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Thursday, March 28, 2013


Where You Read It First Est. 1980

Strategic planning process concludes first phase by Jenna


Daily Editorial Board

Oliver Porter / Tufts Daily

The Joey shuttle will now transport students to the Stop & Shop supermarket in Fellsway Plaza every Wednesday and Thursday evening.

Stop & Shop offers new Joey shuttle to market by

Annabelle Roberts

Daily Editorial Board

The Joey shuttle yesterday debuted a new route to the Stop & Shop supermarket in Fellsway Plaza to provide students with an easy and affordable option for buying groceries. Funded by Stop & Shop, the free service will run every Wednesday and Thursday, leaving from the upper patio of the Mayer Campus Center at 7:45 p.m. and bringing students back by 9:45 p.m., according

to Chair of the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate Services Committee Christie Maciejewski, a junior. Fellsway Plaza, which is approximately 10 minutes away from the Medford/Somerville campus, also offers a number of other stores and restaurants, including Chipotle, CVS, Men’s Wearhouse, Off Broadway Shoes and Outback Steakhouse. The Senate Services Committee last month came up with the idea to see JOEY, page 2

The administration this month released the Prelude to the Strategic Plan in an effort to further engage the Tufts community in the university-wide strategic planning initiative that launched last October, Tufts: The Next 10 Years (T10). The 40-page prelude document outlines the findings of seven working groups, four core committees and a steering committee during the first phase of the T10 process and will be used to draft the final 10-year strategic plan by November. The prelude primarily serves as a guide for soliciting community feedback and invites students, faculty and staff to complete surveys after reading each section, according to Associate Provost for Academic Planning LouAnn Westall. “What will be important as we move forward in the process with getting community input and working with our steering committee is how we are going to prioritize those initiatives, or things that bubbled up to be very, very important,” she said. Discussions throughout the T10 process have centered on key areas affecting the university like teaching and learning, research and scholarship, impact on society and enabling services, technologies and resources, Provost and Senior Vice President David Harris said. He emphasized that Tufts is relatively young as a research institution and that it is crucial to develop a strategic plan to determine where to invest the university’s resources during a challenging time in higher education. “It’s really important at this point to sort of take stock and say, ‘As these different parts are maturing, and as they’ve been changing, what can we collectively do?’” Harris said.

Alongside the prelude’s observations about the student experience and the need to foster active learning in classrooms, Harris highlighted the section on diversity and inclusion. “As our pride increases, as the quality of [a Tufts education] goes up, so does our obligation to make sure that this is not just something for the wealthy ... That’s where financial aid comes in,” he said. The prelude also proposes a new mission statement that stresses that Tufts is a student-centered institution with a commitment to knowledge, inclusion, innovation and impact. This revised mission statement, about 10 percent of the length of Tufts’ current page-long mission, will be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval along with the final strategic plan, according to Harris. “[ The new mission statement] is really a synthesis of the key messages of what Tufts is,” Westall said. “It’s much more succinct.” The process leading up to the creation of the prelude involved preparing 10-page reports in specialized working groups, according to Anjuli Branz, a senior on the Active Citizenship and Public Service Working Group. Her group focused on defining active citizenship and how to connect the various public service projects across campus, she said. “What was so great about being on the working group also was being able to hear from professors at all the different schools about what they’re doing, and I really had no idea before I interacted with them that they were doing such awesome work,” Branz said. Senior Yulia Korovikov, a student representative on the Teaching and Learning see STRATEGIC PLAN, page 2

Weber discusses gorilla conservation in Rwanda by Smriti


Daily Staff Writer

Bill Weber, senior conservationist with the Wildlife Conservation Society and cofounder of the Mountain Gorilla Project in Rwanda, last night discussed the lessons he has learned through his work preserving gorilla habitats in Central Africa. Weber’s presentation, titled “Gorillas and Elephants, People and Parks: Lessons in Conservation and Conflict from Central Africa,” was held in the Cabot Intercultural Center. The event was sponsored by the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy’s (CIERP) Agriculture, Forests, and Biodiversity Program at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Weber’s work in international conservation primarily focuses on the human aspects of conservation. According to Adjunct Assistant Professor of International Environmental Policy Charles Chester, who organized the event, Weber has the unique ability to understand and clearly explain the tension between human needs and conserving biodiversity. “Bill combines a passion for wildlife with an understanding of what it takes to ensure that wildlife can survive in areas where the human need and right to basic resources is intense,” Chester said. “There are too few

Caroline Geiling / The Tufts Daily

International conservationist Bill Weber last night discussed the lessons he has learned about the tension between human needs and conserving biodiversity through his work with gorillas in Rwanda. individuals who can speak on how to resolve this tension, and Bill Weber is one of those precious few.” Weber told the audience the story of the founding of Mountain Gorilla Project, which he created with his wife, biologist and

Inside this issue

gorilla expert Amy Vedder, in the late 1970s. Throughout his talk, Weber highlighted the many lessons he learned from the challenges and successes he experienced in creating and developing the project. The Mountain Gorilla Project is an eco-

tourism venture designed to attract visitors to visit free-ranging mountain gorillas in order to financially support the preservation of gorilla habitats. The project also works to see WEBER, page 2

Today’s sections

Learn the real story behind Alex’s Place on the Tich rooftop.

Students learn from professionals behindthe-scenes while working on “Old Guy.”

see FEATURES, page 3

see WEEKENDER, page 5

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