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Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Where You Read It First Est. 1980

Diversity director position to remain unfilled by Saumya Vaishampayan

Daily Editorial Board

The Office for Institutional Diversity (OID) will remain without a director this academic year while a university-wide council assembled by University President Anthony Monaco assesses the position in context of the existing institutions and diversity issues at Tufts. “I want to spend more time thinking of the model in which we want to strategically address diversity across the university,” Monaco said in an interview with the Daily last month. “We need to look at it and see what model is the best one to achieve diversity in the student body, in the faculty. Refilling a post right now is not — maybe not the best way to achieve that.” The position has remained vacant since December 2009 when then-Executive Director of the OID Lisa Coleman left for a position at Harvard University. ThenUniversity President Lawrence Bacow declined to fill the position given his impending departure and the position’s close link with the university president. Bacow established the executive director of the OID position at the beginning of 2007 to advance diversity across the university’s schools. Coleman was appointed director and served until her resignation. “In addition to overseeing the Office of Equal Opportunity, [Coleman] worked closely with academic and administrative leaders across the university to help them design and implement programs to

advance diversity and inclusion in their Schools and Divisions,” Michael Baenen, chief of staff in the Office of the President, said in an email. Co-Chair of the Arts, Sciences & Engineering Equal Educational Opportunity Committee (EEOC) Adriana Zavala, who is also an associate professor of art and art history, said that Bacow’s decision not to fill the position raised concerns among EEOC committee members at the time, sentiments which were echoed in the broader community. The committee strives to encourage a more diverse and inclusive university climate and its members have a “vested interest” in the OID’s work, she explained. “The committee was very concerned when Lisa Coleman left and her position was not filled temporarily,” Zavala said. “My understanding is that the role of the Office for Institutional Diversity has been divided up among various offices and administrators,” she added. “There have been concerns that that has sort of been a more diffused way of administering programs that are needed on campus, but that was a decision made under Bacow.” She noted that Monaco’s decision to take time to assess the current structure and whether it should be maintained in its current form is not surprising given that it was inherited from the previous administration. “I think it’s perfectly reasonable to spend a period of time to understand the institutional structures that exist at Tufts,” she said. Monaco is in the process of conven-

Josh Berlinger/Tufts Daily

University President Anthony Monaco decided to leave the position of director of the Office of Institutional Diversity vacant for another year as he assembles a council to evaluate diversity issues on campus. ing a university-wide council on diversity, Diversity can best advance the universihe announced in an email sent to the ty’s overall diversity goals and what form Tufts community at the beginning of the it should take going forward,” Director of semester. The council will be tasked with Public Relations Kim Thurler said in an assessing current institutional structures, email. including the OID, in the context of the The membership and details of the university’s diversity objectives. council are still being finalized, Thurler “One part of its charge will be to recommend how the Office of Institutional see DIVERSITY, page 2

Producer highlights women in conflict in new PBS series by

Patrick McGrath

Contributing Writer

caroline geiling/Tufts Daily

Nathaniel Raymond, Satellite Sentinel Project director of operations spoke last night at Tufts about the importance of crisis mapping to monitor war crimes in Sudan.

Group uses satellite technology to track war crimes by

Kathryn Olson

Daily Editorial Board

When sophomore Ben Wang signed up for a summer internship as a data collection and analysis intern at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative’s Satellite Sentinel Project (SSP), he did not expect to discover what the group believes could be a war crime. SSP was launched last fall by George Clooney and the Enough Project co-Founder John Prendergast. It uses satel-

lite imagery, Google’s Map Maker technology and field reports from humanitarian aid groups to monitor and deter instances of war crimes and mass atrocities along the border region between North and South Sudan. Members of the project last night delivered a lecture, sponsored by the International Relations Program Director’s Leadership Council, to Tufts students on the role of crisis mapping in Sudan’s ongoing conflict. “The world is different because

of the forces satellite imagery represents,” SSP Director of Operations Nathaniel Raymond said. “It represents you, your Mac, your iPhone, Facebook. It represents a different way of being in the world that has spread like fires everywhere in Syria, Egypt and Burma. The world is not the same.” SSP’s collaborators include Not On Our Watch, the Enough Project, Google, DigitalGlobe,

Inside this issue

see SUDAN, page 2

Nina Chaudry, senior producer of PBS’s new five-part documentary titled “Women, War & Peace,” last night held a screening of a condensed version of the poignant series, which showcases the role of women in modern warfare. The filmmaker also answered questions about the production process as well as her inspirations and motivations. The series focuses specifically on issues related to women in conflict zones in Colombia, Liberia, Bosnia and Afghanistan. The first episode, titled “I Came to Testify,” which premiered Oct. 11, featured the story of the trial of the 16 women who testified against perpetrators of war crimes during the war in the Balkans in the 1990s. The next episode is scheduled to air tonight. Research for the series began in 2007, Chaudry noted, and production started in 2009. Chaudry and her team wanted to focus specifically on events and areas that have been affected since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. “War has changed over the last 20 years,” Chaudry said, noting the use of fear and the killing of innocent civilians have eliminated what used to be cut-anddry frontlines.

The series touches upon issues including arms trafficking, displacement, rape in war and female networking in times of conflict, she explained. In modern-day warfare, civilians are the target of the enemy more often that not, Chaudry noted. Although war is frequently seen and told through a man’s perspective, Chaudry hoped to give the viewer a sample of how wars affect women and how women affect wars. Last night’s screening featured short clips from each of the episodes. The segment from the episode titled “Pray the Devil Back to Hell” focused on the joint effort of Christian and Muslim women in Liberia during the 2003 civil war to protest violence. The piece showcased the power of women working to network and organize to support the needs of their people and their country. After the viewing, Chaudry answered questions about her experience producing the series. Chaudry explained that she was inspired to work on the film in part by the book “The Other Side of War: Women’s Stories of Survival and Hope” (2006) by Zainab Salbi. She was disconcerted by the lack of a previous attempt to capture and film the see SCREENING, page 2

Today’s sections

Carmichael Dining Hall invites local heroes over for ‘Chili Fest.’

The Daily reviews Hawthorne’s new album, ‘How Do You Do.’

see FEATURES, page 3

see ARTS, page 5

News Features Arts & Living Editorial | Letters

1 3 5 8

Op-Ed Comics Sports Classifieds

9 10 11 14

The Tufts Daily



Tuesday, October 18, 2011

UIT focuses on mobile internet security this month by

Philippe Maman

Contributing Writer

In honor of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, University Information Technology (UIT) has this month stepped up its efforts to raise awareness of mobile security risks within the Tufts community. The Department of Homeland Security has sponsored National Cyber Security Awareness Month every October for the past eight years. For four of those eight years, UIT has conducted student outreach regarding issues of mobile security, according to Director of Communications and Organizational Effectiveness for UIT Dawn Irish. Due to the recent increase in mobilebrowsing capabilities on college campuses, mobile security is UIT’s first priority, according to Irish. “Students in high school or college now use mobile technologies far more than their desktops,” Irish said. The department has organized programming this month to improve student awareness of the importance of remaining safe online, including offering incentives such as free espressos to anyone interested in learning about cyber security. UIT will sponsor a lecture featuring the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) next week called “True Stories from the Cyber Crime Division of the FBI,” according to Tufts OnLine Supervisor Judi Vellucci. A special agent will discuss major cyber-crime attacks and how they could have easily been prevented.

OID to remain directorless DIVERSITY

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added. Monaco hopes that the council will issue recommendations in the early part of next year and then move forward with a set of final decisions by the end of the academic year. While this will leave the OID without a director for some time, he said that this interim period is time well spent given the importance of diversity to the university. “I think that we should give ourselves that time, not to rush into a decision about what we want to do in that space, and to really consult and in the end come up with plans that we get support from both students and faculty,” he said. Members of the EEOC have met with Monaco, according to Zavala, and are encouraged by the formation of the council. “We are very optimistic,” she said.


UIT is educating the student body on how to remain safe online through mobile technology. Phishing, a technique used by Internet predators to acquire sensitive information by pretending to be trustworthy forms of electronic communication, is one of the main cyber threats of which the Tufts community should be aware, according to Irish. Institutions of higher education are among the primary targets for phishing attacks because they are not locked-down communi-

ties, Irish noted. “Our community relies on the students’ knowledge of the risks posed rather than restrictions on websites you are allowed to visit like some businesses do,” Irish said. Some phishing emails at the beginning of this semester slipped through the spam filters of Tufts email accounts, according to Irish. These emails told students and faculty that

due to the recent move to Microsoft Outlook, their email quotas were full and their accounts would be shut down unless usernames and passwords were provided. The increased use of mobile devices to access email accounts makes users even more vulnerable to phishing attacks. “People are much more likely to fall for a phishing attack when viewing it on a mobile device,” Irish said. “I don’t think I would hesitate much if prompted to follow a link on my phone,” freshman Michael Zurier said. “Most people have 3G everywhere so it’s not as if we’re wasting any time out of our days. People are not usually thinking of the possibility of being hacked on their phones.” Vellucci worries about this type of response to phishing emails by members of the Tufts community. “We’re reaching out to a group of very technically savvy people, but ‘click here’ links are the biggest problem,” she said. “People click these links randomly just because they say to.” UIT may eventually offer anti-malware software for mobile devices as well as computers, according to Vellucci. “I can see it coming in our not-too-distant future here at Tufts,” Vellucci said. Irish stressed that with the many risks out there, the importance of mobile cyber security awareness has become greater than ever. “This means that we just have to be better at educating our community about the dangers of being online,” Irish said.

Satellite technology designed to monitor and deter war crimes SUDAN

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Trellon, LLC and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. The project concluded its six-month pilot phase in June 2011. SSP monitors the regions of Abyie, South Kordofan and Blue Nile State that were left unresolved in the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Government of Sudan and the Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement/Army and continue to be sites of violence since South Sudan’s declaration of independence last July, Raymond said. “What has happened since then has been all our worst fears manifest,” Raymond said, referring to alleged mass killings by North Sudan’s army of civilians living in the disputed regions. From its office in Harvard, SSP creates a near-real time record of Sudanese troop deployments and population movements over time, allowing it to provide early warnings for when internal displacement, razing of civilian infrastructures or mass atrocities are likely to occur, Raymond said. As it monitors the region, SSP is able to build up a database of

archived intelligence that can be used in the future to hold human rights abusers accountable for their crimes. The project also provides the media with real-time information about attacks as they occur, which can be easily transmitted via social media and used to pressure policymakers, Raymond said. “We wanted to create a radically new way of displaying that data,” he said. “So its something you can Tweet, something you can post on Facebook...something you can place in front of Congress and say, ‘This is what’s happening.’” As SSP workers receive intelligence from actors on the ground in Sudan, they attempt to locate potential “hot spots” via satellite imagery to give a macro-view of the event and track patterns in population and troop movements that could eventually point to sites of mass killings, Raymond explained. “Looking at these conflicts from the outside ... can be disempowering because it seems as if you’re up against a force of evil,” Raymond said. “But we see it as a phenomenon like cancer; something you can decode, analyze,

and diagnose.” Using this technology, SSP has documented the alleged coverup of mass graves in the Kadugli region of Sudan that occurred in late June. The group was able to capture images that it believes are collections of body bags that seem to have been buried and then placed under a water tower, a discovery Wang has helped detect. “What we saw may not constitute a war crime,” Raymond said. “It’s not a war crime to move body bags. It’s not a war crime to bury bodies. But it is a war crime to conceal a war crime.” These satellite images are consistent with claims by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees that 7,000 internally displaced persons had gone missing at approximately the same time, Raymond said. By detecting and documenting these patterns over a long period of time, SSP hopes to create an “architecture of liability” with which to hold potential human rights abusers accountable, Raymond said. “The goal is to demand accountability, not only for the perpetrators, but for the inter-

national community that has a responsibility to protect these individuals,” Raymond said. SSP’s reports must be confirmed by several sources before they are made public, Raymond said. The power of this technology lies in its ability to save the lives of Sudanese caught in the conflict, who do not have access to the type intelligence that floods SSP’s news feeds. “The most vulnerable people in the world don’t have iPhones or Macs,” Raymond said. “The type of intelligence we have is exponentially higher than people who are in Sudan [have].” Wang added that those with advanced technological means have an obligation to use it to protect vulnerable populations. “Our generation, growing up with this technology that we take for granted, has a social responsibility to use [technology] to help others that don’t have it because it doesn’t only affect their livelihoods — it’s a matter of life and death for some people,” Wang said. “We need to step out of the box and do something with the technology we are given.”

New series tells ‘untold stories’ of women’s involvement in war SCREENING

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subject of women and war. Obtaining speakers and footage for the film was quite difficult, especially given the controversial and recent nature of many the conflicts depicted, according to Chaudry. Civilians, in particular women and children, have not been accurately represented and credited for their current role in military conflict, she added. “No one was shifting the lens to women,” Chaudry said. “We feel our job as filmmakers is to film these untold stories.” The timing of the series was apt given that the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to three female political activists earlier this month, Chaudry noted. She hopes that the new series will call more people to action. “We want people to think about war differently,” Chaudry said. “It’s really about waking people up.” Junior Bronwen Raff was disappointed by the relatively small and predominantly female audience that attended the event. “We don’t know enough about

Virginia Bledsoe/Tufts Daily

PBS Senior Producer Nina Chaudry previewed her new documentary film series, ‘Women, War & Peace,’ which highlights the role of women in modern-day warfare.

it, and people don’t care enough about it,” Raff said. Arlen Weiner, a junior, expressed her dissatisfaction in the lack of focus at Tufts on women’s issues. “Tufts is known especially for its IR department … yet I feel that the majority of those students and the majority of those classes don’t focus on the huge role that women play in conflict and in politics, or the lack of roles they are allowed to have in [these fields],” Weiner said. “I think you can’t really study international relations without studying women, you can’t study political science without studying gender, and I think that it’s something that’s really ignored in those disciplines at Tufts.” Junior Amanda Borrow voiced similar sentiments, adding that the series will hopefully raise awareness of the often-ignored prevalent issues facing women today. “This series also gives light to a new phenomenon that people don’t necessarily know … that war has changed, and I think it’s a thing that hasn’t really been recognized,” Borrow said. “People just don’t understand that [war is] getting so much more complex for civilians.”




Carmichael’s Chili Fest brings heroes to lunch Students, officers come together at tomorrow’s annual event by

Hannah Fingerhut Contributing Writer

They’re the ones that show up when a piercing alarm wakes up an entire dorm and forces half-awake residents out into the cold, and they’re the ones who respond when there is an actual fire or crime. Most inhabitants of Tufts’ Medford/Somerville campus could go an entire four years without knowing the names of the members of the Tufts University Police Department (TUPD) who keep them safe. As Carmichael Dining Hall Unit Manager David Kelley has found, this problem — as with most other things — can be solved with chili. In a coordinated effort to put a personal spin on the relationship between students and the local firefighters and police officers who serve the campus, Carmichael tomorrow will host local public safety officers, alongside the students they protect, over hearty bowls of homemade chili: In honor of October’s “National Fire Prevention and Public Safety Month,” the annual Station House Chili Fest is back. The Chili Fest’s humble beginnings go back to 10 years ago when the idea for a chili night in the dining hall coincided with the October celebration of public safety, according to Kelley, one of the pioneers of the event. In the wake of the events of Sept. 11, both Kelley and Bill Carbone, who also played a significant role in the development of the event, felt the need to modify the event’s purpose. “Our intent back in 2002 was to honor the local heroes, to thank them for coming in and being there when they’re needed, and to invite them up for a non-emergency event,” Kelley said. Originally intended for just the local fire departments, the event has expanded to incorporate the police and public safety officers as well. Tufts’ Fire Marshal Wayne Springer said he appreciates the chance to thank the local communities that go above and beyond the expectation of routine responses in order to support the campus. “We work directly with the fire prevention offices in Somerville and Medford,” Springer said. “The cooperation between

virginia bledsoe/TUFTS DAILY

see CHILI, page 4

A student enjoys a selection of chili at last year’s Station House Chili Fest at Carmichael Dining Hall.

Faith on the Hill: Unitarian Universalism by

Martha Shanahan

Daily Editorial Board

The inherent worth and dignity of every person. Justice, equality and compassion in human relations. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth. There’s not much to argue with there. Those first three of the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism are written on a card sitting at the table at the meeting of Tufts Unitarian Universalists (TU3) — and, the way the groups’ members see it, meet every expectation of life at Tufts. “[The principles are] sort of like a guiding statement of Unitarian Universalist thought,” TU3 President Duncan MacLaury, a junior, says. “I try to — maybe not always consciously think about them — but whenever I’m interacting with people, they come to the forefront of my mind and they’re very much part of my psyche and how I think about and view the world.” The Unitarian Universalist movement, which began in its current form in 1961 when the American Unitarian Association merged with the Universalist Church of America, is characterized by a liberal slant and a commitment to searching for the truth without any single creed or group of requirements. Nationally, 1,051 self-governing Unitarian Universalist congregations boast 225,000 members. For those who wish to bring their Unitarian Universalist faith to campus, or

take it up as a new approach to worship, the first step for most is into TU3 — pronounced, as, the group’s president is quick to point out, “Tee-you cubed.” “We’ve recently made an executive decision to change how we pronounce out acronym,” MacLaury explained. Freshman Christine Gregory, a TU3 member, sounded it out. “T. U. Cubed — it just sounds better.” No matter what you call it, Unitarian Universalism is truly all-encompassing. “I think one of the strengths of this group is … people coming with such different perspectives and different life experiences within a Unitarian Universalist idea,” Wyatt Cadley, a junior, said. “[You have] people who relate as atheist and don’t believe in God, [and] you have people who also are very involved in the Jewish faith as well. I see myself falling in sort of a more Christian ideology, but it doesn’t change the fact that we can still come together and have a conversation.” Cadley said he participated in the faith as a child, and then he took the practice of Unitarian Universalism back up at Tufts after it had fallen by the wayside for several years. “[TU3] was really great in how I’ve chosen to get back involved,” he said. “It doesn’t matter if you’ve been going to Unitarian churches your entire life or if this is something you’re just picking up again,” Cadley added. “There’s still that level of openness and acceptance.” While some practicing Unitarians, including the occasional Jumbo, follow the typically Protestant structure of Sunday

worship in a church, TU3 operates more in the vein of a youth group, meeting weekly in the basement of the Interfaith Center on Wednesday nights. They let the teachings of the larger Unitarian Universalist community guide their discussion, but the students see it more as a place to explore, learn and ask for advice. MacLaury said that while there is no defined structure for Unitarian Universalist worship, TU3’s meeting format doesn’t necessarily reflect the style followed by all Unitarian Universalists, including those at Tufts. “There are people who do look for the direct worship aspect of having a service, having a minister,” he said. “That’s not what we provide, of course, but I think that is a large part of Unitarian Universalism for a lot of people.” This is true of his religious upbringing in Unitarian Universalism, he said, but like with all things in the faith, one characterization is hard to find. “[It] differs entirely depending on which churches you go, [even] those that are right in the same town,” MacLaury continued. “Unitarian Universalism is a lot based on what the community … wants out of it. That idea of having a ritual space is very important to some people.” Gregory said the meetings can be therapeutic. She was born into a Unitarian Universalist family and has continued to attend meetings with TU3 since coming to the Hill. “I use youth group at home, and here, see UNITARIAN, page 4

Kacey Rayder | Insult to Injury

Wizards these days…


reetings, everyone. I hope you’re still enjoying my column. As you may or may not have guessed, I have a list of “things that irritate me,” which I reference each time I write. The topics are generally pretty set-in-stone, but any suggestions for future columns are definitely welcome. Just send me an email! With that aside, I’d like to delve into this week’s subject: Young Adult ( YA) novels. I must confess that I was quite the YA fiction fan when I was in middle school. Those were the glory days when Harry Potter books reigned supreme. These days, though, YA just keeps getting progressively worse. Sure, it wasn’t well written when I was in middle school, but there were far fewer badly written books to choose from than there are now. YA, to me, is a phase that we all go through and that we all, consequently, grow out of. I never got into the whole “Twilight” franchise, nor do I ever intend to. I pride myself on the fact that my eyes have never read one line of that series. My prejudice against badly written, badly formatted YA novels perhaps stems from the fact that I am an English major; however, you do not have to be an English major to recognize bad writing when you see it. And with YA, it practically jumps out of the book and smacks you in the face. On the other hand, badly written YA novels encourage me to write. If these books are getting published, I will have no trouble putting a book of my own on the shelves a few years down the road. Before anyone emails to harangue me, I will bring myself to admit that not all YA novels are horribly written, nor do all series start out with mangled plotlines. The biggest problem with YA today is that it is horribly overproduced. Let’s just say an aspiring YA author gets his or her book about vampire-wizards published. The first book is well written, easy to follow and surprisingly interesting. A big publishing company buys the rights to this author’s book — with a catch. He/she has to make this book into a series, and must produce a book every eight months for the next five years. For those of you unfamiliar with writing long works, that is not a lot of time. It leads to improper revisions, flat plotlines and bad characterization. Now our aspiring author doesn’t have the time to crank out another masterpiece like his/her first novel, and each year the books decline in quality. The disaster is exacerbated when we consider the sheer number of people choosing to write YA novels these days as a way to make fast cash. Yes, there is a lot of money in the franchise, especially if a big producer chooses to make your book into a movie. However, writing with a movie deal as an ultimate goal makes for sloppy books. A movie is not the same thing as a novel, as is evident in the disappointing quality of modern book-to-film adaptations. Perhaps the most important reason why I vehemently dislike YA is that I’m a fan of modernism and classics. On the rare occasion that I try and give a YA novel a chance, I barely get a quarter of the way through it before I have to wholeheartedly fight the urge to burn the thing. Leave me my Joyce, Woolf and Proust for my beach reading and I’ll be the happiest person alive. However, I am human and must admit that every now and then, I do enjoy a good tabloid magazine. Kacey Rayder is a junior majoring in English. She can be reached at Kacey. Rayder@tufts.edu.

The Tufts Daily



Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chili Fest tomorrow unites officers, students through the power of chili CHILI

continued from page 3

those offices and our office is excellent.” Aside from recognizing National Fire Prevention and Public Safety Month on campus, the Chili Fest also serves the purpose of providing students with the opportunity to approach the men and women of Tufts’ local emergency response units to converse and ask any questions, Kelley said. Carmichael’s low-key setting is accommodating for these officials to promote fire and public safety, he noted. In addition to speaking with students, the firefighters and police officers have in past years set up displays to raise awareness for both security purposes and fire prevention. Showcasing household appliances that have caused fires is particularly helpful in starting

a dialogue, Springer said. “Some of them are very interesting and it’s a good topic of conversation,” he said. The event provides a venue for students to interact with the officers in a calm, neutral setting in a departure from the tense atmosphere of emergency situations. “We don’t see people until something goes wrong,” Linda D’Andrea, an officer in the Crime Prevention and Investigative Services Unit at Tufts, said. “This is our chance to have a positive interaction with [students], as opposed to when responding to an incident.” Springer said that in past years of the event, he has appreciated the opportunity to interact with students in a more social environment, stressing that his department wishes to increase the visibility of its office and staff.

“Students see us and know who we are, and they can put a face with the title,” he said. Last year, nearly 200 firefighters and police officers made an appearance at different times throughout the lunch period at Carmichael. Joining them were about 850 students, roughly 250 more than on an average afternoon. Despite growing attendance in past years, many students may be hesitant to initiate a dialogue with the officials. “I think there is this barrier behind a uniform that a lot of students are pushed away from,” Emmett Mercer, a junior, said. “I think for a lot of students, especially with the police officers, it’s ‘that’s the guy who broke up my party last weekend,’” Mercer said. “It is important for us to really put ourselves out there as Tufts students and say

Unitarian Universalists on the Hill embrace all creeds UNITARIAN

continued from page 3

as a place where you can bounce ideas off of [everyone]. Because nobody’s going to be like ‘you’re wrong,’ it’s somewhere where you can have a discussion about it, and it’s very open.” Gregory said TU3 was an integral part of adjusting to her new hectic life after arriving on the Hill this year. “Coming here was kind of hectic at first,” she said. “For the first couple of weeks I really didn’t spend a lot of... alone time with me and my thoughts. It was more like, ‘I have classes and I have all this stuff I have to get done,’ and so I realized that this is sort of a place for me to [detoxify]. It’s chill, relaxed. We socialize but we also talk about bigger things.” Lauren Schenker, a sophomore and another TU3 member, agreed. “We have a box here that we use where people can anonymously put questions about faith in, and

Justin McCallum/Tufts Daily

Junior Duncan MacLaury, president of Tufts Unitarian Universalists, spoke at a meeting last week. then as a group we go around and just discuss.” She said among the religious movement’s beliefs, she most appreciated the openness allowed by the format. “It’s nice for people to be so

accepting and to offer their opinions, and it just gives you a whole new perspective on what could be out there,” she explained. Because of the wide, even universal, range of faiths and creeds

that we really appreciate what [they] do and that [we are] interested in who [they] are,” Mercer continued. At this year’s Station House Chili Fest, public safety departments and students alike can enjoy a lunch featuring items centered on a fire theme. Included on the menu are a number of chili dishes, burgers, sandwiches and other hot, fiery options. Kelley said the Station House Chili Fest represents Tufts’ recognition of the dedication of local fire and police departments, while providing an opportunity for the campus as a whole to express gratitude and discuss relevant issues. “Just stop by,” Kelley said. “Come in, speak with them or just say hi. The guys are there 24/7 doing the best they can, and [this] is just a little thank you for them.”

that Unitarian Universalism embraces, the members of TU3 don’t look to just one adviser when it comes to seeking religious guidance. “Technically, [Unitarian Universalist Church of Medford Reverend Hank Pierce] is our faculty adviser, but he’s not affiliated with Tufts other than being the Unitarian Universalism … adviser.” On campus, TU3 members can take advantage of any of the religious advisers working for the university chaplaincy. “I’m also part of the Protestant group here on campus,” Schenker explained. “Both of my religions reconcile pretty well, so I see [Protestant Chaplain Rachael Pettengill] for those other spiritual needs as well.” “She’s able to provide if we wanted a similar thought process, though really any of the chaplains are able to do that based on where we come from,” MacLaury said. TU3, he said, is less dependent on

the chaplaincy for logistical support. “There’s a support system, but we historically haven’t used it as much as other groups have because we don’t have Sunday worships so we don’t use the chapel [or other things like that].” The small group reflects the large Unitarian Universalist community in that, while they come from differing backgrounds, they can agree on the importance of unquestioningly welcoming the views and religious searches of others. “I always feel at home, no matter if its people I’ve known for a really long time or it’s people I’m just meeting,” Gregory said. “Something about being a Unitarian Universalist makes you be like ‘Aw, let’s worship together, it’s all cool.’” “The best thing is sort of sharing in the process with the other people,” Cadley said. “To me, that’s something … It works for me.”

Arts & Living



Gallery Review

MFA show highlights 19th-century collection ‘Passion and Precision’s’ small size belies its beautiful content by Julia


Contributing Writer

As I stood looking at a watercolor sketch by one of the most famous Romantic artists, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, I was passed by a group of women discussing their plans for the week, a woman pushing a child in a stroller and a man talking surreptitiously on his cell phone. Without directions from the information counter, it’s easy to miss “Passion and Precision in the Age of Revolution,” now at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston through May 13, 2012. Though “Passion and Precision” is a fantastic compilation of works, its placement in a hallway initially makes it seem like an intermediary space between galleries, rather than a gallery in its own right. The exhibit is set up so people moving in either direction can see the pieces and enjoy them fully, but it is almost too easy to maneuver. The plaques at either end of the hall read, “Our aim is to provide a sense of our ongoing effort to give new depth to this remarkable facet of our encyclopedic collections and also to share with you our excitement about these wildly varied and stimulating works.” They go on to explain how the exhibit intends to juxtapose the severity of Neoclassicism with the melodrama of the Romantic period, and to

show how the change during those years was reflected in art. The works in the “Passion and Precision” are not grouped by time period, artist or region, which is an interesting choice on behalf of the curators. The exhibit features works of French, Italian and English artists in variety of a media, including graphite, chalk, ink and watercolor. Art history students will recognize some figures as copies of canon Greek and Roman works and others as preliminary drawings for now-famous paintings. All of the pieces are hung at eye-level for an easy viewing experience, and framed simply to keep the viewer’s focus on the works themselves — some of which are quite busy. One particularly beautiful piece is Luigi Sabatelli’s “Vision of Daniel” (1809) a captivating etching that depicts four fantastic chimeras roaring at Daniel, who crosses his arms protectively around his body and turns away from their frightening figures. Below the feet of the beasts, the sea churns madly, and above them the heavens are darkened by a storm. The strength of “Vision of Daniel” lies in Sabatelli’s expert use of his material; he employs many levels of shading for the beasts. The mixture of light, dark and in-between hues creates a sort of see PASSION, page 6

Music Review

Courtesy Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Prud’hon’s ‘Standing Female Nude, Seen from Behind,’ bequest of the Forsyth Wickes Collection, demonstrates the artist’s mastery of the human form.

Movie Review

Mild-mannered ‘Big Year’ disappoints by Jaqueline


Contributing Writer

Jack Black. Owen Wilson. Steve Martin. You would think that combining three of America’s best known and most

The Big Year Starring Jack Black, Owen Wilson, Steve Martin Directed by David Frankel

The album is decidedly more up-tempo than Hawthorne’s last album, “A Strange Arrangement” (2009); the tracks keep your toes tapping and head nodding. In this album, Hawthorne plays off of a time when acts like The Temptations and Smokey Robinson ruled the airwaves, and his music certainly highlights their influences. For example, “Finally Falling” features a bouncing piano comp eerily reminiscent of The Temptations’ “The Way You Do the Things You Do.” The track recounts a young man’s venture into love, accompanying the tale with a driving snare that keeps the sound light and endearing. Musically, “How Do You Do” takes advantage of the increased production values that Hawthorne’s signing to a major label, Universal, provides. While the album retains its core character grounded on a piano and drum kit, the added complements of trumpets and saxophones round out Hawthorne’s sound. On “Hooked,” a catchy lament about

consistently funny actors would add up to a hilarious and enjoyable comedy. Which wouldn’t make you wrong, exactly — just a little too hopeful. “The Big Year” is a harmless, lighthearted film about three men racing for the top prize in a bird-watching — aka “birding” — competition that shares the same title as the film. Each protagonist is experiencing a sort of crisis: Stu Preissler (Martin) is struggling with the idea of retirement, Brad Harris (Black) is desperate to make something of himself since moving back in with his parents and Kenny Bostick (Wilson) is determined to keep his title of the world’s best birder. The one thing these men share is a love of birds. The story unwinds in a formulaic, yet fairly enjoyable manner. There are hijinks, trickery and all manner of slapstick comedy to keep viewers entertained. “The Big Year” maintains a lighthearted pace throughout, which works both for and against it because wishy-washy sentimentality ruins the film’s sole serious moment. For better or worse, “The Big Year” never challenges viewers to think about life’s more serious questions. Martin, Black and Wilson’s upbeat comedy leads audiences through the film without a care in the world.

see HAWTHORNE, page 6

see BIG, page 6

zeyneptaslica via flickr creative commons

Mayer Hawthorne’s latest album shows a maturation of his sound.

Mayer Hawthorne says ‘How Do You Do’ to mature sound by

William Yu

Contributing Writer

On Mayer Hawthorne’s sophomore effort, “How Do You Do,” the falsettocrooning soul singer coyly opens the album

How Do You Do

Mayer Hawthorne Universal by wooing an unnamed woman. The artist sets a seductive tone as he sweet-talks, “So here we are, it’s the end of the night … [but] it doesn’t have to end here.” Released on iTunes on Oct. 4, a full week ahead of its slated retail Oct. 11 release date, “How Do You Do” blends the soulful sounds of the ’60s with a modern kick that touches upon the ups and down of a fickle love. Finding a comfortable niche in the nostalgic sound of the Motown years, “How Do You Do” grooves along nicely.

Alexandria Chu | Hit Li(s)t

Malibu dreaming


rom last week’s New York memoir, let’s shoot back to the West with a brand new memoir by an actor who rose to stardom in the ’80s. It’s likely you’ll still recognize the charming 47-year-old. A first look: Author: Rob Lowe Title: “Stories I Only Tell My Friends” (2011) Number of Pages: 306 in the 2011 Henry Holt edition Polite Name-Dropping: Endless I don’t know how familiar you are with Rob Lowe. You might identify him with his rise as a teen heartthrob in “The Outsiders” (1983) and “St. Elmo’s Fire” (1985), or his more serious and acclaimed turn on the television show “The West Wing” (1999-2006). Maybe you have discovered him more recently from “Brothers & Sisters” (2006-2011) and “Parks and Recreation.” This summer, I checked out “Masquerade” (1988), which was devilishly entertaining. Featuring Kim Cattrall, who played Samantha on “Sex and the City” (19982004), and Doug Savant, who played Tom Scavo on “Desperate Housewives,” it was still Lowe who most captivated me among the sexy backdrop of the Hamptons. From that point on, I ended up on a sort of Rob Lowe movie binge, but, to be honest, I’ve grown up being captivated by him. He was from Dayton, Ohio — my hometown — and his father was my grandmother’s attorney. My mom still laughs when she tells stories about how the older Mr. Lowe would give her signed headshots. He couldn’t hide his disappointment when Johnny Depp took over her walls. And, I wouldn’t be lying if I admit that I kind of wished they dated. When I saw Lowe’s memoir, I was naturally intrigued. However you might know him, the memoir brings his fresh and multi-faceted personality to light. Lowe is a talented writer. His story flows honestly as he walks readers through his difficult childhood and high-pressure career. These stories about a young man thrust into the spotlight are particularly poignant for our age group — if not entirely applicable to college students. Can you imagine starring in an iconic Francis Ford Coppola movie at 19? Moreover, what does all that fame even mean? What surprised me most is just how outlandish Lowe’s story seems. His anecdotes read like glitzy Hollywood fictions, rather than true excerpts from a man’s life. He talks about moving from Dayton to Malibu and dining with Sarah, who turns out to be Sarah Jessica Parker. He writes about his experience consoling Janet, who then becomes Janet Jackson. At every turn, Lowe surprises you with his experiences of meeting people before they fulfilled their dreams — and he very humbly takes his readers along for the ride. Lowe triumphantly and adeptly describes his dark childhood. The book’s early chapters on his upbringing are by far the best; they document the tragedy of growing up with a broken family in beautiful but unsettling surroundings. Lowe faces untimely deaths and heartbroken people at an impressionable age. Meanwhile, Lowe’s escape into show business is just as disquieting. His tide of fame rises and falls with little to no control on his part. Since we tend to expect Hollywood stars to have fairytale backgrounds, Lowe’s dramatic story draws readers in. You’ll be hooked as the story follows Lowe’s troubled teenage years, during which he acted out a bad boy, to the eventual solace he finds as a family man. It’s up to you whether or not you believe Lowe’s story or choose to regard it as a welldone publicity ploy. But, taken as fiction or non-fiction, “Stories I Only Tell My Friends” is entertaining and thought-provoking. In a selfdeprecating way entirely his own, Lowe comes across as the best kind of character — he does not wallow in his difficulties or lavish in his own successes, and you’ll naturally want to root for him. Alexandria Chu is a junior majoring in English. She can be reached at Alexandria. Chu@tufts.edu.

The Tufts Daily


All-star cast can’t save ‘The Big Year’ from its PG rating


continued from page 5

Martin’s performance is as admirable as ever: He is charming, kind, funny, likeable and, best of all, convincing. The three famed comic actors aren’t the only standouts in “The Big Year’s” line-up — this cast is amazingly star-studded. John Cleese, Jim Parsons, Al Roker, Steven Weber, Anjelica Huston, Rashida Jones, Tim Blake Nelson, Diane Wiest, Joel McHale and Kevin Pollak all make appearances, adding to the film’s comedic chops. Unfortunately, what’s even more amazing is that even this all-star cast cannot help this film succeed. “The Big Year’s” PG rating proves extremely crippling. It is baffling that this film tried for such a tame rating, when it is almost painfully obvious that “The Big Year” would have been better if the characters could have expressed themselves with terms other than “darn” or “S.O.B.” The childish script takes the wind out of the movie’s funnier moments and leaves it feeling stunted. Another blow to “The Big Year” comes from its crudely executed special effects. The CGI depictions of birds and snow were astonishingly poor. It seemed as

if the special effects team had run out of time, or had at least forgotten to smooth out a few kinks and rough edges. Surprisingly enough, it isn’t the big names, but the birds that actually save the film. If you have any interest whatsoever in birds, go see this movie — they are truly a spectacle. You will learn about their migrating and mating habits, and catch glimpses of some rare and exotic species. There is a beautiful scene involving two bald eagles that makes this film almost entirely worth watching. The soundtrack isn’t bad either. After all, any film with the song “Surfin’ Bird” is probably worth watching — see “Full Metal Jacket” (1987). Impressive cinematography redeems “The Big Year’s” CGI failings to a point; its nature shots are breathtaking. A few quirky directorial choices are refreshing, like the montage sequence at the beginning of the film. The segment is stylistically reminiscent of “Juno” (2007); a quirky song plays as handwriting fills the screen. Though “The Big Year” has some ups, it unfortunately has far more downs. All in all, if you have time to spare, I recommend this film as a quick escape, but you might have better things to do — like birding.

Arts & Living

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Compact show features wide range of artists PASSION

continued from page 5

playground for the eye and keeps viewers entertained. The exhibition contrasts dramatic works like these with calmer, more passive pieces. On the wall opposite “Vision of Daniel” is Pierre-Paul Prud’hon’s “Standing Female Nude, Seen From Behind” (1785-1790). Done in charcoal and white chalk, the figure is delicately rendered in a series of curves. There are almost no straight lines in the piece with the exception of the ledge upon which the model leans. The musculature is accurate and highlighted by the dramatic line of shadow. “Standing Female Nude” flows almost as a landscape would, and pulls the eye down from the model’s profile to her feet. Ultimately, the use of contrasting works made the exhibit an impressive showroom for the museum’s collection. While at first the placement of “Passion and Precision” made it seem as though the exhibition would be difficult to view, it actually reflects both the spirit of the art, and the idea behind the exhibit. By using such an in-between, physically transitive space, the curators physically depicted the fleeting and evolving nature of each piece in the collection. With that in mind, it’s hard to be bothered by the passers-by.

Courtesy Museum of Fine Arts Boston

‘Une Lecture,’ bequest of William Perkins Babcock, is one of the drawings featured in ‘Passion and Precision.’

JUMBOSLICE blogs.tuftsdaily.com FLJUDO Via flickr creative commons

Though Hawthorne’s voice isn’t perfect, he makes the most of his musical range.

New album showcases mature sound HAWTHORNE

continued from page 5

a man’s inability to let go of his love, saxophones repeat for punchy emphasis while ringing bells delicately shadow a driving melody. Here, Hawthorne gives himself a much fuller sound through added instruments and harmonies. Unlike “A Strange Arrangement,” where Hawthorne makes almost exclusive use of his imperfect falsetto, “How Do You Do” explores the full range of Hawthorne’s voice — he even ventures to use a captivating baritone on “Can’t Stop.” Since Hawthorne has received no professional vocal training, his vocal inexperience is occasionally on full display in songs such as “Stick Around.” In what seems like a deliberate attempt to drive attention away from Hawthorne’s vocal amateurism, Snoop Dogg one-ups him with a clunky, outof-tune verse on “Can’t Stop.” Hawthorne’s voice, however, isn’t a complete hindrance to his sound. Though his falsetto sounds more akin to Pharrell Williams than Marvin Gaye at times, Hawthorne flashes his unpolished voice with a flair that keeps the listener intrigued. Though Hawthorne touts catchy melodies

and springy bass lines, there is no question that “How Do You Do” is the music of a grown man. On “The Walk,” Hawthorne brings the pains of a difficult breakup to light. Backed by a piano riff that resembles the alluring voices of the Motown era, “The Walk” is Hawthorne’s letter of discontent. An upbeat highlight of the album “No Strings” asks a woman for a night without consequences or inhibitions. Anchored by a twanging bass line, the tight snare kicks in just as the lady in question begins to acquiesce. As the woman considers sleeping with the songwriter, the fluctuation of high-hat parallels her deliberation, allowing the flow of the song to comfortably rise and descend. As Hawthorne’s second album, “How Do You Do” is an impressive follow-up blemished with one fundamental flaw: the extent of the artist’s own ability. However, Hawthorne’s progression as an artist is impossible to refute, and his decision to use lower octaves in his singing provides a stronger and fuller sound. Regardless, “How Do You Do” is proof that good music is good music, no matter the era or inspiration. Whether you’re an indie chick or a hip-hop junkie, “How Do You Do” offers an agreeable common ground.

Breaking news, editorial cartoons, multimedia content and tons of material that just doesn’t make it into the print edition

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Tufts Daily



The Tufts Daily


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Tuesday, October 18, 2011


OID needs an interim director

Carter W. Rogers Editor-in-Chief

Editorial | Letters

When Lisa Coleman, former executive director of the Office for Institutional Diversity (OID), resigned from the position in December 2009, then-University President Lawrence Bacow made the controversial decision not to fill the position until his successor as university president had been named. Now, University President Anthony Monaco has announced that the OID will continue to be without a director for the remainder of the academic year while he convenes a university-wide council to assess the current state of Tufts’ diversity objectives. We applaud Monaco for personally chairing the council and for making diversity issues a priority. His decision to wait until next year to hire a new director demonstrates his commitment to ensuring that the OID can best fulfill its purpose to promote diversity and inclusion on campus. Still, we encourage Monaco to hire an interim director even while he continues to search for a permanent replacement.

The OID has been without a director for far too long. Bacow’s decision not to hire one because of his impending retirement was shortsighted — his retirement was still nearly two years away, and Monaco cannot reasonably be expected to find a suitable permanent replacement in a single semester. As a result, Bacow’s decision not to find an interim replacement resulted in the office remaining without a director for at least three years. Many students complain about what they see as an overly Eurocentric curriculum and racially tense environment on campus. At last year’s April Open House, a group of about 40 students circulated among the visiting accepted students and their parents to tell them about what Carolina Ramirez (LA ’11) referred to as “the negativity that students of color face [at Tufts] on a regular basis.” This clearly demonstrates the need for a fully functioning office to promote a dialogue about inclusion on campus. While other administrators have

stepped up to fulfill Coleman’s administrative and programming duties since her departure two years ago, the office cannot fully advance its objectives without a leader whose sole responsibility is to address diversity-related concerns. Regardless of one’s views on the racial climate at Tufts, the community is plagued with too many concerns for the diversity office to go three years without a director. That’s something Bacow, with his reputation as a champion of racial diversity, should have recognized. Monaco has taken a positive step by forming a council to assess the state of diversity on campus. We understand his desire to deliberate at length before hiring a permanent OID director. Rushing to fill such an important position would be a poor choice and could do more harm than good to resolving racial tensions on campus. But while he’s deliberating, we encourage Monaco not to let diversity issues lag on campus. He can do that by hiring an interim director of the OID.

wes engel


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Off the Hill | University of South Carolina

Globalization blurs the line with westernization by

Alice Chang

The Daily Gamecock

Societies take influences from the West instead of exchanging cultural ideas. In the era of a globalizing world, it is impossible to view events, even those on the smallest scales, without considering their effects on an international scale. Undoubtedly, globalization comes with benefits and is a window to the world. Through it, one can brush shoulders with many cultures and experience ideas that geographical boundaries would make difficult. Only by globalization is the exchange of knowledge and new technology possible between countries. With new knowledge and technology, the standards of living for people all over the world can be raised. Examples of a “global nation” are everywhere — from the ubiquitous McDonald’s chain to the steady increase in number of multinational corporations to the fact that sales of Apple products in China’s five retail stores combined are higher than that of anywhere else in the world. But this is

where globalization begins to look strange. Rather than seeing a reciprocal flow of ideas between countries, globalization has become a lopsided exchange in which the West dominates. In fact, it is more difficult now to differentiate between “globalization” and “westernization,” as the two concepts tend toward synonymy. It makes sense logically: More developed countries influence less-developed countries. The West influences the East. The problem, however, is that this has begun to create an oligarchy in the global sphere. The West is no longer simply a part of the whole — it is a leader and a norm-setter for the rest of the world. The ethical implications of this are hardly a novelty. “Are our methods really the best?” was a question asked for centuries during colonization and all the way up through the Iraq War. This new wave of western imperialism has already had a slew of repercussions for the rest of the world. Cultures and traditions have been lost from many eastern countries in the attempt to surrender their “antiquated”

values to adjust to those of the West. These countries don’t have much of a choice. Often, westernization is the only way to gain recognition and acceptance in the political and economic realm. In order to join forces with institutions such as the United Nations or to borrow money from the World Bank, nations must succumb to certain social, political and economic conditions — conditions set, of course, by the West. As globalization continues to infest the world with its ruthless growth, modernization and assimilation are inevitable. But globalization may also have consequences and downsides that we, though helpless to prevent, can ameliorate by our recognition of them. We must ensure that justice can prevail in transnational institutions and that countries, developed or not, have the rights to representation in decisionmaking processes. We must ensure that hundreds of years of history are not forsaken in attempts to create global standards. It would be a tragedy to reach one consensus and lose hundreds of identities.


The Oct. 17 article “Trayless proves worthwhile balancing act” incorrectly referred to Betsy Isenstein as the director of Facilities Technical Services and the Tufts energy manager. While she is currently the director of Facilities Technical Services, she is no longer the Tufts energy manager. The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, published Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free to the Tufts community. EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials represent the position of The Tufts Daily. Individual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Tufts Daily


Op-Ed Walt Laws-MacDonald | Show Me the Money!

Euro trip


virginia bledsoe/tufts daily

The reality and principle of Occupy Wall Street by

Thomas Mason

A note before I begin: For the sake of simplicity, I will refer to the international corporate and financial system that is the target of the movement Occupy Wall Street simply as “Wall Street.” The actual, geographical entity Wall Street does not consist entirely of unscrupulous corporate entities, nor does it encompass the entire group of corporate entities in question. However, since it is a common and widely known symbol, I will use it to represent the entire system in this article. The movement Occupy Wall Street is widely misunderstood in mainstream media today. This is largely a result of intentional attempts, mostly by right-leaning news organizations and commentators, to portray the movement in a negative light in order to delegitimize it. Many people have been told that the movement is an illegal fringe movement of crazed, disorganized anarchists and unpatriotic counterculture rebels. This characterization is entirely untrue. Similarly, many people have portrayed Occupy Wall Street as a left-leaning version of the highly conservative Tea Party Movement. This characterization is also entirely untrue. The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street have nothing in common. The Tea Party is a thoroughly astroturfed movement that calls for the removal of fairly and democratically elected government officials, endorsing the use of any extrajudicial means necessary — and in some extreme cases, encouraging the use of violence. Occupy Wall Street, in stark contrast, is a grassroots movement of disenfranchised people who call for the regulation of highly influential yet unelected and largely unsupervised and unregulated individuals using strictly nonviolent methods of civil disobedience. They have not called for the forcible ouster of a single democratically elected official, nor have they ever encouraged the use of violence in any situation. Occupy Wall Street is a true and legitimate popular movement; the Tea Party, while it perceives itself as representative of the will of the American people, is much more representative of the will of the corporate elite that completely saturated and dominated the movement since shortly after it began. Occupy Wall Street can be much

more accurately described as a sister movement to the Arab Spring. In order to fully explain the close relationship and goals of these two movements, however, I must first explain the systems that the two movements oppose. Wall Street essentially constitutes an authoritarian system in that it is run by an influential oligarchy of unelected entities that exercises vast informal power over the country — and indeed, the world. In principle, the Wall Street system is very similar to the Assad, Mubarak or Qaddafi systems that have been overthrown by the Arab Spring. Wall Street is much more limited than these dictatorial political regimes in the extent and legality of control that they can exercise over people. Although one could argue that the police — particularly the New York Police Department — response to the popular protests has been disproportionately violent and aimed at protecting the interests of the rich, Wall Street is unable to use the police as a baton to suppress opposition on the same scale that Mubarak, Ben Ali or Qaddafi could. However, in principle the two regimes are essentially indistinguishable. They are not elected democratically, they exercise broad extrajudicial power over politics and society, and they are completely unaccountable to the people. If one defines the regimes of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria and other similar countries as “closed, authoritarian political regimes,” then Wall Street is a “closed, authoritarian economic regime.” Even though they play an equally important role in the lives of the people as do political regimes, economic regimes are rarely recognized as such in many countries. This being said, the great similarities between Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring become evident once we examine the regimes that they oppose. Both movements are centered on forcing authoritarian regimes to become democratic and accountable to the people. Both movements advocate using civil disobedience whenever possible. (Only after the Syrian and Libyan dictators dispersed peaceful protests with live ammunition did the protesters resort to violence.) The Wall Street protesters, although they have many means at their disposal to suppress their opposition, cannot reasonably utilize such violent measures, and so it seems extremely unlikely that

Occupy Wall Street will ever have to resort to violence. Many people — particularly farright-wing commentators and Tea Party sympathizers — have called the Occupy Wall Street movement unAmerican and unpatriotic because they claim that the movement, among other things, “hates capitalism.” This is a completely unjustified label for two reasons: First, Occupy Wall Street does not aim to destroy capitalism, but to democratize it in the same way that the Arab Spring democratized the hegemonic regimes of North Africa. Second, although capitalism has been the dominant economic theory practiced in America for many years, it is not integral to either America or the Constitution. Thus, democratic opposition to capitalism is not at all un-American. The United States is one of history’s best and most stable examples of political democracy, but the economic system cannot possibly be described as democratic. Our corporate and financial system is characterized by a small, closed oligarchy of unelected individuals and entities that are completely unaccountable to the people and that frequently remain in power regardless of gross incompetence, greed, unscrupulous behavior, negligence and blatant abuse of power and influence. These characteristics closely mirror those of an authoritarian political system and cannot exist in a democracy. Thus, what Occupy Wall Street essentially aims to do is to democratize the economic regime of the United States. It is hard to see how this can be described as un-American, and one can even make the case that to oppose such an attempt is in itself un-American. Occupy Wall Street is a truly original, revolutionary movement in that it is one of the first movements in recent history to attempt to democratize an economic system. However, due to misunderstandings and deliberate propagandistic exaggeration, it is often perceived in a highly negative and factually incorrect light. The real movement is much more disciplined, peaceful, and genuinely revolutionary than the distorted version as seen on the news. Thomas Mason is a freshman who has not yet declared a major.

o sang Greek Minister of Finance Giorgos Papakonstantinou to JeanClaude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, just a few short years ago: “Jean-Claude doesn’t know/ that the Euro and I/borrow way too much/ every fiscal year.” Last Thursday, one of the most pivotal moments in the ongoing Eurozone crisis unraveled in spectacularly boring fashion. Slovakia, the poorest country in the Eurozone, voted to approve the 440 billion euro relief package drawn up by Eurozone officials. After failing to pass the legislation earlier in the week, Thursday’s vote gave a sense of hope in what has become a long, controversy-fraught process. The principles of the problem are basic: Greece borrowed a ton of money, spent more and now they’re broke. In September, Bloomberg News reported that Greece has a 98 percent chance of defaulting on its debt in the next five years … 98! With default all-but-inevitable, the European Central Bank (ECB) has had to face the difficult task of fixing not just one country, but 17. As if this weren’t difficult enough, stronger economies, like those of Germany and France, don’t want to see policy that might dampen their flourishing recoveries. Despite the weak, Troubled Asset Relief Program-reminiscent plan, the ECB has largely had its hands tied. Further, the Eurozone lacks one of the key tools in fighting national (or in this case, international) debt: monetary policy. Unlike the Federal Reserve, the ECB can’t just “print money” or enact a round of quantitative easing. All economic policy can be broken down into two categories: monetary policy and fiscal policy. Monetary policy is controlled by the national bank; it deals with the money supply. Today this largely deals with the buying and selling of Treasury bonds. Monetary policy also sets interest rates for banks and lenders, which eventually becomes the basis for most homeowners and borrowers. Fiscal policy, on the other hand, is known as the more politicized side of policy. It sets tax rates, controls stimulus spending and (sometimes) reduces the deficit. Though monetary and fiscal policies are not linked, they often work together, both in times of recession and rapid growth. Though fiscal policy plays an important part in controlling the economy, it must write legislation, undergo debate and pass through Congress before it can take effect. Monetary policy, however, can slash interest rates at the snap of a finger. This is the root of the problem. Since there is no “Euro Bond,” the role of monetary policy falls on the individual countries. France and Greece have 10-year bonds. Since they’re in the same currency, they should have similar rates, but Greece’s rate is nearly six times higher. The ECB can’t effectively fix the Greek bond without dealing a blow to the French bond. It can’t print money because each country has its own debt. Thus the Eurozone must rely on fiscal policy alone, which explains the painfully slow process that’s been going on for more than a year. If the European (i.e., Greek) Financial Stability Facility passes, it will be used to provide some breathing room on its payments and hopefully tie the Eurozone over until a more permanent solution can be achieved. Yet since last year, Portugal, Spain and Italy have fallen into similar situations. The ECB must react quickly if it wants to salvage its miraculous experiment of the single currency. If Greece does go into default, it will deal a shocking blow to a system that’s barely 10 years old. What happens when a euro invested in France comes back with a few pennies of interest, and a euro invested in Greece doesn’t come back at all? I don’t think the euro will survive another decade, but I’d love to be proven wrong. I hate those damn exchange rate fees. Walt Laws-MacDonald is a freshman who has not yet declared a major. He can be reached at Walt.Laws_MacDonald@tufts.edu.

Op-ed Policy The Op-Ed section of The Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in the Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. Op-Ed cartoons are also welcomed for the Campus Canvas feature. All material is subject to editorial discretion and is not guaranteed to appear in the Daily. All material should be submitted to oped@tuftsdaily.com no later than noon on the day prior to the desired day of publication; authors must submit their telephone numbers and day-of availability for editing questions. Submissions may not be published elsewhere prior to their appearance in the Daily, including but not limited to other on- and off-campus newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news websites, as well as Facebook. Republishing of the same piece in a different source is permissible as long as the Daily is credited with originally running the article.

The Tufts Daily



Tuesday, October 18, 2011




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SUDOKU Level: Readjusting to American English after nearly 20 years at Oxford

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Alyssa: “You don’t have to kiss someone to get mono. I was in Tijuana and I got it.”

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Men’s Soccer

Jumbos rise in NESCAC standings this weekend by

Matt Berger

Daily Editorial Board

Following Tuesday’s non-conference win over UMass Dartmouth in double overtime, the men’s soccer team finally


Cross country’s depth displayed at Invitational

MEN’S SOCCER (4-2-2 NESCAC, 7-2-2 Overall)


“I honestly never thought that we were going to lose,” junior midfielder Rafael Ramos-Meyer said. “If we continued to play our game, we thought that the better team would end up on top.” Fortunately, Tufts’ equalizer came just moments later. In the 18th minute, freshman midfielder Gus Santos laid the ball off to junior Franco Silva, who fired a shot from 40 yards out. The strike, Silva’s only shot on goal of the match, darted the diving Bates goalkeeper, senior Brian Goldberg, and ended up in the back of the net. It was Silva’s third collegiate goal and

With the men’s cross country team’s top 12 athletes resting this weekend, younger members of the squad stepped up to the scoring positions for Tufts at the Conn. College Invitational Saturday, demonstrating the Jumbos’ depth. The team had to fight tough conditions, with 25-35 mph winds blowing on the 8,000-meter waterfront course at Harkness Memorial State Park in Waterford, Conn., but several runners still emerged from the day with new personal bests. Sophomore Jake McCauley led the squad, finishing 20th among 211 competitors in a new 8k best time of 26:37. “I moved up really well and I went out pretty comfortably. Things just finally clicked for me,” said McCauley, who suffered a streak of injuries last year that prevented him from racing to his potential. “It was nice working with everyone on the team. Guys 13 [and up] were really focused on performing well for the team.” Freshmen Cyrus Cousins and Joe Poupard were the next Jumbos across the line in 31st and 33rd, respectively, with times of 26:57 and 27:05. Sophomore Jamie Norton and senior Jeff Prescott rounded out the scorers. Norton crossed the line in 43rd with a time of 27:18, while Prescott finished 45th in 27:26.

see MEN’S SOCCER, page 13

see MEN’S XC, page 13

at Lewiston, Maine, Sunday Tufts Bates

1 1 0 1 — 3 1 1 0 0 — 2

Kraft Field, Saturday Williams Tufts

0 1 — 1 2 0 — 2

seemed to have found the offensive firepower that it was lacking for much of the season. Against the Corsairs, the Jumbos recorded season-high marks in shots, shots on goal and goals — registering 22, 11 and three, respectively. Entering a critical conference doubleheader weekend against Williams and Bates, the Jumbos knew that they needed to continue their strong play in the attacking third if they wanted to move into the upper part of the NESCAC table and stay in contention for a conference championship and NCAA tournament berth. “Coach has emphasized having confidence and composure around the net even when under pressure,” sophomore midfielder Scott Blumenthal said. “Going into the weekend, we wanted six points or at least four and knew we needed to continue scoring.” The Jumbos were clearly up to this challenge as four different players contributed to five weekend goals, giv-

Kyra Sturgill/Tufts Daily

Freshman Kyle Volpe, seen here against Williams on Oct. 15, headed in the Jumbos’ third golden goal of the season to beat Bates on Sunday. ing Tufts two crucial conference victories. After beating Williams 2-1 and Bates 3-2, Tufts moved to 4-2-2 in the NESCAC, boosting the team into a three-way third-place tie with Trinity and Williams. Against Bates on Sunday, Tufts fell behind in the 10th minute when Bobcats junior midfielder John Murphy found junior back Nick Barron on a corner kick from the right side. Barron eluded his defender, made a strong run toward the goal and headed the ball solidly past senior tri-captain goalkeeper Alan Bernstein to give the host Bobcats an early advantage. For the fifth time this season, Tufts had to play the rest of the match from behind.

Women’s Cross Country

Sophomores lead team to third place by

Connor Rose

Senior Staff Writer

The women’s cross country team finished the Conn. College Invitational with a third-place result out of 17 squads on a windy day at Harkness Memorial State Park. With senior tri-captain Anya Price back in action after sitting out the previous race, the Jumbos were able to place two runners in the top five and four in the top 20. Though the Jumbos were the defending champions in the meet, Rutgers came in with a great squad and was able to take the team title, finishing with just 48 points. Plattsburgh State, ranked 14th nationally in Div. III, edged out Tufts for the second spot with 56 points, while the Jumbos’ scorers managed a total 64 points. Stefanie Braun of Plattsburgh State broke away from Brianna Deming of Rutgers in the final half-mile to take the individual title in 21:45 over the 6k course. With their eyes set on the Plattsburgh State runners in an effort to test themselves against the top-ranked team in the country, the Jumbos knew they would have to rely on each other for support on the course as much as possible. On a wide-open course, the Jumbos had no trouble keeping in touch. “After last weekend, we realsee WOMEN’S XC, page 14

Lauren Flament

Daily Editorial Board

Field Hockey

Jumbos rout Williams, Bates by

Bryn Kass

Contributing Writer

The field hockey team stepped off Campus Avenue Field at Bates on Sunday FIELD HOCKEY (6-2 NESCAC, 10-2 Overall) at Lewiston, Maine, Sunday Tufts Bates

2 5 — 7 0 1 — 1

Kraft Field, Saturday Williams Tufts

Daily File Photo

Senior tri-captain Anya Price was the first Tufts runner to cross the line, paving the way for the Jumbos’ third place finish.

0 0 — 0 5 1 — 6

afternoon victorious, having won both of its NESCAC conference games this weekend against the Williams Ephs at home and the Bobcats on the road. The Jumbos are now 6-2 in the NESCAC and 10-2 overall with a five-game winning streak. Coming into Sunday’s game at Bates looking to extend their winning streak to five, the Jumbos began the afternoon with a goal by junior forward Kayla Murphy in the 17th minute. Murphy, who has been plagued by injuries this season, contributed two tallies to the Jumbos’ 7-1 win. Senior co-captain forward Lindsay Griffith and

freshman forward Brittany Norfleet also chipped in a goal each, while sophomore forward Chelsea Yogerst and junior forward Missy Karp each had two assists. Junior for ward Lia Sagerman scored three goals in the second half of the game, giving her a total of five goals over the weekend and the title of leading scorer on the team with 10 this fall. “As forwards our job is to score,” Sagerman said. “When the whole team clicks, we put the ball in the goal.” On the defensive end, senior goalkeeper Marianna Zak played the entire game and allowed just one goal, with sophomore defender Emily Cannon making a defensive save early on to keep Bates off the board. The Jumbos only allowed the Bobcats five shots and three penalty corners all game, while taking 44 shots and 13 corners themselves. The Jumbos’ defense was dominant from the top-down, and even the forwards got into the mix. “Our defenders are rock stars,” Sagerman said. “Bates had really good movement down the field, but our defenders played with so many layers. This year we’ve focused on the forwards as see FIELD HOCKEY, page 14

The Tufts Daily



Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Women’s Soccer

Jumbos fall short twice in doubleheader weekend by

Kate Klots

Daily Editorial Board

In their second of two NESCAC doubleheader weekends this season, the women’s WOMEN’S SOCCER (4-3-1 NESCAC, 6-4-2 Overall) at Lewiston, Maine, Sunday Tufts Bates

0 0 — 0 0 1 — 1

Kraft Field, Saturday Williams Tufts

0 1 — 1 0 0 — 0

soccer team, perhaps slightly fatigued, dropped a pair of tough 1-0 decisions to conference foes Williams and Bates, falling to 6-4-2 on the year. Both matches were vital to their place in the conference standings and the results were undoubtedly disappointing. “We’re definitely one of the best teams in the NESCAC, so it’s always hard when we don’t get the results that show it, no matter how good the other team is,” junior midfielder Alyssa Von Puttkammer said. On Sunday, the Jumbos traveled to Lewiston, Maine, to take on Bates for their second match in under 24 hours. After 66 minutes of scoreless soccer, the Bobcats grabbed the lead on a goal from freshman Dakota Donovan, her fifth of the year. Bates clung to their narrow edge to earn three points. “1-0 losses are never easy to swallow when you have just as many, if not more, good opportunities than your opponent,” senior co-captain Lauren O’Connor said. “But that’s part of the game.” In the first half, the Bobcats narrowly outshot Tufts 12-10. Tufts sophomore goalkeeper Kristin Wright and Bates senior net-minder Annie Burns were forced into three stops each to hold the score at 0-0. The Bobcats finally managed to break through halfway through the second period. Sophomores Wally Pierce and Jaimie Cappucci worked the ball up the field, threatening the Jumbos’ defense. Pierce then slipped the ball into the box, where Donovan corralled it with her left foot and booted it past junior goalkeeper Phoebe Hanley — who had come on for Wright at halftime — and into the back left of the net. For the remainder of the second half, Tufts pressured the Bates defense, peppering their net with 13 shots but consistently coming up short. As time

Kyra Sturgill/Tufts Daily

Senior midfielder Alix Michael had nine shots on Sunday, but could not find the back of the net in the frustrating loss. ticked away, Tufts could not find that one magical moment. Though the Jumbos took 23 shots on the day, Burns finished the afternoon with eight saves and a shutout. “There’s always an aspect of luck involved with finishing your chances and luck wasn’t on our side this weekend,” O’Connor said. “We also just lacked a bit of composure in front of the net.” On Saturday, the Jumbos

hosted No. 14 Williams College at Kraft Field in front of a large Homecoming crowd. But Tufts gave up a goal just 27 seconds into the second half and never recovered, falling to the visiting Ephs by an identical 1-0 tally. “When a team scores on you in the first minute of the half, you have to chalk it up as a mental mistake,” O’Connor said. “It’s our goal to play the first five minutes of each half

‘Matriarch of Tufts Athletics’ passes away at 102 Dorothea “Dorie” Ellis (J ‘31), referred to by the Tufts Athletics Department as “the matriarch of Tufts University Athletics,” died on Friday at the age of 102. Ellis was a multi-sport athlete at Jackson College, the female sister school to Tufts in the early 20th century, during the early years of women’s sports at Tufts. She was the captain of the first women’s baseball team and also played basketball and field hockey. “Although women in athletics was in its infancy during those early years, it was a wonderful experience for all who competed and I felt it was an essential part of my college experience,” Ellis said in a 1995 speech during Tufts’ yearlong Women’s Sports Celebration. “As I watch with admira-

tion women’s athletic events on TV and occasionally a game at the high school or college level, I think the saying, ‘You’ve come a long way baby,’ says it all!” Immediately after graduating, she married Frederick M. “Fish” Ellis (E ‘29, G ‘49), one of the great multisport athletes in Tufts history. Fish would go on to become a professor of physical education and coach multiple teams at Tufts, while Dorie worked in admissions and publications and was an active Tufts alumnus, receiving a Distinguished Service Award from the Tufts Alumni Council. The Ellis Oval, which surrounds the football field, is named after the couple. —compiled by The Daily Sports Department

extremely hard to set the tone, and we just didn’t do that in that case on Saturday.” In the first half, the Jumbos’ best opportunity came in the 28th minute when sophomore Maeve Stewart sent a cross into senior Alix Michael. Michael attempted to send a shot past junior goalkeeper Laura Wann, but the net-minder was up to the task, recording her only stop of the day. In the next few minutes, the

Ephs threatened, but Wright made one of five saves to reject forward Nicole Stenquist’s shot and preserve the 0-0 score. Stewart made several more attempts as the first 45 minutes drew to a close, but all ended unsuccessfully as intermission approached. Just seconds into the second period, however, Williams junior Caitlyn Clark sent a cross to freshman Hana Tomozawa, who controlled the feed and banged the ball inside the left post for the Ephs’ first lead of the contest. “The defensive collapse was primarily a lack of focus from us as a team, and all of us have to take responsibility for that,” Von Puttkammer said. Tomozawa’s goal held as the only score for the remainder of the day. While Hanley posted three second-half saves to keep the Jumbos in contention, Tufts was unable to score on several opportunities, including a header from sophomore Anya Kaufmann that rebounded off the post. “Finishing scoring opportunities is definitely something we’re focusing on,” Von Puttkammer said. “Half the battle is creating the opportunities and I think we do a great job of that, so our lack of goals wasn’t really due to the other teams. Both of their defenses were penetrable. We just have to focus on that final touch.” While Tufts’ goalkeepers combined for a total of eight saves, the Williams offense proved too quick and formidable for the Jumbos on Saturday, outshooting the Jumbos 17 to 10. After falling to Williams and Bates this weekend, Tufts is looking forward to yet another NESCAC matchup, this time at Hamilton. This Saturday’s contest presents an opportunity for the Jumbos to garner another key conference win and work their way back into serious contention within the NESCAC. Despite its two narrow losses, Tufts boasts four strong conference wins and holds the keys to its own fate with two more NESCAC games to round out the regular season. “Every game is important. A win against Williams would have put us in great shape with the regional rankings but all we can do now is look forward,” O’Connor said. “Our strategy for the last two regular-season games is to find our rhythm again and really hit our stride as we head into playoffs,” she added. “Sunday was a huge upset to us. We know we’re so much better than that. Now we just have to use these next couple games to show that to everyone else.”

Player of the Week

Lord of the NESCAC manor Junior Kendall Lord was named NESCAC Volleyball Player of the Week, rewarding the conference’s leading setter for her contributions to the Jumbos’ victories over the weekend. Although Trinity setter Jennifer Low has a slight edge in assists per set, Lord has more total assists than anyone in the NESCAC, and ranks fourth in service aces per set, showing her versatility as a setter on a team filled with talented attackers. Those numbers were boosted by Lord’s stellar performance this weekend in two matches against Wesleyan and Trinity. Lord’s rock solid presence against the Bantams allowed the Jumbos to control the flow of play, and she racked up 54 assists, 18 digs, five blocks and

three aces in the five set match. Against Wesleyan, Lord had 34 assists, five digs, four blocks, and three aces. Lord’s strong play has coincided with Tufts’ eight-game winning streak, matching the Jumbos’ longest run of the season and leaving the team at 17-3 overall, 8-1 in conference action, with eight games to play. The Jumbos hope that Lord can continue to get the ball to the squad’s tall, tenacious hitters down the stretch. With just one conference game remaining, the team will look win out in order to boost its chances of qualifying for the NCAA tournament. —by David McIntyre

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Tufts Daily



Prescott finishes collegiate cross country career on high note MEN’S xc

continued from page 11 Junior Luke Maher was just one second behind them in 47th place. With 172 points, the Jumbos took seventh among the 14 teams present, an impressive finish for the smaller Tufts squad that competed against teams from Div. I, II and III. Southern Connecticut State (Div. II) won the meet with 52 points, placing their top four runners among the top five overall finishers, including Brian Nill, whose 25:27 8k was the fastest of the day. The squad from host Conn. College earned the runner-up spot with 75 points. Last fall, Tufts, racing in full force, tied Div. I UConn to win the meet with 59 points. “Everyone was working with each other so we could see how our second or third seven could stack up among varsity of other teams,” Prescott said. “Having freshmen right in the middle of that is great to see because this [season] is their first time running 8ks, and guys like Luke and Jake who have been running for a while stepped up to help lead those freshmen to run great races.” The opportunity to finish in scoring position added a new intensity to the day for some Jumbos. “It was just a completely different level of competition and drive,” Prescott said. “Many guys found themselves in top-seven positions, so our lead pack Saturday, which is normally mid-way through the team, found themselves among varsities of other teams. A lot of us went out with a faster pack more aggressively … A mile and a half in, we could see the leaders, which is not a position we are usually in.” “It was a cool feeling to have that pressure of running for your team,” McCauley added. “A lot of guys come from high schools where we were the top runners, but being in such a talented program here, sometimes you have to run for yourself more than just for the team. So Saturday brought a different mentality knowing your team is counting on you.” For many Jumbos, Saturday concluded their season, which for the seniors meant the end of their collegiate cross country careers. “During our team huddle we recognized that it might be the last race for [senior co-captain] Erik Antokal and Jeff Prescott, so we definitely wanted to run our best to support those guys,” McCauley said. “Erik had a great race and he moved up a lot during it, and Prescott ran phenomenally and he is looking to have a great track season.” The experience was brought fullcircle for Prescott, who began his cross country career in Connecticut during high school and returned to conclude his collegiate era in the sport.

continued from page 11

drew Tufts level midway through the first half. In the 66th minute, freshman Kyle Volpe played a nifty ball to Santos, giving him a scoring opportunity. Santos corralled the pass and sent a shot past Goldberg for his fourth goal of the season. With a 2-1 lead and less than half an hour to play, the Jumbos’ mindset changed as they tried to preserve the lead. “Coach put in some guys who hadn’t played a lot, and they did well,” Blumenthal said. “But I guess we just kind of fell asleep because the guy who scored was who we knew we had to watch all game.” The Bobcats’ response came in the 74th minute when freshman defender Tyler Schleich sent a ball across the face of the Jumbos’ goal which sophomore forward Tyler Grees headed past Bernstein to level the score once again. The 2-2 score held, and the two teams entered sudden-death overtime, where the Jumbos have had plenty of experience and success this season, going 2-0-2 in matches decided past

Fantasy Fantasy Draft: Part One


Justin McCallum/Tufts Daily

Junior Luke Maher was the sixth Jumbos runner to cross the finish line at the Conn. College Invitational. “Knowing it was my last race of the season, I kind of just had fun with it and I think a lot of our guys did … It being my last race got my adrenaline and emotions high and I ran aggressively — kind of throwing the race plan out the window,” said Prescott, who dropped 34 seconds from his 2010 27:59 finish at the Conn. College Invitational. “It was a good ending. The whole idea of consistently improving while staying healthy is my

goal, especially with long term track goals in the future.” On Saturday the Mayor’s Cup at Franklin Park in Boston will see an even smaller Tufts squad, composed of some middle-distance athletes and others looking for an opportunity to end their seasons on a higher note. The top 15 Jumbos are now preparing for the championship season, beginning with NESCACs on Oct 29th, which will feature Tufts’ top 12 athletes.

First-years’ tallies leave Homecoming crowd ‘Hoppen’ MENS SOCCER

Alex Prewitt | Live from Mudville

the 90th minute. Tufts’ trend of strong overtime play continued on Sunday, as the Jumbos once again took three points with a golden goal. This time, Volpe was the hero, as he headed in a feed from Ramos-Meyer to give Tufts the victory. “At halftime, I think coach made a comment about how Volpe had been stepping up in the box,” Blumenthal said. “And then he puts the header in after Rafa [Ramos-Meyer] set him up off the corner kick.” On Saturday, Tufts squared off with Williams — a team that they had only beaten once since 1995 — in front of a raucous Homecoming crowd. From the very beginning, the Jumbos fed off the unusually electric atmosphere at Kraft Field. “The stands were absolutely packed, and the fans continued to motivate us all game long,” Blumenthal said. Freshman for ward Maxime Hoppenot got the scoring started toward the beginning of the first half when he generated the first goal of the match. The sequence began as Hoppenot delivered a long throw from the right sideline into the Ephs box.

After taking a deflection off a Williams defender, Hoppenot controlled the loose ball and sent a strike inside the far post to give Tufts the lead and its fans something to cheer about early. “Clearly getting the goal was huge for us because it really solidified our position in the game,” Ramos-Meyer said. “Our fans continued to push us to play harder as the game wore on.” Hoppenot added a second goal in the 41st minute after receiving a lead pass from sophomore forward Jono Edelman. After corralling the ball, Hoppenot beat Williams junior goalkeeper Than Finan to extend the Jumbos’ lead heading into the break. Williams dominated play in the second half, recording 11 shots to the Jumbos’ five, but was only able to produce one goal. Bernstein led the way for Tufts defensively with six saves to help preserve the victory. Tufts plays its last home match of the season tomorrow against nonconference foe Suffolk. The visiting Rams are 5-9-1 overall and fell 2-0 to the Jumbos last season.

fundamentally love the idea of drafts. Last weekend, my friends and I spontaneously held a four-team cheese draft. I selected a third-round juggernaut in nacho. And this week, three Tufts Daily sports columnists — myself, Ben Kochman and Ethan Sturm — held a Fantasy Fantasy Baseball Draft, where we took turns selecting teams of the best fictional baseball players. Throughout the week, each columnist will unveil his 10 picks — nine players, one manager — and offer a little insight into the competition. Without further ado, here is my team, “Little Big Major League of Their Own.” 1st round, 3rd overall: Leon Carter, Catcher, “The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings” (1976) Played by James Earl Jones, Carter will anchor the lineup, providing power in a similar mold to Negro League legend Josh Gibson. Plus, hearing Jones speak in those sultry tones is enough to warrant a first-rounder. 2nd round, 4th overall: Steve Nebraska, Pitcher, “The Scout” (1994) A bit of a head case — he once refused to come down from the top of Yankee Stadium to pitch in the World Series — Nebraska still regularly topped 100-mph on the radar gun. 3rd round, 9th overall: Willie Mays Hays, Outfield, “Major League” (1989) A little speed and a lot of personality won’t do my outfield any harm. Granted, his apparent identity crisis — he was played by Wesley Snipes in the original and Omar Epps in the sequel — is troublesome, but the talent is just too much to ignore. 4th round, 10th overall: Lou Collins, First Base, “Little Big League” (1994) A stable veteran with a cool head — after all, he survived having a prepubescent child as manager — and a solid glove, Collins will anchor the infield and likely hit fifth. 5th round, 15th overall: Sidd Finch, Pitcher The subject of George Plimpton’s 1985 April Fools hoax, Finch reportedly threw a 168-mph fastball. Though he retired just one week later, presumably to pursue a career in French horn performance, Finch possesses all the traits of a mid-round sleeper. 6th round, 16th overall: Jimmy Dugan, Manager, “A League of Their Own” (1992) Who better to manage this club than Tom Hanks’ character? After harnessing alpha personalities like Rosie O’Donnell and Madonna, dealing with even the boisterously flamboyant Hays will seem simple. 7th round, 21st overall: Crash Davis, Designated Hitter, “Bull Durham” (1988) A solid veteran bat with good clubhouse leadership, Davis will help mentor this staff’s flamethrowers when he’s not busy reaching third base with Susan Sarandon. 8th round, 22nd overall: Kenny Powers, Pitcher, “Eastbound and Down” The hair is worth the signing bonus, despite The Bulletproof Tiger’s 4.40 ERA and rapidly declining career. 9th round, 27th overall: I Don’t Give A Damn, Shortstop, “The Naughty Nineties” (1945) Who? No, he’s on first. Wait, what? Second base. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Third base. Abbott and Costello clearly saved the best for last when they tabbed I Don’t Give A Damn as their shortstop, and he should form a solid middle infield with What if I can grab him off the waiver wire. 10th round, 28th overall: Dave King, Outfield Given that he’s the title character in the 1951 kids book “The Kid Who Batted 1.000,” I think I made the right choice. King has a reputation for exclusively drawing walks and wearing out opposing pitchers because he is incapable of swinging and missing. A lateround steal. Favorite Pick: Al “The Boss” Angel by Ben Kochman This tremendous sixth-round pick by Kochman secured his team a far more angelic skipper than Mike Scioscia could ever be. Least Favorite Pick: Casey by Ethan Sturm Though my column’s namesake is named after Casey’s famed Mudville Nine, his lack of poise in the clutch is an unmistakable handicap for any franchise looking to build around him.

Alex Prewitt is a senior majoring in English and religion. He can be reached on his blog at http://livefrommudville.blogspot.com or followed on Twitter at @Alex_Prewitt.

The Tufts Daily

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Wanted Need a person to drive our son from school to home and to afterschool activities (all around TUFTS). School pick up time 12:30pm weekdays. Afterschool activities three days a week from 4-5pm.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Events The Reverend Patricia Budd Kepler Former Interim University Chaplain In Celebration of Third Edition Publication ”150 Years of Religion at Tufts University” Light refreshments to follow. classifieds policy All Tufts students must submit classifieds in person, prepaid with check, money order or exact cash only. All classifieds submitted by mail must be accompanied by a check. Classifieds are $15 per week or $4 per day with Tufts ID or $30 per week or $8 per day without. The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due to typographical errors or misprintings except the cost of the insertion, which is fully refundable. We reserve the right to refuse to print any classifieds which contain obscenity, are of an overly sexual nature or are used expressly to denigrate a person or group. Questions? Email business@tuftsdaily.com.

Jumbos prepare to face Hamilton on the road this Saturday FIELD HOCKEY

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the first line of defense.” Earlier in the weekend, Tufts came away with a 6-0 victory against Williams in a game that took place amid a lively crowd on Homecoming. Sagerman and Griffith each scored two goals for the Jumbos, while junior midfielder Rachel Gerhardt and senior co-captain defender Taylor Dyer contributed one goal each in the shutout. On top of her goal, Gerhardt had two assists in the game, setting up each of Griffith’s tallies. Perhaps just as importantly for the team, Homecoming brought family, friends and alumni to the crowd and a new dynamic to the field. It was a tender moment for the team’s four seniors — Griffith, Dyer, Zak and defender Sarah Cannon — when they were honored before the start of the game. “For the four seniors, it was extra special,” Griffith said. “We are just now realizing that we are guaranteed only two more games and after that it’s up to us. We’re not ready for it to end, so we’re going to keep playing for as long as we can.” The Jumbos dominated their home turf offensively and defensively, firing 26 shots to the Ephs’ 12 and earning 14 penalty corners to the Ephs’ six. The team’s impressive number of penalty corners, which the squad has been practicing almost every day, created four of Tufts’ six goals. “We came out guns blazing,” Sagerman said. “Our main goals are the same in every game: Score early and play tough hockey.” And score early they did — five of the six Jumbos goals were recorded in the first half, starting with Sagerman’s unassisted goal in the first six minutes of the game. Tufts boasted 19 shots at halftime and held the Ephs to only two. But Williams came out with a vengeance in the second period, posting 10 shots on goal in the final 35 minutes. Although the Ephs outshot the Jumbos in the second half by three, Tufts preserved the shutout. Griffith scored the sixth and final goal

K.C. Hambleton/Tufts Daily

Junior forward Lia Sagerman netted two goals on Saturday and added a hat trick on Sunday, leading the Jumbos’ weekend sweep. of the game, and the only goal of the second half, off an assist by Gerhardt on a penalty corner in the 57th minute. “The second half, Williams came out fighting and we got caught on our toes just a little bit,” Griffith said. “We were

still playing great hockey — we just weren’t able to get the ball in the cage as frequently as we did the first half.” The back-to-back wins this weekend set the Jumbos up for a big game on Saturday, as they face Hamilton on the

Top runners prepare for championship season WOMEN’S XC

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ized what was going to separate us from other teams,” Price said. “We needed to run the race together and use each other. Because it was a small meet and the course is great for seeing who is up ahead, it was a great opportunity to chase teammates and run with them.” Price and junior tri-captain Lilly Fisher were able to work together well, running the majority of the course side-by-side before Price hammered down in the final half-mile. Price finished third overall in 22:19, while Fisher finished fifth in 22:41. The remaining scorers for the Jumbos were a trio of sophomores who have played a crucial role in bolstering the team throughout the season. Madeleine Carey led the way for the underclassmen, finishing 17th overall in 23:03, with Abby Barker right behind

her in 23:09. Lauren Creath was the final scorer for the squad, coming in at 23:16 — good for 21st place. Though the trio finished within 13 seconds of each other, they did not stick together throughout the race in the way that they had planned and trained for. “I knew Lauren was right behind me for most of the race and I was able to hear people cheering for her and Abby right behind me,” Carey said. “The three of us were all close together and we knew we were all there, but it may have helped being tighter together. We have very different racing styles so it’s tough to find the right balance to get a tight pack.” With some of the girls going out faster than others, Price thinks that it will be important for some racers to extend their comfort zone to help their teammates. “This is the point in the season when everyone has to start pushing them-

road in the penultimate contest of the regular season. Hamilton — despite sitting at seventh in the conference and coming off a loss to cellardwelling Colby on Saturday — is one of only two teams to claim a victory over national

selves as hard as they can,” Price said. “That might involve going out faster to stick with teammates and get engaged in a faster pack than we might be used to. In order for our team to reach our goals it is going to take a concerted effort on everyone’s part to really push our limits.” The next two Tufts runners to cross the finish line were sophomore Laura Peterson and junior Julia Hajnoczky. Peterson was 35th in 23:34 with Hajnoczky right on her heels, finishing 37th in 23:36. Peterson’s strong finish, right behind the trio of scoring sophomores, showed the depth of the sophomore class. Still young and full of talent, the class of 2014 has great potential for the coming weeks as well as into the distant future. “It is really cool that we are able to run well and contribute to the top seven together,” Carey said. “We know

No. 8 Amherst this season. Regardless, the seemingly unstoppable Jumbos are excited for some fierce competition. “We are going to go out there and play our best and hopefully walk away with a win,” Sagerman said.

each other very well and it provides a special type of pride that really motivates us to be as good of a core as possible. We still have two years to go after this one and I think we are going to be able to do some great things both in the future and the rest of this season.” The top runners have next weekend off before heading to Amherst for the NESCAC Championships, while the rest of the team travels back to Franklin Park — where they raced on Sept. 24 in the Codfish Bowl — for the Mayor’s Cup. With the extra time, it is easy for athletes to get anxious, but the Jumbos know that keeping their emotions in check will be vital to their success. “We need to manage our nerves and focus on the task at hand,” Carey said. “It is important that, as a team, we are conscious of helping each other stay focused and stay confident as we enter the championship season.”

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Tufts Daily




The Tufts Daily


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

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