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Referendum 3 wins by a single vote BY
By the slimmest possible margin, Referendum 3 early this morning emerged as the winner of yesterday’s student bodywide vote on reforms to the community representative system. Referendum 3 extends community representatives full voting rights on all Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate matters, including those concerning the disbursement of the Student Activities Fee. Under Referendum 3, the groups with representation nominate candidates who will then be voted on in a campus-wide election. The referendum passed with 516 votes to Referendum 4’s 515, Elections Commission (ECOM) Public Relations Director Will Yu said early this morning. The final vote breakdown came to 43.74 percent voting for Referendum 3, 43.63 percent voting for Referendum 4 and 12.64 percent of students abstaining, said Yu, a sophomore. Turnout for the election was 22 percent. “Regarding the referendum revote on Wednesday ... ECOM would like to thank all those who participated and voted,”
Yu said, reading a statement to the Daily. “Acknowledging the one-vote disparity in the outcome of the revote, ECOM stresses the importance of voter participation.” TCU President Sam Wallis commended those involved for the extensive outreach effort. “Congratulations to the authors of Referendum 3,” said Wallis, a senior. “I think that even those who disagreed with it have been impressed with the effort they put into publicizing it and getting the student body’s attention on this issue. I’m thrilled we were finally able to bring it up for a vote and allow students to have as well-informed a choice as we could under the circumstances.” Wallis also addressed the polarized nature of the election results. “Clearly, there was a large portion of those who voted who felt otherwise, and we will be getting their feedback, as well as [that of] the authors of Referendum 3, as we move forward to implement these,” Wallis said. “There are a lot of questions left unanswered and a lot of specifics that need to be ironed out now that we know the framework.” Wallis called for calm in light of the razorthin win margin and the heated debate on the matter leading up to the vote. see ELECTIONS, page 2
Some Delta Upsilon brothers have found themselves in Wren Hall overflow rooms.
DU brothers await all-clear to move back into house BY
MICHAEL DEL MORO Daily Editorial Board
Nearly 20 members of Tufts’ Delta Upsilon (DU) fraternity were forced to find alternative housing for the past three weeks while their house was being repaired to comply with city inspections not completed at the beginning of the semester.
Approximately 18 students, many of them football players engaged in preseason training, moved in with other DU members living off campus or took advantage of empty dorm rooms offered by the Office of Residential Life and Learning, according to DU President John Rinciari. see DU, page 2
Multiple registration mix-ups cause headaches BY
Daily Editorial Board
Following a room assignment error, the Registrar’s Office shifted the giant Economics 5: Principles of Economics (EC 5) introductory class from the D+ block to the F+ block, causing confusion and forcing students to readjust their schedules. The mix-up was one of several registration errors that occurred this semester across the Schools of Arts and Sciences and Engineering. The Registrar’s Office scheduled both EC 5 and Biology 13: Cells and Organisms (Bio 13) for the D+ block, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Both classes have a maximum enrollment of over 400 students; the only classroom on campus able to accommodate classes of this size, however, is Cohen Auditorium, according to Registrar for Arts, Sciences and Engineering Jo Ann Jack. Because Bio 13 was already assigned to Cohen Auditorium during that block, EC 5 was mistakenly reassigned to Barnum 008, the next largest room available during that time. Barnum 008’s seating capacity is only 200, according to Jack. As a result, more people than could fit into Barnum showed up for the first class. Professor of Economics George Norman, who teaches Economics 5, did not discover the error until the first class on Tuesday, Sept. 7. Despite the fact that the official listing said the class was to be held in Barnum, Norman thought “that must be a mistake,” he said. He cancelled the first class so that the situation could be resolved. Many EC 5 students went to Cohen on that day anyway. Thinking the class was to be held there, Norman had sent an
A number of scheduling conflicts on Student Information System (SIS) created confusion at the start of the semester. e-mail to students informing them to go Cohen for class. Sophomore Grant Zyskowski saw Norman’s e-mail only an hour before the class’s start time. “I went to Cohen the first day of class and I found the auditorium filled with students taking bio,” Zyskowski said. “I didn’t think that was right, so I went to Barnum and found out that class was cancelled.” “I thought that the [classroom] on the departmental listing was wrong,” Norman said. “It was only when I checked on [Student Information System (SIS)]
Inside this issue
that I realized that the class had been scheduled for Barnum. At that point, I contacted the Registrar’s Office and said, ‘This can’t be right; this has to be changed.’ They then reacted immediately … The Registrar’s Office reacted incredibly quickly so that we were actually fine by Thursday.” Jack e-mailed students on Sept. 7 informing them that the course had been moved to the later F+ block, from noon to 1:15 p.m. on the same days. Over 85 percent of students in Ec 5 were able to take the course at its new time, according to Jack. Some students
who stayed in the class, however, were forced to rearrange their schedules to do so, which included dropping their conflicting classes in order to stay in EC 5. “I found out that they were moving it to the time of my favorite Spanish class, and basically I had to take econ during that block and take another Spanish class, and it was really terrible,” sophomore Sarah Blinka said. Blinka criticized the scheduling error, saying that the mix-up was preventable. “I feel like having a 300-person class see REGISTRAR, page 2
Today’s Sections
Researchers have found new uses for silk, including the potential for an invisibility cloak.
Boston continues to attract filmmakers in search of a locale.
see FEATURES, page 3
see WEEKENDER, page 5
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
DU brothers expect to move into house soon DU continued from page 1
After an inspection yesterday, DU has collected four of the five signatures needed to clear the house for reoccupation. Since the beginning of the month, brothers have had only limited access, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., and have not been permitted to stay in the house overnight, according to Dean of Student Affairs Bruce Reitman. Reitman served last year as the interim director of fraternity and sorority affairs. Reitman said that such situations are not uncommon and usually are resolved within a month. “I don’t recall that ever it’s been more than the first three or four weeks of school that anybody’s been out,” Reitman said. Still, three weeks of homelessness were an inconvenience. “It was tough because we were in the middle of preseason and obviously a lot of our guys play football and we needed a place to stay,” Rinciari said. “It was just an issue, like, none of the issues at DU were life-threatening, they were just things that needed to be done that the city requires.” Rinciari, a junior, said the required repairs were minor and included fixing smoke alarms, replacing old exit signs and repairing leaky pipes. Both Reitman and Rinciari underscored the fact that the university does not own DU’s house and that similar situations have happened in the past. The house is owned by the fraternity’s national organization. “We had inspection in late August and we had some small issues with the house that we were going to fix ourselves,” Rinciari said. “But the inspectors said that [we needed permits for] the things ...
Some blame miscommunication between the national Delta Upsilon organization and the local chapter for the current housing situation. so we had to get contractors to come in and do the work instead of us doing it.” The City of Somerville requires that a building’s owner obtain five separate signatures from the fire department, police department, electrical inspector, health inspector and building inspector, according to Reitman. The building has been cleared by police, and the electricity, health and building inspectors toured the residence yesterday, Rinciari said. The fire
department is expected to visit the house today. Most of the fraternities on campus are university-owned, and the university works with the City of Somerville to ensure inspections are carried out on time over the summer. But in nonuniversity-owned houses, coordination becomes more difficult, according to Reitman. “I don’t blame the students; Its more the house corporations who own the
property in these cases who are really the ones who are responsible for it,” Reitman said. “It’s not so much the students’ fault as it is the owners of the property — in this case, the housing corporation.” “It’s definitely something the owners of the house need to take care of in the future — not that they’re negligent about it, but they also need to be more on top of it,” Rinciari said. “It’s both of our faults. I don’t want to blame any particular people.”
Scheduling conflicts lead to course registration confusion REGISTRAR continued from page 1
with no room was just a really bad oversight on their part and they should have caught that sooner,” Blinka said. “I think they messed up a lot of peoples’ schedules, and even if they had caught that before the freshmen had registered, they might have been able to find an available room.” The date of the final exam for EC 5 was also moved to correspond to the finals slot allotted for F+ block classes. Norman said he plans to accommodate students’ prior travel plans. “What I’ve already told the class is that anyone who has made travel arrangements based on the previous
dates of the examination can take the exam on what would have been the date otherwise, had this change not taken place,” Norman said. Determining class times and locations is a joint effort by both the Registrar’s Office and individual academic departments. Each department submits its information to the Registrar’s Office, which then uploads the information onto SIS, according to Jack. The mix-up between EC 5 and Bio 13 is one of several errors that occurred on SIS this semester. SIS incorrectly filled two sections of the seminar After Violence: Truth, Justice and Social Repair, which had been cross-listed as Anthropology 185
and Peace and Justice Studies 150, although only one section of the class was available. As a result, twice the maximum number of students showed up to the first class, taught by Associate Professor of Anthropology Rosalind Shaw, according to senior Rachel Finn, who is taking the course. “[The professor] was put in the awkward position of having to decide who in the class was going to take it,” Finn said. Shaw chose which students would remain in the class based on prerequisites, past experience and major requirements, according to Finn. “I don’t blame anyone in particular,” Finn said. “I just hope in the future it
will be able to be regulated [in a way] that ensures that such a mix-up doesn’t happen again. It was very disappointing and frustrating for all parties involved.” In another instance, a recitation section of Physics 1: Introduction to Physics I was scheduled for the same time and room as History 55: Europe in the Early Middle Ages. Students in the physics recitation were forced to move to a smaller classroom, according to junior Evin Koleini. “I really didn’t mind. We just got a room and got through the class,” Koleini said. “It’s just a recitation.” Nina Ford contributed reporting to this article.
Referendum 3 passes in student body-wide poll by a one-vote margin ELECTIONS continued from page 1
“I would ask everyone to keep a cool head and maintain perspective, as we’ve seen some of the rhetoric get heated,” he said. “I don’t think that serves anybody’s interest.” Freshman elections for the TCU Senate and Programming Board positions, originally scheduled to take place yesterday, too, were postponed due to a mistake by ECOM. Freshman elections were scheduled to begin at midnight and will continue until midnight tonight. ECOM’s error denied freshmen access to the ballot containing the candidates for the Senate and the Programming Board. Voting on the referenda was unaffected and proceeded as scheduled. ECOM, in its announcement of the election’s postponement early yesterday morning, said that a technical glitch occurred with the online system used in campus elections, Votenet. A statement sent by ECOM Chair Katherine McManus to the
Students logged onto WebCenter to vote on the referenda yesterday. Daily yesterday afternoon, however, said that the error actually occurred with software on ECOM’s end. “[T]he VoteNet software did not malfunction, as was perceived earlier,” the statement reads. “We would like to apologize to VoteNet and we repeat our apologies to the freshmen candidates who are most affected by this unfortunate circumstance.”
Shel Purohit, the vice president of customer relations for Votenet Solutions, the vendor of the voting software, said yesterday afternoon that no problem had occurred on Votenet’s end and that ECOM’s earlier claims otherwise were false. McManus, a sophomore, confirmed that in an interview. “The ballot did not go live because the voter list that was
uploaded last night did not match what we had previously sent to Votenet” when setting up the ballot ahead of time, McManus said. Joe Golia, the director of the Office for Campus Life and the administrative contact for both ECOM and Votenet, said that the ECOM members are new to their positions and are still getting used to working with the voting
system. “It was an honest mistake,” Golia said. ECOM officers determined the true cause of the problem later yesterday morning, he said. Because the problem occurred during the middle of the night, they had no means of contacting the Votenet vendor, he added. “They made an assumption” before they knew all the information, Golia said.
Tufts and Boston University researchers weave ‘invisibility cloak’ out of silk BY
Daily Editorial Board
When most people hear the word “silk,” they are likely to envision shimmering, lavish fabrics worn by royalty and elites; they are not, however, likely to think of biomedical sensors and practical scientific metamaterials. But for a team of researchers at Tufts’ School of Engineering and Boston University, this assumption could not be less accurate. For the past several years, Professors David Kaplan and Fiorenzo Omenetto of the biomedical engineering department have been exploring uses of this ancient material that stretches far beyond the realm of cloaks and nightgowns. Both professors, along with other researchers from Tufts and Boston University, have discovered new uses for silk that could have wide implications in the medical world. “Three years ago, roughly, we started playing with silk and … reinventing silk as a technological material,” Omenetto said. “It’s turning into something that interfaces with electronics that interfaces with the body [and] interfaces with high-tech applications.” Through their research, the team has found ways to restructure silk and embed it with artificial electromagnetic composites known as metamaterials. These metamaterials are essentially an array of tiny antennae — typically made up of conductive metals such as gold — that can be used as biosensors and biodetectors. Omenetto explained that because silk can be restructured in a way that allows it to dissolve in the body, it can safely be implanted in human tissue, opening up a vast array of possibilities for use in the medical sphere. And because silk is made from natural materials, it is a far more sustainable product than materials that have been used in the past, such as plastics. “It’s becoming our real materials playground to create new devices that are green, sustainable, biological, implantable, edible,” Omenetto said. Some of the uses include the ability to implant sensors in the body to detect abnormalities and examine bodily processes, such as concussions, according to senior Tom Valentin, a student researcher in the lab. Another product of the research could include an implantable glucose sensor for those suffering from diabetes. The sensor would react as glucose levels change in the body and then communicate that change to an external sensor or device.
Daily Editorial Board
What if a school’s federal aid was cut because members of the graduating classes were not making enough money? Students at over 1,000 for-profit colleges across the nation, including some here in Massachusetts, now have to ask themselves this question. The U.S. Department of Education in June announced plans to limit aid to trade schools whose student loan repayment rates are particularly low — a widespread problem in the current economy, as graduates find themselves unable to land well-paying jobs with the training they received. Schools with rates below 45 percent would have their funding significantly reduced, while those with rates below 35 percent would potentially have their funding cut altogether. In recent years, for-profit trade schools have become increasingly popular — but at a significant cost to taxpayers, as many forprofit schools rely on federal grants and loans for the majority of their revenue but cannot afford to pay them back. And it’s no surprise why: While roughly half of graduates from public and nonprofit colleges and universities begin repaying loans shortly after graduation, only about a third of graduates from for-profit schools in the past four years have started the repay-
Evacuate the dance floor
Tufts researchers’ ‘invisibility cloak’ has endless potential uses, including, some hope, new Quidditch team uniforms. Basically, patients could avoid having to test themselves with needles. The research of silk, however, is not limited to its uses with metamaterials. Kaplan explained that because of the material’s strength, flexibility and ease of manipulation, many other biomedical and practical uses have been discovered through the research. The advancements the materials could effect range from new kinds of medical adhesives to lighter, more practical bullet-proof vests, he said.
“The fact that we’ve been able to build a platform of opportunities … that open up new medical applications as well as environmental applications is very exciting,” Kaplan said. “We’ve already seen the commercial interest in everything from ligaments and things like that to drug delivery in silk-based biomedical materials.” Some of Valentin’s work has focused specifically on the use of silk see SILK, page 4
U.S. Department of Education threatens to cut loans for some for-profit universities BY
ment process. The intended cuts are scheduled to be put into effect in 2012 and would likely impact several Massachusetts schools, including Lincoln Technical Institute in Somerville, Brockton and Lowell and the Everest Institute campuses in Brighton and Chelsea. Peter Waller, Chief Executive Officer of Corinthian Colleges, Inc. (CCI), the parent company of a number of for-profit schools, including Everest Institute, WyoTech Technical School and Heald College, warned that the planned regulations will produce detrimental educational and economic results that the Department of Education is not even considering and could remove countless potential jobs from the market. “The ... regulation is supposed to protect students, but in reality, it would cut off hundreds of thousands of students from promising careers that make America work,” Waller wrote on the company’s website. CCI declined to comment to the Daily directly on the matter. In an effort to discourage the Department of Education to finalize the bill, CCI has organized a “My Career Counts!” campaign featuring the stories of successful graduates who have subsequently been hired by higher-paying employers because of their education. “We are urging the Department to put the brakes on this proposal before its unintended
consequences take a human toll. As currently written, this regulation would close the door to future career training for many people who need it urgently, particularly low-income and minority students. And at a time when our economy is struggling and unemployment is high, the regulation would eliminate jobs instead of creating them. Clearly, this is the wrong rule at the wrong time,” Waler said on the website. Tufts sophomore John Whelan, who interned this summer with SimpleTuition, a company that publishes education and finance information, explained that the federal government’s decision on the matter was a difficult but ultimately pragmatic one. “It’s a real catch-22: People go to forprofit colleges [or] career schools because they can’t afford to attend a more ‘legitimate’ institution, and [they] take on debt to do so. They then wind up either not graduating and retaining debt or graduating and working a relatively low-income job with minimal upside because their degree is suspect — all while struggling to make minimum payments on their loans,” Whelan said. “The federal government isn’t so keen on lending to people on such shaky see LOANS, page 4
he college fraternity party is an event unlike most others. At Tufts, we don’t boast about our Greek life since, relatively speaking, there isn’t much to boast about. My friends at Cornell or Syracuse scoff at our “Frat Row” (to us, Pro Row) and are confused that we don’t have “DG” and “Kappa” as power players on our sorority girl social scene. But Tufts Greek life is indeed its own breed and has its own rules and etiquette. Don’t worry; after only a few blissful evenings under the romantic black lights and the sticky, Natural Ice landscape, everything will be made apparent. 1. Don’t get there too early: Sure, in high school everyone gets together around eight o’clock. If you show up at eight o’clock to a frat party, most brothers are expecting you just as much as they’re expecting their Grandma Ida. Plus, brothers pride themselves on having the stingiest doormen possible; clearly this means their beer-stained and toiletpaperless house is the most elite. If you show up before they have assigned a freshman bouncer, you rob them of the chance to feel über important for this one night. More than anything, though, you will look stupid and out of place: harsh, but true. 2. Don’t dance blindly: In more than one sense. First, be aware that the girl with the sexy, fitted jeans you come up to from behind could be your sister’s long-lost twin from the front. Vice versa, not every guy who grinds up behind you is worth your music-video moves. Your entourage should help in guiding you toward whom or what you intended on finding (that is, so long as the blind dance has not gotten to them, too). Second, remember that everyone around you on the dance floor is not — well — blind. A certain number of onthe-dance-floor-makeouts (OTDFMs) are acceptable. However, certain activities should be left to alternative locations. Likely, you will make this mistake, and once is okay; if it becomes a habit, and it gets around that you’re always DTOTDFM, it’s time to move it to Haskell. Remember, this rule has two meanings: Pay attention to your dance partner and keep it PG-13. 3. Shower afterwards, ASAP: Before bed if you can. The amount of sweat, dirt and beer on your body is sickening. I realize that when most people hazily come through the door after an evening out, dirtying their sheets and pillows with the repulsive concoction from the 123 floor isn’t a priority. In fact, rarely did any of my friends or I come home and rinse off when presented with the delectable alternatives of Moe’s or Pizza Days. Instead, weekend night after weekend night, with blackened feet and greasy fingers, we climbed into bed and forewent the showers. I urge you to step away from the crowds and take my advice to heart. Your Sunday morning wakeups will thank me. I haven’t covered everything. Of course, that is part of the fun; some things are only worth finding out for yourself. These rules are meant to guide you through a shame-free and hygienic experience, the memory of which will last for years to come. Notoriously, frats tend to turn into messes: dirty messes and hot messes. You are bound to have plenty of wild experiences (the likes of which will never be allowed in a public news piece), so get excited. Remember, these potentially disease-ridden events won’t last forever, so get ’em while they’re hot and sweaty! Anna Christian is a junior majoring in psychology. She can be reached at Anna.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Researchers find new silk applications SILK continued from page 3
to administer antibiotics into the body. “You can dissolve antibiotics or a whole slew of different chemicals … into silk, and then you can implant that in the body,” Valentin said. One potential use that has received a great deal of attention in the past few months has been the potential for silk-based metamaterials to render certain objects invisible. Omenetto explained that certain metamaterials can be engineered to either absorb or reflect certain light waves, and that this technology can manipulate the way objects are viewed. “You design the little [antennae] and how they’re arranged so that they either absorb a certain type of wave perfectly or they reflect a certain type of wave perfectly,” Omenetto said.
He continued that by designing the antennae to absorb and reflect certain colors and waves, one could potentially make an object appear to be completely reflective or transparent. “That’s the intellectual exercise that a lot [of] people have done, saying, ‘Well if I can engineer responses, then I can engineer this fantastic material that will be perfectly reflective at all wavelengths at all angles,’” he said. But while the fantastical idea of using gold and silk to render things and people invisible sounds exciting and appealing, Omenetto explained that the potential for this technology to be used on a widespread basis is slim, noting the great difference between making small materials transparent in the biomedical sphere and creating a full-on invisibility cloak. “The gap between the two is just enormous,” he said.
For-profit university loans under fire LOANS continued from page 3
financial footing, but without some form of aid, they can’t afford education and, as it follows, improve their financial situation. Not to play devil’s advocate entirely, but the federal government can’t afford to give millions of dollars away to borrowers who are less than reliable,” he said. Whelan, however, thinks the regulations could actually benefit students seeking a high-quality education. “[Because of the regulations,] the dodgier of the for-profit colleges won’t be around much longer. If the federal government does reduce or eliminate student funding at these institutions, it’ll only catalyze the decrease of sketchy forprofit schools, which would be a boon to students actually looking for a more quality education at a career school,” he said. While for-profit colleges have had trouble getting loans repaid, nonprofit colleges have been successful in recovering their student loans. According to Director of Public
Relations Kim Thurler, 99 percent of Tufts graduates are able to repay their loans. “The federal government calculates the Cohort Default Rate for every college and university in the country,” she said. “This is the percent of students in each graduating class who are not repaying their federal student loans. The national average default rate is 7 percent. The default rate at Tufts is 0.8 percent and is one of the lowest default rates in the country.” To ensure that this success continues, Tufts organizes several programs to advise students who take out loans before they graduate. “During the senior year, every graduating student with a student loan is invited to attend in-person group sessions to hear about their repayment options. In addition, each student borrower is required to complete an online exit interview which reviews the terms and conditions of repaying their loans. We also have a staff member who is available to meet one-on-one with students about their repayment options,” Thurler said.
Celebrate Crime Prevention Month October 2010 For a fun and safe Halloween, the TUFTS POLICE Crime Prevention Unit offers the following safety tips: Be aware of your surroundings at all times! Use common sense if you are attending a party! Don’t put yourself in a situation you have no control over! When out at night, walk in well-lit areas of the campus! Go with a friend and use the safety shuttle. Remember your personal belongings! Do not provide an opportunity for someone to steal your property! Before leaving for a Halloween function, make sure your residence hall room door is locked! Windows and security screens should be secured. Be sure to tell someone where you are going, and what time you’ll be back! Report suspicious persons and behavior to the Tufts Police!
Tufts University Police EMERGENCIES ON ANY CAMPUS X66911 OFF CAMPUS 617-627-6911 Non-emergencies Boston Campus 617-636-6610 Off Campus X66610 On Campus Grafton Campus 508-839-5303 Off Campus X84900 On Campus Medford Campus 617-627-3030 Off Campus X73030 On Campus
81 Holland Street Davis Sq. Somerville 617-623-0867
Weekender ARTS & LIVING
I Think I’ll Go to Boston With diverse history, Boston continues to provide an exciting cinematic locale BY ZACH DRUCKER Daily Editorial Board
When “Good Will Hunting” was released in 1997, boyhood companions Matt Damon and Ben Affleck did not simply establish themselves as Academy Awardwinning screenwriters and veritable leading men. The duo also popularized a now ubiquitous film in current American cinema: setting movies against the backdrop of Boston. “Hunting” featured a young Damon as the title character — a math genius with sandy blond locks and a nonconformist attitude — as he wanders the halls of MIT looking for a purpose. Damon eventually departs from his South Boston neighborhood, leaving his thuggish friends behind for the sunny skies of California. Well, now Hollywood is retracing Damon’s steps back to Beantown. Boston provides the perfect context for varying genres of film because of its ethnic amalgam, varied landscape and concentration of universities. This past weekend, Affleck returned to his Cambridge roots with his sophomore directorial effort, “The Town,” a thriller about four childhood pals-turned-felons from the IrishAmerican neighborhood of Charlestown. The film garnered first place for box office returns and raised the question: What makes Boston such a prime location for the silver screen? Boston: A Melting Pot Demographically, Boston and its surrounding neighborhoods are brimming with distinct cultures. Throughout Boston’s history, this assortment of racial groups has brewed with intense ethnic conflict. Ever since Troy Duffy’s cult hit “The Boondock Saints” (1999), Hollywood executives have been salivating over scripts about violence in Boston. The “Saints” plot follows the fictional MacManus brothers as they set out on a mission to exterminate the corrupt filth of Boston’s underbelly, and the film has inspired many similar ones. Though the crime rate in Boston has steadily declined in recent years, the media continue to portray the city as an epicenter of thugs, hoodlums and gangsters, kept in check by a “tough as nails” Boston police corps. “Mystic River” (2003) acts as a microcosm of the Boston crime genre. The film has the notable distinction of featuring Sean Penn and Tim Robbins, who won the Academy Awards for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor, respectively, for their roles in the film. Three childhood friends follow divergent paths in the Boston crime scene: Penn becomes a convict, Robbins becomes a victim of abduction and Kevin Bacon becomes a detective in the Massachusetts State Police. Penn and Bacon are similarly sympathetic and captivating as roughnecks on opposite sides of the law, and the motif of Boston cops versus crooks is clearly evident throughout the film. Boston: Or Should I Say, “Bahston?” Not only does Boston provide a realistic landscape for brutality and bloodshed, it also facilitates the archetypal anti-hero. In many movies about Boston’s crime scene, viewers find themselves rooting for the so-called “bad guy.” Yet a bristly,cleft chin and a muscular build alone do not inevitably evoke compassion from an audience. Rather, the character must have a certain depth and likeability. The Boston accent provides a simple solution: By endowing a character with a New England accent, directors shirk the responsibility of recounting a personal history. Rather, viewers immediately infer that the character was born and raised in a Boston neighborhood, is intensely loyal to his friends and family and has a certain endearing edginess. Just ask Martin Scorsese. The wicked smaht pissah coaxed a flawless Boston accent from Leonardo DiCaprio in his roles in “The Departed” (2006) and this year’s
“Shutter Island.” In both roles, DiCaprio plays a hard-nosed cop with a tendency to prioritize solving a case above all else. Scorsese made a mint with both films and took home Best Picture and Best Director Oscars for “The Departed.” Nonetheless, simply setting a film with an accented protagonist patrolling any of the diverse neighborhoods of Boston does not guarantee cinematic excellence. Mel Gibson learned this the hard way with this year’s mediocre “Edge of Darkness.” Boston: A Unique City Aside from being home to great ethnic diversity, Boston sports a diverse architectural landscape. Though many popular films return continually to the poorer, urban neighborhoods, Boston is more versatile than Hollywood depicts. After exhausting the stereotypical impoverished Boston neighborhood, directors are expanding their reach. For example, Boston also has a wealthy, suburban area, a commercial harbor and a thriving cityscape, all of which provide viable options for a film’s setting. “Little Children” (2006) employs the Boston suburbs as a prison for upper-middle-class housewife Kate Winslet and stay-at-home father Patrick Wilson, two depressed souls who vow to elope. Contrarily, Scorsese set his mysterious insane asylum from “Shutter Island” on a fictional island off of the Boston Harbor. Perhaps most appealing Boston locale to studio executives is the city itself; the Boston skyline has been featured all over the silver screen. Matt Damon’s character in “The Departed” resides in a flat with a gorgeous view of the gilded dome of the Massachusetts State House, and “Edge of Darkness” opens with Mel Gibson picking up his daughter from South Station. Yet the most attractive part of the city of Boston seems to be an unlikely spot: Fenway Park. Yes, the oldest baseball stadium in the Major Leagues happens to be a cultural icon, especially in film. In fact, an autobiographical book about a Brit in love with Arsenal Football Club was transformed into a cinematic showcase of Fenway. That film, “Fever Pitch” (2005), based on the eponymous book by Nick Hornby, stars Jimmy Fallon as a die-hard Red Sox fan who falls in love with Drew Barrymore through his love of the game. Apparently, Ben Affleck is as passionate about the Red Sox as Jimmy Fallon is, as he demonstrates in “The Town.” The climax of “The Town” also happens at Fenway, in a daring heist that pits criminals Affleck and Jeremy Renner against FBI agent Jon Hamm. Boston: A Youth Hub Boston’s true claims to fame are its clusters of universities and young people. These scholarly Bostonians are highlighted on film with almost as much frequency as their gruffer counterparts. One upcoming film, “The Social Network,” chronicles the rise of Mark Zuckerberg, the inventor of Facebook. While unveiling the unknown details behind Zuckerberg’s billion dollar endeavor, “Social Network” follows Jesse Eisenberg (who portrays Zuckerberg) around the Harvard University campus. Other films, like “Mona Lisa Smile” (2003) and “21” (2008), take place at Wellesley College and MIT, respectively. Boston’s concentration of universities provides excellent material for college-genre films, an omnipresent theme in Hollywood. Jumbos should not feel left out, though; Jessica Biel proudly displayed a stuffed Jumbo on her desk in this year’s “Valentine’s Day,” immortalizing our own alma mater on the silver screen. Boston: The Hollywood Go-To? The multifaceted nature of Boston, from the patrician prep schools to the destitute slums, and from the new-age spirit to the timeless American history, has not only inspired films, but has also provided the setting for some of the best movies of the past decade. Boston-based films breed reality and uniqueness in an industry that constantly strives for innovation. Affleck and Damon have succeeded in popularizing
and perpetuating a trend with “Hunting,” “Gone Baby Gone” (2007) and “The Town,” but the movie-going public will have to wait and see if Boston can overtake the likes of Los Angeles and New York as the most prominent filming city. So next time you are out picnicking in the Boston Common, do not be surprised if you run into a Hollywood star, because everybody wants to come to Boston these days.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Two things Trainwreck has in common with an actual train wreck: Its fusion of comedy and rock is explosive, and there is probably a fatality count of audience members who died laughing at its members’ outfits.
Trainwreck delivers enormously entertaining evening Audience appreciates blend of southern rock and comedy in an intimate setting BY
Daily Staff Writer
Humor and rock ‘n’ roll can make for a very potent combination: When properly done, the artist is distinguished from his peers, celebrated for both wit and musical proficiency. From Frank Zappa to Flight of the Conchords, “Weird Al” Yankovic to Ween, comedy rockers not only provide a musical gateway for fans of funny, but also bring a little levity to a genre prone to taking itself too seriously. Among these artists is Trainwreck, a band of delightfully silly southern rockers comprised almost entirely of musicians who perform and record with Tenacious D. In the absence of
Jack Black, they carve out their own niche in the genre, donning stage outfits and playing shows in character. Last Wednesday at Showcase Live, they proved themselves an entertaining, talented and vital group. Initially, however, the concert gave all indications of being, well, a train wreck. For example, the band’s website, ticket listings and advertisements all included the subscript “with Kyle Gass,” as if those involved lacked confidence in the band’s ability to draw an audience without a familiar name. More unsettling than that insecurity was the actual venue, which rests in the looming shadow of an empty Gillette Stadium, 40 minutes outside of Boston in Foxboro, Mass. The concentration of
Trainwreck frontman Kyle Gass shares insights about his band BY
Daily Staff Writer
Trainwreck has earned its following the old-fashioned way — with constant touring, impressive chops and a dedication to the fans. In fact, the band has already played over 40 shows this year, with a few more remaining on its schedule. Fronted by Kyle Gass and Jason Reed, Trainwreck’s brand of “wreck and roll” combines a distillation of southern-influenced styles with campy humor and stage banter to create a unique live experience. The band’s full-length debut album, “The Wreckoning,” was released last December. Daily Staff Writer Ryan
Zuckman caught up with Gass to talk about his experience thus far. Ryan Zuckman: Let’s start off with a bit of history. How did Trainwreck get started? Kyle Gass: I think it was back in 2002 ... JR [Reed] and I started jamming and decided to make some music together to have some fun. So we gathered up a couple of other guys, wrote some music and took it on the road. RZ: The band performs in character, stage names and costumes included. Where did the idea come from? KG: It was born of a desire to really put more into the show. JR had a lot to do with it. He’s sort of a natural focal point, really integral to see GASS, page 7
cars outside the doors showed promise of a strong audience showing but was misleading; most of those patrons were at the movie theater next door. There were less than thirty concertgoers in a swanky 1,000-person-capacity room that featured a plethora of high-def televisions and a bar that spanned nearly the entire space. Worse still, most of the crowd was seated at the bar, in booths or at tables. There was a palpable air of apprehension as Trainwreck took the stage, looking out on an empty floor, but the tension soon dissipated. Adorned with mullets, moustaches, leather vests and overalls, the band launched straight into “T.W. Theme,” a rollicking bluegrasstinged number that commanded the
audience’s full attention. Frontman Daryl Lee Donald (Jason Reed, or “Lee”) and guitarist/vocalist Klip Calhoun (Gass) then bantered about the velvet ropes surrounding the floor, encouraging everyone to join them, front and center. After gathering attendees together into a unified audience, Trainwreck followed up with “Runnin’.” Here, the band’s years of road-tested experience became immediately apparent: The frequent stops and starts, accompanied by freeze-frame poses, were fantastically tight and well-timed. Each member had a chance to shine apart from the group. Klip, in addition to providing vocals and guitar, also see TRAINWRECK, page 7
What’s Up This Weekend Want to make your weekend artsy? Check out these events! MFA College Night: The Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) hosts its annual college night, complete with live music, special exhibitions and snacks. (Thursday, 7-11 p.m. at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Avenue of the Arts, 465 Huntington Ave. Free admission with Tufts ID.) “Wicked”: Though it opened at the beginning of the month, the Boston stop of the award-winning musical runs through Oct. 17. The show is based on Gregory Maguire’s book of the same name. (Showtimes vary. Boston Opera House, 539 Washington St. Tickets prices vary.) Tufts Film Series: “Date Night” (2010) and “Shutter Island” (2010): This weekend, Film Series presents two big adventures: this summer’s Steve Carell-Tina Fey
comedy and Martin Scorsese’s latest opus featuring Leonardo DiCaprio. (All weekend in Barnum 008. Check showtimes on Free admission.) Film openings (wide releases): “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps,” starring Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf and Josh Brolin, directed by Oliver Stone; “You Again,” starring Kristen Bell, Sigourney Weaver and Jamie Lee Curtis, directed by Andy Fickman. Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day: Smithsonian Magazine is sponsoring free museum entrances across America, including Boston-area museums like the Museum of Science. (All day Saturday at various museums. Check online at museumday for more details.) —compiled by the Daily Arts Department
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Gass says band’s goal is to provide good rock and entertaining live shows GASS continued from page 6
what we do, so when he brought this idea, it sort of grew and we ran with it and have been doing it ever since. RZ: Trainwreck has been on the road for years but has only released its first full-length studio album this year. Any particular reason [for the delay]? KG: We have plenty of songs and have recorded a bit in the past, put out an EP. We do a little bit here, a little bit there, and it just wasn’t really getting done. It’s hard to get the momentum going. John Spiker, our bassist, is a talented, budding producer, so last year we just decided to do it ourselves. Also, we recorded a live album early on and it didn’t really come out too well. We needed a redemption. RZ: Why does the world need Trainwreck? What is the band’s mission statement? KG: Why does the world need Trainwreck? Why doesn’t the world want Trainwreck? [laughs] Why does anyone need entertainment? I think the mission is really to provide good rock and a really good, entertaining live show that doesn’t depend on a lot of shenanigans. We don’t put it behind anything; we give it to you straight ahead. Drums, bass and guitar, and a lot of excellent band sync. It’s an entertainment burrito. More bang for your entertainment dollar. We also have awesome [merchandise]. We’ve got belt buckles, we’ve got hot sauce. Trainwreck hot sauce. RZ: What do you love about music? KG: Being able to make a living, actually. Not actually having to do anything. What is it about
music? I’m not even sure what it is — sound and pause? But I’m glad we invented it. RZ: You’re no stranger to the acting world. Do you consider yourself more of an actor or a musician? KG: It’s funny you should ask that, because I always considered myself an actor first, but it seems as if music organically has taken over. RZ: Do you think that one day, if the music dies down, you’ll go back to acting — make it more of a career? KG: [laughs] Yeah, I might have to do that. Acting’s a tough biz, though. You gotta audition; they don’t just give you the job. And it’s a challenge, for sure. RZ: If you weren’t an entertainer of any kind, what would you be doing? KG: I’d be in serious trouble. Serious trouble, my friend. Trust me, I’ve thought of that often. And it’s just ... nothing. I could be a barista at the Starbucks. Although I think I could be a psychologist because I’m crazy and so I’ve done a lot of studying on it. RZ: You’ve got to be crazy to know crazies, right? KG: Never met a shrink who wasn’t. We might all be insane. But yeah, I don’t really know. RZ: You’re most known for your role in Tenacious D, but the band’s been pretty quiet since “The Pick of Destiny” (2006). Any plans for the future? KG: I liken The D to a slow-moving dinosaur. We may not move that fast, but when we do ... it’s huge. We’re actually recording a new album. And if there was a Grammy for half an album, we would be winning. Right now.
WEEKENDER TOP TEN | LESSER-KNOWN SIBLINGS Elizabeth Olsen recently announced that she is going to star in an upcoming indie film. Did you know Mary-Kate and Ashley have a little sister? Neither did we. Here are some other siblings you may be surprised to learn exist.
6. Daniel, Billy and Stephen Baldwin: The three Baldwin brothers who aren’t Alec have plenty to offer society, even though they aren’t Alec. Like the answer to the trivia question, “Name all of the Baldwin brothers.”
10. Cooper Manning: We realize that this may fall under Sports’ jurisdiction and not our own, but this forgotten sibling was just too sad not to include. Imagine being the older brother who lives in the shadow of two brothers, each of whom has a Super Bowl ring, a supermodel-esque wife and some super sweet Oreo advertisements with Donald Trump. At least his head isn’t as huge as Peyton’s.
5. Emilio Estevez: Although not as famous as brother Charlie Sheen (or dad Martin Sheen), at least he hasn’t been arrested for domestic violence. And he’ll always have “EMILIOOOOOOOOO.”
9. Khloé and Kourtney Kardashian: All right, they’re not exactly nonentities but Mama Kardashian should really order a paternity test on Khloé one of these days. 8. Andrew Wilson: Owen and Luke’s big bro actually considers himself an actor, but if you’ve ever seen him in a movie, it’s probably because it was directed by family friend Wes Anderson. Andrew looks and sounds a lot like his brothers, but Hollywood’s apparently not big enough for three squinty, vaguely Southern romcom leads. 7. Trace Cyrus: As the owner of his very own clothing line and former member of the pop-rock band Metro Station, Trace does not wholly lack that familial allele for stardom. Perhaps if he would consider taking racy photographs of himself in a bright green bra, he too could strike it big like little sis Miley.
4. Haylie Duff: Living in the shadow of a major, critically-acclaimed actress is hard. Living in the shadow of an actress whose claim to fame is a show on the Disney Channel is way worse — tough break, Haylie. 3. Frankie Jonas: The Bonus Jonas is eight years younger than the youngest Jonas Brother. We hate to break it to you, Frankie, but we don’t think your mom and dad were expecting you to come along. 2. Kevin Dillon / Johnny “Drama”: On “Entourage,” Dillon plays Johnny “Drama,” the insecure and fame-hungry older brother to an up-and-coming actor. In real life, he’s older brother to ‘80s “it” boy Matt Dillon. And somehow he’s been Emmy-nominated for his “acting?” 1. That kid who’s BJ Novak’s little brother: He wears cool hats. —compiled by the Daily Arts Department
Shred and Klip strive to prove that a good musician can please a crowd without removing the toothpick from his mouth.
Despite initial audience apprehension, Trainwreck proves fun and engaging TRAINWRECK continued from page 6
busted out a flute on a good number of songs. Chief among them were Jethro Tull-esque “Rock Boulder Mountain” and “El Mustachio,” a jazzy tune that would surely garner Ron Burgundy’s approval. The rockabilly number “John Bartholomew Shredman” — named after the guitarist ( John Konesky) — existed solely to allow band members to show off their skills in turn and inspired a genuine hootenanny in the
audience as they stomped, clapped, linked arms and swung each other around to the music. Shredman lived up to his name, firing off speedy licks with finesse, while Boy Johnny ( John Spiker) proved he could simultaneously walk the bass and do a jig. To cap it all off, Daryl got a washboard solo. The humor, though much tamer and kinder than Tenacious D’s, still relied on gleeful irreverence and occasional crudeness. One minute, Klip was informing the audience of their newly
available vinyl records (a wonderful investment opportunity), while the next, Daryl, as animated and energetic as one could wish a front man, taught the audience how to “milk the cobra” during the boogie shuffle of the same name. Later, they acknowledged their young male-centric audience with “Brodeo,” a pun-filled tribute to bros and their lifestyles everywhere (proclaiming, “We’ll sing our manthem all across the lands”). At this point in the evening, Trainwreck
had yet a few tricks up its sleeve, pulling out some interesting and adept covers. Johnny nailed “What a Feeling” from “Flashdance” (1983) with the pipes of a pop diva, and the final song, “Whole Lotta Rosie” by AC/DC, was given a countryfried makeover, complete with bluegrassstyle backing vocals. Directly following the show, the band adjourned to the merchandise booth to sign autographs and spend some time with the fans, who will never again doubt the power of Trainwreck.
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
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What did I read on Jumbo Slice this week? Parkour in Government Center and a whale dissection on Cape Cod! Jumbo Slice offers up-to-the-minute breaking news, photos, cartoons, sports coverage and more!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
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LATE NIGHT AT THE DAILY Wednesday’s Solution
Ben: “Wow. Women are so short.”
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
Politicization of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ a disgrace U.S. Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked a defense-spending bill that included a repeal of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, in a disgraceful move that placed partisan politics above the rights of gay Americans and the strength of the U.S. military. Preventing patriotic citizens from having the honor of serving their country acts as an impediment to their enjoying the basic principals afforded to American citizens. Since the policy’s inception in 1993, 13,000 men and women have been discharged from the armed forces because of their sexual orientation. Stopping that many people from contributing to our military in a time of conflict is not just discriminatory, but irresponsible. Narrow-mindedness of this kind must not be tolerated in this day and age. Proponents of maintaining the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, under which the military bars openly gay people from its ranks, relentlessly argue that, from a practical standpoint, the law should not be repealed because doing so would lead to disruptions in military cohesiveness and lower troop morale. Yet countless studies conducted over the years, backed
by organizations such as the American Psychological Association, prove otherwise. Studies show that the 20-plus militaries worldwide that allow gay men and lesbians to serve openly — like Canada’s and Israel’s — have not suffered negative impacts as a result of their unbiased policies. A repeal of the U.S. military’s policy even has the personal backing of Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Defense Secretary Robert Gates also supports President Barack Obama’s push for reform. Not only does the policy punish Americans willing to serve, but it weakens our military at a crucial time. Preposterously, around 60 Arabic translators have been discharged under the policy. With those translators high in demand and short in supply — and, of course, a necessity in Iraq — allowing this unjust policy to get in the way of the productivity and effectiveness of the armed forces is an absurdity that must be reversed. Despite this empirical evidence, many continue to argue vehemently in support of
the policy. And the constant desire of many to prevent change from taking place stems from more than just archaic attitudes. Political squabbling has, sadly, drowned out the logical and moral arguments for overturning the ban. The Republicans who filibustered the spending bill on Tuesday — led by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) — claim that they had to stop the bill because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) did not allow additional amendments and because the repeal would be premature. These tenuous excuses mask the GOP’s own politicization of the issue, which may have sunk the best attempt to repeal the policy for the foreseeable future. Republicans were more likely worried about handing the Democrats a legislative victory ahead of the upcoming midterm elections. The fact that the political climate is such that it is not possible for lawmakers to eradicate this discriminatory policy is embarrassing for the United States of America. Republican legislators should be ashamed of themselves.
Executive Op-Ed Editor Op-Ed Editor Assistant Op-Ed Editors Cartoonists
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TV drug ads trying to sell viewers more than medication BY
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PRODUCTION Leanne Brotsky Production Director Andrew Petrone Executive Layout Editor Sarah Davis Layout Editors Adam Gardner Jason Huang Jennifer Iassogna Alyssa Kutner Steven Smith Sarah Kester Assistant Layout Editor Zehava Robbins Executive Copy Editor Alexandra Husted Copy Editors Isabel Leon Vivien Lim Linh Dang Assistant Copy Editors Si Kyun Im Andrew Paseltiner Melissa Roberts Elisha Sum Darcy Mann Executive Online Editor Audrey Kuan Online Editors Ann Sloan Ammar Khaku Executive Technical Manager Michael Vastola Technical Manager
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The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, published Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free to the Tufts community. P.O. Box 53018, Medford, MA 02155 617 627 3090 FAX 617 627 3910
The Daily Reveille
Televised drug ads have become more than simple advertisements for medicinal products — they’ve become alarmingly misleading. This would be an important subject under any point of view, but I can tell you the quantity and quality of ads for medicines on American TV is especially shocking to a foreigner. Most of them portray a nice atmosphere, depicting a family environment or happy moments of life (if you take that drug, of course). Either that or they suggest how cool you can be if you take Zyrtec, for example, like the cute girl who can finally breathe freely (because of Zyrtec, not because she’s a human being). Then, in a frighteningly quick, nonchalant manner, a list of side effects including the risk of death, or in some cases suicidal thoughts[,] sounds through the last seconds of the ad. This only adds to the bizarre feeling that the commercial is not selling a common product, like a sneaker or a cell phone, even if it seemed like it in most of the commercial. Not by chance, these commercials are running more frequently during prime time. Drug companies know what they’re doing. According to the Pharma Marketing Network Forums, data compiled by the
Nielsen Company (consumer research and measure and information) shows that last year drugs ads in printed media increased by 11 percent, to a cost of $162.6 million, and radio ads jumped by 112 percent, to a cost of $46.3 million. The pharmaceutical giants also jumped heavily on digital marketing — Internet ads have doubled over the last five years, hitting $117.4 million, up 31 percent from last year alone. In addition to these spikes in spending, $7.6 million was also spent on outdoor ads. Of course, we’re talking about big-name brands like Pfizer (manufacturer of Viagra and famous [cholesterol-control drug Lipitor) and AstraZeneca. A bigger chunk of their marketing budget is spent on ads for drugs that treat chronic conditions. It’s no secret these giant industries are well known for lobbying in Washington — in 2001 [one of the major pharmaceutical companies, Merck,] settled a charge engaged in the 1990s to protect [its] profits against rising generics sales — and triggering a new era of consumer advocates. A Consumer Reports National Research Center poll conducted in May also shows patients are concerned about how drug companies are influencing doctors — and they should be. More than 75 percent of 1,651 doctors accepted drug samples, according to a survey published in April 2007 by the New England Journal of Medicine, and 83 per-
cent took free lunches from drug makers. Nearly 30 percent of physicians were paid by industry firms for consulting, speaking, serving on an advisory board or enrolling patients in clinical trials. Reports from the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America say that direct-to-consumer advertising enhances doctor-patient relationships. Yeah, right. Watch some of the commercials on YouTube and see if you feel more enlightened about what your doctor has to tell you. I think watching these commercials presents candid proof of how stupid drug makers want to believe we are. Medicines are not like other goods in modern life and should not be sold as if they were. You need medicine because you are sick, and medicines should be used as treatment and not crutches, even if you are diagnosed with a chronic condition. There’s definitely something rotten in the kingdom of marketing and the promotion of drugs. More so, there’s something profoundly sick in our society, besides the poor condition of public (or private, if you please) health issues. When diseases become reasons for designed publicity and consumption desires, it’s time to ask once and again: Where is humanity going? Not to the drugstore, I hope.
Corrections Yesterday’s column “Who needs protection when there’s Vogue?” incorrectly identified columnist Ashley Wood as a sophomore majoring in child development. She is, in fact, a junior majoring in English. Yesterday’s article “Freshmen elections postponed, students will still vote to pass one of the community rep. referenda today” inaccurately stated that the Tufts Community Union Judiciary made a decision on Tuesday regarding the status of abstentions from yesterday’s referenda. In fact, that decision was made last semester.
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ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising copy is subject to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief, Executive Board and Executive Business Director. A publication schedule and rate card are available upon request.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Polarization as the political norm
A reluctant community
Imagine two mountains straddling a desolate valley far below. The mountaintops are crowded with loud voices only growing louder. The valley’s population is waning, its power neutralized long ago. This vignette is akin to America’s political landscape today. One mountain represents the Left, disappointed in President Barack Obama and confused as to why everything has gone so wrong, so fast. Another peak shelters the splintered, yet resurgent Right, comprised of an odd assembly of small government reformers and Tea Party enthusiasts. Far above the scene, a jubilant media caters to the partisan mess with shouting heads and dubious “no spin zones.” Then there is the valley, otherwise known as the vanishing consciousness of the country’s ideological center. That’s where you’ll find me. If I could make a career of calling people down from those mountains, I’d start today. While most of the political class paints in black and white, I articulate the shades of gray. Messaging ploys like hope and change and “Country First” might work well on the mountain audiences, but valley dwellers respond to detail and substance. We value those brave enough to work across the aisle and counter extremists in their own parties. I won’t tell you that Republicans deserve to recapture a congressional majority (their lack of policy specifics is troubling) or that the Democrats’ legislative achievements are underappreciated (I just can’t endorse that much spending). I will tell you that America is worse off [every day] politics are put before policy. From health care to financial reform to the controversy surrounding the Islamic cultural center in Manhattan, every unfolding development is framed for maximum media exposure and partisan dissection. The accompanying questions have grown predictable: Is Obama wasting his political capital on [health-care] legislation? Will voters punish Republicans who defend Wall Street? How will the mixed response among Democrats on the cultural center affect the
midterm elections? Turn on the television and you’ll see media outlets trot out supposed experts to answer such questions. However, a fundamental problem remains. Where are the questions on preventive care or medical malpractice or religious freedom or property rights or … you know, the important questions. Instead, we are treated to coverage of death panels and [horse race] projections and the president’s apparent Islamization (really, people?). As the public becomes accustomed to digesting its news in a strict political context, the risk of increased partisanship grows. The debate over the impending expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts crystallizes the nation’s trouble with reality. Allowing all of the cuts to expire would revert rates to where they were in the 1990s. New revenue sources — ending high-income cuts would bring in $700 billion over the next decade alone — are pivotal in tackling both short-term deficits and the long-term national debt. Here’s where politics get in the way. Obama’s popularity is slipping and his party is headed for imminent danger. Of course, taking money from the struggling middle class won’t make
him any friends. Republicans want tax cuts for everyone. Democrats ask the rich to take on a larger share, but can’t muster the courage to tell that to the other 98 percent of taxpayers. No one budges. A solution lies somewhere in the middle. Let the cuts to upper-income earners expire permanently. Extend the tax cuts to individuals earning less than $250,000 a year for a short period while the economy finds its footing. When families are on sounder financial ground in 2012 or 2013, allow the remaining cuts to expire. The ideological segregation of America is a deepening crisis. One can look at the 2008 presidential election as a decisive victory for Obama. He won 53 percent of the popular vote, after all. Look closer and you see that the traditionally Democratic states took on a deeper blue shade at the same time the reliably Republican strongholds became crimson red. People are congregating with [like-minded] neighbors. The political environment is one of entrenchment and scripted sound bites. Anyone who dares to venture off their mountain is scorned and disowned. The consequences of these trends to constructive public policy are horrifying.
We’re virtually friends BY
PAULINE HORCHER Daily Californian
Friend (n.) — a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. It took him a few seconds and sips to find the courage to ask that certain forbidden question. To cross a line that is hardly discussed but is frequently felt. “Why didn’t you accept me?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “My friend request. I sent it to you like a month ago.” “I — I don’t go on my Facebook very often, so I didn’t get a request.” “But you just changed your profile picture two days ago!” He pointed across the party. “I saw it on her page!” Yes, he went there. Now, I’ve never believed in the “awkward turtle” gesture, feeling that pointing out how uncomfortable a situation is will inevitably make it considerably worse. We didn’t need it anyway — the moment was already bad enough. All we could do was stare at each other in silence for a good twenty seconds. You see, we both were caught in our own very inane and shallow traps. Now he knew that I had deemed him unworthy of mere Facebook friendship, which he took as the insult of insults. And now I had a very creepy idea of how much time he spent on the computer looking up trivial information about people he hardly knew. Suddenly, we both knew far too much about the each other because we knew how the other one behaved on the Internet. Which is far too intimate a knowledge for people who are barely acquaintances “IRL.” The Internet creates a digital distance that can dramatically change our behavior. Some people with more time to reflect about what they are saying and how it might be perceived act in a manner that is
very formal, composed and polite online. This is how the quiet, vaguely aggressive guy in your group project can come off as a charming and well-informed gentleman in e-mails only to switch back to his douchy self in person. Even worse, I’ve seen this happen to roommates who secretly hate each other but choose only to communicate cordially and digitally to set a record for a potential lawsuit. Then there’s the other extreme, where someone who seems normal and welladjusted in real life uses the Internet as a playground for the id, where they can indulge their secret wishes while feeling little or no criticism. This is how a seemingly mild-mannered and virtuous person can swiftly become very forward with their messages, demands and pictures taken. Of course, that last part could just be attributed to the ubiquity of Photoshop. And while most of us probably don’t have two outrageously different identities we switch between depending on our proximity to eye contact, we are nevertheless encouraged to behave very differently on the Internet and redefine the terms of our relationships with each other. Many of us add almost anyone we can on Facebook, ranging from some girl met while drunk to the grad students in charge of our grades. And it works. None of this feels that weird — at least, not as weird as it would be to have a conversation with these people face to face. Sometimes, like the old-school AIM buddy list, the “Friends” category exists mainly to collect people, to quantify popularity and to gather information for the sake of stalking. While this might seem extreme or even stupidly unnecessary, I doubt that most of us would call every member of our list a “Friend” in the [realworld] sense.
A more accurate organizing label would be “People I Have Probably Met” with subcategories like “Childhood Chum,” “Work Peers,” “Relatives,” “Celebrities,” “Enemies,” “Old Study-Group Members,” “Exes,” “Former Roommates,” “Not Sure” and, of course, “Associates I Care About and Would Like To Talk With On a Regular Basis.” You know, friends! Now, you might be a pretty normal person in everyday life. You’re humble, kindhearted and polite, meaning you probably don’t talk about yourself very much. But by opening a laptop, you can have another identity with a much larger group of Friends, one where you are a picture of you at your best, where you demonstrate your impressive self-esteem by displaying your myriad interests, quotes that you guide your life by and your religious and political views. You are free to announce your feelings, whether they are angsty or humorous, to everyone you know. Your Friends care, comment and figuratively laugh aloud with a thumbs up. How gratifying! The problem, as I opened with, is when this self hits your real self — it can be very awkward to be confronted with the other person you’ve been. If you still have any doubts about this, find an acquaintance you are also Facebook friends with. Now, print out their “About Me” section and read it aloud to them. You’re probably not going to get very far, especially if you get [to] the point where you remind them that they claim to like “the mini heart attack you get when you miss a step going down the stairs.” What would happen if we considered all the people on our Friends list every time we updated our statuses, posted our pictures and sent out an invite? If we’re lucky, we can make it just as uncomfortable as real life.
n recent months, there has been much controversy surrounding a proposed project to bring a Muslim community center to downtown Manhattan. Within and outside New York, there have been countless demonstrations from both sides of the debate. On one side is the opposition to the building of the Muslim community center, also called the Park51 project. On the other side are those supporting the construction of this project. Those who reject this proposal are quick to reference the proximity of the center to the former site of the World Trade Center. Islamic extremists who took a violent fundamentalist view of the Quran carried out the attacks. Of course, this radical view of Islam is only espoused by a very small percentage of Muslims worldwide. Nonetheless, opponents of the community center at 45-51 Park Place, which is more than two blocks from the World Trade Center, believe that placing it there is a symbol of triumph to the entire Muslim population. To them, this would be a personal affront to the entire United States and an insult to the thousands directly affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Opponents tend to refer to the building as “the ground zero mosque,” a terribly misleading term. The proposed multi-story building will have many amenities that community centers have: recreation areas such, as a basketball court and swimming pool; a fitness center; a 500-seat auditorium; a restaurant and culinary school; a library; childcare; a 9/11 memorial; and, finally, a prayer room open to all members. Some view it as insensitive for this group to insist on having the community center so close to the site of such a devastating event. The Muslim community worldwide has requested that others respect and be sensitive to their wishes that the Prophet Muhammad not be drawn or rendered in any way. Opponents of the building of Park51 want the same respect and sensitivity, and they see it as hypocritical for those Muslims not to comply. However, regardless of the notion of sensitivity, the fact of the matter is that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution explicitly outlines that American citizens have freedom of religion: the right to practice any religion as well as the freedom from any other religion. The United States is home to a free society that promotes equality. The words written on the Supreme Court building must hold true: “equal justice under law.” Not allowing this community center to be built would violate one of the most basic principles that our nation espouses. Beyond this fact, it is counterproductive to continue the debate in this controversial manner. Newsweek documented that Taliban leaders believe that this controversy provides them with “more recruits, donations and popular support.” This undermines our goal in Afghanistan and further puts our soldiers in danger. The question of building the center is not only settled in terms of legality but in terms of practicality and safety as well. Now, what does this have to do with all of us here in Medford? Quite simply, a restriction of anyone’s constitutional rights, such as denying citizens their right to religious freedom, will be felt everywhere in the country. We, as Tufts students, must recognize the gravity of the situation and assess it carefully. It should also be noted that there was a Muslim prayer room inside the Twin Towers in the south tower. Muslim workers from all walks of life, whether they were construction workers at the World Trade Center, investment bankers, housekeeping assistants or traveling businessmen from foreign countries, came to pray daily inside the Twin Towers. This illustrates the illogical nature of the protests, as many Muslims who were inside praying during the attacks were also killed.
Joshua Youner is a freshman who has not yet declared a major. He can be reached at
OP-ED POLICY The Op-Ed Op-ed section of the Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. Op-Ed Op-ed welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. All material is subject to editorial discretion, and is not guaranteed to appear in The Tufts Daily. All material should be submitted by no later than 1 p.m. on the day prior to the desired day of publication. Material must be submitted via e-mail ( attached in .doc or .docx format. Questions and concerns should be directed to the Op-Ed Op-ed editors. The opinions expressed in the Op-ed Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Tufts Daily itself.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
MEET YOUR FRESHMAN SENATE CANDIDATES! don’t forget to VOTE TODAY! 1. login to webcenter @ login.aspx 2. select election online 3. choose your ballot and vote! ANDREW HUNTER
SOFIA SHIELD I’m Sofia (Sofi) Shield. I’m from Los Angeles, California but I am a proud US-UK dual citizen. Some things I like to do are play tennis and soccer, act, sing, do photography and play music (I attempt the autoharp, drums and dulcimer). I was president of my high school’s robotics club and actively helped organize events and things for my temple in L.A. I love the closeness I already feel on campus and I really want to keep that going. I want to make sure people are having fun and getting everyone even more excited about being the newest Jumbos!
Hi! My name is Andrew Hunter and I want to be YOUR representative on the TCU Senate. I am from Maine and like sports, music, and long walks on the beach. My favorite flowers are tiger lilies and I prefer romantic comedies to horror films. Anyways, what you should know about me is that I support active citizenship and see being a Senator as an opportunity to serve the student body i.e. you guys! Read more about me on my facebook group Andrew Hunter for TCU Senate and please throw a vote my way!
I am Lia Weintraub from West Hartford, Connecticut and am passionate about becoming your senator at Tufts. Being senator does not entitle me to promote my own views; I intend on representing the perspectives of you—my peers—to the TCU assembly. I vow to take all grievances and problems seriously. Four years on my high school’s Student Association and a year serving as West Hartford’s Board of Education Representative have prepared me to work with both peers and administrators in a professional environment. I am eager to serve you and become an active member in the Tufts community.
Hey fellow Jumbos, I’m Joe Thibodeau! I grew up in Andover, Massachusetts, and am now living in Houston Hall. I’m obsessed with Glee!, Pad Thai , and ‘90s pop music. My previous leadership experience includes positions on student council in middle and high school, as well as administrative positions in clubs and performance groups. As your senator, I promise to listen to your questions and concerns, and work to make this year a smooth and memorable transition into college life (PLEASE feel free to email, Facebook or visit me). I’m outgoing, engaging, and friendly, and would sincerely appreciate your vote!
So, you were plopped on campus, left to fend for yourself, right? Wrong! I’m here for you; I’m on your side. My main goal is to represent you and actively engage you in making your college experience the best it can be. You deserve someone who has experience in Class Government -- someone who was in charge of thousands of dollars in the class budget and who managed all the paperwork for the entire class. Responsible, trustworthy, and experienced, I can help you make it through. It’s not about me . . . it’s about you. Vote Christie Maciejewski for Senate. You deserve it.
My name is Chris Ghadban and I’m a Chemical Engineer running for one of the freshman Senate positions. I have a great deal of experience in student government and have held multiple leadership positions including Treasurer of Leo Club, Vice President of Environmental Club, CoPresident of DECA, etc. Since my acceptance to Tufts I’ve painted the cannon a few times – pictures are on my Facebook – and have become involved in the Arab Student Society and International Club among others. I’d appreciate your vote and good luck to the other candidates.
I am Allie, an international student from Singapore. I have been the class chairperson for four years and served on student councils at my previous schools. I am passionate about improving current school policies to meet your different needs and I want to project your voices in reshaping these policies. I promise greater fairness and transparency on our allocation of funds. I will work hard to ensure that the Tufts community enjoys better welfare and celebration of its diversity. Senate will be a good opportunity for me to hear you out, 2014, and make that change. So vote for me.
My name is John Asare. I am running for TCU Senate because I love serving people. Feel confident voting for me on September 22nd knowing that I always rise to the challenge. I have always been interested in politics. I was accepted into the Virginia Boys State program, a political program, where I was elected Boys State Governor of Virginia. I Met and spoke with former Governor Tim Kaine, Governor Bob McDonnell, Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling, and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli among others. My name is John Asare. I am running for TCU Senate.
My name is Patrick Bressette and I am running for TCU senate. Tufts is a moving and dynamic campus; we need to make sure it is moving in the right direction. I am currently enrolled in the Chemical and Biological Engineering program here at Tufts. Engineers are greatly underrepresented in the TCU senate. If you want change, elect an engineer; we invented it. Don’t forget to vote for Patrick Bressette.
I am vertically challenged, with a mini-fro, and big plastic glasses– kind of hard to miss. I spent four years on student council in high school and one year as student body president. I love to help and support my fellow peers. I believe that every voice should be heard, and I will make it my responsibility to be the medium between all of you and the university. Come to Hill, play Fifa; let’s chill. I plan on representing each and every student to the best of my ability. Vote Joe Donenfeld, and your voice will be heard.
JESSE WANG Hey guys! Thanks for taking time to read this (Hopefully this won’t disappoint). I don’t know what I can say in 100 words to convince you to vote for me but I won’t give you a list of things I did in high school because most of those were to impress some college admissions consoler. Now that there is no one to impress though I think I want to run for Senate so I can be more involved in school affairs, get to know our freshman class and well maybe to impress you guys. :)
JUMBOS FOR JOSH. During his high school career, Josh held a variety of leadership positions. He was Vice President of Key Club, Vice President of his class, a member of the Student Council, and other impressive-sounding things. But the time is now. He’s running for the TCU Senate to improve this campus now and he’s here to work for you: the “Jumbo student body” (not a stab at fat people…). As Fort Minor once said, this is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will. 5% pleasure, 50% pain and 100% reason to remember JUMBOS FOR JOSH.
LAURA LASKO My name is Laura Lasko, and I am an outspoken Italian girl from the now terribly abused state of New Jersey. I was on student government throughout high school and am former captain of New Jersey’s state champion mock trial team. I learned at a young age to speak up if I wanted to be heard because, trust me, when there are forty rowdy Italians gathering at your house on Sundays for dinner you’ve got to learn how to use your voice. Vote for me, and I’ll use that voice to make sure the class of 2014 is always heard.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
MEET YOUR FRESHMAN PROGRAMMING BOARD CANDIDATES! don’t forget to VOTE TODAY! 1. login to webcenter @ login.aspx 2. select election online 3. choose your ballot and vote! When I got here I decided to go by “Scott.” The only thing different about me now is that I don’t always respond when you call my name. You could call it an identity crisis. Anyways, with a name change has to come some other kind of change. That is why I have decided to become a politician. If somebody asks who your class president is, I want you to be proud to say Scott Owades. And I promise to do whatever it is that a class president does.
To the class of 2014- I want to be your VP of academic programming! Academics are really important to me, and I want to make this year as fun as it can be. I care about what you want and need, I have a lot of past experience, so I know how to lead. I planned volunteer and campaign events, and prom for my school, and for my Youth Task Force I booked speakers that were cool. I will serve as a great liaison between he faculty and my peers, so vote me if you want to have a great freshman year.
10 reasons to vote for Yihao as the treasure: 1. I read The Economist, I AM The Economist, 2. I manage my own investment portfolio, 3. I’ll apply my prudent investment philosophy in managing the Class Budget, 4. I’m responsible, 5. I’m honest, 6. I’m trustworthy, 7. Have you seen how I dress? 8. I’m “The Bowtie Guy”, 9. I’m hungry for knowledge and thirsty for justice, 10. I’ll add diversity to the committee as a student from China. Conclusion: Yihao is the perfect guy for treasure!
Hey, freshmen Jumbos!! I’m Alison, and I’m hoping to be your Class Council 2014 secretary. Along with being president of my high school’s debate team and writing center, I was the event coordinator for our National Honor Society chapter, experience that makes me a stellar candidate for secretary. I’m efficient, creative, organized, dedicated, spontaneous, and I’d love to work with Programming Board to help make many more epic events happen this year. Feel free to find me anytime just to talk, I’d love to get to know even more of you and help make this year awesome!
“ Wo r k hard, play harder!” I love having fun. Having a grand old time is just as important as academics (if not more important). I came to Tufts because I wanted a school with a balance between work and play. I was social events planner at my high school and I guarantee I will m a k e Tu f t s t h e Happiest Place on Earth, even happier than Disney World.
K e l l i Farrell – because someone who actually parties should be involved in planning Tuft’s “parties”.
Hey Class of 2014! Our first year on the hill is bound to be amazing, but I can make it even more exciting. Through innovative programming, I plan to incorporate a broad range of activities that will draw upon your diversity and unique set of interests. I will utilize my past leadership and programming experiences as president of my Jewish youth group, member of student government, and co-founder/president of my own club in high school to guide you through your best year ever. I’m dedicated, outgoing, and thrilled to finally be your fellow Jumbo. Choose me to be your president!
We’re all new here, and we’re still trying to find our niche. We’ve all come from different walks of life, like Alysse, the dancer from Massachusetts and Alex, the Radio Head lover from California. All of us have something unique to offer. We’re all here for a reason; we’re some of the most gifted people in the country. We a n a l y z e ; w e c r i t i q u e ; w e understand. We learn; we grasp the world with open minds. I hope for your vote so together, we, the Class of 2014, can leave our legacy on this hill.
My name is Michael Lesser and I am running for the position of Vice President for Academic Programming. I’ve always shown a deep interest in initiating positive changes for those around me, and was able to do so in high school through my roles in Student Council, which included School President last year, Treasurer during my junior year, and an involved member throughout my entire high school career. Based on these experiences, I recognize the importance of collaboration between faculty and students and would embrace the opportunity to represent the Freshman Class. Lesser is more!
Hey Class of 2014! It would be an honor to serve as your Vice President of Academic Programming for this year. I am thoroughly excited to integrate academics into student life through interesting speakers, class-wide literary circles, and opportunities to closely interact with faculty. In return for your confidence in my abilities, I assure you of my dedication and commitment to the job. Most importantly, I would bestow my power in your hands by focusing on your academic aspirations. Please feel free to stop by Houston 406 with questions or give me a shout-out on campus if you see me!
Class of 2014, my name is Brian Yi, and I am your candidate for Treasurer. I am as pumped as you are to be part of the Tufts Community, and to show it, I am getting involved here on campus. The Treasurer carries much responsibility as part of the Programming Board, and I am the guy for the job. I have a considerable amount of experience working with finances so I am an ideal candidate for the position. I will utilize my experience to bring you the best because that is what we are – the best. 2014, ALL DAY
Class of 2014 - I am everything you want, and I am everything you need. I am a leader. I am organized. I am efficient. I have great ideas, and I am ready to implement them. I will work together with the other representatives to enhance all of our years here at Tufts. Vote for me, Melanie Rubin, as Secretary of the Class Council and I will arrange and maintain productive meetings in order to plan the most fun school events Tufts has ever had. It’s easy as 1-2-3, just vote for me!
Hey Class of 2014! My name is Noha Ahmed and I’m running for secretary of the freshman class. For those of you who haven’t already met me, I’m upbeat, friendly, organized and the perfect fit for the job. I have tons of experience under my belt- I was elected class secretary my sophomore, junior and senior years of high school and organized countless class events, dances and proms. Please feel free to drop by South 410; I’d love to meet you and answer any questions that you might have. Thanks and remember to vote Noha for secretary on election day!
I’m Sarah from Miami! I’m outgoing and energetic about bringing people together. Strong community programs and social events are fun ways of getting people to be active in their community. In high school, I was a leader in the Activities Council that supported club and social events. Financial and organizational areas are my strengths (and
Ready to have the best freshmen year ever?! Then vote for Michelle Choi as your Vice President for Social Programming! Winter Bash, Spring Fling, Tuftonia's D a y, N Q R , y o u name it MICHELLE WILL GET IT DONE!
All work and no play makes Tufts a dull school. But that won’t be a problem with Ada Bernstein as Vice President of Social Programming. I will ensure that the freshman class gets out of the library and into the school’s community. We may be smart, but we can still get down. Vote for me and together our ideas will make your first year unforgettable.
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
CLASSIFIEDS POLICY All Tufts students must submit classifieds in person, prepaid with check, money order, or exact cash only. All classifieds submitted by mail must be accompanied by a check. Classifieds are $15 per week or $4 per day with Tufts ID or $30 per week or $8 per day without. The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due to typographical errors or misprintings except the cost of the insertion, which is fully refundable. We reserve the right to refuse to print any classifieds which contain obscenity, are of an overly sexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate a person or group. Questions? Email
Rockies face off with Giants for rights to the NL West INSIDE MLB
Field Hockey breezes by UMass-Dartmouth 3-0 There was never a seed of doubt in this game as the field hockey team jumped to an early lead thanks to a goal from senior Tamara Brown and never looked back, taking the game against UMass-Dartmouth by a count of 3-0. With the win, Tufts moves to a perfect 4-0 on the season.
Women’s soccer falls 1-0 at Wheaton A goal in the 83rd minute from Wheaton sophomore forward Cassey Muse spoiled the evening for the visiting Tufts, which moved to 1-2-1 overall with the loss. Despite 13 attempts, the Tufts offense failed to put a shot past Wheaton freshman keeper Kerry Condon, who finished the game with seven saves.
—compiled by the Daily Sports department
continued from page 16
who slugged 20 in June of 1998 — but Tulowitzki is nipping at Sosa’s heels. To show just how incredible his pace is, consider the 1995 Rockies squad that made a playoff run in its inaugural season at Coors Field, in part thanks to the heart of the order — comprised of Larry Walker, Andres Galarraga, Vinny Castilla and Dante Bichette — which became known as the “Blake Street Bombers.” Those four combined to hit 21 homers that September. If Tulowitzki maintains his torrid rate, he could match that total by himself. Once considered a disappointment and one of the goats of the team’s season, Tulowitzki is now hailed as a Most Valuable Player candidate. Just two weeks ago, opponents were pitching around Gonzalez and daring Tulowitzki to beat them, but that is no longer the case. According to a stat known as Wins Above Replacement, a measure of how many extra wins a player earns his team over the course of a season compared to an average player at his position, only Ryan Zimmerman, Joey Votto, Matt Holliday and Albert Pujols have been more integral to their team than Tulowitzki in the NL. To top it off, Tulowitzki is also a phenomenal defensive player at the diamond’s toughest position. If there was any doubt coming into this season that Tulowitzki is the best overall shortstop in baseball, he has erased it. He now leads all shortstops in batting average, on-base percentage, slugging percentage and fielding percentage.
The Colorado Rockies’ Carlos Gonzalez slides into second base against San Francisco Giants shortstop Juan Uribe on Aug. 31 at AT&T Park in San Francisco. Tulowitzki’s 12 homers and .916 OPS on the road squelch any doubt that he simply benefits from playing at the silo that is Coors Field. But the stats, records and awards will mean little unless a trip to the playoffs comes with them. As insane as the notion would have sounded just a month ago, the Rockies may now
control their own destiny. This weekend, the Rockies will host the Giants at Coors Field, where they are a tremendous 51-24 in 2010. If the Rockies sweep the Giants, they will likely head into the final week of the regular season with the National League West division lead and the inside track to the playoffs.
Scholarship for Tufts Freshmen of Chinese Descent
Attention SENIORS! Sign Up Now for Senior Portraits! Tuesday September 28: Wednesday September 29: Thursday September 30: Friday October 1: Monday October 4: Tuesday October 5: Wednesday October 6: Thursday October 7: Friday October 8:
12 pm – 8 pm 9 am – 5 pm 12 pm – 8 pm 9 am – 4 pm 10 am – 5 pm 12 pm – 8 pm 9 am – 5 pm 12 pm – 8 pm 9 am – 4 pm
All Sessions in the Mayer Campus Center 112 – Zamparelli Room
RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW AT (Enter Tufts Code 267)
The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England (CCBA) will be awarding a onetime grant of $2500 to a maximum of five (5) academically outstanding freshmen who have matriculated into the Class of 2014 at Tufts University. The applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of Chinese descent with a permanent home address in Massachusetts. Qualifying candidates must demonstrate: academic achievement a history of commitment to their community through community service leadership potential financial need Interested students may contact CCBA at (617) 542-2574 or for more info & to obtain an application. Students must submit the application packet and the following to be considered: official high school transcript in signature-sealed envelope one of the following standardized test scores: SAT I and SAT II or ACT proof of financial aid qualification from Tufts University (e.g., a copy of the financial aid package) recent photograph (taken within the last year) one signature-sealed letter of recommendation on official letterhead from each of the following: o high school advisor/teacher o community service/work supervisor Completed application packets should be submitted to: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England 90 Tyler Street, Boston, MA 02111
Applications must be received by October 8, 2010 to be considered
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Mass. Maritime shuts out men’s soccer 2-0 MEN’S SOCCER continued from page 16
just missed wide left. The Buccaneers were quiet for much of the first half but entered the game offensively in a big way in the 34th minute. Junior midfielder Ryan Fischer brought the ball down the right side, drawing a pair of Tufts defenders with him. Fischer saw his opportunity and worked a low cross in toward goal. Derek Young was waiting for it at the top of the box and, finding himself unmarked, one-timed it into the bottom corner of the goal, past the outstretched arm of junior goalkeeper Zach Cousens. “We’ve got to get a little bit tighter in the back,” Shapiro said. “I thought we were getting pulled around a little bit, and both goals came from center backs getting pulled out of the middle and a central midfield player not helping in those areas.” Now chasing the Buccaneers, the Jumbos continued to rack up opportunities. In the 41st minute, sophomore forward Kieran Lewis got behind the defense before being dragged down in the box. A penalty kick was awarded and after discussion, junior defender Jesse Poon stepped up to take it. But his shot flew wide right, never challenging Young. “The players made [the penalty kick decision],” Shapiro said. “We have discussed it, but it hasn’t been my top priority. It looked like Jesse Poon stepped up with confidence and that’s why he took it.”
In the second half, the Buccaneers spent much of their time bottled up in their own end. A few minutes past the interval, the Jumbos sent a corner into the box. The ball made it through the center of the area untouched before falling to Coleman on the far side. He sent the ball back across goal with serious pace, but Young, again, was up to the task, tipping it over the crossbar.
“You can coach just about everything but it is hard to coach those individual moments in front of goal. The question becomes: Are our guys brave enough to make plays on crosses and are they composed enough to handle those one-v-one situations? Tonight we weren’t.” Josh Shapiro coach “I just tried to play my best on every ball,” Young said. “If I was able to get in their heads, that’s even better.” Tufts continued to hold possession, relentlessly testing Mass. Maritime’s back line with crosses. Yet much like in the first half, the Buccaneers saw a
fleeting opportunity and capitalized in the 76th minute. Junior midfielder Mike McCarthy found himself on the left edge of the box covered by a pair of Jumbos. McCarthy did not hesitate and linked up at the top of the box with McCord who controlled the ball before burying the shot — and the game — in the near corner. The Jumbos found one last goal opportunity in the 84th minute as Coleman, by far the most dangerous player for Tufts throughout the night, sent a searching ball toward Silva. But Young beat Silva to the ball, diving on top of it to once again halt the Jumbos’ attack, completing a well-earned shutout — the first of his collegiate career. “It feels good to get back on the winning track,” Young said. “The defense played great for me so it made it a lot easier to get the shutout.” The Jumbos had 12 corners to the Buccaneers’ two and outshot them 18-11. But it was Mass. Maritime that was far more efficient on the day. Tufts will not have much time to dwell on the loss with Wesleyan coming to Kraft Field on Saturday for a NESCAC battle. The Cardinals sit two points above the Jumbos in the league standings, so any points gained would do wonders for the team’s confidence. “We reacted well to having a bad start tonight,” Shapiro said. “We took the impetus to get the game going and we were aggressive in getting forward. We had a ton of good deliveries in the areas. We did everything but finish, and that’s the final piece.”
An impressive service game helped the volleyball team beat Brandeis in straight sets on Tuesday, extending its winning streak to six.
Communication will be key in upcoming MIT Invitational VOLLEYBALL continued from page 16
In the second set, Brandeis was able to take advantage of a miscue by Tufts to bounce back from a 4-0 deficit and kept the set close, with the last tie coming at 22-all. Yet once again, the Jumbos were able to recover from their earlier mistakes and rattle off three quick points to take the set and gain a firm grasp over the match. While it was Updike who came through in the critical moments, senior quad-captain Nancy Shrodes also made a large contribution in the set and finished the match with seven kills and four digs. “It certainly wasn’t our best showing, but we got it done at the end of the day,” Updike said. Updike had 19 kills on 53 attempts against the Judges, complementing her already impressive ratio of 3.23 kills per set
this season. “We really let them back into the game early with some missed serves and other mistakes, but we pulled through in the end,” she said. Despite the errors in the first two sets, the Jumbos finally put it all together in the third set, ending the match with a definitive 25-18 victory. “We may not have started out as well as we could have,” junior libero Audrey Kuan, who is also an online editor for the Daily, said. “But we really put it together at the end. We started talking more and our flow was much, much better.” Sophomore setter Kendall Lord was also a key component in the Tufts victory, contributing a match-high 33 assists. She continues to impress in her quest to replace former All-American setter Dena Feiger (LA ’10), who averaged over 11 assists per match in 2009.
Lord’s talents were most prominently displayed in the third set, where Tufts’ quicker ball movement deceived Brandeis’ blockers on several points. “Our passing really picked up at the end, which allowed our hitters to really connect and win key points,” Kuan said. Despite the positives, Tufts will have to clean up some of its mistakes during this weekend’s MIT Invitational tournament, in which they will face two tough opponents in Smith and Vassar. They will also be gearing up for an Oct. 1 trip to Middletown, Conn., to face conference rivals Conn. College, Trinity and Wesleyan. A triplet of wins there will go a long way for the Jumbos in their quest to host the NESCAC Tournament for the third consecutive year. “It’s getting the ‘W’ that counts,” Updike said. “We always like to win, and that’s the bottom line.”
Cricket unplugged
achin Tendulkar, legendary Indian cricketer, steps up to bat. There are two balls left in the match and six runs needed to save the day. He misses out on the first ball. The subcontinent waits with bated breath as he swings toward that second ball, and then it happens: It’s out of the stadium, into the hands of the seething masses — it’s a six! Moments like that can fill the empty belly of a body broken from work. A feeling of contentment seeps into the inhumane lives of the millions in poverty, even if just for a night, even if it’s just until the next match. My column is an insight into the fascinating world of cricket. I will provide an overview of all the major cricketing events happening around the world, along with views, comments and a (hopefully) humorous take on everything cricket through the eyes of a passionate fan. To me, cricket is a way of life. Yeah, probably some of you must be thinking, “Wait, this guy basically does not have a life.” My aim is to change that opinion, at least for some of you, through this column. For me, cricket stands out when compared to other sports in how it unites a variety of cultures into this delightful concoction that I have come to enjoy. To watch a game of cricket at the Lord’s Cricket Grounds in London is a sacred pilgrimage for cricket fans. The majestic stadiums represent all that is good about cricket with a wonderful history that began more than 220 years ago. One of the more beautiful sights in sporting locales is the Newlands Cricket Ground in South Africa with the majestic Table Mountain and the Devil’s Peak overlooking the stadium. The meandering lawns around certain segments of the stadium with people having a barbecue and drinking a couple of beers as they enjoy the cricket in front of them makes for one of the most relaxing experiences that you can think of. On the other end, we have the carnival-like atmosphere of the Caribbean. The West Indians have a proud cricket history, and the surreal blend of calypso music and the passionate energy emitted through their dances during the games make for a surreal experience that cannot be described in words. Playing a game at the Eden Gardens in Kolkata, India, is widely regarded as an immensely intimidating experience for the opposing team. Having 100,000 people packed into a small stadium calling for your blood might do that. The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), also known as the “G,” (the reason being because it is a gigantic stadium. Get it? G for gigantic? Not very creative, I know) is another stadium that holds a place among the elite in cricketing history. The gigantic stadium (alright, I will stop now) is always packed for the Aussie games and is known as the final frontier for visiting teams as the opposition almost always loses to Australia at the MCG. There are lots of things happening in the cricketing world at the moment. The Ashes — an iconic series that takes place every four years between Australia and England — will start in November. It is the biggest event in cricket and dates back to more than a century ago. The World Cup is going to be held in the subcontinent, and it promises to be the closest tournament in terms of competition in recent history. I will also talk about a rising phenomenon that has stormed the cricketing world in the form of the Indian Premier League. As you can see, there are numerous events happening in cricket at the moment and I really look forward to sharing my thoughts about them with all of you! Avinash Asthana is a junior majoring in computer science. He can be reached at
INSIDE Sports Briefs 14
Buccaneers’ goalkeeping robs Jumbos of a second win Offense struggles to capitalize on penalty kick, one-on-one opportunities BY
From the opening whistle, Tufts was clearly the aggressor. Sophomore forward Franco Silva spent much of the first 20 minutes less than a step behind Mass. Maritime’s center backs, and his agile runs through the middle immediately had the opponents retreating. Just three minutes in, Tufts’ senior forward Mike Fitzgerald put Silva in behind the defense with a well-placed through ball. But Young came off his line and deflected Silva’s attempt. A few minutes later, Silva had another chance, this time fed by junior midfielder Matt Blumenthal. Silva slipped through the defenders but once again found Young off his line, denying him to keep the match scoreless. “You can coach just about everything, but it is hard to coach those individual moments in front of goal,” coach Josh Shapiro said. “The question becomes: Are our guys brave enough to make plays on crosses and are they composed enough to handle those one-v-one situations? Tonight we weren’t.” On the next offensive attack, sophomore midfielder John Lewis’s cross almost found an unmarked Silva on the far side, and senior quad-captain Ron Coleman ripped a low shot from the edge of the box that
Senior quad-captain Ron Coleman, pictured here in a game against Middlebury on Sept. 11, helped the Jumbos mount a strong, albeit unfruitful attack in the second half against the Buccaneers.
see MEN’S SOCCER, page 15
Daily Editorial Board
Tuesday night’s clash with Mass. Maritime had all of the makings of the perfect tune-up MEN’S SOCCER (0-1-1 NESCAC, 1-2-1 Overall) Bello Field, Tuesday Mass. Maritime Tufts
1 1 — 0 0 —
2 0
game for the men’s soccer team. The Buccaneers had dropped four straight matches and had been shutout in their last three. Tufts was at home and was looking to repeat its 4-1 non-conference victory over Endicott this past week and thus double its win total. What the Jumbos were not prepared for was an extraordinary performance from Mass. Maritime’s freshman goalkeeper Brett Young and an extremely opportunistic opposing attack. A few top-class saves from Young and a couple of defensive lapses by the Jumbos, and the team found itself on the wrong side of a 2-0 result. Young’s older brother, Derek, a sophomore, opened the scoring for the Buccaneers in the first half, while senior Kevin McCord put the game away late in the second. The Jumbos controlled possession for much of the game but could never quite make it count.
Rockies all-star shortstop Tulowitzki Red-hot Jumbos down defies critics, makes run at record Brandeis BY
Daily Editorial Board
Contributing Writer
After beginning the season with a trip to Georgia and a date with Emory, the No. 3 team in the country, Tufts, VOLLEYBALL (2-0 NESCAC, 6-2 Overall) Cousens Gym, Tuesday Brandeis Tufts
24 22 18 — 0 26 25 25 — 3
since returning to New England, seems to have dispelled any fears that its confidence had dimmed. The team extended its winning streak to an impressive six matches and boosted its overall record to 6-2 with a hard-fought straight-set victory against the Brandeis Judges on Tuesday evening in Cousens Gymnasium. The match was competitive throughout, and the Judges (8-3) tested the Jumbos from the onset. The first set featured 13 ties and four lead changes, and even as the Jumbos seemed poised to win, the Judges were able to capitalize on several Jumbo mistakes and tied the score at 24. But the Jumbos responded with two quick points — one on an impressive kill by senior quad-captain Caitlin Updike — to take the set by the count of 26-24. see VOLLEYBALL, page 15
On Aug. 21, things looked bleak for the Colorado Rockies. The team had a mediocre 62-60 record, trailed the National League West division-leading San Diego Padres by 11 games and was essentially left for dead. But there are three things you can count on during the month of September: Leaves changing colors, the NFL season beginning and the Rockies morphing into an unstoppable force. Three years ago, the Rockies went 20-8 in September and rolled into “Rocktober” and eventually all the way to the World Series. Last year, the Rockies posted an 18-9 mark over the final month of the season, earning the NL Wild Card berth. Now the Rockies have surged to within two-and-a-half games of the NL West-leading Giants by going 20-8 since Aug. 22. It has been a historic season for the Rockies. Right-hander Ubaldo Jimenez pitched the franchise’s first-ever nohitter on April 17 and outfielder Carlos Gonzalez is closing in on the National League’s batting title with a .339 batting average. The offense also shattered records with 11 straight hits on July 30. Not to be outdone, shortstop Troy Tulowitzki has put the team on his back and led the charge this month. Tulowitzki entered the final month of the season with just 12 home runs after slugging 32 a year ago. He has since crushed 14 of them in his last 19 games. The MLB record for homers in a month is held by Sammy Sosa —
see INSIDE MLB, page 14
Shortstop Troy Tulowitzki has slugged 14 homers this month, leading the Rockies’ charge up the standings in the NL West.