Asia Society will either sink or swim in shipwreck exhibition see ARTS&LIVING / PAGE 3
Tufts drops one game on spring break trip
Op-ed: “Do not tell me that protesters in the United States are privileged.” see OPINION / PAGE 6
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Tuesday, March 28, 2017
ASAP to host fourth annual It Happens Here event by Natasha Mayor
Assistant News Editor
Content Warning: This article discusses sexual violence. Action for Sexual Assault Prevention (ASAP) will host its fourth annual It Happens Here, an event that allows survivors of sexual assault to share their stories. It will be held on April 4 in Cohen Auditorium. Bailey Siber, a member of the steering committee that plans the event, explained that It Happens Here aims to support and empower survivors. “Even if a survivor doesn’t decide themselves that they want to be the one up on stage, to have their experience read aloud by another peer, another member of the Tufts community, can serve as a healing and a taking back of their own narrative,” Siber, a junior, said. The purpose of the event is to provide a survivor-centric forum for sharing stories. Siber explained that, while many
events on campus relating to sexual assault prevention discuss facts and figures, this event intentionally does not include statistics or suggestions about getting involved with prevention, in order to emphasize the focus on sharing stories in a safe space. Survivors can share their stories through an anonymous online submission process. They can then decide to read their story themselves at the event, choose a friend to read it for them or specify the type of person they want to read their story. The steering committee matches volunteers to stories based on the wishes of those sharing stories, according to Siber. “We try our best to align our volunteers with narratives that fit what the person who submitted wanted out of that person,” Siber said. “Basically, that can ensure confidentiality for the survivor and also ensure their narrative is represented as well as possible, if they chose not to share it themselves.” see ASAP, page 2
Sackler School Dean Naomi Rosenberg to retire this year by Anar Kansara Staff Writer
Naomi Rosenberg, dean of the Sackler School of Biomedical Graduate Sciences, plans to retire at the end of the academic year, stepping down from her role as dean on June 30, according to Harris Berman, dean of the Tufts School of Medicine. Rosenberg has served as dean of the Sackler School since 2004, and she also serves as Vice Dean for Research at the School of Medicine. According to Berman, the job of Sackler School Dean and Vice Dean for Research will be split into two positions to be filled by two candidates, and he hopes to BEN KIM / THE TUFTS DAILY have both in place by the Dean Naomi Rosenberg poses for a photo in her office at the end of the academic year. Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences on March 15. The search for candidates interested in the Sackler School Dean advisory boards and panels, accordposition is already underway. ing to Berman. She also received a Over the course of her career, National Institute of Health MERIT Rosenberg has also been a part of national scientific and educational see ROSENBERG, page 2
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Former student and nationally-recognized sexual violence advocate, Wagatwe Wanjuki, speaks during It Happens Here, a gender violence awareness event, in Cohen Auditorium on April 2, 2014.
AOII, Theta sororities begin coordinated recruitment Sororities in good standing with the university will begin “coordinated recruitment” today, according to Meaghan Annett, president of the Panhellenic Council (Panhel). Both Kappa Alpha Theta (Theta) and Alpha Omicron Pi (AOII) will be recruiting new members. Chi Omega and Alpha Phi (APhi) will not be participating in coordinated recruitment, according to Chi Omega President Hannah Macaulay and APhi President Rachel Perry. Both sororities are currently on cease and desist, according to a Feb. 17 Daily article. According to Annett, coordinated recruitment will be open to first-years and will be less structured and more accommodating for potential new members (PNMs). Annett explained that Panhel voted to reinstate recruitment for sororities not on cease-and-desist after the university allowed recruitment to proceed and lifted its ban. AOII and Theta are allowed to recruit because they do not have cease and desist orders, according to Annett. Theta’s pre-recruitment event, publicized on Facebook earlier in the semester, was open to sophomores and above and described recruitment as “informal.” Panhel has revised the recruitment structure since then. Panhel has made various changes to the old process, including omitting Rho Gammas, sorority sisters whose role was to lead PNMs around campus. Annett explained that this structure made more sense when recruitment used to happen in the beginning of the semester when PNMs may not have known their way around campus well. Additionally, members of Panhel’s Executive Council will be stationed either in various locations or in a centralized spot on campus to answer questions for PNMs. Annett also said the new recruitment structure will allow PNMs to explore their options without needing to pick one sorority’s event over another. “We … wanted to make sure that a potential new member had the option to attend all the chapters they were interested in, so the timings won’t conflict with each other,” Annett said. Additionally, coordinated recruitment will include longer events to encourage longer conversations. Annett said that, in past years, 300 PNMs signed up for recruitment, a number that naturally decreased to 200 over the course of the week. “I don’t think we’ll get the same numbers,” Annett said. “I’m not sure what they’ll be.”
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