Symbiotic school: children, student researchers, teachers benefit from collaborative EPCS see FEATURES/ PAGE 5
Tufts finishes second in nation to NESCAC rivals Amherst
Charli XCX ‘breaks the rules’ with new album see ARTS&LIVING / PAGE 7
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Monday, March 27, 2017
Part-time faculty prepare to renegotiate contract by Emma Steiner News Editor
The collective bargaining agreement for part-time adjunct faculty at Tufts is due to expire on June 30, and re-negotiations have begun between the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and Tufts administrators. Since the adjunct faculty at Tufts formed a union in 2013, their contract with Tufts has become a model for other schools in the Greater Boston area and across the country, according to a 2015 Daily article. So far in the negotiation process, there has been one formal negotiating session in which the faculty presented their non-economic proposals, Andy Klatt, a lecturer in the Department of Romance Languages and member of the bargaining committee, said. The next meeting will likely focus on economic proposals, according to Klatt, who declined to go into more specifics about the negotiations. Klatt said the unfavorable conditions faced by part-time adjunct faculty in 2013 have greatly improved since the original union contract three years ago. Nonetheless, Klatt said there is room for further improvements. A petition by Tufts Labor Coalition (TLC) to support adjunct faculty contended that many part-time lecturers at Tufts con-
Students assemble and rally for equal pay for part-time faculty, marching from the Academic Quad to 200 Boston Ave. on Oct. 10, 2014. tinue to see issues with pay and job security, which TLC likened to a nationwide trend. “Certainly our situation has improved, but is not ideal, so we continue to move in a forward direction,” Klatt said.
Some of the difficulties faced by adjunct professors when first negotiating their contract included low wages and job insecurity. At the time of the original unionization, part-time adjunct professors lacked many of the
same benefits received by full-time professors, including protection from arbitrary job termination and security in class reappointment, according to a see UNION, page 2
Linda Daniels named Senior Director of Diversity, Pluralism and Inclusion by Minna Trinh
Assistant News Editor
Linda Daniels was named senior director of diversity, pluralism and inclusion this semester. In this role, she will work on programs related to intersectionality and pluralism, in partnership with the Group of Six Centers, the Office of Residential Life and Learning, the Office for Campus Life and a number of other campus offices, according to an email from Communications and Multimedia Specialist Mickey Toogood to the Group of Six Centers. “I hope to oversee the implementation of campus-wide programming that I envision will help re-shape the campus culture toward a greater embrace of the intersectionality inherent in all Tufts community members,” Daniels told the Daily in an email.
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Daniels explained that she will continue to work twice a week at Counseling and Mental Health Services, where she serves as a staff psychologist. Daniels was hired at Tufts in spring 2016 as a clinician and liaison to the Africana Center, according to an April 26, 2016 Daily article. In her new role, Daniels said that she hopes to create a campus culture in which students can feel comfortable with diversity and intersecting identities. “My overall goal will be to facilitate the creation of a campus climate where students find overlap in our community, engage in shared exploration of our varied identities and develop [a] holistic sense of awareness, compassion and empathy for each other,” she said. In particular, Daniels said that she hopes to increase Tufts students’ awareness of intersectionality through a campaign called “Unapologetically Me.” As
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part of the initiative’s first phase, bulletin boards will be distributed throughout campus that allow students to answer questions based on identity. The intention of this program, according to Daniels, is to help students express themselves and understand their similarities and differences. “My hope is that such a campaign will result in various ‘brave space’ forums over the upcoming academic years that will foster discussion across identities,” Daniels said. “In this way, students will learn how to develop strong ideological identities during their time at Tufts and, in turn, be better prepared for their future beyond Tufts.” Daniels will also offer Social Justice Leader Training to resident assistants (RAs), leaders of student organizations and other campus leaders. “My appreciation of and interest in
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supporting student leaders will remain,” Daniels said. “It is also my goal to provide this training more widely and inclusively to students, faculty and staff.” Daniels had been involved in advancing diversity on campus long before she began this new role, according to Dean of Student Affairs Mary Pat McMahon. McMahon noted that Daniels’ role is particularly important in a political climate where minority students face uncertainties. “I am deeply grateful to Linda [Daniels] for agreeing to take on this role, and I hope her assistance will enhance our collective focus on the work of the [Group of Six] Centers and commitment to all of our [Arts, Sciences and Engineering] students at this crucial time,” McMahon said.
NEWS............................................1 FEATURES.................................5 ARTS & LIVING....................... 7
see LINDA DANIELS, page 3
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