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MARTHA SHANAHAN Daily Editorial Board
As Teach for America’s (TFA) local branch concludes its first school year in the Boston area, teachers and principals are reporting successes across the board, despite initial reservations. T FA Regional Communications Director Kaitlin Gastrock said the incorporation of 50 new corps members into local public schools in Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea and Revere has had concrete results, although most quantitative data will not be available until the end of the school year. “The corps members have had really great experiences in the schools,” she told the Daily. “We’ve had positive feedback from the principals … and we’re confident that we’ll have the data to back up the qualitative information.” Gastrock explained that success is measured in individual students’ progress throughout the year. “A lot of the students unfortunately start out the year behind, so what we want to see is if the teachers were able to catch them up or even get them ahead,” she said.
FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2010
Where You Read It First Est. 1980
Emily Berman, a recent graduate of Boston University (BU), is finishing her first year with TFA as a sixth grade social studies teacher at Clarence R. Edwards Middle School in Charlestown. Berman feels that her participation in TFA has been a valuable experience, and she is encouraged by the progress her students have made throughout the year. She said being a part of the TFA corps has been good preparation for a career in education. “I feel like I’m a radically better teacher than I was at the beginning of the year,” she said. Despite these positive reviews, the announcement of TFA’s arrival in Boston was not originally met with such positive reactions. The decision last spring sparked objection from the Boston Teachers Union. President of the Boston Teachers Union Richard Stutman said that the union initially rejected the incorporation of corps members due to the threat that they would pose to incumbent teachers’ employment. “That was last year, when we were losing 700 people,” he said. “What we objected to was Teach for America and other organiza-
Daily Editorial Board
Dean of Arts and Sciences Robert Sternberg on Wednesday announced his decision to accept the position of provost and senior vice president at Oklahoma State University (OSU). The OSU/A&M Board of Regents today will vote to grant its official approval for Sternberg’s appointment at its regular meeting. Sternberg in December announced his intention not to continue as dean at Tufts at the end of his five-year term in June. He will on Aug. 1 assume his new position at OSU. This decision to pursue a new position elsewhere represents a natural step for Sternberg. “It’s not a decision to leave Tufts; it’s a decision to go to OSU,” Sternberg said. “I have been a dean for five years, and when I came, I signed up to work for five years and that period has ended, and I feel it is time for the next challenge,” he said. Sternberg was one of the OSU search committee’s four final candidates for the position and the only finalist not from a land-grant institution, according to OSU Director of Communications Gary Shutt. Shutt explained that Sternberg
see TEACH, page 3
Sternberg’s term as dean of Arts and Sciences ends in June. emerged as the final candidate in part due to his academic credentials and his vision and suggestions for the university. “We were very impressed with Dr. Sternberg’s academic record and all that he has achieved,” Shutt told the Daily. “We were impressed with his ideas of recruiting and attracting today’s students.” Shutt said that as provost,
Sternberg will serve as the chief academic advisor, working with all the deans of OSU’s different colleges. “We are looking forward to having him join our team and working with our deans and faculty and students,” Shutt said. Sternberg expressed his excitement about the opportunity to see STERNBERG, page 2
Four referenda added to TCU presidential ballot but met with contest
Tufts Hillel is organizing a charity carnival with other student organizations.
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MARISSA GALLERANI Daily Editorial Board
A(pril) Palooza, a fundraiser carnival that is the product of an intergroup collaboration, will take place between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. today on the Residential Quad. “A(pril) Palooza is basically a large
charity carnival,” sophomore Rachel Friedman, co-chair of the Tufts Hillel Social Committee, said. The carnival features the involvement of groups such as such as Tufts Hillel, the Roosevelt Institute, Alpha Omicron Pi, Tufts Christian Fellowship see PALOOZA, page 3
Inside this issue
Tufts Elections Commission (ECOM) has received four referenda that will be put up for vote on the April 28 Tufts Community Union (TCU) presidential ballot, according to ECOM Chair Sharon Chen, a sophomore. The first referendum focuses on the grammar of the TCU constitution and the referendum process. If passed, it would address past and current typos and formatting mistakes and change the procedure for submitting and voting on referenda. The second would reorganize and change the phrasing of the preamble of the constitution and restructure a number of TCU committees. One of these changes would make the TCU historian the chair of the Student Outreach Committee. There will also be changes to the qualifications needed for some positions, creating a process for two senators to serve on the Boston Intercollegiate Leadership Council and creating the position of a TCU government Webmaster. The third referendum is the Community Empowerment and Equality Model (CEE) proposal on the community representatives on the Senate and the body’s new position of diversity and community affairs officer (DCA). The fourth referendum also addresses the issue of community representatives and the DCA, but is the Diversity Task Force’s proposal for the issue. The two plans are similar in their criteria for community representatives and
in granting the Africana; Latino; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender; and Asian American Centers the first four community representatives. They each also establish a DCA who will be part of the Senate’s Executive Board. The referenda differ, however, because the CEE proposal gives community representatives full senator voting rights, and the Diversity Task Force proposal does not. The addition of these referenda to the ballot has caused controversy, as junior Christopher Snyder yesterday registered a formal complaint with the TCU Judiciary against ECOM for allowing the referenda to appear on the ballot. Snyder stated in his complaint that in doing so, ECOM’s bylaws were violated, and he called for all four referenda to be struck off the ballot. He cited bylaws specifying that referenda must be received and explained on ECOM’s website seven academic days before they are voted on. Snyder also pointed out the requirement that ECOM must advertise the full text of the referenda and the date they will be voted on. Snyder expressed his belief that all these bylaws were violated, defeating their aim of protecting the student body against having to vote on inadequately advertised referenda. He believes that the community representative issue is particularly complicated, requiring students to be better informed about the two proposals prior to the vote. —by Katherine Sawyer
Today’s Sections
Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings’ talent shines through in their fourth album.
The baseball team triumphed over Umass Dartmouth in a doubleheader on Monday.
see ARTS, page 5
see SPORTS, back
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Friday, April 23, 2010
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Daily Editorial Board
Although it may not be NBC’s “The Sing Off” (2009), several talented Tufts performers are working to gain national fame in a competition in which fellow Jumbos can determine the outcome. Sophomores Ian Donovan and Matt Nazarian, junior Brian Agler and senior Sam McCauley are competing in the 3rd Annual RooftopComedy. com National College Comedy Competition, sponsored by TBS. is a website that hosts videos of stand-up comedy as well as short humor videos. Thirty-two teams from colleges across the nation are competing in the bracketed tournament. Users can watch videos of stand-up from comedians on each team and vote for the team they think should advance to the next round. The winning team of each of the four brackets (North, West, Midwest and South) will travel to Aspen, Colo. to take part in the Aspen Rooftop Comedy Festival in June. Four MVPs at that tournament will win performance slots in a TBS comedy festival airing June 15-19. “They pay for your plane, and you get to stay in Aspen for a week and you perform and get to be on TV, so it’s a really big deal,” Donovan said. If the Tufts team gets more votes than its current opponent, Emerson, it will go on to face the winner of the competition between Boston College and MIT. The four students in the competition all have one thing in common: They are members of the Tufts Stand-up Comedy Collective (SUCC), which Nazarian founded last fall. SUCC members meet weekly in an informal, workshop atmosphere in a room in the basement of Aidekman Arts Center to practice their routines and run new jokes by other members. “There’s a lot of little things [about standup]. You have to get your persona down, and you have to get the right wording. Sometimes if you change one word, it’ll change the whole joke,” Nazarian, SUCC’s founder, said. “That lends itself more to this workshop style.” “It’s a new group, and it’s not very formal, but it’s nice because you get a lot of peer advice as to how to make yourself better,” McCauley said. Group members also give performances, usually in Hotung Café, about once a month on Thursday nights (including last night). SUCC members support each other by going to open mic nights at comedy clubs together. “You can be there late, and there can be these miserable comics, and it can be lonely if you’re there and don’t know anyone,” Nazarian said. Nazarian got his stand-up start in a high school talent show. “When I came to college, I really wanted to pursue it more, so last year I performed in places around here … and I performed in open mic nights, but it’s hard to get stage time when you’re like nobody,” Nazarian said. “I wanted to have a way to make some stage time for myself and everybody else and get other people interested.” Nazarian, who is also a member of the sketch comedy group Major: Undecided, proposed the idea to his fellow comedians and got plenty of positive feedback. Nazarian heard about the Rooftop College Comedy Competition through a fellow comedian at Emerson. The competition’s organizers needed another Boston-area school in
Stand-up Comedy Collective members (from left to right) Sam McCauley, Brian Agler, Ian Donovan and Matt Nazarian hope their comedy skills can bring them to Aspen, Colo. the bracket, so Tufts found a slot. To choose the eight Tufts competitors who would compete in the competition, the SUCC group held a stand-up night in Dewick-MacPhie Dining Hall in mid-March. The event filled the venue to capacity. Although technically not an open mic night, as entrants had to register beforehand, anyone from Tufts was eligible to perform. According to McCauley, 16 people performed, and the eight comedians who would represent Tufts at the next round of the competition were selected by an audience vote. In the next round of the competition, the eight Tufts students performed standup, along with eight Emerson students, at Mottley’s Comedy Club in downtown Boston. A panel of three judges from RooftopComedy. com selected the four best stand-up routines from each team. Videos from that night were posted on the website yesterday. The four Tufts students chosen to advance to the next round all have different comedic styles. Agler, like Nazarian, did his first stand-up act at a talent show in high school. He cites comedian David Cross as one of his influences. “He’ll tell his jokes but not just set up a punch line. He’ll tell a full story, essentially, and the jokes just kind of come out of that. It’s clearly a very personal thing, and I like doing jokes that are fairly true and about me,” Agler said. “A lot of [my material] is about being Jewish and growing up in Texas,” Agler said. “In the act, the TBS thing, a fair majority is about Texas and being Jewish.” Nazarian is from a different school of comedy. “I have these things I think of that are funny little bits — one-liners and situations,” Nazarian said. “It’s more random than the story type of comedy.” “My jokes are usually pretty short in general. My longest joke’s probably one-and-ahalf to two minutes, whereas someone else might tell a whole story that takes seven minutes that works in a lot of funny things that they like,” Nazarian said. Much of McCauley’s experience is in the sketch comedy realm. He is a member of both Major: Undecided and The Institute, a video sketch comedy group. The skills needed for a successful standup comedy routine are a bit different from those required for sketch comedy, according to McCauley. “There’s a fair amount of pressure in stand-up because the pressure is immediate. If a joke fails, that’s you, on
the stage with the joke that fails,” McCauley said. “On the other hand, stand-up lets you kind of build up a tempo and a sort of rapport with the audience. With a good standup comedian, even if a joke fails, you don’t have to lose the entire audience. He can recover well.” Unlike his teammates, Donovan has only been doing stand-up since November. Although interested in stand-up for years, it was only after learning about SUCC from Nazarian that he got involved in the scene. “I wrote some jokes and went to the meeting. It turns out my jokes were OK, so then I started doing stand-up,” Donovan said. As for his comedic style, Donovan describes it as lowbrow. “[It’s] observations on pooping, just a lot of lowbrow poop jokes,” Donovan said. Though all the competitors love standup comedy, none currently plan on a future in it. “I’d love to keep doing comedy after graduation. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to next year, at least not in a formal sense, but there’s a lot of ways to do comedy,” McCauley said. Agler hopes to get exposure for himself and SUCC through the competition. “I’m only really exposed to professional comics, so it’s really nice to see people my age and see what they’re doing,” Agler said. “It’s a learning process as much as a competition.” “I’m going to do it as much as I can, as long as I can, and see where it goes from there,” Nazarian said. In the future, Nazarian hopes to have SUCC take more trips to comedy clubs off campus and get a more substantial budget. According to Nazarian, SUCC’s budget for this academic year is $5.63, which came out of the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate buffer fund. “I asked for $500 to go to off-campus things. They were like ‘No, that doesn’t improve the Tufts community.’ But [we could use] $5.63 for posters. I was like, ‘Alright, fine,’” Nazarian said. To pay to use Dewick-MacPhie, SUCC had to charge $10 for admission, but still managed to fill the venue. Those who want to support Tufts’ team in the first round of the competition can do so by voting at before 9 p.m. on April 26. “I know we’re not the Bubs on ‘The Sing Off,’ but that was a big deal, so this should be at least half that,” Agler joked. “You can also vote more than 30 times,” Nazarian added.
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continued from page 1
serve as provost, a position that will give him the ability to influence a larger group of people than he was able to as dean of Arts and Sciences. “I have some new ideas about education, and OSU seemed like an opportunity to implement those ideas on a broader canvas and opportunity to work with a whole university,” Sternberg said. University President Lawrence Bacow echoed this sentiment, noting that the move to OSU will open up many exciting opportunities for Sternberg. “Bob Sternberg has done an excellent job as dean. This is a great opportunity for him to apply his leadership skills on a much larger stage. Oklahoma State is fortunate to be get-
ting the benefit of his leadership,” Bacow said in an e-mail to the Daily. Sternberg stressed that his decision to leave Tufts was not a negative reflection on the university and that he has greatly enjoyed serving as dean here. “It’s been a very positive experience,” he said. “I couldn’t have been happier here, but I just turned 60, and it’s time for the next adventure in life.” The process of finding a replacement for Sternberg has been underway since Provost and Senior Vice President Jamshed Bharucha in February announced the composition of the search committee for the new dean of Arts and Sciences. According to Bharucha, the search process has progressed, and the committee will produce a selection by May. “The search
has already begun, and it’s well under way. I hope to announce a new dean roughly by the end of the semester,” he said. Bharucha noted Sternberg’s accomplishments at Tufts, including developing the leadership minor and raising expectations for scholarships. “I think that the OSU chancellor was looking for somebody who had high academic standards, and I think that Bob Sternberg will certainly be able to make that contribution to OSU,” he said. Sternberg was also the solo finalist for the position of provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder). He on Monday announced his withdrawal from consideration to pursue the offer at OSU. CU-Boulder has suspended its search for the time being.
Friday, April 23, 2010
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continued from page 1
tions taking jobs when we had members currently in place.” Stutman said that these worries have since been alleviated, and there is no longer a conflict. “[The relationship] is fine, and we’ve reached an accommodation,” he said. Gastrock and Berman have not noticed any animosity, and Berman added that encouraging faculty members in the school in which she taught played a large role in her development as a teacher. “One of the best things is the support you get,” she said. “The staff are phenomenal; I felt welcome right from the start. They’ve been so ... willing to help out. I immediately felt part of the community.” Gastrock says that a strong sense of cooperation in the education system is one of the factors that made TFA choose the Boston area as its next outreach post. “We need to make sure that there are community members available to work with the corps members,” she said. “[Boston] was a great place where we had a number of people … and principals who were willing to incorporate Teach for America [into the school].” Gastrock added that while TFA corps members are placed in all levels of schooling and all subjects, most get jobs teaching hard-to-staff subjects like math or science. “The choice is based on the need in the community and the need in hard-to-staff schools in
low-income communities,” she said. Berman said that learning about discrepancies in education quality among different socioeconomic groups during her time at BU led her to teaching. “I thought it was so wrong that depending on where children are born, they’re getting greatly different educations,” she said. Berman is from New York but plans to stay in Boston after another year with TFA to continue her teaching career. This intention, Gastrock said, is common among TFA corps members, many of whom eventually become teachers or work for non-profit education organizations. “We’re really excited to see that long-term impact,” she said. The TFA Boston corps includes several graduates from Massachusetts colleges and universities, including Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis University, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Northeastern University. Gastrock explained that while personal preference and the availability of jobs specific to a candidate’s abilities are the principal factors considered in matching candidates with positions across the country, a personal connection to the region is also a plus. “It’s always an added bonus when we can take [people] who already have an attachment to the area,” she said.
continued from page 1
and CAFÉ. Friedman explained that each organization will be sponsoring some sort of activity for people to take part in. Hillel, for example, will have a dunk tank where students can participate with a certain amount of tickets. “We’re even dunking [Tufts Community Union] President Brandon Rattiner,” Friedman said. Each organization involved is donating the funds collected at the carnival to a particular charity of its choice, according to Friedman. Hillel will be donating to a charity focusing on juvenile diabetes, while others are donating to New Orleans rebuilding and Haiti relief, among others. Friedman noted that there is a great deal of diversity in the different charities being donated to. Events Coordinator for the Tufts Branch of the Roosevelt Institute, sophomore Emily Cox, indicated that the institute is sponsoring a tie-dye station where students can tie-dye bandanas. Proceeds will go to Partners in Health, a Bostonbased non-profit health care organization that has recently focused much of its efforts on Haiti relief. “It seems to be the most relevant charity these days,” Cox said. The Arab Student Association is organizing a Jumbo ring toss, a traditional balloon dart game and a table selling
Middle Eastern food, according to the group’s secretary, sophomore Noora Barakat. The funds raised will go to Karama, a Palestinian charity serving women and children. Friedman explained that Hillel — the main coordinating organization — wanted to host a large-scale, campuswide event to conclude the semester. “We wanted to close the year with a celebration and start the summer with a bang,” Friedman said. “We’ve been planning this for two months, and we wanted to get as many organizations as possible involved.” Cox explained that the Roosevelt Institute — a national student-run think tank aimed at encouraging students to engage in policy research and writing — chose to get involved to gain publicity for the Tufts chapter that just launched in February. “We wanted to be involved since we are a new organization,” Cox said. “We are always looking for opportunities to get involved because we thought it would be a really great way to reach current students and new students. We’re hoping for a strong freshman involvement next year.” The event also coincides with April Open House, which Friedman said was a deliberate choice to both increase the volume of potential attendees and reach out to the accepted class. “We’re hoping for a lot of foot traffic; it is, after all, April
Open House,” Friedman said. “We want to show what Tufts does through our really cool big event. We’re hoping to do a good thing for charity while having a lot of fun. It’s going to be epic; everyone is really excited.” Junior Charles Skold, one of the Tufts Christian Fellowship ( TCF) leaders, echoed these sentiments, noting that it was an enjoyable way to bring together student organizations and interact with prospective students. “The reason we want to participate is it is fun,” Skold said “We get to interact not only with Hillel and other student groups on campus but with pre-frosh who will be in area.” TCF is raising funds for rebuilding efforts in post-Katrina New Orleans. Barakat welcomed the opportunity to work with different student organizations. “We try to collaborate as much as we can with other student groups, and we thought it was a great opportunity, because all the money that gets raised goes to a charity of our choice,” she said. “And it sounds really fun.” Cox noted that the carnival will give prospective students the chance to see student organizations in a different light. “I think that it will be a unique way to see the groups on campus because it’s not your normal activity fair,” Cox said. “A(pril) Palooza will be an interesting new idea.” Amelie Hecht and Ellen Kan contributed reporting to this article.
Monday is the next debate for the TCU presidential race. What issues should the candidates address?
“They should address trays … I’d like to see some discussion of it. It’s been such an opaque process.” —Brianna Smith, sophomore
“I really haven’t be paying a lot of attention to it because I thought that [seniors] weren’t going to get to vote … but I live off campus and barely spend time here and barely see my friends unless I’m on campus. Maybe doing some kind of community events to include juniors and seniors more in campus life.” —Clara Colon, senior
“The thing I think would be really important is really hard for them to do anything about. That’s housing for juniors and seniors. In terms of community, it’s really important to live together, and while living off campus is fun — I live off campus — it would be better in terms of having a Tufts’ ‘spirit’ to all live on campus.” —John Speed Meyers, senior
“The alcohol policy with Spring Fling. That upset a lot of people.” —Richard Cooper, junior
“I’m happy to see that they’re both concerned with building a stronger sense of community. I do like the idea of having groups coming together to share their missions. I think that there is a strong sense of community, but it rests in a lot of pockets, so if we could build events that brought the campus together, that would be useful to a lot of people.” —Sarah Cleary, senior
“I think race is a big issue that’s not being addressed in the right way. We try and pass ourselves off as a diverse community when, really — look around. We are absolutely not, and the mandatory diversity seminar or whatever it is that we have to attend as freshmen is trying to convince us that Tufts is a diverse place. I think it’s run in totally the wrong way. I just think that in general, as an issue to be addressed by either one of the candidates would be sort of interesting.” —Stella Dennig, sophomore
“Transport and safety on the campus. It’s amazing that we have one Joey for something like 6,000 students. I’d like to see a little more efficiency. ‘Find the Joey’ is not that efficient any more … [Also] calling for a public safety escort or whatnot, students don’t feel welcome using the service. There should be more dialogue between police and students. I feel the relationship is too tense most of the time.” —Mae-Ling Lokko, senior
“The drinking policy would be a good one … I’m also pretty pissed about my registration time and not getting into any of the classes I wanted to, so maybe something to do with a better way to register for classes.” —Tia Kirksey, sophomore
—compiled and photos by Carter Rogers
Friday, April 23, 2010
We are moving toward a culture of simulation
in which people are increasingly comfortable
with substituting representations of reality for the real.
SherryTurkle is Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of Science andTechnology in the Program in Science,Technology, and Society at MIT. She is the founder and current director of the MIT Initiative onTechnology and Self, a center of research and reflection on the evolving connections between people and artifacts. ProfessorTurkle received a joint doctorate in sociology and personality psychology from Harvard University and is a licensed clinical psychologist. Her books include Psychoanalytic Politics: Jacques Lacan and Freud’s French Revolution (1978), The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit (1984), and Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet (1995).
ProfessorTurkle has written numerous articles on psychoanalysis and culture and on the “subjective side” of people’s relationships with technology, especially computers. She is engaged in active study of robots, digital pets, and simulated creatures, particularly those designed for children and the elderly, as well as in a study of mobile cellular technologies. Currently ProfessorTurkle is completing a book on robots and the human spirit based on a ten-year research program on relational artifacts. She is a featured media commentator on the effects of technology for CNN, NBC, ABC, and NPR.
Arts & Living
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Daily Editorial Board
Sharon Jones may have learned the hard way, but her latest album — the truest tes-
I Learned the Hard Way Sharon Jones & the DapKings
Singer Sharon Jones, 53, does things her way: belting out soul revival and bursting with independence.
tament yet to her abilities as a powerhouse funk/soul vocalist — is evidence that her struggles were worth it. The 53-year-old songstress, after being told that she’s too short, too old, too different from the look the industry wants, has proven with her aptly named fourth record “I Learned the Hard Way” that she is too talented to remain outside of the spotlight. “Being turned down in my 20s, [people] saying I didn’t have the look, I could have taken that another way and went in a shell and never tried to sing again,” Jones said in an interview for “But I always felt that God had given me a gift, and one day people are gonna accept me
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Daily Editorial Board
Columbus Short: The script was refreshing. We haven’t had
Contributing Writer
“Melrose Place.” From revolving love partners, backstabbing tenants, jealous fathers and secret pasts, the first season followed the surreal lives of seven residents of Melrose Place, California. Sporting a new cast of young professionals, the series also brings back some of the original “Melrose Place” characters and cast members, includ-
Q: What was the most difficult part of doing this movie?
Q: How did you decide on doing this particular project?
Starring Katie Cassidy, Jessica Lucas, Michael Rady Airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on The CW
Chris Evans: It just seems to be what Hollywood is making right now. Comic books translate to film incredibly well. There’s obviously the built-in audience that I’m sure the studios are fans of. It’s nice having this kind of foundation to reference, so I think it’s an easy transition from page to screen.
see DAP-KINGS, page 6
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Melrose Place
Question: You’ve been in a lot of movies based on comic books and graphic novels. Why do you keep on taking these?
and energetic beats. The former is simplistic but straightforward in its message: she’s “got better things to do than remember you.” The DapKings in particular shine on “Better Things,” providing lively layers of horns and guitar to drive along Jones’ anthem — one that she repeats over and over again to convince herself she’s ready to move on. In “Without a Heart,” a bouncy backdrop of doo-wops and shoo-bops lend a playfulness to Jones’ fantasy of a feelingless existence. She muses, “Without a heart I could be so free/ Wouldn’t feel no pain for other’s misery,” but she’s also wise enough to realize that “you’d find yourself all alone without a heart.” Jones seems to have decided that despite the ache and trouble, it’s worth it to dive into love and tackle it the hard way. That’s why her songs, though they’re steeped in a retro style that’s been relatively dormant for decades, ultimately work now — they’ve got heart. Artists like Raphael Saadiq and Amy Winehouse have paved the way for a soul revival, but Sharon Jones & the Dap-
Scandal, betrayal and lust are constant reoccurring themes of the new CW series
With the box-office success of films like “Spider-Man” (2002), “Batman Begins” (2005), “The Dark Knight” (2008) and “Iron Man” (2008), the latest film based on a graphic novel, “The Losers” (2010), is sticking it to the man and proving you don’t have to be a superhero to save the day. The Tufts Daily got the chance to catch up with actors Chris Evans and Columbus Short to talk about bringing back good old-fashioned “mama” jokes on set and what makes “The Losers” stand out from the crowd in this comic-book film trend.
CE: I’d say the heat. I’m Irish from Boston, and I’m not built for warm weather.
for my voice.” Thanks to Jones’ decision to learn from rejection, rather than succumb to it, she’s delivered a set of fresh, polished tracks that keep oldschool soul alive and kicking. The songs that populate her newest record are peppered with lyrics that also assert Jones’ independence and perseverance. Backed by the slick instrumentals of the Dap-Kings, Jones opens the album with the smooth, jazzy “The Game Gets Old” — a Philadelphia-style confessional stained with sorrow. “I’m back in the ring with my boxing gloves/ so I’m gonna feel some pain,” Jones sings with a syrupy smooth voice. Her complaints of love toying with her heart are soaked in emotion, and when her voice turns raspy, listeners get a believable sense of her weathered self. The title track does something similar — horns blow warning signals of a disloyal lover, while Jones settles into a groovy reflection fit for the stage of a nightclub where listeners can absorb her advice and experience. It goes down easy, after all. Tracks like “Better Things” and “Without a Heart” tend toward more optimistic lyrics
ing Sydney Andrews (Laura Leighton), Michael Mancini (Thomas Calabro) and Amanda Woodward (Heather Locklear). Ending its first season on notes of suspense, with Amanda Woodward dragged off to wear the infamous orange jumpsuit for her illegal art trade, David (Shaun Sipos) finding himself sucked back into the black market with threats against lady-doctor friend Lauren (Stephanie Jacobsen), the revelation of Drew (Nick Zano) having received Doctor Mancini’s toxic heart stent, Ella’s (Katie Cassidy) newfound position as head of Beverly Hills agency WPK and the potential ending of peculiar pair Ella and Jonah (Michael Rady). The finale of season one gave the audience a taste of what the futures of the remaining original and newcomer tenants would face in the next see MELROSE, page 6
“The Losers” opens next week with a varied ensemble cast. the fun action movie since like, “Lethal Weapon” [1987] and “Bad Boys” [1995]. So I just thought it had that tone, but was new and fresh. And then I went and read the graphic novel and thought it was really cool. I thought maybe I could bring
something to it. Q: I read that the cast went through a lot of rigorous military training. What was that like?
see INTERVIEW, page 6
The ensemble cast deals with mystery in their public and personal lives.
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Friday, April 23, 2010
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continued from page 5
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings hit their stride — and the right balance of ’70s funk and ’60s soul.
continued from page 5 Kings have carried forward that dedication to the glory days of the ’60s and ’70s in what may be the most passionate and heartfelt tribute yet. With their own recording label — Daptone Records — the sassy singer and her crew use equipment from the era that they emulate, refusing to convert to digital tape in order to capture the sound of funk/ soul greats from yesteryear. The danger, of course, lies in the possibility that their music could evade the path of ingenuity and creativity in favor of simple imitation. Luckily, that’s not the case here. Though they’re a throwback, the Dap-Kings don’t just channel their predeces-
sors; they infuse the sounds of the ’60s and ’70s with fresh energy and interpretations. In songs like “Money,” Jones could be copying the roughness of Tina Turner, but she’s talking about the recent recession. With tracks that reflect the influence of Marvin Gaye, James Brown, The Temptations, Aretha Franklin and countless others, Jones and the Dap-Kings have invented a sort of retro-soul mash-up that’s more than a pastiche. It’s a testament to the staying power of the tunes from that time and a unique collection that’s vivacious and incredibly genuine. Make no mistake: Sharon Jones doesn’t just imitate funk/soul legends. She’s bound to become one.
season. Ella and Amanda compete head-to-head for financial security as Amanda fires Ella from WPK and Ella in return searches for a means to blackmail Amanda. To Ella’s delight, she finds the mysterious painting that has compelled Amanda to fly all the way to Beverly Hills. The painting serves as a commodity for Ella as she bargains with Amanda for financial support of her own publicity company. But, in typical Amanda fashion, Amanda draws up a contract of agreement detailing in small print her power to withdraw the agreement at her will. In response, Ella surprises the audience and hires a private investigator to take pictures of Amanda illegally selling the painting to a Japanese buyer, taking Amanda’s precious pride from right under her nose, as she places it in the hands of the police.
The finale of Season 1 gave the audience a taste of what the futures of the remaining original and newcomer tenants would face in the next season. Although Ella triumphs in her career, her personal life with Jonah is shattered as he tells her that he and Riley (Jessica Lucas) got caught in the emotional train down memory lane after their college reunion and kissed. Meanwhile, Jonah attains his dream of becoming not only a film writer but also
A fresh group of young professionals ment complex. a director, and Riley’s dream of building a school comes into fruition after a successful fundraiser with the help of her man — newcomer Drew. Drew leads his own private investigation of Dr. Mancini’s heart stent and proves its release of toxins into the bloodstream. In an effort to stop Mancini from implanting the stent in another patient, Drew finds that Mancini plants drugs in his locker in order to eliminate the threat of his research against Mancini’s professional medical success. Lastly, Lauren and David make amends and decide that they are made for one another because they had both made mistakes in the past, though David is blackmailed into resurrecting his illegal activity. “Melrose Place” is vastly different from hit CW shows such as “One Tree Hill” (coming back on April 26th) and “Gossip Girl” because although it revolves around the characters’ relationships with each other, the private and public
move into the Melrose Place apartlives of the individual characters are brought into view and are an integral part of the creation of the plot. For example, Lauren’s nightly escapades as an escort weave into her private-life tension with David and her public life as a doctor because the money pays for her medical school tuition. The new show builds on the original series in that every cast member has his or her secrets, but the new “Melrose Place” puts a less dramatic, more modern spin on the issues of the characters. As a whole, season one of “Melrose Place” has matured at a rapid pace from the murder of Sydney Andrews in the courtyard swimming pool to the loss of two characters as they move to form a new life (Violet Foster, played by Ashley Simpson-Wentz, and Auggie Kirkpatrick, played by Colin Egglesfield). “Melrose Place” has been a rollercoaster with several twists and turns, and the second season is sure to satisfy the guilty-pleasure entertainment craving.
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anecdotes you might have about the filming of the movie?
CE: It was pretty intense. We had a guy named [Haley Humphrey] who is the real deal. This guy had bullets in his leg, and he’s trained before. The best part of movies like that is that you get an education in a world that you would otherwise never touch. It was a lot of fun. It was like summer camp for the military.
CS: It was good to go back and do some old-fashioned “mama” jokes. We had a lot of mama jokes on set started by the director, and it kind of keyed in on us finding our chemistry and our camaraderie. Now it sounds silly, but it did. So yes, bringing on the good old-fashioned mama jokes would bring a cast together any day.
continued from page 5
Q: How does director Sylvain White make it to where this film is going to stand out from anything that’s ever been seen before? CS: This movie is going to stand out [because of ] the source material. Sylvain did an excellent job of translating what was on the page of the graphic novel to screen, and I think it’s some of the closest translation I’ve seen from graphic novel to film, and that alone is going to set it apart. You know, when you’re stuck with material that is a little more mainstream, you’re going in with people having depiction of the characters already, so it’s really hard. With this, they’ve never seen these characters really speak and talk, only in their head, so it’s going to be refreshing for people, I think. And people who don’t know “The Losers,” they’re just going to be like, wow, this is just freaking cool. Q: Were there any interesting
Q: Columbus, your character Pooch is the driver of the group. Did you get to do any stunt driving in the film? CS: Whoa, whoa, whoa. [I’m] not the Morgan Freeman of the group. My stunt driver is amazing, and he was doing some crazy stuff. But Pooch is [transporting] heavy weapons. I got to do some stuff. Q: A lot of action movies might rely on a couple of big stars, but what was it like to work with everybody in such a big ensemble cast? CE: It was fantastic. Even if the script is great, even if the direction is great, if you don’t care about the characters and the relationships they have with one another, then I think we miss the ball. But everyone got along incredibly well. Certainly in this movie, since there were no gigantic movie stars, there were absolutely no egos. It doesn’t
necessarily means there will be egos if there is a movie star, but luckily for us, no one was, you know, all over US Weekly every week. So there is this kind of humble nature in everyone, and everyone really clicked. Q: On what level do you guys relate to your characters? CS: I relate to my character in many ways. I think the care for brotherhood and [Pooch’s] loyalty to his compadres in a tight situation. And also, the love of a man’s family, how far he will go and what he would do to ensure their safety and to be with them. CE: I think with Jensen, he likes to crack a lot of jokes. I certainly like to crack jokes and laugh with my friends. He’s got a positive outlook and tries to stay enthusiastic about everything, and I certainly try to do that in my life. And I think he’s endearing in a sense that he’s pretty self-deprecating. Q: Are there any scenes you filmed that got left on the cutting-room floor that you guys wish had made it into the film? CS: There was a scene at the end of the movie that did not make it where Chris and I have some more crazy mama jokes... CE: Yes, the director’s right. CS: You can’t get them all.
Chris Evans plays Jensen in “The Losers.”
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Tufts Democrats invite you to an evening with…
Jennifer O’Malley Dillon
Executive Director of the
Democratic National Committee
ASEAN auditorium Cabot Intercultural Center
Monday, April 26 7:45 PM Hear the Tufts Democrats’ alumna of the year (A’98) speak about her career in politics, her work to elect President Obama, and the role of our generation in public policy.
Friday, April 23, 2010
SUDOKU Level: Navigating the dining halls during April Open House
LATE NIGHT AT THE DAILY Thursday’s Solution
Sapna: “If I’m going to be implicated for my horniness, it should at least be grammatically correct.”
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Friday, April 23, 2010
The Tufts Student Fund You and your classmates understand the importance of giving back. Now, your gift will help fund a scholarship for a fellow Jumbo. An anonymous alumna will match every gift to the Student Fund by $50*. Did you know? t
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Friday, April 23, 2010
Congratulations to the 2010 recipients of the Presidential Award for Citizenship and Public Service School of Arts & Sciences
School of Engineering
Undergraduate Duncan M. Pickard Katherine Lee DeGugliemo Dean Ladin Shana P. Hurley Kymberly A. Horth Alice H. Tin
Graduate Sampath Veeraraghavan
The Fletcher School Crisis Mappers at Fletcher
Graduate Adam R. Carberry
School of Dental Medicine
School of Medicine
Todd Walker
Emily E. Rosene
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Annie Shea
Dawn M. Undurraga
Each year the Presidential Award recognizes graduating students across Tufts for outstanding community service and community leadership. For more information visit Tisch Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website,
Friday, April 23, 2010 Event
Commencement What do you need to know? COMMENCEMENT 2010
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Daily Editorial Board
In this past weekend’s races, the women’s crew team found success across its varsity eight, second varsity eight and novice eight squads against a slew of competition in the two-day cycle. On Sunday, the varsity eight boat won its third consecutive Bernie Brown Cup after edging the WPI Engineers by a five-second margin with a 7:11:67 finish. While the boat placed third behind William Smith and Skidmore, the crew, led by senior captain Kate Woodard, kept the race competitive by closing the gap that separated it from its leading opponents to mere seconds. “We were racing in a head-to-head match against WPI for the [Bernie Brown Cup], and we won it again this year, so that was really exciting,” Woodard said. “In that race overall, we placed third but were only a few seconds off from Skidmore and a couple seconds off of William Smith. It was disappointing we didn’t win the race overall, but it was great to see how close we were to beating those other schools.” In the second varsity eight boat, a third-place Tufts finish in the 2,000-meter course was not ideal, but after coming off of a satisfactory race on Saturday, the squad took the 21-second loss to its nearest competitor as an opportunity to work off of in future races. “We’ve never seen William Smith and Skidmore before, but we thought they were on the same level as us,” junior Bianca Velayo said. “In the second var-
sity boat, our timing wasn’t as good as it was on Saturday, and I think we didn’t really row as efficiently and as together as we usually do. It didn’t fit with our trend of rowing as one boat, but it was a learning experience … We’ve really improved from the previous races this season, in terms of speed and efficiency.” For the first novice eight crew, Sunday’s race was just another check in the win column for an all-freshman squad that has yet to disappoint this season. In its race, the first novice boat iced Rochester Institute of Technology and finished at 7:16.6 with a five-second margin of victory over the secondplace competitor, William Smith. With its depth and mix of skilled rowers and new recruits, the novice squad shows no sign of slowing down. “The first novice eight won their race on Sunday, and they’ve proven to be very impressive this year,” Woodard said. “Seven of the eight girls are experienced rowers who, in the past, would’ve been moved up to varsity, but this year we decided to create an all-novice team … This way, all of the freshmen are kept together.” At Holy Cross the day before, the Tufts squad took on top-tier teams like William Smith, Ithaca and the Crusaders, as well as NESCAC opponents Colby and Wesleyan. Securing a fourth-place finish at 7:19.2, the first varsity eight stymied any chance of a Wesleyan or Colby comeback by holding a 15-second and 19-second lead, respectively, over their conference foes. “We had a great race on Saturday,”
Woodard said. “It was exciting to see that we are getting a lot faster. Williams and Ithaca should be in the final of the NCAAs this year, so it wasn’t surprising that they blew away the competition. We weren’t technically racing them, but they were placed in the same event as us.” In similar fashion, the second varsity eight held off its NESCAC opponents by as much as a 23-second lead over Colby by the finish line. With a fast break off the starting line and fluid rowing, the Jumbos were motivated to keep the competition as close as possible with the leading Williams, Ithaca and Holy Cross squads. “Of course, we wanted to hold our own and beat Wesleyan and Colby, but we knew that it would be difficult to overcome Williams and Holy Cross,” Velayo said. “I think we stayed in good contact with the other boats, and we had open water on Wesleyan and Colby from the beginning. We maintained that space throughout, and it gave us the energy and motivation to catch up to the boats ahead of us.” Coming up this Saturday, Tufts will celebrate Senior Day on the Malden River by hosting Wellesley, Smith and Simmons in the Spirit Cup Regatta. With New Englands on the horizon in two weeks, the Jumbos hope to get a last-chance look at some of their competition before one of their biggest events of the season. “It’s Senior Day, [University President] Larry Bacow will be there, and we’re dedicating a new boat, so it’s going to be fun,” Velayo said. “The
The first varsity eight of the women’s crew team earned its third straight Bernie Brown Cup victory during a strong weekend performance. Spirit Cup is a great representation of friendship among the coaches and the stress on solid rowing in women’s crew. The varsity boat and the second varsity boat are in it to kill it, and since this is our last racing opportunity before New Englands, it’s about maxing out and seeing what we can do against other crews. We’re excited, we’re going to have a lot of support, and it’s time to show up.”
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continued from page 12
really small meet for us,” said junior Amy Wilfert, who earned two third-place finishes in her distance events at MIT. “Most of our other meets have been more competitive, so it wasn’t a good meet to have right before the NESCACs. But at the same time, it was kind of nice to have a last lowkey event where we could just focus on doing our best.” Tufts will kick off its championship season tomorrow when it hosts the NESCAC Championships, with events starting at 9 a.m. and lasting until 5 p.m. Since the 2001-02 season, Tufts has finished no worse than third at the event but has never managed to claim the top spot. “We’re definitely prepared and excited for the NESCACs. A lot of people have had confidence
issues in the last two weeks, but that’s over,” Wilfert said. “We’re in a good position to do well because we’re competing at home, where we practice every day. That should definitely be to our advantage.” Unlike other championship meets, the NESCACs focus on team success as opposed to individual success, putting a larger emphasis on garnering points for the team total rather than on qualifying for Nationals. “It is the biggest team meet. Since we have a great team bond and a lot of team pressure on us, everyone will be putting forth their best effort. And it’s great that we don’t have any major injuries,” Pettoruto said. “We’ve been working for this since September. Hopefully, we’ll do really well in the NESCACs and it will just continue for the rest of the outdoor championship.”
season, such as Longley. Welch also cited the strong freshman team members who have continued to improve as they have moved outdoors. “[Freshman] Lomie Cunningham has continued to improve. He already had a solid indoor … and is continuing to drop his times outdoors,” Welch said. “On the distance side, [freshmen] Kyle Marks and Matt Rand, after running great cross country seasons, are poised to drop big PRs in both the 10K and the 5K in the next couple weeks.” The Jumbos enter the championship meet with a wellrounded and deep team that has a chance to score in nearly every event, something most teams cannot boast. “We’re continuing to improve now, four or five months into the overall track season, and
practice,” Welch said. “There’s a lot of energy in the program, which is good to see because it’s been a long year, but there’s still this energy and hunger to make ourselves better, so I think that’s really the most important sign that we’re in a good spot going into this weekend.” Tufts’ main competition will come from NESCAC powerhouse Williams, which has a long string of NESCAC victories. The Jumbos’ highest finish in the meet was a tie for first in 2007 with the Ephs. Bates, Amherst and Bowdoin will also pose threats as programs continuing to grow in strength. Yet the team goal is focused more on having strong performances across the field and less on where the team finishes in the standing. “We’re not going to try to do
this program the past few years, which is try to put the best team effort forward on Saturday,” Welch said. “The conference has some very strong programs, and we know that we are one of them,” he continued. “We’re going to go out and try to help each other individually to have the best performance that we can. If each of us takes care of that end of things, then as a program we will have put in the best effort we could. I’m pretty confident that if we do that, the team result for the meet will take care of itself.” “We’re really looking forward to giving it our best shot to win the meet,” Longley added. “I think its huge having the meet at home … We’re looking to see a sizable home crowd that will help our athletes in the competition.”
The men’s fencing team rounded out its season witha fourth-place showing at the National Club Championships at Swarthmore earlier this month. For details, including sophomore Tyler Mingalone’s top show-ing in the individual competition, visit
INSIDE Women’s Crew 11
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Daily Editorial Board
Coming off an impressive sweep of NESCAC rival Trinity over the weekend, the baseball team had no desire to let non-conference foe UMass Dartmouth take away its momentum on Monday. But the Jumbos (19-3 overall, 7-1 NESCAC East) did not need to worry, as they rolled right over the Corsairs (14-11) and extended their winning streak to nine games. Tufts dominated UMass Dartmouth in all phases of the doubleheader, using a combined 36-hit attack to triple-up the Corsairs on the scoreboard, 27-9. In the nightcap, the Jumbos pulled off the impressive feat of scoring in every inning they came to bat, coming through with a 10-6 win. The Corsairs plated two runs in the top of the first against senior starting pitcher Tom Hill, but Tufts countered with three in the bottom of the frame, helping Hill improve to 4-0 on the season. Junior tri-captain David LeResche led off with a double and came around to score on an RBI single by junior outfielder Ian Goldberg. The inning was capped off by a solo home run from junior outfielder David Orlowitz, who leads the team with four longballs on the year. The Jumbos kept pounding out hits in the second inning, as senior tri-captain Corey Pontes got things going with a single and sophomore catcher Matt Collins drove him in with his second homer of the season. UMass Dartmouth’s starter, freshman Brandon Borges, lasted just three innings and allowed seven runs on 11 hits and two walks, falling to 1-1. By the time the Corsairs scored another pair of runs in the fourth, the Jumbos were still comfortably ahead 7-4.
Junior David Orlowitz homered in both games of a doubleheader sweep for the baseball team, which now stands at 19-3 on the season. And things wouldn’t change the rest of the way, as Tufts kept piling on while UMass Dartmouth simply couldn’t keep up. Goldberg paced the offense by going 3-for-4, while Collins had three RBIs in the 10-6 win. “I was just focused on trying to have good at-bats and contribute to the team in any way,” Collins said. “I think we wanted to keep building off our wins over Trinity by
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Daily Editorial Board
Look out NESCAC, because the men’s track and field team is gearing up to host the conference championships on Saturday at the Ding Dussault Track. The Jumbos closed their regular season at the MIT Spring Invitational last Saturday, using the meet to get in the last of their qualifying marks and tune up for the start of the championship season. Despite the poor weather and the relatively small field of competition, many Tufts athletes were able to register some strong performances. “Overall, [the meet] went really well,” senior quad-captain Nick Welch said. “There were a lot of guys that stepped up and got NESCAC qualifiers or qualifiers for New Englands. The weather wasn’t ideal, but it really didn’t seem like it affected us at all. I think everyone put that out of their mind and competed really well.” “It acted as two things: a chance for those who hadn’t qualified for championship season to qualify and for those who had qualified to tune up their races and get ready for championship season,” senior and fellow captain Andrew Longley added. Senior Jesse Faller closed his regular season at the Princeton Invitational on Friday, coming through with an outstanding performance in the 5,000meter race. Faller’s first 5K of the outdoor season proved to
his best yet, as he finished 10th in a field of 99 competitors. He was the first Div. III athlete to finish in a race of predominately Div. I athletes, and his time of 14:17.10 was well under the automatic NCAA qualifier of 14:28.00. Even more impressively, the time broke the school record of 14:19.37 set by Matt Lacey (E ’06) in 2005. “Jesse is in amazing shape,” Welch said. “He’s had probably the best block of training in the past couple months that he’s ever had in his life, and we are seeing the results of that in the pretty incredible times that he is putting up. I am really excited to see what he can do this weekend and really excited to see what he can do in a month when he gets to nationals.” The team will look to Faller and his fellow seniors to lead the way to a strong performance Saturday. “Obviously outdoor is not over yet, but I think that we’ve been doing a better job than we have in years past in continuing to improve [after the indoor season] and in continuing to go after our goals and [personal records (PR)] and even putting up new goals that we can chase for the rest of the year,” Welch said. “As we moved out of indoor, we have continued to improve.” According to Welch, this is exemplified by the senior leadership in athletes like Faller and senior quad-captain Jared Engelking, along with the return of key teammates who see MEN’S TRACK, page 11
having good approaches at the plate, making them throw a lot of pitches and driving the ball the other way.” That same game plan paid dividends earlier in the day too, as the Jumbos routed the Corsairs in the opener 17-3. The teams were scoreless after one, but Tufts rocketed ahead with 10 runs in the second, during which 16 hitters came to bat, 11 consecutive hitters reached base, and nine of the runs scored with two outs. Orlowitz kicked off his two-homer day with a three-run shot, and junior outfielder Chase Rose plated three on a double with the bases loaded, as the pair of outfielders accounted for six of the 10 runs in the inning. Freshman starter Mike St. Martin took the loss for the Corsairs, and was charged with nine of the 10 runs, along with eight hits and a walk in 1.2 innings. St. Martin dropped to 2-2 on the season. Tufts sophomore starting pitcher Dave Ryan struggled with his command and didn’t last much longer than St. Martin, giving up two runs on five hits, two walks and a hit-batsman in just 2.1 innings of work. But freshman reliever Alex Cronkite had Ryan’s back, inducing a 4-6-3 double play to escape a bases-loaded jam and allowing just one more run over the remainder of the game. Cronkite pitched 4.2 innings out of the bullpen, did not walk a batter and coughed up just four hits, although one of them was a solo home run by junior catcher Matt Ryan. Most impressively, Cronkite got nine outs on groundballs, compared to just one in the air, as he improved to 2-0. The offense, meanwhile, produced a run in both the third and fourth before breaking out for five more in the fifth. Orlowitz started
the rally with a leadoff double, Collins kept it going with a two-run shot, and Rose contributed a run-scoring single to put the finishing touches on a 4-for-5 effort with five RBIs. All of that was icing on the cake, as the Jumbos earned a 17-3 victory. Tufts heads into this weekend’s series against Bowdoin sitting atop the NESCAC standings with 15 wins in its past 16 games. But the Jumbos still aren’t satisfied. “A nine-game win streak, 15 wins in 16 games — all of that is not something we’re really focused on,” Collins said. “We don’t really think about our past games. We’re more concerned with improving as a team and working hard on a daily basis.” Still, the momentum will undeniably be on the Jumbos’ side when they take the field in Brunswick, Maine on Friday at 3 p.m., as the Polar Bears (20-8 overall, 3-3 NESCAC East) have lost their last three games and were swept in a doubleheader by Colby last Sunday. But that’s not to say that Tufts will take its opposition lightly. “Before the season, Bowdoin and Trinity were picked to finish one-two in the NESCAC, and that’s really motivated us throughout the season,” Goldberg said. “We have a lot to prove; we’re playing for home-field advantage, so this is a big series for us.” And the Jumbos are confident that the relentless offense they’ve shown in recent contests will lead to success. “We’ve been hitting the ball great lately,” Goldberg said. “I think as a team we’re having great at-bats and jumping on teams early. I can’t speak for the pitchers, but I think pitching with a big lead is definitely easier. So, I’d say we just need to keep doing what we’re doing.”
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Daily Editorial Board
With championship season looming, the women’s track and field team headed to the MIT Spring Invitational last weekend hoping to work out all the kinks in its final tune-up before the most important competitions of the season. And despite the cold and rainy weather conditions, the Jumbos enjoyed a number of quality performances, earning eight victories and numerous high finishes at the event. “The rain, cold weather and wind always make it a lot harder to perform, especially in sprints. It was obviously hard to warm up our muscles, so it hurt most people’s performances,” sophomore Kayley Pettoruto said. “Luckily, we saw the meet as just a way to work on our fitness and practice our events in preparation for the championship season.” Tufts struggled to overcome the inclement running conditions, with five of its eight victories coming from field events. First-year Kelly Allen, who already boasts an NCAA provisional qualifying mark for the season in the discus (141’9”), won the discus throw (132’06”) and the shot put (39’05”). Senior Julia Feltus took the No. 2 spot in the shot put with a launch of 35’4 1/2,” and junior Kelly Engelking finished off the throwing events for Tufts by winning the javelin with her toss of 108’05”. Meanwhile, junior Kanku Kabongo and senior Logan Crane grabbed wins in the triple jump and long jump, respectively, and sophomore Dayorsha Collins tied Emmanuel College’s Irene Limlengco in the high jump for a first-place height of 5’1”. Crane
Sophomore Sarah Boudreau was part of the 4x400 Tufts relay team that took first at the MIT Spring Invitational last weekend. The Jumbos earned eight first-place finishes overall at the meet. also blew past her competition in the 100-meter dash, finishing first with a time of 12.93 seconds to beat out 14 opponents, including Tufts teammates Kabongo and Collins. The other two victories for the Jumbos came from their two competing relay teams. The 4x100-meter relay team, made up of senior co-captain Andrea Ferri, Collins, Kagongo and Crane, finished in 50.64 seconds, and the 4x400 relay team of Pettoruto, first-year Sam Bissonnette, sophomore Sarah
Boudreau and Ferri earned the win with a time of 4:10.38. The Jumbos were happy with their performance over the weekend, as they were preparing for the most important part of the outdoor season — the championship slate. However, the team members know that the level of competition they saw was not near where it will be in the coming weeks. “[The MIT Invitational] was a see WOMEN’S TRACK, page 11