The Tufts Daily - Monday, January 22, 2018

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Eliot-Pearson Research Group develops toy to teach STEM see FEATURES / PAGE 5


Jumbos look to finish regular season strong

Daniel Day-Lewis gives haunting swan-song performance in ‘Phantom Thread’ see ARTS&LIVING / PAGE 7










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Monday, January 22, 2018


Capen Village plans approved, development on schedule

Tufts Career Center holds first-ever sophomore career conference by Liza Harris Staff Writer


Medford City Hall is pictured. by Juliana Furgala

Assistant News Editor and Online Editor

Plans for Capen Village, a cluster of houses owned by Tufts that will be available as housing options for juniors and seniors starting next fall, will continue on schedule after approval by the Medford Zoning Board of Appeals on Jan. 11, according to Associate Director of Housing Operations Matt Austin. Karla Chaffee, a member of the Medford Zoning Board of Appeals, described Capen Village as a good option for housing students. “Housing for students associated with a university like Tufts has special protections under state law,” Chaffee told the Daily in an email. “Housing students in existing homes was a favorable alternative to developing a new dormitory structure.” The recent approval means that the plan for Capen Village can now move forward with development. “At this point we will start marketing the housing to our students and talking about what kinds of rooms there’s going to be,” Austin said. According to Austin, the Village will be made up of thirteen houses with one house to be constructed and an addition to be added to one of the existing houses. The first of the three phases is expected to be completed by fall 2018 and will offer students five new renovated houses

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with approximately forty-five new singles, Austin said. “It would be considered on-campus housing with off-campus STYLED apartments,” senior Benya Kraus, Tufts Community Union (TCU) President, told the Daily in an email. Denis MacDougall, secretary of the Medford Zoning Board of Appeals, told the Daily in an email that Tufts indicated it would be open to expanding Capen Village later on if the opportunity arose. According to Austin, the houses will include handicapped parking spaces. Regular street parking will not be allowed but students can use regular residential lots on campus, Austin noted. Austin explained that this new upperclassman housing is intended to increase the number of rooms available for students who would otherwise be unable to live on-campus. “We’re excited. We want to house more students on campus because we know there are students who want housing,” Austin said. “Our waitlist is about five hundred people long right now.” Senior Anna Del Castillo, TCU vice president, also feels that this new housing option will be beneficial, given the high cost of off-campus housing. “In past years there has been a major housing shortage which … can be really stressful if you’re on financial aid,” Del Castillo said.

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According to Kraus, student opinions will be included in the development of Capen Village. One idea under consideration is to make Capen Village into themed housing with student-selected themes. The Capen Village project was first introduced through the Senate’s Brown & Blueprint initiative, a series of conversations designed to help Senate learn from students about spatial inequalities on campus, Kraus explained. Kraus described how she and senior Jordan Kemp, a TCU Senator, have been working with coUrbanize, an online mapping tool for building and space development, to bring Capen Village to a physical space online. According to Kraus, coUrbanize is being used to aggregate and map student feedback. “Using this coUrbanize tool, students can map their comments about different physical spaces on campus straight onto the virtual map,” Kraus said. “We’ll be soft-launching this website this week, with an official launch on January 22.” Kraus’s goal is to start a discussion about Capen Village by having face-toface conversations with students and by making signs with coUrbanize to set up anonymous location-based phone surveys across campus for students. see CAPEN VILLAGE, page 2

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The first-ever sophomore career conference, organized by the Tufts Career Center, was held on Jan. 16 and 17 at the Medford/Somerville campus. Lasting a day and a half in total, the conference consisted of a welcome dinner, breakout sessions, an internship networking fair and a closing reception. The event was held at 51 Winthrop Street as well as Anderson and the Science and Engineering Complex (SEC) building, according to the event webpage. According to Malakia Silcott, assistant director of the Career Center, 110 sophomores attended the event. Silcott stated that the event was organized in an effort to help sophomores consider possible majors and careers more carefully. “Particularly at four-year schools, sophomore year … can be sometimes overwhelming because you have to choose your major at the end of the year,” Silcott said. “The sophomore career conference represented for us an opportunity where sophomores could engage in some of these career reflection conversations when classes were not going on.” According to Silcott, many sophomores felt that they were able to get more out of the conference because it was held at a time when classes were not in session. The event included Tufts alumni, current Tufts students, Tufts faculty and employers, Silcott told the Daily. Dean of Student Affairs Mary Pat McMahon delivered the conference welcoming speech. John Asare (LA ’14), a market analyst for a real estate group, was the keynote speaker. According to Silcott, companies represented at the conference included American Well, Breakthrough Greater Boston, Everquote, Hubspot and Citizen Schools. Many sophomores who attended the event spoke positively about it. Siobhan Shamlian, a member of the Tufts University Social Collective who introduced Asare, found that the conference ran smoothly and was helpful. see CONFERENCE, page 2

NEWS............................................1 FEATURES.................................5 ARTS & LIVING....................... 7

COMICS.....................................10 OPINION....................................11 SPORTS............................ BACK

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