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Career Development Programme Life Changing Experiences

Career Development Programme Step-By-Step Training Courses are interactive training programmes, workbooks and management consultation operating within a supportive and positively encouraging environment. The aim is to maximise the potential of people via career consultation through an „open door policy. Having a focused approach in developing and controlling people’s career, as well as their self-development, Institute of Training and Developments. level of success has been due to the long lasting sustainable results, innovative and exciting work with organisations, businesses and individuals. Helping clients with their strategic visions, collaborating with them to implement meaningful operational improvements and transferring expertise so the client keeps moving forward long after we have gone.

In short we create change that produces results! Helen Tucker, MBA

Management Training & Development Facilitator

Š The Institute of Training and Development 2008

Career Development Programme

Personal and Management Development

Helen M.Tucker MBA, BA Helen Tucker, Candace „Business Woman of the Year 1997’s „The Voice’ newspaper nominee for Community Achievement 1998 and highly victorious, pioneering trainer consultant has a BA Honours Degree in Business Studies, a Further Education Teachers Certificate and an MBA. Her extensive wealth of experience as Senior Consultant, Trainer and Lecturer, has enabled her to concentrate on assisting individuals, teams and companies to access their full potential. Her work has included designing, managing and delivering customised training for Senior Managers and Supervisors, as well as delivering vocational courses. Helen has considerable experience in management and training in the public, private and voluntary sectors. The culmination of her life’s experience and academic achievements has enabled her to develop a series of innovative, unique, interactive courses, workshops and management programmes. The successful „Career Development Programme’s that she designed has been accredited by BTEC offering a certified qualification. Helen’s passion is clearly and constantly demonstrated by the referrals received by many of her clients and peers. Helen, who has trained hundreds of people from a variety of backgrounds, places and positions, views her mission statement as underpinning her success. Her mission statement is:

‘Learning to believe in oneself, recognising & respecting those needs gives inner strength to achieve the impossible’ © The Institute of Training and Development 2008

Career Development Programme

Why The Institute of Training and Development? At the Institute of Training and Development we emphasise that self development is essential to every member of the workforce and we advocate solutions which place responsibility for opening communications on the shoulders of every member of the organisation and not just on management. We practice and advocate a nonconfrontational communication style in workshops, which enables participants to openly discuss sensitive and controversial subjects without being concerned with “right” or “wrong” answers.

We support, through training and services, conveying and institutionalising a strategic vision and philosophy of diversity management, which is rewarding to both employer and employee.

© The Institute of Training and Development 2008

Career Development Programme

Career Development Programme The primary objective of the Career Development Programme is to empower individuals by offering interactive training within a supportive and encouraging environment that addresses the particular needs of the individual. The Programme aims to provide top quality vocational training in career advancement and development to individuals, combing both theory and practical work. Despite the growing need of skilled people within professional positions, ethnic minorities, women, manual, administrative and clerical staff and those who are socially excluded are severely under represented in managerial and life long careers and find it difficult to gain access to training on career development.

Š The Institute of Training and Development 2008

Career Development Programme

Objectives To educate and train people who because of race, culture, religion, sexuality, lack of child care provision or previous lack of experience have the least chance of fully developing their career opportunity, thus disadvantaging them for promotional prospects. To provide analysis of the social, political and cultural choices surrounding professional careers and management positions. To develop an understanding of the relationship between personal skills and potential of the individual, employment and the economy. To provide quality vocational training leading to higher graded jobs in all areas of the labour market particularly where women are under represented. To raise client and public awareness of the potential skills and experience of individuals and their impact on the economy. To offer guidance and advice in making post course choices. To encourage individuals to take up further training and employment in professional areas. To increase the number of skilled, adaptable workers in the community and to boost managerial positions.

Š The Institute of Training and Development 2008

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