Reunion Volunteer Handbook

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Talking Points As you talk with your classmates about the reunion, here are some ways to share the importance and impact of the class gift. WHY IS SUPPORTING TULANE SO IMPORTANT? · Demonstrates that Tulane alumni are proud of their university, and want to invest in its future. · Assures a dynamic learning environment and guarantees a level of flexibility to meet the needs of our students. · Supports campus wide priorities and counts as part of the Only the Audacious Campaign. WHAT IS ALL THE FUSS ABOUT PARTICIPATION? · Participation shows that Tulane alumni care about their alma mater and are committed to its success. · Participation is paramount to how we are measured against other institutions and can affect: · Essential funds from outside foundations and corporations. · Rankings in publications especially in areas such as alumni satisfaction. · Prospective students’ and parents’ views of how the alumni feel about their alma mater. · High participation rates are about far more than how Tulane appears on the surface. Our alumni participation rate: 26

· Reveals a vote of confidence among those who belong to the Tulane community. · Creates positive buy-in because people identify with the core mission and vision. · Generates more income so that we create the Tulane experience for future generations of students. ALUMNI NEED TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE THE ONES WHO MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. · Create importance around any gift they would like to make, as they are all going toward ensuring Tulane’s continued quality of success. · Some of your classmates may want to make a special gift in honor of their reunion, or would like to talk to someone further about giving. · Encourage them to speak with Tulane and share your reunion class officer’s contact information. · Ensure them that talking with someone on Tulane’s reunion team does not mean they are obligated to give. FUN FACTS TO SHARE WITH YOUR CLASSMATES: · Your class participation goal and how each gift plays a significant role in the overall success of the reunion giving efforts for your class. · Total dollars raised by your class so far. Remember, all Tulane Fund gifts count toward your class’s total. · There will be recognition as a class throughout the weekend. TUL ANE UNIV ER SIT Y REUNIONS

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