Naini Papers to Expand Production Capacity by
Dev Priya Industries: Constantly Enhancing Quality and Quantity with Current Production Capacity of 2,00,000 TPA ....18
Crown Paper Mill: First UAE-Based Company to Establish 60,000 TPA
Tissue Paper Mill in Saudi Arabia ....26
Indian Paper Industry Faces Consequential Disturbances from Global Market ....20
24 No. 01
Apr-May, 2023
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CONTENTS Apr-May, 2023, Paper Mart Naini Papers to Expand Production Capacity by 130,000 TPA 14 Dev Priya Industries: Constantly Enhancing Quality and Quantity with Current Production Capacity of 2,00,000 TPA 18 Indian Paper Industry Faces Consequential Disturbances from Global Market 20 Crown Paper Mill: First UAE-Based Company to Establish 60,000 TPA Tissue Paper Mill in Saudi Arabia 26 Apollo Papers Aims to be World-Class Paper Manufacturer with 1,20,000 TPA Installed Capacity 32 Kempt Tissues' New 75 TPD Tissue Machine Now Operational 38 ANDRITZ' HC Refining for Tissue: Less Fiber, Higher Quality 42 TNPL's Sustainable Pulpwood Plantation Initiatives Nurture Environment 50
Greenwashing: A Hindrance in the Path of Those Who Wish to Contribute to the Change 56 Xylem India: Solving WaterandWastewater RelatedIssuesforPulp and Paper Industries 60 MANEnergySolutions' TURBAIR®Single-Stage Vacuum Blowers: Default Choice for PaperboardandTissue ApplicationsWorldwide 66 72 Proklean's Green Chemistry: Chemical Free, High Performance, Sustainable Products NPSH: The Most Misunderstood Term in the Pump Industry 78 Robo Cleaners by SidhuEngineering Works Brings You One Step Closer to Water Saving with Better Cleaning 83 84 110 Event Calender 109 Subscription Form
Demand Disturbances in Indian Paper Market the
The Indian paper industry has managed to recover and even witness growth in the
domesticdemand forvariouspapergrades,postthedeclineintheindustryduring the COVID-19 pandemic, when factors such as lockdowns, disruptions in supply chains, and reduced economic activities impacted the industry's performance. Post pandemic, the paper industry regained demand and this positive trend can beattributed to the revival of economicactivities, the reopening of educational institutions, increased packaging demand and rise in e-commerce activities. While certain segments may have experienced a reduction in demand as a result of the pandemic, the overall quantity of paperandpaperboarddemand havenotwitnessedanymajorcurtailmentordecline.This is due to the emergence of new segments that have contributed to the industry's growth. For instance, Government's ban on one-time plastics and societal shift towards sustainability, has boostedan increaseindemand forcupstock, paperbags, paper straws and paper based packaging, driven by the replacement of plastic applications in various segments.Asaresult,whiletheCOVID-19pandemicinitiallycausedatemporarysetback, the Indianpaperindustry has managed toregainand stabilize itsdomesticdemand, with sustainedorincreaseddemandinmajorityof thesegments.
The vision for this note was clear; I wanted to talk oneon-one with the readers about all that Paper Mart has to offer. I wanted to share our efforts in bringing forward this edition, the concurrent events of the industry, and a small, profound piece of personal opinion. There are various ways to achieve our targets, and mine was to ensure a connection with my readers.
However,whilethedomesticdemand issustained,theIndianpaperindustryisstillfacing disturbanceswhichcanbeattributedtotwomajorfactors-increasedpaperimportsatlow prices,andtheunorganizednatureof theindustry.
India primarily imports coated paper and newsprint, but in recent times India has witnessed rising imports of uncoated paper along with further increased imports of coated varieties. This can be attributed to various reasons – primarily less demand from Europe & the USA, and secondly, falling demand within China. As a result, the excess capacities manufactured across China and Southeast Asian countries resorted to create compensatory demand in India by re-strategizing their pricing, inventory management to suit to Indian customers in order to attract exports to Indian markets. With regard to kraft paper, India till recent times was able to export good quantities to various destinations including China, which has nowdeclined creating pressureon thedomestic demandsupplysituation.
Thesecond majorchallengeistheunorganized natureof theIndianpaperindustrydueto the presence of numerous small and medium-sized enterprises. Owing to this unorganized state of the industry, during favorable times, random capital investment decisions are made in new mill setups and expansions by existing mills without ascertaining the actual demand size. This leads to an adverse impact on the industry as there is sudden bunching of manufacturing capacities which cause over supply in the market for short intervals. Being organized, since most industries are cyclical, the emerging trends and market declines are predictable and can be handled in a more prepared manner. However, the Indian paper industry, without any standardized processes in place, fails to keeprecordsof variousaspectsof the industry like – gradewise capacity, actual production, raw material availability, various greenfield & brownfield projects coming every now & then, mills or machines shutting down, ownership changeover of mills. This hampers the industry's ability to face the cyclical challenges, accuratelyspotandrespondtomarketupsanddowns.
Priyank Jain, CEO Tulip 3P Media Private Limited
Naini Papers to Expand Production Capacity by 130,000 TPA
Even with biodegradable and
sustainable operations, the paper industry's image has suffered a negative outlook from the general public. However, it is also true that the general narrative is built around various misinformation. In a recent conversation with Paper Mart, Mr. Pawan Agarwal, Managing Director of Naini Group, shared about the company's recent contract with Valmet to buy a specialty paper machine, plans to foray deeper into the specialty paper market, and his plans for office as the new IPMA President. His statements clarify that the paper industry might be already sustainable, but it needs to use available opportunities to rebrand its image and turn the general narrative in its favor. He shared key insights into his brownfield paper project which is set to get commissioned by early 2025, including key purchases, the vision behind the project, and capacity expansion. INTERVIEW ••••••••
14 | Apr - May 2023
Mr. Pawan Agarwal, Managing Director of Naini Group
Paper Mart: Naini Group has recently ordered a specialty paper machine for a brownfield paper project coming up at existing site at Kashipur in Uttarakhand. Please elaborate on this upcoming project and your new machine's key features.
Mr. Pawan Agarwal: At Naini, we are looking forward to expand our current capacities by acquiring state-of-theart technology. Hence, we have recently ordered a specialty paper machine on Valmet. As the name suggests, the new machine shall be used to manufacture specialty paper products, mainly flexible packaging paper. The machine will have a deckle of 4.2 meters and a maximum speed of 1200 mpm.
The machine is being purchased as a part of our brownfield paper project in Uttarakhand. The project aims at exploiting opportunities in the flexible packaging segment. As a part of this project, we have invested in a hardwood fiber line, a 20 MW captive power plant, ETP, and other critical components. The super-batch cooking and fiber line delivery includes a digester plant consisting of four conical bottom digesters and a fiber line comprised of eight Valmet TwinRoll presses, a screen room, MC pumps, mixers, and tower scrapers, as well as the basic engineering and site services.
The new machine, once operational, will help us venture into newer markets with better opportunities and will add 130,000 TPA to our current manufacturing capacity. We expect the project to become fully operational by January 2025.
PM: Naini Group has been continuously making technology-based investments with Valmet. Can we get an insight into your vision and motivation behind these procurements?
PA: Valmet is one of the most advanced technology providers for the
pulp and paper industry. In fact, the decision to collaborate with Valmet was neither instinct-based nor incidental. At Naini Papers, we are constantly working towards upgrading our existing technologies, and Valmet has proved an important provider to us. It is based on our market research, reference visits, the technological supremacy of Valmet, and our successful previous deals that we have purchased our new machine from the company.
We have upgraded our PM2 with Valmet's OptiFlo Fourdrinier headbox and the IQ Dilution Profiler with CD controls. The innovative single-layer headbox with a dilution system will improve web profiles, formation, and productivity of the machine. It will have an operating speed of 900 m/min and a wire width of 3,260 mm. Under the ongoing service agreement, Valmet helps us ensure break reduction, speed increase, profile improvements, and improving machine efficiency and paper quality. Apart from the recent purchase, we have invested heavily in technology integration, and efficiency projects, especially in the last two years, and we have been collaborating with Valmet continuously during this time.
PM: Please elaborate on the recent developments at Naini Group.
PA: At Naini, we have heavily invested in technology-based upgrades at our manufacturing site, especially in the last 2-3 years.
As of 2023, our site is integrated with Plant Information Management Systems (PIMS), and our site-wide manual and mechanical operations are streamlined for better processes, less breakdowns, and better communications. Our bleaching equipment is R6 technology powered, and can easily work with hardwood dominant raw material batch. This reduces our dependency on softwood pulp, which needs to be imported. Our HighEfficiency Recovery Boiler (HERB-RB)
provides us with up to 96 percent chemical recovery efficiency, reducing our emissions and waste discharge.
PM: Naini is among India's green pulp and paper manufacturing facilities. Please elaborate on how you integrate it into your system.
PA: Green Manufacturing for Naini is paramount, as we have been invested in the practices and sustainable production for a long time. Moreover, I stand for the fact that the paper industry is a sustainable industry. In recent years, we have transformed our manufacturing setup to include all kinds of green manufacturing practices.
Currently, we have two PMs employed at our manufacturing site. Each of them uses wood-based pulp to manufacture the finished products. We use both hardwood and softwood as raw materials. Additionally, we have been using fibrous agricultural waste as our raw material since our inception.
In order to address the raw material security issue at our facility, we have turned to agroforestry. As a part of our agroforestry operations, we collaborate with farmers to grow trees in their agricultural fields on contractual basis. Meanwhile, we offer them various techno-commercial support, such as fast growing varieties of Poplar & Eucalyptus, easy market access, etc.
We have also made various technological advancements, in the fields of environment, captive power generation etc., to ensure that our manufacturing process has the least possible carbon footprint. We have installed a roof-top solar power plant of 1.2 MW, which is successfully commissioned in February this year. We have added a new long wet lime kiln with a design capacity of 200 TPD, and a chain system for drying the lime mud inside the kiln. The kiln will be supplied with a burner system designed for either firing producer gas in combina- INTERVIEW •••••••• 15 | Apr - May 2023
tion with furnace oil or alternatively firing 100% furnace oil. The producer gas is a low-temperature, low-grade gas produced in a coal gasifier.
At Naini, we have been constantly working to reduce our emissions and treat our waste and discharge for minimal environmental hazards.
PM: The paper industry is taking new strides in India. Can you identify current market trends for us, and what is your strategy to deal with them?
PA: The paper industry is slowly gaining awareness and acceptance amongst the general public. Indian society at its core is pro-sustainability. However, there is a general myth about the paper industry not being sustainable, due to our raw material being wood and chemically-inclined lengthy manufacturing process. However, with time these myths are being addressed, and in line with government policies of plastic ban, the industry is experiencing industrial and product-based acceptance. The overall growth pace for the paper industry is slow, however, it is steady as well.
The application of paper-based solutions is experiencing a demand increase, and the packaging sector is at the forefront of this demand. The wide and dynamic applications have ensured a robust demand for packaging solutions, and currently, it proposes a ripe market.
PM: Congratulations on being elected as IPMA's President. What are IPMA's plans and strategies to promote the interests of the paper industry in India and help it achieve global competitiveness?
PA: Thank You for your wishes; as the current office bearer of IPMA, I have identified three main objectives, which need to be addressed.
Firstly, IPMA will work dedicatedly to bust the myth about the paper industry's general image of not being sustainable. We need to ensure that the general notion shifts in our favor, so as to earn a societal-favour. The paper industry, right from the raw material procuring to the finished product, and its subsequent presence in the market, ensures that all our activities are sustainable. The adoption of environmentally friendly bleaching processes, new technologies in wastewater treatment, highly efficient boilers with advanced dust collecting technologies, etc., have ensured that our manufacturing processes are sustainable going forward.
Secondly, the office shall work towards attracting government initiatives. Our industry has huge potential to contribute to the Indian economy. Although in the past years, there have been many government programmes, such as single-use plastic ban, etc., however, there needs to be devised implementation and awareness of these government initiatives. Moreover, the paper industry can easily contribute to social strata improvement initiatives of the government.
As society moves towards sustainable living, the demand for paper-based solutions is going to grow, and we need to ensure raw material availability. Currently, agroforestry, agricultural waste, waste paper, and imports are used to satisfy the raw material requirements of the Indian industry.
In the future, we can use barren lands to plant trees . This plantation drive will also create employment opportunities.
PM: Can you outline the changes that your product basket and market footprint will undergo after the project commissions?
PA: The recently ordered machine is for specialty paper production and shall add to our product portfolio in a relevant direction. Although we already have a variety of specialty paper applications in our product portfolio, we plan to widen the scope of our services in this sector, especially in relation to packaging solutions as it is promising high profitability in the coming times. Currently, we are involved in the production of Absorbent Kraft paper, Kristal Card paper, and industrialgrade Cup Stock production. Once operational, we might venture deeper into various markets that require packaging-based solutions, such as the FMCG sector, food and beverages sector, pharmaceutical, and other industries which are looking for alternatives to plastic packaging. We plan to customize our products according to our client's requirements. The gsm range of our products shall be 30-170.
Naini Papers has a rich and solid history to back our future endeavors. Moreover, we simply do not put options to our customers, instead, we customize our offerings in accordance with their requirements. This is our market-based USP, which coupled with a sustainable image-based USP allows us relevance in the everchanging market scenario.
INTERVIEW •••••••• BookAdvertisementEditorial your &for Jun-Jul, 2023 Special Edition EVENT FOCUS 16 | Apr - May 2023
Dev Priya Industries: Constantly Enhancing Quality and Quantity with Current Production Capacity of 2,00,000 TPA
Dev Priya Industries Private
Limited started their manufacturing journey with kraft paper production in December 1992. Starting out with a 12,000 TPA production capacity, the company now produces fluting, testliner and recycled kraftliner with an installed production capacity of 2,00,000 TPA. The company's USP is its consistent and unadulterated production, and it is focused on enhancing production quality and quantity, which can be observed in their recent development of installation of hi-tech shoe-presses on both their machines. In a recent interview with Paper Mart, Mr. Amit Gupta, Technical Director, Dev Priya Industries Private Limited, shared about the company's journey, product portfolio, manufacturing capacity, market footprint, the major challenges being faced by the Indian paper industry and how manufacturers can overcome the situation.
INTERVIEW ••••••••
Mr. Amit Gupta, Technical Director, Dev Priya Industries Private Limited. 18 | Apr - May 2023
Paper Mart: Kindly share your business journey, outlining the product portfolio, manufacturing capacity and market footprint.
Amit Gupta: Dev Priya Industries Private Limited was incorporated on February 9, 1990 underthe nameof Dev Pulp Private Limited. The unit started its kraft paper production in December 1992, and the company was renamed Dev Priya Industries Private Limited on May 30, 1996. When we started production,theinitialinstalledcapacityofourplantwas12,000 TPA. Today, we have 2 paper machines in our Meerut facility, currently operating at a production capacity of approximately 1,50,000 TPA, with a production potential up to 2,00,000 TPA. For our raw material requirements, we import nearly 60 to 70 percent of waste paper from around the globe. Our current product portfolio comprises fluting paper, testliner paper and recycled kraft linerboard paper. Dev Priya Industries Private Limited is a technically sound and financiallyviablecompany, with a good market presence. Our products are being used by FMCG's, TV manufacturers, refrigerator manufacturers, food andbeverageindustry,medicinecompanies,etc.
PM: Kindly tell us about the recent developments at Dev Priya. What according to you are the USPs of your company?
AG: Our most recent development was made in the previous financial year of 2022, we installed hi-tech shoe presses and vacuum turbo on both our paper machines. Shoe press providesquantitativebenefitsastheyallowhigherefficiencyin paperdrying. Along with this development, wealso renovated alltheminorandmajorpartsofthepulpandpapermachines.
Intermsof USPs,ourcompanyhasbeenconsistentfordecades and we ensure production without any adulteration. Taking a stepfurthertoavoidadulterationand towardsplasticmanagement, we have set up a plastic management plant, where we collect the plastic pieces retrieved during our production process. In this plant, the plastic residue is cleaned, dried and bunched into small beads, which are then utilized for various purposes. Furthermore, for production we have to work at groundlevelandIamalwayspresenton-site,tooverlookallthe operationsandbeavailableforanyhelptoeveryone.
PM: Can you tell us about the current challenges being faced by the Indian paper industry?
AG: The paper industry is currently struggling with the issue of low demand, caused by multiple factors. In terms of the packaging industry, low demand is caused due to low investment by consumers towards seasonal products, which canpartiallybeattributedtoglobalwarming.Thisyearweare witnessing fluctuating weather during summer due to cyclones, causing reduction in air conditioner, refrigerators and beveragessales. Asdemand lowers forproducts, it leaves the packaging industry solely dependent on demand from onlineshopping.
Overproduction and increased imports are also major challenges for our industry. When Chinese mills were being
shifted to countries like Indonesia and Vietnam, all the requirements got directed towards India, creating great demand. Observing this great demand, companies started opening multiple mills. However, this was a bad move becausewhen Chinese millsre-opened,all thebusinesswent back to Chinaand wewere leftwitha largeamountof surplus production. And in today's scenario, lots of mills are closing, like in Morbi, Gujarat at least 30-40 mills have closed. Moreover, imports are increasing as the prices of finished products are down in the international market and India is importing thisgood qualitypaperatcheaperprices. All these factors have resulted in the downfall in Indian markets. The pulppriceshavedeclineddrasticallytoalmost50%.
PM: What steps can the Indian paper industry take to overcome these challenges?
AG: The market can be in this decline period for the entire current financial year, until March 2024. The challenge has been caused due to low demand, which is a factor we cannot control. Theonlypartwecancontrol isourexpenses in terms of efficiency, viz. power, chemicals, fuels, etc. We have also decided to halt any major investments for this year, till the marketconditionstabilizesagain.
INTERVIEW •••••••• 19 | Apr - May 2023
Indian Paper Industry Faces Consequential Disturbances from Global Market
The Indian paper industry is
witnessing a period of unpredictable disturbances despite good GDP performance. These disturbances can be attributed to multiple factors around the globe. In a recent interaction with Paper Mart, Mr. J.P. Narain, CEO of Fibertec and Business Transformation Partner for Genus Paper and Board Limited, shared about the ongoing developments at Genus, provided an indepth view on the current state of the global paper market, the key factors behind the downfall, the consequential effect on the Indian paper industry and how the industry players can overcome this hurdle.
Mr. J.P. Narain, CEO of Fibertec and Business Transformation Partner for Genus Paper and Board Limited
Mr. Narain also spoke on the Indian paper industry's initiatives, current position in the decarbonization movement and ongoing projects at Fibertec.
OPINION •••••• 20 | Apr - May 2023
Upcoming TMGreenFIB Agro pulp mill based on ETMP Technology of Fang Thai Factory Co. Limited, Thailand, 3-30 TPD capacity having continuous duty nano digesters.
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Upcoming TMGreenFIB Agro pulp mill based on ETMP Technology of Fang Thai Factory Co. Limited, Thailand, 3-30 TPD capacity having continuous duty nano digesters.
Transformation Partner for Genus Paper & Boards Limited, Mr. Narain spoke about the ongoing developments at the company. “Genus is taking up various strategic development initiatives. We are working on the formation of a strong team with experienced industry professionals, implementation of all systems and processes in order to take care of the quality, productivity and cost of conversion, launching new products, as well as aggressively working on customer centricity. I hope that these initiatives will further enhance Genus' customer perception and anticipate positive outcomes in the future,” he shared.
Mr. Narain spoke on the current status of the Indian paper industry, stating that though India's domestic performance is going well, the industry is suffering from external disturbances. “Last year, the Indian GDP was growing at the rate of 7.5 percent and this year it is expected to grow by 6.5 percent. Even with a slight lag in the market, 6.5 GDP is comparably good growth. In my opinion, domestic growth and demand is at par. However, it is the consequential or spillover effect of other countries which the Indian paper industry is currently facing,” he said. Mr. Narain shared the three major factors which are the root causes of the price disturbance in the market. “One factor is the recession that started in 2020 with the Evergrande issue in China, the second major issue was the COVID pandemic, when various governments provided aid in liquidity, followed by the third issue of the Russia and Ukraine war,” he stated. Mr. Narain shared that these three factors created inflation in the international market. Inflation caused an increase in interest rates, resulting in reduced consumption across the Eurozone, USA and China. “This reduced consumption caused a deflation in China, leaving China with
high production and low demand. With the excessive production, China's exports have increased, now at a lower price. As a result, India's export market has been affected negatively, despite the overall positive condition of the Indian market. Despite the good demand in the Indian market, export has completely stopped causing the capacity to become equal to or slightly higher than demand and creating stagnancy in the market,” he said. “Imports were previously stopped due to supply chain or logistic disruptions, but have started again. However, since the export has been affected adversely and cheap imports have started coming, the buyer's sentiment is being disturbed. Therefore, the indication that prices may go down further have created panic in the market, and the conditions have disturbed the complete pricing profile of all products of the Indian paper industries.” Further elaborating on the spillover effect of this crisis on the Indian paper industry, Mr. Narain said, “This issue is affecting all segments of the Indian paper market, halting exports of writing and printing, packaging board, kraft paper and tissue papers. In fact, we are facing a reverse effect with the cheap imports entering the market and disturbing the paper industry by shifting the prices everyday.”
As the Indian paper market continues to suffer from the low period, Mr. Narain believes that the condition might prevail for a few more months. “I believe the industry will require the next 6 to 8 months to get stabilized, but it is still difficult to predict as there is no positive outlook even from the Eurozone, America or China, as these three big markets are still showing indications of low consumption. Moreover, the biggest issue for India is deflation in China, which will affect the Indian market in terms of export. This is because China will export cheap supplies to all the
surrounding countries of India, creating a possibility of cheap imports in the country.”
Providing advice on how to handle the ongoing market situation, Mr. Narain shared, “As a manufacturing industry, the paper industry has to maintain a thin structure, meaning that they need to reduce the cost of conversion on all verticals. The industry has to take efficiency measures as this is the only way to function till the lag period is over.” Mr. Narain further stated that the Indian paper industry is used to facing these kinds of cyclic challenges and every paper professional has seen these kinds of cyclic ups and downs.
“In the past one and a half years, our industry has witnessed successful phases, and they are capable enough to handle this tough period as well. I do not believe this will be a big challenge for the seasoned and matured manufacturers,” he said. Sharing a solution to tackle this situation in the long run, Mr. Narain stated “Currently, India has largescale domestic consumption. If the government of India helps the paper industry to curtail the imports from other countries, the prices will stabilize because India's manufacturing capacity matches the domestic consumption. I believe once imports are curtailed, there will be a balance between demand and supply and prices will stabilize.”
While talking about decarbonization, Mr. Narain shared that the Indian paper industry is still preparing to harness the full potential of decarbonization. Emphasizing on the requirement of in depth knowledge, he stated, “It is crucial that we know about the various scopes of emissions, the mitigation process and the full environmental effect of the decarbonization process. Firstly, the industry should know how to measure their emissions, following which we must learn how to take the steps to reduce it. It is also important to set milestones for systematic reduction of
As the Business
OPINION •••••• 23 | Apr - May 2023
emissions. Though the industry is working on multiple initiatives like plantations, solar energy initiatives and neutralizing their CO2 emissions, many of the crucial aspects of decarbonization are missing. In my opinion, proper study and establishment of a mitigation plan are required.” He emphasized that decarbonization is a long term initiative, as we aim to transform the very source of energy from fossil fuels to a renewable alternative. “Firstly, we need to educate people to reduce the usage of energy with the help of efficient technology and artificial intelligence. Then we require proper research towards finding renewable
energy sources to replace fossil fuels, and gradually there will be a transformation from one energy source. So it is quite a long term objective as well as the initiative where the action plan has to be carried out.” Mr. Narain also emphasized the importance of measuring performance, saying, “Today, ESG footprints are globally being used for measuring corporate performance. Most importantly, investors are inclined towards them and there is a huge amount of investment being made towards mutual fund portfolios in organizations with strong ESG footprints. So, ESG strategies are being driven by investors, and initiatives driven by
society or investors have more potential for huge impact.”
Speaking about Fibertec, the leading consultant company founded by Mr. Narain, he shared, “Fibertec is working in the biodegradable and bio-energy fields. Though Fibertec is a very young organization, having started a year ago, we are well supported by the market and our clients. Due to this support, we have recently signed a contract of INR 710 crore in the bio-energy field, which involves 3 ethanol plants at various locations, with respective capacities of 120 KLD, 180 KLD and 250 KLD. We are also working on one tissue project with a capacity of 65 TPD.”
Bracell Invests USD 996 Million to Construct Latin America's Largest 240,000 TPA Tissue Paper Mill
Global leader in dissolving pulp production, Bracell has begun construction of Latin America's largest tissue paper mill, located in Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil with an investment of USD 996 million and a production capacity of 240,000 TPA.
Bracell recently marked the beginning of construction on Latin America's largest tissue paper mill, located in Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil. The company is investing a total of USD 996 million (BRL 5 billion) in the city. Half of the investment is dedicated to the construction of the new tissue paper mill, slated to commence operations in 2024. The remaining funds will be used to establish a plant dedicated to the production of key ingredients used in the pulp production process.
The new mill will consist of four tissue paper production machines, designed to primarily produce toilet paper and paper towels. With an annual production capacity of 240,000 TPA, the mill will utilize advanced technology in production and digitalization to maximize efficiency, safety, and environmental protection. The project is expected to generate more than 2,000 jobs during the construction phase, and an additional550permanentjobsuponitscompletion.
The state-of-the-art tissue paper mill will be fully automated and exclusively powered by renewable energy sources. This focus on sustainability will position the mill among the most modern and eco-friendly facilities worldwide. This project is aligned with 'Bracells commitment to contribute to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy), SDG 8 (Decent work and
economic growth), SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and production), SDG 13 (Climate action), and SDG 17 (Partnerships fortheGoals).
Mr. Praveen Singhavi, President of Bracell, said, “This project reinforces our commitment to invest in the country, contributing to productivity and sustainability across the business. It is a milestone that makes us very optimistic about our development prospects, as we want to add value and further expand theTissuedownstreamoperations.”
NEWS ••• OPINION •••••• 24 | Apr - May 2023
The Governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas (centre), with Bracell President Praveen Singhavi (right) during the groundbreaking ceremony for the new tissue paper mill
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Crown Paper Mill: First UAE-Based Company to Establish 60,000 TPA
Tissue Paper Mill in Saudi Arabia
Established in 1996, Crown Paper
Mill (CPM) produces prime quality, super commercial and commercial grades of tissue paper in jumbo rolls from 100% virgin pulp and recycled waste paper. Headquartered in the Industrial City of Abu Dhabi, the company currently operates three paper mills with a total production capacity of 100,000 TPA. CPM is now set to expand its business into Saudi Arabia with the establishment of a fourth paper mill, becoming the first UAE-based company to establish a paper mill in Saudi Arabia, and the largest in the region taking the total production capacity of CPM to 160,000 TPA. In a recent interaction with Paper Mart, Mr. Abdullah Al Khateeb, Managing Director, Crown Paper Mill, shared about the company's business journey, infrastructure and product portfolio, their Saudi Arabia expansion, the company's USPs, future plans and many more topics.
INTERVIEW ••••••••
Mr. Abdullah Al Khateeb, Managing Director, Crown Paper Mill 26 | Apr - May 2023
Paper Mart: Please brief us about the business journey of your company, Crown Paper Mill.
Abdullah Al Khateeb: Crown Paper Mill (CPM) was established in 1996 and is ranked as one of the leading producers of jumbo tissue paper rolls in the region. CPM started its production (IPM1) with a capacity of 12,000 TPA of tissue paper. In 2011, the mill added a PM2 machine, which raised the total capacity to 38,000 TPA. Due to the high demand for CPM products, in 2019, one more machine PM3 was added, taking the total production capacity to 100,000 TPA.
PM: What are CPM's current infrastructural setup, product portfolio, and manufacturing capacities?
AAK: Crown Paper Mill (CPM) covers a total area of 50,000 sq m at the Industrial City of Abu Dhabi (ICAD) and is regarded highly among tissue converters. CPM is equipped with cutting-edge technology and machinery that is supplied by Valmet, the world's top supplier of tissue paper machines. In addition to this, CPM houses the only machine in the region that can produce 52 gsm along with all other grades including recycled grades and colored tissue. With regard to quality, the mill is ISO certified and is known for exclusively supplying high-quality tissue paper to its customers. All high-quality tissue grades are made from the finest virgin pulp and recycled grades acquired from various suppliers around the world. Our tissue paper output ranges from 12.5 gsm to 53 gsm. CPM's jumbo tissue paper rolls are available in various grades, including facial, toilet, kitchen towel, napkin, C-fold, and carrier tissue.
PM: Crown Paper Mill plans expansion into Saudi Arabia. Can you enlighten us about this expansion plan and the vision behind this expansion?
AAK: The paper tissue segment in Saudi Arabia is projected to grow exponentially, resulting in increased market volume in the years to come. Saudi Arabia has always been an important market for CPM. The company's intention is to offer CPM products to customers in Saudi Arabia with a better delivery time while improving the logistics network originating from Saudi Arabia to other parts of the GCC. With the establishment of PM4, CPM will produce an additional 60,000 TPA, taking the total production capacity of CPM to 160,000 TPA, expected to be the largest in the region. With this expansion, CPM will become the first UAE-based company to establish a paper mill in Saudi Arabia, and the largest in the region, which is a commendable achievement for a company originating from the UAE.
PM: What kind of investments are associated with this expansion with regard to land acquisition, technology, machinery/infrastructure setup, target production capacity, and product category to which it is going to cater?
AAK: Crown Paper Mill has signed an investment contract with the Royal
Commission in Jubail for CPM Paper Mill 4 in KSA. With the signing of this contract, CPM is now looking forward to having a long-lasting business relationship with KSA. Our mission is to expand the CPM name in different markets and become the largest in the region. As a result, we have already acquired 90,000 sq m of land in Jubail 2 for building a paper complex while catering to our future needs in Saudi Arabia. The land will be used to produce tissue jumbo rolls and other related paper products. Our new paper machine with an annual production capacity of 60,000 MT of jumbo rolls will be operational during the last quarter of 2024.
PM: Tell us about your current market share and how your
INTERVIEW •••••••• 27 | Apr - May 2023
“With the establishment of PM4, CPM will produce an additional 60,000 TPA, taking the total production capacity of CPM to 160,000 TPA, expected to be the largest in the region.”
expansion into Saudi is going to impact your clientele.
AAK: The GCC and Mena regions account for about 95% of our market share. This includes approximately 30% to 35% coming out of Saudi Arabia, and our objective is to increase this number. The move will help CPM logistically, save on customs duties, and improve our chances of competing within Saudi Arabia. The strategic location will also help us with our network channels, and most importantly, we consider Saudi Arabia an untapped market with a lot of potential to explore.
PM: How are your company's activities in line with the world's vision for a sustainable future?
AAK: At CPM, sustainability and environment-friendly procedures are followed without harming the environment. CPM supports sustainable forestry in sourcing raw materials, especially when it comes to pulp. As a
result, CPM is an FSC-certified company, and we only work with certified suppliers who are environment-friendly. CPM is also committed to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. By prioritizing ESG factors in CPM operations, we are building trust with our stakeholders, including customers, investors, employees, and the wider community. Prior to any new venture, CPM takes into consideration factors affecting the economy, employees, and environment, including water and electricity. To support the cause, CPM is also producing recycled tissue paper with incentivized pricing. The intention is to increase our recycled tissue quantity, use recovered tissue paper, and promote it in our target market to support the environment as much as possible.
PM: Please enlighten us about the current scenario and the future of the tissue paper industry.
AAK: The tissue industry itself is a growing market, especially in our region. Post-COVID, tissue paper has proven to be a hygienic product to prevent COVID, and it has become more of a necessity than a luxury. Almost everybody understood the importance of tissue paper, and as a result, the market share increased. Demand also increased after COVID because when the market opened up, a lot of people started traveling and they always ensured that they used tissue paper to maintain hygiene levels. Which obviously works to our advantage. Hence, we believe that demand is going to continue increasing in this sector, calling for more investments. Most importantly, there are many markets where demand is high and needs to be tapped. For example, in India and Africa, where the population is high, awareness of the importance of tissue paper is rising, and the potential is immense. In Saudi Arabia itself, there is a huge market for us and we intend to explore it. Other countries that are also showing interest in tissue paper usage are countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc. which are potential markets, and CPM considers these as ideal locations to market tissue paper. Another factor that will play a pivotal role will be logistics, and whoever can compete better in this segment will come out as the winner.
PM: What are your company's USPs and how is it different from the rest of the players in the market?
AAK: One of the biggest advantages that CPM has is its modern machine technology which is more efficient in terms of utility consumption. Also, our raw material prices are the most competitive compared to others, due to the highest volume of purchases within the region. We also have an excellent logistics network that supports our customers, and our connectivity is one of the best in the
INTERVIEW •••••••• 28 | Apr - May 2023
“ With this expansion, CPM will become the first UAE-based company to establish a paper mill in Saudi Arabia, and the largest in the region, which is a commendable achievement for a company originating from the UAE.”
“The move will help CPM logistically, save on customs duties, and improve our chances of competing within Saudi Arabia. The strategic location will also help us with our network channels, and most importantly, we consider Saudi Arabia an untapped market with a lot of potential to explore.”
region. Product-wise, our brands are well-known in the market and all converters accept our products. As mentioned before, we have products ranging from 12.5 gsm ultra-thin tissue to 52 gsm hand towels, and we are capable of producing any grade including prime tissue (100% virgin pulp) and recycle grades like brown tissue napkins that are in demand nowadays because of the sustainability requirement. As far as product knowledge and customer service go, we have an expert team that is well-experienced and they hail from all over the world with vast
knowledge in the tissue paper industry. With sustainability concerns, we only work with FSCcertified companies that supply us pulp, and our manufacturing processes are also environment friendly.
When it comes to technology, our machines, and technical know-how are supplied by the world-renowned machine supplier Valmet, whose reputation precedes itself. We also place paramount importance on artificial intelligence, which helps us achieve precision results and ensure the quality is the best in the market.
PM: What are your future plans to serve the industry better?
AAK: The future looks promising as far as the tissue paper industry is concerned. As mentioned before, post-COVID, the demand for tissue paper is on the rise. People have realized the importance of the hygiene aspect that it brings with it. As far as CPM is concerned, our plans are well structured, and we plan to grow in new markets. Starting off with Saudi Arabia in 2024, we have strategically planned our entry into the Kingdom, which will ensure a good hold in the region. This will help us serve our customers better in the GCC region and improve delivery times as well. Moreover, if demand arises we might consider expanding the business outside the region. The opportunities are endless, and at the end of the day, we will always have a growth mindset and seize the opportunities if they work to our advantage. 30 | Apr - May 2023 INTERVIEW ••••••••
Apollo Papers Aims to be WorldClass Paper Manufacturer with 1,20,000 TPA Installed Capacity
Apollo Papers LLP is a leading packaging
paperboard producer in India, providing high quality packaging paperboard products to consumers. With an initial installed capacity of 1,20,000 TPA, the company produces high RCT based kraft papers, with high elasticity and high tear resistance, suitable for both top liner as well as intermediate plies of containerboard. In a recent interaction with Paper Mart, Mr. Dinesh Haripara, Managing Director, Apollo Papers LLP, shared about the company's vision, mission and values, manufacturing facilities, products and applications, current scenario of paper industry, and the company's position in the nation's vision for a sustainable future.
INTERVIEW •••••••• 32 | Apr - May 2023
Mr. Dinesh Haripara, Managing Director, Apollo Papers LLP
Nowadays, foreign investors are interested in setting up new plants for manufacturing paper to bring forth huge revenue to the paper industry.
Paper Mart: Please brief us about your company Apollo Papers LLP, along with the company's vision, mission and values.
DineshHaripara: Established in March 2021, Apollo Papers LLP isoneof the leading packaging paperboard producers in India. Its operations enable it to serve customers with high qualitypackaging paperboard products. Ourproductquality hasbeenconsistentovertheyearsand hashelpeduscarveout a niche for ourselves. Our mission is to provide effective solutions for all packaging paper needs with an advanced product portfolio. We aspire to achieve quality and consistency through innovation, introduction, and improvement of our products through sustainable production methods and create value for all stakeholders. Our vision is taking people, the planet, and our organization to new orbits today for a better tomorrow. We aim to continue making quality packaging products that promote a green and clean environment, contribute to worldwide commerce, and ensure the safetyof ourconsumers. Value is toprovideglobal quality, to preserve theenvironment by providing eco-friendly recycled paperand to achieve customersatisfaction levels on parwith worldclassorganizations.
PM: What is your current manufacturing capabilities, product portfolio, applications and segments catered.
DH: Apollo Papers LLP started production with an initial installedcapacityof 1,20,000TPA.ApolloPapershasadopted the most advanced imported machinery with 4250 to 4290 mm machine deckle, the largest deckle in the region, to produce world class kraft paper with a 300 MT per day capacity. Our product features include excellent strength, stiffness and tear properties. They are high RCT based kraft papers, with high elasticity and high tear resistance, suitable for both top liner as well as intermediate plies of containerboard. Our production is consumed by automatic corrugation industries i.e. 3plyer & 5plyer. We cater to industries like the FMCG sector, automobile industries, packagingindustriesandoffsetprinters.
PM: Please enlighten us about the current scenario of the paper industry in India.
DH: The Indian paper industry has been in existence for more than a decade. Today there are more than 850 paper millsfunctioningalloverthecountry, manufacturingvarious types of paper materials required for different purposes. The
paperindustryisknowntobeoneof theleading industriesin India as it provides employment to more than 1.5 million people. The strong demand for paper products has pushed the Indian paper industry to a new level, and it is now expanding to meet the growing demands of the people. Vast changes have taken place in the field of printing paper, tissues, newsprint and so forth. Modern management along with latest technological machines are used for the completion of various projects. Nowadays, foreign investors are interested in setting up new plants for manufacturing paper tobringforthhugerevenuetothepaperindustry.
PM: How are your company's activities in line with the nation's vision for a sustainable future?
DH: Apollo Papers believes that social responsibility comes with corporate development. Therefore, from the very beginning, we have been investing into environmental protection facilities, aiming at minimizing our impacton the environment. Apollo Papers is an ecologically–compliant papercompany becauseof its highly transparentstructure in each of its operational areas, which includes green production, resourceconservation, responsiblewaste management, and a decreased pollution load as our fundamental aspects. 100 percent of our manufacturing is from recycled paper, which is sourced from India & abroad. We aim to continue makingqualitypackagingproductsthatpromoteagreenand clean environment, contribute to worldwide commerce, and ensurethesafetyofourconsumers. 34 | Apr - May 2023 INTERVIEW ••••••••
PAPER & BOARDS (P) LTD. Everything's better!
Integrated Management System Certi ed Company (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001)
Manufacturers of High
GSM 140 TO 300
16 BF T0 30 BF
GSM 230 TO 500
GSM 170 TO 200
GSM 44 TO 100
GSM 33 TO 160
Corporate Office: Sripathi Paper and Boards Private Limited
New No.: 994 / Old No.:1680 / 31, Romani's Regency, Trichy Road, Ramanathapuram, Caimbatore, Tamil Nadu - 641 045, India.
Kraft & Duplex Board Paper Division
Sukkiravarpalli, Anaikullam (Post), Thiruthangal, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu - 626 130, India.
Ph.: 91-4562-238117, 238177, 290351, 52 Email:
Writing Printing Paper Division
S.F. No.297/2 308/1, Raian Nagar (Village), Puduvadavalli, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu - 638 401, India.
Ph: 91 96886 30111, Email:
PM: What is Apollo Papers' strategy to serve the paper industry better?
DH: Apollo Papers always aims to be a world-class paper manufacturer. Our staff, at all levels, has been striving diligently to reach this goal. The company continuously puts significant resources into implementing advanced machin-
Apollo Papers has adopted the most advanced imported machinery with 4250 to 4290 mm machine deckle, the largest deckle in the region, to produce world class kraft paper with a 300 MT per day capacity.
eries and technologies, improving product quality and incubating technical and management personnel. Furthermore, we adopt advanced management techniques and implement an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in order to further improve our operation and management.
Cascades Announces the Closing of a Paper Machine at its Niagara Falls, N.Y. Facility
Cascades announced that it will be permanently closing paper machine 2 at the company's Niagara Falls mill in New York. The machine was one of the oldest in the containerboard platform, had a production capacity of 90,000 short tons per year and required investment to stay competitive.
May 2, 2023
Green packaging and hygiene products manufacturer Cascades recently announced the permanent shutdown of paper machine number 2 at its Niagara Falls, New York mill. The machine, which had been temporarily shut down since November 2022, was amongst the oldest in the containerboard platform and required
investment to stay competitive. The machine had a production capacity of 90,000 short tons per year, and the permanent closure of this machine will impact approximately 40 positions. A large portion of these positions are currently vacant or will be subject to attrition, as the company aims to minimize the impact of the machine closing on the employees.
INTERVIEW ••••••••
NEWS ••• 36 | Apr - May 2023
Kempt Tissues' New 75 TPD Tissue Machine Now Operational
Kempt Tissues Private
Limited was founded in the year 2022 with a mission to provide hygiene and quality tissue paper to their customers. With a manufacturing facility located in Morbi, the heart of Gujarat, the company specializes in the manufacturing of tissue paper and other specialty grade paper. The company's focus is to increase its revenues and improve its bottomline by reducing costs through better management of funds, improved internal control systems and better realizations for its existing products. In a recent interaction with Paper Mart, Mr. Abhishek Agarwal, Executive Director and CEO, Kempt Tissues
Private Limited, spoke about the company's business journey, production capacity, ongoing expansion plans, the company's USP and the current and future scenario of the Indian and global paper industries.
INTERVIEW ••••••••
Mr. Abhishek Agarwal, Executive Director and CEO, Kempt Tissues Private Limited, 38 | Apr - May 2023
Paper Mart: Please give us a brief walkthrough of your company, outlining the company's business journey, vision and market strategy.
Abhishek Agarwal: We have been engaged with paper and packaging segments since 2004. We started our journey in paper segments from our packaging units in Morbi, Gujarat following which we established a kraft paper mill in 2016. Kempt Tissues Private Limited is our first tissue paper and speciality paper manufacturing division, which was incorporated on 12th January 2022 and specializes in the manufacturing of tissue paper and other speciality grade paper. The registered office of the company is situated at Morbi, Gujarat and our manufacturing facilities are located in Gujarat and Rajasthan. The leaders of the company include our Managing Director Mr. Dinesh Agarwal, Executive Director and CEO Mr. Abhishek Agarwal and DirectorFinance Mr. Ajay Mor.
Kempt Tissues is a company committed to its vision to become the best tissue and speciality paper manufacturing company in india. The company is operating in a highly competitive market and the strategy is to enhance revenues through taking advantage of its inherent strengths and business dynamics. A highly qualified and competent team and robust quality control provides the necessary platform to give impetus to the company's objectives. Our company majorly focuses on increasing revenues and improving our bottomline by reducing costs by better management of funds, improved internal control systems and better realizations for its existing products.
PM: Kindly shed some light on the company's production capacity,
infrastructural set up and product range offered.
AA: The paper machine of the company commenced production in April 2023 with a capacity to produce 75 TPD of tissue paper. The paper machine is imported from Spain, Europe and is manufactured by Voith. The type of machine is fourdrinier and the deckle is 3400 mm. Our facility is equipped with all the latest and highly efficient machinery which is mainly imported from Europe. Our laboratory consists of the latest and efficient equipment. We have set up an eco-friendly and sustainable infrastructure for production and our entire setup is in accordance with international standards. We have acquired approximately 5,26,000 sq ft land for the complete set up of our manufacturing facility. Our product category mainly include virgin grade tissue paper like toilet tissue paper, kitchen towel, facial tissue paper and as well as recycled grade, MG poster grade paper with high brightness white and color both and other specialty papers. The minimum GSM is 12.5 and highest is up to 60 GSM.
PM: What are the ongoing developments taking place at Kempt Tissues?
AA: We at Kempt are already in the process of acquiring additional land for further expansion of our current paper mill in order to include one more crescent former tissue machine, additional with converting house facilities. Including land acquisition, we have made a total investment of around INR 75 crore towards this project. We started the land acquisition process in the year 2022 and we started construction work from April 2022. Currently, the machine installation work and civil work is almost com-
pleted and we expect the final production to begin in the first week of May 2023. Nearing the completion of the project, we have already started the hiring process for manpower as well as started to procure raw materials.
PM: How are your company's activities in line with the nation's vision for a sustainable future?
AA: Tissue paper plays an important role in the nation's sustainability mission as it is directly related with general hygiene as well as our ecosystem. Our company will also focus on manufacturing the best paper products from recycled grades so that we can participate more with our vision for a sustainable future. Our complete infrastructure is set up with a highly green environment. We have planted more than 5000 plants already in our manufacturing facility.
PM: What are your company's USPs and how is it different from the rest of the players in the market?
AA: Kempt Tissues Private Limited's USP is our technology, our R&D team along with our management. Our goal is to provide the best quality tissue paper to our customers. The quality of our management team is at par with industry standards. The promoters, directors, technical and commercial staff at our company have more than 10 years of experience in the paper industry. Our workforce comprises engineers, chartered accountants and technicians. In the current market there are very few players who provide excellent quality speciality paper and our mission is to be India's top quality tissue paper maker.
PM: Please enlighten us about the current scenario and the future of the paper industry in India.
AA: The Indian paper industry, with a turnover of about INR 70,000 crores, plays an important role in the manufacturing segment of the Indian economy. The Indian paper industry is very fragmented and diverse in nature. Capacity wise, there are small, medium and large size mills employ-
INTERVIEW •••••••• 40 | Apr - May 2023
“We at Kempt are already in the process of acquiring additional land for further expansion of our current paper mill in order to include one more crescent former tissue machine, additional with converting house facilities.”
ing technology which ranges from old to state-of-the-art. The fibrous raw material used for manufacturing paper include plantation wood from farm forestry programs, agri-residues like wheat straw and bagasse procured from farmers and waste paper sourced domestically as well as imported from other countries. The products
manufactured are also diverse including kraft paper, newsprint, writing and printing papers, photocopier paper, unbleached and bleached varieties of packaging papers or boards, uncoated and coated boards, tissue paper and some tonnage of speciality papers. In the foreseeable future, the packaging
board segment is likely to see sustained high demand going forward. An increase in tissue per capita consumption is expected due to rising health and hygiene awareness. Strong demand in packaging boards and tissue is turning profitable for paper manufacturers, manufacturers of a wide range of paper products.
PM: Kindly provide your insights on the global tissue paper market.
AA: According to Fortune Business Insights, the global tissue paper market size was USD 81 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 124.74 billion by 2029, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.4% during the forecast period. Tissue papers are widely used for cleanliness and hygiene purposes. The global average consumption per person per year is also expected to reach 55kg. Tissue manufacturing technology advancements, as well as the effective use of raw materials, will improve both the design of tissue products and how they are distributed.
Plot No.19, SR.NO.2608, Shanta Gulab Industrial Park, Besides Damanganga Industrial Park, Karvad, Vapi-396193 +91 9898130415, +91 9227830415,
INTERVIEW ••••••••
Manufacturers of : • Doctor Blades
Doctor Holders • Doctoring Systems
Doctor Oscillation Systems
Felt Stretchers
Address: Cell: Email: Website:
• 41 | Apr - May 2023
ANDRITZ' HC Refining for Tissue: Less Fiber, Higher Quality
In 2020, ANDRITZ launched specialized HC refining technology for tissue production in China
to tackle the challenges of surging pulp costs as well as to meet the demands of tissue producers looking for differentiation. Due to its remarkable success in operation, the technology was then steadily introduced to other Asian countries from 2022. In an interview with Paper Mart, Li Chunming, Technology Manager of Stock Preparation Systems, ANDRITZ China; and Alexander Gscheider, Director Product & Process Development RCF Global Assignment Technology, ANDRITZ give a complete overview of HC refining technology.
Paper Mart: With fluctuating prices of pulp, tissue manufacturers have been forced to increase the use of lower-priced raw materials such as hardwood pulp or annual plant fiber to reduce costs. Can you explain what challenges this move has had on the demands of stock preparation equipment? Also, what new products and processes has ANDRITZ developed as a world leader in the field of stock preparation?
Li Chunming: The need for tissue manufacturers to adjust the proportion of pulp has indeed brought new challenges to the stock preparation equipment. Currently, lowconsistency refining is a prevailing practice in the industry. When the use of long fiber is reduced too much, it will compromise the paper strength, however, on the other hand, if the fibers are refined too much in order to improve web strength, this may result in negative effects such as higher fines content and lower bulk. Specifically, the increase in fines content will result in tissue dust, affecting consumer experience, thus lowering product image and quality. It will also bring serious dust pollution, resulting in a harsh working environment in the tissue manufacturer's plantand have potential negativeeffectson workers' health as well as increasing the risk of fire through potential dust explosions.
Lower bulk results in a worse consumer experience when it comes to touch and feel. Moreover, when producing toilet paper rolls with the same diameter, the manufac-
INTERVIEW •••••••• 42 | Apr - May 2023
Li Chunming, Technology Manager of Stock Preparation Systems, ANDRITZ China.
turer has to use more base paper, which results in lower profit margins.
Withclosecooperationbetweenourglobaltechnologyteams in China and Europe we have developed and launched a new compact high-consistency refining system mainly focusing onwood pulpshort fiberand non-wood fiber. Compared toa low-consistencyrefining system, a high-consistencyrefining system can retain maximum fiber length as well as the strength of short or non-wood fibers by increasing short fiber's contribution to paper strength, thereby reducing the consumptionof longfiber.
PM: Compared with the traditional low-consistency refining system in terms of current fiber structure, what advantages does a high-consistency refining
The current high-consistency refining system is mainly designed for refining lines of hardwood pulp and non-wood fiberintissuemanufacturing.Thesefibersaretypicallyshort, and one of the main advantages of a high-consistency refining system is avoiding fibercutting as much as possible. The fibers treated by the high-consistency refiner feature internal fibrillation. Somefibersarekinkedandcurled,some are micro-compressed; however, they retain their length to the greatest extent possible. The fibers treated by the lowconsistency refinerare characterized by external fibrillation. The fibers become straight, and some are inevitably cut and fibrillated. Therefore, the pulp processed with a highconsistencyrefiningsystem haslowerfinescontentthanthat processed to a similar beating degree with a low-consistency refiningsystem.
It has been proven in commercial applications that the adoption of a high-consistency refining system for short fiberscanreducetheconsumptionof longfibersbyupto15%. The system can also meet the same requirements for paper strength while keeping oreven improving the bulk, softness, absorbency,andotherpropertiesofpapermaking.
Alexander Gscheider: With the traditional lowconsistency refining system, stock consistency is generally 3–5%.WithANDRITZ'shigh-consistencyrefiningsystem,we firstusethickeningequipmenttothickenthepulpfrom3–5% toabout26%andthensendittotherefiningzoneof thehighconsistency refiner through the screw feeder. In the refining zone, the pulp is primarily refined by strong kneading, friction, and other interactions between fibers in a refining gapsmallerthan2mm.
PM: What difficulties did ANDRITZ overcome in the development of this compact high-consistency refining system? What is original about this process?
External fibrillation of low-consistency Refining Beating
Alexander Gscheider, Director Product & Process Development RCF Global Assignment Technology, ANDRITZ
degree 15 SRU (700ml CSF)
degree 29 SRU (440ml CSF)
degree 45 SRU (270ml CSF)
Fiber curls and kinks in high-consistency Refining 44 | Apr - May 2023 INTERVIEW ••••••••
Comparison of Fiber Morphology after High-Consistency Refining and Low-Consistency Refining
LC: As the demand for tissue has increased in recent years, especially forhigh-end tissuesuchas kitchen towelsand facial tissues,therequirementsforpaperbulk,absorbency,andother properties have also become higher. Tissue manufacturers are making everyefforttofurtherreducetheircostswhile improvingproductqualityanddifferentiation.
In terms of technology R&D, ANDRITZ has an established pilot plant in Austria and a stock testing laboratory together with a small pilot plant in China, thus greatly improving the efficiencyof localR&Dandservice.
In2019,ANDRITZChinareceivedaninquiryforacustomized high-consistency refining system from a papermaking base in Sichuan. Although we did not have the application of the technology at that time, the customerchose ANDRITZ as we have built trust through previous successful cooperations. After a series of simulation experiments and evaluations, we launched a compact high-consistency refining solution by integrating ANDRITZ's outstanding products and optimizing the processes. In 2020, we officially delivered the first customized high-consistency refining system for tissue applicationsinChina.
Thecoreof theANDRITZhigh-consistencyrefiningsystemis the screw press and the high-consistency refiner, which are compactlyarranged on two levels. Thus, the system occupies much lessspace than itscompetitorsand is much moreuserfriendlyandconvenienttomaintainandoperate.
The screw press can increase the pulp consistency to about
26%, while the control system can maintain stable and continuous high-consistency discharge under different production capacities, and it can effectively prevent the screw press from clogging. The system uses counterpressure to control the dryness by quick pressurizing or pressure discharging. The grooved screen basket can prevent pulp rotation, and the split-type screen basket for the high-pressure zone is easy to maintain. The screw flights are designed with wear-resistant shoes to extend its servicelife.
AG: The ANDRITZ high-consistency refiner adopts a simple, reliable hydraulic system with a Servo valve. It can adjust the gap between the plates via a programmable CNC electro-hydraulic drive, and thereby be highly adaptable. The lubrication and hydraulic systems of the highconsistency refiner are independent, which increases the accuracy of the gap adjustment and the stability of the gap. Thisisthekeyforensuringoptimumfiberquality.
Thefeedscrewof thehigh-consistencyrefinerhashard faced sharpedged teethonthefeedsideof thescrew,soitcanshred the pulp evenly to the greatest extent before the pulp enters therefiningzone.
Combined with ANDRITZ's patented high-consistency refining plates, the entire compact high-consistency refining system guarantees to provide customers with stable, consistent fiber quality and high-quality end products.
PM: An excellent product never fails the test of the market. At present, what economic benefits can the ANDRITZ compact high-consistency refining system bring to tissue manufacturers? How about its applications and future development?
LC: Up to March 2023, ANDRITZ has received 15 orders of high-consistency refining and preparation systems in China among which 13 have been started-up. In addition during 2022, ANDRITZ received its first order for HC refining for tissue in South East Asia. Manufacturers using thissystemcan nowprocess morediversified raw materials, including wood pulp, short fiber, bamboo pulp, bagasse pulp, and reed pulp, and can producedifferentpapergrades such as facial tissue, toilet paper, tissue paper, and kitchen towels.
Although a high-consistency refining system requires more energy consumption compared with a low-consistency refining system, it significantly improves the quality of final products, such as bulk and feel. In today's increasingly competitive tissue market, it can help a brand differentiate itself and, by reducing long fiber consumption, achieve considerablefinancialsavings.
INTERVIEW ••••••••
The screw press increases the stock consistency to about 26%.
Pulp of about 3-5% consistency from the pulp mill or the pulper.
Online dilution to a consistency of about 3-6% or lower based on process requirements. 46 | Apr - May 2023
ANDRITZ Compact High-Consistency Refining System
Effect of different refining system on the saving of long fiber Result of low basis weight base paper from wood fiber
BeforeRebuild AfterRebuild Difference
StockblendingRatio MixedLC HCrefiningfor refining shortfiber+LC refiningforlongfiber
Effect of different refining system on the saving of long fiber Result of high basis weight base paper from wood fiber
BeforeRebuild AfterRebuild Difference
StockblendingRatio MixedLC HCrefiningfor refining shortfiber+LC refiningforlongfiber
Data source: 2021 Annual Academic Conference of the Guangdong Technical Association of Paper Industries,China — Speech on the "Application of High-Consistency Refining System in Tissue Manufacturing"
Asanexample:usingatissuemachinewithawidthof 5.6 m,a design speed of 2,000 m/min, and an annual production capacity of 75,000 tons, customers can reduce costs by around USD 1.07 million annually with an average of 10% saving in long fibers and a conservative price difference betweenlongandshortfibersatUSD145pertonne.
AG: Studies have shown that high-consistency refining
systems can also be used for packaging paper, which is great news especially for the Chinese market as it now faces the challenges of a high proportion of LOCC with short fiber length and high requirements for product strength. In addition, there are also studies on the effects of long-fiber high-consistency refining technology in terms of air permeability and other properties of packaging paper, which also revealsabrightfutureforitsapplication.
ITC Limited's PM 1A Board Machine To Be Rebuilt By Valmet In India
ITC Limited's PM 1A board machine will be rebuilt with the help of technology provider Valmet. The machine, to be rebuilt at ITC's Bhadrachalam mill in Telangana, will be able to produce 225,000 TPA after this rebuild.
ITC Limited's board machine PM 1A is set to be rebuilt, with technology to be provided by Finnish company Valmet, at ITC's Bhadrachalam mill in Telangana, India. The start-up is scheduled for the second quarter 2024.The modernization will include an OptiFlo Fourdrinier headbox, modifications in forming section, an IQ Dryness Measurement, a press section rebuild, an IQ Steam Profiler and a coater section rebuild with an OptiDry Coat and an IQ Induction Profiler. After the rebuild, the PM 1A will be capable of producing high quality solid bleached board (SBS), folding boxboard (FBB), art board grades (ART) and cup board (CUP) for consumer packages with basis weights from 180 to 420 g/m².The wire width of the machine is 3,760 mm, and the machinery has been designed for a productionspeedatreelofupto600m/min.
When the PM 1 was rebuilt in 2018, it was designed for 160,000 TPA,andITCLimitedwasabletoproduce200,000TPA.Afterthis rebuild, they will be able to produce 225,000 TPA. “ITC is the frontrunner in the Indian paper industry, applying the new technology to fulfill our customers' needs. The goal of the PM
1A rebuild is to produce higher basis weight packaging grade for increasing the production to meet the future market demands.We selectedValmet as a supplier based on its proven technology and the previous projects executed successfully together with them,”says Mr. Vadiraj Kulkarni, Divisional Chief Executive,ITCLimited.
ActualLongFiber 13.56% 0.00%
Consumption StockCostSavings -23.35 (USD/ton) Reeling(%) 80 80 0 MDTension(mN) 1330 1387 57 CDTension(mN) 660 526 -134
ActualLongFiber 21.96% 10.68% -11.28% Consumption StockCostSavings -19.42 (USD/ton) Reeling(%) 78 79 1 MDTension(mN) 1307 1404 97 CDTension(mN) 535 650 115
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ITC Limited's Bhadrachalam mill in Telangana, India
Leading Exporter of All Paper & Paperboard Grades of Indian Mills Dealingin: Imported WastePaper &Pulp Corporate Office: C-107, Sector - 2, Noida - 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India Tel: +91 120 4659700 Sales Office: 234, Chawri Bazar, Delhi - 110006, India Tel: +91 11 46449999 E-mail: Website:
TNPL's Sustainable Pulpwood Plantation Initiatives Nurture Environment
Beyond manufacturing,Tamil Nadu Newspaper & Paper Limited (TNPL) commits itself to maintainingthe stateoftheenvironmentthroughsustainable pulpwood sourcing, and giving back what it harvests through plantation schemes.Their commitment to sustainability, in harvesting, production and plantation, propels their research and innovation resulting in the production of 50 million pulpwood saplings every year. Along with taking care of the ecological aspect,TNPL also aims to improve the socio-economic status of small and marginal farmers, educate them about modern technology in pulp wood farming, and make them sustainably self-reliant.
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Tamil Nadu Newspaper & Paper Limited's plantation
programme was conceived in 2004, as an initiative dedicated to source economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally compatible pulpwood. Covering 2,11,280 acres of plantation over the past 18 years, the plantation programme aims to develop renewable and sustainable plantations in barren and degraded lands increasing the tree cover outside the natural forest, increase the plantations' productivity through high yielding site specific clones, improve the socio-economic status of small and marginal farmers, educate and train the farmers about modern technology in pulpwood farming, as well as become sustainably self-reliant and responsibly sourcing the pulpwoodrawmaterial.
Plantation Schemes
TNPL's plantation programme develops pulpwood cultivation under two major schemes, namely: captive and farm plantation. Under captive plantation, TNPL develops renewable and sustainable pulpwood plantations through effective, innovative and best practices available, disseminates efficient resource management practices among the farming communities and foster the growth in rural economy, employment and regional development. Under farm plantation, TNPL promotes pulpwood plantations in small and marginal farmer's land, supplies quality seedlings or clones at subsidized price to the farm gate and provides buybackassurancewithminimumsupportprice.
The plantation areas are in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, divided into 5 zones, that is, North (10 districts), East (3 districts), West (9 districts), Central (1 district) and South (15 districts). Each zone is subdivided into 3 regions and each region is composed of 4 clusters. About 10-15 potential villages are covered in each cluster and grass root level plantationprofessionalsareplacedineachclustertocaterthe needs of the farmers. TNPL's captive and farm plantation schemes have been pivotal for local and marginalized farmers to gain livelihood and financial independence. The plantation schemes implemented 2,11,280 acres benefiting over 40379 farmers by raising 1,90,843 acres of farm plantation and 20,436 acres of captive plantation. These programmes facilitate sustainable harvesting of pulpwood while allowing the farmers to gain access to technological experts, hybrid quality plants at subsidized rate and an assuredincome,makingthemmutuallybeneficial.
Responsible Sourcing of Pulpwood from Farm Land
In 2009-10, TNPL started responsible pulpwood procurement directly from farmers, to ensure the user pays the right price directly to the grower and made pulpwood growing an economicallyviablebusinessforthefarmer.Till 2021-22, they procured 21.06 lakhMTof pulpwoodfromplantationsources till 2021-22 bypaying INR 864.55 croredirectly to the farmers
bank account without any intermediate, a first of its kind in any Indian paper industry. TNPL also introduced semi mechanized harvestingoperationswithpowerchainsawand debarking machines from 2015-16. TNPL is theonlycompany in the country to introduce Mobile Debarker Machine for debarking the pulpwood in the field itself from 2017-18 and also procure 100% debarked pulpwood from 2018-19. TNPL also supports farmers during natural calamities and ensures fair returns to them. Even while embracing rejuvenation of degraded lands, TNPL ensures pulpwood harvesting takes the sustainable route. By adopting precision silviculture, pulpwood is sourced through either single harvesting or coppicing.
The company's commitment to sustainable production powers their research and innovation, resulting in the productionof 50 millionpulpwoodsaplingseveryyear.TNPL has one of India's most advanced clonal propagation and research centers (CPRCs) to propagate new superior pulpwood clones through apical shoot mini-cutting technology. Through the advanced CPRC, they have successfully produced 29.30 crore pulpwood plants, supplied 27.06 crore pulpwood plants to farmers in the past 18 years, and propagated the native tree species viz., Dalbergia Sissoo, Melia dubia. Gmelina arborea apart from Eucalyptus hybrid, Casuarina hybrid, Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia mangium hybrid to avoid monoculture of large plantations. TNPL introduced 36 new eucalyptus provenance from
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“Covering 2,11,280 acres of plantation over the past 18 years, the plantation programme aims to develop renewable and sustainable plantations in barren and degraded lands increasing the tree cover outside the natural forest.”
CSIRO, Australia, assembled 838 germplasm (706 Eucalyptus; 88 Casuarina; 25 Melia: 5 Sissooand 14 Subabul), and carried out 1,85,000 inter and intra sectional hybridization using a new crossing technique called Artificially Induced Protogyny. Thisproduced 631 interand intraspecies familyseed lots.Thesuperiorlotsweremadeand tested in 113 multi location trials in different agro climatic zones of Tamil Nadu from which 153 Superior trees (Eucalyptus 131, Casuarina7,Sissoo5andSubabul10)wereselected.
Withthegoaltoattainimprovedpulpwood,TNPL'sstateofthe art plantation R&D team works at the root and produces superiorqualitysaplingsthatcantackleharshandaridclimatic conditions, soil types, fluctuating water availability, and diminishing land availability, through selecting superior trees from local sources, introducing new provenance from other countries, inter and intra hybridization, selecting candidate and trees, analyzing superior genetic material, standardizing propagation technique, multi-location trial, release of new clones, and production of quality saplings for commercial propagation. As a result of continuous research activities for
“The plantation schemes implemented 2,11,280 acres benefiting over 40379 farmers by raising 1,90,843 acres of farm plantation and 20,436 acres of captive plantation.”
thepast10years,TNPLreleasedthreehighyielding Eucalyptus clonesviz.,TNPL191,TNPL192&TNPL193.
Furthermore, catering to the plantation programme's scientific and technical needs, TNPL fosters research linkages with Forest College & Research Institute (FCRI), Mettupalayam underTamil Nadu Agriculture Universityand Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (IFGTB), CoimbatoreunderICFRE.Thislinkagesupportsthedevelopment of hybrids and new varieties, achieving precision in silvicultureoperationandpestanddiseasemanagement.
Through taking bold steps on their journey to sustainable production, TNPL has achieved many milestones. All of TNPL's captive plantations are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council as FSC FM Plantation with non-High Conservation Value lands. By avoiding planting near water catchment areas or any other culturally significant area for indigenous communities and ethnic groups, TNPL negates any chance of damage either to livelihoods or the ecosystem. The company developed a green belt over 650 acres around Unit-2 in Mondipatti, which houses 6.84 lakh trees, covering 55% of the total area, with the presence of 123 tree species, 26 speciesof shrubs, 124 speciesof herbs, 16 species of grasses, 35 species of medicinal plants, 91 varieties of birds, 88 varieties of orthopods, 16 species of reptiles, 10 species of mammals and 2 amphibians. TNPL's Unit II is home to 17 Grey slender loris (Loris lydekkerianus), one of the Listed 'Least Endangered' in the IUCN's List of Threatened Species.
AtTNPL'sUnit-I,agreenbeltwasdevelopedandmaintainedin 40.42% of the total area with 1.68 lakh trees of 51 species and
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42.89hectaresinsidecolonypremises,whichis60%ofthetotal areathatcontains1.06 lakhstreesof 73differentspecies. Unit-I alsohasabiodiversityparkwithover100speciesof treesand70 species of trees/shrubs of flowering, fruit bearing, medicinal plants within the park. These flowering plants have attracted
“Through the advanced clonal propagation and research centers (CPRC), they have successfully produced 29.30 crore pulpwood plants, supplied 27.06 crore pulpwood plants to farmers in the past 18 years.”
fauna such as butterflies, various birds, reptiles and animals which have helped in increasing the pollination rate and enhancingtheoverallmicroclimateofthelocation.
TNPL has also established Farmers Training Center at TNPL Unit-II, inviting farmers from TNPL plantation operational areas across Tamil Nadu to create awareness and motivate themtogrowpulpwood species. Thetrainingcenters include guest lectures, booklets and pamphlets provided to farmers regarding plantation schemes, high yielding clonal varieties, pest & disease control measures and cultivation practices of major pulpwood species, factory visit to have an overview about TNPL factory and its operation and awards issued to best farmers to encourage other farmers in the area. To cater the needs of the farming community, TNPL has also established decentralized nurseries at five places strategically locatednearertotheplantingareas.
Saudi Paper Group's Dammam Mill Starts 30,000 TPA Capacity AHEAD 2.2 Tissue Machine Supplied by Toscotec
Toscotec-supplied AHEAD 2.2 tissue machine and OPTIMA slitter rewinder have recently been started up at Saudi Paper Group's (SPG) Dammam mill in Saudi Arabia. The AHEAD 2.2 line has a sheet trim width of 2,850 mm, a maximum operating speed of 2,100 m/min, and an annual production capacity of over 30,000 tons.
Machines supplied by Toscotec, namely the AHEAD 2.2
tissue machine and OPTIMA slitter rewinder have been started up by Saudi Paper Group (SPG) at its Dammam mill in Saudi Arabia. The new machine (PM2) is already producing high quality tissue. In 2022, SPG placed a new order with Toscotec for the full-on turnkey supply of a new tissue line, including an AHEAD 2.2L machine (PM5) and two OPTIMA 2600Lslitterrewinders.
The AHEAD 2.2 line has a sheet trim width of 2,850 mm, a maximum operating speed of 2,100 m/min, and an annual production capacity of over 30,000 tons. Equipped with Toscotec's upgraded shoe press design TT NextPress, a thirdgenerationTTSYDSteelYankeeDryerwithpatenteddecklehead insulation, and high efficiency TT Hood, the tissue machine ensures optimal energy efficiency. Toscotec also supplied the stock preparation system and its patented Short Approach Flow with double dilution, which guarantees a further reduction of
electrical consumption. The project is slated to add 65,000 tons tothegroup'sannualcapacityin2024.
NEWS ••• 54 | Apr - May 2023 INITIATIVES ••••••••••
The competition in global pulp and paper markets is intensifying. There is a growing need for modernization and introduction of energy efficient and clean technologies for enhancing competitiveness. F-23, Industrial Area Delhi Road Saharanpur-247001, Uttar Pradesh, India Ph. 0132-2765146, Mobile: +91 9837009138, 9837028256 | Email: Website:
High Performance PRODUCT OFFERINGS: Manufacturer & Exporter of Pulp & Paper Mill Machinery
Designing Quality Machines
Greenwashing: A Hindrance in the Path of Those Who Wish to Contribute to the Change
promoting the illusion of sustainability, greenwashing perpetuates a status quo that hinders progress toward genuineenvironmentalstewardshipandsustainabilitygoals.
Contributing to Consumer Confusion
Greenwashing adds tothealreadyconfusing landscapeof ecolabels, certifications, and sustainability claims. With so many competing messages, consumers may find it challenging to distinguish between trulysustainable productsand those that merely appear to be. This confusion can lead to decision paralysis or even cynicism, as consumers question the legitimacy of any sustainability claim. The lack of clear and standardized guidelines regarding green marketing practices furthercompoundstheissue,leavingconsumersatalosswhen tryingtomakeenvironmentallyresponsiblechoices.
Diverting Resources from Genuine Solutions
In an era where consumers are becoming increasingly
consciousof environmental issues,companiesarequickto adopt the language of sustainability to attract eco-minded customers. However, not all claims of eco-friendliness are created equal. The practice of misleading consumers about the environmental benefits of a product or company is commonly known as greenwashing. As World Environment Dayhasjustgoneby, letus havealookatsomeof theimplicationsofgreenwashing.
Delaying Real Change
Greenwashing can create a false sense of accomplishment, leading to a delay in real change. Many companies today engage in superficial sustainability initiatives or launch "green" marketing campaigns without substantive actions. Thus, they divert attention and resources away from implementing meaningful environmental improvements. By
Greenwashing can divert attention and resources away from implementing genuine solutions to environmental challenges. Companies that engage in greenwashing may focus their efforts on green marketing campaigns rather than investing in research, development, and implementation of truly sustainable practices. This diversion of resources perpetuatesacyclewheresuperficialsustainabilityclaimsare prioritized over meaningful actions that could lead to positiveenvironmentalchange.
Damaging Environmental Progress
Perhaps the most detrimental effect of greenwashing is the potential harm to the environment itself. By perpetuating misleading claims, greenwashing hampers collective efforts to combat pressing environmental issues such as climate change, resource depletion, and pollution. The time, energy, and resources wasted on deceptive practices could be better utilized in implementing genuinely sustainable practices that help preserve natural resources, reduce emissions, and protectecosystems.
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Mr. Jagdeep Hira, India Business Head, Yash Pakka Limited
What is the Solution?
The solution to greenwashing lies in consumer awareness. For consumer awareness, it is important to have increased transparency from brands. The guidelines for green marketing practices must be clear and the Government and companies must act together and fast on this. Likewise, better
AsYashPakka,wemakecompostablesolutionsfor the food industry including food packaging, food carryandfoodservice.Therawmaterialthatweuse formanufacturingisbagasse,whichistheagriculturalresidueofsugarcane.Someofoureco-friendly practicesinthemanufacturingprocessinclude100% self-generated biomass energy, recovery of 95% cooking chemicals and being off-grid as we are completelyself-sustainedforelectricity.
Alltheproductsthatwemanufacturearecompostable, andweleavenoscopefordoubtinourcommunication to the customers. The efforts are aligned for a cleanertomorrow,andwealsocollaboratewithlikemindedorganizationsworkingwithasimilargoal.
certifications and labels must be implemented immediately, as has been the case in the last decade in terms of food regulations. Furthermore, consumers must ask more questions to make better choices. Understanding the true meaning of terms such as recyclable, biodegradable, ecofriendlyandcompostableisimportant.
Yash Pakka Limited, founded in 1981 by KK Jhunjhunwala as Yash Papers Limited, is one of the pioneers in the Indian sustainable packaging industry.Inthese40years,thecompanyhastransformedfromapapermanufacturertoasustainable andregenerativepackagingsolutionsprovider.The over450-membercompanyworkstowardsmaking the planet cleaner through its holistic approach. YashPakkaLimitedhasastrongbusinesspresence across more than 35 countries and aims to double itsproductioncapacityby2024.Ithasbeenrecognizedasoneofthetop10environmentallysustainablecompaniesbyB-Corp,areputedinternational organization.
JMC Paper Tech Announces Successful Dispatch of First Ever Brown Stock Washer To Uganda
JMC Paper Tech Private Limited recently announced that it has successfully dispatched the first ever JMC Brown Stock Washer to a Uganda-based client. The project has made JMC capable of providing complete integrated solutions for the pulp and paper industry.
Leading manufacturer of pulp and paper machinery, JMC Paper Tech Private Limited has announced the successful dispatch of the first ever JMC Brown Stock Washer to a client in Uganda.The JMC Brown Stock Washer is part of JMC & Modern Laminates Limited's fully integrated pulp mill and paper plant project,whichhasatotalcapacityof200TPD.
According to a statement issued by Ms. Yesha Patel, CEO, JMC Paper Tech Private Limited, the dispatch of the BSW plant marks a significant milestone for JMC, as it is the first time the company has undertaken such a project. As per the statement, the successful execution of this project has made JMC one of the few companies in the world which are capable of providing complete integrated solutions for the pulp and paper industry.
“JMC Paper Tech Private Limited is proud to be a part of this project and is committed to delivering the best possible
outcomes for its clients. With its pioneering spirit and innovative solutions, JMC is well-positioned to continue breaking barriersinthepulpandpaperindustry”,saidMs.Patel.
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Flexible Solutions for Renewable Energy
Xylem India: Solving Water and Wastewater Related Issues for Pulp and Paper Industries
Xylem Water Solutions India Private Limited,
an arm of leading water technology company Xylem, has its technology centre and manufacturing facility in Vadodara and sales offices in Bangalore, Noida, Gurugram and Mumbai, with a total number of employees in India exceeding 700. Xylem's technologies help to reduce color, COD and TSS in ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant), meet the strictest environmental discharge norms, and offer solutions in the production process like ozone bleaching. In a recent interaction with Paper Mart,
Mr. Alexis Métais, Pulp & Paper Key Account Manager, Xylem Inc., spoke on Xylem's concept and purpose, challenges of water and energy needs, Xylem's collaboration with paper mills to address the challenges, their digital solutions suite Xylem Vue, among other topics.
Paper Mart: Please tell us about the concept and the purpose for which Xylem has been formed.
Alexis Métais: Xylem (XYL) is a Fortune 1000 leading water & wastewater technology company formed in 2011, as the spin-off of the water related businesses of ITT. Our name by itself tells a lot about our concept and purpose: “xylem” is the plant tissue that conducts water and mineral salts from the roots to all other parts of the plant, provides mechanical support, and forms the
wood of trees and shrubs. Our name means we are committed to "solving water" by creating innovative and smart technology solutions to the world's water and critical infrastructure needs. Our solutions have wide application throughout the cycle of water. Our treatment solutions, products and services move, treat, recycle, analyze, monitor and return or reuse water to the environment, in public utility, industrial, residential and commercial building services. The company also provides a leading
INTERVIEW •••••••• 60 | Apr - May 2023
Mr. Alexis Métais, Pulp & Paper Key Account Manager, Xylem Inc.
Introducing Barrier and OGR Coating Chemicals
portfolio of smart metering, network technologies and advanced analytics solutions for water, electric and gas utilities. Our products and solutions comprise market leading brands that have a legacy of over 100 years, supported by a solid total care service portfolio. Here in India, Xylem Water Solutions India Private Limited, established in 2011, has its technology centre and manufacturing facility in Vadodara and sales offices in Bangalore, Noida, Gurugram and Mumbai. The total number of employees in India exceeds 700.
PM: What is the mission and vision of Xylem?
AM: Xylem is a global water technology provider with one mission: to help our customers solve water. Our vision is simple. We devote our technology, time and talent to advance the smarter use of water. We look to a future where global water issues do not exist.
PM: What are the challenges related to water and energy needs, which the pulp & paper industry is facing in the current times?
AM: The pulp and paper industry has been facing, and successfully I must say, technical, technological, economic and environmental challenges that shall be addressed all at once. It comes from the fact that every industrial site looks at increasing production for increasing profitability, while if simply operating the same way as before, any production increase means a higher concentration of pollution at a single location. The solution is to develop more efficient production and treatment processes. It means processes with lower water and energy demand and with lower solid, liquid & gas emissions.
PM: How is Xylem teaming with pulp and paper mills to address these water challenges and shape the future of water?
AM: Xylem is a leading water technology provider supporting pulp and paper mills with pumping, treatment
and metering solutions for both intake water and effluent. It is our core business where we offer a very large portfolio of solutions and extensive expertise based on experience. Together with our partners, we can develop the best fitting solutions with lab and pilot trials for the most complex situations. Our technologies help to reduce color, TSS and COD in ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) and meet the strictest environmental discharge norms. In the pulp and paper industry, we also offer solutions in the production process allowing us to take up the mentioned challenges. Ozone bleaching helps reduce production costs, improving pulp quality and reducing effluent load and volume. Ozone is also used to treat NOx in the flue gas and replace biocide in treatment of cooling water. Our UV (ultraviolet) systems are also widely used in paper mills to treat white water and reduce biocide costs and environmental impact. If our solutions are mainly implemented to treat water today, we aim at shaping a future where water would be recycled in a closed loop for zero-discharge mills.
PM: Throw light on the 'Xylem Vue' and tell us about how it supports the paper industry's digital journey.
AM: Xylem Vue is our full suite of digital solutions that combines smart and connected technologies, intelligent systems and services, and 100+ years of problem-solving expertise, empowering utilities to deliver transformative outcomes to their communities. Paper and pulp utilities, like any other industrial utility, are facing severe and capital-intensive difficulties and must adapt how they manage water. Xylem Vue possesses a unique set of capabilities to help optimize water and wastewater infrastructure and achieve better results, making systems more efficient, extending the life of current investments, and confidently planning for the future. We can offer the equipment and control logic for some of the most crucial components of water and wastewater utility operations, such as pump stations, treatment facilities, and more. We have a capability of managing water balance of entire pulp and paper mills 62 | Apr - May 2023 INTERVIEW ••••••••
“Our most advanced technologies, especially ozone, UV and Xylem Vue can be implemented from raw influent to clean effluent, and everything in between, to reduce costs, better protect the environment and turn water management from an expense to a strategic advantage”
with all the necessary dashboards for key operational areas enabling the users to measure, monitor and optimize the precious water resource.
PM: Brief us about the advanced technologies, application expertise and smart sustainable solutions that you are offering to the pulp & paper industry.
AM: Our most advanced technologies, especially ozone, UV and Xylem Vue can be implemented from raw influent to clean effluent, and everything in between, to reduce costs, better protect the environment and turn water management from an expense to a strategic advantage. Ozone allows for bleaching pulp at low costs while reducing the bleach plant effluent volume and load. In the effluent treatment plant, ozone is used for discoloring effluent and reducing the hard COD load. Our UV technologies are a well-proven solution to treat white water on the paper machine and limit chemicals' costs.
PM: How do you help the pulp and paper industry to minimize energy needs and reduce carbon footprint?
AM: In fact, energy converts to costs and carbon footprint, so minimizing energy needs most of the time brings economic savings and carbon footprint reduction. Our solutions do not need any transport, usage and storage of chemicals. They just need electricity. Recently we found the use of ozone bleaching allows for reducing overall electricity demand for production of bleaching chemicals by 7%. It means in India saving almost 40 kg of carbon emission per ton of pulp when compared to traditional pulp bleaching with chlorine dioxide. It is a very significant value.
PM: Who are your major clients in the pulp and paper industry in India and globally?
AM: Our major client in India is ITC Bhadrachalam PSPD. It's already been a long and fruitful 15 years partnership together. We have also provided
our metering technology solutions to some of the leading Indian paper mills. We work globally and have supplied installations in some of the most famous pulp and paper companies such as Suzano, UPM, Sappi, Lenzing, Mondi, Nippon Paper, Oji Paper, etc. from Chile and Brazil to the USA, from Portugal to Japan.
PM: Tell us about your manufacturing locations and service network channels in India.
AM: Xylem manufacturing facility in India is located in Vadodara and caters to India and neighboring countries by offering solutions for water and wastewater transport, treatment, testing, and assessment services to commercial buildings, industries, municipalities, etc. This facility is spread over an area of 21,479 sq m and is an IGBC-LEED Gold-rated facility. Pumps for buildings and industries, large customized pumps, and open-channel UV disinfection systems are manufactured and assembled in this plant.
Xylem India has over 100 channel partners and more than 40 authorized service partners. Xylem has an inhouse team of experts, project managers, and service and maintenance engineers that are trained on the know-how of products and services. They ensure smooth implementation, execution, and after-sales serviceability of projects. Our robust customer support process helps address aftersales and customer complaints in a shorter period of time.
PM: How do you foresee the future of the paper industry evolving?
AM: I foreseeapositiveevolutionof the pulp & paper industry inviewof gradual increase in percapitademand. This growthwill alsostimulate moreusageof wastepaperrecycling demanding more advanced technological solutions in process, water & wastewaterareas. Total sustainabilityapproach is rapidly becoming the need of the hourand the pulpand paper industry iscontinuously and successfullyworking tomeettheir sustainabilitygoals. Wecan beproud of our industryand confidentof its future.
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“We work globally and have supplied installations in some of the most famous pulp and paper companies such as Suzano, UPM, Sappi, Lenzing, Mondi, Nippon Paper, Oji Paper, etc. from Chile and Brazil to the USA, from Portugal to Japan.”
MAN Energy Solutions' TURBAIR®
Single-Stage Vacuum Blowers: Default Choice for Paperboard and Tissue Applications Worldwide
MAN Energy Solutions, Zurich, Switzerland, continues to expand its market share in the paperboard & tissue segment. In particular, tissue manufacturers are increasingly equipping their production facilities with TURBAIR® vacuum blowers. The company offers two models of the technology: RT 56 and RT 71.
Mr. Manfred Dobler, Head of Paper Industry at MAN Energy Solutions, shared with Paper Mart a detailed insight into the strengths and applications of each of the models.
will clock an impressive continuous growth at CAGR of 4.1 percent and 4.4 percent respectively during the 2022-28 period. The major economies in the Asia Pacific region,includingIndiaandChina,willbethemajordriversof this growth, which will reflect in competitive large-scale production at these manufacturing hubs. The focus on ecofriendly, hygienic, and sustainable practices, and reducing the usage of harmful single-use packaging materials will result in the growing demand for board & tissue products across many industries, including food & beverage, healthcare, personal care, home care, hygiene, and online retail, amongstothers. Inorderto meet the newdemand and subsequent production scope, advanced and efficient technologies will be required to improve the quality and quantitystandardsof theoutput.
TECH - TALK•••••• 66 | Apr - May 2023
Mr. Manfred Dobler, Head of Paper Industry at MAN Energy Solutions
Delivering profitable solutions to Paper Industry Office Address: Plot No, 99/3, Flat No, 1, Aryan Heritage Apartment Sector 16, Chikhali, Pune Maharashtra 411 062, India Factory Address: Plot No.B 114, MIDC Chakan Industrial Area Phase 2. Bhamboli, Tal. Khed, Pune, Maharashtra 410 501 E-mail: | Mobile: 9225321201 / 9511889020 PRODUCTS • Poly Disc Filter / Vaccum Disc Filter • Various Types of Sector, Sector Holder, PP Bags & Spares for Poly Disc Filter • Bristol Former Auxiliary like Octopus Header, K-frame, Sevall, Pivot Box, Couch Roll Etc... • Recycled Fiber line & Stock Preparation Equipments • Cylinder Mould
The TURBAIR® single stage RT vacuum blowers are used for many new installations of paperboard and tissue machines. Simultaneously there is a fast-growing trend of upgrades, with previously installed old liquid ring pumps being increasinglyreplacedwithsingle-stageRTblowers.
Mr. Manfred Dobler, Head of Paper Industry at MAN Energy Solutions, explains, “The TURBAIR® technology givespaperboardand tissuemanufacturersahugecompetitive advantage with energy savings of up to 50-60 percent, and operation without water. The additional advantage of recuperating energy from clean, hot exhaust air from blowers leads to a further reduction in overall energy consumption by up to 80 percent. No other vacuum system in market can match same level of efficiency and reliability asTURBAIR®.”
In the case of tissue machines, the RT 56 is most popular for the narrow 2.8-meter tissue machines with production speeds of up to 2,200 m/min, while the larger RT 71 is the preferred model for 5.6-meter tissue machines. TURBAIR® covers all the usual tissue-manufacturing processes: conventional crescent former, TAD (ThroughAir Drying), ATMOS (Advanced Tissue Molding System), and Advantage NTT technology for producing sanitary paper.
Single-Stage TURBAIR® RT 56 & 71 Blowers with Automatic OutletRegulation
Depending on thesize, an RTvacuum blowercan handle 200 to 1'450 m3/min of air, and generate up to 65 kPA of vacuum. The automatic outlet regulation helps to adapt the volume flow to the requirements of the paper machines. The controller automatically governs the volume requirement from 30 to 100 percent. At the same time, the RT with a frequency-controlled drive can set the vacuum between 35 and 65 kPa. This largeareaof application makesthe RTrange
perfect for felt conditioning, tissue applications, and most importantly, forreplacingexistingwaterring pumpsonolder paperandboardmachines.
The TURBAIR® RT 56 & 71 models offer significant advantagesfortheIndianmarket:
l Absorbed energy consumption of up to 50-60 percent lowerthanconventionalwaterringpumps.
l Norequirementof sealingwatercontributestoadditional cost savings with a sustainable footprint. No fresh water andacoolingtowerareneeded.
l Wide working range: blowers maintain high efficiency under partial load through automatic outlet regulation, leadinguptoanadditional 30percentreductioninenergy savingsduringthefeltreplacementcycle.
l No wear parts and ease of service. Older vacuum blowers installedbyMANESover60yearsagoarestillinoperation today–servingasproofofreliabilitywitharobustdesign.
l Blower exhaust air at 120 – 150 °C can be routed to the heat exchangertorecoverupto70-80percentofexhaustenergy.
l No investment in a frequency control drive is needed in general. However, whencoupled witha frequencycontrol drive, blowers will generate up to 20 percent additional energy savings through optimal adaption to vacuum and volume requirements, e.g. to suit a wide range of tissue weightsandtypes.
Mr. Doblerfurtherexplains, “Incombination, all the benefits result in a simple return-on-investment calculation for our customers. The amortization time of a TURBAIR® system of this kind, installed in an existing paper production mill, is lessthantwoyears.” 68 | Apr - May 2023 TECH - TALK••••••
Here are a few references where TURBAIR® single stage technology has satisfied customers in paperboard and tissue applications:
® Sr. PaperMachine Product Customer Country TURBAIR No. Solution
1 ZhangpuBM1 BoxBoard LianshengPaper P.R.China 2xRC95-4+ Co.Ltd 2xRT71-1
2 HayatTM8 Tissue HayatKimyaA.S. Turkey 1xRT71-1
3 TulsaTM1 Tissue SofidelNA USA 1xRT71-1
4 EucalyptusTM9 Tissue Kimberly-Clark Brazil 1xRT71
Paperboard and tissue production will continue to grow within India for both local consumers and exports. Along with this production growth, the need for efficient, low cost and sustainable production will become an important criterion to meet consumer demand profitably. TURBAIR® single-stage RT vacuum blowers have consistently demonstrated theirabilitytoenhancetheperformanceandcompetitiveness of paperboard and tissue producers across the globe.
Chandpur Enterprises Set to Install Two MG Dryers from Toscotec
Chandpur Enterprises Limited is set to install two TT SYD MG Steel Yankee Dryers from Toscotec, for the production of machine glazed paper at their paper manufacturing facility near New Delhi in Uttar Pradesh. The start-up of the two dryers is scheduled for mid-2024.
Indian paper manufacturer Chandpur Enterprises Limited
has placed an order toToscotec, for the supply of twoTT SYD MG Steel Yankee Dryers for machine glazed paper at their paper manufacturing facility near New Delhi in Uttar Pradesh. TheMGdryerswillreplacethetwolocalsteelcylindersinstalled on their PM1 and PM2 that produce MG Paper in the basis weight range from 40 to 70 gsm.The start-up of the two dryers is scheduled for mid-2024.The replacements have two targets. The first is to substantially increase the machines' production capacity, overcoming the operating limits of the existing MG cylinders. The second target is to significantly improve paper quality,andmoistureprofileuniformity.
The two TT SYD MG dryers are designed for a maximum steam pressure of 10 barg and have a diameter of 14 ft and 16 ft respectively for PM1 and PM2. In order to ensure optimal paper gloss, they will feature Voith's Terradry metallization, designed specifically for MG application. TT SYD MG dryers ensure the highest paper quality with optimal smoothness and an increase in the drying performances of MG machines. After the rebuild, the reliability and thermal energy efficiency of TT SYD MG will substantially boost the performance of the complete productionlines.
Amit Mittal, Executive Managing Director at Chandpur Enterprises Limited says,“We expect to achieve a strong boost in production output, in order to secure the increasing amount of orders we are receiving.Toscotec's advanced technology will allow us to be well equipped to reap the benefits of the current positivegrowthtrendofMGPapersinIndia”.
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Left to right: Fabio Bargiacchi, Sales Manager Toscotec; Amit Mittal, Executive Managing Director Chandpur Enterprises; Simone Pieruccini, Pressure Vessel Technical Manager Toscotec; Andrea Bertolucci, Massa Site Manager Toscotec; Dhawal Singhal, Technical Director Chandpur Enterprises; Giancarlo Gianlorenzi, Sales Manager Toscotec.
Proklean's Green Chemistry: Chemical Free, High Performance, Sustainable Products
Proklean is a Chennai-based startup
founded in 2012 that develops, manufactures, and markets products that are non-toxic and biodegradable, for various industrial and household applications. As sustainability in manufacturing gains traction, companies across industries are looking for greener alternatives. However, non-toxic biodegradable chemicals aren't easy to use. Proklean helps to solve this hurdle in green chemical adoption by offering products that not only reduce cost of operations but are also safe for users. Proklean products ensure highperformance by enhancing quality, improving productivity and profitability by significantly reducing the usage of hazardous chemicals. Their products have an 80% lower carbon footprint compared to conventional products. In a recent interview with Paper Mart, Mrs. Radhika B S, BU Head of Pulp & Paper Proklean, talked about the company journey, its product portfolio and applications, contribution to the pulp & paper industry, its R&D initiatives, its USPs and future growth plans.
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Mrs. Radhika B S, BU Head of Pulp & Paper Proklean
Paper Mart: Please give us a brief walkthrough of Proklean, outlining the vision, mission and major milestones.
Radhika B S: Proklean is a technology company creating 'Green Chemistry' products to drive a transition in industries and across households. We have developed proprietary and patented technology platforms that allow us to offer nontoxic and biodegradable solutions that help our customers reduce/ replace the use of hazardous chemicals and pollutants. 'Green Chemistry That Delivers' is the core message propelling every innovation at Proklean, helping our team to redefine what truly green means. With our environment-friendly and affordable products across industries and for household needs, we are setting a new benchmark that challenges greenwashing practices that tout the often superficial image of being environmentally friendly with gentle performance.
Proklean has been instrumental in spearheading the journey towards a clean tomorrow for our customers, who are now successfully bringing down their carbon footprint while enjoying cost savings and increased output.
Our vision and mission is to become the most innovative Green Chemistry company globally, and make products that are safe, reduce pollution and environmental impact, and conserve precious natural resources, thereby making the earth a better place for future generations.
PM: Kindly tell us about the industry segments and clientele catered by Proklean.
RBS: Our range of highly efficient industrial and consumer solutions deliver differentiated output using our sustainable and highperformance products. We serve various B2B industries like leather, textiles, pulp & paper, institutional cleaning, water management, bio surfactants. We also cater to the B2C demands with our range of home & personal care products. Some of our marquee customers for the paper industry are ITC, TNPL, JK, Westcoast, BGPPL, Kuantum and SPB.
PM: Could you elaborate on Proklean's product portfolio, with regard to the pulp and paper sector?
RBS: Under the ProCharta umbrella by Proklean, the pulp and paper processing sector is poised for a
transformative revolution. Our ProCharta range presents innovative green technology products that provide precise and effective solutions. Within our product range, you'll find cooking enhancers, bleach boosters, performance boosters(slime & deposit control, antiscalants, stickies control etc), and odour controllers that distinguish themselves through their non-toxic and biodegradable characteristics. We are proud to have made significant advancements in promoting sustainability within the pulp and paper industry, all while maintaining cost-effectiveness and performance excellence.
Our ProCharta range of specialty bio-chemicals offers valuable support in reducing and substituting chemicals at various stages of the manufacturing process. This leads to outstanding performance, enhanced productivity, and increased company profitability, while simultaneously achieving lower emissions, reduced effluents, and effective odour control.
Paper is beautiful. The way to manufacture it should be sustainable too. The ProCharta range substantially reduces the strong odour associated with the process, while offering brighter paper, shorter manufacturing processes, and plenty of cost savings. Our solutions empower leading paper manufacturers to embrace environmentallyfriendly practices and pave the way for a greener future.
Our ProCharta Products
1. Cooking Enhancer
ProCook, a bio-based cooking enhancer-cum-odor controller
2. Bleach Boosters
ProWhite, for delignification & bleaching booster in various stages of pulp bleaching
ProBleach: Bleaching booster for oxidative bleaching
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ProRB: Bleaching enhancer for reductive bleaching
3. Performance Enhancers
ProEnviro AD: Odour controller for virgin paper mills
ProSolve+: Odour controller for kraft paper mills
ProSafe: Bio-based microbial retardant solution
ProKlear: Slime and deposit controller
ProPC: Pitch controller for virgin mills
ProSC: Stickies controller for recycle mills
ProAS: Bio-based antiscalant
PM: As a cleantech company, what are Proklean's strategies for fostering R&D at work?
RBS: Innovation is the cornerstone of our company, and our research and development (R&D) department serves as our lifeline. Every product that reaches commercialization undergoes thorough research and validation in our state-of-the-art application labs, catering to diverse business verticals. Our R&D is characterized by several key strengths, which include robust R&D
capabilities to drive continuous innovation and development, 50+ product portfolio, 20 scientists (PHDs, engineers) working on innovative solutions for over 10 business verticals, 4 patents globally with several others currently in the process of being patented, advanced fully functional R&D lab and application labs for textile, paper, water treatment and home & personal care.
Our R&D keeps us efficient at all times, as our R&D teams frequently review existing products for effectiveness. Our scalable R&D processes are designed for new markets. The central R&D headquarters do the heavy lifting and our regional application labs perform local, unique tests for customized products.
Proklean's cutting-edge research and development teams are the driving force behind our green chemistry and sustainability efforts. With our R&D initiatives, we have developed a strong profile with efficient products. In addition, we are constantly innovating to deliver new and improved green products for use in pollutant-heavy industries.
PM: How does Proklean formulate its products and what are your products' USPs?
RBS: We at Proklean, formulate a better bio-based or plant-based alternative by intensive market research to gauge market requirements. We first understand current chemical-laden applications and their benefits, to manufacture chemical-free alternatives with all those benefits. Our formulations go through a rigorous application and testing process until we get it right. We deliver only topperforming products - if a product is good, we make it better!
Proklean products ensure highperformance by enhancing quality and improving productivity. Our products improve profitability by significantly reducing the usage of hazardous chemicals. Our products have an 80% lower carbon footprint compared to conventional products.
PM: Proklean is known for manufacturing 'Earth-safe' solutions for multiple industries. Kindly walk us through Proklean's innovative technology to produce sustainable yet high performing paper applications.
RBS: We have adopted a more sustainable circular approach to manufacturing by using renewable carbon-based ingredients. Our focus is on choosing only non-toxic and biodegradable organic compounds to eliminate the risks associated with pollution from refining and manufacturing fossil fuel-based ingredients. Traditional chemical industry manufacturing processes create pollution through their systems. Our low-energy and zero-waste manufacturing processes, on the other hand, are truly green.
For Proklean, sustainability is not a catchphrase but an ethos, a process. The “Proklean Circle of Sustainability” reflects not only the stages of this process but, more importantly, how interlinked they are. Proklean's unique green technology is
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the bedrock of our sustainable solutions that have tangible environmental impact, and which lay the ground for perfecting our technology through a feedback loop. Similarly, our values of transparency and accountability generate solutions rooted in reusability and optimization, leading to successful outcomes and building trust in a greener and more sustainable future.
PM: Proklean has recently raised USD 4 million in funding. What is the company's strategy to utilize these funds to propel further growth?
RBS: The objective of this fundraising effort is to bolster our research and
development endeavors. The raised funds will be employed towards the establishment of a cutting-edge innovation center, the expansion of our R&D team, and the improvement of our existing business operations in both local and international markets. Additionally, we aim to venture into new industry sectors.
PM: Could you share any ongoing or upcoming developments at the company. What are the company's short term and long-term plans for growth?
RBS: Expanding our product portfolio and reaching new geographical markets is our main
objective. We have recently directed our attention towards countries in South-East Asia and West Asia. Furthermore, we have ambitious plans to create new business verticals. Notably, we have achieved noteworthy progress in the development of biosurfactants and water management solutions. Additionally, we are expanding our consumer business segment by introducing a range of environmentally friendly cleaning products for household purposes. These products can be conveniently accessed by consumers through e-commerce platforms like Amazon, bigbasket and modern retail stores in Chennai.
Genus Paper & Boards Start Value-Added Products Line for Optimum Capacity Utilization
Genus Paper & Boards Limited has taken up multiple strategic initiatives and technology upgrades for more efficient production, and has started production for a new line of value-added products along with building a new skilled and motivated team for efficient workflow in the company. The company's Business Transformation Partner, Mr. JP Narain has shared the various developments in detail and what the company aims to achieve through these initiatives.
enus Paper & Boards Limited has recently started multiple strategic initiatives, technology upgrades and is building a skilled team for work optimization in the company. As per statements by Mr. JP Narain, Business Transformation Partner of Genus Paper & Boards, the company is planning optimum utilization of capacity and taking up multiple strategic developments in its two units in Moradabad and Muzaffarnagar respectively. “In the Moradabad unit, we are planning to produce 100% kraft paper, whereas we plan to transform the newer Muzaffarnagar unit for the production of value-added products. We have already started production of some value-added products like cup stock, packaging board paper, writing and printing paper, and the market is responding very well to them. We will launch some more products like this which are currently under trial. So, all the kraft paper
Gproduction will be taken care of by the Moradabad unit, and the writing and printing paper and value-added products will behandledatMuzaffarnagarunit,”hesaid.
“The company's Muzzafanagar unit has a duplex board machine, one writing & printing machine and a four-wire machine.The machinery in this unit is used for the manufacturing of value-added products,” said Mr. Narain, stating that the company has made various investments towards technologicalupgradesintheMuzaffarnagarunit.
Genus is also building a strong team and choosing strong professionals to create a knowledgeable and motivated team. Mr.Narainshared,“Wearemakingmajorinvestments,intermsof hiring,towardsformingaskilledteam.WeatGenusbelievethata knowledgeable and motivated team can provide optimized results even with the most basic technology, while an unmotivated and unknowledgeable team cannot provide good results even with the best technology. Following this ideology, we aim to carry out the entire process from the onboarding of the candidate, giving them proper training and putting the right kind of system and processes in such a way that the employees canperformtheirtasksefficientlywithlowtonoerrors.”
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NEWS ••• 76 | Apr - May 2023
HenanJingxinFabricTechnologyCo.,Ltd.,foundedin2011,isoneprofessionalmanufacturerandtechnicalservicerofpaper machineclothingandchemicalproductsforpulpandpapermills.
Initspapermachineclothingproductionbase,factoryhas33000squaremeters,annualproductioncapacitycanget 1000000sqm.JingxinfabricʼsformingfabricallusedtheGerman“Perlon”brandhighqualityimpomonofilament,andDryer screenwillusedPortugal“Filkemp”brandmono-filament.InJingxin,toproducehighqualityproducts,weintroducedthe mostadvanced5setsSwedenTEXOfullyautomaticrapierloom,14.5metershotsettingmachine,16metersGerman Jürgensweavingmachine,AustrianWISfullautomaticseamingmachine,etc.
ThecoreproductsforpapermachineclothinghasFormingFabric,DoubleWarpFlatWireDryerFabric,SingleWarpFlatWire DryerFabric,SpiralDryerFabric,PlainWeaveDryerFabric,SludgeDewateringFabric,etc.
Initspapermakingusedchemicalproducts productionbase,factoryhas44000squaremeters, annualproductioncapacitycanget400000tons.
ThecoreChemicalproductsare:SurfaceSizingAgent GS,SurfaceSizingAgentWS,WetStrengthAgent,Dry StrengthAgent,Defoamer,etc.
JingxinmanagementhaspassedISO9001qualitymanagementsystem,ISO14001environmentalmanagementsystem,ISO 18001occupationalsafetymanagementsystemcertification.
Duetothereliableproductquality,theproductssellwellalloverthecountry,andhavereachedlong-termcooperative relationswithmanylistedpapercompaniesinChinaandthepulpandpapermillsfromRussia,India,Vietnam,Pakistan,Iran, Indonesia......morethan15countries.
NPSH: The Most Misunderstood Term in the Pump Industry
NPSH, Net Positive Suction Head, is the most talked about and critical term in the pump industry. Understanding it in the most practical way will help in avoiding a lots of pumping problems at site. In this article of Paper Mart, Mr. M. Maria Francis, Senior Vice President –Marketing, Sam Turbo Industry Private Limited, Coimbatore, lucidly explains the term NPSH, problems connected with it and guidelines to overcome them. Mr. Francis is a mechanical engineer from Madurai Kamaraj University, having an experience of 35 years in the pump industry.
NPSH is the most misunder-
stood term amongst the users of pumps. A proper understanding of this term will prevent many of the pumping problems usually encountered. While designing the pumping system or selecting and installing the pump, NPSH plays an important role. Before proceeding with NPSH, it is imperative to understand the terms vapour pressure and cavitations.
Vapour Pressure: Vapour pressure of a liquid is the pressure at which the
liquid turns into vapour (vaporises). Each liquid has a specific vapour pressure.
Cavitation: In a pipe line or in a pump or in a system, if the prevailing pressure drops below the vapour pressure of the liquid, then the liquid turns into vapour and form bubbles. When these bubbles are carried to a high-pressure zone, they burst out/collapse. While doing so, they damage the surface with which they come in contact and also produce a noise. This phenomenon is called
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Mr. M. Maria Francis, Senior Vice President – Marketing, Sam Turbo Industry Private Limited, Coimbatore 78 | Apr - May 2023
2, Haryana Most credible source of information for Indian Paper Industry Online Networking Platform for the Pulp, Paper and Allied Industries
cavitation and is something which no one wants it to occur. Cavitation is heart failure of the pump.
NPSHAvailable & NPSH Required – Case Study
NPSH means "Net Positive Suction Head". There are two terms namely –'NPSH available' and 'NPSH required'. The former is connected to the pumping system and the later to the pump.
Many authors/specialists in the pumps field explain NPSH in various ways. Let's understand it in a practical and simple way. Let's assume that a person living in Coimbatore is travelling to Chennai for a day's trip. He has the ticket from Coimbatore to Chennai and INR 10,000 with him to meet his expenses in Chennai and for his return journey ticket which may cost him INR 2,000. When this person gets down in Chennai, the first thing he should take care of is his return journey ticket. This means that he should set aside INR 2,000 for the ticket and spend only the remaining amount of INR 8,000 towards his lodging, boarding, local conveyance etc. But he should not touch the INR 2,000 meant for the return journey. In case he spends beyond INR 8,000 in Chennai, then he would be stranded in Chennai, a situation he wouldn't like to be in. On the contrary, if he spends less than INR 8,000 in Chennai, he would have more money than the cost of the ticket which will make his return journey pleasant. In this example, the money required for the return journey ticket can be compared to the 'NPSH required' by the pump. The money available with the person after meeting all his expenses in Chennai can be compared with 'NPSH available' in the system. The money available at the time of commencement of the journey can be referred to the source pressure.
NPSH-R by the pump is the energy required to carry the liquid from the suction flange to the eye of the
impeller. The impeller will add energy to the liquid only when the liquid reaches the eye of the impeller. Hence, some external source of energy should force the liquid up to the eye of the impeller. NPSH-R is also the frictional resistance experienced by the liquid from the suction flange to the eye of the impeller. To overcome this resistance offered, the amount of energy required is the NPSH required of the pump. NPSH required can also be defined as the pressure drop/ friction loss that occurs from the suction flange to theeyeof the impeller.
Paper Mart: Does NPSH required by the pump vary with the flow rate of the pump?
M.Francis: Yes, the NPSH required of the pump increases when the flow rate delivered by the pump increases. This is mainly because the frictional loss due to the resistance offered by the pump from the suction flange to the eye of the impeller to the liquid increases as the flow rate increases.
PM: Why for the same flow rate/operating conditions, the NPSH of the pumps offered by the different manufacturers vary?
MF: The design of the pump offered by the various manufacturers are different and hence the NPSH required values are also different from each other.
PM: For a given application, what value pump should we select?
MF: Low NPSH of a pump gives more flexibility in designing the pumping system. The construction costs will be maximum. Referring to the example discussed earlier, if the cost of the return journey ticket is less, the person will have more money for his expenses in Chennai. Lowest NPSH also generally means that the pump will have the highest suction capability and it can pump liquid from the deepest point.
PM: Does the NPSH required vary with the diameter of the impeller of a pump?
MF: Yes, for a given pump, the NPSH required increases when the impeller diameter decreases. This is mainly because of the increase in the leakage losses and the internal recirculation of the liquid, when the impeller with the reduced diameter is used. 80 | Apr - May 2023 INTERVIEW ••••••••
PM: How can we compute the NPSH available?
MF: NPSH available is the net energy available in the system to take care of the NPSH required by the pump. NPSH available = source pressure -/+ suction lift/head - suction lossesvapour pressure of the liquid at the operating temperature. We subtract the vapour pressure while computing NPSH available, because the net energy/head available should be more than the vapour pressure of the liquid at the operating temperature. Failing which the liquid will turn into vapour leading to cavitation. Referring to the example discussed, the money available with the person at the commencement of his trip is the source pressure. His expenses at Chennai are the suction losses and the balance/net money available is the NPSH available.
PM: Why should NPSH available be more than NPSH required by the pump?
MF: It has to be that way, as only then, the system can adequately meet the NPSH required by the pump. Referring to the example, the net/balance money available with the person should be more than the cost of the return journey ticket. Failing which, he would be stranded in Chennai.
PM: Having known the NPSH required of the pump selected, what should be done while designing/ installing the pumping system?
MF: Design the system with adequate source pressure. Provide positive suction head wherever possible and economical to do so. Design the suction piping carefully so that the losses in the suction piping are minimum. Install pipes and fittings with low friction factor.
PM: How can the NPSH required by the pump be verified by the manufacturer?
MF: By carrying out the NPSH test, verification can be done. NPSH tests are conducted in two different waysby throttling method and by vacuum suppression method. In the throttling method, the losses in the suction side are varied by keeping the source pressure and the vapour pressure constant. This is also known as the open loop system. In vacuum suppression method, the source pressure is varied by keeping the suction losses and the vapour pressure constant. It is otherwise known as a closed loop system of testing the NPSH.
PM: How can the NPSH available in the system be improved to resolve cavitating in a new pump?
MF: This is a typical problem encountered many times. Depending on the site conditions, the solution will have to be worked out. However, a few general guidelines are given below to overcome this problem. a) The source pressure can be increased by lowering the pump(or) raising the tank from where the liquid is pumped out.
b) The losses in the suction side can be reduced by eliminating unnecessary bends, valves etc. If necessary, rerouting of the piping can be done. c)If this does not improve the NPSH available, the next bigger diameter of the pipe can be opted and used.
When all these attempts fail to improve NPSH available, there are only 3 solutions which are
a) Changing the pump supplied
b) Use the existing pump at a flow rate lowerthanthespecifiedrateof flow
NPSH required by the pump varies with flow rate because the frictional loss due to the resistance offered by the pump from the suction flange to the eye of the impeller to the liquid Increases as the flow rate increases. The net energy/head available should be more than the vapour pressure of the liquid at the operating temperature. Failing which the liquid will turn into vapour leading to cavitation.
Paper Machine Supplier Allimand SA Acquired by Independent Management Company Arcole
Allimand SA has reached an agreement with Arcole, an independent management company for Allimand's acquisition. Arcole's investment will additionally help Allimand group with a new financial base, enabling it to modernize its industrial and management tools.
Leading paper machines supplier Allimand SA has announced that it has successfully reached an agreement for acquisition by independent management company Arcole. According to Allimand's CEO Mr. Patrick Gamet, this development will improve Allimand's
financial strength and enable the company to raise their development on the market of paper and non-wovens machines, resulting in better solutions for customers and a continued focus on quality, delivery, and service. Arcole's investment will additionally help Allimand group with a new financial base, enabling it to modernize its industrial and management tools and provide its customers with the guaranteesrequiredforitsinternationaldevelopment.
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Robo Cleaners by Sidhu Engineering Works Brings You One Step Closer to Water Saving with Better Cleaning
Robo Cleaners - an advanced cleaning system by Sidhu Engineering Works - has been developed for the cleaning of the wire and felt part of the paper machine. Until now, the manufacturer has installed 35 systems which stands testament for the effective performance of the cleaning system.
Apaper machine performs three major functions
through its different sections - formation of sheet/dewatering of the pulp sheet (wire part); pressing of the paper sheet (press part); and drying of the paper sheet (dryer part). All these functions require some kind of a belt structure to carry the pulp sheet to move forward to other sections. The formation of pulp sheet from pulpiscarriedoutbywirewheredewateringonwire(forming fabric madeof polyamide). The pressing of thepapersheet is performedonthepresspartwherethefeltisused forpressing and absorptionof waterand thedryerpart forthepressing of the web firmly with the dryer to enhance the heat transfer with thehelpof SLDF(CFM).
Although these fabrics require periodic cleaning, in case of press and wire part, continuous cleaning is carried out with conventional showers. These conventional showers use ample amounts of water for cleaning the wire and press sections. Thereareafewsolutionsforthecleaningof SLDF buttheseare very costly and less effective. With the current increase in the use of the OCC/recycled fiber, the importance of cleaning is becoming more and more important because of: more fines generation;stickiesformation;andothercontaminants.
Robo Cleaners
An advanced cleaning system has been developed by Sidhu Engineering Works. The Company has already been providing solutions for wire and felt cleaning with the Robo
Cleaning system. So far, they have installed 35 systems, wherein the company claims that they were able to decrease water consumption drastically and were able to improve CD moistureprofile.
The recently developed SLDF cleaner - Robo Dryer Screen Cleaner - is being used successfully on many machines. It is continuous and advanced machinery which is one-of-itskindandapioneering'MadeinIndia'product.
Benefits of using Robo Cleaners
Robo water consumption is 8cu3 only in 24 hours; run showers24hoursinday.
1. Excellent wire drainage
2. Reduce vacuum load 50 to 100 mm
3. Reduce water consumption 92% than Micro Hp Showers
4. Eliminatemultiplenozzlescleaning
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Mr. Rahul Basra, Technical Director, Sidhu Engineering Works 83 | Apr - May 2023
Wire online cleaning (Actual Picture)
5. Eliminate impurity sticky fines from wire
6. Eliminate strip or lining on wire
7. Better formation of paper
8. Reduce paper moisture from wire 1% to 2%
9. Reduce steam when clothing is more clean
10. Increase machine speed
11. Target cleaning remove stickies on wire
12. Eliminate chemical cleaning of wire and save down time
How SLDF Robo Cleaner Works and its Significance
RoboCleaners havearoboticheadwhichoscillates inalinear manner. We have tweaked the design of the robotic head in the Robo Cleaners with several nozzles and a different open area in the same head. A jet from nozzles hits the SLDF with high pressure and simultaneously, the vacuum sucks the contaminants and removes these from the system. An air knifeisalsoprovidedforenhancedcleaning.
In case of wire and felts showers being in continuous or intermittently operational, the conventional showers enable the paper mills to maintain the normal operative conditions and in meeting the optimum process levels. Due to the inadequate cleaning of SLDF, a number of problems can arise such as - stickies, deposits, etc. which can lead to paper sheet breaks. On the other hand, with SLDF Robo Cleaners, the cleaning is much better, resulting in the reduction of paper breaks. Thus, this eventually reduces the downtime in production and achieves the maximization in production levels. Furthermore, the bettercleaning outcomes also paves wayforbetterdryingrates.
Benefits of the Robo Dryer Screen Cleaner
To sum up, there are several advantages offered by the Robo DryerScreenCleanerssuchas:
1. Reducing the cleaning time and offline cleaning.
2. Tremendous increase in the life of the SLDF due to the enhanced cleaning of the SLDF.
3. Reduction in the steam consumption as the CFM remains as designed and supplied by the manufacturer.
4. Increase in the evaporation rate of the moisture in the paper sheet.
5. There will be lesser breaks on the paper machine in the dryer part since all the stickies and other contaminants will be eradicated out of the system.
RoboCleanerswillprovidealltheaforementionedbenefitsand haveavery high payback because the steam economics will be better which implies that any unwanted expenses due to impropercleaningwouldn'tarise.Inaddition,anewfuelpolicy -regardingtheuseof unapprovedfuels-isbeingimplemented in Delhi-NCR,around 150 papermillsareaffected byit. Thus, it becomes imperative to use the maximum amount of heat fromthedryersincethecostofsteamhasincreased.
BTG appointed TNPL India's consulting partner for Industry 4.0 Roadmap Development
Voith's wholly owned subsidiary, BTG has become a consulting partner to Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Limited India (TNPL) through a public tender. The company has been appointed to assist TNPL with the Industry 4.0 roadmap development for their Units 1 & 2.
BTG has been appointed as a consulting partner to Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Limited India (TNPL) through a public tender, to assist with the Industry 4.0 roadmap development for their Units 1 & 2. The deliverables include providing a prioritized list of Industry 4.0 projects for Unit 1, Unit 2 and HeadOfficespreadoverthenextfewyears.
BTG'sgroundedapproachtodigitalizationencompassesspecific pulp & paper capability, knowledge and experience which will simplify the adoption process and carve out a customized roadmap for TNPL. The comprehensive roadmap will provide informationontherequiredinfrastructureneeds,estimatedcost and potential benefits.The project will involve the BTG local and global digital teams, working together withTNPL to understand
their specific objectives, situation, direction and constraints, while also focusing on phasing and combining the foundation building initiatives with projects that deliver economic and environmentalbenefitsaswellasproductqualityimprovement.
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Dryer Screen Online Cleaning (Actual Picture)
NEWS ••• 84 | Apr - May 2023
Seshasayee Paper Acquires Servalakshmi Paper, to Refurbish
75,000 TPA Production Capacity Plant
Integrated pulp, paper and paperboard mill Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited has acquired Servalakshmi Paper Limited, via an e-auction held in 2022.
Seshasayee is aiming to expand its production capacity by refurbishing Servalakshmi Paper's plant and machinery. Once fully refurbished, Servalakshmi Paper's paper production capacity is expected to be 75,000 TPA.
Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited recently acquired
Servalakshmi Paper Limited, through an e-auction held in September 2022. As per SEBI's statement, the Honorable NCLT, Chennai Bench approved the applicationfiled by the liquidator for confirmation of sale of assets of Servalakshmi Paper Limited (Corporate Debtor) (In Liquidation)as a Going Concern, in favor of Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited.The liquidator's Letter of Intent (LoI) said that the successful bidder Seshasayee Paper and Board Limited has also deposited the entire amount of INR 105crorewiththeliquidator.
Seshasayee is aiming to expand its production capacity by upgradation or refurbishing the plant and machinery of ServalakshmiPaper,whichhasnotbeenoperationalforthelast 6 years. Once fully refurbished, Servalakshmi Paper's paper production capacity is expected to be 75,000 TPA. Seshasayee Paper and Boards expects to get the sale certificate and possession handover from the Official Liquidator shortly. Once
possession is obtained, the company expects a period of 12-18 months for upgradation/refurbishment of the plant and machineryandcommissioningoftheoperations.
Recently, SPB has approved Mill Development Plan - IV (MDPIV) for its Erode and Tirunelveli units, which will results in production capacity expansion of paper to 2,31,000 TPA (from 1,65,000TPA)andpulpto2,52,000TPA(from1,80,000TPA).
Maruti Valves Aims to Be a One-Stop Solution Provider
“We are known for high-quality gate valves and pulp valves but now we are focusing on expanding our product range”, says Mr. Sudhir Patel, CMD, Maruti Valves.
Maruti Valves was established in the year 2004 to make a
name for itself in the field of knife-edge gate valves. As a leading global flow control solutions provider, the company's expertise in flow control solutions for pulp and paper ensures higher productivity, reduced downtime, long life and lower totalcostofownership.
Talking to Paper Mart about the journey of the company, Mr. Sudhir Patel, CMD, Maruti Valves said, “We have earned a reputation for dependable service life with engineered solutions designed to deliver exceptional reliability. Known for high-quality gate valves and pulp valves, we are now focusing on expanding our product range. Earlier, mills used to depend on China for various types of equipment but now they can get thosefromusandsavetime.”
“With more than 17 years of experience designing, manufacturing and marketing knife gate valves, globe valves, ball valves,butterflyvalve,andmanifoldvalvesforvarioussectors& segments, we want to be a one-stop solution provider for all
kinds of valves so that paper mills & tissue plants do not have to importsuchaccessories,”headded.
While sharing his views on the pulp & paper industry, Mr. Patel said, “After the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry witnessed price and supply chain fluctuations but now, the condition has become stable. The industry is growing and a lot of new plants are coming into India. The future seems very bright. With the support of the government, the paper manufacturers have a verygoodopportunity.”
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Cepi's REINVEST 2050 Showcases 15 Transformative 'Clean Manufacturing' Projects
European association Cepi's flagship showcase event REINVEST 2050 presented 15 transformative projects with all projects contributing to the greening of the EU economy through either reduced emission from paper mills or developed products offering alternatives to fossil-based goods. REINVEST 2050 has collected nearly 70 innovative cases from its 4 editions since 2017.
Cth EPI recently hosted the 4 edition of REINVEST 2050, its
flagship showcase event on clean manufacturing technologies. REINVEST 2050 is the commitment of the Europeanpaperindustrytodemonstratewhatinvestmentsare made in the sector to continuously reduce emissions and mitigate climate change. This year's REINVEST 2050 witnessed the forest fibre and paper industry presenting 15 transformative projects completed over the past two years, with all projects sharing a common factor of successfully either reduced emission from paper mills or developed products offering alternatives to fossil-based goods, contributing to the greening of the EU economy. Nearly 70 innovative cases from the four editions of REINVEST 2050 reports since 2017 have contributed to the creation of a rich library of good practice for thesectortolearnfromandbuildon.
Proportionally to its size, the pulp and paper sector is among the EU's top investors in projects aiming to align manufacturing with Europe's ambition to reach net zero CO emissions by 2 2050. Some of these projects are documented in a brochure presentedtodaytotheEUInstitutions.Theyhavetakenplacein the midst of an adverse environment for investments in cleantech. Jori Ringman, Director General, Cepi, Confederation
of European Paper Industries commented, “We have come a long way over the past few years, but we have even more to offer. What if consumers were empowered to choose a renewable, fossil-free product instead of a fossil-intensive one? It would have a significant and immediate climate mitigation effect. Similarly, our efforts in doing away with fossil combustion should be encouraged and offer a model that could be replicatedtoothersectors.”
Trim Optimization - Binjusaria Adopts Haber's Kaiznn™ Software
Binjusaria teams up with Haber's
Kaiznn™, to bring cutting-edge integrated deckle matching software. With the advent of technological advancements post-pandemic, Binjusaria is leading the way in automating processes and boosting productivity.
By incorporating Kaiznn™, Binjusaria is set to revolutionize the way paper is produced, reducing trim loss, enhancing order fulfillment, and improving stock management at the mill. "We believe that the latest developments in technology can take the industry to the 86 | Apr -
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next level," said Mr. Shivank Kedia, Managing Director of Binjusaria "With Kaiznn™, we aim to minimize trim loss and track orders comprehensively now. The seamless integration into our system has made tech adoption a lot more exciting and we eagerly look forward to transforming the process." The partnership is aimed at leveraging AI to reduce inaccuracies and time involved in deckle matching. Haber's expertise has resulted in the curation of a cloud-based solution that can give multiple solutions within seconds.
As Mr. Vipin Raghavan, CEO of Haber, points out, "What makes this partnership unique is Binjusaria's commitment to innovation. We, at Haber, take pride in providing efficient, sustainable solutions and are thrilled to be able to do the same for Binjusaria. Get ready to witness a new era in paper production, where technology and innovation work hand in hand to bring about a sustainable, efficient, and seamless process.”
Binjusaria Papers Private Ltd is a leading high-quality kraft paper
manufacturer based out of Shadnagar, near Hyderabad, India. Binjusaria Group having experience in varied industries is making great progress in the paper industry with its advanced technologydriven approach.
Haber transforms the paper industry with its AI-led services. These services are spread across several sections of the pulp and paper mill, optimizing efficiency and maximizing output. The motto is to capture and analyze data and provide actionable insights for quicker corrective action.
Indian Paper, Paperboard Imports Report 47% Increase, Reach INR 11,513 Crore in FY 2022-23
Indian imports of paper and paperboard have jumped to 47% from INR 7,839 crore in FY 2021-22 to INR 11,513 crore in FY 2022-23, according to data released by the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics (DGCI&S). The highest jump was in uncoated writing & printing paper imports, at 102% in 2022-23.
The Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence &
Statistics (DGCI&S) has issued data showing an exponential increase of 47% in the Indian imports of paper and paperboard, fromINR7,839croreinFY2021-22toINR11,513croreinFY202223. While the growth in imports have been across all grades of paper, the highest jump has been in the imports of uncoated writing & printing paper at 102% in 2022-23 over 2021-22, followed by coated paper and paperboard at 51%, and tissue at 41%. Imports from China have increased a stupendous 112%, and from ASEAN countries by 97%. The top import sources of uncoated writing & printing paper are Indonesia, Singapore and China. The top import sources of coated paper and paperboard areChina,JapanandSouthKorea.
According to Mr. Pawan Agarwal, President, Indian Paper Manufacturers Association (IPMA), imports of paper and paperboard into India have significantly increased in the last three years, in spite of adequate domestic production capacity. As the domestic industry suffers with the issue of producing paper and paperboard at competitive costs with rising raw material and energy costs, substantial quantities of paper and paperboard are imported into the country at significantly lower costs with nil import duty from ASEAN, South Korea and Japan under the respective free trade agreements, and preferential import duty from China under the Asia Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA). Taking advantage of the low import duty rates in India, these countries find India as an attractive outlet for diverting their excess inventory. Mr. Agarwal further stated that apart from the overall negative impact of duty-free imports on the domestic paper industry, it is making most small and medium paper mills in India commercially unviable,
and also jeopardizing the livelihoods of thousands of farmers engaged in farm forestry and supplying wood, the primary raw material, to paper mills. This is against the spirit of “Make in India”,“AtmaNirbharBharat”and“VocalforLocal”.
Mr. Rohit Pandit, Secretary General, IPMA, added that in order to provide a level playing field to the domestic industry, paper and paperboard should be kept in the exclusion list, with no preferential treatment in terms of import tariff, while urgently reviewing the existing FTAs and formulating new FTAs. IPMA has also called for the issue of quality control orders (QCOs) by the Government on all grades of paper and making BIS certification mandatory. Issuance of QCOs for different grades of paper will not only assure supply of quality products to the Indian consumers but also check the import of sub-standard productsintothecountry.
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TM BTG's SurfMAX Improves Containerboard, Specialty Grade Machines Globally
Voith's subsidiary company, BTG has witnessed success with its size press solution
TM SurfMAX, which has shown great improvements on containerboard and specialty grade machines globally. The solution has shown improved strength level and reduction in variation of strength properties, enabling various benefits.
Multinational pulp and paper solutions provider BTG's
TM size press solution SurfMAX has shown great improvements on containerboard and specialty grade machines in several locations around the globe. The TMSurfMAX has resulted in improved strength level and reduction in variation of strength properties, thus enabling benefits like reduction of starch consumption of up to 20%, energy savings related to starch application of up to 12%, and increased speed of up to 1%, representing 500 – 1000k€ per year on a mid-size machine.
While a holistic approach creates visible benefits in a size press environment, a big part of the work is done in the paper machine wet end and in the starch kitchen. The improvement of the base paper with an increased starch quality is a prerequi-
site to good surface application. BTG's SurfMAX is an innovative combination of application know--how, metering elementsandnovelonlineinstrumentation.
SCA's Sweden-Based World's Largest Kraft Liner Commissioned with Support from Voith's PapermakingAcademy
SCA's PM2 in Obbola, Sweden, is the world's largest kraft liner machine, which was supplied by Voith. Voith's PapermakingAcademy has helped the SCA team to effectively commission the machine.
November 2022 start-up of the machine. Voith's PapermakingAcademy and comprehensive documentation assisted the SCA team in optimally preparing for the operation ofitsnewstate-of-the-artfacility.
Ms. Lisa Lundström Hämälä, Process Engineer at SCA, shared, “Voith prepared extensive training materials, and Voith and SCA together made sure there were several occasions for each training so employees could attend while also running our old, nowclosedpapermachine.”
Voith's PapermakingAcademy offers target group-specific training programs and courses that cover the entire life cycle of a paper machine and the plant's components. The academy enables customers to use and operate their paper machines to their optimal capacity which during commissioning results in a fastertake-over.
SCA's PM 2 in Obbola, Sweden, is the world's largest kraft
liner machine. The machine was supplied by Voith who also delivered effective commissioning training for the
Voith also supports papermakers with in-depth expert knowledge to drive forward efficiency and lift their plants to the next level of performance. The course catalog gives information about all courses, the respective learning objec-
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tives, and the recommended target groups. This ensures that participants get the maximum benefit from training in homogeneous learning groups and that customers can make use of a comprehensive and unique training offering to educatetheirpersonnelinthebestpossibleway.
Ms. Zahida Sakic-Kramer, Director of Design Main Sections at Voith Paper, stated, “The new training modules include all sectionsofthepapermachineandcoveritsentirelifecycle.This allows us to support customers precisely where and when they
Ms. Stefanie Schmied, Concept Manager Digital Training at Voith Paper, stated, “With the Papermaking Academy, we are expanding the previous training offered by the Voith PaperSchool, which primarily covered service-related topics. Voith Paper now offers a comprehensive course catalog – from basic training units on our new machines and commissioning to in-depth, application-oriented expert training of specific serviceactivities.”
JMC Begins Construction of 150 TPD Kraft Paper Mill in North America
Indian machinery manufacturer for pulp & paper industry, JMC Paper Tech Private Limited has recently started construction of their upcoming recycled fiber based kraft paper mill of 150 TPD capacity in the North American region. The upcoming mill is an initiative of JMC's new subsidiary, JMC Papers, and is expected to commence production by mid-2024.
JMCPaperTechPrivateLimitedrecentlybegantheconstruction of their upcoming recycled fiber based kraft paper mill of 150 TPD capacity in the North American region. The upcoming mill is an initiative of JMC's new subsidiary, JMC Papers, an initiative to further penetrate the North American pulp and paper market. The new subsidiary is set to deal with kraft paper production by establishing a new mill in North America with a production capacity of 150 TPD. The mill is expectedtocommenceproductionbymid-2024.
“Our paper mill in North America will be a stepping-stone for JMC into the North American pulp and paper market. This
move will allow us to expand our global footprint, create new opportunitiesforgrowth,andprovideawell-roundedportfolio to our customers.With JMC Papers we will be one step closer to achieving our vision of becoming a world-class leader in the pulpandpaperindustry”saysDr.YeshaPatel,CEO,JMCPapers. JMC Paper Tech Private Limited undertakes designing, manufacturing, supply, erection and commissioning of new pulp mill and paper machines, and also the modernization of existing pulp mill and paper machines. It has its factories in Sanand, Gujarat. The company has effectively a customer base in Africa, Asian & US regions, including countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Indonesia,Canada,andBangladesh,amongmanyothers.
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Metsä Board Submits EIA Report for Planned Paperboard Mill in Kaskinen, Finland
Metsä Board has submitted the EIA report for its planned paperboard mill at its Kaskinen, Finland, mill site. The planned mill's pre-engineering process was initiated in 2022, and its investment decision is estimated to be made in 2024.
May 25, 2023
Metsä Board, part of Metsä Group,
has submitted the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the upcoming paperboard mill at its existing Kaskinen site in Finland.
Metsä Board started pre-engineering for the new paperboard mill in Kaskinen in autumn 2022. The process is based on fossil-free production and world-class resource, production, and environmental efficiency. According to the company's estimates, a potential investment decision can be made in 2024 at the earliest.
The EIA report has been filed in
accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure Act to the South Ostrobothnia Regional Economic, Transport, and Environment Centre (ELY Centre), and is open for public comment and opinion from May 25, 2023, to July 21, 2023. The 2-stage EIA procedure addresses the environmental impact of the planned paperboard mill, wherein in the first stage, the project developer draws up an assessment programme. In the second stage, the evaluations are carried out and an assessment report is prepared. The assessment report results shall be considered in the ongoing planning and decision-making process.
DS Smith Announces EUR 145 Million Package of Investments for Viana Paper Mill, Portugal
DS Smith recently announced a multiyear EUR 145 million package of investments to upgrade its kraft paper mill in Viana, Portugal. The investment includes the rebuild of the existing paper machine by suppliers Voith and Valmet and a brand-new state of the art recovery boiler which will be one of the most modern in Europe.
Leading provider of sustainable packaging solutions DS Smith has announced an upgrade program to its kraft paper mill in Viana, Portugal. A multiyear EUR 145 million package of investments will include the rebuild of the existing paper machine by suppliersVoith andValmet and a brand-new state of the art recovery boiler which will be one of the most modern in Europe. This investment package is contributing to DS Smith's target to reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 GreenHouse Gas (GHG)emissionsandtoreachNetZeroemissionsby2050.
The boiler will improve environmental performance by enhancing steam efficiency at the mill by 25%, with steam from the boiler being recycled back into the mill. The start-up of the newboiler,providedbymarketleaderValmet,isexpectedtobe in early 2025.The new boiler will also support the rebuild of the
mill's paper machine, PM4, increasing both its speed and capacity and ensuring thatViana mill will continue to play a key role in meeting the rising demand for plastic replacement solutions, with the rebuild allowing for the production of new and innovative papers to support customers' evolving demand formoresustainablepackagingsolutions.
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Holmen to Invest USD 44.5 Million For Paper Machine Rebuild At Braviken Mill
Holmen is set to rebuild paper machine PM52 at the Braviken paper mill with an investment of USD 44.5 million (SEK 450 million). The rebuild, planned for autumn 2024, will broaden the product range for book paper as well as increase production of Holmen's new packaging product, INNR.
Swedish company Holmen is investing USD 44.5 million (SEK 450 million) in rebuilding a paper machine, PM52, at Braviken paper mill. Rebuilding PM52 at Braviken paper mill will broaden the product range for book paper, increase production of Holmen's new packaging product, INNR, while also enabling Holmen to efficiently increase the production of fluting for use in the centre layer of corrugated boxes. The rebuildisplannedforautumn2024.
Access to fossil-free electricity and local wood means that both Holmen's paper mills are in a strong position that enables continued development of existing products. This will also create opportunities to grow in new segments in the packaging area. "After this investment, we will be able to produce a fluting product that meets the quality requirements for demanding applications with less material consumption than established products. We will also be able
to offer higher grammages of our book paper from Braviken Paper Mill," says Tommy Wiksand, Vice President Business Development Paper.
GTRI Report: Discriminatory EU-DR to Adversely Affect India's USD 1.3 Billion Exports, Including Paper & Paperboard
The Global Trade Research Initiative's (GTRI) recently published report reveals how European Union Deforestation-Free Products Regulation (EU-DR) will adversely affect India's exports to the region, including paper and paperboard. The deceptive rule is termed a trade barrier set to affect India's exports worth USD 1.3 billion.
The Global Trade Research Initiative's (GTRI) recent report reveals that India's exports to Europe shall suffer due to European Union Deforestation-Free Products Regulation (EUDR). As per the report, "EU DR will adversely affect India's exports to the EU of the value of US 1.3 billion (2022 data). The significant products affected and their export value to the EU are coffee (USD 435.4 million), leather hides, skin, preparations (USD 83.5 million), oil cake (USD 174.5 million), paper, paperboard (USD 250.2 million), and wood furniture (USD 334.6 million)."
Adopted on May 16, EU-DR is a part of the EU Council's carbonborder tax, covering cattle, buffalo, the meat of bovine animals, preparations, oil cake, soya beans, palm oil, cocoa bean, powder, chocolate, coffee, leather hide, skin, paper, paperboard, wood, wood articles, wood pulp, boards, and wood
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furniture. According to the new rule, the big firms (after December 2024), and small firms (after June 2025) exporting to Europe need to ensure that they have not been grown on land deforestedafterDecember31,2020.
Mr. Ajay Srivastava, Co-Founder of GTRI, commented, “Carbon tax would hit trade in industrial products and EUDR would hit trade in agri products. Both plan to cover all products in the nearfuture.EU'sassaultontradeisneartotal."
GTRIfurtherstatedthattherule,asstatedbytheEUaspromoting 'deforestation-free' products, is a trade barrier disguised as a green measure, especially as the EU itself has deforested to reduce its total forest area to less than 0.7 percent. The global
forestareais33percent.Thereportsuggestedthediscriminatory nature of the rule must be taken up byWorldTrade Organization (WTO) by forming an alliance with the countries affected. The compliance cost and deceptive nature of the rule may disadvantagesmallerfirmsintheglobalagriculturaltradearena.
Mr. Srivastava further suggested, "India has a functioning blockchain-enabled trace and track system being implemented by the Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) for grape exports to the EU and other regions. It needs to be adopted for all covered products, and make exporters aware of the compliance requirement."
Fedrigoni Group, Italy, 2022 Performance Report: EUR 2.21 Billion Turnover, EUR 80 Million Investments & 6 Acquisition Deals
Italy's Fedrigoni group has recorded a turnover of EUR 2.21 billion in 2022, along with investments of over EUR 80 million. The group concluded six acquisition deals in the US, Turkey, Spain, and France during the FY.
The Fedrigoni Group, one of the world's leading players in premium labels and self-adhesive materials, specialty papers for luxury packaging, and other creative solutions, closed2022withaturnoverofEUR2.21billionandinvestments of over EUR 80 million. The group recorded an increase of 37 percent in turnover over the last year. The investments increased by nearly EUR 20 million in comparison to EUR 60 millionin2021.
This growth has affected the company's business units repositioned in the last four years towards premium product segments, namely labels and self-adhesive materials, and specialty papers. The labels and self-adhesive materials recorded an increase of 31 percent with a turnover of EUR 1,307 million. The specialty papers for luxury packaging and other creative solutions recorded an increase of 43 percent with a revenueofEUR904million.
Mr. Marco Nespolo, CEO of Fedrigoni Group, commented, "2022 was a year of profitable and responsible growth, despite the unstable geopolitical environment and supply chain disruptions. An agile business model, focus on innovation, constant transformation and the involvement of our people have enabled us to confirm our position as the world's leading manufacturer of wine labels and specialty papers for luxury packaging."
In 2022, the group continued its acquisition plan, with six deals in the US, Turkey, Spain, and France, bringing the total number ofM&Asinthelastfouryearsto12.
In the self-adhesives segment, Spain's Divipa, France's Tageos, specializing in RFID solutions, and Turkey's Unifol have been
acquired, allowing the group to expand into the vehicle wrapping film segment. For specialty papers, an agreement with the American company Mohawk has been made to expand its presence in the US. Spain's Guarro Casas and France's Zuber Rieder have also been acquired. In 2023, two important agreements have been initiated. One is an industrial partnership with a specialized producer of translucent papers in China and the second is the acquisition of an R&D Centre in Grenoble, France. The two establishments were formerly part of the Arjowiggins Group, which filed for administration last September.
Mr. Nespolo further stated, “Our solid business plan and our agility and ability to adapt production to demand allowed us to limit the impact. We are now seeing positive signals from the market: energy and raw material costs are finally coming down. The end markets we serve - luxury, wine & spirits, pharmaceuticals, etc. - are performing well, and we are gaining market share in all sectors. For these reasons, we remain optimistic regarding a gradual recovery of the economic situationoverthecourseofthisyear.”
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MM Group Approves EUR 660 Million Investment Project for Poland's MM Kwidzin Paper Mill
MM Group has taken a step towards increasing the competitiveness of its MM Kwidzyn board and paper mill in Poland and has approved a comprehensive investment project of EUR 600 million. The investment project will involve energy and CO2 cost reduction, pulp integration and entry into the market for sack kraft papers.
The MM Group (MM) has approved a comprehensive
investment project to increase the long-term competitiveness of its largest board and paper mill, MM Kwidzyn in Poland. The investment project of around EUR 660 million will involve energy and CO2 cost reduction, pulp integration and entry into the market for sack kraft papers to set the mill up for sustainable future success. The implementation of the investment project is planned for the years 2023-2026 with disbursements until 2027. Financingisplannedfrominternallygeneratedresources.
The project is divided into three parts. The investment in a new recovery boiler and a new steam turbine is expected to contribute to a significant reduction in energy costs and a reduction in the carbon footprint, to meet future market requirements and achieve the goal of "Net Zero Carbon Emission". Additionally, the shareofgreenenergyistobesignificantlyincreasedbyinvesting
in a second pulp line and a pulp dryer, thus improving vertical integration and reducing dependence on market pulp. In parallel, paper machine 1 (PM1) is to be converted from copy paper to sack kraft paper. This way we are investing in the growing market of sack kraft papers and reducing our exposure tothedecliningcopypapermarket.
Essity To Conduct Strategic Review Of Its Ownership Of Vinda, Asia &
Consumer Tissue Private Label Europe Business
Essity has decided to initiate a strategic review of the company's ownership of Asian hygiene company Vinda and the Consumer Tissue Private Label Europe business. The review includes exploring different options and may potentially result in divestments.
Hygiene and health company Essity is initiating a strategic review of the company's ownership of Asian hygiene companyVinda International Holdings Limited (Vinda) and the Consumer Tissue Private Label Europe business. The strategic review includes exploring different options and may potentially result in divestments. Essity's net sales for 2022 amounted to approximately USD 15 billion (SEK 156 billion), to which Vinda contributed approximately 16 percent and the Consumer Tissue Private Label Europe business approximately 6percent.
Essity'sownershipinVindaamountsto51.59percentandEssity consolidates 100 percent. Vinda's net sales in 2022 amounted to approximately USD 2.4 billion (SEK 25.1 billion), out of which 83percentwererelatedtotissueand17percentwererelatedto personal care. Net sales for the Consumer Tissue Private Label
Europe business amounted to approximately USD 951 million (SEK 9.8 billion) in 2022, corresponding to about 15 percent of net sales in the Consumer Tissue category. This business encompasses seven production facilities in Belgium, France, GermanyandItalywithapproximately1,900employees.
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Domtar's EAM Facility in Georgia, US, Completes USD 90 Million Expansion Project
Domtar's EAM facility in Jesup, Georgia, US, has completed its USD 90 million expansion project. The project has added a large-scale airlaid production line to the facility, making the company world's third-largest airlaid supplier.
Domtar's Engineered Absorbent Materials (EAM) facility in Jesup, Georgia, recently celebrated the completion of a USD 90 million project that added a large-scale airlaid production line to the facility. The EAM expansion makes Domtar the second-largest airlaid supplier in the US and the third-largest in theworld.
Ms. Vanécia Carr, EAM General Manager at Domtar, added, “With this expansion, we now operate a 331,000 square foot facility with three airlaid lines, two laminate lines, and eight packaging lines, doubling our capacity. We've grown to 150 employees and will continue to hire until we reach approximately 170. We are dedicated to making EAM an awesome place to work where everyone on the team feels valued and appreciated.”
Domtar's EAM facility has set the hygiene industry standard for custom core solutions — making products thinner and better-performing for customers around the globe, improving the absorbent products people rely on every day. The facility hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 23, with Domtar leaders and Georgia state and county officials in attendance.
Mr. Steve Henry, Executive Vice President, and Chief Operating Officer of Domtar, stated,“The EAM expansion adds more scale and technology, and combining it with our world-class fluff pulp business, we will deliver more value to our customers and Domtar for many years to come. We are very confident and
excited by what the future holds for Domtar's pulp business andEAM.”
Mr. Shaun O'Quinn, Secretary of the Board of Directors for the WayneCountyIndustrialDevelopmentAuthority,shared,“EAM has made a great economic impact in the community due to expansions and economic investment. Thank you, EAM, for everything you've done and for your commitment to our community.”
Södra, Sweden: New Pulp by Combining Softwood and Agricultural Residue
Södra, Sweden, is investigating the possibility of a new pulp by combining its softwood harvest with agricultural residues. The group aims at developing a new product, which is resource-efficient, sustainable, and performance-enhancer.
ödra, Sweden, is investigating the possibilities for a Sground-breaking new pulp that will combine wood from Södra's sustainably managed forests in southern Sweden with agricultural residue from sources close to its pulp mills. Sodra's latest innovation combines agricultural residues with soft-
wood pulp to produce a new product that is resource-efficient, sustainable,andperformance-enhancingforpapermakers.
Södra has been investigating the use of agricultural residues as a strength-enhancing ingredient in pulp for some time, and following extensive research and development, the company now has the expertise and technology to use agricultural
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(In Center cutting ribbon - Left to Right): Vanécia Carr, EAM General Manager; Kim Sumner, EAM Director of Operations & Development; and Domtar Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer Steve Henry
residues to create an agro-enhanced softwood pulp with significant tensile-strength enhancing properties, especially in thelowerrefiningrange.
Ms. Lotta Lyrå, CEO of Södra, stated, “This process has the potential to deliver advantages for customers, our members, and the environment by challenging the status quo. It encapsulates our circular perspective, our desire to cooperate throughout the value chain for more sustainable solutions, and
the idea thatwe can pass the best of forest innovationfrom one familytoanother,fromourmembers'foreststotheconsumer.“
The group has taken into account the perspective of circular economy as well while developing the new pulp and has decided to not compete for agricultural residues that are being usedforanimalfeed.Itaimstocreateanewpurpose forresidue before incineration adds value and circularity for its members, suppliers,customers,andendconsumers.
Ms. Catrin Gustavsson, Executive Vice President of Södra Innovation, says, “It is important to note that the agricultural residues would not replace the wood from our members' forests but act as a premium ingredient to produce a high-performing grade of pulp. For paper customers, a small percentage of the agricultural residues in the agro-enhanced softwood pulp will bringsignificanttensilestrengthtofinalsheetproperties.”
Södra has a reputation for sustainable innovation in the pulp industry, from driving the introduction of totally-chlorine free (TCF) bleaching in the 1990s to its recent ground-breaking new textilepulpgivingnewlifetopost-consumertextile,OnceMore®, andtheworld'sfirstpulpablebalestrap,FiberSafe®.
Metsä Group's New Forest Management Model Aims to Enhance Finnish Forests
Metsa Group is set to launch its upcoming forest management model, Metsä Group Plus in June 2023. The model pays close attention to forest biodiversity and forest nature in the implementation of forest work and under the model, more retention trees and high biodiversity stumps are left per hectare of forest during felling.
Metsä Group recently launched its regenerative forestry principles in March 2023, in a bid to enhance the vibrancy and diversity of the Finnish forests year by year and transfer them in better condition from one generation to the next.The group's upcoming forest management model, Metsä Group Plus, will be introduced in June 2023 as one of the key practical measures for achieving this target. The model pays closer attention than ever to forest biodiversity and forest natureintheimplementationofforestwork.
Under Metsä Group Plus model, more retention trees and high biodiversity stumps are left per hectare of forest during felling. To accelerate the creation of decaying wood and to secure the living conditions of species that inhabit burned environments, more retention trees will be burned. As concerns valuable habitats and littoral forests, the model represents the highest level of requirements currently in use. The Metsä Group Plus forest management and the diversification of tree species in Finnish forests are key measures for strengthening the state of forest nature and for improving resilience to our rapidly changingclimate.
“Metsä Group Plus is a future forest management model. It paves the way for forestry that respects nature values and a sustainable intergenerational approach better than ever. We will recommend actions that comply with the voluntary Metsä Group Plus model extensively to our forest owner-members, and I believe it will become a significant way of working,” says Juha Jumppanen, EVP, Metsä Forest.
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Mondi Set to
Modernize Swedish Kraft Paper Mill for Improved Efficiency, Environmental Performance
Mondi will upgrade its Dynäs pulp and paper mill in Sweden, to increase efficiency and further improve the overall environmental performance of the mill. The project includes the installation and upgrade of machinery and equipment such as a new cooking plant and bark boiler.
Global sustainable packaging and paper leader, Mondi has
announcedupgradationofitsDynäspulpandpapermillin Sweden. The modernisation programme will increase efficiency and further improve the overall environmental performance of the mill, positioning it well to continue meeting customer demand for sustainable paper and paper-based packaging solutions. The project includes the installation and upgrade of machinery and equipment such as a new cooking plant and bark boiler, which will improve the mill's energy efficiency. Upgrades will also further reduce air and water emissions, and resultinbetterwoodutilizationatthemill.
The Dynäs mill produces high-quality sack and speciality kraft papers, used for a variety of paper-based packaging solutions for industrial and consumer industries, and is an importantpart of Mondi's flexible packaging business. Mr. Roman Senecky, COO, Mondi Kraft Paper commented, “The modernisation programme at Dynäs represents a significant investment in the
future of this well-established mill. By producing sustainable sack and speciality kraft paper, we continue to contribute to our MAP2030 goals and meet customer demand with innovative solutions such as Advantage StretchWrap, an alternative to plasticfilmpalletwrapping,andAdvantageMFEcoComp,used for high strength packaging like paper bags for wet organic household waste. The mill supplies paper across Europe and playsanimportantroleinthelocalcommunity.”
Line O Matic: Revolutionizing the Stationery and Converting Industry for 25 Years
Line O Matic is a pioneer in the stationery and converting industry with more than 25 years of experience and excellence. The company has recently diversified into packaging and printing, offering cutting-edge solutions and superior quality. Among its latest innovations are the square bottom paper bag machine and the automatic reel to reel flexo printing machine.
Line O Matic has recently ventured into packaging and
printing segments, with its latest innovation of square bottom paper bag machine and the automatic reel to reel flexo printing machine. The square bottom paper bag machine comes in three models: (1) Zest RB 360 T, which features a twisted handle for easy carrying, (2) Zest RB 360 and (3) Crown RB200, which have sleek and handle-free designs for various applications. These machines are ideal for industries such as pharmaceuticals, FMCG, shopping malls, etc. that require efficient and functional packaging solutions.
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Mondi's Dynäs kraft paper mill in Sweden
Automatic reel to reel flexo printing machine
The automatic reel to reel flexo printing machine is another remarkable product from Line O Matic that can print on different types of paper, from art paper to board. The machine is equipped with advanced technology that ensures versatility and precision in printing. Line O Matic caters to the diverse needs of the printing industry with its innovative and customized machinery. The company is a trusted partner for businessesthatseekhigh-qualityprintingmachines.
Line O Matic showcased their splendid range of products at the Pamexexhibition,wheretheyimpressedalltheindustryexperts. The visitors were amazed by the outstanding quality and performance of the new machines that they launched. A customer from Ahmedabad was impressed and ordered 8 machines on the spot, showing his confidence in their brand. Line O Matic always prioritizes customer satisfaction and delivered 2 machines promptly and started working on the rest. Their dedication to excellence shows that their products meet the highest quality standards. All machines undergo rigorous qualitytestsandreliabilitychecks.LineOMatichasestablisheda reputation based on innovation and expertise. The company is
also a leader in the industry, known for producing excellent paperstationeryandconvertingmachinery.
Choosing Line O Matic means choosing a legacy of unmatched expertise. Discover unlimited possibilities with Line O Matic, where packaging, printing and stationery come together to takebusinessestonewheights.
Metsä & ANDRITZ: Plans 2TPD Demonstration Plant for Lignin at Äänekoski, Finland, Bioproduct Mill
Metsä Fibre is planning a 2 TPD demonstration plant for a modified lignin product at its Äänekoski, Finland, bioproduct mill. The project is being undertaken in cooperation with ANDRITZ.
Metsä Fibre, Metsä Group, is cooperating with ANDRITZ to build a 2 TPD (approx) demonstration plant for a modified lignin product at its Äänekoski bioproduct mill in Finland. The plant will undertake the process of separating lignin from black liquor in pulp production and shall further processitfornewend-uses.
The technical assessment and development of the product for end-use applicationsis being driven by Dow, a leading material science company. An investment decision on the plant is expectedtobemadeduringthecourseofthisyear.
In pulp production, lignin acts as a binder for wood fibres and is removed from fibres. Although it is traditionally used for bioenergy production, it has a number of other potential uses. The production of modified lignin and its suitability for replacing fossil-based chemicals in concrete production has been demonstrated on a pilot scale in a four-year EU project. This project will assess the techno-economic viability of the technology and the product in a continuous demonstration scale integrated into a bioproduct mill. The high-performance bio-dispersant products produced in the demonstration plant could be used as bio-based concrete and gypsum water reducerusedinconstructionmarkets.
Mr. Ismo Nousiainen, CEO of Metsä Fibre, says, "It is important that we actively develop alternatives made from renewable raw materials to replace fossil materials and feedstocks. This will further strengthen our bioproduct mill concept, which aims to utilize all pulp production side streams into products withthehighestpossibleaddedvalue."
Mr.KariTuominen,President&CEOofANDRITZOy,commented, “The development of LigniOx technology is an excellent practical example of our CircleToZero initiative, which includes new technologies aimed at minimizing and optimizing pulp mill side streams. The development of LigniOx technology has been done in close cooperation with the entire value chain and with the support of leading research institutes. The production of a high-grade lignin product from the side stream of the pulping process creates added value and effectiveness both from an environmentalandfinancialpointofview.”
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Square bottom paper bag machine
Star Paper Mills Signs Three-Year Agreement with Valmet for Screen Baskets' Supply
Indian integrated pulp and paper mill, Star Paper Mills Limited, recently signed a three-year agreement with Valmet, for supplying and service of Screen Baskets. This is the third extension of the long term agreement between Star Paper and Valmet.
Star Paper Mills Limited has signed a three-year agreement
with Valmet to provide the supply and service of Valmet ScreenBaskets.Thisisthethirdextensionoftheagreementand the renewed agreement includes the supply of ten Valmet Screen Baskets NL for DC 8 screens and six Valmet Screen Baskets NL for FS 40 screens. Valmet's Screen Basket extends thelifetimeofscreenbasketsthroughitsdurabledesign,which helps to reduce screening costs and, eventually, the total cost ofownership.
Star Paper's partnership with Valmet through a long-term agreement allows Star Paper to prioritize their process and production improvement rather than technical concerns. Moreover, the agreement ensures prompt delivery times and regular visits of screen basket experts to evaluate basket performance during operation. Mr. Madhukar Mishra, Managing Director, Star Paper Mills Limited commented on
this development, “Our target is to improve the competitiveness of our screening system by reducing screening costs and continuously enhancing screening efficiency. We have achieved tangible results since the first agreement withValmet in 2015, achieving more lifetime of screen baskets. Longer lifetimeleadstohighercostsavings."
ANDRITZ to Prepare Feasibility Study on Carbon Capture Plant for Finnish Pori Energia Oy
ANDRITZ will be conducting a feasibility study on a carbon capture and storage plant to be built at the city of Pori's combined heat and power station (CHP), as ordered by Finland-based Pori Energia Oy. The carbon captured is intended to feed a local vanadium plant, supporting the extraction process.
ANDRITZ received an order from Finland-based Pori
Energia Oy to conduct a feasibility study on a carbon capture and storage plant planned to be built at the city of Pori's combined heat and power station (CHP). The study will provide the design and cost calculation for a turnkey carbon capture plant with a capacity of 100,000 TPA, including liquefaction, intermediate storage, and off-loading. Pori's CHP plant has a total thermal output of about 88 MW. The boiler is firedwithbiomassandwasdeliveredbyANDRITZin2017.
ANDRITZ will also investigate the benefits of oxy rich fuel combustion for increased CO concentration in the flue gases 2 and thus overall reduced capital investments. The carbon captured is intended to feed a local vanadium plant, supporting the extraction process. Vanadium's primary use is in the steel industry as an alloy component for high-strength applications.
“We are happy that Pori Energia selected us for this innovative project towards decarbonization. This shows our customer's trust in our capabilities to help them select the best option to decarbonize their operations and use the CO2 in other industrial processes,” says Harald Reissner, Senior Vice President,ANDRITZAirPollutionControl.
NEWS ••• 98 | Apr - May 2023
SCA's Ortviken Pulp Mill Inaugurated: Aims to Increase CTMP Production
to 300,000 TPA
SCA's Ortviken-based new factory facility aiming to increase the group's CTMP production to 300,000 TPA has been inaugurated. An investment of over USD 138 million was announced for the project in 2022.
SCA's Ortviken-based new factory facility was inaugurated
on May 16 May 2023 with a ceremonial speech by Berit Högman, Governor of Västernorrland County, and a "ribbon cutting"bytimbersportsprofileFerrySvan.
An investment of over USD 138 billion in Ortviken's industrial site was announced in 2020 which aimed to increase the production of Chemi-Thermo-Mechanical Pulp, CTMP, from approximately 90,000 TPA to 300,000 TPA. The project was delivered and completed on budget and also ahead of schedule and will provide SCA with strengthened competitivenessintheglobalmarket.
Mr. Ulf Larsson, SCA's President and CEO, stated, “On time and within budget is SCA's mantra - we have lived by this credo this time too despite major challenges such as the pandemic, semiconductor shortages, disruptions in the supply chain and awarinEurope.”
Governor Berit Högman's ceremonial speech underlined the importance of a strong forest industry in the county and the
climate benefits that are created when renewable paper pulp replacesfossilmaterials.
Bellmer Receives Order for New Sack Kraft Paper Machine For Mondi's Flagship Štetí Mill
Bellmer has received an order from Mondi, a leading global packaging and paper company for a new sack kraft paper machine for Mondi's flagship Štětí mill in the Czech Republic. The machine, planned to be commissioned in 2025, will help Mondi meet the growing demand for paper-based flexible packaging,
International technology supplier Bellmer has received an order for a new sack kraft paper machine for the flagship mill of Mondi, a leading global packaging and paper company.The machine is to be set up in Mondi's flagship Štětí mill in the Czech Republic. The investment will help Mondi meet the growing demand for paper-based flexible packaging, underpinned by growth in eCommerce and sustainable packaging. It will also contribute to expanding Mondi's portfolio of innovative,sustainablepackagingandpapersolutions.
Bellmer has previously partnered with Mondi on the successful start-up of the rebuilt paper machine in Steti in 2021, and has again been selected as a supplier. With the Bellmer TurboLine, all line components can be supplied from a single source. An
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Mr. Ulf Larsson, President and CEO, SCA
energy-efficient approach flow system will ensure optimum fiber treatment of the stock. The commissioning of the new papermachineisplannedfor2025.
ARAUCO Orders a Chip Washing And Defibrator System From Valmet for New Mexico MDF Plant
ARAUCO will receive a new refiner with chip washer capacity of 28 ton/h from Valmet. The delivery includes all main machinery of the second-generation EVO 64 defibrator system and chip washing, related motors as well as process design and engineering.
Global forest products manufacturer ARAUCO has placed an order for a new refiner with chip washer capacity of 28 ton/h to Valmet. The upgrade will be done at ARAUCO's new MDF plant located in Zitácuaro, Mexico. The start-up of the system is planned for the last quarter of 2024. The delivery includes all main machinery of the second-generation EVO 64 Defibrator system and chip washing, related motors as well as process design and engineering. The delivery also includes commissioning, installation, and start-up advisory. Valmet's defibrators are equipped with a patented grinding house that is unique in the industry. This feature enables both energy and resin savings, providing low operating costs and resulting in an environmentally friendly defibrator system for the production ofhigh-qualitywoodfiberstoMDF.
“For us at ARAUCO, incorporating technology that guarantees
both safety and quality is always the main priority. Our growth depends on a safe operation and technology such as Valmet's, giving us a solid foundation to produce quality boards for the Mexican market,” says Jose Manuel Hernández, the CEO of ARAUCOMéxico.
Omya Announces Investments for 7 New Onsite Plant for Paper and Board Mills in Asia Pacific
Omya recently announced investments in 7 new onsite plants at paper and paperboard for ground and precipitated calcium carbonate mill locations in China and Indonesia. All 7 plants are currently under construction and will be commissioned in 2023 and 2024.
Apr 28, 2023
Global calcium carbonate
producer Omya has announced investments in 7 onsite plants for ground and precipitated calcium carbonate at paper and paperboard mill locations in China and
Indonesia.These new Omya investments were secured through a competitive bid process where our customers assessed items such as product quality, innovation, total production cost, project execution capability, and technical service to select the best partner for their onsite operations. All 7 plants are currently under construction and will be commissioned in 2023 and 2024.
The new plants in China include 3 ground calcium carbonate (GCC) plants in Guangxi, Guangdong, and
Shandong, 2 precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) plants in Shandong, and 1 more PCC plant in Fujian. The new plant in Indonesia will be for GCC in Sumatra. These new manufacturing locations will be able to produce a broad product portfolio including filler grade PCC & GCC, coating grade GCC, and high-end GCC for clay replacement. In total, the new plants will offer about 1 million dry metric tonnes per year of capacity, including 740,000 tonnes of GCC capacity and 260,000 tonnes of PCC capacity.
NEWS ••• 100 | Apr - May 2023
Liansheng Pulp & Paper, China, Successfully Starts 2 ANDRITZ
Supplied Tissue Machines
Liansheng Pulp & Paper Co. Limited, China, has successfully started two ANDRITZ tissue machines at its China-based mill.
iansheng Pulp & Paper Co. Limited has successfully started up two ANDRITZ tissue machines including stock preparation and automation systems at its mill in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province,China.
The tissue machines of the type PrimeLineTM W 2000 have a design speed of 2,000 m/min and a working width of 5.65 meters, and both are equipped with energy-saving components like 20 feet PrimeDry Steel Yankees and steam-heated hoods. The stock preparation systems, using NBKP (Needle Bleached Kraft Pulp) and LBKP (Leaf Bleached Kraft Pulp), feature FibreSolve FSV pulpers, a pulp screw press, and HC
Lrefiners to achieve consistencies in the range of 25-30 percent and excellent fiber properties. The scope also includes the approach flow systems, broke handling, and a comprehensive fabrics and rolls package (forming fabrics, press felts, roll covers)foroptimumdewateringathighspeed.
Mr. Fan Lele, Vice Sales General Manager of Household Paper, Liansheng Pulp & Paper, says, “We were really excited to hold the first tissue in our hands. The tissue quality has been excellentrightfromthestart.”
Liansheng Pulp & Paper (Zhangzhou) Co. Limited, established in2020,isanewproductionbaseoftheLianshengPaperGroup to enter the household paper production industry. It is the largest packaging paper manufacturer in Fujian, China with a specialfocusonenvironmental-friendlyproduction.
Schumacher Packaging, Germany, Records EUR 1.2 Billion Annual Turnover; 40% Higher Than Previous Year
The Schumacher Packaging Group has achieved an annual turnover of EUR 1.2 billion, nearly 40 percent higher than the previous year. The company attributes general market trends, acquisitions, and EUR 700 million investment in an energyextensive programme as major drivers of this achievement.
The Schumacher Packaging Group has achieved a turnover
of EUR 1.2 billion, nearly 40 percent higher than the previous year's turnover, despite high volatility and difficult economic conditions in the world markets.The major contributorstothisgrowthweretheacquisitionofadditionalplantsand thedevelopmentofnewproductfieldstomeetthedemandfor plastic reduction, especially from the food industry, but also fromonlineretail.
The group has significantly increased its production and processing capacities by acquiring the Kaierde board mill, the majority stake in the Italian corrugated base paper manufacturer Cartiere Modesto Cardella SpA, and the Leipzig Land GmbH board mill. Moreover, a EUR 700 million investment programme to make energy-intensive production increasingly independentofnaturalgaswasalsobroughtforwardlastyear.
Mr. Hendrik Schumacher, Managing Director of Schumacher Packaging, shed light on general market trends, "The turbulent year led to less consumption and caused the demand for corrugatedandsolidboardpackagingtoshrinkcomparedtothe
previous year. Nevertheless, the trend towards paper-based packaging and intelligent combination products continues among manufacturers and in the trade." Meanwhile, the food industry proved to be crisis-proof regarding packaging last year. The company's product innovations for plastic reduction and avoidance with bio-based protective barriers, such as trays for
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(L to R): Mr. Hendrik Schumacher, MD, Schumacher Packaging Group & Mr. Björn Schumacher; Leader, Schumacher Packaging Group
Mr. Björn Schumacher, the company's leader, commented, "Last year, our top priority was to secure supplies to our customers. We succeeded in this because, as a family-run company, we act very flexibly and quickly and have made courageous investment decisions - especially in our own paper productionandtheexpansionofrenewableenergies."
The company is also developing paper-based solutions for polystyrene parts in packaging, which can even be used for sensitive and heavy electronic products. In areas where plastics still have their place due to their technical properties, the packaging specialist is developing intelligent combination productstogetherwithitsjointventurepartnerVerpaFolie.
The new draft of the European Packaging Regulation (PPWR) was presented by the European Commission in November
2022 and intends to reduce the volume of packaging, ban overpackaging and further develop the circular economy in Europe, an objective supported by the group. However, the group is also critical of the regulation providing for the use of reusable packaging for household appliances and in non-food mail orders, even though, according to a recent study by McKinsey, these can cause up to 200 percent more emissions in onlineretailing.
Mr. Björn Schumacher emphasizes "Flexible solutions that reduce air in packaging are important to reduce CO2 emissions further. Packaging made of corrugated and solid board already offers many advantages in terms of volume reduction and material efficiency - across all industries. We hope that these important aspects will be taken into account for the elaboration of the PPWR."The company emphasizes this in its cooperationwiththesoftwareproviderSkrym.
Kadant Lamort, INDEVCO Group Unite to Implement New Stock Preparation System For High-Quality Paper
Kadant Inc.'s subsidiary Kadant Lamort SAS has collaborated with INDEVCO Group's affiliate UNIPAKHELLAS S.A. for the implementation of a new stock preparation system, yielding high-quality paper from a wide range of materials while reducing fiber loss and freshwater consumption. Kadant Lamort will install the Heli-Drum™ system into UNIPAKHELLAS' new stock preparation line to process the wide range of raw materials.
Kadant Inc.'s subsidiary Kadant Lamort and INDEVCO Group's affiliate UNIPAKHELLAS S.A. are implementing a new stock preparation system that yields high-quality paper from a wide range of materials while reducing fiber loss and freshwater consumption. UNIPAKHELLAS selected a comprehensive Kadant service package that includes engineering, erection supervision, commissioning, training, and start-up assistance. The system will process a wide array of materials from local OCC and mixed waste to high-quality OCC, including materials that can be challenging to treat in stock preparation. The new line will have the capability to produce a variety of gradesincludingpolyethylene-coatedpaper.
In addition to revamping UNIPAKHELLAS' current stock preparation line, Kadant Lamort will install the Heli-Drum™ system into a new stock preparation line to process the wide range of raw materials. Kadant Lamort will also supply an approach flow system including Radiclone™ hydrocycling system with high-efficiency contaminant removal to obtain high-quality paper for top-ply, as well as Periscreen-M™ machinescreens.ARotoflex™recoverystrainerwillhelpreduce freshwater consumption, and a screw press reject compactor will contribute to disposal cost reduction. Kadant Lamort will also implement two intelligent, adaptive technologies,
BoosTEK™ and FiberNet™, to assist UNIPAKHELLAS' plans to reduceenergycostsandimprovefiberrecovery.
Kadant and INDEVCO Group have collaborated for over two decades, implementing many successful recycled paper operations in Lebanon and Egypt. “We're committed to offering our customers tailor-made solutions to minimize fiber loss and provide sustainable processes,”stated Marcello Giorgi, global sales and marketing director at Kadant Lamort. “Our relationship with INDEVCO allows us to implement cuttingedgetechnologiesthatadvancethepulpandpaperindustry.”
NEWS ••• 102 | Apr - May 2023
Cascades Begins Production in Virginia Containerboard Packaging Mill
Cascades has announced successful start of production in its containerboard packaging mill at Bear Island, Virginia. The mill has an annual production capacity of 465,000 short tons of lightweight, and is reportedly the second largest project in Cascades' history.
Packaging, hygiene and recovery solutions provider Cascades recently announced that it has produced its first roll of 100% recycled containerboard at its containerboard packaginginBearIsland,Virginia.Thestate-of-the-artmill,with an annual production capacity of 465,000 short tons of lightweight, high-quality and 100% recycled containerboard, is equipped to perform within the top quartile of its industry, and will strengthen the operational flexibility, geographic footprint, and competitiveness of Cascades' Containerboard platform.The project is reportedly the second largest project in Cascades' history and has created 700 jobs in the region during the construction phase, and 180 permanent jobs with the onsetofcommercialproduction.
The Bear Island mill is now entering the ramp-up phase of the machine and will gradually increase its production to reach full capacity. An official inauguration will be held in the coming months.
"After the commissioning of the Greenpac mill nearly 10 years ago, the start-up of Bear Island marks another historic mile-
stone in the strategic modernization of our mill network. More than ever, Cascades has modern and competitive assets that will allow us to pursue long term growth in packaging, on a North American scale," said Mr. Mario Plourde, President and ChiefExecutiveOfficerofCascades.
Voith's SealView: Real-Time Information on Sealing Strips Wear Status
Voith's SealView system enhances the company's technological offerings through Mechanical Roll Service (MRS) Centers. The system provides real-time information on the wear status of sealing strips inside suction rolls.
Voith's SealView enables papermakers with accurate,
reliable, and real-time information on the wear status of sealing strips inside suction rolls. The sophisticated sensor system can be installed on any type or brand of suction roll at Voith Mechanical Roll Service (MRS) Centers. The SealView system provides insight into the condition of the seal strips in suction rolls and predicts the remaining seal lifetime. It is based on a pneumatic system, with this innovative solution there is less risk of malfunction during use under wet conditions and canbeusedalongwithVoith'sHydroSeal.
The system can be accessed by machine operators at the customer site as well as remotely by dedicated Voith Service Centers. The precise information supports data-driven decision-making, increases safe roll run times, and allows the stress-free and timely scheduling of roll change and service withtheVoithMRSCenters.
Voith has a worldwide network of 22 MRS Centers, unrivaled domain expertise, and sophisticated digital solutions, and is uniquely positioned as a full-line supplier to provide best-inclass customized roll maintenance to papermakers around the
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Successful start-up of Cascades Containerboard Packaging plant –Bear Island, Virginia
globe. Voith's individualized and transparent service solutions ensure maximum machine availability as well as highly reliable and sustainable production lines. The benefits of Voith's approach to MRS extend beyond efficiency and sustainability gains.
Mr. Joerg Schauberger, Global Product Manager MRS & Digital Products at Voith Paper, states, “Expertly maintained rolls in paper machines are fundamental to efficient and sustainable papermaking. With the support of our experienced application specialists and state-of-the-art service tools, we are able to recommendifandwhenoptimizationormaintenancemeasures are required. And our global network of dedicated service centers ensures that timely roll maintenance is performed to scheduleandtothehighestofindustrystandards.”
HydroSeal works with an innovative integrated lubrication system to ensure constant, even, and uniform lubrication over the complete width of the suction roll. SealView combined withHydroSealcanresultinfurthercostandresourcesavings.
Mr. Halim Takhedmit, Digital Product Manager of Fabric & Roll Systems at Voith Paper, comments, “Our sophisticated sensor technology and advanced cloud-based analytics ensure decision-making around roll maintenance is fact-based, datadriven, and impactful. This digital upgrade is what customers need to turn their paper plants into ultra-efficient and sustainableoperations.”
Voith's OnCare.pmPortal has proven a powerful asset management tool for fabrics, rolls, roll covers, and doctor blades. With the OnCare.pmPortal module“ID Tagging”critical products are tagged to support better tracking and inventory management. Depending on the product and machine environment, either a barcode,QRcode,orRFID/NFCtechnologyisused.
Mr. Joerg Schauberger, Global Product Manager MRS & Digital Products at Voith Paper, states,“By combining best-in-class roll maintenance service with future-oriented inventory management support, we are driving best practices in efficient and sustainablepapermaking.”
Metsä Board Appoints AFRY as Engineering Partner for New Folding Boxboard Mill Pre-Engineering in Finland
Metsä Board, part of Metsä Group, has assigned European engineering company AFRY for the pre-engineering of a new folding boxboard mill with an annual capacity of approximately 800,000 tonnes at the Kaskinen mill site in Finland. As part of the pre-engineering, an environmental impact assessment and an environmental permit process have been launched.
Metsä Board has appointed Sweden-based engineering
company AFRY as the engineering partner for the preengineering of a new folding boxboard mill with an annual capacity of approximately 800,000 tonnes at the Kaskinen mill site in Finland. AFRY has received the assignment for preengineering, which includes architectural, infrastructure, building technology, and structural engineering. Metsä Board estimatesthatthepossibleinvestmentdecisioncouldbemade in 2024 at the earliest. The value of the order for AFRY has not beendisclosed.
The pre-engineering for the new folding boxboard mill is based on fossil-free production and world-class resource and production efficiency.Thanks to the best available technology, the consumption of raw materials, energy, and water per tonne of folding boxboard produced would be significantly lower when compared with the existing mills. In the pre-engineering phase, in terms of construction, for example, wood construction will be promoted, and existing mill site infrastructure will be developed. As part of the pre-engineering, an environmen-
tal impact assessment and an environmental permit process havebeenlaunched.
”Our plans are strongly guided by responsibility. In addition to resource and production efficiency, we also aim for world-class environmental efficiency. I am happy that we can utilize AFRY's wide experience in this important project,” says Tero Ojala, Project Director, Metsä Board.
NEWS ••• 104 | Apr - May 2023
WestRock to Cease Production in 550,000 TPA Capacity North Charleston Paper Mill
WestRock Company will close operations for their paper mill in North Charleston, South Carolina on August 31, 2023. With a capacity of 550,000 TPA, the mill produces containerboard, uncoated kraft paper and unbleached saturating kraft paper and employs approximately 500 people.
Fiber-based packaging solutions leader WestRock
Company has announced that it will permanently cease operating its paper mill in North Charleston, South Carolina, on August 31, 2023. The North Charleston mill produces containerboard, uncoated kraft paper KraftPak®, and unbleached saturating kraft paper DuraSorb®, with a combined annual capacity of 550,000 tons. The North Charleston millemploysapproximately500people.
The company intends to exit the unbleached saturating kraft paper business when the mill shutdown is completed. Containerboard and uncoated kraft currently produced at the mill will be manufactured at other WestRock facilities. The combination of high operating costs and the need for significant capital investment were the determining factors in the decisiontoceaseoperationsatthemill.
SCA Obbola Contracted Valmet to Supply 2 Fiber-Line Improvement Projects for Sweden Mill
Valmet will deliver two fiber line improvement projects to SCA's Obbola mill in Sweden. The delivery includes a Valmet ImpBin chip impregnation system and Valmet Wash Filter Hoods.
almet will deliver two fiber line improvement projects to the SCA Obbola mill in Sweden. The deliveries include a Valmet ImpBin chip impregnation system rebuild and the installation of ValmetWashFilterHoods.
TheValmetImpBinchipimpregnationsystemrebuildenablesa thorough impregnation of the chips with liquor before cooking, leading to more stable and increased pulp production.The new wash filter hoods are made of strong and durable glass-fiber reinforced plastic FRB with low weight. They offer easy removal and re-installation, thus improving safety during inspectionandmaintenance.
VThe first installations will take place during the mill's spring shutdown in May 2023, and installation of the new filter hoods will take place during 2024. The orders were included in Valmet's orders received for the first quarter of 2023.
Mr. Andreas Lindstedt, Corporate Account Manager, EMEA, Valmet, stated, “We have developed an excellent customer relationship with the SCA Obbola mill over the years and are happy to continue our good co-operation. These orders continue SCA Obbola's extensive investments in the mill's fiber line and show SCA's trust in Valmet's expertise and ability to improve their performance. Through the long-term partnership, Valmet is able to contribute to the continuous development of all SCA's mills.” 105 | Apr - May 2023 NEWS •••
RDM Group Acquires Fiskeby Board Mill, Becomes Europe's Largest Independent Recycled Board Manufacturer
Leading recycled cartonboard producer RDM Group has acquired Swedish Fiskeby board mill and has become the largest independent recycled board manufacturer in Europe. The Fiskeby mill's primary product is multiboard, has an annual production capacity of 170,000 TPA and its predominant geographic markets are Sweden, Germany and the UK.
RDM Group has become Europe's largest independent
recycled board manufacturer after signing an agreement to acquire Fiskeby, a producer of packaging boards made from 100% recovered fiber, with one manufacturing facility in Sweden. RDM believes that Fiskeby is wellpositioned to benefit from the plastic substitution trend, offering in-house extruding and laminating capabilities ready for the development of new products. The transaction is expected to close by the third quarter, subject to antitrust clearance.
Fiskeby is the only company in Scandinavia to manufacture packaging boards made of 100% recovered fibre. The mill's primary product is multiboard developed for the food and beverage, and household products markets. Fiskeby is the only board mill in Scandinavia with the ability to use liquid packaging board and other plastic-coated fiber-based packages as raw material and also produces renewable energy from industrial waste collection and the waste generated by the recyclingprocessatthemill,avoidingtheuseoffossilresources and reducing CO emissions.The capacity of the mill is 170,000 2 tonnes per year. Fiskeby's predominant geographic markets areSweden,GermanyandtheUK.
Mr. Michele Bianchi, CEO of RDM Group, stated: “The acquisi-
tion we are announcing today demonstrates RDM Group's commitment to growing its market share in the recycled board market, to enhance the security of supply and to be able to serve pan-European customers in a multi-mill reinforced approach. We believe our recycled board offering is answering the societal request to use more responsible recycled materials. Our reusable, recyclable and biodegradable product portfolio responds to societal trends with respect to the environment and the need for everyday essential packaging solutions.”
Resolute Wins SEAL Award for Sustainable Innovation in Cellulose Filaments Project
The Cellulose Filaments Project of Resolute Forest Products was awarded a Sustainability Innovation Award 2023.
Resolute received a Sustainability Innovation Award at the Sustainability, Environmental Achievement & Leadership (SEAL) Business Sustainability Awards for its cellulose filaments (CF) project. The company was recognized for entering non-traditional markets,
beinginnovativeinitsbioproductresearchandcommercialization, and for taking measured risks to accelerate the deploymentofnovel,environmentallyfriendlysolutions.
SEAL Awards is an environmental advocacy organization that honors leadership through its business sustainability and environmental journalism awards while funding research and pursuingenvironmentalimpactcampaigns.
NEWS ••• 106 | Apr - May 2023
Valmet Sets Up New Weaving Machine, Heat-Setting Machine to Ongoing Press Felt Production in Finland
Valmet has made further investments in its ongoing press felt production in Finland announced in August 2022, by adding a new weaving machine and a new heat-setting machine. Valmet has been producing press felts in Tampere, Finland, since 1882.
Valmet is investing in a new weaving machine and a new
heat-settingmachine in addition to the ongoing press felt investment announced in August 2022, in order to further strengthen its press felt production capabilities in Tampere, Finland. Valmet has been producing press felts in Tampere, Finland,since1882.
Tero Kokko, Vice President, Fabrics Business Unit, Services at Valmet has stated that the new investments will safeguard Valmet's press felt production capacity for years to come and strengthen their position as one of the leading press felt suppliers globally. According to Kokko, Valmet's customers in the board, paper, tissue, and pulp industries will also in the future benefit from press felts that respond to the highest quality and performance demands, and which are produced in the most modern, efficient, and sustainable press felt facility withintheindustry.
“As the sustainability of the production is very important for us, we continue to emphasize the recycling of our production side
streams. We are also constantly investigating and testing in our laboratories new, more sustainable yarns and other raw materials. These actions apply to the production of all our fabrics and technical textiles: forming and dryer fabrics, press felts, shoe press belts as well as filter fabrics and laundry felts,” continues Kokko.
Metsä Board Inaugurates Husum Renewed Pulp Mill with New Recovery Boiler and Turbine
Metsä Board has inaugurated its renewed pulp mill in Husum, Sweden. The mill's bio-based energy production will increase and the mill's integrated electricity selfsufficiency will amount to over 80 per cent. The total value of the investment was approximately EUR 380 million.
Metsä Board, part of Metsä Group, recently inaugurated its renewed pulp mill in Husum, Sweden. Metsä Board's Husum mill in Sweden is an integrated board and pulp mill producing folding boxboard, uncoated white kraft liner and bleached chemical pulp. The new recovery boiler and turbine of the Husum pulp mill started up at the end of 2022. Through the latest technology and processes, the mill's bio-based energy production will increase and the mill's integrated electricityself-sufficiencywillamounttoover80percent.
The total value of the investment was approximately EUR 380 million. In the second phase of the renewal, to be decided and implemented later in the decade, the two current fibre lines would be replaced with one new line. The renewal included replacing two old recovery boilers with one and three turbines with one. The project also includes a new control room and office, which will gather the operation and maintenance staff onthesamefloor.
An investment programme is also underway at the Husum mill to increase the annual production capacity of folding boxboard by
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around 200,000 tonnes. The investment is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2023. “The renewal will strengthen the Husum mill's integrated role as an efficient and
sustainable platform for the long-term development of paperboard production and is an important step towards our target of entirelyfossilfreemills,”saysMikaJoukio,CEOofMetsäBoard.
Voith Introduces AdaptClean Rebuild Kit for Optimization of Existing Cleaner Systems
Voith introduces the AdaptClean rebuild kit as the latest optimization option within its BlueLine product range.
Voith introduces the AdaptClean rebuild kit as the latest
The AdaptClean technology enables a quick and easy conversion of existing low consistency cleaners from a diameter of 105 mm. The upgrade involves removing all parts below the headstock.AVoithcleanerconeandtheEasyEcoMizerarethen attached to the existing headpiece using an adapter. A dilution water line with pump makes the system ready for use again withinafewhours.
ThenewAdaptCleansystemisavailableinawiderangeofcone materials to realize the best cost-benefit combination. The proven Easy EcoMizer enables clog-free operation with optimal fiber backflushing, significantly reducing fiber losses compared to conventional systems. By reducing the amount of fiber, a significant increase in ash content in the rejects can be realized. In addition, increased inlet stock consistency achieves furtherenergysavings.
Mr. Elmar Ott, Product & Service Manager atVoith Paper, states, “With the new AdaptClean system, we now offer an efficient and fast rebuild worldwide and independent of manufacturer for existing cleaner systems. Due to the optimized service lives and higher plant efficiency, customers thus achieve cost savings every day through the modernization, even for
originally non-Voith Cleaners. The ROI of the AdaptClean systemisthereforelessthanoneyear.”
In addition to the AdaptClean concept, Voith offers many additional services and individual measures to optimize processes and plant efficiency, and through worldwide service locations and the OnPerformance.Lab remote service center, customers can receive competent support at any time and fromanylocation.
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(L to R) Mika Joukio (CEO, Metsä Board), Anna-Britta Åkerlind (Chairman of the municipal board of Örnsköldsvik) and Pär Lärkeryd (CEO, Norra Skog) cutting the ribbon at Husum.
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