Ash Wednesday PIHM guide

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Soccer games. Tribal wars. School

play. Festivals. Prom night. By Delarie Almanzor


here really comes a time when we find paint, make-up, or markings on our faces that we use to represent ourselves or send a message. Most of these aesthetic materials are extravagant, expensive, flamboyant. But ashes - well, that ’s another thing. Plain, simple, neutral, bland: but with a powerful message. Ash has been used to represent repentance and physical death and separation from wordly desires;

March 5, 2014 Mass schedules 7:00am 6:00pm Parish of the immaculate heart of mary Hinulugan Taktak Rd., Fairmount Hills Subd., Antipolo city 696-4387 A project of the P I H M e va n g e l i z at i o n & w o r s h i p mi n i s t r y i n co o p e r at i o n w i t h t h e P I H M m e d ia mi n i s t r y

P I HMa nti p ol o

and during Ash Wednesday, Catholics begin Lent with crosses of ash and holy water on their foreheads. Symbolizing death, it is how we proclaim the deepest understanding that God has given us life from dust, and to dust we shall return to Him, and in the death of the physical, we are reborn into a higher sense. Finally, we can display something worthwhile, and we can proudly say we are ready to begin again. Ash Wednesday. It ’s a start.

ka ba?

By Delarie Almanzor

This is the typical Filipino question when we refer to a person being dominated by another. Don’t we just hate it when someone bosses us around too much? Of course we do. We each have a sense of individuality and self-worth, and we know it. Look at how people have fought for freedom and independence throughout human history, fighting slavery and oppression. It’s safe to say we don’t like it one bit. That is, if you’re talking about being enslaved by your fellow man. But what if you are shackled by something else entirely? Something you can’t hurt, but can hurt you; something that can consume you, but you can never vanquish? O, nilamon ka na ng tablet mo. Reflecting on fasting and abstinence, I recalled this statement I use when my friends sometimes get caught up with using their gadgets that


they forget they have company. It made me realize that our worldly desires are manifested in many physical elements: food, money, lust, gadgets, fashion, and many more. Allowing these things to control us makes us less human (I mean, there is a reason why our pets follow orders in exchange for treats). Fasting and abstinence give us a chance to regain our higher being. These practices during Lent give us our inner freedom, a chance to regain mastery of our own body, mind, and spirit. If you’re 14 or older, abstain from meat during Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Fridays of Lent; or if you are a vegetarian, substitute another form of penance (you’re even free to do that). And if you’re 18-60 years of age, fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Let’s all start growing from the inside and give our belts a break, be free from that suffocation. And maybe, finally, di na tayo magpapa-under.

from meat during Fridays of Lent is a concrete suggestion of Canon Law on how to practice abstinence. Replacement with some sacrifices is not explicit in the letter. However, almost all commentaries require observance of the law which can be sacrifices other than not eating meat because vegetarian will already be discounted from the law since they don’t really eat meat.

from the


FASTto FEED MALNUTRITION & our Country The malnutrition prevalence among children in the Philippines has remained alarmingly high in the last 10 years. According to 7th National Nutrition Survey conducted by Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) last 2008, 3 out of 10 children ages 0 to 10 years who are underweight (26.2% for children ages 0-5 years old and 25.6% prevalence for 6-10 years old). According to the World Health Organization, malnutrition prevalence of 5% is considered of public health significance. The prevalence rates of underweight and under-height among our Filipino children based on FNRI study are of high magnitude; they are definitely considered of public health concern. This calls for a more focused action on the part of the government as well as of the private sector to address the problem seriously. The SOLUTION To help mitigate this problem, the Pondo ng Pinoy Community Foundation (PnPCFI), then headed by Cardinal Gaudencio B. Rosales and 13 other bishops launched the HAPAG-ASA Integrated Nutrition Program in July 2005 in partnership with Assisi Development Foundation (ADFI) and Feed the Children Philippines (FTCPI). Recently, CBCP-NASSA Caritas Filipinas Foundation, Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) and Risen Saviour Missions (RSM) joined the efforts of Hapag-Asa in fighting malnutrition in the Philippines. HAPAG-ASA feeds 6 months to 12 years old undernourished children, underweight pregnant and lactating women in the community once a day, five days a week for 6 months. Each meal is enriched with nutrients through the provision of Food Supplements complete with vitamins and minerals. These are Vitameal from FTC and MannaPack Food Supplements from FMSC through RSM. Vitameal is a mixture of rice and lentil, MannaPack Fortified Rice is made of rice, soya and dehydrated vegetables while MannaPack Fortified Potato is made of potatoes with sweet potato flavor. (see back)

FASTto FEED ( co nt..)

Apart from the supplemental feeding, education classes and livelihood and skills training for parents, aimed at sustaining the improved nutritional condition of the children are conducted simultaneously. The education classes cover topics on affective parenting, health and nutrition, responsible parenthood and values and livelihood. Livelihood and skills training are conducted with small capital lent to help them help themselves and their children, in partnership with government and non-government organizations. The program is primarily implemented through the Church with more than 30 dioceses nationwide carrying out the program. But this is not solely a Church matter; other sectors like non-government organizations (NGOs), foundations and local government units (LGUs) have also been inspired to take on the cause and adopted the program. BE PART of the SOLUTION! As we enter the season of Lent, we are challenging you to fast for this intention and donate the money you save for this valuable cause. HAPAGASA envelopes are available at the parish office for your monetary offerings from your fasting. Fast and FEED the FUTURE this LENT!

dates to remember ASH WEDNESDAY MASS MARCH 5 MASS AT 7AM and 6pm pihm parish CHURCH Way of the cross Every Friday march 7-april 11 1:30PM start- Sto. Kristo Chapel Purok Sampaguita 4PM - ends with Mass at PIHM Church (Mass) Kumpisalang bayan (confession) thursday, april 3 MASS 6pm CONFESSION 7pm-8:30pm pihm parish CHURCH Trentang Gitara para sa kanya Join the Guitar Orchestra this Holy week! Open to all those who know how to play the guitar. Rehearsals start this March Sundays 2PM at the Parish grounds. TO JOIN, Text 0917-8572710 or 0922-8294826 palm sunday APRIL 13 10am & 5:30pm *PLEASE COME ON TIME for the blessing of palms. MORNING mass starts at 10AM ON the hill across our church.

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