Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers Introduction 1: Kåñëa, the All-Attractive 2: Vedic Culture: Varëäçrama-dharma 3: The Real Goal of life 4: The Three Modes Of Nature 5: Becoming Pure 6: The Perfect Devotee 7: Acting in Knowledge of Kåñëa 8: Advancing in Kåñëa Consciousness 9: Deciding for the Future Concluding words
Introduction God, spiritual life—those were such vague terms to me before I met Çréla Prabhupäda. I have always been interested in religion, but before I met the Kåñëa conscious devotees, somehow I did not have the proper perspective needed to inquire fruitfully about spiritual life. The existence of a Creator is only common sense—but who is God? Who am I? I had been to Hebrew School and had studied Oriental philosophy, but I could never get satisfying answers to my questions. I first heard the Hare Kåñëa mantra in Greenwich Village, New York, in late 1968. Copyright © 1998 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Int'l. All Rights Reserved.