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friday, november 9, 2012
Where You Read It First Est. 1980
JoeyTracker still broken, founders look to make repairs by
Menghan Liu
Daily Editorial Board
Since Joseph’s Transportation switched one of its Joey shuttles three weeks ago, the GPSenabled JoeyTracker has not worked, leaving Tufts community members without a way to determine the location of the shuttle along its route from the Medford/Somerville campus to Davis Square. Unlike the old shuttle, the new bus does not have a hardwired GPS. Although Joey drivers are provided with portable GPS devices, they are not accustomed to picking them up for each shift, Administrative Services Supervisor Louis Galvez III said. “It was an unfortunate oversight,” Galvez said. “I want to make sure there’s uninterrupted service until the end of the school year, and by the end of the school year, come up with a long term solution so that this doesn’t happen again.” The JoeyTracker, a free service run by TuftsLife, provides real-time locations of the Joey and arrival times for each of its destinations. Students have been able to use this technology through smartphone applications such as “JoeyTracker” and “iJumbo” or by texting “FindJoey” to 41411. However, these apps have also been malfunctioning since they download data from the original JoeyTracker website. As of now, the official shuttle schedules are only available on the Tufts Administrative Services website. Former TuftsLife President Mike Vastola (E ’11) created the JoeyTracker two years ago after the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate conceived the idea in 2000 but never followed through. “We took it over, and we got it done,” Vastola said. “We were pretty happy about it.”
Although Vastola currently supervises the JoeyTracker, the Department of Public and Environmental Safety (DPES) serves as the liaison between Tufts and Joseph’s Transportation. In order to fix the JoeyTracker, representatives from each organization will need to collaborate, Galvez said. “It’s kind of a three-way collaboration,” Galvez said. “We’re trying to help in the middle. If there’s a GPS problem, we try to figure out if it’s Joseph’s.” When Vastola first created the JoeyTracker, the TCU Senate purchased portable GPS units for the New England Conservatory/Museum School shuttle and the weekend Davis Square shuttle, as well as a hard-wired unit for the weekday Davis Square shuttle. Vastola plans to install an additional GPS system in the new Boston Avenue shuttle, according to Galvez. “I want everything up and running by the end of November,” Galvez said. Vastola, who is regularly informed via email whenever the GPS units are offline, echoed the hope of fixing the problem soon. “We’re doing everything we can to make sure that the service survives and has a long life span and has continuous uptime,” Vastola said. Although they are not involved with the management of the JoeyTracker, the Office for Campus Life (OCL) has fielded many student complaints, Director Joe Golia said. “We also do not want to be the office that is constantly getting yelled at,” Golia said. The two JoeyTracker displays, installed in the Mayer Campus Center two summers ago, now show unintelligible codes, Golia said. “This is a building for the students, and if something’s broken, I want it fixed,” Golia said. “It really bothers me that this thing has
Oliver Porter / The Tufts Daily
Representatives from TuftsLife, the Department of Environmental and Public Safety and Joseph’s Transportation are working together to ensure that the JoeyTracker will be back in service soon. been broken for weeks now and I don’t know what’s going on.” To fix the problem, Galvez is considering hiring another service to manage the JoeyTracker beyond TuftsLife and Vastola. “We’re working together with two other groups,” Galvez said. “It’s not the easiest thing in the world sometimes to coordinate.” If taken out of the hands of TuftsLife, the responsibility for managing the JoeyTracker could fall to DPES, Galvez said. “The problem we would have at this point is the [software] expertise,” he said. “The big thing is, if there’s an issue, that
someone can service us.” Aside from the lack of GPS units, students have reacted favorably to the new Joey shuttle, Joseph Albano IV, director of marketing, sales and communication for Joseph’s Transportation, told the Daily in an email. He is confident that a GPS system will be installed in the vehicle before too long. “[We] appreciate riders’ patience with the temporary unavailability of GPS technology,” Albano said. “All Tufts routes are currently equipped with GPS units, and we are working with Tufts to insure all vehicles and backup vehicles will be fully equipped.”
Symposium to address current Cuban issues by
Annabelle Roberts Contributing Writer
A symposium titled “Cuba (Re) Considered: New Perspectives from Havana” will be held today in the Remis Sculpture Court at the Aidekman Arts Center to discuss contemporary social and academic issues in Cuba. The event will include presentations from five of the nine students who conducted independent research in Havana, Cuba for six weeks over the summer within a program run by Norfolk State University. The research topics include race, health, agriculture, economy and alternative energy in Cuba. The other speakers include Gloria Rolando, Tomas Robaina, Jorge Fornet and Roberto Zurbano, four Cuban academics who worked with the students last summer at La Casa de las Americas, a subsidiary of the University of Havana. This summer marks the first time that Tufts students have participated in a program of this nature in Cuba, Ruben Stern, director of the Latino Center, said. The symposium is particularly relevant now, as it is a time of political transformation both in Cuba and in the United States, according to senior Averi Becque, who will be presenting her research at the symposium.
“This is a good time to bring the topic to Tufts and open the issue for debate on campus,” Becque said. A large part of the symposium will be to highlight the research students conducted while abroad, according to Stern. The presentations will provide insight into the unique social and political happenings in Cuba, he said. “In Cuba they do things differently,” Stern said. “Their health care, their education system, the way they deal with hurricanes.” The symposium is particularly important due to a general lack of knowledge about Cuba among Americans, Stern noted. “In the media you get no sense about what’s happening in Cuba besides the negative things and the political things,” he said. “In our country there is incredible ignorance about what is going on in Cuba, even within academic circles.” Becque agreed, explaining that Cubans know more about the United States than Americans know about Cuba. “To people in Cuba, the [United States] is very important. It has a lot to do with how they live their daily lives and the political realities that they face,” she said. “It seems mind-boggling that people know so see CUBA, page 2
Inside this issue
justin mccallum / the tufts daily
A new student group hopes to take action to better the education system in the U.S.
Student group brings new education reform dialogue by Shannon Vavra
Contributing Writer
Education reform may not have been among the hottest topics in the run-up to the recent elections, but a new student group is taking matters into their own hands. Tufts Students for Education Reform (TSFER), which formed this semester, has two key objectives: to raise awareness about education reform issues
and to take action. Junior Lauren Schonberger began the Tufts SFER chapter with the hope that that Tufts students could begin to influence the development of education reform in Massachusetts. “There are so many ways to do something about that in Boston and as a student at Tufts,” Schonberger said. “We are see EDUCATION, page 2
Today’s sections
Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln” is Oscar -nomination worthy but not spectacular.
The field hockey team weathered a winter storm to win 8-0 in the first round of the NCAA Tournament.
see ARTS, page 3
see SPORTS, back
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Friday, November 9, 2012
Tufts SFER partners with Teach for America EDUCATION
continued from page 1
raising awareness and getting people to understand that there are issues in our education system that can be changed, and at the same time, taking action. We are people who know there are issues with education reform and who want to do something about that.” Tufts SFER, which is not yet recognized by the Tufts Community Union Judiciary (TCUJ), is part of a larger nonprofit organization, Students for Education Reform (SFER), which comprises nearly 70 chapters on campuses across the country and approximately 3,000 members. SFER works to promote dialogue on college campuses about education disparities and potential solutions. Its other principal aims are to support legislative policies that prioritize student needs and to link college students with education reform organizations, according to the SFER website. The group on campus meets once a week and has held several discussion sessions this semester to engender dialogue surrounding education reform. More recently, the student group invited SFER’s Massachusetts State Program Director Jamie Engel to speak on campus. “We talked about what types of policy issues in Massachusetts we might want to get involved in,” Sarah Reitzes, a freshman, said. One of TSFER’s central goals is to support specific education reform legislation in Massachusetts. Schonberger hopes that the group can form a collective stance on key issues in Massachusetts, such as the charter cap. According to Schonberger, the group will discuss its standpoint on the current state-imposed limit on charter schools and the number of students enrolled. Group members will also consider the effect of charter schools on funding for non-charter public schools. “There are definitely different opinions about charter schools within the group,” Reitzes said. “I think if we’re going to come up with a group opinion there will be some people who won’t agree with it, but I think we can form a majority opinion.” Schonberger said that although a political divide has formed within the group already, it is because members disagree for a greater purpose. That said, Schonberger believes it may be the most important goal for the group to become politically involved because taking action
is what will make a difference. “What I love about education reform is that there is no right answer. Rather, there is a right answer but we just don’t know exactly what works best yet,” Schonberger said. “Education reform has come to mean something very specific. Ten years ago, if you said ‘education reform’ I think it would have meant a whole other set of ideas and policies ... The way the media talk about education reform now is always in terms of charter schools as the saviors and bashing of teacher unions,” Senior Lecturer of Education Steven Cohen said. “They’re talking about instruments of standardized tests to judge whether students are learning anything and whether teachers are effective. I would consider myself in favor of education reform, but not that brand.” As a group that aims to pass acts that favor students in the classroom, Schonberger envisions the group taking neither a Democratic nor a Republican standpoint on the issues. According to Schonberger, there is a dichotomy between Democrats who support teachers’ unions and Democrats who support students in the classroom. For example, one of the topics TSFER is beginning to focus on is raising awareness of the achievement gap, or the disparity in levels of educational success between students within various gender, socioeconomic or racial categories. According to Reitzes, the concept may be unfamiliar to many on campus. “I think most Tufts students ... went to good high schools, so they might not be as aware of the problems in our education system,” she said. According to Cohen, the top-down model of using students’ standardized test scores to evaluate both teachers’ effectiveness and students’ proficiencies improperly measures the value of an education. “One thing that I find helpful is, in fact, not to necessarily talk about an achievement gap, but to think about an opportunity gap,” Cohen said. Some schools, Cohen said, cannot provide students with the resources necessary to succeed. Many students do not have the same fundamental schooling experience as other, more fortunate students. “Not too many people remember ... those things that they stuff in their heads for standardized tests. Those things aren’t necessarily the real important things,” Cohen said. “Specific content is not always
the purpose of the course. I can accept that [tests are] a measure, I just don’t think they show us everything.” One of the central tenets of the nonprofit SFER as a whole is to connect college students in SFER chapters with nonprofit organizations dedicated to education reform. One such organization, Teach for America, focuses on creating a pipeline of great teachers to go into the teaching profession and positively effect change in schools in the United States. Reitzes said that during weekly meetings, the group has talked at length about Teach for America and the role of a teacher. “It’s difficult to know how to evaluate [teachers]. They stand in front of your child every day in the classroom and are directly responsible for your child’s ability to learn,” Schonberger said. “Does [multiple choice] really show how much you know? Are test scores really indicative of teachers’ ability?” Cohen argued that dialogue on the role of Teach for America in the classroom is important. “[Teach for America] is not really a program for teaching, certainly not teaching in the long term. I question the worth of doing two years of Teach for America because as you start to learn your job well, you’re leaving,” Cohen said. “I am not attacking students who do Teach for America; I think they’re terrific. I just wish that if they thought seriously about teaching that they would make a longer term commitment to teaching, or that they would think seriously about where they can do the most good.” According to Schonberger, TSFER collaborates with nonprofits such as Breakthrough Collaborative, Stand for Children and Teach for America. Although the mutual support is not financial, the collaboration is significant because they selectively support each other’s issues, she said. This semester, Tufts SFER plans to coordinate visits with charter schools in the Greater Boston area to get a sense of what the educational environment is like at charter schools. Other plans for the group include discussing legislation and initiatives in Massachusetts, forming opinionated stances on them and deciding which campaigns they want to plug into to take action. Schonberger feels that students in Massachusetts are direct stakeholders in its education reform. “As students, we have the empowerment, the experience, the education and the resources to change it,” she said.
Symposium to conclude week focused on Cuban studies CUBA
continued from page 1
little about Cuba here, when we have such a big impact on what is going on there.” The Cubans at the symposium will present on a diverse range of topics, providing a perspective many Americans do not normally get a chance to hear, Stern said. He added that the speakers are at the top of their fields around issues of race, music and Afro-Cuban relations. The event is intended to draw students interested in everything from Spanish and Latin American studies, to international relations, history, music and race relations, he said. “Cuba is a changing place, it’s a dynamic place, and I think this is an important opportunity to get a chance to examine and study it,” Stern said. Professor of Latin American Literature Jose Mazzotti believes that students and faculty alike will acquire valuable knowledge from attending the symposium. “[Cuba] might be in a crisis, but they are still implementing creative solutions,” he said. “I think that both students and faculty have a lot to learn from Cuba.” The Cuban panelists have also presented at other events this week. Literary and cultural studies specialist Fornet gave a lecture Thursday, which
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A symposium on Cuba will be held this afternoon, showcasing student research and featuring lectures from four Cuban academics. Mazzotti said offered a panoramic view of current cultural initiatives and movements on the island. Screenings of Rolando’s documentaries on the Afro-Cuban movement and the Cuban Independent Party of Color also took place this week, Becque said. The symposium is co-sponsored by
the Latino Center, the Department of Romance Languages, the International Relations Program, the Department of Political Science, the Department of Sociology, the Africana Center, Latino Studies and the Department of Anthropology and Norfolk State University International Studies/ Service Learning.
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Movie Review
Spielberg’s ‘Lincoln’ exposes the man behind the legend by
Tim Charouk
Contributing Writer
The smell of Oscar nominations was overwhelming after the final credits rolled on Steven Spielberg’s new histor-
Lincoln Starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field, Joseph Gordon-Levitt Directed by Steven Spielberg ical epic, “Lincoln.” This new Spielberg creation may not be the best film of the year, but it is certainly a crowd pleaser. “Lincoln,” this time without the vampire hunting, follows the 16th president of the United States as he tries to pass the 13th Amendment through Congress, thus making slavery illegal. Following the rather disappointing “Nine” (2009), two-time Academy Award-winner Daniel Day-Lewis has returned to take on the role of Abraham Lincoln. Longtime fans of this method actor will be pleased to hear that he does not disappoint. The film interweaves the stories of the Civil War and the 13th Amendment with Lincoln’s life within the White House. It also portrays the president and his wife (Sally Field) as they struggle to keep their son ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt) from enlisting in the army, because it wouldn’t be a Spielberg film without some struggle between father and son. Spielberg successfully reduces the monument that is Lincoln to a man by focusing on Lincoln’s interactions with his youngest son. This approach makes the film feel reminiscent of Day-Lewis’
Courtesy Dreamworks Studios
‘Lincoln’ is a look at the life of the man who held this nation together. other father-son film, “There Will Be Blood” (2007). The cast of this film is quite impressive and each scene presents a familiar face. Even Tufts alum David Costabile (A ’89) makes an appearance. Tommy Lee Jones gives his best performance in years — despite his distracting wig — as the strong-willed but grumpy Thaddeus, while James Spader gives a great comedic performance. He successfully balances the heavy tone of the
film as he meets with democratic members of Congress with his two equally comedic sidekicks in an attempt to get more votes for the amendment. Despite his good performance, Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s performance as Lincoln’s son adds almost nothing to the plot. Similarly, Mrs. Lincoln’s grandiose statements and melodramatic personality do not align her with the film’s predominately intimate nature. By focusing almost exclusively on the question of slavery during the Civil War, this film unfortunately tends towards the sensational. The heated debates in Congress seem a little too exciting and the moral absolutism of it all makes Lincoln a less believable character. Furthermore, everything seems a bit too inspiring, especially when paired with the beautiful but predictable John Williams score. The music is engrossing during the film, but the film’s melodrama feels overdone and too sentimental as soon as the viewer leaves the theater. Overall, “Lincoln” is a very good film, but it just isn’t great. The set design and costumes are spot-on, the cinematography is beautiful and the dialogue is rich and witty — you can tell that writer Tony Kushner is a playwright at heart. Kushner does his best to make Abraham Lincoln as multi-dimensional as possible, but in doing so, he actually makes the story rather one-dimensional by focusing just on the 13th Amendment, using a perspective that most viewers have already heard many times. Minor complaints aside, “Lincoln” is still a very enjoyable film. Though there will likely be a fifth Oscar nomination for Mr. Day-Lewis, it is the supporting cast that makes this film so entertaining and they deserve more recognition than they will likely get.
This is most definitely an ensemble film. Each character serves his or her role, except for Gordon-Levitt, whose character should probably never have been included in the plot. Spielberg’s efforts toward historical accuracy are appreciable, and he even factors Lincoln’s famously high voice into the equation. As Spielberg said during a recent interview, “We would have been a little bit criticized had we done Lincoln the way Disney does him at Epcot Center.” Spielberg has most definitely returned to top form and Daniel Day-Lewis still remains one of the finest actors in the business. Now we wait for February to see if the Academy feels the same way.
Courtesy Dreamworks Studios
Daniel Day-Lewis is in top form as Lincoln’s doppelganger.
Theater Review
Anachronisms abound in ‘Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson’ by
Esti Bernstein
Daily Staff Writer
Musical theater and history buffs, beware: “1776” isn’t the only musical about American politics anymore. Directed by Paul Melone, the SpeakEasy Stage Company’s production of Alex Timber and Michael Friedman’s original musical “Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson” re-examines both traditional musical theater and the conventional perception of America’s 19th-century politics and presidents. Given that the show portrays a history any eighth grader in the U.S. ought to know, this show requires the audience to fully suspend disbelief and trust the storytelling more than the story. Marrying Andrew Jackson’s bold personality and controversial policies to contemporary rock music, this musical gives the audience an idea of what Green Day would have sung about had the band existed in early 19th-century North America. This unconventional union provides an innovative take on American history while exploring new inroads into the forms of musical theater. Unfortunately, while this show has garnered praise as a postmodern take on Jackson’s story, SpeakEasy’s production
Jim Torres / SpeakEasy Stage
Unfortunately, “Bloody Bloody” never clearly defines itself as a historically aware rock musical or an emo/bluegrass/ska rockfest.
Jim Torres / SpeakEasy Stage
“Bloody Bloody’s” ensemble digs into the rocker/emo scene in its unconventional portrayal of American history. often mistakes irony and self-awareness for smugness by taking itself more seriously than the writers intended. Some of the jokes, such as references to Susan Sontag and Michel Foucault, were funny in their own rights as non-sequiturs and random anachronistic insertions. However, when these jokes are used as an excuse to name-drop, the humor falls flat because the relevant scene or song doesn’t actually pertain to the figure invoked. Because the production didn’t laugh at itself, the audience was often quiet in return. And though the SpeakEasy team tries to present a substantive show, this production proves that “Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson” is, perhaps, not intended to be a serious musical. In that respect, it may not be as versatile as many other musicals. Confused as to whether it is a rock musical or an emo/
bluegrass/ska rockfest, “Bloody Bloody” never fully defines itself in a genre. Even the horn section, which this production added, increases power while perpetuating the show’s identity crisis. The mixture of acoustic and electric instruments proves frustrating, especially when they are played simultaneously, as the electric guitars overpower the acoustic ones. Additionally, the lyrics aren’t fully audible. The onstage band adds a nice visual aesthetic that contributes to authenticity of the show as a rock musical, but it could be utilized to greater effect. Perhaps the most unexpected aspect of this production is its ambiguous political message. As the show mentions, Jackson’s legacy is debatable, as his accomplishments include relocating and killing large numbers of Native Americans. Interestingly, this produc-
tion chooses to end with a reminder of Jackson’s impact on the native populations in its homage to the Trail of Tears. While a political message could have been effective, especially during an election season, the concluding guilt trip catches the audience off-guard and results in silence and general discomfort before the cast breaks into what could otherwise be a rousing curtain call. Throughout a recent show, the cast members — except for Gus Curry, the actor portraying Jackson — fluidly transitioned from one character to the next without missing a beat. From Jackson’s presidential contenders to modern tourists visiting the White House, Timbers wrote in a plethora of personalities that add to the performance’s chaotic, random humor. Most of the performances were notable, either as solo performances or as ensemble members. The male chorus proved stronger and more purposeful than the female chorus, although this could be attributed to Melone’s direction. The visual design of this production also fits into the motif of the show with a consistent palate of slate grey, blue and sepia tones, punctuated by neon blue and red lights. Jackson and his cohorts wear leather and plenty of eyeliner, just in case the audience forgets that the costumes are supposed to be ironic. Americana knickknacks hang on walls and from vertical grids that form the set and they nicely enhance the mood of the show. Still, the set ultimately feels as though it encroaches on the already small playing area. Though it raises questions about artistic and directing choices, this production gives its audience a good taste of Timber’s and Friedman’s work. “Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson” is a unique musical that says as much about current musical tastes as it does about the United States’ seventh president.
The Tufts Daily
Friday, November 9, 2012
Sugar & Spice
“Exquisite...upscale perfection comes at dive prices.” — The Boston Globe 1922 Mass. Ave., Porter Square 617-868-4200 Lunch 11am-3pm, Dinner 3pm-10pm
The Tufts Daily
Friday, November 9, 2012
Democracy means a great many things
to a great many people. But it must never
be a quiet business. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2012 LECTURE: 4:30-6:00 P.M. RECEPTION TO FOLLOW DISTLER PERFORMANCE HALL GRANOFF MUSIC CENTER 20 TALBOT AVENUE MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE CAMPUS Tickets now available at Student Services, Dowling Hall ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero will discuss the impact of the political correctness movement on the First Amendment and freedom of expression, noting that freedom of expression is not confined to speech but impacts what is not said, not written, and not thought; the importance of pushing back the boundaries of free speech as new media and vehicles emerge; and the definition of what is “acceptable” speech in the face of those who cry “dangerous” or “offensive.” Anthony D. Romero is the Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union, the nation’s premier defender of liberty and individual freedom. He took the helm of the organization just seven days before the September 11, 2001 attacks. Shortly afterward, the ACLU launched its national Keep America Safe and Free campaign to protect basic freedoms during a time of crisis, The ACLU’s sixth executive director, Romero is the first Latino and openly gay man to serve in that capacity. In 2005, he was named one of Time Magazine’s 25 Most Influential Hispanics in America. In 2007, Romero and NPR correspondent Dina Temple-Raston co-authored In Defense of Our America: The Fight for Civil Liberties in the Age of Terror, which takes a critical look at civil liberties in this country at a time when constitutional freedoms are in peril.
The Tufts Daily
Friday, November 9, 2012
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Jumbos stampede into second round of NCAAs FIELD HOCKEY
continued from back
goal of the season. With two minutes remaining in the half, Cannon was awarded a penalty stroke. The junior, a veteran in one-on-one scenarios, buried a shot past Galatioto for a 5-0 Jumbos advantage going into the intermission. “[Freshman] Missy [Karp] took the ball endline and beat the goalie, but one of the defenders fouled her pretty blatantly right in front of the open goal, so a penalty stroke was awarded to us,” Cannon said. “Especially considering the weather conditions, I really focused on getting solid contact and a lot of strength behind the ball without slipping in order to send it all the way across and put it in the net.” In the first half, the Jumbos held a 20-3 advantage in shots and saw eight penalty corner opportunities while allowing Castleton just a single corner. After the break conditions continued to worsen, but even the quickly accumulating wintry mix did not dampen the Jumbos’ momentum, as they continued to add on to a seemingly insurmountable lead. As junior Katie Stuntz replaced Keenan in the cage, several of the Jumbos’ younger players took the field, a few for the first time this sea-
Courtesy Kate Klots
The field hockey team had many celebrations like this one on Wednesday, as it dominated Castleton in the first round of the NCAAs despite snowy conditions. son. Enjoying the unique privilege of being able to play every single member of the roster in the NCAA tournament, the younger players continued just where the older ones left off. “It was a great opportunity for everyone on the team to be able to contribute,” Cannon said. “Especially in an NCAA game, being able to play everyone shows our depth as a team. A lot of teams can’t do that, even in regular season games. We’re consistently one of the teams that subs our players in and
out the most, and we rely on everyone to make a contribution because we know each person can step up.” Castleton came out firing, attempting to get on the board, but all that effort only opened up more room for the Tufts attack. First, Chapman connected with Yogerst for the junior’s 11th goal of the season, and minutes later Park and Karp connected to give Tufts a 7-0 lead. “Toward the end of the game, Castleton was obviously disap-
pointed with the score so they made one last push,” Stuntz said. “[But] our defense remained composed despite the weather conditions and [all] the shots.” After several strong saves from Stuntz following three Castleton penalty corners, Karp finished the scoring by depositing a ball from freshman midfielder Allison Rolfe to put Tufts up 8-0. The Jumbos will now head to Geneva, New York, where they will face the William Smith Herons on
Saturday. The Herons, ranked No. 1 in the North Atlantic region, are the No. 4 seed in the NCAA tournament and enjoyed a first-round bye. The Herons play on AstroTurf, a slick surface relatively unfamiliar to the Jumbos, although they played on Middlebury’s AstroTurf in last weekend’s NESCAC tournament. In 2010, Tufts advanced to the second round of NCAAs, losing to Middlebury in a hardfought 3-2 decision. But Tufts has not made it past the round of sixteen since 2009, when the Jumbos lost to Salisbury in a 1-0 semifinal. Tufts has dropped just one game since losing to Middlebury on Sept. 8 and hopes to return to the Elite Eight. “We really want to prove as a team what we are capable of,” Cannon said. “Being in the NCAA tournament gives us a chance to do that. Our team is heading up to William Smith on Thursday evening, so on Friday we’ll be able to practice on the field that we will be playing on in Saturday’s game and acclimate to those conditions.” “We communicated effectively [against Castleton],” Stuntz added. “[ We] look forward to doing the same against William Smith.”
Current sophomores will form backbone of squad for next season VOLLEYBALL
continued from back
different, tough season, a different type of team. This was a different challenge from previous years.” Lord finished her last season as a Jumbo with a team-high 8.88 assists per set, good for third in the NESCAC. The center of the Jumbos’ offensive attack, Lord earned AllNESCAC honors for the third time, adding another accolade to her seemingly endless collection that includes 2011 NESCAC Co-Player of the Year. Ellefsen, one of many strong attacking outside hitters for Tufts, finished the season fifth in kills on the team with 76 in 58 sets. Meanwhile, Bruck played the role of defensive specialist, finishing fifth in digs on the team with 114. And while these accomplished seniors will go out without a NESCAC championship under their belt after a disappointing first-round loss to Bowdoin, they will leave behind a legacy of success and the knowledge that thanks to their efforts, the team has made great strides toward a becoming a consistent contender for the NESCAC title. “They are a great group of girls, very talented. They can only go up from here,” Lord said. “I think that there is some groundwork to be a great team, very cohesive. I’m not worried about them carrying on the tradi-
tion of Tufts volleyball.” Despite losing three integral personalities to the team, Tufts will be full of seasoned veterans next year. The Jumbos will return more than a few strong players, including All-NESCAC second team selection sophomore Kelly Brennan, who led the team offensively and was third in the NESCAC with 3.15 kills per set. Other key contributors who will be asked to play bigger roles next year are sophomores Haley Hopper, who finished second on the team in kills, and Kuhel, who led the team in blocks this year and was the 2011 NESCAC Rookie of the Year. As the team’s only current junior, libero Virginia Clay, who led the team defensively with 269 digs, will have to step up and provide leadership for the aspiring Jumbos. The potential for next year’s team is undeniable, as many players gained invaluable experience from this year’s hard-fought matches. The confidence that leaving seniors like Lord have for the future of the team is echoed in the mindsets of next year’s rising stars. “We need to keep the momentum we got up at end of this season and not start off slowly,” Kuhel said. “I’m very optimistic about year. We’ll have a very strong team next year. We want to pick up where we left off this year.”
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Despite battling through a 13-13 season, the volleyball team has plenty of reasons to be hopeful for next year.
Field Hockey
Tufts victorious over Castleton in NCAA first round matchup
Kate Klots
Daily Editorial Board
At a certain point, it stopped looking like field hockey. With snow steadily accumulating on Bello Field FIELD HOCKEY (15-2 Overall, 10-2 NESCAC) at Bello Field, Wednesday NCAA First Round Castleton Tufts
Jumbos conclude season by looking for first win at Middlebury For the second straight season, the football team enters its season finale against Middlebury 0-7, searching for that elusive first win. Last year when the two teams squared off, the Panthers crushed the Jumbos’ dreams on a two-yard touchdown run with two seconds remaining in the fourth quarter, handing Tufts a 19-17 defeat. This year, Tufts’ biggest heartbreak is probably already in its rearview mirror, with Saturday’s senior day game ending in an overtime loss to the visiting Colby Mules. Unfortunately for the Jumbos, the Panthers, a NESCAC offensive juggernaut still hoping for an outside chance at the league championship, present a much greater challenge. While the Jumbos rank third in the league with 191.7 passing
yards per game, the Panthers are racking up nearly double that average. They’ve thrown for an average of 368.9 yards in each contest — the best in the NESCAC — on the strength of their talented junior quarterback McCallum Foote. The Jumbos defense may struggle to control the Panther offense, but head coach Jay Civetti’s team will attempt to match the Panthers’ offensive firepower with a running game that has seen marked improvement of the last two weeks. “We’ve got to try to stay on the field [on offense],” Civetti said. “So running the ball will be a big point of emphasis for us.” In the class of 2013’s final game, the entire program has made sure to also emphasize that this is their last chance to show the NESCAC what it can be. It is
A year of experience, growth for Jumbos by
Alex Schroeder
Daily Staff Writer
The volleyball team’s tri-captains Kendall Lord, Kiersten Ellfesen and Natalie Bruck will all graduate this spring, leaving behind a team that finished the season at .500 with a mix of tough losses and definitive wins. But as the Jumbos try to solidify their position in the NESCAC, these three seniors will graduate having led long, prolific careers under coach Cora Thompson. “I think overall it has been such a positive experience,” Lord said. “I have really grown throughout my years as a player from freshman to senior year. I’ve played under great captains and with amazing teammates, so I’m really sad to go, but I hope I can leave a legacy for the girls that I had the honor of being captain of.” In many ways this season was a rebuilding year for the Jumbos, who finished in second place in the NESCAC last year. But Tufts came out of the gate on fire, defeating nonconference opponents Rhode Island College and Brandeis. Following a loss to Wellesley, though, the team’s chronic inconsistency began to set in. Tufts could not compile a winning streak of more than three
games, and key in-conference losses later in the season against Bowdoin, Williams and Middlebury hurt the Jumbos’ chances for success. But at the same time, Tufts demonstrated outstanding resilience all season long. An impressive victory against Conn. College, a strong showing against nationally ranked No. 5 Christopher Newport in the Beacons Invitational and most impressively, the match against Springfield in the MIT Invitational proved just what the Jumbos were capable of. “The match against Springfield showed us we were able to play at a really high level,” sophomore middle blocker Isabel Kuhel said. “Before that, we didn’t have a high level of competition. It showed us we were able to compete with really great teams, despite the loss.” Even as the regular season began to wind down, the team was in contention for the top spot in the NESCAC, but a lack of mental fortitude led to an early end that the seniors were not expecting. “This year was a struggle,” Lord said. “Every game we tried to start fresh and really just play. I grew a lot just from the challenges of a see VOLLEYBALL, page 7
a last opportunity for Civetti to shake up the lineups with some of his younger players, as well as an opportunity for the seniors to go out with a bang. “[The mentality] is kind of just to leave everything out there,” senior defensive back Sam Diss said. “We’re just trying to keep fighting, keep cranking it out with one game left, and we’re going to leave everything on the field like we’ve done all season.” Diss and his classmates have done their best to ignore the fact that this will be their last time putting on pads in a Tufts uniform. When the emotions are stripped away, this game comes down to one thing — pride. “We’re confident,” senior quarterback John Dodds said. “We have nothing to lose.” —by Marcus Budline
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as the afternoon wore on, the No. 10 field hockey team played through the elements on its way to a dominating 8-0 victory over Castleton State College in Wednesday’s NCAA first round matchup. The victory, which propelled the Jumbos into Saturday’s round of 16, marked a rousing recovery for the Jumbos, who lost 4-1 to No. 6 Bowdoin last Saturday in the NESCAC semifinals. By the last whistle, the contest had begun to resemble ice hockey more than anything else. But the Jumbos were clearly the better team, using the slick surface to their advantage and outpacing the Spartans beginning to end. “We’ve really been focusing on finishing our looks and collecting rebounds to put them in,” junior midfielder Emily Cannon said. “On Wednesday, we finally achieved that. We focused on completing really quick free-hits and just pushing the ball up the field as fast as we could to catch them off guard. It worked well, and our transition game played into that too.” The road to the blowout began right from the first whistle. Just over a minute in, the Jumbos notched their first penalty corner opportunity of the game, and senior forward Kelsey Perkins inserted the ball to sophomore midfielder Maggie Chapman, whose first attempt went just wide of the cage. Seconds later, the sophomore took another whack at the ball, but Castleton sopho-
more goalkeeper Jessica Galatioto was there to make the stop for the Spartans. But on the rebound, Tufts broke through. Perkins tapped in her tenth goal of the season at the 1:37 mark to give the Jumbos the early advantage. A minute later, Cannon finished a goal of her own to double the Jumbos’ advantage. “Coming out, we wanted to get as many goals as we could as fast as possible,” Cannon said. “We really didn’t want the bad weather to play any part in deciding the outcome of the game, so we knew if we got off to a good start earlier, we would be putting ourselves in a better position. After we scored the first few goals, we just wanted to keep going.” For more than 10 minutes Tufts continued to possess, setting the fast pace of the game and having already forced Galatioto to make six saves halfway through the first half. Smelling blood in the water, Tufts struck again. This time, firstyear forward Hannah Park knocked in her third goal of the season, finding space in the middle of a congested circle to send one home for the Jumbos. Trailing 3-0, Castleton began to press offensively for the first time in the contest. On a corner, junior forward Rachel Preusser inserted to classmate and midfielder Brynn Cayia at the top of the circle. Cayia took aim at the cage, but Tufts sophomore keeper Brianna Keenan was there to swat the ball out of danger. Preusser controlled the rebound, sending a quick shot on goal, but Keenan pulled through again for the Jumbos and made the save. For the remainder of the half, the Jumbos rarely relinquished the ball. After exhausting Galatioto with a flurry of shots, senior co-captain Lia Sagerman inserted a corner to junior midfielder Stephanie Wan, who drove in from the top of the circle, finishing the shot for her first see FIELD HOCKEY, page 7
Men’s Soccer to take on Vassar in first round of NCAA tournament
Oliver Porter/Tufts Daily
The men’s soccer team will be looking to extend its season on Saturday, as the Jumbos take on Vassar in the first round of the NCAA tournament. The game, which will be held at Brandeis College in Waltham, Mass., marks the team’s first appearance in the tournament since 1996, as coach Josh Shapiro’s team has morphed over the last several seasons into a strong and deep unit. Advancing to the second round,
though, will be no easy task, as the Brewers will come into the game boasting a 12-4-3 record and have a top goalscorer in sophomore forward Tom Wiechert. The winner of the game will take on the victor of the Brandeis-Baruch matchup on Sunday, with the winner of that second round-game moving on to the Sweet 16 next weekend. — David McIntyre