Wednesday, March 29, 2017

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Startups for a cause: social entrepreneurship gains traction at Tufts see FEATURES / PAGE 3


No. 2 Tufts remains unbeaten after seven games

Jawlensky exhibition drops jaws with bold colors, powerful forms see ARTS&LIVING / PAGE 5









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Wednesday, March 29, 2017


SMFA students find limited dining options on campus by Ariel Barbieri-Aghib News Editor

Facing a lack of full-service dining options, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts (SMFA) at Tufts is currently offering students meal plans at other universities. The Cafe des Arts, which is the SMFA campus’ only food service option, is pending renovation and not offering full service, according to the SMFA website. Instead, the cafe is offering an express service called the Cafe des Cart. Tufts Director of Dining and Business Services Patti Klos explained that students are offered plans at nearby Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt) and Wentworth Institute of Technology this year. Klos told the Daily in an email that Tufts is looking to upgrade options at the SMFA. “We do plan to create a café service at SMFA and tentatively plan for this work to be completed for fall 2018,” Klos said. “When the café at SMFA is restored, we will be able to have a more complete integration between the two campuses.”


An employee prepares food at Massachussetts College of Art and Design’s Dining Commons. Several dual-degree students have noted that the SMFA’s dining options are extremely limited. The issue of dining is among various details — including shuttle

service between the two campuses and the housing situation for first-year SMFA students — that Tufts is working to address since it acquired the SMFA last July.

First-year Isabella Kiser is on the premium meal plan, although not see SMFA DINING, page 2

Make-up class day added to end Tufts Technology Services looks to publicize, clarify preferred of semester name-change process online by Joe Walsh

Executive News Editor

Tufts will hold an additional day of classes on Tuesday, May 2 for the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering (AS&E) to compensate for two snow days this semester, according to an email announcement sent to the Tufts community on March 28. For all AS&E students, reading period will take place on May 3 and 4, and final exams will still begin on May 5. The decision to add a make-up day was made by the Dean of Arts and Sciences and the Dean of Engineering, according to Dean of Undergraduate Studies Carmen Lowe. A make-up day was needed this semester because the snow days were on a Thursday and a Tuesday, meaning that many classes on a Tuesday/Thursday schedule have missed two classes, Lowe noted. The make-up day will follow a Tuesday schedule, and the announcement stated that students should expect to have classes unless they are instructed otherwise. Nonetheless, the decision to hold a class on that date is ultimately left up to

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the discretion of individual professors, according to Lowe. “The make-up day simply sets a class schedule … and allows professors to stay in the same classroom to avoid the chaos of professors trying to re-schedule,” Lowe told the Daily in an email. The protocol for calling a make-up day was set in December 2016 by the faculty Educational Policy Committee. The policy allows the Dean of Arts and Sciences and the Dean of Engineering to add a make-up day, generally on a holiday or during reading period, Lowe explained. This policy was created partially in response to the spring 2015 semester, when a succession of blizzards caused five snow days, according to Lowe. That semester, Tufts added two full make-up days during reading period, as well as a make-up day for evening classes on Patriots’ Day, according to a February 2015 announcement. “The Tufts faculty adopted this policy to avoid a lot of the confusion we faced that winter and spring, when we had to find space in the limited weeks that remained,” Lowe said.

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by Johanna O'Neil Contributing Writer

Tufts announced that students on all campuses can change their name in various online Tufts systems, such as Student Information System (SIS) and Trunk, according to a Jumbo Digest email sent out Feb. 26. Students can change their preferred name for most online systems through SIS, which also updates class rosters, according to the Tufts Technology Services ( TTS) website. This process does not alter official records, financial documents or diploma records. According to Hope Denese Freeman, the director at the LGBT Center, this change is important for many students who use names that are different from their legal names. “These names are names that students are typically best known by, and when students know that Tufts University supports them in using those names, it creates a culture of respect


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that often occurs in daily interactions here at Tufts,” Freeman told the Daily in an email. “This new system would allow students the autonomy to update their own information (preferred names and pronouns) into the electronic systems so that it correlates with their records” According to Parker Breza, Tufts Community Union ( TCU) Senate’s LGBTQ community senator, and Michael McNulty, senior service management analyst for TTS, the change was initiated by a TCU Senate resolution passed in the fall of 2015. The option for students to change their name on SIS and Trunk to a preferred name was officially introduced in January 2016, and it was also made available for professors on class rosters. McNulty noted that adding this capability was a complicated process. “Tufts has many applications , and there are many, many systems that have identity information,” McNulty said.

NEWS............................................1 FEATURES.................................3 ARTS & LIVING.......................5

see NAME CHANGE, page 2

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