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Thursday, February 2, 2012


Where You Read It First Est. 1980

Bishop of Massachusetts discusses forgiveness, courage by

Patrick McGrath

Daily Editorial Board

The Rt. Rev. M. Thomas Shaw, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, visited the Hill last night to host a lecture about the diocese’s relationship with Rwanda and to tell a story about a woman he met while visiting the country last month. Shaw was selected by the Tufts Chaplaincy to give his talk, titled “An Ordinary Woman with Uncommon Courage: a Story from Rwanda,” as the semester’s first installment of the Goddard Chapel Forum on Religion and Moral Courage, a lecture series organized and sponsored by the Tufts Chaplaincy. “They chose the topic of religion and moral courage, and they chose to invite Bishop Tom Shaw because he’s had a lot of experience with [the Tufts Chaplaincy],” Protestant Chaplain Rachael Pettengill said. “He goes to Israel very often, and he brings students there, and he also brings students to Africa very often, so we asked him if he would come and share something about a woman that he met when he was in Rwanda and share her story of moral courage,” she added. Shaw and a group of students from Boston College and Northeastern University made a pilgrimage to Rwanda this winter break to study the 1994 Rwandan genocide between the Tutsi and Hutu groups. The trip sought to explore and learn more about not only the Rwandan genocide

and other genocies, but also the effects and results of the recent attempts at reconciliation across the country between the two groups, according to Shaw. Shaw stated that the trip also aimed to take the lessons of these attempts at reconciliation back to the United States to address tensions between certain groups, including those of a racial or socioeconomic nature. “We are God’s agents for reconciliation,” he said. In his talk, Shaw explained the diocese’s relationship with Rwanda. “Our diocese for a number of years has had a strong commitment to those who are struggling with AIDS or AIDS treatment,” he said. According to Shaw, the trip included visits to the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre and a celebration at the house of a widow named Lydia whose Tutsi husband was murdered during the genocide. The celebration included religious leaders, politicians and both survivors and perpetrators of the genocide. Lydia spoke about her experience during the genocide, including witnessing the murder of her husband and her children and being raped by members of the genocide and contracting AIDS, Shaw said. When reconciliation commenced between the two groups, Lydia was at first against forgiving the perpetrators of the crimes against her and her family, Shaw said. But after the murderer of see GODDARD, page 2

misako ono / Tufts Daily

At the Tufts Democrats weekly meeting Tuesday night, Chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party John Walsh encouraged students to work hard to make a difference in the upcoming elections.

Walsh urges student political activism Democratic Party seeks higher turnout in Medford by

Nina Goldman

Daily Editorial Board

Chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party John Walsh spoke at the Tufts Democrats weekly meeting Tuesday night, encouraging politically minded students to use their passion to make a difference in the upcoming 2012 elections. “We desperately need you, and I don’t just mean in the future,” he said. “I mean now through November.” In particular, Walsh focused on urging more women to run for office. He explained that women and men are elected at about the

same rate but women are less likely to run because they are more likely to question their own qualifications. “Women are significantly underrepresented in the ranks of elected officials,” Walsh said. “Women are overwhelmingly more likely to think, ‘I don’t know if I’m ready.’” By running for office, Walsh said, women encourage other women to run as well. During the hour-long talk, Walsh, who served as campaign manager for Governor Deval Patrick (D-Mass.) in his successful 2006 Massachusetts gubernatorial run, also shared personal stories about life on the campaign trail.

Tufts Occupiers stay active despite eviction by Steph


Daily Editorial Board

After the Dec. 10 police eviction of Occupy Boston from Dewey Square in which 46 people were arrested, the Tufts Occupiers group remains active with an emphasis on community issues and collaboration with other student Occupy groups. Protestors across the country have had to regroup and find new ways to spread their message without having a physical encampment. “When the news cycle has passed by for the moment, it’s a question of how to stay relevant,” senior Ryan Clapp, a member of the Tufts Occupiers, said. “We’re looking at some other ways we can keep the conversation going, making it fun to participate while also meaningful.” Several of the actions Tufts Occupiers have planned for this semester revolve around smaller, community-based support, like advocating for Africana studies and working with local organization Save Our Somerville, according to Rachel Greenspan, a member of the Occupy movement. see OCCUPIERS, page 2

see DEMOCRATS, page 2

TCU Senate Update | Three students walk on to Senate

Three students have been added to the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate after seats were vacated at the end of last semester. Meredith Goldberg and Amelia Quinn have filled the two empty junior class seats, and Ian Donovan has filled the empty senior class seat. The three seats were vacated at the end of last semester when one sophomore and two juniors resigned, according to Tufts Election Commission (ECOM) Public Relations Chair Joel Kruger. The empty sophomore seat became a senior seat because there are more than seven sophomore senators and fewer than seven senior senators, according to Kruger, a sophomore. The replacements are effective immediately, and the three senators will attend their first Senate meeting this Sunday, according to Kruger.


—by Laina Piera

After the Dec. 10 police eviction of Occupy Boston from Dewey Square, the Tufts Occupiers group is focusing on community issues and collaboration with other groups.

Inside this issue

He recalled the first time he met Patrick, who showed up at a St. Patrick’s Day event without a green tie and told “the stupidest joke ever.” “It was embarrassing,” he said. After having coffee with Patrick, however, Walsh said he felt there was something different about the candidate. The two shared the idea of running a campaign based on grassroots issues, but Walsh did not think Patrick had a good chance of winning. “I’m definitely not telling my wife I did that, because she’s going to kill me,” Walsh said he thought

Today’s sections

The “A Taste of Tufts” Lecture Series starts tomorrow with a presentation by Dean Joanne Berger-Sweeney.

The Daily goes on a search for Boston’s best ice cream shops.

see FEATURES, page 3

see ARTS, page 5

News Features Arts & Living Editorial | Letters

1 3 5 8

Op-Ed Comics Classifieds Sports

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The Tufts Daily

2 Police Briefs Iron Chef Lewis Tufts University Police Department (TUPD) officers at 10 p.m. on Jan. 19 investigated the cause of a fire alarm going off in a Lewis Hall dorm room. When questioned, the student there claimed he accidentally burned some eggs. However, TUPD officers noted the smells of both marijuana and deodorizer and on further examination discovered that the student was attempting to make “hash oil” using a frying pan, a butane gas can and a glass vial of marijuana. The illegal substance was confiscated and destroyed. Hop on Pop TUPD officers at 1:32 a.m. on Jan. 21 were notified of a male student in Houston Hall who had fallen and suffered a possible concussion. The officers later learned that, after taking three shots of vodka as well as two shots of other alcohol, the student was in fact jumped on in front of Olin Center by one of his friends. The student was transported to Lawrence Memorial Hospital, and his friend was excused because the two were “just fooling around.”

There’s no place like home TUPD was alerted after a male student at 2:52 a.m. on Jan. 26 began banging incessantly on the door of a Latin Way suite. The residents of the suite did not know who the man was. TUPD officers arrived and asked the student why he would not stop knocking. The student replied that it was because the residents were not answering. After questioning the student, TUPD officers determined that he lived in a different suite in the same building and had imbibed wine prior to the encounter. Tufts Emergency Medical Services (TEMS) came to the scene to check on him, and he was transported to Somerville Hospital for care. Napoleon Complex A male student at 12:45 a.m. on Jan. 27 was on his way to Pizza Days with a friend when a man crossed Curtis Street and punched him in the side of the head while yelling, “I’m sixfoot-five!” The man was identified by the student as being closer to six feet tall, or perhaps even shorter, and bald with a design shaved into the side of his head. The man fled across Fletcher Field, and the student continued on to Pizza Days, where he called TUPD officers and refused medical attention. —compiled by Nina Goldman


Thursday, February 2, 2012

At meeting, Walsh encourages more women to run for political office DEMOCRATS

continued from page 1

while driving home from the meeting. He said that after that meeting, Patrick asked Walsh to be his campaign manager. Approximately 30 students were in attendance at the meeting. Walsh said he saw his passion for and fascination with politics — two keys to his success in the field — in the students gathered in Eaton. “You’re weird, just like me,” he said. “Most people engage in politics because they’re pissed off about something.” Walsh expressed admiration for the students gathered to hear him speak, praising their commitment to weekly meetings and active support of candidates such as Elizabeth Warren. “That regular activity is a really important part,” he said. “Your commitment to canvassing, to the person-to-person, face-toface kind of politics, is impressive.” He also asked about the students’ future political endeavors. “I want to make a personal pitch for more of you to run for office,” he said. Walsh encouraged the students to work hard to make a difference in elections about which they are passionate, which he said they could do without sacrificing their classwork or social life. “I expect you guys will be critically important in the Medford campaign,” he said. “You don’t have to give up your life to do this.” Walsh emphasized that the most effective tactic for getting Democratic candidates elected in Massachusetts is to get registered Democrats to come to the polls on Election

Day. He explained that while in some cities, like Lexington, an overwhelming majority of Democrats vote in every election, that is not the case in Medford. Walsh said Democrats need to take action and support their party when it really counts. “They’re wearing the team jersey,” he said. “They’re not showing up on game day.” Samuel Kelly, a freshman member of Tufts Democrats who attended the talk, said he thought this advice could be useful to the group this year as they try to expand their campaigning beyond what he sees as a mostly liberal Tufts campus and out into local urban areas. “I think he has given us a good framework for stuff we can really focus on,” he said. Kelly said he also appreciated the close, casual style of the meeting, whose attendees he identified as almost all Tufts Democrats members. This informal format led to some more candid discussion of politicians Walsh has not supported over the years, including disappointment over the elections of Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass., LA ‘81) and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Walsh was personally invited to Tufts by sophomore Taylor Barnard, who serves as president of Tufts Democrats and knows Walsh from being on the executive board of the College Democrats of Massachusetts. Walsh, who Barnard introduced as “one of the most knowledgeable politicos in the Commonwealth,” encouraged other students at the meeting to keep in touch with him if they had further questions about getting into politics. “I’m very easy to find,” he said. “I’d love to talk with you individually.”

Tufts Occupiers focus on building grassroots support OCCUPIERS

continued from page 1

takuma koide / Tufts Daily

The Rt. Rev. M. Thomas Shaw, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, visited the Hill last night for the semester’s first installment of the Goddard Chapel Forum on Religion and Moral Courage.

Shaw emphasizes Anglican, Episcopalian unity godDard

continued from page 1

her husband came to visit her after his release from prison, Lydia explained that she forgave the man and continues to speak with him almost every day as friends, according to Shaw. Shaw explained that though at first confused by her gesture, he sought an explanation

in the gospels of the bible. “The reason that she was able to experience that tremendous moral courage is because she heard the stories, because she prayed, because she was surrounded by people who had the same values,” Shaw said. Shaw said he travels with members of the diocese overseas once or twice a year to oversee

and expand local projects. Shaw also noted the importance of maintaining a strong relationship between the Anglican and Episcopalian churches, especially given the rapid growth of the Anglican church in Africa. “I want our brothers and sisters in Africa to know that we are people of faith,” Shaw said.

“This has created an opportunity to develop new ways of giving voice back to the people and regaining agency on a grassroots community level,” Greenspan said. “It really does give you such an opportunity to create positive change that can affect, not only the student body, but the Somerville community and beyond.” Greenspan said that at the Tufts Occupiers weekly meetings, students are always presenting new ideas for community issues that the group can focus on. “Issues definitely come up all the time, meetings are open and everyone has an equal voice in it,” Greenspan said. “When you’re working to have a functioning society, I don’t think there’s an end point. There’s never a perfect society. There’s always something to work on, and we have a lot to work on now.” Tufts Occupiers also have plans to work with the Students Occupy Boston group, which meets at least once a month at different college campuses in the Boston area, according to Nathaniel Matthews, a member of the Occupy movement. Based on a kissing protest conducted by Chilean students in July 2011, the Tufts Occupiers plan to orchestrate a similar event with the Students Occupy Boston group to continue their presence in the media. Although the details of the event — “If The Banks Can Make Out Like Bandits, So Can We” — haven’t been sorted out yet, Tufts Occupiers proposed the idea earlier this month at a Students Occupy Boston meeting, according to Matthews, a freshman. “It’s easy to get into a lot of anger with marching and yelling, but we really want to show that it’s a movement based out of love for humanity,” Matthews said. “As much as everyone is really angry, that’s not the focus. We’re out because we love people and want them to live healthy and prosperous lives.”

Matthews, who will vote for the first time this year, said he has reevaluated how he perceives candidates and their campaigns based on his experience with social activism in the Occupy movement. “Unfortunately a lot of occupiers are so pissed off at both the Republicans and Democrats that they’re not even interested in voting,” Matthews said. “I recognize the failures of both parties, but I think voting — even if it’s not as effective as we’d like it to be — it is still an action that everyone should do. It’s not going to help to not vote.” But because the oft-quoted Occupy slogan “we are the 99 percent” has been bandied around in the media, some of the Tufts Occupiers said they worry that the message of the movement has been misconstrued. Clapp said that as students, Tufts Occupiers have a unique ability to debunk some of these stereotypes people have about those involved with the protests and serve as educated participants. “I think having students who are willing to put in time and research, and maybe don’t look like [the Occupy protester] profile, is important to show that this movement isn’t just for wackos,” Clapp said. “It’s the vocal minority that’s getting the press coverage, but, in general, it’s a pretty potent message about how money is made and spent in this country.” Regardless of the messages the media promotes about the movement, Matthews said he hopes more college students around the country will support the movement in whatever capacity they have time for. “So many things that are so important to us in our society came from mass mobilizations of average, working class people that were resisted by the government,” Matthews said. “I encourage everyone to give as much as they can. In the end, social change will happen when the majority of people understands this is the way it needs to be,” he added.




Jodi bosin / Tufts Daily

Jewish students explored their heritage on a 10-day trip to Israel through the Taglit-Birthright Israel program.

Birthright gives students new perspective on Judaism, Israel by

Kevin Criscione

Daily Editorial Board

Although many of their peers spent their winter breaks recovering from the end of the previous semester, a group of Jewish Jumbos chose to spend 10 days abroad in Israel last month as part of Taglit-Birthright Israel, a program that provides free trips to Israel for Jewish youth as a way to discover their cultural heritage. In conjunction with the Birthright organization, Tufts Hillel sponsored two

ten-day trips for Tufts students over break. According to Andrew Cohen, the program associate for Taglit-Birthright Engagement at Tufts Hillel, the 78 students traveled “everywhere from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv to Haifa to the desert to everywhere in between.” “I think Birthright is so important because people hear about this far-off land … but to see it with your eyes, to eat the food, to meet the people, to experience, it’s the only way you can truly know about the country, going there yourself and form-

ing your own opinions,” Cohen said of the importance of Birthright for young Jews. Students who made the trip were quick to point out some of their favorite moments, which included seeing the Golan Heights, swimming in the Dead Sea, staying overnight in makeshift tents set up by the nomadic Bedouin people and visiting many of the major cities of Israel. Despite being sponsored by a Jewish charity, many students felt that a cultural connection was easily accessible no matter their religious background.

“In terms of the religious aspect, I think it was a really great opportunity to reconnect with your cultural identity … regardless of how religious you are,” sophomore Emma Wise said. Senior Andrew Rohrberger explained that he viewed his Birthright trip primarily as a way to rediscover his heritage, entirely separate from his religious beliefs. “Being at the Western Wall, I wasn’t thinking about the religious impacts, but I was see BIRTHRIGHT, page 4

‘A Taste of Tufts’ lecture series to showcase faculty research by

Hannah Fingerhut

Daily Editorial Board

This semester, the Experimental College (ExCollege) brings students a new opportunity to interact The “Taste of Tufts” Lecture Series will begin tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 3 at noon in Granoff 155. The first speaker will be Joanne BergerSweeney, Dean of Arts and Sciences, who will be discussing her research into understanding how brain development will aid in treating Rett syndrome.

with faculty outside of the classroom via a weekly lecture series. “A Taste of Tufts: A Sampling of Faculty Research” will present some of the university’s most prominent researchers in a discussion of their work with students. Featuring the research of professors and administrators across various disciplines, the series kicks off tomorrow at noon with a presentation by Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences Joanne BergerSweeney, and will span the course of the semester. “The idea is to get faculty from a broad range of areas — sciences, humanities, engineering — and give them an opportunity to talk about their research and how they got to be interested in that area,” Cindy Stewart, the assistant director of the ExCollege, said. Senior Sara Harari, a civil engineering major, proposed the original concept to ExCollege Director Robyn Gittleman in the fall. “Last semester, I was in the bookstore, and I was looking at all of the different textbooks, a lot of which are written by different Tufts pro-

fessors,” Harari said. “I was really thinking, ‘I’m an engineer, I’m never going to get to take those courses.’” Though many seniors have likely already completed core work and exhausted available extracurricular opportunities, Tufts has more to offer that many graduating Jumbos have yet to experience, according to Harari. “[I] approached the Experimental College with this idea for a class where the professors would come in and just talk about what they were interested in,” she said. In presenting this concept to Gittleman and the Experimental College Board, comprised of five faculty members and five students, the challenges for offering this type of course were evaluated. According to Gittleman, she and Harari had numerous meetings to address the issues and reshape the initial proposal. “I thought it was a great idea, but there wasn’t any cohesion to it,” Gittleman said. “We couldn’t see where the center was for it to be a real academic course, and therefore credit seemed to be one of the issues. But we agreed the information that she felt students would like to understand and learn was very valuable.” As a result, the classroom experience was morphed into a luncheon lecture series instead. Once this was put into action last November, Stewart took the reins and co-coordinated the event with Harari. “We divided things up between Sara and I,” Stewart said. “She would make the contacts with the faculty members and administrators, and I would do more of the behind-thescenes logistics.” Stewart says that funding for the event comes from the ExCollege budget, with additional support from the SPIRIT (Students and Professors Integrating Recreation, Intellect and Teaching)

Courtesy of Lisa Dacundo

‘A Taste of Tufts’ will feature prominent professors and administrators, including Dean Joanne Berger-Sweeney. Fund, administered through Dean of Academic Advising and Undergraduate Studies Carmen Lowe’s office. The primary cost for the event will be the lunch provided to attendees, Stewart said. Harari’s responsibilities include choosing, contacting and scheduling faculty members for the presentations. “The idea is to have some of the best lecturers at Tufts who are doing the coolest research come in and talk about it,” she said. “So I asked my friends about their favor-

ite professor. As soon as I started talking about it, people would say things like, ‘you know I really wanted to hear from this professor.’” Most of the professors she has talked to have been very willing to participate. Associate Professor of Physics Hugh Gallagher, who will present his research later this month, is excited to share his work. “We do what we do because we’re fascinated by it, and we’re always thrilled when people want to hear about it,” Gallagher said. “So I was really honored to be asked, and I’m

looking forward to doing the talk.” Harari is reaching out not only to professors, but also to other prominent members of the Tufts community. Besides Berger-Sweeney’s presentation this Friday, University President Anthony Monaco is scheduled to present his research in March. “President Monaco was actually the first person I contacted,” Harari said. “He was really enthusiastic about the series.” She is also cursee RESEARCH, page 4

The Tufts Daily



Cultural learning opportunities abound for Birthright travelers BIRTHRIGHT

continued from page 3

thinking about how important it was as something to me and my ancestors,” Rohrberger said. Junior Ben Gertner said that he felt more comfortable with his Judaism in Israel, in both a religious and cultural sense. “In Israel you don’t have to try to be Jewish, because it’s there for you,” Gertner said, noting that Jewish culture is ubiquitous in Israel. Regardless of each student’s personal experiences on Birthright, all agreed that the trip was an exciting and transformative experience. “From a historical standpoint, it was just such an amazing opportunity to be able to be in the places that you learned about, heard about, and to learn the history from the perspectives of people who are living in Israel was really interesting,” Wise said. She added that Birthright students also gained a unique perspective on Israel by viewing the country through the eyes of a group of young Israeli soldiers traveling with them, who were there to help the students connect with their Jewish heritage. “Being on a trip with seven Israelis who are our age was totally an eye-opening experience and put everything in so much perspective,” Wise said. The soldiers proved to be an invaluable part of the experience for the Tufts groups, as the students got to know the soldiers very well by the end of the trip, according to senior Joel Greenberg. “They were part of our trip.

They weren’t sitting there at the front of the bus communicating with themselves while we’re just hanging out,” he said. “We got to know them, and there’s not really any separating our experience from their experience.” Greenberg went on to say that befriending the soldiers allowed students the chance to experience Israel as more than just an abstract idea an ocean away. “It’s very different to read in the New York Times that Israelis that are our age are serving than to actually be there and to get to know seven of them, and to actually listen to what they have gone through,” Greenberg said. “They reflect on these places in a very different way … and we don’t really have any concept of that without interacting with the Israelis.” Greenberg and Wise agreed that the feeling of connection with the soldiers really hit home when they visited a military cemetery. “Watching a 19-year-old guy crying because he’s at the grave of someone he knew who has died, watching him cry was incredibly powerful,” Greenberg said. Students agreed that because the trip consisted exclusively of Tufts students, the sense of community and overall experience were enhanced. “It’s going to stick with me that much more because you have this special touch to the trip altogether,” Gertner said. “You have these two communities now back at Tufts, all the people you were with for 10 days, 24/7, and then you have this other community in Israel,” Gertner said. Although Birthright was established for Jewish youth to

explore and discover their heritage, some students also found that the trip provided insight into Israel’s contemporary political issues. “I think there’s a level of reality that we don’t really have about that region until we’re there,” Greenberg said. “I don’t think Birthright really exposed us to all the conflict — I don’t think that is the purpose of Birthright — but nonetheless it was eye-opening to listen to Israelis our age reflect on that conflict.” The trip also provided an opportunity for students to challenge their preconceived notions of Israel. “One of the soldiers pointed out to me, he goes, ‘You can see at the left the nicer parts of it, which are Israeli, and you can see at the right, the Arab parts, which they don’t put any money into, because they’re probably going to have to get that land back eventually,’” Rohrberger said. “Then he flat out called it discrimination like three times. He was like, ‘How do you feel about discrimination,’ and I was surprised that, you know, that was the word he chose. There were a lot of little moments like that.” According to Greenberg, the trip gave the student travelers a brief window into the rich tapestry of religion, heritage, geography, modern culture and history that defines Israel. “We value this place so highly, and so many different religions in so many different cultures do, that it is breathtaking to actually be there and to understand … how many things actually happened there, and to actually go,” he said.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lectures provide sampling opportunity for students RESEARCH

continued from page 3

rently reaching out to researchers at Tufts’ graduate schools, including the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and the Fletcher School. According to Stewart, the goal was to get faculty members that have an extraordinary presence in lectures and a reputation for being engaging. The administrators, however, are entirely different because they are not usually seen in the classroom setting. “You don’t always get to hear about [Monaco’s or BergerSweeney’s] research, and yet both are world-renowned researchers,” she said. “So this is an opportunity to realize that Tony Monaco, for example, isn’t just the president of Tufts, but someone who has an incredible wealth of information that he can share.” Gittleman and Stewart both expressed that this type of event exemplifies the mission of the ExCollege, which emphasizes student participation and engagement. The lecture series, a studentinitiated event where undergraduates can interact with faculty in an informal setting, complements the objectives of the ExCollege. “The important thing about the Experimental College is that we really respect the undergraduates, and when they come to us with some idea that seems feasible in some fashion, we work very hard to make it into a reality,” Gittleman said. “We always think that there are many ways of learning, and this proved to be one way.” On a broader level, the lecture series will do just what it suggests: offer a “Taste of Tufts.” Specifically, undergraduates will be given the chance to go beyond

their experiences in the classroom to see what else Tufts supports, Gallagher said. “Tufts is unique in being, on the one hand, a leading research university, and at the same time, being a small, liberal arts university,” he said. “So there are opportunities for students to take advantage of both of those worlds.” Associate Professor of Music David Locke, who will present next Friday, Feb. 10, is appreciative that students can learn the research aspect of their professors’ responsibilities. “It’s good for students to have a chance to interact with professors in a non-evaluative framework, to see professors as people that do interesting things in a setting other than a course,” he said. Harari believes that students will benefit in many other ways as well. “If there’s something that you’re interested in, you should come to that lecture because it’s an opportunity to learn more about it, to see if you should take a class or, if you’re like me, a last-semester senior, to get a taste of what else is here,” she said. As of now, Stewart said that they are planning on about 25 attendees for each presentation. Depending on the response from both students and faculty members, the lecture series can become a lasting event sponsored by the ExCollege. Regardless, the reaction now is a positive one, Stewart said. “I give Sara all the credit in the world for coming in and saying, ‘I don’t want to miss these opportunities while I’m still at Tufts,’ which I think is a perspective that a lot of students seem to have,” Stewart said. “So I think it was a great idea, and hopefully it will be successful.”

The Center for STEM Diversity Presents:

February Interdisciplinary STEM Research Seminar Series Noon to 1pm Anderson Hall Nelson Auditorium Light refreshments will be provided at 11:45am.

Guest Speakers Wednesday February 8th:

Professor Matthew Panzer

Monday February 13th: Wednesday February 22nd: Monday February 27th:

Dean Linda Abriola

Professor Barry Trimmer

Professor Valencia Koomson

RSVP to geena.marquez@tufts.edu

Arts & Living



Gallery Review

Dreamlike exhibit throws viewers into bees’ world by

Anna Majeski

Daily Editorial Board

This January, with almost no snow and 60-degree weather, has been a reminder of our detrimental impact on the environment.

I Am The Animal At the Tufts Art Gallery Through April 1st Aidekman Arts Center 40 Talbot Avenue Medford, MA 02155 617-627-3518 Global warming and the destructive nature of humanity’s lifestyle is not a new topic of discussion, but a viable solution remains woefully absent. The work of Lenore Malen, on view at the Tufts University Art Gallery through April 1, presents a dreamlike alternative to public policy through the life of bees. Malen’s exhibition, “I am the Animal,” is not dominated by a moralizing tone; rather, her work examines the way humans have distinguished themselves from animals in an effort to destabilize this human-animal hierarchy. This destabilization allows Malen to suggest that humanity search for some of its solutions by examining some of its earthly cohabiters. The single-room exhibition “I am the Animal” immerses the viewer in Malen’s vision and exploration of an insectoid alternative to the human lifestyle: the bees and their colony. Malen examines the utopian life of

the bee by exploring the alternative offered by a social structure where many individuals exist and function as part of a coherent whole. However, the interest in Malen’s work lies not in her exploration of the bee model itself, but in her questioning of why humanity cannot or will not take on a similar model. A large screen divided into three portions fills one side of the gallery space; at center are a number of stools where viewers are invited to sit. Another two walls are taken up by a series of large photographs titled “Stills from the dance language of the bees” (2010). Malen’s exhibit seeks to force the viewer into the fragmented visual world of the bee. Her immersive experience is a type of ‘reverse anthropomorphization’: she attempts to insert the viewer into the perspective of the bee, which encourages a reexamination and reconsideration of the human world. The main focus of the exhibit is Malen’s video installation, “I am the Animal.” The video is not a traditional narrative film but is composed of various small thoughts or snapshots of film: various memes are projected onto the screen in groups, which then fade out and are replaced by another set of videos. This, mimics a sort of fragmented “bee-vision” and allows for a number of different ideas to be loosely associated without being reified into a single strain. This free-association method is well suited to the subject matter of the video, which presents bees’ colonies as a sort of idealized way of living before devolving into images which create analogies between animal and human perspectives. The video concludes with a

courtesy Lenore Malen

Borders between human and animal behaviors are blurred in “I am the Animal.” number of quotations that suggest the superiority of the animals’ lifestyle, juxtaposed with quotations which suggest humanity’s abuse of animals.

While Malen provides the beehive and the animal kingdom as one societal model, see ANIMAL, page 6

TV Review

Young comedy’s dynamic cast, fresh presentation guarantee ‘Happy Endings’ by

Nash Simpson

Daily Staff Writer

Over the years, ABC has proven itself to be an elite network, consistently producing sitcoms that rarely

Happy Endings

Starring Eliza Coupe, Zachary Knighton, Casey Wilson, Adam Pally Airs Wednesdays at 9:30 p.m. on ABC disappoint. The network’s latest comedy, “Happy Endings,” is no exception.

This new sitcom puts a few new twists on a classic formula, yielding an allaround success. Set in the North Side of Chicago, “Happy Endings” revolves around the intertwining lives of six friends. The show kicks off when the protagonist, Dave (Zachary Knighton), is left at the altar by his fiancee, Alex (Elisha Cuthbert), without any warning. While this premise may not seem the strongest for the beginning of a comedy, it is simply a pretext and is all but forgotten by the middle of the first season. Like many post-1990 comedy TV shows, “Happy Endings” utilizes a fairly basic formula, documenting the humor that comes when six 30-yearsee ENDINGS, page 6

Chris Poldoian / Tufts Daily

Davis Square’s J.P. Licks offers some of Boston’s best ice cream.

Even in winter, Boston offers many options for the ice cream aficionado by

Chris Poldoian

Daily Editorial Board


Dull moments are rare in ‘Happy Endings.’

It’s hard to imagine a city that loves ice cream more than Boston. Even during these frigid days of winter, weathertoughened Bostonians wait in line for a scoop or two of their favorite dairy dessert. Whether it’s a casual first date or a culinary cure for the breakup blues, a trip to the ice cream parlor is a timeless and delicious indulgence. Here is a brief compendium of Boston’s best ice cream. Outside of Tedeschi’s freezer case, J.P. Licks is one of the few options in Davis Square for students. Named after its original location in Jamaica Plain, J.P. Licks has since expanded to nine more locations. The conventional menu features several noteworthy flavors, such as the ever-popular Oreo Cake Batter. For something a little more exciting, check the flavors of the month. These seasonal options include Manischewitz wine sorbet and avocado ice cream. However, J.P.’s biggest appeal remains its heated interior — there’s no better place to wait for the Joey on a cold winter day. The best-kept secret of Davis Square can be uncovered at the Somerville Theatre,

where the real star isn’t the movie ­— it’s Richardson’s Ice Cream. This humble and unassuming ice cream can be purchased at the concessions stand even without a movie ticket. For a true Richardson’s experience, take a trip to the “cow-to-cone” facility in Middleton, Mass., where visitors can explore the operational dairy farm as well as the minigolf and batting cage. Christina’s Homemade Cream, located in Inman Square, shares its storefront with a savory spice shop, leading to a variety of interesting flavors, such as Khulfi and Ginger Molasses. Other highlights include the Mocha Explosion and the Burnt Sugar. Best of all, the prices ($2.95 for a generous small) are the some of the lowest in Boston. Other than the 15-minute walk from the Central Square subway stop, the only flaw comes from the staff’s indifference to its customers. At a place like this, the coldness should come from the ice cream, not from its scooping staff. If you are willing to throw down a couple more bucks, then visit Toscanini’s — the hands-down winner for Boston’s best ice cream. While this Cambridge parlor has the see ICE CREAM, page 6

The Tufts Daily


Despite occasional flatness, unique characters distinguish ‘Happy Endings’ ENDINGS

continued from page 5

old best friends mingle and focus on anything other than marriage. If it sounds familiar, it should, as “Happy Endings” is an ensemble show that resembles “Friends” (1994-2004) while managing to incorporate spurts of stylized hilarity that can be traced back to the unique styles of “Will and Grace” (1998-2006) and ABC’s own “According to Jim” (2001-2009). While “Happy Endings” borrows from these historic masterpieces, the show still approaches brilliance by maintaining a spark of originality that sets it apart from its predecessors. Sizzling with distinct flavors, it rightfully deserves a seat at the table among today’s top comedies. One rewarding aspect of “Happy Endings” is its presentation style. Thankfully, there is no laugh track, and gone are the days of stage-like settings where the audience could only see one side of any given room. By avoiding these cliched pitfalls, the show gives itself more freedom and comedic potential. Further adding to the show’s innovation is the manner in which “Happy Endings” is filmed. Shot much like a movie, the single-camera moves about freely, following the characters and their course of action without compromise. The result of this method is an aesthetically pleasing three-dimensional effect. While these traits definitely bolster the show, its cornerstone is its phenomenal cast. Though there are six characters to flesh out, all around the age of 30, their unique personalities and dynamic interpersonal relationships culminate to form an original ensemble that only adds to the show’s distinctiveness. So who comprises this hilarious cast of characters? Dave leads the group of

humorous friends as the owner of a food truck who, riddled with a variety of odd flaws, is in many ways a classic average Joe. Then there is Max (Adam Pally), who, simply put, is a “bro” in every way imaginable. He might as well wear a Middlebury lacrosse jersey in every episode, complete with black highankle socks and poorly tied Nikes. But there is a twist with Max: he is gay. Brad, played by the son of legend Damon Wayans, is the final guy in the group. Unlike Max, though, he is not depicted as a stereotypical bro. Yet no questions about Brad’s sexuality arise as he is married to the stunning Jane (Eliza Coupe), who is also the sister of Alex, the very same girl who abandoned Dave at the altar. Over time, Alex becomes the bane of the show’s existence, not only because of the tragedy she created preceding the show, but also because Elisha Cuthbert readily takes on the role of an annoying, dim-witted, pretty blonde and manages to do so perfectly. In only one and a half seasons, “Happy Endings” has successfully presented a parade of entertaining scenarios, all of which are must-see. In all, the sitcom is well-written, competently acted and superbly presented. However, one bothersome flaw plaguing the show is that it often comes off as overly contrived. Unfortunately, this strains the humor and adds an unnecessary element of predictability from time to time. Regardless, these first episodes of “Happy Endings” have been far from disappointing. With the exception of an occasional dud, each has been better than the last in one way or another. Take some time and watch an episode, but be careful not to do it when you’re pressed for time, because watching just one is nearly impossible.

Arts & Living

Thursday, February 2, 2012

With delectable froyos, custards, Boston is an ice cream lover’s paradise ICE CREAM

continued from page 5

steepest prices, you get what you pay for. The wildly inventive flavors, such as B3 (Browned Butter, Brown Sugar, and Brownies), Goat Cheese Brownie, Salty Saffron, and Bourbon Black Pepper, befit the eccentricity of the MIT surroundings. For those seeking a guilt-free treat, there’s always frozen yogurt. Boston’s froyo scene has exploded in the past four years with local company BerryLine leading the pack. What makes BerryLine so successful? The proof is in the pudding, or in this case, the toppings. In addition to an array fresh fruit, BerryLine features homemade mochi — a Japanese confection made out of a rice paste — think of less-cloying marshmallow. BerryLine bakes their mochi on site, resulting in a satisfyingly chewy texture that pairs perfectly with the silky-smooth yogurt. Locavores and chocoholics alike will appreciate BerryLine’s use of the Somervillebased chocolatier Taza Chocolate. Of BerryLine’s four locations, the Harvard Square outpost is probably most accessible, if only because the Porter Square location is equidistant from the two T stops. Since only three flavors are available at a given time, check the website or Twitter page for updates. If frozen yogurt is the hot cousin of ice cream, then frozen custard is the unabashedly obese uncle. The only place to get it is at Arlington’s The Chilly Cow, located 10 minutes off-campus via the 86 Bus to Arlington Center. Required by law to contain at least 1.4 percent egg yolks, this Midwestern staple pushes already-decadent ice cream to sinful new heights. The higher fat content helps prevent crystallization — that icy consistency associated with hard frozen yogurt and low-fat ice cream. Less crystallization translates to a velvety texture and a richer taste. Furthermore, frozen custard is very dense due to a low overrun percentage. Overrun is an ice cream industry term used to calculate the amount of air whipped into the ice cream

Chris Poldoian/Tufts Daily

One of the many frozen treats on the menu at Boston ice creamery J.P. Licks. — the higher the overrun, the airier the ice cream. Most ice cream is churned in such a way that the final product’s overrun is 100 percent, meaning that its volume is almost 50 percent air. Frozen custard’s overrun is between 15 and 30 percent resulting in a density that rivals that of any dessert. The truncated name for Frozen Custard — FroTard —sounds nowhere near as sexy as froyo. While it lacks the supposed salubrious effects of froyo, FroTard more than makes up for that deficiency with its consistency. After clam chowder, ice cream is the perfect Boston treat. And ice cream has one distinct advantage: it can be served in either a cup or a cone!

Malen’s art uses bee colonies to offer a model for better human societies ANIMAL

continuedfrom page 5

The International House (13 Sawyer Ave.) has openings for Academic year 2012-2013: 3 Doubles, 1 Triple and 7 Singles available. U.S. and international students are welcome to apply!

Applications are available at the International Center. 20 Sawyer Ave. or on our website http://ase.tufts.edu/icenter/ Application Deadline:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Group Interviews take place Feb. 7th, 8th, 9th, & 10th Please come in to schedule an interview.

she also acknowledges that humanity’s selfpositioning as superior to animals (and indeed the natural world at large) is a prohibitive attitude that has already had disastrous consequences. The idea of humanity’s transformation into a bee-like utopia is further complicated by the series of stills displayed in the gallery. The large images are divided into groups of four photographs: some featuring close-up portraits of men or women in bee-costume, some featuring groups of costumed men and women interacting. The despondent look on the faces of the men and women in the portraits suggests the futile nature of Malen’s vision. Malen’s analysis of human-animal relations is not solely negative; a short documentary on a group of beekeepers entitled,“Beekeepers’ Tales” (2010), also on display in the gallery,

draws attention to the positive interactions that take place between bees and humans. Interviews with various beekeepers present a picture that grasps at the utopia Malen presents through the bees: a peaceful cohabitation instead of predatory opposition. Lenore Malen’s exhibition creates a complex portrait of human and animal relations. But by seeking to immerse the viewer in a transformative experience and place them in the position of the bee, Malen motions toward the first step in an improved lifestyle for humanity — the dissolution of the man’s artificially constructed divide between human and animal. By drawing attention to the similarities between human and animal, and to the constructed and absolute nature of the idea of “human” versus “animal,” Malen suggests that a more impartial attitude could help us reach a better lifestyle.

Spanish and French Houses Improve your language skills in an informal setting! Applications to live in the Spanish and French Houses are now accepted. To apply, contact these professors in the Romance Languages Dept. French: Spanish:

anne.poncet@tufts.edu marta.rosso-olaughlin@tufts.edu

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Tufts Daily



To enter bus and event…YOU MUST HAVE YOUR E-TICKET, YOUR TUFTS ID and for 21+ STUDENTS WHO CHOOSE TO ACCES THE 21+ AREA YOU MUST ALSO HAVE YOUR PHOTO 21+ ID. Everyone needs their TUFTS ID, regardless of age.


Bus departure is from Aidekman Arts Center. Please enter from the front of Cohen Theatre. Tickets were purchased on bus departure times; please adhere to those times for arriving at Cohen Theatre for your bus departure. Bus departure time is on your ticket. Students who are clearly INTOXICATED or deemed to be under the influence of any alcohol or drug WILL NOT be allowed on the bus or to the event and their ticket will be taken at that point

The Event:

THERE IS NO RE-ENTRY ONCE IN THE EVENT! NO SMOKING or ATM Access once in the Event. There will be an ATM located in the event, however to avoid waiting in line we recommend you bring money should you choose to purchase beverages in the 21+ area. Money will only be needed for 21+ students interested in purchasing alcoholic beverages. The bars in 21+ area are CASH BAR ONLY!

COATS. There will NOT be a Coat Check. There will be coat hooks outside of the ballrooms

to hang your coats. Tufts University and the Sheraton Boston will not be responsible for your coats or belongings. Please do not leave anything valuable in your coat.

ABSOLUTELY NO BEVERAGES or FOOD can be brought into the event. All students will be searched by Boston Sheraton Security Staff prior to entering the event. All University standards of behavior and conduct apply while on the bus and at the event. Students found to be disruptive or in violation of any laws or University policy while inside the event, will be immediately removed and subject to disciplinary action. Hotel staff, Boston Police University administrators and student Event Staff will be on duty to make determinations on removing a student from the event. The student leaders responsible for this event go to great lengths to plan a successful and safe event for all students. Disruptive behavior WILL NOT be tolerated and could jeopardize future social programming events.

Thank you - Enjoy Your Evening!


The Tufts Daily



Editorial | Letters


A cure for what?

Daniel J. Rathman Editor-in-Chief

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Executive Photo Editor Photo Editors

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation has contributed over $2 billion toward breast cancer research and awareness over the last 30 years. Some of this money has gone to Planned Parenthood, which provides reproductive health and breast cancer screening services to women all across the country. During the last two years alone, the Komen Foundation has contributed more than $1 million to Planned Parenthood. But two days ago, the Komen Foundation infuriated women’s health advocates when it announced that it was pulling its support of the organization. The Komen Foundation says it held the funds because of a new policy of refusing grants to organizations that are under investigation by the government. Planned Parenthood supporters have attributed the change in policy instead to pressure on the Komen Foundation

exerted by pro-life activists. Even if we give the Komen Foundation the benefit of the doubt and assume it cut funding of its own volition, the decision is nonsensical. It is one thing to pull funding from an organization that has been indicted or convicted of a criminal act, but the congressional investigation into Planned Parenthood’s alleged misuse of federal tax dollars is ongoing. Moreover, the investigation itself is suspect, since the accusations of misconduct originated with the staunchly pro-life National Right to Life organization and has been overseen by Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), one of the most outspoken abortion opponents in all of Congress. Regardless of the investigation’s validity, no one has determined that Planned Parenthood is guilty of any wrongdoing, so the decision to defund the organization is unfair and premature.

The decision is especially ridiculous given that the money from the Komen Foundation was earmarked for breast cancer screenings, whereas the federal investigation concerns tax dollars that were allegedly used to fund abortions — a claim that Planned Parenthood adamantly denies. Abortions comprise only 3 percent of Planned Parenthood’s services to women. The rest come in the form of cancer screenings, sex education, treatment for STDs, and other crucial health services. The breast cancer screenings that the Komen Foundation would have helped fund are irrefutably beneficial. Women’s health care options should not become a casualty of the political tug of war over the morality of abortion. All this decision accomplishes is to make it more difficult for women to receive quality care, and that doesn’t help anyone.

wes engel

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P.O. Box 53018, Medford, MA 02155 617 627 3090 FAX 617 627 3910 daily@tuftsdaily.com

Off the Hill | University of Illinois

Unpaid internships often worth it


Melissa Michalak Daily Illini

Excitement overwhelms you as you hang up the phone. You pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming. It’s for real: You were just offered your dream internship. Unfortunately, there’s a catch (isn’t there always?). The internship is unpaid and in a different state. This is the predicament I found myself in last year. Ever since I was young, I have dreamed about working for the E! Network. Then in April 2011, I was offered the chance to intern at E! Online for the entire summer in LA. When I first found out I got the internship, I was so excited I cried tears of joy (yes, real tears). After calling my parents, those tears became ones of stress and sadness. “I’m excited for you, but you can’t afford to go to LA for the summer,” my mom said. “Where are you going to live? How are you going to pay for an apartment? How are you going to pay for food?” my dad asked. I was annoyed that they couldn’t be happy for me and excited that my dreams were coming true, but I also

The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, published Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free to the Tufts community. EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials represent the position of The Tufts Daily. Individual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board.

knew they were right. It’s not like I had a bunch of money lying around that I could use. After all, I am a college student. I was in a dilemma. Not knowing what to do, I turned to the best method to make a tough decision: a pros and cons list. Pros: Working for my dream company Working for one of the most well-respected companies in entertainment Getting amazing experience Living in a different city Meeting people who could catapult my career Getting a taste of the lifestyle I’ve always wanted Cons: Not knowing how to get the money to live in LA Being far away from friends and family Not knowing anyone in LA Going into debt After looking over my list I knew there was no question: I had to take the internship. I did everything I could to figure out how I was going to make it work.

Luckily, I was able to get a loan as well as a part-time job in LA. I searched endlessly and found a safe place to live and a roommate. On May 16, 2011, I started my first day at E! Online. The experience I earned there was irreplaceable. Not only did I learn how the entertainment news business works and meet amazing people that gave me great advice for my future career, but I also learned a lot about myself. I may owe more than I would have if I interned somewhere closer to home, but what’s a couple thousand dollars more to my already large heap of college loans? I look at it as an investment in my future. And that’s my advice to you. No matter what field you’re going into, experience is the best thing to have. It can make or break your chances at getting a good job right out of college. So take a chance. No matter how far of a stretch it may be or how hopeless it may seem, if you try hard enough, you can always find a way. It may not be ideal to work your butt off for free, but trust me ­— in the long run, the money you could have made is nothing compared to the experience you will gain.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters must be submitted by 2 p.m. and should be handed into the Daily office or sent to letters@tuftsdaily.com. All letters must be word processed and include the writer’s name and telephone number. There is a 450-word limit and letters must be verified. The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, space and length.

ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising copy is subject to the approval of the Editorin-Chief, Executive Board and Executive Business Director. A publication schedule and rate card are available upon request.

The Tufts Daily

Thursday, February 2, 2012



Why rape is no laughing matter by

Romina Green, Rachel Greenspan and Kate Perino

Tonight, students from Tufts and other area schools will protest against rape culture. You can join us by taking the free SMFA shuttle from Aidekman at 5:30 p.m. Here’s why you should consider going: There’s a very good chance that someone you care about has survived rape or sexual assault. In the United States, one in every six women and one in every 33 men will experience an attempted or completed rape. One survey found that up to 50% of intersex and transgender people will face the same. Think about that for a minute — it’s not f---ing funny. Yet we still see rape jokes all over sitcoms, blogs and social media. Using humor to normalize rape both perpetuates and strengthens rape culture. Rape culture supports the mentality that sexual violence is an inevitable fact of life. Women are constantly told how to make themselves “safe” from rape; we don’t educate men nearly as much about issues like consent,or even what rape is. On top of this, boys and men are socialized to equate violence with masculinity, and to see female bodies as objects of gratification. This dynamic permeates every aspect of society, from pop culture to

politics. Rape culture refers to a society in which sexual violence is naturalized and the blame for such actions is shifted from the perpetrator to the survivor. One common reaction to explanations of why rape jokes are problematic is, “I would never rape anybody. I know about consent, so it’s not like I’m part of this problem.” A personal commitment to not raping others, unfortunately, is not enough to end rape culture. When we fail to act or speak, we allow rapists to remain comfortable, thinking they are in like-minded company. At the same time, this silence inhibits constructive dialogue and actions and compounds the trauma of survivors. How do we combat this kind of societal violence? We would love to believe that most students at Tufts are willing to work to reduce the prevalence of rape and the culture of oppression that sustains it. So what if we told you that you had a chance to take a decisive stand right now, today? Would you speak up? Would you try to stop an event that condones rape and creates a dangerous environment for women? A Boston-based blog, Barstool Sports, is hosting “Blackout” parties for various universities throughout the semester. There is one scheduled for tonight, at the House of Blues, aimed at students from Northeastern

University. In response to the party organizers’ threatening statements against women, pro-gender equality students have organized a group called Knockout Barstool in protest. Here’s an example of how Barstool crosses the line from immature humor to dangerous misogyny: “Just to make friends with the feminists I’d like to reiterate that we don’t condone rape of any kind at our Blackout Parties in midJanuary. However if a chick passes out that’s a grey area though.” This was written by editor David Portnoy, under user name “elpresidente,” in a Dec. 14 Barstool Sports article. The commenters, of course, are even worse. A few sample comments: “It isn’t rape if I cannot hear them over the duct tape” and “We may not be rapists, but we stalk with the best of them. I’d totally throw a potato sack over this chick and carry her home.” Proving that their disgusting excuse for humor can give way very quickly to outright violence, Barstool members have personally targeted students who speak out online against their sexism. Many students have received threats of death and rape, threats against their families, and had personal information such as photos and home addresses posted online. Barstool has clearly become a social networking platform for misogynists.

If you can’t join the protest, you can still contact Northeastern and ask the administration to do three things: —Send out a safety alert, as Northeastern typically does for events where there may be an increased risk to students’ health and safety, specifically stating that partygoers face a higher potential risk of sexual assault or harassment before, during, and after the event. —Make a public statement condemning Barstool Sports’ promotion of sexual violence against women, along with information on the university’s sexual health resources. —Demand that Barstool Sports remove the name “Northeastern” from their promotional material, as many students are under the impression that the university and its student government association support the Blackout party. The two people to contact are Northeastern President Joseph [E. Auon] and Associate Director of Public Safety James Ferrier. Let’s send a strong message: Parties should be fun for everyone, not just sexual predators. Tell Barstool we will not “Blackout,” we will knock you out! Romina Green is a graduate student in the history department. Rachel Greenspan is a junior majoring in anthropology. Kate Perino is a senior majoring in English.

Off the Hill | Dartmouth College

What is Capitalism? by

Ronald Edsforth The Dartmouth

The current presidential campaign and the Occupy movement have many Americans discussing the character and causes of grossly unequal distributions of income, wealth and political power. But most of the dialogue I hear suffers from a faulty understanding of “capitalism.” Capitalism is not a structure or a system, but a logic capable of transforming the world and itself. Capitalist logic is not natural, but rather is a product of history, a human invention, not a set of natural laws discovered by men like Adam Smith and David Ricardo. No society has ever organized all its human relationships and institutions according to the logic of capitalism. Therefore, there is a great variety of capitalist societies. Canada, Norway, France, Japan and the United States are all called “capitalist societies,” but they differ greatly in the extent to which capitalist logic organizes economic activity, social institutions and human relationships. Capitalist logic is amoral. All attempts to extend the sway of capitalist logic provoke resistance from social groups who employ moral logics in their everyday lives. Thus, capitalists need control of governments to establish and maintain capitalist practices and to suppress those groups opposed to these practices. Historically, groups committed to religious, paternalistic, ethnic/communal and socialist logics have formed the most important resistances to capitalism. Of course, each oppositional logic has its own history. Many predate the emergence of capitalism. Most importantly, unlike capitalist logic, they all construct human beings as social beings who have moral obligations to each other. The first principle of capitalist logic is that anything real or imagined can be constructed as a commodity. Commodification precedes market exchange. Commodities include such things as clean water, air pollution, body parts, slaves, murder and weapons of mass destruction — as

courtesy saebary via flickr creative commons

well as human activities including labor, leisure and sexual intercourse. Capitalist logic does not permit the assignation of intrinsic moral values to commodities. Regulation or suppression of markets in the name of fairness, human rights, human health and environmental protection cannot spring from capitalist logic. Political society regulates capitalism by imposing a moral logic

on the production and exchange of commodities that exploit, endanger or degrade human beings and the natural environment. Capitalist logic establishes the value of commodities in markets where sellers and buyers set prices, the money measure of that value. Buy low and sell high is the first rule in capitalist markets. As capitalists see it, commodities that find no buyers have

no value; production and exchange of commodities are good if profits result and bad when losses result. Here, the terms good and bad have no moral content. Private ownership and profit maximization are also essential elements of capitalist logic. In capitalism, we own ourselves as property. Capitalism defines human beings as individuals motivated by self-interest

who are essentially alienated from each other. For example, asking the question, “Am I profiting from this relationship?” turns love and affection into an investment and cost/ benefit calculation that relies on capitalist logic for its answer. In capitalism, true liberty means full ownership of ourselves. Yet in capitalist societies most people must sell parts of their lives by the hour, the day, the week, the month, etc. These transactions make those who sell their labor power — even if it is enriched “human capital” — less free than those who do not have to sell parts of their lifetime to live. Since the rich possess more liberty than most people, they evoke a variety of responses among the non-rich including anger, resentment, envy, adulation and attempts (through unwise borrowing) at emulation. Business history is primarily the history of changes in capitalism itself that stem from the imaginative use of capitalist logic. The invention and sale of new kinds of financial commodities — in the past, securities like bonds and stocks, and most recently derivatives, collateralized mortgage debt and credit swap defaults — creates opportunity and instability. Great financial crises occur when understanding of the implications recently invented financial commodities lags far behind the rapid growth of markets for these commodities. This is what happened in the 1830s, 1930s and since 2007. Crises in capitalist markets and the insecurity, unemployment and poverty they create always promote resistance to capitalism. In crises, a Left committed to socialist and progressive logics that demands fairness forms. At the same time, a Right committed to the logic of fundamentalist religions and/or ethnic communalism will insist on restoration of “traditional” values. Understanding the amoral logic of today’s global capitalists and the moral logics of their current opponents in the Occupy movements and among social and religious conservatives helps to clarify what’s really at stake in the current political campaigns.

Op-ed Policy The Op-Ed section of The Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in the Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. Op-Ed cartoons are also welcomed for the Campus Canvas feature. All material is subject to editorial discretion and is not guaranteed to appear in the Daily. All material should be submitted to oped@tuftsdaily.com no later than noon on the day prior to the desired day of publication; authors must submit their telephone numbers and day-of availability for editing questions. Submissions may not be published elsewhere prior to their appearance in the Daily, including but not limited to other on- and off-campus newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news websites, as well as Facebook. Republishing of the same piece in a different source is permissible as long as the Daily is credited with originally running the article.

The Tufts Daily



Thursday, February 2, 2012


Level: Spotting President Anthony Monaco in his office


Garry Trudeau

Non Sequitur

Tuesday’s Solution


Late Night at the Daily

Craig: “Not every editorial decision I make is laden with personal bias.” Ethan: “Just most.”

Check out the first of this series of talks about research being done by our own Tufts faculty! ____________________________________________________________

Friday, February 3rd at Noon Granoff Music Building, Room 155 Light lunch will be provided at 11:45 a.m.! Joanne Berger-Sweeney, Dean of Arts and Sciences How understanding brain development will aid in treating Rett syndrome Professor Berger-Sweeney’s research focuses on the neurobiology of developmental disorders using mouse models of diseases such as Down syndrome and Rett syndrome. Her research includes behavioral, neurochemical, and anatomical studies, all aimed at understanding mechanisms involved in normal memory and cognitive processes and how these processes malfunction in developmental disorders.

Sponsored by the Experimental College with support from the SPIRIT Fund.

Please recycle this Daily.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Tufts Daily


Looking to Volunteer? !"#$%&'()%*+%*,$%(+--./"*0%1"*,%2(3%*,"3%3$-$3*$45%

Come to the Leonard Carmichael Society GIM! 26789%:;<%=;>%?79%@6A%B9C;DC6E%<BA:%;96%;F%;C68%GH% I68CB?6I%@8;>JI%B9%7%C78B6A=%;F%7867I% % % !"#$%&'!()%*%++#%++,,,-,,!%.*/0,1++"%+,,,, 2("/0,3%#/(&+045,,-,,65%74.*,8%%9+,,-,,:4/%&.7;,.#9,<9"7./4(#, %%% %

Monday, February 6th Barnum 008 at 9:00 pm

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The Tufts Daily


Thursday, February 2, 2012


 

February 2



and 3

Carmichael Hall Lounge Thursday, 2/2 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Friday, 2/3 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m

Schedule an appointment TODAY: www.Tuftslife.com *Positive ID Required*Drop-ins are welcome!*Free food! While the Leonard Carmichael Society fully supports blood donation, we do not condone the FDA's policy barring blood donations from men who have had sex with another man. We acknowledge that this policy discriminates against gay and bisexual members of the Tufts community.

The Tufts Daily

Thursday, February 2, 2012



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The Tufts Daily

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Defensive line’s pressure on Tom Brady will define Giants’ chances GIANTS

continued from page 16

The Giants’ defensive front The strength of the Giants D-line is well documented. Its ability to wreak havoc in the opposition’s backfield without blitzing safeties or linebackers has largely made up for the issues the Giants

have in their secondary. Justin Tuck, Jason Pierre-Paul, and Osi Umenyiora line up in many different spots along the front line to drive opponents nuts, and while teams focus on this three-headed monster, Michael Boley, Mathias Kiwanuka and Chris Canty are let loose.

Brady, Belichick could boost legacies PATS

continued from page 16

Revenge It shouldn’t take much for any NFL player or coach to get motivated to play in the Super Bowl, but one can imagine that the Patriots, who are used to being the league favorites, might enter this Sunday’s game with a chip on their shoulder after losing the Super Bowl and a perfect season to the Giants in 2008.

Although Brady and head coach Bill Belichick remain from New England’s glory years, the majority of the organization is made up of newcomers looking to carve their place in history, make up for their last Super Bowl loss, and finally conquer the Giants. If New England can do all that, then the Brady-Belichick Patriots will solidify their spot as one of the greatest dynasties in the history of the league.

SCOTT TINGLEY/tufts daily

Senior co-captain forward Kate Barnosky had a team-high 11 of the Jumbos’ 41 points and four of their 13 field goals in their loss to the Anchorwomen.


JUMBO WANTS TO JOIN THE TUFTS DAILY! Come to the general interest meeting next week! Check TuftsLife.com for details. Writers, editors, photographers, graphic designers and technology experts welcome!

Jumbos know defense will be key to competing with No. 1 Lord Jeffs WOMEN’S BASKETBALL continued from page 16

two blocks and a steal. Senior guard Cynthia Gaudet also scored 15 points to go along with six assists and three steals. The Jumbos were limited to 22 points in the paint and four second-chance points, both below their season averages. Senior guard Tiffany Kornegay still managed a well-rounded performance, contributing six points, eight rebounds, one block and one steal. Coming off the tough road loss, Tufts will look to rebound this weekend in their final NESCAC doubleheader of the regular season. On Friday, the Jumbos will host a struggling Trinity squad, and follow it up Saturday with a highly anticipated showdown against Amherst. The Lord Jeffs are ranked number one in the country and are the defending national champions. With a win, the Jumbos would pull into a tie for first place in the conference and would own the head-to-head tiebreaker advantage. But victory will be a tall task. The Lord Jeffs lead the NESCAC in almost

every statistical category, including scoring offense, scoring defense, scoring margin, field goal percentage, defensive field goal percentage and three-point shooting. Like Tufts, one of Amherst’s keys to success is a balanced offensive attack, including four players who average double-digit points. The Lord Jeffs’ most dangerous offensive threat is senior co-captain Caroline Stedman, a 2011 All-NESCAC second-team selection who ranks fifth in the conference with 14.1 points per game and sixth in blocks. Freshman forward Megan Robertson also plays an integral role off the bench, averaging 11.1 points and 7.5 rebounds. For the Jumbos to be competitive on Saturday, they will need to return to their regular style of play, consisting of gritty defense and smart shot selection on the offensive end. “Both games this weekend we need to play our absolute best,” Barnosky said. “We have a balanced attack to counterattack Amherst. We need to play great defense and take it to them right from the start.”

The Tufts Daily

Thursday, February 2, 2012



Men’s Basketball

Jumbos ride Ferris wheel to victory over Corsairs by

David McIntyre

Daily Editorial Board

Freshman guard Ben Ferris was almost the goat on Tuesday. With 0.2 seconds left in regulation and Tufts leading 74-73, he MEN’S BASKETBALL (15-5 Overall, 5-2 NESCAC) at Cousens Gym, Tuesday UMass Dartmouth 37 37 8 — 82 Tufts 35 39 10 — 84

was called for a loose-ball foul. But UMass Dartmouth made just one of two at the line, giving Ferris another chance and sending the game to overtime. By the end of the extra period, Ferris was the hero. He stole two passes and sank four free throws in the final 10 seconds, leading the Jumbos to their most thrilling win of the season, 84-82. In the extra session, the Corsairs took an 82-78 lead with just two minutes left. But after sophomore guard Kwame Firempong sank a jumper to decrease the margin to two, Ferris pushed his game to a completely different level. First, he stole an inbounds pass with 10 seconds left, got fouled and sank both of his free throws. Then, with the game tied and six seconds remaining, Ferris swiped yet another Corsair inbound, was fouled again and nailed both shots from the charity stripe to seal the win. Tufts trailed for the majority of the game against the Corsairs, who came in having lost seven of their last eight games. Senior Lance Greene had game highs of 21 points and 12 rebounds, and UMass kept Tufts off balance by playing aggressive defense and moving the ball quickly on the offensive end. “They were able to force a lot of turnovers, which is uncharacteristic because we usually don’t turn it over that much,” junior tri-captain Scott Anderson said. “Usually, we like to get the ball down low and play from the inside out, but they denied it and put a lot of pressure on all our ball handlers.” UMass Dartmouth went on a 7-1 run to start the second half and took a 44-36 lead in the process. But the Jumbos fought back, and a three from Firempong and a free throw from Anderson gave the team a 74-73 lead with 1:18 to go. After a series of offensive misses for both teams, a scramble ensued after a UMass shot, and Ferris was called for a foul on Corsairs senior Paul Rose.

“I just couldn’t believe a call like that, because I was going for the loose ball and my momentum just carried me into [Rose],” Ferris said. “He just got there a split second before I did, but from the start of the game, we weren’t getting the calls we wanted.” Rose went to the line with a chance to win the game if he sunk both free throws. With all of Cousens Gym watching, Rose’s first shot hung on the rim for what seemed like an eternity, only to slide off, granting Ferris and the Jumbos a second life. “I was really nervous when he went to the line, because I thought I had let the whole team down,” Ferris said. “But we were fortunate to get another chance and have the opportunity to keep playing.” In the final seconds, Ferris seized that opportunity in a big way. “The first two free throws gave me more confidence, because I haven’t been shooting well from the line this year, which is sort of uncharacteristic of me,” Ferris said. “I knew I owed it to my team to make those shots, because they were working so hard and deserved to win this game.” Ferris attributed the second, eventual game-winning steal to the actions of sophomore forward Tom Folliard. “Tom read it perfectly and jumped out to block the pass,” Ferris said, “and since [the Corsairs] didn’t have any more timeouts, the guy inbounding was forced to throw it to my man, and I got the steal.” Ferris has come up with critical performances off the bench in recent weeks, helping the Jumbos win nine of their last 11 games. “[Ferris] got called out at halftime by the coaches and the captains, and he came out really determined in the second half,” Anderson said. “It takes a lot of guts for a freshman to take on that responsibility of having the ball in his hands when the game is on the line.” The Jumbos will take their momentum into this weekend’s critical home conference matchups against Trinity and No. 6 Amherst. Downing the Lord Jeffs would be a signature moment for their season, but the Jumbos are taking the games one at a time. “We came into this game knowing that we wanted to go 3-0 this week, and now we know we have to get the second one,” Anderson said. “If we forget about Trinity, they’ll beat us, because they have a lot of young talent that can easily pull an upset. We have to focus on this next game and then worry about Amherst.”

WILL BUTT / tufts daily

Freshman guard Ben Ferris logged 11 points and nine rebounds and hit four clutch free throws in overtime to seal an 84-82 victory for the Jumbos over UMass Dartmouth.

Fan the Fire to offer free shirts, sports on Saturday Just weeks removed from the last Fire, the flames will reignite once more. The “Fan the Fire” initiative, which enjoyed a successful stint on the ice when the hockey team battled Trinity on Jan. 21, will make its triumphant return on Saturday, featuring Tufts’ basketball and track and field teams.

The men’s basketball squad, fresh off an overtime win over UMass Dartmouth, will battle Amherst at 4 p.m. The Jumbos are clinging to third place, one game in front of Bates and Wesleyan and can solidify a first-round home matchup with a win against the 18-2 Lord Jeffs. Meanwhile, the women have

a tough task ahead of them. After a 62-41 loss against Rhode Island College in which the team went 1-of-18 from three-point range, Tufts has an opportunity to take over first place in the NESCAC but will have to overtake undefeated and national No. 1 Amherst to get there. The track and field teams

will be hosting the Tufts Invitational Stampede at the Gantcher Center beginning at 11 a.m., with just two weeks until Div. III New England Championships at MIT. According to the Tufts athletics website, free t-shirts will be distributed throughout the day. The basketball games will also feature halftime contests

for gift certificates to the Tufts bookstore, while the track and field meet will feature a “Race for Kids” at noon. An activity center, complete with a bean bag toss and a basketball shooting contest, will be set up between Gantcher and Cousens Gym. —by Alex Prewitt

Editors' Challenge | Super Bowl XLVI Aaron



Alex P.



Alex B.
































Game MVP

Jason PierrePaul

Rob Gronkowski

Tom Brady

Danny Woodhead

Eli Manning

Wes Welker

Eli Manning

Eli Manning

Aaron Hakeem Nicks Eli Manning Hernandez

Eli Manning



INSIDE Men’s Basketball 15


In case you didn’t know, it’s a rematch 5 reasons the Pats will win by

Matt Berger

Daily Editorial Board

Tom Brady Like him or not, it’s hard not to at least respect the incredible career of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. Brady is a seventime Pro Bowler, three-time Super Bowl Champion and perhaps the most talkedabout player in the league (besides that guy on the Broncos). In the playoffs, Brady has consistently elevated his game to a higher level, leading the Patriots to a 16-5 postseason record since he took over as the starting quarterback in 2001. With so much playoff experience going up against a Giants defense that ranked 29th in the NFL in passing yards allowed, the future Hall-ofFamer could have another huge passing game for New England.

New England’s offensive line It’s no secret that one of the keys to the Giants’ success in Super Bowl XLVI will be the play of their elite defensive line, which includes three Pro-Bowl-caliber defensive ends: Jason Pierre-Paul, Justin Tuck and Mathias Kiwanuka. But the Patriots’ offensive line is also one of the top groups in the league and should be able to neutralize the Giants’ pass rush enough to give Brady time to find his receivers. During the regular season, Brady attempted 611 passes, good for third in the league. But he was sacked just 32 times, a testament to the consistency of the Pats’ talented offensive front. Great quarterbacks vs. Giants’ secondary As mentioned before, the Giants’ secondary has been woeful all season, allowing over 255 yards per game through the air. What has been even more startling, however, is this group’s performance against the league’s top tier of quarterbacks. In a 49-24 loss to New Orleans, the G-men allowed Drew Brees to throw for 363 yards and four touchdowns. In two games against Green Bay’s Aaron Rodgers, the Giants allowed a combined 633 passing yards and six touchdowns. If this trend continues on Sunday, it may be difficult for the Giants offense to keep up with what very likely could be a Tom Brady aerial assault.


Improvement of the Patriots’ front seven In both of its playoff wins, New England’s front seven has played well, especially in stopping the run. Led by nose tackle Vince Wilfork and middle linebacker Jerod Mayo, the Patriots should be able to contain a Giants rushing attack that ranked last in the NFL during the regular season. mct Against Denver in the Divisional Round, New England held the Broncos’ top-ranked rushing attack to just 144 yards, taking Tim Tebow and running back Willis McGahee completely out of the game. In the AFC Championship, the front seven was strong again, holding Ravens ProBowl running back Ray Rice to 67 yards on 21 carries.

see PATS, page 14

XLVI Degrees of Separation New York Giants connections to Tufts Steve Tisch, chairman and executive vice president of the Giants, is a Tufts graduate, along with his brother Jonathan. Jonathan is a co-owner of the team and a Tufts trustee. The new athletic facility is set to be named for Steve. Kevin Gilbride, Giants offensive coordinator, was a Tufts linebackers coach in 1976-1977. The current Tufts football coach, Jay Civetti, was formerly employed by Boston College, where he coached four current Giants: Mathias Kiawanuka, Chris Snee, Mark Herzlich and Will Blackmon. Sara Bloom, current women’s lacrosse goalkeeper, is the daughter of Barry Bloom, the CEO of Tisch Financial Management.

5 reasons the Giants will win

New England Patriots connections to Tufts

Robert Kraft, owner of the Patriots, received the Distinguished Achievement Award from the Athletics Department in 2003. Kraft’s son, Dan, is a Tufts graduate, was the men’s lacrosse goalkeeper, wrote for the sports section of the Daily and is also a Tufts trustee. During their runs to the national championship game the past two seasons, the men’s lacrosse team practiced at Gillette Stadium, the home of the Patriots, and heard a speech from Patriots head coach Bill Belichick. Rob Gronkowski, Patriots tight end, gave a shout-out via Twitter and Facebook to Time Flies, a musical group comprised of Tufts graduates. —compiled by Aaron Leibowitz

Alex Arthur

Daily Staff Writer

Packer parallels Last year, Green Bay snuck into the postseason after needing victories in their final two games of the season and rode that momentum all the way to a Super Bowl victory over the Steelers. They were carried by a defense that constantly pressured the quarterback and a QB who could not be stopped. Sound familiar? The Giants and Packers have had remarkably similar playoff runs, and last season the Packers proved too much to handle in the Big Game. There are other parallels, as well. The 2010 Packers recorded 48 regular-season sacks, while the 2011 Giants recorded 47. And both teams blew out the conference’s No. 1 team on the road in Round Two before earning road wins in the Conference Championship in hostile environments Chicago and San Francisco.

Giants wideouts In their previous matchup with the Patriots, which the Giants won 24-20 in Foxboro, star wideout Hakeem Nicks did not play due to an injury. Nicks has come on very strong this postseason, racking up 18 catches for 335 yards and four TDs in only three games. Nicks poses a matchup nightmare for any team because he draws so much attention on the outside, opening up the

middle of the field for breakout player of the year Victor Cruz. Presumably, the Pats’ best cornerback of late, Kyle Arrington, will cover Nicks while Cruz is double-teamed in the slot. That will leave third receiver Mario Manningham with one-on-one coverage. Manningham has a touchdown catch in each of the three playoff games so far. Pats secondary This season, teams repeatedly exposed the Patriots’ secondary. New England ranked second-to-last in passing yards allowed per game, and in the postseason Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco threw for a playoff-career high 306 yards and two touchdowns against them. Compared to Flacco, Eli Manning is on an entirely differently level, as is his receiving core. Belichick has shown a predilection for zone coverage in the past but had to switch to a man-heavy scheme halfway through the season because of a personnel shortage. The Giants have three receivers who thrive against man coverage, and against the Packers Manning showed that he can torch zone schemes as well. Gronk No matter what way the media, Bill Belichick or Rob Gronkowski’s father tries to spin the ankle injury Gronkowski sustained two weeks ago, the reality is that it will limit his ability on the field. The degree of high ankle sprains certainly varies, as evidenced by Terrell Owens’ heroic performance in Super Bowl XXXIX, but T.O. is the exception to the rule. Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, one of the toughest to ever play the game, struggled mightily with the same injury this year. Gronkowski caught 17 of the Patriots’ 39 passing touchdowns this year, and if his production dips, so will New England’s offense. The Patriots only have one productive receiver in Wes Welker, and they run many two-tight end sets that will have to be modified if Gronkowski is limited. Additionally, Gronkowski is an exceptional blocking tight end, something his counterpart Aaron Hernandez is not. see GIANTS, page 14

Women’s Basketball

Jumbos finally meet their match at Rhode Island College By Alex Baudoin Daily Staff Writer

Rhode Island College came out on top Tuesday night in a battle between teams that had each won 17 of their WOMEN’S BASKETBALL (15-5 Overall, 5-2 NESCAC) at Providence, R.I., Tuesday Tufts R.I. College

17 24 — 41 29 33 — 62

last 18 games, snapping the Jumbos’ six-game winning streak with a 62-41 victory. The visiting Jumbos, who fell to 17-4 overall, never established a rhythm offensively, shooting 23.2 percent overall and a dismal 1-of-18 from threepoint range. They also committed 18 turnovers. “To the credit of Rhode Island, they completely took us out of our game,” said co-captain forward Kate Barnosky,

a senior, who led Tufts with 11 points. “We knew they were going to be good and we didn’t go into the game lightly, but we didn’t have the intensity we usually have.” Even more surprisingly, the Jumbos struggled on defense, an area where they have dominated opponents all season long. The Anchorwomen scored 62 points on 40 percent shooting, marking the first time Tufts has allowed over 60 points since the second game of the season on Nov. 20. Tufts surrendered 24 points in the paint and 11 on the fast break, both uncharacteristically high totals for a typically stifling defense. “Basically, tonight we didn’t come out with what coach calls ‘Jumbo basketball pride,’” junior co-captain guard Bre Dufault said. “We really didn’t play with the heart and the fire, and we really didn’t take it to them the way we needed to.” Leading the way for the Anchorwomen was senior forward Rachel Riley, who recorded 15 points, nine rebounds, see WOMEN’S BASKETBALL, page 14

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