Scattered T-Storms 82/64
tuesday, September 3, 2013
Where You Read It First Est. 1980
Fall Gala to replace Fall Ball
Matriculation Day 2013
Denali Tietjen
Daily Editorial Board
Courtesy Nick Pfosi
Members of the Class of 2017 gathered with their parents on President s Lawn to enjoy lunch on matriculation day, Aug. 28. The new 1,318 students were selected from the most competitive admissions pool in Tufts history.
Tufts Emergency Alert System updates software by
Hunter Ryan
Daily Editorial Board
Tufts announced on Aug. 1 that Rave Alert has replaced Send Word Now as the new Tufts Emergency Alert System (TEAS) due to the former’s more reliable and user-friendly features, according to Director of Emergency Management Geoffrey Bartlett. Apart from being more reliable in terms of delivering emails, text messages and voicemails in the case of an emergency, the new system is also more accessible for students, Bartlett explained. “One of the principle things that we were looking at was making it easier for people to maintain their contact information,” Bartlett said. Bartlett explained that prior to the implementation of the Rave Alert technology, students had to follow an email link that was specific to each individual user in order to access TEAS and input their contact information. Consequentially, the school alert system wound up being underused. “We weren’t getting as many people enrolled as we would’ve liked,” Bartlett said. “We needed to make it easier for people to maintain their contact information, to submit their contact information and then to put it up if their phone number changes or their carrier changes.” In contrast, Rave Alert will instantly transfer basic contact information, such as names, affiliations with the university and Tufts email addresses, accordsee ALERT, page 2
Fall Gala will replace Fall Ball as the first school-sponsored event of the year due to organizational challenges and concerns about the nature of the event. Hosted by Programming Board’s Junior Class Council, Fall Gala will take place this Friday evening on the Academic Quad with live music, entertainment and food. The decision to restructure resulted from a combination of previously proven logistical issues and a desire to change the tone of the event, according to Joe Golia, director of the Office for Campus Life. He said these challenges have prompted discussion for years concerning the organization of Fall Ball. “We’ve had a lot of neighbor problems during Fall Ball,” Golia, who serves as faculty advisor for the Programming Board, said. “We’ve had problems with the facility — the heat certainly didn’t make it a very comfortable event. We’ve had a lot of complaints about the type of entertainment that we get, and, of course, the facility does not have the appropriate number of bathrooms for an event of that nature and size.” While the administration first approached Programming Board with an see GALA, page 2
Longtime WMFO DJ leaves legacy on airwaves by
Daniel Bottino
Daily Editorial Board
WMFO News Director and DJ Dean Wallace passed away last month at age 70 after more than a decade of broadcasting to the Tufts and wider WMFO community. Wallace hosted “No U Turn Radio” on Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. on channel 91.5 WMFO, the same radio station which hosts a cast of student DJs and broadcasts Tufts Freeform Radio. According to colleague WMFO community DJ Edward Beuchert, the popularity of the weekly show could be ascribed to Wallace’s exuberant radio personality. “Dean Wallace was a highly intelligent, humorous and wonderfully idiosyncratic man,” Beuchert wrote in an email to the WMFO community. “He will most certainly be missed by his friends, WMFO listeners and fans.” According to Beuchert, Wallace was educated at the University of Connecticut, where he studied history. Before moving to radio work, Wallace served as the CEO of a selffounded record distribution company, Dean Wallace Record Distributor, Ltd., until 1984. “He recognized that there was a lot of music — world music, roots music — [and] a lot of artists whose work was not readily available in record stores,” Beuchert told the Daily. “What he did was he set up a company that would facilitate that.” Following his sale of the business, Wallace began producing a bi-weekly newspaper, initially entitled the Boston Comic News, that was later renamed
see WALLACE, page 2
Inside this issue
Courtesy Edward Beuchert
WMFO News Director and DJ Dean Wallace, 70, passed away last month after more than 10 years of broadcasting to the Tufts community.
Today’s sections
Ambassador Solomont named new dean of Tisch College.
This weekend’s Boston Calling looks to follow up on success of inaugural festival.
see FEATURES, page 3
see ARTS, page 5
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