” he said. Larson added that his hope is that the new laws will decrease the number of accidents caused by drivers distracted by cell phones. “I think that's the assumption,” he said. He also refuted a recent study conducted by the Highway Loss Data Institute, which found that in states in which similar laws have been enacted, there has been no effect on automobile accident rates. “I think that study was flawed in that it doesn't take into account

time or enforcement,” he said, adding that it will take a while for any conclusive data to be available. “For a law to be effective, it has to be enforced and people have to be aware of the danger of disobeying it,” Larson said. “In Massachusetts, I think we're moving along that path.” Katie Lazarski, a sophomore who keeps a car on campus, said that from her own experience, the new laws will be beneficial to road safety. “I'm from Connecticut, where it's already illegal to do that, and I didn't know it was legal in Massachusetts,” Lazarski said. “I think it's probably going to be a lot safer, because it's helped out a lot in Connecticut.” Emma Lieberman, a freshman, said that her driving habits would not be altered by the act. “Texting and driving never crossed my mind before, because where I’m from it already is [against] the law,” she said. Sophomore Allie Maykranz agreed, saying that after narrowly avoiding an accident while textmessaging and driving, she has since stopped the habit. “I get really distracted and I’m a really good driver as long as I'm focused,” she said. “After that close call, I never do that anymore.” Provost said that the law also imposes new restrictions on elderly drivers. “It is going to require older drivers to renew their license in person more often,” she said. She added that she is considering resubmitting a proposal — originally made last year — to completely ban all phone use by drivers. Provost believes popular support for stricter phone laws would make it possible to get such a proposal moving. “I am considering whether to file a bill in the next session,” she said. “There is a constituency that would strongly support such a bill.”





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The Internet has reshaped the role of the salesperson in the United States.

The death of the American salesman Is the salesman disappearing from the American job market? BY


Contributing Writer

It’s easy to forget that before the advent of big-box superstores where customers go in, find what they want, pay and leave — before the advent of the Internet, where in-person advice is replaced with online reviews — salespeople played an integral role in the shopping experience. But the growth stunt of sales employment that has taken place over the first decade of the 21st century does not reflect the job market through the second half of the last century, when sales was one of the fastest-growing American jobs. While the traditional American salesman has not yet vanished, he is cer-

tainly being marginalized, leaving a generation that grew up with him as a role model asking, “Where have all the salesmen gone?” Not long ago, customers would find a salesperson, explain what they were looking for and be treated to personalized shopping assistance, according to Professor of Economics Lynne Pepall. This exchange often included salespeople spending 20 to 30 minutes explaining the benefits of a certain product, and the price of the sales pitch would be accounted for in the price of the product actually being sold, often resulting in increased costs, Pepall, who is also the dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, said. The Internet has made product information about a large variety of brands

easily accessible, allowing consumers to be better informed and slowly phasing out the need for salespeople. The very products sold in these stores have become available for purchase without ever having to leave the house. Still, the shift from in-person to online shopping necessitated that Americans trust and actively decide to use the Internet for business. “It’s only been in the last five years or so that customers have become comfortable making purchases online,” Pamela Goldberg, the director of the Entrepreneurial Leadership Program at the Tufts Gordon Institute, said. It began with the online purchase of books from Amazon.com, she said. see SALESMAN, page 4

Collaborative Balance Your Life initiative provides resources to promote overall well-being on campus BY SARAH STRAND

Contributing Writer

If there is anything that is easy to put on the back burner during college, it is maintaining proper nutrition habits. Between classes, extra-curricular activities, homework and the social scene, students are left with little time to care for their own well-being. Though trekking up the hill provides Tufts students with a bit of exercise, the vast majority of Jumbos don’t make it all the way to Cousens Gym on a regular basis, and Tufts’ many eateries make it all too easy to chow down just about anywhere. To change all this, the Department of Health Education has launched a healthy lifestyle campaign called Balance Your Life. Ian Wong, director of health education, realized that resources at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy could be tapped to set the initiative in motion. Previously, few resources were available on campus for those seeking a healthier lifestyle, Wong said. “If the average student just said, ‘I want to eat better,’ we didn’t have that program,” he said. Once the idea for an undergraduate health initiative was taken to the Friedman School, Professor Jeanne Goldberg challenged students in one of her Friedman

School classes to develop a plan for their peers as an assignment. Though the students were not required to participate, most were interested in improving the lives of members of the Tufts community. “The students were really quite enthusiastic as a group,” Goldberg said. At the end of the semester, Friedman graduate student Kate Sweeney (LA ’05) took on the project with the intent of seeing it implemented by the beginning of the current school year. In collaboration with Wong, Sweeney submitted a grant proposal to the New England College Health Association, which allocated $2,500 to the project. Though not every aspect of the initiative has been realized yet, students will start to notice a few changes on campus encouraging them to live a balanced lifestyle. Three programs are being phased into the dining halls to promote healthy eating: What Can Nutrients Do For You?, the Perfect Plate and a health restaurant list. The first two projects are intended to help students make healthy choices in the dining hall, while the final one gives advice on where to go and what to order when eating out. The Balance Your Life campaign as a whole stresses the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle, not just by counting calories or dieting. “I think what’s really exciting about this


Balance Your Health seeks to encourage regular exercise. is that it’s not about overweight students losing weight. … It’s about how to eat healthier and get exercise,” Wong said. The second portion of the campaign deals with fitting exercise into students’ see HEALTH, page 4

hanks y’all for the e-mails! I will do my very best to respond to every one I receive and print some in the column. This one came to me in person, but I think it’s worth discussing: A female Tufts student is frustrated because she can’t orgasm during sex with her male partner. My first question is: Can you orgasm by yourself? If you have never tried before, that’s a good place to start. If you learn what you need to know to make it work, you can show your partner. If you can’t orgasm by yourself, then maybe you just can’t. Not all women orgasm, but as long as you are satisfied, then it’s not a problem. If you still want to orgasm but can’t, try a vibrator. If you’re new to toys, start with something small and noninvasive. It won’t get you off if you’re scared of it. A little Pocket Rocket would be a great thing to consider. They are small, inexpensive and discreet and might have just the vibes you need to get off. If you can orgasm by yourself, then you should focus on what changes when you are with your partner. Are you as relaxed? Do you trust him? Maybe all he needs is a little constructive criticism. To find the moves that work for you, try a position that puts you in control. Also consider helping him out. Depending on the position, you might be able to massage yourself while he’s inside. Again, communication is key. Just be careful, because your guy is probably frustrated, too, and maybe even a little embarrassed; make it a point to be extra sweet, and consider it a project to work on together. Good luck! I feel like now is a good time to talk about condoms — not all are created equal! Condoms don’t all smell like latex (even if they are), some glow in the dark and others are really thin. You can get some great deals if you shop around. While everyone has their go-to brand, if your experimentation is limited to the freebies at Health Service, consider exploring online. You would be surprised how the brands you are probably using compare in both price and performance to those sold online (read the reviews!). Many big retailers, including Amazon.com, even have sampler packs of various popular brands for reasonable prices. Lubes deserve love, too. Not everyone needs lube, but it’s a nice thing to have on hand (condoms don’t like friction). Again, consider researching and purchasing online. CVS has a few water-based lubes, but most contain glycerin, a sugar that can lead to yeast infections. Also check out siliconebased lubes. They are condom safe, don’t have glycerin and stay smooth much longer. The only downsides are that they are slightly more expensive, are not particularly water-washable (although with a little soap and water, they’ll come off) and may stain sheets. Get a few trial sizes and experiment! Maybe warming lubes are your thing; maybe silicone lubes are right up your alley. But remember, oil-based lubes aren’t condom friendly, so if you aren’t sure what type you are looking at, err on the side of caution. No matter what brands you decide on, it’s worth taking 15 minutes to research alternatives. I was very surprised to read how poorly reviewed some of the most readily available products were. And, as always, use common sense. While I’ve shopped online on many occasions and never had a problem, I still always look at the expiration dates and check for safety seals. P.S. All these websites ship and bill discreetly, so you don’t have to worry about Mail Services prying into your sex life or your parents spying a strange credit card charge. Isaac Freeman is a junior majoring in quantitative economics. He can be reached at tufts.housemate@gmail.com. He cohosts “Sex Talk,” a talk show from 10 to 11 p.m. every Thursday on WMFO.



Tuesday, October 5, 2010


America’s once fastest-growing position is on the decline

Balance Your Life initiative provides students with healthy-eating and fitness resources



continued from page 3

“Books are safe — you know what you’re getting,” Goldberg said. “We’ve learned to trust the quality of online purchases. Just about everybody uses the Internet now.” Yet, as the Internet has become the consumer’s best friend, it has also become the traditional salesperson’s worst enemy. “People can always check online for what prices ought to be, which is the general phenomenon with the increased use of the Internet,” Professor of Economics George Norman, the William and Joyce Cummings Family Chair of Entrepreneurship and Business Economics, said. Still, Goldberg emphasized that while face-to-face sales may be on the decline in the age of Internet shopping, online sales are not. In fact, she said, the Internet is one of the best tools for facilitating the growth of the sales and marketing industries. “It used to be that the company comes to the consumer,” Goldberg said. “That still exists, but it’s a shrinking component. Now companies are spending a lot more money on online marketing.” Companies will frequently make use of “inbound marketing,” which is a process of search optimization that makes certain companies or organizations appear among the first results of related Google searches, she said. The Internet also facilitates communication with a larger audience. “You can be in touch with so many more people — directly or

indirectly — than you ever could with direct sales,” Goldberg said. While the Internet is certainly the driving factor in the decline of traditional, in-person sales, the decrease can also be attributed to a cultural shift, some students said. Freshman Monica Weber said that people of college age might not find jobs in face-to-face sales appealing because they might be uncomfortable not knowing whom they’ll encounter on the job. Contact with the unknown is disconcerting or even frightening to many people, she said. “Americans as a whole have lost a sense of community,” Weber said. Goldberg agreed, explaining that safety is also a concern for many people who work with strangers. “The culture has changed, and security issues are more paramount,” she said. Others believe that while online sales will continue to replace traditional sales as the dominant form of business transaction, the demand for a creative human factor in sales will always exist. The role of the salesperson in a globally interconnected age will, without a doubt, have to adapt to new forums of communications, Norman said, but the need for creative people to develop innovative ways to reach and sway customers will not disappear. “Future salespeople really have got to know their product,” Norman said. “They have to not only be able to sell but also be really well-informed.” “The sales profession will never die out,” he said, “because we still need people to persuade consumers to buy the product.”

continued from page 3

already-hectic schedules. Balance Your Life makes it easy to do so with The Gym Comes to You, a program in which instructors teach Zumba, kickboxing, cardio circuit and yoga in the lobbies of freshman dormitories. Students can also learn from each other through Jumbo Striders, a running and jogging group started last year by sophomore David Meyers. The Jumbo Striders started up this year’s activities last week and are dedicated to engaging those of all fitness levels. The grant cannot fund fitness instructors indefinitely, so the exercise programs are aimed at introducing students to exercise methods they can also practice elsewhere on campus, like at the gym and through Tufts Student Resources’ fitness programming. “The Gym Comes to You is aimed at students who are looking to get active,” Sweeney said. “It will funnel these students into programs already available at Tufts.” Although eating healthily and staying fit are the two key components of the Balance Your Life initiative, students should understand that being healthy involves mental and emotional health as well, Sweeney said. The campaign’s website, ase.tufts. edu/healthed/balance.htm, is host to numerous resources to help improve students’ general well-being. “I can’t stress enough that this campaign is really a holistic one,” Sweeney said. A larger grant proposal is cur-


Senior Joshua Hahn cooks in Sophia Gordon Hall. rently being drafted to widen the scope and funding of the initiative. Regardless of the amount of money behind the project, community involvement is necessary, Goldberg noted. Balance Your Life is intended to become a self-sufficient campaign in future years. “The idea is that this will take on a life of its own,”

she said. After all aspects of the initiative have been fully established, students should find being healthy might be just a bit easier than expected, Wong said. “We’re trying to make the healthy choice the default choice,” he said. “[Students] won’t even know they’re doing it.”

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Simple summary



‘Boardwalk Empire’ boasts an amazing supporting cast and is the best new TV show of the season.

HBO newcomer drama ‘Boardwalk Empire’ lives up to high expectations BY


Daily Editorial Board

As the fall TV season approached, it was “Boardwalk Empire’s” game to lose. The stakes, not to mention

Boardwalk Empire Starring Steve Buscemi, Michael Pitt, Michael Stuhlbarg, Michael K. Williams Airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on HBO expectations, were sky-high for Martin Scorsese’s HBO show, a Prohibition-era

drama featuring a thrilling cast that stars Steve Buscemi. The good news is that “Boardwalk Empire” lives up to those expectations. The bad news is that you now have another show to watch on Sunday night, and you will need HBO in order to see it. “Boardwalk Empire,” set in Atlantic City, N.J., during the 1920s, hits all the right notes. It is almost disappointing that the show is as good as everyone expected it to be. Although only three episodes have aired to date, it has already been picked up for a second season and is one of the best new shows on TV. The show is based on the book “Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City”


American remake of Swedish movie misses the point BY

REBECCA GOLDBERG Daily Editorial Board

As a new film, “Let Me In” is perfectly serviceable art-horror fare, putting a new, chilling spin on the national vampire

Let Me In Starring Kodi Smit-McPhee, Chloë Moretz Directed by Matt Reeves craze. But as an unnecessary remake of a two-year-old, genre-bending critical darling, it deserves to be left out. “Let Me In” is based on the Swedish novel “Låt den rätte komma in” (“Let the Right One In” (2008), in English) and the subsequent 2008 Swedish film of the same name, both written by John Ajvide Lindqvist. In it, Owen (the excellent Kodi Smit-McPhee) — a bullied 12-year-old from a broken home — becomes fascinated with Abby (Chloë Moretz), the mysterious girl who moves in next door. As their relationship blossoms into a childhood romance, Owen learns that Abby has a dark secret: She’s actually a murderous vampire.

“Let Me In” thematically traverses unsteady ground, simultaneously following stories of a budding relationship and a town ravaged by a sinister demon. Even the title is ambiguous, referring to both Abby’s mystical need to be invited into a home and Owen’s desperate desire for companionship, which never lessens when he discovers his “girlfriend’s” true nature. Owen isn’t really the hero of this story, and Abby isn’t really the villain. Early in the film, Owen stands alone in his room, chillingly wielding a knife before imaginary bullies, wearing a plastic mask like a miniature Hannibal Lecter. There is no doubt that there is a well of darkness in him long before he meets Abby. Owen’s tortured dark side and its comparison to Abby’s nature form an undercurrent that tempers the otherwise-sweet story of their friendship. They need each other, in a way, but they’re definitely not good for each other. Perhaps because director Matt Reeves frames it more as a horror film than a coming-of-age story, “Let Me In” often abandons ambiguity for more obvious storytelling. There’s a lot of talk about see LET ME IN, page 6

(2002) by Nelson Johnson. “Empire” follows the fictionalized antics of Enoch “Nucky” Thompson (Steve Buscemi) — based on real-life politician Enoch “Nucky” Johnson — the treasurer of Atlantic City and quite the crooked politician. In addition to managing his civic duties, Nucky also runs the city’s bootlegging business and other illegal hustles. Through his illegal activities, Nucky comes in contact with a whole host of colorful characters, brought to life by a ridiculously strong supporting cast. From James “Jimmy” Darmody — Nucky’s toobright-to-be-doing-this lackey (played by the ever-enigmatic Michael Pitt) — to see BOARDWALK, page 6


‘Wake Up!’ holds promise but does not deliver BY


Daily Editorial Board

Even for those who didn’t live through them, the ’60s are very much a part of the American consciousness,

Wake Up! John Legend & The Roots Columbia and protest and political activism still pervade as ideals of active citizenship. John Legend and hip-hop band The Roots, inspired by the 2008 election campaign, want to remind us of that spirit. Their new album “Wake Up!” features soul covers with themes of activism. Legend is a classically trained singer, but collaborating with hiphop artists is not new for him. He’s been featured in many popular hiphop songs, appearing with Kanye West on singles such as “Through the Wire” and “All Falls Down.” see WAKE UP, page 6

ntil this summer, I could not fathom why my mother hated “Forrest Gump” (1994) so intensely. Despising that film was tantamount to writing off “Full House” (1987-1995), which she also did with ease (though arguably with more reason — Bob Saget is a jerk). Exposed to Forrest (Tom Hanks) at an early age, I associated the character with only the most admirable of traits: He was compassionate, innocent, honest and so charmingly Southern. Much like the rest of the American movie-going population, I had glorified Forrest as an admirable expression of humanity and an accurate representation of the second half of the 20th century. His encounter with Elvis, service in Vietnam and flirtations with coke addicts all fit my preconceived notions of the decades preceding my birth. It was easy to assume the fleeting portraits painted by “Forrest Gump” were accurate depictions of previous eras, and I was in no hurry to dig any deeper into history. My mother maintained, however, that these “portraits” were closer to caricatures than masterpieces. Sitting through a fragment of the movie, she would exclaim, “How can you summarize the ’60s in half an hour? I can’t willingly accept this as my generation’s experience.” At the time, I ignored her grumblings of discontent, chalking it up to the continued embittered attitude shared by all baby boomers; it’s not easy hitting the halfway mark in life at the same time that Lady Gaga is just getting warmed up. I had no way of knowing what wisdom her “grumblings” held until the emergence of one crucial article this summer. In mid-August, Robin Marantz Henig endeavored to explain why 20-somethings are lazy, unmotivated, fearful, unsuccessful … ahem. Perhaps those are not her exact words. At any rate, her article, published in The New York Times Magazine on Aug. 22 and suggestively titled“What Is It About 20-Somethings?,” painted a psychological and social picture of our own generation as one that is pushing back the milestones of adulthood. Delaying the socially accepted “timetable” of adulthood by marrying, securing stable jobs and producing babies later in life, the 20-somethings of today are under scrutiny for taking too long to grow up. In an effort to explain why, labeling an entire generation seems to be the easiest course of action. Generational branding and stereotyping are not new cultural phenomena, but they are certainly receiving renewed attention with the emergence of Henig’s article. Responses to the claims made against 20-somethings have shown up in publications ranging from popular and well-known media sources like The Atlantic Monthly to our very own Tufts Daily. The article’s heavy emphasis on developmental psychology has garnered deserved criticism — can we write off the effects of the economic recession and unique social climate so quickly? Would any Tufts student, for that matter, ever admit to wanting to move back to their parents’ house indefinitely? There are glaring holes in the article’s explanation. Hesitance to label and explain an entire generation’s habits should mirror our caution in teaching about current events: Few classes at the high school level attempt to teach the events surrounding — and including — the 9/11 attacks, citing the recent nature of these events as the primary difficulty in doing so. It is nearly impossible to know with certainty which political, social and economic factors play the largest role in current events, though educated suggestions are always fair game. To explain the behavior of an entire subset of the population still in the throes of their “emerging adulthood” woes seems a little premature. Why are we in such a hurry to explain away a generation? Leave the ’60s alone, Forrest, and we’ll refrain from stereotyping Generation Y.

Madeline Hall is a sophomore who has not yet declared a major. She can be reached at Madeline.Hall@tufts.edu.



Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Legend and The Roots’ ‘Wake Up!’ is unlikely to wake anyone up anytime soon WAKE UP continued from page 5

Nor is this the first time Legend has worked with The Roots, a hip-hop group notable for its live instrumentals and jazzy approach to the genre, but “Wake Up!” is the first official collaboration in this vein for both groups. Whether this latest album actually succeeds in “waking up” listeners is still up for debate. Soul music is, by design, smooth and relaxing, and the first three tracks on the album are pure soul. The accompaniment by the Roots carries the soul feeling from track to track and creates a feel-good atmosphere. Notable tracks are “Humanity,” which stands out from the rest of the album because it features a reggae beat, and “Wake Up Everybody,” which demonstrates what soul music is all about and is the only song featuring a female singer, Melanie Fiona. There’s some potential for commercial play for the tracks on “Wake Up!,” with The Roots frontman Black Thought featured on several songs, including the first track, “Hard Times.” The singer is not given a fair chance to shine, though — his rapping gets lost amid all the melodies, and the lyrics don’t offer him an opportunity to spit anything powerful enough to resonate with listeners. It would have been nice to see more contrast between the


John Legend and The Roots hope to promote social activism with ‘Wake Up!’ instrumentals and the rapper, but this is a minor flaw. As The Roots’ accompaniment pulls you along on your dreamy journey through soul music, there are two tracks that might actually put you to sleep: “Wholy Holy” and “Shine,” the only original track on the album. Legend’s vocals are not passionate enough to give either song a real crescendo, and this effect is multiplied on

“Shine” as Legend repeats the same phrase — “let ’em shine” — throughout the whole song. Legend’s vocals are problematic throughout the album. The singer’s voice lacks the grit and emotion necessary to really bring home lyrics concerning the topics featured on “Wake Up!” Thus the serious message of social activism gets lost behind the melodic instrumentals. His voice also fails to

stir listeners; there’s just not enough joy to get them out of their seats and clapping like soul music should. The covers fail to surpass, or even match, the originals. The album features songs by some of the soul greats, from Marvin Gaye to Baby Huey, but Legend can’t channel the raw emotion behind these songs, nor does the collaboration do a good enough job reinterpreting them. While

I applaud the attempt to bring hip-hop and soul together, neither aspect is fully realized. Maybe if I didn’t know “Wake Up!” was a cover album, I could appreciate it more, and maybe if the ’60s had never happened, we wouldn’t lament the relative apathy that characterizes our generation. Unfortunately, however, there will always be a precedent, and unfortunately this album doesn’t quite measure up.

Twenties-era Atlantic City comes to life in Scorsese’s new show BOARDWALK continued from page 5

Michael Stuhlbarg’s Arnold Rothstein — the Jewish New York teetotaler/gangster played to sleazy perfection — and Chalky White (played by fan-favorite Michael K. Williams) — the only character in the show to use the word “motherf-----” — all of the supporting characters are fully realized. The promise of learning more about the characters who inhabit the world of “Empire” is an even stronger draw to continue watching than the ongoing plot. In the most recent episode (episode three, “Broadway Limited”), we are given our first extended look at Chalky White, who appeared in the pilot for all of a few seconds. Although the episode was the weakest so far, it was completely worth watching for the interactions between Nucky and White. It is great to see HBO doing what HBO does best: making strong, compelling, beautiful TV with tight scripts and tighter direction. With “Empire,” the premium cable channel is looking to reclaim the Sunday night dominance it lost when “The Sopranos” (1999-2007) ended its run, and if the show can keep up what it has been doing so far, the prospects seem good. Executive producers Martin Scorsese and Terence Winter (of “The Sopranos” fame) have ensured that, at the very least, their show is the best-looking on TV. The

attention to detail in each episode is staggering: The set design, costumes, classic cars — everything feels real. For an hour a week, Buscemi and company let us live 90 years ago, and it is spectacular. To do a full breakdown of the story would really do both the show and the viewers a disservice. What it boils down to is a masterfully executed drama about nogoodniks becoming gangsters and gangsters giving birth to the idea of Atlantic City. It is a rich time period and equally promising subject matter, and HBO is the only logical place for it to be explored. But the nitty-gritty of the premise does not really matter this early in the show’s first season. For now, you are interested in the subject matter and you will watch; you are uninterested and you will watch because you know that with its pedigree, it has got to be good; or you cannot watch because you have “Wife Swap” Tivo-ed and you did not read this review anyway. There is an incredibly powerful scene at the end of the second episode when Nucky reminds us of his power and stature by placing a single roulette bet — $3,000 on black — and losing. The scene lasts maybe two or three minutes but is unforgettable. That is what a show like this is supposed to do, and if “Empire” can keep its game up, it, like the gangsters, bootleggers and thieves it centers on, might just pull this one off.


Michael K. Williams plays Chalky White on HBO’s ‘Boardwalk Empire.’


Chloë Moretz stars as the vampire Abby in ‘Let Me In.’

Leaning more toward horror than its predecessor, ‘Let Me In’ falls short LET ME IN continued from page 5

God, Jesus and true evil, seemingly ignoring the fact that the film is made interesting by the gray areas the characters reside in and not in absolutes. There’s also an omnipresent orchestral score that betrays the quiet bleakness of the scenery and strongly suggests which emotions the audience should be feeling. Reeves has aspirations to artfulness, but the thumping music recalls B-grade movies that need to tell their audiences when to be scared. The ostensible object of that fear, Abby, feels like a bundle of contradictions: The dirty-but-angelic 12-year-old is also an aged demon, capable of harrowing violence. But Reeves’s horror villain and Moretz’s earnest child never coalesce. Moretz, who had a star turn in this year’s “Kick-Ass,” sells the innocence but never the age or deep regret. She speaks to Owen in whispering, sullen tones, but until there is blood present, there’s nothing to fear. When it is time for Abby to kill, Reeves misfires by making her a real movie monster. There are the standard close-ups of her white eyes and veiny skin, and when she attacks, a computer-generated image of Moretz growls and contorts in full view. Abby’s monstrous form becomes

disassociated from the quiet, human side of the film, existing instead in some other lazy vampire movie. The balance is off; it doesn’t quite work to read Abby as a tiny Freddy Krueger, but Reeves is too upfront with her brutality for her to be truly sympathetic. Reeves pushes farther into horror territory by ramping up the violence. To compare “Let Me In” to the Swedish film almost parodies the bloodthirsty American sensibility. Reeves rarely shies away from close-ups of knives ripping into skin, blood spurting or flesh burning. He does, however, at least try to imbue his film with the artfulness that defined the original. He relies heavily on closeups, unorthodox angles and unfocused point-of-view shots, placing the audience behind Owen’s eyes. The effect is thoughtful, though sometimes distracting. It does lend itself, though, to a terrific scene — one of the film’s scariest, even without Abby — in which a car accident is filmed with a stationary camera planted in the back seat. Overall, there’s nothing inherently bad about “Let Me In,” but it still seems like a misfire in comparison to the original. That version is available on Netflix Watch Instantly. Save yourself the $10 and see it instead.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010




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Condom affairs


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Tuesday, October 5, 2010


If you are going to do it, put on a condom. That simple sexual education message was drilled into some Jumbos’ heads since far before they were of consenting age. All this sex ed has apparently been paying off, according to a recent study by the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University. The study found that 80 percent of teenage boys and 69 percent of teenage girls with active sex lives reported using condoms the last time they had vaginal intercourse, which contrasts with the far lower percentage of adults who reported using condoms during casual intercourse. It should be noted that the maker of Trojan condoms sponsored the study and had a role in its development and the questions asked, although the authors insisted that relationship did not affect the results. The findings are promising, as they indicate that a strong majority of young people have been educated well about the dangers of unsafe sex.

Despite the prevalence of condom use among teens, however, sexually transmitted disease (STD) rates among teens are, unfortunately, higher than ever. There is, therefore, still more work to be done in educating teens about safe sex, and new federally funded programs look to accomplish this. The encouraging report that a large majority of teens practice safe sex comes alongside news that — for the first time in more than 10 years — there will be federally funded sexual education programs that are not abstinence-only. Some studies have shown that abstinence-only programs have little to no effect on teens’ sexual habits, therefore leaving teens woefully unprepared if they do decide to dip their proverbial toes into sexual waters. These new, holistic sex education programs — funded by a five-year $375 million federal grant — are a step in the right direction. Despite these positive developments in sexual health education, what matters most is that individuals

are empowered to practice safe sex. Thankfully for Tufts students, condoms are freely available in the Heath Service building. Though it might be somewhat difficult to discreetly nab some condoms from the supply in the Health Service lobby, compared to other schools, Tufts makes it relatively easy for students to practice safe sex. Drew University in Madison, N.J., recently decided to remove the basket of free condoms in the lobby of its student health services department because students were taking too many condoms at one time. Even though free condoms are still available to students who ask their resident assistants for them, this creates a very real and awkward obstacle that can prevent students from getting proper protection in the heat of the moment. Tufts students should be thankful that they attend a university that works to make protection available to students without erecting an unnecessary barrier in the form of a uncomfortable conversation with an RA.




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Assertion of stigma is utterly offensive Dear Editor, According to the article “Despite better understanding of mental illness’s causes, stigma continues to linger” that appeared in the Daily on Oct. 1, “Often, the more severe a mental health problem is, the less willing the victim is to talk about it openly due to one simple factor: ‘stigma.’” It pleasures us to associate “stigmas.” Why? Instead of addressing the prejudice in us, we find a flaw in a “them.” Men, in many cultures, did it

EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials that appear on this page are written by the editorialists, and individual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board.

with rape, Nazism did it with a great many people and today we find pleasure in claiming it for mental illnesses. We do not find flaws in the people who claim it, only in the people against whom they claim it. Taking a lesson from history, I find the flaw in the people who claim it. And the people who wittingly or not accept and promote or pass it along. As I read this article, I felt that Tufts wants to tell me there is a “stigma” to mental illnesses. It wants to facilitate someone sending that message to stu-

dents. It is an offensive assertion. Your direction ought be to do as the women’s movement did and refute the association, not endorse it. Educate, not prejudice. The psychology of the assertion is well known — it is not one to endorse. Please put an end to this assertion. Sincerely, Harold A. Maio Former editor of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, sponsored by Boston University

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ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising copy is subject to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief, Executive Board and Executive Business Director. A publication schedule and rate card are available upon request.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010



Party time, excellent? BY


Full disclosure: I am a lover of good parties. I am not anti-party, just anti-bad party. I understand that there are certain qualities that can make or break a party. The presence of positive vibes, exciting music, good company — these are all essential ingredients for brewin’ up a kick-ass evening. Unfortunately, I feel that the Tufts party scene is often lacking in these departments. Perhaps I just don’t know where to look, or maybe I’m not looking hard enough. Regardless, I have a few suggestions for injecting more awesome into parties ’round these parts. What qualify as positive vibes? The presence of positive vibes manifests itself as friendliness, laughter, a sense of community … and occasionally as ganja smoke or as naked people. Due to vibe-age, I find that I much prefer the weekend pre-games to the actual “games.” There is space to talk without being bombarded by a million stimuli, and it makes all the difference. Hanging around with good friends is more enjoyable to me than “going out,” which normally consists of groupthink stumbling from generic place to generic place. Often upon arriving at these parties, I feel alienated. The music and low lighting are too overwhelming to meet and chat with people, and groups of people form tight circles, isolating outsiders. The scene just isn’t all that impressive. The best parties that I have been to have been inclusive and intimate. Intimate doesn’t mean that the party can’t be a rager. On the contrary, good vibes accounted for, it’ll be a ragest. It’s a beautiful thing to have people packed into one place and interested in conversing about a gamut of topics, from peak oil to Katy Perry and quantum physics to fecal matter. The party people at these parties are open-minded, friendly and happy to just be enjoying the moment. They are as interested in hearing what you have to say as they are in telling you about something amazing they just learned. They genuinely want to be decent to others and make new friends because they know that a gathering of friends is much better than a gathering of strangers. “Positive vibes” also includes respect for others and their music choices. At parties at

Male feminism



which there is public access to music selection, there needs to be an understanding that the music is a public good. If you don’t like a song that someone chooses, that’s fine; you’re entitled to your opinion. Just wait for the song to be over and then put on something you’ll like. Alas, there are too many impatient drunk folk out there who can’t even follow this simple rule, changing the song mere seconds after one’s started. Where are their manners? Perhaps they should repeat kindergarten. Another basic lesson they haven’t learned is that having an open ear is a wonderful thing; being snobby about music hurts the offender more than anyone else. Don’t think — just listen and maybe you’ll hear something you like. The democratization of music choice is a benefit for the whole party because it results in a more expansive, diverse soundtrack. I find that many parties are too damn homogenous in their music choices. I understand the appeal of Top 40, but parties would do well to spice up the mix a bit. Yes, even with some rock; I am amazed

at the hostility to rock music at parties. During the week, rock is totally chill. Once the weekend nights roll around, rock is shunned. I recently heard the absurd statement that you “can’t dance to rock.” What a profound lack of imagination. Of course you can! As the wise Men Without Hats once said (and occasionally still do say if I can get my hands on the music selection), “We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind.” Brilliant dancing philosophy: Dance your heart out, and if others don’t like the groove, it’s their loss. I should be clear. I have gone to some wonderful parties in the recent past. My inspiration for writing this article is these parties, in hopes that there will be more in the future. I understand that every party can’t be perfect, and I may seem a bit utopian. However, I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking that we can do better. Party hard, comrades. Gregory Beach is a senior majoring in political science.


Harvard students’ online network flourishes Editor’s Note: The following article originally appeared in the April 12, 2004, issue of the Daily. It is by thensenior staff writer Lananh Nguyen. A new online social network for college students is growing quickly, but has yet to expand to the Tufts campus. TheFacebook.com has 38,327 registered users and an average of 1,000 new registration requests daily, and the growth of the online network is surprising even to its founders. “We’ve all been blown away by the response from Harvard, and as time goes by, to all the schools that we expanded to,” said Chris Hughes, founding member and press relations manager for theFacebook.com. “We realized pretty quickly that this could be big,” Hughes said. The site, which resembles the popular online social network Friendster.com, enables students within a university community to create personal profiles that may include their contact information, class schedules and a variety of other personal details. Hughes called the site a “collaborative effort” between friends who grew tired of waiting for an official facebook promised by the university. Since its inception at Harvard University in February, theFacebook. com has expanded to 12 universities. Its network now includes Columbia University, Stanford University, Yale University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, the University of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston University, New York University, Brown University and Princeton University.

Hughes said it was “just a matter of time” before the site expanded to more universities, depending on the capacity of the site’s servers to handle new school networks. “It’s a fun project which a lot of people seem to enjoy,” Hughes said. The popularity of theFacebook.com sparked tongue-in-cheek social commentary at participating universities. In a March 11 editorial, Harvard’s daily undergraduate paper, The Crimson, called the site’s expansion “manifest destiny.” Meanwhile a March 5 Stanford Daily article said students were skipping classes, ignoring work and “spending hours in front of their computers in utter fascination.” Kim Truong, a graduate student at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, said that the site might have social drawbacks. “I heard from undergraduate students that they have been feeling stressed out due to theFacebook.com, because they have to add all of their activities,” she said. “I think they might feel pressured to have long lists of activities, quotes and an overall presentable profile.” Truong added, “I personally think it’s fun and not supposed to be taken seriously.” Tufts students have shown some interest in the website. “This kind of online social network is positive for a university community because it helps students to reach out to their peers in a less intimidating way,” Tufts senior Joey Rhyu said. “People who are more reserved about introducing themselves to people in real life can use this manner of communication to break [social] boundar-

ies. I would use it, especially for help with school work,” he said. Senior Teri Wing called the online facebook sites “creepy,” because of the nature of other social networking sites, which often include racy content. “I feel like people would show off more than they normally do on such sites. If I just need to send an e-mail, I don’t necessarily want to know what the other person wants people to think,” she said. “Think of Friendster — people put up some weird stuff — and being young, much of it’s sexual, which I don’t really need to know about my classmates.” Senior Alper Tonguc agreed. “I guess the people that I care about are the people I talk to, and I guess I’m just not interested in reading random people’s profiles.” According to Hughes, theFacebook. com is not a dating service or a way to meet strangers, but “an extension of real-life interaction, so it’s [used] not as much to meet random people, but to foster friendships and relationships with these people you knew previously. It’s a way to bring tangentially connected people together.” The site offers detailed privacy settings that could, for example, allow a student to make her class schedule available only to friends, or restrict contact information to students living in her dormitory. Even with the privacy settings, Wing said she would probably not make use of such a site. “I don’t think that it would give me information about my friends that I wouldn’t be able to get from them otherwise,” she said.

ori Amos once sang, “Can somebody tell me now who is this terrorist?” Often, we hear parents exclaim the excusatory phrase, “boys will be boys,” perhaps with a smile or a sigh of slight exasperation, in response to aggressive behavior displayed and violent acts performed by boys and young men. Nothing more than a cursory admonition, the oft-repeated saying frames these actions as rooted in male biology, purporting that they are innocuous manifestations of encoded genes. Moreover, our culture offers no distinction between healthy and harmful masculinities. Subscribing, even implicitly, to a biological determinist perspective that results in the connection between violence and maleness is dangerous. This problematic perspective bolsters the power of our phallocentric system, which valorizes a masculine ethic of toughness and aggressiveness. The system simultaneously devalues opposite standards that are then associated with femininity and thus become marginalized. In addition, it perpetuates gender expectations that encourage exaggerated conformity to sexist ideals, thereby maintaining gender inequality by insisting on a strict gender binary that only allows a limited degree of gender expression. Lacking models of constructive masculinity — or at least those that are glorified — men might subscribe to a limited form of masculinity that maintains the status quo of gender inequity. According to violent crime statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice, men are highly overrepresented as perpetrators across various categories, such as rape, murder and sexual and aggravated assault, with women overrepresented as victims of rape and sexual assault and men as victims of murder. We can either rest on our laurels of flawed scientific complacency and accept that male violence is inevitable, or we can take action and approach the issue from a feminist and sociological perspective to seek potential solutions. The way in which women are viewed and treated can be changed through efforts that challenge the problematic constructs of masculinity. We need to redefine and change our visions of masculinity because, as of now, they are doing more harm than good. Men need the capacity to reject detrimental aspects of traditional masculinity, to consider alternative manifestations of male strength and to realize their vital role as allies to the feminist cause. In other words, masculinity needs a makeover. Masculinity must be redefined in a way that will promote healthy relationships between men and all others along the spectrum of gender identity. Ultimately, this reinterpretation must reduce instances of all forms of violence. Of course, any ideological change of this scale cannot come about easily, but that shouldn’t deter us from working to change all the aspects of our lives that result in harmful socialization. Nor should it stop us from critically evaluating ourselves on an individual level and promoting change through our daily actions. We need more representations of all types of healthy masculinities — those that reframe the ideal of the strong man by emphasizing the alternative possibility of being strong without the need to be aggressive, violent and hurtful to others. We simply need to break down the system of beliefs, social structures and institutional practices that result in the oppression of women and girls and the dehumanization of men and boys across all categories of identities. All the harmful narratives and false beliefs surrounding men and their interrelationships with others also need to be addressed. We have to challenge the masculinity that we’ve inherited by dismantling the miseducation of boys and young men in our society, for decisions and choices made every day ultimately shape our culture. This is vital to creating a safer world for all genders. Elisha Sum is a senior majoring in English and French. He can be reached at Elisha. Sum@tufts.edu.

OP-ED POLICY The Op-Ed section of The Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in the Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. Op-Ed cartoons are also welcomed for the Campus Canvas feature. All material is subject to editorial discretion and is not guaranteed to appear in the Daily. All material should be submitted to oped@tuftsdaily.com no later than 12 p.m. on the day prior to the desired day of publication; authors must submit their telephone numbers and day-of availability for editing questions. Submissions may not be published elsewhere prior to their appearance in the Daily, including but not limited to other on- and off-campus newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news websites, as well as Facebook. Republishing of the same piece in a different source is permissible as long as the Daily is credited with originally running the article.



Tuesday, October 5, 2010











SUDOKU Level: Graduating without having attended a DTD party


Ben: “I think we’re going to have to agree to disagree on this.” Romy: “What, that pee is kosher? I don’t see why it wouldn’t be.”

Please recycle this Daily.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010



A Dr. Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award and Lecture

“Dealing with North Korea: A Current Snapshot”

Amb. Stephen W. Bosworth Dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University since 2001, Amb. Bosworth is also the U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Policy. He served as U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea from November 1997 to February 2001. From 1995-1997, he was the Executive Director of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO), an international consortium formed to oversee implementation of the U.S./North Korean Agreed Framework on Nuclear Matters. From 1988 to 1996, Amb. Bosworth was the President and Chief Executive Officer of the United States-Japan Foundation, a private foundation with programs in education, public and private leadership exchanges, and policy studies. Prior to this appointment, he was an officer in the U.S. Department of State for 25 years, serving in a number of capacities, including two appointments as U.S. Ambassador. From 1979 to 1981 he served as Ambassador to Tunisia, and from 1984 to 1987, he served as Ambassador to the Philippines during the transition from the regime of Ferdinand Marcos to that of Corazon Aquino. He has also held senior positions in the State Department, including Director of Policy Planning, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs. He has been an adjunct professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and a non-resident senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Honors include Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star – Government of Japan (2005); Diplomat of the Year Award, given by the Academy for Diplomacy (1987); Distinguished Honor Award from the Department of State (1976 and l986); and Arthur S. Fleming Award as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Officials in Federal Government (1976).

TONIGHT, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5 8:00PM, CABOT AUDITORIUM For more information: x73314 or www.tuftsgloballeadership.org







This series of three confidential workshops will be offered to provide a safe space for survivors and their supporters to better understand and address the impact of sexual violence and the healing process. You can attend one, two or all sessions.

x SESSION ONE: 10/12 @4pm – SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND ITS IMPACT x SESSION TWO: 10/19@4pm- SAFETY AND SELFCARE x SESSION THREE: 10/26@4pm- THE HEALING PROCESS To attend a session, you must pre-register by calling BARCC at 617-649-1268. You can also call with questions. Let them know you are interested in the Tufts Sexual Assault Education and Information Workshops.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Tuesday, October 5, 2010




(6-0, 4-0 NESCAC) NESCAC

Tufts Bowdoin Wesleyan Amherst Trinity Conn. Coll. Middlebury WIlliams Colby Bates

W 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 0

T. Brown M. Burke J. Perkins S. Cannon T. Guttadauro A. Roberts K. Murphy M. Karp C. Yogerst L. Griffith

G 10 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Goalkeeping GA M. Zak 2

L 0 0 1 2 4 2 3 5 4 6 A 1 1 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pts 21 9 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1

S S% 11 .846

(3-2-2, 2-1-1 NESCAC)

Tufts Bowdoin Middlebury Amherst Williams Conn. Coll. Trinity Wesleyan Hamilton Bates Colby Offensive C. Updike C. Spieler N. Shrodes L. Nicholas K. Ellefsen K. Engelking K. Lord Defensive A. Kuan C. Updike C. Spieler K. Lord N. Shrodes K. Engelking

W 5 5 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4

W 13 11 11 10 11 9 9 4 8 5 4

L 3 5 3 1 6 5 4 6 6 9 9

Kills SA 209 20 117 13 95 11 69 20 46 0 41 6 41 29 B Digs 0 172 8 114 15 113 28 98 7 53 5 30

Men's Soccer (4-2-1, 2-1-1 NESCAC)




L W 0 6 0 6 1 6 2 5 2 4 2 5 2 3 4 2 4 3 5 1

Women's Soccer


Field Hockey

Amherst Trinity Tufts Williams Bowdoin Middlebury Bates Wesleyan Colby Conn. Coll.

W 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0

M. Stewart J. Love-Nichols A. Michael S. Wojtasinski S. Nolet L. O’Connor O. Rowse C. Wilson

L 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 G 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 0

T 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1

W 4 4 3 5 5 4 2 1 2 2 A 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1

L 2 0 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 3

T 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1

Pts 6 5 4 3 1 1 1 1

Goalkeeping GA S S% K. Wright 2 10 .833 P. Hanley 3 14 .824


Middlebury Williams Bowdoin Tufts Amherst Colby Bates Conn. Coll. Trinity Wesleyan

W 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1

B. Green F. Silva M. Blumenthal R. Coleman S. Atwood S. Blumenthal K. Lewis B. Ewing P. Bauer

L 1 0 1 1 0 3 2 2 3 3


T 0 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 0 0

G 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

W 7 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 A 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1

L 1 0 1 2 0 3 3 3 3 4

T 0 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 0 0

Pts 7 6 3 2 2 2 1 1 1

Goalkeeping GA S S% A. Bernstein 3 28 .903 Z. Cousens 3 7 .700

SCHEDULE | Oct. 5 - Oct. 11 TUE




vs. Wellesley 5 p.m.

Field Hockey


at Colby 1 p.m.

All New England Championships (at Franklin Park) at 12:30 p.m.

Cross Country

Women’s Soccer



at Bowdoin 1 p.m.


Men’s Soccer


at Brandeis 7 p.m. .

at Colby 12:30 p.m.

vs. Plymouth State 7 p.m.

vs. Endicott 4 p.m.

at Colby 2:30 p.m.

at Wellesley 7 p.m.

vs. Amherst 8 p.m. (at Middlebury)

at Middlebury 1:30 p.m.



NESCAC on The Score Check out the Daily’s sports blog, The Score, for live game blogging, updates and photos throughout the season. If you can’t make the game itself, The Score is your next best option. Just remember the words of famous sportswriter Dick Young: “Fans are the only ones who really care. There are no free-agent fans.”

at Nichols Invitational


14 Around Campus CHAPLAIN`S TABLE - ``A Look at Dealing with Loss`` Prof. Kathleen Camara, Assoc. Professor, Child Development & October 7, 2010 MacPhie Conf. Room - Thursday - 5 - 7 PM. Jeff Pietrantoni, Administrative Asst. to Dean of Engineering Dept. Discussion of upcoming play: ``The Guys`` -- FDNY Dealing with Grief After 9/11

Around Campus GODDARD CHAPEL FORUM ON RELIGION IN AMERICA October 6, 2010 6PM - Goddard Chapel. Ann Gardiner, A`87, Teacher Department of History, Tabor Academy ``Scopes Evolving: The Controversies of Religion in High School History Curriculum``



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Tuesday, October 5, 2010



CLASSIFIEDS POLICY All Tufts students must submit classifieds in person, prepaid with check, money order, or exact cash only. All classifieds submitted by mail must be accompanied by a check. Classifieds are $15 per week or $4 per day with Tufts ID or $30 per week or $8 per day without. The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due to typographical errors or misprintings except the cost of the insertion, which is fully refundable. We reserve the right to refuse to print any classifieds which contain obscenity, are of an overly sexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate a person or group. Questions? Email business@tuftsdaily.com.

Memory of team unity is as powerful as winning, players say LACROSSE continued from page 16

For the freshmen and recruits in attendance, having seen the possibilities of what unwavering determination can produce, the ceremony and video will certainly provide inspiration to work hard this fall in preparation for another run deep into the postseason in the spring. “I can’t imagine that any of the freshmen or recruits that were there would not want to be in the same position and doing the same thing for years to come,” Hessler said. “It is an unbelievable journey, and although it is a ton of hard work, it is thoroughly rewarding and so much fun. We always say as a team that no one will remember moments from the games, but we all will remember the process that got us there and the time we spent together as a team.” This team unity is what will remain with the players for the rest of their lives, more so than the rings, watches, jerseys, sticks and pictures. The hundreds of hours spent together training, practicing, playing in games, traveling, eating and living over the course of such a season are as memorable as the wins themselves. “The rings and watches are amazing, but to be honest, they weren’t the best part of the winning,” Bialosky said. “Being able to share it with all my teammates and the alumni and knowing that we achieved it together was the best part. You can lose a ring, but those memories and feelings will be with all of us forever.”


Members of the Class of 2010 had an opportunity to speak about their experiences on the men’s lacrosse team in front of teammates, coaches, family and friends at the special ring ceremony on Saturday.

At Wellesley, Tufts looks to continue dominating VOLLEYBALL continued from page 16

put to the test, as the Jumbos trounced the Conn. College Camels, who were playing without NESCAC kill leader Amy Newman, in straight sets on Friday night and easily dispatched the lowly Wesleyan Cardinals the following afternoon. But against Trinity on Saturday morning, Tufts’ resolve was put to the test. Against a young Bantam team that shocked the NESCAC world last October by beating the Jumbos in five sets, the Jumbos were pushed to the five-set brink yet again. Only this time, they overcame a 25-17 loss in the fourth set to get the job done, winning the fifth set 15-11. “[Trinity] played really well, and our communication on the court wasn’t consistent,” junior Cara Spieler said. “We were very up and down, which is not like us.” After losing a tight first set to the Bantams 26-24, the Jumbos stormed back in the second set 25-11. The final three sets were close throughout, with Tufts leaning on two of its experienced senior workhorses for the bulk of the offense — Shrodes and fellow quad-captain Caitlin Updike. The duo finished the match with 22 and 24 kills, respectively. “Our ball control picked up and then everything fell into place,” Shrodes said. “There were more holes on the court and the defense was talking to hitters and letting us know what was open.” Shrodes was a standout on defense, garnering a team-leading 13 digs. In the other two matches of the weekend, the Jumbos’ flexibility was on display. Friday’s match against Conn. College —

in which Tufts jumped out 25-10 in the first set and never looked back — was a defensive clinic, as the Conn. College offense sputtered without Newman, and Tufts junior libero Audrey Kuan, who is also an online editor for the Daily, sparkled on defense with 14 digs. Against Wesleyan, the Tufts offense was the star, as the team hit at a .341 clip and did not allow more than 16 points in any set. Tufts’ marathon of road contests continues this week with a Wednesday match at Wellesley, followed by a pair of matches this weekend against NESCAC foes Middlebury and Amherst. The team’s captains are taking it upon themselves to help the younger players stay positive throughout the road trip, which will finally end on Oct. 15 in Cousens Gym against Williams. “It’s hard to be away so often because work starts piling up, and it forces you to balance your time a lot,” Shrodes said. “We’ve been through it before, so we give [the younger players] a heads up that they need to stay on top of their work and get some sleep.” Nearly halfway through the season, Tufts again looks like one of the NESCAC’s elite. But the team knows that it needs to play better than it did against UMass-Boston and Trinity in order to reach its goal of becoming NESCAC champion, a title that was stolen from them last year by rival Williams. “I think we have a great chance [to finish first],” Shrodes said, “But I do know that it’s a very competitive league, and we are going to have to work hard to earn it.”

Tuesday, October 5, 2010






AFC dominates, NFC falters through first four weeks of the NFL season BY

Hold on to hope


Contributing Writer

In every season between 1985 and 1997, an NFC team ended the year by hoisting the Lombardi Trophy. The NFL’s great dynasties during this period — the NFC’s Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers — won three and four championships, respectively. At the same time, the Denver Broncos and Buffalo Bills, AFC teams, went a combined 0-7 in Super Bowl play. Six of those seven defeats were blowout losses in which the Broncos or Bills lost by 13 points or more. Simply put, 1985 to 1997 were 13 years of NFC butt-kicking. But the NFL’s tables, as they so often do, quickly turned. From 1998 to 2010, nine of 13 Super Bowls have been won by a team from the AFC. AFC teams won a staggering 40 of the 64 games against NFC foes from 2004 to 2006, and the three NFL teams with the highest winning percentage over the last 10 years all hail from the AFC: New England, Indianapolis and Pittsburgh. After four weeks of NFL play this season, the degree of AFC dominance over the NFC has increased to an even greater, almost laughable level. So far in 2010, the AFC has posted a combined 11-6 record against the NFC. And the domination becomes even more substantial when looking at the out-ofconference records of the AFC’s worst teams and the NFC’s best ones. AFC teams currently in third or fourth place in their divisions are 6-3 in these inter-conference games. On the other hand, NFC teams currently in first or second place are just 2-6 when playing against the AFC. In other words, many of the worst teams in the AFC are doing better out of conference than many of the NFC’s best teams. While each NFL division has its share of losers, two NFC divisions in particular have disappointed. The NFC West is quickly becoming one the worst divisions in recent memory. The division-leading Arizona Cardinals got trounced 41-10 on Sunday by the San Diego Chargers in a game in which starting quarterback Derek Anderson was once again benched after a terrible start. The heir to Kurt Warner in Arizona, Anderson has been awful through four weeks, posting a QB rating of 59.5 and a completion percentage of 51.8. The winless 49ers started off strong in



At 0-4, the San Francisco 49ers are part of a historically weak NFC West. Atlanta but blew a 14-point lead and lost to the Falcons 16-14. The 49ers still have a long way to go before they can start competing with the NFL’s elite. The Seattle Seahawks managed to disappoint as well, snapping their 10-game winning streak over the Rams as they got dominated in St. Louis, 20-3. No one in the NFC West is good enough to win games on the road, as teams in the division have put up a combined 1-8 record in road contests. Yet one of these NFC West teams, no matter how undeserving, will win the division and get a home playoff game. The East is the other big disappointment so far in the NFC. Considered by many to be the best division in the NFL over the past few seasons, it doesn’t appear that any team wants to grab control this year. First, Dallas began the season with two disappointing losses to the Washington Redskins and Chicago Bears. The next week, those same Redskins blew a 17-point lead at home against Houston and went on to drop an ugly game in St. Louis.

Then it was Philadelphia’s turn to disappoint, as the Eagles were repeatedly booed during a 17-12 home loss to Washington that followed two straight wins on the road. And while the New York Giants were impressive in their 17-3 win Sunday night over the previously undefeated Bears, they were also horrible this season in a 29-10 home loss to the Tennessee Titans. What does all this mean? Right now, the NFC East is not the division it used to be and does not seem to have even one Super Bowl contender. Some NFL fans argue that the Pro Bowl shows which conference is stronger at the end of the season. However, a meaningless game with minimal player effort that sometimes rivals touch football players’ dedication is certainly not the barometer of NFL conference superiority. The level of AFC dominance is so high that while even nine wins will probably be enough for a playoff bid in the NFC, 10 wins may not guarantee a postseason bid in the AFC.

Tufts feels confident against talented Brandeis squad WOMEN’S SOCCER continued from page 16

shot, so that she went out there and did just that and was rewarded with a goal for it is awesome.” Though the goal ultimately proved to be the game-winner, the Jumbos still had over 60 minutes left to play after Wojtasinski knocked it in. The Tufts defense was up to the task, though, allowing only two shots on goal over the course of the game. Sophomore Phoebe Hanley and freshman Kristin Wright split halves in goal and each came away with one save. “Bates put us under more pressure during the second half, but everyone on the field just buckled down and dealt with it,” Wilson said. “A lot of times, the difference between a goal against us and not is just sheer will power to keep the ball out of the net. It definitely wasn’t pretty soccer near the end of the game, but we got the job done and secured the win.” The win was a vital one, as the Jumbos now sit in a tie for third in the conference standings as opposed to a tie for seventh — where they would have been had they lost the game. With a tough road contest at Brandeis looming tomorrow night, Tufts knows that there are some aspects of their game that need to be tightened up. Last season, the team fell against Brandeis 2-0. If they hope to avoid a repeat of last year’s result, they need to learn from some of the mistakes they made in their game against Bates.


First-year Sophie Wojtasinski on Saturday kicked off her Tufts career in style, scoring her first collegiate goal as the Jumbos took down the Bobcats 1-0 in their Homecoming contest. “I think that we played some great soccer during the first half as we were connecting passes and creating scoring opportunities,” Wilson said. “However, we could be more consistent in our energy level on the field, which sometimes falls off for short periods of time. Towards the end of the game things got very ugly from our standpoint, probably because we got a little frantic and nervous about holding onto the one goal lead. We’ve been working on

handling these pressure situations in practice, so that hopefully during the next game that we’re ahead by one, we’ll remain a little more calm and composed.” Despite the threat posed by a talented Brandeis squad that’s currently riding a seven-game win streak, Tufts is confident it has the tools needed to win. Nolet made clear her feelings on the impending match: “They better watch out.”

ecoming a Washington Redskins fan never crossed my mind. Maybe it was that my earliest years as a sports fan were spent in New York. Maybe it was Dan Snyder. Or maybe it was the 300-pound drunk guy screaming “Cheaters never prosper” into my ear after every penalty at FedExField when I was seven years old. As a D.C. native, though, I still feel a certain obligation to speak up for the nation’s capital, to relay the plight of the devout Washingtonian. It has hardly anything to do with any sort of spiritual connection between me and the professional franchises within Washington, but rather this innate desire to see what it all means for my hometown. The Redskins have always been like a big rock to me — a concrete object that I can examine and analyze, but one that I never actively seek out for comfort. They’re just there. Lately though, Washington’s been winning at the same time. Much will be said about Donovan McNabb’s hyped return to Philadelphia and how he heroically beat his old team on the road. We’ll talk about Michael Vick’s injury and how the Eagles don’t stand a chance with the tentative Kevin Kolb under center. Most won’t discuss this from a Washingtonian perspective, how a Week 1 win over the Cowboys and now another divisional victory against the Eagles could represent another drastic step forward for Mike Shanahan’s new squad. As sports fans, all we really need is hope. That one shimmering beacon of light for future success can get even the most suffering diehards — hey, Chicago! — through pain. Whether or not Eagles fans want to claim a metaphorical, intangible victory over the Redskins is moot; Washington gets one tick in the win column, and that’s all that matters. Situations like this can resonate with any fan, which makes it so easy to talk about from an outsider’s perspective. Hope is one of the only emotions that everyone — black or white, male or female, pro- or anti-Favre — can empathize with. It transcends cultural and physical boundaries in sports. It’s something we all possess, whether we’re seeking just one win or a repeat championship. Any holes that will be poked in the Redskins’ 2-2 start will be ameliorated by a bright future. Had Vick not gotten knocked out of the game with a rib injury, the Eagles might have stolen this one. Kolb had a meager 76.0 rating, fumbled twice — though Philadelphia recovered both — and threw the game-ending interception on first down at the Washington 32-yard line. For Eagles fans, their squad lost the game. Redskins faithful should say theirs won it. Washington is rapidly — albeit quietly — becoming a team that no star offensive player should want to face. In Week 1 against the Cowboys, Jason Witten went down, as did the Texans’ Andre Johnson in Week 2. Week 3 saw Steven Jackson of the Rams fall victim to the Redskins’ physical style of play, just before Vick was removed on Sunday. But Washington simply can’t count on dumb luck to carry it for the rest of the season. The NFC East is simply too good to allow that to happen. Forget that in the season opener, Dallas committed 12 penalties for 81 yards, missed a 34-yard field goal and ended the game with the winning touchdown getting wiped out by a holding call. Forget that Washington lost by 14 points to St. Louis (a difficult task, I know). It’s not about what happened in isolated moments. It’s about the end result, about Washington going into Philadelphia and coming away with another NFC East victory. It’s about the possibility of success, the glimmer of hope instantly born out of what will be viewed as a fluke win. The luck will eventually run out, especially with back-to-back home games against Green Bay and Indianapolis looming. But for now, Washington fans can bask in winning the first two rounds of divisional play by TKO. Alex Prewitt is a junior majoring in English and religion. He can be reached on his blog at livefrommudville.blogspot.com or followed on Twitter at @Alex_Prewitt.



INSIDE Inside the NFL 15 Statistics | Standings 13



Men’s lacrosse champions reap spoils of victory in ceremony BY


Daily Editorial Board

Four months removed from reaching the summit of their collegiate lacrosse careers, members of the 2010 men’s lacrosse team gathered in Cousens Gym to receive the outstanding spoils of victory from last spring’s National Championship-winning campaign. After receiving a standing ovation on Saturday in front of 2,500 fans at halftime of the football team’s Homecoming game, Jumbos past and present — and many of their parents — headed to a special ceremony filled with hugs, speeches, tears, a magnificent film and, finally, the customdesigned championship rings and watches that had been in development since the team’s triumph in late May. “The ceremony was amazing, especially for our graduated class of seniors,” senior D.J. Hessler, the reigning NESCAC Player of the Year, said. “It was the first time we had all been together since that game, and it was great to see everyone.” “The support from our alumni and the parents was unbelievable at the championship game and then yet again at the ceremony,” senior Ryan Molloy, who was second in the NESCAC in points (65) behind Hessler (91), said. “Our coaches did an awesome job putting together the ring ceremony on one of the most chaotic days of the year with recruits coming, Homecoming and coach [Mike Daly] having to coach in the football game just prior.” The ceremony provided a forum for reflection from coaches and players. Each player from the Class of 2010 was introduced with some kind words from Daly and then had his own chance to speak to the crowd about his coaches, his team, his supporters and his overall experience as a member of the team. The prevailing theme of each speech was family: that being a member of the men’s lacrosse team was

being a member of a lifelong family that had shaped the character of each person who was part of it. “The best part of the ceremony was just being with all the guys again,” senior Alec Bialosky, an All-NESCAC First Team player, said. “A lot of the seniors have moved away, and to get to be with them, along with the alumni that we played with before, was awesome. The guys in this program are the best, and just getting to hang with them again was the most important part to me.” The highlight of the event was a documentary — approximately an hour in length — created by senior Arlin Ladue, who shot hundreds of hours of footage of the Jumbos squad from preseason training all the way through to the locker room celebrations after the final seconds ticked off the clock at M & T Bank Stadium in Baltimore, Md. Ladue spent the past four months editing the film in preparation for Saturday’s presentation, and his efforts were far from unnoticed. “I think I had goosebumps through the entire video,” Molloy said. “Arlin did an absolutely amazing job, and the fact that we have that season documented is amazing. ... I cannot even describe in words the way the video made me feel.” “We joke around that if we had all 500plus hours of raw footage that Arlin shot, we would sit and watch every last minute of it without ever getting sick of it,” he continued. Hessler echoed those thoughts. “Credit all goes to Arlin, who somehow figures out the means to spend an incredible amount of time on this project, while still working on other projects and being an engineering student,” he said. “It was incredible just to relive most of the season, even if only for an instant. No movie or book can really give a full story of everything that goes on, but this was certainly the best attempt at it. It really was amazing.”


see LACROSSE, page 14

David Duchovny’s hand in ‘Zoolander’ was pretty and all, but it definitely would’ve looked better sporting one of these puppies.


Jumbos sweep NESCAC weekend with timely hitting and great play BY


Freshman Wojtasinski leads Jumbos to 1-0 victory BY



Daily Editorial Board

Daily Editorial Board

The volleyball team rebounded from a Tuesday night letdown against UMass-Boston by going

The women’s soccer team has scored eight goals this season. Four of those goals have WOMEN’S SOCCER (2-1-1 NESCAC, 3-2-2 Overall) Kraft Field, Saturday

VOLLEYBALL (5-0 NESCAC, 13-3 Overall) at Middletown, Conn., Saturday Tufts Wesleyan Tufts Trinity

Bates Tufts

25 25 25 — 3 12 16 16 — 0

24 25 27 17 15 — 3 26 11 25 25 11 — 2

at Middletown, Conn., Friday Tufts 25 25 25 — 3 Conn. College 10 21 19 — 0 three-for-three this weekend in a NESCAC slate at Wesleyan. The trio of victories launched Tufts to what has become a familiar locale: first place in the conference standings, tied with Bowdoin at 5-0. “We knew that in the UMassBoston loss we were giving away way too many points because of a lack of focus,” senior quad-captain Nancy Shrodes said. “So we analyzed that game and regrouped with a refuse-to-lose attitude.” In two out of the three weekend matches, this attitude was hardly see VOLLEYBALL, page 14


Nancy Shrodes came up huge in Tufts’ win against Trinity on Saturday, with 22 kills and 13 digs.

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0 0

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0 1

been scored by freshmen, and two of those four have been game-winners. Suffice it to say, the young guns are earning their keep. In a highly defensive Homecoming matchup with Bates on Saturday, freshman forward Sophie Wojtasinski scored her first collegiate goal in a timely fashion as the Jumbos took the game 1-0, moving their record to 3-2-2 overall and 2-1-1 in the conference on the season. “The win was huge for us,” senior co-captain defender Carrie Wilson said. “We hadn’t won a NESCAC game since our season opener against Middlebury. Although all along we’ve known that we’re a good team, it was really important to prove that on Saturday to everyone, but especially to ourselves. We’re now halfway through our regular season games and don’t have the record that we would have hoped for, so every game

that gets put in the win column is a big boost.” “It was really fun to win at Kraft [Field] on Homecoming,” added freshman forward Maeve Stewart, who scored a hat trick in a 3-0 win against Middlebury on opening day. “We had a few rough games at the beginning of the season, and it’s nice to be back on the right track.” Wojtasinski’s 27th-minute goal was a function of being in the right place at the right time, as a shot from junior midfielder Olivia Rowse deflected off the post to Wojtasinski’s foot. In an impressive display of composure, Wojtasinski stuck to her basics, keeping her head down and her knee over the ball as she finished the strike and sent the Homecoming crowd into hysterics. “There is nothing like a first collegiate goal,” senior cocaptain defender Sarah Nolet said. “It’s one of the best feelings ever and it’s great for her confidence.” “Obviously, the first collegiate goal is super exciting for any player and I bet that she remembers it for the rest of her life,” Wilson added. “But what’s more important is that we’re getting contributions on the field from everyone. Recently at practice, we’ve talked about following every see WOMEN’S SOCCER, page 15

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