Audi Urban Platform Berlin
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
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Audi Urban Platform Berlin
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Tuğçe Kuruçay Born in 1989, in İzmir, Turkey. In 2007, she graduated from Department of Interior Home Design as the top student of vocational high school. She studied at City and Regional Planning in İzmir Institute of Technology, and in 2009 she started to double major program at department of Architecture. Via Erasmus Student Mobility Programme, she studied in Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) for 6 months. She received both Bachelor of Architecture and Bachelor of City and Regional Planning degrees and graduted as High Honor Student. With her senior design project, she was awarded the 2nd prize in National Student Competition which organized by Turkish Union of Planning Schools and the Chamber of City Planners. Also she received Higher Education Scholarship for her Bachelor education from Turkish Education Foundation. She is now a master student, who is awarded with DAAD-TEV master scholarship, at Dessau International Architecture Graduate School in Dessau. Recently, the thesis project has been nominated to Robert Oxman Prize in DIA.
Yiğit Tuncel Born in 1991, in İzmir, Turkey. He graduated with Bachelor of Architecture degree from Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey in 2014 as honour student and studied at Politechnika Slaska, Poland with Erasmus Exchange Program in 2012-2013. He worked in İzmir in architectural and interior design office. Owing to his interest to palaeontology, he attended to excavation as volunteer Grotte du Lazaret, Nice, France supported by IPH Paris. In 2016, he was an intern at ID-WAD architectural design office in Paris and in the design process of international projects. Currently studying at DIA as master student and has been nominated Lars Lerup Prize in 2016 and Robert Oxman Prize in 2017. He was organizer of Plum Nights an international platform in 2015-2016. He is interested in photography.
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences D es s au I nter nat ional A rchitec ture G r aduate S chool M aster of A r ts
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ver t i cal i t y an d m odular i t y in fac tor y design
Audi Urban Platform Berlin
s u p er v i sor : Prof. Er i c Helter s econd s u p er v isor : Prof. J ohannes K alvelage
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50 Proposal 52 Project Site 60 Project Concept : Audi Urban Platform a. Modular and Vertical Elements b. Product c. Program d. Building Idea e. Site Idea f. Circulation g. Building Functional Scenario h. Structure and Material
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14 Research 16 Industry 1.0 to 3.5: Production Methods and Factory Typology in Automotive Industry 22 Industry 4.0: Future Production Method and Factory Design in Automotive Industry 40 Audi AG’s Current Situation 46 An economic model for automotive industry: Micro Retail Factory
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09 Acknowledgement 13 Abstract
92 Plans 102 List of Figures 104 Bibliography
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The project and research were also supported by Ms. MĂźller who is working in Architecture department in Audi AG. We are thankful to her for providing insight and feedbacks, sharing information and exchanging ideas. She has hosted us twice in Ingolstadt Audi Production Plant, one was for introducing the organization of the plant and the other visit was for presentation of our research outcomes. Furthermore, we would like to thank her for being part of the jury in our midterm presentations. Last but not least, we would send our gratitude to all Professors who actively participated to our project and research presentations with their valuable contributions by critics and giving feedbacks.
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We are also immensely grateful to Prof. Johannes Kalvelage who is our second advisor of our thesis research and project, for having arranged meetings with us during his busy schedule. He has greatly commented to our project and presentations to improve and bring it to advanced level. He opened different debates over the research and gave us different perspectives about automotive industry.
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We would like to express our gratitude to Prof. Eric Helter who is the tutor of the thesis studio, for sharing his knowledge and giving excitements and enthusiasm on our project during the studio meetings. He has greatly assisted the Thesis Studio by meeting with us almost each week both semesters and by believing and supporting the all valuable ideas.
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To my Family Emre, Ece ve Cahit Tuncel’e sevgilerle, Yiğit Tuncel
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This is dedicated to my parents Sevinç and Nurettin, and my sister Gülce, who have always supported me with their love. Love you from my heart. Sizi seviyorum. Tuğçe Kuruçay
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The master thesis research has aimed to make a study of the presumptive technological advancements in the future and direct spatial influences on the factory design. Furthermore, this dissertation addresses to reimagine the factory, in terms of its form, function and mechanism and debates over articulating the factory into urban organism. With the respect of ongoing research, modular production method with vertical organization is going to be debated for possible factory design and propose a pilot factory project, particularly for Audi company.
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While the industry has been changed over the years since industrial revolution had begun, it provokes changes on technology and architecture itself. The development of industry has stimulated the formation of the factory. In new era of industry, nowadays ‘Smart Factory’ has become a vision that deals with cyber physical systems. Most importantly, what does this terminology, as ‘Smart Factory’ that we are all familiar with, mean to us for the future, particularly for an automobile company? Today’s rectilinear, flat shed and stable factory typologies cannot meet the requirements of the future anymore. Futuristic trends are seeking apropos factory designs, fictionalizing the changes and incorporating the change into its environs. In this regard, factory as a considerate industrial amenity to ecological cycle, is disposed to be included into the life cycle of urban context with its cleaner high-tech manufacture methods. This connotes the possible return of the factories to cities in the future. The lack of land area in dense urban fabric, environmental concerns, economic issues and physical restrictions meet in the common denominator to shape the flow and its form vertically.
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Figure 1: Ford Highland Park. Mockup of gravity chute system for final assembly. Source: Hildebrand, 1975, p. 33
r e s e a r c h Industry 1.0 to 3.5: Production Methods and Factory Typology in Automotive Industry
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Industry 1.0 to 3.5: Production Methods and Factory Typology in Automotive Industry
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Figure 2: Car production on assembly Line Source:, 17 June 2017
r e s e a r c h Industry 1.0 to 3.5: Production Methods and Factory Typology in Automotive Industry
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One of the most significant factory building is a four-story building, designed by Albert Kahn in Ford Highland Park Plant. It is named as daylight factory owing to its steel-sash windows through which natural light permeates into the interior workspaces, and the building generates open floors for machinery. In this design, the manufacturing methods took advantage of gravity and from raw material to a completed product, they used the advantages of vertical, multi-storied building. Vertically organized production process had started with the arrival of the raw materials and storage of them in upper floors. In the steps of mounting each part to the product, the ongoing production shifts gradually from one floor to another, and ended with the finished product at the lowest floor1. This demonstrates that the conformance of the factory to production organization of that time, and its capability to fill the deficiency of a technological component.
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In the first industrial revolution of 18th century, the early factory in automotive industry began after the first car patent taken by Benz. The challenge was to find a proper design of a building to house so huge machines inside. At the beginning of the 20th century, so called industry 1.0 era, the modern factory for an automotive industry perceived to be a fully functional building which would fulfill the car production and meet the necessity of the recent technology. The initial production method could be described as that cars had been started to be produced by a group of workers who were assembling the entire car together. The production methods shaped the requirement and, accordingly factory organization and design of it.
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Developments in technological sense have an important share in the coming of ‘Smart’ term to today. In the meantime, developments in the industry and technology have brought different forms and functionality to architecture in each era of industry.
Factory functioning as place of production, became symbol of industrial modernity and highly influenced to different industrial buildings or even different typologies. The precursor of modernist architecture, Walter Gropius, dedicated himself to recognize truly the functional beauty of factories and he applied 1  Hildebrand 1975, p. 32
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r e s e a r c h Industry 1.0 to 3.5: Production Methods and Factory Typology in Automotive Industry
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Figure 3: Industry 1.0 : The first car production method and multi-story car factory illustration (daylight factory in Highland Plant) Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
some technological and stylistic advances of factories into his designs. In his Faguswerk design, he and Adolf Meyer reflected the requirements of a desirous industrialist and symbolized the transparency of modernity, as the face of the new architecture2 . As an iconic building, Fagus Factory was stimulator to formation of Bauhaus building, by being the aesthetic and formal outcome of early industrial architecture3. Another effective improvement was continuous assembly line, implemented in Highland Park Plant of Ford in 1913. After this innovation in manufacturing, Henry Ford could evaluate the inappropriateness of the multi-story factory building for the implementation of this method. The design of the new production place was shaped as linear and one-story building to be more consonant with the working principle of automated assembly chain in Rouge River Plant of Ford Company4. The linear factory building covered a huge plot to comprehend all stages of the car production. This new manufacturing technique was 2 Darley 2003, p. 145 3 Aitchison 2014, p. 1-8 4 Hildebrand 1975, p. 34
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potent to generate new production places, because it pledged to decrease the production interval from 12 hours to 93 minutes. Moreover, division of labor that separates each task into a separate person or group of persons in the process, was part of the assembly line technique to increase the speed of manufacturing. This method is accepted by large number of industrialist and influenced the economy by comprehending the vision and practice of mass production and mass consumption. Assembly line technique is an indispensable method and still in use in all the production areas today, with its more advanced models.
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Figure 4: Industry 2.0 : First assembly line and vast factory typologies illustration influenced by Rouge River Plant of Ford Company. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
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The form of the factories has undergone change in consequences of economy and political circumstances. In postwar term, producing cheaper and faster factories was the major consideration and “windowless factory” and cheap “single-story shed factory” became widespread around the world. When labor rights
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Figure 5: Industry 3.0 : Computer and automation in manufacturing and sprawling sheds in production plants. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
became more important, they added some windows and courtyards to this monotonous building to make work life tolerable for workers5. This multiplication of the sprawling sheds in the same production plants corresponds to industry 3.0 era. Owing to the new atomization of the manufacturing with computer information technology, the number of car produced increased dramatically and induced to need more available space for advanced machines to be situated in. These buildings were erected near the old ones with the same functional principles. The expansion created giant production plants which consume immediate surrounding lands. 5 Winter 1970, p. 69-71
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Vertical Tracks
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Figure 6: Industry 3.5 : Audi advanced assembly line and the illustration of multi-story sprawling sheds in Audi Production Plant. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
By the reason of industry 4th revolution, the definition of factory has to be changed. In 21th century’s factory scheme is still having some traces from past, however not applicable for future unexpected needs. For instance, automobile manufacturer Audi currently has the latest technology production tools and robots in its existing production plant. The workflow comprises two-leveled-production, one level contained advanced assembly line and robot gardens attached to one another, and the other level, to which the body of car is carried vertically, constituting buffer zones in order to prevent malfunction’s effect on manufacturing process. Such an organizational scheme constitutes troubles even for the moment in a building having a static framework.
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Buffer Zone btw. Assembly Lines
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Figure 7: Audi Startup Company Arculus : testing modular assembly production method in a textile factory building. Source: Kรถbler 2017, p. 22-23
r e s e a r c h Industry 4.0: Future Production Method and Factory Design in Automotive Industry
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Industry 4.0: Future Production Method and Factory Design in Automotive Industry
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Figure 8: Audi’s Automated Guided Vehicle called ‘Paula’ is a backbone of modular assembly. Source: Reil 2017, p. 28
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The production concept for the future states the linear assembly line -developed by Henry Ford approximately 100 years ago- would not be compatible with the latest technological developments and rapidly changing and evolving product profile. In production, the speed and production capacity of the linear assembly line cannot be ignored, however the rapidly developing technology, the short life cycle of the products and the products’ varieties force the factories to keep up with the latest technology. There are also other problems with the linear assembly line; It is linear with rigid sequential process. In other words, a glitch that occurs at the beginning or middle of the production line has its effect on all production, and at some point, the production is partially or completely stopped. In addition, the linear assembly line cannot respond quickly to changing product ranges, and sometimes also creates spatial problems. It is expected that linear assembly line which is inefficient and inflexible in its rhythm will gradually lose its effect in the future. This means that alternative production methods are considered, for instance by Audi, and trial work has already started to be carried out called as ‘Modular Assembly’6.
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Industry 4.0: Future Production Method and Factory Design in Automotive Industry
6 Köbler 2017, p. 22-27
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r e s e a r c h a. Modular Production Method
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Figure 9: Illustration of Audi Modular Assembly Concept. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel, inspired by Audi Modular Assembly Idea
r e s e a r c h a. Modular Production Method
Figure 10: Illustration of advanced assembly line Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel, inspired by Audi Illustration on Encounter Magazine
Modular Assembly production method, unlike linear assembly line, provides various production stations and with the aid of ‘driverless-transport-systems’ body parts of car and the equipment to be applied to the cars are going to be carried to the production stations. If encountering a possible problem at the production stations, the vehicle or equipment will be redirected to another station owing to interactive data network managed from a center thereby a defect in production will be canceled out. Owing to the ‘internet of things’ that started to take an active role with Industry 4.0, it is possible to monitor that which part is where, where it is coming from and where it will proceed during production, and at the same time, parts and stations are able to communicate with each other via wireless internet. It also enhances the product range and will bring customization to the products with 3D scanners and 3D printers. At this point, personally identifiable car productions will also become widespread.
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a. Modular Production Method
competence islands have work contents in which highly qualified staff assisted by robots, highly flexible and mobil arrangement for model changes and different technologies
DTS driverless transport systems as backbone of modular assembly, brings the bodyshells and the materials to the individual production stations,
Figure 11: Illustration of the elements of Audi Modular Assembly Concept. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel, inspired by Audi Modular Assembly Idea
Furthermore, with the spread of in-plant use of these new generation production tools, which take up less space and contain more functions, a smaller space will be needed. As it is stated in ‘Design for Disassembly Guidelines’, “Embrace modularity. A freely interchangeable building system enables rapid and efficient changes to layout and function7.” With this idea, a modular production method will allow the building to have a flexible plan and volume that can adapt to future changes, as well as having a feature of recycling. 7 Arup 2015, p. 43
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Big Data to control workflow to gather all datas and manage the all needs, communication between islands
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body scnanner symbolizes individualization of the product, the driver of the future is measured and a tailor-made seat comes from the 3d printer
This manufacturing method is being tested nowadays by a startup company named ‘arculus’ which is organized by Audi AG as a production laboratory. By now, they calculated the productivity level of this new method as more than 20% advantageous than assembly line method. Moreover, Audi has initiated to test the supporting elements for future production such as automated guided vehicle (AGV) names as Paula and automated transport of the parts with drones8.
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drones rapid transportation of individual parts, no visible transportation and production line, produce air traffic
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robots they will work hand-in-hand with people, as assistants and for repetitive procedures
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a. Modular Production Method
8 Köbler 2017, p. 24-30
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b. Future Factory Design Principles
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Figure 12: Because of new methods, manufacturing encounters the shrinkage of space and technologies. Source: Rapaport 2015, p. 443
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The production methods used today and the production spaces created by them are faced with many problems today and need solutions for the future. The most major problem defined by industrial companies is the fixed, static assembly line with definite dimensions. The fact that production line does not allow the production of cars of any new size, the creation of new production spaces for companies, the necessity of designing production lines in different dimensions, leads to unnecessary expenditures and pushes them to search for suitable space continuously. Yet, in the design process, in which the continuity of the production line is dominant, continuous horizontal box forms, which are copied continuously, have been created and used up to now. What is needed for the future is to invent alternatives to linear assembly methods and design spaces where flexible plan schematics that can be completely responsive to rapid changes. In addition to having a flexible design, it is important that the building has a spatial structure, especially a workable environment, and that the employees, workers, designers and robots, have a relationship with each other in a properly constructed structure. The other type of relationships which is so crucial for automotive factories is with consumers. To create an open environment for cooperation and knowledge and experience exchange between supplier and customer is so essential that can happen in the city9. This leads to question the location of the factories where is outskirt of the city. Individual customizations in manufacturing in future is going to need a platform which provides proximity to the consumer. The different type of relationship could be produced by providing variety of activities and functions in a factory apart from production. High- tech industry would be added to the urban fabric with its new identity; flexible, hybrid and smaller.
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b. Future Factory Design Principles
9  Henn 2016
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Figure 13: Locating in dense areas Due to its small footprint, it can easily find its place anywhere, even in the city. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
Flexibility It is impossible to ignore the change at any moment, and as Franck said “Embracing time in architecture means embracing change10.” Changes in production required to respond quickly to the needs of the future make architectural changes inevitable. It seems appropriate to provide the production method required in this frame with a modular combination. Production areas designed as a modular assembly factory, also have an appropriate function in terms of flexibility, in case the company needs the factory in different location, then it can be designed elsewhere. Flexible building forms keep pace with possible changes 10 Franck 2016, p. 10
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as the production capacity increases. The complexity and diversity of production are accomplished with high amount of flexibility. Sometimes this solution is sought within the building and sometimes even until the building is enlarged. Horizontal enlargement of the plant’s mass will increase the carbon footprint that the plant will leave in the environment, and sometimes it will not be possible to do so per the current state of the estate. Vertical growth, therefore, is essential to meet the space requirement of the plant, since there is no boundary in the air. Likewise, vertical growth will provide flexibility to the factory in order to house multi-production floors which easily accessible to different production stages.
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Figure 14: Closer to Customer Supplier has direct connection to customer orders for new car, reduction in build to stock, reduced discounting, reduced intermediary stock of finished vehicles (Nieuwenhuis and Wells 2003, p. 197-211). Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
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b. Future Factory Design Principles
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b. Future Factory Design Principles
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Figure 15: Diversity of Usages and Alternative Use Non production times, could be use as sales, service, maintanance and recycling area. Thus, less prone to the over-production. “Over Production is also waste and often leads to ‘dumping’ of a product on a market (Nieuwenhuis and Wells 2003, p. 197-211). Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
Mixed Use Industry settlements have been organized as isolated places from cities since modern times. Zoning codes of the functions in modern planning attempts, created monofunctional districts even in the city. This approach is being tried to avoid in cities to regenerate the economic activities and bring viable spaces back to cities. Nowadays, different functions have been decided to be banded together in order to provide common share and exchange the spatial and physical realm. However, in this approach the industrial activities are generally excluded from mixing process in the city due to the traditional
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Furthermore, factory can engage with the cities as a cultural realm and part of productivity of the city in any sense. For instance, some companies advanced market share and advertisement value with production facility tours or hosting some public events13. This ‘experience economy’ concludes ‘consumption of the production’ by allowing the customer to see the production process14. The new industrial entity would be an all-day open community generator and an encounter place for workers, customer and visitors. This mixed-use factory could be oriented vertically to host many functions possible and these typologies for factory design caters for being placed in dense cities and brings functional multiplicity. 11 12 13 14
Rappaport 2017, p. 72-86 Rappaport 2015, p. 449 Love 2017, p. 46 Rappaport 2017, p. 72
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Hybrid factories ensure the flexibility and ability to react changing economy conditions. A factory building should not have the mono function as production, otherwise this stimulates over-production which means economically and environmentally loss created by the company. Ideally, a factory may have different type of economic activities such as retail, maintenance and service. With this approach, factory will have variety of scenarios to transform itself in different conditions. In her book named ‘Vertical Urban Factory’, Rappaport describes the factory as beehive of the city included making, working and recreation activities which fosters urban energy and diversity12.
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perception of the industrial typology. Still there is a tendency to consider industry as polluted, noisy and giant places, consequently a divergent element in the city. Yet, the figure of industry is on the way to alter with innovation, and consideration of bringing the industry back to city is not far. The manufacturing will be reengaged with urbanism11. Creating multi-functionality in cities with addition of clean, high-tech industrial activities most likely constitutes new synergies and energic points in the cities.
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b. Future Factory Design Principles
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b. Future Factory Design Principles
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Small Scale The spatial typology of the manufacturing buildings is transforming to much denser, taller and selfsufficient with increased proximity into urban fabric15. This trend can be examined with recent sample projects such as Volkswagen Transparent Factory where is located in the heart of Dresden. By exposing the manufacturing process to city dwellers, this industry building has constituted a cultural amenity in the city. The designer architect company Henn, mentioned the idea for the future factory that “…urban organizational systems can largely inform the factory of the future. By integrating urban approaches, the 15 Rappaport 2015, p. 453-457
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Figure 16: Closer to High Qualified Personal “Over half of the total job openings in automotive industry to 2025 are forecast to require high-level qualifications (461,000 jobs)(EU Skills Panorama 2014) ” “Urban density is important because proximity spreads knowledge, which either makes workers more skilled or entrepreneurs more productive. Cities certainly attract more skilled workers(Glaeser and Resseger 2017). ” Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
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modern factory will feature production boulevards to generate awareness for continuous improvement of processes16”. Supporting this statement, being closer to the city brings more opportunities to find high-skilled and low-skilled worker at the same time. In the project phase, the major parameters will be to look for new prototypes to be applicable for the city centers which helps to conserve land, commuting times, carbon footprint, energy, and other resources from cities17.
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Figure 17: Logistics Factory is near to the market The movement of finished vehicle is highly inefficient, but raw materials can be transported easily to the assembly place (Nieuwenhuis and Wells 2003, p. 197-211). Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
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Self-sufficient factories which are well-designed in terms of energy and resource utilization should also 16 Henn 2016 17 Rappaport 2015, p. 437-438
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Figure 18: Cultural Amenity and Advertisement Value Audi is specialist producer, meaning that it competes on the basis of differentiation and cost recovery, Offering exculusivity, quality and utility. Consumers willing to pay this Premium because of company’s reputation and image in the market (Nieuwenhuis and Wells 2003, p. 15-33) Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
be considered in the sense that they cause minimum amount of harm to the environment and nature. A small and dense factory which occupies less ground in the city illustrates a sense of detachment from the old factory identity, which gives harms to the settlement of the surrounding area and invades the place as it extends. Factories in the cities could be the indivisible part of a synergic interrelation in urban ecosystem. The mutualist relationships of the factories can also be evaluated in terms of raw materials,
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energy or infrastructure. In other words, the waste of a factory can be converted to the raw material or energy of another factory. As Rappaport underlines “Vertical urban factories could produce energy rather than just consume it, and workers could recycle goods, rather than spew them out18”. A factory prototype which is designed by full set of recycled materials, turns into an input in one other factory’s manufacturing process.
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Figure 19: Verticality “Manufacturers can now do more with less space as robots and automation are reducing the space needed for production lines. More vertical space is also being used. This reduction in footprint leads to lower energy costs per square foot.” —Steven Hawkins, Director of Automation Services, Stellar (2012) (Arup 2015) . Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
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18 Arup 2015, p. 46
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Figure 20: At its plant in Neckarsulm, the automobile manufacturer is testing an assistance robot that works hand in hand with the employees in tailgate assembly. Source:
r e s e a r c h Audi AG’s Current Situation
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Audi AG’s Current Situation
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Figure 21: Audi Production Rates in 2016 Source: Audi Basic Information 2017, p. 31-36
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Figure 22: Audi Car Consumption Rates in 2016 Source: Audi Basic Information 2017, p. 11
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Figure 23: Audi Production Plants in Germany and Facilities Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
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In this regard, Audi has a decentralized manufacturing strategy that gives an opportunity to be closer to the customer, flexibility in production, to empower high-skilled workers and to foster distinctive strategies in different locations; such as becoming the key plant for electric mobility in Brussels, plugin hybrid electric vehicle in China and manufacturing electric motors in Hungary. On the other hand, there are strong domestic features coming to the fore, comprising high-tech site with electric-vehicle competence center, and smart production from the outset in Ingolstadt and one of the most complex automobile plants of Europe in Neckarsulm. In Germany, Ingolstadt has the complete facilities to a vehicle, from its development to the finished automobile. The site hosts Audi production plant, including press shop, body shop, paint shop and final assembly, headquarters with Technical Development, Future IN-Campus technology park, Logistics, Quality Assurance and Environment and Audi Forum20. The same facilities are provided in Audi Production Plant Neckarsulm as well. Apart from this, Gyor in Hungary is the main production plant for motor production supplying the need of Ingolstadt and Neckersulm.
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The most production number, according to 2016 data published by Audi Media Info, is Germany having 44,8 % of total production (852,940 cars) in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm , China 29,2 % (555,758 cars) in Changchun and Foshan, Spain 7,1 % (135,852) in Martorell, Hungary 6,5% (122,975) in Győr,and so on. Germany is in the forefront in the production of Audi cars around the world. The sales number also substantiates this figure. 45,9 percent of total sales vehicles are sold in Europe in 2016 and 15,7 of them in Germany19.
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Audi AG is manufacturing its car across the globe, predominantly in the continent of Europe with the number of 69 %, in Asia-Pacific with the number of 29.5 % and the rest production rate which is 1% percent currently, however it is envisaged that production capacity will reach a certain size 8 % in the following years, in America continent.
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19 Audi Basic Information 2017, p. 31-36 20 Audi Basic Information Ingolstadt 2017, p. 6
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F a c t o r y F u t u r e S m a r t
4 6
Figure 24: Disassembled Audi A3 sportback g-tron Source:, 17 June 2017
r e s e a r c h
A u d i
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
An economic model for automotive industry: Micro Retail Factory
4 7
r e s e a r c h An economic model for automotive industry: Micro Retail Factory
S m a r t
F u t u r e
F a c t o r y
When we examine the sale patterns in Germany, it is seen that 70% of the consumers in Germany prefer mainly to buy their Audi from local suppliers and the rest visit Forums, Ingolstadt or Neckersulm, for their purchasing21. As specialist producer Audi (like Mercedes or BMW), serves its product to the upper market because it offers harmony of exclusivity, quality and utility. In this context, company’s reputation and image in the market took a big share on purchasing the product with a high price of customer22. Being closer to the customer and offering a different experience while purchasing the automobile are smart steps that a company should take in the near future. The experience need a smart building which represents the idea of the company, shows the newest technology that company innovated and supplies a welcoming area for so called prosumers who participate the pre-production stage.
Figure 25: MDI air car company small factories concept as example for micro retail factory “The opposite of the classic approach to car manufacturing and its centralisation of vast production factories. MDI has developed numerous small production facilities across 5 continents.” Source:, 17 June 2017
Some economists arguing that there will be a tendency to have multiple smaller factories in automotive industries in the future. One business model for future named as ‘Micro Factory Retailing’ suggesting the same concept23. The approach basically combines manufacturing and sales in multiple local small factories within the market. This explains as that a factory could perform the retail function, addition to small scale production, with the 21 YouTube 2017 22 Nieuwenhuis and Wells 2003, p. 16 23 Orsato and Wells 2004, p. 376
4 8
r e s e a r c h
Briefly, micro factory retailing concept offers efficiency in forthcoming period, comprehending small scale operations of automotive industry. It ensures flexibility in necessary adaptations, multiplicity of functions, reduced oversupply, shorter lead times, new contact practices with customers, availability of skilled labor, increased social cohesion, and suitability to customized economy. Basically, it fictionalizes a high-tech, light industrial facility model which could find itself a place even in a brownfield area. MFR sets up a substructure for the proposal of a smart future factory, owing to showing parallelism with the principles of future concepts.
U r b a n A u d i
proximity to consumers. This has brought the discussion of more economically and environmentally efficient model of industrial organizations. MFR basically tries to obviate the distinction between production, service, maintenance and retailing. In this scenario, localized factory shares the role of 50 small plants of a company which reaches the same amount production rate of the monolithic large plant. With its predictive production number of 5000 cars per annum, this small scaled manufacturing operation can find place itself substantially in any location, brings flexibility in functions and market conditions, adopts itself smoothly to recent demands and gather valuable market data with physically impendence to customer’s ideas and lifestyles. Product based services receiving support by the high level of closer relationship to consumer, deduct the total stock number of produced vehicles with higher implementation of customization and the amount of square meter need for warehouse function for finished products dramatically decreases. In manner of logistics, MFR presumes that the small factory supplies components and subassemblies from the central production plant, practices final assembly and delivers the produced vehicle in the same building. This is a quite advantageous practice not to actualize inconvenient transportation of completed automobiles without any distribution cost. A recent example is MDI Air Car company which conceptualize a 5000 sqm prototype factories to undertake final assemblies in different areas, including office space, workshop and showroom. The company profits by lower logistic levels, smaller built-up lands, and a larger workforce and each standardized factory is planned to produce 2000 vehicles per annum24.
P l a t f o r m
An economic model for automotive industry: Micro Retail Factory
24  Orsato and Wells 2004, p. 379-380
4 9
p r o p o s a l
p r o p o s a l
F a c t o r y
Project Site
S m a r t
F u t u r e
5 2
Figure 26: Germany map, showing the location of Berlin, the city which is choosen for small smart factory. Source: Edited by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
p r o p o s a l
The multiple small retail factories need to be located in the strategically chosen cities. For the pilot project, Berlin is the number one option with its multicultural characteristic. Audi Company has been sponsor for so many events in Berlin, especially Berlinale (Figure 27). A hybrid factory, whose concept consists of retail and cultural facilities, can host so various activities and becomes first example of the clean factory figure in the city. With the number of 12,4 million visitors a year25, Berlin is the best location to situate a factory as an energic point.
U r b a n
Figure 27: Berlin map , showing the location of Moabit, which is the locality in Mitte. Source: Edited by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
A u d i
P l a t f o r m
Project Site
The transportation web is the crucial point for the selection of the area for a factory. Therefore, the main station, Hauptbahnhof which is in Moabit district (Figure 28), was the first location which comes to mind. 25, 10 March 2017
5 3
p r o p o s a l
S m a r t
F u t u r e
F a c t o r y
Project Site
5 4
Figure 28: The site plan of Moabit Locality, Mitte, Berlin Source: Edited by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel, sourced by FisBroker
A u d i
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
p r o p o s a l Project Site
5 5
p r o p o s a l
S m a r t
F u t u r e
F a c t o r y
Project Site
5 6
Figure 29: The site surrounding land use analysis Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel, map sourced by FisBroker
p r o p o s a l
Figure 30: The site surrounding transportation analysis Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel, map sourced by FisBroker
A u d i
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
Project Site
5 7
p r o p o s a l
S m a r t
F u t u r e
F a c t o r y
Project Site
5 8
Figure 31: The hybrid Audi factory could be a part of the route of industrial heritage in Berlin. Source: Edited by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel, source by
p r o p o s a l
In closer sense, near the site, there will be a city park (called as Stadtplatz) and a mixed-use project including offices and residential which is now under construction. On north-west, there is a untouched green area which is planned as a green area.
A u d i
Near central station, a site is selected to place a smart factory. It is also close to Westhafen (west harbor) and locating in between of highway B96 and Berlin-Spandauer Schifffahrtskanal (Figure 29). Hence, the site offers various means of transportation such as; railway, waterway and motorway. The site was used as railway area and industrial area and it is a brownfield area. Nowadays it is transformed into mixed use area with the current land use plan regulations which industrial usage is admissible26. The connection to the site is possible with bus (number 142), private cars (through highway B96) and bicycle. The proximity of the site to the central station is measured as 10 minutes on foot and 5 minutes by bicycle27.
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
Project Site
26  FisBroker, 9 May 2017 27  Google Map, 20 May 2017
5 9
6 0
S m a r t
F u t u r e
F a c t o r y
p r o p o s a l
Audi Urban Platform
A shared platform for Designers + Workers + Customers +Robots
A u d i
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
Project Concept : Audi Urban Platform
A hybrid, clean, small factory back in the city : mixed-use providing an exciting mixture of uses; flexibility allowing for the use in most demand at the time to take presence; and small-scale enabling to locate building in the city.
6 1
p r o p o s a l
S m a r t
F u t u r e
F a c t o r y
a. Modular and Vertical Elements
Figure 32: Illustration of modular assembly stations : 6*7 meter sized station (left) and 7*7 meter sized station (right), supported by two workers + one robot. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
Audi Urban Platform(UP) embodies modular and vertical elements. Assembly stations are the modular part of building complying with modular assembly method. This element put in an appearance on assembly floors and are able to change, with relative ease, availing itself of the opportunity of smart flooring. The screen on the surface of slabs which is connected to a central computer(big data), alters according to the range of the car which would be produced at the time (Figure 37). These stations are going to be marked with led light lines on the floor to navigate the robots and automated guided vehicles. Modularity on the assembly floors will be adaptable, flexible and smart. Vertical Elements make available to connect all floors to each other to ensure the work flow. Besides, vertical elements itself transforms a showcase or transparent process for visitors to make them engage with the production or the product before and after manufacturing. Smart, computed vertical material
6 4
p r o p o s a l
A u d i
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
a. Modular and Vertical Elements
Figure 33: Vertical Elements : Material Storage, Car Lift, Automated Vertical Car Stacker and Showcase, and Drone Zone Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
6 5
p r o p o s a l
S m a r t
F u t u r e
F a c t o r y
b. Product
Figure 34: Production range and the number of production assumed for a small scaled factory Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel, photos sourced by
storage28 saves the space for other functions with its 1109 m3 volume and serves only to assembly and material storage floors. Automated vertical car stacker29 is a transparent showcase in middle of building, while showing itself outside of the building, and offers connection between vehicle testing area to delivery area. Car lift which could be seen from outside, carries the painted SKD car body from material storage to assembly floors, but at the same time available to all floors. Drone zone is designed as cylinder volume which has OLED transparent screen surface to be informative inside of the building. The doors would be open only once a drone arrives to the building. Audi Urban Platform is a hybrid factory building based on micro retail factory economic model which consists of four different categories of functions: Technical Area, Assembly, Retail, and Culture (Figure 35). It assumes that this kind of factory with its minimum 40 stations and 8 back-up stations can supply 40 vehicles ranged from automobile to e-bike. With the help of flexible arrangement and variety of different 28, 20 April 2017 29 , 20 April 2017
6 6
p r o p o s a l
Figure 35: Four main function categories for Audi Urban Platform : Technical Area, Assembly, Retail and Culture. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
A u d i
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
c. Program
functions, this number can increase with the usage of other areas. This sums up 10.000 products a year on 250 working days. In case of e-tron or e-bikes production, the car electric charging units are included on the site.
6 7
p r o p o s a l c. Program
S m a r t
F u t u r e
F a c t o r y
6 8
Figure 36: Final assembly steps and work flow to produce an automobile. The steps could be adapted into assembly steps for the production of e-tron or g-tron. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
p r o p o s a l c. Program
A u d i
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
Figure 37: Adaptable smart flooring system for the modular assembly of different sized ranges. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
6 9
p r o p o s a l c. Program
S m a r t
F u t u r e
F a c t o r y
7 0
Figure 38: The activity flow for a customer in Audi UP. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
p r o p o s a l c. Program
A u d i
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
Figure 39: Possible cultural events that could be hosted by Audi UP and sponsored by Audi AG in Berlin. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
7 1
p r o p o s a l
d. Building Idea
F a c t o r y
S m a r t
F u t u r e
ß A
7 2
Figure 40: The permeability : the site is shaped with a passage under the main mass. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
The site is located between two green areas. Behind city park, there will be a mixed use project including residential and office uses. In this project, the “factory” concept is redefined as more public phenomena than used to be before. Most of the factories were closed to public, sometimes literaly with fences back in time. However, the meaning of the factory is changing and it is becoming the part of the city. For this reason, the mass should not block any passage, instead, it should welcome all people and create a new gathering place in the city. A factory symbolizes ‘producing or making’, and now it will be not just a
p r o p o s a l
d. Building Idea
U r b a n
product which is produced, but also new ideas, information or innovation. That’s why the factory creates pedestrian and bike friendly passages through building and generates permeability. Transition through building is possible on different levels. To create these passes, site is cut through into park directions and creates another public areas with stairs and ramps. From road to canal, people walk through building and reach a staircase towards canal. Along the canal, there is a promenande which has bike connection to the site. To ease the connection to the building, a bridge into the platform has been designed over the canal.
A u d i
ß A
Figure 41: The permeability : The mass allows the pedestrian passage from the street side to river side on the ground floor. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
P l a t f o r m
7 3
p r o p o s a l
S m a r t
F u t u r e
F a c t o r y
d. Building Idea
7 4
Figure 42: The platform : it symbolizes encounter, exchanging ideas among designers, workers and customers. The floor gathers the common functions such as: Audievent and restaurant and is reached by public stairs and ramps. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
Figure 43: The verticality : the vertical elements showing the process of the assembly are placed strategically to be visible from outside. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
p r o p o s a l
Figure 44: The mass : it is shaped with ramps and stairs which create the route for the visitors and workers. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
Figure 45: The flexible facade : it consists of 4 different facade panels which could be replaced easily in the future with any other innovative material. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
A u d i
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
d. Building Idea
7 5
Figure 46: Isometric view to Audi Urban Platform(UP) and surroundings of the building Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel, sourced by FisBroker
p r o p o s a l e. Site Idea
p r o p o s a l
F a c t o r y
f. Circulation
F u t u r e
S m a r t
7 8
Figure 47: Product Circulation : Material and SKD car body are being transported with CarGoTram , Cargo truck, drones or airship and materials and car body are loaded into vertical elements. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
p r o p o s a l f. Circulation
A u d i
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
Figure 48: Worker Circulation Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
7 9
p r o p o s a l f. Circulation
F a c t o r y
F u t u r e
S m a r t
8 0
Figure 49: Visitor Circulation : visitors can follow a particular route to visit all stages of the production, take a glance at Audi cars and participate to cultural events. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
p r o p o s a l
A u d i
ß A
U r b a n
P l a t f o r m
f. Circulation
Figure 50: Customer Circulation : starting with configuration and ending at delivery area. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
8 1
p r o p o s a l g. Building Functional Scenario
Assembly -
Chassis Assembly
Assembly -
Production Office
F u t u r e
Final Assembly
Vehicle Testing Area
Urban Platform
F a c t o r y
Trim Assembly
Assembly -
Design Department
AudiEvent Event Lounge
Configuration Area
S m a r t
Delivery Area
Customer Service
Material and Car Body Storage Cargo Tram Platform
8 2
Assembly -
Figure 51: Functional Scheme. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
Cargo Truck Platform
p r o p o s a l g. Building Functional Scenario
2 PRODUCTION LAB (Testing Modular Assembly)
AudiEvent Event Lounge
Urban Platform
Urban Platform
Configuration Area Ground
Configuration Area
Customer Service
Delivery Area
Urban Platform
Material and Car Body Storage
Delivery Area
Customer Service
Material and Car Body Storage
AudiEvent Event Lounge
Urban Platform
Configuration Area Ground
Delivery Area
Material and Car Body Storage
Urban Platform
Customer Service
AudiEvent Event Lounge
Restaurant Urban Platform
Urban Platform
AudiEvent Event Lounge
Urban Platform
P l a t f o r m
PRODUCTION LAB (Testing Modular Assembly)
U r b a n
PRODUCTION LAB (Testing Modular Assembly)
Configuration Area
Delivery Area
Customer Service
Material and Car Body Storage
A u d i
PRODUCTION LAB (Testing Modular Assembly)
Figure 52: Building functional scenario in case of different situations : a hybrid building with a flexible building desing, can adapt itself to various economic and technological alterations. (1: before assembly production method approved; 2: modular assembly production time; 3: no production needed depending on demand ; 4: more production spaces needed) Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
8 3
p r o p o s a l g. Building Functional Scenario
F a c t o r y
MORNING 0.00 am
8.00 am
MATERIAL STORAGE / -2ND FLOOR Unloading semi-knowked down car body and materials AUTOMATED VERTICAL MATERIAL STORAGE Placement of the materials into automatic material storage
NOON 12.00 am
RESTAURA Open for al ASSEMBLY / 3. ,4. ,5 TH FLOOR Assemblying the semi-knowked down car (incl. e-tron and g-tron)
F u t u r e
PRODUCTION OFFICE / 4TH FLOOR Coordinating the whole process of car production and storing the big data DESIGN DEPARTMENT / 2ND FLOOR Design workshop in collabration with vehicle design schools CUSTOMER SERVICE + MAINTANENCE / -1ST AND 2ND FLOOR Service and maintanence for Audi cars
S m a r t
CONFIGURATION + DELIVERY AREA / GROUND AND -1ST FLOOR Customers configure their car models. After app. 1 week, they take their car fro EXHIBITION + SHOWROOM / -1ST AND GROUND FLOOR Exhibiting the Audi Products and design process to visitors and customers
AUDIKINO / -2ND FLOOR It is formed with a big staircase which could be use as passage element or a sit
Figure 53: Day and night function chart. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
AUDIEVENT AND EVENT LOUNGE / 1ST FLOOR It is formed with a big staircase which could be use as passage element or a sit
AUDITALK It will be us AUDIPLATZ Open for all, it is a part of urban context, exhibiting Audi’s products and hosting special events and creating a new energic point in the city.
8 6
p r o p o s a l g. Building Functional Scenario
the big data
LOOR ake their car from delivery floor.
d customers
P l a t f o r m
RESTAURANT / 1ST FLOOR Open for all workers and visitors
NIGHT 0.00 am
U r b a n
16.00 am
A u d i
NOON 12.00 am
element or a sitting element for workers or visitors. With folding wall sytem, it transforms into a cinema for different events element or a sitting element for workers or visitors. With folding wall sytem, it transforms into a cinema for different events AUDITALK / 3RD FLOOR It will be used for press conference or seminar
nt in the city.
8 7
p r o p o s a l h. Structure and Material
F a c t o r y
OLED screen translucent Gives flexibility to facade and drone area surface by showing any image, any text and any motion picture. It makes building smart and informative. U
S m a r t
F u t u r e
8 8
Figure 54: Facade materials. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
Photovoltaic Glass Efficient facade material, converting around 15 per cent available solar energy into electricity (Borch 2004, p. 330) White Metal Mesh This is used for marking the semi-open terraces which let the fresh air inside. OLED screen translucent / movie facade Gives flexibility to facade by showing any image, any text and any motion picture. Advantages for public film events. Smart Glass Electrochromic glass changes from milky white to darker tinted transparent glass, activated by sensors that react to light intensity (Borch 2004, p. 332).
Audi Urban Platform is a smart future factory model by providing smart solutions with technology and should have adaptable design to new technological advancements. The facade for instance, offers many variety according to different functions. Photovoltaic glass and smart glass make the building facade efficient and usable at different hours of the day.Facade is designed as smart enough with oled screen transclucent panel to be informative to visitors and should be convenient to be a part of outdoor activities. The building is a image of a company, so the facade should represent the idea, the new product or a new
p r o p o s a l
Facade Beam It fixes the facade frames to the beam and also allows panels to move. It is 4m in depth, thus facade panels can move to give a unique effect.
Figure 55: Facade system. Source: Drawn by Tuğçe Kuruçay and Yiğit Tuncel
innovation made by Audi simultaneously. The oled system is also used by Audi for car lighting systems. To exchange and share the material or an innovation between car technology and the building technology of a company will provide sustainable approach. For instance, the lightweight facade frame could be assembled with recycled car aliminum bodies. Structural system of the building is designed as steel structure.
U r b a n
Lightweight Aluminium Panel Frame It is assembled to the aluminium facade frames. They are highly flexible and can move back and forth, in order to control illumination level during the day and also to create dynamic facade.
A u d i
Lightweight Aluminium Facade Frame It is fixed to the beams of building structure. The material is made from recycled car bodies. It is holding various façade panels. These panels can be replaced with panels with new technologies. This allows the aluminum frame fronts to renew itself in time.
P l a t f o r m
h. Structure and Material
8 9
p l a n s
F a c t o r y
cargo truck platform
S m a r t
Figure 56: -2 floor plan (left), -1 floor plan (right).
-10.00 -11.20
Material and Car Body Storage -10.00
F u t u r e
platform -10.00
cargo tram
cargo tram
9 2
p l a n s
10.00 25.00
6.60 22.00
Exhibition -5.00
Audi Platz
Customer Service -5.00
U r b a n
Delivery Area -5.00
10.00 6.00
6.00 5.00
96 cars
car parking
30.00 5.00
A u d i
Customer Service -5.00
P l a t f o r m
Exhibition -5.00
9 3
± 0.00
p l a n s
temporary pavilion
Audi Platz -5.00
gallery -5.00
4.00 bike parking
- 5.00
configuration simulation area
F u t u r e
± 0.00
± 0.00
F a c t o r y
± 0.00 bike parking
temporary pavilion
customer service
S m a r t
± 0.00
bike parking
-5.00 ± 0.00
60.00 50.00
temporary pavilion
Audi e-car and e-bike charging station
temporary pavilion
9 4 temporary pavilion
± 0.00
p l a n s 20.00
+ 7.00
2.50 5.00
+ 7.00
Restaurant + 7.00
Âą 0.00
8.50 2.00 4.00 4.00 3.00
AudiEvent + 4.00 + 4.00
Audi Pedestrian
+ 7.00
Bike Bridge
P l a t f o r m
+ 7.00
7.00 15.00
U r b a n A u d i
18.50 5.00
Event Lounge + 4.00
bike parking
+ 4.00
gallery Âą 0.00
Figure 57: ground floor plan (left), 1st floor plan (right).
9 5
p l a n s 60.00
Maintanence + 11.50 Technical Department
Car lift up Equip. Storage
F a c t o r y
Car lift down
Vertical Material Storage
2.00 3.00
Vehicle Testing Area
Idea Area + 9.00
+ 11.50 + 9.00
F u t u r e
+ 9.00
Audi Kino
S m a r t
Figure 58: 2nd floor plan
Design Department + 9.00
* 9 6
+ 9.00
p l a n s 5.00
+ 16.50
Car lift up
Assembly + 16.50
Break Time Terrace
Equip. Storage
Audi Talk + 16.50
U r b a n
gallery + 9.00
drone zone
A u d i
85.00 3.00
+ 16.50
P l a t f o r m
Car lift down
Vertical Material Storage
Figure 59: 3rd floor plan
9 7
p l a n s 5.00
Car lift up
Assembly + 21.50
Equip. Storage
drone zone
S m a r t
F u t u r e
+ 21.50
Production Office + 21.50
* 9 8
85.00 2.00 3.00
F a c t o r y
Car lift down
Vertical Material Storage
Figure 60: 4th floor plan
p l a n s 60.00 40.00
+ 26.50
+ 26.50
Assembly + 26.50
Car lift up Equip. Storage
+ 26.50
Assembly + 26.50
A u d i
U r b a n
drone zone
P l a t f o r m
2.00 3.00
Car lift down
Figure 61: 5th floor plan
9 9
S m a r t
F u t u r e
F a c t o r y
l i s t
1 0 2
o f
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Figure 1: Ford Highland Park. Mockup of gravity chute system for final assembly. Figure 2: Car production on assembly Line Figure 3: Industry 1.0 : The first car production method and multi-story car factory illustration (daylight factory in Highland Plant) Figure 4: Industry 2.0 : First assembly line and vast factory typologies illustration influenced by Rouge River Plant of Ford Company. Figure 5: Industry 3.0 : Computer and automation in manufacturing and sprawling sheds in production plants. Figure 6: Industry 3.5 : Audi advanced assembly line and the illustration of multi-story sprawling sheds in Audi Production Plant. Figure 7: Audi Startup Company Arculus : testing modular assembly production method in a textile factory building. Figure 8: Audi’s Automated Guided Vehicle called ‘Paula’ is a backbone of modular assembly. Figure 9: Illustration of Audi Modular Assembly Concept. Figure 10: Illustration of advanced assembly line Figure 11: Illustration of the elements of Audi Modular Assembly Concept. Figure 12: Because of new methods, manufacturing encounters the shrinkage of space and technologies. Figure 13: Locating in dense areas Figure 14: Closer to Customer Figure 15: Diversity of Usages and Alternative Use Figure 16: Closer to High Qualified Personal Figure 17: Logistics Figure 18: Cultural Amenity and Advertisement Value Figure 19: Verticality Figure 20: At its plant in Neckarsulm, the automobile manufacturer is testing an assistance robot Figure 21: Audi Production Rates in 2016 Figure 22: Audi Car Consumption Rates in 2016 Figure 23: Audi Production Plants in Germany and Facilities Figure 24: Disassembled Audi A3 sportback g-tron Figure 25: MDI air car company small factories concept as example for micro retail factory Figure 26: Germany map, showing the location of Berlin, the city which is choosen for small smart factory. Figure 27: Berlin map , showing the location of Moabit, which is the locality in Mitte. Figure 28: The site plan of Moabit Locality, Mitte, Berlin Figure 29: The site surrounding land use analysis Figure 30: The site surrounding transportation analysis
Figure 31: The hybrid Audi factory could be a part of the route of industrial heritage in Berlin. Figure 32: Illustration of modular assembly stations : 6*7 meter sized station (left) and 7*7 meter sized station (right), supported by two workers + one robot. Figure 33: Vertical Elements : Material Storage, Car Lift, Automated Vertical Car Stacker and Showcase, and Drone Zone Figure 34: Production range and the number of production assumed for a small scaled factory Figure 35: Four main function categories for Audi Urban Platform : Technical Area, Assembly, Retail and Culture. Figure 36: Final assembly steps and work flow to produce an automobile. Figure 37: Adaptable smart flooring system for the modular assembly of different sized ranges. Figure 38: The activity flow for a customer in Audi UP. Figure 39: Possible cultural events that could be hosted by Audi UP and sponsored by Audi AG in Berlin. Figure 40: The permeability : the site is shaped with a passage under the main mass. Figure 41: The permeability : The mass allows the pedestrian passage from the street side to river side on the ground floor. Figure 42: The platform Figure 43: The verticality Figure 44: The mass Figure 45: The flexible facade Figure 46: Isometric view to Audi Urban Platform(UP) and surroundings of the building Figure 47: Product Circulation Figure 48: Worker Circulation Figure 49: Visitor Circulation Figure 50: Customer Circulation Figure 51: Functional Scheme. Figure 52: Building functional scenario in case of different situations : Figure 53: Day and night function chart. Figure 54: Facade materials. Figure 55: Facade system. Figure 56: -2 floor plan (left), -1 floor plan (right). Figure 57: Ground floor plan (left), 1st floor plan (right). Figure 58: 2nd floor plan Figure 59: 3th floor plan Figure 60: 4th floor plan Figure 61: 5th floor plan
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