The Paul Tulane Society Investiture

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THE PAUL TULANE SOCIETY, established in 1983, is an esteemed community of men and women whose exceptional support and leadership have contributed to making Tulane University one of the premier teaching, research, and service universities in the nation. Membership in The Paul Tulane Society is awarded to those individuals and organizations who have made gifts of $1 million or more to the university. Members of The Paul Tulane Society have made possible superior educational opportunities by providing strategic program support, by helping us meet our capital goals, and by contributing to the growth and sustainability of the university’s endowment. In short, they have provided the means to strengthen the university’s commitment to excellence. The forerunner to Tulane University – the Medical College of Louisiana - was founded in 1834. By 1847, the public University of Louisiana was established, and the Medical College was joined by a law department and a collegiate department. Tulane was established as a private university in 1884 when the University of Louisiana was reorganized and named in honor of benefactor Paul Tulane, a wealthy merchant who gave $1 million to establish a private university for the city where he had earned his fortune. This newly-formed institution included schools of liberal arts and sciences, law, medicine, and graduate studies. Paul Tulane understood that the greater New Orleans region deserved a great university to educate its youth and to provide a gathering place for the best minds to grapple with the problems of the day. He knew that the progress of a region, indeed, the progress of a nation, depended upon the development of the human intellect, both in applied technology and in the furtherance of the humanities. Those honored with membership in The Paul Tulane Society share Paul Tulane’s vision and, through their outstanding commitment, are following in the footsteps of Paul Tulane, whose generosity set Tulane University on the course it follows today.


Ann P. Boh Robert S. Boh Judith M. Camp Samuel M. Camp Marta Robidoux Marko William A. Marko

Lora J. Peters Donald J. Peters, Jr. Baptist Community Ministries

The Coypu Foundation Robert Jacob Black* Irene Dauper Black* Thelma D. Toole*



For the Boh family, the ties to Tulane University run deep. Robert continued the tradition set out by his parents, Katherine and Robert H. Boh, in attending the university. He received his BSE in Civil Engineering in 1980, followed by a Master’s in Business Administration the next year. Ann is also a proud Tulanian, graduating with her BA in English from Newcomb College in 1979. After graduation, their dedication to their alma mater continued to grow. The couple were committed members of the Parents Council. Robert is an emeritus member of the School of Science and Engineering Board of Advisors and served on many other committees, including the Alumni Admission Committee, the Civil and Environmental Engineering Board, and the Engineering Board of Advisors. Ann provided invaluable service to the university through her work on the Alumni Council Homecoming Committee and the Alumni Council Programming Committee. Robert S. Boh is the president and chief executive officer of Boh Brothers Construction Company, which was founded by his grandfather and great-uncle in 1909. His many professional successes are matched by his commitment to advancing engineering at Tulane, both through his generous support and his personal service. Lifelong Green Wave fans, the Bohs are committed supporters of the Green Wave Club and Yulman Stadium. The Michael R. Boh Student Section in Yulman Stadium is named in honor of their late son, a passionate fan of Green Wave football, who passed away in 2009. The Bohs are a civically-engaged couple who are dedicated to advancing education and human services in New Orleans. Robert serves on the board of the Greater New Orleans Foundation, New Orleans Recreational Development Foundation, and the Advisory Board for the Bayou District Foundation. Robert and Ann make their home in New Orleans. Their son, Richard C. Boh, attended Tulane and currently resides in California. Their daughter, Patricia Patterson Boh, is a resident of the DC area.


After receiving his bachelor of arts degree from Tulane in 1964, where he lettered in football, Samuel Camp began his career in pharmaceuticals as a medical sales representative with Rucker Pharmacal. He next went on to found the successful UAD Laboratories, which later became Forest Laboratories. In 1987, he purchased Pamlab and he led the medical food company as Chairman of the Board and chief executive officer for 26 years. His wife, Judith, was essential to Pamlab’s success as well, serving as secretary and treasurer from 1987 to 2013. After selling Pamlab to Nestlé Health Science, Sam founded Physicians Proviso, where he is currently chairman and chief executive officer. He also founded Diabetes Assessment and Management Centers in Shreveport, Louisiana. Sam’s successes have been recognized by his being named Ernst and Young’s “Entrepreneur of the Year” and by the State of Louisiana awarding him with “The Governor’s Technology Award.” He is on the Board of Trustees of St. Tammany Hospital Foundation and Louisiana College. Sam and Judy’s longstanding professional interest in the connection between medicine and cuisine led him and his wife to provide generous support for the Goldring Center of Culinary Medicine’s Teaching Kitchen. Sam also serves on the Goldring Center’s Advisory Board. Dedicated Tulanians, Sam and Judy Camp are committed to supporting the university both on and off the field of play. Green Wave athletics can provide top-tier facilities through the Camp’s generosity to the Devlin Fieldhouse and Yulman Stadium, as well as providing foundational support for honoring one of Tulane’s most beloved athletes through the Neal Jones Recognition Project. The Camps are parents to three children and grandparents to six granddaughters. They make their home in Covington, Louisiana.


Shortly after his family relocated from New Jersey to New Orleans in the summer of 1976, Bill Marko met Marta Robidoux. (Their respective brothers, each named Douglas, introduced them.) Born in Venezuela and having spent part of her early childhood in Nigeria, Marta was also a transplant to the city. In the fall Bill headed off to his senior year at O. Perry Walker High School while Marta resumed her senior year at all-girls Archbishop Blenk High School. Later that fall they began dating when Marta asked Bill to accompany her to a Christian Youth Organization dance. After graduation, Bill began his career at Tulane University, studying for his bachelor’s of science degree in mechanical engineering. During his undergraduate years he played varsity lacrosse and was a member of Engineering Senate, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma, and Phi Eta Sigma. Meanwhile, Marta was attending the University of Southwestern Louisiana (now the University of Louisiana at Lafayette) where she studied computer science. In her senior year when her coursework permitted, she’d sit in on Bill’s Friday classes, leading one professor to quip that she attended more classes than some of the enrolled students! After receiving their respective undergraduate degrees in 1981 they married. Bill began work at Mobil Oil and continued on at night at Tulane, receiving a master’s degree in petroleum engineering. Marta joined McDermott International where she worked with their team designing and programming their accounting systems. She remained with McDermott and subsidiaries for more than a decade, even after relocating to Texas. She later moved on to planning, developing, and maintaining systems for Philips and later the Raytheon Company before retiring in 2001. Bill began his career with Mobil Oil where he spent 18 years in engineering and acquisition/divestment. He went on to become Chief Operating Officer and Vice President of Business Development at Madison Energy Advisors. He then served as managing director of Randall & Dewey, Incorporated. He is currently a managing director at Jefferies LLC in the Energy Investment Banking Group. Although they make their home in Texas, both are passionate about Tulane and New Orleans. Bill recently served as co-chair of his 35th reunion and is the chair of the President’s Council and a member of the Board of Advisors at the School of Science and Engineering. The Tulane Brain Institute struck a chord with the Markos, and they have been the lead donors for its inception. Marta’s parents both suffer from Alzheimer’s and the couple is passionate about bringing together skilled researchers from across Tulane to unlock the mysteries of the brain.


Don Peters is a 1981 graduate of Tulane University. He earned his bachelor’s degree summa cum laude in economics before going on to the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, where he received his MBA in finance. He is also a member of Phi Beta Kappa. In addition to his academic accomplishments, Don is a former naval officer who was interviewed and selected by Admiral Hyman G. Rickover to work at his headquarters for the Navy’s nuclear propulsion program. Don Peters is a portfolio manager with T. Rowe Price. He is a portfolio manager for major institutional relationships with structured active and tax-efficient strategies and the Diversified Mid-Cap Growth Fund and Tax-Efficient Equity Fund. Prior to joining the firm in 1993, he was a portfolio manager for Geewax, Terker, and Company. A respected expert in the field, Don has published extensively, with his work appearing in Journal of Portfolio Management and Journal of Investing. His book, A Contrarian Strategy for Growth Stock Investing, was published by Quorum Books in 1993. In addition to his professional commitments, Don is chairman of the Investment Committee and a trustee of the Baltimore Museum of Art. Lora Peters boasts an interesting Tulane connection as well. She grew up in Princeton, New Jersey, near Paul Tulane’s hometown. She earned her BSE in Civil Engineering from Princeton University, where she lettered in both field hockey and ice hockey. She also has a Masters of Management from the JL Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. Lora teaches Earth Science to sixth-grade girls at the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore, Maryland. In addition to her teaching duties, she coaches field hockey, lacrosse, ice hockey and cross-country, and coordinates the community service programs for the school. Prior to embarking on a career in teaching, Lora worked for STX, Inc., as head of women’s sports; in the marketing department of specialty chemical company Rohm and Haas; and as a petroleum geophysicist for Amoco Production Company. Excited by the momentum building around the Green Wave last fall, Don and Lora made a significant gift to the Green Wave Club and Tulane Athletics.


Baptist Community Ministries’ roots in the community are longstanding. Founded in 1995, the foundation is the philanthropic outcome of the sale of the former Southern Baptist Hospital. Since then, Baptist Community Ministries has provided local non-profits with important resources in the areas of health, education, public safety, and governmental oversight. The organization serves not only as a founder, but also as a thought leader in the fields in which it operates. Baptist Community Ministries is an exceptional partner to Tulane University. They are active in the national network known as the Aspen Institute Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund, and they have spearheaded and provided resources for local service providers to share data for the benefit of the youth of New Orleans. As an early investor in the Reconnecting Opportunity Youth initiative of the Cowen Institute, the foundation has been invaluable to efforts to reconnect youth to education and meaningful careers in the Greater New Orleans area. Practicing that same forward-thinking approach to philanthropy, without losing sight of the importance of evidence-based practices, Baptist Community Ministries provided an early transom grant to Grow Dat Youth Farm that transformed that organization into what has now become a fully functional, youth development non-profit entity. The partnership of the foundation extends beyond joint efforts around youth into the area of health. Baptist Community Ministries provided early support for a promising program at the School of Medicine: the Tulane Center for Autism and Related Disorders. The center provides early diagnosis, therapy and case management for children on the autism spectrum. The foundation was also among the initial investors in a program at the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine that continues to provide breastfeeding integration in the workplace in the Greater New Orleans area. Today, Baptist Community Ministries is supporting a pioneering effort by Tulane child psychiatrists to provide mental health support through integrated care—partnering with primary care physicians to deliver services where the families reside. Tulane University is fortunate that Baptist Community Ministries stands alongside us in pursuing meaningful, long-lasting gains in education and youth development in the city of New Orleans.


The Coypu Foundation was established in 1988 by John S. McIlhenny. A member of the family that settled Avery Island in 1818, McIlhenny was also a descendent of President Zachary Taylor and a godson of President Theodore Roosevelt. He graduated from the University of Virginia and worked as a research chemist for Standard Oil of New Jersey. A lifelong philanthropist and naturalist, McIlhenny sponsored numerous research efforts in wildlife ecology and supported scientific expeditions in various parts of the world. In 1988, McIlhenny established the Coypu Foundation Trust, taking the name “Coypu” from the Latin name for the animal known as nutria. His modest initial trust deposit funded periodic modest bequests to his favored charities. McIlhenny passed away in April of 1997, leaving his substantial residual estate to the Coypu Foundation Trust. Four trustees now operate the Coypu Foundation. The trustees fund annual grant requests from qualified tax-exempt entities for scientific, literary, and educational purposes, giving particular emphasis to the areas of the environment, ecology, species research, and health sciences. The co-trustees are Chris Hale of Austin, Texas; Tina Freeman of New Orleans; and William Callihan of New Orleans and JPMorgan Chase Bank. The Coypu Foundation and Tulane’s wonderful partnership dates back to 1999, when the foundation generously endorsed the work of the Tulane-Xavier Center for Bioenvironmental Research. The Center’s Eugenie Schwartz Professor of River and Coastal Studies is named in honor of a committed environmentalist, artist, and late trustee of the foundation. Most recently, the foundation provided invaluable support to the important work of the Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law and Policy and the School of Medicine’s efforts to advance accurate and rapid diagnosis of the Zika virus. The Coypu Foundation continues to serve as a supportive ally to Tulane researchers striving to find significant solutions to challenges facing the environment, medicine, and public health.


The late Dr. Robert J. Black completed his undergraduate work at the Citadel before going on to receive his MD from the Tulane University School of Medicine in 1941. After graduation from Tulane, he brought his medical skills to the battlefields of Europe, serving as an Army doctor in World War II. Upon the conclusion of his service, he returned to New Orleans, specializing in a field far from his wartime experience, pediatrics. His wife, the late Irene Dauper Black, also attended to the needs of injured soldiers in World War II through her work as an Army nurse. Both were awarded the rank of captain. A native of Springfield, Illinois, she joined Bob in New Orleans before they ultimately relocated to practice pediatrics at the Harbin Clinic in Rome, Georgia. During their years in Rome, they quietly and generously touched and benefited countless lives in their community. Remarkably, they ended their 56-year marriage as they began it: together. Each passed away within the course of a single hour. In 2004, Robert and Irene Black left an extraordinary bequest to Tulane University’s School of Medicine to support young doctors during their professional training. Their gift aided many students through the School of Medicine’s Adopt-A-Student program. Further, their generosity resulted in the “Dr. and Mrs. Robert Black Physician/Scientist Scholarship Fund.” This named scholarship supports students in the Physician/Scientist program at the School of Medicine. This unique dual degree program emphasizes the unified interrelationship between medicine and science. Its graduates are accomplished scientists as well as skilled clinicians; consequently, they are awarded both MD and PhD degrees upon the conclusion of their training.


The late Thelma Agnes Ducoing Toole was a lifelong New Orleanian, devoted mother, and former elocution and deportment teacher. A talented amateur musician, she studied violin and taught herself to play the piano. Her husband, the late John Toole, was an automobile salesman. Her son, John Kennedy Toole, received his bachelor of arts degree with honors from Tulane University in 1958. He went on to take his master’s degree from Columbia University, where he won the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship for graduate study. While serving in the U.S. Army in Puerto Rico, he wrote the now famous novel, A Confederacy of Dunces. After her son’s death in 1969, Thelma worked diligently for 10 years to bring A Confederacy of Dunces to publication. She recruited noted author Walker Percy to her cause, personally delivering the manuscript to his office at Loyola University. A Confederacy of Dunces was published to wide literary and popular acclaim. The novel received the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1981. The success of A Confederacy of Dunces made Thelma a celebrity in her own right. Although she did not care for fame personally, she was glad for the recognition of her son’s talents. She worked tirelessly to preserve her son’s memory. Throughout her life, Thelma was committed to advancing education and nurturing the intellectual and artistic talents of young people. Her dedication was wonderfully demonstrated through her generous bequest of half of her residuary estate to Tulane University. Her bequest included royalties from A Confederacy of Dunces that continue to increase the endowment for the John Kennedy Toole Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarships for promising authors and playwrights.


Anonymous Donors

BELFOR USA Birmingham, Michigan

1331 Foundation New Orleans, Louisiana

Calvin K. Benedict* New Orleans, Louisiana

Jeffrey A. Altman Foundation, Incorporated

Clem Benenson

New York, New York

Hamilton, Massachusetts

Henry F. Anderson William G. Anderson

Adelaide Wisdom Benjamin Edward B. Benjamin, Jr.*

Shreveport, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Akira Arimura Foundation

Gayle Marie Benson Tom Benson

Belle Chasse, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

The Aron Family Interests New York, New York

Louellen Berger Darryl Berger

The Azby Fund

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

The Boh Family Interests James L. Barksdale

New Orleans, Louisiana

Aspen, Colorado

David Boies J. David Barksdale

Armonk, New York

New Orleans, Louisiana

The Booth-Bricker Fund George Bechtel*

New Orleans, Louisiana

Alpine, Texas

Julia T. Beecherl Louis A. Beecherl, Jr.*

Carole B. and Kenneth J. Boudreaux Foundation New Orleans, Louisiana

Dallas, Texas

Gwynn Collins Akin Bowers Kylene Beers, EdD Bradley B. Beers The Woodlands, Texas

El Dorado Hills, California

Joseph A. Breaux* Bayou Goula, Louisiana

Barr Conover Belden* Mountain Brook, Alabama

The Brinton Family Fund San Francisco, California

James M. Brock, MD* McComb, Mississippi

Valerie Z. Corasaniti Michael A. Corasaniti New York, New York

The Brown Foundation Houston, Texas

Carol Downes Cudd Robert C. Cudd III

The Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation

El Prado, New Mexico

Metairie, Louisiana

Kimberly W. Darden Glenn M. Darden

Rosa Cottam Burthe*

Fort Worth, Texas

New Orleans, Louisiana

Joseph Andrews Davenport III* Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund

Mer Rouge, Louisiana

Washington, D.C.

C. T. Carden Oil Properties

Dana Leigh Day Stanley R. Day, Jr

New Orleans, Louisiana

Chicago, Illinois

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Gerald L. DeBlois

New York, New York

West Tisbury, Massachusetts

Amon G. Carter Foundation

Bertie M. Deming Smith John W. Deming, MD*

Fort Worth, Texas

Alexandria, Louisiana

Logan Wickliffe Cary* Carriere, Mississippi

Katharine B. Devlin Robert M. Devlin

Dorothy Cason*

Southport, Conneticut

Miami, Florida

Dorothea M. Chastain* Joseph B. Chastain, MD* Columbus, Georgia

Dialysis Clinic, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee

Collins C. Diboll Private Foundation New Orleans, Louisiana

The Children’s Health Fund New York, New York

The Discovery Fund Fort Worth, Texas

James H. Clark Palm Beach, Florida

Virginia Butler Dixon* Natchez, Mississippi

Jayne Cohen* Albert H. Cohen*

James R. Doty, MD

West Palm Beach, Florida

Los Altos Hills, California

The Commonwealth Fund

Mabel A. Dresser*

New York, New York

New Orleans, Louisiana

Nancy Reeves Dreux* Metairie, Louisiana

Elaine D. Flowerree* Robert E. Flowerree, Jr.* Portland, Oregon

Everett L. Drewes, MD* New Orleans, Louisiana

Wendy M. Fogelman Avron B. Fogelman

The Libby-Dufour Fund

Boca Raton, Florida

New Orleans, Louisiana

The Ford Foundation Mary Sellars East*

New York, New York

Metairie, Louisiana

Newton C. Ebaugh*

Forest City Enterprises Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Gainesville, Florida

Cleveland, Ohio

Dean Baker Ellithorpe, MD*

Irwin Frankel DChE *

New Orleans, Louisiana

Fairfax, Virginia

Entergy Corporation

The Ella West Freeman Foundation

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Exxon Education Foundation

The Freeman Family Interests

New York, New York

New Orleans, Louisiana

ExxonMobil Foundation

Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.

Irving, Texas

Phoenix, Arizona

Kathleen Gibbons Favrot H. Mortimer Favrot, Jr.*

Robert E. Friedman*

New Orleans, Louisiana

Metairie, Louisiana

Feil Family Foundation

G. Shelby Friedrichs*

New York, New York

New Orleans, Louisiana

Flora H. Fenner*

The Frost Foundation

New Orleans, Louisiana

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Hanson D. Ferrell*

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Jacksonville, Florida

Seattle, Washington

David R. Filo

Grace Elizabeth Gebelin Gause*

Sunnyvale, California

Metairie, Louisiana

Donna Diboll Flower Paul H. Flower

Anne Barrios Gauthier

New Orleans, Louisiana

Metairie, Louisiana

John A. Gebelin*

The Irving Harris Foundation

Kenner, Louisiana

Chicago, Illinois

Jill Henkin Glazer Avram A. Glazer

The Hayward Foundation Clearwater, Florida

Palm Beach, Florida

Goldring Family Foundation

The Hearst Foundations New York, New York

New Orleans, Louisiana

Grace A. Goldsmith, MD*

Lila Loewenthal Hertz Douglas J. Hertz

New Orleans, Louisiana

Atlanta, Georgia

Kathryn B. Gore*

Hibernia National Bank

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Matthew B. Gorson

Joseph M. Humphries, MD*

Miami, Florida

Birmingham, Alabama

Shirley Kurzweg Gouaux*

IBM Corporation

Tryon, North Carolina

New York, New York

Barbara Axelrod Greenbaum Jerry M. Greenbaum

Ingrid R. Ingram Frederic B. Ingram

Atlanta, Georgia

Santa Barbara, California

JoAnn Flom Greenberg*

Institute of Mental Hygiene of the City of New Orleans

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Nancy Stone Greer Philip Greer

James Family Foundation

San Francisco, California

San Francisco, California

Beatrice Tomvlin Grivi*

Johnson Controls, Inc.

Los Angeles, California

Milwaukee, Minnesota

HCA – Delta Division

The Eugenie and Joseph Jones Family Foundation

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

William M. Haile, Jr.* Charlotte, North Carolina

Mina I. Jones* Metairie, Louisiana

Elias S. Hanna, MD San Francisco, California

J. Erik Jonsson* Dallas, Texas

Jill Marten Hanna, MD San Francisco, California

Harriett Tolar Jung* Arthur L. Jung, Jr.*

Sherry and Alan Leventhal Family Foundation

Metairie, Louisiana

Boston, Massachusetts

Jessie Katz* Sigmund J. Katz*

The Louisiana Board of Regents Baton Rouge, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Constance Samuel Kaufman*

The Louisiana Land and Exploration Company

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

W. M. Keck Foundation

Georges Lurcy Charitable and Educational Trust

Los Angeles, California

New York, New York

Rosa Freeman Keller* Charles Keller, Jr.*

Lydian Asset Management, L.P.

New Orleans, Louisiana

Westport, Connecticut

W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Meredith Mallory Jr., MD*

Battle Creek, Michigan

San Antonio, Texas

Ann Parker Koerner John E. Koerner III

E. Pierce Marshall Marshall Heritage Foundation

New Orleans, Louisiana

Dallas, Texas

The Kresge Foundation

Robert H. Marshall

Troy, Michigan

Houston, Texas

Alden J. Laborde*

Marsh & McLennan Inc. of Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Sally Huger Lapeyre James M. Lapeyre, Jr.

Fontaine Martin*

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Marilyn Sizeler Lassen Sidney W. Lassen

Francis Martin* New Orleans, Louisiana

Palm Beach, Florida

Lavin Family Foundation

Lawrence W. Martin* New Orleans, Louisiana

River Forest, Illinois

Rolanette Lawrence C. Berdon Lawrence Houston, Texas

Rudolph Matas, MD* New Orleans, Louisiana

Cordelia S. May* Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Katherine Deichler Mayer Northbrook, Illinois

Jean Strauss Mintz Saul A. Mintz* Monroe, Louisiana

Leonie Mayer* Gus Mayer*

Penny C. Morrill

New Orleans, Louisiana

McLean, Virginia

William E. Mayer

Johnie W. Murphy* Charles Haywood Murphy, Jr.*

New York, New York

El Dorado, Arkansas

Susan A. McCulloch James L. McCulloch

Martha W. Murphy

Houston, Texas

New Orleans, Louisiana

McCune Charitable Foundation

R. Madison Murphy

Sante Fe, New Mexico

El Dorado, Arkansas

Perrine Dixon McCune*

Murphy Oil USA, Inc.

Sante Fe, New Mexico

El Dorado, Arkansas

Katherine L. McFetridge*

Music Rising

New Orleans, Louisiana

Nashville, Tennessee

The McKnight Foundation

New Orleans Public Service Inc.

Minneapolis, Minnesota

New Orleans, Louisiana

Elleonora P. McWilliams* W. Kennon McWilliams, Jr.*

Vera L. Olds Baton Rouge, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Frank G. Otis* Madisonville, Louisiana

New York, New York

Joyce Frank Menschel

Bernard Osher The Bernard Osher Foundation

New York, New York

San Francisco, California

Merck and Company, Inc.

Elizabeth Parks* Franklin Parks*

West Point, Pennsylvania

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Virginia Miceli* Augusto P. Miceli* New Orleans, Louisiana

Doris Greenberg Payson Martin D. Payson New York, New York

Lois C. Miller* Eugene J. Miller, Jr, PhD San Miguel, California

Sue W. Pellerin* Norvin L. Pellerin* New Orleans, Louisiana

Catherine Deming Pierson R. Hunter Pierson, Jr.

Martha B. Robertson* New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Rainer Nicholls Pinkoson Charles Pinkoson, MD Gainesville, Florida

Merle Greene Robertson* San Francisco, California

Rockefeller Foundation New York, New York

Althea Plauche* A. Lane PlauchĂŠ*

Ruth C. Roe*

Lake Charles, Louisiana

Mobile, Alabama

The People of Qatar

RosaMary Foundation

Doha, Qatar

New Orleans, Louisiana

The Stanley W. Ray, Jr. Philanthropic and Civic Trust

Milton I. Rosenson* Metairie, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Debra Rees Rick S. Rees New Orleans, Louisiana

Doris B. Reggie Edmund M. Reggie* Lafayette, Louisiana

The Reily Foundation New Orleans, Louisiana

Priscilla E. Reiss James J. Reiss, Jr. New Orleans, Louisiana

Vada Odom Reynolds* Metairie, Louisiana

E. V. Richards, Jr.* Covington, Louisiana

J. Karlem Riess* New Orleans, Louisiana

River Park Partnership New Orleans, Louisiana

Seymour F. Rosenwasser, MD* Los Angeles, California

Yvonne A. Ryan* New Orleans, Louisiana

Dorothy E. Ryder* New Orleans, Louisiana

The Sacks Family Foundation Highland Park, Illinois

Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation New York, New York

Mabel Saunders* Paul H. Saunders* Winston Salem, North Carolina

Maridel Saunders, MD* Francestown, New Hampshire

Coralie V. Schaefer* New Orleans, Louisiana

Elsie Schaefer* New Orleans, Louisiana

Didi Fenton-Schafer Oscar S. Schafer

Cecilia Bisso Slatten* New Orleans, Louisiana

New York, New York

Edward G. Schlieder Educational Foundation

Alma Slatten Pettit William A. Slatten, Sr.* New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

lAurie klAymAn scHlosS lAWrence m. v. D. scHloss

Barbara M. Sobin Lester A. Sobin* New Orleans, Louisiana

New York, New York

Martin F. Schmidt*

Catherine Spaar* William H. Spaar*

Louisville, Kentucky

San Antonio, Texas

J. F. Seinsheimer, Jr.*

Steel Partners Foundation

Galveston, Texas

New York, New York

Peggy B. Selber* Aaron Selber, Jr.*

The Percival Stern Foundation New Orleans, Louisiana

Shreveport, Louisiana

Elizabeth D. Selley* Paul P. Selley*

Mattie Stewart* Andrew Stewart* New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

L. J. Sevin Family Foundation

Paulette D. Stewart Frank B. Stewart, Jr.

Dallas, Texas

New Orleans, Louisiana

Shell Oil Company Shell Oil Company Foundation

Beryl Whiteman Stiles* Washington, D.C.

Houston, Texas

Brenda B. Sheridan Howard M. Sheridan, MD Fort Myers, Florida

Edward L. Streiffer* Moraga, California

Walter E. Sullivan* Pearl River, Louisiana

Sara Lockhart Simmonds Alexandria, Louisiana

William H. Talbot* New Orleans, Louisiana

Mary A. Read Hume Simms* Lexington, Kentucky

Phyllis M. Taylor New Orleans, Louisiana

Jane Meyers Simon* Edward H. Simon*

Teagle Foundation, Inc.

San Antonio, Texas

New York, New York

Gladys Gauche Thomson*

Josephine Wander Westlake*

Austin, Texas

Lafayette, California

Tidewater, Inc.

Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation

New Orleans, Louisiana

Atlanta, Georgia

The Times-Picayune

Whitney National Bank of New Orleans

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Lillian A. Turchin Robert L. Turchin* Miami Beach, Florida

The Jacques L. Wiener, Jr. and Sandra M. Feingerts Family Fund Shreveport, Louisiana

Dolly H. Turman* Solon B. Turman*

Anna Louise Stille Williams*

New Orleans, Louisiana

Many, Louisiana

M. Dreux Van Horn II*

Jack A. Williamson*

New Orleans, Louisiana

Chicago, Illinois

Marcelle S. Vergara*

Kate Yulman Williamson

New Orleans, Louisiana

New York, New York

The Vesper Foundation

George A. Wilson*

Brecksville, Ohio

Dallas, Texas

Lallage Feazel Wall*

Wynona W. Wilson James W. Wilson, Jr.*

West Monroe, Louisiana

Montgomery, Alabama

The Weatherhead Foundation Cleveland, Ohio

The Edward Wisner Donation New Orleans, Louisiana

Ben Weiner* New Orleans, Louisiana

The Woldenberg Foundation New Orleans, Louisiana

Ben Weiner Foundation New Orleans, Louisiana

Hannah B. Woody, MD* New Orleans, Louisiana

Virginia Eason Weinmann John Giffen Weinmann* New Orleans, Louisiana

Janet K. Yulman* E. Richard Yulman Coral Gables, Florida

Suzanne R. Weiss Stephen H. Weiss*

The Zemurray Foundation

Greenwich, Connecticut

Madisonville, Louisiana

Martha McCarty Wells

* Deceased

Dallas, Texas

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