Altman Scholars '23

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A LTMAN P ROGRAM in International Studies & Business


A LTMAN P ROGRAM in International Studies & Business


he Altman Program in International Studies & Business is a special fouryear interdisciplinary undergraduate course of study that integrates advanced language training with a business and liberal arts education. Altman Program Scholars earn two degrees — a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) from the School of Liberal Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Management (B.S.M.) from the A. B. Freeman School of Business — combining practical and theoretical knowledge of global economies with deep cultural and linguistic competency. Altman Scholars specialize in an area of the world in which their chosen foreign language is spoken and will graduate with a nuanced understanding of the political, economic and cultural complexities of our contemporary world.

Table of Contents 2023 PROGRAM SCHOLARS

Isabel Braverman...................................................2 Anna Brown............................................................3 Maggie Green.........................................................4 Jordan Kirsh-Clemenceau...................................5 Nina Kuhn.................................................................6 Alec “AJ” McDevitt................................................7 Zoë Ortiz...................................................................8 Michael Park............................................................9 Rebecca Rawson................................................10 Justin Reed............................................................ 11 Karlyn Simcox......................................................12 Christine Faith Tong..........................................13 Ella Vap.................................................................. 14

The Altman Program is excited to welcome its newest cohort and proudly presents

Kelsey Worley......................................................15

their stories here!

Matthew Yam....................................................... 16

— August 2019

Paul Yermish.........................................................17 Sarah Yue..............................................................18 Chloe Zimmerman..............................................19 PROGRAM DIRECTORS & STAFF.................. 20 ABOUT JEFFREY ALTMAN.............................. 22

Isabel Braverman


Simsbury, Connecticut

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Environmental Studies and Management Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: National Hispanic Scholar; Princeton Book Award recipient; COLT Language Award; Student Council Award; National Honor Society; Spanish National Honor Society (Secretary). Extra-curricular Activities: I served various roles in student council throughout high school, including class vice president, student body secretary, and student body president. I was also the director of my school’s Unified Theater chapter, a student representative for my school’s leadership team, and a peer buddy in Best Buddies. Outside of school, I danced on the competition team at Connecticut Dance Academy, concentrating on lyrical and jazz. I have worked multiple jobs during and after high school as a physical therapist aide, a nanny, and the dance specialist at a sleepaway camp.

“Courageous, optimistic, determined”

Community Service: Throughout high school, I tutored students with special needs in a variety of academic subjects. I have also organized fundraisers for the Make a Wish-AFoundation and for Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, and during my town’s elections, I serve as a poll worker. International Experience: I took a gap year after high school and did volunteer work abroad for about five months. I worked with people with special needs in Madrid for two months, then I traveled solo throughout England, France, and Ireland. I spent two months in Latin America teaching English in Cartagena, Colombia, doing jungle conservation work in the Amazon in Peru, and working with sea turtles in Costa Rica. I have also traveled throughout Israel with my family, and after my sophomore year of high school, I spent two weeks in Salamanca, Spain taking Spanish classes through my school’s Spanish department. Personal Interests/Hobbies: Some of my favorite hobbies are dancing, journaling, and teaching! I also love traveling and meeting new people from all around the world! Three Words to Describe Herself: Courageous, optimistic, determined. Fun Fact from Isabel: I throw my pet bird a birthday party every year!



Anna Brown Monona, Wisconsin

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Economics and Finance Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: National Merit Finalist, AP Scholar with Distinction, State of Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholar, Badger Conference Top Scholar, National Honor Society. Extra-curricular Activities: I was the president of my school’s DECA chapter and competed for three years at the district, state, and international levels. I also served as the co-president of Key Club, a volunteering organization, and Future Business Leaders of America. I played varsity tennis and worked various jobs with the City of Monona Parks and Recreation department. I currently work as a client services specialist at a massage studio and teach tennis lessons. Community Service: Through my role as a Key Club officer, I coordinated local volunteer opportunities for over 100 members at my school and participated in monthly service projects for the community. I held a teen volunteer position at the Monona Public Library one summer and signed children up for the summer reading program. My DECA chapter and I planned an annual Halloween food drive all four years called Trick-or-Can, giving the donations to a local nonprofit organization, the Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin, each year. International Experience: I have traveled to England, Canada, Mexico, and Spain with my family for trips. I have unfortunately never gone on an international trip for education, but I can’t wait for this opportunity with the Altman Program.

“Driven, lighthearted, practical”

Personal Interests/Hobbies: In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends and going on road trips of any length. I love listening to music and trying new restaurants. I also play tennis for fun. Three Words to Describe Herself: Driven, lighthearted, practical. Fun Fact from Anna: I once got stuck on the edge of a cliff for hours in the middle of a monsoon.


Maggie Green


Weatherford, Oklahoma

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Anthropology and Legal Studies in Business Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: Valedictorian, Distinguished Scholar, Oklahoma Honor Society, Weatherford High School AP English Student of the Year, Weatherford High School Social Studies Student of the Year, Tulane Distinguished Scholar Award. Extra-curricular Activities: I was the Vice President and Secretary of my local delegation of Youth and Government, and I was the Chief Justice of the State of Oklahoma through the same organization. I participated in Key Club for four years, and I was the Class Representative, Editor, and President throughout high school. I was also the Vice President of the National Honor Society, President of the Spanish Club, and Vice President of the Class of 2019.

“Empathetic, passionate, analytical”

Community Service: I planned and participated in several service projects through our local Key Club, including volunteer days at a local animal shelter, a clean up of the school grounds, and a supply drive benefitting victims of Hurricane Harvey. The supply drive collected two trailers worth of shampoo, body wash, water, and other items. I also volunteered regularly with the local Food and Resource Center as a receptionist and shopping assistant. International Experience: I have never had the opportunity to visit another country, but I have wanted to experience new cultures and places for a very long time. The international study aspect of the Altman Program was one of the primary reasons I became so invested in joining the cohort. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love baking different desserts, watching Marvel movies, and reading a variety of books. I also love roller skating. In fact, I once won a limbo contest while I was on skates! Three Words to Describe Herself: Empathetic, passionate, analytical. Fun Fact from Maggie: I once fell down the side of a canyon when I slipped on a patch of moss. I wasn’t hurt, but I haven’t gone hiking since.



Jordan Kirsh-Clemenceau North Potomac, Maryland

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Political Economy and Finance Target Language: French Email: Academic Achievements: AP Scholar, Varsity Scholar Athlete Awards, French Honor Society, Honor roll. Extra-curricular Activities: Active in BBYO youth group at the chapter, region and international level. Held positions of president, vice president and head of social media. Led chapter to win chapter of the year award while president. Additionally, elected to head of new chapter development for the DC metro area. Head of hospitality team at BBYO International Convention, working with VIP guests and donors. I was vice president of my high school Jewish Student Union. Also, lobbied the US Congress on behalf of an AIPAC initiative and attended an AIPAC policy summit. I played goalkeeper on my high school varsity team and on my club travel team. Also played soccer in the youth Maccabi games. Work as a host at Clyde’s, a large DC based restaurant group. Community Service: I worked with my youth group to build partnerships with, and to assist local nonprofit organizations. Projects include working with a foster home for dogs by leading fundraising initiatives, educational sessions, and community service projects. I volunteered with a local charity that provides basic necessities to families who are transitioning out of homelessness. International Experience: I participated in the ILSI leadership program (International Leadership Seminar in Israel) touring historical sites and meeting many unique individuals allowing me to be exposed to Israel’s rich antiquity. Experiencing a diverse culture helped me to understand other religious viewpoints and develop new perspectives. Also, I traveled to France to visit my French relatives enabling me to build stronger relationships with them. I was able to improve my French language skills and experience and enjoy the culture and food.

“Compassionate, engaged, determined”

Personal Interests/Hobbies: I enjoy exploring Washington DC either on foot, bike, or on an electric scooter. I enjoy hiking and kayaking. In the winter, I go snowboarding whenever possible. Also, I love to spend time finding new adventures, hanging out with my friends, playing spikeball, going to the gym and running, as well as spending time with my family. Three Words to Describe Himself: Compassionate, engaged, determined. Fun Fact from Jordan: I broke my nose after being kicked in the face during a soccer game.


Nina Kuhn


Madison, Wisconsin

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Management Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: Academic Honors Award, Published in La Comunidad Spanish Newspaper, National Honor Society Member, Middleton Optimist Club Student of the Month. Extra-curricular Activities: I was the president of my high school’s Key Club for two years as well as hours secretary and freshmen representative. I was also co-president of Club Unify where students with and without disabilities came together to make the school more inclusive. During my junior and senior years of high school I was a link crew leader mentoring incoming freshmen. In National Honors Society I served as an executive board member. My first two years of high school I was a member of the high school dance team. During my years as an upperclassman, I instead played powderpuff in the fall and joined JV soccer.

“Dynamic, curious, empathetic”

Community Service: Through Key Club, I organized and participated in many community service events. My favorites included organizing the annual Halloween food drive for our local food bank as well as organizing a bike rodeo at an elementary school so that kids could be better educated on biker safety. I also loved volunteering at the elementary winter carnivals and the local zoo cleanups. International Experience: During high school I spent a month in Israel as well as a month in Peru. I’ve also traveled to Spain, France, and Costa Rica! This fall I was lucky enough to host an exchange student from Costa Rica and can’t wait for all of the travels to come during my time at Tulane! Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love being outdoors and enjoy everything from slalom water skiing, hiking, and kayaking to cross country skiing, snow shoeing, and snowmobiling. I also like to watch movies, go to the farmers market, and listen to podcasts, especially “More Perfect”. Three Words to Describe Herself: Dynamic, curious, empathetic. Fun Fact from Nina: I’m an amateur at Chinese yoyo.



Alec “AJ” McDevitt Western Springs, Illinois

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Development/Relations and Finance Target Language: French Email: Academic Achievements: Illinois State Scholar; Member of Arnold Damen Chapter of the National Honors Society; AP Scholar; Five-time Academic All-Conference from the Chicago-Catholic League for Golf and Rugby; Eight Semesters Honors with Distinction; Two-Time Nominee for Ignatian of the Year (2017, 2019). Extra-curricular Activities: Varsity Golf [Captain two years, All-Conference two years]; Rugby [Captain two years, All-Conference two years]; Club ADAM (A Day Among Men) Executive Board Member; Cancer Awareness Club Co-Founder; Marketing Intern at Klein Tools Inc.; Active Member of FAM (Formation and Ministry). Community Service: Mount Saint Joseph’s Home for Disabled Women; Chicago Jesuit Academy; Pilsen Plunge Service Trip; Easterseals Gilchrist Marchman Child Development Center; Cordi Marian Child Care Center; Brother David Darst Center for Justice and Peace. International Experience: I have travelled on family vacations to France, Brazil, and Italy twice. I visited Quebec, Canada with my eighth grade class for a French immersion trip. I have a pen pal from Toulouse, France who lived with my family and me as an exchange student. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love being outdoors as much as possible and especially enjoy golfing, skiing, fishing, and boating. I am fascinated by other cultures. Exploring geography, cuisine, history, language, and cultural traditions piques my interest. Through personal experience, I have learned that service trips are one of the best ways to become immersed in different cultures. The opportunity for international exploration is what most attracted me to the Altman Program.

“Curious, assiduous, outgoing”

Three Words to Describe Himself: Curious, assiduous, outgoing. Fun Fact from AJ: I began my competitive sports career at my middle school, where the mascot is a Fightin’ Seahorse… our teams were about as intimidating as the mascot suggests.


Zoë Ortiz


Venice, Florida

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Legal Studies in Business Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: AP Capstone Scholar; AP Scholar with Distinction; National Honor Society; Mu Alpha Theta (math honor society); Spanish Honor Society; Rho Kappa (social studies honor society), North Carolina Governor’s School 2018 Social Science Student; 6x First Place gavel winner at various national and international Model United Nations conferences; Senior Hall of Fame Inductee; Model UN Hall of Fame Inductee. Extra-curricular Activities: Model United Nations President (& previously secretary & fundraising coordinator); 4x Student Government Class Officer; Firehouse Subs crew member; Frequent baby-sitter of younger siblings.

“Zany, compassionate, confident”

Community Service: Fundraiser for the UN Foundation’s Girl Up Campaign School Cycle program; Peer Tutor through various organizations at my school; AP Capstone Mentor; Debate Team Coach to elementary school students in my county; Reading Buddy at my local library through the VolunTEEN program. International Experience: Although I have only physically travelled abroad to Mexico and Canada, I have been able to learn extensively about world cultures through my participation in Model UN throughout high school. I competed in anywhere from 4-6 conferences a year giving me the opportunity to learn about different countries’ perspectives on pressing world issues. I also took a variety of social science and humanities-based courses throughout the school year and during summers to gain a better global perspective. Personal Interests/Hobbies: Being from Florida, I’m a big beach gal! My ideal weekend is spent at the beach with my friends and family, then stopping for ice cream on the way home (the best places always have a good birthday cake flavor). I also enjoy keeping up with the news — both world affairs and pop culture related. Three Words to Describe Herself: Zany, compassionate, confident. Fun Fact from Zoë: I once spent the night in a Walmart parking lot and won free smoothies for a year.



Michael Park Lake Forest, Illinois

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Political Economy and Finance Target Language: French Email: Academic Achievements: National Merit Scholar, AP Scholar with Distinction, Cum Laude Society, High Honor Roll, National Honor Society. Extra-curricular Activities: Varsity Shot and Discus for three years, Club Squash for three years. Tuba Player; All-District for two years, 1st chair of my school’s Honors Band and North Shore Honors Band for three years. Band Vice-President junior year, Sophomore Representative, and Section Leader for three years. One-year research internship at J.B. Pritzker for Governor. Community Service: National Honor Society President. Co-president of Men’s Club, a local service organization for young men at Lake Forest High School. Extensive work with the Ragdale Foundation, an artist’s residency program and literary charity. International Experience: Limited time in England, Italy, and various Caribbean islands. High interest in travelling in most of Europe and Asia, especially Seoul, the birthplace of my father. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love lifting weights to keep in shape as well as playing squash and table tennis casually. I also enjoy discovering new music of all kinds, reading (especially fantasy and horror novels), and eating at interesting restaurants. Three Words to Describe Himself: Dedicated, approachable, inquisitive.

“Dedicated, approachable, inquisitive”

Fun Fact from Michael: I survived a staring contest with Mike Pence at an America First rally I was filming after being moved to the front row by the Secret Service.


Rebecca Rawson


Manhattan Beach, California

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Development and Management Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: AP Scholar with Distinction, Lifetime member of California Scholarship Federation, Honor Roll Student, recipient of the Civil Leadership Award from University of Virginia, SSUNS Best Delegate, NAIMUN Best Delegate, Surf City MUN Best Delegate. Extra-curricular Activities: I was the student representative for Manhattan Beach Unified School District and sat on my city’s school board, and this was my position on my school’s student government. I was Secretary-General of my school’s Model United Nations program and put on the conference held at our school (Los Angeles Invitation Model United Nations). I was a three-year member of my school’s “Comedy Sportz” team where we would put on shows once a month in my schools theatre and participate in competitive improv against other local schools (the score was based on applause so it is less of a sport and more of just a good time).

“Witty, sincere, proactive”

Community Service: I was the student representative for my high school’s Social Emotional Wellness Committee, along with the Scheduling Committee, both of which worked to improve student mental health in high school. I volunteered to tutor kids at the Richstone Family Center, and was also the student lead for a relief fund put on by my community in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. International Experience: I have been lucky enough to go on trips with my family to Mexico, France, and the UK as well as go with my sisters to Denmark, Holland, Sweden, and Portugal. I have had the chance to spend ten days in Japan and participated in a Model United Nations debate in Canada. Personal Interests/Hobbies: Outside of school, I like to find local plays and musicals to attend, along with as many concerts as possible. I like to seek out the best museums and force my friends to go with me. I also spend lots of time trying to discover new music and distribute it accordingly to my friends. Three Words to Describe Herself: Witty, sincere, proactive. Fun Fact from Rebecca: After my trip to the town of Gouda in Holland, my sisters and I smuggled back nine wheels of cheese into the states.



Justin Reed Concord, Massachusetts

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Political Economy and Finance Target Languages: Spanish and Portuguese Email: Academic Achievements: National Merit Finalist; National Honor Society; AP Scholar with Distinction; High Honors all terms; World Cultures, Presidency, and Constitutional Law Class Awards; Gold President’s Volunteer Service Award. Extra-curricular Activities: I have worked for several years at a law office doing work in assorted legal fields in addition to general office administration and finance, and I spent a summer interning at the Massachusetts State House for my state representative. I’m an Eagle Scout and have held a variety of leadership positions in my troop. I was the Editor-in-Chief of my school newspaper (The Voice) during my senior year, and previously was a staff writer and the newspaper’s technical editor in charge of designing the website. I was the sound manager for my high school theatre company, working on ten shows overall, and was the student technical director my senior year. I also served on the student senate and was a National Honor Society class officer. Community Service: I have worked on numerous projects throughout my years in Scouting, including my own Eagle project at Minute Man National Historical Park. I spent several summers as a volunteer camp counselor at both the department of recreation’s summer camp and a theatre summer camp, where I ran all technical aspects of the productions they put up. I also worked for many years on my school’s IT help desk. International Experience: I visited Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic with my school, focusing on Eastern European perspectives and sights of World War II and the Cold War. I have also visited Morocco and various nations in the Caribbean with my family.

“Independent, dynamic, confident”

Personal Interests/Hobbies: I enjoy TV and movies, history, geography, biking, swimming, and going on boats. Three Words to Describe Himself: Independent, dynamic, confident. Fun Fact from Justin: I can draw a pretty solid map of the United States from memory.


Karlyn Simcox


Knoxville, Tennessee

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Legal Studies in Business Target Languages: Spanish and Portuguese Email: Academic Achievements: 2019 Rhodes MSMUN Best Delegate, Best Position Paper, and Best Delegation Award; 2018 UTK VOLMUN Best Delegate Award; 2018 and 2019 YMCA SHSMUN All-Star Delegate Nomination for IMUNA NHSMUN; 2019 NHSMUN Award of Merit; Duke TIP Grand Recognition and Four-Year Summer Studies Center Attendee; AP Scholar with Distinction; 2018 Tennessee Governor’s School for International Studies Student; 2019 Farragut Social Studies Department Award; AP Capstone Diploma; Farragut Humanities Academy Diploma; Girl Scouts Silver and Bronze Awards; National Honor Society Membership; National Spanish Honor Society Communications Director; Tri-M Music Honor Society Historian.

“Enterprising, dynamic, resolute”

Extra-curricular Activities: 2018 SHSMUN General Committee President and Secretariat Member and 2017 SOCHUM Chair; Farragut High School Model United Nations President and delegate; Knoxville Symphony Youth Orchestra Principal Violist and Farragut Orchestra violinist; Senior Class Vice President; Mock Trial District Champion; Key Club Vice President; previous Junior Honor Society President; United Church of Christ (UCC) Youth Representative. Community Service: In two years on SHSMUN staff, I accumulated a total of 614 service hours chairing, educating new and potential delegates and advisors, and leading the conference through Chattanooga YMCA. I have also participated in community outreach as a founder of Farragut at the Flagpole, a nonpartisan student group combating gun violence and as a participant in several UCC mission trips, the most recent of these being a week in Asheville focusing on urban homelessness. International Experience: A majority of my extended family is from Canada, so I make frequent visits to Ontario and Quebec, exposing me to the French language and culture a great deal. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I enjoy all things marine life, iced apple juice, puns, Malcolm Gladwell, music theory, and the surprising Easter eggs on international relations theory that can be taken from Dance Moms. Three Words to Describe Herself: Enterprising, dynamic, resolute. Fun Fact from Karlyn: I once won two fish at a county fair three hours away from my hometown and carried them back in the uncovered tank I was given simply because I felt bad for them.



Christine Faith Tong Easton, Connecticut

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Political Economy and Management Target Language: Chinese/Mandarin Email: Academic Achievements: AP Scholar with Honors; Diploma with Distinction; Joel Barlow High School Spotlight Award; Recipient of Clarkson University Scholarship Award; Spanish Honor Society; National Honor Society; 8 Semesters on Honor Roll. Extra-curricular Activities: I was the founder and president of my high school Best Buddies chapter; I debated for four years; I have played field hockey for four years; I have ran track and field for two years; I was a captain of my school’s Sikorsky STEM Challenge Team; I have also played piano for ten years. Community Service: I have volunteered as a camp counselor for disadvantaged students at museums; I was a captain for Safe Rides in my community, working with local law enforcement and other community leaders to prevent drunk driving; I was also a member of the Easton & Redding Community Care Coalition, Student Steering, and the Joel Barlow High School Climate Committee, which are all organizations that work to bridge the gap between students, administrators, and adults to improve the wellbeing of the community. International Experience: I have attended the Best Buddies International Leadership Conference, which I have met with Best Buddies Presidents from around the world; I have also volunteered in China, working with schools and daycare centers in rural Sichuan; I have also visited Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, the Caribbean Islands, and Canada; the summer after senior year of high school, I spent a lot of time in China, immersing myself in the local culture and eating an outrageous amount of delicious Sichuan food.

“Ambitious, passionate, outspoken”

Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love the outdoors, exploring, and hiking. I am extremely excited to explore New Orleans! Stamp collecting is something I love doing with my dad. I am also obsessed with podcasts and will never turn down a good debate. Three Words to Describe Herself: Ambitious, passionate, outspoken. Fun Fact from Christine Faith: I have a pet turtle and goldfish because I’m extremely allergic to dust and my mom is terrified of cats and dogs.


Ella Vap


Louisville, Kentucy

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Economics and Marketing Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: IB Diploma holder; National Honors Society; Spanish Honors Society; National English Honors Society President; Operation Smile Social Relations Chair; Tulane Premier Scholar Award; Principal’s List. Extra-curricular Activities: Speed Art Museum Volunteer Docent; Muhammad Ali UCREW member; Made geofilters on Snapchat for school events; Judiciary Branch Participant at Kentucky Youth Assembly; Kentucky United Nations Assembly Participant; Lifeguard; Yoga Club Participant; BETA Club; Hostess and food runner.

“Hardworking, energetic, honest”

Community Service: I went on two mission trips with my youth group in high school, to Oklahoma and Illinois. Besides those, the CAS aspect of IB gave me a lot of opportunities to work with my community, which meant weekly trips to a local food bank and my own Waterstep drive. Through all my different services, I was able to earn service honor roll my junior and senior years. International Experience: In the summer of 2018 I went on a two-week trip with my school to Europe. We visited five countries and learned a lot about each one. Other than that, I have been to the Bahamas and Mexico with my family. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I really enjoy finding new music and seeing my favorite bands in concert. I love to do anything to get active, like playing sports with my friends, running, or taking barre classes. I am really into clothing as well so I love to keep up with fashion and contribute through my small online business! Three Words to Describe Herself: Hardworking, energetic, honest. Fun Fact from Ella: I won my class’s senior assassin game—it went on for 4 months!



Kelsey Worley Amarillo, Texas

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Political Economy and Legal Studies in Business Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: Class Valedictorian, AP Scholar with Distinction, National Honor Society President, French National Honor Society President, Superintendent’s Ambassador, Superintendent’s Scholar, Red and Black Award of Achievement, Outstanding Math Student, Outstanding Foreign Language Student, Recipient of the Tulane Presidential Scholarship. Extra-curricular Activities: I have played volleyball in school and on a club team for ten years. I was the team captain of the Science Bowl team and a group leader for the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter. I am also very involved in my church and babysit in my free time. Community Service: I have been very passionate about working towards ending weekend hunger in Amarillo through Snack Pak 4 Kids, Snack Shak, and FISH (Friends in Service for Hunger) Club and volunteer regularly at Salvation Army, Eveline Rivers (Christmas gift project), and youth volleyball camps. International Experience: I have traveled throughout Mexico and the Caribbean with my family during the summers and hosted an Australian foreign exchange student for a year. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I like both playing and watching sports and enjoy staying active. I am a foodie and love to travel and explore new cities and restaurants. I’m always up for going to concerts, on adventures, or to the beach as well as spending time with family, friends, and my cat.

“Ambitious, motivated, competitive”

Three Words to Describe Herself: Ambitious, motivated, competitive. Fun Fact from Kelsey: I qualified for nationals and finished in the top 100 teams in the nation for beach volleyball two years in a row.


Matthew Yam


Los Angeles, California

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Political Economy and Management Target Language: Chinese/Mandarin Email: Academic Achievements: Honor Roll, AP Scholar, Spanish National Honor Society. Extra-curricular Activities: Worked as journalist in residence for Verto Education. Worked as a marketing intern for Creative HQ, a startup incubator based in Wellington, New Zealand. Served as Sports Editor for high school newspaper. Played water polo for my school team and swam club. Led camping trips, group activities and merit badge classes en route to becoming an Eagle Scout.

“Curious, adaptable, candid”

Community Service: Spent 7 weeks in the Dominican Republic helping to build aqueducts in the mountains of Jarabacoa and building latrines in the bateyes of the San Pedro de Marcoris province. Refinished a playground and created a community vegetable garden at the Pasadena Ronald McDonald House for Eagle Project. Tutored kids in math and English in Chinatown every weekend. International Experience: While on my gap year, I spent three months traveling through the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica working on service projects, studying public health and sustainability, and honing my Spanish. Highlights included staying with a homestay family in the DR and living without wifi or electricity while staying with a community of cacao farmers in the Costa Rican rainforests. The next 4 months I lived in New Zealand. Worked in Wellington for the first 3 and then spent the last month traveling around the country via bus and staying with friends I made out there. Have also visited Thailand and Cambodia with my family. Personal Interests/Hobbies: Basketball, water polo, cooking, making pottery, reading, camping, good journalism, foodbased LA adventures, exploring new cities. Three Words to Describe Himself: Curious, adaptable, candid. Fun Fact from Matthew: Part of the Flaming Arrows patrol that won the 2014 Boy Scout Troop 355 Lord of the Fire Contest.



Paul Yermish Davie, Florida

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Political Economy and Management Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: AP Scholar with Distinction; National Qualifying Quizbowl Team Member; National Merit Commended; State-Qualifier in Sports and Entertainment Management as a member of Future Business Leaders of America; National Honor Society Member; Several Model United Nations awards across a bevy of conferences; Completed High School Pre-Law Track. Extra-curricular Activities: During my freshman and sophomore years I played football, winning the FHSAA Class 5A State Championship as a sophomore. Later on, I became the Director-General and Vice President of my school’s Model UN Team and Club, winning the Best Delegation award at numerous national conferences. Throughout high school, I also participated as a member of the Moot Court and Mock Trial teams as a supplement to my coursework in my school’s Pre-Law Program. Community Service: As a member of Boy Scouts of America, I became an Eagle Scout and held several leadership mantles as a member of Troop 160. During my most notable service project, I recruited a couple of dozen peers to aid in building a fire-pit and wooden benches which reside at my synagogue, Temple Beth Emet. Additionally, I attended a summer internship organized through the Broward County Public Defender’s Office during which I visited Broward County Jail, interviewing inmates and watching court proceedings.

“Empathetic, curious, humble”

International Experience: Several years ago, my family and I were able to travel to the Caribbean. Since then, my appetite for international travel and experiential learning during it has yet to be satiated, and it stands as one of my greatest desires to fulfill these aspirations through the lens of education and curiosity in exploring diverse cultural perspectives. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I am a massive fan of walking around and experiencing different types of culture through the lenses of food and conversation; every moment I’m moving is better than it would be sitting still. Three Words to Describe Himself: Empathetic, curious, humble. Fun Fact from Paul: The county I’m from, Broward, boasts both the highest quantity of retired professional athletes and the highest rates of fraud per capita in the country.


Sarah Yue


Virginia Beach, Virginia

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Legal Studies in Business Target Language: French Email: Academic Achievements: Tulane Distinguished Scholar’s Award; Honor Roll Student, Charles J. Cumiskey Math Award. Extra-curricular Activities: President of the Girl Up club, leader of the Student Ambassadors for my school, member of the French club and UNITID (diversity club) for 3 years, edited my school’s literary magazine, participated in Varsity crew, coached JV and Varsity Sailing, and interned with a local political campaign. Community Service: Volunteered as part of the medical sweeps for the Rock and Roll Half Marathon, assisted in teaching wounded veterans how to surf as part of the Wounded Wave Warriors, volunteered in helping teach reading and grammar to elementary school students both at my school and at local public schools.

“Curious, independent, passionate”

International Experience: My family values traveling and international experiences, so I have been lucky enough to visit Italy, Ireland, and Iceland, and to visit family in South Korea. I also spent two weeks in Paris as part of a reciprocal language exchange with my school my junior year, which prompted me to apply to Altman for its emphasis on language. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love traveling, baking (even started a business selling cookies in my city), going out with friends and family and exploring, discussing politics and feminism, and trying new things. I also love all things art, whether learning about and looking at it or creating it by sewing or painting or drawing. Three Words to Describe Herself: Curious, independent, passionate. Fun Fact from Sarah: I love to journal, especially on trips, and the summer I was 12 I traveled to South Korea, so my journal is filled with every single book I read, averaging out to more than one a day.



Chloe Zimmerman

Westfield, New Jersey

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Legal Studies in Business Target Language: French Email: Academic Achievements: National Honor Society; French Academic Scholarship Recipient; AP Scholar with Honor; President’s Award for Educational Excellence Recipient. Extra-curricular Activities: FLAG Mentor; French Club; Varsity Field Hockey; Model UN; Youth and Government; Afterschool Mentor - Westfield Plainfield Connection. Community Service: I volunteered as a youth facilitator at Imagine Center for Coping with Loss for 3 years where I worked with kids who have lost loved ones. I also helped to reopen my School’s Habitat for Humanity chapter and organized a new project with my peers. International Experience: My Grandparents were born in France and my dad grew up there so I was able to grow up hearing another language and visiting another country often. When I was going into High School I went on my first service trip to Ecuador which was my first time traveling alone. I enjoyed it so much I went on a different trip to Kenya the next summer. I have also gotten the opportunity to visit countries like Italy, England, and Canada. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I try to read the news every morning. I like to stay up to date on what’s going on in the world. I love long aimless carries with friends. I like pretty much every genre of music from R&B to Classic Rock to even Country. I am also a big fan of running, cooking, and laughing at my own jokes.

“Lighthearted, loyal, independent”

Three Words to Describe Herself: Lighthearted, loyal, independent. Fun Fact from Chloe: I can open bottles with my teeth.


Program Co-Directors

Casey Love, Ph.D.

Myke Yest, Ph.D., CFA

Dr. Casey Love is a Senior Professor of Practice in the Department of Political Science with deep roots at Tulane. She holds three degrees from Tulane: B.A. in Latin American Studies and Political Science (1997), M.A. in Latin American Studies (2000), and Ph.D. in Political Science (2005). Her scholarly and teaching interests include Mexican politics, U.S.-Latin American relations, U.S. immigration policy, and political and economic development in the Global South. She integrates service learning into many of her courses and directs the Political Science Department’s internship program. She also currently serves as the interim Associate Dean of Global Education.

Myke Yest, a Professor of Practice in Finance at the A.B. Freeman School of Business, teaches both graduate and undergraduate classes in such areas as Risk Management, Corporate Finance, Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Cases in Finance. Outside the classroom, Myke acts as program director for Tulane’s Partnership Program with CFA Institute and faculty adviser to several organizations on campus. Myke also consults for a local investment advisor firm that helps high-net worth individuals prepare for retirement. He holds a BBA in Business Management from Stetson University, an MBA from the University of South Florida, and a PhD in Finance from Tulane University, in which he focused his research on mutual fund management structures.

Dr. Love has extensive experience living and working abroad and brings a globalized approach to learning in the courses she teaches both domestically and internationally. She has received multiple awards for teaching and service at Tulane, including the Mortar Board Excellence in Teaching Award (2018), School of Liberal Arts Outstanding Service Award (2016), the Center for Public Service’s Barbara E. Moely Service Learning Teaching Award (2013), and the Stone Center’s Simon Rodriguez Award for Best Undergraduate Teacher (2012). In addition to her academic pursuits, Dr. Love is the director of a 501c3-designated all female Mardi Gras performance troupe.



Having spent over 25 years in the finance industry allows Myke to integrate both practice and theory into his finance courses. His dynamic approach toward teaching has earned him numerous awards, including the Freeman School Student Government Teaching Excellence Award, the James T. Murphy Award for Teaching Excellence, and twice-winning the Howard J. Wisner “Professor of the Year” award at the Freeman School.


Program Staff

Natalia Porto

Jamie Montelepre

Natalia Porto joined the Altman Program team in April 2012 having previously worked in such institutions of Tulane as Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Cuban and Caribbean Studies Institutve and Center for Inter-American Policy and Research. As the Program Manager, she administers the logistical aspects of the program and is responsible for student advising and internship placement.

Jamie Montelepre joined the Altman Program in

Natalia is originally from Russia. In the last twenty years she has lived and worked in Europe, Brazil, Ecuador and the US and has been in New Orleans since 2004. She earned her Masters in Pacific and International Affairs with a regional specialization on Latin America from the University of California, San Diego.

diverse work background that includes website

October 2017. Born and raised in New Orleans, she most recently worked as an Access Coordinator for the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility at Tulane. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Drama and Communications from the University of New Orleans and is an active member of the New Orleans theater community. With a content editing and office management, she assists with the administrative operations of the program. Jamie is currently pursuing a Masters in Health and Wellness Management through the School of Professional Advancement at Tulane.


About Jeffrey Altman


The Altman Program in International Studies and Business is the focus of a major gift from the Jeffrey A. Altman Foundation. The Jeffrey A. Altman Foundation has pledged $10.3 million to Tulane University to establish this dual-degree program. Similar programs are available at only a handful of select universities nationwide. “In an increasingly global business environment, international study is a must. There are very few business programs in the entire country that offer a dual degree with an international component such as this,” said Jeffrey Altman, a 1988 graduate of Tulane, founder and managing partner of Owl Creek Asset Management LP and founder and director of the Jeffrey A. Altman Foundation. “After the incredibly rewarding experiences I had as a student at Tulane, I feel fortunate to help the university develop this four-year program. Graduates will be even better prepared to excel in an increasingly interconnected world economy.”

The new dual degree will require students to complete coursework in Tulane’s A.B. Freeman School of Business and its School of Liberal Arts. “This combination of disciplines with an emphasis on the understanding of foreign cultures is crucial to preparing students to excel in today’s global economy,” said Altman. Upon the creation of the program, Tulane President Emeritus Scott Cowen said, “If I were an undergraduate now this is the course of study I would pursue. With an ever-increasing amount of economic growth coming from outside the United States, this is the best way to prepare students for the future. This is definitely a program for the 21st century, and we are most grateful to the Altman Foundation for making Tulane one of only a handful of universities in the country to offer such a unique undergraduate program.”


"This combination of disciplines with an emphasis on the understanding of foreign cultures is crucial to preparing students to excel in today’s global economy."

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