Tulane Magazine December 2013

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gentry, transplants & newbies Supernatives embrace New Orleans.

a different kind of will A year later, Devon Walker returns to campus.

december 2013

the young and the settled

he loves them, yeah, yeah, yeah Bruce Spizer knows all about the Beatles.

paula burch-celentano

rare birds Teresa Cole, professor and chair of the Newcomb Art Department and Ellsworth Woodward Professor of Art, looks on as her printmaking students Ben Fox-McCord (left), Zoe Corbett (center) and Imen Djouini (right) lean in to get a closer look at a John James Audubon print titled “Yellow-billed Cuckoo.� The artwork is a page from the first of four volumes produced by Audubon between 1827 and 1838. Three of those volumes reside in the Rare Books unit of Special Collections in the HowardTilton Memorial Library.

Taking It to the Streets On the cover: The Red Beans and Rice parade, established in 2010, in the Faubourg Marigny. Photo by Cheryl Gerber.

T U L A N E MAGA Z I N E DE C E M B E R 2 0 1 3



mark andresen

P R E S I D E N T ’ S

These Lightning Years by Scott S. Cowen The following is an excerpt of Scott Cowen’s convocation address delivered to first-year students in McAlister Hall on Aug. 24, 2013. New Orleans is my home, and now it is your home, too. And this is the day we say hello. We will smile and shake hands and I will tell you how truly glad I am to finally meet each of you and your families face to face. I also know that in just four or five years, it will be time to say goodbye. The time between the hello and the goodbye will happen in a flash. But these lightning years are ones that will play a significant role in not only what you will do with your life, but who you will become. So what happens between the hello and the goodbye—what will you do, how will you spend your time, what will you accomplish? I would like to offer two suggestions: explore and engage. A Tulane education is a participatory event. For example, one of the Tulane Interdisciplinary Seminars is devoted to the study of Mardi Gras, its social meanings, its racial history, its anthropological roots. You’ll experience Mardi Gras Indians in full costume, brass bands and second lines. You’ll also experience what it means to let “the good times roll.” You’ll explore the city and learn its neighborhoods and its customs. Some of the richest, deepest learning happens when what we are familiar with collides with what is different and previously unknown. The public service component of your curriculum will take you from campus and into relationships that are new and unfamiliar. These encounters will change both you and the people with whom you encounter.



TRADITION Touching the Victory Bell has become something of a rite of passage for first-year students.

Stretch yourself academically and socially, get out of your comfort zone, and develop interests and skills you never thought possible. Science majors, take a course on Shakespeare. Business majors, take a course on Aristotle. English majors, take a finance course. Pre-med students, take a theater course. Theater majors, take an engineering class. Environmental science majors, take a dance course. In fact, everyone should learn how to dance. It just makes you happy. Attend at least one game every semester in every sport played here at Tulane. Our athletes are first and foremost students just like you and they need and deserve your support. Likewise, attend at least one campus art exhibition, concert, play and extracurricular lecture every semester. The arts need and deserve your support and you can benefit from lessons you will learn by doing so. And attend at least one service or event sponsored by a religious or political organization of which you know or care little about so that you will know and care a little more. Most importantly, make a difference in someone else’s life, especially those who need help the most. This is what a Tulane education is all about—using what you learn in the classroom to make the world outside the classroom a better place. This is what it means to truly grow intellectually, ethically and emotionally. This is why when you graduate you will not only have knowledge and skill, you will have the real-world experience, ethics and empathy to become the leading thinkers, doers and changers of our society. You will be a different person, a better human being. You will attain more than good grades and a good job. You will achieve a sense of fulfillment by becoming the person you want to be. You will help others achieve their dreams, too, and become who they want and deserve to be. One more thing before I let you go. When you exit through the front doors of this building, you will see the Tulane Victory Bell. Thousands before you have rubbed this bell as their first symbolic act as Tulane students. Now it is your turn. As you rub the bell, consider all those who have come before you as well as those who will come after. This time between your undergraduate “hello” and “goodbye” is truly a singular opportunity that will shape the rest of your life. It is the beginning of your legacy. It is your time. Do not waste a second.

TUlane C O N T E N T S Home in the Dome Green Wave football players surround Devon Walker before the Homecoming game in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome.

2 PRESIDENT’S LETTER New students’ welcome

parker waters

6 NEWS Blueprint for renovation • Ongoing search • Studentathletes • Who dat? Rob Steinberg • Actor’s ancestors • Stress shows up in genes • Maya discovery • Service challenge • Herbarium’s holly • Neville Prendergast


Gentry, Transplants and Newbies

13 SPORTS Rowing crew • Men’s basketball

Whatever you call them and whatever you think of them, these newcomers arrive in a neighborhood as agents of both change and stability. By Ryan Rivet


A Different Kind of Will It’s been more than a year since a football injury paralyzed Devon Walker. This fall he returned to campus to continue his degree. By Nick Marinello


30 TULANIANS Suzanne Geary • National networking • Outstanding Alumni • Clint Williamson • Meredith Restein • Justin Springer 31 WHERE Y'AT! Class notes 35 FAREWELL Tribute: Ruth Benerito

He Loves Them, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Fifty years since he first saw them on TV, Bruce Spizer (A&S ’76, B ’77, L ’80) has become a leading historian of the Beatles. By Angus Lind

38 TULANE EMPOWERS Yulman Stadium • Jennings scholarhip • Career services • Academic success 40 NEW ORLEANS Guided tours

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lovable lingo Larry Smith (E ’51) of Oxnard, Calif., writes that “Lovable Lingo” in the September 2013 Tulane reminded him how he still uses New Orleans sayings such as “neutral ground” when he talks about lane dividers. He’s a fifth generation New Orleans native but has “been taken for a New Yorker” in his speech many times.

y e a h,

y o u

w r i t e

Editor’s Note: We received several letters about “Desegregation of a University” in the September 2013 Tulane. We are printing a number of the letters here and will print others in the next issue of the magazine. Readers’ thoughtful recollections are much welcome. APPRECIATION OF HISTORY As a contemporary of both Ed Lombard and Steve Martin, I was pleased to learn that Ed completed his Tulane education to earn his degree and was very saddened to hear of Steve Martin’s passing. As I came to Tulane from Texas, I had no idea of the efforts required to gain admission for African American students. I was aware of such efforts in Texas and had Rice University acted sooner, I would probably now hold a Rice diploma instead of a Tulane one. While I see that Steve was the first African American to play baseball in the SEC, I remember a conversation with him where he stated that he approached the football coach about trying out for the team. He was told the common phrase back then of “don’t call us, we will call you.” Since I spent 4 years in the band attending every home football game, I often wonder how much better the teams would have been to have his exceptional athletic talents contributing to their efforts. Although I never saw Steve play football in high school, those that I knew who did told me that he was outstanding at St. Augustine High School. Maybe with Steve on the team, I might have had the privilege as a student of seeing us beat LSU in football. Although it is over 40 years later, I sincerely appreciate your article giving the history of what made it possible for me to attend the “Harvard of the South.” Raymond Walker, A&S ’69 Port Arthur, Texas



SEGREGATED SPORTS I read the article “The Desegregation of a University” with great interest and wanted to add a bit to the school history of that period. As sports editor of The Hullabaloo on Nov. 7, 1952, I quoted Hap Glaudi of the New Orleans Item. Tulane had just beaten Santa Clara in a football game 35-0, and Glaudi questioned whether the players of Santa Clara played so poorly because they had to leave their star halfback, Bobo Lewis, home in California, because of the color of his skin. The editor-in-chief of the paper and I were both concerned, on many levels, about the wisdom of running that piece in my editorial. Would I be suspended from Tulane in my senior year, or worse yet, provoke some violent act? The day that it came out I met Dean John Stibbs on campus. He stopped me to say that “he read my editorial and liked it like he liked all of my other editorials.” Those words, minimally committal as they were, were enough to give me temporary relief. That is until I arrived at my fraternity house for lunch (around 1952 the first dormitory for men had just opened on campus, mostly for freshmen) where I was informed that I was to call President Rufus Carrolton Harris’s office. In a previous editorial of Oct. 24, I defended his position “de-emphasizing varsity sports,” and by doing so established a favorable relationship with him. Now, however, I was shaking, especially when his secretary asked me if I could come right over. It is 61 years later, but I will never forget what happened next. President Harris had been in an auto accident and his right arm was in a sling. He pointed to his arm and said, “Norman, I have to get over to the stadium. Bubba is going to put my arm in the whirlpool (yup, the athletic trainer’s name was ‘Bubba’ and they had whirlpools back then), so I will

be brief.” My heart dropped. How was I going to explain to my parents why I was suspended in my senior year? When he then said that the school’s publicity director was retiring at the end of the school year and he was wondering if I would like his job? I just stood there shocked. He then said, “This is only November. You have the whole school year to think about it. Get out of here or I will be late for Bubba.” As I walked down the back steps of Gibson Hall it all began to sink in. If he was so tight on time, and as he said, it was only November, why did he have to see me that afternoon? Was he not sending me a message that he could not verbalize in New Orleans, 1952? As that thought sunk in, I began to fall apart. Knowing that I could not now meet any friends, I crossed St. Charles Avenue, entered Audubon Park, sat down on a bench and cried. By the way that they handled this young Hullabaloo sports editor, Dean Stibbs and President Harris indicated that they were already on the right side of the integration issue in 1952, but had to measure every utterance. I was not surprised when Tulane finally integrated. S. Norman Reich, A&S ’53 Salisbury, Conn. DESEGREGATING TULANE In 1957, I served as editor in chief of The Hullabaloo. I was summoned, on three occasions, to President Rufus Harris’ office for hourlong discussions. The topic? A series of editorials and articles on integration, including the fact that Tulane had already graduated colored students who passed. These can be found in The Hullabaloo archives. One day, while working in The Hullabaloo office a group of gentlemen entered. Then Congressman Hale Boggs, then Judge Leander Perez and the head of Tulane’s Alumni Association entered and asked for some of my time to discuss the

negative impact of my writing on alumni support. The meeting was amicable but changed neither party’s attitudes. Later in life I had occasion to work closely with both Boggs and Perez … even fished with Perez from his lodge at Port Eads. Donald J. Whittinghill, A&S ’57 Baton Rouge, La. TRIBUTE TO DEVON My son and I went to the Green Wave’s game at ULM (or, as I still call the school, Northeast La. U.). Since it is unlikely Tulane will be back up in “north country” in the future for football, this was a moment not to be wasted. As the team ran out to the field, I was most pleased to see a giant No. 18 flag hoisted on a pole and carried at the front by a lineman. It was a fitting tribute to Devon Walker who himself is an ongoing commentary of what courage is all about. Everyone connected to Tulane—and many across the country—hope this fine individual realizes his dream to one day walk again. Go Wave and go Devon... Larry LaBarrere, A&S ’69 West Monroe, La. [See the story about Devon Walker, “A Different Type of Will,” on page 20.]

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Drop Us a Line E-mail us at: tulanemag@tulane.edu or U.S. mail: Tulane, University Publications, 200 Broadway, Suite 219, New Orleans, LA 70118

Letter From The Editor

TUlane M








Editor Mary Ann Travis

crEativE dirEctor Melinda Whatley Viles FEaturEs Editor Nick Marinello “tulanians” Editor Fran Simon


contributors Keith Brannon Catherine Freshley, ’09 Erika Herran Mary Hoffman Alicia Duplessis Jasmin Angus Lind, A&S ’66 Ryan Rivet, UC ’02 Mary Sparacello Mike Strecker

here for a while At what point does a person who has moved to New Orleans change from being in New Orleans to become of New Orleans? What hoops and hurdles must be surmounted? Ryan Rivet reports in the cover story, “Gentry, Transplants and Newbies,” that an online commenter declared if you have lived here through a summer, you’re a real New Orleanian. Poet Tom Dent in “City Laughter No. 1” writes this about summer in New Orleans: but what do you do what do you do how do you on those rainy New Awlins afternoons those cloudy, muggy, thunderstruck summer aft/noons glued to dreams & the fluids that clog our dreams. … Is a summer sojourn here sufficient experience for someone to become of the city? Are four years of college on the Tulane uptown campus enough?

Does studying medicine in downtown New Orleans lead to authentic knowledge of the city? Graduating from Tulane Law? “People think unless someone has been here for a long time, they don’t have the knowledge to be able to talk about what this city is, was and is becoming,” sociology professor Kevin Gotham tells Rivet. Or does living here pre-Katrina and then coming back post-Katrina to rebuild your flooded house change you into being of New Orleans, not just in it? I have always been aware of the distinction between those people from here and not from here. I had lived in New Orleans for more than 25 years when the storm came but I knew I could not say then that I was “from here.” But after Katrina, I thought, well, maybe, I am from here, after all. And maybe a summer is long enough, too, watching the rain clouds roll in, slowing down and being of the city, being changed by the city. Any time at all here may do it. —Mary ann Travis

sEnior univErsity PhotograPhEr Paula Burch-Celentano sEnior Production coordinator Sharon Freeman graPhic dEsignEr Tracey Bellina

PrEsidEnt oF thE univErsity Scott S. Cowen vicE PrEsidEnt oF univErsity communications Deborah L. Grant, PHTM ’86 ExEcutivE dirEctor oF Publications Carol J. Schlueter, B ’99 Tulane (USPS 017-145) is a quarterly magazine published by the Tulane Office of University Publications, 31 McAlister Drive, Drawer 1, New Orleans, LA 70118-5624. Periodical postage at New Orleans, LA 70113 and additional mailing offices. Send editorial correspondence to the above address or email tulanemag@tulane.edu. Opinions expressed in Tulane are not necessarily those of Tulane representatives and do not necessarily reflect university policies. Material may be reprinted only with permission. Tulane University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tulane, Tulane Office of University Publications, 31 McAlister Drive, Drawer 1, New Orleans, LA 70118-5624. dEcEmbEr 2013/vol. 85, no. 2

T U L A N E MAGA Z I N E DE C E M B E R 20 1 3


Business schOOl centennial The A. B. Freeman School of Business kicked off its 100th

anniversary celebration in September with music from the Hot 8 Brass Band and a student centennial photo on the Monroe Quad. The celebration will continue into 2014 as the school highlights the people, events and achievements that make the Freeman School what it is today, a place for business education with a global perspective and a local commitment.


Original Glory The Saenger Theater on Canal Street in downtown New Orleans reopened in September with much fanfare. Unused since it was damaged in Hurricane Katrina, the building has now been restored to its original, ornate splendor, thanks in part to the availability of well-preserved architectural documents. Originally built in 1927, the elegant theater was designed by Emile Weil, an architect of several landmark buildings. Blueprints for the Saenger are housed in the Southeastern Architectural Archive at Tulane. Early in the renovation planning stage, Gary Martinez, CEO of Martinez & Johnson Architecture of Washington, D.C., turned to the archive to consult Weil’s plans for the building’s exterior. The interior of the building, which had been reconfigured several times, also was to be restored. But Martinez did not have the exact plans for the interior stonework when the renovation construction began. But then a discovery was made in a closet at the theater: The original drawings of the building’s interior embellishments had been found. Martinez was particularly interested in the discovery of drawings of plans for the mezzanine-level marble balustrade, which had been removed in 1964 to make way for an escalator. The drawings, produced by subcontractors Albert Weiblen Marble and Granite Works, indicate how the marble was to be fabricated, cut and fitted. Martinez says, “The Weiblen drawings ... revealed the architect’s original intentions to our designers, enabling us to achieve an even higher level of authenticity for the restoration work in the theater.” With the $52 million renovation project—a joint venture of New Orleans’ Canal Street Development Corp. and ACE Theatrical Group of Houston—complete, the drawings for the stonework ornamentation are now safely ensconced in the archive on the Tulane campus. Tulane preservation librarian Annie Peterson supervised the drawings’ repair, and they are now available to other researchers. Keli Rylance, head of the archive, says people may recognize the value of restoring historic buildings, “but they frequently overlook the need to preserve blueprints.”—Alicia Duplessis Jasmin


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Lost and Found Original blueprints found in a closet during the renovation of the Saenger Theater reveal crucial details of the ornate stonework of the balcony balustrade.

presidential search tOwn halls Andy Wisdom answers questions about the search for a new president of Tulane University.

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Presidential Search

The search for a new president of Tulane University continued this fall, with a number of candidates being considered for the position, say Rick Rees (A&S ’75, B ’75) and Andy Wisdom (L ’94), Tulane Board members and co-chairs of the Presidential Search Committee. In a joint statement, Rees and Wisdom said, “We are pleased with the progress we have made and with the quality of the candidate pool, which is a testament to the outstanding reputation of Tulane.” In October, the Presidential Search Committee held town hall meetings on the uptown and downtown campuses for faculty, staff and students and an online chat for alumni and others. The purpose of the meetings was for the committee to provide information about the search as well as gather input from participants. Wisdom told audiences that there is strong interest in the job among individuals with significant academic leadership experience. “The candidate pool features diverse individuals, most of whom are real superstars,” he said. Wisdom and other members of the committee emphasized that the university is a complex business and that the new president will be facing momentous challenges in a changing higher education environment. “What fundamental, systemic changes will have to happen in the private higher education model in order for it to be sustainable and for the Tulanes of the world to still be at the forefront of higher education?” asked Darryl Berger, chair of the Board of Tulane. “That is the question that this next president and we as an institution must come to grips with.” The Tulane Board plans to announce the new president in early 2014. Current Tulane President Scott Cowen, who has served for 16 years, will retire on June 30, 2014.—Ryan Rivet

In That Number ROLL WAVE!

STUDENT-ATHLETES coUNT Tulane has one of the oldest and most storied varsity athletics programs in the Southeast. Here are some recent numbers concerning the Green Wave.


student-athletes compete in varsity sports at Tulane.

16 3.124 2,500 27 athletics programs at Tulane compete in Division I-A of the NCAA.

was the average GPA of Tulane student-athletes in spring 2013.

service hours are performed by Tulane student-athletes each year.


Conference USA championships have been won by the Green Wave since 2000.

infographic by tracey bellina

Tulane student-athletes were listed on the C-USA Commissioner’s Honor Roll in 2012–13.



Tulane programs have advanced to NCAA postseason play since 2000.

(and counting) members of the Tulane Athletics Fund (TAF) provide critical support to the athletics department.

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Who Dat? From WTUL Radio to Hollywood South

ROB STEINBERG (A&S ’81) says he worked diligently at WTUL radio while he was a student (above). He had a “prime Friday afternoon shift,” ran the business department of the studentoperated radio station and spun records on the Quad during the annual Marathon fundraiser. “We reached deep into the New Orleans music scene. We knew what we were doing was unique and that we were not the typical college radio station,” says Steinberg, who also was a guest disc jockey on the fledgling WWOZ radio station that specializes in the sounds of New Orleans.


d e c e m b e r 2013 T ULANE MAGA ZINE

After graduation, Steinberg worked in New York in the music industry, representing heavy metal bands. But after he suffered a serious accident, he underwent a long period of recovery and reflection before moving to California to become an actor. “I decided to be the artist instead of representing the artist,” he says. His break came when he landed a part in Die Hard 2. “I starred in some movies that weren’t very interesting and had some small parts in movies and TV shows that were.” Four years ago, Steinberg moved back to New Orleans and he has found steady work

in Hollywood South. Steinberg has a pivotal role in the film 12 Years a Slave, which is the true story of a free black man—Solomon Northup—who is kidnapped and sold into slavery before the Civil War. Steinberg plays New York shop owner Cephus Parker, who befriends Northup. When Parker gets word (with the help of a character portrayed by Brad Pitt) that Northup has been enslaved, Parker travels thousands of miles to help free his friend. “I would often tear up in preparing what I needed to bring to the role,” Steinberg says. “I was in awe of my

character’s character. I had to look inside myself to see what was in me, what I could draw upon … it’s the love of a friend that would make my character go to great lengths to correct an injustice.” The film, released in movie theaters this fall, won the People’s Choice Award at the Toronto International Film Festival and it is getting Oscar buzz. Steinberg says that 12 Years a Slave is a “magnificently important film.” He is proud “to be part of something that is truly special … it wasn’t just doing a job. I think that all of us who worked on the film felt that way.”—FRAN SIMON

ballroom labs The J. Bennett Johnston Health and Environmental Research Building on Tulane Avenue in downtown New Orleans underwent a sweeping $13.5 million renovation that transformed traditional, compartmentalized lab space on three floors—roughly 37,500 square feet—into five large, open areas capable of accommodating multiple researchers working on interdisciplinary projects. The renovation was made possible through a National Institutes of Health grant.


paula burch-celentano

Deep roots

Sheldon Cooper has roots at Tulane. OK, maybe not the hilarious fictional physicist from TV’s “The Big Bang Theory,” but the Emmy-winning actor who plays him, Jim Parsons, was on the Tulane campus this summer filming a segment of TLC’s reality series “Who Do You Think You Are?” The documentary-style series pairs celebrities with history experts to go on a cross-country journey to discover their ancestral roots through historical records. In 1842, Parsons’ great-great-great-grandfather Dr. Jean Baptiste Hacker graduated from the Medical College of Louisiana, the precursor to Tulane University School of Medicine. Parsons spent a July afternoon at Joseph Merrick Jones Hall delving into archives to learn more about Hacker’s life at Tulane and as a doctor in Iberville Parish. Hacker was an expert in yellow fever and published an article on the topic in 1854 in the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal. Hacker’s life was tragically cut short just a few months later when a steamboat on which he was traveling caught fire and sank. “Jim Parsons came to New Orleans looking for a French connection in his family’s past,” said David Gardner, a producer for the series. “Period newspapers kept in Tulane’s Louisiana Research Collection shed more light on Hacker’s life and career, including the very dramatic catastrophe that unfolded in December 1854.” Parsons, who is from Houston, enjoyed his time on campus and even left with a Tulane T-shirt. “All of us on the production could see that Jim was particularly engaged by his family’s Louisiana heritage, and he genuinely enjoyed the research he carried out at Tulane,” Gardner said. “The production crew also had a fantastic experience working with everyone at Tulane, and we’re grateful to the Special Collections team for their help in researching and filming Jim’s episode.” The episode aired in September.—Keith Brannon

Special Collections Emmy-winning actor Jim Parsons of “The Big Bang Theory” discovers his ancestral roots during filming of TLC’s “Who Do You Think You Are?” in Jones Hall at Tulane this summer.

Under the Skin Living in a violence-plagued neighborhood can cause such great stress that a person’s gene expression may be altered. These are the findings of Katherine Theall, Stacy Drury and an interdisciplinary team of Tulane researchers. Theall is associate professor of global community health and behavioral sciences at the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and Drury is assistant professor of psychiatry in the School of Medicine. In their recently conducted study, the co-investigators found that in a group of children, ages 4–15, more than 50 percent had experienced at least one life adversity, including witnessing some form of violence. While psychological distress among the children would be expected, Theall says, “The exposure to violence also was associated with physiologic, internal stress.” Theall refers to this stress as that which gets “under the skin.” The researchers took saliva samples of the children to gather data on the length of the children’s telomeres. Telomere length is a cellular marker of aging and a potential marker of stress exposure. In kids who had experienced more violence and lived in more disordered neighborhoods, telomere length was shorter than in children who lived in more stable environments. Theall is leading researchers from public health, medicine, science and engineering and social work in the Tulane Stress and Environment Research Collaborative for Health Disparities (SERCH). The collaborative has lab space in the newly renovated J. Bennett Johnston Building on the health sciences campus in downtown New Orleans. In a variety of projects, the researchers are looking at stress at critical periods—in utero, early infancy, childhood and adolescence—when exposure to stressors may matter most.—Mary Ann Travis

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Teach For aMerica Twenty-six 2013 Tulane graduates joined Teach for America this year. They committed to teach for two years in underserved urban and rural public schools. The vision of Teach for America is that “one day all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.”


Francisco Estrada-BElli

Challenge to Serve

Maya Find A team of archaeologists led by an adjunct faculty member in the Tulane anthropology department made a huge find in July when the researchers unearthed a well-preserved Maya frieze dating back to A.D. 600 in the Maya city of Holmul, a site in northern Guatemala. Francisco Estrada-Belli, a collaborator with the Middle American Research Institute (MARI) at Tulane, and his team happened upon the 26-foot-long, 8-foot-high stucco sculpture while exploring a tunnel left open by looters. “This is an extraordinary finding that occurs only once in the life of an archaeologist,” Estrada-Belli said at a joint announcement with representatives of the Guatemalan government in August. Marcello Canuto, director of MARI, agreed, saying that the find is of particular note because of how intact the frieze is. “This frieze is incredibly well-preserved, and because of that it’s giving us great information,” says Canuto, who also is an archeologist. “Sites like this can tell us a tremendous amount about the ancient Maya.” Beyond the artistic value of the site, Canuto says the hieroglyphs, which are still being deciphered, tell a story about the installation of a king and a “game of alliances” between different kingdoms in the region. The information being gleaned from the frieze sheds light on the political environment in the area and the strategic importance of Holmul, a development Canuto calls “very exciting.” “It’s an incredibly important find for that site because it puts it into historical context within the region,” Canuto said. “It’s a piece of the larger puzzle that puts the Holmul site into a larger sociopolitical conversation.”—R. R.


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Game of Alliances An archaeologist cleans the ancient Maya frieze found this summer in northern Guatemala. The hieroglyphs tell the story of alliances between different kingdoms in the region circa A.D. 600.

coWeN SerVice chaLLeNGe Tulane affiliates are urged to be in that number and keep track of hours spent on public service as a tribute to outgoing Tulane President Scott Cowen and his commitment to community engagement.

Tulane University students, faculty and staff members, alumni and friends of the university are being asked to donate 750,000 hours of community service as a tribute to Tulane President Scott Cowen when he steps down after 16 years at the helm of the university. “Tulane students already log 430,000 hours of community service each year. With the help of faculty, staff, alumni and friends of Tulane we want to measurably increase that,” says Vincent Ilustre, executive director of the Tulane Center for Public Service. “This will be the ultimate parting gift to someone who has inspired so many to commit to public service.” Tulane has been tracking its students’ community service hours since Hurricane Katrina, when it became the first and only major research university in the country to make public service a curriculum requirement for all undergraduates. This new initiative, the Cowen Service Challenge, will extend that effort by recording the number of service hours donated by Tulane affiliates. Cowen Service Challenge hours can include volunteering at any nonprofit, community, school, faith-based or civic organization—and can be done anywhere. Service hours are being counted from August 2013 through May 2, 2014. Faculty, staff members, alumni and friends are being encouraged to register at tulane.edu/service-challenge/ and begin logging their service hours. “We know 750,000 is achievable, but we actually think the Tulane community can complete 1 million hours of service,” Ilustre says. —Mike Strecker

Botanists call the shrub Ilex opaca. Its common name is American Holly; its evergreen leaves and red berries decorate tables and doors during the holiday season. Two individuals whose scientific contributions make the stuff of legends collected the Ilex opaca/American Holly pictured here and archived in the Tulane Herbarium on the uptown campus. John Leonard riddeLL (1807–65), a Tulane medical college professor who famously invented the binocular microscope, collected the sample on the lower left. Josiah haLe (1791–1856), a physician who served as the first president of the New Orleans Academy of the Sciences, obtained the sample on the upper right. “On our specimen sheets, it’s unusual to have specimens on one page collected by two individuals,” says anne BradBurn (G ’75), curator of the Tulane Herbarium, where 115,000 specimens of plants and trees are housed. The herbarium’s beginnings go back to the 1884 New Orleans World’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition when plant collections exhibited at the world’s fair were donated to the university. Now located in Stanley Thomas Hall on the uptown campus, the herbarium contains rows of climatecontrolled cabinets filled with specimen sheets. The process of cataloging begins when a plant is collected. The sample is then flattened, pressed and placed on a dryer. Once dry, the specimen is mounted on archival paper with a label containing all the information known to the collector about the plant. “We have specimen of almost everything grown on campus,” says Bradburn, herbarium curator since 1977. “Lots of plants have been collected over the years, including many plants that may no longer be growing on the campus.” Newly planted trees and shrubs on campus are collected,

tulane herbarium

Gallery Tulane Herbarium

while herbaceous plants are not usually archived. A resource for students, faculty and other researchers, the herbarium contains not only specimens of the flora on campus but also specimens from around the world. The focus is on Louisiana, the southeastern United States

and the Yucatan Peninsula. The Tulane Herbarium also is home to the Koch Botanical Library, named for Minna Frotscher Koch (1894–1957), an avid botanist and 1916 graduate of Newcomb College. During her lifetime, Koch donated several books from her personal library to the

Tulane Herbarium. Following her death, her family endowed the library. The Koch Botanical Library contains more than 1,000 titles, including a complete set of Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, which has been published continuously since 1787. —aLicia dupLessis Jasmin

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Interview Neville Prendergast, Director, Rudolph Matas Medical Library You have an undergraduate degree in biochemistry and chemistry, and a graduate degree in library science. Do you consider yourself primarily a librarian or a scientist? In short, you could say I’m a “library scientist.” However, in reality and from the professional side of my career, I am a librarian with a strong science background and experience. Having been on the bench side of the sciences, I can and have used those experiences to my advantage in helping researchers because I can readily understand and negotiate the precise terms and terminologies of that researcher. Describe the “science” that goes into library science. The science behind library science is an application of specifically sound techniques to the collection, organization, preservation and dissemination of information resources. The root basis of this is in “cataloging”—which by definition is the organization of knowledge. Would a librarian without that science background be as effective in your position? A science background is a definite plus. It allows me to bring specialized areas of expertise and experiences to the organization and a more broad-based understanding of what is needed in an academic research enterprise like the Tulane University health sciences campus.

New Orleans is often called the “northernmost point in the Caribbean.” As someone who hails from Jamaica, what do you think of this assertion? There is some truth to the assertion, and the New Orleans cultural and musical heritage addresses that. Every island in the Caribbean has its own flavor of “carnival.” There is a link that developed as early as the slave trade and movement of slaves and then more recently—over the last 50 years or so—with the movement of peoples from the Caribbean to the USA, and New Orleans is one of the stops.—RYAN RIVET


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What’s the best part of your job? I work with a wonderful group of librarians and support staff who are determined to be of service to the Tulane health sciences community and the community at large who need health information for their daily living and literacy. The larger objective is to provide health information literacy to embrace health equity among our communities.

Women’s basketball The 2013–14 season is Lisa Stockton’s 20th as head coach of the Green Wave women’s basketball team. Stockton has almost twice as many wins as anyone in Tulane women’s basketball history and her student-athletes dominate the Green Wave record book.


Row Wave!

Following a promising 2012–13 season that saw the Green Wave men’s basketball team clocking 20 wins for the first time in more than a decade, the program was dealt a blow when six players announced their desire to transfer, and longtime assistant coach Doug Novak left for a chance for a head coaching job at Bethel University. During the ensuing offseason, head coach Ed Conroy started the process of rebuilding the team. “We’ve got some guys that may have been in the shadows before,” said Conroy. “We lost four 1,000-point scorers from last year’s team, but there are guys relishing the chance to jump out and lead.” Conroy spent the offseason recruiting eight first-year students to round out the roster. At the start of the 2013–14 season, he said the team is bigger and more versatile than his squads in past years. He also named former NBA and University of North Carolina standout Shammond Williams as an assistant coach. The Green Wave men’s basketball regular season continues through March 6. The Conference USA championship tournament begins March 11 in El Paso, Texas.—R. R.

ryan rivet

parker waters

Into the Limelight

The Tulane Rowing Association wrapped up its fall season on Nov. 2 with a regatta on the Orleans Avenue Outfall Canal. The crew performed well in the fall and should be poised for success during the more-competitive spring schedule. “We are developing again,” says coach Bob Jaugstetter. “The men are probably in one of our strongest positions ever, and the women are making terrific progress.” Jaugstetter says he is encouraged that the squad is the largest he’s had since Hurricane Katrina. He’s putting 13 boats in the water for most events. The women’s and men’s squads are anchored by two and three boats, respectively, with experienced eight-person crews. While those numbers are substantial, Jaugstetter says he is more impressed by the enthusiasm he sees in his athletes. That vigor, he says, is translating into results he hasn’t seen in more than a decade, especially on the men’s side. “I think the men will be as fast as they’ve been in 15 years,” Jaugstetter says. “But success in October is not what we’re looking for. Steady application of what we’re teaching is what will make them successful in this sport, and I think this group is buying into that.” After the winter break, Jaugstetter will get back to the task of getting the team ready for the spring schedule, which includes the Southern and Club National regattas. Jaugstetter says he feels his team will be in a good position. “There is no substitute for miles on the water,” Jaugstetter says. “Miles make champions. If you blow off October it will show in March, and we did good work this fall.”—R. R.

Row, Row, Row the Boat An eight-person crew on the women’s varsity rowing team pulls together at the Louisiana Rowing Championship on the Orleans Avenue Outfall Canal near City Park on Nov. 2. Tulane crew won seven of nine races that day.

neW RecRuits The 2013–14 men’s basketball team, including Payton Henson, is young and talented, says head coach Ed Conroy.

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Marching In Members of the Rebirth Brass Band lead a second-line parade down Poydras Street.


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In the 1960s, a British sociologist coined the term “gentrification” to describe displacement of working-class residents by those of greater economic means (aka the “gentry”). It is a word that signifies different things to different people but is largely used now to describe problematic social and cultural shifts within urban areas. “Gentrification” is a term that rarely elicits lukewarm reactions. Just ask Tulane School of Architecture geographer and author, Richard Campanella, who wrote an article on the topic for the online journal New Geography. The article, “Gentrification and Its Discontents: Notes From New Orleans,” was originally posted in March 2013 and sparked an often-contentious dialogue that continued for months as message boards, editorials and panel discussions debated Campanella’s analysis of gentrification and new transplants flowing into the city. Campanella readily identifies himself as a transplant and a gentrifier. He and his wife bought a historic shotgun double in the Bywater

cheryl gerber

by Ryan Rivet

neighborhood of New Orleans in 2000, giving him a front-row seat to the waves of change that have washed over the neighborhood. “I’ve detected two waves of newcomers to the city since Katrina,” Campanella says. “The first—the so-called ‘brain gain’—arrived immediately after the flood. They tended to be young, idealistic, civically engaged and largely welcomed by the local population.” Campanella estimates this group to have numbered in the low thousands; many have since moved on to graduate school or careers elsewhere. A few years later, the second wave of newbies moved in. Ten thousand to 20,000 strong, they comprised a large number of social entrepreneurs and came with the intention to stay. “It’s this wave that I think is meeting with a little less welcome than the earlier group,” says Campanella. Are they gentry? Not necessarily so, and much of the debate over gentrification is complicated by the perception of who is moving back

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Cheryl Gerber

Night and Day

Cheryl Gerber

Postgraduates, hipsters and young professionals are being drawn to the city’s older, culturally rich areas such as Faubourg Marigny (top) and St. Roch (below).


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Gritty Authenticity It’s that twist—the perceived co-opting of local culture—that rubs many longtime residents the wrong way. After Katrina, the fear was—and to some extent still is—that New Orleans would become a contrived version of itself. Terms like “Disneyfication” have been bandied about. Eight years after the storm, it’s clear that the city has not been converted to a theme park, yet there is still disquiet about the cultural authenticity of the city. “People perceive that authenticity has a certain look,” Campanella says. “Mardi Gras Indians and second-lines and rustic old cottages in Treme abound in it. Many of the incoming folks grew up in suburbs or exurbs and crave that sense of gritty authenticity.” Campanella questions whether certain aspects of culture are any more “authentic” or “real” than others. But he recognizes that the perception of authenticity is a powerful force—and motivates many millennials to gravitate to culturally rich inner areas of older American cities, with New Orleans being a prime example of cultural richness. So, what is “authentic” New Orleans and is it truly at risk? Kevin Gotham, Tulane professor of sociology and associate dean of academic affairs in the School of Liberal Arts, wrote Authentic New Orleans: Tourism, Culture and Race in the Big Easy (NYU Press, 2007). He argues that the culture of New Orleans is always in flux, and that change is the real legacy of a city that has for centuries drawn a certain kind of people to its muddy banks. But that doesn’t appear to stop New Orleanians, both natives and longtime inhabitants, from painting newcomers with the “inauthentic” brush.

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into the inner cities. Typically, says Campanella, those who first do are young bohemians with limited means and are anything but “gentry.” But they tend to be well-educated and those who follow them tend to be professionals of the middle class or higher. “Gentrifiers are overwhelmingly transplants and many—probably most—transplants are gentrifiers,” he says, acknowledging that “gentrification” is a term that is “generally used by people who see it as problematic.” Those who see it as a positive trend call it “urban revival” and describe the affected neighborhoods as “coming back.” Whatever you call the newbies, they are flocking to a city that had lost 170,000 people between 1960 and 2005, before Katrina. “We’ve served our time as a shrinking city that struggled to attract bright, ambitious outsiders,” says Campanella. “That’s not the case anymore. Now they are coming.” Benefits definitely come with an influx of educated young people— the so-called “creative class.” And gentrification is part of that formula. But in that formula, the concern is that the unique culture that makes the city what it is—and ironically, attracts those transplants to its neighborhoods—may be diluted or homogenized. A common cudgel used against transplants to neighborhoods such Bywater is to accuse them of being “hipsters” who undermine local authenticity by making the city more like Brooklyn or Portland. The accusation is that, along with working-class families, what’s being displaced is the beating heart of New Orleans, the culture. Campanella disagrees, to some extent. He argues that most transplants are self-selected by their love for New Orleans, and that love is in part responsible for what he calls a “cultural renaissance” in the city. He describes this brand of transplant as “Orleanophilic supernatives.” “They arrive here and partake of New Orleans and learn as much as they can about the city and the culture,” Campanella says. “In the case of the Bywater transplants, the gentrifiers embrace Mardi Gras by creating their own walking krewes; they’ve embraced the city’s legacy of food and music and festivity, but they do it with their own twist, which is of course what every incoming group has always done. It’s a hybridization of New Orleans culture, which has been ongoing in various forms for three centuries.”

As much as anything, claims of authenticity in New Orleans are about who’s been here longer and who claims more ownership Mini Traditions Both an homage to and of the city. “Debates of authenticity always take place send-up of Carnival, where there is an ‘in group’ versus an ‘out the ’tit Rəx organization with its miniature floats group’ dynamic,” says Gotham. “Anyone who’s lived here a long time tends was founded in 2009 by a group of artists, to make distinctions between people who are teachers, businessin New Orleans versus people who are of New people, workers and Orleans,” Gotham says. “People think unless bon vivants. someone has been here for a long time, they don’t have the knowledge to be able to talk about what this city is, was and is becoming. You don’t get to have that cultural capital or position of authority until you’ve been here for a while.” In the comments section of a recent editorial on an online news site about newcomers, one commenter suggested that anyone who has stuck it out through a New Orleans summer has earned the right to be called a “real New Orleanian”; others think it takes a bit longer than that. Whether transplants intend to or not, they are changing the city. “I call it ‘NOLA,’” says Catherine Michna, a Mellon postdoctoral fellow in the English department at Tulane. “We don’t live in New Orleans, we live in post-New Orleans and it’s NOLA. It is its own thing.

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“I’m an advocate for balance: a mix of longtime residents who hold the history of the neighborhoods and the renewal that comes with new families establishing a new generation of residents.”

NOLA is cool and it’s hip and it’s interesting, but it’s increasingly different than before.” Michna, a New Orleans native who left for college and returned after Katrina, says that more than residents of other cities, New Orleanians have a sense of nostalgia, and that makes the influx of new people— Orleanophiles or not—that much harder for some to abide. “Living here is about having a longing for the past or a longing for that authenticity,” Michna says. “We pick a little moment and we say ‘that was the real New Orleans.’” Michna taught a course in spring 2013 that took Tulane students into Eleanor McMain Secondary School, a public school not far from the uptown campus. She says the issues of the new local reality came up when the local high school students and the Tulane students, who all were from elsewhere, got together and started talking. In many of the conversations, the McMain students, who all were black, spoke about how emerging social shifts in the city have caused the neighborhoods they remember to disappear. The influx of well-meaning transplants into what were until recently majority working-class black neighborhoods is often driven by “a white desire for authentic blackness,” says Michna. Newcomers, she says, are drawn to these neighborhoods because black culture in New Orleans is seen as the most authentic. She warns that change that displaces African American citizens could have a negative effect on the city. “New Orleans is not New Orleans without Congo Square,” says Michna. “It’s not New Orleans without black culture. I’m not saying that’s all New Orleans is, but it’s an integral part.”


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rick moore

—Maurice Cox, director of Tulane City Center Redevelopment FRom Within Not everyone agrees that cultural authenticity, neighborhood integrity and urban revitalization exist in a zero-sum relationship. “Gentrification is a loaded word because of how it’s been done in other places,” says Greg Ensslen (A ’89). “Most people think it has to mean displacement of the underclass. It sure doesn’t have to; it can be an improvement of a neighborhood for everybody in the community.” Ensslen’s Go Mango development company has been involved in dozens of residential and commercial projects in the Freret Street neighborhood. He says the roadmap being followed in Freret in uptown New Orleans, blocks from the Tulane campus, shows that a neighborhood can bring in new residents and commerce without displacing longtime inhabitants and businesses. “What has happened in a lot of New Orleans neighborhoods is that people are going in and, instead of displacing any families, they’re displacing the blight,” Ensslen says. This development actually supports and benefits families already residing in the neighborhood, he says. Ensslen moved to Freret in 1984, while he was a student at Tulane, and remains there today with his family. He says the key to the neighborhood’s success is the fact that the redevelopment is coming from within. “We had a core of people from the neighborhood that attended all of the post-Katrina [planning] meetings, and we knew the direction that everyone wanted to go,” he says. That kind of engagement is critical for residents to both maintain and revitalize their neighborhoods, says Maurice Cox, director

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of the Tulane City Center and dean for community engagement at the Tulane School of Architecture. New NOLA “Part of how you safeguard the things you Opposite page: The renewal of Freret love about your neighbhorhood and champion Street is marked by, the things you want to see changed is by staying among other things, an intensely engaged,” Cox says. “I would encourannual spring festival age people to stay vigilant and stay engaged that caters to natives, because change is going to happen with or transplants and visitors without them. They may wake up and see that alike. Above: Maurepas the community has changed around them, and Foods in the Bywater they didn’t participate.” neighborhood, where Cox, who arrived in New Orleans in 2012, says one can riff on tradition new people and families moving into existing by ordering a dish comneighborhoods are signs that those neighborprised of okra, mustard seed, lemongrass broth hoods are healthy and should be welcomed. Balance, however, is the key. and ginger. National studies indicate that a balanced amount of gentrification actually benefits longtime residents, says Cox: “The grocery store they’ve never had that all of a sudden appears.” But if the income balance between the longtime residents and the newcomers radically shifts and the new businesses become out of reach for the longtime residents, “then I think you’ve reached a point where this is detrimental to the folks who are already there.” Cox, who served as mayor of Charlottesville, Va., from 2002 to 2006, says that city governments need to be aware of the renewal taking

place in older neighborhoods and be proactive in order to maintain a balance of old and new. “Local government has an enormous array of options available when they see these older neighborhoods changing,” says Cox. “I’m an advocate for balance: a mix of longtime residents who hold the history of the neighborhoods and the renewal that comes with new families establishing a new generation of residents.” Cox says he believes New Orleans will be able to achieve that balance. “It’s kind of a good problem to have,” he says. Ensslen agrees. Currently, he is working in the Treme—the oldest African American neighborhood in New Orleans—near Broad Street to put blighted homes back on the market. “It may not be my neighborhood, but the people living there, they’re still my neighbors,” says Ensslen. All evidence points to the fact that the trend of newcomers moving into New Orleans will continue. Campanella cites the American Community Survey update to the 2010 census that shows the population of Orleans Parish continuing to grow each year. And while this may be disconcerting to some, Campanella says there’s no stopping this change. “It’s not the end of history; it’s just the next chapter of urban history.”

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parker waters


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A Different


of Will IT’S BeeN More THaN a year SINCe a FooTBall INJury paralyzeD DevoN Walker. THIS Fall He reTurNeD To CaMpuS To CoNTINue HIS DeGree.

by Nick Marinello

Hot damn, the exuberance of youth. It’s about an hour before the first game of the 2013 season and the Green Wave football team is warming up, having deployed onto the soft, green carpet of the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. Fleet-footed and hard-muscled, the players sprint the painted sideline and zigzag the hash marks. They shake their legs loose and lift their knees high. Victory They bend and reach and twist. Some look up into the vast cavern Devon Walker joins sky of the Dome for falling footballs. They catch them, pass them in on a locker room and punt them up and down the field. celebration with Not far from the Superdome, riding in a van configured to accomteammates following modate his wheelchair, Devon Walker is thinking about what he will a 36-33, triple oversay to those guys when he talks to them just before game time. He’s time victory against been invited by head coach Curtis Johnson to give a pre-game speech east Carolina.

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chasing the ball carrier from behind. “The running back tripped before we were Friend and former about to hit. So I wound up head first into my teammate Jacob Davis own player, who went headfirst into me. He escorts Walker to class. had about 100 pounds on me, so my neck was Davis has helped Walker the one that gave.” re-enter school this fall Having played the game since he was 7, by accompanying him Walker has over the years received many to all of his classes. “stingers:” painful shots to the body that cause “It was the only thing temporary numbness. for me to do,” says Davis. “It was like that, but my whole body,” he says. “It’s a no-brainer.” “I’m about to get up and I can’t move. I feel like I’m moving, but my arms are still on the ground. I remember everybody getting up and I can’t get up.” Back in Destrehan, La., Walker’s hometown just upriver from New Orleans, Devon’s mother, Inez Walker, was dividing her time between watching the game on TV and preparing to go to the wedding of a cousin. “I had stepped into the kitchen and I heard them talking about somebody who had gotten injured.” As doctors, trainers and EMTs gathered around her son’s eerily still body, Inez could see only the injured player’s legs. “You know your child,” she says. “I’m looking at those legs and I kind of thought it was him. And then they flashed his picture on the TV.” “I was basically suffocating to death,” says Devon. “I was trying to yell for help, but I can’t.” Green Wave athletics director Rick Dickson was watching the game with friends in the visiting AD’s box. “I saw the hit and saw Devon go limp immediately,” says Dickson, who sprinted down two flights of stairs and onto the field. “The medical teams were surrounding him,” says Dickson, “and I was standing over their shoulders. It turned into 30 minutes.” “And, oh my God, I didn’t know anything,” says Inez. “And then people who were watching it started calling me.” “I remember just lying there,” says Devon, “and thinking I don’t want to die on this field.”

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Back on Campus

to the team. It’s been a year since Walker last took the field with the Green Wave as a starting safety—a year since a particular play in which he dove forward to make a tackle, before a head-to-head collision with a teammate, before his cervical vertebrae fractured, before he was paralyzed from the neck down. It’s been a year of tedious and incremental recovery, of persistent and sometimes excruciating pain, of relying on the constant care of others. It’s been a year coming to terms with a life that is radically different than the one he had a year ago. But Devon Walker abides. “There’s not much more I can do that I haven’t done already,” Walker begins as he talks to the team in the locker room located beneath the stadium’s seating. “The fact of the matter is, you know, my days are up playing football. Your days are still in front of y’all.” Jammed to capacity with the entire Green Wave football team, its coaches and graduate assistants, as well as members of the athletics staff and media, the room is dead silent, outside of the rasp of Walker’s voice and the sound of the ventilator moving air in and out of his lungs. “There’s been a lot of pain, a lot of work just for me to get to this point just to be able to talk to y’all …” ‘The One ThaT Gave’ The morning of Sept. 8, 2012, started off warm in Tulsa, but by the 11 a.m. kickoff, a front had pushed through and the temperature had dropped 20 degrees. “It was not too hot, not too cold,” says Walker when asked about the day he broke his neck. “Everything is nice. The sun is out. It was the perfect atmosphere. And then we started playing. …” It was the second game of the season—the second game ever under new head coach Curtis Johnson—and the Green Wave was taking it on the chin, losing by a score of 35 to 3 as halftime approached. “Maybe I made a bad play here or there,” says Walker, “and then all of a sudden, a running back breached the hole, and I’m coming from deep middle to tackle him.” At the same time, Tulane defensive end Julius Warmsley was


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SecOnd naTure Devon Walker did indeed hang on and made it by ambulance to a hospital in Tulsa, where he underwent surgery to repair the break in his neck. Then there were three months of rehab at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, where he received treatment, slowly regained the use of his shoulders and, among other things, became expert in the operation of the Sip ’n’ Puff chair that he now uses to get around. “It’s a hard blow to move forward,” Walker explains, demonstrating how the chair works at his home in Destrehan. It’s August, only a couple of weeks before he’ll return to Tulane to continue working toward his degree in cell and molecular biology. “A hard suck to go backwards. A light suck to left and a light blow to go right. You get used to that and it’s second nature. I tell my mom that I drive this better than she does her car.” And with a joke, Walker let’s you know that it’s OK to relax. It’s OK to talk about what has happened to him. If you ask him if he still feels pain, he’ll tell you about the searing jolts that randomly run up and down his arms and legs and can keep him in bed all day. If you wonder what he misses most about his old life, he’ll say it’s being able to wake up, get dressed and be out the door in 10 minutes. These days, getting out of bed can take two hours. Ask him what’s harder, two-a-day football practices or the physical therapy he does three days a week and he puts it this way: “In football you have to have a will to keep running even when you are tired. Being paralyzed means a different type of will, a different type of mental strain. With my injury, I can try to move my arm as much as I want, but it’s going to move when it wants to.” And that is the zen of Devon Walker.

“I’m just playing the cards I’ve been dealt,” he says with a smile that seems almost never to leave his face. Spend time with him, and this is what you learn: Whereas we have a tendency to avert our eyes from tragedy, Devon Walker invites us to look at him, talk to him, learn about what he’s going through. “It saddens me, not that people feel sorry for me, but that they don’t understand the injury enough to really know what’s going on or what kind of person I am,” he says. And as it is with all of us, the estimation of who Walker is will depend on whom you ask. “Devon’s got such a gentle way about him. There’s almost a surreal quality to him,” says Rick Dickson, who has developed a strong bond with Walker since the injury and remains in close contact with the family. “In meeting him, especially initially, I think there is a little hesitation or anticipation that, ‘Oh gosh, this is going to be hard,’” says Dickson. “And you come away so uplifted, just being around him.” “Devon is a jokester; one of the funniest people I know,” says former roommate and teammate Jacob Davis, who graduated with a cell and molecular biology degree last May. Davis remembers the first time he met Walker in their dorm room in 2009. “Devon comes in with these long dreds—and he’s a pretty skinny guy—and when he walked in he had a big ol’ smile on his face.” Davis goes on to paint a picture of Walker that the injury no longer allows us to see. He talks about Walker’s “thing for electronics” and the ridiculously oversized stereo speakers he brought to their dorm room, his readiness to jump in as DJ on any occasion, his passion for playing video games and his love for dancing and cooking sweet potato fries and popping kettle corn. And then there was the time Walker roused a group of their friends late at night to go across town to a haunted house that turned out to be closed when they arrived. Walker then proceeded to talk the managers into letting him and his friends in. “There’s nobody like him,” laughs Davis.

Homecoming With its all-beef wiener, chili, bacon bits, sauteed onions and melted cheese, the Devon Dog is not for the faint-hearted or weak-stomached. “I think I’m coming back in a couple of days and having me another one,” says Mark Martin. Martin, a big guy with a friendly face, is the man behind the wheel of the van that takes Walker to classes, physical therapy, football games and wherever else he needs to be. He’s among a cadre of family members who pitch in to make Walker’s life workable. Just now, in late August, he’s brought Walker to Dat Dog, an eatery on Freret Street that’s holding a fundraiser. For the next few hours, a portion of the proceeds from every Devon Dog (a hotdog specially formulated by its namesake) sold goes to the Devon Walker Fund (see sidebar). It’s also the first day of the fall semester 2013, and as the afternoon progresses, the event takes on the feel of a homecoming party for Walker as Green Wave coaches, players, friends and family gather to eat Devon Dogs, cut up and have a good time. The general public has turned out, too. One by one or in groups, they go over to Walker to have a word. There’s a fellow sporting a purple and gold Louisiana State University T-shirt and cap who tells Walker that he is a survivor of stage IV Hodgkin lymphoma. “If I can do it, you can,” the man says. “Thank you,” Walker replies, then smiles. “You really need to get another shirt.” There’s a local musician who feels the need to give Walker a CD of her music and there’s Tulane alum Tom Rey (UC ’90), who wanted his young daughters, Gabrielle and Jeanne-Marie, to meet Walker. Then there are the couple of recent Loyola University grads who heard about the event on TV. “I don’t know him,” says one of them, “but it looks like he’s trying to make a strong recovery, and it’s awesome that he’s him.” Interesting phraseology. But you know what he means. Rick Dickson does.

Talkin’ Football

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Walker discusses the 2013 Green Wave football team with Chad Jenkins, left, and Kwahn Drake during a fundraiser at Dat Dog. Jenkins is a graduate assistant linebacker/ special teams coach and Drake is a graduate assistant defensive line coach.

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“Short-term, I want to be able to move my arms. Long-term, I want to be able to walk downtown to a Mardi Gras parade.” —Devon Walker

“I cannot remember a moment where Devon’s spirit has not triumphed over everything he has faced,” says the Green Wave athletics director. “He’s got so much dignity and grace about him that as he touches others out there, it will be a source of comfort and inspiration for years and years and years.” Forever Devon Walker recognizes that he is seen as an inspirational figure. “I have accepted that my actions and my accomplishments do add up,” he says, though he doesn’t think he’s yet earned the designation of “role model.” “Any kind of leadership like that takes time,” he says. “Time on the job.” If that means time in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the shoulders down, so be it, but Walker has other intentions. “Short-term, I want to be able to move my arms,” he says. “I want to be able to breathe on my own without the vent. Long-term, I want to be able to walk downtown to a Mardi Gras parade. Be able to drive my car again.” Back in the locker room before the first game of the season, a game in which the Green Wave will go on to trounce their opponent by nearly four touchdowns, Walker brings his speech to a close. “There’s been a lot of pain,” he says, “ a lot of work just for me to get to this point just to be able to talk to y’all. I just want y’all to go out there and just play like it’s your last, because you don’t know how many you got. Play to your fullest. I leave y’all with these words: Pain is temporary, but victory is forever.” Victory is forever. Now maybe Walker is merely talking about football—the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat and so forth. But then again, maybe not. For a year now, Devon Walker, who made 23 in November, has had time to think not only about what has happened to him but also imagine what might happen. Forever is a long time, and there are so many possibilities.

Walker attends physical therapy three days a week. Progress is incremental and slow, but steady. Here, he works with occupational therapist Holly Pellerito.


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paula burch-celentano

Slow and Steady

paula burch-celentano

Game Day Walker returns to the sidelines for the 2013 Green Wave opener.

devon’s den

The smallest things can have consequences in the life of someone who is quadriplegic, says Devon Walker. “Just being able to move a finger or move a hand can make the difference in being able to change a channel or turn on the light.” While Walker, through physical therapy, continues to gradually move toward gaining more motor control of his body, dramatic changes to his living environment are making significant improvements to his quality of life. This fall saw the completion of a 700-square-foot addition to the Walker home in Destrehan, La., including a specially equipped bedroom and bathroom. “Devon’s Den” is the name of the privately funded project to provide materials and services to build the living quarters. Tulane’s athletics director Rick Dickson has led the Devon’s Den effort. “I had seen all the care he had received at St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa for 10 days and then three-and-a-half months at Shepherd Center in Atlanta,” says Dickson. “I felt it was really important for us to recreate that kind of bubble of care and support that he needed in every aspect.” Among the amenities in the living quarters are a ceiling-lift track system, which allows for safe mobility throughout the room, a specialized toilet and shower, a voiceactivated media center, and equipment designed to provide a safe environment for Walker, his family and caretakers. Rick Dickson’s wife, Brenda Dickson, has taken the lead in acquiring for Walker a specially adapted laptop and other technology that will allow him to read and write without assistance. “Really,” says Dickson, “we are trying to enable Devon to regain his independence.” The projected cost of Devon’s Den is $300,000. Anyone interested in contributing to the Devon Walker Fund or in learning more about his recovery can do at the following website: http://www.tulanegreenwave.com/ot/devons-den-blog.html—N.M.

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He loves them,




FiFty years since he First saw them on tV, Bruce spizer has Become a leading historian oF the Beatles. by Angus Lind on sunday evening, Feb. 9, 1964, 9-year-old Bruce spizer (a&s ’76, B ’77, l ’80) was sitting in front of a tV tray in new orleans, having a swanson mac and cheese tV dinner and waiting for “the ed sullivan show” to come on cBs-tV. the one-hour entertainment and variety show, broadcast in black and white, featured everything from jugglers, ballet dancers and impressionists to comedians, contortionists and musicians. “the ed sullivan show” had an average audience of between 20–40 million. on this night, those figures would be wildly surpassed. more than 73 million viewers tuned in for the Beatles’ much-ballyhooed appearance. the rock band from liverpool, england, played five songs, including the no. 1 song in the u.s.—“i want to hold your hand.” that song and that show jump-started Beatlemania. From that day forward, every time the Beatles went on tour, whatever city they went to, including new orleans, it was the biggest event happening in that city that day. and it would be almost 20 years later before the 73 million tV audience figure was topped by a regularly programmed show—the final episode of the tV series “m*a*s*h.” this coming February is the 50-year anniversary of the Beatles’ arrival in new york and the four musicians’ live debut on u.s. television. cBs got 50,000 requests for tickets to the show in cBs-tV studio 50. only 1,500 people—many of them teenyboppers who shrieked, howled and swooned—however, were lucky enough to be allowed into the new york theater that night.


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Making of a fan spizer was already a fan of the Beatles even before the group appeared on “the ed sullivan show,” having heard the liverpool lads’ music on local radio stations such as wtiX and in the school bus riding to and from his parents’ lake Vista home and isidore newman school. Fifty years and a few “twist and shouts” in the road later, the new orleans tax attorney is one of the leading historians and experts on the Beatles, having authored eight books on their career, including

pa u l a b u r c h - c e l e n ta n o

The Beatles Are Coming! The Birth of Beatlemania in America. How did this happen? Like a lot of other youngsters, Spizer got hooked on Beatles music, “the freshness and excitement” of it, he says. He acquired a large collection of Beatles albums. But in 1996 he discovered to his horror that cockroaches had chewed up the spines on the albums. “They left the Beach Boys alone, they left The Band alone, and got to every Beatles album with the exception of ‘Meet the Beatles.’”

As he replaced the albums, Spizer became a serious record collector. His inquisitiveness about the band led to thorough research, particularly about Beatles records on the Vee-Jay label. That was the recording company that first obtained American rights to the group’s music. Spizer in time wrote a book, The Beatles Records on Vee-Jay.

Beatle Juiced Bruce Spizer holds a replica of the guitar George Harrison played on “The Ed Sullivan Show.”

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paula burch-celentano

And other Beatles books followed. “Certainly I didn’t go to law school or graduate business school to write books on the Beatles, but the training I got at Tulane made me uniquely qualified to do these books. Without the business and legal background I couldn’t have done it,” Spizer says. Spizer attacks a book similarly to how he prepares for a trial— going through a discovery process, reviewing documents and interviewing people. For the Beatles books, he interviewed celebrities such as Walter Cronkite and Mike Wallace of CBS News and Dick Clark of “American Bandstand.” His research produces details that might otherwise be lost in history. On the “CBS Morning News With Mike Wallace” on Nov. 22, 1963, a story was broadcast about Beatlemania in England. It also was supposed to air on the “CBS Evening News,” anchored by Cronkite that evening. But, that day, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, and the Beatles story went to the back burner as the nation grieved. It eventually aired on the evening news show on Dec. 10, 1963. A few months later, Cronkite covered the Beatles’ arrival in New York. Spizer prevailed on Cronkite to write an insightful and humorous foreword for the Beatlemania book. Spizer says it’s impossible to overestimate the legacy of the Beatles. They are the best-selling band in history. “How many people can say that watching the final episode of ‘M*A*S*H’ changed their lives versus how many people can say that the Beatles on the ‘The Ed Sullivan Show’ changed their lives?” asks Spizer. “How many people decided to be a musician because of seeing the Beatles on ‘The Ed Sullivan Show’?” Musical influence The Beatles influenced countless musical artists. “But,” says Spizer, “bear in mind that the Beatles’ music was greatly influenced by American music—R & B, country and western, rockabilly, Motown, girl groups and harmonies. What the Beatles were so good at was absorbing things from cultures, refining it and giving it their own interpretation.” What makes the Beatles stand alone, in Spizer’s view, is this: The Beatles did not hesitate to go into uncharted musical waters. They were never content with the status quo. They were always looking for new frontiers. “The most incredible thing about the Beatles is that they were able to evolve and take risks. If you listen to something like Motown, it’s great music. But if you listen to, say, a Martha and the Vandellas single, as great as it is, the next single will sound almost identical to it, maybe even the one after that. Whereas each one of the Beatles’ records sounds different than the one before.” Beatle Paul McCartney, for example, liked telling stories. “So you’d


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have something like ‘Paperback Writer’ [a McCartney–John Lennon composition],” says Spizer. “Who would think writing a song about a novelist would be a good idea?” “Sgt. Pepper” was named the greatest album of all time by Rolling Stone and All Time Top 1000 Albums. “Penny Lane” and “Strawberry Fields Forever” are about childhood memories; “When I’m Sixty-Four” is nostalgic; “Revolution” is a protest song. Then there is “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da,” just a silly—but catchy and clever— song about a happy-go-lucky couple.

You Name It, He’s Got It Spizer’s collection runs the gamut of Beatles collectibles, including an orginal Beatles phonograph, extremely rare Koss headphones, vintage lunchbox and Yellow Submarine–era coin banks.

BeaTleBilia Spizer’s self-published Beatles books have all been profitable. They are printed on the highest-grade paper stock with an incredible array of photographs. The first four books have sold out. Spizer has created digital versions of the books, which can be found at www.Beatle.net. “Don’t get me wrong,” he says, “I love a printed book, but just like I like to play a record on a turntable, when I’m on vacation I love the fact that I can take out my phone and listen to music. In the digital format you have links within the book.” Spizer’s memorabilia collection is awesome, including the crown jewel—the Beatles’ first album signed by all four of the band members. Among the collection is a Beatles Shea Stadium concert military jacket with epaulets, which Spizer wore to his high school reunion. His personalized license plate is BEATTLE. (As it was misspelled on the first single in the U.S.) He goes to Beatles fests annually and is regularly interviewed and contacted about his expertise. “We’re hitting the 50th anniversary and it’s, like, why 50 years later do we listen to the Beatles? People want some dark, mysterious reason. And there isn’t one,” he says. “Why did I listen to them 50 years ago? Well, they were British—that was really cool. That doesn’t mean anything today; we live in a global village. Well, they had long hair. But by today’s standards, they don’t.” There’s only one reason: “It’s the quality of the music.” That’s why young and old still listen to Beatles music. “It’s the same reason we listen to Mozart, Schubert, Bach, Beethoven or Louie Armstrong. It’s truly great music, it’s timeless and will be listened to 50 and 100 years from now.”



the times picayune archives

For at least one teenager, going to the Beatles concert in New Orleans on Sept. 16, 1964, was like hitting the lottery. “It was so incredible, so unbelievable,” said Helen Barkerding Kammer (NC ’72). “It was my birthday. I turned 14 that day. When you’re 14, everything is so passionate and wonderful and crazy.” The Beatles, after a lengthy and incredibly successful tour in the U.S., brought Beatlemania to City Park Stadium. Tickets were $5, the same as their concert at Carnegie Hall. Mayor Vic Schiro issued a proclamation, “Beatles Day in New Orleans,” signed by all four of the mopheads, who called him “Lord Mayor.” Kammer’s anticipation was fueled when she got a telegram at Louise McGehee School that day. It said, “Looking forward to seeing you there tonight —Ringo.” (A friend of her father’s sent it, she later found out.) “I was stunned. I still have the telegram. “They played everything. You could almost hear some of it, I think we heard more than we thought,” she said of the group of 10 classmates who were with her in the largely female crowd. The stage was in the end zone. They could hardly see them, but it didn’t matter. “We could say we were there. It was like we were on drugs; we were so psyched up. It was pandemonium.” The crowd— largely teenage girls—eventually stormed the field, past the barricades. “The police just didn’t know what they’d gotten themselves into.” Afterwards, she and a couple of others got to the Beatles’ limousine. “We jumped on the back,” she said. “Paul waved to us. We were so crazy. The hormones were hopping big time.” The Beatles were staying at the Congress Inn on Chef Menteur Highway, one of the worst-kept secrets ever. When they arrived the day before to a mob scene outside the hotel, it just so happened that Newcomb’s Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority was having a rush workshop there. Kammer’s older sister, Reid Barkerding Noble (NC ’67), was a Kappa. Word got out that the Beatles were coming in by helicopter. The sorority sisters were allowed to line the corridor, but ordered not to shriek or scream. Noble, who is currently a captain and commander of the uptown district for the Tulane University Police Department, said, “I thought, I’m letting this moment go by?” So she touched Paul’s shoulder with her index finger and he gave her a smile that she said was like, “‘Is that the best you can do?’ But we were under orders.” One younger student, age 10, who defied orders, was Fran Marinello Wild (UC ’94). She asked her parents if she could go to the concert, but her mom said she was too young. Undaunted, she got a ticket and that day told her mom she was going to a friend’s house to play. When they were about to leave for City Park, she called her mom and told her not to expect her home soon, that she was going to the concert, and then hung up. She was punished for two weeks. No phone, no friends, just school and home. “I’d do it again, in a heartbeat. I’m pretty hardheaded, been that way my whole life,” she said. Her friend’s dad drove them. “Being a dad, that didn’t cross his mind to check with another parent,” Wild said. “Everybody was standing up, crying and screaming, you could barely hear the music. But there they were in front of you, breathing the same air.” She wound up getting a piece of sheet and wallpaper from the room they stayed in. “I look back and say, ‘Did I really do that?’ Yes, I did.” John Shay Jr. (A&S ’69, B ’72) was an usher, manning the walkways. “I was responsible for keeping the girls from going crazy. It was an impossible situation; they charged the field. It was a wild night.” Yes it was.—A.L.

Beatlemania hit New Orleans on Sept. 16, 1964, when the band played at Tad Gormley Stadium. Here, teenagers line up at the stadium gate hours before the concert.

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COURAGE C. Jackson Grayson (B ’44) celebrated his 90th birthday in October by skydiving with the Westside Skydivers Houston at the Gloster Aerodrome in Sealy, Texas. As founder and chair of the American Productivity & Quality Center, Grayson still goes to his office daily. He is a former dean of the business schools at Tulane and Southern Methodist universities.


Coach for Success Suzanne Geary (NC ’95, PHTM ’98) is executive director of College Possible in her hometown, Portland, Ore. A national nonprofit, College Possible seeks to make college admission and success possible for low-income students through a curriculum of coaching and support. “A lot of college access programs out there are successful in getting low-income students into college. What sets College Possible apart is its focus on the college graduation rate of its participants,” says Geary. “We’ve effectively leveled the playing field. Our program costs oneseventh that of a similar government-funded program, so we’re not only effective, we’re cost-effective.” Launched in 2012, College Possible Portland is the organization’s fourth and newest site. It will serve 245 students through college access and completion programs this year. It also will reach out to 500 low-income high school students with college-planning workshops. College Possible hires AmeriCorps members, who are recent college graduates committed to one year of community service, to coach students in test preparation, study skills and financial literacy. Students start in the College Possible program as high school juniors. When they are in college, they are mentored for up to six years. “The goal is to help 95 percent of our students earn admission to college and better the national college graduation rate of 57 percent,” Geary says. “Currently, only 8 percent of low-income students earn college degrees while 73 percent of students from upper-income families do.” —Fran Simon



Making College Possible Suzanne Geary of College Possible visits David Douglas High, a public school in Portland, Ore.

JOB SEARCH Tulane National Networking Night on Oct. 10 drew alumni to the Bea Field Alumni House on the Tulane uptown campus and to similar events in 15 cities, from Honolulu to New York.

The Tulane Office of Alumni Relations has launched an initiative to support alumni at all points in their careers, whether they’re entering the job market, searching for a new position, transitioning from one career field to another, or looking to mentor younger alumni or students. Alumni Career Services provides alumni with the resources they need for lifelong professional success, says Nicole Bush (UC ’95), director of the program. “We serve a broad range of alumni of all ages, from May 2013 grads to seasoned alumni,” Bush says. “People are staying in the workforce longer because of the economy, and many are thinking: ‘What else can I do?’ “Several of our resources, including a career assessment tool, are available to alumni online, 24/7.” Bush, previously a career consultant in the A. B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane, takes appointments for career counseling for individual alumni. She has planned and conducted job search strategy workshops in several cities across the country, at which she presented career advice. A panel of alumni from the area also gave region-specific information. In the spring, these workshops likely will be available online. Also in the works is a six-month mentoring program for alumni to mentor each other as well as Tulane students. Matchmaking for mentors and mentees will take place online at myTulaneNetwork.—F.S.



Career Network

Dispatch Clint Williamson W H E R E

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1950s GEORGE BEDDINGFIELD (M ’56) announces the release of Hush, Boy, a novel about a young boy growing up in the Deep South in the 1930s and ’40s. The novel follows the character from a confused boyhood to adulthood, when he finally discovers the truth about his grandfather’s love and devotion in an unexpected way. MARY LAW MOODY (NC ’56) was honored with the Saint Francis Hospital and Health Center’s highest award—the Franciscan Award. She is director of volunteer services at the hospital and a community volunteer.

1960s JACK KUSHNER (A&S ’60) has been appointed to the editorial board of the Journal of Personalized Medicine Universe, which emanates from Tokyo, Japan, and is published by the International Society of Personalized Medicine. Kushner has been named vice president at HIC, a business solution company in Maryland that encourages Chinese investment in America to create more jobs. JOHN MOSIER (A&S ’64, G ’66, ’69) celebrated the publication of his new book, VERDUN: The Lost History of the Most Important Battle of World War I, 1914-1918, in October. Mosier is a professor at Loyola University in New Orleans, where he teaches courses in film, modern European literature and the 18th-century novel. JUDITH-ANN SAKS (NC ’66) won second place for her painting, Lilly in White, in the national American Heritage Contest. Saks has been reelected second vice president of the Houston Chapter of Colonial Dames of America and is recording secretary for the Lady Washington Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution. She is grandmother to Lilly and Charles Julien. ALAN H. GOODMAN (A&S ’67) and PAUL M. HEBERT JR. (A&S ’67), both with the law firm of Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, are listed in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. Goodman is a partner and practices in, among others, the areas of bankruptcy and creditor debtor rights and real estate and mass tort litigation in the firm’s New Orleans office. Hebert practices family law in the firm’s Baton Rouge, La., office. ARTHUR J. WRIGHT (A&S ’68) is listed in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He was also listed in Texas Super Lawyers 2013, which was published in the October issue of Texas Monthly. He practices energy law, natural resources law, and oil and gas law in the Dallas office of the firm of Thompson & Knight.

photo from special investigative tasK force

RAYMOND W. SWAN (A&S ’57, SW ’63), a professor emeritus of social work at Tulane University, published Explore Your Options: A Personal Guide to Self-Help Psychotherapy. The book is a compilation of psychotherapy techniques presented in a way that allows people to easily apply them to problems of everyday living.

WAR CRIMES JUSTICE International affairs have always piqued the interest of Clint Williamson (L ’86). When the U.S. Department of Justice was looking for prosecutors to send to the newly formed International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Williamson put his name in for one of the posts, was selected and started work in mid-1994, investigating and prosecuting war crimes committed during the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s. It’s been nearly two decades since Williamson took that job in the ad hoc court in The Hague, the Netherlands. Taking the prosecutor’s position would end up shaping his life, launching a career of seeking justice for the victims of atrocities. “It was not a career path I had mapped out in advance, but I’ve been very fortunate that it has led to a variety of fascinating jobs in war crimes tribunals, post-conflict missions, and in policy and diplomatic roles with the U.S. government and the United Nations,” says Williamson, who is currently lead prosecutor for the European Union Special Investigative Task Force (SITF). Based in Brussels, the SITF was formed to investigate and, if warranted, prosecute war crimes and organized crime acts that occurred at the end of the 1999 war in Kosovo. These alleged crimes were detailed in a 2011 report by the Council of Europe. For Williamson, it’s been a richly satisfying career, helping those who have suffered so much. “I’ve always found this work to be incredibly interesting,” says Williamson. “I also find it to be extremely rewarding, because if we succeed we can bring justice to huge numbers of victims who have suffered horribly, and at times make a positive impact in helping stabilize countries or regions that have been at war.”—ANDREW CLARK

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DA BEARS! The latest book by Rich Cohen (A&S ’90), Monsters: The 1985 Chicago Bears and the Wild Heart of Football Football, was published in October. Cohen, a writer living in Connecticut, says of the book, “It begins and ends in New Orleans, and includes Tulane.”


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1970s W. PAUL ANDERSSON (L ’71) is listed in 2014 Best Lawyers in America. He also is listed as a 2013 Top Lawyer in New Orleans by New Orleans Magazine. His law firm, Leake & Andersson, was recognized as one of the 2014 Best Law Firms in America by Best Lawyers. NORMAN E. VINN (A&S ’72) was installed in July as the 117th president of the American Osteopathic Association. Vinn is founder of Housecall Doctors Medical Group, a home care network that provides on-site clinical services to more than 1,000 homebound elderly in Southern California. In 2011, he received the Orange County Senior Care Humanitarian Award. Vinn resides in San Clemente, Calif., with his wife, Marsha. FRED ESCHER (UC ’73) has been granted a patent for his Bio-Barge invention. He is president and owner of both Escher Equipment Co. and the Bio-Barge Co. JAMES J. LEE (A&S ’73) was selected for fellowship in the Litigation Counsel of America. Lee is a partner in the Dallas office of Vinson & Elkins and has been consistently recognized by Best Lawyers in America, Chambers USA—America’s Leading Lawyers for Business and as a Texas Super Lawyer. The Santa Cruz County Arts Commission, of Santa Cruz, Calif., named SUSANA ARIAS (NC ’76) 2013 Artist of the Year. She exhibited her “Sailmaker” series at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History over the summer. The series is comprised of large anagama and sodafired ceramics sculptures on steel bases. The concept is passages through life’s experiences. MARY P. LUPO (NC ’76, M ’80), a dermatologist and clinical professor of dermatology at Tulane University School of Medicine, has been named one of Castle Connolly’s Top Doctors for the New Orleans region in 2013. Recent speaking engagements have taken Lupo across the country and world; however, she plans to retire this May, after teaching for 30 years. “I will be a grandmother in December and I have decided I work too hard,” she writes. EDWARD C. BUSH (A&S ’77) was honored by New Orleans City Business at the publication’s 2013 Money Makers luncheon. He is vice president of Dorsey and Co. Investments in New Orleans. ERIC A. GORDON (G ’78) writes to say that he used the language skills he developed during his graduate school courses at Tulane to translate Waving to the Train and Other Stories, by Hadasa Cytrynowicz, from Portuguese to English. The book was published this year by Blue Thread Press. Gordon says Cytrynowicz’s autobiographical stories cover her time as a refugee in the USSR, as well as life in Israel and in Brazil, where she lived for 50 years. JEFF HORNBECK (A&S ’78) retired from the



Congressional Research Service. He was given the Meritorious Service Award, the Library of Congress’s highest employee honor. In September, Hornbeck became associate director of Patri Public Affairs, a Brazilian firm in which he is the only non-Brazilian. 1980s LILIANA AYALDE (PHTM ’80) was confirmed as the U.S. ambassador to Brazil this summer. She has 30 years of diplomatic service experience and most recently served as deputy assistant secretary for the Western Hemisphere, in which she oversaw U.S. bilateral relations with Central America, the Caribbean and Cuba. ROBIN S. TRUPP (B ’80, L ’80) is a shareholder maintaining a full-time litigation practice in the Tampa and West Palm Beach, Fla., offices of Greenspoon Marder. He practices in the areas of appellate, bankruptcy and collection creditor rights, and equine law and litigation. BRIAN HUGHES (A’81) says he has been living in northwest Florida “since Hurricane Katrina blew me over here eight years ago.” Hughes is arts and entertainment editor for the Crestview News Bulletin and syndicates travel stories for Halifax Media Group. He is president of Crestview, Fla.’s, sister city program and represented Mayor David Cadle in Crestview’s sister city, Noirmoutier-en-l’Île, France, during a 2008 Eurailing trip with DAVID PRICE (E ’83). SUSAN TALLEY (L ’81) was elected chair of the American Bar Association Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law. Talley is the first lawyer from Louisiana to hold this position. Recently, she represented the New Orleans Pelicans in the new lease and renovations for the New Orleans Arena. Talley is a member of the Krewe of Muses and is married to Jay Gulotta. They have a son, George. ERIC VAN AUKEE (A ’82) is managing director of the Los Angeles office of Perkins+Will, a global architecture and design firm. Aukee has more than 30 years of design, planning and management experience and has led a broad spectrum of projects, including work with commercial, science, healthcare, government and education clients. WILLIAM MILLER III (G ’84) was recently appointed adjunct research professor of geology at Appalachian State University. Miller, an evolutionary paleoecologist, is professor of geology and paleontology at Humboldt State University in California. His book Trace Fossils: Concepts, Problems, Prospects was published by Elsevier in 2007. Miller is married to LAURA LEITCH MILLER (NC ’83). REGINA HURLEY (L ’86) was listed in The Best Lawyers in America 2014. Hurley practices family law in the Boston office of Verrill Dana. SUE STACHAN (NC ’86) became the new social scene reporter for The Times-Picayune and the

newspaper’s website, www.nola.com, in August. Strachan covered the society beat at St. Charles Avenue magazine for 12 years. ALISA TERRELL TONEY (NC ’88) was spotlighted in Gwinnett Magazine’s annual “People To Know” issue. The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine opened a Georgia campus in 2005, and Toney serves as its director of development and alumni relations. The college is lauded as having the latest instructional technology, a hands-on learning approach and a focus on community service opportunities. MARTHELISE EERSEL (PHTM ’89) is director of health of Suriname. The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization honored Eersel on World No Tobacco Day this spring for her contributions to advancing tobacco control. In February, Suriname’s National Assembly approved a new law banning tobacco smoke in all closed public spaces, indoor workplaces and some outside public spaces. Eersel represents Suriname on the WHO Executive Board. 1990s ELIZABETH ELIAS JUGE (NC ’93) works as a federal career consultant and writer, serving clients around the country and authoring instructional materials for U.S. jobseekers worldwide. Juge is married to CHRISTOPHER H. JUGE (A&S ’84, L ’87). The couple lives in New Orleans with their children, Kathryn, 13, Christopher II, 5, and Charles, 3. WILLIAM A. TAYLOR JR. (B ’93, ’94), of Taylor CPA & Associates, has added certified financial planner and personal financial specialist designations to his list of licenses and certifications. Taylor founded his company in 2000; it now serves clients in 17 states. Taylor started an apprenticeship program, along with his wife, Jo Ann; GARY DAWSON (A&S ’93, M ’97) and BRETT MURPHY-DAWSON (NC ’93, M ’97), which allows high school students to compete for a stipend to run their own business for one year. The Taylors have two children, William HaNul, 7, and Megan Hana, 6. HORACE ERROL WALCOTT (PHTM ’93) was inducted into Worldwide Who’s Who for Excellence in Zoological Medicine. Walcott, who is a scientist and educator with the New York Department of Education, is currently working on the development of a solar energy–powered aircraft and boats for environmental monitoring. His areas of expertise include zoological medicine, toxicology analysis and ecological assessment. CATHY SYLTE MEMORY (NC ’94) and her husband, Rob, announce the birth of a second daughter, Charlotte Anne, on July 30, 2012. Big sister Katherine Grace (Katie) turned 4 this past summer. The family lives in Needham, Mass. EVAN MAROWITZ (TC ’96) and his wife, Allison, announce the birth of their son, Jameson Maxwell, on Sept. 2, 2013, in Boca Raton, Fla.

Dispatch Meredith Lusk Restein Marowitz writes that the baby joins his sister, Callista, in the ranks of future Tulane alumni. Maj. Gen. Tom Richardson, commanding general of the U.S. Army’s Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, held a retirement ceremony at Scott Air Force Base, Ill., to recognize Col. JEFF CARRA (L ’97) and his wife, Joanna, for more than 30 years of service to the country. Numerous family members, friends and fellow soldiers attended. Carra received the Legion of Merit medal for “exceptional performance, technical competence and leadership.” Since 9/11, among other assignments, Carra has had three yearlong deployments to the Middle East. MEREDITH M. MICELI (L ’97) was named partner in the law firm Curry & Friend in New Orleans. Miceli practices primarily in the areas of medical malpractice and healthcare defense.

ANDREW KIRKPATRICK (TC ’00) is an assistant professor in the Department of Government and director of the Environmental Studies Program at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Va. JILL McINTYRE (NC ’00) married Michael Kelly on June 1, 2013, at the New Children’s Museum in downtown San Diego. Jill Kelly is the associate director of development at La Jolla Playhouse, a nonprofit theatre. She also serves on the board of the Tulane Alumni Association. Michael Kelly is an officer in U.S. Navy, stationed on the USS Somerset. CESAR GONZALEZ (L ’01) was recognized by the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute with the Stephen D. Vermillion III CHLI Congressional Staff Appreciation Award for service to the U.S. Congress and the Hispanic community, this summer in Washington, D.C. Gonzalez is chief of staff to U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (Fla.). ANNA MONHARTOVA (NC ’01, L ’08) was recognized for her community involvement with St. Elizabeth’s Guild at a Volunteer Activists Awards luncheon in October. Part of the Catholic Charities organization of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, St. Elizabeth’s Guild supports an independent living skills program, which educates and teaches life skills to youth who have outgrown the foster care system; St. John the Baptist Head Start Program; and Padua Pediatrics, a residential facility for mentally disabled children. Monhartova also was included in the “40 Under 40” feature in the Nov. 5, 2013, issue of New Orleans’ Gambit weekly newspaper. Founder of the A’s and Aces nonprofit organization that uses tennis to teach life skills to New Orleans children,

photo from meredith restein

2000s JEREMY HELLER (E ’00) and his wife, Linda, welcomed their first child, Nathan Samuel, on Aug. 30, 2013. Heller is a financial adviser with Ameriprise Financial in Conshohocken, Pa. The family resides in Bryn Mawr, Pa.

HANDMADE JEWELRY FROM VIRGINIA COAST Ten years ago, Meredith Lusk Restein (NC ’01) rented her first booth at a craft fair to market her custom-designed, handcrafted jewelry. Today, she sells Moonrise Jewelry (moonrisejewelry.com) products at her own showroom and studio in Cape Charles, Va., on her website, and wholesales them internationally. Inspired by coastal areas (her family has lived on the Eastern Shore of Virginia since the 1600s), Restein designs her art jewelry using some unusual materials. She first hit it big with necklaces made from resin-coated real orchid flowers. Her most recent material of choice is a bit more surprising—fish leather made from skins discarded by the canning industry. “Fish leather has much more interesting textures than cow leather, and it can be dyed in the brilliant colors I like to use for my jewelry. I also like that I am taking a byproduct of a coastal industry and making something useful and beautiful from it.” Restein’s jewelry has been featured in such high-profile national media outlets as Lucky magazine, TLC’s “What Not to Wear,” NBC’s “Today Show” and Meryl Streep’s Green Guide. She also has garnered the attention of Spanx founder Sara Blakely, the youngest self-made woman on the Forbes billionaire list. Blakely was so enamored with Restein’s jewelry and her business model that she honored Moonrise Jewelry last year as a “Leg Up” business, featured Restein in the Spanx catalog, and gave her one-on-one business counseling. It’s not just the success of Restein’s business that’s impressive; it’s also the way she has designed her business to support her community, creating five jobs thus far for women in one of the poorest regions of Virginia. She also donates her jewelry to many fundraising efforts in her area. “I want to build a business that not only makes a quality product, but one that also is an eco-friendly, social enterprise,” Restein says. —THERESA GAWLAS MEDOFF

T U L A N E MAGA Z I N E DE C E M B E R 20 1 3


Recognition Outstanding Alumni W H E R E

Y ’ A T !

Monhartova is an adjunct assistant professor with the Payson Center for International Development at Tulane University.

The Emeritus Club of the Tulane Alumni Association presented Outstanding Alumni Awards to Herschel L. Abbott Jr. and Sam A. LeBlanc III at a homecoming brunch on Oct. 3, 2013.

MICHAEL COHEN (E ’02) and EMMY LUGUS COHEN (L ’06) announce the birth of Sidney Robert on June 27, 2013. The Cohens live in Cambridge, Mass., where they are both inhouse lawyers at tech companies.

MArISSA HErSHON (NC ’03) is curatorial assistant for modern and contemporary decorative arts and design and contemporary art and special projects at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Hershon was invited to speak at the Massachusetts Historical Society and the Colonial Society of Massachusetts’s symposium, “New Thoughts on Old Things: Four Centuries of Furnishing the Northeast.” She spoke on “The Egyptian Revival in the 1870s: The Reception Room at Cedar Hill, Warwick, Rhode Island.” kAtIE BErCHAk-IrBY (NC ’04) is an instructor of geography at the University of Louisiana– Lafayette. In August 2013, she placed second in her age group at the Road Runners Club of America Louisiana State 5K Championship. She received her master’s degree from Louisiana State University in 2007 and is currently an “all but dissertation” PhD candidate in the Department of Geography and Anthropology at LSU. She lives with her husband in Baton Rouge, La. kIMBErLY dEErY (NC ’04) and her husband, John, welcomed their first child, Penelope Christine, on July 28, 2013. Deery is a pediatrics resident at Oklahoma State University in Tulsa, Okla. LINdSAY ANN HULwICk kUHLE (B ’05) received her master’s degree in 20l2 in sports psychology from the University of Denver, where she is the women’s golf coach and her husband, A.J. Kuhle, is the assistant men’s basketball coach. The couple married on July 6, 2013, at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo. LINdSEY NOrMAN (B ’05) read at the ceremony and sang at the rehearsal dinner. CLIFFOrd MINtz (UC ’05, B ’12) and LArA StEPNESkI (NC ’06) were married on May 26, 2013, at the Audubon Tea Room in New Orleans. The couple lives in Baton Rouge, La. Cliff Mintz is vice president of sales and marketing at PacTec in Clinton, La., and he serves on the board of Jewish Children’s Regional Service. Lara Mintz launched a wedding planning business and she commutes to the BeauregardKeyes House in the French Quarter for wedding coordination. She also is a prenatal yoga instructor and president-elect of the Chi Omega Alumnae Association of New Orleans.




SAMANtHA PrOtOkOwICz rOdIEr (NC ’02) and her husband, Brad Rodier, announce the birth of their second child, Carter Bradley, in September. He joins his sister, Harriet Marie, born in September 2010.

HerScHeL L. aBBot Jr. (A&S ’63, L ’66), left, served as Judge Advocate in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War. In 1970, he joined Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre law firm, where he continues as special counsel. As general counsel to BellSouth, he was elected president of the company’s Louisiana operations. Abbott advocates for Teach for America and Louisiana LEARN. He has served on the Louisiana Board of Regents and is former chair of the New Orleans Redevelopment Authority. At Tulane, he is a member of the President’s Council and serves on the Law Dean’s Advisory Board and the Shakespeare Festival board of directors. Sam a. LeBLanc III (L ’63, ’91) has been a partner in the New Orleans law firms of Adams and Reese and Couhig Partners. He was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives in 1971 and served for eight years. He was a commissioner and chair of the Regional Transit Authority and chair of the New Orleans Regional Chamber of Commerce. LeBlanc served in the Peace Corps in Romania for two years. Returning to New Orleans, he was appointed as a temporary judge on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. At Tulane, he has served on the Law Dean’s and Tulane Cancer Center advisory boards and the Health Sciences Center board of governors.

We are asking all students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends of Tulane to celebrate President Cowen’s legacy of supporting healthy and vibrant communities through direct community service. By May 2, 2014, we need to complete 750,000 hours of service in New Orleans and around the world. Please help us reach our goal—register today at 750K.tulane.edu.

Dispatch Justin Springer TORREY THEALL (B ’06) is an integral member of the creative team at the Gulf Coast marketing firm Deveney Communication. He played a significant role in producing work that received three platinum and four gold Hermes Creative Awards from the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals’ global competition. Theall lives in the Lakeview neighborhood of New Orleans with his wife, Katherine, and their triplets, Blythe, Gretchen and Ronan.

EVAN FRIPT (B ’09) and BENJAMIN EARLEY (B ’09) have partnered to launch Paul Evans, a brand of luxury dress shoes for men, Based in New York, their e-commerce website is paulevansny.com. SAMANTHA J. PEITLER (NC ’09) and Theo Zois were married on July 20, 2013, at Bridgeview Yacht Club in Island Park, N.Y. Several Tulane alumni from the class of 2009 attended. Samantha Zois is an audit manager at Verus Financial and Theo Zois is an orthopedic surgery physician assistant. The couple lives in Long Beach, N.Y. ERICA WASHINGTON (PHTM ’09) was named a 2013 White House Champion of Change for helping Americans live healthier lives, reducing disease and contributing to lowering healthcare costs by focusing on public health and prevention. Washington is the healthcare-associated infections coordinator for Louisiana. 2010s MICHAEL HOCHBERG (’12) received a Fulbright Scholarship with which he taught politics and led a Model United Nations program at a public high school in a small fishing village on the northern coast of Spain. Hochberg recently started working as a White House intern. ARIANA G. ASPELIN (’13) was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps upon graduation from the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps program. DAVID R. EWENS (’13) was awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student Program scholarship to Germany for an English teaching assistantship. MICHAEL KAHN (A ’13) presented “Reincorporating Redfern: Remediating Colonial Planning and Its Effects on Indigenous Populations” at the “Architecture at the Ragged Edge of Empire: Race, Place, Taste and the Colonial Context” symposium hosted by the Centre for Architecture Theory Criticism History of the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, last spring.


JORDAN SACHS (B ’07) and DENILLE WACHTENHEIM (NC ’08) were married on Sept. 1, 2013, at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Denille Sachs is a member of the legal department at the Estée Lauder Cos. and Jordan Sachs is the founder of the real estate brokerage and consulting firm, Bold New York. The couple lives in New York.

A SOLDIER'S PERSPECTIVE Justin Springer (TC ’03) over and over again witnessed from up close on the frontlines soldiers sustaining the “signature wound” of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. And when he returned home, he made a film about it. Commissioned as a second lieutenant through the Tulane Army ROTC program, Springer served in the U.S. Army for two tours of duty in Iraq as a battalion communications officer with the Army’s 1st Brigade/1st Infantry Division. The mission of his battalion was route-clearance operations—“basically clearing and looking for mines.” Dozens of soldiers in Springer’s battalion sustained traumatic brain injuries (TBI) as a result of exposure to roadside bomb blasts. “It was a scary thing,” says Springer. After a blast, soldiers he knew on a first-name basis were having difficulty finishing sentences and remembering things. “I was, like, what’s going to happen? What are the long-term effects of this?” After he left active duty in 2009, Springer set out to find out what happened to four soldiers suffering from TBI. For nearly two years, Springer filmed the soldiers’ treatment at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio and moments from their everyday lives as they struggled to get back to “normal.” TBI is a complex injury that doctors do not fully understand. Symptoms are headaches, chronic pain, impaired memory and concentration, and behavioral distress. It is estimated that nearly 20 percent of combat troops are affected by TBI and posttraumatic stress disorder. Along Recovery, a documentary produced, directed, filmed and mostly edited by Springer, presents the “unbiased reality of what these guys go through.” Along Recovery premiered at the GI Film Festival in Washington, D.C., in May 2012. It was awarded the best feature documentary at the San Antonio Film Festival. And this November, Gravitas Ventures, an independent film distributor, released Along Recovery through online platforms such as Netflix, iTunes and Amazon Prime. The website for the film is www.alongrecovery.com. Springer hopes that the film will help decrease the stigma associated with TBI—and “hold the military accountable for treatment.” “I feel that this is something the public should know about and should understand in an intelligent manner, without it being embellished and dramatized.” Springer majored in film studies and communication. His current job is as a producer and director for a production company in Denver. —MARy Ann TRAVIS

T U L A N E MAGA Z I N E DE C E M B E R 20 1 3


EDITOR AND WRITER Sarah Doerries (NC ’92) died on Oct. 18, 2013, in Strasbourg, France. She was a co-author with Harold Battiste Jr. of Unfinished Blues: Memories of a New Orleans Music Man Man. Furnishing Louisiana and Ernie K-DOE are among the books Doerries edited for The Historic New Orleans Collection.

F A R E W E L L Melba Elfer Colvin (NC ’36) of Mandeville, La., on June 24, 2013.

Leslie Lee Ellis Jr. (A&S ’48, G ’49) of Maitland, Fla., on July 30, 2013.

Julian H. Good (A&S ’52, L ’54) of Savannah, Ga., on Aug. 18, 2013.

Ethel Rollins Broussard (NC ’37) of Lexington, Ky., on March 24, 2013.

Charles C. Jaubert (M ’48) of New Orleans on Aug. 6, 2013.

Arthur M. Greshemer Jr. (E ’52) of Westerville, Ohio, on Aug. 18, 2013.

Joseph A. Sabatier Jr. (M ’38) of New Orleans on June 6, 2013.

Leslie C. Longshore Jr. (A&S ’48) of Birmingham, Ala., on Sept. 6, 2013.

Jack T. Cappel Jr. (M ’53) of Alexandria, La., on Sept. 2, 2013.

Harriet Sutherland Williams (NC ’38) of Metairie, La., on Sept. 13, 2013.

Mildred M. Proske (SW ’48) of New Orleans on Sept. 22, 2013.

Everett A. Garvin (G ’53) of Groton, Mass., on July 15, 2013.

Floyd D. Roos (A&S ’48, M ’50) of Scottsdale, Ariz., on May 10, 2013.

Herbert Ichinose (A&S ’53, M ’57) of Slidell, La., on Aug. 12, 2013.

Ann Howell Snow (NC ’48) of Charlotte, N.C., on Sept. 19, 2013.

George G. Mays (A&S ’53) of Peachtree City, Ga., on Sept. 21, 2013.

Lewis C. Bryan (B ’42) of Dallas on Sept. 6, 2013.

Pierre J. Stouse Jr. (E ’48) of New Orleans on July 15, 2013.

Keith A. Merrill (E ’53) of Preston, Idaho, on July 10, 2013.

Geddes B. Flagg Jr. (M ’42) of Gulfport, Miss., on July 12, 2013.

Roy B. Crews Jr. (E ’49) of New Iberia, La., on July 24, 2013.

Laurette Montgomery Toye (NC ’54) of New Orleans on July 30, 2013.

Miriam Cahen Radlauer (UC ’42) of New Orleans on July 1, 2013.

Kathryn Krieger Nix (M ’49) of New Orleans on Sept. 23, 2013.

W. Anthony Ullman (A&S ’54) of New York on June 21, 2013.

Helen Pool Chalstrom (B ’43) of New Orleans on Sept. 9, 2013.

Donald L. Rose (A&S ’49) of Gretna, La., on July 8, 2013.

Helen Harris Arnold (NC ’55) of Monroe, Ga., on Sept. 8, 2013.

Ashton S. Junker (B ’43) of Metairie, La., on July 2, 2013.

Joseph L. Ewing Jr. (M ’50) of Shreveport, La., on June 27, 2013.

Leonard J. Cailler (E ’56) of Concord, N.H., on Aug. 5, 2012.

William W. McCall (A&S ’43, M ’45) of Oklahoma City on Aug. 24, 2013.

Kennedy J. Gilly Sr. (L ’50) of New Orleans on July 13, 2013.

Harold L. Flatt (M ’56) of Birmingham, Ala., on Feb. 27, 2013.

William L. McLane Jr. (A&S ’43, L ’46) of Phoenix on July 16, 2013.

Eli Beller Harmon (A&S ’50, M ’54) of Wynnewood, Pa., on Dec. 28, 2012.

Willard Christian Gee (E ’56) of Metairie, La., on June 24, 2013.

Leonard B. Hebert Jr. (E ’44) of New Iberia, La., on Aug. 11, 2013.

Aaron Selber Jr. (B ’50) of Shreveport, La., on Aug. 13, 2013.

Ralph C. Mitchell III (B ’57) of Savannah, Ga., on July 12, 2013.

Charles D. Knight (M ’44) of Shreveport, La., on Sept. 7, 2013.

Stephen Voelker Jr. (A&S ’50, L ’55) of New Orleans on July 26, 2013.

Sidney J. Cancienne (UC ’58) of Marrero, La., on July 1, 2013.

Richard E. Lieurance (A&S ’44, M ’46) of Alameda, Calif., on June 29, 2013.

Mona L. Brown (G ’51) of New Orleans on July 31, 2013.

A. Barry Henry Jr. (A&S ’58, M ’61) of New Orleans on Sept. 23, 2013.

James U. Morrison Jr. (M ’44) of Laurel, Miss., on Feb. 11, 2012.

Robert J. Collins Jr. (A&S ’51) of Edmond, Okla., on July 9, 2013.

Dorothy Rucker McLemore (NC ’58) of Waveland, Miss., on Sept. 19, 2013.

Mary Ritchie Gros (NC ’46) of Westwego, La., on July 20, 2013.

Jack Holt (L ’51) of Pineville, La., on June 2 5, 2013.

Harry W. Ollinger (E ’58) of Fairhope, Ala., on July 2, 2013.

Joan Burguieres Brown (NC ’47) of New Orleans on July 21, 2013.

John A. Jenkins Jr. (A&S ’51) of Camden, Maine, on Aug. 27, 2013.

Edward I. Peal (B ’58) of Shreveport, La., on Sept. 1, 2013.

James C. Gulotta Sr. (A&S ’47, L ’49) of New Orleans on Aug. 31, 2013.

Russell K. Lanham (B ’51) of Metairie, La., on June 1, 2013.

Ray L. Hanle Jr. (E ’59) of Newport Beach, Calif., on July 10, 2013.

Wilbur A. Riehl (A&S ’47) of Decatur, Ala., on Sept. 17, 2013.

Greta LeBlanc Acomb (B ’52) of New Orleans on Sept. 1, 2013.

Wayne C. Hollingsworth Sr. (A&S ’59) of Memphis, Tenn., on Sept. 8, 2013.

Gloria E. Dudden (NC ’48) of New Orleans on July 10, 2013.

Salvatore J. Danna (A&S ’52, M ’55) of Metairie, La., on June 22, 2013.

Paul E. Marsh Jr. (A&S ’59) of Apple Valley, Calif., on Aug. 30, 2013.

Verre Simpson Picard (NC ’40, M ’44) of Shreveport, La., on Aug. 9, 2013. Joseph W. Moore (M ’41) of Clanton, Ala., on Sept. 22, 2013.



Tribute Ruth Benerito Jacqueline Bartling Ward (G ’59) of St. Augustine, Fla., on Sept. 8, 2013.

Henry C. Vosbein Jr. (A&S ’60, L ’64) of Marrero, La., on Sept. 1, 2013. Carolyn Fuselier Tarleton (NC ’61) of Houston on June 15, 2013. Barry Blumenfeld (A&S ’62) of Pottsboro, Texas, on Sept. 23, 2013. James E. Fulton Jr. (A&S ’62, M ’65) of Key Biscayne, Fla., on July 4, 2013. Sara J. Kenaston (SW ’62) of Jacksonville, Fla., on Sept. 12, 2013. Robert C. Cauthorn (G ’63) of Tucson, Ariz., on Sept. 17, 2013. Jack J. DiLorenzo (E ’63, ’67) of Slidell, La., on July 22, 2013. Jack C. Groner (L ’63) of Baton Rouge, La., on July 19, 2013. Vereen Alexander (NC ’64) of Atlanta on Aug. 7, 2013. Franklin B. Hayne III (L ’64) of New Orleans on July 20, 2013.

Photo by Mary Jackson, courtesy of the LeMeLson-MIt PrograM

Lowell F. Lawson (SW ’60) of Canton, Ga., on Sept. 6, 2012.

FREEDOM FROM IRONING Ruth Rogan Benerito (NC ’35, G’ 38) died in New Orleans on Oct. 5, 2013, at age 97. Few people leave such an enormous legacy. After earning a PhD from the University of Chicago in 1948, she was hired by the Southern Regional Research Laboratory (SRRC), where she worked on cotton fibers, leading the team that developed wrinkle-resistant and flame-retardant cotton, helping to save the cotton industry and freeing millions of homemakers from the drudgery of ironing. My first job was at SRRC. I had just received a PhD from the University of Chicago, and Ruth took special interest in me. She remains an important role model. She showed that women could be successful in science. She worked hard. She did good research. She built teams. She shared credit. She never put on airs.—JOaN W. BENNEtt. Bennett, professor of biology at Tulane from 1971–2005, is associate vice president for the promotion of women in science, engineering and mathematics at Rutgers University.

Barbara L. McClung (G ’65) of Austin, Texas, on Sept. 11, 2013.

David W. Strecker (L ’69) of Chateauneuf de Grasse, France, on June 17, 2013.

Derek N. Kerr (G ’83) of San Francisco on July 11, 2013.

Arnold N. Oldre (M ’66) of Los Angeles on Sept. 1, 2013.

Virginia F. Tomasek (NC ’69) of Chapel Hill, N.C., on Aug. 29, 2013.

Daniel H. Ravner (A&S ’83) of Tampa, Fla., on Sept. 17, 2013.

Frank A. Volpi Jr. (UC ’66) of Metairie, La., on Aug. 2, 2013.

Kathleen M. Bahlinger (G ’70) of Baton Rouge, La., on July 6, 2013.

Mindy Claire Schwartz (M ’88) of Reno, Nev., on June 21, 2013.

Prieur James Leary Jr. (L ’67) of Houston on Aug. 7, 2013.

Daniel M. Lewis Jr. (E ’71, B ’73) of Smyrna, Ga., on Aug. 12, 2013.

Andrew F. Makk (B ’92) of New York on July 20, 2013.

David C. Phillips Jr. (A&S ’67) of Chicago on Sept. 4, 2013.

Paul F. Hanlon (A&S ’72) of Mobile, Ala., on July 12, 2013.

Mark S. Ferri (B ’96) of New Orleans on Sept. 16, 2013.

Dennis P. Krauss (A&S ’68) of Clearwater, Fla., on Sept. 2, 2013.

Maria M. Canales (NC ’75) of San Antonio on Aug. 2, 2013.

Jennifer N. Rosoff (NC ’00) of New York on Aug. 1, 2013.

John J. Witmeyer III (A&S ’68) of New York on July 31, 2013.

Joseph E. Farley (A&S ’76) of Winter Park, Fla., on Sept. 6, 2013.

Linda W. Goodwin Civello (’07) of Metairie, La., on July 25, 2013.

Lawrence W. Ellis (G ’69) of Normal, Ill., on July 12, 2013.

Susan P. Weiner (PHTM ’76, M ’82) of West Hollywood, Calif., on April 23, 2012.

Roxana Diaz Gomez (’08) of Brooklyn, N.Y., on July 4, 2013.

James McDonald Orr (B ’69) of Huntsville, Ala., on Sept. 20, 2013.

T. Jean Neely (PHTM ’78) of Houston on May 19, 2012.

Jesse L. Ledbetter (’08) of New York on Aug. 28, 2013.

Marcus D. Shouse (A&S ’69) of Mariposa, Calif., on Aug. 1, 2013.

Jyoti S. Daftary (B ’80) of Bethpage, N.Y., on May 6, 2012.

Ashley N. Qualls (SW ’11) of New Orleans on July 9, 2013.

T U L A N E MAGA Z I N E DE C E M B E R 20 1 3




Social Stadium Builders Justice Football’s Coming Home

The Dr. Jeannette Jennings (SW ’69) Memorial Scholarship for Social Work has been established by a gift from the Delta Foundation through the efforts of Roger Nooe (SW ’66, ’72) and his wife, Carol Nooe. The Nooes sit on the Delta Foundation board. The late Jeannette Jennings was a trailblazer for African Americans in social work as she broke barriers and advocated for the disenfranchised. In 1970, Jennings became the first black faculty member at the University of Mississippi. She also was the first black, female social worker in the Mississippi Department of Public Welfare. She was an associate professor in the Tulane School of Social Work from 1998 until her death in 2007. Her research focused on poverty and gerontology. A beloved mentor, she taught students the history of the social work profession and demonstrated how to do meaningful work in the community, says Marva Lewis, associate professor at the Tulane School of Social Work. Roger Nooe (SW ’66, ’72) met Jennings at Tulane while they were both students. He later recruited Jennings to teach at the University of Tennessee–Knoxville, where he worked for 30 years. “She always stood out as someone who was strong and thoughtful,” says Nooe. Recipients of the Jennings endowed scholarship will be selected based on need, with preference given to students from underrepresented groups. “The scholarship will support students who, like Jennings, have an interest in helping the larger society achieve social justice,” says Lewis.—Erika Herran



Construction of Yulman Stadium is well under way on the Tulane uptown campus. The stadium will open in fall 2014. Fans can reserve a seat in the stadium with a $50 deposit on a season ticket. Premium seating is available in the Glazer Family Club for the ultimate experience watching the Green Wave play on Benson Field.

The uptown campus is already buzzing with excitement over the opening of Yulman Stadium in fall 2014. Green Wave football is coming back to campus for the first time in almost 40 years. This fall, with Tulane football having its first bowl-eligible season in 11 years, anticipation for Yulman Stadium is at an all-time high. Tulane Athletics is offering a variety of opportunities to be involved in this historic project. Jill H. and Avram A. Glazer Family Club The Jill H. and Avram A. Glazer Family Club is the premier space in Yulman Stadium. All-inclusive hospitality, climate-controlled club space, comfortable seating and adjacent on-campus parking are among the luxuries that will be available on game days. “We are extremely pleased with the response to our offerings of premium seating in the Glazer Family Club since sales opened in August,” said athletics director Rick Dickson. “These individual donors are and forever will be stadium builders. They are part of a team that is achieving something epic and historic.” Reserve Your Seat Now Football fans can reserve Yulman Stadium seats with a $50 deposit per season ticket. In January, additional premium seating options will be available for fans to set their own stadium experience, including a Letterwinner Section, a Loyalty Section and a Family Zone. For more information, visit www.YulmanStadium.com or call 504-314-CLUB (2582).—Mary Hoffman


Jeannette Jennings, a School of Social Work professor and alumna, is remembered with an endowment established by the Delta Foundation through the efforts of Roger and Carol Nooe.

SupeR bowl ticketS Raffle The Helluva Hullabaloo Auction continues with a raffle for two tickets to attend Super Bowl XLVIII in MetLife Stadium in New Jersey on Feb. 2, 2014. This year’s auction and raffles have raised approximately $675,000 to benefit programs for Tulane student-athletes.


Meeting the demands of college life can be challenging. Fortunately, Tulane students can visit the Academic Success Center for tutoring and guidance . Generous support from a dedicated group of Tulane parents, including Peter and Hilary Blum, make the Academic Success Center’s work possible. “The center is a good outlet for students to get help or for Tulane to reach out to them,” says Hilary Blum. “Parents can feel secure knowing the center exists.” The center offers tutoring and writing support as well as assistance from peer educators and professional success coaches. “Our professional success coaches are certified in life coaching and all have advanced degrees,” says Brittany Biancalana, manager of the Academic Success Center. “We are here to discuss everything from classes, to scheduling, to Greek life.” Students can visit the center’s website to schedule time with a tutor and learn about available services. While it’s most effective for tutoring and coaching to begin at the start of the semester, some students find midway through the year that they need more help than they’d first anticipated. To accommodate those students, the center has implemented Academic Recharge. “Recharge allows us to be ready whenever students realize they need help,” says Biancalana.—Alicia Duplessis Jasmin

Next Stage guillermo cabrera-rojo

Academic Success


To better prepare students for the challenging job market, the Tulane Career Center is set to grow significantly. The expansion is possible because of generous gifts from two sets of Tulane parents, Jeffrey and Susan Zimmer and Cory and Lisa Rapkin, who funded a two-year pilot program. Three new career educators-advisers have been hired this fall, allowing undergraduates to enroll in a first-of-its-kind career preparation course launching in the spring. “This is going to be a transformational opportunity for us,” says James MacLaren, dean of Newcomb-Tulane College. Career educators will teach every aspect of the job search process during the one-credit career preparation course, and help students build a network of connections drawing on the university’s alumni base as well as current and former parents. When they aren’t teaching, advisers also will meet with their students to give personalized career guidance, says Amjad Ayoubi, senior associate dean of Newcomb-Tulane College and executive director of career services. More Tulane students will be getting enhanced career preparation earlier in their college careers, Ayoubi says. The university and parents are partnering in a common goal: to ensure students have successful futures. The current career preparation enhancements grew out of the successful inaugural Career Wave, an intensive two-day career-planning event sponsored by the Rapkins and held on the Tulane University uptown campus in January 2013. The two-year pilot program will serve many Tulane undergraduates, but MacLaren is thinking long-term. He has started building an endowment to support more robust career preparation in perpetuity. Several donors, including former Tulane parents Lori and Jim Montana, made the first gifts to the endowment earlier this year. “Colleges have a responsibility to not only provide an outstanding education,” says MacLaren, “but also to provide the resources and support to ensure that students can be successful in the next stage of their lives.”—Mary Sparacello

Career Prep Tulane students will have the opportunity to take a one-credit career preparation course in the spring as part of greater support for career services, thanks to the generosity of parents.

ReSouRce ceNteR

Students can turn to the Academic Success Center for tutoring and other support.

T U L A N E MAGA Z I N E DE C E M B E R 2 0 1 3


ANGUS LIND A 1966 graduate of Tulane, Angus Lind spent more than three decades as a columnist for The Times-Picayune.

mark andresen



History That Nearly Happened by Angus Lind The building at Chartres and St. Louis streets in the French Quarter that houses one of the oldest and most fashionably decadent bars in the city —the Napoleon House—has a storied, colorful and improbable past that includes its namesake, the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, and a past mayor of the city. Pull up a barstool, imagine you are sitting in front of the bar’s famously refreshing Pimm’s Cup drink and allow me, a newly minted tour guide, to spin this yarn from days of yore. The short version is that after the Great Fire of 1788 destroyed the site’s original building—as well as 850 of the 1,100 or so buildings in the Vieux Carre—a Frenchman named Nicholas Girod acquired the property from his late brother. In 1812, Girod became the fifth elected mayor of New Orleans and two years later he built the architectural gem that stands there today. Built as a private residence, the structure would not accommodate a tavern for nearly a century. In 1820, Girod and a number of other prominent citizens hatched a bizarre plot to rescue the exiled French emperor from the island of St. Helena where he had been sent after losing the Battle of Waterloo to the British in 1815 (the same year as the Battle of New Orleans; I’ll get to that in a minute). Trust me—St. Helena in the South Atlantic off the coast of Africa was not exactly a top-10 tourist attraction.



MISGUIDED TOURS Historical accuracy can sometimes take a backseat to lively storytelling.

The New Orleanians’ game plan called for some of the pirate Jean Lafitte’s band of outlaw Baratarians—including Dominique You, Lafitte’s famed cannoneer—to sail a fastmoving sloop to the island, abscond with Napoleon in the dead of night and return to the city by outrunning the slower British frigates surrounding the island. The emperor would have refuge in Girod’s house. However, only days before the band of marauders was to depart in 1821, word came that Napoleon had died. By the very early 1900s the structure housed a grocery store. In 1910, it was acquired by Joseph and Rosie Impastato, and in a city that lives to drink, the grocery store gave way to a bar. In a reference to a history that almost happened, they named the establishment “Napoleon House.” Joseph, who loved opera and classical music, had it playing constantly on his Victrola. The tradition continues today, minus the Victrola. The bar soon became a haven for artists, writers and Quarterites—and through the years, the employer of some crusty waiters. I can confidently tell you all this because my wife and I this past summer took a 10-week professional tour-guiding course. During the course we learned that while a good tour guide needs to be a storyteller who can inject into his or her tales both drama and humor, it is more important to be historically factual and accurate in telling stories. This philosophy is a far cry from that which was employed by a particular tour guide who showed my wife and me around the city back in 1978. It was the year Super Bowl XII was in town, and I was playing the part of a tourist to prepare for a column I was writing for the newspaper. On St. Charles Avenue, the bus we were on paused briefly at the Rayne Memorial United Methodist Church, and our group was told that during the Battle of New Orleans, the pirate Jean Lafitte had climbed into the steeple of the Gothic Revival church to alert the city that the British were coming. Hmmm. Shades of Paul Revere’s ride and the two lanterns in the Old North Church steeple? The next day, I paid a visit to the church and discovered it was built in 1875, some six decades after the battle and, incidentally, 52 years following Lafitte’s death. It’s been said that history is little more than rumors agreed upon, and that may be true, but any tour guide worth his salt knows that you have to at least be selective in the rumors that you go with.

join your local tulane club No matter where you are, you can stay connected with Tulane University through your local Tulane Club. These clubs offer special events, educational programs, networking and volunteer opportunities for Tulane alumni, students, parents and friends. To learn more, please contact your local Tulane Club Leadership! AlAbAmA

Birmingham Theresa Gregory (B ’94) gonavy92@charter.net ______ gulf Coast (moBile) April Walker (B ’01) aprilwalker@bellsouth.net ______ montgomery Janet Waller (NC ’74) jmwaller@earthlink.net


Phoenix Janelle Bakke (E ’04) janellenicole0@yahoo.com


little roCk Larry Connelley (TC ’97) larryconnelley@gmail.com Steven Preston (B ’04) rollwave04@gmail.com


los angeles Jim Ezell (A&S ’88) jezell@usa.net ______ orange County Larry Bassell (A&S ’76) lawrence_bassell@hfisinc.com David Rubin (A&S ’82, L ’86) david@davidtravel.com ______ san Diego Laurie Sanderson (N ’98) laurie.sanderson@gmail.com Andy Sanderson (E ’99) andysanderson@gmail.com ______ san franCisCo/san Jose Asher McInerney (TC ’04) ashermack@gmail.com Blythe Graham-Jones (NC ’07) blythegrahamjones@gmail.com


Denver Arthur Griffin (TC ’05) agriffin504@gmail.com

distriCt of ColumbiA Andy Hyson (TC ’96) andytulane@yahoo.com


golD Coast Patrick Ande (A&S ’71) paca713@aol.com Greg Barr (B ’84) gregory.barr@db.com ______ JaCksonville Currently seeking leadership* ______ orlanDo Sarah Hellyer (NC ’02) sarahshellyer@gmail.com ______ sarasota Mike Feduccia (B ’83, B ’85) mfeduccia@comcast.net ______ south floriDa Jared Finegold (B ’09) jared.finegold@tulanealumni.net ______ tamPa/st. PetersBurg Danillo Claveria (UC ’94) danilo@dmreadyservices.com


atlanta Chris Buckley (G ’99) cbuck1881@gmail.com Lizzie Parnell (NC ’02) lizzie.parnell@gmail.com


Rob Haak (E ’90) haak@tulanealumni.net


ChiCago Anne Marie Vandenberg (NC ’04) amvanden@gmail.com

south mississiPPi Ryan Gatchell (A&S ’97) ryank1774@yahoo.com April Walker (B ’01) aprilwalker@bellsouth.net


st. louis Jim Downey (A&S ’88) jimpat66@yahoo.com


omaha Alan Kohll (B ’90) akohll@vsamerica.com




new Jersey

inDianaPolis Wende Padek (B ’87) wendea@aol.com

kansas City Matthew Blain (B ’04) mblain235@gmail.com


louisville Sarah Ahmad (NC ’92) sahmad@humana.com Meghan Greeley (NC ’05, LA ’05, B ’12) mgreeley@humana.com


aCaDiana St. Paul Bourgeois (A&S ’69, L ’72) stpaulb@cox.net Sharon K. Bourgeois (NC ’69) skbourgeois@cox.net ______ Baton rouge Mitchell Wood (A ’77) architectnix1@juno.com ______ monroe Mossy Sartor (NC ’80, L ’83) msartor@snellingslawfirm.com ______ new orleans John Dimos (A&S ’87) jndimos@yahoo.com ______ northshore Rod Russell (G ’00) rod@bedfordgrp.net ______ shrevePort Deborah Baukman (L ’89) debbie@msrlaw.com


Baltimore David Klein (B ’11) klein.david.c@gmail.com


Boston Elizabeth Lavoie (B ’00) elizabeth.zuik@gmail.com


Detroit Lindsay Eustace-Citrin (B ’98) lceustace@aol.com


minneaPolis/st. Paul Don Kim (L ’04) dkim40@yahoo.com


JaCkson Currently seeking leadership*

las vegas James Wallin (A&S ’92) james.m.wallin@gmail.com Rob Tessaro (UC’ 98) roteki@yahoo.com Mike Cohn (A&S ’80) mcohn@lfc.us.com

new mexiCo

alBuquerque/santa fe Harry Asmussen (E ’82) harryasmussen@yahoo.com

new york

Elliott Wiener (B ’07) elliottwiener@gmail.com Lauren Caplan (B ’05) lauren.caplan@gmail.com

nortH CArolinA

Charlotte Ted Mahrlig (TC ’94) mahrlig@comporium.net ______ raleigh/Durham/ChaPel hill Jenny Mauger (E ’02) jennaynay@gmail.com


ColumBia Keith Powell (A&S ’93) kpowell@childs-halligan.net


memPhis Currently seeking leadership* ______ nashville Hollie Larsen Cummings (NC ’88) holliecummings@comcast.net Thomas Kern (A&S ’84, B ’86) kern@tulanealumni.net


austin Greg Thurnher (E’02, B’07) gthurnher@ercot.com ______ Dallas/fort worth Greg Miller (LA ’10) greg_miller@richards.com ______ el Paso Melissa Brandrup (A ’97, A ’98) mcbrandrup@hotmail.com ______ houston Mark Martinez (UC ’93, B ’16) mmarti20@tulane.edu Will Stafford (TC ’06, G ’08) willstafford@gmail.com ______ san antonio Currently seeking leadership*


salt lake City Currently seeking leadership*


riChmonD Currently seeking leadership*


seattle/taComa Melissa Patterson (B ’86) melissa98008@yahoo.com

CinCinnati Currently seeking leadership* ______ ClevelanD Michael Sison (B ’98) msison@hotmail.com ______ ColumBus Currently seeking leadership*




tulsa Victor Wandres (TC ’96) victor.wandres@yahoo.com


PortlanD Currently seeking leadership*


PhilaDelPhia Meredith Punt (NC ’90) theclaystation@aol.com ______ PittsBurgh Aaron Ronksley (LA ’07) aronksley@gmail.com

puerto riCo

Ricardo Soto (TC ’94) rsoto@icspsc.com

soutH CArolinA

Charleston Kevin Tingley (B ’95) ktingley43@yahoo.com

milwaukee Currently seeking leadership*

internAtionAl Clubs enGlAnd

lonDon Jessica Manley (B ’09) jessie.manley@gmail.com Paris Nancy Thomas (NC ’77) iflycdg@gmail.com

CostA riCA

Matthew Graham (TC ’09, L ’12) mgraham@ariaslaw.co.cr Jorge Baldioceda (B ’66, B ’68) jbalbal@ice.co.cr


Juan David Morgan (L ’90) juandavid.morganjr@morimor.com


Augusto Martinez (B ’90) augustoviaje@hotmail.com


Buenos aires Aldo Spicacci-Citarella (L ’01) aldospicacci@ciudad.com.ar

*For more information on club leadership opportunities, please call 1-877-4TULANE or email alumni@tulane.edu • alumni.tulane.edu Do you know someone who would make a great ambassador for Tulane University? The Nominating Committee of the Tulane Alumni Association is seeking nominations for the association’s Board of Directors, to be seated July 1, 2014. For more information, please visit tulane.edu/alumni/nominations or call 1-877-4TULANE.

TUlane M A G A Z I N E

Office of University Publications 31 McAlister Drive, Drawer 1 New Orleans, LA 70118-5624

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