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monday, September 16, 2013


Where You Read It First Est. 1980

Pinkberry opens Davis Square location by

Daniel Bottino

Daily Editorial Board

After multiple failed attempts to secure a permit for the location, frozen yogurt franchise Pinkberry on Sept. 6 opened a new branch in Davis Square, joining two other frozen yogurt restaurants in the vicinity. The dessert chain marked its grand opening by passing out seven hundred free frozen yogurts to customers on its first day of business, according to CEO of the New England Pinkberry franchise Ted Davis. Davis said the company is extremely happy to have moved into the Davis Square area. “We love to be affiliated with a university environment,” he said. “Tufts is close, and we felt it was a natural fit.” A national chain founded in 2005, Pinkberry has expanded into New England from its original California home. Fourteen locations fall under Davis’ jurisdiction, and 20 locations exist in the region, Davis said. Davis credits Pinkberry’s popularity and success to the quality of its products and attention to cleanliness. “Pinkberry is an upscale yogurt bar ... well known for its frozen yogurt flavors,” Davis said, adding that the

restaurant also offers Greek yogurt, smoothies and shakes. “The product that you receive is always healthy, fresh and delicious.” The news of Pinkberry’s move into Davis Square provoked mild controversy during the winter of 2013, as the area is already home to two other frozen yogurt establishments. Twice before, the Somerville Zoning Board of Appeals denied the frozen yogurt chain a permit due to the concern that large chains would take over Davis Square. Frozen yogurt shops iYO and Orange Leaf are situated within 320 feet of Pinkberry’s address at 263 Elm Street. Several online petitions circulated earlier this year, framing the debate around the issue. A Change.org petition that gained almost 40 signatures aimed to deny Pinkberry a reapplication permit, citing the already limited parking in the area. Another petition from iPetitions.com garnered 184 signatures in support of the new Pinkberry location. The company itself collected 200 signatures from passersby in the square. Davis dismissed complaints that Pinkberry’s addition to the Davis Square frozen yogurt scene is supersee PINKBERRY, page 2

Meredith Klein / Tufts Daily Archives

Bruce Reitman took the position of Dean of Campus Life and Student Leadership on July 1.

Reitman assumes new dean position Bruce Reitman (A ’72, AG ’83), who has been in the Tufts community for 30 years, began the transition into a new position as the first dean of campus life and student leadership on July 1, after serving as the dean of student affairs since 2001. In this new senior level administrative position, Reitman will continue his work with professional staff to resolve emerging judicial affairs, health emergencies, interventions and other matters related to campus climate, according to Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Students John Barker. As dean of campus life and student leadership, though, Reitman will focus particularly on improving communication among students, faculty and staff. “We hope to proactively foster communication among campus constituencies ... particularly around the sometimes difficult by Sarah


Daily Editorial Board

TCU Senate update

Senate appoints trustee representatives at first meeting The Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate last night assembled for the first time of the academic year. TCU President Joe Thibodeau, a senior, began by announcing a series of policies that had been instituted since the last assembly, including the suspension of a poster delivery system with Gnomon Copy and the denial of summertime funding for on-campus organizations. Several senators were nominated for the role of historian, with junior Bradley Friedman accepting the position. Friedman also unveiled the new TCU website, which he said features “a simpler, more user-friendly layout” when compared to previous versions. The Senate then heard from six students running for three open positions as senate trustee representatives to the board. Freshman Justine Epiney, sophomore Christopher Gambro, junior Enxhi Popa and seniors Rose Mendelsohn, Fiona Weeks and Lia Weintraub listed their qualifications for this non-voting TCU senate position and fielded questions from current senators. Each of the candidates promoted an individual characteristic or project that they would pursue as a trustee representative. Epiney spoke of her leadership experience in high school and her eagerness to commit to the positon. Popa intends to help students with their personal financial management skills, which she said could be achieved by hiring financial advisors to teach students about financial loans.

In his speech, Gambro focussed on the necessity of improving facilities and campus security, such as installing a functioning streetlights on Boston Avenue. Mendelsohn highlighted her leadership roles on campus, such as her position as a Tufts Wilderness Orientation leader. Next, Weintraub emphasized the importance of improving access to internships, given that 85 percent of students partake in an internship during their undergraduate careers. She expressed the importance of an alumni network to help students find positions and suggested ways to expand on the current listing of internships through the Tufts Career Services page. Weeks outlined her goals for making advisors available to students conducting academic research projects, citing the benefits of enhanced student-faculty interaction. Thibodeau expressed optimism for the year ahead. “I think we have a really great, energetic group of people who are ready to tackle a lot of important issues on campus,” he said. “It’s a very positive thing for Tufts, and I hope the energy and momentum carries out throughout the year.”

— by Josh Weiner

Inside this issue

ethical dilemmas that are naturally a part of the campus dialogue,” Barker told the Daily in an email. “In our discussions, we determined that the best way to achieve this was to dedicate an experienced dean to focus on and lead that effort.” Barker said that a national search for the next dean of student affairs will begin soon and that Reitman will continue to serve as an acting dean until a successor is chosen. Areas that the new dean of student affairs will focus on include campus climate and inclusion, the student judicial process and programs on ongoing issues like alcohol abuse and sexual assault, according to an email Barker sent to the Tufts community on June 14. As dean of student affairs, Reitman led communicative relations among the Office of Campus Life, Office of Residential Life and Learning, fraternity and sorority affairs, the Group of Six organizations, the see REITMAN, page 2

Tufts Labor Coalition rallies for adjunct faculty

As polls for a union of adjunct professors opened last Thursday, members of Tufts Labor Coalition (TLC) celebrated Button Up Day to show support for the union’s creation. TLC members distributed pamphlets and buttons in the Mayer Campus Center and in Dewick-MacPhie and Carmichael Dining Halls to advocate for Adjunct Action, a nation-wide campaign by Service Employees International Union (SEIU) that aims to improve benefits, job security and pay for adjunct professors at universities. According to the Adjunct Action website, approximately 70 percent of by

Abigail Feldman

Daily Editorial Board

faculty members at higher education institutions work on a contingent basis. Seventy-nine percent of adjuncts, however, do not receive health insurance at their college, and 86 percent do not get retirement benefits. Although adjunct faculty at Tufts receive better benefits than those at many other universities, they still lack many important job qualities, TLC Co-Chair Rae Axner said. “A lot of the part-time professors have little to no job security,” she said. “If their classes are cancelled, they don’t get paid, and they’re making poverty level wages. This is just to give them more resources to do their job.” see BUTTON, page 2

Today’s sections

Students are taking advantage of ways to save money on expensive textbooks.

Alt-J brought its unconventional artrock style to Boston Friday night.

see FEATURES, page 3

see ARTS, page 5

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