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Mostly Sunny 72/53



FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 2010


Sol Gittleman speaks with students at After Hours

Tufts moves to make more dorms handicap-accessible BY

BRIONNA JIMERSON Contributing Writer


Alice and Nathan Gantcher University Professor Sol Gittleman last evening spoke in Brown and Brew about the history of aggression and violence and the possibility of future change. Gittleman was speaking in the final installment of the Tufts Community Union Education Committee-sponsored After Hours informal lecture and conversation series, meant to foster intellectual life on campus.

Theta Chi goes hairless for Haiti BY


Daily Editorial Board

The brothers of Theta Chi will today be continuing their annual tradition of shaving their heads for a good cause as they make a final push toward their goal of raising a total of $3,000 to raise money for Haiti relief. The brothers have focused their philanthropic efforts this semester on Haiti after an earthquake in January devastated the country. “One of our recent alumnus is of Haitian descent and had a lot of family living around Port-au-Prince,” junior Brendan Blaney, the fraternity’s philanthropy chair, said. “He’s pretty close to us, so we decided to step up and help out early after [the earthquake] happened.” Theta Chi every year hosts the head-shaving event in which brothers volunteer to have their heads shaved in exchange for donations. Each brother who volunteers will have a jar to collect donations. Once a brother’s jar has amassed $30, he will shave his head in front of the crowd. “It looks like we are going to have between 10 and 15 brothers shaving their heads this year,” sophomore Adi Kulkarni, the fraternity’s philanthropy chair, said. Those who donate will have the opportunity to help participate in the actual shaving of the brothers’ heads. “It’s a good way to get

Where You Read It First Est. 1980

A master plan to make Tufts’ housing more accessible to individuals with disabilities is in the process of being finalized and is awaiting formal approval from regulatory authorities. Richard Reynolds, vice president for operations in the Facilities Department and Rudi Pizzi, deferred maintenance program manager, are leading the effort to make Tufts more handicap-friendly, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Architectural Access Board (MAAB). MAAB is a regulatory agency within the Massachusetts Office of Public Safety that aims to make public buildings accessible for use by persons with disabilities. Facilities and MAAB worked together to create a master plan for making dorms handicap-accessible while equipping them with newer facilities. Plans for renovating existing dorm buildings began in February, according to Reynolds. MAAB is collaborating with Tufts as

part of a trial in making campuses across the state more compliant with disabled accessibility requirements for public buildings. Reynolds noted that while ideally they would like to upgrade all the buildings on campus to make them completely accessible, older buildings present a challenge to this goal. “You have to keep in mind the age of the Medford campus,” Reynolds said. “With the older buildings come many restraints. If we were building a brand new building, it would be entirely accessible, but with more historic buildings, we recognize our limitations.” Reynolds cited as an example a project to over the summer remodel all the bathrooms in West Hall, which faced challenges because of existing legislation regarding handicap-accessible buildings. “Under law, [remodeling the bathrooms] requires us to make all floors accessible to the disabled,” Reynolds see RENOVATIONS, page 3

Drake cancels at UMass Lowell but still slated for appearance at Spring Fling BY

donors involved in the actual event itself,” Theta Chi President Danny Wittels, a junior, said. The money raised from this year’s event will be donated to the Haitian Coalition of Somerville, a local charity tied to the Haitian community, Kulkarni said. “We thought that while it was great to help people in Haiti, there were also people locally that we could help,” Wittels said. The Haitian Coalition of Somerville is a group that provides financial, social and political support to Haitians living in Somerville and other neighboring communities. “ We usually donate the money we raise to the Amer ican Hear t [Association,]” Kulkarni said. “We have been fundraising a lot for Haiti this year, so we decided to continue our efforts to support them this year.” Last year’s event raised over $600 dollars, according to Wittels. “Our goal is to at least match what we raised last year,” Wittels said. “Obviously we want to raise even more, but if we match $600, we will be happy.” Theta Chi has been working the whole semester to raise funds for Haiti relief and has already raised over $2,500 by selling “Tufts for Haiti” wristbands. “We’ve raised $2,500 over see SHAVE, page 3


Daily Editorial Board

Drake was yesterday a noshow at his scheduled concert at the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMass Lowell) due to medical reasons, but is on track to perform tomorrow at Spring Fling, according to his publicist, Sarah Cunningham. “The university was informed today that Drake is on doctor-mandated vocal rest and cannot perform tomorrow night,” UMass Lowell said in a press release on Wednesday. “This performance will be rescheduled, and the new date will be announced as soon as that information is available.” Programming B o a rd Co-Chair Nicole Goodwin, a sophomore, said that she has been assured that Drake will not cancel his performance at Tufts. “We are fully expecting him to play at our Spring Fling,” Goodwin said. “He is scheduled to perform at Syracuse [today] and he has not canceled that performance.” When asked if Programming Board had a contingency plan in place, Goodwin said, “No, we are certain he is coming.” Brittany Frederickson, the public relations director for the Syracuse University’s programming board, told the Daily that the university’s Block Party concert featuring Drake, among other artists, is still set to take place. Cunningham explained that being on tour is physically draining. “When artists are touring

Inside this issue


Drake had to cancel his concert at UMass Lowell for medical reasons. and they are playing show after show and sleeping on a tour bus and going from being on a hot stage and then rushing to a cold bus, it’s easy to pick up colds and strain your voice,” Cunningham said. “You can

damage your vocal cords if you don’t take the necessary rest.” Cunningham added that Drake only required one night off and will be performing as see DRAKE, page 3

Today’s Sections

The Hold Steady’s latest album relies mostly on guitar due to the loss of the band’s keyboardist.

The softball team will head to Colby this weekend looking to win a division title.

see ARTS, page 5

see SPORTS, page 10

News | Features Arts & Living Comics

1 5 9

Sports Classifieds

10 15






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Daily Staff Writer

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Carter Rogers Executive Features Editor Marissa Carberry Features Editors Robin Carol Emily Maretsky Mary Beth Griggs Assistant Features Editors Emilia Luna Alexa Sasanow Derek Schlom

Friday, April 30, 2010

Despite health risks, fake tanning a growing trend

Caryn Horowitz Grace Lamb-Atkinson Ellen Kan Executive News Editor Michael Del Moro News Editors Harrison Jacobs Katherine Sawyer Saumya Vaishampayan Marissa Gallerani Assistant News Editors Amelie Hecht Corinne Segal Martha Shanahan Jenny White Brent Yarnell


Even though it is only just getting warm enough for students to sunbathe on the residential quad, for some Jumbos who just can’t seem to get enough of the sun, there’s always the option of tanning beds and spray tans to get that bronzed look. Studies consistently show, however, how dangerous tanning can be. According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization, the risk of melanoma, a type of skin cancer, increases by 75 percent for people under 30 who use tanning frequently. Additionally, there has been a significant spike in the number of melanoma cases in the United States, the rate of which nearly tripled between 1973 and 2004, according to the National Institute of Health. Dr. Eva Balash, a dermatologist in Boston, says tanning indoors is no more “safe” than tanning in the sun and is in fact quite the opposite. She has noticed a trend of small, dark moles on patients who tan indoors rather than through natural sun exposure. “It’s very harmful to the skin either way,” Balash told the Daily. Freshman Arielle Egozi only tans outside, mostly because of the strong causal link between tanning booths and skin cancer. “Not that [ultraviolet light (UV)] is much better, but the exposure isn’t as harsh,” Egozi said. “Plus, the whole point of being tan is being outside and at the beach.” “There is no such thing as a safe tan,” according to the United States Food and Drug Administration website. However, many don’t realize the harsh effects of both artificial and natural tanning. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, there are two main types of ultraviolet rays.

The kind found in tanning beds, UVA, is much more damaging and penetrating than UVB, which only harms the external layers of the skin. UVA rays affect skin pigmentation and don’t create the sunburns caused by UVB rays; tanning booths only emit UVA rays, ultimately creating more long-term damage to the skin. Increased risk of skin cancer and other skin damage seems to be a fact that numerous Tufts students are aware of, and even deterred by. “It’s truly devastating to your health,” Lisa Zingman, a sophomore majoring in community health, said. “It causes cancer, and I personally would never go in a tanning booth or artificially tan.” Senior Victoria Gilbert, a member of the Tufts Ballroom Dance Team, tans with liquid tanner or lotion before certain competitions but said she wouldn’t otherwise. “Without a doubt I would never have considered tanning if it were not for ballroom,” Gilbert said. Ballroom team members occasionally tan artificially before competitions in order to maintain a certain appearance, according to Gilbert. “At a certain level, you reach a point where you have to have a certain look, and that often happens to be a very absurdly tan color,” fellow ballroom team member Alex Freedman, a sophomore, said. “Part of the idea is that that’s what it looks like to be ‘Latin,’ kind of exotic-looking,” Gilbert said. Though Gilbert, who has been using liquid tanner since her junior year, added that pale skin isn’t necessarily cause for a point deduction, a tan is somewhat implied as the standard in higher-level competitions. “It’s just taken to be a part of the act, almost more like a stage performance, if

you will,” she said. The obligation to tan for an extracurricular activity such as ballroom dancing indicates the extent to which tanning has become a serious consideration for young people. The cultural phenomenon of “Jersey Shore,” the MTV show about self-described “guidos” and “guidettes,” also demonstrates how many people consider tanning a necessity for an attractive appearance. “Jersey Shore” star Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino’s three steps to looking good for a night out are “gym, tan and laundry.” However, members of one group of reality television stars, Tufts’ own Beelzebubs, do not artificially tan. “None of the Bubs do artificial tanning. None of us really have the time,” sophomore, and Beelzebubs member Evan Powell said. “It’s also a little ridiculous, but that’s my personal opinion.” Outside the world of reality television, many teenagers and young adults do see tanning as an essential component of their overall look. Tanning has become such a serious problem among teens and young adults that many develop something of an addiction to it, commonly referred to as “tanorexia.” A recent study published on “Paging Dr. Gupta,” CNN’s medical blog, reports that increased artificial tanning is linked to underlying issues of addiction, anxiety, and substance abuse. 400 undergraduate students, half of whom reported they frequented tanning salons, were studied, and those who tanned more often also had problems with anxiety, and were more likely to use alcohol and marijuana. Carter Rogers contributed reporting to this article.

Use of fax machines declines among students Fax machines still useful in the workplace BY


For students who struggle to remember a time without the Internet, the prevalence of fax numbers listed on websites and directories might seem like a superfluous piece of information. But even though e-mail and similar technologies might mean fax machines are no longer cutting-edge technology, they still hold some essential uses in the professional world, even if their personal use has declined. In a recent feature, BusinessInsider.com listed the fax machine as one of 21 things that became obsolete in the past decade, along with record stores, pay phones and dial-up Internet. Outgoing Tufts Community Union Treasurer Aaron Bartel, a sophomore, said that the Treasury does not use its fax machine often, but keeping one in the office is a legal necessity. “We probably use the fax maybe two or three times a week,” Bartel said. “We use it some. It’s not the most efficient or anything, and you can definitely get all that information across in an e-mail, but the good thing about the fax machine is that it’s very secure. “Any sort of confidential materials, like W-9s (a form used to request a taxpayer ID number), we actually need to send via fax, because e-mail technically is not secure enough, according to Massachusetts law, so if we didn’t have those laws in place it would be useless, but we need it for that,” Bartel said. “I’m not a big fan of the machine, but the fact is that a lot of businesses I think do need to use them just because it’s a secure transfer of information.” The Office of Undergraduate Admissions sends and receives quite a few faxes and doesn’t see the fax machine going anywhere anytime soon. “At this time [the fax

machine] is very busy with responses for specific issues regarding decisions and so on,” Rita Polcari, an office manager in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, said. “It pretty much relates to students faxing in information to embellish and so on … We get a tremendous amount of e-mail, [and] I can see [fax machine usage] declining at some point, but not too soon.” Although current Tufts students have grown up using e-mails and scanners, many have, at one point of another, used fax machines as well. “I work in an office building, so we use a fax machine pretty often,” sophomore Charlotte Harrison said. “It’s faster to send documents by fax than it is to send them by mail, but I don’t realize why they won’t just print them from electronic copies.” “I have [used a fax machine]. I do Kids’ Day for Tufts for [Leonard Carmichael Society], and we have to fax things to the city clerk’s office. I do it once a year, and we send four forms out,” junior Brittany Robbins said. However, many students have found that faxing documents is not as efficient or useful as other methods of communication. “I was working as a receptionist in my dad’s dental office when I was 15 … I mean, it was annoying more than difficult. You got a lot of fax machine spam,” sophomore Zach Solomon said. “I haven’t even seen one since then, other than to fax orders in a chocolate store I worked for. That was convenient.” Solomon noted that a combination of e-mail and a scanner replicated the function of a fax machine. Robbins agreed. “It’s a lot easier to scan something now and just send it as an e-mail, and the fax thing is kind of becoming a little bit less modern,” Robbins said. Robbins also argued that older generations are reluctant to switch devices, but

as young people enter business, this could change. “There are still a lot of companies that are dependent on fax machines, or that think they depend on them. They’re stuck on old technologies and haven’t embraced new ones yet,” Robbins said. “As our generation comes up and enters the work force and the job world, fax machines will become a lot less prevalent,” Robbins said. But even though the fax machine may be going out of fashion, it continues to be functional, especially in the business world. “I feel like it could be really useful in businesses that have multiple branches. All you need is to send the paper through and it’s really easy, but other than that, no,” Solomon said. “It’s more of a hassle to scan because you just throw it in the fax machine. I’ve used it at work. I work at a bank, and they use it a lot there. At home it’s basically obsolete. For businesses they’re not going to go away any time soon, because it’s a huge function that [fax machines] have,” sophomore Raghav Seth said. “Maybe [fax machines will be phased out]. I think it’s a while off, I feel like something more practical that has everything in one place will come up,” freshman Kristine Wiitala said. “I worked for a hotel, and a couple times a week I’d send people their invoices using fax numbers. I still feel like people ask for them a lot. I do things for the treasury, and they ask for things to be faxed sometimes,” Wiitala added. The decline of fax machines for home use has meant that when they are necessary, it can be difficult to find one. The Student Services desk charges per page in order for students to use the machine. “Everyone has a phone, but not everyone has a fax machine,” Solomon said.

Correction In the April 29 article “Top 10 | Themes for ‘Glee,’” the song “Lights” by the band All Out was incorrectly referred to as “All Out” by “Lights Out.”


Friday, April 30, 2010



Facilities and MAAB work together to improve handicap accessibility RENOVATIONS continued from page 1

said. “That would be expensive because of the age of the building, so we must receive variance from the MAAB so we do not have to put accessible rooms in West.” Reynolds further explained that Tufts reached a compromise with MAAB so that individual dorms like West, which pose particular difficulties, do not have to be made fully accessible in exchange for Tufts’ commitment to make five percent of the rooms across all of campus — making up approximately 111 rooms — handicap accessible. Making dorms accessible involves increasing the size of toilet stalls and bathrooms, altering door and room sizes and putting more rooms on the ground floor as an alternative to installing elevators. Implementing these changes while installing new bathroom facilities or redoing buildings reduces the costs and construction time, according to Reynolds. He added that the accessibility changes will be made concurrently with renovations. “We are committed to making the bulk of these changes over the next three to five years,” Reynolds said. “We will alter the rooms simultaneously

when altering other aspects, such as fixing roofs, remodeling bathrooms. The cost is part of the total cost for the entire job; it’s not an isolated endeavor, but part of a larger project for an entire dorm.” Pizzi stressed that funding for the accessibility upgrade project is not separate from the total cost of all remodeling work in a particular dorm. “We fund work project by project,” Pizzi said. “If we are working on a residential hall, we look at all issues concerning that hall and determine its compliance.” Pizzi noted that the construction on West is just a part of the larger plan put together by MAAB and Tufts. “We have a master plan we presented to the MAAB board with a number of compliant residence halls and noncompliant ones,” Pizzi said. “West and dorms similar to it received variance from the board. With its age and architectural layout, it was not costeffective to add disabled rooms to the building.” MAAB may grant final approval to the master plan by mid-May, according to Reynolds. If so, construction would begin over the summer, with scheduled projects to be completed by the beginning of fall 2010.


Plans are underway to make Tufts dorms more handicap accessible.

Theta Chi brothers hope to raise $3,000 this semester for Haiti SHAVE continued from page 1

the semester and this is our

“One of our recent alumnus is of Haitian descent and had a lot of family living around Port-au-Prince. He’s pretty close to us, so we decided to step up and help out early after [the earthquake] happened.” Brendan Blaney Theta Chi philanthropy chair

last push effort and we’re really trying to reach our goal of

raising $3,000,” Blaney said. Theta Chi will also be hosting carnival games and providing wings to those who donate to draw a crowd and more participants. “We also have some little fun games, and Wings Over Somerville has graciously decided to donate wings to our cause,” Blaney said. “We are hoping that people who are just passing by will donate some money,” Kulkarni said. Wittles hopes the fun nature of the event will attract a lot of participants and donors. “We are hoping that a lot of people do come watch and participate,” Wittles said. “Half the fun is watching the shaving take place.” The event will take place on the Mayer Campus Center Lower Patio from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Ellen Kan contributed reporting to this article.


Theta Chi has been raising funds for Haiti relief all semester.

Administrators urge students to act responsibly during Spring Fling DRAKE continued from page 1

planned on Friday and Saturday. “He just needed a one-night rest,” Cunningham said. “As of now, we are doing the show at Syracuse on Friday and the two shows, including the one at Tufts, on the first.” Drake will perform some tracks from his upcoming CD, “Thank Me Later,” slated for release on June 15, Cunningham said. “You are going to get to hear some of his big hits and some of his newer pieces as well,” Cunningham said. “It should be a really great concert.” Approximately 3,000 Spring Fling tickets had been distributed as of Thursday afternoon, according to Office of Campus Life (OCL) Director Joe Golia. The steering committee in March announced its decision to completely eliminate alcohol from the annual spring concert, even for of-age students. The decision was motivated partly by last year’s Spring Fling, which was declared a mass-casualty incident after a sizable number of students required treatment for alcohol poisoning. The administration has this year taken a number of precautionary measures in the hopes of avoiding a repeat of last year. Goodwin said that the new policy of entirely prohibiting students from

bringing alcohol into the concert venue will be carefully enforced and event staff will be closely monitoring attendees. “People who are visibly intoxicated will not be allowed in or will be removed by [Tufts University Police Department] once they are in,” Goodwin said. The shortage of water made available to students was cited as one of the main reasons for the high number of alcohol-related hospitalizations last year. Goodwin noted that Programming Board has taken note of that. “As always, people are not allowed to bring food or water,” Goodwin said. “But we will have more food and water than there was last year.” In an e-mail to the student body, Golia and Dean of Student Affairs Bruce Reitman encouraged students to behave responsibly, especially with regard to their drinking activity. We strongly urge you to exercise good judgment,” the statement said. “… If you do choose to drink, use common sense: drink in moderation, be aware of your limits, and surround yourself with friends … Take care of yourself — take care of your friends.” The e-mail also announced that the Tufts Community Union Senate, the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs, OCL and the Office of Residential Life and Learning are jointly sponsoring free breakfast for all students on the morning of the concert.


Despite canceling an appearance at UMass Lowell yesterday, Drake will still appear at Spring Fling tomorrow.




Friday, April 30, 2010

Arts & Living




The Hold Steady gets back to basics on newest release BY JOSH


Daily Editorial Board

“If money didn’t matter, then I might tell you something new/ You can’t tell people what they want to hear, if you also want to

Heaven is Whenever The Hold Steady Vagrant Records tell ’em the truth,” sings The Hold Steady’s front-man, Craig Finn, on the second track of the band’s latest release, “Heaven is Whenever.” The album is due for U.S. release on May 4 from Vagrant Records. In many ways, Finn has little new to tell his listeners; the songs follow Finn’s usual narrative themes of booze, sex, drugs, crime, Catholic guilt and his eclectic record collection. Yet The Hold Steady still keeps the material fresh on this album by producing a classic rock sound that oscillates between exuberant and cinematic. The Hold Steady formed in New York City in 2003 when vocalist and guitarist Craig Finn and lead guitarist Tad Kubler set out to create a classic rock revival band, recruiting bassist Galen Polivka, drummer Bobby Drake and eventually keyboardist Franz Nicolay along the way. The band released “Almost Killed Me” (2005), “Separation Sunday” (2005), “Boys and Girls in America” (2006) and “Stay Positive” (2008), garnering an ever-widening fanbase through its rousing live performances. On account of Finn’s gruff vocals and poetic story-telling, backed by Kubler’s classic rock riffs and Nicolay’s driving piano, the group often drew comparisons to Bruce Springsteen. But shortly before the recording began for “Heaven is Whenever,” Nicolay left the group to pursue other projects, with the result that the newest release relies mostly on guitar. Indeed, it is a solo guitar that opens the album in the introduction of “The Sweet Part of the City,” but not the usual over-driven, electric guitar crunch


The Hold Steady both plays to its strengths and charts new territory in its new album. emblematic of Kubler’s work. Instead, an acoustic guitar, played in the Delta blues slide tradition, paints a sunny, Southern soundscape. “We got bored so we started a band/ We’d like to play for you/ We’d like to pray for you,” Finn sings to close this atypical, introductory track, effectively summing up the band’s mission for the album. In many respects, “Heaven is Whenever”

harkens back to the band’s debut, “Almost Killed Me,” probably because the band returned to producer and engineer Dean Baltulonis, who worked with them on their first two albums. Many of the harder-rocking tracks, such as “Soft in the Center,” “The Smidge,” “Rock Problems” and “Our Whole Lives” have a pounding rock feel similar to The Hold Steady’s early work, and Finn

makes sure to drop plenty of phrases that lyrically reference the band’s prior albums. But the gruff Minnesotan has also written his lyrics from a more mature perspective — almost as though advising a younger generation of party-goers. “You gotta get yourself right, kid/ I’m gonna give you see HOLD STEADY, page 7


In defense of art houses

Lori and Andy’s 10th Avenue Supergroup will play at Spring Fling

Independent theaters not to be overlooked BY JESSICA


Daily Editorial Board

As the Independent Film Festival wrapped up yesterday in Boston, the Daily Arts Section took a moment to acknowledge the theaters that bring daring, different films to the public on a regular basis. While megaplexes offer the newest and the hottest of blockbuster action flicks and romantic dramas, art houses dedicate themselves to serving a particular niche — and to providing exposure for up-and-coming and avant-garde filmmakers. Kyle Parrish, a manager at Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline, explains what makes indie theaters work and why they matter. Jessica Bal: What is it that makes art houses and independent theatres unique? Kyle Parrish: In our case, one of the things is a sense of history, because Coolidge has been continuously operating since 1933. We had our 75th anniversary a little over a year ago. We were open around the Great Depression, when movies were new. [Coolidge] has been a mainstream theater, and it’s been an art house. The building and the space are historical; we’ve got some of the original art deco on

the ceilings and the walls — it’s renovated, but it has many of the original design elements. In the ’30s, the theater was just one screen. What’s our second theater now was originally a balcony, and the whole thing had 600 to 700 seats. They showed a new film each week in the ’30s and the ’40s. Going to the movies then was closer to how people watch television now. On some nights, you’d go out to watch movies — it didn’t necessarily matter what was playing. In the same way, some people just turn on the TV now to see what’s on. JB: How is the experience at Coolidge or other independent theatres different than the one audiences might get at a megaplex? KP: More recently, we’ve renovated and have smaller spaces that seat 44 and 17 people. The advantage of that is that we can show films that maybe only 15 or 20 or 25 people are going to come and see. One of the reasons why bigger megaplex theatres don’t take a lot of risks [on films] is because if they have a space for 150 people and they only sell 20 tickets, they lose money. They need the films to be a sure thing. JB: Do you think that takes something away from the experience?

Do people miss out on something by choosing the megaplex over an indie theatre? KP: I’m not opposed to big-budget films with famous actors, but playing the things you’re certain all people are going to see ... you only get the mainstream. You miss out on the films that take a risk. [At Coolidge] we play a documentary per week. That’s something that’s important to the medium — to report or tell a story about real people that people can connect to their everyday lives and that motivates them to some sort of action. But [documentaries] aren’t going to draw crowds like when Bruce Willis blows things up. JB: I know what you mean. But I saw “Man on Wire” (2008) at Coolidge, and that was maybe my favorite documentary yet. Actually, make that one of my favorite films ever, documentary or no. KP: Yeah, we were able to show “Man on Wire” for months because everyone loved it and told their friends about it. It was a steady business for a long time. Blockbusters have a real spike in attendance and in money and see COOLIDGE, page 7

The Battle of the Bands in Hotung Café showcased some of the most musically talented members of the Tufts community. Emerging victorious from the competition was Lori and Andy’s 10th Avenue Supergroup, brainchild of seniors Loretta Allen and Andrew Mead. As the winner, the band will play between Drake and OK Go on the side stage at Spring Fling tomorrow. The band’s name is quite fitting as the group consists of eight musicians, six of them students at Tufts. Allen’s Amalgamate peers, senior Alexander Green (who also plays rhythm guitar), senior Alexandra Rodman and freshman Sophie Dover, provide backup vocals, with senior Jeremy Strauss on keys. With so many musicians on stage, the group is able to create a great deal of energy that should work well with the atmosphere of Spring Fling. Allen and the backup singers show a high level of coordination with each other that comes from their common experience in the Amalgamates.

In terms of genre, Allen, Mead and the rest of the group differ from the professional groups playing on Saturday. While hip hop and rock and roll are Spring Fling staples, soul and R&B music are less common on the President’s Lawn. In last weekend’s show, the band showed a willingness to mix originals with R&B standards to get the crowd singing and involved. Their cover of the Jackson 5 classic, “I Want You Back” (1969), was a pleasant surprise to a receptive Hotung audience. Although this year’s student performance will add a measure of musical diversity to the concert, the party atmosphere will remain throughout. It is easy to see how much fun these musicians have while performing, and this enjoyment should be infectious with such a large crowd in attendance. On Saturday afternoon, students can count on an entertaining and distinctive performance from some of their own. —by Nicholas Gang




Friday, April 30, 2010


Friday, April 30, 2010




‘The Losers’ is a fun, if forgettable, action-packed summer flick BY


Daily Editorial Board

With the usual array of guns, girls, big explosions and one-line quips, “The Losers” marks the

The Losers Starring Chris Evans, Zoe Saldana, Jeffrey Dean Morgan Directed by Sylvain White kick-off of the summer action flick season. Based off of a graphic novel of the same name, “The Losers” follows a mission of revenge by a team of five former CIA black ops, helped by a mysterious and dangerous woman named Aisha (Zoe Saldana). The team is left for dead in the jungles of Bolivia when a plot of betrayal by the CIA goes awry. Their only clue is that their enemy is a powerful man named Max (Jason Patric), and when Aisha offers the opportunity for them to return to U.S. soil, they vow to achieve vengeance. Sounds pretty typical, right? At its core, “The Losers” is an actionpacked 98 minutes of PG-13 fun. Just about everything is unapologetically excessive in this movie. The entire look of the movie is saturated in vibrant colors that make the explosions that much more vivid and the sex scenes that much more sultry. When coupled with quick cuts and shaky hand-held

camera shots, the film’s comic book roots become evident. Meanwhile, epic tunes like Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” (1981) blast in the background as the anti-heroes shoot and blow things up. But really, it’s the standard action-movie characters that propel the film forward. Audiences are introduced to the familiar crew of bad good guys. The team of five — Clay (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), Jensen (Chris Evans), Pooch (Columbus Short), Roque (Idris Elba) and Cougar (Óscar Jaenada) — gamble, drink and ruthlessly fight among each other as well as the bad guys. All the while, they stay noble and loveable by rescuing Bolivian village children and making “yo mama” jokes while operating heavy artillery. Comic relief comes in the form of Jensen, the eccentric funnyman who whistles as he kills and has some of the best lines in the film. Saldana’s character, Aisha, fits into the typical mold of the enigmatic femme fatale. Her entrance into the film begins with a seduction of Clay and soon transforms into a prolonged fight scene between the two that features lots of chair-throwing and bottlebreaking. After the two beat each other up for a while, Aisha finally reveals that she’s there to help the team, but doesn’t reveal her own motives. There isn’t a lot of chemistry between her and the team. In fact, the film makes it very clear that Aisha and the rest of the Losers neither like nor trust each other. Of course,


Zoe Saldana plays an operative with a secret in “The Losers.” that doesn’t stop the main couple from having sex between traveling from city to city in the attempt to get revenge on Max. The film’s evil villain, Max, is as foul as bad guys come. He has all the right attributes for the despicable evil suit — exaggerated arrogance and lavishness, bad jokes and a hazy plot to start world war for personal gain — and his character is pretty much a parody

of himself and every bad action movie villain that came before him. This type of villain makes it all the easier to root for “The Losers.” The filmmakers took no stops in Max’s lines, with orders like, “Kill them or fire them — whichever’s easier!” and actions like shooting an aide in the face for fumbling with an umbrella. “The Losers” is riddled with plot holes and full of cheesy lines,

but all in all is a fun, summer action flick perfect for a lazy summer afternoon. With plenty of skin time for Saldana, big guns for the boys and non-stop action, “The Losers” will not disappoint anyone looking for a movie that doesn’t require a lot of thought. For the time that it lasts, “The Losers” is definitely entertaining, but will not last long in memory or in cinematic history.

Band ‘holds steady’ despite losing longtime keyboardist HOLD STEADY continued from page 5

some advice/ You can’t get every girl/ You’ll get the ones you love the best,” he sings on “Soft in the Center.” Finn also takes a more critical stance on the wild hardcore shows that he attended in his younger days. On the dark, vaguely klezmer-sounding track, “Barely Breathing,” he sings, “Showing up at shows like you care about the scene still/ Where were you when the blood spilled?/ They almost killed me/ It got pretty sketchy

… The kids are all distracted/ No one wins at violent shows.” Sonically speaking,“Heaven isWhenever” offers a diverse, but more mature palette of musical textures than its immediate predecessor, “Stay Positive.” While the last album pushed the envelope by including a harpsichord, theremin, vibraphone, banjo, mandolin and even a wacky talkbox guitar solo, on “Heaven” the band opts for more symphonic arrangements when going beyond the usual guitar, bass and

drums backdrop. Notably absent are Nicolay’s skilled organ and piano parts, which elevated the band’s style above a straightforward rock set-up on “Separation Sunday,” “Boys and Girls in America” and “Stay Positive.” Guitarist Kubler has filled in some basic piano parts on this album, but they lack the complexity of the conservatory-trained Nicolay’s compositions. On the whole, The Hold Steady has

nevertheless managed to produce a nuanced and layered rock album, with a style that is consistent with its previous efforts, but manages to mature beyond them. Thankfully, despite the band’s growing success and the recent loss of its keyboardist, The Hold Steady lost sight of what’s truly important — the music. As Finn sings on “We Can Get Together,” “Heaven is whenever/ We can get together/ Sit down on your floor/ And listen to your records.”

Parrish explains balance of profit, film quality inherent in art houses COOLIDGE continued from page 5 then it drops sharply. That’s more about what’s fresh, what’s new and diverting. One of them — a lot of times — is just as good as another. JB: So independent films and documentaries, you’ve noticed, have a different sort of trajectory? KP: Exactly. The films we show are often not promoted on TV. The more likely thing is that people will see it, like it and then recommend it to other people. We may do better with one film in the third or fourth week. JB: What’s the demographic like at Coolidge Corner? Who do you see coming in to the theater these days?


The Coolidge Corner Theatre provides its neighborhood with indie films and documentaries.

KP: We have a real variety. There are lots of locals — Brookline residents who are often older, middle-aged and probably own a house in Brookline, have lived here for years and come regularly. Then there’s Brighton, Allston, Jamaica Plain, all the surrounding neighborhoods where there are a lot of college students. We definitely get a lot of young folks, and we try to make our programming for events show that diversity. There are midnight cult films, burlesque shows and a Halloween horror film marathon

that runs from midnight until 11 a.m. or noon the next day. JB: Does that mean that you mostly get regulars? Or do you think that there are plenty of people coming to Coolidge who are new to the theater? KP: We’re a neighborhood fixture, for sure. But sometimes we’re the only theater, or one of only two theaters, that’s showing a particular film. Different people [than our usual crowd] for whatever reason heard about it and want to see, and they come here for the first time. JB: What are some of the challenges in running an independent theater? KP: You are hoping to show films that people can’t see everywhere else; that’s part of our identity, but that also means there are films that most people might not be interested in. You have to strike a balance. No matter how good a film is, if it doesn’t sell tickets, we don’t make money. We want to show something that fits with our mission statement and that represents the best possibilities in filmmaking. Coolidge was one of the first theatres in the area to show the hit “Slumdog Millionaire” (2008). Within a few weeks, it opened in other places, and then went on to win all these

awards. It started as more of an indie film for what we thought would be a niche audience, but it really caught on. JB: Did that take away from your mission statement at all? Showing a film that people could then see at almost every theater across the country? KP: I think we felt like we sort of had dibs on it [laughs]. But no, we’re happy it succeeded. It was a good film, and it’s hard not to be glad when something like that succeeds. We’re rooting for unusual films that take a risk, that aren’t predictable. JB: What’s a film you’ve seen recently that you’d recommend? KP: At the Independent Film Festival in Boston recently I saw “The Good, The Bad, and The Weird” (2008) — a Korean Western. It’s got Korean actors and is set in Manchuria in the ’30s. It’s an over-the-top action movie, but it’s beautiful and fresh and daring. There’s this sense of joy to it. It reminds me of the first time I saw “Pulp Fiction” (1994) — thinking the director was doing something exciting and different, [and] wasn’t afraid. Coolidge offers a student discount on Thursdays and a discount on the yearly membership when bought with a student ID.




Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010












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Playoff berth, NESCAC East crown on the line at Colby Jumbos hoping to extend dominance over Mules, return to postseason play BY


focusing on advancing runners.” If these are indeed the keys to the Jumbos’ offense, then last week’s game against Williams was a blueprint for success. Tufts scored 12 runs on 12 hits, including multi-hit games from Sullivan, Beinecke, junior Kim Miner and sophomore Lena Cantone. The Jumbos did not have a single extrabase hit, but they stole six bases and put together strings of hits, scoring six runs in the first and another four in the second. “Everyone did a really great job of coming out and attacking the at-bats, taking care of them and being aggressive,” Sullivan said. The Mules will not make it easy for Tufts though, as they have an impressive newcomer and a wily veteran on the mound. Senior Brittany Tasi (4-6, 3.72 ERA) has plenty of experience against the Jumbos and has had success pitching against both Bowdoin and Trinity, while freshman Lauren Becker (6-5, 2.53 ERA) has continued the tradition of NESCAC pitchers having strong first years. Tufts will have to work for every run it gets this weekend. The Jumbos will also need to make sure not to give too many away. Tufts committed seven errors in the Trinity series, though they only led to two unearned runs. With games getting so close as the season winds down, these mistakes could be deadly. “A lot of it is focus,” Beinecke said. “Sometimes I will take my eye off the ball for one split second. It’s completely a mental thing. Casey has made almost zero errors this season and I think it’s because she is one of the most focused players I’ve played with. I think we need to all to look to her example and stay with the play.” While this series is important for

Sophomore Lena Cantone and the softball team will travel to Colby this weekend with a shot at clinching a division title and securing a return trip to the NESCAC Tournament.

see SOFTBALL, page 15


Senior Staff Writer

In recent years, the softball team has made a habit out of hammering Colby. The Jumbos have won nine straight games over the Mules, none of which has been decided by less than six runs. Six of the games were ended by the mercy rule, and Colby has only scored more than one run in a game once during the streak. But none of those games mattered as much as this weekend’s three-game set in Waterville, Maine. Tufts enters the tilt with a conference record of 7-2, and needs one win to secure a playoff berth and a second to clinch the NESCAC East for the sixth straight year. The title also comes with a No. 1 seed in the NESCAC Tournament that will take place May 7-9 at the home of the NESCAC West champion. “Obviously we think about [the standings], but it’s not what is important,” senior captain Casey Sullivan said. “What is important is getting a ‘W’.” If the Jumbos hope to continue their dominance over the Mules, they will need their bats to step it up. Tufts averaged 7.34 runs per game last season, but it has only managed 4.89 per game this year. While the Jumbos still have posted solid power numbers, leading the NESCAC with a .539 slugging percentage and 13 home runs in conference play, they have struggled to produce runs by other means. They are fourth in the NESCAC in batting average and in the bottom half of the conference in hits, runs and RBIs. “We need to come out fired up and ready to go, and not worry about the consequences of making an out,” freshman Emily Beinecke said. “Our team motto lately is to not dwell on it and to do whatever you can to get on base. It’s about stringing together hits and


Offense reignites in rout of Newbury BY


Daily Editorial Board

Coming off a 19-5 loss, the baseball team bounced back in a big way. BASEBALL (22-5, 9-2 NESCAC East) Huskins Field, Wednesday Newbury Tufts

4 17

Huskins Field, Tuesday Eastern Conn. Tufts

19 5

After falling to nationally ranked No. 15 Eastern Connecticut on Tuesday, the Jumbos rebounded the very next day to trounce Newbury 17-4 in a five-inning, rainshortened game. Tufts was clearly anxious to get the bitter taste of defeat out of its mouth, as the first 10 Jumbo batters of the game reached base and the team went on to plate 12 runs in the first inning. “It was good for guys to stay back and have quality atbats,” said senior tri-captain see BASEBALL, page 12


The one-two punch of juniors David LeResche and Ian Goldberg (pictured) combined for six hits and six runs in the rout over Newbury College.


Matchup with Polar Bears to determine seeding for NESCAC BY


Daily Editorial Board

The women’s lacrosse team faces Bowdoin this afternoon looking to not only end the regular season on a high note, but to secure a first-round home game in the NESCAC tournament that begins on Sunday. Tufts went into last year’s NESCACs as the No. 1 seed in the league, beating Amherst 14-11 in the first round before a heartbreaking second-round overtime loss to Williams, which went on to lose to Colby 12-10 in the championship game. Going into this afternoon’s matchup versus Bowdoin, Tufts is tied with Amherst for fourth place. Bowdoin, meanwhile, is tied for second with the defending NESCAC champion Mules, while everyone trails 7-1 Trinity. With all 10 NESCAC teams playing conference games today, no team’s postseason fate is locked in for sure, except for the winless Wesleyan Cardinals missing out on a playoff spot. “It’s very complicated because all of the teams have such close and crazy records this year,” freshman Kaitlyn Leidl said. “We have to beat


see WOMEN’S LACROSSE, page 15

Senior Emily Johnson and the women’s lacrosse team will look to avenge last year’s loss to Bowdoin in the team’s regular season finale today.

Friday, April 30, 2010







Friday, April 30, 2010


Kings’ Evans is NBA Rookie of the Year Sacramento Kings point guard Tyreke Evans was named the NBA’s Rookie of the Year yesterday. Evans is the first Kings player to win the award since the franchise moved to Sacramento in 1985. The fourth pick in last June’s NBA draft, Evans beat out fellow rookies Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors and Brandon Jennings of the Milwaukee Bucks to win the award. Despite the fact that Jennings led the Bucks to the playoffs and Curry dazzled in the Warriors’ backcourt, the former Memphis Tigers star became just the fourth rookie ever— joining Oscar Robertson, Michael Jordan and LeBron James — to average at least 20 points, five rbounds and five assists in his first season. He led all rookies with 20.1 points, was second in assists with 5.8 a game and fifth in rebounds with 5.3.

Two softball playoff bids up for grabs With one weekend remaining in the NESCAC softball regular season, four teams are still in contention for the West division’s two playoff spots. At 7-2, Williams is in control of its own destiny, needing to take two of three from arch-rival Amherst to clinch its first division crown since 2007. Things are tight at the top, however. Currently tied in second place at 6-3, Middlebury and Wesleyan are slated to play a critical three-game set in Vermont this weekend, with the winner of the series guaranteed a spot in the upcoming conference tournament. The Jeffs are also still in contention, but they need to sweep the Ephs to have a chance at a postseason berth.

Finalists for NHL’s Hart trophy announced Hockey fans might have been denied a playoff showdown between Alexander Ovechkin and Sidney Crosby, but the two faces of the NHL will at least square off for this year’s Hart Trophy. Ovechkin, Crosby and Henrik Sedin of the Vancouver Canucks were announced as the finalists for the league’s equivalent of the MVP award yesterday. The winner will be revealed on June 23. Ovechkin will hope to temper the disappointment of his Capitals’ stunning first-round exit from the NHL playoffs by winning his third straight Hart Trophy. He’ll face stiff competition from Olympic hero Crosby, who tied for the league lead with 51 goals this season, and Sedin, the NHL’s points leader with 112.


With a win and a Conn. College loss on Friday, junior D.J. Hessler and the men’s lacrosse team can clinch the No. 1 seed in the NESCAC Tournament.

Conference tourney seeds still up for grabs Tufts needs victory, Conn. College loss to win NESCAC regular season title BY


Daily Editorial Board

The NESCAC Tournament will start on Sunday — but that is about the only thing that is certain in the world of NESCAC men’s lacrosse this season. Tufts has secured at least the second seed in the conference and home-field advantage for the first game, but where it play next weekend, as well as who it will face, is very much up in the air. Tonight at 7 p.m., Tufts will host the No. 3 team in the conference, the Bowdoin Polar Bears, on Bello Field. Last year, the Polar Bears beat the Jumbos in their last regular-season game under the lights, and Tufts is undoubtedly out for revenge. But the contest has implications that go beyond boyish rivalries: If Tufts wins and current first-seeded Conn. College loses to eighth-seeded Wesleyan, Tufts will move into first and take over tournament hosting honors. “Most importantly, whoever we play Sunday has nothing to do with Bowdoin College,” coach Mike Daly said. “Bowdoin is one of the most athletic teams we have faced all year and, I promise you, they have our full attention right now. We will worry about who we’ll be playing

One week after playing host to their NESCAC rivals, the men’s and women’s track and field teams will welcome their competitors from across the region, as the New England Div. III Championships come to Ellis Oval this weekend. Both Jumbo squads are coming off strong showings at the conference meet, where each took home a second-place finish. At last season’s regional championships, Tufts recorded a pair of top10 finishes. Paced by a runner-up performance in the heptathlon by then-junior Andrea Ferri, the women came in sixth, while the men finished in seventh. —compiled by Ethan Landy and Sapna Bansil

cernable percentage on who we might play — because it is so wide open — it will help us focus on Trinity,” Amherst coach Tom Carmean said. “We don’t have anything substantial to look at … we could be traveling to Maine or at home, or anywhere in between. Having that vague quality allows us a much easier road to focus on what’s coming up [tonight]. There’s really just nothing else to think about because we can’t focus on just one or two opponents.” Colby will be fighting to stay in the No. 5 spot when it faces Bates, though the Mules’ fate is almost completely out of their hands. Bates is 0-8 in the league and does not pose a significant threat to Colby on paper, but if the Mules choke, they will certainly fall in the rankings. And, unfortunately for them, even with a victory, simultaneous Amherst and Williams wins would still push them into sixth. Colby has no chance of hosting any games this tournament, but a drop in the standings will undoubtedly hurt its prospects in their quarterfinals. Also weighing in on the standings is tonight’s game between Middlebury and Williams in Williamstown, Mass. see MEN’S LACROSSE, page 15

Busy weekend starts with another game versus Trinity BASEBALL continued from page 10

Tufts to host regional track championships

Sunday after Bowdoin.” The matchup the Jumbos will be watching, between the national No. 8 Camels and the Cardinals, may seem highly weighted against Wesleyan — and by proxy Tufts — but an upset is far from out of the question. Conn. College is coming off a 12-9 loss to Colby last Saturday, the first of its season, while Wesleyan took down NESCAC No. 4 Amherst, 16-8. So, Tufts will wait to see if the Camel’s first loss of the season rattled them enough to give the fired up Cardinals an opening. Every other seed in the tournament is even less certain. Amherst will take on the ninth team in the conference, Trinity, on the Bantams’ turf, and the Lord Jeffs currently hold a 4-4 conference record — the same record as Colby, Middlebury and Williams. If the Lord Jeffs win, then the picture does not change; they would stay in fourth and host the No. 5 seed on Sunday. However, if Amherst slips up this afternoon, the loss could cause them to take a big fall into anywhere from fifth to eighth place, depending on today’s other games, and subsequently lose home-field advantage for the first round. “To tell you the truth, having no dis-

Alex Perry, who had the day off against Newbury. “It was great just to see guys take pride in their bats and not waste at-bats and put a good swing on the ball — stick to their mechanics and swing the way they should be swinging.” The Jumbos added another run in the second and four more in the fourth — the last inning in which they batted. That was enough room for sophomore pitcher Dave Ryan to work with, as he let up four runs — one of which was earned — over five innings pitched to improve to 3-1 on the year. He recorded seven strikeouts while walking four and surrendering eight hits. Despite the contest being called due to weather, five Jumbos enjoyed multihit performances, including three-hit games from junior tri-captain Dave Leresche and classmate Ian Goldberg. The Jumbos sent 34 hitters to the batter’s box on the day and came away with 16 hits, four free passes and two hit batsman — good for a stunning .571 average and .647 on-base percentage. Tufts also recorded nine doubles, putting the team slugging percentage at .893.

“I think we were all really excited to get back on the field and get momentum going into the weekend,” Goldberg said. “We’ve got a lot of games left, and at least for me, I had to get my confidence back after a couple shaky performances at the plate.” The day before, things were not as pretty for Tufts. Looking to make a statement against a nationally ranked opponent, the Jumbos — who are not ranked despite their 22-5 overall record and 2-0 record against No. 25 Trinity — stumbled out of the gate and never recovered. The Warriors scored eight runs in the first two innings of the game, which ended up being more than they would need. Tufts did show signs of life in the bottom of the second, managing three runs thanks to a couple of sacrifice flies and an error. But the Jumbos only sent two more runners across home plate for the rest of the game, as Warriors senior pitcher Will Musson twirled seven strong innings to move to 4-0 on the season. On the Tufts side, junior Pat O’Donnell suffered his worse pitching performance of the season, surrendering 15 runs — eight of which were

earned — on 12 hits and five walks over six innings of work. “I think we just didn’t come to play,” Perry said. “With every game, you want to move forward, want to progress as a team. It doesn’t necessarily mean win the game, but leave everything out there and move forward as a team. That game was sort of a setback for us. They certainly made us pay for that and took advantage.” The Jumbos’ next contest will come this afternoon, when the team plays a makeup game against Trinity to close out the season series. Tufts will then take part in back-to-back doubleheaders over the weekend, as well as a game on Tuesday, in preparation for the NESCAC Tournament, which it will host. “I think just in terms of outlook in terms of regional stage, [beating Trinity would be] a huge win for us if we can go out and play our type of baseball,” Perry said. “At same time, it’s a conference game and you always want to do well in-conference. We’re already hosting the NESCAC Tournament, but to go out and beat Trinity would be great for us and would be great momentum for our big weekend.”

Friday, April 30, 2010




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Class of 2010 Dance Minors

Marissa D'Ambra Dance Studies Award *

Tufts Programs

Non-Tufts Programs

Tufts in China/Japan Tuesday, May 4th 1:30 pm

Africa/Asia/Caribbean/Latin America/Middle East Tuesday, May 4th 3:30 pm

Tufts in Madrid/Paris/T端bingen Mainland Europe Wednesday, May 5th Wednesday, May 5th 1:30 pm 3:30 pm Tufts in London/Oxford Australia/NZ/UK/Ireland Thursday, May 6th Thursday, May 6th 1:30 pm 3:30 pm

Phoebe Pickering Dance Program Merit Award *

Elizabeth Rodd *

Julia Schiff Dance Studies Award *

Jose Soto-Mendez Class of 1911 Prize *

Danielle Steever Creative Writing Award


*All meetings will be held in Tisch 304* PLEASE NOTE: If you cannot attend your non-Tufts meeting, please attend an alternate non-Tufts meeting. If you cannot attend your Tufts meeting, please attend an alternate Tufts meeting. Students studying abroad spring 2011 will be required to attend pre-departure meetings in December 2010.

Meetings are required. Questions? Call x7-5871.

Art Bridgman A72 of Bridgmanpacker Dance to receive the P.T. Barnum Award for contributions to the field of dance at Lincoln Center in June 2010 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P.T._Barnum_Awards#Art_Bridgman




Friday, April 30, 2010

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Error-free softball the key to postseason

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SOFTBALL continued from page 10

playoff seeding, it is also one of the Jumbos’ last tune-ups before the NESCAC tournament. If the season were to end today, they would be placed in the tournament with Trinity (2-1 record against), Williams (1-1) and Middlebury, whom Tufts has yet to play. All of the teams have shown a lot of capability, and the title will truly be up for grabs. The Jumbos need to take this opportunity to make the last minute adjustments they need for success. “Everyone knows that if we want to do well in the NESCAC tournament we need to keep up with this momentum and continue the type of play that we have had the last few games,” Sullivan

said. “Playing well this weekend would set the tone for the NESCAC tournament.” The Jumbos have a lot more to play for this weekend, but do not count out the Mules. They will be playing the last games of their season at home on Senior Day, and would like nothing more than to get some revenge on the team that has made their life miserable over the last few years. “As long as we play our game, I think we will have absolutely no problem with Colby,” Beinecke said. “I feel we are a very worthy opponent. When we stick together and focus on the things we really need to do, such as small ball and advancing base runners, I think we are a pretty unbeatable team.”

Jumbos look to rebound from last weekend’s loss to Panthers WOMEN’S LACROSSE continued from page 10

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Bowdoin in order to have a home game on Sunday because that would keep us in the top four. If we beat them, both of us will be 6-3, but we will be the higher seed — hopefully third place — because we beat them earlier in the season. If we beat Bowdoin, we will most likely play the winner of Friday’s WilliamsMiddlebury game, and if we lose, we’ll probably face Amherst.” The team is not focused, however, on the logistics of the seeding or on the different possibilities of how the games could turn out. Instead, the Jumbos are trying to concentrate on being motivated to win every game, no matter who the opponent is. “The thing about the NESCACs is that any team can beat any other team in the league. It’s not important who we play, and so there’s no specific team that we want to go up against,” senior co-captain Jenna Abelli said. “The tournament is so important that it doesn’t even matter much to us if we’re playing at home or not. It would be nice to go into the tournament as a higher seed but being at home wouldn’t actually be a huge advantage. The game itself is what matters and we’re going to play with the same amount of intensity and preparation either way.” Two of the three losses that Tufts earned this season came in earlyseason contests against Amherst and Colby. The Jumbos then put together a nine-game winning streak before suffering their third loss of the year against Middlebury last Saturday. The team hopes to use those losses to fuel

its fire for the tournament, particularly if it sees Colby, Amherst or Middlebury as an opponent. “Our team has really improved since the beginning of the season when we lost our first two games to Amherst and Colby,” Abelli said. “We would be a totally different team playing them now, so we would love to have a chance to play them again. The Middlebury loss was a wake-up call for us because we’d won so many games in a row before that. It’ll definitely give us more motivation in the tournament.” The Jumbos are still confident about their chances for the weekend. Tufts is the only team to have beaten Trinity this season, against whom the Jumbos prevailed 11-9 in Hartford on April 10. If the Jumbos play like they did against the Bantams, they believe they can beat any other team in the highly-competitive NESCAC. “We played a great game that day,” senior Emily Johnson said. “It’s a confidence booster for us to know that we’re the only team that has beaten them. It goes to show you that every NESCAC game is going to be a competitive one. We can beat any team if we play our best game.” After last year’s frustrating conclusion, the Jumbos are hopeful that this is the year they will finally make it to the NESCAC championship game for the first time. But once Sunday comes around, there will be no second chances, as a loss would send Tufts out of the Tournament. “We have to approach the games with more urgency,” Johnson said. “We need to win. If we lose, our season’s done and no one wants that.”

Jumbos and Camels could face any of five opponents in quarterfinals MEN’S LACROSSE continued from page 12

Currently in sixth and seventh, respectively, the loser of the game will get the lower seed, while losses from Amherst and Colby would put the winner in the No. 4 slot with the opportunity to host. “Based on how they’ve been playing, I’d say Middlebury,” said Daly when asked who will win that contest. “But Williams being at home could very well negate that. All in all, it will be interesting to see who comes out ahead.” Tonight will prove to be exciting for NESCAC lacrosse with all 10 teams facing off in their final contests of the regular season. Bowdoin’s No. 3 standing is the only spot that will be unaffected by today’s games while the rest of the

“Most importantly, whoever we play Sunday has nothing to do with Bowdoin College. Bowdoin is one of the most athletic teams we have faced all year and, I promise you, they have our full attention right now.We will worry about who we’ll be playing Sunday [tonight] after Bowdoin.” Mike Daly Coach

NESCAC teams will have to fight it out for their tournament seeds. If everything ends up as it should on paper, Conn. will stay at No. 1 due to the Camels’ head-to-head advantage over Tufts, with the Jumbos and Bowdoin behind them. This means Conn. College will face Wesleyan again in the first round and Tufts would take on Williams, if they follow suit and lose to Middlebury. Bowdoin would host Middlebury and Amherst would welcome Colby for the 4-5 game. But if everything went the way it is supposed to, the league wouldn’t be this deadlocked in the first place. The Jumbos and the rest of the NESCAC will just have to wait to see how the pieces fall because, at this point, Tufts

and Conn. College could face any of the lower five teams in the quarterfinals. “I say this talking to the guys all the time: Whichever group of … guys shows up, that’s who will win,” Daly said. “On any given day in this league, anybody can beat anybody.” “Well I really think that with our league, and probably all the other coaches, would agree, every single game is absolutely the game you should be focusing on,” Carmean added. “There are no easy games in this league. We realize a loss would do away with our chances of a home game, but our first goal is to do well [tonight] because everything else is really up to other people. We’re just going to try and take care of what we can take care of.”



Friday, April 30, 2010

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