1 minute read
Isa Zweiback…………………………………….….. 42
Isa Zweiback
“I feel like my core identity is being a Jewish woman. That's who I am.
But, I'm obviously also American. I care about democracy and I'm very liberal, and I think that it’s all intertwined. My Jewish values have shaped my core values like how to treat people, my perspective and attitude in general, and in relationships and being open minded and willing to meet new people. So, in every identity that I hold – whether it be a student of art history, a sister or an activist – Jewish is an identity that is there in
I also think that there are so many different ways to practice Judaism, and I don't like when people are like, ‘Oh, you're less Jewish. Oh, I'm more,’ I don't feel that way. I grew up kosher, but now I’ve decided for myself not to be kosher, and I feel even more Jewish to a certain extent. It feels more intentional.”