T H E N O - L O N G E R - T H E - S M A L L E S T- S C H O O L - W I T H - A - D A I L Y - N E W S P A P E R D A I L Y W E ’ R E C O M I N G F O R Y O U Y A L E
THE TUFTS Doofenshmirtz Evil, Inc.
VOLUME LIGMA, ISSUE one too many
Jesus Christ announced for Solomont Speaker Series by Aaron Klein
Executive Existentialist
The Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life has announced the latest addition to its spring 2022 Susan and Alan Solomont Distinguished Speaker Series lineup: Jesus Christ. Christ is best known for His pivotal role in developing ideas and teachings that would go on to serve as the foundation for the Christian faith. Dean of Tisch College Dayna Cunningham was excited when she was first presented with the idea of bringing Christ in as a speaker. “I was having lunch with Alan, talking about potential speakers, when he brought up the idea of inviting Jesus,” Cunningham said. “I initially laughed, but when He looked back at me with stern eyes, I knew He was being serious and that there was something larger at play here.” Solomont explained to Cunningham that he and Christ had worked together during the Obama administra-
March 32nd, 2022
SCIENCE. a totally real section.
Student research examines impact of Dewick iced coffee on human digestive tract by Madeline Mueller Coffee Connoisseur
Jesus Christ and Alan D. Solomont, A70, A08P, former U.S. ambassador to Spain and Andorra, are pictured hovering above Goddard Chapel in the year 2022 A.D. tion where Christ had served as an advisor on spiritual affairs. “My main memory of working with Christ was His kindness,” Solomont said, speaking to the Daily. “I remember one specific time, I had just arrived back from Andorra and was on my way to debrief Barry, excuse me, President Obama. I was a bit jet lagged from all the traveling and was not really
watching where I was walking when I bumped into Jesus. When we collided, He dropped his lunch. I think it was corned beef and coleslaw on marble rye? Regardless, He dropped it, and as I was apologizing, He just reached His hand out, touched my shoulder, looked at see THE FATHER AND THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, page II
While Tufts students are generally satisfied with the array of options through Tufts Dining, adjusting to dining hall food has long been known to cause a little bit of … digestive discomfort. Dewick in particular has often left students wondering whether they are suffering from a physical, laxative effect or just psychosomatic pooping. A new statistical analysis of a preliminary human subject trial finally offers proof that the problem is not just in our heads — it really is in our gut. Senior BJ Buttrick had the chance to examine the issue after having copious spare time this semester during midterm season. He took on organizing an experimental trial, recruiting a representative sample, collecting data and running multiple regressions.
“All in all, I’d say it took less time and effort than COMP 40 did,” he said of the commitment. Aside from the premed student’s lifelong desire to be a gastroenterologist, it was personal experience that led Buttrick to test his theory about dining hall iced coffee. “The Dewick iced coffee has always been something that feels explosive to drink,” Buttrick said. “After preparing for a colonoscopy recently, I realized it had almost the same effect as drinking that coffee. This led me to do rigorous research via Sidechat. When I saw such an overwhelming body of evidence, I was inspired to investigate.” Buttrick was able to recruit a 160-person sample group to see GUTS, page dos
BREAKING: Pete Davidson to replace Monaco in 2023 by Aaron Gruen Jumbo the Dog
Pete Davidson, a heavily tattooed man-child, will succeed Anthony Monaco as the President of Tufts, according to confidential documents obtained by the Daily. Davidson, whose high school superlative was “Most Likely to Date a Kardashian,“ will take over as president beginning in fall 2023. Monaco, who announced his intentions to retire earlier this year, told the Daily, “I have no idea who Peter Davison is. Is he a TikTokker?” Davidson, who is Ariana Grande’s ex-fiance, has never served as the president of a university. “If it’s anything like dating former SNL hosts, I should be fine,” Davidson told the Daily. Earlier this month, a search committee was assembled to begin scouting for potential candidates for president. The Daily obtained a list of finalists for the job, which included Elon Musk, Dobby the House Elf, Bert and/or Ernie, any of the Hemsworth brothers, and “the meanest SMFA kid you know.”
Daddies Tony, Petey and Ye-ey In an email to the Daily, the head of the search committee explained the rationale for selecting Davidson, writing, “He had that edgy vibe we were going for — plus, maybe this will get Harvard to take us seriously.” Davidson has recently faced online scrutiny from Kanye “Ye” West since the comedian began dating Kimberly “Kim” Kardashian in October 2021. “UPON MY WIFE’S REQUEST PLEASE NOBODY DO
ANYTHING PHYSICAL TO SKETE IM GOING TO HANDLE THE SITUATION MYSELF,” the rapper said, nay exclaimed, in a social media post. Upon hearing Davidson would become Tufts’ president, Ye reportedly purchased Zeta Beta Tau’s house so he could be closer to his ex-wife and their children. When reached for comment, Ye simply told the Daily to “find God.” We’re trying, Ye.
Though the university declined to share more details about their selecting Davidson, a member of TUSC who wished to remain anonymous told the Daily the decision was part of a long term plan to get Ye to headline Spring Fling. “Ever since we had Ke$ha, Spring Fling just hasn’t been the same,” the source said. “We just desperately need an artist who will cater to the needs of incredi-
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interesting, well-written piece
bly annoying people.” TUSC initially planned to invite Britney Spears to perform, but decided that she was “too likable.” Spears, who has “no idea” who Davidson is, declined to comment on this article. When asked about his plans for the university, Davidson said he wanted to “smoke a fat joint with the sophomores outside Lewis” and “maybe try a Kindlevan smoothie.” NEWS