Tulanian Fall 2009

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Tulanian T H E M AG A Z I N E O F


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175 Ways Tulane Has Rocked the World

We mark the university’s demisemiseptcentennial with a compendium of achievements. TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE Social entrepreneurship touts profit, planet and people.

CRAZIER THAN ADVERTISED Sideshows of New Orleans occupy the chronicles of Angus Lind.


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12 175 Ways Tulane Has Rocked the World Check out 175 tidbits about Tulane events and people and their accomplishments—from combating yellow fever to orbiting the Earth— as we celebrate the university’s demisemiseptcentennial.

22 Triple Bottom Line

by Ryan Rivet

Profit, planet and people—the new business model is here to stay.

26 Crazier Than Advertised by Nick Marinello Angus Lind looks back on 40 years of writing about New Orleans’ zany characters and quirky proclivities.



4 President’s Perspective Scott Cowen foretells New Orleans as a model city for the 21st century and asks you to spread the word.

5 Inside Track


• Convocation for new students page • Bipartisan summit on campus • Cowen in TIME’s top 10 • Life and literature in New Orleans • Zale Writer-in-Residence is 25 • Kidney transplant hope • Economic recovery has risks • Brains compute sound in space • Origins of free people of color • New smallpox vaccine in progress • Finding causes of arsenic in water in India

10 Photo Riff A map ties first-year students to their hometowns.

30 Giving Back Reunion classes give generously at homecoming.

31 The Classes Read about what your classmates and other Tulane alumni are doing.

40 Associates and Donor Honor Roll Contributors to the university are recognized.

48 New Orleans What if no one beats dem Saints?



Randy Sparks, professor of history, has co-edited a book about manumission, the freeing of individual slaves while the institution of slavery continues, from medieval Spain to the 19th-century Americas.

Front cover: Tulane turns the world for 175 years. Inside front cover: Students troop to class on the uptown campus on a rainy September day. Photo by Paula Burch-Celentano.

VOL. 81, NO.2


Tulanian Editor Mary Ann Travis mtravis@tulane.edu Features Editor Nick Marinello mr4@tulane.edu “The Classes” Editor Fran Simon fsimon@tulane.edu Contributors Alicia Duplessis Jasmin aduples@tulane.edu Ryan Rivet rrivet@tulane.edu Keith Brannon kbrannon@tulane.edu Arthur Nead anead@tulane.edu Mark Miester mark@tulane.edu

betweenThelines|backTalk One hundred seventy-five years and counting This year, Tulane University celebrates 175 years since its founding as a medical school in 1834. So much happened in all those years, we couldn’t begin to tell you the whole story in a few pages. So we decided to pick and choose “175 Ways Tulane Has Rocked the World.” We admit we hardly had a system for putting together the list. We looked back at the history of this amazing and resilient institution and the people educated here, including you, and put in what jumped out. Random as it is, our compilation presents a fascinating picture of achievement and contributions to the world; we hope you agree. Angus Lind, a 1966 College of Arts and Sciences graduate, has contributed his own take on characters and occurrences in New Orleans. In “Crazier Than Advertised,” Nick Marinello takes a trip down memory lane with Lind, a columnist and reporter for local daily newspapers for more than 40 years. In “Triple Bottom Line,” Ryan Rivet talks to four people with a passion for profit, people and planet. A credit to Tulane, they are part of a new generation committed to social entrepreneurship and right in step with the illustrious progress of a great educational institution.

Brandon Meginley bmeginle@tulane.edu

Mary Ann Travis Editor, Tulanian

Maureen King mking2@tulane.edu Art Director Melinda Viles mviles@tulane.edu University Photographer Paula Burch-Celentano pburch@tulane.edu Production Coordinator and Graphic Designer Sharon Freeman sfree@tulane.edu Graphic Designer Tracey O’Donnell tbodonn@tulane.edu President of the University Scott S. Cowen Vice President of University Communications Deborah L. Grant (PHTM ’86) Executive Director of Publications Carol Schlueter (B ’99) cjs@tulane.edu Tulanian (USPS 017-145) is a quarterly magazine pub lished by the Tulane Office of University Publications. Periodical postage at New Orleans, LA 70113 and additional mailing offices. Send editorial correspondence to: Tulanian, 31 McAlister Drive, Drawer 1, New Orleans, LA 70118-5624, or e-mail tulanian@tulane.edu. Opinions expressed in Tulanian are not necessarily those of Tulane representatives and do not necessarily reflect university policies. Material may be reprinted only with permission. Tulane University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tulanian, 31 McAlister Drive, Drawer 1, New Orleans, LA 70118-5624. Fall 2009/ Vol. 81, No.2

HULLABALOO GIFTS Congratulations on the excellent article [summer 2009] on the Hullabaloo! I came to Tulane as a freshman in the fall of 1970, and on the invitation of Rick Streiffer joined the paper as Assistant News Editor in my first semester. By then the wave of organized protest and disruption had mostly passed. But it was exciting to be there all the same. With a few staff resignations I found myself in the position of News Editor in my second semester. I remember most of the people mentioned in the article, and it is wonderful (and sometimes sad) to hear what became of them. I will also say that taking the position of News Editor in my freshman year was a trial by ordeal for me (what did I know about being a news editor?), but it had its payoff in forcing me to develop the required abilities. One day, for no particular reason at all, I became able to visualize and compose whole articles or feature columns in my mind, which I could then type up in one sitting. It is a gift that keeps on giving. Thank you Hullabaloo! Yes, those were historic times, and it was my great pleasure in revisiting them through your splendid article. Alan P. Loeb, A&S ’74, L ’79 Washington, D.C.

EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT I believe that your article contains two factual errors. First, … I do not think that William F. Buckley appeared at Tulane during the 1969–70 academic year. Instead, Mr. Buckley appeared at the Direction ’69 Speakers Symposium, which took place at the uptown campus in mid April 1969. … I could be wrong, but I do not believe that William F. Buckley Jr. was at Tulane twice in two consecutive academic years. … Second, … the 1969 Tulane football team (i.e., the one that played in the fall of the 1969–70 academic year) had a 3-7 record and did not go to any bowl game. But the 1970 Tulane football team (i.e., the one that played in the fall of the 1970–71 academic year) enjoyed an 8-4 record that was capped off by Tulane’s 17-3 upset victory over the University of Colorado in the Liberty Bowl, played on Dec. 12, 1970. Edwin O. Schlesinger, A&S ’69, Law ’71 New Orleans THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES As a member of the Class of 1970, I certainly enjoyed your article on the Hullabaloo 1969–70 by Nick Marinello. It brought back a lot of memories of the interesting times that were the late 1960s and how they impacted both Tulane

backTalk and New Orleans. Although I did not work on the Hullabaloo staff, I did work for WTUL and remember meeting several of the individuals profiled in the article. I also remember the sit-in at the Student Union since I was doing a radio show from the basement at the time and recall that many of the students I met seemed more interested in having fun and socializing as opposed to protesting. I get many publications every month but yours is one of the few I consistently find interesting and informative. Keep up the good work. Brad Reynolds, E ’70, B ’71 Richmond, Va. MORE MEMORIES I received the print edition in the mail a few days back, and reading the article on the campus riots brought back memories. It was my first, in the flesh experience with the loony left. Thanks, Tulane for an experience not described in any course catalogue! There was one fellow who said that he was going to stop the engineering students from going to class by lying down in front of the Mechanical Engineering Building. I told him I was going to wear my golf shoes to class that day. Those classes were held, but eventually all classes were shut down, short-changing me of the education my parents and I were paying for. Slackers with bullhorns, I call them now. John T. Mahoney Jr., E ’72, B ’75 Jacksonville, Fla. JUSTIFIED I had not thought about my time as Assistant News Editor and Features Editor on the Hullabaloo (1969-1971) for several decades. When I arrived in New Orleans as a bewildered 16-year-old in August 1969, the Hullabaloo staff became my de facto family and about the only stable part of my life. Thanks for bringing me back to the days in the UC basement, where columns were justified by hand and weekly break-ins of the campus publications office were necessary to meet the printer’s deadlines. Mike Simpson, A&S ’73 Tallahassee, Fla.

TALENT GALORE I greatly enjoyed the depth and scope of the piece on the Hullabaloo as a time capsule for campus changes in 1969. I am continuously amazed at the presence and resilience of this little weekly newspaper in a university with no journalism department. Many of the talented people who have worked at the Hullabaloo and for the Jambalaya have gone on to make their mark in journalism, photojournalism, and artistic photography. You could look it up! Dan Fishbein, A&S ’76 and Hullabaloo Editor, ’76 Denver, Colo. GIRL BEHIND THE FOSTER GRANTS Your great article brought back a lot of memories. The unnamed student on the bottom of page 16 is my classmate Charlotte Beyer (NC ’71) Peachy Clark Melancon, NC ’71 Napoleonville, La.

resulted, but I know that at least one timeless memory did. Maury Midlo, A&S ’56 and Hullabaloo Editor, 1955–56 Austin, Texas ENJOYMENT I … received the new issue … and really enjoyed it! Loved the 1942 Derby photo, the commentary on the Hullaballoo staff in the early ’70s, and the Tulane Cat photos on back! Chrissy Hayden Foderick, NC ’96 Alexandria, Va. BLOWN AWAY I am blown away by the content of the Tulanian. How refreshing to have a university that supports such a sensitive, creative effort. Gerald F. Courter, SW ’60 Colfax, Wash. HOW IRONIC In the same issue where you recognized the students who were a part of the Hullabaloo of the late ’60s, in the back of the magazine you listed Jerald D. Adair (A&S ’89) who died on Jan. 18, 2008. I remember Jerry as a friend and fellow photographer on the Hullabaloo staff of the mid ’80s. Prayers to his family and God bless. Vicente Farinas (A&S ’88, M ’92) Renton, Wash.

WRITTEN IN STONE Kathryn Hobgood’s story (summer ’09) about Tulane students’ admirable work at Lafayette Cemetery reminded me of a “field trip” Tulane students made to a cemetery about 55 years ago. Journalism professor Thomas Sancton led his Feature Writing class to the Girod Street Cemetery downtown near the site of the railroad station and the future Superdome. The cemetery had been neglected for years and that plus the upcoming demolition of the area made it a poignant example of how the passage of time can change even death’s permanence. Many tombs had been broken into and relics and nonsalable mementos scattered among trash and debris. I don’t know that any timeless writing

ST. LOUIS NO. 2 I read Tulanian cover to cover. It is my best source of keeping in touch. In your summer 2009 edition there was an article on Lafayette cemetery No. 1. I have a tomb in St. Louis No. 2. My greatgreat-grandfather, John Banks, was interred there in 1842. If any Tulanian has information on this tomb, I would like to hear from them. Lawrence Albert Smith, E ’51 Oxnard, Calif.

drop us

Your letters are always welcome. a E-mail is the best way to reach us: tulanian@tulane.edu. You can also write us by U.S. mail: Tulanian, University Publications, Suite 219, 200 Broadway, New Orleans, LA 70118.



president’sPerspective Thinking beyond recovery In nine months, New Orleans and the Gulf Coast region will commemorate the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. This anniversary is likely to be the last one to garner considerable national visibility as Katrina fades from the American consciousness. It is crucial that the City of New Orleans takes the time now to think about how it wants others to perceive our city and our rebuilding efforts as well as take the necessary steps to ensure that the anniversary message we send is the one we want people to hear. It also will be an occasion for our alumni, no matter where you are living, to amplify this message. After President Barack Obama’s visit to the city in October, Amy Liu of the Brookings Institute aptly stated that the fifth anniversary of Katrina will be a major milestone in the city’s projected long-term recovery. She asked: What will be the community’s unified message about its progress and vision for the future? How we answer this question will shape the perceptions others have of New Orleans and establish expectations about the city’s future. Personally, I hope our message is that New Orleans is not only en route to a full recovery but is thinking beyond recovery, with the aspiration to become “The Model City for the 21st Century,” a city defined by its resiliency and commitment to community transformation and civic activism. New Orleans has the potential to become such a model. It has retained its distinctive characteristics while dramatically transforming itself in ways that can serve as an example for other cities. New Orleans has been resilient and is demonstrating the power of citizen activism as it converts tragedy into opportunity and positive change. Becoming “The Model City” is a work in progress, but the potential to achieve the vision exists. By the fifth Katrina anniversary, we must articulate a vision and describe it in an inspirational and credible set of powerful messages. Those of us who live and work in the city must hold ourselves accountable for achieving the vision. If we do, we can proudly say that


Katrina did not defeat us; it made us stronger and better as we went beyond recovery to community renewal. If you do not live in the region and are not up to speed on the recovery that is under way here, you can help by educating yourself on the efforts that your university and the entire community have made in the last four years to rebuild a stronger, better city. During his visit, President Obama told us “change is hard, and big change is even harder.” New Orleans knows this well. New Orleanians have worked hard to change the city during the rebuilding process while also retaining the character, heritage and playful exuberance for which our city is known and celebrated. The improvements in public education and ethics reform prove that we are capable of significant, positive change. Likewise, our desire to positively impact health care, the criminal justice system, neighborhoods, transportation, wetlands restoration and flood protection shows that we recognize what is important as we look to our future. Sadly, this opportunity for civic transformation would probably not have occurred absent

Hurricane Katrina. We owe it to those who suffered and sacrificed to take Katrina’s tragedy and transform it into sustainable positive change. If tragedy leads to a substantially better future for all of us, it is because our experiences—positive and negative—can inform others around the country committed to community revitalization. It will demonstrate our character as New Orleanians and the legitimacy of the city’s claim on the title “The Model City for the 21st Century.” The key to defining, communicating and realizing our vision and community message lies in superb leadership throughout the community. With capable leadership, anything is possible. Those of us who are New Orleanians have the responsibility to exhibit exemplary individual leadership in whatever we do and to support deserving political and organizational leadership in others. For those of you who live elsewhere but have left some measure of your heart in New Orleans, now is the time to embrace your role as an ambassador for the city. Remember all that you cherished during your time here and learn all you can about the positive transformations that are taking place. And share this with your friends. Let’s commemorate the fifth anniversary of Katrina as the rebirth of a city, a celebration of resilience and a desire to succeed no matter the odds.

This message is adapted from an opinion piece published in the Times-Picayune on Oct. 24.

inside Track Rapt attention First-year students are all ears during the President’s Convocation, in which they receive their ceremonial introduction to Tulane. Every student is given a Tulane T-shirt as they enter McAlister Auditorium, the traditional venue for the convocation. While the front of the shirt is emblazoned with the familiar university logo, the shirt’s back promotes what has quickly become a campus slogan: “Only at Tulane. Only in New Orleans.”

newsNotes | insideTrack Unexpected questions and fast typing

(From left) Democrat Hilary Rosen and Republicans Steve Schmidt, Charlie Black and Jeff Larson hash out what’s fair in politics during the Bipartisan Policy Center’s inaugural political summit at Tulane.

Politics (not) as usual As top national consultants from the nation’s two major political parties gathered at Tulane for a twoday conference dedicated to finding common ground, Republican consultant and political commentator Mary Matalin set the tone by proclaiming, “One man’s poison is another man’s Kool-Aid.” Matalin and her husband, James Carville, a Democratic strategist and political science professor of practice, co-chaired the summit that was marked by cordiality and lived up to its title, “Taking the Poison out of Partisanship.” When Walter Isaacson, CEO of the Aspen Institute and moderator of the opening discussion, asked how Republicans and Democrats can find common ground, Kiki McLean, a Democratic political consultant, said that one way for the opposing sides to have civil discourse is through summits “like this where people get to know one another.” Ronald Brownstein, political director for Atlantic Media Co. and a session moderator, described the

panelists as the “smartest minds in politics wrestling with the toughest issues” of the day. Among the panelists was Steve Schmidt, senior campaign strategist for John McCain. He said while politics may appear destructive, at least, “in this country, we don’t throw Molotov cocktails, we run negative ads.” Schmidt said that although McCain has had a bipartisan approach to politics for much of his career, his campaign was not successful in conveying that to voters during the 2008 election. “Obama won because he presented himself as the postpartisan candidate,” said Schmidt. Asked whether Obama’s “elevator is now going up or down,” John Anzalone, a Democratic pollster drew laughs by saying Obama “doesn’t wait for the elevator; he runs up the steps.” The bipartisan summit, held in November at the Lavin-Bernick Center, was sponsored by the Bipartisan Policy Center of Washington, D.C. —Mary Ann Travis Mary Ann Travis is editor of Tulanian.

Scott Cowen makes TIME’s Top 10 TIME magazine named Tulane President Scott Cowen among the nation’s 10 Best College Presidents in its Nov. 13 issue. Citing Cowen as “both a deft academic leader and a committed civic booster” who has given Tulane “a sense of renewed vigor,” the magazine selected him for its list of “Nine Presidents to Watch.” Cowen’s diligent work on behalf of Tulane and New Orleans after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina is cited in the article. Cowen said he appreciated that the magazine noted Tulane’s contribution to the community as well as its rising academic profile. Regarding the pride he feels about his adopted hometown, he says, “I am in love with New Orleans. Especially after Katrina, I developed a passion for and identity with the city that has become a big part of my life and who I am.”


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Dan Baum disagrees with the age-old axiom, “Write what you know.” Instead, “You should write about what you know nothing about, because then you’ve got to ask questions,” said Baum, who asked countless questions while researching his book, Nine Lives: Death and Life in New Orleans. Baum, who spoke on campus in October, added that there was no shortage of answers to the questions he asked. “This is a storytelling city, and these people were traumatized,” Baum said to a captivated audience in Cudd Hall. “It was a perfect situation to get long and candid interviews.” Like many journalists, Baum came to New Orleans after the levees failed to protect the city in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. He was working for the New Yorker magazine and then wound up living in the city for four months, maintaining a daily blog and stitching together the narrative patchwork about the lives of New Orleanians that would become Nine Lives. “Nobody was writing about who these people are and who they were before the flood, and, therefore, why the flood was so painful,” Baum said with compassion. Baum, whose speech was part of an honors English course, “Literary New Orleans,” gave practical advice on interviewing: Use a laptop to transcribe the conversation, learn how to type fast, and ask unexpected questions. “The way you make your story different from everybody else’s is to ask questions that have nothing to do with the subject at hand,” he said. “I was here asking stuff that had nothing to do with Katrina.” Baum now lives in Boulder, Colo., a city he describes as the “anti-New Orleans.” “Outside of New Orleans, it’s all about ‘me, me, me,’” he said. “What I’m trying to do with the book is say, look, there’s still this place in the United States where people know what it means to live their lives, and not just achieve something with their lives.” —Brandon Meginley Brandon Meginley is a senior majoring in journalism at Tulane University.

insideTrack | newsNotes Wind in their sails It was the most excruciating reading of her work that Ann Patchett had ever given. Patchett was the Zale Writer-in-Residence at Tulane in 1999. And she was presenting a public reading of the beginning of Bel Canto, a novel that she was halfway through writing. Bel Canto, published in 2001, eventually became one of Patchett’s most acclaimed novels. But that night in Freeman Auditorium of the Woldenberg Art Center before an audience of Tulane students and faculty, “I thought, ‘I am bombing,’ ” says Patchett. Patchett cut her reading short because the audience was so quiet and apparently unengaged. But at the reception afterwards, students came up to Patchett, telling her that it was the most riveting reading they’d ever been to. “I was shocked,” says Patchett. “I completely misread the audience.” Visiting writers—as well as regular teachers— never exactly know the impact they are having. “It’s about timing,” says Patchett. For some students, interaction with a visiting writer could be the “most important thing that happened to them in college. It’s about, did you say the right thing at the right time?” The student is like a boat, says Patchett, and the teacher is the wind. “Did you catch that sail at the right moment? Did you take them someplace they needed to go?” The Zale Writer-in-Residence program is all about catching women writers—novelists, poets, essayists, short story writers and playwrights— midway in their rise to prominence and bringing them to campus where they can profoundly influence students, says Dana Zale Gerard, a 1985 Newcomb College graduate, who established the program the same year she graduated. Each year for 24 years, a Zale Writer-inResidence has spent about a week on campus, going to classes, participating in workshops, giving interviews and presenting public readings. And in its web archive, the program preserves a lasting record of the writers’ visits. Students learn when they interact with the authors that writing is “not for the faint of heart,” says Gerard. While students grasp that it’s not easy to be a writer, they also see that “it is possible,” she says. The M.B. and Edna Zale Foundation and

A collage created by Dana Zale Gerard celebrates the Zale Writer-in-Residence program. The ExBoyfriend Cookbook by Thisbe Nissen, the 2003 Zale Writer-in-Residence at Tulane, inspired Gerard to produce the artwork.

Barnes & Noble College Booksellers have supported the Zale Writer-in-Residence program up until now. But as the program enters its 25th year, Gerard says that she hopes other donors will be willing to help it go forward with an endowment for another 25 years. Amy Hempel will be the 25th Zale Writer-inResidence. Hempel is the author of several prizewinning short story collections. Her short story, “In the Cemetery Where Al Jolson Is Buried,” is one of the most anthologized stories of the past few decades. Hempel’s public reading, which is free and open to the public, will be March 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Kendall Cram Lecture Hall of the Lavin-Bernick Center. The Zale Writer-in-Residence program is coordinated through the Newcomb College Center for Research on Women. Emerita executive director of the center Beth Willinger and English professors Peter Cooley and Dale Edmonds, who was Gerard’s teacher when she was a student, have been on the committee that selects the Zale writers since 1985. Students such as senior Faine Greenwood also are instrumental in planning the writer-inresidence’s week. Greenwood, for example, interviewed the 2009 Zale Writer Claire Messud,

and she’ll stay on the Zale committee until she graduates. “Students learn how to plan and execute a successful series of events,” says Gerard. “They gain life skills that they may not otherwise learn in a classroom setting.” The Zale Writer-in-Residence website is: http://newcomb.tulane.edu/nccrow-programszale-writers-in-residence. —Mary Ann Travis

25 Zale Writers-in-Residence Amy Hempel Claire Messud Michelle Tea Elizabeth McCracken Julie Orringer Ellen Gilchrist Thisbe Nissen Joanna Scott Edwidge Danticat Jessica Hagedorn Ann Patchett Octavia Butler Deb Margolin



Ellen Bryant Voigt Dorothy Allison Lee Smith Rosellen Brown Linda Hogan Sonia Sanchez Ellen Douglas E.M. Bronner Gloria Naylor Nancy Willard Carolyn Forche Alison Lurie

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newsNotes | insideTrack Kidney success A single kidney from a very young donor maintains the health of an adult with kidney failure as well as does a kidney from an older donor, according to a study by Dr. Rubin Zhang and colleagues in the Tulane Abdominal Transplant Institute. The study results published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology may have implications for the 80,000 individuals in the United States waiting for kidney transplants. Four thousand Americans die each year waiting for an organ to become available. In the past, transplanting both pediatric kidneys into an adult has been thought to provide better kidney function, and surgeons at most transplant centers do not usually divide kidneys when the deceased donor is under 5 years old. According to the study, “single pediatric kidney transplants from donors less than 5 years can be utilized with acceptable complications and good long-term outcomes,” says Zhang. The chance to give the kidneys from one donor to two patients could increase kidney transplants. Study co-authors are Tulane colleagues Dr. Anil Paramesh, Dr. Sandy Florman, C. Lillian Yau, Dr. Saravanan Balamuthusamy, Dr. N. Kevin Krane and Dr. Douglas Slakey. —Keith Brannon Keith Brannon is assistant director of public relations.

Investment manager Howard Marks, right, talks with Tulane business student Albert Farr.

Risky business To investment manager Howard Marks, the roots of the nation’s financial crisis can be summed up in a simple observation: When people think there’s no risk, that’s the riskiest situation imaginable. Marks, chair of the investment firm Oaktree Capital Management and a respected observer of the economy, delivered the R. W. Freeman Distinguished Lecture at the A. B. Freeman School of Business in September. Marks said the stage for a crisis was set by trends toward using borrowed money to invest and a willingness to assume virtually any risk in pursuit of high returns. In the collective psychology of the market, the fear of missing an opportunity eclipsed the fear of losing money.

“Fear of loss, risk aversion and caution are the things that keep markets in health and in balance,” Marks said. Marks predicted a slow recovery based on poor sales, high unemployment and a shrinking industrial base. “We will have recovery,” Marks said to a packed audience of students. “I just don’t think the next 10 to 15 years will be as strong as the last 10 to 15 years prior to ’07.” In the end, Marks said the best advice he can give clients is to prepare for the worst but hope for the best. “No one ever went bust preparing for tough times,” Marks said. —Mark Miester Mark Miester is a senior editor at the A. B. Freeman School and editor of Freeman magazine.

How the brain “hears” space Most people take for granted the ability to discern where things are happening in the environment. But this ability is actually the result of sophisticated circuits in the brain devoted to processing spatial information, says Ed Golob, assistant professor of psychology in the Tulane School of Science and Engineering. “The brain goes through a lot of trouble to represent the space around us,” says Golob. Hearing is particularly valuable because our ears can detect sounds coming from all directions. Golob is looking at how the brain uses spatial information when attending to a task, while also being sensitive to unexpected events. An example of this is how people can carry on a conversation in a noisy, crowded restaurant, but also orient to the location of breaking glass if someone drops a cup. Golob has received a five-year, $768,000 Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation to study how the brain computes sound location and uses that information to guide attention and alert the motor system for action. The grant also is funding a joint program with Xavier University to attract more students to graduate study in neuroscience and psychology. —Keith Brannon






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insideTrack | newsNotes Manumission in the Atlantic World

Arsenic poisoning a mystery

During the centuries when the transatlantic slave trade prevailed, it was rare for a slave to break out of servitude. But it did happen and often it was through a legal transaction. Manumission—the act of releasing an individual from slavery—is a topic that has been little explored until now, says Randy Sparks, professor of history and chair of the department. Sparks is co-editor of Paths to Freedom: Manumission in the Atlantic World, published by the University of South Carolina Press this year. Sparks and co-editor, Rosemary Brana-Shute, have gathered a collection of essays by scholars looking at manumission across slave systems— from medieval Spain to the late-19th-century Americas. “One thing that comes out of these studies is an understanding that manumission is a process,” says Sparks. “It’s not the single act itself. There’s usually a story of some kind that precedes, and there’s a story that follows.” These stories typically navigate a complex web of relationships running from the white community through the slave community to the free black community. Manumitted slaves were “constantly trying to reach back into slavery and pull out their own relatives or loved ones,” says Sparks. A manumitted slave could be a house servant granted her freedom as a reward for faithful

Two decades ago, the government in West Bangal, India, encouraged people to drink groundwater instead of contaminated surface water. Over time, the groundwater drinkers began to show signs of arsenic poisoning, including discoloration of their hands and feet and higher than normal rates of certain cancers. Karen Johannesson, professor of earth and environmental sciences, is trying to determine the cause of arsenic levels that are 400 times higher than is considered safe by the World Health Organization. “What are the processes that are occurring in these systems that are leading to very high concentrations in the waters? It is completely naturally occurring, which actually makes it more complicated,” she explains. Johannesson and her collaborators, including graduate student Jade Haug, have been collecting groundwater and sediment samples to analyze the concentrations of arsenic. “We are also doing microcosm experiments to sort out whether the arsenic is there by biologic processes or is microbially driven,” says Johannesson. Haug says the situation is frustrating to researchers and Indian villagers alike. “You go there and you can see tension in their faces, that they have had researchers coming in and out, but no one can tell them how to stop the arsenic poisoning. They just want an answer.” —Madeline Vann Madeline Vann (PHTM ’98) is a freelance contributor to Tulanian.

Histor y professor and chair Randy Sparks says that free people of color, black slaves and white masters navigated a complex web of relationships from medieval times to the late 19th century.

service or a male slave freed to serve in a militia organized by whites. Male slaves who were bricklayers and carpenters sometimes were allowed to self-purchase their freedom when their masters hired out their labor. “They are, in fact, paying the owners, often at full-market value or even above it, for their own freedom,” says Sparks. Rates of manumission were highest in urban areas and lowest on rural plantations. “Wherever you look, though, the rates are very low, probably one slave out of every 500 to 1,000 per year,” says Sparks. —Mary Ann Travis

Smallpox drug in development The Tulane National Primate Research Center is participating in a nationwide program to develop an inhaled version of an antiviral drug for treatment of smallpox, a disease that was eradicated worldwide by the late 1970s but has reemerged as a possible weapon of bioterrorists. “The threat of smallpox is unique in that most of the population has not been vaccinated against smallpox because the natural threat was officially eliminated in 1980,” says Chad J. Roy, principal investigator of the development program. “Now the specter of smallpox and its use as a weapon of terror has necessitated a revival in the development of effective medical products— vaccines and therapeutics—against the disease.” The primate center will test the effectiveness of the inhaled antiviral treatment on monkeypox, a virus used as a surrogate to study pox-viral infection. This work will take place in the center’s new Regional Biosafety Laboratory. The development of the inhaled antiviral is funded through a five-year, $30.9 million contract from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health. —Arthur Nead Arthur Nead is a media specialist in the public relations office.


Professor of earth and environmental sciences Karen Johannesson, center, and graduate student Jade Haug, right, are trying to find the cause of poisonous arsenic in drinking water in India.



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Colored yarn on a map stretches to the hometowns of first-year students living in Josephine Louise House. Resident adviser and sophomore Rachael Isle of Shakopee, Minn., decorated the map and posted it on a hallway bulletin board to welcome students on move-in day.






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However you say it—demisemiseptcentennial or quartoseptcentennial, if you prefer— the 175th anniversary of Tulane University of Louisiana calls for celebration.

Discoveries made, works of art and literature created and boundaries of justice pushed. This is the stuff in our list of 175 Tulane people, achievements and events that have altered both the university and the universe.





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The Medical College of Louisiana, precursor to Tulane University, combats yellow fever and cholera, raises medical standards and trains physicians when it is founded in New Orleans in 1834 by seven young doctors. With the medical college as its matrix, the University of Louisiana is established by a new state constitution in 1845. Faculties in law, letters and natural science become part of the university. Established in 1847, the Tulane School of Law is the 12th oldest in the United States. Tulane University comes into being in 1884 when the Louisiana legislature turns over the assets of the struggling University of Louisiana to 17 administrators of a




fund established by merchant Paul Tulane “for the promotion and encouragement of intellectual, moral, and industrial education” among local residents. The manual training department of Tulane University exhibits its work at the World’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition in 1884. The exposition—the largest the world has ever seen—is held at the city’s edge in Audubon Park, across the street from what becomes the university’s uptown campus. In 1886, Josephine Louise Newcomb founds H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College at Tulane University in memory of her daughter. The avowed purpose of Newcomb College is to make available a liberal education for women on a level equal to that offered to men.

The compilation is not comprehensive, but it offers, we hope, a fun index of Tulane growth and accomplishment.



Dr. Rudolph Matas, an 1880 Tulane medical school graduate, travels to Cuba on an internship with the U.S. Havana Yellow Fever Commission. He conducts microscopic studies of living yellow fever samples that lead to the discovery that the mosquito is the carrier of the dreaded fever. He later joins the medical school faculty and becomes a professor of surgery. Known as the “Father of Vascular Surgery,” Matas invents more than 20 surgical procedures during his 42 years teaching at the medical school. Dr. Charles Bass, dean of the medical school (1922–40), is known as the “Father of Preventive Dentistry.” His studies focus on the activity of microorganisms in



human saliva. When these microorganisms combine with oral plaque, tooth decay occurs. Bass advocates for daily removal of oral bacteria through proper use of a toothbrush and dental floss. 9 Drs. Alton Ochsner and Michael DeBakey, medical school physicians, are the first doctors to link smoking cigarettes to lung cancer in a paper published in 1939. Often ridiculed by his peers, Ochsner compaigned against lung cancer his whole career by trying to persuade people to quit smoking and by developing techniques for lung surgery. 10 Dr. Michael DeBakey (A&S ’30, M ’32), a medical school faculty member in 1937–48,

helps develop tests to ensure the safety of vaccines for polio and measles. She is the first woman appointed director of the National Institutes of Health in the 1990s. 15 A pioneer in in vitro fertilization, Dr. Fred Wirth (M ’67) is the first U.S. test-tubebaby doctor. The first American “test-tube” baby conceived is Elizabeth Carr, born Dec. 28, 1981. She is the 15th such birth worldwide. More than a million test-tube babies have been born since. 16 Stephen D.Cook (E ’74, G ’78), a medical school professor of orthopaedics, develops the Longterm Stable Fixation hip, known as the Tulane Hip, in the 1980s. 17 In 2001, the Tulane Center for Gene

21 The Academic Building is constructed in 1894 on a circular muddy drive facing St. Charles Avenue. Later, it’s renamed Gibson Hall for Randall Lee Gibson, a former Confederate General, U.S. senator from Louisiana and the first president of the Board of Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund. 22 Brown Ayres (1856–1919), physicist and astronomer, designs a physical laboratory built on the uptown campus in 1894. The building faces north and south for natural lighting and for convenience during use of magnetic instruments. The building is enlarged in 1979 and renamed F. Edward

invents a pump that becomes a key component in heart-lung machines used in heart surgery. He continues performing heart surgery well into his 90s. Dr. George M. Haik (M ’34) is a pioneer in cataract surgery and performs the first corneal transplant in the South at Charity Hospital in New Orleans in 1943. Dr. Robert G. Heath establishes the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at the medical school in 1949. Chair of the department until 1980, he is the first researcher to delineate a neurophysiological basis for pleasure in the human brain in schizophrenia and to postulate schizophrenia as an autoimmune disorder. Dr. William J. Mogabgab, (A&S ’42, M ’44), chief of infectious diseases at the medical school, is the first researcher to isolate the common cold virus in 1955. Dr. Ruth Kirschstein (M ’51), a pathologist,

Therapy is established. It is the first major center in the United States to focus on research using adult stem cells. 18 Dr. Roy S. Weiner, professor of medical oncology, develops methods in the 1990s for freezing and thawing human mononuclear cells. His research contributes to treatment of adult leukemia as well as breast and lung cancer. 19 Dr. Benjamin Lee, professor of urology, develops in 2009 minimally invasive kidney cancer surgery, in which tumors are frozen, killing cancer cells without using radiation or chemotherapy. 20 The Tulane Community Health Center at Covenant House opens in the days following Hurricane Katrina in fall 2005. The School of Medicine has since opened other community health clinics, providing a new model for healthcare delivery.

Hebert Hall in honor of the late U.S. congressman whose Washington office is reproduced inside. 23 Beta Theta Phi is the first fraternity to buy and remodel its own house around 1900 at the corner of Magnolia (now Zimple) and Audubon streets. 24 The first building in America constructed exclusively for medical school instruction—Richardson Memorial Building—is built on the uptown campus in 1908. Later the medical school moves downtown, and today the School of Architecture occupies the building. 25 In 1912, the Tulane School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine—precursor of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine—is founded. It is the first public health school established in the United States and the only school of tropical medicine in the nation.






26 Tulane’s College of Commerce—the first business school in the South—is founded in 1914. 27 The School of Social Work—the first in the South—is established in 1927. 28 McAlister Auditorium, built in 1940, has the world’s largest self-suspended concrete dome. The saucer dome is approximately 110 feet across. 29 William Joseph Mouton Jr. (E ’53, ’58) develops techniques for driving deep pilings in New Orleans’ soft ground and anchoring them in the hard strata below. The method provides the underpinnings for the growth of the city’s skyline in the 1960s. 30 Architectural Forum reports in 1956 that

French Quarter boundaries remain today as they were denoted in the survey. 33 Preservationists, including William E. Borah (A&S ’61, L ’65), stop a misguided effort to build an elevated highway through the French Quarter in the late 1960s. 34 The A. B. Freeman School of Business partners with Reuters and Trading Technologies in 2007 to build a simulated stock-trading center in Goldring/ Woldenberg Hall II. The center mimics a real trading floor and includes systems used in most commercial trading houses. 35 The Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life opens in 2007. Its design wins recognition from the Committee on the

she does not wear a corset. 40 On Jan. 1, 1932, the Green Wave football team plays the University of Southern California for the national championship in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif. USC beats the Green Wave, 21-12. 41 In 1935, the first Sugar Bowl is played in Tulane Stadium on Willow Street. The Green Wave football team beats Temple University. The postseason contest is called the Sugar Bowl because the stadium is located where a sugar plantation once operated. In the late 1700s, Etienne de Bore perfected the process of making granulated sugar from sugar cane juice here. 42 Dr. Robert W. Brown (M ’50) plays baseball

Phelps and Irby houses, built on the uptown campus in 1954, are “a happy instance of design that looks thoroughly in touch and in sympathy with the joy of living and turns out to be as practical as they come.” The dormitories, whose design is inspired by the Louisiana plantation house and Mississippi River many-decked steamers, have exterior galleries to facilitate ventilation. In an economical arrangement, the sleeping rooms for two adjoin bath and toilet units shared by eight students. 31 Tulane acquires its first computer, an IBM 7044, in 1958 in the School of Business Administration. The business school’s computer laboratory is the first in the South devoted entirely to a university’s program. 32 The Vieux Carré Survey (1961–66), under the direction of School of Architecture dean John Lawrence, records the French Quarter, the original 100-block area of New Orleans.

Environment of the American Institute of Architects as a Top 10 Green Project.

for the New York Yankees (1946–52, 1954)) while studying for his medical degree. Later, he’s president of the American League (1984–94). Tulane wins the NCAA tennis championship in 1959. In the first Super Bowl ever played, in the Los Angeles Coliseum in 1967, Max McGee (A&S ’54) makes a spectacular one-handed catch of a pass thrown by his Green Bay Packer teammate Bart Starr. McGee runs 37 yards to score the first touchdown in Super Bowl history. The Packers beat the Kansas City Chiefs, 35–10, with McGee catching seven passes and scoring two touchdowns. Dave Dixon (B ’43) revolutionizes the sports world of New Orleans. He is instrumental in bringing the Saints NFL franchise to the city and in getting the Louisiana Superdome built. Before it is demolished in 1980, Tulane


TRIUMPHS 36 Tulane wins its first football contest against Louisiana State University, 34-0, on Nov. 25, 1893. 37 Newcomb students wear bloomers to participate in gymnastics in 1894. The abandonment of long skirts during physical education activities generates great controversy among the general public—and some parents. 38 Clara Baer, the first chair of Newcomb’s Department of Physical Education, publishes “Basketball Rules for Women and Girls” in 1895. She also invents “Newcomb Ball.” 39 America’s first female cheerleader in the South is Newcomb College student Rosa Hart in 1919. Dressed in a costume of her own invention—a long, white dress decorated in olive and blue—scandalously,

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Stadium is the site of three Super Bowls (IV in 1970; VI in 1972; and IX in 1975). The stadium also is home to the New Orleans Saints in 1967–74. 47 Saints place kicker Tom Dempsey sets the record for longest field goal of 63 yards in Tulane Stadium on Nov. 8, 1970. This record has never been surpassed, but was tied by the Denver Broncos’ Ja-son Elam in 1998. 48 Green Wave football teams in 1925 and 1998 have undefeated seasons. 49 Tulane becomes a charter member of Conference USA in 1995. In 2009–10, Tulane competes at the NCAA Division I-A level, fielding women’s teams in basketball, cross

53 Tulane finished second in the nation, receiving an A+ grade in the second annual Glass Ceiling Report Card in 2008 for providing coaching opportunities for women. 54 Nearly half of Green Wave student-athletes hold grade-point-averages of 3.0 or higher in 2008–09, with 107 Tulane studentathletes named to the Conference USA Commissioner’s Honor Roll in spring 2009.

country, golf, swimming and diving, tennis, indoor/outdoor track and field, and volleyball and men’s teams in baseball, basketball, football, cross country, outdoor track and field, and tennis. 50 President Scott Cowen leads a national effort in 2003 to expand opportunities for postseason intercollegiate football play for teams not in the existing Bowl Championship Series group. Cowen testifies before Congress and in the court of public opinion, marshaling support from other university presidents and winning concessions from the BCS cartel. 51 The Tulane baseball team earns a trip to the College World Series in 2001, followed by a second appearance in 2005. 52 Tulane football star running back Matt Forte (B ’09) has an outstanding rookie season with the Chicago Bears in 2008 with 1,238 rushing yards and 8 touchdowns.

complete all his courses. This is the only formal, legal training that the young man ever has. He later emerges as “The Kingfish” Huey P. Long, one of Louisiana’s most powerful and colorful politicians, serving as governor and U.S. senator. 56 Twelve Louisiana governors have attended Tulane University. 57 Tulane alumni who have been U.S. senators from Louisiana: Randall Lee Gibson (1883–92), Newton C. Blanchard (1894– 97), Murphy J. Foster (1900–13), Robert F. Broussard (1915–16), Huey P. Long (1932– 35), John H. Overton (1933–1948), Allen J. Ellendar (1937–72), J. Bennett Johnston (1972–97) and David Vitter (2005–present). 58 Lindy Claiborne Boggs (NC ’35) is the first woman in Louisiana elected to the U.S. Congress. She is reelected seven times (1973–91) to represent the 2nd District of Louisiana, which includes part of New

POLITICS AND 55 An ambitious, red-headed farm boy from north Louisiana, Hugh Pierce Long Jr., studies at the Law School as a special student in 1914. He stays only one year and does not

Orleans. She is first appointed to the seat in 1972 to replace her husband, Hale Boggs (A&S ’35, L ’37), when his plane disappears on a flight over Alaska, Hale Boggs serves in Congress in 1941–43 and 1947–72. 59 Bob Livingston (A&S ’64, L ’68) is another Tulane alumnus who serves in the U.S. Congress (1977–99). 60 Newt Gingrich, a Republican U.S. Congressman from Georgia and Speaker of the House, introduces the conservative Contract With America in 1994. Gingrich earns his PhD in history from Tulane in 1971. 61 Gene Taylor (A&S ’76), a Democrat, has represented the 4th District of Mississippi in the U.S. Congress since 1989. Taylor’s

district encompasses the Mississippi coast hard hit by Hurricane Katrina.



62 Ellsworth Woodward and William Woodward, two brothers from Massachusetts, come to the Cotton Exposition in 1884 and then stay to teach painting and drawing at the Newcomb Art School and take leading roles in architectural preservation of the French Quarter. In 1905, William Woodward paints the oil on canvas Pass Christian. 63 The Newcomb Pottery grows out of the ideas of the Arts and Crafts Movement. The designs of the pottery are based on the flora and fauana of the Southern region. More than 70,000 pieces of pottery are produced in an experiment to provide employment for women in a milieu where few opportunities existed. In its heyday, between 1900 and 1915, Newcomb Pottery


wins prizes at seven international expositions, including a bronze medal at the Paris Exposition in 1901. Newcomb Pottery continues to hold its value: a 1904 vase went for $169,200 in a 2009 auction. 64 Artist Caroline Wogan Durieux (NC ’16) moves to Mexico in the 1930s, forming a friendship with Mexican Revolutionary artist Diego Rivera. She works in the 1950s with scientists to develop a new technique in color electron printing using radioactive ink to produce her satiric art. 65 Among the public monuments sculptor Angela Gregory (NC ’25, A ’40) creates is the Statue of Bienville (1955) on Loyola Avenue in New Orleans.

70 Jessie Poesch, professor of art history from 1963 to the 2000s, is a pioneer in the study of Southern art. Among her books are The Art of the South and Newcomb Pottery. 71 Lynda Benglis (NC ’64), a sculptor whose work in polyurethane, gold-leaf, zinc and aluminum evokes sensuality and physicality, shakes up the art world with her own advertisement in which she appears nude in Artforum magazine in 1974. Benglis creates the ad to promote an exhibition of hers as a statement in response to what she sees as the underrepresentation of women in the male-run artistic community. 72 Hunt Slonem (A&S ’73) combines abstract expressionism and representational

Newcomb Department of Art by building hot glass furnaces and teaching students how to use glass as a medium of artistic expression. 76 Born in the Soviet Union and trained in the Russian classical tradition from age 6, Faina Lushtak, a brilliant piano composer, performer and teacher, emigrates to America to join the Newcomb Department of Music in the early 1980s. 77 Bill Malone, professor of history, is nominated for a GRAMMY Award in 1982 for compiling Classic Country Music: The Smithsonian Collection. 78 Brian Skinner (A&S ’86) is an opera tenor who performs internationally under the

66 Jules Struppeck, professor of art and sculptor, is photographer and author of the classic textbook The Creation of Sculpture, published by Henry Holt in 1952. 67 The GRAMMY music awards gets its name in 1958 from Jay Danna (NC ’42). In a nationwide contest, Danna suggests “GRAMMY” because when she used to play the gramophone too loud, her mother would yell at her to “turn down the grammy.” 68 The Hogan Jazz Archive is initiated in 1958 with Ford Foundation funding. The core of the jazz archive’s research collection is oral history interviews with more than 600 pioneer jazz musicians. 69 The playful, colorful abstract expressionist paintings and sculpture of Ida Kohlmeyer (NC ’33, G ’56) are in the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Ogden Museum of Southern Art and the New Orleans Museum of Art, among other collections.

imagery in his paintings that often depict birds, rabbits, butterflies and monkeys as well as portraits of famous people like Abraham Lincoln. Slonem’s work is in more than 80 museums internationally. 73 Photography by William Craft Brumfield, (A&S ’66), a professor of Germanic and Slavic Studies, documents the architecture of Russian Siberia, including churches and neglected buildings. Brumfield’s books include Gold in Azure, A History of Russian Architecture and others. His photographs are part of the collection of the Photographic Archives at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. 74 Two Tulane graduates have been president of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Anthony Jones (G ’68) and Wellington “Duke” Reiter (A ’81). 75 A professor of art since 1976, Gene Koss brings the art of glass sculpture to the

name Fernando del Valle. His roles include Don Jose in Carmen, Rodolfo in La Boheme, Faust in Boito’s Mefistofele and others. 79 The “American Routes” public radio show arrives at Tulane in 2008 when Nick Spitzer, the show’s founder and on-air host, becomes a professor of communication and American studies, and the university steps into the role of co-producer of the show that explores American music, including blues, country, gospel, jazz, rock ’n’ roll and soul. 80 In 2008, the Whitney Biennial presents a sculptural installation made of everyday material by Phoebe Washburn (NC ’96). 81 Charlie Clausner, a drummer and first-year student at Tulane, and his band, Nerds in Disguise, win a 2009 MTV Video Music Award for Best Performance in a Pepsi Rock Band Video. The band’s video uses the song “My Own Worst Enemy” by Lit.


AND PRIZEWINNERS 82 John L. Riddell, a medical college professor, invents the binocular microscope in 1852. 83 Considered the greatest chess player of his era and unofficial World Chess Champion, Paul Morphy receives a law degree in 1857, memorizing the entire Louisiana Civil Code. That same year he participates in the first American Chess Congress held in New York City, crushing all opponents. The following year he travels to Europe and in match after match proves that he has no equal. In one stunt held in Paris, Morphy plays eight simultaneous games while blindfolded. He wins six games and draws two games.

career in fashion that spans 40 years. 88 No-iron cotton is invented in 1958 by Ruth Rogan Benerito (NC ’35, G ’ 38). She works with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Southern Regional Research Center for three decades and secures 55 patents, including “wash-and-wear” cotton. 89 Ira Harkey (A&S ’41), editor and publisher of the Pascagoula, Miss., Chronicle-Star wins a Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing in 1963 for his anti-segregation editorials during the civil rights crisis surrounding the admission of James Meredith to the University of Mississippi. 90 Shirley Ann Grau (NC ’50) wins a Pulitzer Prize in 1964 for her novel The Keepers

Award from the Fellowship of Southern Writers in 2007. Her work is in Best American Poetry, and Cusp, a book of her poems, is published by Houghton Mifflin/Mariner Books in 2003. 96 Lawrence Wright (A&S ’69) wins a Pulitzer Prize in 2007 for The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11.

84 A. Baldwin Wood (E 1899) designs in 1913 the Woodscrew pump that is still used today to keep the streets of New Orleans dry. 85 Alfred H. Clifford, professor of mathematics from 1955 to 1990, is an internationally recognized algebraic theorist. He’s coauthor of The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups and founding editor of the journal Semigroup Forum. 86 In 1957, Harold Rosen (E ’47) leads a team at Hughes Aircraft Co. in California that invents the first worldwide communication satellite in 1958–63. To provide consistent 24-hour communication, the satellite had to remain in orbit around the Earth. Rosen’s solution is for the satellite to be lightweight enough to stabilize itself with continuous spinning. 87 Geoffrey Beene, a 1940s medical school dropout, becomes a top fashion designer for the 1960s “mod” generation. He has a

of the House. It explores black-white relations in the Deep South. Dr. Andrew Schally, a School of Medicine faculty member, is awarded in 1977 the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for his research on brain hormones. John Kennedy Toole (A&S ’58) is posthumously awarded the 1981 Pulitzer Prize for his novel A Confederacy of Dunces. Dr. Louis Ignarro, professor of pharmacology (1973–85), receives the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine. Ignarro’s research while at Tulane shows that nitric oxide has the capacity to relax vascular smooth muscle. This discovery leads to an avalanche of research on the endothelium-derived relaxing factor. David Filo (E ’88) co-founds Yahoo! in 1994 with Jerry Wang. Jennifer Grotz (NC ’93), a poet and translator, wins the Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award and the New Writing

98 In World War II, 147 Tulane professors and administrative personnel enter military service, along with some 4,000 Tulane alumni. 99 In the 1940s, physicist Rose Mooney of the Newcomb faculty becomes one of the highest-ranking female scientists on the Manhattan Project, the code name for a project conducted during World War II to develop the first atomic bomb. 100 The end of America’s involvement in Vietnam is first announced by President Gerald Ford in a speech to students on the Tulane campus in 1975. 101 Tulane President Scott Cowen leads the renewal of Tulane after Hurricane Katrina causes $650 million in damage to Tulane in August 2005. He immediately authorizes cleanup and repair of the university’s campuses as soon as the storm passes. 102 Tulane Emergency Medical Services (TEMS), staffed by Tulane undergraduates certified




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STORMS AND 97 Natalie Scott (NC 1909) establishes the Newcomb Unit for war relief in 1915, and after America enters World War I in 1917, she travels by boat to Paris to work with the American Red Cross as an administrator, translator and nurse throughout the war.


as emergency medical technicians, work 20-hour days as a triage team in Baton Rouge, La., and as search-and-rescue workers in New Orleans after Katrina. 103 Students and faculty disperse among more than 600 universities and colleges during the fall 2005 semester when Tulane is closed in the aftermath of the storm. 104 During fall 2005, Gibson Hall serves as headquarters and sleeping quarters for the National Guard stationed in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. 105 In the wake of Katrina, Tulane School of Medicine sets up temporary quarters at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston for the entire school year of 2005–06.

protection, deforestation, deepening channels and the cutting of navigation and drainage canals. 110 Dr. Matthew Bach, professor of physiology, and Claude J. Sperry, professor of electrical engineering, conduct a research project—“Artificial Moonlight”—in 1951–53 for the U.S. Army. Based on their work, the Army constructs a slide rule that field commanders use to set searchlight elevations and azimuths for optimum illumination under various weather conditions. “Artificial Moonlight” greatly improves troop morale on pitch-black nights. 111 Dr. Jack Wickstrom, professor of orthopaedics, and John Martinez, professor of

display either male or female stereotypical sexual behaviors is related to their degree of exposure to the hormone testosterone. Gerall mentors 38 PhDs during his career at Tulane. 115 Miriam John earns a master’s degree in chemical engineering from Tulane in 1972 and goes on to become vice president of Sandia National Laboratories California Division, leading physical scientists, engineers, mathematicians and computer scientists in producing a “lab on a chip” for multiple defense, environmental and medical applications. 116 Prescott Deininger, professor of epideminology, works on the human genome

106 The Student Hurricane Network, co-founded by Tulane law students, attracts more than 2,700 volunteers to provide legal assistance to Gulf Coast residents affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. 107 In an emotional Martin Luther King Jr. Day concert, Wynton Marsalis plays and welcomes students back to New Orleans for the first time since Katrina on Jan. 16, 2006, the day before the start of the spring semester. 108 Janet Woodka (L ’92) is named the federal coordinator for Gulf Coast recovery and rebuilding in March 2009.

mechanical engineering, explore the causes and effects of whiplash in rear-end automobile collisions in the early 1960s. Their work leads to mandatory headrest installation in all cars. 112 Milton Fingerman, ecology and evolutionary biology professor (1954–2000), has a lasting impact on the field of crustacean endocrinology, starting with a study of the diurnal locomotor rhythm of the fiddler crab. 113 Armand Kuris (A&S ’63) is a professor of ecology, evolution and marine biology at the University of California–Santa Barbara. Kuris’ discoveries about marine ecology have potential to control marine pests such as the voracious European green crab. 114 Arnold A. Gerall, professor of psychology (1961–97), ushers in the modern era of behavioral neuroendocrinology. Among his findings is that mammals’ ability to

project, completing the sequence of the polyoma virus genome in 1990. His work is relevant to the causation of cancer, and he continues to conduct basic cancer research. 117 John Perdew, professor of physics, is the most cited scholar in physics and chemistry academic journals because of the contributions he has made toward the development of density-functional theory. His article, “In Defense of the HohenbergKohn Theorem and Density-Functional Theory,” co-authored with chemistry professor Mel Levy and published in 1982, paves the way for a revolution in quantum chemistry that starts with solid-state physics and is all about solving the mysteries of matter. 118 Harold Dundee, biology professor, publishes The Amphibians and Reptiles of Louisiana in 1989, the most comprehensive study of Louisiana’s widely varied

SCIENTISTS AND THEIR 109 Percy Viosca Jr. (A&S ’13, G ’15) documents wildlife in the Louisiana wetlands and is the first scientist in 1925 to sound the alarm about threats to the wetlands by manmade modifications such as flood


herpetofauna ever. Co-authored with Douglas A. Rossman and illustrated by Eugene C. Beckham, the book describes the state’s 130 species of reptiles and amphibians, outlining each animal’s life history as well as feeding, behavioral and reproductive habits. 119 Torbjörn Törnqvist, associate professor of earth and environmental sciences and director of the National Institute for Climatic Change Research Coastal Center at Tulane, announces the bad news in 2008 that the Mississippi Delta is sinking as much as one-fifth of an inch per year. But the good news is that the sinking is mostly limited to the uppermost layer of

sediment, and the land underneath is much more stable than previously thought. 120 Jeff Chambers, associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, determines that the destruction of forest trees from Hurricane Katrina is enough to cancel out a year’s worth of new tree growth in all other U.S. forests. Healthy, growing trees play a vital role in removing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere by photosynthesis, and the reduction in carbon sequestration by forests has the potential to increase the rate of global warming. 121 Investigations by Tom Sherry, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, on the wintering ecology of migratory birds in Jamaica show that the survival of the Black-throated Blue Warbler tracks the El Nino-La Nina climate fluctuations in the Caribbean. His work indicates that the

birds are likely to decline in association with global warming with the intensification of droughts over time. 122 “Chocolate” toothpaste is better than fluoride. Arman Sadeghpour presents this discovery during his doctoral thesis defense at the School of Science and Engineering in 2007, reporting that an extract from chocolate, whose chemical makeup is similar to caffeine, helps to harden teeth and make them less susceptible to tooth decay. Sadeghpour has since founded Theodent, a biotechnology company. His patented finding offers a major innovation in commercial oral care products.

EAGLES 123 Tulane Law School is the only law school in the United States to offer an LLM in admiralty. Tulane also is the first law school to publish a student-edited maritime law review, the Tulane Maritime Law Journal. 124 Judge John Minor Wisdom (L ’29) of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals plays a leading role in four landmark decisions in the 1960s that lead to desegregation of public schools and advancement of civil rights and economic justice. Wisdom receives the Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, from President Bill Clinton in 1993. 125 Under the leadership of dean John Kramer, Tulane Law School in 1987 becomes the first law school in the country to require pro bono service for graduation. 126 Law & Sexuality, founded in 1989, is the

first and only student-edited law review in the United States devoted to legal issues of concern to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. 127 The Environmental Law Clinic is launched in 1989. The clinic represents clients in cases related to environmental justice, air and water quality, wetlands protection, landfills and other environmental issues. 128 American Journal of Comparative Law gives in 2002 the “gold medal” to the comparative and international law program at Tulane Law School. 129 High-ranking judges among Law School alumni are: Justice Elizabeth Weaver (NC ’62, L ’65) of the Michigan Supreme Court

since 1994; Judge Edith Brown Clement (L ’72) of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals since 2001; and Judge William H. Pryor (L ’87) of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals since 2004. 130 Stacey Mitchell (L ’94) is chief of the Environmental Crimes Section at the United States Department of Justice. She is involved with U.S. Coast Guard efforts to detect, deter and prosecute those who illegally discharge pollutants from ships into the oceans, coastal waters and inland waterways. 131 Roberta Shaffer (L ’80) is appointed Law Librarian of Congress in August 2009.



132 Pearlie Hardin Elloie in the School of Social Work and Barbara Marie Guillory in the Graduate School are the first African American students admitted to Tulane.


Elloie earns a master of social work in 1965. Guillory earns a PhD in sociology in 1974. Both become professors at Dillard University in New Orleans. 133 In 1965, Dorothy Randolph becomes the first African American professor at the School of Social Work. 134 In 1966, law student Donald Mintz organizes CACTUS, Community Action Council of Tulane University Students. It is one of the oldest continually operating studentrun volunteer groups in the nation. 135 Since 1986, Tulane has joined every January with Dillard, Xavier, and Loyola universities to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Week for Peace.

University. Former President Bill Clinton appears at the event to launch the program that he created to harness the energy and knowledge of college students to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. 140 In 2008, Tulane President Scott Cowen signs the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, pledging to address the global warming climate challenge and to find ways to minimize global warming emissions. 141 Tulane is named a 2009 Tree Campus USA by the Arbor Day Foundation in recognition of the university’s forestry management and environmental stewardship.

“Meet the Press” (1975–84). 145 Albert H. Cohen (B ’46, ’48) is director of taxation for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and is involved in the enactment of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954—the single most comprehensive tax legislation ever undertaken. 146 Dr. Leslie L. Lukash (A&S ’42, M ’44) is the Nassau County, N.Y., medical examiner for 43 years. 147 Two Tulane alumni have been U.S. surgeon general: Luther L. Terry (M ’35), who releases in 1964 the first official warning by the U.S. government about the hazards of smoking cigarettes, and Regina Benjamin, (B ’91), who is picked for the

136 Gary Lloyd (SW ’61, G ’65) establishes in 1987 the Institute on Research and Training in HIV/AIDS Counseling at the School of Social Work. The counseling training manual developed by the institute is used by the World Health Organization and has been translated into more than a dozen languages. 137 Neil Guidry (SW ’90) founds in 1997 the Louisiana Himalaya Association, dedicated to helping Tibetan refugees who have fled their country to escape persecution. 138 The public-service graduation requirement, instituted after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, is the first such requirement for a major research university in the country. It takes learning outside the classroom and appeals to the desire of the millennial generation to make a difference. 139 Tulane is the first campus in 2007 to host the Clinton Global Initiative–


post in 2009 by President Barack Obama. 148 Jeanette Jennings (SW ’69) is the first African American in several positions: social worker with the Mississippi Department of Public Welfare, faculty member at the University of Mississippi and associate dean at the University of Tennessee–Knoxville. She also teaches in the Tulane School of Social Work. 149 Emily Card (NC ’63) works on the passage of the federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 and focuses her career on consumers, women and money. She writes The Ms. Money Book and is the first female financial host in the 1980s on the LIFETIME network television show “It’s Your Money.” 150 Two alumni have served as chief of protocol for the United States: John Giffen Weinmann (A&S ’50, L ’52) for President George H.W. Bush and Donald Ensenat (L ’73) for President George W. Bush. Both


142 Professor William B. Smith publishes in 1910 Ecce Deus, a critical study of the New Testament, stirring up intense controversy in denominational publications. Smith, who began as a professor of mathematics and later switched to philosophy, stands his ground and ultimately is not fired. 143 Howard K. Smith (A&S ’36) is the last American news correspondent to leave Berlin after war is declared. He reaches safety in Switzerland with a manuscript that describes conditions in Germany. It becomes the basis for his best-selling book Last Train From Berlin (1942). 144 Broadcast journalist William “Bill” Monroe (A&S ’42) is the first-ever news director at WDSU-TV in New Orleans. He goes on to become the fourth moderator of the national NBC News program

also are U.S. Ambassadors: Weinmann to Finland and Ensenat to Brunei. 151 Mignon Faget (NC ’55) is a jewelry designer inspired by New Orleans architecture, culture and flora and fauna of the region. 152 Lawrence Gordon (B ’58) is a producer of Field of Dreams as well as the Lara Croft and Die Hard movies. 153 Bruce Paltrow (A&S ’65) produces the television series “The White Shadow” (1978–81) and “St. Elsewhere” (1982–88). 154 Jerry Springer (A&S ’65) hosts his own TV talk show. 155 Paul Michael Glaser (A&S ’66) stars as detective David Starsky in the 1970s television series “Starsky and Hutch.”

160 John E. Koerner III (A&S ’65, L ’69, B ’70) builds Barq’s into the No. 2 root beer brand in the nation before selling the business to Coca-Cola in 1995. 161 Joe Boston earns a PhD in chemical engineering from Tulane in1970 and later founds AspenTech, a company that develops and commercializes ASPEN, a software program that is the corporate engineering standard at most chemical companies worldwide. 162 Victoria Reggie Kennedy (N ’76, L ’79) is co-founder of Common Sense About Kids and Guns, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization focused on children’s safety around guns. She’s the wife of the late U.S. senator from Massachusetts, Edward M. Kennedy.

169 Mark Tillman (E ’79) is an Air Force One pilot during the presidency of George W. Bush, flying 200 flights a year. He is in the cockpit of the president’s plane during the flight to an undisclosed location on Sept. 11, 2001, and during the controversial “flyover” of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. 170 Terry E. Schnuck (A&S ’75), a renowned Broadway play producer, wins Tony awards for best musical for Spring Awakening (2007) and best revival of a musical for Hair (2009). 171 John Blake Bailey (A&S ’85) makes a name for himself as a “chronicler of middle-class chroniclers” with the biographies

156 Harold Sylvester (A&S ’72) is an actor and director who appears in the film An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) and the TV show “Married With Children” (1987–97), among other productions. 157 Henry Armand Millon (A&S ’47, ’49, A ’53) is the first dean of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts of the National Gallery of Art from 1980 to 2000. 158 Robert M. Harling III (L ’77) writes the offBroadway hit Steel Magnolias as well as the screenplay for the film version of the story about a Southern, small-town beauty shop. The movie is filmed in Harling’s hometown, Natchitoches, La., in 1989. 159 Dr. Morrison Bethea (M ’70) is a co-author of the book Sugar Busters! The book starts a nationwide dietary phenomenon in 1995, reaching the No. 1 spot on the New York Times best-seller list as it advises its readers to “cut sugar to trim fat.”

163 Linda S. Wilson (NC ’57) is president of Radcliffe College of Harvard University from 1989 to 1999. 164 Lourdes M. Rodriguez de Flores (NC ’79), wife of President Francisco Flores Perez, is first lady of El Salvador in 1999–2004 . 165 Heather McTeer-Hudson (L ’01) is elected the first female, first African American and youngest mayor of Greenville, Miss.—the “Heart and Soul of the Delta”—in 2003. 166 Michael Price (G ’86) wins Emmys for writing and producing “The Simpsons.” 167 Doug Ellin (A&S ’90) creates “Entourage,” an HBO comedy-drama about a movie star navigating Hollywood with his childhood friends from Queens, N.Y. The show enters its seventh season in 2010. 168 Francis Cardinal George earns his PhD in philosophy 1970 and has been Archbishop of Chicago since 1997. He’s also president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

he’s written of novelists Richard Yates and John Cheever. Yates: A Tragic Honesty is nominated for a National Book Critics Award (2003). And Cheever: A Life (2009) is reviewed in The New Yorker by John Updike, who writes in the posthumously published article that the 770page book is “a triumph of thorough research and unblinkered appraisal.” 172 “Architecture School,” an award-winning documentary series on the Sundance Channel in 2008, features Tulane students. 173 Nicholas Shapiro (TC ’02) is assistant press secretary for President Barack Obama. 174 Lisa Jackson (E ’83) is the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 175 Astronaut Doug Hurley (E ’88) is the first Tulane alumnus to blast into outer space. He pilots the space shuttle Endeavor for a 16-day NASA mission to and from the International Space Station in July 2009.



Social entrepreneurs blend good-hearted intent and sound business strategies for profit, planet and people. BY RYAN RIVET PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAULA BURCH-CELENTANO he robber barons of the late 19th century, the Tsavings and loan crisis of the 1980s, credit default swaps, the real estate bubble that led to the current financial turmoil—all are evidence that being in business means grabbing stacks of cash as fast as possible. Society be damned, right? Wrong. The stereotype of the greedy business person is like any other generalized and oversimplified image. And in this case, the conventional wisdom disregards a powerful movement of benevolent business ventures rooted in moral conviction and committed to the social good. “Social entrepreneurship” has become a buzzword, a part of the zeitgeist of the early 21st century, yet its beginnings can be traced back to the work of historical figures such as Florence Nightingale, Susan B. Anthony and John Muir to name a few social trailblazers. So while social entrepreneurism exhibits the luster of newness, it’s anything but new. Neither is it a concept that is easily defined. Broadly

speaking, social entrepreneurs identify a social need and rather than leaving that need to be met by the government or business sectors, they seek their own solutions. “There is a growing awareness around the world that the best way to address issues like poverty, illiteracy or health care is to free people up to address the issues on their own, on a local basis,” says John Elstrott, professor and executive director of the Levy-Rosenblum Institute for Entrepreneurship at the A. B. Freeman School of Business. “Freeing up the entrepreneurial spirit for the good is what it’s all about.” According to Elstrott, social entrepreneurs have a specific social purpose in mind at the inception of their ventures. It can be educational, it can be artistic, it can address hunger or poverty or an environmental issue. Instead of concerning themselves simply with the bottom line, social entrepreneurs are concerned with what Elstrott calls “the triple bottom line”— profit, planet and people.

The case study that is often used to illustrate the principles of social entrepreneurship is that of Muhammed Yunus. In 1976, Yunus, a Bangladeshi banker and economist, pioneered the concept of microfinancing when he began giving small loans to poor entrepreneurs unable to qualify for traditional loans. For his work in creating a pathway out of poverty for some of the most destitute people on the planet, Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Elstrott recognizes microlending as one of the many roots of modern social entrepreneurship. In the United States, he says, other roots go back to the cultural upheaval of the 1960s. “I think there were two sectors where the idealism of the ’60s began to be applied to business: the natural-foods industry and the green-energy industry,” Elstrott says. “You began to see people who started businesses with an intent in mind, a purpose not just to make a profit, but to make the world a better place.”


John Elstrott, professor at the A. B. Freeman School of Business, says there’s no turning the clock back on the social entrepreneurship movement in America.

A PETRI DISH There are few better places in the country where a socially minded entrepreneur can make a substantial positive difference than in New Orleans. That is something Emily Mitchell (NC ’02, G ’03, B ’07) sees as a great good arising out of the tumult and misery of Hurricane Katrina. “Part of the reason we’re seeing this critical mass of social entrepreneurism in New Orleans is not just because of national trends, but because there is great need here,” says Mitchell, who is director of strategic consulting at the Idea Village, a nonprofit organization that identifies, supports and retains entrepreneurial talent in New Orleans.

Mitchell sees the city as a petri dish for innovation in social entrepreneurism as socially minded individuals flock to New Orleans to pitch in on its rebuilding. Examples of purpose-driven businesses in New Orleans are many and range from small storefronts to huge development projects. Erica Trani (NC ’07) believes in fair trade and she believes in New Orleans. Those two passions converge at IN Exchange, a fair trade store that she opened in 2007. Located on Tulane’s uptown campus in the Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life, the small store offers handicrafts, artwork and clothing from New Orleans artists and artisans from developing nations. “My original goal was to give Ecuadorian farmers and artisans as well as

Emily Mitchell of the Idea Village says that New Orleans has a great need for the talents of socially minded individuals.


local artists who suffered due to Katrina a spot at Tulane so they could connect with this buyers’ market,” Trani says. Trani says the fact that she is a social entrepreneur has helped keep her afloat and made it possible for the store to remain in business. “I think if we didn’t have our social mission, we might not have lasted this long,” she says. “The people who are coming in consistently are trying to support what we do. It helps get us to where we need to be in order to be sustainable.” Mitchell agrees that a social mission can be a competitive advantage. “Consumers are more savvy and putting more pressure on companies, so that’s a huge drive as well,” she says. “In order to be sustainable and competitive, more and more, you have to position yourself as a socially conscious company.” And if that seems cynical to some, it may be because they are basing that judgment on outdated considerations. “We’ve got to break out of this traditional mindset that for-profits are bad and nonprofits are warm and fuzzy but don’t know how to operate efficiently,” says Theresa Schieber (NC ’95), chief operating officer of The Whelan Group, a for-profit consulting group that advises nonprofits and social ventures, including a major project that is under way in the Central City neighborhood of New Orleans. Before Katrina, the C.J. Peete public housing development was rife with crime, poverty and poor educational resources. Harmony Oaks, a development now being built on the Peete site, offers instead a new vision for mixed-income housing in the city, says Schieber. “It’s more than just affordable housing,” Schieber says. “It’s the supportive-services focus that makes our partners in Harmony Oaks so different from most of the developers out there today. It’s more than just buildings. It’s building the community services that will make the community successful.” Schieber touts the social services to be offered to Harmony Oaks residents as the real innovation. Programs include those targeting workforce development and job placement, youth and senior activities, child care and early childhood education, and health and wellness.

Erica Trani owns IN Exchange on the Tulane campus. The fair trade art boutique empowers low-income, at-risk and marginalized artists as it educates students on social responsibility.

Schieber describes the project as a successful model of community revitalization that is coming together through a collaboration of forprofit businesses, nonprofit organizations and public money. Harmony Oaks is the product of a partnership between The Whelan Group; developer McCormick Baron Salazar; Urban Strategies, a nonprofit human capital development organization; and local nonprofit organizations. The $250 million project is largely funded with federal money from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, as well as private investment and philanthropy. This type of “blended capital” is necessary if socially conscious businesses want to have real impact, says Schieber. “The sweet spot for solving problems can’t just be a for-profit, or nonprofit. We have to think more creatively about how can we bring those areas together to develop innovative, scalable solutions to entrenched social problems.”


social entrepreneurship ventures. I don’t think that’s the same mindset business leaders had when they were in school 25 years ago. “I don’t think it is going to go away,” Mitchell says of the focus on the triple bottom line. “I don’t think we can afford to do business as we have in the past, and I hope there won’t be the possibility of building business any other way in the future.” Elstrott’s outlook is even rosier. “You’re not going to turn back the clock on this,” he says. “This is something that is rooted in peoples’ souls. It’s something that is going to be passed down to the next generation.” Ryan Rivet is a writer in the Tulane Office of University Publications.

Social entrepreneurs have been called heroic, innovative and enterprising. And while that’s all true, social entrepreneurs also are practical individuals who solve problems by bringing together different pieces of a solution. Stephanie Barksdale is one of those enterprising individuals. Barksdale, special assistant to the university president, manages the new Office of Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives at Tulane, coordinating a confluence of enterprises and developments. In August, Ashoka, a global association of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs, named Tulane as one of nine universities comprising its Changemaker Campus Consortium. Tulane students and faculty will be partnering with those in the other institutions to develop the skills as well as the mindset needed to be changemakers. November saw the debut of the NewDay Social Entrepreneurship Distinguished Speakers Series with Darell Hammond of KaBOOM! Playgrounds talking about his national nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing play back into the lives of children. Other inspirational speakers will be on campus in the spring. Tulane also is launching a NewDay Challenge. Through this competition, a Tulane student or group will be awarded up to $20,000 in seed funding for a financially sustainable social enterprise. To oversee the development of its social entrepreneurship programs, the university is conducting a national search for an individual to be named to the Sacks Endowed Distinguished Chair in Civic Engagement and Social Entrepreneurship. In addition, Tulane is raising funds for at least five professorships to be granted to faculty members, in any school or discipline, who have interests linked to social entrepreneurship.

FUNDAMENTAL SHIFT Mitchell, who also is an adjunct professor of entrepreneurship at the A. B. Freeman School of Business, says that in observing students she sees a “fundamental shift” in their attitudes that may predict how business will be done in the future. “Last year [in her Managing New Ventures course] everyone developed business plans for ventures with a pure profit business concept,” she says. “This year four out of the five teams are

Theresa Schieber says ‘blended capital‘ is needed for a project like the Harmony Oaks development in New Orleans’ Central City neighborhood to succeed in addressing social and housing needs.



figures. Drive down memory lane with Angus Lind and you’re bound to hit a few potholes. “I don’t even remember that one,” says Lind as he peruses the brittle sheets of a scrapbook. “I think it’s about something that happened in a bar.” Hmmm. What are the odds that this particular piece was written about something that happened in a bar? One in three? One in four? Before you can do the math Lind is already on to another page. … “This was fun. This is the guy who did the radio broadcast for the New Orleans Pelicans.” … and then another.


are tender homages to drinking establishments and the “nutballs” who populate them. There are observations of the way the city talks and walks, how it works and the myriad ways it doesn’t. There are stories about athletes and sportscasters, mothers and fathers, Carnival krewes and colorful crooners, huge events as well as small ones (such as the time he documented the emptying of his wife’s purse.) Five thousand eight hundred columns. Lind said he was ready to move on to other projects and pastimes, but he began hearing from fans and friends. “People were expressing sorrow that I had left the paper, wishing me well, saying, ‘you have to do a book.’”

“This is a guy who was an Exxon executive who really didn’t like his job and he just bagged it and became a painter at Jackson Square. I spent the day with him.” During the last four decades, Angus Lind (A&S ’66) has spent a lot of days and nights—and not all of them in bars—with lots of different kinds of people, stitching together an unparalleled New Orleans narrative, one story at a time. In July of this year, Lind retired as a columnist for The Times-Picayune, ending a 32-year stint in which he produced nearly 5,800 essays about life in the Crescent City. Sitting on a comfortable couch in his Uptown home, Lind has an uneven recollection of the stories being trawled from what he calls “ancient history.” Some he remembers in high definition and others, well— “This was about some guy who had something to do with shortwave radio. I think I thought it was kind of dull.” And you can’t blame him for not remembering every detail. There are a lot of names, faces, places, sights, sounds, smells, laughs and tears encoded into a body of work that size. There are the pieces he’s written on local icons such as Morgus the Magnificent, Pete Fountain and Irma Thomas as well as the countless stories about the quirky gang who hangs at the New Orleans Fair Grounds. There


Sportswriter wanted So much for the leisurely golden years of retirement. Lind hardly had time to wash the newsprint off his fingers when he was approached by a local publisher to put together a compilation of his columns in a book bearing the fitting title Prime Angus. The biggest challenge, he says, was choosing the 60 columns to be included in the volume. That’s a sample size of roughly 1 percent, a statistically invalid representation of the entire catalog of Lind’s work, but one he can live with. “I tried to cover as many bases as possible, the different things I had done through the years,” says Lind. It is appropriate, perhaps inevitable, that one of the earliest promotional events for Prime Angus was a booksigning held at Bruno’s, a watering hole that Lind once described as “THE gathering spot for thirsty Tulane students, alumni, parents and grandparents and universityarea uptowners.” More than 40 years have passed since Lind received his diploma from Tulane, but his attachment to the university is palpable. It’s a connection that predates his matriculation. Among Lind’s earliest childhood memories is one of being at the Willow Street ticket office on game day as his father sold Green Wave football tickets in the shadows of venerable Tulane Stadium.

“I’ve been ‘green’ my whole life,” says Lind, who doesn’t pull many punches when it comes to his emotions. “I love the place.” In a teasing tribute to Lind, fellow TimesPicayune columnist Chris Rose describes his colleague as “that guy with the weird name in the women’s section who writes about UFOs, Tulane and [local sportscaster] Buddy D.” And this devotion to his alma mater exists despite the fact that the department of his chosen major, journalism, was dissolved when Lind was a sophomore, forcing him to become a reluctant English major. “What else was I going to do?” says Lind. “Creative writing was a wonderful course but I

found the Romantic poets just intolerable. Shelly, Keats—those guys put me to sleep.” Still, Lind can truthfully claim that his career in journalism was launched on campus. “I found the ad for the job while in the Tulane pool hall,” says Lind, who managed the dark and dank emporium located in the basement of the University Center. “I was closing up waiting for the cleanup guy to finish and sitting on a chair reading the classifieds. It was as simple as that: sportswriter wanted, Meridian Star, Meridian, Miss.” Lind spent three years in Meridian, missing New Orleans cooking, learning to like country music, and working his butt off as one of only two staffers on the Star’s sports desk. “I don’t think you can get the experience anywhere like that of a small newspaper,” says Lind, who learned to write headlines, edit copy and take photographs. He covered a jillion high school games as well as collegiate careers of both Archie Manning and “Pistol” Pete Maravich, and when Hurricane Camille clobbered the Mississippi Gulf Coast in 1969, he was sent down with the rest of the Star’s staff to report on the devastation. The experience he gained in Meridian would ultimately become his ticket back to New Orleans. In 1970, Lind received a job offer from The States-Item, one of two dailies operating in the city. The States-Item would eventually merge with its competitor, The Times-Picayune, but in the early ’70s it was an independent publication that Lind describes as “the old sensationalistic afternoon newspaper, where the newsroom was wild and crazy and loud and smoky.” In that description, Lind offers a clue about himself, too: the newsroom was “wild and crazy and loud and smoky.” He’s talking about his workmates, a group of people who would become a kind of second family. “We had so much fun at The States-Item,” says Lind. “It was a small paper, we were close friends and we partied together. Our families got together. We knew each other.” Like the city he was born in, Lind puts a premium on persons and personality. Listen to what he says about his hometown: “I find New Orleans incredibly friendly. People talk to you

anywhere and everyone. In fact, it is unusual if someone doesn’t talk to you in a supermarket line or an elevator.” For Lind, professional acclaim and accomplishment may be only byproducts of a career well spent. Ask him why he didn’t stay a sportswriter and he’ll tell you that early on he calculated that “if you get good in sports you work every weekend of your life.” Spoken like a true New Orleanian. (Lind once opined that “New Orleans work ethic” is the ultimate oxymoron.)

Bizarre things happen After a brief (and somewhat agonizing) time working a desk job as a copy editor at the paper, Lind was reassigned as a general news reporter, a job he loved. “I started doing all this stuff—chasing ambulances, following cops around—shootings, murders, city council—whatever they needed me for.” He was soon covering the biggest local stories of the day. When Louisiana Congressman Hale Boggs’ plane disappeared over Alaska in October 1972, Lind packed his bags for a three-week gig reporting on the (ultimately unsuccessful) rescue efforts. He was barely back in town from that trip when he was assigned to cover a deadly fire at the Rault Center in downtown New Orleans, followed shortly after by the Howard Johnson sniper incident in which 19 people were gunned down, and within a half year, the blaze that consumed the Upstairs Lounge in the French Quarter. With 32 victims perishing in the flames, it was the city’s deadliest fire. “It was a hectic year,” says Lind. And maybe it was more than just “hectic.” Maybe not everyone has the inclination and disposition to tell stories of so much pain.

In any case, Lind began gravitating to lighter pieces and quirkier material. “I just sort of evolved into writing offbeat stories,” he says. When a woman called the newsroom with a tip that there was a vampire on South Liberty Street, Lind was on it. When the city’s public relations office wanted to know if the paper had a reporter who wanted to ride a garbage truck, Lind got the assignment. By 1977, Lind’s editors made a decision that would change not only his life, but in no small way, how the city would grow to know itself. “So one day out of the blue, I got called into the editor’s office and I’m thinking, ‘Oh, God, what did I do?’ And they asked me if I wanted to write a column three times a week.” Fifty-eight hundred columns later, Lind exited his career for all appearances as a satisfied customer. “I think I did a fairly good job of capturing the flavor, characters and the mindset of this city in my column,” he says. Ask him what he’s learned about the city over the years and he’ll tell you “it’s crazier than advertised,” and that’s why there were many weeks when finding material was flat-out easy. “We live in a unique city,” says Lind, “and bizarre things happen here and always will.” So roll over Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron and John Keats. And heads-up, Allen “Black Cat” LaCombe and “Leapin’” Lou Messina, Ray “Bugs” Viloria and “Nostalgic Ned” Hémard, The Nooge, Ernie K-doe, the Gorilla Man, Uncle Earl and all the railbirds, rogues and rascals who have turned out at Bruno’s, Igor’s, Rock ’n’ Bowl, Acy’s Pool Hall, Curley’s Neutral Corner and Graffagnino’s Tavern. Angus Lind is in the house and he’s buying the next round. Nick Marinello is features editor of Tulanian.



Fireworks brighten a stormy sky during the Wave ’09 All-Alumni Reunion party.

Commitment to the future “You are the future of Tulane University,” President Scott Cowen told students, alumni, parents and friends at a Town Hall meeting in Dixon Hall during homecoming weekend in October. The status of Tulane as a model university with unlimited potential depends on supporters such as the people in the audience, which included President’s and Parents council members, Cowen said. Tied together by the past and bound to the future, generations of the Tulane community participated in homecoming festivities that included a celebration of the university’s 175th anniversary. And rainy weather did not slow down the party. At the Wave ’09 All-Alumni Reunion on Oct. 9, more than 650 Tulane alumni turned out on the uptown campus. Giving back by making reunion class gifts is a long-time tradition at Tulane. And this year, the class of 1959, commemorating its 50-year anniversary, kept the tradition alive. Dr. Gary Morchower, a 1959 College of Arts and Sciences graduate and 1962 medical school graduate, presented Cowen with a check for


more than $2.5 million. The amount included funds raised by all the reunion classes this year. Also, the Hullabaloo Homecoming auction held in the Lavin-Bernick Center Market Place garnered more than $200,000 for support of the university’s student-athletes. The reunion party featured fireworks and a concert by Kermit Ruffins and the Barbecue Swingers. Also part of homecoming weekend was a “planned giving” brunch on Oct. 11 honoring members of the William Preston Johnston Society. The society recognizes donors who support Tulane with planned gifts. Students benefiting from scholarships established through bequests and planned gifts spoke at the event. Danielle Nunn, a communication major from Arlington, Texas, expressed her gratitude to the late Stanley W. Ray Jr. (A&S ’37, L ’41). A bequest by Ray, who lettered in basketball when he was an undergraduate, established the Stanley W. Ray Jr. Philanthropic and Civic Trust. The trust has funded the Stanley W. Ray Jr. Women’s Basketball Scholarship and the Stanley W. Ray Jr. Men’s Basketball Scholarship. Nunn, who transferred from TCU to play on the Green Wave women’s basketball team, said that she appreciated the opportunity she has been given to “learn, grow and compete” at

Tulane. Nunn is a highly regarded guard who has two years of playing eligibility remaining. Jacques Courseault also spoke at the Johnston Society luncheon. Courseault, a fourth-year medical student, earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Tulane in 2006. He’s an Aron Scholar and he spoke of his intention to honor the late Jack Aron by perpetuating his tradition of giving and providing scholarship support for future Tulane students. When Jack Aron died in 1994, his bequest provided scholarship support for students in the School of Medicine and the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. “It was Jack Aron’s hope that every Aron Scholar would one day contribute to the fund,” Courseault said. “I will not let him down.” In 2005, the J. Aron Charitable Foundation, under the direction of Jack’s son, Peter Aron (A&S ’69), pledged additional support for the program, establishing an endowment that created the Jack R. Aron Scholars Fund. Since 1994, the fund has provided scholarship support for more than 200 students in the medical and public health and tropical medicine schools. CARNEGIE HONORS COWEN The Carnegie Corp. of New York has recognized President Cowen’s leadership abilities by presenting him with its prestigious Academic Leadership Award this fall. In bestowing the honor, Vartan Gregorian, president of the Carnegie Corp., noted Cowen’s “academic vision focused on a commitment to excellence.” Cowen is a “first-rate educator and innovator,” who champions students’ intellectual development as well as the university’s “opportunity and obligation to contribute to the growth of the local community.” A $500,000 grant accompanies the award, and Cowen has designated the funds to support civic engagement, public education and social entrepreneurship activities at Tulane. —Maureen King Maureen King is a writer in the Tulane Office of Development.

the Classes Monumental Experience In Dijon, France, students in the 1977–78 Junior Year Abroad in Paris program inspect up close The Well of Moses by the medieval Flemish sculptor Claus Sluter. Professeur Carminati instructs the class, from left, ALICIA CASTILLA (NC ’79), SYLVIA BARGAS (NC ’78), CAROL DAMERON (NC ’79) and CORNELIA MCDONALD GRANBERY (NC ’79). (Photo by Matt Anderson)

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Emeritus reception

All-alumni reunion

1. At the emeritus reception on Oct. 8, 2009, at No. 2 Audubon St., the

6. TERRI GUERIN (UC ’99), left, and TRACY HENRY (UC ’99) celebrate

home of Tulane President Scott Cowen and his wife, Marjorie, are MARK PORTER (A&S ’49), left, and WARREN PERKINS (A&S ’49). 2. From left, CALISTA RAULT SCHNEIDAU (NC ’44), ANNE MOORE DLUGOS (NC ’44) and CAROLYN GRAHAM STIFEL (NC ’44) reunite at the reception for alumni celebrating 50 or more years since graduation. 3. President Cowen congratulates EVELYN LYONS CHALARON (NC ’34) on marking the 75th anniversary of her graduation.

their 10-year reunion at the Wave ’09 All-Alumni Reunion Party in the Lavin-Bernick Center on the uptown campus on Oct. 9, 2009.

Tailgating 4. Members of the CLASS OF 1999 gather to celebrate in the 10-year reunion tent outside the Louisiana Superdome prior to the Tulane homecoming football game versus Marshall University on Oct. 10. 5. In the 25-year reunion tent are, from left, DAVID LONNER (A&S ’84), JILL RUBINTON WASSERSTROM (NC ’84), LAURIE MANDEL FELDMAN (NC ’84), SARI SLIVNICK LONDON (NC ’84), CHERYL HOLLANDER GOLDSTEIN (B ’84), PAM FORREST KAYE (NC ’84) and JILL SMILEY NEEDLEMAN (B ’84).






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Newcomb awards 7. Gathering for the Newcomb Alumnae Association Awards ceremony on Oct. 8, 2009, at the Newcomb College Institute, are award winners, from left, REBEKAH DOBRASKO (NC ’01), Young Alumna Award; FLORENCE WEILAND SCHORNSTEIN (NC ’56), Outstanding Alumna Award; and ADELAIDE WISDOM BENJAMIN (NC ’54), Service and Loyalty Award.

TMAA awards 8. Receiving awards at the Tulane Medical Alumni Association event on Oct. 10, 2009, are, from left, CARMEL J. COHEN (M ’58), Outstanding Alumnus Award; MICHAEL ZOLLER (M ’72), C. D. Taylor Award; and RICHARD J. FIELD III (M ’79), Distinguished Service Award.


theClasses | classNotes HOW TO SUBMIT PHOTOS FOR CLASS NOTES Are you making a splash in your area? Send your photos to makingwaves@tulane.edu for our consideration. Be sure to include caption information, with each person’s name and title/job information, from left to right in the photo. We prefer candid photos of alumni in small groups (3–5 people maximum) or individually.

PHOTO GUIDELINES Digital photos should be taken on the highest-quality camera setting. They should be in a TIFF or JPEG format and be 4 x 6 inches or larger at 300 dpi. For more information, please e-mail makingwaves@tulane.edu.


book at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans. For more information, go to fortymissionsandhome.com.

ISIDORE COHN JR. (A&S ’42) received the Tzedakah Award from the Jewish Endowment Foundation at the annual event of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans on Oct. 4, 2009. The award is given annually to someone who best represents the qualities of tzedakah—justice, righteousness and doing for others.

says the idea for the book came from a visit she made to Mexico City in l963 for a summer course. The book has been “highly recommended” by the Oxford University Mexican Society, and Bahr was invited to give a talk to society members in October. Her talk coincided with an exhibition on Montezuma, which runs until Jan. 24, 2010, at the British Museum. The Aztec ruler is a character in her book.

1950s JIM CARMODY (A&S ’56, G ’60) was inducted

ELIZABETH BERNICE JOHNSTON WRIGHT (NC ’30) celebrated her 100th birthday on Oct. 20, 2009. Born in Monroe, La., she entered Newcomb College when she was 16. She earned a bachelor of music degree, and then married the late CLAUDE BERNARD WRIGHT (M ’29) in 1930. The Wrights had a son and daughter, and “Doc” Wright built up a private medical practice in St. Petersburg, Fla., interrupted by service in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Since her husband’s death in 1979, Wright has continued living in their home. She has four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Her great-niece, Ashley Falgout, is a student at Tulane.


into the BancorpSouth Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame at a banquet in Jackson, Miss., in July. He coached winning football teams at the University of Southern Mississippi, the University of Mississippi and Mississippi State University. He spotted the talent of future NFL quarterback Brett Favre and signed him at USM and coached him in his first college season. Carmody spent one year with the NFL’s Buffalo Bills. He’s now retired and lives in Madison, Miss.

WILLIAM W. WATSON (L ’58) has published a book about his aunt Lucille Watson of Cross Keys Plantation, La., containing stories from her diary for the years 1927–1932, along with letters from Gen. Claire Chennault of the Flying Tigers from China (1938–1940). High Water, High Cotton and High Times is available at Dorrancepublishing.com.

J. M. WHITEHEAD (L ’59) has retired from a long career that included serving as the head law librarian at the College of William and Mary Law School. He has published Sonnets (Cambridge University Press, 2006), a book of more than 600 sonnets. Whitehead, who lives in Williamsburg, Va., invites friends and colleagues to contact him at jmw@sonnetsbyjmw.com.

The University of South Carolina Press published a book by GEORGE G. STEWART (A&S ’59, G ’60), Yoknapatawpha, Images and Voices: A Photographic Study of Faulkner’s County, in August.

KENNETH M. MALLON (A&S ’64) received a Distinguished Service Award from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in recognition of his long record of dedication and achievement in intersociety initiatives concerning reserves and resources classifications.

MARA BERMAN GIULIANTI (NC ’66) retired in 2008 after 20 years of service as mayor of Hollywood, Fla. She was the longest serving mayor in the city’s history. Giulianti was elected eight times and was the first woman to be elected mayor of the coastal south Florida city of 137,000 residents.

MAURICE “VIC” DUVIC (B ’40) has written a book, with co-author Lisa Uzzle Hadden, about his service as a bomber pilot during World War II. Ten years ago, at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss., Duvic received the Silver Star, a military decoration awarded for gallantry in action. In June, Duvic signed copies of the




Book Guild Publishing in England published the first novel of ELIZABETH MANSON BAHR (NC ’65) in May. Children of the Sun: The Fall of the Aztecs tells the story of the conquest of Mexico from the Aztec point of view. Bahr

the National First Prize for Mixed Media for her collage, “Our Heritage: A Patchwork of Our Past,” in the American Heritage Contest sponsored by the National Daughters of the American Revolution. The work was exhibited



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classNotes | theClasses in Washington, D.C. She also won second prize for “Pressbook in the State of Texas.” Rosenthal has been elected chaplain of the Lady Washington Chapter of the NSDAR and been accepted into Jamestowne Society membership. Her work can be seen at www.Saksart.com.

Texas, with Abbott Simses’ offices in Houston, New Orleans and Covington, La.

NEAL LEMLEIN (A&S ’72) has published his first book, Pilot Your Career: 18 Strategies for Career Building and Navigating the Economic Downturn. Lemlein is president of Around the Bend Media in Boulder, Colo.

MARTIN PITTS (A&S ’67) finished a year at the International Academy of Film and Television in Cebu, Philippines, teaching narrative film directing and script analysis for students from the Philippines and more than 50 other nations.

CHARLES CARTER WICKS (A&S ’67) is serving as judge of the Elkhart Superior Court No. 5 in Elkhart, Ind.

TIM COUGHLIN (A&S ’68) was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame of Oakwood High School in Dayton, Ohio, in September. Coughlin was a three-year starter in football, playing offense and defense and leading the team in tackles. He also lettered in basketball and track. Plus, he set a school record of 9.8 seconds in the 100-yard dash. On the Green Wave football team in 1965–67, he was a starting fullback and three-year letterman. Coughlin has been a family physician in northern Nevada for the past 30 years. He has served as president of the Nevada Health Professionals Assistance Foundation’s Diversion Program, identifying, monitoring and intervening on behalf of physicians with chemical dependency problems and disruptive behaviors.

ALAN BART BOOKMAN (A&S ’69, L ’71) of Emmanuel, Sheppard and Condon in Pensacola, Fla., was recognized as a “Florida Legal Elite” for 2009 in the July issue of Florida Trend magazine. Bookman, in commercial litigation, is listed among the top 918 attorneys in the state, representing less than 2 percent of the approximately 63,000 Florida Bar members.

1970s LAWRENCE E. ABBOTT (L ’72) announces the formation in October of Cotten Schmidt and Abbott. The new firm, with 26 attorneys, combines Cotten Schmidt’s office in Fort Worth,






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DANIEL D. MORIARTY (G ’72, ’73), professor and chair of the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of San Diego, was named University Professor for 2009–10. The award is the highest given to a faculty member, recognizing outstanding scholarly achievement in teaching and research supporting the mission and goals of the university. Certified as a cycling instructor by the League of American Bicyclists, JIM BRUCE (G ’73) serves on the board of directors of the Conway Advocates for Bicycling, which is working to have Conway, Ark., recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Community. Bruce is professor emeritus of sociology at Hendrix College, where he taught for 30 years, before retiring in 2004.

SHIRLEY LASKA (G ’73), a professor emerita of sociology at the University of New Orleans and founder of the Center for Hazards, Assessment, Response and Technology, is co-author of a book published this year, Catastrophe in the Making: The Engineering of Katrina and the Disasters of Tomorrow.

WILLIAM ROGAN (A ’75) has joined Studio Wu Jiahua and practices at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Shenzhen University in China. After two years of consultation with Tian Ren Architects of Hangzhou in

ni Th e Tu la ne Alum Ass o ci at io n 60 cl ub s h a s mo re th a n wo r ld w ide . at io n on a Fo r more in fo rm even t ne ar yo u Tu la ne Alum ni /a lum ni /c lub. vi si t tu la ne .e du d to se ei ng yo u We lo ok fo r war t. at ou r ne xt even

central China, Rogan returned to Shenzhen and Guangdong Province for his fourth year in China. Beyond academic instruction, he is participating in “real world” construction projects in several Chinese cities.

BOB DONACHIE (A&S ’76) has been in the private practice of gastroenterology for 23 years. In 2000 he started Texas Endoscopy, a development and management company in the ambulatory surgery center business. Donachie has four children, and he and his wife of 30 years live in Plano, Texas.

MARY PUISSEGUR LUPO (NC ’76, M ’80) was elected to membership in the American Dermatological Association.

JOSEPH C. GIGLO JR. (L ’77) is listed in Best Lawyers in America 2010. He practices real estate law in the Lafayette, La., office of Liskow and Lewis.

JANIS GIRER (NC ’77) earned a master’s degree in library and information science from Florida State University. She is the learning resources center manager for Strayer University in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. CARLTON DUFRECHOU (E ’78, ’93) has been named general manager of Louisiana’s Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge—the world’s longest bridge. The twin spans of the causeway cross Lake Pontchartrain from St. Tammany Parish on the north and Jefferson Parish on the south.

PAUL T. FINGER (A&S ’78, M ’82) was awarded a U.S. patent in June for “Anti-VEGF Treatment for Radiation Induced Vasculopathy.” The patent stems from his published work on the treatment of radiation retinopathy, maculopathy and optic neuropathy. As published in the Archives of Ophthalmology, American Journal of Ophthalmology and International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, progressive vision loss from these previously untreatable diseases has been slowed and vision retained in most patients. Chartis Insurance has named WALTER G. LATIMER (A&S ’79) a national top 10 lawyer.

theClasses | classNotes Latimer is a board-certified civil trial lawyer with Marlow Connell in Coral Gables, Fla. He specializes in the defense of toxic tort and complex claims in Florida and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Latimer was honored at a dinner during the Defense Research Institute’s annual convention in Chicago in October.


live in Ann Arbor, Mich. Their daughter is a high school senior and their son is a first-year student at the University of Michigan.

MICHAEL J. HELLMAN (A&S ’84) has relocated to Orland Park, Ill., after 44 years in south Florida, to serve as an administrative law judge in the local office of the Social Security Office of Disability Adjudication and Review. Hellman and his wife, Lisa, also announce the professional debut of their daughter, Nicole, who is performing in the 2009–10 international tour of West Side Story. WALLY McCURDY (A&S ’84) is a financial adviser living in Sacramento, Calif. He has been in practice for the past 11 years. He has three daughters (11, 13 and 15).

On a medical mission in Tonga for two weeks this year, KENT W. SMALL (M ’81), president and founder of the Macula and Retina Institute and the Molecular Insight Research Foundation in Los Angeles, treated numerous patients with diabetic retinopathy. Small also has been competitively swimming on the University of California–Los Angeles Bruins Master Swim Team for the past 14 years. He placed first in the Seal Beach 1-mile rough-water swim in June and in the Naples Island 1.2-mile swim in July. In May, he received a ninth-place medal in the 200-meter butterfly at the National Swim Meet in Fresno, Calif.

The View From the First Chair, an insider’s view of the litigation process in America, by MARTIN L. GRAYSON (L ’82) was published this year.

MATTHEW PATTESON (A&S ’82) announces the opening of his law office in Houston. He practices in general civil and commercial litigation, business transactions, real estate, family law, and estate and probate law.

ELISE GRUMAN LIPPINCOTT (NC ’85) lives with her husband, Gar Lippincott, and six children in Tampa, Fla. An interior designer, she recently retired from hosting a syndicated segment on interior design trends on NBC’s “Daytime.” She has made appearances as a design consultant on various shows.

MARY GILLIAM (B ’89), principal/owner of Mary Gilliam Marketing and Fundraising, has been named to the board of directors of the Northshore Housing Initiative, the first community land trust in Louisiana, and has been elected a board member of the Greater Northshore Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. She also is vice president of the board of directors of China Harvest. Gilliam has raised more than $23.5 million for her clients since 2001.

PHILLIP HUSBAND (L ’87) works for the attorney general of the District of Columbia as deputy general counsel and as Freedom of Information Act officer for the District of Columbia Department of Health. He and his wife, Carol, live in Washington, D.C. CAROLINE FERGUSON (A ’88) was featured in the second annual class of “Design Masters” in the fall 2009 issue of New Orleans Homes and Lifestyles. Most of Ferguson’s design projects are in New Orleans and on the Gulf Coast, but she currently is renovating a 1920s house in the Hollywood Hills and designing a lake house near Natchez, Miss. Builder/Architect magazine named Agnew + Mifsud Architects, the firm of PAUL MIFSUD (A ’88), of Santa Fe, N.M., the architectural firm of the month in November 2008.

STEVE ROSOFF (A&S ’82) is importing interesting things from France that are available on his website, www.franceici.com. He launched the venture after almost 15 years with the J. Peterman catalog. Rosoff and his wife, Tanis,

for the 2009 Antonio Champalimaud Vision Award in recognition of its outstanding achievements in preventing blindness in the developing world, particularly its decadeslong leadership to control vitamin A deficiency. Helen Keller International offers vitamin A supplementation programs in 13 countries in Africa and five countries in Asia. It is estimated that these programs help to save the sight and lives of 80 million children every year.

SHAWN BAKER (PHTM ’89) is vice president and regional director of Africa for Helen Keller International. Baker is based in Dakar-Yoff, Senegal. His organization received $1.4 million


The ninth volume of poetry by WILL GREENWAY (G ’84), Everywhere at Once, won the 2009 Best Book of Poetry of the Year from the Ohioana Poetry Association. A third of the book concerns the events of Hurricane Katrina and the stroke and subsequent coma of his wife, BETTY TOOTLE GREENWAY (G ’85), while they were in Wales on sabbatical from their teaching jobs at Youngstown State University. Greenway is a professor in the Department of English. Betty Greenway has published her third book-length criti-cal work on children’s literature, of which she is a professor.

ERIC GOLDSTEIN (A&S ’89) announces the launch of a new business, Black Shield



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classNotes | theClasses Infrared Seamless Asphalt Repair, the only infrared asphalt repair specialists in Westchester County, N.Y.

the panel “Comparing and Contrasting Various Financial Recapitalization Options.” Podvin also served on the faculty of speakers for the 15th annual ABS East Conference on “Navigating a Path to Recovery” in Miami in October.


JONATHAN M. GOTTSEGEN (L ’93) is senior vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary of United Rentals, the largest equipment rental company in the world. He has returned to greater New York following five years in Atlanta as chief securities counsel for Home Depot.

SHELDON ALVER (E ’91) was promoted to plant manager of Monsanto in Soda Springs, Idaho.

JANET HALIDAY MILLAN (NC ’88) cofounded ProjectAllergy.com, a website that helps educate and connect families with life-threatening allergies and asthma. ProjectAllergy is a resource for more than 60 million Americans who are affected by food allergies, environmental allergies and asthma. ProjectAllergy has 16,000 visitors a month and was featured on “ABC Philadelphia” in a segment, “Back to School With Allergies and Asthma: A Parent’s Guide to a Safe School Year.” The website was founded in May 2007 and has support groups around the world. Millan says that in 1999 she almost lost her 19-month-old son, Marcel, to asthma. She lives in Yardley, Pa., with her husband, Eduardo, and three children.

JOHN T. OERTLING (G ’89), chair of the Department of Theatre Arts at Eastern Illinois University, received the 2009 Illinois Theatre Association award for excellence for university theater at the Illinois Theatre Association Conference in September. Cited in the award were outstanding programming, completion of the $68 million Doudna Fine Arts Center and accreditation from the National Association of Schools of Theatre.

SCOTT PODVIN (A&S ’89) spoke at the Information Management Network’s Real Estate Investment Trust and Real Estate Operating Co. Reequitization and Recapitalization Forum on Oct. 5 at the Hilton in New York. He was on






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MICHAEL P. FLOWERS (A&S ’91) and his wife announce the birth of a son, Tate, on July 10, 2009. Flowers left his position as counsel to the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in Washington, D.C., and accepted an appointment by Mayor Michael Bloomberg as director of the Financial Crimes Task Force for the City of New York.

The St. Louis chapter of the American Institute of Architects presented two awards—an honor award in drawing and an award of distinction in the unbuilt category—to the architectural, research and urban design firm, pH 1, of PATRICIA HEYDA (A ’95).

JOHN MAYEAUX (E ’96, B ’97) and VICKIE BARATTINI MAYEAUX (E ’97, B ’06) announce

ROB BORJA (A&S ’92) and his wife, Anna,

the birth of their second child, Christian Alexander, on April 7, 2009. The family resides in Slidell, La.

announce the birth of their second child, Zachary Davies Bryan, on Dec. 22, 2008.

JENNIFER THYM (L ’96) changed careers

CAREY M. DOMINO (SW ’92) published a book this year, Who Does She Think She Is? A Girlfriend’s Guide to Surviving a Breakup Before She Has a Breakdown. She owns Epiphany Creative Solutions Boutique, a consulting firm to help individuals make positive life changes. She also is creative director of an inspirational T-shirt line, is working on a reality TV series, and is a writer for Femme VIP, an online magazine. She has a blog dedicated to single mothers. For more information, go to www.cjdomino.com.

MICHELLE MOONEY (NC ’92) married James Edward Sawyer Jr. on July 17, 2009, on Goose Rocks Beach in Kennebunkport, Maine. In attendance were SHAUNA FAHEY SAMPERI (NC ’94) and MELISSA FRANOLICH (B ’94). The couple lives in Baltimore. Mooney is general manager of Bon Appetit at American University, where her husband also works. MICHELLE WHEATON STAFFORD (NC ’92) and her husband, Mark, welcomed their second child, Addison Lynn, on May 28, 2009. Addison joins her brother, Andrew Charles, who will be 3 on Dec. 23. Michelle Stafford is a teacher, and Mark Stafford is an aeroengineer. The family lives in Connecticut.

from investment banking to filmmaking. Her debut film project as a writer/director is LUMINA: The Web Series, a nine-part fantasy thriller shot in Hong Kong on a RED One digital camera. LUMINA is available free to view on www.luminaseries.com. Thym writes, “I am keen to talk to people who are currently involved in the film industry and are interested in exploring exciting, new projects together.” Her e-mail address is jen@rockginger.com.

Left to right, MARC MILLER (B ’94), ROMI GONZALEZ III (B ’95), DAVID BUTSCHER (B ’92) and JAMES SPIRO (B ’84) are members of the Spiro Group at Smith Barney in New Orleans. The firm’s largest practice in Louisiana, the group manages about $800 million for investors.


theClasses | classNotes (TC ’99). Kristen Reut is director of business affairs for Saatchi and Saatchi LA, and Anton Reut is a product management executive. The couple resides in Venice, Calif.

THEODORE MOORE (TC ’99, L ’02) and JESSICA MOORE (L ’01) announce the birth of Theodore Eamonn “Theo” on Oct. 30, 2008.

Hospital Pedro Vicente Maldonado, built by DAVID GAUS (M ’92, PHTM ’92), is the first hospital in Ecuador to use electronic medical records. Gaus built the hospital in 2000 to help reach poor, rural Ecuadorians. In April, Gaus received the Entrepreneur of the Year award from the Notre Dame Entrepreneur Society for his work with Andean Health and Development. Gaus is co-founder and executive director of Andean Health and Development. For more information go to www.andeanhealth.org.

AMANDA GORDON (NC ’97) and BEN KORNBLET (A&S ’97) welcomed a son, Chase Matthew, on June 10, 2009. The family lives in Silver Spring, Md.

DAVID J. NAGEL (L ’97) is a partner of Feldmann, Nagel and Associates with offices in Denver, Steamboat Springs, Colo., Vail/Avon, Colo., and Las Vegas. Nagel practices in the areas of corporate transactions, real estate, construction law, commercial litigation, subdivision development and homeowners’ association law. He, his wife, Aimee, and their children, Austin, 13, and Peyton, 8, reside in Steamboat Springs, Colo.

ASHLEY ROUSSEL WIENHOFF (B ’99) and JEFFREY RYAN WIENHOFF (E ’99) announce the birth of their third daughter, Abigail Christine, on April 21, 2009. She joins her sisters, Alexa, 4, and Camryn, 2.

VICTORIA GABROY IKEDA (NC ’01) and BRETT IKEDA (E ’02) welcomed their first child, Jameson Torao, on July 27, 2009.

2000s DENISE LEITNER HANKIN (NC ’00) and her husband, Jonathan, announce the birth of Leslie Jenna on March 7, 2009. The family resides in Overland Park, Kan. REMZI GUVENC KULEN (L ’00) announces the opening of Kulen Law Firm, representing individual and corporate clients in immigration and nationality law. Before starting his solo practice, Kulen was employed by Acar Law Firm for five years, where he assisted corporations and individuals in business and family-related immigration matters. Kulen also was employed at Aybay and Aybay Law Firm in Istanbul, Turkey, and Holland and Knight and Zara law offices in New York. He is admitted to practice before the courts of New York and Turkey.

University Press of Mississippi has published Lost Plantations of the South by MARC MATRANA (TC ’01, G ’02). The book weaves together old photographs, long-lost diaries and letters, architectural renderings and other rare documents to tell the story of 60 lost estates and the people who once called them home. Matrana practices medicine with Ochsner Health System in New Orleans and is an active preservationist and historian. He also is the author of Lost Plantation: The Rise and Fall of Seven Oaks.

SARAH MATTHEWS ROSS (E ’01) and her husband, Drew, announce the birth of Isabel Marie on July 16, 2009. The baby joins her sister, Saylor. Sarah and Drew Ross celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary on July 29.


named a partner in the New Orleans law firm Pelleteri and Wiedorn.

KRISTEN BIGLER (NC ’99) married Anton Reut


on May 9, 2009, in Palm Springs, Calif. The bridal party included KELLY WARDLE (NC ’99) and KATIE WECH (NC ’99). Also attending the wedding were BRIAN BIGLER (TC ’96), JENNIFER KUNZLER (NC ’99) and TONY SPITZBERG

Kyle A. Kozora on Sept. 19, 2009, in Stonington, Conn. Amanda Kozora graduated in March from the School of Professional Horticulture at the New York Botanical Garden. She has two gardening jobs: one at a private estate in


YAEL EZRA FOSTER (NC ’01) and EVAN FOSTER (TC ’01) announce the birth of Leah Naomi on Aug. 31, 2009. The family lives in Bryn Mawr, Pa. Leah is the granddaughter of ELIAS EZRA (E ’70) and his wife, Pam.

husband, Murphy, announce the birth of Milo Jacob Flay on Sept. 2, 2009. He joins Foster, 6. The family lives in Chicago. Saraheva Monroe is the director of marketing, social media and web communications for the Chicago School, a graduate institution offering advanced degrees in psychology-related disciplines. In June 2010, she will receive a master’s degree in integrated marketing communications from the Medill School at Northwestern University.


Bellport, N.Y., and one at the John P. Humes Japanese Stroll Garden in Mill Neck, N.Y. Kyle Kozora is a manager of the Bethpage, N.Y., branch of the mortgage bank Topdot. The couple lives in Oyster Bay, N.Y.

BRITTANY HORN CONNOR (NC ’02) received a master’s degree from the University of Texas. She and her husband, Jason Connor, announce the birth of Charlie Benjamin, on Jan. 12, 2009. The family lives in Ankeny, Iowa. MIRIAM BARON (UC ’03) had her first solo cabaret show—“Here I am ... and it’s about time!!”—at the Duplex in New York in October. MARVIN BENDELE (TC ’03) co-authored Republic of Barbecue: Stories Beyond the Brisket published by the University of Texas Press. LESLEY McCALL (NC ’04) married BENJAMIN GROSSBERG (TC ’05) in Lancaster, Pa., on Aug. 1, 2009. Serving as maid of honor was



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classNotes | theClasses CAROLINE JUDD (PHTM ’06), and ELIZABETH GROSSBERG (NC ’02) was a bridesmaid. Guests included JOHN CADDELL (TC ’05), JEREMY COHEN (TC ’03, G ’07) LAURA MESIROW (NC ’05), MARTIN SPIEGEL (TC ’04, G ’05) and ANDREA WEINBERG (B ’06). The couple lives in

Katie Harrington is the development officer for undergraduate programming at Tulane, and Michael Harrington is a development officer for Tulane Law School. They are in the 2011 MBA class at Tulane.



MICHAEL STRECKER (G ’04) married Jillian Diane Figueroa on Oct. 6, 2007. They are expecting their first child in January. Strecker is director of public relations at Tulane. He’s also a stand-up comedian. Strecker is featured on the local cable TV show “Comedy Boil” and has performed at Harrah’s New Orleans. In July, he performed for the Tulane Alumni Association at the Columns Hotel on St. Charles Avenue.

KATIE CASE (B ’05) and Michael Harrington were married in Naperville, Ill., on Aug. 2, 2009. The wedding party included KELLI DICKSON FITZGERALD (B ’07), TRAVIS GOFF (B ’07) and MERIEL HUGHES (NC ’02, B ’07). The couple met in 2006 while working for Tulane.

JOANNA GIKAS INDIE IN L.A. TULANE DEGREE: B.A., English and film studies

RESIDENCE: Los Angeles

PROFESSION: Songwriter and lead vocalist for the band io echo.

QUOTABLE: “You get right under my skin.”






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(E ’05) were married in New Orleans on July 11, 2009. Alumni in the wedding party were KADY VAN HOOK (NC ’06), BETH BENDER (NC ’07), EHREN STANHOPE (B ’05), JOE SEREMET (B ’05), DAN SCHAPIRO (TC ’06) and DONNIE DIXON (TC ’04).

CHRISTOPHER M. RESLER (PHTM ’05) received an MBA from California State University– Stanislaus in June.

SHYLIE ARMON (NC ’06) graduated from the University of Florida Levin College of Law, cum laude, and accepted a position as an associate with the law firm of Wicker, Smith, O’Hara, McCoy and Ford in Jacksonville, Fla., practicing civil defense litigation in the areas of medical malpractice, professional malpractice and general liability. ERIN BOXWELL (NC ’06) married Phillip Vaden

DANIELLE HORSTMAN (NC ’05) married Craig Michael Capilla in Savannah, Ga., on Oct. 10, 2009. The wedding party included maid of honor ANNE MORGAN (NC ’05) and bridesmaid MAURA ROSENBLIT (B ’05). Guests included EMILY ROTHSCHILD (NC ’05), ERIN HAMILTON (A ’06), HEATHER RUBIN (B ’05), KATHLEEN SPARKS (NC ’05), SOFIA CURDUMI (NC ’05), SARAH RUGGERIO DRENNAN (NC ’05), KATE HORSTMAN (E ’07) and LINDSAY WILE (NC ’05).

Joanna Gikas (NC ’02) is the star of a Sprint Palm Pre commercial that’s been shown repeatedly on television and in movie theaters. And it’s attracting YouTube viewers. Exposure like this is exhilarating for a band. “Our song from the commercial is in the top 30 most downloaded songs on Amazon.com,” says Gikas. Gikas’ band, io echo—from the Greek translation of her first name, Ioanna, and echo simply because it sounds good—released a CD in May. Gikas composed many of the songs and she also sings and plays guitar and keyboards. As io echo takes off, the band’s single “Addicted” is getting playtime on radio. The band also has opened high-profile shows, including Nine Inch Nails’ last concert. It’s toured in the United States and Canada, and it has been featured in the style magazine i-D. “Lots of travel and shows. Just how I like it,” says Gikas, who currently is in London for meetings about future opportunities. —Fran Simon

on June 20, 2009, in Spearman, Texas. The couple resides in West Hollywood, Calif. Erin Vaden completed a master’s degree in preColumbian art history at the University of California–Los Angeles in spring 2009 and she continues doctoral studies this fall.

RENÉ BENNETT (L ’08) and EDWARD CARLSON (L ’08) married on Oct. 10, 2009. They live and work in New York.

RICHARD NERE (’08), a specialist with the 3rd Battalion, 509th Infantry (Airborne), 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army, is serving in Afghanistan. He flies a Raven unmanned aerial vehicle and manages the information operations effort in Afghanistan. An article by Nere was published in the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School’s Strategic Insight journal. His paper on “Democracy Promotion and the National Security Strategy: U.S. National Interest, Primacy and Coercion” was in the August 2009 issue. LAUREN NUSSBAUM (’08) is an international housing policy/program associate with the National AIDS Housing Coalition.

TAA C a ll fo r ons B o a rd Nom in ati /a lum ni / Vis it tu la ne .e du om in at io ns al um ni-b oa rd-n w to nom in ate fo r de ta ils on ho ni fo r th e yo ur fe llo w al um ss oc iati on Tu la ne Alum ni A s. Bo ard of Di re ct or


theClasses | Deaths Kitty Bacon Crettet (NC ’30) of San Antonio on Aug. 15, 2009. Kathryn Longmire Barnes (NC ’33) of La Jolla, Calif., on Sept. 4, 2009. Bradley C. Brownson (A&S ’34, M ’37) of Oakland, Calif., on Sept. 12, 2009. Joseph N. Levy (A&S ’34, M ’38) of Battle Creek, Mich., on July 28, 2009. Jacob D. Guice (A&S ’36) of Ocean Springs, Miss., on Aug. 23, 2009. James E. Harvey Jr. (E ’40) of Green Cove Springs, Fla., on April 8, 2009. Patricia Robertson Brehm (NC ’41) of Jacksonville, Fla., on July 17, 2009. Michael J. Cusimano (B ’41) of New Orleans on Aug. 18, 2009. Leo L. Nastasi (A&S ’41, M ’44) of East Greenwich, R.I., on Aug. 26, 2009. Aline H. Gruhler (UC ’42) of Gretna, La., on Aug. 18, 2009. James W. Wiggins (M ’42) of Jacksonville, Fla., on Sept. 9, 2009. James M. Ber (B ’43) of New Orleans on Aug. 16, 2009. DeiJing Chang (M ’44) of Freeport, Ill., on Feb. 1, 2008. Roy H. Manning (E ’44) of Metairie, La., on Aug. 28, 2009. Daisy L. Pollet (UC ’44) of New Orleans on July 29, 2009. M. Patricia D. Roberts (NC ’44) of Baton Rouge, La., on Aug. 1, 2009. Wyman P. Sloan Jr. (M ’44) of Atlanta on July 15, 2009. Lela Fournet Vincent (NC ’44) of Knoxville, Tenn., on Aug. 26, 2009. Richard D. Carter (M ’45) of Birmingham, Ala., on July 20, 2009. Norman B. Howells (E ’45) of Peoria, Ill., on Sept. 7, 2009. Robin Ahrens Marshall (A&S ’45) of Woodbridge, Conn., on Aug. 18, 2009. Charles F. Ethridge Jr. (A&S ’46) of Lake Charles, La., on Sept. 13, 2009. Evelyn Anderson Fruthaler (A&S ’46) of Mandeville, La., on Aug. 29, 2009. Crawford D. Gibbes Jr. (A&S ’46) of Jackson, Miss., on Aug. 29, 2009. Evelyn Bertrand Tschirn (A&S ’46) of New Orleans on Aug. 14, 2009.

Fred G. Anepohl Jr. (E ’47) of Plano, Texas, on July 14, 2009. Ann Giles Butler (NC ’47) of Folsom, Calif., on July 3, 2009. Norman S. Conroy (B ’47) of Houston on Dec. 1, 2008. Louis B. Gariepy (M ’47) of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., on July 5, 2009. Carol B. Hart (B ’47, L ’48) of Atlanta on Sept. 6, 2009. Noell C. Kerr (E ’47) of Resenberg, Texas, on July 15, 2009. Fannie L. Kyker (NC ’48) of Hattiesburg, Miss., on June 11, 2009. Paul R. Mayer (L ’48) of Shreveport, La., on July 23, 2009. Oliver Beirne Miles (A&S ’48, M ’56) of New Orleans on July 17, 2009. Edward L. Emling Sr. (B ’49) of Jackson, Miss., on July 18, 2009. George W. Flach (E ’49) of New Orleans on Aug. 2, 2009. Henry L. Hammett Jr. (E ’49) of Diamondhead, Miss., on July 5, 2009. John R. Rarick (L ’49) of Baton Rouge, La., on Sept. 14, 2009. Harry L. Truly Jr. (M ’49) of Tampa, Fla., on Aug. 22, 2009. William D. Weil (B ’49) of Metairie, La., on Aug. 30, 2009. Clarence B. Brewster III (B ’50) of New Orleans on July 6, 2009. Lillian Westerly Carlton (G ’50) of Pacific Grove, Calif., on July 30, 2009. Arthur C. Roberts (A&S ’50) of Picayune, Miss., on July 12, 2009. Edwin J. Rovira Jr. (B ’50) of New Orleans on Aug. 11, 2009. William E. Schoenborn (E ’50) of Cincinnati on May 15, 2009. M. Dreux Van Horn II (A&S ’51, L ’54) of New Orleans on Aug. 27, 2009. Nellie Booth Hutchison (NC ’52) of Ashland, Ore., on Sept. 14, 2009. David N. Pratt (A&S ’53) of Vineland, N.J., on July 12, 2009. William E. Wiren Jr. (A&S ’53) of Fairfield Glade, Tenn., on July 10, 2009. Edwin D. Chadick (A&S ’54) of Tomball, Texas, on May 11, 2009. Morris C. Stahl (E ’54) of Malvern, Pa., on Sept. 8, 2009.

George F. Helfrich (A&S ’55) of Newport News, Va., on July 17, 2009. Peter M. Parun (UC ’55) of Terrytown, La., on Sept. 10, 2009. Jack H. Stocker (G ’55) of New Orleans on July 8, 2009. Robert M. McHale Sr. (L ’56) of Lake Charles, La., on Sept. 7, 2009. Lida L. Placek (NC ’56) of Bush, La., on July 25, 2009. Richard P. Brown (A&S ’57, G ’64) of San Francisco on June 24, 2009. Donald R. Miller (A&S ’57, L ’60) of Shreveport, La., on Aug. 18, 2009. Charles M. Thomas (B ’57) of Bremerton, Wash., on May 22, 2009. Richard H. Hall (A&S ’58) of Brentwood, Md., on July 17, 2009. Sunil Varma (B ’58) of Los Angeles on July 30, 2009. Herman F. Boudreau (UC ’59) of Metairie, La., on July 15, 2009. Ferdinand C. Bouvier (E ’59) of Metairie, La., on July 15, 2009. Marilyn Vanderburg Ragusa (NC ’60) of Baton Rouge, La., on May 15, 2009. Mary Jenkins Bartley (NC ’61 G ’67) of Fairhope, Ala., on July 20, 2009. Paul A. Nalty (L ’62) of Metairie, La., on July 16, 2009. Jack E. Gray (UC ’63) of Metairie, La., on March 30, 2009. Marguerite Ann Avegno Russell (NC ’63) of New Orleans on Aug. 8, 2009. John N. Nassar (L ’64) of Cleveland, Miss., on July 24, 2009. Wesley D. Bonds Jr. (A&S ’65) of Sylva, N.C., on Sept. 14, 2009. William S. deCamp (G ’65, ’71) of Fairfax, Va., on Sept. 3, 2009. James M. McClurkan (M ’65) of Bremerton, Wash., on July 5, 2009. Una H. Guillot (SW ’66) of Metairie, La., on Aug. 27, 2009. Chester N. Tate (G ’68, ’71) of Denton, Texas, on Sept. 13, 2009. George R.R. Cruce (A&S ’69) of Houston on Aug. 19, 2009. James J. Hanafy Jr. (A&S ’69, L ’69) of New Orleans on Sept. 7, 2009. Alice Randazza Geoffray (G ’70) of

Mandeville, La., on Aug. 3, 2009. John J. Scurry (A ’70) of Dallas on July 22, 2009. Brenda Aguillard Bocage (SW ’71) of New Orleans on Aug. 16, 2009. Tyana Payne (PHTM ’72, ’74) of Klamath Falls, Ore., on July 17, 2009. Kerry M. Massari (L ’73) of St. Petersburg, Fla., on July 31, 2009. James K. Carroll (L ’74) of New Orleans on Aug. 5, 2009. Mitchell A. Pokrassa (A&S ’74) of Los Angeles on May 11, 2009. John Drayton Conley (M ’75) of Fairburn, Ga., on July 1, 2009. Noemie G. Merrick (NC ’75, A ’93) of Metairie, La., on July 24, 2009. Dennis K. Russell (L ’75) of Metairie, La., on July 30, 2009. Arthur A. Arseneaux Jr. (E ’76) of New Orleans on Aug. 9, 2009. Mark Gibbs Jr. (A&S ’76) of Hot Springs, Ark., on Aug. 11, 2009. Jacqueline Goodman Levine (UC ’77) of St. Louis on July 21, 2009. Susan Van Hees Murphy (NC ’78) of Baton Rouge, La., on July 4, 2009. Roger L. Ward (G ’78) of New Orleans on July 17, 2009. Jose F. Alvarado (A&S ’79) of Salisbury, Md., on Aug. 8, 2009. William J. Catallo III (A&S ’81) of Baton Rouge, La., on July 25, 2009. Michael D. Eversmeyer (A ’81) of Pittsburgh on Aug. 2, 2009. Kelsey Bradley Favrot (SW ’81) of New Orleans on Aug. 27, 2009. James R. Flowers (A&S ’83) of Colorado Springs, Colo., on July 10, 2009. Humphrey B. Lansden (B ’84) of New Orleans on Aug. 21, 2009. Henry S. Burnett (B ’87) of Miami on July 6, 2009. Christopher J. McGrath (L ’88) of Houston on Aug. 13, 2009. Evangeline Armstrong (SW ’96) of New Orleans on July 23, 2009. Benjamin C. Brown (E ’03) of Baton Rouge, La., on July 30, 2009. Kathryn B. Baxter (PHTM ’04) of Biddeford, Maine, on July 26, 2009.



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Tulane Associates and Donor Honor Roll

The following donor list recognizes those who made gifts, pledges, and pledge payments of $1,500 or more in fiscal year 2009. Thank you for your generous support of Tulane University!

GIFTS RECEIVED July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009 $1,000,000 + Anonymous Donors Carnegie Corp. of New York ExxonMobil Foundation Δ ¥ £ Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Δ Joseph M. Humphries, MD * Louisiana Board of Regents Mr. & Mrs. Saul A. Mintz Δ Mr. E.V. Richards Jr. * The Sacks Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Slatten Δ € Mr. & Mrs. William A. Slatten Jr. Δ € People of Qatar Zemurray Foundation Δ $500,000–$999,999 Anonymous Donors Elise M. Cambon, PhD * The Children’s Health Fund Mr. Michael A. Corasaniti & Ms. Valerie A. Zondorak Entergy Corp. Mrs. Donna Diboll Flower and Mr. Paul Flower Δ Mrs. Anne Barrios Gauthier Jill & Avie Glazer Δ The John T. & Winifred Hayward Foundation Charitable Trust Mr. Fontaine Martin * Mr. & Mrs. Rick S. Rees Δ The RosaMary Foundation Ruth’s Hospitality Group UNAIDS Ambassador & Mrs. John G. Weinmann Δ § £ $100,000–$499,999 Anonymous Donors Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation The Alliance of Cardiovascular Researchers Jeffrey A. Altman Foundation Δ American Cancer Society American Chemical Society American Diabetes Association of Louisiana American Greetings Corp. Δ American Red Cross J. Aron Charitable Foundation Δ Mrs. Merryl I. Aron Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Aron Δ Key: Δ Associates Member § 1834 Society (Medicine) ¥ Aldrich Society (Business) € Coach’s Corner (Athletics) £ Law Fellows (Law) * Deceased

Mr. Sean P. Aron AT&T Foundation Δ € £ Mr. Charles L. Atwood Mrs. Corine Baines Δ * Mr. & Mrs. J. David Barksdale Δ Mr. Clement C. Benenson Δ Ms. Jodi Block & Mr. Barry A. Malkin Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Boudreaux Δ ¥ € Carole B. & Kenneth J. Boudreaux Foundation Δ ¥ € Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Darden Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Ray Day Jr. Δ John W. & Bertie M. Deming Foundation Mrs. Gayle S. Denegre The Devlin Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Devlin Collins C. Diboll Private Foundation Mr. Donald W. Diboll The Discovery Fund Thomas M. Doody, MD * Eason-Weinmann Foundation Δ § £ Mr. & Mrs. David F. Edwards Δ Ellison Medical Foundation FedEx Corp. Δ Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Δ § ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Field Ella West Freeman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Freeman Δ ¥ The Frost Foundation Ltd. Wendell & Anne Gauthier Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Gibbons Goldring Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William A. Goldring Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Gorson Δ Greater New Orleans Education Foundation Δ The Greater New Orleans Foundation Δ § ¥ € £ The Greer Family Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Philip Greer Δ Hancock Bank Mr. E. Wayne Harper Δ * The Harrah’s Foundation The Irving Harris Foundation Hewlett-Packard Co. Mrs. Eugenie Jones Huger Δ Mrs. Doris O’Quinn Johns * The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Eugenie & Joseph Jones Family Foundation Δ Mr. William M. Kelly Jr. * Mrs. Martha McCarty Kimmerling Δ Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Lawrence Family Foundation Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. C. Berdon Lawrence Δ ¥ Mrs. Edna Lee Leib * Mr. Albert R. Lepage The Sherry & Alan Leventhal Family Foundation Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Leventhal Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Julius L. Levy Δ €


Mr. Warren G. Lichtenstein Δ Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Marshall Δ € McCune Charitable Foundation Δ The McKnight Foundation Ms. Joyce Frank Menschel Orphan Support Africa David & Lucille Packard Foundation Ms. Ruth Paddison * Vin & Caren Prothro Foundation Δ Rand Corp. Dr. Louise H. Saik & Mr. Clifton J. Saik Δ € The Schloss Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. V. D. Schloss Δ Mr. Martin F. Schmidt Δ Seattle Biomedical Research Institute Mr. & Mrs. William H. Shane Mrs. Bertie Deming Smith Mrs. Lillian O’Neill Stanton * Steel Partners Foundation Δ Mr. Scott C. Satterwhite & Ms. Patricia L. Stern Δ ¥ Charles T. Stone Jr., MD * Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Suzman United Way of Miami-Dade Δ £ Vital Projects Fund Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Wisner Trust Fund Woldenberg Foundation $50,000–$99,999 Anonymous Donors AGL Resources Private Foundation The Almar Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Ivan S. Altman American Heart Association, Southeast American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise AmeriCares Mr. Arnfinn J.S. Anderson * Akira Arimura Foundation Mrs. Katsuko Arimura Δ Ms. Therese E. Bailkey Dr. Cedric R. Bainton & Dr. Dorothy F. Bainton Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Bayle Δ ¥ € Carol Lavin Bernick Family Foundation Δ Ms. Carol L. Bernick Δ Mr. Scott R. Bickford BIOQUAL, Inc Brandon Charitable Cayman Trust Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Buckingham Mrs. Carla Dodd Burgess Δ * Centocor CIAPA Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Cudd III Δ Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Ms. Jo Ann De Martini Deer Creek Foundation The James & Judith K. Dimon Foundation Δ Mrs. Marie Vail Eigenbrod * Mr. & Mrs. Fritz L. Felchlin Freeport-McMoRan Foundation Δ € £ Peter D. & Carol Goldman Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Goldman Δ Robert I. Goldman Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Graves Δ § € The Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Hertz Δ € Intel Corp. The James Family Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. James Δ Mrs. Patricia Cain Kesser * Margaret Strange Klapper, MD *

Kuehn Foundation Δ Dr. & Mrs. William R. La Rosa Dr. & Mrs. J. Monroe Laborde Mr. & Mrs. John P. Laborde Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lapeyre Jr. Δ ¥ € £ The Marcus Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. McKeever Δ Ms. Dorothy Lamb & Eugene J. Miller Jr., PhD Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David M. Mussafer Δ National Foundation for Jewish Culture OppenheimerFunds Legacy Program Mr. & Mrs. M. Cleland Powell III Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Richardson K. Powell Δ The Reily Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. W. Boatner Reily III Δ Mrs. Maria Garcia Roach Mr. Christopher B. Robb William Rosenberg Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James L. Rosenberg The Satterwhite Family Foundation T & C Schwartz Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Theodore G. Schwartz The Harry Seneca Charitable Trust Mr. David A. Sislen Alfred P. Sloan Foundation The Smerge Family Foundation Mr. Raymond G. Smerge Mr. Eugene R. Sneeringer Jr. * Soref-Breslauer Texas Foundation Mr. Paul B. Sussdorf * Tibotec Mr. & Mrs. Horacio Valeiras Dr. & Mrs. J.E. Watkins Trust Fund Whitney National Bank of New Orleans $25,000–$49,999 Anonymous Donors Alcon Foundation American Foundation for AIDS Research Mrs. Elsa Freiman Angrist J. Aron & Co. Δ § ¥ * Arts Midwest Mrs. Sally Reed Atkins * The Ayco Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William M. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Joel Barnett Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Stacey M. Berger Δ ¥ Dr. & Mrs. George L. Bernstein Δ Mrs. Jeanelle Beskin Biotronik The Booth-Bricker Fund Δ Mr. Alan Boss Broussard Charitable Foundation Trust Mr. & Mrs. Jerome T. Broussard Dr. & Mrs. Malcolm M. Brown Δ § Burk-Kleinpeter Capital One Services The Center for Cultural Judaism Hannah S. & Samuel A. Cohn Memorial Foundation Mr. Richard C. Colton Jr. Δ € Compton Foundation ConocoPhillips Marjorie & Scott Cowen Δ Crane Fund for Widows & Children Ernest G. DeBakey Charitable Foundation Mrs. Marsha L. DeBakey Mrs. Dora Bonquois Ellis * The Jeffrey & Donna Eskind Family Foundation Δ Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Eskind Δ Philip J. Fagan Jr., MD Drs. Kathleen & Henry Faulkner Δ

Tulane Associates and Donor Honor Roll Joseph Lee Felson & Sherry Silver Felson Δ Forest Laboratories Evan Frankel Foundation General Motors Foundation Ms. Hilary Ginsberg-Feshbach & Mr. Joseph A. Feshbach Δ Scott Goldman, MD Δ § Leonard & Jerry Greenbaum Family Foundation Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Greenbaum Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Clifford C. Greenberg Δ Mrs. JoAnn Flom Greenberg Δ Joy M. & James Grodnick Charitable Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Grodnick Δ Hackberry Endowment Partners Drs. Jill & Elias Hanna Δ § The Helts Foundation Mr. Horace S. Henderson Δ * Mr. & Mrs. William D. Hess Mr. Robert C. Hinckley Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Marvin L. Jacobs Jewish Community Federation of the Greater East Bay Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Δ Jewish Endowment Foundation Δ £ Johnson & Johnson Yvette & Rick Jones Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Karp Δ Mr. & Mrs. Jory B. Katlin Mr. & Mrs. George C. Kleinpeter Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ira M. Kohn The Lassen Family Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Sidney W. Lassen Δ Lemle & Kelleher LLP The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Levin Δ Mr. & Mrs. Clarence I. Lewis Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Longmire Mr. & Mrs. John R. Luke Georges Lurcy Charitable & Educational Trust Lysosomal Storage Disorders Research Consortium Dr. & Mrs. Howard I. Maibach Δ § Mr. & Mrs. E. Pierce Marshall Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mayer Δ The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mr. Frank Montalbano Mozel Charitable Trust Mr. John E. Mueller National Geographic Society New Orleans Food & Farm Network Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation Δ Ms. Jeanne C. Olivier Δ Open Society Insitute Mr. & Mrs. Gray S. Parker Δ Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Payson The Perkin Fund Mr. & Mrs. C. Michael Petters Δ The Pew Charitable Trusts Mr. & Mrs. Ashton Phelps Jr. Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. R. Hunter Pierson Jr. Δ § Mr. Bernie J. Pistillo Jr. Diane & Andy Plauché Δ € £ The Purjes Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Rabinowitz Δ £ Mr. Brian J. Ratner Δ The Rechler Family Foundation Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Rechler Δ £ Mr. Halley M. Rechler Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Morton Rechler Δ £ Mr. Zachary R. Rechler Δ £ Mrs. Evelyn M. Richardson Δ

Schwab Charitable Fund Δ € £ Mr. Jeff Slonim St. Baldrick’s Foundation Mr. & Mrs. F. Chapman Taylor Δ The Times-Picayune Δ Mrs. Thelma D. Toole * Dr. & Mrs. Harry L. Truly Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Ungarino Δ € United Food & Commercial Workers The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Wilemal Fund M. B. & Edna Zale Foundation $10,000–$24,999 Anonymous Donors Mr. & Mrs. Herschel L. Abbott Jr. Δ £ Mr. Richard S. Ackerman Dr. & Mrs. A. Richard Adrouny Dr. Althea & Mr. Alton Alexis Allergan Pharmaceuticals American Heart Association Dr. & Mrs. Alberto J. Aran Δ § Area VII Physicians Review Organization Artis Capital Management, LP Δ Dr. & Mrs. Kristopher N. Atzeff Δ § Ann & Steve Bailey Δ € Virginia Baker Charitable Lead Trust Δ Baptist Community Ministries Δ § € Barnes & Noble College Booksellers Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Barnett Sr. Δ Mr. Brent Barriere & Ms. Judy Barrasso Δ € £ Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Bartenstein Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Wayne S. Berger Berger-Solano Foundation Mrs. Diane Bernard & Dr. John V. Bernard Δ Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bertrand Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Book Δ £ Mr. R. Mark Bostick & Mrs. Patti C. Bostick Beau J. Boudreaux, PhD Δ € Gwynn Akin Bowers, PhD The Joe W. & Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Bruno Mr. & Mrs. William R. Burk III The Burkenroad-Selber Foundation Dr. & Mrs. James R. Burnett Mr. & Mrs. John T. Burr Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Randolph Butts Jr. Δ € Joseph D. Calhoun, MD Δ * The Campbell Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Craig D. Campbell Sr. Δ The P & C Carroll Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Carroll Jr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. James S. Carter Sr. Mr. Alec Y. Chang Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Chastain Chevron Humankind Program Δ € £ Jonathan Y.C. Ching, MD Δ § * Mr. & Mrs. D. Bruce Christian Δ Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Christovich Δ § Mrs. Doris B. Cies Δ € Cisco Systems Foundation Ms. Paige Royer & Mr. J. Kerry Clayton Δ Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Colgan Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Collat Communities Foundation of Texas Δ Consortium for Southeastern Hypertension Control Mr. & Mrs. Jason L. Cook Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Dauterive Jr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Javier de Anda Δ

Dr. & Mrs. Richard DeJong Δ § Mrs. Rosemary G. Deutsch Dialysis Clinic Ms. Margaret P. DiBianco Mr. & Mrs. Darren Duffy Δ € Mr. Robert J. Duhon Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Randall M. Ebner Δ £ Education Development Center Mr. & Mrs. R.V. Edwards Jr. Efficens Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Eisenman The Eppley Foundation for Research Ernst & Young Foundation Δ The Steven & Laurie Eskind Family Foundation Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Eskind Δ § Mrs. Phyllis Church Exline * Exxon Education Foundation O. B. & Elizabeth L. Falls Fund Mr. & Mrs. Tim Favrot Δ Ms. Susan Falls Fegley Drs. Deborah & Doug Fein The Hon. Jacques L. Wiener Jr. & Sandra M. Feingerts, Esq. Δ £ Mr. Joshua S. Force Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Frank Δ ¥ French Embassy in the United States of America Friedman Foundation Δ € £ Dr. Ann & Mr. J. Kent Friedman Δ € £ Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Friedman Mr. Reuben I. Friedman Δ € £ Mr. Gordon Gamm, Esq. Δ £ Mr. Mark P. Gauchet Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. George Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Craig S. Glick Δ GMO, LLC Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Golden Δ The Joel & Bernice Gordon Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Gordon GPOA Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John T. Gray II Δ Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Greenhill Δ Dr. & Mrs. Lotuce Lee Hamm Δ § Mr. & Mrs. David J. Harris Ms. Sarah E. Harte Mr. & Mrs. D. Christopher Heckman Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. John P. Hess Δ § Adele Hieshima-Inouye, MD Mr. Robert C. Hills * Ms. Sabina Alicia Holtzman Houston Jewish Community Foundation Δ Howard Performance Architecture, LLC Dr. & Mrs. Min-Ho Huang Dr. Xiaoping Huang & Mr. Yu Xuan Δ Mr. & Mrs. Vic Hughes Δ € International Materials The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine Mr. & Mrs. James F. Jancik Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Janson The J.E.M.F. Foundation Jericho of Louisiana, LLC Δ € Jewish Communal Fund Δ Jewish Federation of Nashville & Middle Tennessee Dr. Miriam E. John & Mr. William G. Wilson Johnson & Johnson Δ § Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre Mr. & Mrs. Alvin E. Jones Δ ¥ € Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Kaplan Δ Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Kilgust Δ

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart R. Klabin Ulla Ule, MD & James D. Knoepp, MD Δ § Mr. & Mrs. John E. Koerner III Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Korach Δ Rouzbeh K. Kordestani, MD Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Kottler Δ ¥ Dr. & Mrs. Colman R. Kraff Dr. & Mrs. N. Kevin Krane Mr. & Mrs. Mark Krouse Δ Mrs. Merrilee W. Kullman Ladies Leukemia League Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Lartigue Jr. The Leakey Foundation Ms. Elizabeth Lee Mrs. Sheila Anne Richardson Lee * Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Lehmann Ms. Carol S. Levin Δ Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Levy Δ Mr. & Mrs. William G. Lewin Δ Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lonner Louisiana Association of Health Plans Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Co. Louisiana Outside Counsel Health & Ethics Foundation Loyola University-Chicago Mr. & Mrs. Wilson K. Magee Jr. Δ Mrs. Patricia Purtell Mathis Mayer Electric Supply Co. Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Mayer Jr. Ms. Kari K. McDowell Δ Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. McDowell Δ Ms. V.B. McDowell Δ The William G. McGowan Charitable Fund Gustaf Westfeldt McIlhenny Family Foundation McIntosh Foundation Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Meaher III Δ Hilary Anne Wilder, EdD & Michael J. Merritt, PhD Δ Dr. & Mrs. D. James Miller The A. S. Mitchell Foundation Δ Dr. & Mrs. John F. Moffett Δ € Mr. & Mrs. James L. Monaghan Jr. Monroe Fund Monteleone Family Foundation Morse Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Brent J. Morse Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Moses Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Nadel Ms. Ilene H. Nagel Δ NARSAD National Audubon Society National Philanthropic Trust Δ NCH Corp. New Orleans Lighthouse for the Blind Mr. James E. Nix Δ The North Carolina Partnership for Children Dr. & Mrs. William G. Odom Oliver Charitable Corp Δ The William J. & Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation Δ § Mark & Nancy Oswald Δ Pan American Life Insurance Co. Mrs. Holley Durant Pavy Brian & Leigh Pence Ms. Vijay Sree Venkatraman & Mr. Subash B. Pereira Δ ¥ Ms. Frances Petrocelli & Charles B. Wilson, MD Δ § Pfizer Phelps Dunbar, LLP The Procter & Gamble Co. Δ


Tulane Associates and Donor Honor Roll Usha Ramadhyani, MD & Warren R. Bourgeois III, MD Δ € Mr. & Mrs. James J. Reiss Jr. Mickey Retif Foundation The Hon. Ernest V. Richards IV & Mrs. Jo Ann Richards Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo Jr. Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Noah E. Rockowitz Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Rodriguez Jr. The Roos Charitable Lead Trust Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Floyd D. Roos Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Roselli Δ £ Mr. Alan H. Rosenbloum Δ € Mr. & Mrs. John T. Rossi Dr. & Mrs. A. John Rush Δ Ms. Adrea D. Heebe & Mr. Dominick A. Russo Jr. Δ € Ryan Family Foundation Mr. Ashton J. Ryan Jr. & Mrs. Jolene F. Ryan Dr. & Mrs. Joel S. Saal Δ § Benjamin P. Sachs, MD Δ § Mr. Kenneth R. Sadowsky San Antonio Area Foundation Mr. & Mrs. A. Lester Sarpy Sarracenia Foundation Δ ¥ Dr. & Mrs. Felix H. Savoie Δ € Scandurro & Layrisson, LLC Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Dewey M. Scandurro Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Scandurro Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Scandurro Δ € Mr. Stephen O. Scandurro Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Sam P. Scelfo Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Bennett G. Schmidt Δ ¥ Ms. Allison Scollar Dr. & Mrs. A. Kent Seale Mr. & Mrs. David A. Seay Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Selber Jr. Mr. John E. Shackelford Shell Oil Co. Foundation Δ ¥ £ Dr. & Mrs. Stuart J. Simon Δ Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Mrs. Benedicte Traberg Smith Δ * Mrs. Charlotte C. Smith * G.J. Walker Smith, MD Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Harry Spellman Δ Mrs. Sue S. Spellman & Mr. Paul Robert Spellman Sperling Family Charitable Foundation Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Sperling Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. St. Clair Δ € Thomas F. Staley Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Moise S. Steeg Jr. Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Steele Δ € Mrs. Elise Levy Steiner Mr. & Mrs. David C. Stokes Chris Suellentrop & Jen Raymer Suellentrop Δ Mr. & Mrs. George B. Sundby Δ ¥ George A. & Jamie H. Swan III Dr. Danielle & Mr. Kevin Sweeney Δ § J. Dudley Talbot, MD Mr. & Mrs. Dean E. Taylor Mrs. Phyllis M. Taylor Δ Luther & Zita Templeman Foundation Tides Foundation Tidewater Tinker Foundation Mark & Diana Tipton Δ € Toulouse Gourmet, LLC Δ € Mrs. Joyce Bennett Ullom Δ United Student Aid Funds Δ Mr. Raul J. Valdes-Fauli & Ms. Francia E. Quijada

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Δ € Varnum de Rose Charitable Trust Δ V-Day Ms. Cheryl A. Verlander & Mr. Charles N. Bracht Δ Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Veron Δ € Mr. Srinidhi Vishwanath Mr. Ronald Warner & Mrs. Nehama Jacobs Warner Δ € Mr. & Mrs. William W. Watson Δ € Mr. Adam S. Weiner Mr. William H. West Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dugan Westfeldt II Δ John C. Williams Architects, LLC Δ Mr. & Mrs. John C. Williams Δ Dr. & Mrs. J. Richard Williams Dr. & Mrs. Carey E. Winder Δ § € Mr. Kenneth A. Windheim Wink Companies, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Wink Mr. John J. Witmeyer III Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Rodney S. Yanker Δ ¥ Dr. & Mrs. John C. York Δ Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Young Δ €

Mr. Roy O. Brady Jr. Δ Ms. Sally A. Corning & Mr. Edison C. Buchanan Δ Mr. Robert L. Bunnen Jr. Ms. J. Karen Butler & Mr. Hernan R. Franco Δ £ Mr. Kevin A. Carroll Δ Mr. Walter Carroll Jr. Δ £ Ms. Renee M. Castagnola Δ Chadwick Family Foundation, LLC Δ ¥ Mr. Winslow J. Chadwick Sr. Δ ¥ Mrs. Gertrude Chisholm & Mr. Homer Chisholm Δ Carolyn M. Clawson, MD Δ § William J. Clinton Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John W. Colbert Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell C. Compeaux Δ € Cooper Industries Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Joseph Cousin Δ Marjorie F. Cowan Family Foundation Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Alexander B. Coxe Ms. Lisa E. Cristal & Mr. Bruce S. Cybul, Esq. Δ Mr. John A. Crowley Δ Mr. & Mrs. Clive S. Cummis Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Curran Δ The Dallas Foundation $5,000–$9,999 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Darden Anonymous Donors Mr. Leonard A. Davis Accenture Foundation Δ Mr. Robert P. Dean Jr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Burt A. Adams Δ Ms. Karen L. Degerberg & Mr. Andrew L. Sandler Δ Dr. Salpi Adrouny & Dr. Justus Baird Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Dehmlow Δ AHB Foundation Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Delgado Jr. Δ € Alcon Laboratories Dr. Diane J. Deveines & Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Altiero Mr. Edward P. Ryan Δ § American Psychiatric Association Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dickson Δ Mr. & Mrs. William J. Amon Δ € Mr. George A. Dies Δ The Hon. George T. Anagnost Δ £ Dow Chemical Co. Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Paul N. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Duren Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Arsenault Δ E.C. Durr Heavy Equipment Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Luben Atzeff Δ § Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Austin Δ Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Eisenberg Δ The Azby Fund Kyna & Richard Epstein Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Ted Baer Δ ¥ Eskew + Dumez + Ripple Δ Mr. & Mrs. Grant A. Bagan Mr. R. Allen Eskew Δ Mr. Bryan W. Bailey Δ € The Essence Program Dr. & Mrs. Stuart F. Ball Dr. & Mrs. Hayden O. Evans Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Brant F. Ballantyne Δ Mr. & Mrs. S. Stewart Farnet Sr. Jeff R. Balser, MD, PhD Δ The Darwin & Mary Jane Fenner Mr. & Mrs. J. Luis Banos Jr. Δ Family Fund BAR/BRI Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Darwin C. Fenner Barriere Construction Co. LLC Ruth U. Fertel Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Steven O. Barrios Δ € Mr. Jerry E. Finger & Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Mrs. Nanette B. Finger Dr. & Mrs. Robert O. Begtrup Dr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Fishman Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Bender Δ Mr. & Mrs. Vaughan O. Fitzpatrick Δ £ Mrs. Sophia W. Bender Δ Mr. & Mrs. Avron B. Fogelman Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Benjamin Sr. Δ £ Professor & Mrs. Robert Force Ms. Patti Harp & Mr. & Mrs. James B. Francis Jr. Δ Michael A. Bernstein, PhD Δ Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Frapart Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Jon R. Berquist Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Freedman Jr. Δ Mr. Gaylord M. Bickham Δ J & W Gambino Bakeries Δ € Biesecker Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Frederick N. Biesecker II Δ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Garner Δ € £ Mr. Ralph M. Garrard Mr. & Mrs. Allan H. Bissinger Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Gay Jr. Δ € Mrs. Marjorie Bissinger GE Foundation Δ Dr. & Mrs. John R. Black Δ § General Electric Co. Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Blankenship Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Genz Δ Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Blum Δ Mr. & Mrs. S. Derby Gisclair Δ € Mr. Philip W. Bohne * Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gold Δ Mrs. Susan Hobbs Boone & Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gold Δ Mr. James A. Boone Δ ¥ Goldman, Sachs & Co. Δ ¥ Mr. James F. Booth Δ £ Rabbi & Mrs. David S. Goldstein Dr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Bordlee Δ § Dr. & Mrs. R. Christopher Goodwin Dr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Boston Δ John & Hallie Gorup Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boudreau Δ €


Mr. & Mrs. John J. Graham Δ Mr. & Mrs. R. Graham Greene Dr. & Mrs. Frank R. Groves Δ Marian & Mark Gutowski Δ H & S Production Mr. & Mrs. Clay W. Hamlin III Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Eben Hardie III Δ € Dr. & Mrs. C. Bryce Hartley Ms. Ellen M. Hauck & Mr. Markham H. Smith Δ Mr. & Mrs. Scott G. Heape Robert G. Heath Society Ray Hester Chapter Δ € Mr & Mrs. Thomas R. Hightower Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hines Δ € Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hines Mrs. Deborah A. Hodes & Mr. David A. Rouatt Δ Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Hoffman Δ Mr. Patrick J. Hojlo Δ Mrs. Sally Baker Hopkins Δ ¥ Horchow Family Charitable Trust Δ Mr. & Mrs. S. Roger Horchow Δ Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Howard Fred & Charlotte Hubbell Foundation Δ Ms. Charlotte Beyer Hubbell Δ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Huseman Dr. & Mrs. Monte E. Ikemire Δ § Infertility Associates of Long Island Mr. & Mrs. Jay Jacobs Δ Jim Jancik & Associates Mr. Bill & Mrs. Shelby Jennings Δ € Johnson Charitable Gift Fund Δ Mr. Gladstone N. Jones III Mr. Steve Jones & Mrs. Laura McBurnett Jones Δ Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Joseph Δ Mr. A. Louis Jung III Δ € Dr. Howard & Trudy Kandell Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Kansas George S. Kantor, MD Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Kaufman Δ Mr. & Mrs. Barry D. Kaufman Δ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M Kaufman Δ W.K. Kellogg Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Kelly Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. John C. Kilpatrick Δ Betty & Ira Kohn Foundation Dr. Christopher M. Kramer Mr. Daniel R. Kramer Ms. Kate S. Lavelle Mr. Alan W. Lawrence Δ Mr. & Mrs. John F. LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Lebovitz Mr. Richard M. Lerner Δ ¥ Mr. Donald I. Levy Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Levy III Δ € Liskow & Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Littenberg Δ £ Mr. Thomas B. Lockett Δ € Lockheed Martin Corp. Louisiana City Attorneys’ Association Δ £ Dr. Mary Lupo & Mr. Robert Smith Lupo Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. MacDiarmid Jr. Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Laurence F. Mack Mr. & Mrs. Emon A. Mahony Jr. Δ £ Morton & Barbara Mandel Family Foundation Δ Sara J. Marder, MD & Seth D. Force, MD Marine Insurance Seminars Mr. & Mrs. Everard W. Marks III Δ € Mrs. Elsie Brupbacher Martinez Mr. John L. Martinez * Mr. & Mrs. John M. McCollam Δ £ Ms. Anne Segrest McCulloch Δ

Tulane Associates and Donor Honor Roll Mr. & Mrs. James L. McCulloch Δ £ McDermott International Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. McHale Jr. Δ € McIlhenny Co. Mr. & Mrs. A. Douglas Melamed Δ Dr. Robin H. Meltzer & Mr. Roger Meltzer Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Messina Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mestayer Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Meyer IV The Donald R. Mintz Memorial Fund Molly’s At The Market Monaghan Decatur Street Inc. Monaghan-Decatur Street Monala LLC Morgan Keegan & Co. Δ € Morgan Stanley Δ Mr. & Mrs. James R. Morton Mr. & Mrs. William D. Mounger Δ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Nadel Nassau Holding Corp. Δ € Waldemar S. Nelson & Co. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Niesen Δ Mr. & Mrs. James R. Nieset Δ € £ Norman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Colvin G. Norwood Jr. Δ £ Gregory R. Oldham, PhD Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Marshall B. Oreck Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Orihel Δ ¥ Mrs. Margaret P. Sullivan-Pace & Paul D. Pace, MD Δ § Pacific Eye Surgery Center The Hon. & Mrs. David Painter Δ € Mrs. Stacy Mandel Palagye & Mr. Keith R. Palagye Δ William S. Paley Foundation M. Pierre Pang, MD Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy S. Perelman Δ The Pfizer Foundation Δ § Mrs. Irene S. Phelps Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Pierpont Jr. Δ Jack A. Pines. MD Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Randall B. Post Δ Mr. & Mrs. John B. Postell Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Price Δ € PricewaterhouseCoopers Charitable Foundation Δ Quest Diagnostics Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Elias R. Quintos R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates Ms. Laura T. Rabinovitz Δ Mr. Christopher K. Ralston Δ £ Rambusch Decorating Co. Mr. & Mrs. Martin V. Rambusch The Stanley W. Ray Jr. Philanthropic & Civic Trust Mr. & Mrs. Edmund E. Redd Δ Mr. Robert L. Redfearn Sr. Δ £ Mr. Andre J. Robert Mr. & Mrs. Raoul P. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Rosenblum Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James E. Rosenfeld Δ Mr. Alan G. Rottman Δ Roussel & Clement Δ € £ Mr. & Mrs. Perry J. Roussel Jr. Δ € £ Mrs. Elizabeth Horchow Routman & Mr. Daniel G. Routman Δ Mr. Daniel S. Ryan Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Ryan Jr. Δ Sachs Family Foundation Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Roger M. Sachs Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Salloum Δ £ Ms. Cynthia E. Samuel & Mr. John E. Brockhoeft Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Walton D. Sanchez Δ €

The Sanford Foundation Δ Santa Fe Community Foundation Δ Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Schmidt Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Terry E. Schnuck Δ Ms. Emily F. Schoenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Martin W. Schubert Δ Ms. Nicole A. Schubert Δ Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Schwartz Dean Kenneth Schwartz & Ms. Judith Kinnard Δ Hyslop Shannon Foundation Karen & Leopold Sher Δ £ Dr. Elizabeth M. Short & Michael A. Friedman, MD Δ Silicon Valley Community Foundation Δ Dr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Silliman Mr. & Mrs. Ralfe O. P. Silverman Jr. Siragusa Foundation Mr. & Mrs. I. William Sizeler Δ Mr. & Mrs. Lynes R. Sloss Δ Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Small Jr. Joe H. Smith Co. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Kent H. Smith Δ € Dr. Lesley C. Snelling & Mr. John Bober Δ Mr. & Mrs. Roy M. Spence Jr. Δ Mrs. Gladys Davidson St. Martin * Mr. & Mrs. H. Leighton Steward Δ Ms. Frances Moore Stolar * Stonisch Foundation Dr. Gail M. Stonisch-Riggs & Dr. Patrick Riggs Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stritter Δ Mrs. Carroll W. Suggs Dr. & Mrs. Scott K. Sullivan Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Jose S. Suquet Dr. Szabolcs & Mrs. Victoria Szentpetery Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Taylor Δ Sam A. Threefoot, MD Δ § € Adam D. Tihany International, LTD. Elizabeth L. Todd, PhD & Mr. William H. Wilcox Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Trapp Δ Ms. Judith J. Trotta Dr. & Mrs. Victor W. H. Tsang Mrs. Saba Tseggai Jeffrey L. Turner, Esq. UBS, AG Δ ¥ Mrs. Lowell Simmons Ukrop & Mr. R. Scott Ukrop Δ Mr. K. Scott Unger & Mrs. Annamarie H. Unger Δ Mr. Michael Valliant Δ Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Van Dusen Δ Ms. Daisy Meriwether VanDenburgh Mr. & Mrs. Robbert W. Vorhoff Δ ¥ € Vulcan Materials Co. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Watts Wacker Jr. Δ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Wall Δ € Dr. & Mrs. J. William Watts III Δ Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Weil Δ Frederick G. Weinstein, MD Mr. Jon L. Weinstein Miriam L. Weinstein, MD Westinghouse Electric Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. White Δ Stephen M. Wiles, Esq. The Margaret Pace Willson Charitable Foundation Δ § Wilmington Trust Δ Mr. George H. Wilson Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Paul R. Winder Δ § € Mary Freeman Wisdom Foundation Wisznia Associates Mr. & Mrs. Marcel L. Wisznia

Dr. & Mrs. John M. Yarborough Mr. John D. Young Δ ¥ € YPO Louisiana Chapter Southern Δ A. Hays Zieman & Christine B. Zieman Charitable Trust Δ § A. Hays Zieman, MD Δ § * Alan M. Zimmer Family Foundation Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Zimmer Δ ¥ $2,500–$4,999 Anonymous Donors Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Acomb Jr. Δ £ AGC Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Agular Δ € Al Petrie Investor & Media Relations LLC Dr. & Mrs. N. Erick Albert Δ Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Alltmont Δ £ American Heart Association Louisiana Anheuser-Busch Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. John C. Arthurs Δ € Arts Council of New Orleans Associated Office Systems Δ Mr. & Mrs. William J. Atkins Δ ¥ € Mr. & Mrs. John P. Babcock Δ Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bagot Δ Ms. Debra Neill Baker & Mr. Michael Baker Δ Bank of America Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Barnes Δ Mr. & Mrs. Bradford S. Barr Δ Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Basile Jr. Δ € Bat Conservation International Hon. Herbert J. Baumann Jr. & Dr. Shelly P. Baumann Δ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Bavaria Δ Mr. & Mrs. William T. Beam Jr. Δ € Mr. Maziar Behrooz, AIA Δ Aimee Favrot Bell Family Fund Δ Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bell Δ Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Beltz Δ € Dr. Kenneth J. Bennett & Dr. Renee Bennett Dr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Berenson Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Berenson Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Berkowitz Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Δ Ms. Carrie E. Walker & Mr. Scott D. Bernhard Mr. & Mrs. David J. Berteau Δ Dr. & Mrs. James L. Beskin Δ The Lawrence & Marianne Bogan Family Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Bogan Δ Mr. Benjamin D. Bohlmann & Ms. Ellen Kanner Δ Dr. & Mrs. Roger A. Bonomo Δ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Botwin Δ Mr. William R. Boyer Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bracci Δ Mr. & Mrs. H. Wayne Brafford Δ ¥ Dr. & Mrs. Peter W. Brandrup Δ Mr. John W. Bray Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Breit Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Brennan Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Ralph O. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Lee M. Bressler Δ € Mr. & Mrs. J. Lyons Brewer Δ W.L. Lyons Brown Jr. Charitable Foundation Δ ¥ Ms. Ellen B. Brown & Mr. Brent S. Franzel Δ £ The Hon. Jerry A. Brown & Mrs. Florence Brown Δ £

Dr. Ken Brown Jr. & Dr. Jil Brown Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Brown Δ Mr. W.L. Lyons Brown III & Mrs. Susanne E. Brown Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Buesinger Δ Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Buettner Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Allan R. Bundy Δ Mr. & Mrs. Daryl G. Byrd Δ ¥ Mr. Steven L. Cahall Δ Mr. & Mrs. Albert Caproni Jr. Δ Dr. Robert J. Card & Ms. Karol Ann Kreymer Δ § Mr. Cameron S. Cardozo Δ Mr. & Mrs. Bryant S. Carroll III Δ € Dr. & Ms. William F. Carroll Jr.. Δ Dr. & Mrs. Philips J. Carter Δ § Mr. Anthony J. Cerasaro Δ € Mr. Henry G. Chandler III Δ ¥ Pin-Wei & Grace Chen Charitable Foundation Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Pin-wei Chen Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Edward A. Chipps Mr. & Mrs. William K. Christovich Δ £ Chroma Operating Δ CIGNA Foundation Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey B. Cislo Δ M. D. Claiborne & Associates, LLC Dr. & Mrs. M.D. Claiborne III Mr. & Mrs. A. Knox Clark Jr. Δ € Robert A. Clark, MD Δ Mr. & Mrs. George M. Cleland III Δ £ The Cobb Family Foundation Δ Mr. Christian M. Cobb Δ Mr. & Mrs. Brodie L. Cobb Mr. Bryant B. Cohen Δ ¥ Jacques & Emy Cohenca Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Cohenca Mr. & Mrs. James J. Coleman Jr. Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Coleman Δ ¥ Bettie & Robert Coley Δ Community Foundation for Southwest Washington Δ The Community Foundation of Gaston County Δ § Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley Δ Mr. Dennis P. Connors Δ Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Cooney Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Corales Δ € Karen J. Cove, MD Δ Covenant House Domenick Enzo Cover, MD Δ Cox Allen & Associates Architects Δ Mr. & Mrs. Alvin J. Cox Δ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald N. Craig Δ £ Paula A. Craigo, MD & John C. Lieske, MD Δ § Crasto Glass & Mirror Co. Δ € Mr. Bradley D. Crown Δ Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Curley Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Currence Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Guy C. Curry Δ € Dale Foundation Δ Mrs. Beverley Brown Dale Δ Ms. Blythe Danner Δ The Hon. W. Eugene Davis & Mrs. Celia Davis Δ £ Mrs. Carla M. Dehmlow Δ Andrew Delaney Foundation Δ Miss Janet L. Delaney Δ Deloitte Foundation Δ ¥ Drs. Jay & Karen DeSalvo Δ § Mrs. Judith W. Devins Δ Mr. Robert S. Devins Δ Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Di Carlo Δ Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Dickson Δ €


Tulane Associates and Donor Honor Roll Mrs. S. Elizabeth Diemont Δ Ms. Luann D. Dozier Mr. William G. Duck Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. David L. Ducote Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Dunn Δ € Dr. & Mrs. John Lionel Dupre Δ § Ms. D. Jean Veta & Ms. Mary Ann Dutton Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dykhuizen Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Eaton Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Paul Richard Eisenberg Δ Dr. Gary S. Hirsch & Dr. Karen Elkind-Hirsch Δ § N. Robert Elson, MD Entergy Charitable Foundation Δ EOG Resources Δ EXCEL Services Corp. C. Allen Favrot Family Fund Δ € Mr. & Mrs. C. Allen Favrot Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Calvin C. Fayard Jr. Federal National Mortgage Association Δ Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Feingold Δ The Hon. Martin L.C. Feldman Δ £ Fidelity Foundation Δ Dr. & Mrs. Brian G. Firth Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Fleishman Δ £ Mr. Walter C. Flower III Δ Mr. & Mrs. Bjorn Forfang Δ Mr. & Mrs. Ulycess G. Forte Δ € Drs. Karen & David Francis Δ § Frantzen/Voelker Investments, LLC Dr. Kerin & Mr. Andrew Fredman Δ Mr. & Mrs. John William Galeener Jr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gallagher Δ § Mr. & Mrs. William R. Gardner Δ € Mrs. Margot S. Garon Ms. Michele M. Garvin Δ Mr. & Mrs. W. Gerald Gaudet Δ € General Electric Co. Mr. Daniel A. Gerson Δ € Mr. & Mrs. M.H. Gertler Δ J. Paul Getty Trust Dr. & Mrs. White E. Gibson Δ § Henry W. Giles Jr., MD Δ € Ms. Donna L. Gillis * Dr. & Mrs. Charles G. Glaser Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Frank Andrew Glaviano Sr. Δ Mr. Michael F. Goldstein Δ Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Goldstein Δ The Hon. & Mrs. Gus E. Gonzales Jr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Goodman Δ € Dr. & Mrs. William M. Gottwald Δ § Robert T. Grissom, MD Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Gros Mr. James C. Groves Δ Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Groves Δ £ Gulf South Finance, LLC Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Mac W. Hancock III Δ £ Ms. Rita H. Hankins Δ Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Hardin III Δ £ Hargrove Oil Co., LLC Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Hargrove Δ € Harral Foundation Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Brad A. Hastings Δ Mr. Lester J. Haydel Jr. Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Jerome L. Heard Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Steve Heard Δ § Ms. Yvette A. Hebert & Mr. George A. Laird Δ € Mr. & Mrs. David Hendrickson Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Henkin Δ Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Y.K. Hew Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hill Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph C. Hofer Δ Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Holloway Δ ¥

Mr. & Mrs. Pierre E. Holloway Dr. & Mrs. Roch B. Hontas Δ € Mr. & Mrs. James M. Horowitz Δ Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Hubbell Δ € Mrs. Dorothy B. Huebner & Mr. Bert L. Huebner Δ Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Huffman Δ A. Whitfield Huguley IV Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Hurley Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. Ibach Δ Mr. Bruce B. Ibbetson International Matex Tank Terminals Δ ¥ International Paper Co. Foundation Δ ¥ International Sports Properties Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Delmas A. Jackson Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Barry G. Jacobs Δ Dr. & Mrs. Warren M. Jacobs Δ § Mr. Erik F. Johnsen Δ Mr. & Mrs. R. Christian Johnsen Δ £ Ms. Victoria D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Rick Jones Δ € Mr. & Mrs. James A. Jones Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Judell Δ Kahn Education Foundation Δ ¥ Kambur Law Firm Δ £ Mr. James G. Kambur Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Kanter Mr. & Mrs. Ozgur Karaosmanoglu Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Karrh The Kearney Companies Δ € Lewis E. Kern Charitable Residuary Trust Mr. & Mrs. David A. Kerstein Δ £ Ms. Dorothy Jung King Δ € Mr. David C. Klein Δ Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Klein Δ Ms. Mindy Kornberg Δ KPMG Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Stuart A. Kramer Ms. Karen Maloney & Mr. Robert Kretschmar Δ Dr. Hugh W. Long III & Ms. Susan L. Krinsky Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Jack Kushner Mr. Dan A. Kusnetz Δ £ Ladies Auxiliary, V.F.W. Department of Louisiana Laitram, LLC Dr. & Mrs. Saul F. Landry Δ § Mr. & Mrs. H. Merritt Lane III Δ Ms. Judith B. Lapinsohn Δ Ms. Laura A. Leach & Mr. Richard Lawrence Δ Ms. Alison M. Lazarus & Clifford M. Gevirtz, MD Δ § Mr. & Mrs. C. Jevons Lee Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Lee Δ £ Dr. Philip G. Leone Jr. & Dr. Cheryl Leone Δ § Dr. Shelley L. Wallock & Mr. David Lerman Δ Edward & Jami Levy Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Levy, CPCU Δ Drs. Laura & Walter Levy Mr. Robert A. Levy Δ € Mr. & Mrs. William I. Lichtenstein Mr. Robert L. Livingston Jr. & Mrs. Bonnie Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Lorino Δ Dr. & Mrs. Dexter Louie Δ § Louisiana Independent College Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Fred H. Lowe Jr. Δ € Mr. Jason R. Ludeke Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Chad R. Ludwig Δ Mr. & Mrs. Laurent C. Lutz Jr. Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Paul S. Lux Δ § Richard G. Mallinson, PhD Δ


Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Mamikunian Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Manard III Δ € £ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mann Δ € Manning Architects, APAC Δ Mr. W. Raymond Manning Δ Mr. Steve Manuel Δ € Mr. & Mrs. William A. Marko Δ Willard L. Marmelzat Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Willard Lee Marmelzat Dr. & Mrs. Clifford G. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Martinez Δ € Professor & Mrs. William S. McAninch Δ MCB Architecture, PLLC Δ Dr. & Mrs. James W. McFarland Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGaha Jr. Δ Mrs. Karen Veillon McGlasson Δ * Mr. & Mrs. David L. McKissock Jr. Δ Medical Specialty Clinic, PC Δ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Meehan Δ Dr. Kenneth Melton & Dr. Gwenesta B. Melton Δ § Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Δ Sydell & Arnold Miller Foundation Δ Ms. Sydell L. Miller Δ Milling, Benson, Woodward, LLP Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. R. King Milling Sr. Mr. Ronald E. Mills Δ € The Jean & Saul A. Mintz Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mintz Δ £ Mintz-Easthope Foundation Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. William A. Mod Δ Mrs. Carmen M. Moore Δ £ The Jane P. & Wiley L. Mossy Jr. Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Wiley L. Mossy Jr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Mouton Mr. Kevin M. Murphy Δ Delynne J. Myers, MD & John J. Moossy, MD Δ § Mr. Max Nathan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Neill III Δ The Neiman-Marcus Group Δ Mr. & Mrs. Brick Nelson Δ Dr. Drusilla L. Burns & Dr. Herb H. Nelson Mr. Richard P. Nere Δ Dr. Lee T. Nesbitt Jr. Δ € New Orleans BioInnovation Center New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation New York Women in Communications Foundation Δ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Newhall Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Nichols Δ § Ms. G. Gail Stricklin & Mr. Stephen E. Nichols North American Syringe Exchange Network Mr. & Mrs. Ernest L. O’Bannon Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. O’Brien III Δ Ms. Angela O’Byrne Δ Mr. & Mrs. James E. Orth Δ € ORX Resources Mr. & Mrs. Clark J. Pager Δ Mrs. Jean M. Palmer Δ Gerald & Evelyn Pelias Foundation Δ € Mr. Gerald C. Pelias Δ € Perez, A Professional Corp. Δ Mr. & Mrs. David G. Perlis Δ Mr. & Mrs. Shepard F. Perrin III Dr. Nancy & Mr. André Perron Δ Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Peters Jr. Δ € Mr. Albert B. Petrie Jr. Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of American Foundation Pi Foundation Δ

Mr. & Mrs. George G. Plosser Jr. Δ Jessie J. Poesch, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Polack Δ Mary E. Peters & Robert W. Polchow Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Polchow Population Services International Psychists Δ Pucci Family Foundation Inc. Δ Ms. Alexandra A. Pucci Δ Dr. & Mrs. Lance Query Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rapier Δ € Dr. & Mrs. James E. Rasmussen Δ Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Rassieur III Δ Dr. & Mrs. S. Norman Reich Δ Ms. Ann K. Salzer & Mr. Earl D. Retif Mr. & Mrs. James L. Rice III Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Paul Richard Jr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Herschel E. Richard Jr. Δ Mrs. Midge T. Richardson Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Marc L. Robert II Δ € Dr. Judith Rodin & Mr. Paul R. Verkuil Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Raoul P. Rodriguez Δ € Ms. Sonja Bilger Romanowski Δ Roomers Dr. Patti J. Ross & Dr. Allan R. Katz Δ § Carl B. Rountree, MD & Associates Δ § Carl B. Rountree, MD Δ § Mr. & Mrs. W. Kevin Ryan Δ € David & Betty Sacks Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Saroyan Δ § Ms. Sallie Scanlan & Mr. Paul E. Wood Δ ¥ Mr. Jeffrey G. Schiffman Δ Dr. & Mrs. Everett A. Schneider Δ Mr. & Mrs. Ira Schulman Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Schwartz Δ Self Foundation Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. William K. Self Jr. Δ £ Mrs. Karen Landsberg Seltzer Δ Mr. & Mrs. Lester B. Shapiro Δ Mr. & Mrs. Jason Lowell Shaw Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Sheffield Δ Mr. & Mrs. James W. Sherby Δ Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Sherman Δ € Shields Mott Lund LLP Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd N. Shields Δ £ Mr. Harry G. Shulman & Ms. Mary L. Haskins Mr. Elliot M. Siegel Δ Norman J. Silber Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Silbert Mr. Joel M. Silvershein & Ms. Marcia H. Gelman Δ € Dr. & Mrs. John G. Simmons Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Singer Δ The Charles Henry Smith Sr. Foundation Δ Mr. Cameron B. Smith Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Hudson D. Smith Δ Mr. Catchings B. Smith Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Snyder Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Bernard C. Sontag Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Michael Southwick Δ Mr. Thomas E. Sova Δ € Robert D. Sparks, MD Mr. Lawrence W. Speck Δ Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Spomer Δ ¥ Springs Preserve Dr. & Mrs. William P. Stallworth Δ § Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stanton Δ ¥ Ms. Laura A. Starks & Mr. Joseph E. Dannenmaier Δ Mr. & Mrs. Sidney B. Steiner Δ € Mr. Jerry Streva Δ € SUEZ Energy Resources NA Δ €

Tulane Associates and Donor Honor Roll Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Sullivan III Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Swanson Δ ¥ € Mrs. Elzbieta Szoka & Mr. Joe W. Bratcher III Δ Mr. Jeffrey P. Taft Δ Ms. Susan G. Talley & Mr. James C. Gulotta Jr. Δ £ Dr. Jeffrey M. Tamburin & Dr. Laura M. Tamburin Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Sean Terry Mr. & Mrs. John W. Theriot Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Thomas Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Thomas Δ € The Ethel K. Toor Foundation Dr. John M. Trapani III & Ms. Carolina Thompson-Trapani Δ ¥ Trapolin Architects Δ Mr. Peter M. Trapolin Δ Ms. Charlotte B. Travieso Δ Mr. & Mrs. Dalton L. Truax Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Tudor III United Parcel Service of America United Way of Greater Los Angeles Δ University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill Dr. & Mrs. Paul Vitenas Δ § Mr. Nicholas K. Vlahos Δ € Mr. & Mrs. David R. Voelker Mr. & Mrs. M. Franz Vogt Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Vosbein Δ £ Dr. Marcia J. Wade & Mr. J. David Officer Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Walker, IV Δ Rob Walker Architects, LLC Δ Mrs. Allison Piper Wall & Mr. John A. Wall Δ ¥ Mrs. Virginia N. Walther & Dr. Robert R. Walther Δ Dr. & Mrs. Gerald I. Wasserwald Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Watson Jr. Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Calvin R. Watson Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Rudolph F. Weichert III Δ § Mr. Howard M. Weinman Δ Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Weinmann Δ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Weiss Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. William A. Weiss Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Allan B. Wesler Δ Mr. & Mrs. James E. Wesner Δ £ Western Union Foundation Δ Mrs. Pamela K. Silverman & Mr. Mark W. Whalen Δ ¥ Dr. & Mrs. Joe S. Wheeler Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Whelan Δ ¥ Dr. & Mrs. Cornelius G. Whitley Δ § The Hon. Thomas C. Wicker Jr. & Mrs. Jane Wicker Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Daniel K. Winstead Mr. & Mrs. John M. Woods Δ £ Woodward Design & Build Δ Dr. & Mrs. Herbert B. Wren Δ Dr. Kimberly J. Yamanouchi & Dr. James R. Sackett Δ § Dr. & Mrs. James J. Yang Δ § Dr. David C. Tong & Dr. Midori Yenari Δ Mr. & Mrs. John B. Yonover Δ Mrs. Candace D. Young Δ Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ives Zucker Δ $1,500–$2,499 Anonymous Donors Mr. & Mrs. David C. Abruzzi Δ Dr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Abshire Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Adams Δ Dean Gail Agrawal Δ £ Mr. Srinivas N. Akunuri Δ Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Albergotti Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Jerald L. Album Δ € Mr. Lawrence J. Aldrich Δ £

Alex Berger Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Allen Δ § Dr. Tupper & Mr. W. Allen Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Almeida Δ ¥ Mrs. Caron Weiss-Alpert & Mr. Stan Alpert Δ Altenklingen Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. John L. Ammerman Δ € Mr. & Mrs. David F. Andignac Sr. Δ € Andrews Sport Co. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Alvin L. Andrews Δ € Astellas Pharma US Dr. Eric J. Aubert Δ Audubon Engineering Co., LLC Austin Community Foundation Δ § The Ruth & Edward Austin Foundation Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Austin Jr. Δ ¥ Drew E. Baldwin, MD Δ Mr. Michael E. Ballotti Δ Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Barnum III Δ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Barr Δ € Professor & Mrs. Paul L. Barron Δ £ Baton Rouge Orthopaedic Clinic, LLC Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Becker Δ Dr. & Mrs. Herbert S. Bell Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Bellah Δ Bemis Co. Δ Mrs. Jennifer Hanley-Benjamin & Mr. Jack C. Benjamin Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Berenson Mr. & Mrs. Darryl D. Berger Δ Ms. Donna K. Berger Dr. & Mrs. Milton M. Berger Dr. John F. Berglund & Dr. Mary C. F. Berglund Δ Mrs. Marian Mayer Berkett Δ £ Mr. Stephen M. Berman Δ ¥ Mr. John A. Bernard Δ £ Dr. Gloria M. Bertucci & Dr. David Berstein Δ Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Besler Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Besselman Sr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Sydney J. Besthoff III Δ Mr. & Mrs. David A. Beyer Δ Mr. & Mrs. Sagar R. Bhimavarapu Δ ¥ Mr. Gerald W. Billes Δ Biotronik Canada Inc. Lisa D. Blankenship, MD Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Blasini Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Boh Δ Drs. Angela & William Bohn Δ Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Bohn Δ Mr. Paul P. Bolus Δ £ Mr. Christopher M. Bonvillian Δ € Mr. Sam Corenswet & Ms. Jane Bories Δ Karen R. Borman, MD Δ § Mrs. Susan Arnold Borrelli Δ Dr. & Mrs. William K. Boss Δ Dr. & Mrs. Wilmer R. Bottoms Δ Mr. Chris Boudreaux Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Doss R. Bourgeois Δ Mr. & Mrs. John Andrew Bower Δ € Dr. & Mrs. James F. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. David M. Bragg Mr. & Mrs. Danny Brasseaux Δ € Mr. Darryl B. Braunstein Δ Dr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Brazda Δ Patrick C. Breaux, MD Δ § Mr. Lex Breckinridge & Mrs. Zonnie Breckinridge Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Brice Jr. Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Phelan A. Bright Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Britt Δ Dr. Mindy Dimenstien-Broda & Mr. John K. Broda Δ

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin W. Bronston Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. H. William Brown Jr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Brown Δ Mr. & Mrs. David M. Browning Jr. Δ € Mr. Thomas C. Brutting & Mr. Ed York Jr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. John G. Buchanan Δ Dr. & Mrs. Pierre M. Buekens Δ Dr. & Mrs. L. Maximilian Buja Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Floyd A. Buras Jr. Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Burke Δ Dr. Vincent D. Burke & Ms. Corito S. Tolentino Δ § Burkedale Foundation Δ Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery A. Bush Dr. Mary & Mr. Robert Cadieux Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Cali Δ € Mr. Richard A. Cantor Δ Mr. Robert R. Casey Mrs. Anita L.C. Cassilly Δ Ms. Alicia M. Castilla & Mr. Mark E. Zelek Δ Mr. Frank L. Cato III Δ € Central Alabama Community Foundation Δ ¥ Dr. & Mrs. Emmett B. Chapital Δ ¥ The Chapital Consulting Group LLC Δ ¥ Mrs. Bonnie Wallace Chapman & Mr. William E. Chapman II Δ Ms. Kathleen K. Charvet & Mr. Frank Martin Δ £ Dr. Shu-Miaw Chaw Δ Mr. & Mrs. Roy C. Cheatwood Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Christy Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Miles P. Clements Δ £ Mr. Martyn A. Clouatre Δ Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Cohn Δ € Ms. Marcia S. Cohn Δ Dr. David Cole & Dr. Karen Cole Δ Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Coleman Δ Comcast Corp. Δ Ms. Jennifer A. Comeaux Δ € Ms. Melissa A. Comeaux Δ € The Community Foundation of South Alabama Δ Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Mr. & Mrs. John L. Connolly Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Cook Δ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Copper Δ Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Cornelius Δ ¥ Mrs. Lizette Coughlin & Mr. Robert M. Coughlin Δ Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Crain Δ Mr. Arthur A. Crais Jr. Δ £ Mrs. Joy Kleck Crews Δ Ms. Alison Atkins Crowther Mr. Leon K. Curenton Δ Mr. Sean A. Curran Δ ¥ The Hon. Nestor L. Currault Jr. & Mrs. Dorothy Currault Δ Dr. Andrew J. Czulewicz & Dr. Ann Lovitt Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Danysh Δ Dr. & Mrs. Fernand J. Dastugue Δ Dr. & Mrs. Alton H. Dauterive Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Michael Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Q. Davis Sr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Neil Davis Ms. Yvette Worthington Davis Δ Mr. Kenneth P. de Got & Christine E. Blackwell, MD Δ Dr. & Mrs. Prescott L. Deininger Δ Ms. Elizabeth B. Delery & Mr. Harry B. Towe Δ € The Hon. & Mrs. Oliver S. Delery Sr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. George Denegre Jr. Δ

Mr. Jack B. Denur Mr. James L. Dewar III Δ Mr. Charles E. DeWitt Jr. & Ms. Janet L. Sanders Δ Ms. Beth Rudin DeWoody Δ Mr. & Mrs. Dave J. Dickerson Δ € Paul A. Distler, PhD Mr. & Mrs. George J. Ditta II Δ € Ms. Jeri K. D’Lugin Mr. Farrar R. Dodge Δ * Mr. & Mrs. George Dolson Δ Dr. & Mrs. William G. Donnellan Jr. Δ Dr. Lisa M. Donofrio & Mr. Brian A. Valzania Δ § Donovan & Lawler Δ € Ms. Jean L. Dover Δ € Mrs. Carolyn P. Drennen Δ Mr. Steven M. Drucker Δ Mr. Victor A. Dubuclet III Δ Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Dunay Δ Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Dunbar Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Brooke H. Duncan III Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. David W. Dunn Δ DynMcDermott Petroleum Operations Co. Mr. John H. Ecuyer Δ Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Edmundson Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Ernest L. Edwards Jr. Δ £ Mr. E. Warren Eisner Δ € Melody Carter-Ellis, MD & Mr. Curtis Ellis Ms. Patricia L. Truscelli & Mr. Emmett N. Ellis IV Δ Dean Baker Ellithorpe, MD Δ § Ms. Linda Elson Δ § Epstein Family Foundation Δ Dr. & Mrs. David C. Epstein Δ Mr. & Mrs. Seth J. Eskind Δ € Mr. Joseph A. Ettinger Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fachilla Δ Mr. & Mrs. Troy G. Falterman, CPA Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. Farnell Mr. & Mrs. R. William Faulk Jr. Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. D. Blair Favrot Δ The Featheringill Foundation Δ € Mr. William W. Featheringill Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Feehan Δ Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Feezer Δ ¥ Mr. Bruce Feingerts Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Felger Δ § Mr. & Mrs. George E. Ferguson Δ Mr. & Mrs. George A. Fertitta Δ Robert J. Fieldman, MD Δ Mr. Bruce P. Fierst Δ Ms. Jane E. Armstrong & Mr. Kevin J. Finan Δ € Financial Analysts of New Orleans Dr. & Mrs. Paul T. Finger Mr. Michael F. Fink Δ Frank J. Fischer III, MD Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Fisher Jr. Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Louis Y. Fishman Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. William P. Fitch Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Harold L. Flatt Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Marshall H. Ford Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. William R. Forrester Jr. Δ £ Foundation for the Carolinas Δ FPL Group Foundation Mr. Francis L. Fraenkel Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. William H. Frankel Δ Mr. Robert G. Freeland Mr. & Mrs. Joel W. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. David A. Friedman Δ Mrs. Tink Caffery Friedrichs Δ Mr. & Mrs. Wynne P. Friedrichs Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Louis L. Frierson Sr. Δ Frontstat Δ


Tulane Associates and Donor Honor Roll Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Funk Δ Mr. Daniel J. Garvey Mr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Gaynes Δ Dr. & Mrs. James H. Gentry Sr. Δ Dr. & Mrs. William George Δ € Mr. Constantine D. Georges Δ Mr. & Mrs. Hans J. Germann Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gewirtz Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Giraud III Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Alan N. Gnutti Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Milton J. Godail Sr. Δ € Dr. & Mrs. James M. Goff Δ Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Goldin Δ § Mr. & Mrs. William J. Goliwas Jr. Δ € Mr. Andrew Goltzer Δ Mr. & Mrs. George R. Goltzer Δ Mr. & Mrs. John B. Gooch Jr. Δ £ Mrs. Carol B. Good Δ Mr. & Mrs. Louis K. Good III Mr. Michael S. Goodrich Δ € Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Δ Mrs. Patricia C. Graham Δ Mr. William A. Graham Δ * Mr. & Mrs. James A. Graves II Δ Mr. & Mrs. Alan Green Δ Mr. & Mrs. Matthew H. Greenbaum Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Albert G. Greenberg Δ Dr. Michael C. Grieb & Dr. Joy E. Cohen Δ Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Griffin Δ Mrs. Jane Scisson Grimshaw Δ Elisabeth J. Cohen, MD & Robert I. Grossman, MD Δ Mr. Charles D. Grote Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. W. Clay Grubb Δ Mr. Charles & Mrs. Madelon Gryll Δ Mr. & Mrs. Tom I. Guggolz Mr. & Mrs. Gordon A. Guillera Δ Mr. Nevin Gupta Δ Mr. & Mrs. George B. Hall Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Dana V. Hardy Δ Dr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Harlin Δ € Robert S. Harlin, MD Δ Mr. & Mrs. W. Russell Harp Δ Mr. J. Brady Harris Jr. Δ Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hassinger Δ € Mr. Adam C. Hawf Mrs. Kathleen Hawk & Mr. Malcolm D. Hawk Δ Mr. & Mrs. O. Mason Hawkins Δ Mrs. Mildred Foley Hawkshead Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Winston R. Hayes Δ Mr. & Mrs. Vernon C. Haynes Δ € Zetta & Robert Hearin Δ £ Mr. Kevin Hebert Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Ricky K. Hebert Δ € David & Karen Hedden Δ Clifford A. Hendricks III, MD Δ Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hendricks Δ ¥ Mr. Richard F. Henry Δ Mr. & Mrs. Kazimierz J. Herchold Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Herold Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hertzberg Δ £ Robert L. Hewitt, MD Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Steven I. Hightower Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Hiller Δ Mrs. & Mrs. Leslie D. Hirsch Dr. Julie & Mr. David Hodge Δ Ms. Heather L. Hodges Δ £ The Hon. Carol Schmidt Hoffmann & Mr. Gregory S. Hoffmann Δ Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hopkins Δ € Nancy C. Flowers, MD & Leo G. Horan, MD Δ § Mr. & Reverend John B. Houck Δ Dr. & Mrs. John F. Hower Jr. Δ §

Ms. Karen E. Howland Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Wade A. Hoyt Δ HSBC Bank USA Δ Dr. & Mrs. Minor L. Huck Δ § Mr. William D. Hughs III Δ € Dr. Patricia A. Hurley & Mr. Kim Q. Hill Δ Mr. William L. Hyde Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Carmine A. Iannaccone Δ £ Iberville Insulations Δ € International Meetings & Science Mr. & Mrs. J. Clegg Ivey III Mr. & Mrs. Richard James Δ Richard James Family Foundation Δ Susan Jayne, PhD Δ Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles Δ § The Niels Frithjof & Anita Julia Johnsen Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Johnson Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Hans A.B. Jonassen Δ Dr. & Mrs. James Lee Jost Δ Ms. Mary Margaret Judy Δ Robert H. Kahn Jr. Family Foundation Δ ¥ Mr. Robert H. Kahn Jr. Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. William N. Kammer Δ Mr. Byron L. Kantrow Δ ¥ The Hon. & Mrs. Jacob L. Karno Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kass Δ Norman J. Kauffmann Jr. Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Kauffmann Jr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Keeffe Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Henry Keeshan Δ Miss J. Megan Kelly Δ Dr. & Mrs. John E. Kelly Δ Drs. Ann & John Kenney Δ Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kenney Δ § Mr. & Mrs. John C. Kent Δ Mrs. Ann Loughridge Kerr Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. J. Knox Kershaw Δ ¥ Ronald H. Killen, MD Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Curt Killinger Δ Mrs. Dorothy Meyer Kincaid Kirby Inland Marine Δ Ms. Barbara Horowitz & Mr. David Kirshenbaum Δ Dr. & Mrs. W. Howard Kisner Jr. Δ § Mr. Steven C. Kline Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Elliot Klorfein Dr. Richard J. Knight & Dr. Cristine Knight Δ Sally T. Knight, PhD Δ Mrs. Monica Fried Kornberg & Mr. Lewis Koenberg Δ Ms. Jini Koh Mr. & Mrs. Herman S. Kohlmeyer Jr. Δ Dr. & Mrs. Rene Koppel Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Korach Δ € Mrs. Sandra S. Kramer Dr. & Mrs. William E. Kramer Ms. Kerry A. Krisher Δ ¥ Dr. Paul A. Krogstad & Dr. Nan V. Heard Δ § Mr. & Mrs. David A. Krost Δ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ashton Laborde Sr. Δ € Dr. & Mrs. William S. LaCorte Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Owen J. LaCour Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Ladin Δ Mr. & Mrs. Maurice L. Lagarde III Δ Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Lamb Δ Mrs. Lindsay Lanuax & Mr. G. Michael Lanaux Δ Mr. & Mrs. John M. Landis Δ € Dr. & Mrs. David M. Landry Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Lane III Δ £


Mr. James B. Larche Δ € Lee H. Latimer, PhD Δ The Law Offices of Matt Greenbaum Δ £ Ms. Marta M. Lazovitz Δ Dr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Le Blanc Δ Mr. J. Dwight LeBlanc III Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. J. Dwight LeBlanc Jr. Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. LeBreton III Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. James J. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell A. Levin Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Levin Δ Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Lewis Mrs. Rosalind P. Lewy Mr. & Mrs. Lance V. Licciardi Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Zelig H. Lieberman Δ § Dr. & Mrs. David S. Light Δ § Lippman, Mahfouz, Tranchina & Thorguson, LLC Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Alfred S. Lippman Δ € Douglas J. Lister Architect Δ Mr. Douglas J. Lister Δ Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Livaudais Δ Loretta S. Loftus, MD Δ Elisabeth Ueberschar, MD & Christopher J. Logothetis, MD Δ Mrs. Gail Long Δ Daniel D. Louie, DDS, PhD Δ Louisiana Lupus Foundation Lesley J. Luk, MD Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Lesley J. Luk Δ § Lynn Luker & Associates, LLC Δ £ Mr. Stephen L. Williamson & Ms. Lynn Luker Δ £ Ms. Elyse M. Luray Mrs. Anne U. MacClintock & Dr. Jerry L. Mashaw Sr. Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Grant H. MacDiarmid Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. MacDiarmid III Δ Mr. David F. Madsen Δ Mr. Patrick T. Maguire Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Mahfouz Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Creed K. Manikunian Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Calvin Moy Mar Δ Dr. & Mrs. Randall E. Marcus Δ John C. Markey Charitable Fund Dr. & Mrs. Harold O. Marshall Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Marston IV Δ Ms. Carla M. Martin Δ £ Mrs. Maglenda Parker Martin & Mr. Patrick W. Martin Δ Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M. Martin Δ Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Martin Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Marvins Δ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maselli Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Massey Δ € Mr. Damion L. Mathis Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Mathis Δ ¥ Joyce Bottoms Mathison, MD Mr. George L. Sartain & Ms. Judith A. Maumus Δ Mr. & Mrs. James E. Maurin Δ ¥ Mr. John E. Maxwell Δ MB Architecture PC Δ Mr. & Mrs. Earl R. McCallon III Δ € Ms. Nancy P. McCarthy & Mr. Michael Lawson Δ £ Mr. Thomas B. McCauley Δ Mr. & Mrs. John N. McClure IV Δ Mr. Travis C. McCullough Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. William Y. McDaniel Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. McDonald Δ § Dr. & Mrs. P. Michael McFadden Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Terry McGinnis Δ Patricia M. McKeever, MD Δ § Dr. & Mrs. James J. McKinnie Δ Mrs. Kathy McLean Murphy Δ

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mcmillan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Melancon Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. David B. Melius Sr. Δ € Mr. Robert L. Mendow Δ Mr. & Mrs. Dewitt T. Methvin III Δ € MetLife Foundation Δ Metropolitan Life Foundation Δ Mr. Peter J. Michel Δ ¥ Microsoft Corp. Δ Dr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Miller Δ Mr. John C. & Dr. Julie K. Mitby Δ Dr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Mitchell Δ § Dr. & Mrs. John L. Moore Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Moore Δ € Frank J. Morgan Jr., MD Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Cecil Morgan Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Scott M. Morrell Morton Verges Architects Δ Dr. & Mrs. James B. Moss Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Mossman Δ Mr. & Mrs. Todd H. Edlin Δ Larry L. Murray Δ € Mr. Charles S. Myers III Δ The NASDAQ Stock Market Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Neblett III Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Howard A. Nelson Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Newhouse Δ Ms. Julianne Nice & Mr. Herbert V. Larson Jr. Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. William D. Norman Jr. Δ € The Northern Trust Co. Δ Northrop Grumman Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Noto Δ € Mr. & Mrs. John M. Nunez Sr. Δ € Ms. Anne E. Mathews & Mr. Robert F. Nunziato Δ Occidental Petroleum Corp. Δ Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Lewis G. Odom Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Offner Δ € L. Dow Oliver & Associates Δ Mr. & Mrs. L. Dow Oliver Δ Mr. & Mrs. William Olsen Δ Mr. & Mrs. James M. O’Neill Jr. Δ ¥ Andrew Orestano, MD Δ § The Orthopedic Center of St. Louis Δ § Charles C. Owen Jr., MD Δ Sanford Lynn Pailet, MD Δ Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Palermo Δ € Mr. & Mrs. William J. Palermo Δ € Mr. Sanford B. Panitch Δ Dr. & Mrs. George A. Pankey Parexel International Corp. Mr. & Mrs. George L. Parker Δ Mr. Anthony A. Pastor Δ £ Dr. James A. Paulson & Mrs. M. San Miguel Paulson Mr. & Mrs. S. Wayne Peacock Δ Mr. & Mrs. Curtis A. Pellerin Δ David T. Pence, Esq. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Pence Δ € Mr. Matthew Pennebaker Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Valrie J. Peralta Δ € Ms. Sharon A. Perlis Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Peterson Δ § Mr. Laurie Joseph Petipas Δ Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Philipson Δ € Mr. Randall J. Phillips & Ms. Debbie Austin Δ Verre Simpson Picard, MD Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Pickering Δ Dr. & Mrs. Charles Pinkoson Δ § Mr. Steven B. Pinover Δ Ms. Kara G. Thorvaldsen & Mr. John W. Pint Δ £ Mrs. Shirley M. Piotrowski Δ

Tulane Associates and Donor Honor Roll Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Pitisci Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Popovich Δ Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Porcelli Δ Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Price Δ € PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Δ The Progressive Insurance Foundation Δ The Hon. & Mrs. William H. Pryor Jr. Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Puente Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Pyke Δ Mr. & Mrs. Harry Fred Quarls Δ Dr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Quinton Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Raffel Δ Mr. Noel M. Rando Sr. Δ ¥ Ellen M. Raney, MD Dr. & Mrs. Alan S. Rapperport Δ § Rapport, Meyer, Whitbeck, Shaw & Rodenhausen LLP Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Ratcliff Sr. Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Ray Δ Colonel Shirley E. Reddoch & Mr. Gregg Petersen Δ Renaissance Charitable Foundation Δ € Republic National Distributing Co., LLC Dr. & Mrs. James E. Rheim Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Richardson Δ Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Richer Δ € Dr. & Mrs. James G. Richeson Mr. Jon M. Richter Δ Ms. Dolores C. Rickoll * Dr. Louis E. Ridgway III & Dr. Leah Dooley Ridgway Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Riskin Δ € Mr. Henry T. Ritchie Δ Mr. & Mrs. Ray V. Rivers Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. John T. Roberts Jr. Reverend Joseph L. Roberts III Δ Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James C. Roddy Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Ricardo Jose Rodriguez Δ € Mr. & Mrs. William Rogers Δ Leonard J. Rolfes, MD Δ Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rooney Δ § Mr. Michael Y. Roos Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Roskin Δ Mrs. Carla Ross & Mr. Greg Bohn Δ Mr. Michael J. Rowe Δ Roy & Roy Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Roy III Mr. Michael D. Rubenstein Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Russin Δ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sabatier Jr. Δ Mr. Andrew E. Salk Δ The Hon. Kaliste J. Saloom Jr. & Mrs. Yvonne Saloom Δ € Ms. Lisa M. Samson Mr. Lester S. Sanders Δ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jean Saner Δ Mr. & Mrs. D. Ryan Sartor Jr. Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Allen E. Saxon Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Scariano Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Lane A. Schaffer Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. John C. Scharfenberg Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Schell Δ € A. I. & Manet Schepps Foundation Δ ¥ Mrs. Mary Brown Scheps Δ Mr. & Mrs. Braxton Scherz Δ Mr. & Mrs. Milton G. Scheuermann Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Philip L. Schneider Δ Mrs. Pauline Sterne Schochet Δ § Sydney S. Schochet Jr., MD Δ § * The Scholarship Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. Don Schomer Δ ¥ Mr. Jan Schoonmaker Δ £ Schrenk & Peterson Consulting Engineers Mr. Kenneth B. Schwartz Δ £ Scius, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Seals Δ € Sidney M. Segall, Esq. Δ £ Mr. Jeffrey S. Seligman Δ € Mr. Craig S. Sesnowitz Δ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Shear Δ Mr. & Mrs. Mettery I. Sherry Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Vaden Shields Δ Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Shifke Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Cecil M. Shilstone Jr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Shindler Δ £ Mr. Jeff Shipp Δ The Shoulberg Family Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. David I. Shoulberg Δ Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Siegel Δ Mrs. Lauri Sussman Siegel & Mr. Alex M. Siegel Mr. Steven M. Siegel Δ Sigma Broadway Building Corp. Significance Foundation Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Silverman Δ Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. T. Singer Δ Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Sklar Δ Katherine & Rich Skopin Δ Thompson Smith Foundation Δ Mr. & Mrs. H. Thompson Smith Jr. Δ Mrs. Chirstine D. Smith & Dr. Charles R. Smith Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Philip Smith II Δ § Dr. & Mrs. Wilburn A. Smith Jr. Δ Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey P. Snodgrass Social & Scientific Systems Mr. Glenn J. Solomon Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Somadelis Δ Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Spiegel Δ § Dr. Stephen L. Squires & Mrs. Ann Marmour Squires Δ Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. St. Martin Δ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Staed Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Stedman Δ § Dr. & Mrs. John L. Steigner Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan J. Steinberg Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Corky Steiner Δ Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Stelter Δ Mr. Ellis Roy Stern Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. Stewart Jr. Mr. Jeremy T. Stillings Δ Ms. Lisa D. Stockton Δ € Dr. Charles E. Stokes Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Stone Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Mark B. Stoopler Δ Mr. & Mrs. John B. Strasburger Δ Mr. & Mrs. William A. Streff Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Stuart IV Mr. R. Scott Sullivan General & Mrs. William K. Suter Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bruce Sutter Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Roger C. Suttle Δ § S.Z.S. Consultants Mr. Cecil W. Talley Δ Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Tanenbaum III Δ Ronnie V. Taravella, MD Charles C. Teamer Sr., PhD Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Teplitzky Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Bob A. Tessler Δ ¥ Dr. & Mrs. Palmer J. Texada Δ § Reverend LaVerne Thomas III Mr. & Mrs. John W. Thompson Jr. Δ € Dr. & Mrs. Henry K. Threefoot Δ Mr. Gregory A. Thurnher Mr. & Mrs. John S. Toland Δ Mr. George J. Toland III Δ Touro Synagogue Trial Exhibits Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Trussell Tulane Greenbackers Booster Club Δ € Patricia A. Turner, MD Δ

URS Washington Division Valero Refining Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Ventura Sr. Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Verges II Δ Mr. & Mrs. St. Denis J. Villere Δ ¥ Dr. & Mrs. Guy T. Vise Δ § Mrs. Margaret R. Vizzi Wachovia Securities, LLC Δ Mr. Johannes Wachs Dr. & Mrs. Karl O. Wachs Mr. John R. Waddell Δ R.V. Wagner Δ ¥ Mr. Daniel J. Wagner Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. William Stuart Walcott, IV Δ Walker Automotive Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. W. Foster Walker III Δ ¥ Wall Street Transcript Mrs. Diana H. Heath & David W. Wall, MD Δ Dr. & Mrs. James O. Wallace The Walt Disney Co. Foundation Δ Martha A. Walton, MD Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Warner Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Guyton H. Watkins Δ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Webert Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Wedig Δ Ms. Susan J. Wedlan & Mr. Harold S. Rosen Δ Dr. & Mrs. Ted Chau-po Wei Δ § Weil-Bohn Foundation Δ Dr. & Mrs. Hans Weill Δ § Weinmann Foundation Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. J. Giffen Weinmann Jr. Δ ¥ Mr. George G. Weinmann Δ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Weinstock Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weinstock Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Weiss Δ Wells Fargo Foundation Education Matching Gift Program Δ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Wells Δ Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo M. West Δ Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Westling Δ £ Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Wiederspahn Δ Mr. & Mrs. F. Shane Wiegand Δ € Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Wiener Δ £ Wilkinson Otolaryngology Consultants PA Δ § Albert H. Wilkinson III, MD Δ § Mr. & Mrs. Casey Willems Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Williams Δ § Drs. Cornelia & Claude Williams Δ € Dr. & Mrs. John A. Williams Δ Mr. J. M. Williamson Δ Mr. & Mrs. David H. Willis Δ Drs. Linda & Paul Wilson Δ Dr. & Mrs. Randall S. Winn Δ Mrs. Carol B. Wise Δ Mr. & Mrs. Phillip A. Wittmann Ms. Lizbeth Ann Turner & Mr. Clarence D. Wolbrette Δ £ Mr. Felipe B. Woll Δ Mr. Russell T. Wong Δ Mrs. Shannon Duncan Woodward & Mr. Jerome Woodward Δ World Vision Δ ¥ Mr. & Mrs. William E. Wright Jr. Δ Xue Xin, PhD & Mr. Liang Liu Δ Mr. Jason P. Young Δ Mr. Lanny R. Zatzkis Δ £ Mr. Jing Zhang Δ Mr. John Zhong Mr. & Mrs. Curtis M. Zimmerman Δ € Mr. Horst G. Zimmermann Δ £ Dr. & Mrs. Michael Zoller Δ § Dr. & Mrs. David S. Zorub Δ

Mr. Jerry M. Zurovchak & Ms. Lisa M. Ulager Δ ¥ Associates GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Anonymous Donors Ms. Amanda N. Albin Mr. Garabet V. Badrajan Jr. Ms. Andrea Leigh Brown Mr. Edward M. Brown Mr. Turner D. Brumby Ms. Carolyn F. Campbell Ms. Lauren D. Caplan Mr. J. Brian Carberry Ms. Elizabeth R. Carter Mr. Jack Cressend Mrs. Katie Crosby Ms. Julie L. de Neufville Mr. Scott R. Farnum Jordan E. Fishman, MD Mr. Samuel A. Fraenkel Katy E. French-Bloom, MD Ms. Heather Glasgow Mr. Travis C. Goff Mr. Robert J. Habermann Mr. Karl A. Herchold Ms. Meriel E. Hughes Mr. Brian T. Kelly Mr. Stuart L. Linder Mr. Oliver R. Livieres Ms. Milla G. Lozanova Mr. Paul J. Meechan Mr. Clifford S. Mintz Mr. Brian P. Murphy Mr. Keith M. Murphy Mrs. Inemesit U. O’Boyle Mr. Thomas P. O’Connor Mr. Todd H. Sakai Mr.& Mrs. Michael F. Savicki Mr. Joseph S. Smith Ms. Kathryn S. Spruill Mr. Henry H. St. Paul Jr. Mr. James L. Stoneking Mr. Adam J. Swensek Ms. Christina C. Thomas Mr. Raymond T. Waid Mr. Henry M. Weber

For information about Associates membership, contact TroyLynne Perrault, associate director of the Tulane Fund, at 504.247.1473 (toll free 888.265.7576) or tperrau@tulane.edu. Or visit tulane.edu/giving



Saints fever by Nick Marinello There was an obnoxious billboard that went up over Canal Street during the early weeks of 2006. It was paid for by a national liquor company and, anticipating the upcoming Carnival season, featured festive imagery—beads, musical notes and whatnot—as well as large letters cavalierly assembled to fashion the statement: “Nothing stops Mardi Gras. Nothing.” It being less than half a year since the city lay submerged beneath a month-long siege of fetid floodwater with thousands of its people dead and thousands upon thousands more still living as refugees in a motley array of venues across the country, the billboard was, to say the least, in poor taste and could less charitably be described as an act of soulless hubris. That being said, there was a germ of truth festering in the billboard’s proclamation. If the worst natural disaster in the nation’s history could not forestall the city’s annual celebration of Carnival, really, what could? Any city that has existed for more than a quarter of a millennium as has New Orleans is bound to have evolved into a self-preserving,


homeostatic system, regulating its structure and functions through an array of dynamically interrelated mechanisms, giving and taking, flexing and relaxing, contracting and expanding in unceasing flux. To endure is not enough; a city must adapt itself to any modification of the environment. And life in the city goes on—natural disasters, conquering armies and pandemic plagues notwithstanding. Medically speaking, our bodies operate in a similar homeostasis that is only disrupted through the intervention of illness or trauma. The flu, for instance, causes a fever as the body strays from maintaining its normal internal temperature in order to fight infection. When the illness subsides, the fever breaks and the body returns to its regular operating temperature. If something in the body’s response to the flu goes out of whack, however, and the fever goes unchecked, the prolonged high temperature can damage neurons and organs and even result in death. Four and a half years after Katrina, as New Orleans steadily moves toward a full recovery of its internal temperature, one may indeed be tempted to ponder what, metaphorically speaking, can stop Mardi Gras. In other words, what could possibly go out of whack to such

an extent that it would change the essential nature of the city? Enter Saints fever. As of this writing, the New Orleans Saints are halfway through the 2009 NFL season and, for the first time in the franchise’s 42-year history, are roundly being hailed as the league’s best team. Scary stuff, no? Nobody knows what will happen if the Saints win the Super Bowl. Well, we know that local sportscaster Bobby Hebert will wear a dress on Bourbon Street in fulfillment of a promise made by the late, great Buddy Diliberto. But beyond that there’s only a murky and unchartered future. In its unparalleled mediocrity, the Saints have over the years become the patron of the city’s karma of low expectations, an icon for the myriad failures and ineptitudes for which the city is both loved and scorned. So if the team and its long-suffering fans have flourished in a warped symbiosis that is somehow integral to the city’s homeostatic continuity, what happens when that dance is disrupted and we all become winners? What adjustments will homeostasis demand of the structure and function of the city? Fewer potholes, musicians and restaurants? More freeways, accountants and shopping malls? A power grid that doesn’t flinch during a rainstorm? Garbage collectors who no longer laugh and sing along their routes? A recycler who’ll take glass? More gas stations on St. Charles Avenue? Fewer folks sitting on their porches? The possibilities are staggering and there have been no studies, surveys, focus groups to investigate the potential impact of a Super Bowl victory. Like a Category 5 storm suddenly appearing just south of Boothville, this football season has taken everyone by surprise. There are no levees to contain what might happen, and even worse, no federal agencies to hold accountable. We’re really on our own with this one. God help us. Go Saints. … Nick Marinello is a senior editor in the Office of University Publications.


<Associates > Learn their names. Thank them. Join them. t Make an annual Tulane Fund gift of $1,500+ to any school, college, or select program to join. t Tulane couples are recognized for their combined gifts.

THERE’S A SPECIAL GROUP whose dedication to Tulane University happens largely behind the scenes. They help attract and retain our brightest students and faculty. They underwrite teaching innovations and technology. They spark

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t Enjoy dual membership in other gift societies such as the 1834 Society, Aldrich Society, Law Fellows, and Coach’s Corner.

They are the Tulane Associates.

t Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) can join by donating $150 for each year since your most recent year of graduation.

Find out who they are in this issue. Then join them in keeping Tulane the model university for the 21st century. Call TroyLynne Perrault, associate director of the Tulane Fund, at 504.247.1473 or 888.265.7576. Or visit:





Office of University Publications 31 McAlister Drive, Drawer 1 New Orleans, LA 70118–5624

hiddenTulane Stagestruck. Built in 1929, the venerable Dixon Hall houses music classrooms and offices, but is best known for its large auditorium. The tassels of the stage curtain, ironwork of balcony seating and ornate lighting offer a lingering, if silent, portrayal of an elegant past.

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