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Doctoral student to Entrepreneurs invited to apply for new sit on Mass. AIDS Tufts Student Resources business funding advisory panel BY


Contributing Writer



Daily Editorial Board

Miriam Arbeit, a child development doctoral student at Tufts, has been elected to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE) AIDS Advisory and Materials Review Panel. Arbeit, a provost fellow in the M.A./Ph.D. program for Applied Child Development within the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development, will serve on the advisory panel, which reviews the sex education materials that elementary and secondary school teachers use in their classrooms. Arbeit said that as a member of the DESE panel, she will sit on subcommittees formed within the panel, such as a task force to analyze HIV/AIDS and sex education policies in Massachusetts schools. The task force brings together youth leaders from across the state to draft and present a proposal for a new sex education policy, according to Arbeit. “I was thrilled to accept. It’s a real honor,” Arbeit said. “My job is basically to say ‘yes, this is appropriate’ or ‘no, this is not appropriate,’ when it comes to how we are teaching students about sex.” The panel is part of DESE’s HIV/AIDS Program, which assists local school districts by providing them with effective HIV, STD and pregnancy prevention education materials, along with training for teachers, nurses, counselors and administrators. The panel works with other state and private agencies to accomplish the HIV/AIDS Program’s goals and gives guidance to the program. see ARBEIT, page 2

Student-run organization Tufts Student Resources (TSR) is starting an initiative to support and encourage entrepreneurship on the Tufts campus this semester. The initiative, known as the TSR Venture Fund, will allow students to apply for funding to start a new business on campus. The fund aims to support one or two business ventures each semester, granting as much as $10,000 of TSR money to each, TSR President Adam Russman, a senior, said. Applications for funding will be accepted by a three-person board comprised of Russman, TSR Manager Evan Lacher, a senior, and an as-yet unknown third member. After reviewing, the board will select one or two ventures for which they will oversee the lending process, according to Russman. Russman hopes that the Venture Fund will provide a medium for student business leadership at Tufts. “One of TSR’s missions is to increase entrepreneurial opportunities on campus,” he said. He added that the businesses they choose to fund will be required to employ Tufts students, a tactic they hope will further strengthen TSR. Russman and Lacher said that because entrepreneurs would become TSR employees and receive a salary, all profits from new businesses would go to TSR and be re-invested in new businesses, helping TSR continue to be selfsustaining. TSR’s ultimate goal is to reach a million dollars in annual revenue, establishing a path to grow TSR by a minimum of 10 percent per year, according to Russman. TSR’s current revenue is over $200,000 per year, Russman said.


Adam Russman, far left, and Evan Lacher discuss the Venture Fund at a Tufts Student Resources Meeting. Students seeking to obtain funding for their venture are required to submit a business proposal via e-mail by Friday describing their projected investment needs, annual costs, annual revenues and the anticipated time until the investment is returned. Once a business venture is chosen, the selected entrepreneurs will work with the Venture Fund board as a salaried TSR employee to implement the business plan and incorporate the new business into TSR, according to Lacher and Russman. Through this system, Lacher explained, businesses will be able to continue to oper-


Haber Professor to address sustainability issues in lecture BY


Daily Editorial Board

Chemical and Biological Engineering Professor Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos will tonight present the Inaugural Haber Professorship Lecture. Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, who was named the first Robert and Marcy Haber Endowed Professor in Energy Sustainability, will give a lecture entitled “Doing More With Less: Nano and Atomicscale Catalysts for Energy Sustainability” at 3 p.m. in Nelson Auditorium in Anderson Hall. Flytzani-Stephanopoulos spoke with the Daily yesterday about the lecture. Corinne Segal: What topic will you address in your lecture? Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos: The title is ‘Doing More With Less’ — I’m going to basically develop this topic to connect our


see HABER, page 2

Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos is the Robert and Marcy Haber Endowed Professor in Energy Sustainability.

Inside this issue

ate even after their founding members have graduated. “Because there is a larger structure, [graduation] won’t really affect venture ideas that much,” Lacher said. Russman added that an advantage of this system is that it gives students the opportunity to start a business with little personal risk. “Students with venture ideas will have ownership with regard to implementing and managing [the business],” Lacher said. He added students would be willing to give see TSR, page 2

Tufts team takes second at Fed montary policy challenge BY


Tufts students over the weekend earned second place — their best ever finish — in the College Fed Challenge, a mock monetary policy debate hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Four Tufts students competed against teams from 19 other area schools, including Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University, Boston College and the competition’s winners, Bentley University. Bentley will go on to represent the Boston Federal Reserve District in the National Finals competition held in December in Washington. This is the fourth year Tufts has fielded a team for the challenge, which junior and team member Jay Joshi said promotes awareness of much needed economics knowledge. “When people hear the news, they hear things like quantitative easing and don’t really understand what it’s about. … This fosters information and

knowledge about the Fed and monetary policy,” Joshi said. “We live in unique times. It’s good to have the base of knowledge to see how this affects all of us.” The Fed Challenge began with the goal of increasing financial literacy and increasing exposure to monetary policy among youth, according to Deb Bloomberg, economic education specialist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. “The first goal of the Challenge is to make sure students have a better understanding of how monetary policy works and the role of the Fed in economics,” Bloomberg told the Daily. “The second is to spark a general interest in economics.” Student teams were required to give a 20-minute presentation discussing current economic and financial conditions in support of their monetary policy recommendations. A panel of judges comprised of economists, academics and Federal Reserve officials then questioned the groups for an additional 10 minutes, see CHALLENGE, page 2

Today’s Sections

Skipping meals to compensate for empty alcohol calories is a growing trend.

Sarabande dancers exude calm in the lead up to the group’s fall recital.

see FEATURES, page 3

see ARTS, page 5

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Haber prof: Technology is the answer to energy problems HABER continued from page 1


Miriam Arbeit, a child development doctoral student, will serve on the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE) AIDS Advisory and Materials Review Panel.

Arbeit earns spot on state’s AIDS advisory panel ARBEIT continued from page 1

Arbeit is also a graduate research assistant for Project GPS, a collaborative effort between the Eliot-Pearson Department’s Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development and theThrive Foundation for Youth of Menlo Park, Calif. She said her perspective on the panel comes partly from her research at Project GPS, which analyzes adolescents’ strengths, rather than their weaknesses, in the area of sexual development. “Sexual development for teenagers is often cast in a very negative light,” Arbeit said. “It’s all about the risks and dangers, which are very real, but key to preventing these dangers is promoting positive possibilities. Fear of these dangers prevents us from having a lot of conversations that could help adolescents manage their pressure and make better, healthier choices.” Arbeit received her bachelor’s degree in psychology and human

rights from Columbia University in 2007, before working as a middle school teacher, focusing primarily on health and sexuality education. Professor of Child Development Richard Lerner, Arbeit’s doctoral advisor, said Arbeit’s experience with adolescents and her academic credentials make her an important asset to the panel. “She brings not only a depth of knowledge about adolescents and sexual health, but an ability to effectively communicate with adolescents and a strength-based research perspective,” Lerner said. “She will be a unique addition to the panel.” Lerner believes Arbeit will offer a fresh perspective. “She’s adding a new focus to a study that hasn’t looked at sexual health before and is looking at what resources educators need to use to put adolescents on a path to better sexual health,” Lerner said. “Sexual development in adolescents has always been viewed as a problem, but Miriam is helping to change that perception.”

Edmond Bowers, director of research at Project GPS, explained that the project aims to highlight the potential for positive rather than negative behavior among youth. “Our research is predicated on the belief that all kids have strengths. They are not problems to be managed but resources to be developed,” Bowers said. Bowers said schools often do not teach goal management strategies, instead focusing on memorization or test-taking skills. Arbeit’s research within Project GPS addresses the lack of available resources available to teens, he said. “Adolescents need to have a skill set they can use to achieve healthy outcomes,” Arbeit said. “Better sexuality education helps not only that particular aspect of their development, but gives adolescents a strong sense of themselves as able to speak out and connect to people in a more fulfilling and positive way.”

TSR to start providing funding to student entrepreneurs for new campus businesses TSR continued from page 1

up the potential for the personal profits that might come from “traditional ownership” of their business in exchange not being at any financial risk. Russman said that the Venture Fund hopes to support businesses that offer services that are not already offered at Tufts. He emphasized that the businesses must be compatible with the aims of TSR.

“The key thing is how will their business integrate within TSR, as well as operate within the Tufts environment,” Russman said. Junior Chris Park, a member of the student group Young Entrepreneurs at Tufts who plans to submit a business proposal to the Venture Fund, agreed. Park said he altered his business idea to better fit a Tufts operational model. “[The business] will have to maximize the pool of resources

that’s currently available while minimizing the cost,” Park said. He added that the greatest advantage of starting a business through the TSR Venture Fund is the availability of TSR’s resources, which include staff, marketing resources and general connections on campus. “This is a good incubated environment where [businesses] can be sheltered by the institution and have less financial risk,” Park said.

research with nanocatalysts for energy sustainability, what kind of role nanocatalysts will play in finding a variety of solutions [to problems] we face today in the environment. I will talk in general terms about the energy crisis, the big energy challenge that we have globally and energy poverty. I will point out what the barriers are for the arrival of new technology. … I’ll talk a little bit about fuel cells and what barrier is there — properly designing the materials, which a lot of environmentalists and scientists are working on everywhere right now, and trying to reduce the amount that we use and be smart about how we use it, how we prepare it, and to have it stable, and to do the job. It’s all focused on materials because that’s what I’m working with — catalytic materials and metals and how to reduce the cost of all of this new processes and new materials that we are making, so that they become affordable, not just here in the [United States], but globally, and new technologies [can] have much smaller carbon footprints. This is the essence of the talk. CS: What is the focus of your research? MFS: All the subjects I will cover in the talk have elements from the work that we are doing. It is on nanoscale catalysts for energy. I am talking on the topic of my research, in a way. The Haber chair is in energy sustainability, so the work I’m doing is in energy sustainability. By going smaller and having better designed materials, we hope to make the next generation of these processes affordable and materialized. There is a real, immediate applied side to the research that we’re doing, which is fundamental. The tracks of the models that we’re developing are new energy materials, new catalysts for energy application materials, which is a new process, including the new fuel process to make hydrogen for fuel cells for new applications, including methanol and other alcohols-processing to make hydrogen for potential applications such as a car, and also for making new liquid biofuels to be used in that case. It’s all around energy, bioenergy and green energy. CS: In what way can economizing these materials be beneficial? MFS: The cost goes down tremendously and makes the new technology affordable and ready

to compete with the existing ones, which we are locked into for the moment. We have technology … and we cannot move quite fast enough, [like] the way we move fast with information technology. Energy is a little sluggish to move over the technology, and there are many reasons for this, and one is the present state of those technologies. CS: In what way is your research sustainable? MFS: We are making catalysts for environmental applications, either to convert pollutants to innocuous materials, which we have done mostly in the past — doing that with sulfur, for example. That’s my area. Making catalysts, studying catalysts, and so on. Making some from a renewable source. Converting this with the proper catalyst to make hydrogen or using it directly in a fuel cell. All of these things are conducive to making the energy that we need — the same units, the same energy that we want to use for a given service, making it with less material, more efficiently — that saves energy. So that is directly impacting not only the clean energy, but also the more efficiency and productivity, which fails in term of carbon emissions. So these things are directly related. If you can produce the same amount of energy with less fuel or with better efficiency, then you are saving in terms of carbon emissions. It is around the ideals of diminishing or decreasing our carbon footprints in all of these processes that the catalysts would be used for. CS: What is a main point from your lecture you want the audience to remember? MFS: There is hope through this advanced technology to really address the big global issues of energy sustainability, which is present because of development of the world and emerging economies. This is a big issue and it has many facets and it does need thinking out of the box, but it of course would require the proper policies to be put in place and one cannot go without the other. We will be responsible for the policies that we apply, and this will determine the outcome of whether we will be successful with all of this advanced technology. While I will focus on technology, the message in the end is all this is absolutely necessary, and also that time is of the essence because we are really on the verge of having irreversible effects come upon us. We need to act. We need to act quickly.

Tufts advances out of preliminary group, finishes second in Fed Challenge CHALLENGE continued from page 1

according to the team’s faculty advisor, Lecturer of Economics Christopher McHugh. Teams can adopt the role of any group of stakeholders in order to present their positions. Tufts chose to tackle the challenge as a newspaper editorial staff. “They pretended that they were going to write an editorial about what policy they were going to prescribe, which allowed them to say things feds couldn’t say,” McHugh said. At the challenge, teams competed against one another in one of four separate divisions. The winners of each division then progressed to a second round, in which they competed against the three other group winners, according to team member Will Schwartz, a senior. Tufts teams had never made it out of the group stage before this year, according to McHugh. Bloomberg said that the judges this

year were impressed by the Tufts students’ ability to link data to theory, imaginative policy analysis and teamwork. “The imaginative analysis was a hallmark of Tufts’ presentation and the reason why Tufts placed so high,” Bloomberg said. McHugh applauded the team’s willingness to get creative and propose less traditional policies. “They had a bold strategy to do something a little more daring,” McHugh said. “They talked about lowering interest rate in reserves, something a little bit out of the park.” Senior and team member Tyler Cooper agreed. “We tried a different and more creative format, and they liked that,” Cooper said. Schwartz attributed the team’s success to this willingness to propose contentious policies, including lowering the interest rate. “A lot of people are afraid to say

things that would upset the judges,” Schwartz said. “The reason we did so well was that we offered up polices others were afraid to suggest.” Bloomberg said that every year, the challenge presents students with increasingly difficult situations. “The economy is complicated more every year, and teams really have substantially more of a task every year,” Bloomberg said. “They’ve always risen to it and been able to come up with profound solutions.” Schwartz echoed Bloomberg’s sentiments and said that the new economic challenges have made the competition more exciting. “In high school … there weren’t very many interesting things going on, and the discussion revolved around whether or not we were in a bubble,” Schwartz said. “Now there is a lot more to discuss, more extreme policies.” Tufts enters the competition at a slight disadvantage every year,

Schwartz said, because unlike many of its competitors, it does not have a class that specifically prepares teams for the competition, among other resources. “Other schools have invested a lot more time and have a lot more support, but we only have four people,” Schwartz said. “Others have five as well as understudies and support staff. Yale had a Nobel prize winner as their advisor.” Despite the team’s disadvantage entering into the challenge, McHugh was impressed with the team’s success this year. “Tufts kids did really well, especially in the question and answer session — most students usually don’t do well in this area,” McHugh said. “If they want to win next year, they just need to do a little better in the presentation and a little better in the question and answer session.” Matt Repka contributed reporting to this article.




‘Drunkorexics’ skip meals to offset extra calorie intake from binge drinking BY


Daily Editorial Board

Excessive alcohol consumption is undoubtedly a contributing factor to the dreaded “freshman 15” — but at what point does compensating for those liquor calories become a fullblown eating disorder? “Drunkorexia,” though not a medical or technical term, is colloquially used among researchers and mental health professionals to describe behavior that combines disordered eating — like extreme restrictions and purging — with alcohol abuse and binge drinking. Particularly prevalent on college campuses, “drunkorexic” behavior includes starving one’s self or limiting food intake in order to offset alcohol consumption later on. Though the prevalence of this tendency is difficult to track, “drunkorexia” sheds light on a noted correlation between eating disorders and substance abuse. A comprehensive 2003 study conducted by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University concluded that close to 35 percent of drug and alcohol abusers also have eating disorders and that nearly half of those suffering from eating disorders also abuse substances.


Contributing Writer

Sophomore Yuri Chang traveled through Japan this summer, visiting cities and staying with a number of hosts along the way. What set this apart from the average vacation? The nights she spent at her hosts’ homes were Chang’s first encounters with them. Chang found her hosts through a website called Couchsurfing.org, which connects travelers looking for a free place to sleep with people from all corners of the world looking to host them. The website was launched by four Americans in 2003. New members fill out a profile with basic personal information and indicate whether they have an available couch or are open to meeting people for coffee or drinks in the area. Surfers can search for registered hosts on every continent, read profiles and send couch requests. According to Chang, deciding to create an account on the website was the hardest part. “New people who approach couch surfing always have the same qualms,” she

The club can’t handle Quidditch



“Drunkorexics” skip out on meals to make up for the empty calories they consume in alcoholic beverages. “Let me state it this way — we’re aware of this issue,” Tufts Director of Alcohol and Health Education Ian Wong said. While there are individual dangers inherent in alcohol abuse and eating disorders, Wong said, their effect when

compounded is exponentially worse. “When we’re talking about a substance abuse disorder or binge drinking, regardless if you have an eating disorder or not. We know that when you reach a see DRUNKOREXIA, page 4

Couchsurfing.org pairs hosts with travelers looking for a place to crash BY


said. “Is it safe? I remember I was totally made to feel safe by the way the website was structured.” In addition to checking members’ identities and verifying their locations, CouchSurfing uses a system called “vouching” to help users ascertain potential hosts’ reliability. Couch surfers can only vouch for users if they themselves have already been vouched for by three trusted site members. According to Rocky Sanguedolce, public relations manager for CouchSurfing North America, vouching is the website’s most important security feature. “When you host or surf or meet somebody in the couch surfing community, whether you have a good experience, a neutral experience or a negative experience, you can leave feedback on how your experience went with that particular person,” he told the Daily. “This will help other people who haven’t met that person get an idea on what kind of person they’re either going to meet up with, ‘surf’ with or host.” According to senior George Kolev, who has both “surfed” and hosted “surfers” in his home in Bulgaria, the greatest benefit

“The breast is good, but it’s no Mick Jagger.” —Professor of English Jay Cantor, explaining Freud’s notion of the impossibility of satisfaction

“How am I going to walk past the president’s house and see the light off and not yell, ‘Yeah Larry, get it!’” —Distraught student, on a future without University President Lawrence Bacow

of couch surfing is the community it fosters and connections it creates. “Most of the people who do this are young — in their 20s or 30s — so they have this idea that we can all be together — doesn’t matter where we’re from, doesn’t matter what language we speak,” he said. “We can all just be nice and friendly and humane to each other. It gives you a very reassuring feeling.” Kolev has also found hosting “surfers” to be a rewarding experience. “It forces you to pay attention to things in your own town,” he said. “I saw probably more even of the Bulgarian countryside than I wanted to see, but it opens you up to things in your own country, and I know if I ever want to stay in Paris, I can just call up these people I hosted. You get to know a lot of people in all these different countries.” According to senior Sally Levinson, female couch surfers have to be particularly careful when it comes to ensuring their personal safety during their stays. But Levinson, who couch surfed with a female friend in France, found that carefully reading surfers’ profiles see COUCHSURFING, page 4

“Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!” —Panicked Four Loko fan, responding to its imminent statewide ban “Brittany! Brittany! OMG. Will you hit her? Brittany! Hit her! Somebody hit her.” —Intoxicated individual trying to get Brittany’s attention “’You are modest and courteous.’ I wonder if a--kissing actually sells fortune cookies.” —Senior David Johnson, reading a fortune cookie

Overheard something funny? Want to profess your love? Need to give a shout-out to that kid you always see unicycling on campus? E-mail features@tuftsdaily.com with the subject “Overherd on the Hill.”

his week’s “Ban Together” is going in a new direction. Columns like the last one on Four Loko are not connecting with Tufts readers. State officials thought they got the message right when they announced plans to restrict the drink earlier this week. However, I didn’t actually want a ban on Four Loko. Realizing the power of my column to destroy cultural icons, I am dedicating this column to a disenfranchised group that must be preserved. Fans of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series have long sought to recreate the world in which Muggles and wizards exist. One attempt to convert a plot point into something bigger is the effort to bring Quidditch into our mundane, magic-free reality. These efforts have culminated in a number of organized leagues with tournaments, World Cups and MVPs; colleges and universities field teams as well. Tufts’ very own Quidditch team recently placed second in the fourth annual Quidditch World Cup. However, with this success inevitably comes the debate over whether Tufts should recognize this team and how it would classify the sport. Even though it might be the most popular game played in the wizarding world, Quidditch has a long way to go before students accept it, as this role-playing sport irritates even the most tolerant. They appreciate efforts to create real things based off a fantasy series. They don’t care that it’s nerdy or lame. Yet it will remain a simulation of a sport and a poor one at that. No one ever flies, nor do the balls. Even more, the climax of the adapted version is entirely fabricated, replacing the passion, fury, and speed of chasing down a Golden Snitch with a mundane competition where two guys run after some neutral person who’s got a fake Snitch stuffed in his pants that they then must snatch. The biggest complaint is that if Tufts grants club sport status and privileges to Quidditch, it will be unfair to current club sport athletes, whose stocks would diminish. If Tufts’ Tae Kwon Do or equestrian teams are lumped into the same league as Quidditch, members’ accolades would no longer strike the same chord of reverence. Many athletes, horseback riders and martial artists alike all want to do away with Quidditch as it threatens their sports’ elite reputations. These hordes must be halted. Their arguments against Quidditch fail to show why Tufts should ban or even ignore the sport. Club sport status is certainly a big deal here at Tufts. These cover bands of the athletic world grace the pages of the Daily and inspire fellow students to follow their lead. The Tufts Football Club has gained sponsorship from a reputable energy drink company. When the Tufts Ultimate Frisbee team wins a tournament, hordes of freshman girls flock to the Frisbee team house hours before the victory party is even announced. Club sports participants have earned the fruits of their labors, and so they see Quidditch as anathema to their deserved lifestyle. These athletes must realize that Quidditch, too, can be a club sport. It requires athleticism, is played outdoors and has the support of the student body. To make it a true club sport, we must reduce attendance levels and inflate the egos of its participants, but that will come in due time. Club sport athletes must recognize that there is room on the pedestal on which we non-athletes place them. They must share their status with emerging sports like Quidditch even though their ascendancy to club level may not resemble the traditional path taken by most club sports.

—compiled by the Daily Features Department CJ Saraceno is a senior majoring in political science. He can be reached at Christopher. Saraceno@tufts.edu




Wednesday, November 17, 2010

‘Drunkorexia’ trend at colleges worries mental health professionals DRUNKOREXIA continued from page 3

certain amount of consumption with alcohol, you’re more apt to get hurt, get in a fight, have problems academically and in relationships,” Wong said. “When we’re talking about someone who’s not eating, it’s worse. The relationship between food and alcohol is that if you have food in your stomach, it takes a little longer for the alcohol to be absorbed. When there’s nothing there, there’s obviously nothing to stop it from being absorbed at a quicker rate.” In addition, alcohol consumption can injure organs like the kidney, which may already have been harmed by conditions such as anorexia or bulimia, according to Wong. Professor of Psychology Robin Kanarek, who conducts research on the relationship between nutrition and behavior, said that the origins of bulimia and alcoholism might be rooted in the same neurobiological issue. “We know that, among women in particular, there’s a very high comorbidity,” she said. “If they have bulimia … they’re more likely to become alcoholics. It looks like there may be similar neurochemical mechanisms in that both really good-tasting foods with sugar and fat [consumed during binges] can affect the same brain chemicals that alcohol does.” Though recognition of “drunkorexia” is a fairly recent development among health care professionals and is not yet a considered a formal diagnosable disorder, the long-term effects of both starvation and binge drinking, according to Kanarek, are acknowledged by medical professionals — and are severe. “We know that if you’re [starving prior to binge drinking] on a regular basis, if you’re doing it every weekend, that’s certainly detrimental, and if you’re drinking to excess in general, that’s detrimental, and if you’re not consuming enough calories in general, that’s also detrimental,” she said. “It’s

such a bad idea … it definitely affects your health.” Replacing meals with late-night tequila shots can actually inspire the weight gain that “drunkorexics” aim to prevent, Kanarek said. “Alcohol also has no vitamins and no minerals, and those calories are more likely to be stored as body fat than something like protein,” she said. Pure alcohol contains about seven calories per gram, compared to the four calories per gram of protein and carbohydrates. In addition to failing to provide people with necessary nutrients, binge drinking can also disturb the body’s ability to process food when it is subsequently consumed. “Alcohol can destroy the lining of the stomach, and by destroying the lining of the stomach … certain vitamins aren’t absorbed as well as they are if you aren’t an alcoholic,” Kanarek said. “If someone is doing a lot of binge drinking, they can do a lot of damage to the lining of the stomach, which causes malnutrition.” As such, Kanarek noted that chronic alcoholics often suffer from Vitamin B1 deficiencies, with potentially fatal impacts on the cardiovascular and peripheral nervous systems. But the point at which the price of “drunkorexia” outweighs the perceived benefits for students is, of course, determined on an individual basis. “Speaking for me, I wouldn’t do that,” a sophomore said on condition of anonymity, as she is not of legal drinking age. “If anything, I think I would make sure to eat a decent amount [prior to drinking] to ensure that I wouldn’t throw up.” But a junior girl, who is also under 21, had a different take. “To me, it just kind of makes sense,” she said. “It’s not like I starve myself, really. I’m just careful about my portions that day because I know I’ll be having a lot of calories later. That’s just being smart.”


CouchSurfing.org provides travellers looking for a couch to sleep on with locals looking to host them and show them around town.

Website finds couch surfers a free place to crash and an international connection COUCHSURFING continued from page 3

and requesting specific hosts made her feel comfortable during her travels. “We only requested girls.” Levinson said. “We just read their reviews and talked to them a little beforehand.” Chang said that traveling with her male cousin made her feel more comfortable about couch surfing. “I probably wouldn’t have gone to some guy’s apartment if I was by myself,” Chang said. “I think that having my cousin with me definitely allowed me to do couch surfing, otherwise I would have been too nervous.” According to Chang, couch surfing gives travelers a more authentic local experience than staying at a hostel does. “One of the guys took me and my friend out to dinner, and he just showed us a lot of the local things around town,” Chang said. “He offered to take us to a supermarket in Japan and introduced us to all of these

delicacies and drinks that we otherwise wouldn’t have tried because we just didn’t know what they were.” Kolev also found that couch surfing provided a more balanced view of the countries and cities he visited. “The best thing about it is that you receive this extra dimension to each place you visit,” he said. “In the case of London, I went to see all of the famous stuff — Buckingham Palace, the Wheel — but then again, I saw the part of London that my host lived in, which wasn’t the best part of London, but it didn’t make it a less interesting experience. You see this part of the city, you go to a pub with this person and see what a typical London city flat is that you wouldn’t get if you were staying at a hotel.” Still, Chang emphasized that couch surfers should not expect a luxurious experience. “One place I went to, he had about three dogs and four cats. We ended up sleeping on the floor for most of the time. Be really openminded and be willing to rough it,” she said.

Arts & Living





British Invasion


Enthusiasm, coziness and variety collide in Sarabande’s fall semester show.

Sarabande’s fall dance recital promises fresh choreography and fun BY


Daily Editorial Board

“I want you to make a circle with your legs like this — so it’s like ab-mania,” senior Brittany Sloan of the Tufts’ dance ensemble Sarabande said. She demonstrated the move to her five proteges lying flat on their backs on the Cohen Auditorium stage. To an audience member of average fitness, the slow and, well, ab-manic move looked excruciating. Yet the ladies of Sarabande seemed unfazed as they dutifully kicked their legs out into startlingly wide spread-eagles, snapped them back into position and proceeded to imitate the agonizingly controlled circle Sloan drew in the air with her pointed toes. Some even repeated the step afterward, just for fun. As one of the choreographers for Sarabande’s major biannual recital — this semester dubbed “Planes, Trains, and Dancing Girls” and showing tomorrow and Saturday — Sloan is tasked with

ensuring the aesthetic perfection of her dance. Happily, she seems almost entirely immune to the stress of pulling the performance together. “Personally, I’m really excited for the show, because it’s the first time I’m choreographing,” Sloan said. “It’s definitely been a challenge and it’s definitely outside my comfort zone, but the girls have been so accommodating and encouraging, and I’ve loved the process of seeing it all come together. I think it’s going to be a blast.” The show’s co-producer, junior Toka Beech, is also experiencing the thrill and satisfaction that comes with firsttime choreography. When asked what dance she was most excited about, Beech laughed and said she looked forward to her own. “You have an idea in your head, then you get to play with bodies … and make what’s in your head [happen] onstage,” she said. “Making something out of nothing is cool.”

Boston Ballet brings Christmas cheer to Floating Hospital for Children

At the rehearsal, the Sarabande dancers’ enthusiasm and optimism seemed right on par with Sloan and Beech’s. Sophomore Leah Small, the recital’s other co-producer, said she is in six dances. “I’m equally excited about all of them,” she said. The ensemble is performing alongside other dance groups, including Spirit of Color, Tufts Dance Collective, Tufts Tap Ensemble, Pulse and Garba, as well as Brandeis University’s Adagio. Though opening night is tomorrow, Sarabande’s dancers appeared untouched by stage fright at practice yesterday. Amid a chorus of giggles and catcalls, they struck a series of wacky splits during their downtime. “Tech week is a lot of work, but we always find a way to make it fun,” sophomore Lauren Miller said. The girls maintained their carefree confidence when the music came on: Backlit see SARABANDE, page 6


‘Enter the Void’ is a visually arresting experiment BY


Daily Editorial Board

We always use our imaginations when we watch movies. We’re accustomed to the time gaps between

Enter the Void Starring Nathaniel Brown, Paz de la Huerta, Cyril Roy Directed by Gaspar Noé


Students from the Boston Ballet yesterday performed excerpts from the company’s upcoming production, “The Nutcracker,” for patients, visitors and employees at Tufts Medical Center’s Floating Hospital for Children. After the performance, the dancers visited with patients in their rooms. See blogs.tuftsdaily.com for more photos from the event.

scenes that spare us the fall of an axe, the consummation of a hot, sweaty kiss or the boring car ride from point A to point B. But Gaspar Noé’s “Enter the Void” (2009), now playing at the Kendall Square Cinema, has no mercy on an audience that has been pampered with traditional cinematic cutaways. The film coaxes and then forces the viewer into a two-and-a-halfhour long experiment. Though it seems at first like gratuitous and unsettling overexposure, it’s really just a harsh look at reality. The film is a simulation of your see VOID, page 6

lthough it’s not entirely historically accurate, it is safe to say that Americans envision Thanksgiving as the celebration of the pilgrims’ survival after their separation from the motherland. This separation would eventually evolve into the 13 colonies, which would later form the United States. In short, it was the beginning of our independence. And yet, nearly four centuries later, the Brits are slowly gaining back control. Well, control of our clothing, at least. It started off innocently enough. First, the Spanish clothing line Zara opened up a U.S. store in 1989. Sweden’s H&M quickly followed suit by opening in New York in 2000. These retailers provided affordable-yet-stylish professional clothing that didn’t stray too far outside Americans’ puritanical comfort zone. While embracing these seemingly harmless European chains, however, we unknowingly let our guard down. The Brits, taking advantage of our sudden vulnerability, seeped into our lives once more. The British have always been more experimental than Americans when it comes to fashion. In the 1600s, while pilgrims were donning plain linen petticoats, skirts and bodices, England was already reveling in gaudy embroidery, exaggerated bums and neck ruffs. And sure, simplicity was an intended lifestyle choice for the Puritans, but even in the 21st century, the distinction between progressive British clothing stores and retailers like American Eagle is still fairly obvious. Or at least it was until 2009. On April 2 of last year, British chain Topshop infiltrated the streets of New York by opening up their first U.S. store in Manhattan. Whether it’s an attempt to enforce American population control or simply a means to drain money from American pockets, Topshop has been successfully selling contraceptive-inducing fashion to the Yankee masses for over a year now. Curious about the success of the chain, I made a point to visit Topshop this past weekend during my stay in New York. Upon entering, I was immediately accosted by floor-length maxi dresses, chunky grandpa knits and enough men-style trousers to neuter the entire female population of the New York. Needless to say, it was a fashion haven. Although the prices are not nearly as affordable as Topshop’s European peers, H&M and Zara, the chain still manages to entice younger buyers with a permanent 10 percent student discount. After roaming the three-floor store, I managed to restrain myself and purchase only two mildly offensive items: a shapeless, chunky knit sweater and a ’60s style empire waist dress. The sexy-short length of the latter item was easily canceled out by the long sleeves and Madeline-inspired Peter Pan collar. I rejoiced at my resemblance to a 12 year old French schoolgirl. Fortunate for my clothing addiction — but unfortunate for my sex life — New York is not the only city to be invaded by English fashion. Last year, Boston’s own Newbury Street witnessed the opening of AllSaints, a British high street retailer best characterized by unusual draping and the tendency to drown its customers in fabric. For example, the line’s parachute dress, which has survived the past three seasons, looks exactly as it sounds — as if someone literally got tangled in a parachute. Furthermore, ASOS, the UK’s largest online retailer, has extended its reach to the United States recently by offering free U.S. shipping. For those of us who are unable to satisfy our need for denim jumpsuits and crushed velvet dresses at Urban Outfitters, these items are just a few clicks and a credit card number away on ASOS.com. All that’s left now is for a British-based store to open up in our own Davis Square. Once Tufts women start wearing parachutes as dresses, the need to regulate sexiling — or any other sexual matter — will surely be eliminated.

Ashley Wood is a junior majoring in English. She can be reached at Ashley.Wood@tufts.edu.



Costello’s latest is a ‘Ransom’ worth paying BY

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



Sarabande’s dancers offer new talent, same quality

Contributing Writer

SARABANDE In the late ‘70s, Elvis Costello made his mark by being one of the few members of the back-to-basics

continued from page 5

National Ransom Elvis Costello

Hear Music/Universal Records pub rock scene to both avoid the overwhelming force of punk rock and to reach stardom in the New Wave genre. He is renowned for his vast knowledge of pop culture, colorful lyricism and determination to dabble in almost all forms of popular music. Costello proudly continues all of these traditions with “National Ransom.” Lyrically, the entire album is up to Costello’s usual high standards, from the snarky “You couldn’t hold me, baby/With anything but contempt,” to more sober descriptions of cheated characters. In this album, the theme of betrayal is less explored than explicitly spelled out. The songs span a wide range of styles, from the vaudevillian “A Voice in the Dark” to the European Riviera vibe of “A Slow Drag With Josephine.” The musical variety is incredible, and the album rarely feels forced or rushed. Perhaps master producer T-Bone Burnett’s experience is to thank for the album’s fluidity. It’s remarkable that “National Ransom” flies by at a reasonable clip, given the taut 16-song, hour-long recording. The album showcases a medley of moods and tempos whose arrivals and departures are perfectly timed. What makes the balance so surprising is the contrast between


Don’t worry Costello, we’re listening. Costello’s songs’ lyrics and their musical composition. The titular song jumps forward with an almost comically energetic keyboard; the instruments band together to create a piece with an idealistic flavor. Only later do listeners discover that the lyrics are about starving people and ravenously greedy figures. Though Burnett deserves praise for deliberately synthesizing the album’s pacing and lyricism, it is Costello’s professional delivery that unites these mismatched song elements in an engaging way. To Costello fans, his finesse and talent for joining disparate parts is nothing new or surprising. Costello’s cynical approach to light, airy pop music placed him in the position of a New Age music poster-child, and he has yet to completely lose his edginess. Unfortunately, his roughness isn’t at its finest in this album, which does not preoccupy itself with any particularly sharp edges

‘Void’ thrives on gratuity and discomfort VOID continued from page 5

mind trapped within a druginduced and beautiful nightmare. Noé’s world — and the entire movie — is so visually arresting and unique that you cannot look away. The story is set in Tokyo and told from the perspective of Oscar (Nathaniel Brown), a young American man living with his sister, Linda (Paz de la Huerta). Oscar begins his night by taking hits of DMT, a powerful hallucinogen. Oscar enters a psychedelic vortex of pulsing fractals and whispers, but his drugged delusions are interrupted by a phone call. Oscar’s journey takes him on an omniscient hovering trip above the physical world, in which he spends most of the time drifting above his sister. Visually, nothing is spared. Oscar sees everything — from his sister having sex to the most traumatic moments of his past. As the film progresses, Oscar explores not only his ability to drift above the physical world, but also his ability to momentarily enter the perspectives of others or of inanimate objects. It’s rare that a filmmaker can pull off an entire movie shot from the point of view of one character without giving audiences a trite and overindulgent experience. “Enter the Void” achieves this seamlessly with clever and innovative camera work. Noé mixes computer-generated imagery with an organic flow to the cinematography that perfectly mimics a point-of-view vantage. The only soundtrack that

exists is the haunting muttering of city chatter. The film is captivating for reasons beyond sex appeal, drugs and violence. In fact, the surrealism of experiencing Oscar’s viewpoint as he floats above the physical world definitely makes the sex unsexy, the violence horrifying but not excessive and the drugged-out experience decidedly not fun. Instead, when one explores a lived experience through the perspective of a mute, powerless, all-seeing entity, one is able to scrutinize the human condition without accompanying moral ideals and lessons that usually trail all endings of movies. At two-and-a-half hours, “Enter the Void” is definitely a test of endurance. The characters live in dramatic and tragic conditions, and perpetually engage in unhealthy behavior. For Noé, nothing is enough unless it is too much. This isn’t a film for the faint of heart, nor for an audience unwilling to be wholly consumed by a cinematic experience. It will make you cringe with horror, seduce you into staying glued to the screen, get you to laugh a bit and then send your heart racing again. It’s exhausting and uncomfortable, kind of depressing and yet unemotional. Critics will undoubtedly point out how difficult it is to root for the main characters or the film’s exploitative indulgence in sex and violence. Regardless, it is difficult to deny that “Enter the Void” is a visual masterpiece and unrelenting in its grip on the viewer’s attention.

or edginess in general. It’s sad but true: “National Ransom” is the product of an aging rock musician who is clearly enjoying both himself and the sheer force of his career momentum. Nothing on the album is particularly interesting. “National Ransom” is just a collection of fun and occasionally catchy tunes. Simply put, every song is of a relatively high caliber, but without any dynamic goal. “National Ransom” is simply not memorable, and therefore resigns itself to transient greatness. I would be sincerely surprised if any of the tracks from this album are still relevant in a year or even three months, except for maybe “Nation Ransom” and the calculating and angry “Church Underground.” Listen to “National Ransom.” Enjoy it, and take from it what you will. Costello’s latest neither stuns nor disappoints, and it is a healthy enough addition to any pop lover’s collection.

by the wild, colorful glow emanating from the backdrop, they became figures in an old-school iPod commercial, this time with pirouettes and dizzying leaps. The group’s talent is undeniable, but another important component in Sarabande’s flair comes from its stylistic diversity. The members, led by their president, senior Molly Schwartz, hail from sundry dance backgrounds, spanning ballet, jazz, modern and tap. “There’s a lot of good variety in the pieces. It’s not just your straight modern,” Beech said. Audiences should certainly look forward to the harmonious potpourri of music and styles of movement. During their rehearsal, high-energy rock songs, raw acoustic strains, mellow indie tunes and even a feisty salsa number echoed through the auditorium. Despite the melodic disparity, the Sarabande dancers transitioned seamlessly from one dance to the next, interpreting the music in unexpected but delightful ways.

Willow Smith-style hair whipping might seem at odds with a light, girlish song, but somehow, Beech and Miller made it work. Similarly, the dancers used refined ballet moves to adeptly evoke sex appeal while dancing to the sultry, classic song, “American Woman.” Considering the wide range of music and dance genres in the show, as well as the several new choreographers, Sarabande is decidedly mixing things up for this year’s performance. “Because there are a lot of new choreographers [this] semester, there are a lot of new interpretations and a lot of new voices being heard,” Beech said. She said that, for Sarabande, innovation doesn’t come at the price of the ensemble’s or the audience’s comfort. “This show is very cozy… The best way to describe the dancers [is to] just think of sweaters,” she said. So if the change in seasons is getting you down, snuggle up with Sarabande tomorrow at 9 p.m. or Saturday at 8 p.m. Tickets are free at the Cohen Box Office with a Tufts ID.


Sarabande’s sassy interpretation of ‘American Woman’ is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010







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Wednesday, November 17, 2010



United States should relax Myanmar sanctions Though last week’s general election in Myanmar — the first in 20 years — may prove to be little more than a superficial rearranging of corrupt officials, pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s release from house arrest has a chance at reinvigorating the Burmese people and encouraging them to demand basic rights, as well as truly free elections. Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, has been under various forms of military authoritarian rule since a 1962 coup that overthrew the civilian government that had been in place since the country’s independence from Britain in 1948. The newly elected “civilian” government, run by the Union Solidarity and Development party and controlled by the military junta, will most likely continue its policies of control of the press and censorship, as well as condoning practices of human trafficking and child labor. Before President Barack Obama took office, the United States took a hard line on Myanmar, including strong sanctions. However, in 2009, Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reworked the United States’ Myanmar policy to attempt openness and engagement with that country’s government, though the sanctions remain in place.

Upon her release from house arrest, Suu Kyi stated her tentative support for the release of Western sanctions against the current Myanmar government and spoke of her intention to create a conciliatory relationship with the party. Many of the Western governments who have sanctions against the country, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom, however, may take issue with this approach. This reluctance comes from a seeming aversion in the United States and the United Kingdom for the human rights violations in Myanmar. These Western governments have their hearts in the right place in demanding a change of practices in Myanmar. But the U.S. government must also be realistic. The Obama administration’s more open policy has taken into account the fact that the sanctions have not proved effective in changing policy and practice in Myanmar. The sanctions have barred any U.S. investment in Myanmar — while they are meant to target the authoritarian government, they have the side effect of hurting innocent Burmese citizens and firms. Additionally, these sanctions — similar to those imposed against Cuba — have proved to be mostly ineffective.

The military government in Myanmar has shown that it is capable of governing essentially as it pleases. Western governments’ sanctions are particularly ineffective given the support of both China and India for Myanmar, who have exploited the United States’ absence from the Burmese economy to increase their own investments in it. The most effective approach the United States can take is supporting Suu Kyi in her attempt at reconciliation and engagement with the new government. In addition to providing opportunities for reform negotiations with the government, increasing the Burmese people’s exposure to the Western world would help bring them out of an isolation in which freedom may be unheard of. The United States can do this by showing its support for Suu Kyi, who holds the trust of the Burmese people and stands for the democratic future of a country that has been riddled with human rights violations, corruption and poverty. The United States’ past anxiousness to punish the cruel government must not get in the way of any potential progress that be made in bringing freedom and rights to the Burmese people.




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The choice between soccer and life lessons On the night of Nov. 9, a girls’ district championship soccer game took place between Needham and Brockton high schools. Brockton beat Needham 7-1, but this was largely attributable to the fact that a significant portion of the Needham girls’ soccer team was not allowed to play in the game. Needham High, located in Needham, Mass., suspended five players after they got word of the team partaking in a hazing ritual. The team’s coach was also put on administrative leave, as he apparently knew of the incident but did not immediately report it. In an initiation ritual on Oct. 29, some members of the Needham Rockets allegedly tied some of their new members to dog leashes, occasionally throwing pies in their faces as they crawled around the soccer field blindfolded. Once the school learned of the hazing incident, it had no choice but to suspend the players involved on the eve of the big game, much to the dismay of their parents.

The parents of the suspended girls were outraged by the administration’s decision, arguing that the decision violated school policy. Parents over the weekend first tried to meet with Needham High School Principal Jonathan Pizzi before the championship game to discuss the issue, but when told that he was unavailable to meet, they decided to take their case to court. Todd D. White, a lawyer and a father of one of the soccer players, filed a request for an injunction to the Norfolk Superior Court, claiming that the school had violated protocol by suspending the players because they had not first issued a warning to the girls, as is outlined in the school’s handbook. Judge Barbara A. Dortch-Okara rejected the request for an injunction, saying that since it was a privilege to participate on the team, the girls were in no way deprived of their due process. Although hazing is reprehensible and also explicitly banned in Needham High’s

rules, the fact that the parents of the players actually tried to get their daughters off the hook is worse. While every sports team is entitled to their traditions, they are not entitled to humiliate players in front of their teammates. Hazing is a serious issue, especially when it is carried out against young teenagers. If the practice of hazing is ever going to stop, it needs to be nipped in the bud by both parents and educators. The actions of Needham High administrator clearly sent a signal that hazing is an unacceptable practice — the parents of the suspended soccer players should have stood with the school in showing that engaging in behavior like hazing has consequences, rather than try to help their children skirt those consequences. Surely teaching their children an important lesson on how to treat others was more important than winning a high school soccer game.

Correction Yesterday's article "Activist, former negotiator speak on Palestinian perspective" misspelled Diana Buttu's name in two references.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010




Real allies BY ITAI


The claims made in the Monday’s op-ed “A film for Israel’s real allies” can be divided into two groups: the factually misleading, and the egregiously offensive. The former belies both an understandable, albeit regrettable, misinterpretation of the facts, and bias in reporting those said facts. The latter reflects much deeper prejudices toward Israel and its armed forces. Let us first deal with the falsities. One particularly misrepresented issue is that of Hamas’ war crimes during the Gaza war. The author’s remark, “Furthermore, claims regarding the use of civilian infrastructure as bases for rocket attack are largely unfounded” is a perfect example of a widely disputed opinion being passed off as fact. The Jan. 10, 2009 New York Times article, “A Gaza War Full of Traps and Trickery,” describes how, during the war, Hamas militants were instructed to take off their uniforms and disguise themselves in civilian clothing, and it reports incidents of traps Hamas set up inside residential buildings. The article references a series of maps confiscated from Hamas militants describing military positions set up in civilian areas, and details Israel’s various military tactics aimed at addressing Hamas’ strategy of sending civilians onto the rooftops of military installments in order to dissuade the Israel Defense Forces from attacking. Clearly, the claims that the author dismisses as “unfounded” deserve a little more credit than he affords them, considering that he does not mention them at all. The author claims that the Gaza war “could easily have been rendered unnecessary by a diplomatic solution.” The author’s naive optimism about the effectiveness of diplomatic relations with a group whose charter refuses to recognize the State of Israel cannot be used as a stepping stone for broader claims. He uses his own opinion to make the claim that Operation Cast Lead was an act of aggressive war, his logic being that since the war could have been “easily avoided,” the war must reflect Israeli aggression, rather than a desire for security and peace. Unfortunately, the author’s hopes about that probability of the negotiations’ success are not necessarily indicative of the realities of the situation and therefore cannot be leveraged in order to make claims about Israel’s intentions. Many of the claims made in the article can be directly traced to the Goldstone Report, which was cited by the author himself. This controversial report has been endorsed and condemned by various states and organizations. The U.S. House of Representatives went as far as to declare that the report is “irredeemably biased and unworthy of further consideration or legitimacy.” As Alan Dershowitz states in his articles on the report, the Goldstone Report relied heavily on eyewitness accounts given by Palestinian civilians under fear of retribution if they spoke out against Hamas. The report also willfully ignored statements made by both sides of the conflict that alluded to the presence of Hamas militant activity in civilian areas. With regard to the claim that Hamas was using medical facilities as stages for their operations, the report states, “On the basis of the investigations it has conducted, the Mission did not find any evidence to support the allegations that hospital facilities were used by the Gaza authorities or by Palestinian armed groups to shield military activities and that ambulances were used to transport combatants or for other military purposes.”


This, however, ignores claims made by the Palestinian Authority itself. As Alan Dershowitz writes, “Even the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Health accused Hamas of ‘[using] the medical centers, especially in a number of hospitals, [and] converting them into centers for interrogation, torture, and imprisonment.’” The articles’ citation of the Goldstone Report, and the arguments made therein, can only be seen as willfully ignoring the facts on the ground. But these misrepresentations of the context of the Gaza war are not nearly as troublesome as the author’s demonization of the Israeli armed forces. In a statement regarding the war crimes that occurred during the Gaza War, the author notes, “With regard to widespread claims about ‘human shields,’ reports by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch found that Israel, not Hamas, had made a systematic policy of consistent use of civilians — often children — as human shields in the occupied territories, a fact later confirmed by the May 4, 2010, conviction by a military court of two Israeli soldiers of carrying out that very act.” The author has the audacity to cite the claim that the acts of two Israeli soldiers who were indicted and convicted of war crimes by an Israeli military court, confirms a widespread “systematic policy” to use human shields. This blatant logical error, that the acts of two soldiers can represent an entire military force, is akin to the equally offensive and audacious claim that the acts of Islamic terrorists are endemic of the entire Islamic population. Yet while the latter claim can be immediately dismissed as patently intolerant, it has become commonplace to make broad reaching criticisms on the policies of the Israeli government based on accidents and isolated incidents. But as David Mamet states in his work “The Wicked Son,” modern anti-Semitism entails “the inability to assign to Israelis a basic humanity … the happy assignment of wicked motives to the Israeli soldier.”

The author speaks of disproportionate response, but perhaps he should use the lens of proportionality to view his own work. The acts of the Israeli army and administration are given the colorful adjective “aggressive,” and the construction of the security wall is described as a “land-grab,” while the acts of Hamas, an internationally recognized terrorist organization, are reduced to a mere sentence and a half in the piece. As Mamet states, “The outright denunciation of Israel as ‘acquisitionist, blood-thirsty, colonial, etc.’ is to me simply a modern instance of the blood libel — that Jews delight in the blood of others.” Throughout the piece, the author makes sure to denote himself as “an American Jew.” Why did he feel the need to qualify himself as an American Jew? What other piece opens with an assertion of nationality and faith? It is as though he believed that by announcing his religion in the introduction of the article, he could be forgiven for any offenses in the body. He attempts to hide his prejudices behind his Judaism, as if to say, “I cannot be biased against Israel, as I am Jewish, too.” But the author’s status as an American Jew does not give him carte blanche to one-sidedly cite sources to defame the Israeli government and armed forces. It does not legitimize his opinions, nor does it authorize him to use bigoted logic. The author, no matter what his religion, must be held accountable for his words. Condemnation of Israel is not an act of anti-Semitism — many of Israel’s greatest supporters are able to recognize the state’s faults. But once you begin to apply the golden rule of discrimination, that the acts of few represent the whole, it is a slippery slope from there. No, the author is not one of Israel’s “real allies”; he is just like many others — too quick to see red in the eyes of Israeli soldiers. Itai Thaler is a freshman who has not yet declared a major.

Join our benevolent police force: A call for genocide education BY


We spent our semesters abroad studying and immersing ourselves in the legacies of two different genocides. Lauren lived in Prague, a city with one of the largest Jewish populations in Europe before the Holocaust, studying its Jewish history through the Holocaust and the revival of the Jewish community today. Annie lived in Rwanda with a Rwandan family studying the aftermath and reconciliation process following the genocide. These transformative experiences inspired us to see the realities of genocide and its relevance to all of mankind, specifically to us college students. After spending hours smelling the stench of the mass graves of massacred Rwandans and touching the rusted iron of crematoriums that once burned millions of Jewish bodies, we returned to Tufts. Now we are sitting in the Tower Café, drinking our hot teas in the comfort of oversized armchairs. We are overhearing students stressing about papers and their plans for the weekend. We know that the paper you are working on is stressful, and we know that college is the time to be social and live in the present. We know that everyone has his or her own “cause,” be it education, poverty, renewable energy or cancer prevention. But right now, we just want you to stop what you are doing and think.

This is your call to action. Please think beyond your group of friends, beyond your family, your school, your religion, your race, your ethnicity and your country. We want you to think about humanity as a whole. The power to help all of humanity may seem out of your reach, but really it is in your hands. There is a movement starting at Tufts, in America and across the world. We want to end genocide. We mean it this time. It is not just the Holocaust or the Rwandan genocide; we are talking about all genocides of the 20th and 21st century. Trustee Emeritus Bill Cummings (A ’58) and his wife Joyce Cummings have committed to a gift of $1 million to endow a new program in Holocaust and Genocide Education program through Tufts Hillel, provided the same amount can be raised from other friends. We want to show the Cummings, other alumni and the Tufts administration that Tufts students care about this and want to take a stand. We want the ability to have impactful programming on campus, including bringing in survivors who will deliver their personal stories with messages that will resonate with students, as well as eventually offering classes on genocide history and prevention. We want students to have the tools to go out into the world and become the benevolent police force for genocide prevention. Whether you become an environmental engineer in the Congo, a human rights worker in

Geneva or an investment banker on Wall Street, we want genocide prevention on your mind. But we cannot do this alone. It takes conversation, inspiration and action. Soon you will be seeing students on campus bringing attention to the genocides of the 20th and 21st centuries. A group of students will be in the Mayer Campus Center and in the Carmichael and Dewick-MacPhie Dining Halls tabling about genocide education. We will be collecting small donations (as in $1) towards the Cummings’ grant challenge to show that students realize the relevance of genocide education and want to bring more to Tufts. We are aiming for 100 percent participation in order to deliver this message, so please be sure to participate. Be on the look out for facts around campus about current and past genocides such as the Holocaust and those in Armenia, Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Start talking and asking questions, and look forward to some motivational programming in the spring. Feel free to contact us if you want to get more involved. We can be reached at Lauren.Levine@tufts.edu and Annie.Lobel@tufts.edu. Lauren Levine is a senior majoring in history and psychology. Annie Lobel is a senior majoring in political science.

OP-ED POLICY The Op-Ed section of The Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in the Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. Op-Ed cartoons are also welcomed for the Campus Canvas feature. All material is subject to editorial discretion and is not guaranteed to appear in the Daily. All material should be submitted to oped@tuftsdaily.com no later than noon on the day prior to the desired day of publication; authors must submit their telephone numbers and day-of availability for editing questions. Submissions may not be published elsewhere prior to their appearance in the Daily, including but not limited to other on- and off-campus newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news websites, as well as Facebook. Republishing of the same piece in a different source is permissible as long as the Daily is credited with originally running the article.



Wednesday, November 17, 2010










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Wednesday, November 17, 2010






Wednesday, November 17, 2010


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Barchard will be defensive anchor ICE HOCKEY continued from page 16


Senior quad-captain Andy Davis will lead the ice hockey team’s defensive core, backed by All-NESCAC First Team, All-America Second Team East and junior quad-captain goalie Scott Barchard.

“We’re looking for a top-four seed,” Barchard said. “[We’re] trying to bring a NESCAC playoff game to home ice, get the home crowd able to support us.” For that to happen, the team’s large influx of new players will have to be effective. After graduating nine seniors in the spring, 11 freshmen join the team this season. On both offense and defense, many of these players are going to be asked to make an immediate impact. “We have 11 freshmen all with roles to fill because we graduated so many,” Barchard said. “But the freshmen are asking the right questions, doing what they have to do. It’s good to see everyone coming together.” Both Barchard and Cooper stressed the importance of focusing on one game at a time. The Jumbos will play back-to-back games this Friday and Saturday against conference foes Middlebury and Williams. “We play in a very competitive division, and we treat every game like a playoff game,” Cooper said. “We play every team once, and it’s a short season. Every team is going to play you close. You won’t trample anyone and you have to make sure not to get trampled.” “It’s always a challenge,” Barchard said. “Whoever shows up there for 60 minutes, or 65 in overtime, whoever wants it more. At the Middlebury game on Friday we have to have our best game, we have to have our best game every week.”

Six newcomers should provide spark for previously stagnant offense MEN’S BASKETBALL continued from page 16

type of a season sticks with you and how it feels in the end, when you feel like you haven’t accomplished anything,” Mason said. “It’s a bad taste in your mouth which makes us hungry to have a great season this year.” “It’s not like you really want to remember that stuff, so it’s not difficult to put that away,” coach Bob Sheldon said. “With the new faces and the new way we’re going to play, I think we’re helping everybody forget about the last couple of years.” To do so, the Jumbos will need to find new some new outlets to help remedy the NESCAC’s worst offense. In 2009-10, Pierce (18.3 ppg) and Beyel (16.5 ppg) accounted for over 50 percent of Tufts’ total scoring and were the only two Jumbos to average in double figures. This season, Sheldon’s squad aims to spread the offensive load throughout a deep roster. With Beyel and Pierce primarily shouldering the scoring load, it became easy for opposing teams to game-plan around Tufts’ clear top-two options. Now, with both gone — along with four other seniors — the Jumbos hope to have eight to 10 players each hovering around eight to 10 points per game, avoiding the predictability of years past. “It’s different from last year, when there were a lot of set roles already, and you knew what was expected of you,” Mason said. “Now, there’s a lot of room for proving yourself. The goal is to really not have one single threat who can be shut down. The hope

is that everyone will step up, and that will make us a much more difficult team to guard.” Sophomore Scott Anderson is the team’s returning player with the highest points per game last season, having averaged 9.0 ppg in his rookie campaign. The 6-foot-5 forward was also second on the team with 5.2 rebounds, including 2.83 offensive boards per game — good enough for fourth in the conference. In the frontcourt, the Jumbos will benefit from the arrival of junior Alex Orchowski, who transferred in from Div. I Lafayette. Originally recruited by Tufts, the 6-foot-5 Orchowski possesses exceptional versatility and, coupled with his size, should provide a much-needed physical boost on both ends of the floor. “He’s got a little something to prove, because he wants to become a big part of a team,” Sheldon said. “As somebody who had a smaller role for the past two years, he’s excited to maybe get into the limelight.” While offenses in past years revolved primarily around halfcourt sets designed to pump the ball to Pierce, Tufts looks to switch to a more up-tempo style of play in 2010-11. Returning to the backcourt rotation is senior co-captain Matt Galvin, who was 10th in the NESCAC with 3.15 assists per game and has been a staple at point guard for the past two seasons. Sophomore Alex Goldfarb is the team’s top returning 3-point threat. In addition to the veterans atop the rotation, Sheldon plans to quickly shuttle newcomers

off the bench, including the five new freshmen who, according to the coach, will all receive substantial playing time. On the defensive end, the Jumbos have revamped a defense that gave up 70.7 points per game last season, second worst in the conference. Excommunicated from the playbook is the old half-court, manto-man set, and in its place is a full-court pressure system built around Tufts’ newfound speed and depth. Sheldon admits that, at least on paper, the Jumbos have not yet earned any respect from the rest of the league. But this is a squad that lost eight games in the last 30 seconds in 2009-10, suffered a quadruple-overtime defeat at Wesleyan and fell in four consecutive games by a combined 13 points. Embracing an underdog mentality is fine with him. “Nobody fears us,” Sheldon, who holds a 314-235 record through 22 seasons at Tufts, said. “Nobody respects us because of the last couple of years, so we’re going to try to make the trip from being a nobody to a somebody. We are going to be the underdogs, and we just hope to get things rolling.” As long as Tufts keeps its sights ahead on a bright future, Mason said, the proper pieces will fall into place. “With the attitude at practice that I’ve seen thus far, and with so many new guys, it’s almost like the old team isn’t around,” Mason said. “We don’t think about the old team anymore, because it’s such a new dynamic, they’re not even comparable.”


Senior forward Sam Mason and the men’s basketball team hope to improve upon a frustrating 6-17 2009 campaign.



Wednesday, November 17, 2010



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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most well known civil rights activists in the United States and around the world. Using nonviolent methods, Dr. King was able to help secure advancements for civil rights leaving a legacy that has allowed millions of Americans to reach their potential. The MLK Reflections Contest invites you to develop a well thought out essay, poem, spoken word or video that draws on the quote and responds to the question below. Your submission should demonstrate a careful analysis, synthesis and evaluation of Dr. King’s poignant words.

Essay Question: Is the Post-Racial Discourse of today, an attempt to silence us about things that matter? If so, how do you understand post -racial discourse within and outside of the context of your Tufts experience?

GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION: Only one entry per student may be submitted. First ($250), Second ($150) and Third ($100) Prizes will be awarded. The First Prize winner will have the opportunity to read their reflection at the Annual MLK Celebration Program on January 31, 2011 at 4:30pm. Writing submissions should be 12-point font, double- spaced and no longer than 1,200 words submitted in Microsoft Word or a compatible format. Page numbers and an essay title should also be included. Spoken Word or Video entries should be no longer than 10 minutes in length. Essays will be evaluated based on quality of idea(s), presentation and organization, clarity, appropriate use of evidence and mastery of undergraduate/graduate level writing skills. It is your responsibility to submit only your own original work and abide by the Tufts University academic integrity guidelines: http://studentservices.tufts.edu/dos/publications.htm.

Submissions must be emailed to Africana@gmail.com by December 4, 2010, 5:00pm EST Sponsored by:

Office of Equal Opportunity

Planning Committee: Dr. Brian Wright, Denise Phillips

Wednesday, November 17, 2010




Tufts will start season without Miller and Barnosky

The ultimate gamble

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL continued from page 16

5-foot-10 frame will definitely benefit a short Jumbos lineup. “[Clegg] has a real presence on the court; she plays with no fear,” Hart, who was recently selected to the D3hoops. com Preseason All-American Second Team, said. “She attacks the hoop, and she’s a phenomenal shooter. With the offense we run, we like to take a lot of [three-point shots], which will be great for her. She has fit in right off the bat, and I am definitely excited to have her.” Even with Clegg, the Jumbos will need to quickly find a way to replace Baily in the post. The spot is up for grabs, and it will likely be filled by committee early on, with seniors Sarah Nolet and Issy Cless, sophomore Samantha Tye and freshman Ali Rocchi all getting minutes. “Everyone is really stepping up to the challenge,” Miller said. “We knew going into the season that height was going to be an issue with us and clearly losing as big of a post presence as Julia Baily was would be an issue for any team. But everyone is just working hard.” With a dynamic offense that includes some of the best shooters in the conference, Tufts has spent much of the offseason focusing on improving its defense. The Jumbos went 21-6 in 2009-10 but were only 2-5 in games in which their opponents tallied 65 or more points. One of the biggest challenges Tufts faces is compensating for a lack of height, something the squad looks to minimize by having its guards help down low. “We are really drilling things in practice to get our defense down and basically making it a team game,” Miller said. “If another team is bigger than one of our post players, we will play a helpdefense and I am very confident in our ability to do that.” Tufts opens its season Saturday in a matchup with Lasell in the Eastern Connecticut Tip-Off Tournament. After another game the following day, the Jumbos will have a week to prepare for their home-opener, a key out-of-conference matchup against Brandeis. The Judges are always one of the top teams in the region and received seven votes in the D3hoops. com preseason rankings. “[Brandeis] will definitely be a good test,” Hart said. “We actually played with them a lot over the summer, so we know how a lot of them play. It’s always a grudge match with them, and



Though opposing teams will likely key on senior Colleen Hart, the women’s basketball team boasts a stocked arsenal of returning offensive weapons. it will show a lot if we can do some damage against them.” Of course, Tufts will still be shorthanded come the Brandeis game and the Judges will know better than to let Hart beat them — in a 60-50 Tufts win over Brandeis on Nov. 29, 2009, Hart was 3-for-18 from the field and 0-for-8 from beyond the arc but still finished with 12 points and 10 rebounds. Still, the team is confident that the rest of its young players are ready and willing to step up. “Colleen is not such a great player just because she shoots the ball,” Miller said. “There are a lot of things she does for this team and for this offense that don’t involve her putting the ball in the basket. At this point in her career, she is extremely good at recognizing when teams are focusing on her defensively

and using that to get her teammates points.” The team will be back with a full roster time for conference play — the first NESCAC game of the season is Jan. 14 against Middlebury at Cousens Gym — and the Jumbos look to be a definite title threat with their wealth of experience. The NESCAC is as dangerous as ever, with four teams ranked in the top 25 — including No. 1 Amherst — but the squad knows it can compete with any of them. “It’s really exciting to come back with a pretty good mixture of experience and some fresh faces,” Hart said. “It brings in some new energy but with that experience, we are able to not go into games nervous. We can show up at every game and hopefully make it to the playoffs, and we know we’ve been there before, and we know what to expect.”

Battered coed squad looks to spring season for redemption SAILING continued from page 16

off the 10 of the line and hitting the shift. In the light wind we were getting bullet [first place finishes]. In the heavier winds, we didn’t do as well but we were very consistent in the light air and did very well there.” As for the end of their season, Swanson and her team are proud of their finish and optimistic about the spring season. “We had a lot of fun in Florida,” Swanson said. “It was kind of a treat that we got to go and an awesome way to end our season. We’re really happy with how we did. All the schools that were there were the schools from the East Coast that qualified, and there are only two more schools that have good women’s teams — from California and Hawaii — so it was all the teams that will be at women’s nationals in the spring except for those two. It was a good indicator of how we might perform at nationals.” “I think this regatta showed our potential and how we can do in the spring and how we are making constant improvements from one regatta to the next,” Salk said. While the women’s team was in South Florida, the national No. 15 coed team traveled to Bowdoin to compete in the Coed Atlantic Coast Tournament, which allows teams that didn’t qualify for the coed ACCs to race against each other. In its final regatta of the fall season, the team finished eighth in a tourna-


ment of 16 total teams. The Boston University Terriers came in first, followed closely by University of Rhode Island and Coast Guard. The sailors faced a strong current and shifty breezes, which created inconsistent offsets and gates in the course. Massimo Soriano, junior skipper for the A Division boat, felt the lack of consistent weather was the primary reason for the less-than-ideal finishes. “I think the one thing that was disappointing was that we didn’t get to sail a full regatta; the whole time it was broken up,” Soriano said. “There was little wind and we sailed only two races each on Saturday and only four races each on Sunday, and of the 12, at least half of them were marginal. “There were very borderline conditions,” he continued. “That meant that we weren’t able to do as well as we’d hope and there were little things that didn’t go our way. It was mainly the fact that we failed to capitalize on shaky conditions. We sailed an average regatta, which we weren’t hoping to do. That was the team’s performance. It was really marginal sailing the whole time, and it was too bad.” Junior B boat skipper Nicolas RussoLarsson agreed. “There really wasn’t much racing, so when it was a real race we either did really well or really poorly,” he said. “So there weren’t any themes because there wasn’t enough racing to be consistent. Most things didn’t go our way, but it’s hard to say that when there are

so few races.” Soriano sailed with sophomore crewmember Amelia Quinn, who is also a features editor for the Daily. The A boat came in sixth overall, 10 points behind Salve Regina. The B boat, which was skippered by Russo-Larsson and crewed by senior Roisin Magee, sailed to ninth place. Again, the boat finished behind Salve Regina but by only three points. The coed team is confident that it can improve its sailing and reach the results it wants, according to Soriano. “It’s a question of lining up and synchronizing what we are capable of and doing what really counts,” Soriano said. “If you look at our performance ranking in New England, we are still ranked seventh and that’s something to be proud of in a district that is arguably the most competitive district in the nation. It’s our goal to be around fifth or sixth and we’ve fallen a bit short of that and we are still in position to pick our regattas this spring season and capitalize on what we’ve learned this fall.” “Our goal of the season is to synchronize our racing and capitalize on that,” Russo-Larsson said. “Peaking boats at the same time is important and really not getting into a funk mentally. We need to quickly recover after a bad race and get into a positive groove more often.” This marks the end of the fall season for the sailing teams. They will begin to compete in team races in the spring season beginning late January.

uburn quarterback Cameron Newton suited up this past Saturday. He threw for 148 yards, and two touchdowns and ran for another 151 yards and two touchdowns against Georgia. Altogether, it was a pretty average day for arguably the best collegiate quarterback in the country. Except it was a minor surprise that he was even playing at all. The reason? Not some mundane injury, but rather serious doubts about his eligibility as a college athlete. Newton, a relatively surprising success in his first year at quarterback for Auburn, carries, fairly or not, an already tarnished legacy. He left Florida after his sophomore season, ostensibly because he wasn’t going to get any playing time in 2009 with Tim Tebow returning. However, Newton had also been accused of buying a stolen laptop. He was cleared of any serious wrongdoing in the matter, and publicly acknowledged the stupidity of his actions. Still, this was enough for the ever-venomous media to accuse him — mostly unfairly — of running away from punishment. He and his father, however, maintained that playing time was the sole reason for his transfer to Blinn Junior College, where he played for a year before going to Auburn. That claim came into serious doubt this week, when new allegations arose suggesting that Florida had considered expelling Newton for cheating. According to the source, Newton put his name on another student’s paper without permission. When given a second chance to hand in the same assignment, he turned in a paper bought off of the Internet. And those aren’t even the most serious allegations that surfaced this week. Another source associated with Mississippi State alleged that Newton, along with his father, had sought “between $100,000 and $180,000” from Mississippi State during his second recruitment campaign in return for playing there. The most damning alleged comments include Cecil Newton, Cameron’s father, saying his son’s recruitment is “not gonna be free this time around,” and Cameron himself emotionally telling a Mississippi State recruiter that his father had chosen Auburn for him rather than Mississippi State because “the money was too much.” Obviously, if true, these are pretty damning allegations. Not only would Newton have engaged in very severe academic fraud, he would have committed the cardinal sin of college athletics: the dreaded pay-for-play situation. If these allegations are found to be true by the NCAA, Newton would likely lose his college eligibility and Auburn would be forced to vacate any wins from games in which Newton participated. Regardless of what Auburn does now, the potential repercussions for the program are huge. The punishment would likely be as severe as USC’s punishment for its role in the Reggie Bush scandal — reduced scholarships, a bowl and coaches poll ban. So why was it still a gamble to let Newton play this week? Well, the NCAA has historically given lighter punishments to schools that are willing to self-police allegations of this sort. Maybe if Auburn sits Newton, the NCAA will go easy on them. However, sitting Newton would render impotent one of the nation’s most potent offenses — and Auburn’s defense is just north of horrendous — effectively ruining realistic national championship expectations. If Auburn wins its next two games, it’s virtually assured of going to the BCS title. And so Auburn head coach Gene Chizik decided to let it ride on Saturday, knowing the future of the program, and very likely his own job, hang in the balance. And he was rewarded with over 300 total yards from his talented and obviously troubled quarterback, whose own offthe-field improprieties are the only thing stopping his on-field exploits from winning him a Heisman.

Ethan Frigon is a senior majoring in economics. He can be reached at Ethan. Frigon@tufts.edu.





Jumbos hope mix of experience and youth is recipe for success Return to NCAA Tournament in sight for the women’s basketball team BY


Daily Editorial Board

With graduations, transfers and injuries, teams rarely look the same from year to year. A team’s star player one year often gives way to a gaping hole in the squad the next. But a look into this year’s women’s basketball team reveals a familiar group of players looking to rally behind the same key pillars that have brought it success in the past: defense, speed and an innate ability to win. After losing only one starter to graduation, the Jumbos are back with the same core that last season led them to the second round of the NCAA Tournament.

Though the post presence of Julia Baily (LA ’10) will certainly be missed, Tufts still has senior tri-captain Colleen Hart, who led the conference in scoring, and classmate Vanessa Miller, the NESCAC Defensive Player of Year. Juniors Tiffany Kornegay and tricaptain Kate Barnosky, the team’s other returning starters, are dangerous players in their own right. Kornegay began to come into her own toward the end of the last season as a dangerous 3-point shooter, while Barnosky is an expert at giving opposing forwards headaches, forcing them onto the perimeter before beating them off the dribble. Coach Carla Berube has never been afraid to give her starters heavy play-

ing time and all four returners averaged more than 30 minutes per game last season. Expect more of the same from the Jumbos, who will try to get everything they can out of their key upperclassmen. “Having our starters back is a great thing because so much of basketball, and the style that we play specifically, is just about being comfortable with your teammates and knowing how they play,” Miller said. “Having a group of people who played as many minutes together as we did last year will be great, because we are that much more trusting in each other.” But it won’t be entirely smooth sailing for the Jumbos, and their depth will be

tested right out of the gates. Barnosky is currently sidelined by a torn meniscus and will be out of action until at least mid-January, while Miller will be using her final semester of eligibility for the second semester, rendering her ineligible until the first week of 2011. With the Jumbos’ depleted starting lineup, opposing teams are likely to double-team Hart and make the Jumbos’ younger players beat them. The Jumbos have acquired another weapon in sophomore Collier Clegg, a transfer from Colorado College. In her freshman season with the Tigers, Clegg averaged 14.1 points and 4.5 rebounds and her see WOMEN’S BASKETBALL, page 15


With most of team returning, Jumbos ready for another run Avenging NESCAC Quarterfinal loss to Middlebury first goal in line for Jumbos BY



Zach Diaco and Cooper — all return this year as seniors. In fact, all of the Jumbos’ top 10 goal-scorers are back. Derosa, now a quad-captain, was especially potent, with 15 goals and 16 assists to lead the team in points. Diaco and Cooper had 15 and nine goals respectively, and both had 12 assists. With those three scoring and creating opportunities, as well as the stability of sophomore defenseman Trevor John, who ended last year with eight goals and 12 assists, the team appears well on its way to another season in the top half of the NESCAC in goals per game. The Jumbos still have last year’s starting defensemen in John and senior quad-captain Andy Davis, but perhaps more importantly, they have Scott Barchard. Barchard, a junior quadcaptain, was named to the AllNESCAC First Team and AllAmerica Second Team East after shattering the program’s goaltending records. With a nationalbest .939 save percentage and 986 saves, a comparable year from Barchard would be a huge boost to the Jumbos and their playoff chances. Add that all up, and the Jumbos believe that they can build on their seventh-place NESCAC finish.

Senior quad-captain Tom Derosa, the Jumbos’ leading scorer last season, will look to lead the ice hockey team this weekend as the season opens with back-to-back games against Middlebury and Williams on Friday and Saturday.

see ICE HOCKEY, page 13

Daily Staff Writer

Fresh off its best season in a decade and its most successful campaign since joining the NESCAC in 2001-02, the ice hockey team isn’t ready to let up just yet. After a 12-10-3 season that earned it a NESCAC Quarterfinals appearance, Tufts will take to the ice on Friday against Middlebury, with memories of a brief lead against their NESCAC rivals in the conference quarterfinals surely still lingering. After having tied Middlebury 3-3 in the season-opener on Nov. 20, 2009, the Jumbos jumped out to a 1-0 lead in their playoff rematch before falling 6-2, ending their season above .500 for the first time since 2000-01. “Last year was our most winning season since joining the NESCAC,” senior quad-captain Dylan Cooper said. “The last game against Middlebury was a disappointing way to go out — we could’ve been better, especially since we tied them at the beginning of [last] season.” The Jumbos hope to make a playoff run once more since the core of last year’s team remains intact. Tufts’ trio of primary offensive production — Tom Derosa,


A whole new world: Sans Pierce, Jumbos look to find new identity BY


Daily Editorial Board

Question: How does the men’s basketball team, with just four NESCAC wins in the past three seasons, deal with the graduation of its only three players who started all 23 games in 2009-10? Answer: Its members don’t think about the past and only look to the future. “We see it as a fresh start,” senior cocaptain Sam Mason said. “I think those past seasons are not only making us hungry for a great season this year, but also they’re giving us a chance to prove ourselves to our opponents. No one gives us any respect entering this year, and that’s motivation for us because we haven’t given them any reason to respect us.”

Entering a season with high internal expectations, the Jumbos are trying to forget the mediocrity associated with their 6-17 season and move beyond the era of Jon Pierce (A ’10), the Jumbos’ all-time leading scorer; Dave Beyel (A ’10) and his 16.5 points per game; and Dan Cook (A ’10), the team’s biggest 3-point threat. To do so, Tufts, which kicks off its season at home on Saturday against Skidmore, will turn to an exciting and youthful core, accompanied by a few seasoned veterans, to try and reverse what has become an unfortunate trend. “It’s not something that we think about often, but it’s something that coach reminds us about, about how that see MEN’S BASKETBALL, page 13


Women sailors finish fourth at ACCs, coeds finish eighth BY SARAH


Daily Staff Writer

The national No. 12 women’s sailing team this weekend traveled to Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Fla. to compete in the Atlantic Coast Championships (ACCs) — its final fall regatta — and did not leave disappointed. The women finished fourth overall behind St. Mary’s (first), Boston College (second) and Hobart and William Smith (third). The team’s overall score of 232 points put them 36 points out of third place. Unfortunately, there was minimal wind and the weather was inconsistent, which created long days for the teams. Sailing began at 9 a.m. and finished well after 8 p.m.

Senior A Division skipper Catherine Swanson sailed with senior crewmembers Margaret Rew and Sara Carnahan. Their boat finished eighth in their division with 124 points over 15 races. The B boat was sailed by sophomore skipper Natalie Salk and crewed by sophomore Madeline Luce and junior Kathryn Booras, finishing fifth in its division with 108 points. The light winds definitely affected the races, according to Salk. “For ACCs, one thing that we did really well was that in the B Division, we sailed in light air especially well when it got very, very light,” Salk said. “Madeline and I capitalized off sailing see SAILING, page 15

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