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Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Where You Read It First Est. 1980
Wade Davis speaks as openly gay athlete by
Abigail Feldman
Daily Editorial Board
Activist and former National Football League (NFL) player Wade Davis spoke last night in Distler Performance Hall about his personal experience as a gay athlete. The ticketed lecture, titled “Interference: When Masculinity and Being Gay Collide,” was cosponsored by the Social Justice Leadership Initiative and Tufts University’s Entertainment Board and lasted about an hour. After a brief introduction from the event sponsors, Davis began the discussion with a description of his youth. As a boy growing up in Arkansas, Davis spent most of his time at church. His first football game, at age seven, was a variation of the sport called “smear the queer,” in which one kid — the “queer” — had to get a touchdown before the other players tackled him. “That was my first understanding of what you did to queer people,” Davis said. “You smeared them.” Through playing ball with other boys, Davis learned how to be a tough guy and only showed his gentler side while at home, he said. Despite his tough appearance, however, Davis suffered from a speech impediment and stutter and experienced much taunting as a child.
Davis was in 10th grade when he first realized he was gay. Afraid of his feelings, Davis said he began watching straight porn and bullying other homosexual men in an attempt to distance himself from his sexuality. “Anyone else in my high school that we deemed different, we made fun of,” Davis said. “I remember when Columbine happened, I thought to myself, ‘If I had gone to that school, I would have been one who was killed ... because anyone who was different was my target.” Even after kissing a boy for the first time in college, Davis denied his sexuality by dating women and attending strip clubs. While his actions were meant to make his peers believe he was masculine and straight, he ended up using many women in the process, Davis explained. “I couldn’t exist in this world straight on my own,” he said. “All of my baggy pants and other garb couldn’t make me straight, but a female did.” After college, Davis was signed to the NFL — first to the Tennessee Titans and then to the Washington Redskins and was relieved that his coaches and teammates had “bought” his heterosexual persona. Until he blew out his knee and was forced to retire, Davis spent much of his time and money at strip clubs and brothels in order see DAVIS, page 2
Tufts improves room reservation system by
Mahpari Sotoudeh
Daily Editorial Board
This summer Tufts launched a new room reservation system, called Tufts Space and Resource Reservation System, on the Medford/Somerville campus as part of a university-wide update in conjunction with the implementation of Integrated Student
Information System (iSIS). According to a June 12 post on the Tufts Technology Services website by Dawn Irish, the new system will at first be used to reserve classrooms, meeting spaces and labs for academic and student use, with the possibility of scheduling technical resources for classroom instruction and events in the future.
Kyra Sturgill / The Tufts Daily
This summer, the university implemented a new room reservation system, powered by Event Management System.
Kyra Sturgill / The Tufts Daily
‘Basic Math,’ starring Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel, shot scenes on the Hill on Monday. The movie is set for release in 2014.
Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel film ‘Basic Math’ on campus by
Daniel Gottfried
Daily Editorial Board
Seventy Tufts students joined the Columbia Pictures film team as extras in the movie “Basic Math,” filmed on the Medford/Somerville campus this Monday. Stars Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel traveled to six dif-
ferent locations on campus throughout the day to shoot scenes for the movie. The film’s plot follows the story of a married couple — played by Diaz and Segel — who discovers their sex tape is missing and attempts to retrieve the tape. The Tufts campus provided an ideal setting for the movie, according to Scott Levine, the
film’s unit publicist. “The production was looking for a location to shoot scenes set on a classic Northeastern campus,” he told the Daily in an email. “And since we are filming in the Boston area, the Tufts campus was perfect.” The filming took place see MOVIE, page 2
Campus gears up for Parents Weekend activities by
Meredith Braunstein Contributing Writer
The Tufts Parents Giving Program will host its 25th annual Parents and Family Weekend, beginning this Friday and ending on Sunday, featuring student performances, faculty lectures and various activities for parents. The purpose of the weekend is to demonstrate the wide range of academics and activities available on campus, according to Parents Giving Program Director Gina DeSalvo. “[Family Weekend] is a time to give parents the opportunity to see the incredible experience students are having here at Tufts, and everything they’ve worked hard for to send their kid to Tufts is really happening,” she said. This year, the weekend’s proceedings will center on the theme “Local History, Global Future,” DeSalvo explained. “It’s a very broad theme, so it broadens the opportunity to really highlight to parents all the exciting and cool courses at Tufts,” she said. “I sit down with deans on campus and brainstorm about what’s interesting here on campus and what parents would be interested in hear-
Inside this issue
ing about. This year we all agreed it’s a great opportunity to showcase where Tufts has been and where we’re going.” On Friday, campus guests will have the opportunity to hear from members of the administration, including Dean of the School of Engineering Linda Abriola and Dean of Arts and Sciences Joanne Berger-Sweeney, DeSalvo said. “We’ll also be hearing from [Provost and Senior Vice President David Harris], and it’ll give us an overview of the school and where we see the school going,” DeSalvo said. The Tufts Career Center will also host a career-networking event, giving parents the chance to share advice and contact information with students looking for careers in their fields. The Avenue of the Arts Festival will take place from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday. The event will showcase many performance groups on campus at the Arts Square on Talbot Avenue, the Aidekman Arts Center, Granoff Music Center and the Mayer Campus Center. Visitors can also attend home games from the men and women’s soccer, football and field hockey teams
throughout the afternoon. DeSalvo explained that these events offer family members a taste of students’ accomplishments around campus. “Your parents don’t get to come to all of your performances, and they’re used to being able to do that, so this is an [opportunity] for them to see you and your friends at Avenue of the Arts or in an athletic game,” she said. “It really builds a strong sense of community amongst the parents at Tufts.” Saturday will also feature five faculty lectures on topics ranging from Japanese anime to deceased poets, DeSalvo said. A keynote address from Professor of Art and Art History Andrew McClellan, titled “Jumbo: Marvel, Myth and Mascot,” will examine McClellan’s eight-year long research project on Jumbo the elephant. “In bringing out his history I’m aiming to make the claim that our university has the coolest, most interesting mascot in America,” McClellan said. “I hope to demonstrate that by illustrating his history and his fame across a century’s time with see FAMILY, page 2
Today’s sections
Students are living and working all around the world after graduation.
Grouplove put on a fun concert in Cambridge last week.
see FEATURES, page 3
see ARTS, page 5
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