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Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Where You Read It First Est. 1980

TCU Presidential Election Voting for the Tufts Community Union (TCU) presidential election started at midnight today and will conclude tonight at 11:59 p.m. Students can vote through Tufts WebCenter by selecting the “Election Online” button from the drop down menu. Students can rank the order in which they prefer the candidates, including up to three candidates on their ballots, and the ranking will come into play if no candidate reaches a simple majority after all votes are tallied. If a student’s first choice receives the lowest number of votes, then his or her vote will be given to the candidate that he or she

marked second on the ballot. The three candidates on the ballot are juniors Joe Donenfeld, Christie Maciejewski and Joe Thibodeau. Profiles on these candidates can be found in the news section of yesterday’s edition of the Daily, which is available online, as well as on the Elections Commission website. Students can also vote on a referendum to alter the TCU Constitution in a number of ways. Further details can be found at ecom. tufts.edu/referenda. — by Melissa Wang

TCU approves funding for Tier II club sports The Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate on April 16 signed an agreement to allocate Senate money to Tier II club sports teams for the first time. According to TCU Treasurer Matthew Roy, Tier II sports had not received funding in the past because there were not enough funds available to support both Tier I and Tier II. Two years ago there was only $53,000 reserved for club sports, but this year that number increased to $78,000, and next year there will be $115,000 to be distributed among teams. “We are really excited about how much more we were able to allocate to club sports,” Roy, a sophomore, said. Tier I club sports include cycling, equestrian, skiing, water polo, taekwondo, rugby, fencing, volleyball, table tennis and ultimate frisbee. Tier II sports, including baseball, tennis, ice hockey and soccer, are defined as more recreational groups organized for the primary purpose of athletic extramural activity while using the Tufts name. Roy said that the original agreement gave priority to Tier I sports because the funds available for club sports were limited and because the Senate did not realize how much funding Tier II sports needed. “The Tier I sports teams have been around longer, but that doesn’t mean they should be the only ones receiving funding,” he said. Prior to the new agreement, Tier II by Jack


Contributing Writer

sports had access to a buffer fund consisting of 10 percent of the total club sports but had to raise most of their money through fundraising, Roy said. According to Vice President of the Club Tennis Men’s Team Kenny Westerman, the old buffer system had major flaws and was difficult to manage. “It was always a hassle going through the buffer,” Westerman said. “We’ve been too late with submitting the forms, and we’ve even been too early. This will make things a lot easier for us. We were eating a lot of the costs and paying out of our own pocket.” In the past, Westerman said he was frustrated with Senate decisions that left club teams without funding. “It was disappointing to hear about big increases in funding for club sports in the past because of a disconnect between the senators and club sports members,” Westerman said. “Effectively all of it was going to Tier I teams.” During the fall semester, steps were taken to facilitate communication between the Senate and the club sports teams that ultimately lead to the new agreement, Roy said. The two groups formed a committee with several senators and four club sports athletes, one male and one female from each of the two tiers. According to Roy, the committee was important in helping Senate understand Tier II sports teams’ needs. see CLUB SPORTS, page 2


The Office of Residential Life and Learning will ban residential staff from dating their residents starting in the fall semester.

ResLife to ban RA-resident relationships next year by Stephanie


Daily Editorial Board

A new Office of Residential Life and Learning (ResLife) rule will prohibit Resident Assistants (RAs) from dating residents from the residence halls for which they are responsible starting next year. Though they can date other students who live on campus, (RAs), Academic and Community Engagement (ACE) fellows and academic residential tutors cannot be in an “intimate relationship” with anyone who lives in their building, Director of ResLife Yolanda King told the Daily in an email. Because RAs are university employees and student mentors, these individuals have authority and influence over peers making a romantic relationship inappropriate, King said. She said she updated the policy this year to align with Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) guidelines about misconduct prevention. While RAs were allowed to date residents previously — though RAs learned in train-

ing that it was frowned upon — RAs had to report the relationship to the Resident Director (RD). The two would discuss potential conflict of interests based on the training RAs received before the school year, former RA Ben Chamberlain said. Chamberlain, who did not have a relationship with a resident last year, said he is against the new policy as it is not necessary to ensure an RA carries out his or her responsibilities. “The difference between an RA and a resident really isn’t a huge thing — or at least it shouldn’t be,” Chamberlain, a senior, said. “I wouldn’t consider the RA to be considered necessarily a position of power, so there’s not a weird power dynamic.” The new rule mimics the existing ban on intimate relationships between RDs and residents, King said. Whereas RDs are graduate students, who can be much older than residents, RAs are undergraduates, so they are no more than three years older. see RESLIFE, page 2

Tufts Hapa celebrates Loving Day, supports interracial love by

Abigail Feldman

Daily Editorial Board

Courtesy Gabriella Simundson

The club tennis team is one of the Tier II club sports teams that will now be allocated funding, due to the Senate’s new agreement.

Inside this issue

Tufts Hapa, a Tufts student group for part-Asian students, presented its firstannual Loving Day Rally on the upper patio of Mayer Campus Center yesterday afternoon to celebrate the 1967 Supreme Court decision for Loving v. Virginia, which declared anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional. Loving Day is a part of a national movement initiated by Graphic Designer Ken Tanabe in 2004. The Tufts celebration featured student speakers alongside activities such as tie-dying and a bake sale. Tufts Hapa President Kathryn Li explained that club members decid-

ed to bring the rally to campus after one of them participated in a separate Loving Day celebration and wanted to share the idea. “We have two messages,” Li, a junior, said. “It’s kind of this idea that you should be able to love who you want ... and the idea that cultures can coexist together without conflicting with each other.” Joseph Wat, a member of the Tufts Hapa, opened the rally, providing a background on the relatively young club and an explanation of the Loving v. Virginia court case. Wat, a senior, praised the rally’s message of diversity, reminding audience members how far the country has come see LOVING DAY, page 2

Today’s sections

A look at the buildings that make up the Fletcher School.

JessieWare’s “Devotion” shows a wide range of sounds and emotions.

see FEATURES, page 3

see ARTS, page 5

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