Tulsa County Free Fair Book 2011

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Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, disability, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Robert E.Whitson, Director of Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. This publication is printed and issued by Oklahoma State University as authorized by the Vice President, Dean, and Director of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and has been prepared and distributed at a cost of $2.78 per copy. 07/11


Tulsa County Free Fair Indoor Exhibits - Exchange Center July 21 - 22, 2011 Livestock - The Pavilion July 22 - 23, 2011 Presented by:

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service In conjunction with

Expo Square



Tulsa County Free Fair 2011 Schedule of Events Exchange Center

Tuesday, July 19

4:00 - 7:00 pm

Entries taken for Indoor Exhibits and Table Setting Contest Set-up Exchange Center

Thursday, July 21 9:30 am - 8:00 pm

9:30 am 10:00 am 1:00 - 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm

Indoor Exhibits Open OHCE Silent Auction and Sale Opens Skills and Hobbies Demonstrations Community Resource Presentations Youth Dog Show - Special Events Area “Green Cleaning” - Center Stage Watercolor Society Demo - Section 506 OHCE Tea “Dressing on a Dime” Fashion Show & Scholarship Presentation Rabbit and Poultry Show “My Plate” Cooking Demonstration International Dancers - Center Stage

Exchange Center & Pavilion

Friday, July 22

9:30 am - 8:00 pm

10:00 am 3:00 pm 5:30 - 8:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm

Exchange Center Opens Skills and Hobbies Demonstrations Community Resource Presentations OHCE Silent Auction and Sale Opens Swine Show - Pavilion Meat Goat Show - Pavilion 4-H Ice Cream Festival - Special Events Area Beef Show - Pavilion OHCE Silent Auction and Sale Closes

Saturday, July 23 10:00 am 10:00 am - Noon 5:00 pm

Pavilion Dairy Goat Show Indoor Exhibits Released - Exchange Center Sheep Show

Saturday, Aug. 6

Pavilion Horse Show

10:00 am

For Information go to: http://www.tulsacounty.org/freefair/



The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service brings you and your family an exciting County Fair you will remember! 2011 Tulsa County Free Fair Junior Livestock Show Information Pre-entry is required by July 1, 2011 Thursday, July 21 - Exchange Center Rabbit Check-in ........................................................................2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Rabbit Show ..............................................................................4:00 p.m. Poultry Check-in ......................................................................2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Poultry Show .............................................................................4:00 p.m. Friday, July 22 - Pavilion Swine Check-in .........................................................................8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Swine Show ...............................................................................10:00 a.m. Meat Goat Check-in ................................................................1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Meat Goat Show ......................................................................3:00 p.m. Beef Check-in ............................................................................4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Beef Show ..................................................................................6:00 p.m. Saturday, July 23 - Pavilion Dairy Goat Check-in................................................................8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Dairy Goat Show ......................................................................10:00 a.m. Sheep Check-in ........................................................................4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sheep Show................................................................................ 5:00 p.m. Saturday, August 6 - Pavilion Horse Show Check-in .............................................................8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Horse Show................................................................................10:00 a.m.

For additional information contact Bruce Peverley Tulsa County Ag/4-H Educator at 918-746-3725 Or bpeverley@tulsacounty.org



TABLE OF CONTENTS Schedule of Events .........................................................................................2 Show Information ...........................................................................................3 Tulsa County Free Fair Superintendents .................................................6 SPECIAL EVENTS 4-H Ice Cream Festival ...................................................................................7 OHCE Silent Auction .....................................................................................8 Open Class Activities......................................................................................9 “Green Cleaning” .............................................................................................10 OHCE Tea “Dressing on a Dime” .................................................................11 Community Booths ......................................................................................12 Table Setting Competition...........................................................................13 Table Setting Competition entry form ....................................................14 Youth Dog Show..............................................................................................15 OPEN CLASS DIVISION Rules and Regulations ...................................................................................18 Section 500 - Youth (Ages 5 thru 19) .....................................................20 Section 501 - Exceptional Division..........................................................22 Section 502 - Clothing.................................................................................23 Section 503 - Creative Arts ........................................................................24 Section 504 - Culinary Arts ........................................................................25 Section 505 - Fabric Art ..............................................................................27 Section 506 - Fine Art .................................................................................28 Section 507 - Holiday Corner ....................................................................29 Section 508 - Horticulture .........................................................................30 Section 509 - Needlework .........................................................................32 Section 510 - Photography ........................................................................33 Section 511 - Group Awards .....................................................................35 4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Rules and Regulations ..................................................................................38 Farm Bureau Achievement Awards ..........................................................40 Q & Q Award......................................................................................................40 Section 300 - Poster Arts Program .........................................................41 Section 301 - Educational Booth Display ............................................42 Section 302 - Photography .......................................................................43 Section 303 - Leisure Education & Cultural Arts ...............................46 Section 304 - Science and Technology ................................................49 Section 305 - Science Discovery Projects ............................................52 Section 306 - Fabrics & Fashions.............................................................53 Section 307 - Babysitting/Child Care ....................................................60



Section 308 Section 309 Section 310 Section 311 Section 312 Section 313 Section 314 Section 315 Section 316 Section 317 Section 318 Section 319 Section 320 Section 321 Section 322 Section 323 Section 324 Section 325 Section 326 Section 327


Food Science Exhibits......................................................61 Personal Development ...................................................64 Postmark ..............................................................................65 Electric Exhibit ...................................................................66 Model Rocketry .................................................................67 Woodwork Exhibit ............................................................68 Shooting Sports.................................................................69 Entomology .......................................................................70 Forestry .................................................................................72 Geology ................................................................................73 Wildlife Projects .................................................................75 Environmental Stewardship..........................................81 Crops .....................................................................................84 Forage Plants ......................................................................86 Home Gardening ..............................................................87 Home Grounds ..................................................................88 House Plants .......................................................................90 Companion Animals ........................................................92 Cloverbud Exhibits ...........................................................94 Antiques & Collectables..................................................96

SMALL ANIMAL, LIVESTOCK & HORSE Division 400 - Dog Division - Fun Classes ...............................................104 Division 440 - Dog Division - Obedience Trails.....................................105 Tulsa County 4-H Livestock Show Schedule..........................................106 Show Ring Code of Ethics ............................................................................107 Behavioral Guidelines ....................................................................................109 Rules and Regulations ...................................................................................110 Division 100 - Poultry.....................................................................................112 Division 200 - Rabbit ......................................................................................117 Division 600 - Sheep ......................................................................................119 Division 700 - Swine .......................................................................................122 Division 800 - Beef ..........................................................................................125 Division 900 - Meat Goat ..............................................................................130 Division 1000 - Dairy Goat ...........................................................................133 Showmanship Contest ..................................................................................135 Division 1100 - Horse .....................................................................................136




SUPERINTENDENTS 4-H Division ......................................................Patsy Rowland 4-H Division ......................................................Donna Dunkerson 4-H Ice Cream Festival ...................................Tulsa Co. 4-H VOICE Beef ......................................................................Max Stotz Dairy Goat ..........................................................Richard Hall Dog Obedience & Fun Trials ........................Carolyn Dudley Horse ...................................................................Paula Pidcock Meat Goat ..........................................................Kim Howerbon Poultry.................................................................Tina Russell Rabbit ..................................................................Deb Morrison Sheep...................................................................Curtis Carter Swine ...................................................................Randal Moyer Open Class Division .......................................Rena Holland Open Class Division........................................Judith Gillmore Open Class Youth ............................................Julaine Farless Open Class Clothing ......................................Judith Gillmore & Rena Holland Open Class Creative Arts ..............................Wahleah Walker Open Class Culinary Arts ...............................Mary Reilly Open Class Fabric Arts....................................Judith Gillmore Open Class Fine Arts .......................................Cindy Crowley Open Class Holiday Corner ...........................Wanda Moore Open Class Horticulture ................................Rena Holland Open Class Needlework.................................Evelyn Williamson & Harriet Burns Open Class Photography...............................Carleen Burke

For additional information contact Tulsa County Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service at 918-746-3700



Individual Admission—$4.00 Live Entertainment featuring Aaron Patrick & the Classics!

Friday, July 22 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Benefits Tulsa County 4-H! Exchange Center Tulsa County Fairgrounds For more information, call 918-746-3709 Door Prizes Auction Baskets Family Fun



Come Find Your Treasures At our

Silent Auction Opens July 21 at 9:30 am Closes July 22 at 6:30 pm

Supports the Oklahoma Home & Community Education Scholarships and Promotion activities.



FEATURED PRESENTATIONS Thursday, July 21 and/or Friday July 22 Located in the Exchange Center Presentation: Water Color Demo

Location: Fine Arts Area

Simple Foot Care

Center Stage

Pancakes, Please!

Center Stage

Moo To You

Center Stage

Pet Care

Center Stage


Center Stage

International Dancers

Center Stage

Green Cleaning

Center Stage

Gourds -- From Garden to Great!

Center Stage



“Green Cleaning�

Protect your investment with green cleaning, increase sustainability, mitigate environmental impacts, and SAVE MONEY. Reduce indoor pollutants by limiting the number of chemicals that you use indoors. There are many no and low-cost actions that you can do to help make your home green and healthy.

Thursday July 21, 2011 10:00 am Exchange Center Presented by: Gina Peek, Ph.D. Assistant Professor & Cooperative Extension Service Housing and Consumer Specialist Oklahoma State University College of Human Environmental Sciences 10


OHCE Tea, Fashion Show, Scholarship and Member Recognition

Oklahoma Home & Community Education (OHCE) is a community-based group designed for adult education in matters affecting the family, home, and community. OHCE provides monthly research-based educational lessons and opportunities to enhance leadership, service and social activities. Find out about OHCE membership, enjoy a glass of iced tea, homemade cookies and a “Dressing on a Dime� Fashion Show. The OHCE of Tulsa County provides scholarships each year to members, children or grandchildren of OHCE members in Tulsa County. Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 3:00 pm



Community Booths Tulsa Police Department Woodcarver’s Association The OSU Extension Center, Tulsa County Tulsa County 4-H Northeastern Oklahoma Beekeepers Tulsa Conservation District Tulsa City-County Health Department Safe Kid’s Coalition Mended Hearts & Mended Little Hearts Tulsa SPCA Oklahoma Aquarium OSU Medical Center International Dancers Glue Dobbers Reptiles by Zane Anderson Tulsa Children’s Museum *Additional activities will be available at designated times.



Table Setting Competition Pre-Entry by July 8, 2011 required! Create a table setting for two (2) using any theme desired. Table coverings, decorations, tableware, and card table, etc., are all the responsibility of the entrant. Tables will be set up on Tuesday, July 19, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Table decorations must last for the entire fair. Table decorating should be limited to table top only, with decorations limited to tabletop. Electricity is not available. Include a menu suitable for your table setting. All table settings will be displayed in a roped-off viewing area. The Tulsa County Fair will not be responsible for loss or damage to table settings, regardless of the cause.     

Judging guidelines: Eye appeal Theme carried throughout setting and menu Functional and proper table setting format Proportionate to table size Good balance between decorations, setting & menu.

Rosette ribbons will be given to 1st through 5th place.



Section 499

Table Setting Competition Entry Form Note: Pre-entry by July 8, 2011 is required.      

Tables will be set up on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. Table setting is for Two (2) using any theme desired. Table coverings, decorations, tableware, and one table are the responsibility of the entrant. Table decorations must last for the duration of the fair. Table decorating is limited to table top only. No props may be used beside the table. Electricity is not available.

Name(s): _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Telephone No.: ________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________



Youth Dog Show Fun Classes Thursday, July 21, 2011 Check-in at 9:30 am Show at 10:00 am Location: Exchange Center @ Expo Square

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Rules: Pre-enter by July 10 at the Tulsa County OSU Extension Center, 4116 E. 15th St., Tulsa, OK. or register at 9:30 am on July 21. Any youth, ages 5-19, living in Tulsa County or attending school in Tulsa County may enter. Exhibitor must submit a COPY of the dog’s vaccination record (signed by a veterinarian) within the last 12 months: Rabies, DHLP-Parvo, for us to keep for our records. No home administered vaccinations will be accepted. Dogs must be collared and leashed and must be controlled by the exhibitor at all times. Exhibitor is responsible for his/her dog. The Fair will not be held responsible for the actions of the animal. Judges’ decisions are final.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Classes: Best Costumed Dog Best Dog Trick Shortest Dog Tallest Dog Best Groomed Dog – Long hair Best Groomed Dog – Short hair

Ribbons will be given for 1st through 5th place in each class.



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2011 OPEN CLASS DIVISION RULES AND REGULATIONS Rena Holland - Co-Superintendent Judith Gillmore - Co-Superintendent 1.

Exhibitors must comply with all rules and regulations of the Tulsa County Free Fair. Any resident of Tulsa County may enter or any member in a Tulsa County Extension related group such as 4-H, Oklahoma Home and Community Education (OHCE), or Master Gardeners.


Entries must be made on an official Tulsa County Free Fair Entry Form, obtainable at the OSU Extension Center, 4116 East 15th Street or at the Fair the day entries are accepted. The exhibitor’s Social Security Number is required for premium payment. Absolutely no premium money will be paid without the exhibitor’s appropriate Social Security Number. However, entries will be taken with the understanding that no premium will be paid without the social security number. Social Security numbers provided, will be guarded with utmost security while in our possession.


Exhibits are accepted on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. All entries must be picked up Saturday, July 23, 2011, between 10:00 a.m. and Noon. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS


In order that all exhibits may be of educational value and benefit to fair visitors, articles should be of style and made of materials now in vogue. Soiled articles will not be accepted. All exhibits must have been completed since August 1, 2010 and made by the individual entering the item.


If the fair committee determines that the work has been entered at a previous Tulsa County Free Fair, the entry shall be disqualified.


Multiple classes in the Division may be entered, but only ONE ENTRY PER CLASS PER PERSON is allowed. The judge will determine if first place premiums will be awarded based on the quality of the exhibit. The judge may award second place or no premium, according to his/her judgment. Judge’s decisions are final. 18


Superintendents have been instructed to reclassify an entry if it does not fit the classification entered by the exhibitor. If the article does not fit the class, the article may be left on display only if the department has room to properly display the exhibit.


No exhibitor will be allowed to interfere in any way with the superintendent or judge in the performance of his/her duties. A violation of this rule will cause forfeiture of premium and will be excluded from exhibition.


The fair committee reserves the right to exclude from exhibition any article it deems unworthy or inappropriate. After judging, the superintendent reserves the privilege to display articles, or in the case there is not adequate space, they reserve the privilege of setting the articles back for the exhibitor to pick up at conclusion of the fair.

10. While the fair committee will use all diligence and every precaution to ensure the safety of articles, the committee will in NO CASE be responsible for loss or damage that may occur. 11. Ribbons and premiums will be awarded for First, Second, and Third place. Ribbons only are awarded for Fourth and Fifth places. Premiums for placing of 1st - $3; 2nd - $2; 3rd - $1 will be mailed to exhibitors. All premium checks will be void after 60 days from issue date. Lost premium checks must be reported within 90 days following the fair. No premium under $5.00 will be rewritten after 90 days. 12. Exchange Center will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, July 21 and 22. Exhibits are released Saturday, July 23, between 10:00 a.m. and Noon. 13. Group awards will be awarded to registered OHCE Groups based on the total number of exhibits entered by a group. The group with the highest number of exhibits (1 per entry), based on a percentage of their membership, will receive first through fifth places. Twenty- five additional points will be added for a group educational exhibit table.


2011 SECTION 500 OPEN CLASS YOUTH 5 - 19 YEARS OLD Each item should have yellow entry tag securely attached. Food items must be wrapped in a plastic zip-lock type bag. All framed fine art must be ready to hang (no sawtooth). No photos larger than 5” x 7” and must be matted. Note: Exhibitors entering in Exceptional Division - Section 501 are not eligible for Open Class Youth - Section 500. ►Class Number Ages 5 to 8 years 1. Any item using sewing construction skills 2. Any wearable accessory item you have made (jewelry, hair accessory, belt, etc.) 3. Any purchased item you have decorated (t-shirt, bag, shoes, box, etc.) 4. Fine Art - pencil, crayon or marker 5. Fine Art - watercolor, acrylic or fingerpaint 6. Hand crafted item (non-wearable) 7. Holiday craft item 8. No-bake cookies (3) 9. Photography - One matted photo taken by you 10. Recycled item - Any throw away item made to another use Ages 9 to 11 years 11. Any item using sewing construction skills 12. Any wearable accessory item you have made (jewelry, hair accessory, belt, etc.) 13. Any purchased item you have decorated (t-shirt, bag, shoes, box, etc.) 14. Drop cookies (3) 15. Fine Art - pencil, ink or marker 16. Fine Art - watercolor, oil or acrylic 17. Hand crafted item (non-wearable) 18. Holiday craft item 19. Horticulture item grown by you (plant, vegetable, flower, etc.) 20. Photography - One matted photo taken by you 21. Recycled item - Any throw away item made to another use


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR Ages 12 to 14 years 22. Any item using sewing construction skills 23. Any wearable accessory item you have made (jewelry, hair accessory, belt, etc.) 24. Any purchased item you have decorated (t-shirt, bag, shoes, box, etc.) 25. Fine Art - pencil, ink or marker 26. Fine Art - watercolor, oil or acrylic 27. Hand crafted item (non-wearable) 28. Holiday craft item 29. Horticulture item grown by you (plant, vegetable, flower, etc.) 30. Muffins (3) 31. Photography - One matted photo taken by you 32. Recycled item - Any throw away item made to another use Ages 15 to 19 years 33. 1/2 of a butter type cake (no frosting) 34. Any item using sewing construction skills 35. Any wearable accessory item you have made (jewelry, hair accessory, belt, etc.) 36. Any purchased item you have decorated (t-shirt, bag, shoes, box, etc.) 37. Fine Art - pencil, ink or marker 38. Fine Art - watercolor, oil or acrylic 39. Hand crafted item (non-wearable) 40. Holiday craft item 41. Horticulture item grown by you (plant, vegetable, flower, etc.) 42. Photography - One matted photo taken by you 43. Recycled item - Any throw away item made to another use


2011 SECTION 501 EXCEPTIONAL DIVISION Participation in this section of the Open Class Division of the Tulsa County Free Fair is open to individuals with physical, mental and/or emotional disabilities or limitations. Note: Exhibitors entering in Open Class Youth - Section 500 are not eligible for Exceptional Division - Section 501. NOTE: Pictures not to exceed 16” in any direction. ►Class Number Artwork 44. Crayon, Marker or Pencil 45. Watercolor, Acrylic or Fingerpaint Crafts 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

Beadwork Ceramic Article Clay, Molded Collage Holiday Item Leather Craft Sewing Article Wood Craft Yard Art Other Special Art

Photo (not larger than 5” x 7” and must be matted.) 56. Animals or People 57. Scenery or Still Life


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR SECTION 502 CLOTHING Attach entry tag with small safety pin to left shoulder or side of the garment; must be on a hanger. No hand crocheted, knitted, or machine knitted items. ►Class Number 58. Adult Sportswear - Casual or Dressy 59. Apron 60. Children’s Clothing (Sizes 0-12) 61. Constructed Bag (Bookbag, Tote Bag, etc.) 62. Costume Purse (With Lining and Fastener) 63. Costume, Not Commercial 64. Garment Accessory (Collars, Scarves, etc.) 65. Holiday Wearable Art 66. Ladies or Girls Garment - Knit Fabric 67. Ladies or Girls Pants - Woven Fabric 68. Ladies or Girls Skirt - Woven Fabric 69. Ladies Blouse - Casual 70. Ladies Blouse - Fancy 71. Ladies Coordinates (2 or more items, skirt, pants, Capri’s, Bermuda shorts, w/top) 72. Ladies Street Dress - Woven Fabric (1 or 2 pieces) 73. Ladies Suit - Woven Fabric (Pants Or Skirt with Jacket) 74. Men’s or Boys Shirt - Woven Fabric 75. Outerwear (Jackets, Coats, etc.) 76. Premature Infant Outfit 77. Recycled Garment (not jeans) include story on 3 x 5 card 78. Recycled Denim Jeans - include story on 3 x 5 card 79. Robe, Duster, Sleepwear 80. Sewing Notion, Fabric Pin Cushion, Scissors Holder, etc. 81. Special needs item 82. Tailored garment, lined 83. Vest Special Garment or Accessory - purchased or handmade item 84. Decorated or Embellished - no lettering or numbers


2011 SECTION 503 CREATIVE ARTS All hanging items MUST be equipped with secure wire hangers on the back (NO sawtooth or pop-lid hangers.) ►Class Number 85. Basket - Traditional (material and style) 86. Basket - Contemporary 87. Basket - Other Than Listed Classes 88. Beaded Work (No Holiday) 89. Ceramics - Glazed or Stained or Combination 90. Computer Generated Card 91. Computer Generated Picture 92. Door Decoration (No Wreaths) 93. Flower Arrangement - Dried (Any dried material for wall or table) 94. Flower Arrangement - Handmade flowers 95. Flower Arrangement - Silk - Under 14” 96. Flower Arrangement - Silk - 14” or Over 97. Jewelry - Bracelets or Pins 98. Jewelry - Earrings 99. Jewelry - Necklaces Only (Do Not Mount) 100. Leather Craft 101. Macrame` Item 102. Paper Craft (other than scrapbooking) 103. Pottery Clay item - Molded 104. Pottery Clay item - Turned 105. Recycled item (no fabric), include Story on 3x5 card, maximum size of 30” wide 106. Recycled Trash To Another Use, include Story on 3x5 card, No Fabric, maximum size of 30” wide 107. Refrigerator Magnets 108. Table Center Piece 109. Tabletop Household Decorative item - Under 18”, no pictures or basket 110. Wall Hanging - Decorative - Under 12” 111. Wall hanging - Handmade - Natural materials, Fabric or Paper 112. Wall Hanging - Other Than Listed Classes, No Wreaths or Fabrics 113. Wood Burning 114. Wood Carving - Caricature or Realistic 115. Wood Carving - Relief and Chip carving 116. Wood Turning 117. Wreath - Any Material - 18” and under 118. Wreath - Any Material - Over 18” 24

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR SECTION 504 CULINARY ARTS All breads are to be 1/2 loaf. Cakes are to be whole, no mini pans. No box mixes (except where listed), canned fillings or commercial pie crusts. All baking must be in resealable bags. Exhibit can be placed on cardboard covered with foil or paper plate. ►Class Number Cakes 119. Chocolate - 8” or 9” - No frosting, One Layer 120. Pound Candies - use maximum size of 6” paper plate 121. Candy - Other Than listed (3 Pieces) 122. Chocolate Fudge (3 Pieces) 123. Peanut Brittle (3 Pieces) Cookies - use maximum size of 6” paper plate 124. Bar (3 Pieces) 125. Brownie (3 Pieces) 126. Chocolate Chip (3 Pieces) 127. No Bake Drop (3 Pieces) 128. Oatmeal (3 Pieces) 129. Peanut Butter (3 Pieces) 130. Sugar (3 Pieces) Muffins - use maximum size of 6” paper plate 131. Cereal - 3 Standard 132. Other - 3 Standard 133. Sugar free - 3 Standard Pies 134. Fruit (Whole Pie) 135. Pecan (Whole Pie) Special Classes 136. Cake - 1 Layer, 8” or 9” - Box Mix, Frosted Quick Breads 137. Banana (1/2 loaf ) 138. Biscuits (3 Pieces) 139. Bread - Any Other Fruit (1/2 loaf ) 140. Bread - Any Vegetable (1/2 loaf ) 141. Coffee Cake (Whole) 142. Cornbread (3 Pieces) Yeast Breads 143. Cinnamon Rolls (4 Rolls) 144. Dinner Rolls (4 Rolls) 145. Machine Made (1/2 loaf ) 146. Wheat, or other grains (1/2 loaf ) 147. White (1/2 loaf ) 25

2011 Canning Canning must be in standard pint, ½ pint or quart jars. No packer, mayonnaise jars, paraffin, or jar showing spoilage will be considered in judging. All canning must be sealed or will be disqualified. NO artificial coloring may be used. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169.

Applesauce - Plain Dried Fruit or Vegetables (1/2 Cup in Pint Jar) Fruit Butter Fruit - Other Than Listed Classes Green Beans Jam Jelly Peaches - Not Spiced Pickled Beets Pickled Okra Pickles - Bread and Butter Pickles - Cucumber - Dill Pickles - Cucumber - Sweet Pickles - Mixed Vegetables Preserves Relish - Chow or Piccalilli Relish - Other Sauce - Mexican Salsa Soup Mixture - Minimum of 5 Vegetables Tomato Juice (No Color Added) Tomatoes Vegetable, Other Than Listed Classes


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR SECTION 505 FABRIC ART The objective of this section is that the exhibits be made predominately from fabric yardage. Attach entry tag with small safety pin to lower right corner of the exhibit. ►Class Number 170. Doll - All Fabric - No Preformed 171. Doll - All Other - Handmade, Preformed 172. Fabric Carrier (Garment Bag, Casserole Carrier, etc.) 173. Household Accessory - Flat Item (1) 174. Household Accessory - Other 175. Machine Appliqué Item 176. Machine Embroidery Item 177. Pillow 178. Pillow - Decorative 179. Potholder - Decorative - Fabric Only 180. Potholder - Functional - Fabric Only 181. Quilt - Block Only - Other 182. Quilt - Block Only - Pieced 183. Quilt - Crib, Doll, Lap, Miniature 184. Quilt - Group Effort 185. Quilt - Knit Fabric Only 186. Quilt - Mixed Techniques - 2 or more 187. Quilt - Other - Hand Quilted 188. Quilt - Other - Machine Quilted 189. Quilt - Pieced - Hand Quilted 190. Quilt - Pieced - Machine Quilted 191. Quilt - Preprinted Panel 192. Quilt - Tacked 193. Receiving blanket, Not Pieced or Quilted 194. Recycled Item - Using scrap fabric 195. Recycled old Quilts and linens for another use - include story on 3 x 5 card 196. Stuffed Animal or Toy 197. Wall Hanging - Fabric - 18” or less, Ready to Hang 198. Wall Hanging - Fabric - over 18”, Ready to Hang


2011 SECTION 506 FINE ART Art work must be framed, have SECURE WIRE HANGER on the back ( NO SAWTOOTH or any kind of tape) excluding miniature (5 x 7 or smaller). The artwork shall not exceed 18” x 24”. This does not include the frame. $25 Special Award presented to the “best” watercolor exhibit. Sponsored by the Green Country Watercolor Society. ►Class Number Miniatures - 5 x 7 or smaller, Preferred on Easel (marked with exhibitor no.) Measurement, does not include frame. 199. Any Media 200. Watercolor Mixed Media 201. Animals or Birds 202. Figure or Portrait 203. Floral or Still Life 204. Landscape or Seascape 205. Other Than Listed Classes Oil or Acrylic 206. Animals or Birds 207. Figure or Portrait 208. Floral or Still Life 209. Landscape or Seascape 210. Other Than Listed Classes Pastel, Charcoal, Pen/Ink, Colored Pencil, or Pencil Art 211. Animals or Birds 212. Figure or Portrait 213. Floral or Still Life 214. Landscape or Seascape 215. Other Than Listed Classes Watercolor, Transparent or Opaque 216. Animals 217. Birds 218. Figure or Portrait 219. Floral 220. Landscape 221. Marine 222. Still Life 223. Other Than Listed Classes


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR SECTION 507 HOLIDAY CORNER (No Clothing) ►Class Number Christmas Items Only 224. Christmas Item - Fabric and/or Felt Only 225. Christmas Item - Knitted or Crocheted 226. Christmas Item - Other Materials 227. Christmas Item - Plastic Canvas 228. Christmas Item - Recycled 229. Christmas Item - Wood 230. Christmas Stocking 231. Christmas Tree Ornament - Fabric and Needlework 232. Christmas Tree Ornament - Lace Making Technique 233. Christmas Tree Ornament - Plastic Canvas 234. Christmas Tree Ornament - Wood 235. Christmas Tree Ornament - Other Than Listed Classes 236. Christmas Tree Skirt Other Holiday Items (No Christmas Items) 237. Holiday Item - Fabric and/or Felt Only 238. Holiday Item - Knitted or Crocheted 239. Holiday Item - Other Materials 240. Holiday Item - Plastic Canvas 241. Holiday Item - Recycled Any Holiday Item (Including Christmas) 242. Christmas Tree - Tabletop - Handmade, 24” and under 243. Holiday Basket - Handmade only 244. Holiday Beaded Work 245. Holiday Card - Handmade only 246. Holiday Linens


2011 SECTION 508 HORTICULTURE All vegetables and fruits are to be home grown and must be on a paper plate. Honey must be in a pint, quart or one pound jar. â–şClass Number Cucumbers 247. Gherkin Variety (5) 248. Pickling Variety (3) 249. Slicing Variety (3) Fruit 250. 251.

Bush or Vine Tree

Garden Cut Flowers (Home Grown) 252. Mixed Bouquet 253. Single Honey - Pint, Quart or One pound Jar 254. Honey, Dark 255. Honey, Light Onions 256. 257. 258.

Red (3) White (3) Yellow (3)

Peppers 259. 260. 261. 262.

Jalapeno (6) Sweet Banana (3) Sweet Bell (3) Other - Hot (3)

Potatoes 263. 264.

Red (3) White (3)


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR Potted Plants 265. Desert 266. Dish 3� tall or under 267. Foliage Plant 268. Flowering 269. Hanging Basket 270. Herbs 271. Terrarium 272. Tropical Squash 273. 274. 275.

Summer - Yellow (2) Summer - Zucchini (2) Winter - Butternut (2)

Sunflowers 276. Flower Type - Fresh 277. Single - Large Head - Dried Tomatoes 278. 279.

Cherry (6) - Less Than 1-1/2 inches in diameter Slicers (3)

Vegetables 280. Okra (5) Vine Produce 281. Canteloupe 282. Gourd 283. Pumpkin Yard Art 284. 285. 286.

Any small handmade item Decorated Gourd Recycled Item


2011 SECTION 509 NEEDLEWORK Attach entry tags with small safety pin to lower right corner of exhibit. Place entry tag on garments on the left shoulder. Any Technique may include crochet, knitting, tatting and bobbin lace. ►Class Number 287. Afghans - Hand Crocheted or Knitted - Over 60” Long 288. Afghans - Hand Crocheted or Knitted - 60” Long or less 289. Scarf - Any Technique 290. Counted Cross Stitch - Any item 291. Doll - Other Than Fabric 292. Embroidery - Flatwork - Hand (Linens Included) 293. Embroidery - Other Than Flatwork 294. Flatwork - Any Technique - Over 12” 295. Flatwork - Any Technique - 12” or Less 296. Garment - Accessory - (Collar, Gloves, etc.) 297. Garment - Crocheted - Baby 298. Garment - Hand Knitted - Adult 299. Garment - Hand Knitted - Baby 300. Garment - Machine Knitted 301. Garment - Shawl, Poncho, Cocoon - Any Technique 302. Hats And Bags - Any Technique 303. Household Item - Any Technique 304. Needlepoint - Cloth Canvas 305. Needlepoint - Plastic Canvas - 8 x 8” And Under 306. Needlepoint - Plastic Canvas - Over 8 x 8” 307. Pillow - Any Technique - (Also Latch Hook) 308. Potholder - Fancy - No fabric 309. Potholder - Functional - Knitted or Crocheted 310. Potholder - Thread Crocheted - thread size 5-10, or knitted 311. Recycled Item - Old Into New, Story on 3” x 5” Card 312. Rug - Any Handmade 313. Stuffed Animal Or Toy - Crocheted, Knitted or Plastic Canvas 314. Tatting


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR SECTION 510 PHOTOGRAPHY No Frames. No Titles. All prints must be securely attached to a matt board or matted. No Poster or Foam Board. Exhibitor must take photographs. No laser or Xerox prints. Maximum size for photo is 5” x 7”. Photographs are in color unless designated. ►Class Number Any type of Camera - No enhancements 315. Animals - Black and White 316. Animals - Domestic - Large 317. Animals - Domestic - Small 318. Animals - Wild 319. Architectural - New - No Building 320. Architectural - Old - No Building 321. Building - Family Residence - New or Old 322. Building - Modern 323. Building - Old 324. Cemeteries 325. Churches - Color or Black and White 326. Comedy - People 327. Comedy - Other 328. Fish - Insects 329. Fowl 330. Patriotic Theme (Flag, Military, Etc.) 331. People - Baby Only 332. People - With Babies 333. People - Toddler through Kindergarten 334. People - School Age - Grades 1 thru 6 335. People - School Age - Grades 7 thru 12 336. People - Adults - Other Than Listed Classes 337. People - Black and White Print 338. Plant Life - Floral 339. Plant Life - Single - close-up 340. Plant Life - Vegetable 341. Plant Life - Vegetable - Single - Close-up


2011 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350.

Scenic - Must Include Water (Lake, River, Ocean, etc.) Scenic - Other Than Listed Classes Signs, Billboards Sunrise/Sunset Tabletop - Still Life - Setups Transportation Tulsa Landmark Ultimate Photo - What is it? Ultimate Photo - Other Than Listed Classes

Digital Picture - Enhanced, Altered, or Modified Must Be On Photo Paper Alterations are beyond common photography techniques of red eye removal, cropping and enlarging. Exhibit includes a print of the original photograph, labeled “original photo” and the digitally altered image, labeled “photographic illustration”. Must be matted (or on matt board) and no larger than 12” x 14” matted. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363.

Animals - Domestic - Non-fowl Animals - Wild - Non-fowl Buildings or Churches Cemeteries Fowl People People - Baby Only People - Toddler through Kindergarten People - With Babies Plant Life - Single Specimen - Close Up Plant Life - Other Than Listed Class Scenic - Must Include Water (Lake, River, Ocean, etc.) Scenic - Other Than Listed Classes


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR SECTION 511 GROUP AWARDS Group awards are presented to the organized group with the highest number of entries based on percentage of their membership. a. Eligible groups must have: • Minimum of 3 members, and • Meet on a regular basis. b. Based on total number of exhibits entered by a registered group (1 point per exhibit). c. Winners are figured on the percentage of number of exhibits to total membership. d. 25 additional points are added for a group education table. • Group Name and Organization Displayed • Community Service Projects • OHCE Leader Lessons • When and Where group meets • Visual appeal, clarity and use of OHCE logo is recommended. e. Premiums to be paid 1st thru 5th place: 1st - $25

2nd - $20

3rd - $15

4th – $10

5th - $5

Oklahoma Home & Community Education Our mission is to encourage individuals to live up to his/her potential and to encourage participation in all phases of home and community life.

Home Is Our Foundation Community Is Our Outreach Education is Our Means Interested in joining OHCE? Contact Tulsa County OSU Extension Office at 918-746-3706. 35


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4-H Youth Development Division

18 U.S.C. 707


2011 4-H YOUTH DIVISION RULES AND REGULATIONS Patsy Rowland - General Superintendent Donna Dunkerson - Assistant Superintendent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.




ELIGIBILITY - Exhibition in this department is open to all enrolled 4-H members from Tulsa County. 4-H members who have reached their 9th birthday by the date of the fair are eligible to exhibit in competitive classes — Sections 300–325. 4-H Cloverbud members may enter in Section 326 and Section 500 - Open Class Youth. 4-H exhibits are entered and displayed at the risk of the exhibitor. 4-H members should be enrolled in the project area to exhibit. NO exhibits may be entered more than one time and each exhibit must have been made by the exhibitor during the last year, except for classes which are a collection and are added to in successive years. Exhibits should be permanently signed and dated, in an inconspicuous location, if material permits. Some exhibits that should be signed and dated are posters, most arts and crafts including fine art, ceramics, woodworking and wood crafts, herbarium cards, seed boards, forestry and wood sample exhibits and model rocketry. 4-H members who enter crops and horticulture must be able to prove that such crops entered in his/her name were produced by them during the current year. At the county fair, 4-H indoor exhibits will be selected for the Tulsa State Fair by the judges in the respective area. A “selected for state fair” sticker will be placed on all indoor exhibits selected for the state fair. 4-H and FFA livestock exhibitors are eligible to enter the Tulsa State Fair regardless of county placing.

ENTERING EXHIBITS Pre-entry is required on all small animal exhibits, livestock and horses by Friday, July 1 at the Tulsa County OSU Extension Center. All indoor exhibits are entered on Tuesday, July 19 between 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. the Exchange Center at Expo Square. The exhibitor’s Social Security Number is required on the entry form. Absolutely no premium money will be paid without the exhibitor’s appropriate Social Security Number on the entry form.


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR RELEASING OF EXHIBITS Exhibits will be released from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon on Saturday, July 23 at the Exchange Center at Expo Square. Premiums will be paid by check and mailed to the individual. PREMIUMS All premiums: $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 (Unless otherwise stated.) The exhibitor’s Social Security Number is required on the entry form. Absolutely no premium money will be paid without the exhibitor’s appropriate Social Security Number on the entry form. All premium checks will be void after 60 days from issue date. Lost premium checks must be reported within 90 days following the fair. No premium under $5.00 will be rewritten after 90 days. LABEL REQUIREMENTS All exhibits must have a permanent label attached securely to the exhibit unless other information is in the exhibit class. It should include name, age, section and class number, exhibit description, and county. COPY WRITTEN MATERIAL AND REFERENCING SOURCES All 4-H exhibits should be the original work of the 4-H member. When information is taken from books, publications, magazines, or from the internet it should be expressed in the 4-H members own words. The 4-H member must reference the source of the information by using an asterisk (*) or a number (if more than one) and name the actual source at the end or bottom of paper, poster, educational display following an asterisk or corresponding number in text. No copyrighted or trademark protected written or visual material (pictures, photos, drawings, illustrations, etc.) should be used from books, magazines, publications or from the internet without permission from the original creator. If 4-H’er applies for and is granted permission to use a copyrighted or trademark protected item, a copy of the permission from or letter needs to be attached to the back of the exhibit and properly cited with an asterisk (*) or number. If an item (picture, photo, drawing, illustration, etc.) that is not protected is used its source must be cited and referenced by using an asterisk (*) or number and the source information placed at the end or bottom of paper, poster, or educational display, following an asterisk or corresponding number.


2011 TULSA COUNTY FARM BUREAU ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS - INDIVIDUAL AWARDS The Farm Bureau presents two awards (plaques) to one 4-H member and one FFA member with the highest number of points acquired during the county fair. A permanent plaque with each year’s winners’ names, together with a picture of the winners, will hang in the Tulsa County Farm Bureau Office. The highest scoring 4-H and FFA member will be selected by the following point system for entries in the Tulsa County Free Fair. Previous winners of this award are eligible to receive the award again. 1. One point will be awarded for each exhibit entry. 2. Points will be awarded for placing as follows: 1st place - 8 points 2nd place - 7 points 3rd place - 6 points 4th place - 5 points 5th place - 4 points 3. Entries in classes not receiving placings (i.e., red and blue awards) will receive entry points only.

CLUB OR CHAPTER AWARD The Tulsa County Farm Bureau will present a plaque to the highest scoring 4-H club and the highest scoring FFA Chapter from entries made at the Tulsa County Free Fair. The highest total points will be determined using the previously listed point system. All participating members enrolled in a local club or special interest club will have their points figured with the club in which they have turned in a record book. If they have not completed a record book, the member must designate for which club the points will count toward their total. Points will not be considered twice or for more than one club.

Q & Q COUNTY FAIR EXHIBITOR AWARD This award recognizes the 4-H member who excels at the Tulsa County Free Fair with exhibits in the “indoor 4-H division” (excludes all animal exhibits). The quality and quantity of exhibits determine the recipient. The award is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rowland and is presented each year at the Annual Tulsa County 4-H Achievement Program. Points are determined as outlined under the Farm Bureau Achievement Awards.

EARN PRIZES FOR ENTERING 4-H Gift Certificates will be issued to 4-H members as a special incentive based on the number of items entered at the Tulsa County Free Fair in Sections 300-326. These 4-H Gift Certificates can be exchanged for items available at the 4-H store at the end of the fair. 5 to 9 entries—$2.00 4-H Gift Certificate 9 to 14 entries — $5.00 4-H Gift Certificate 15 entries or more — $10.00 4-H Gift Certificate



 

Poster must be constructed on posterboard, 14” x 22”. They may either be vertical or horizontal. Posters may be produced by any medium: watercolor, ink, crayon, acrylic, charcoal, collage, computer, etc. Posters must be flat. Do not use three- dimensional pieces on posters. Posters will be judged on: 1) educational idea portrayed 2) public appeal 3) creativity and originality. For display purposes, exhibitors are encouraged to heat laminate all posters or cover them with clear plastic laminate. Text of posters should be readable from at least 10 ft. away. Posters must be signed and dated on the back with a permanent marker before laminating. Copyrighted or trademarked cartoon characters or other designs must not be used due to copyright restrictions. The 4-H member’s name, age, and county should be on the back of the poster in the upper left hand corner. Posters must include 4-H Clover or mention 4-H. When using the official clover with H’s, the tail should curve to the right and the words 18 U.S.C. 707 must appear under the lower right leaflet, unless poster and clover are hand drawn.

Beginner Division (ages 9-11) ►Class Number 1. 4-H promotional poster designed to recruit 4-H members, volunteers or promote any 4-H event or 4-H project including Competition Ethics. 2. Poster designed to promote 4-H and use the theme “Join the Revolution of Responsibility” For more information about this campaign visit www.4-h.org/about/revolution. 3. Collage recognizing or documenting Oklahoma 4-H history during one decade or the evolution of a particular 4-H project area over the decades. Intermediate Division (ages 12-14) 4. 4-H promotional poster designed to recruit 4-H members or volunteers to promote any 4-H event or 4-H project including Competition Ethics. 5. Poster designed to promote 4-H and use the theme “Join the Revolution of Responsibility” For more information about this campaign visit www.4-h.org/about/revolution. 6. Collage recognizing or documenting Oklahoma 4-H history during one decade or the evolution of a particular 4-H project area over the decades.


2011 Advanced Division (ages 15 and over) 7. 4-H promotional poster designed to recruit 4-H members or volunteers or promote any 4-H event or 4-H project including Competition Ethics. 8. Poster designed to promote 4-H and use the theme “Join the Revolution of Responsibility” For more information about this campaign visit www.4-h.org/about/revolution. 9. Collage recognizing or documenting Oklahoma 4-H history during one decade or the evolution of a particular 4-H project area over the decades. SECTION 301 4-H EDUCATIONAL BOOTH DISPLAY 

This must be an in-depth look at a 4-H project or projects. Space for the booth is 3 feet deep and 4 feet wide (with sides extended). Back can be 4 feet high. There will be no solid dividers between booths. Use lightweight material for ease in transporting. Display must be free standing. Models, photographs, posters or other means of display may be used. Display may be prepared by an individual or a club. Criteria for judging will be: 1. 2. 3.

Effectiveness of the message Appropriateness to the theme Interest and attractiveness to the public


Display must focus on ONE of the following and be suitable for display at a local business during National 4-H Week or at another time during the fall. a. Promotion of a specific 4-H project b. Member recruitment c. Community Service d. The theme “Join the Revolution of Responsibility” . For more information about this campaign visit www.4-h.org/about/ revolution.


EXHIBITS MUST PROMINENTLY DISPLAY A 4-H CLOVER OR MENTION 4-H. When using the official clover with H’s, the tail should curve to the right and the words 18 U.S.C. 707 must appear under the lower right leaflet. Do not include valuables, food items that will spoil or potentially harmful products in any educational display. The Tulsa County 4-H Program cannot accept responsibility for loss of valuables. Potentially harmful products will be discarded.

►Class Number 1. Educational Booth Display (other than community service or “Join the Revolution of Responsibility” ). 42



Community Service Booth Display — Sharing about a community service that 4-H member has done as an individual or led a group in doing. Should include pictures, examples, and scope of projects. The impact on others will be an added criteria for judging. Project should be the extension of a 4-H project area. Display using the theme “Join the Revolution of Responsibility” For more information about this campaign visit www.4-h.org/about/ revolution. PREMIUMS $25.00 $15.00 $10.00 SECTION 302 4-H PHOTOGRAPHY






This exhibit consists of photos taken by the individual exhibitor. A photo can be entered only one year. Individuals can enter in only one Unit, and may enter only one exhibit per class in that unit. Unit 1 is for members who have taken pictures for three years or less, Unit 2 is for those who have taken pictures for four to six years, and Unit 3 is for those who have taken pictures for more than six years. All ages within each unit are as of January 1 of the current calendar year. DIGITAL PHOTOS may be entered. Adjustments to digital photographs are limited to color and contrast adjustments, cropping, gray scaling, exposure adjustments and red eye reduction (with the exception of classes 25-28). PRINTS: Black and white or color prints may be exhibited. Prints must be no smaller the 3.5” x 5” and no larger than 5” x 7” (except when panoramic prints are used) for all classes, except classes 5, 10, 14, 18, and 22 where prints may be up to 8” x 10”. Prints should be printed on photo-quality paper (not copy paper). Print quality is taken into consideration by the Judges. Photos will be disqualified if in a frame. BOARDS: Prints must be securely attached to the surface of a white or a colored foam core, poster or mat board. No double matting, use of multiple layers or more than one color. The entire print must be seen and cannot be masked in any way. Boards must be 10” x 10” or 14” x 14” for all classes, except classes 15-17 and 19-21 where boards must be 14” x 14”. TITLES, CAPTIONS AND OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION: On the front of the board, there must be a title (i.e. My Trip to the Zoo, or My Favorite Photo) and each photo must have a caption giving the viewer more information about the photograph. The back of each board must include the exhibitor’s name, county, number of years in the 4-H photography project, camera type (digital SLR, digital point-and-shoot or 35 mm film),and megapixels (if camera is digital). If the exhibitor is entering 43

2011 classes 11-21, please include the film speed or digital ISO, shutter speed and aperture (if the camera is adjustable). PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITS Unit 1 - Adventures With Your Camera. Junior Classes --ages 9-13 For members who have taken pictures for 3 years or less. ►Class Number 1. Four photos: one photo from each of the following categories — people, animals, plant life and scenery. 2. Four photos of people doing different things. Show a variety of activities, camera angles, and lighting choices. 3. Four otherwise outstanding photos showing common mistakes in picture taking. The caption for each print must correctly identify what is wrong and provide an appropriate solution to prevent the mistake. 4. Series of 4 photos telling a story or illustrating a single event. 5. Best individual photo made this year. Senior Classes -- ages 14-19 For members who have taken pictures for 3 years or less. 6. Four photos, one from each of the following categories — people, animals, plant life, and scenery. 7. Four photos of people doing different things, showing a variety of activities, camera angles, and lighting choices. 8. Four otherwise outstanding photos showing common mistakes in picture taking. The caption for each print must correctly identify what is wrong and provide an appropriate solution to prevent the mistake. 9. Series of 4 photos telling a story or illustrating a single event. 10. Best individual photo made this year. Unit 2 Exploring Photography. Junior Classes -- ages 9-13 For members who have taken pictures for 4 to 6 years. 11. Four photos showing good composition, such as placement of subject, framing, contrast or perspective. The caption for each photo or the title of the board must explain the ideas being illustrated. 12. Four action photos. 13. Four photos showing effective use of light (such as natural and electronic flash). 14. Best individual photo made this year. Senior Classes --ages 14-19 44

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR For members who have taken pictures for 4 to 6 years. 15. Four photos showing good composition, such as placement of subject, framing, contrast, or perspective. The caption for each photo or the title of the board must explain the ideas being illustrated. 16. Four action photos. 17. Four photos showing effective use of light (such as natural and electronic flash). The caption for each photo or the title of board must explain the ideas being illustrated. 18. Best individual photo made this year. Unit 3 Mastering photography -- All ages. For members who have taken pictures for more than 6 years. 19. Four photos showing member’s knowledge of one of the following: different lenses, photo lamps, existing light, filters, or special effects. The caption for each photo or the title of the board must explain the ideas(s) being illustrated. 20. Four outstanding “people” pictures. 21. Four landscapes or nature photos. 22. Best individual photo taken this year. Digitally Adjusted Photos Exhibit must include both the original photo labeled “original photo”, the digitally adjusted photo labeled “adjusted photo” with a short summary of what was done (cropping, red-eye removal, color or contrast adjustment, exposure adjustment, etc.) Must be on a poster, foam core or mat board 14” x 14”. 23. Junior (9-13 years old) 24. Senior (14 and over) Digitally altered photograph/photographic illustration taken with a digital camera by the exhibitor. Alterations are beyond common photography techniques of red eye removal, cropping, etc. Exhibit includes a print of the original photograph, labeled “original photo,” and the digitally altered image, labeled “photographic illustration”. Must be securely attached to foam core or poster board and be no larger than 14”X14”. Attach up to 1/2 page of written explanation of the alterations to the back of the exhibit. 25. Junior (9-13 years old) 26. Senior (14 and over) Digitally altered scanned image. Exhibit must include the original image, labeled “original image,” and the digitally altered image, labeled “altered image”. Alterations are beyond common photography techniques of red eye removal, cropping, etc. Must be 45

2011 securely attached to foam core or poster board and be no larger than 14”X14”. Attach up to 1/2 page of written explanation of the alterations to the back of the exhibit. Trademark images may not be used. 27. Junior (9-13 years old) 28. Senior (14 and over) SECTION 303 4-H LEISURE EDUCATION & CULTURAL ARTS 

Paintings, drawings and other items that would be hung must have a hanger attached or they will not be displayed.  Individual members may enter only one exhibit per class.  Exhibits must be permanently signed and dated in an inconspicuous location, if size and material permits. Ceramics should be signed before firing.  Exhibits in all classes are limited to items that cannot be exhibited in other sections, including items other than required for the Woodworking Projects. Juniors (ages 9-13) ►Class Number 1. Jr. Fine Arts - Pencil, charcoal, pastels, chalk, ink 3. Jr. Fine Arts - Water color 5. Jr. Fine Arts - Oil or acrylic 7. Jr. Ceramics - Glazed (maximum of one piece) 9. Jr. Ceramics - Stained (maximum of one piece) 11. Jr. Pottery - Original design made from clay using a process of hand molding or a potter’s wheel. 13. Jr. Print Process Article - Block printing and other printing methods. 15. Jr. Decorative Textile Craft - Silk screening, stenciling, textile painting, batik, tie dye. 17. Jr. Wood Carving Article 19. Jr. Woodcraft - Original design 21. Jr. Woodcraft - Kit 23. Jr. Metal Craft - Embossed, tooled, etched 25. Jr. Metal Craft - Soldered or welded 27. Jr. Nature Craft - Article made from natural materials including weaving or basket making 29. Jr. Bead Craft Article 31. Jr. Leather craft - Kit 33. Jr. Leather craft - Original design 35. Jr. Hand Crafted Wax Candle 37. Jr. Hand Crafted Gel Candle 39. Jr. Fabric Craft - Needlepoint, crewel, embroidery 46

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR 41. 43. 45. 47. 49. 51. 53. 55.

57. 59. 61. 63.

Jr. Fabric Craft - Cross stitch or counted cross stitch Jr. Fabric Craft - Item decorated with machine embroidery Jr. Fabric Craft - Item decorated with hand embroidery Jr. Fabric Craft - Hand Quilted and/or appliquéd Jr. Fabric Craft - Machine Quilted and/or appliquéd Jr. Fabric Craft - Knitted or crocheted Jr. Fabric Craft - Doll or animal Jr. Creative Textile Craft Article - Made only from techniques of weaving, latch-hook, braiding, and/or a combination of these techniques. Jr. Puppet Jr. Paper Craft Jr. Plastic Craft - Includes, but not limited to, LegoTM Art. Jr. Miscellaneous (limited to items that cannot be entered in any other class)


2011 Seniors (ages 14 and over) ►Class Number 2. Sr. Fine Art - Pencil, charcoal, pastel, chalk, ink 4. Sr. Fine Arts - Water color 6. Sr. Fine Arts - Oil or acrylic 8. Sr. Ceramics - Glazed (maximum of one piece) 10. Sr. Ceramics - Stained (maximum of one piece) 12. Sr. Pottery - Original design made from clay using a process of hand molding or a potter’s wheel. 14. Sr. Print Process Article - Block printing and other printing methods. 16. Sr. Decorative Textile Craft - Silk screening, stenciling, textile painting, batik, tie dye. 18. Sr. Wood Carving Article 20. Sr. Woodcraft - Original design 22. Sr. Woodcraft - Kit 24. Sr. Metal Craft - Embossed, tooled, etched 26. Sr. Metal Craft - Soldered or welded 28. Sr. Nature Craft - Article made from natural materials including weaving or basket making 30. Sr. Bead Craft Article 32. Sr. Leather craft - Kit 34. Sr. Leather craft - Original design 36. Sr. Hand Crafted Wax Candle 38. Sr. Hand Crafted Gel Candle 40. Sr. Fabric Craft - Needlepoint, crewel, embroidery 42. Sr. Fabric Craft - Cross stitch or counted cross stitch 44. Sr. Fabric Craft - Item decorated with machine embroidery 46. Sr. Fabric Craft - Item decorated with hand embroidery 48. Sr. Fabric Craft - Hand Quilted and/or appliquéd 50. Sr. Fabric Craft - Machine Quilted and/or appliquéd 52. Sr. Fabric Craft - Knitted or crocheted 54. Sr. Fabric Craft - Doll or animal 56. Sr. Creative Textile Craft Article - Made only from techniques of weaving, latch-hook, braiding, and/or a combination of these techniques. 58. Sr. Puppet 60. Sr. Paper Craft 62. Sr. Plastic Craft - Includes, but not limited to, LegoTM Art. 64. Sr. Miscellaneous (limited to items that cannot be entered in any other class)



The 4-H Science & Technology exhibits are open to all ages. They will be judged separately in two age groups. Junior — ages 9-13 years old; Seniors — age 14 & over. Every exhibit must be labeled on the back with the following information: Name, club, county and age as of January 1, of the current calendar year and date exhibit was made. Copy-written materials such as professional photos, books, publications or items on the internet, should not be used as original.

Flat flyer (one-sided) designed by the exhibitor to promote a club or county 4-H education program or activity. Computer generated flat flyer (8 1/2” x 11” or 8 1/2” x 14”). Flat flyers should be securely attached to an appropriately sized foam core or posterboard. ►Class Number 1. Junior 2. Senior Brochure, card or invitation related to 4-H (may be double-, tri- or four-fold measuring 81/2” x 11” or 8 1/2” x 14” before folding.). Attach 2 flat copies of the brochure (one side showing the front and the other side showing the back of the brochure) to an appropriately sized foam core or poster board. Attach a large envelope to the back of the board and insert a folded copy of the brochure. 3. Junior 4. Senior Web page designed by the exhibitor Can be for 4-H club, Extension Office, county 4-H program or their own personal home page that includes content related to 4-H. Exhibit (not to exceed 36” x 36” width x depth) consists of a display containing a printout of each page of the web page and a labeled CD with all necessary computer files. To explain layering that cannot be clearly depicted with printouts, up to one-half page of written explanation may be included. 5. Junior 6. Senior Power Point Presentation related to 4-H. Presentation should either promote 4-H or educate about a 4-H project. Presentations should include an official 4-H Clover including required trademark designation. Presentation entry includes a printout of at least 5 slides and script/presentation notes in a folder 49

2011 or notebook. Include presentation file on a labeled CD (in an envelope). All PowerPoint presentations should be mounted on a free standing display board not to exceed 36” x 36” (width x depth) when the sides are extended for display. Commercially available “Science Fair Presentation Boards” are encouraged. 7. Junior 8. Senior Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Exhibits 

4-H Youth will learn about Geographic Information Systems (GIS) concepts by collecting data on a location, describing the attributes.  Youth will learn about geospatial technology applications and future career opportunities by working with local government agencies and project partners in their own communities.  Increased youth involvement in community service and awareness projects that impact local communities by enhancing economic and community development.  The 4-H GPS/GIS exhibits will be judged in two age groups. Junior — ages 9-13 years old; Senior — ages 14 & over. Every exhibit must be labeled on the back with the following information: Name, Club, County, Age as of January 1 of the current year and date poster, map or exhibit was made.  Posters/Maps must be 14” x 22”. Exhibitors are encouraged to laminate all flat exhibits or cover them with clear plastic film.  Displays must be free standing and not be larger than 3’ x 3’ (width x depth) with sides extended for display. Poster showing the parts of a GIS map with an explanation identifying the purpose of each item. 9. Junior (age 9-13) 10. Senior (age 14 and over) Display illustrating how GPS works, including the user, control and space segments of the system. 11. Junior (age 9-13) 12. Senior (age 14 and over) Geocache box. Exhibit would include geocache box with contents, description & photograph of the location in which the box will be located. (Check Geocaching.com for instructions on placing and describing). 13. Junior (age 9-13) 14. Senior (age 14 and over) Hand drawn map. Map can either be informational or directional. Attach a one page explanation of the purpose for the map. 50

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR 15. Junior (age 9-13) 16. Senior (age 14 and over) Computer generated map. Map can be either informational or directional. Attach a one page explanation of the purpose of the map. 17. Junior (age 9-13) 18. Senior (age 14 and over) Group Projects (Developed by two or more 4-H members) Hand drawn map. Map can either be informational or directional. Attach a one page explanation of the purpose for the map. 19. Junior (age 9-13) 20. Senior (age 14 and over) Computer generated map. Map can be either informational or directional. Attach a one page explanation of the purpose of the map. 21. Junior (age 9-13) 22. Senior (age 14 and over) Club or County Mapping Project Display. Displays must be free standing and are limited to 36” x 36” (width x depth) when sides are extended for display. Commercially available “Science Fair Presentation Boards” are encouraged. It should show and explain the project in detail including printouts of maps, pictures of the project being done, who was collaborated with, and how the project results have and will be utilized. Exhibit must be labeled on the back with the following information for all participating members: Name, Club, County, Age as of January 1 and date poster or exhibit was made. 23. All ages 



4-H Robotics The goal of the 4-H robotics program is for members to explore science, technology and engineering by designing and building a functioning robot. The robot can be either programmable or remote controlled. The robot can be created by an individual or a group. The 4-H robotics exhibits are open to all ages. They will be judged separately in two age groups. Juniors — ages 9-13 year old; Seniors — ages 14 and over. Every exhibit must be labeled on the back with the following information: Name, Club, County, Age as of January 1 of the current calendar year, and date poster or exhibit was made. Attach a 3”x 5” index card to each robot/exhibit, explaining: • Construction material, how constructed and goal of project. • Year in project • Age of member 51


 

• Whether or not made from kit • Other pertinent information Each exhibit should have a one page report explaining the function, purpose and construction of the robot. Displays must be free standing and are limited to 3’ x 3’ (width x depth) when sides are extended for display.

Programmable Robot 24. Junior (age 9-13) 25. Senior (age 14 and over) Remote-controlled Robot 26. Junior (age 9-13) 27. Senior (age 14 and over) Display with photographs and explanation of a member developed robot which is not available for exhibit. 28. Junior (age 9-13) 29. Senior (age 14 and over) Group Developed Projects by two or more 4-H members working together (include all 4-H members’ information involved on index card) 30. Programmable Robot 31. Remote-controlled Robot 32. Display with photographs and explanation of a member developed robot which is not available for exhibit. SECTION 305 SCIENCE DISCOVERY PROJECTS The goal of this project and exhibit is to allow 4-H member to: •

Use the scientific method to gain an understanding of how things work and the variables that affect them. • Take an open and creative approach to problem solving. • Learn that a successful outcome is based not on personal opinion but on scientific fact. • Improve written and visual communication skills. 4-H members are encouraged to use their 4-H projects as the basis for their scientific research and discovery project. Exhibits should relate to one of the following topics: • Behavioral and Social Sciences • Biochemistry, Medicine, and Health Sciences • Botany and Zoological Sciences • Computer Science • Earth and Space Sciences • Engineering • Environmental Sciences 52

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR • Mathematics • Physical Sciences A few resources for finding project ideas are: WWW Virtual Library: Science Fairs – http://physics.usc.edu/~gould/ScienceFairs/ Science Fair Central – http://school.discovery.com/sciencefaircentral/ Information about Oklahoma Science Fairs – http://ossef.ecok.edu Displays must be free standing and are limited to 36” x 36”(width x depth) when sides are extended. Commercially available “Science Fair Presentation Boards” are encouraged. ►Class Number 1. Beginning Division (1st, 2nd, and 3rd year) – A display illustrating the project. 2. Intermediate Division (4th, 5th, and 6th year) – A display with an accompanying report of approximately two typewritten pages. 3. Advanced Division (7th year or higher) – A display and a written report about the project that includes an interview with a scientist or someone who works in the area that is being studied. Reports should be three to five pages in length. 4. Team Exhibit (All ages) – Team may include a maximum of three members. A display and a written report about the project. It is recommended that it include an interview with a scientist or someone who works in the area that is being studied. Reports should be three to five pages in length. SECTION 306 4-H FABRICS & FASHIONS Refer to the 4-H Fabrics & Fashions Member’s and Leader’s Guides for guidelines in construction and design of exhibits. Any one exhibit should demonstrate the exhibitors knowledge and application of textile science, personal image, consumer education and construction. The Leader’s Guide provides a tool for learning how to evaluate a “project”. Requirements and patterns are available in the 4-H Office. You may enter one item per class for your age group. All posters must be 14” x 22” in size. Posters and Educational Displays must be permanently signed and dated on back in permanent marker prior to laminating. Text of posters and displays should be readable from at least 10 feet away. Construction Exhibits Beginning Level (ages 9-11) ►Class Number 1. Pillowcase (1) (pattern/instructions provided) 2. Laundry Bag (pattern/instructions provided) 53

2011 3. 4. 5.

Chef or work apron (use required pattern/instructions) Tote Bag (use required pattern/instructions) Garment Bag (May use pattern/instructions provided or commercial pattern) 6. Skirt with full elastic waist or mock elastic waist (elastic casing in the back) 7. Shorts or pants with full elastic waist or mock elastic waist (elastic casing in the back) 8. Simple two piece active sportswear (no collars, no set-in sleeves) 9. Simple curtains 10. Item or Simple garment made of polar fleece 11. Beginning Poster. Must be on 14” x 22” poster board. No 3-dimensional posters. Use one of the following themes: • Label the parts of the sewing machine • Illustrate and label up to 10 items needed in a basic sewing kit Intermediate Level (ages 12-14) 12. Bath robe 13. Pull-on top and coordinating bottom with elastic waist (shorts, pants or skirt) 14. Blanket with binding (for human or animal) 15. Shorts, pants, skirt or culottes with waistband 16. Item made of polar fleece (One or more sewing techniques from beginner or intermediate level sample notebook must be used. It is recommended to attach a 3”x 5” card indicating techniques used.) 17. One-piece garment (dress, jumpsuit, jacket, shirt, etc.) using one or more of the techniques from the Intermediate Level Sample Notebook. It is recommended to attach a 3”x 5” card indicating technique(s) used. 18. Two-piece garment using one or more of the techniques from the Intermediate Level Sample Notebook. It is recommended to attach a 3”x 5” card indicating technique(s) used. 19. Any non-clothing item using one or more of the techniques from the Intermediate Level Sample Notebook. It is recommended to attach a 3” x 5” card indicating technique(s) used. 20. Intermediate Poster. Must be on 14” x 22” poster board. No 3-dimensional posters. Use one of the following themes: • Cost comparison of ready-made and home-sewn garment similar in fabric and design. • Show a pattern and 3 samples of appropriate fabrics. Tell why fabrics appropriate on attached sheet of plain paper. • Five samples of fabric weaves with fiber content to include knit, 54

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR plain weave, satin weave, twill weave, and a non-woven fabric. Advanced Level (ages 15-19) 21. Item made with polar fleece (One or more sewing techniques from intermediate or advanced level sample notebook must be used. It is recommended to attach a 3”x 5” card indicating technique) Examples include jackets, coats, and hooded garments. 22. Two-piece ensemble using one or more of the techniques from the Advanced Sample Notebook. It is recommended to attach a 3” x 5” card indicating technique(s) used. 23. Lined skirt, pants, or jacket 24. Unlined garment 25. Coat - lined or unlined 26. Lined suit or dress 27. Special occasion garment -- IE., prom dress, English riding habit, etc. 28. Educational Display - must be free-standing with sides attached and fit 3’ x 3’ (width x depth) space. Commercially available “Science Fair Presentation Boards” are encouraged. Select from the following: • Report of project involving clothing for a special situation (IE., pesticides, industrial, protective). • Self-determined, such as report on disabled and/or elderly specialized clothing. Must emphasize construction, usability, practicality and need.


2011 Fun Item Beginning Level (ages 9-11) 29. Fun item--decorated ready-made shirt using fusible web, fabric scraps, trims or buttons. Paints, if used, must be used with one or more of the above. (No commercial iron-on transfers.) 30. Fun Item - Pot holder or hot mat 31. Beginning Sample Notebook -- may be entered all years but 3 new samples must be added each year. Samples must be attached to sample cards available from Extension Office. Note project year the sample was made in upper right hand corner of card. Intermediate Level (ages 12-14) 32. Fun item--recycled garment (exhibit must include a before picture and cost sheet attached) 33. Fun item--decorate a garment using one or more of the following techniques: machine decorative stitches, flat braid, sew-on appliqués, hand embroidery or other technique. Must include at least 1 sewn technique. Attach a 3” x 5” card indicating technique used. 34. Fun item--sewn item relating to other project areas. Attach 3” x 5” card indicating project. 35. Intermediate Sample notebook--may be entered in all years. Notebook must include samples from beginning level and 3 new samples must be added each year. Samples must be attached to sample cards available from Extension Office. Note project year the sample was made in upper right hand corner of card. Advanced Level (ages 15-19) 36. Fun item--two pieces of travel accessories such as jewelry case, shaving bag, etc. 37. Fun item--garment constructed from another textile product such as a blanket, towel, sheet. 38. Fun item--recycled item (exhibit must include before picture & cost sheet attached) 39. Fun item--embellished garment 40. Advanced Sample Notebook -- may be entered all years. Notebook must have all samples from beginning and intermediate levels and 3 new samples must be added each year. Must be attached to sample cards available from Extension Office. Note project year the sample was made in upper right hand corner of card.


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR Personal Image Exhibits All posters must be 14” x 22” and must be permanently signed and dated on the back prior to laminating. Text of posters should be readable from at least 10 feet away. Beginning Level Poster (ages 9-11) 41. Select one of the following topics: • Hair Care • Personal Care • Selection of Shoes • What Clothing Says About a Culture Intermediate Level Poster (ages 12-14) 42. Select one of the following topics: • Effects and Use of Lines in Clothing Design • Effects and Use of Color in Clothing Design • Common Figure Types Advanced Level Poster (ages 15-19) 43. Select one of the following topics: • Select an appropriate color combination for your complexion and develop a color palette for a working wardrobe. Tell why you choose this color combination in a one-page report attached to the poster. • Identify personal body type and show examples of lines and colors appropriate for emphasizing positive features and deemphasizing negative features. Explain selection in a one page report attached to the poster. • Identify a profession and an appropriate wardrobe for that profession. Attach a one page report telling why each wardrobe item was selected. Consumer Education (Fabrics & Fashions) Posters must be 14” x 22” and must be permanently signed and dated on the back prior to laminating. Text of posters should be readable from at least 10 feet away. Beginning Level (ages 9-11) 44. Poster (14” x 22”) illustrating the topic “Fashion vs. Fad”. Use one item, listing cost and source. Intermediate Level (ages 12-14) 45. Poster (14” x 22”) collage illustrating wardrobe selection ($200.00 or less) for one season (spring, summer, fall, or winter). Attach a one page report on the back of the poster telling how much each item cost where it was purchased and how it works into your existing wardrobe. 57

2011 Advanced Level (Ages 15-19) 46. Poster illustrating the topic “Price vs. Features vs. Name”. Compare one item such as athletic shoes, rain gear, athletic equipment, linens, etc. Textiles Science and Care Displays and posters should be permanently signed and dated on the back prior to lamination. Text of posters and displays should be readable from at least 10 feet away. Beginning Level Poster (ages 9-11) 47. Choose one of the following topics for a 14” x 22” poster. • Draw a garment care label and identify or label the information printed on the label. • Identify and explain basic laundry techniques. • Compare three different brands of one kind of laundry product (detergent, softeners, spot removers, etc.) Intermediate Level Educational Display (ages 12-14) 48. Choose one of the following topics for an educational display, 3’ x 3’ x 3’.

• Sample of before and after stain removal treatment. • Characteristics, care and qualities of one natural fiber. • Three options for repairing a tear in the knee of a pair of jeans. • Before and after of organizing a closet and drawers. Advanced Level Educational Display (ages 15-19) 49. Choose one of the following topics for an educational display, 3’ x 3’ x 3’.

• • •

Compare one natural and one synthetic fiber with a similar weave and color. Compare characteristics, noting appropriate and inappropriate uses. Study, evaluate and report on the results of treating, cleaning, caring for, and using flame-retardant fabrics and/or clothing. Illustrate the importance of care, cleaning, and storage of heirloom textiles or garments. Choose your own topic, and create a display related to textiles and their care.

Home and Personal Living Space Beginning Level (ages 9-11) 50. Waste Paper Basket 51. Wall hanging: fabric or textile base, must be able to hang and utilize decorated textile technique, IE., with appliqué, quilt blocks, quilted or pieced, appliqué , paint, team pennant 52. Hanging Storage Unit: Textile or fabric base, used for storing any type of items, IE., shoe holder, locker storage, closet, wall pocket, magazine holder, etc. 58

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR 53. Bulletin Board: Decorated using textile craft technique. 54. Desk Pad and two coordinating accessories. Must be original handmade item. 55. Home Environment Combination: Three articles representing the color scheme of a room. All items must be handmade, finished or refinished, and/or decorated. Examples: picture frame, pillow, lined basket, bulletin board, place mat, recipe box, waste paper basket, covered tissue box, wall hanging or any other combination of three items. Intermediate Level (ages 12-14) 56. Wall hanging: Fabric or textile base, must be able to hang and utilize decorated textile technique, IE., with appliqué, quilt blocks, quilted or pieced, appliqué, paint, team pennant, banners. Must incorporate hand or machine stitching. 57. Hanging Storage Unit: Textile or fabric base, used for storing any type of items, IE., shoe holder, locker storage, closet, wall pocket or magazine holder. Must be machine stitched. 58. Bulletin Board or Messages Center: Decorated using textile craft technique. Must incorporate two textile techniques, IE., weaving, paint or stencil, covered with fabric, attached trim, etc. 59. Desk Pad and two coordinating accessories. Must be original handmade item. 60. Home Environment Combination. Three articles representing the color scheme of a room. All items must be handmade, finished or refinished, and/or decorated. Examples: covered album, pillow, lampshade, tablecloth, place mat, chair cushion, monogrammed towel, shower curtain, waste paper basket or any other combination of three items. 61. Self-Determined Poster Board. Must be 14” x 22” and may be three dimensional. Must include before and after photos, story, and cost on the front. Must be signed and dated on back. Design a study area or computer center Improve living space, i.e., bedroom. Advanced Level (ages 15-19) 62. Hanging Storage Unit. Textile or fabric base, used for storing any type of items, IE., shoe holder, locker storage, closet, wall pocket. Must be machine sewn item and incorporate decorative sewing technique, IE., machine appliqué, ribbon or lace trim, lace application, etc. 63. Desk Pad and three coordinating accessories. Must be original handmade items. 64. Home Environment Combination. Three articles representing the color scheme of a room. All items must be handmade, finished or refinished, and/or decorated. Examples: coverlet, pillow, lampshade, tablecloth, place mat, chair cushion, monogrammed towel, shower curtain, waste paper basket or any other combination of three items. 59

2011 SECTION 307 4-H BABYSITTING/CHILD CARE Refer to member and leader guides for ideas. Individual 4-H member can enter one exhibit per class, but is restricted to those exhibits designed for his or her age group. Unit One (ages 9-13) ►Class Number 1. Baby Book: Any practical size, minimum of 5 pages covering at least 9-10 months of development. Includes photographs, drawings, mementos, and comments on developmental milestones. Must be clear that 4-H’er has contributed child development information to the book. Baby books prepared earlier by parents may not be entered unless 4-H’er reworks the information. Do not confuse with class 4, Children’s Book. See Unit One, pages 13. 2. Puzzles Help Children Learn: (Any Size) Two (2) puzzles developmentally appropriate for children at two distinct ages and ability levels. Each puzzle must have its own storage box. Puzzles must be sturdy and covered so they can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Describe the child for whom each puzzle would be appropriate by giving child’s ages, interest, and ability. Puzzles should be suitable for either boys or girls. Commercially made puzzles are not eligible. See Unit One, pages 13. 3. Good Guidance Poster: Must be 14” x 22” and must be permanently signed and dated on the back prior to lamination. Text of posters should be readable from at least 10 feet away. Illustrate techniques of positive guidance. Give reasons for not spanking or spoiling children. Include pictures and facts about child development. See Unit One, pages 14-15 and No. 706, Behavior and Guidance. Unit Two (ages 14-19) 4. Children’s Book: Written, illustrated and constructed by 4-H’rs. May be written for a specific child with text relating to that child or for children of certain age ranges. Indicate appropriate ages range. Construction paper, computer print out, cloth or poster board may be used. Illustrations may be drawn, photographs, appliqués, magazine pictures or reassembled from other books. See No. 707, Books for Children. Do not confuse with class 1, Baby Book. 5. Surprise Suitcase: Fill a suitcase with homemade or store bought items you use while babysitting. This could include books, puzzles, games, play dough, balls, costumes, etc. Indicate appropriate age child to use each item. Include records of how children have responded to materials. Package in suitcase that can be taken to the home. See No. 722 Child Care Kit. May include commercial puzzles. 60







Individual 4-H members can enter one entry per class, but are restricted to those exhibits designed for his/her age group. Educational exhibits must fit 3’ x 3’ (width x depth) space, with sides extended. Exhibits must be FREE STANDING with sides attached. Poster must be constructed on poster board any size up to 14” x 22”. Poster and displays must be permanently signed and dated on the back prior to lamination. Text of posts and displays should be readable from at least 10 feet away. Criteria for evaluating educational displays and posters include: 1. Originality of idea 20 points 2. Educational value 50 points 3. Display value 30 points All food products must be on a paper plate and in a sealed plastic bag. Ziplock type bags are preferred. The superintendent will only exhibit a slice of cake or bread and one cookie, muffin or roll of all exhibits and will dispose of all excess food. 4-H’ers may use recipes indicated in the food science manuals or any other recipe that fits the exhibit requirements. Cakes must be made from scratch using shortening mixing method (no angel food or chiffon-type). Bread machines may be used for the bread exhibits but bread must be made from scratch -- no mixes. Dried foods should be exhibited in a sealed, zip-lock type sandwich bag. Canned foods should be placed in colorless, standard canning jars such as those made by Kerr, Ball, etc., and properly sealed with two piece lids (no paraffin on jams and jellies). Other types of jars will be rejected. Judges will remove the screw bands at the time of judging. Labels should be neat and plainly written. Label should include: name of product, date processed, your name, county and class. Labels are available from the 4-H office or the 4-H catalog. Food Preparation Exhibits

Level Two (ages 9-11) ►Class Number 1. Three (3) Muffins 2. Three (3) Rolled Biscuits 3. Three (3) baked drop cookies (no shaped cookies such as snicker doodle or peanut butter)


2011 Level Three (ages 12-14) 4. One-half loaf of any yeast bread (not a sweet dough; made by hand or in bread machine) 5. Three (3) yeast cinnamon rolls (no icing) 6. Three (3) rolled sugar-type cookies (no gingerbread recipes) Level Four (ages 15-19) 7. One-half loaf or portion of breads from another culture. Include a one-page story on how this bread fits into that culture and its nutritional contribution. 8. One-half of one 8” layer un-iced shortening type cake (no angel food or chiffon) Food Preservation Exhibits Jar rings should be left on for display. Level Two (ages 9-11) 9. One pint or half pint jar of jam or jelly processed in a boiling water canner 10. Two pieces of fruit leather 11. One pint or half pint of salsa/picante sauce Level Three (ages 12-14) 12. One pint jar cucumber pickles or vegetable relish 13. One pint or quart of any single canned fruit (not pickled) 14. Dried Fruit (1/2 cup of a single dried fruit) Level Four (ages 15-19) 15. One pint or quart jar pressure canned vegetables (no tomatoes or pickles) 16. One pint or one quart of plain canned tomatoes 4-H Food Science & Nutrition Poster & Education Displays Posters and Educational Displays must be permanently signed and dated on the back prior to lamination. Text of posters and displays should be readable from at least 10 feet away. Poster size is 14” x 22”. Educational display size is 3’ x 3’(depth x width) and self-standing.


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR Diversity Exhibits Level Two (ages 9-11) 17. Educational poster based on breads OR cheeses of another country or countries. Level Three & Four (ages 12 & over) 18. Educational poster based on the foods from another culture. Can be based on a cultural celebration. Nutrition Exhibits Level Two (ages 9-11) 19. Educational poster based on recipe modification for healthful eating Level Three (ages 12-14) 20. Educational poster based on the nutritional contributions of fruits and vegetables Level Four (ages 15-19) 21. Educational display (3’ x 3’) based on a recipe modification to include: • original recipe and what modifications were made • benefits of the modifications • how did the modifications impact the above factors • what were the other people’s responses to the modifications Food or Kitchen Safety Exhibits Level Two (ages 9-11) 22. Educational poster based on food or kitchen safety Level Three (ages 12-14) 23. Educational poster based on protein food safety Level Four (ages 15-19) 24. Educational poster based on outdoor cookery or grilling Other Food Science Exhibits Level Two (ages 9-11) 25. Educational poster illustrating a place setting for a specific occasion or menu Level Three (ages 12-14) 26. Educational display based on a breakfast bread buffet theme. Should include menu, buffet layout, decorations, invitations, and any additional information. Level Four (ages 15-19) 27. Educational poster based on careers in the food industry. 63

2011 SECTION 309 4-H PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Refer to leader’s guide for guidelines and score card, and to member’s manual for exhibit ideas. Fair book exhibit list overrides manuals. Individual 4-H members can enter only one exhibit per class. Posters must be 14” X 22” and poster must be permanently signed and dated on the back prior to lamination. Disregard poster sizes given in manuals. Text of posters should be readable from at least 10 feet away. Unit One (age 9) ►Class Number 1. Heritage Scrapbook 2. Things I Do Best Poster (14” x 22”) 3. Why I Am Healthy Poster (14” x 22”) Unit Two (age 10) 4. Heritage Scrapbook 5. Collages of Famous People (14” x 22”) 6. Faces and Feelings Poster (14”x 22”) Unit Three (age 11) 7. Heritage Scrapbook 8. Career Opportunities Community Map (14” x 22”) 9. Personalized Newspaper (17” x 22”) Unit Four (age 12) 10. Heritage Scrapbook 11. Careers of Interest Poster (14” x 22”) 12. Poster related to etiquette, character or inter-generational relationships Unit Five (age 13) 13. Heritage Scrapbook 14. Friendship Poster, Painting or Collage (14” x 22”) 15. Newspaper Ad - about self, minimum size 8 1/2” x 11, maximum 14” x 22” Unit Six (age 14) 16. Heritage Scrapbook 17. Poster on adolescents’ concerns, etiquette, character or intergenerational relationships Unit Seven (age 15 and older) 18. Heritages Scrapbook 19. Poster on etiquette, character or inter-generational relationships


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR SECTION 310 4-H POSTMARK Books should be permanently labeled with exhibitor’s name and county inside the front cover. 4-H’ers may enter one exhibit per class in their age group. This exhibit consists of postmarks, not stamps. Exhibits may be illustrated. All postmarks must be mounted on either 8½” x 11” notepaper or on photo album pages not to exceed 10” x 17” of any color in a binder. All entries are limited to thirty (30) pages for the collection plus an additional page for the objective of the collection. Plastic cover pages are acceptable to protect the mounts. Any class may be illustrated. The criteria for judging will be: • Appearance and neatness • Readability • Materials related to chosen topic • Brief written description telling purpose or objective of your collection • Note: Metered postage marks must not be used in non-metered class exhibits and non-metered postage marks in metered classes. Collections from a commercial source are not eligible for exhibit (IE., through a postal society membership.) At least one- third (1/3) of the postmarks in any collection must have been added during the current project year. This exhibit consists of postmarks, not stamps. All entries must be clearly marked on the front cover or inside the front cover with the member’s name and county. Beginning Level (ages 9-11) ►Class Number 1. Postmark for 10 post offices in your home county or surrounding area 2. 30 Oklahoma postmarks 3. 20 topical postmarks (any category) 4. 25 metered postage marks Intermediate Level (ages 12-14) 5. 30 hand canceled 6. 10-30 postmarks that tell a story 7. 30 or more different slogans 8. 30 topical (any category) 9. 30 metered postage marks Advanced Level (ages 15 and over) 10. 100 hand canceled postmarks 11. 30-75 postmarks that tell a story 12. 50 or more different slogans 13. 50 or more topical (any category) 14. 50 metered postage marks 65


Exhibits must illustrate applications and utilize electrical energy. The exhibit must have been constructed by the exhibitor during the year exhibited and must meet electrical safety standards. All exhibits, except lamps, will be judged on electrical wiring, and connections, electrical components, usefulness of exhibit, working condition, complexity and design, appearance, originality, workmanship and safety. Lamps in each class judged as described.  A 4-H member can have only one (1) exhibit in each class. Exhibits should be permanently signed and dated on the bottom or in another inconspicuous location. ►Class Number 1. Electric Projects. Entries to include electromagnets, motors, buzzers and direct current circuit breakers. All ages 2. Kit Lamps - (kit construction) Electrical wiring and connections, light source and suitability as reading lamp will be judged. Lamps can be floor, desk, or wall models. 3. Original Lamps - (no kits) Originality, workmanship, electrical wiring, and connections, light source and suitability as a reading lamp will be judged. Lamps can be floor, desk or wall models. Must have hand wired plug. 4. Rewired Lamp Workmanship, craftsmanship and electrical wiring and connections will be judged. The lamp will not be judged as a reading lamp. Must have hand-wired plug. Ages 9-11 5. Electric and Electronic Circuits. The exhibit should be mounted on a board and clearly show all circuits. The exhibit should be operational and demonstrate a useful principle or be functional. Ages 12 & over 6. Electric and Electronic Circuits. The exhibit should be mounted on a board and clearly show all circuits. The exhibit should be operational and demonstrate a useful principle or be functional. Ages 12 & over 7. Exhibit demonstrating skill or knowledge such as wire sizing; proper wiring of an electrical cord plug, wall outlet, wall switch, 3-way switch, etc. Ages 12 & over 8. Exhibit of a wiring diagram for a home, other building, or electric supply system for a community. Ages 12 & over 9. Electronic Lighting Selection Poster (14” x 22”). Exhibit is on information that consumers might use in making a selection of any electronic devices such as computers, games, telephones, lighting fixtures, bulbs or other electronic device.



  

Posters must be 14” x 22”. Exhibitors are encouraged to laminate all posters or cover them with clear plastic film. Display boards must be limited to a maximum of 2’ x 3’ and must have a single 1/4” hole drilled at the top center of board to allow for display. Text of posters and displays should be readable from at least 10 feet away. Model rockets and posters must be permanently signed and dated in an inconspicuous location prior to lamination. NO LIVE ROCKET ENGINES WILL BE ALLOWED IN ANY EXHIBIT. Note: Do not attempt to fly homemade rockets. They could be dangerous to fly. Attach a 3”x 5” index card to the rocket, explaining • Construction material, how constructed, and goal of project • Year in project • Age of member • Whether or not made from a kit. • Other pertinent information

Junior Division (ages 9-13) ►Class Number 1. Poster showing the parts of a model rocket, with an explanation of the purpose of each part. 2. Poster explaining the function of the model rocket engine 3. Poster showing one or more points from model rocketry safety code. 4. Model rocket made from a kit. Must be safe and functional for flight. 5. Model rocket designed and built by exhibitor. Must be safe and functional for flight. 6. Poster on any other topic pertaining to model rocketry project. Senior Division (ages 14 and over) 7. Poster or display showing the parts of a model rocket, with an explanation of the purpose of each part. 8. Poster or display explaining the function of the model rocket engine. 9. Poster or display showing one or more points from model rocketry safety code. 10. Model rocket made from a kit. Must be safe and functional for flight. 11. Model rocket designed and built by exhibitor. Must be safe and functional for flight.




 

These exhibits should demonstrate a project experience which emphasizes the development of woodworking skills, such as: sawing, sanding, planning, alignment of joints, neat use of fasteners (nails, screws, etc.), and careful application of finishes. Judging will focus on the evidence of these skills. These exhibits will consist of articles made by 4-H Club members during the past year. The project is not limited to current project idea sheets. It must be proportional and functional and include the same techniques as the listed classes. Miscellaneous and refinished class items should be similar in size to the exhibits in the classes listed for the ages division. 4-H member can enter one (1) exhibit per class, and is restricted to exhibits designed for his or her age group. Woodworking exhibits should be permanently signed and dated in an inconspicuous location

Beginning Level (ages 9-11) ►Class Number 1. Wall mounted rack for hot pads, ties, paper towels or other wall mounted item. 2. Puzzle or game 3. Spice, what-not or other small shelves 4. Book Ends 5. Miscellaneous Intermediate Level (ages 12-14) 6. Book case or entertainment center (without doors) 7. Gun, baseball bat, fishing rod or similar rack 8. Refinished Item (Attach “before” picture & story with history of item, cost sheet, and description of process used.) 9. Miscellaneous Advanced Level (ages 15-19) 10. Gun, curio or display cabinet (with doors) 11. Table 12. Chest 13. Miscellaneous 14. Refinished Item (Attach “before” picture & story with history of item, cost sheet, and description of process used.)








NO LIVE AMMUNITION, ACTUAL FIREARMS OR PARTS OF FIREARMS THAT COULD BE REASSEMBLED SHOULD BE INCLUDED. ANY MANUFACTURED PART OF A SPORTING ARM MAY NOT BE DISPLAYED. An explanation must be attached to or included on each exhibit describing the subject and what is being illustrated. The 4-H member’s name and age must be on the back of the poster in the upper left hand corner. All exhibits will be judged on the basis of instructions and standards explained in the Oklahoma “4-H Shooting Sports Exhibit Preparation Guidelines Leaders/Members Guide” #690 (1/2007) which is available through the County Extension Office and on the Oklahoma State 4-H Website in “Literature on-line”. Posters must be 14” x 22”. For display purposed, exhibitors are encouraged to laminate all posters or cover them with clear plastic film. Posters must be permanently signed and dated on the back prior to laminating. Posters may be horizontal or vertical. Text of poster should be readable from at least 10 ft. away. Educational display must be three dimensional should be mounted on a freestanding display board not to exceed 36” x 36” (width x depth) when the sides are extended for display. Commercially available “Science Fair Presentation Boards” are recommended. Exhibits deemed to be inappropriate will not be displayed. Exhibits suggested but not limited to poster, educational displays, journals, slings, quivers, gun stocks, decoys and equipments. If you use text, pictures, drawings, artwork or other information not created by you in your exhibit, you must cite the source.

Junior Division (ages 9-13) An explanation on a 3 x 5 card must be attached describing the exhibit, what was done to create or prepare this exhibit and how the exhibit relates to the Shooting Sports Project. ►Class Number 1. Shooting Sports Safety: any related item made 2. Archery: any related item made 3. Air Pistol: any related item made 4. Air Rifle: any related item made 5. .22 Rifle: any related item made 6. Shotgun: any related item made 7. Hunting and Wildlife: any related item made (may include tanned hides, dried and mounted wings, cleaned skulls or other wildlife parts preserved by the 4-H member. Full taxidermy style mounts will not be accepted due to limited space.) 8. Living History: any related item made 69

2011 Senior Division (ages 14 and over) An explanation on a 3 x 5 card must be attached describing the exhibit, what was done to create or prepare this exhibit and how the exhibit relates to the Shooting Sports Project. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Shooting Sports Safety: any related item made Archery: any related item made Air Pistol: any related item made Air Rifle: any related item made .22 Pistol: any related item made .22 Rifle: any related item made Shotgun: any related item made Muzzleloading: any related item made Hunting and Wildlife: any related item made (may include tanned hides, dried and mounted wings, cleaned skulls or other wildlife parts preserved by the 4-H member. Full taxidermy style mounts will not be accepted due to limited space.) 18. Living History: any related item made SECTION 315 4-H ENTOMOLOGY 4-H Insect Exhibit


The exhibits in entomology are planned to be progressively more difficult. The specific ages of exhibitor does not appear in the entomology section for this reason. Refer to 4-H entomology member guides 1-6 for more details regarding fair exhibits.  A 4-H member may enter only one insect exhibit in entomology (first year through fifth year). Exhibits in the first through fifth year are allowed a maximum of five (5) foreign and/or out-of-state collected insects (no restrictions on self-determined exhibit). All insects must be mounted on standard insect pins. Each insect should be identified by their common name using the correct spelling.  Exhibits in Classes 2-5 must be in standard insect display boxes. Specifications for the standard insect box are available at the OSU County Extension Center. At least one-third of the specimens in any collection must have been collected during the current project year. ►Class Number 1. First Year — The exhibit must have 25 adult insects displayed in a box approximately 2.5” x 5.5” x 8.5” (like a school box). At least five (5) insect orders must be represented.It should be covered with plastic wrap or rigid plastic. Nine and ten year old exhibitors entering class one may be allowed to enter class one a second year, if the exhibit did not place in the top five at the State Fair the previous year, as long as modifications are made to the exhibit. 70






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Self Determined Entomology Exhibit Designed to allow exhibitors to prepare displays indicating expanded interest beyond the requirements of collections exhibited in previous years. Exhibits should be of an educational nature, attractive in design, and easy to understand. A written report explaining the nature or purpose of the project must accompany the exhibit. Participants in the class are also allowed to have an entry in one of the first through fifth year classes. There is no limit on the number of years that one can enter the self determined class as long as new exhibits are entered or if major revisions are made on a previous exhibit. 6.

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Second Year — The second year exhibit shall consist of 40 adult insects which are displayed in the standard insect display box. Eight (8) to ten (10) insect orders must be represented. Third Year — The third year exhibit shall consist of 75 adult insects which are displayed in the standard insect display box. Eleven (11) to twelve (12) insect orders must be represented. Fourth Year — The fourth year exhibit shall consist of 100 adult insects which are displayed in the standard insect display box. Thirteen (13) to sixteen (16) insect orders must be represented. Fifth Year and Beyond — The fifth year exhibit shall consist of 130 adult insects which are displayed in the standard insect display box. There is no limit on the number of years this class may be entered, if exhibit has additions or major modifications. Seventeen (17) to twenty-one (21) insect orders must be represented.

Collections designed as self determined entomology exhibits.

4-H Honey Exhibits Only one exhibit allowed in each class per individual. Honey should be placed in colorless one-pint honey jars or standard colorless one- pint fruit jars such as those made by Kerr, Ball, Mason, etc. Other types of jars will be rejected. The jar covers should be new, if possible, and screwed on tight - thus preventing leakages. There should be ¼ to ½ inch of air space below the lid. Honey should be clear and free from foreign particles. Chunk honey should be perfectly capped, free from stains, bee-bread and fingerprints. Edges should be clean cut, not ragged. One piece only in each jar; as wide as jar mouth will permit and long enough to extend from bottom to top without jamming. Labels should be neat and plainly written or printed. 7. 8.

Comb Honey - one pint jar Extracted Honey - one pint jar 71


A member may enter one exhibit per class, but is restricted to only those exhibits designed for his/her age group. Forestry boards and exhibits must be signed and dated on the back by the exhibitor. Two holes 1/2 inch in diameter and 1 inch from the top should be drilled in wood boards to facilitate displaying the exhibit. Tree Leaf Exhibit


Please note: Exhibits must conform to all requirements, including labeling and display requirements, outlined in 4-H fact sheet #236, Collecting and Exhibiting Tree Leaves (revised 9/2007).Each exhibit must be labeled with member’s name, county, age and club name.

Ages 9-11 ►Class Number 1. Collection of 10 leaves from trees native to Oklahoma (no introduced species). One specimen must be from a native evergreen — pine or juniper. Include a twig & buds with each broadleaf specimen. Exhibit must be properly labeled and displayed on board 22” wide and 28” tall. Ages 12-15 2. Collection of 15 leaf specimens, representing at least three of the five basic leaf types, from trees native to Oklahoma (no introduced species). Two specimens must be from native awl or scale-leaf evergreen pine or juniper. Non-native species are acceptable only if they have been introduced for planting windbreaks and shelterbelts. Include a twig with buds with each broadleaf specimen. Exhibit must be properly labeled and displayed on board 28” tall and 44” wide. Two 28” x 22” boards hinged in the middle are more portable. Ages 16 and over 3. Collection of 20 leaf specimens, representing four of the five basic leaf types, from trees native to Oklahoma. Three specimens must be from needle, scale or awl-leaf evergreens. Species of pine not native to Oklahoma are acceptable if they have been introduced for planting windbreaks and shelterbelts. The palmate leaf sample must come from a native Oklahoma species. Wood Sample Exhibit 

Wood sample exhibits should conform to instructions outlined by age group in Oklahoma 4-H Fact Sheet #238 “Wood Sample Exhibits” (revised 2/2007). 72



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Ages 9-11. The exhibit shall consist of six (6) wood samples (3 hardwoods and 3 softwoods) mounted on plywood 1/4” thick x 22” wide x 20” high. Ages 12-15. The exhibit shall consist of eight (8) wood samples (4 hardwoods and 4 softwoods) mounted on plywood 1/4” thick x 22” wide x 20 high. Ages 16 years and over. This exhibit shall consist of eight (8) wood samples (4 hardwoods and 4 softwoods) each of which shows the end, edge, and surface grain displayed on a board 1/4” thick x 22” wide x 20” high.

Forestry Self-Determined Exhibit Please Note: Open to 4-H members of all ages. Exhibit suggestions are listed in 4- H Member’s Guide, “4-H Forestry Self-Determined Exhibits” Pub. #239 (revised 03/05). This exhibit shall consist of a poster, model, or any one of a great number of other creative efforts by the club member which relates to the science and technology of forestry or is otherwise directly related to forestry. Is display, not to exceed 36” x 36” (depth x width) or poster not to exceed 14” x 22”. 7. 8.

Self Determined Exhibit — Ages 9-13 Self Determined Exhibit — Ages 14 and older SECTION 317 4-H GEOLOGY

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Any eligible 4-H member may participate in collecting, identifying, and preparing a rock-mineral - fossil exhibit or preparing an energy and petroleum exhibit. Rock-mineral-fossil exhibitors should securely mount their specimens in a wooden display case with a glass or rigid plastic cover. Display box is to be a standard 18” x 24” x 3½” (same as for the entomology exhibit.) Class 1 may be displayed on a 18” x 24” plywood or stiff cardboard that has been made suitable for hanging, although a box is recommended. Each sample should be mounted and labeled in a neat, orderly manner. Labels should include common name, date and location found and mineral use. At least one-third of the specimens in any collection must have been collected during the current project year.

►Class Number 1. 15 different unpolished rocks, minerals, or fossils collected from Oklahoma. 2. 30 different unpolished rocks, minerals or fossils including specimens of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. 3. Open class - educational exhibit depicting some phase of geology, testing of minerals, polished rocks, etc. Display should not exceed 24” x 24”. 73

2011 Energy/petroleum exhibits 

Posters must be on 14” x 22” poster board. Each must be signed and dated on the back in permanent marker prior to laminating. Text of posters and displays should be readable from at least 10 ft. away. Displays should be self standing and not bigger than 3’ x 3’ (width x depth) when sides are extended.

Junior Division (Ages 9-12) 4. Poster on well site safety. 5. Energy/Petroleum Display. Subject of the display should be petroleum products; different types of energy and how they work; or different careers in energy. 6. Energy or Petroleum Science Experimental Display (Science Fair type). 4-H members are encouraged to (a.) use their 4-H projects as the basis for their scientific research and discovery; (b.) use the scientific method to gain an understanding of how things work and the variables that affect them; (c.) take an open and creative approach to problem solving; (d.) learn that a successful outcome is based not on personal opinion but on scientific fact, and (e.) use written and visual communication skills. Intermediate Division (Ages 13-14) 7. Photography Exhibit over a state park or geological region (not limited to Oklahoma). Four photos mounted on 14” x 14” poster board with detailed explanations and information. 8. Poster on Water Mineral Issue. Subject of poster should be one of the following: • What water hardness and mineral testing can determine • Secondary recovery methods • Dangers of lead in the water 9. Energy or Petroleum Science Experimental Display (Science Fair type.) 4-H members are encouraged to (a.) use their 4-H projects as the basis for their scientific research and discovery; (b.) use the scientific method to gain an understanding of how things work and the variables that affect them; (c.) take an open and creative approach to problem solving; (d.) learn that a successful outcome is based not on personal opinion but on scientific fact, and (e.) use written and visual communication skills. Senior Division (Ages 15 and over) 10. Poster of press release collected about the energy information and your interpretation; possibly the Energy Index or other topic. 11. Energy or Petroleum Display. Subject of the display should be areas of the Oklahoma Energy Index; different drilling techniques and how they work; or careers in the energy industry. 74

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR 12. Energy or Petroleum Science Experimental Display (Science Fair type). 4-H members are encouraged to (a.) use their 4-H projects as the basis for their scientific research and discovery; (b.) use the scientific method to gain an understanding of how things work and the variables that affect them; (c.) take an open and creative approach to problem solving; (d.) learn that a successful outcome is based not on personal opinion but on scientific fact, and (e.) use written and visual communication skills. SECTION 318 4-H WILDLIFE PROJECTS  


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Only one exhibit will be allowed in each class per individual. Individuals may enter in only their respective age category. All exhibits will be judged on the basis of instructions and standards explained in the “4-H Wildlife Project Exhibit Preparation Guidelines” (#720; revised 12/06) which is available from the County Extension Office or on the Oklahoma 4-H Website under “Literature Online” Self Determined Exhibits - To encourage members to develop their own learning projects, a self determined exhibit class is included in each category. For ideas and guidelines for exhibits, please see 4-H publication #721 “4-H Wildlife Self Determined Projects” (revised 12/06) and 4-H NREM 625 “Creating a Wildlife Resource Map”. Text of posters should be readable at least 10 ft. away. Include references for information. At least one reference must be from a source other than the internet. All exhibits should be the original work of the member. When information is taken from books, publications, magazines, or from the internet it should be expressed in the 4-H members own words. The 4-H member must reference the source of the information by using an asterisk (*) or a number (if more than one) and name the actual source at the end or bottom of paper, poster or educational display following an asterisk or corresponding number in text. No copyrighted or trademark protected written or visual material (pictures, photos, drawing, or illustrations, etc.) should be used from books, magazines, publication or from the internet with out permission from the original creator. If 4-H’er applies for and is granted permission to use a copyrighted or trademark protected item, a copy of the permission form or letter needs to be attached to the back of the exhibit and properly cited with an asterisk (*) or number. If an item (picture, photo drawing, illustration, etc.) that is not protected is used its source must be cited and referenced by using an asterisk (*) or number and the source information placed at the end or bottom of paper, poster, or educational display, following an asterisk or corresponding number. All posters, resource maps and displays must be permanently signed and dated on the back prior to lamination. Text of posters and educational 75

2011 displays should be readable from at least 10 feet away. All exhibit boards must have hangers. Eye screws and wire preferred. No saw-toothed hangers. Oklahoma Wildlife Exhibits entered in this section should relate to a specific category of game or non- game animals or birds. Junior (ages 9-13) ►Class Number 1. (A) A collection of fifteen (15) different kinds of plants, trees, or shrubs known to provide food or cover for wildlife, mounted on food and cover cards or (B) a seed board with fifteen (15) different kinds of seed eaten by wildlife. (See 4-H Lit. #720 updated 12/06.) All of the specimens must have been collected during the current project year. For each plant or seed included list one (1) wildlife species that use that plant or seed (on the cover card or board). All plant species must be native to Oklahoma except that up to four (4) of the plants (or seeds) may be from cultivated crops. 2. Scrapbook of Oklahoma wildlife (cutouts, pictures, or drawings) of at least five (5) mammals, five (5) birds, and five (5) reptiles or amphibians. Give common name and what habitat they can be found in. Common names should be specific (IE., black rat snake, pygmy rattlesnake, etc.) 3. Exhibit of the tracks of eight (8) wild animals or birds commonly found in Oklahoma. POSITIVE plaster casts should be mounted on masonite or plywood, not to exceed 12” x 24”. Label each track with kind of animal or bird, which county track was found in, what habitat it was found in and what date the track was cast. See 4-H Lit. # 473 Animal Tracks for more instructions and details. 4. Self Determined Exhibit. Posters must be 14” x 22”. Displays must not exceed 3’ x 3’ (width x depth). Possible examples include but not limited to: a display dealing with methods of identification of waterfowl, a poster on wildlife or environmental careers. See Lit. # 721 “Self Determined 4-H Wildlife and Fisheries Project Ideas” revised 12/06 for additional examples. Senior (ages 14 through 18) 5. A) A collection of thirty (30) plants known to furnish food or cover for wildlife, mounted on food and cover cards or (B) a seed board with thirty (30) plant seeds know to furnish food or cover for wildlife. No more than six (6) varieties may be cultivated crops. At least half of the specimens must have been collected during the current project year. For each plant or seed include three (3) wildlife species that use that 76




plant or seed (on the cover card or board). Species names must be used for both plants and wildlife in addition to the common name. All species must be native to Oklahoma except that up to six (6) may be from cultivated crops. Evaluation of an Oklahoma habitat type that includes a general description of the habitat plant and animal species (species names must be used for plants and wildlife in addition to the common names) that occur within the habitat; a range map showing the habitat’s distribution within Oklahoma; and threats to that habitat. Examples of possible habitats include: lakes, tallgrass prairie, cross timbers, and shortgrass prairie. Self-Determined Exhibit. Posters must be 14” x 22”. Displays must not exceed 3’ x 3’ (depth x width). Possible examples include but are not limited to: description of a Wildlife Management Area detailing area, location, habitat, management, and wildlife population trends (if known); or a poster with an emphasis on the life cycle, status, range map, and habitat of an Oklahoman threatened or endangered species. Species names must be used for plants and wildlife in addition to common names. See Lit. # 721 “Self Determined 4-H Wildlife and Fisheries Project Ideas” revised 12/06 for additional examples. 4-H Fisheries

Junior (ages 9-13) 8. Display board showing steps in tying two kinds of fishing knots used in tying lines or leaders. Use cord instead of fishing line. Mount on board suitable for hanging, not to exceed 12” x 12”. 9. Notebook describing habits and appearance of five (5) fishes found in Oklahoma. Information on each fish to include photo, drawing or cut-out picture, proper common name, kind of food eaten, distinctive physical characteristics, best ways to catch, and other topics of interest to anglers. 10. Display of five (5) member assembled lures, together with the materials from which they were assembled, mounted on a board not to exceed 12” x 16”. Lures may be spinners, jigs, flies, or plugs or a combination of these. May be entirely homemade or assembled from purchased supplies. 11. Self Determined Fish Project. Educational report, display or project created by the member. Topic to deal with fish, fishing, fish farming, aquatic food chains or pollution in Oklahoma waters. Displays not to exceed 36” x 36” (width x depth) with sides extended. Posters must be 14” x 22”. 77

2011 Senior (ages 14 & above) 12. Notebook describing habits and appearance of ten (10) fishes found in Oklahoma. Information on each fish to include photo, drawing or cut-out picture, proper common name, kind of food eaten, distinctive physical characteristics, best ways to catch and other topics of interest to anglers. 13. Display of five (5) fishing flies tied by the exhibitor. The material and shape of the exhibit will be exhibitor’s choice, but cannot exceed 12” x 12” in size. Attach report to exhibit to indicate the following about each fly on the board: type of fly, type of fish it is used to catch, habitat conditions it is used in, and cost to purchase or make. 14. Display of five (5) fishing lures. Lures may be any type commonly used in sport fishing. The material and shape of the exhibit board will be exhibitors choice, but cannot exceed 12” x 12.” Attach report to exhibit to indicate the following about each lure on the board: type of lure, type of fish it is used to catch, habitat conditions it is used, an cost to purchase or make. 15. Self Determined Fish Project. Educational report, display or project created by the member. Topic to deal with fish, fishing, fish farming, aquatic food chains or pollution in Oklahoma waters. Display not to exceed 36” x 36” (width x depth) with sides extended. Posters must be 14” x 22”. 4-H Bird The following OK 4-H online publications would be excellent resources along with those listed in exhibit text for learning more about birds and birding: 4-H NREM 620 “Bird Watching - A Beginning”; 4-H NREM 621 “Using Binoculars”; and 4-H NREM 622 ”I Think it is A .....” (#622 contains a list of additional resources). Junior (ages 9-13) 16. Display of a home constructed bird feeder (may be from a kit), must include a 3” x 5” index card tacked to the feeder with the following information: 1) What species was it constructed for; and 2) What habitat and site location (should include height) the feeder will be placed in. 3) Should be functional and not decorative. 17. Display of a single unit bird house, home constructed (may be from a kit) with a 3” X 5” index card tacked to the house with the following information: 1) What bird species was house constructed for and 2) What habitat and site location (should include height) the house will be placed in. 3) Should be functional and not decorative. 18. Notebook of fifteen (15) pictures, drawings, or photos of birds seen and identified by member and labeled with common name of each. 78

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR 19. Self Determined Poster (14” x 22”). See “Self Determined 4-H Wildlife & Fisheries Project Ideas” Oklahoma 4-H Pub. #721 (revised 12/06) for ideas. See 4-H Wildlife Project Lit. No. 720 “Exhibit Preparation Guidelines Leaders/Members Guide” (revised 12/06) for guidelines. 20. Observation report for bird feeder used during previous year, including photo of feeder at location used (Bird Feeding Station Report #723 found on OK 4-H Lit. On-line under Wildlife and Fisheries). May use feeder constructed or use a purchased feeder. 21. Observation report for Bird House used during previous year, including photo of house at location used (“Birdhouse Observation Report #724 found on OK 4-H Lit. On-line under Wildlife and Fisheries). May use birdhouse constructed or a purchased house. Senior (ages 14 - 18 years of age) 22. Bird habitat improvement exhibit. Notebook of pictures or drawings explaining how exhibitor is developing or improving a bird habitat. This exhibit may be added to or continued from year to year as the habitat improvements are implemented. 23. Notebook of bird, feeder or nest/house observation records for more than current year. Include picture of house or feeder at location used with some analysis of comparisons in observations for years observed. (Observation Reports are on OK 4-H Lit. On-line under Wildlife and Fisheries - “Bird and Nest Observation” #722; “Bird Feeding Station” #723; and “Bird Observation” #724. 24. Self Determined Bird Project. If poster, must be 14” x 22” . If display, must not exceed 3’ x 3’ (width x depth) See “Self Determined 4-H Wildlife & Fisheries project Ideas” Oklahoma 4-H Pub. #721 (revised 12/06) for ideas. See 4-H Wildlife Project Lit No. 720 “Exhibit Preparation Guidelines Leaders/Members Guide” (revised 12/06) for guidelines. 4-H Wildflower Study    

At least one-third of the specimens in any collection must have been collected during the current project year. See information on pressing plants in “Leaf Pressing and Collecting Hints” 4-H publication No. 237 (revised 04/04) to prepare plants for collections and exhibits. Posters should be hand generated and not down-loaded from internet or computer. “Wildflower Card” (OK 4-H Lit. #718) can be downloaded from OK 4-H Lit. On-line under Wildlife and Fisheries. Please print form on card stock or heavy paper and hole punch. 79

2011 Junior (ages 9-13) 25. Collection of eighteen (18) Oklahoma wildflowers properly pressed and mounted on wildflower cards. Label with common name, flower family, and tell location and date collected. Display in a notebook. 26. Drawing or diagram showing parts of a wildflower blossom, not to exceed 8 ½” x 11.” 27. Self Determined poster, 14” x 22”. See “Self Determined 4-H Wildlife & Fisheries project Ideas” Oklahoma 4-H Pub. #721 (revised 12/06) for ideas and 4-H Wildlife Project Lit No. 720 “Exhibit Preparation Guidelines Leaders/Members Guide” (revised 12/06) for guidelines. 28. Display two (2) principle wildflower families showing four (4) or more pressed flowers of each family labeled with common name. A brief description of each flower family should be included. If poster, must be 14” x 22”, or display in a notebook. 29. Make a collection, mount and press, the leaves of plants showing leaf arrangements (opposite, alternate and whorled); types of leaves (simple, pinnately compound, palmately compound); leaf margins (toothed, smooth and lobed). If poster, must be 14” x 22”, or display in a notebook on card stock pages or wildflower cards (Lit. # 718). Senior (ages 14 & above) 30. Collection of twenty-five (25) Oklahoma wild flowers properly pressed and mounted on wildflower cards. Label with common name, scientific name, flower family, location collected, date collected, and habitat collected from. Display in a notebook. 31. Make a collection and mount for display at least fifteen (15) kinds of wildflower seeds that show various adaptations to dispersal by wind, water, birds and mammals. 32. Special collections. Collection of specimens in some special category, i.e. one (1) family, poisonous, dyes, edibles, or specific season such as early spring. Poster not to exceed 14” x 22” or display in a notebook on card stock pages or wildflower cards (Lit. # 718). 33. Self Determined Exhibit. If poster, must be 14” x 22”. Display must not exceed 3’ x 3’ (width x depth). For ideas and guidelines see “Self Determined 4-H Wildlife & Fisheries Project Ideas” Oklahoma 4-H Pub. #721 and 4-H Wildlife Project Lit No. 720 “Exhibit Preparation Guidelines Leaders/Members Guide” (revised 12/06).



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A 4-H member may enter one exhibit per class, but is restricted to those exhibits designed for his or her age group. Exhibits are judged based on the criteria outlined in the 4-H project fact sheets available from the 4-H Office or available on OK 4-H Literature On-line under Environmental Science. For requirements, refer to the 4-H project material. Each item of an exhibit must be labeled as in the general rules. Poster size is 14” x 22”. Posters must be permanently signed and dated on the back. Text of posters should be readable at least 10 ft. away. Include references for information. At least one reference must be from a source other than the internet. Posters must not be printed directly from the internet — this is plagiarism.

►Class Number 1. Vermi Composting (with worms). (Ages 9-13) Compost sample and poster that explains how to compost with worms. Must include report for one or more of the following areas: bins for vermi composting, feeding and care, moisture requirements, harvesting compost. Poster must be 14” x 22” posterboard and must include a photograph of your compost bin. One pint of compost (worm castings) in a sandwich-size zip-lock bag or pint jar with lid must be included. 2. Exploring Streams and Lakes Poster (Ages 9-13) Poster (14” x 22”) with photos showing a stream, lake or pond you have visited. Photos should show things like shorelines or creek banks, appearance of the water, condition of vegetation on the shore or banks, and problem areas such as erosion, trash or obvious pollution. For more ideas read Lit # 19 “Water Quality of Streams and Lakes”. Related report form is #20. Each photo must have a caption explaining what it shows. Overall, the poster should tell what you think is helping or harming the water or the plants and animals that live there. Members entering this project for 2nd or 3rd year should compare changes over time or season. Poster title should include name of water body, if it has one, and town or county where located. 3. Water Critters (Ages 9-13) Display a collection of pond, lake or stream critters (no fish) preserved in one to three baby food jars with rubbing alcohol as described in Lit. #21, “Aquatic Organism”. Securely attach a completed Critter ID bookmark (Lit. #29) “Stream and Lake Critter Identification” to the jar using tape and a string around the jar neck. Do not include more than 81

2011 one of each type of critter. Collect only critters found on or in the water, not adult flies. Write a short paragraph telling about the value of water critters – read, and summarize in your own words, Lit #21, or related materials. Optional: Include one single-sided page of labeled photos or drawings of the site or collecting activity. 4. Where Does My Water Come From Poster (Ages 9-11) Poster (14” x 22”) showing or describing the source of your water (lake, aquifer, private well) and/or what is done to it (water treatment plant; in-home filtration system) before it gets to your home. See 4-H Lit. # 19, “Water Quality of Streams” for ideas. 5. Natural Resources of My County Poster. (Ages 9-13) Poster (14” x 22”) with your photos showing a mixture of local natural resources like prairies, forests, scenic views, water bodies, agriculture, wildlife or similar things. Each photo must have a caption naming the resource. Overall, the poster should convince the reader that your county is a great place to live. Poster title should be at least 1 inch tall and include name of your county. 6. Recycling Item (Age 9-11) A usable item that you made from trash other than a craft type item. Original ideas and useful items will be ranked higher. Attach a 3” x 5” index card listing all materials used. 7. Aquatic Habitat Poster (Ages 12-14) Poster (14” x 22”) with photos showing a stream, lake or pond you have visited. Photos should illustrate distinct habitats such as shoreline vegetation, undercut banks, rocky shores, riffles, pools or runs. Each photo must have a caption explaining what it shows. For more ideas read Lit. #21, “Aquatic Organism”. Overall, the poster should comment on things you observed that could be helping or harming the critters or their habitat. Members entering this project for 2nd or 3rd year should compare changes over time or season. Poster title should include name of water body, if it has one, and town or county where located. 8. Homemade stream or lake sampling equipment (Ages 12-14) Display one piece of stream or lake sampling equipment that you have made. Write a one page report explaining its purpose and how to use it. Some possibilities include secchi disks, plankton tows, deep water samplers, and kick nets. See TVA booklet, “Homemade Sampling Equipment“ for instructions. Options: Include one single-sided page of labeled photos or drawings showing equipment in use. 9. What Is A Watershed? Poster (Ages 12-14) Poster (14” x 22”) describing what watersheds are and how they work. Title must contain the work, “watershed”. See Lit # 24, “Understanding Human Impact on Streams” for ideas. 10. Natural Resources of My County Poster. (Ages 9-13) Poster (14” x 22”) with your photos showing a mixture of 82







local natural resources like prairies, forests, scenic views, water bodies, agriculture, wildlife or similar things. Each photo must have a caption naming the resource. Overall, the poster should convince the reader that your county is a great place to live. Poster title should be at least 1 inch tall and include name of your county. Stream, Pond or Lake Poster (Ages 14-18) Poster (14” x 22”) showing a stream, pond or lake you have visited. Poster should show things people have done or might do along the shore or in the watershed that can harm this stream, pond or lake. For ideas, read Lit. #’s 21 & 24. Poster title must include name of water body and town or county where located. Water Critters (Ages 14-18) Display a collection of pond, lake or stream critters (no fish) preserved in baby food jars with rubbing alcohol as described in Lit. #21, “Aquatic Organism”. Collect in only one water body. Separate critters from different habitats into different jars, labeled with habitat name. Include only one of each type of critter in each collection jar. Collect only critters found on or in the water, not adult flies. Write a 1 page report on 3 of your critters explaining how they are adapted to their habitat. Read Lit. #21, “Aquatic Organism” for ideas. Use the Bookmark Critter ID rating form instructions (Lit. #29) “Stream and Lake Critter Identification” to calculate the water quality rating for your water body and include results in your report. Homemade stream or lake sampling equipment (Ages 15-18) Display one piece of stream or lake sampling equipment that you have made. Write a 1-page report explaining its purpose and how to use it. Some possibilities include secchi disks, plankton tows, deep water samplers, and kick nets. See TVA booklet, “Homemade Sampling Equipment”. Optional: Include one single-sided page of labeled photos or drawings showing equipment in use. Class 14. Illegal Dumping Poster (Ages 15-18) Poster (14” x 22”) discouraging illegal dumping and explain how illegal dumps can contaminate water or create other problems. Landfill Display (Ages 14-18) Display showing how landfills work. Display must fit a space 3’ x 3’ (width x depth) when sides are extended for display.

All Levels 16. Group Environmental Project Display (all ages) This exhibit is to consist of a report of an environmental project carried out by 4 or more 4-H members under the supervision of a 4-H leader. The project may focus on any area of environmental stewardship, including recycling, education about a local environmental issue, planting trees or other related area of interest. Display not to exceed 83

2011 3’ x 3’ (width x depth). Judging criteria: • A brief project description and statement of purpose and objectives. • Creativity and quality of project. • A brief summary of project activities, extent to which objectives were achieved, knowledge gained, significance of the project to the environment in the community, and number of people involved and/or impacted by project. • Media campaign. Include copies of newspaper clippings and other publicity related to the project. • Photographs may be included. 17. Individual Self-Directed Environmental Stewardship Project. Educational report, display or exhibit on the efforts of the member to protect or improve the environment in or near his/her community. Projects may include topics such as protecting water quality, recycling, illegal dumping, household hazardous wastes, reducing soil erosion on farmland, controlling urban run-off or other topics relevant to the community. Project may include: • Hands-on efforts (such as controlling erosion by tree planting or use of buffer strips) • Educational programs conducted in the community, including numbers reached and newspaper clipping (such as minimizing solid waste ) • A combination of hands-on and educational.

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SECTION 320 4-H CROPS All crop exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor as a part of a 4-H project during the year exhibited. Only one exhibit allowed in each class per individual. Grain and crop seed exhibits should be brought and will be exhibited in one gallon clear jars (plastic or glass) with a lid. Alfalfa and small seeded legumes can substitute 1/2 gallon clear jars. Exhibits of bolls of cotton, ears of corn, or heads of grain sorghum should be brought and exhibited in a shallow wooden, plastic, or cardboard box of appropriate size for the respective exhibit.

►Class Number 1. 4-H Cotton Exhibit (20 open bolls), any variety. Exhibits to be shown with petiole attached, bract leaves removed and burr side up. 2. 4-H Corn Exhibit (10 ears) 3. 4-H Grain Sorghum Exhibit (10 heads). Exhibit to be trimmed with 2 1/2” of peduncle left on the head. 4. Threshed Grain Sorghum Exhibit (15 pounds) 5. 4-H Canola Exhibit 84

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR 4-H Small Grain Exhibit All exhibits of wheat must be labeled as to variety or name of hybrid. Small grain exhibit shall be one peck. Please refer to the OSU Wheat Variety Comparison Chart at http://wheat.okstate.edu/varietytesting/varietycharactericstics/ pss2142web2010.pdf for suggested varieties. 6. Very Early and Early Maturity Hard Red Wheat Varieties. 7. Medium Maturity Red Wheat Varieties. 8. Late and Very Late Maturity Hard Red Wheat Variety. 9. Any other wheat variety including Hard White Varieties and Soft Red Varieties. 10. Oats, any variety 11. Rye, any variety 12. Barley, any variety 4-H Legume Seed Exhibit 13. Alfalfa (2 quarts) 14. Other small seeded legumes, such as vetch, sweet clover, etc. (2 quarts) 15. Soybeans (1 peck) 16. Other large seeded legumes, such as cowpeas, mungbeans, winter peas, etc. (1 peck) 17. Peanuts, any type, any variety (1 peck) 4-H Peanut Information Exhibit   

Eligibility: Any 4-H member interested in learning more about peanuts and the peanut industry may prepare an exhibit. The exhibit shall consist of educational info that will fit a 3’ wide’ x 3’ deep. It must be free standing with side attached. A 4-H notebook should be included in the display. The exhibit should provide information about one phase of the peanut industry such as history, use, production, importance or processing. The exhibit should increase the public awareness of the importance and impact of the specific sector of the peanut industry selected. The notebook should include any involvement the exhibitor has had with peanuts such as teaching others, giving talks or demonstrations, preparing peanut food, planning programs, producing peanuts, etc. The notebook may be typed or handwritten and should include pictures. Criteria for judging: 30 points - completeness of educational lesson, 30 points - public appeal, 40 points - notebook. 18. Junior division (1st, 2nd & 3rd years) (Ages 9-13) 19. Senior division (4th year and above) (Ages 14 & over)




  

4-H members may have one exhibit per class. The exhibitor’s name and county must be on the back of the display board. References for the displays are: • Field Guide to Oklahoma Plants, OSU Rangeland Ecology and Management Publication, contact OSU County Extension Office or Natural Resources Conservation Service Office. • National Range Judging Contest 4-H Manual No. 149 • A Checklist of Prairie, Shrubland, and Forest Understory Plants of Oklahoma, OSU Fact Sheet F-2872 • Bobwhite Quail Habitat Evaluation and Management Guide, OSU Circular E-904 • White-tailed Deer Habitat Evaluation and Management Guide, OSU Circular E-979 Classes 1-8 are exhibits of ten (10) native or introduced, annual, biennial, or perennial plants mounted on plywood, pegboard, or other suitable material approximately 3 feet by 3 feet. Two holes 1/2 inch in diameter and 1 inch from the top should be drilled in the board to facilitate displaying the exhibit. Exhibitor must sign and date the board on the back. Plant specimens must have been collected during the current project year. Single plants or bundles should not exceed 1 inch in diameter. No plant should extend above or below the display board. Plants must be labeled with the common name. Judges will use references listed above. Label with letters approximately 1/2 inch high. Labels may be placed above, below or across the plants.

►Class Number 1. Forages with desirable grazing value for cattle 2. Forages with undesirable grazing value for cattle 3. Forages with desirable browsing value for white-tailed deer 4. Forages with undesirable browsing value for white-tailed deer 5. Forages with desirable food value for bobwhite quail 6. Forages with undesirable food value for bobwhite quail 7. Forages with desirable food value for wild turkey 8. Forages with undesirable food value for wild turkey



 Only one exhibit in each class per individual.

►Class Number 1. Potatoes, yellow, white or russet, 3 specimens 2. Potatoes, red, 3 specimens 3. Okra, 6 pods 4. Onions, yellow, 3 specimens 5. Onions, white, 3 specimens 6. Onions, red, 3 specimens 7. Pumpkin, field type, (oblong), 1 specimen 8. Pumpkin, jack-o-lantern, (round and flat), 1 specimen 9. Squash, winter, acorn, 1 specimen 10. Squash, winter, butternut, 1 specimen 11. Squash, winter, other 12. Eggplant, 2 specimens 13. Squash, summer, zucchini, 2 specimens 14. Squash, summer, yellow, straight neck, 2 specimens 15. Squash, summer, yellow, crook neck, 2 specimens 16. Squash, summer, patty pan (scallop type), 2 specimens 17. Sweet Potatoes (any variety), 3 specimens 18. Pepper, jalapeno, 5 specimens 19. Pepper, other hot pepper, 5 specimens 20. Pepper, sweet bell, 5 specimens 21. Pepper, banana, 5 specimens 22. Tomatoes, large type, 5 specimens 23. Tomatoes, cherry type (1½” or less in diameter), 5 specimens 24. Watermelon, oblong type, 1 specimen 25. Watermelon, round type, 1 specimen 26. Watermelon, small icebox, 1 specimen 27. Red apples, plate of five 28. Yellow apples, plate of five 29. Pears, plate of five 30. (Intentionally left blank) 4-H Home Garden Food Basket 


This exhibit is a quality selection of five to nine different species of mature fruits and/or vegetables from the exhibit list above. Items not listed above can be used, but should not be more than one-third of the species utilized. Amounts of fruits and vegetables in this exhibit should be such that they can be arranged in a neat and orderly manner and have good eye appeal. There must be enough of each fruit or vegetable for the judge to determine quality. All fruits and vegetables exhibited must be grown by the exhibitor. 87

2011   

No specimens in this exhibit may be entered in another class. Any combination of fruits and vegetables may be used. The exhibit must be in a container such as a basket or box. One-third (1/3) of the judging will be on how well the exhibit is prepared and presented. Packing (such as paper, straw, cloth) may be used, but the fruits and vegetables should be the main attraction of the exhibit. No artificial plant material or specimen can be utilized as part of the exhibit. 31. Junior Division; First, second & third years; ages 9-13 32. Senior Division; Fourth year & over; ages 14 and over SECTION 323 4-H HOME GROUNDS Exhibit Unit 1 Landscaping Home Grounds



Before and after pictures not to exceed 5” x 7” of a yard clean-up, plantings or construction of landscape elements - mounted securely on 14” x 22” sheet of poster board. Number of pictures shall be no less than two (2) or greater than eight (8). Posters must be permanently signed and dated on the back. Neatness and arrangement of pictures is important. A brief explanation of the project should be attached to the exhibit, and each picture must be labeled. The before and after pictures should show a definite change and should be taken from the same place so judges can evaluate the change. An exhibit should not be entered more than once unless it has been substantially revised.

►Class Number 1. Junior Division (ages 9-13) 2. Senior Division (ages 14 &older) Exhibit Unit II Herbarium Cards 


These exhibits shall consist of dried and pressed specimens of leaves and other specified parts of native or cultivated trees, vines, and/or shrubs. Each leaf specimen should be mounted on a separate 8” X 10” herbarium card available at the County Extension office. Only the information required in your division should be filled out. The cards should be enclosed in a notebook or binder.



Each specimen should be covered with transparent plastic or similar covering to protect it from damages. No leaf should be more than 3 years old and at least on –third of the specimens must have been collected during the current project year. Instructions for collecting and pressing are available at the Extension Center 4-H office.

Ages 9-11 3. A collection of 15 specimens with this information: • Common name • General class • Kind of plant Ages 12-14 4. A collection of 25 specimens with a pressed flower, or fruit or seed included with each specimen. Information on the card to be filled out is as follows: • Common name • General class • Kind of plant • Form • Color Ages 15 & older 5. A collection of 30 specimens with a pressed flower, fruit or seed included with each specimen. All information on the card should be filled out. Exhibit Unit III Group or Club Exhibit 



The exhibit to consist of landscape or environmental beautification project report on a project such as home grounds, school, community center, church, city or roadside park, highway beautification, clean-up campaign, etc. A group is to consist of 3 or more 4-H members under supervision of an adult volunteer. All projects must employ horticultural material for the purpose of conserving natural beauty of an area or improving the aesthetic quality and/or function of an area. Other material such as concrete walks, benches, etc., may be used in addition to the horticultural material. Judging Criteria: • A brief project description and statement of purpose and objective. • Creativity demonstrated and quality of the project. 89

2011 •

Extent to which plan integrates total needs of area; short and long term. Functional use and aesthetic considerations of horticultural materials and techniques. Operational considerations of expenses encountered, resource personnel contracted and maintenance factors. Before and after picture sequence to illustrate effectiveness of the project. A brief summary of project activities, extent to which objectives were achieved, knowledge gained, the particular significance of the project toward the improvement and beautification of your environment. Newspaper clippings and other publicity of the project.


Group Exhibit

• • • •


Terrarium of plant life. Refer to OSU Fact Sheet No. F-6438 or similar guideline. No specific size of container, materials, plants or methods.  Criteria for judging will be: • Compatibility and arrangement of plants and materials. • Appropriate potting media. • Attractiveness and originality. • Appropriate size of plants for container.  Terrariums should feature either woodland or topical succulent plants and feature at least 3 different species of plants. Terrariums must be completely covered at all times. ►Class Number 1. Ages 9-11 2. Ages 12-14 3. Ages 15 and over RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN DRAWING Develop a landscape design/drawing for the provided residence. Base maps should be printed on 11”x17”. Once printed verify scale is 1in=10ft. Design drawings are to be made directly on the provided base maps. Use provided examples of landscape symbols to draw and/or trace onto the base map. Use the provided color rendered landscape drawings for example of effective designs and color techniques. All material can be found at http://www.hortla. okstate.edu/youth/index.htm then click on “4H - Landscape Design” . 90

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR Competition Guidelines • Use white 11” x 17” paper to horizontal exhibit landscape drawings. • Create a column on right side of sheet for title block, 2 inches wide from top of drawing to bottom. List the following in INK: Scale, symbols of plants, numbers representing trees, shrubs and plants and how many of each plant were used in the landscape. Example: 1 - Rose (6), 2 - Oak trees (4), 3 - Petunia (3 dozen or 36). Name, date and chapter. • Drawing is top view (plan view). • Use the scale provided: 1 in = 10 ft • Hand drawings or CAD drawings will be accepted. • Draw plant symbols at mature plant size. • Use the plant symbols and the materials symbols provide. • Drawings must be full color. • Walkways should be 3 ft or 5 ft wide. • Patio(s) are required on the back of the house. • In the drawings use a line to indicate the planting beds. All small trees, shrubs, and perennials should be inside a planting bed. Large trees could be found in the lawn or inside planting beds. ►Class Number 4. Ages 9-11 5. Ages 12-14 6. Ages 15 and over HORTICULTURE IN OUR LIVES POSTER EXHIBIT Posters must be 14” x 22” and must be permanently signed and dated on the back prior to laminating. Judging committee may mark or punch if not marked. Text of posters should be readable from at least 10 ft. away. Choose a fruit, vegetable, nut, spice or beverage (tea, coffee, chocolate) crop, and create a poster depicting one of the following topics related to that crop: • History (domestication process, global spread via immigrants, etc.) • Production • Use in different cultures • Use in different processed foods ►Class Number 7. Ages 9-11 8. Ages 12-14 9. Ages 15 and over



Dish Garden of plant life. A 4-H / OSU Fact Sheet is currently in production. Until it becomes available refer to: http://www.greatbiggreenhouse.com/ downloads/DISH%20GARDENS.pdf, http://www.thegardenhelper.com/ dish~gardens.html or other online or print resources for project ideas and information.  Criteria for judging will be: • Compatibility and arrangement of plants, potting media, and container. • Attractiveness and originality. • Appropriate size of plants for container.  Dish Gardens may feature succulents, carnivorous plants, cactus, or foliage plants. Dish Garden should feature at least 3 different species of plants. ►Class Number 10. Ages 9-11 11. Ages 12-14 12. Ages 15 and over SECTION 325 COMPANION ANIMALS 

All Companion Animal exhibits should focus on one of the following: • Animal Health and/or Nutrition. • Good Husbandry and/or Grooming. • Training and/or Showing. • Service and/or Citizenship.  Companion Animals refer to animals utilized as pets, not livestock or wildlife. In cases of animals (i.e. rabbits, turtles, etc.) that can be represented as a companion or a non-companion animal projects it will be up to the 4-H member to make sure that their entry represents companionship.  The 4-H member’s name, age, and county must be included and attached to the exhibit. Exhibits deemed to be inappropriate will not be displayed.  If you use text, pictures, drawings, artwork or other information not created by you in your exhibit, you mut cite the source. See “COPY WRITTEN MATERIAL AND REFERENCING SOURCES” section at opening of 4-H Division.  When using the official clover with H’s, the tail should curve to the right and the words 18u.s.c. 707 must appear under the lower right leaflet, except if hand drawn clovers. ►Class Number Companion Animal Poster: Illustrating one of the following: 1) Animal 92

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR Health and/or Nutrition 2) Good Husbandry and/or Grooming 3) Training and/ or Showing 4) Service and/or Citizenship. Posters must be 14” x 22”. For display purposes, exhibitors are encouraged to laminate all posters or to cover them with clear plastic film. Posters must be permanently signed and dated on the back. If not marked the judging committee may mark or punch. Posters may be horizontal or vertical. Text of poster should be readable from at least 10 ft. away. 1. Jr Ages 9-13 2. Sr. Ages 14 and over Companion Animal Display: Illustrating one of the following 1) Animal Health and/or Nutrition 2) Good Husbandry and/or Grooming 3) Training and/ or showing 4) Service and/or Citizenship. Space for the booth is 3 feet deep and 4 feet wide (with sides extended for display). Back can be 4 feet high. Display must be free-standing. Models, photographs, posters or other means for display may be used. Display may be prepared by an individual or group from a county. Exhibit must prominently display a 4-H clover or mention 4-H. 3. Jr. (ages 9-13) 4. Sr. (ages 14 and over) Companion Animal Photo Story Board: Illustrating one of the following: 1) Animal Health and/or Nutrition 2) Good Husbandry and/or Grooming 3) Training and/or Showing 4) Service and/or Citizenship. Story board should contain 4 to 6 photos attached to the surface of a white or a colored foam core, poster, or mat board no larger than 14” x 22”. Each photo should contain a caption. Judging criteria will emphasize content first and photo composition second. 5. Jr Ages 9-13 6. Sr. Ages 14 and over Companion Animal Single Photo Entry: Illustrating one of the following 1) Animal Health and/or Nutrition 2) Good Husbandry and/or Grooming 3) Training and/or showing 4) Service and/or Citizenship. Prints must be no smaller than 3.5” x 5” and no larger than 5” x 7.” Digital Photos may not be manipulated or altered except for color and contrast adjustments, cropping, exposure adjustments, and red eye reduction. Prints must be securely attached to the surface of a poster board or mat board. No double matting, use of multiple layers or more than one color. The entire print must be seen and cannot be masked in any way. Boards must be 10” x 10” or 14” x 14.” Captions are optional, but not required. Photos are to be taken by the exhibitor. 7. Jr. (ages 9-13) 8. Sr. (ages 14 and over) Me and My Pet Journal: A 3 ring binder, 3” or smaller, showing activities you and your pet have been doing the past year. Emphasis should be given to: 1) 93

2011 Animal Health and/or Nutrition 2) Good Husbandry and/or Grooming 3) Training and/or Showing 4) Service and/or Citizenship. It may include, but is not limited to, training notes, photos of you and your pet working on a new trick, newspaper clippings of you and your pet participating in service projects, breeding records, animal health records and much more. Members are encouraged to keep multiple years in their journal but the previous year’s work should be clearly labeled as such. Judging emphasis will be placed on the current year’s work. 9. Jr Ages 9-13 10. Sr. Ages 14 and over Other Companion Animal Item: Exhibit must have a 3”x5” note card describing the exhibit, what was done to create or prepare this exhibit and how the exhibit relates to: 1) Animal Health and/or Nutrition 2) Good Husbandry and/ or Grooming 3) Training and/or Showing 4) Service and/or Citizenship. Posters, Photos, displays and Journals are not allowed in this category. 11. Jr Ages 9-13 12. Sr. Ages 14 and over SECTION 326 4-H CLOVERBUD EXHIBITS Must be enrolled as a 4-H Cloverbud Member in Tulsa County and be 5-8 years of age by the fair dates. Posters should be no larger than 14” x 22”. One entry per class per person. All exhibits receive a Blue or Red Award. Blue awards receive $1.50 Red awards receive $1.00 ►Class Number Fabric & Fashions: 1. Oven Mitt 2. Duffle or Laundry Bag 3. Fun item (ready-made wearable garment/accessory trimmed using sewing techniques) 4. Fun item (a completely self-constructed wearable garment or accessory) 5. Fabric or textile craft (non-sewing) Food Science: 6. Poster about healthy food choices 7. 3 no-bake cookies, should be on paper plate and covered with plastic (a zip-lock type bag is recommended). 8. Craft using food related items Horticulture: 9. 3 of the same fruits or vegetables you have grown (3 tomatoes, 3 peppers, 94

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR 3 squash, 3 apples, 3 plums, etc.) 10. Plant science item or craft 11. House Plant (herbs, flowers, etc.) Natural Resources: 12. Wildlife item such as a bird house or bird feeder. May use plastic container such as pop bottle, bleach container, milk carton, etc. 13. Collection of 5 like items from nature (insects, rocks, leaves, wild flowers, etc.) 14. Craft made from items found in nature, such as pictures made from seeds, stick craft, etc. Leisure Education: 15. Free hand drawing or painting, no larger than 14 x 22 16. Hand puppet using paper sacks or socks 17. Creative design using pre-cut or pre-manufactured building pieces (Lincoln logs, tinker toys, legos or combination of these type items.) 18. Household decorative item General Interest: 19. Miscellaneous item you have made 20. Ethnic or diversity item or craft If you have any entry which does not fit these classes, refer to Section 500, Open Class Youth.


2011 SECTION 327 ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES/LEISURE EDUCATION The purpose of this project area is for members to learn about and document personal, 4-H, or subject related history using appropriate conservation, preservation and/or restoration methods. Think of this project like our own “Antique Road Show” 4-H project area.

 Each exhibit will require research and reporting to authenticate the item 

  


being exhibited and to justify the method chosen to preserve/display the item. 4-H Curriculum has been developed to introduce and educate 4-H members and volunteers in the preservation and conservation of artifacts. The criteria/standards used to evaluate the will reflect the member’s mastery of conservation and/or preservation techniques and their ability to document memorabilia/history. This is accomplished with the use of the Authentication Card (4H-HLTH-411). The Authentication Card must be legible and securely attached to the front of ALL exhibits. Exhibits will be disqualified if they do not have a card. The county and state fair will do their best to insure items are respectfully handled, but they do not assume responsibility for any item damaged or lost while on exhibit. Please consider this when entering your “collectables.” No loose collections/sets will be accepted. A collection must be SECURELY attached/contained to make one entry. This means each item within the collection is enclosed in a frame, notebook, attached to a tray, or firmly attached to a rigid display board (foam core, matt board, corrugated plastic, etc.) in a manner where items cannot be separate from the collection. Curriculum currently available or under development - 4H-HLTH-403 Preserving Vintage Clothing and Textile Products – Part 1; 4H-HLTH-404 Preserving Vintage Clothing and Textile Products – Part 2; 4H-HLTH-405 Storage and Display of Heirloom Textiles in the Home; 4H-HLTH-406 Preserving Photographs, Books and Paper Documents; 4H-HLTH-407 Preserving Metal, Wood and Plastic Collectibles (not available); 4H-HLTH-408 Preserving Memorabilia; 4H-HLTH-409 History Mysteries Part 1– Recording and retelling the history of 4-H and its people through stories; 4H-HLTH-410 History Mysteries Part 2– Writing the Story – your treasures - from Clues; 4H-HLTH-411 Documenting and Cataloging Collectibles (not available); 4H-HLTH-412 Displaying Collections and Collectibles (not available); 4H-PDL-111 Personal Development – Documenting our Heritage; and 4H-HLTH-413 Authentication Card.


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR COLLECTION – Minimum of five (5) items. Each collection will be limited to a display area no larger than 22” X 28” when lying down. ►Class Number 1. Paper Materials – Patterns, 4-H Project Manuals/Curriculum, Books/ Magazines, Postcards, News Clippings, Canning Labels, Photos, Bumper Stickers, etc. 2. Buttons (Example-I Bleed Green, I Luv 4-H, etc.) 3. Jewelry or Medals 4. Textile items – Clothing Accessories, Patches, Hot Pads, etc. 5. Dishes/Containers/Sculpture - Ceramics, Pottery, Glass, etc. 6. Metal Materials - Signs, Bike or Car Tag, Tools, or similar such items 7. Other collectables (These items should keep with the high ideals and principles of the 4-H program) HISTORIC PRESERVATION, RESTORATION AND REPLICATION – of Photography 



Purpose is to determine the member’s application of skills and knowledge gained in the area of restoration and preservation of antique/collectable photographs. Project work will be judged on research, knowledge and an appropriate method of preservation restoration or replication. Authentication Card – Be sure to include when possible: documentation of the people in the picture, location, where it originated, photographer and why this particular picture deserved the historical “consideration” as a collectable. Choose one of the following methods and justify your choice as it relates to preservation on the authentication card. 8.

Photography a. Original photographs electronically copied, repaired/enhanced when necessary or printed from the original negative. The photo should be appropriately displayed for preservation purposes. Be sure to document why this particular picture deserved the historical “consideration.” b. Follow preservation guidelines as noted in 4H•HLTH•404. Securely hinge original photo enclosed in a protective sleeve (so it can be lifted to view back of the photograph). c. If the desire is to preserve the historic integrity of the photograph and frame, appropriate conservation methods should be researched, applied and documented as part of the exhibit.


2011 COLLECTABLE(S) • Purpose is to determine the member’s application of skills and knowledge gained in the area of restoration and preservation of antiques and collectables. Project work will be judged on research, knowledge and an appropriate method of preservation, restoration or replication. •

Any item or set of items must be displayed in a manner that provides protection, is secure and can be viewed. 9.

Historic Replica – When an item cannot be restored, preserved or attained, a collector may have to replicate the item. When replicating an item it is important to research and duplicate the use of construction methods and materials as close as possible. Attach a picture/photograph of the original item. 10. Heirloom Restoration or Preservation – exhibit an antique or collectable which has been restored or preserved using appropriate methods. Attach a before picture of the item. 4-H ALUMNI DIVISION • The county and state fair will do their best to insure items are respectfully handled, but they do not assume responsibility for any item damaged or lost while on exhibit. Please consider this when entering your “collectables.” • All exhibits are intended to document, preserve and share our 4-H heritage. Authentication Card (4H•HLTH•411) must be legible and securely attached to the front of each exhibit at the State Fair. • When possible and without deterring from an item’s value or fragile condition, items should be free of dust, dirt, mold, bugs, etc. • When possible, provide appropriate protection for the exhibit using good preservation/restoration practices. See 4-H Collectables curriculum for more information. • Each county will select a maximum of five alumni exhibits for the State Fair. It can be any combination of the categories (classes 11-23) noted below. • Any item(s) exhibited in this division are not eligible in the following years.


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR 4-H COLLECTIONS • At least five “4-H” items representing our history. Each collection is limited to a display area no larger than 22” X 28” when lying down. • No loose collections/sets will be accepted. A collection must be SECURELY attached/contained to make ONE entry. This means each item within the collection is enclosed and/or attached in a frame, notebook, on a tray or rigid display board (foam core, matt board, corrugated plastic, etc.) in a manner items cannot be separated from the collection. 11. Paper Materials – Patterns, 4-H Project Manuals/Curriculum, Books/ Magazines, Postcards, News Clippings, Canning Labels, Photos, Bumper Stickers, etc. 12. Buttons (Example-I Bleed Green, I Luv 4-H, etc.) 13. Jewelry or Medals 14. Textile items – Clothing Accessories, Patches, Hot Pads, etc. 15. Dishes/Containers/Sculpture - Ceramics, Pottery, Glass, etc. 16. Metal/Wooden/Plastic Materials - Signs, Bike or Car Tag, Tools, Desk Accessories, Pencils/Pens or similar such items 17. Other 4-H Collectables Other 4-H Collectables 18. Original 4-H Project Work – One item exhibited at a competitive event. When available provide a picture of the member with the exhibit, original ribbon, trophy, or plaque received/awarded. 19. Individual’s personal scrapbook 20. Family scrapbook – documenting a families participation in 4-H 21. Historic Photograph 22. 4-H Record Book




4-H CLUB The 4-H Pledge I pledge My Head to clearer thinking. My Heart to greater loyalty. My Hands to larger service. and My Health to better living for my club, my community, my country and my world.

Interested in 4-H? Youth, ages 5 - 19 Contact Tulsa County 4-H at 918-746-3709 100




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2011 DOG DIVISION Show Superintendent: Carolyn Dudley Rules and Regulations Pre-entry is required for Obedience classes. Fun classes may be pre-entered or entered at 9:30 a.m. on July 21. 2. Exhibitor must submit a copy of the dog’s vaccination record (signed by a veterinarian) within the last 12 months: Rabies, DHLP-Parvo, for us to keep with the show records. No home administered vaccinations will be accepted. 3. If exhibitor is a 4-H or FFA member, they should wear a vest, t-shirt, sweatshirt, or jacket of the organization which they represent. 4. Dog must be collared and leashed. 5. Exhibitor is responsible for his/her dog. The fair will not be held responsible for the actions of the animal. 6. In grooming classes, dogs must be groomed by the exhibitor. 7. In obedience, the youth entering and showing his/her dog must be enrolled in the dog project and the dog entered must be a part of that project. 8. Judges’ decisions are final. 9. The Tulsa County Free Fair Committee reserves the right to interpret these rules and regulations. The Show Superintendent arbitrarily settles questions arising in connection with this contest as held under the management of those responsible. 10. The “Oklahoma 4-H Dog Obedience Rules and Regulations”, SMAN∙122, will serve as the basis for the rules in the 4-H Dog Obedience & Showmanship classes. 1.

Entry Time: Show Time: Location: Divisions:

SECTION 400 FUN CLASSES 9:30 a.m. — July 21, 2011 10:00 a.m. — July 21, 2011 Exchange Center Any youth, ages 5-19, living in Tulsa County or attending school in Tulsa County

Placing ribbons will be presented to 1st thru 5th place. ►Class Number: 1. Best Costumed Dog 2. Best Dog Trick 3. Shortest Dog 4. Tallest Dog 5. Best Groomed Dog - Long hair 6. Best Groomed Dog - Short hair 104

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR SECTION 440 4-H DOG OBEDIENCE TRIALS Pre-enter: Check-in: Show Time: Division:

Entry form due by July 8 to the 4-H office. 9:30 a.m. — July 21, 2011 Following Fun Classes Open to all 4-H members, 9 - 19 years of age

Placing ribbons will be presented to 1st thru 5th place. Premiums are: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 OBEDIENCE CLASSES ►Class Number: 1. Open — The open class is for 4-H youth that have completed their Novice or Graduate title. Dogs having been awarded their Open title may continue to show in this class. 2. Graduate Novice — The graduate novice class is for 4-H youth that have completed their 4-H Novice title. Dogs having won their Graduate Novice degree may continue to compete in this class unless they have exhibited in an Open Class. 3. Novice — The novice class is for 4-H youth with dogs that have completed their 4-H Sub-Novice title. Dogs having won their Novice degree may continue to complete in this class unless they have exhibited in a Graduate Novice Class. 4. Sub-Novice — The Sub-Novice class is for 4-H youth with dogs that are not less than six months of age and that have not won the title of Sub-Novice. 5. Beginner B— This class is limited to 4-H youth with dogs over 6 months of age who are showing the dog for the first time at a 4-H sanctioned show. All exercises are done on a 6 foot leash and training collar. 6. Beginner A— Same as Beginner B except this class is limited to 4-H members who have never shown a dog in any obedience show.

SHOWMANSHIP ►Class Number: 7. Open Senior — This class is for 4-H youth who are at least 14 years of age and under 19 years of age on the day of the show and who have won a gold medal in the Novice Class at a sanctioned District or State Show. 8. Open Junior — This class is for 4-H youth who are at least 9 years of age and under 14 years of age on the day of the show and who have won a gold medal in a Novice Class at a sanctioned District or State Show. 9. Novice Senior — This class is for 4-H youth who are at least 14 years of age and under 19 years of age on the day of the show and who have not won a gold medal in a Novice Class at a sanctioned District or State Show. 10. Novice Junior — This class is for 4-H youth who are at least 9 years of age and under 14 years of age on the day of the show and who have not won a gold medal in a Novice Class at a sanctioned district or State Show.




Pre-entry is required: Entries due July 1, 2011 Thursday, July 21 - Exchange Center Rabbit Check-in ........................................................................2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Rabbit Show ..............................................................................4:00 p.m. Poultry Check-in ......................................................................2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Poultry Show .............................................................................4:00 p.m. Friday, July 22 - Pavilion Swine Check-in .........................................................................8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Swine Show ...............................................................................10:00 a.m. Meat Goat Check-in ................................................................1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Meat Goat Show ......................................................................3:00 p.m. Beef Check-in ............................................................................4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Beef Show ..................................................................................6:00 p.m. Saturday, July 23 - Pavilion Dairy Goat Check-in................................................................8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Dairy Goat Show ......................................................................10:00 a.m. Sheep Check-in ........................................................................4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sheep Show................................................................................ 5:00 p.m. Saturday, August 6 - Pavilion Horse Show Check-in .............................................................8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Horse Show................................................................................10:00 a.m. For additional information contact Bruce Peverley Tulsa County Ag/4-H Educator 918-746-3725 or bpeverley@tulsacounty.org


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR Show Ring Code of Ethics

Believing it is in the best interest of all breeders of all livestock to maintain a reputation of integrity and to continue to present a wholesome and progressive image in the show ring, the following list of practices or procedures is, therefore, considered a violation of the Rules and Regulations governing this show.

1. 2.


4. 5.

6. 7.

8. 9.

Misrepresenting the age of the animal for the class in which it is shown. Treating or massaging any part of the body internally or externally with an irritant, counter irritant or other substance to temporarily straighten a weak back or loin or to produce unnatural animation. Minimize the effects of crampiness by feeding or injecting drugs, depressants or applying packs or using any artificial contrivance or therapeutic treatment exempting normal exercise. Striking the animal to cause swelling. Surgery or any other procedure performed to change the natural process of growth, maturation, contour or appearance of any animal to include teeth is prohibited. Not included is removal of teats or horns, clipping and dressing of hair and trimming of hooves. Insertion of foreign material under the skin. Any attempt to change the natural color of an animal, either purebred or crossbred, by changing the color or adding false hair, fleece or skin at any point, spot or area of the animal’s body. The use of alcoholic beverages in feed or administered as a drench. Administration of a drug of any kind or description, internally or external prior to entering the show ring, except for treating a recognized disease or injury. For the purpose of these rules, the term legal drug shall mean any substance by which the sale, possession or use of is controlled by license under federal, state or local laws or regulations and by any substance commonly used in the medical or veterinary professions. The use of any chemical and/or compound that is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration or the Environmental Protection Agency. A positive drug test will result in disqualification, forfeiture of any premiums and/or awards and will exclude the exhibitors from future livestock competition at the Tulsa County Junior Livestock Show. All medications will be administered by a licensed veterinarian only and with the species superintendent’s approval. 107


10. Balancing the udder by any abnormal means including the use of mechanical contrivance or the injection of fluid or drugs. Setting the teats and/or occluding (sealing the ends) with a mechanical contrivance or the use of a chemical preparation. Treating or massaging the udder or its attachments with an irritant or counter-irritant. The use of common products such as fly spray, ointment or liniment in excess to the point that it is irritating is included as an irritant unless required to reduce edema at the time of calving. 11. The practice of artificial filling by internally pumping or any other device is prohibited. 12. Criticizing or interfering with the judge, other exhibitors, breed representatives or show officials before, during or after the event may result in an individual or group being expelled, placed on probation, declared ineligible or barred from exhibiting at the event. Any violation of the Rules and Regulations specifically designed for the individual shows or the Show Ring Code of Ethics may result in forfeiture of all premiums and awards and the disqualification, expulsion or probation of the exhibitor, organized group, or any individual, or livestock involved. Probation, disqualification, expulsion or other disciplinary action of the Management will be final. Such action will require application for readmission under such terms as the Management may prescribe before the group or individual is allowed to exhibit in future events.


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR Behavioral Guidelines for Extension Educators and Volunteers Working with 4-H Youth Development Programs Oklahoma families and other youth service programs trust in the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service to provide educational programs in a safe environment for participating youth. Adults who assume Educator and volunteer roles within Extension have the opportunity for a rewarding experience. The opportunity to work with youth is a privileged position of trust that should be held only by those who are willing to demonstrate behaviors that fulfill the trust. The following behavioral expectations have been established for persons serving in Educator and volunteer roles within Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service programs. 1.

Work cooperatively with youth, family, volunteers, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service faculty and staff, and others in a courteous, respectful manner demonstrating behaviors appropriate for a positive role model for youth. 2. Represent the Cooperative Extension Service and the 4-H program with pride and dignity, behave appropriately, exhibit good sportsmanship, and demonstrate reasonable conflict management skills. 3. Respect, adhere to, and enforce the rules, policies and guidelines established by the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service including all state laws related to child abuse and substance abuse. 4. Recognize that verbal or physical abuse or committing criminal acts are grounds for termination as a volunteer or 4-H Youth Development Educator. 5. Comply with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws. Make all reasonable efforts to assure that 4-H youth programs are accessible to youth without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability. 6. Treat animals humanely and encourage 4-H youth and adults to provide appropriate and ethical animal care. 7. Under no circumstances, allow or consume alcohol or illegal drugs at 4-H events or activities. Understand that the use of or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while in the presence of 4-H members and/or at 4-H programs or activities is grounds for termination as a volunteer or 4-H Youth Development Educator. 8. The use of tobacco in the presence of 4-H members and/or during 4-H events is strongly discouraged, as the use of these products by minors is illegal. 9. Operate machinery, vehicles and other equipment in a safe and responsible manner when working with youth and adults participating in 4-H programs. 10. Accept responsibility to promote, conduct and support 4-H programs in order to develop an effective county, district, state and national 4-H program.


2011 Rules and Regulations 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11.


13. 14. 15.


All livestock and showmanship entries must be completed by the show’s on-line entry deadline. Registration papers on breeding beef and breeding sheep must be in the name of the exhibitor and be presented to the superintendent at the time of entry. Exhibits must have been owned and fed by Tulsa County 4-H or FFA members for a minimum of 60 days. Except for an emergency, exhibitors will be required to show their own animal. Examples of emergencies are: illness, significant personal or family accidents, etc. In the event of an emergency, permission must be obtained from the species superintendent and Extension personnel to allow another 4-H or FFA member to show for them. In the event the same exhibitor has two or more animals that are required to show at the same time, the ownerexhibitor can have a bonafide 4-H or FFA member show the second or more animals for them without seeking committee approval. All exhibitors must show their own animals in the showmanship contest. Animals shown in showmanship contest must be officially entered in the 2010 Tulsa County Free Fair. All youth who are 4-H or FFA members may enter showmanship Livestock barns close at 12:00 midnight. Health: Should the health of an animal be questioned, visual inspection will be made by the species superintendent or a veterinarian. Any animal not passing will be removed from the barn. All animals must be checked in during the designated check-in times. All animals requiring weigh-in must be weighed-in during designated weigh-in times. Failure to weigh-in during designating time will result in the animals’ disqualification. All swine must have the original negative pseudo-rabies and Brucellosis test results form with ear tag in place as required by State Department of Agriculture. Premise I.D. will be required. Poultry must have the valid original pullorum test results form at entry. Horses must have original current negative Coggins certificate (dated within 12 months of show). 15. Exhibitors will be required to wear the official emblem of the organization they represent. 4-H members may wear official 4-H jacket, a collared shirt with a 4-H emblem, or a collared shirt with a 4-H patch or arm band Poultry and rabbit exhibitors will wear official apron when showing in 4-H or FFA jacket. All exhibitors must be a member of a certified Tulsa County 4-H Club or FFA Chapter prior to January 3, 2011 to show. Exhibitors must have their social security number on pre-entry forms to receive premium money. 110


17. Cages and stalls will only be provided for animals that are officially entered into the Tulsa County Free Fair. 18. Exhibitors must furnish feed. No straw is allowed for bedding except in the dairy goat division. 19. Market animals may be purebred or crossbred. If necessary, a committee will determine breed classification. 20. The Tulsa County Junior Livestock Show Committee shall have authority to settle questions which may arise concerning the show. Only the show committee is allowed in the show ring and scale area during weigh-in. 21. Decision of judge and superintendent is final. There will be no protest. 22. Failure to abide by the rules of the show shall cause forfeiture of all premiums and awards, and further participation in the Tulsa County Free Fair. 23. In no case shall the Tulsa County Junior Livestock Show Committee or Tulsa County Public Facilities Authority be responsible for any loss, damage, or disability. 24. Exhibitors in the Rabbit Division must remove their animals from the cage and place on the judging table. Should a substitute showman be necessary, in case of emergency, the substitute must be an official 4-H or FFA member. Adults are not permitted to show the junior members animals. 25. Judges for all species will receive written confirmation with RSVP one week prior to show. 26. The Tulsa County Junior Livestock Show Committee reserves the right to adjust premium amounts due to availability of amount budgeted for the 2011 Tulsa County Free Fair. 27. This is a youth and family event. Responsible conduct is expected and required at all times. Profanity or any other offensive language, abusive conduct or act by an exhibitor Extension Educator, Vo-Ag Instructor, parent, or 4-H leader will be considered a violation of the Show Ring Code of Ethics and will be subject to the penalties outlined in the Show Ring Code of Ethics. Abusive conduct is defined as, but not limited to; aggressively touching, verbally or physically threaten show officials and/or throwing objects in the presence of show officials.


2011 DIVISION 100: POULTRY Superintendent: Tina Russell Entries due July 1, 2011 Check-in: Thursday, July 21 between 2:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m. Showtime: Thursday, July 21 at 4:00 p.m. Exchange Center 1st thru 5th places as determined within each class. Champion, Reserve Champion, 3rd, 4th and 5th place in each Major Class (i.e. American, Asiatic, etc.) will receive premiums, not in each breed. Premiums: $12 - $11 - $10 - $9 - $8 ► Rules and Regulations Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


7. 8.

POULTRY DIVISION RULES An individual exhibitor can enter poultry in up to five (5) classes. All birds must be in place by Thursday, July 21, 2011 between 2:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m. Entry will be due July 1, 2011 Entries will be in one of the following categories: Large Fowl Bantams Sub classes in each breed will be: Cock (C) A male 12 months or older Hen (H) A female 12 months or older Cockerel (K) A male under 12 months Pullet (P) A female under 12 months All varieties will be judged according to the latest edition of the American Standard of Perfection, copyrighted by the American Poultry Association, Inc. Due allowance will be made for lack of plumage because of season. All poultry will be physically inspected for disease and parasites by the superintendent at check-in. All ill or infested birds will be disqualified. Papers for a negative pullorum test must be presented at time of pre-entry and the original must be presented at check-in. Entries not accompanied by pullorum papers will not be entered. All birds must be tested before they come on the grounds. There will not be a tester at the show. All state issued pullorum papers expire within 90 days, unless issued an NPIP 1 year clean flock certificate.



10. 11. 12.

13. 14.


All birds must be identified by a numbered leg band. Band numbers must be listed on the registration form. Birds that have no listed band numbers will not be registered. Exhibitors are required to enter correct leg band numbers, proper color, sex and age of bird on entry form. Exhibitors must have owned and cared for their birds at least 60 days prior to the Tulsa County Free Fair. Exhibitors must be present during the show unless showing other livestock with prior authorization from the show superintendent. Non-compliant exhibitors will be disqualified. Exhibitors must cage and care for their own birds. Birds not caged by or cared for by their owners will be disqualified, unless cleared by There must be at least three birds to constitute a class. Otherwise, they will be shown in the “All Other� class. The show superintendent may combine classes at their discretion. Birds that are not pre-entered by the due date will not be admitted under any circumstances.


2011 SECTION 130: LARGE FOWL â–şClass Number: 1. American Breeds: Plymouth Rocks, Dominiques, Wyandottes, Javas, Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites, Hampshires,Hollands, Delawares 2. Asiatic Breeds: Brahmas, Cochins, Langshans 3. English Breeds: Dorkings, Red Caps, Cornish, Orpingtons, Sussex, Australorps 4. Mediterranean Breeds: Leghorns, Minorcas, Spanish, Andalusians, Anconas, Sicillan, Buttercups, Catalanas 5. Continental Breeds: Hamburgs, Campines, Lankenvelders, Faverolles, Polish: Bearded and Non-Bearded, Houdans, Crevecoeurs, La Fleche 6. All Other Large FowlBreeds: Modern, Old English, Malays, Sumatras, Aseels, Shamos, Yokohamas, Phoenix, Cubalayas, Sultans, Frizzies, Naked Necks, Araucanas, Ameracauanas 7. Turkey Grand Champion Large Fowl ........................................................................ Award Reserve Champion Large Fowl .................................................................... Award


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR SECTION 131: BANTAM FOWL ►Class Number: 8. Modern Game Breeds: Barred, Birchen, Black, Black Breasted Red, Blue, Blue Red, Crele, Cuckoo, Ginger Red, Golden Duckwing, Lemon Blue, Silver Duckwing, Wheaten and White 9. Old English Game Breeds: Barred, Birchen, Black, Black Breasted Red, Black Tailed Buff, Black Tailed Red, Black Tailed White, Blue, Blue Golden Duckwing, Blue Silver Wheaten, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Buff, Crele, Cuckoo, Ginger Red, Golden Duckwing, Lemon Blue, Red Pyle, Self Blue, Silver Blue, Silver Duckwing, Silver Wheaten, Spangled, Splash Wheaten, Brassy Black Wheaten, Columbian, and White 10. Single Comb Clean Legged Breeds: Alsteirer, Ancona, Andalusian, Australop, Barnesvelder, Brakel, Campine, Creeper, Dorking, Delaware, Dutch, Dutch Bearded, Fayoumi, Frisian, Frissle, Japanese, Java, Jersey Giant, Junglefowl, Lakenvelder, Lamona, Leghorn, Minorca, Naked Neck, Nankin, New Hampshire, Orpington, Phoenix, Plymouth Rock, Pyncheaon, Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island White, Rumpless, Spanish, Sussex, Thruinger Bearded, Welsummer 11. Rose Comb Clean Legged Breeds: Ancona, Appenzeller Bearded, Belgian Bearded d’Anvers, Dominique, Dorking Grizzle, Hamburg, Leghorn, Mirorca, Nankin, Redcap, Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island White, Rosecomb, Sebright, Watermaal, Wyandotte 12. All Other Combed Clean Legged Breeds: Appenzeller, Spitzhauben, Araucana, Aseel, Brabanter, Buckeye, Buttercup, Chantecler, Cornish, Crevecoeur, Cubalaya, Dutch Owibeard, Frizzle, Houdan, Ixworth, Kraienkippe, LaFleche, Malay, Orloff, Polish, Shamo, Sumatra,Yokohama 13. Feather Leg Breeds: Belgian Bearded d’lccle, Booted, Brahma, Breda, Cochin, Faverolle, Frizzle, Langshan, Silkie, Sultan 14. All Other Breeds Grand Champion Bantam Fowl ............................................................................ Award Reserve Champion Bantam Fowl ........................................................................ Award Best of Show .................................................................................................................. Award Reserve Best of Show ................................................................................................ Award


2011 SECTION 135: POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP â–şClass Number 1. Junior Showmanship 2. Intermediate Showmanship 3. Senior Showmanship

(ages 9 - 12 as of show date) (ages 13-15 as of show date) (ages 16-18 as of show date)

Awards given for showmanship classes: Champion Showmanship ........................................................................................ Award Reserve Champion Showmanship ...................................................................... Award


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR DIVISION 200: RABBIT Superintendent: Deb Morrison Entries due July 1, 2011 Check-in: Thursday, July 21, 2011 between 2:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m. Showtime: Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Exchange Center 1st thru 5th Place Ribbons Premiums: $12 - $11 - $10 - $9 - $8 Best of Breed ................................................................................................................. Award Best Opposite of Breed ............................................................................................ Award Best of Show .................................................................................................................. Award 1st Reserve ..................................................................................................................... Award 2nd Reserve ................................................................................................................... Award ► Rules and Regulations Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations.


2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

RABBIT DIVISION RULES All rabbits must be pre-entered by July 1, 2011. Forms are available at the County Extension Office. All rabbits must arrive Thursday, July 21 between 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. and must remain until released after the show. No crossbred rabbits may be shown. Show order and individual Breed classes will be determined by Show Superintendent and posted at the show table. A.) All animals must be identified by a permanent legible tattoo in the left ear. Legibility to be determined by judge. B.) All rabbits confined more than one to a cage will be removed from the premises if the Rabbit Superintendent(s) deems one of the rabbits infected with a contagious disease. Contagious diseases of rabbits include, but not limited to, Pasteruella (snuffles), Coccidiosis, Scurvy, Mange, Fleas, Mites, and Lice. Rabbits with non-infectious diseases such as: ear cancers, slobbers, (often coming from stress), pot belly, abscesses, hernias, split penis, blindness, malocclusion, or sore hocks are considered to be unhealthy and will be disqualified, but will not be required to leave the premises. All rabbits must pass a health inspection by the superintendent at checkin, although no health papers or registration certificate will be needed. Best of Breed winners in each major breed will compete for Best of Show, 1st Reserve and 2nd Reserve. Rosettes to be awarded. Exhibitors must be in the area of the show during the show unless showing other livestock and cleared by Show Superintendent or they will be 117

2011 disqualified. 8. Exhibitors must take care of their own rabbits while at the show. 9. Exhibitors must have owned and cared for their rabbit for at least 60 days prior to the show. 10. There must be at least three rabbits and two owners in the breed to constitute a class. Otherwise, they will be shown as All Other Breeds (AOB). 11. All other information must be filled out completely on entry form unless rabbit needs to be tattooed at check-in. 12. Rabbits not entered by pre-entry due date will NOT be admitted under any circumstances. 13. Meat pen will consist of three (3) rabbits, all of the same type and variety and under ten (10) weeks of age. Judging will be based on meat type, condition, uniformity and fur. 14. Rabbit exhibitors will be required to wear the official jacket (4-H or FFA) of their organization or 4-H exhibitors can wear an official 4-H apron. SECTION 200 ►Class Number 1. Havana 2. Dutch 3. Florida White 4. Claifornian 5. Polish 6. Thrianta 7. Holland Lop 8. Mini Lop 9. Mini Rex 10. Netherlands Dwarf 11. New Zealand 12. All Other Breeds (AOB) 13. Meat Pen Rabbits will be designated on entry form as “Buck” or “Doe”. Be sure to include the age class of each rabbit entry. Junior: Under 6 months Intermediate: 6 to 8 months Senior: Over 8 months Please include variety or color of each rabbit entry.


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR SECTION 230: RABBIT SHOWMANSHIP ►Class Number 1. Junior Showmanship (ages 9-12 as of show date) 2. Intermediate Showmanship (ages 13-15 as of show date) 3. Senior Showmanship (ages 16-18 as of show date) Awards will be presented to all classes. Champion Showmanship ........................................................................................ Award Reserve Champion Showmanship ...................................................................... Award

DIVISION 600: SHEEP Superintendent: Curtis Carter Entries due July 1, 2011 Weigh-in: Saturday, July 23, 2011 between 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Showtime: Saturday, July 23, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. Pavilion 1st thru 5th Place Ribbons Premiums: $25 - $20 - $15 - $10 - $5 All Animals requiring weigh-in must be weighed-in during designated weighin times. Failure to weigh-in during designated time will result in the animals’ disqualification. Breeding Breed Champion Ewe ............................................................................ Award Reserve Breed Champion Ewe .............................................................. Award Grand Champion Ewe ............................................................................ Award Reserve Grand Champion Ewe ............................................................. Award Market Breed Champion .................................................................................... Award Reserve Breed Champion...................................................................... Award Grand Champion ................................................................................... Award Reserve Grand Champion ..................................................................... Award


2011 BREEDING EWE RULES Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Ewes must be owned and fed by exhibitor for 60 days. Registered ewes will be shown by age. Commercial ewes will be shown by weight. All lambs must be free of contagious diseases or they will not be allowed to show and must be removed from grounds. Ewes may be shown as market or breeding, but not both. Age: Ewe lambs must have all 8 temporary incisors with no visible signs of permanent incisors. Yearling ewes must have 6 temporary incisors and 1 pair of permanent incisors. Must have three or more animals of a breed, owned by two or more exhibitors to make a class. If not, they will be shown as AOB. AOB class will show regardless of number. Registration papers required for Bred and Owned class.

â–şSection Number 601. Dorset ewe lambs 602. Dorset yearling ewes 603. Hampshire ewe lambs 604. Hampshire yearling ewe 605. Suffolk ewe lambs 606. Suffolk yearling ewe 607. Shropshire ewe lambs 608. Shropshire yearling ewe 609. Commercial ewe lamb 610. Commercial yearling ewe 611. AOB ewe lamb 612. AOB yearling ewe 613. Bred and Owned ewe


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR MARKET LAMB RULES Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Must have been owned and fed by exhibitor for 60 days. Ewes may be shown as market or breeding, but not both. All market lambs will show by breed. Classification will be done at weigh-in. No maximum weight. Minimum weight of 75 pounds. To have a breed, must have three or more animals and two or more exhibitors. If not, animals will be shown in crossbred class. The Sheep Division Superintendent will weigh and divide classes. Market lambs will be shown slick shorn. Lambs must be determined by the Sheep Division Superintendent to be free of contagious disease or they will not be allowed to show and must be removed from fairgrounds.

â–şSection Number 622. Speckel face - Market Lamb 623. Dorset - Market Lamb 624. Hampshire - Market Lamb 625. Suffolk - Market Lamb 626. Shropshire - Market Lamb 627. Southdown - Market Lamb 628. Natural Colored - Market Lamb 629. Crossbred - Market Lamb SECTION 630: SHEEP SHOWMANSHIP â–şClass Number 1. Junior Showmanship (ages 9-12 as of show date) 2. Intermediate Showmanship (ages 13-15 as of show date) 3. Senior Showmanship (ages 16-18 as of show date) Award given for showmanship classes Champion Showmanship ........................................................................................ Award Reserve Champion Showmanship ...................................................................... Award


2011 DIVISION 700: SWINE Superintendent: Randal Moyer Entries due July 1, 2011 Weigh-in: Friday, July 22, 2011 between 8:00 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Showtime: Friday, July 22, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Pavilion 1st thru 5th Place Ribbons Premiums: $25 - $20 - $15 - $10 - $5 Breeding Gilts and Market Swine: Breed Champion.......................................................................................................... Award Reserve Breed Champion........................................................................................ Award Grand Champion ......................................................................................................... Award Reserve Grand Champion ....................................................................................... Award JUNIOR BREEDING GILTS RULES Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.


Registration papers will be checked Friday, July 22, 2011 between 8:00— 9:00 a.m. at the scales. Commercial gilts (gilts with no papers) will be weighed at this time and must weigh a minimum of 180 pounds. There will be no maximum weight. All entries shall be registered and recorded in the name of the exhibitor (exception commercial gilts). All gilts to be ear notched and healed. All entries to be owned, cared for, and fed by exhibitor 60 days prior to show. All swine must have pseudo-rabies and Brucellosis tag and original papers as required by State Department of Agriculture. Pseudo-rabies tests should be administered by a licensed veterinarian after January 1, 2011 for this show season. Premise I.D. will be required. Gilts must be born after January 31, 2011. Commercial gilts will be shown by weight.

►Section Number 701. Berkshire 702. Chester White 703. Duroc 704. Hampshire 705. Poland 706. Spots 707. Yorkshire 708. Commercial 709. AOB 122


Bred & Owned

â–şClass Number 1. Gilt farrowed from February 1-20, 2011. 2. Gilt farrowed from February 21-March 10, 2011. 3. Gilt farrowed March 11, 2011 or after.

MARKET SWINE RULES Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

All swine to have pseudorabies and Brucellosis tag and original papers as required by State Department of Agriculture. Premise I.D. will be required. All swine must be fed, owned and cared for by exhibitor for 60 days prior to show. Three (3) animals of a breed and two or more owners are required to constitute a breed; otherwise, they will be shown in the crossbred class. The Swine Division Superintendent will be responsible for determining class size, swine weigh-in and classification. All market swine must weigh a minimum of 180 pounds. Pigs will be weighed one time to determine official weight and pig not weighing at least 180 pounds will not be allowed to show. There will be no maximum weight. Gilts may be shown in market class, or in breeding class, but not both. Commercial gilts (without papers) will weigh a minimum of 180 pounds. All market swine will show by breed.

â–şSection Number 711. Berkshire 712. Chester White 713. Duroc 714. Hampshire 715. Poland 716. Spots 717. Yorkshire 718. Crossbred


2011 SECTION 730: Swine Showmanship ►Class Number 1. Junior Showmanship (ages 9-12 as of show date) 2. Intermediate Showmanship (ages 13-15 as of show date) 3. Senior Showmanship (ages 16-18 as of show date) All ages are based on contestant’s age as of Show date. Premium and award given for each showmanship class: Champion Showmanship ........................................................................................ Award Reserve Champion Showmanship ...................................................................... Award


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR DIVISION 800: BEEF Superintendent: Max Stotz Entries due July 1, 2011 Weigh-in: Friday, July 22, 2011 between 4:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. Showtime: Friday, July 22, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. Pavilion All animals requiring weigh-in must be weighed-in during designated weighin times. Failure to weigh-in during designated time will result in the animals’ disqualification. All registered females must have a legible tattoo matching registration papers to be eligible to show. This will be enforced. If not in compliance females will not be shown or will be shown as a commercial female. 1st thru 5th Place Ribbons Premiums: $25 - $20 - $15 - $10 - $5 Heifers Registered Heifers Breed Champion ............................................................................................................. Award Reserve Breed Champion ............................................................................................ Award Grand Champion ............................................................................................................ Award Reserve Grand Champion ........................................................................................... Award Commercial Heifers Breed Champion ............................................................................................................. Award Reserve Breed Champion ............................................................................................ Award Grand Champion Heifer ............................................................................................... Award Reserve Grand Champion Heifer .............................................................................. Award Prospect Steers Grand Champion Prospect ......................................................................................... Award Reserve Grand Champion Prospect......................................................................... Award Market Steers Grand Champion ............................................................................................................ Award Reserve Grand Champion ........................................................................................... Award Bred and Owned • Bred and owned must be registered in exhibitors name and papers must show exhibitor owned the dam when she was bred. Grand Champion .......................................................................................................... Award Reserve Grand Champion ........................................................................................ Award


2011 Show Order Registered Heifers Commercial Heifers Supreme Heifers Bred & Owned Prospect Steers Market Steers Showmanship REGISTERED HEIFER RULES Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. 1. 2.

3. 4.


Present registration papers at time of entry. Tattoos must be in the ear of the heifer and will be checked by Beef superintendent or his/her representative at check-in. If no tatoo is present heifer will be shown as a commercial. Two animals of a breed and two or more owners are required to constitute a breed; otherwise they will show in the All Other Breed (AOB) class Registered heifers must be registered in owners’ name 60 days prior to show. Commercial heifers need a signed affidavit by breeder declaring heifers’ age. All heifers need to be owned, fed and cared for by exhibitor 60 days prior to show. Bred and Owned must be registered in exhibitor’s name and papers must show exhibitor owned the dam when she was bred.

►Section Number 801. Angus 802. 803. Charolais 804. Chianina 805. Hereford 806. Limousin 807. Maine-Anjou 808. Shorthorn 809. Simmental 810. Bred and Owned (one class only) 811. Commercial (See Commercial Heifer Rules)





â–şClass Number 1. Born after January 1, 2011 - must be at least 4 months old 2. Born September 1 - December 31, 2010 3. Born May 1 - August 1, 2010 4. Born January 1 - April 30, 2010

COMMERCIAL HEIFER RULES Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Commercial heifer classes will be broken by weight. There is no weight limit and no papers required. Heifers must possess all their baby teeth with no signs of permanent teeth. Heifers can be shown as Registered or Commercial Heifers but NOT both.


2011 STEER RULES Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. 1. 2. 3. 4.


All steers must be owned and fed by exhibitor for sixty (60) days prior to the show. Must have a full set of baby teeth with no signs of permanent teeth. A breed will divided into two (2) classes if there are 8 to 16 animals and three (3) classes if there are 17 or more animals. Beef Division Superintendent will weigh, check teeth, (teeth rule: prospects–temporary incisors only / market–two center permanent incisors may be in, but must be below cutting edge of adjacent temporary incisors) and divide into classes. Prospect and Market steers will be divided into two classes - English or Exotic. Any steer having English blood will be classified as English. English– Exotic or Exotic-Exotic cross will be classified as Exotic. PROSPECT STEERS - WEIGHT 999 AND UNDER:

►Section Number 820. English-Prospect 821. Exotic-Prospect MARKET STEERS -WEIGHT 1000 AND UP ►Section Number 822. English-Market 823. Exotic-Market SECTION 830 - BEEF SHOWMANSHIP ►Class Number 1. Junior Showmanship (ages 9-12 as of show date) 2. Intermediate Showmanship (ages 13-15 as of show date) 3. Senior Showmanship (ages 16-18 as of show date) Premium and awards given for showmanship classes Champion Showmanship ...................................................................... Award Reserve Champion Showmanship ....................................................... Award


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR DAIRY CATTLE Entries due July 1, 2011 Check-in: Friday, July 22, between 5:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. Showtime: Friday, July 22, at 7:00 p.m. Ribbons: 1st thru 5th Place Ribbons Premiums: $25 - $20 - $15 - $10 - $5 DAIRY CATTLE RULES Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. 1. 2. 3.

All animals will be shown as All Other Breeds. Animals need to be owned and fed by the exhibitor for 60 days prior to show. Dairy check-in will be announced at the show.

SECTION: 850 ►Class Number 1. Junior Heifer calves born after March 1, 2011. 2. Intermediate Heifer calves born December 1, 2010- February 28, 2011. 3. Senior yearling heifers born September 1, 2010 - November 30, 2010. 4. Junior yearling heifers, not in milk born March 1, 2010 - August 31, 2010. 5. Senior yearling heifers, not in milk born September 1, 2009 - February 28, 2010. 6. Cows - 2 years and older SECTION 860 – Dairy Cattle Showmanship ►Class Number 1. Junior Showmanship (ages 9-12 as of show date) 2. Intermediate Showmanship (ages 13-15 as of show date) 3. Senior Showmanship (ages 16-18 as of show date) Premium and awards given for showmanship classes Champion Showmanship ........................................................................................ Award Reserve Champion Showmanship ...................................................................... Award


2011 DIVISION 900: MEAT GOAT Superintendent: Entries due July 1, 2011 Weigh-in: Friday, July 22, 2011 between 1:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m. Showtime: Friday, July 22, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. Pavilion All animals requiring weigh-in must be weighed-in during designated weigh-in times. Failure to weigh-in during designated time will result in the animals’ disqualification. Meat Goats will be released following completion of meat goat and sheep show on Friday July 22, 2011. 1st thru 5th Place Ribbons Premiums: $25 - $20 - $15 - $10 - $5 GENERAL GOAT DIVISION RULES Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. 1.

2. 3. 4.

All goats must have an official pedigree issued by respective breed association, signed by the breeder listing buyer and date of sale, or a notarized bill of sale. All goats must to be tattooed, as per breed association rules. Goats must have been owned and fed by exhibitor sixty (60) days prior to show. Goats must be free of external parasites, ringworm and warts.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1. 2.

SECTION 910: Market Goats Rules Must have been owned and fed by exhibitor for 60 days prior to the show. Must have milk teeth. Does may be shown as market or breeding, but not both. All market animals will be shown by weight No minimum or maximum weight. The Meat Goat Division Superintendent will determine class breaks and class size. All goats will be weighed by species committee. No weigh back. All goats must be free of contagious diseased. Goat determined to be infected with a contagious disease will not be allowed to show and must be removed from the barn. SECTION 915: Pygmy Market Goats Rules Pygmy goats will be shown in a separate market class if there are three or more head entered and shown by two or more exhibitors. Pygmy goats will show under same rules as market meat goats listed in Section 910.


2011 SECTION 920: Breeding Meat Goats Rules 1. Does whose age is less than three (3) months need not be registered in exhibitors’ name. A signed transfer from the breeder, stating date of sale, buyer and seller and animals’ birth date is required. 2. Must have been owned and fed by exhibitor for 60 days prior to the show. 3. All does must be free of contagious diseased. Does determined to be infected with a contagious disease will not be allowed to show and must be removed from the barn. 4. Does may be shown as market or breeding, but not both. 5. All breeding does must be tattooed, as specified by breed association rules. 6. No bucks are allowed to show. ►Class Number 1. Under 3 months 2. 3 to 6 months 3. 7 to 9 months 4. 10 to 12 months 5. 13 months and over Day of show will determine age of does by their papers.

SECTION 925: Breeding Pygmy Goats Pygmy goats will be shown in a separate breeding class if there are three or more head owned and entered by two or more exhibitors. 2. Pygmy goats will show under the same rules as listed in Section 920. ►Class Number 1. Under 3 months 2. 3 to 6 months 3. 7 to 9 months 4. 10 to 12 months 5. 13 months and over Day of show will determine age of does by their papers. 1.

Grand Champion Junior Doe ................................................................................. Award Reserve Grand Champion Junior Doe ............................................................... Award Grand Champion Senior Doe ................................................................................ Award Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe .............................................................. Award Grand Champion Market......................................................................................... Award Reserve Grand Champion Market....................................................................... Award



SECTION 930: Meat Goat Showmanship ►Class Number 1. Junior Showmanship (ages 9-12 as of show date) 2. Intermediate Showmanship (ages 13-15 as of show date) 3. Senior Showmanship (ages 16-18 as of show date) Premium and Garment bag given for showmanship classes Champion Showmanship ........................................................................................ Award Reserve Champion Showmanship ...................................................................... Award DIVISION 1000: DAIRY GOAT Superintendent: Richard Hall Entries due July 1, 2011 Check-in: Saturday, July 23 between 8:00—9:00 a.m. Showtime: Saturday, July 23 at 10:00 a.m. Pavilion 1st thru 5th Place Ribbons Premiums: $25 - $20 - $15 - $10 - $5 Rules and Regulations Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. DAIRY GOAT DIVISION RULES 1.

Goats must have been owned and fed by the exhibitor for 60 days prior to the show. 2. An original official health certificate from a licensed veterinarian must accompany each animal. 3. Goats must be free from external parasites, ringworms and warts. 4. If there is only one entry in a class, that class will be combined with the next class or the class that is nearest in age, if there are no entries in the next class. The objective is to provide competitive classes with more than one entry per class. 5. Goats will be shown with a winter clip. 6. Only ADGA registered papers required. 7. No bucks or wethers. 8. No horns. Awards given for each breed: Grand Champion Junior Doe ................................................................................. Award Reserve Grand Champion Junior Doe ............................................................... Award Grand Champion Senior Doe ................................................................................ Award Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe .............................................................. Award Best of Show Junior Doe .......................................................................................... Award Best of Show Senior Doe ......................................................................................... Award 133

2011 SECTION 1001: AOP (ALL OTHER PUREBRED) APO is defined as the following: a. Alpine b. Lamanche c. Saanan d. Toggenburg e. Overhasli f. Nigerian SECTION 1002: NUBIAN (NOT included in online entry form) SECTION 1003: RECORDED GRADES Does in Milk ►Class Number 1. Under 2 Years 2. 2 to 3 Years Old 3. 3 to 4 Years Old 4. 4 to 5 Years Old 5. 5 Years and Older Kids and Dry Doelings 6. 7. 8. 9.

Under 4 months 4 to 8 months 8 to 12 months 12 to 24 months SECTION 1005: DAIRY GOAT SHOWMANSHIP

►Class Number 1. Junior Showmanship (ages 9-12 as of show date) 2. Intermediate Showmanship (ages 13-15 as of show date) 3. Senior Showmanship (ages 16-18 as of show date) Premium and Garment bag given for showmanship classes Champion Showman ................................................................................................. Award Reserve Champion Showman .............................................................................. Award


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR SHOWMANSHIP CONTEST Showmanship will be awarded to Champion Showman and Reserve Champion Showman in Junior, Intermediate and Senior divisions for: Beef, Swine, Sheep, Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goat, Meat Goat, Rabbits, and Poultry. Premium and awards given for showmanship classes are: Champion Showman ................................................................................................. Award Reserve Champion Showmanship ..................................................................... Award Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. 1. Youth must Pre-enter to show in showmanship. 2. All participants in the Showmanship Contests must be a 4-H or FFA member. 3. Junior Division – ages 9-12 years as of show date. Exhibitor must be at least 9 years old and a 4-H member. 4. Intermediate – ages 13-15 years as of show date and a 4-H or FFA member. 5. Senior – ages 16-18 years as of show date and a 4-H or FFA member. 6. All exhibitors must show their own animals in the showmanship contest. 7. Animals shown in showmanship contest must be officially entered in the 2010 Tulsa County Free Fair. 8. All youth who are official 4-H or FFA members may enter showmanship ►Section Number 135. Poultry Showmanship 230. Rabbit Showmanship 630. Sheep Showmanship 730. Swine Showmanship 830. Beef Showmanship 860. Dairy Showmanship 930. Meat Goat Showmanship 1005. Dairy Goat Showmanship


2011 DIVISION 1100: HORSE SHOW Superintendent: Entries due July 1, 2011 Date of Horse Show: Saturday, August 6, 2011 Check-in: Saturday, August 6 between 8:00 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Showtime: Saturday, August 6 at 10:00 a.m. Pavilion Arena Premiums: $25 - $20 - $15 - $10 - $5 1st thru 5th Place Ribbons Rules and Regulations Read and obey all General Rules and Regulations. 1.

2. 3.

4. 5.


7. 8.

The 2011 Oklahoma State 4-H Horse Show Rules will govern the Tulsa County Junior Livestock Show horse show. These rules are available through the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. The Show Management reserves the right to interpret or modify certain rules as needed to apply to the Tulsa County Junior Livestock Show Horse Show. No one is allowed on the announcer/superintendent stand except for designated people, i.e. show announcer, horse show superintendent, show management personnel. Club Leaders, parents and show participants are not allowed on the stand unless requested by horse show superintendent. Age groups are as of January 1, 2011; enrolled in 4-H or FFA; and 9 years old by July 1, 2011. Each contestant must be a bonafide member of a Tulsa County 4-H Club or FFA Chapter. Contestants who have reached their 19th birthday prior to the current calendar year will not be eligible. Riding attire will be as required in the Oklahoma State 4-H Horse Show Rules, unless the Horse Show Committee, Superintendent, and/or judge decides a change is needed due to show conditions. The change in attire will be announced prior to start of the Horse Show. Committee Contestant must have owned or leased the horse enter for a minimum of 60 days prior to the show. If a horse that has been entered in the Tulsa County Free Fair or the Tulsa County Spring Livestock Show becomes incapacitated through injury or death, the exhibitor can enter and show with another horse but the exhibitor must have a letter or documentation from a veterinarian verifying 136

TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR the illness or death of the horse that was originally entered. 9. Only one horse’s score can total for overall high point award in their age group. 10. More than one member of the same family CANNOT compete on the same horse. 11. Stalls will be available two hours prior to the time set for “Check In”. (Stall fees will be dependent on contract with Tulsa Expo.) 12. A minimum of four (4) entries are required to make a class. If the minimum is not met, the classes may be combined at the discretion of show officials 13. No stallions will be shown. 14. Exhibitors must have valid Identification and Social Security Numbers for receipt of premiums. 15. All horses entering mush have a current negative Coggins Certificate dated within 12 months of this show. Coggins Certificates will be checked upon arrival at the show. Entrants showing two (2) horses mush have both horses names recorded on entry form and each horse’s Coggins Certificate will be checked. Any horse not accompanied with a current Coggins Certificate will not be allowed to show and must leave the barn. 16. Each age group will receive a high point belt buckle. Points are 5 – 1st, 4 – 2nd, 3 – 3rd, 2 – 4th, 1 – 5th 17. Check-in between 8 and 9a.m. Have your Coggin Certificate on hand. Check with show staff on entries. Horses do not have to be on grounds at time of entry. However you do need to check-in between 8 and 9 a.m. to be eligible to compete. Horse Show will be held in the Pavilion Arena at Expo Square. Exhibitors must present current negative Coggins Certificate (dated within 12 months of show) before unloading horses.


2011 SECTION 1100 – HORSE SHOW ►Class Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Halter Mares ..................................................................................Horses age 5 and under Halter Mares ..................................................................................... Horses age 6 and over Halter Geldings ............................................................................Horses age 5 and under Halter Geldings ............................................................................... Horses age 6 and over Showmanship at Halter (English or Western) .............................................. Ages 9-11 Showmanship at Halter (English or Western) ............................................Ages 12-14 Showmanship at Halter (English or Western) ............................................Ages 15-18 Tack Change English Walk-trot .................................................................................................... Ages 9-11 English Walk-trot ..................................................................................................Ages 12-14 English Walk-trot ..................................................................................................Ages 15-18 Hunter Under Saddle ............................................................................................ Ages 9-11 Hunter Under Saddle ..........................................................................................Ages 12-14 Hunter Under Saddle ..........................................................................................Ages 15-18 Hunt Seat Equitation............................................................................................. Ages 9-11 Hunt Seat Equitation...........................................................................................Ages 12-14 Hunt Seat Equitation...........................................................................................Ages 15-18 Tack Change Western Walk Trot................................................................................................... Ages 9-11 Western Walk Trot.................................................................................................Ages 12-14 Western Walk Trot.................................................................................................Ages 15-18 Western Pleasure .................................................................................................... Ages 9-11 Western Pleasure ..................................................................................................Ages 12-14 Western Pleasure .................................................................................................Ages 15-18 Western Horsemanship........................................................................................ Ages 9-11 Western Horsemanship......................................................................................Ages 12-14 Western Horsemanship......................................................................................Ages 15-18 Reining ....................................................................................................................... Ages 9-11 Reining .....................................................................................................................Ages 12-14 Reining .....................................................................................................................Ages 15-18 Trail .............................................................................................................................. Ages 9-11 Trail ............................................................................................................................Ages 12-14 Trail ............................................................................................................................Ages 15-18 Barrel Race ................................................................................................................ Ages 9-11 Barrel Race .............................................................................................................Ages 12-14 Barrel Race ..............................................................................................................Ages 15-18 Poles ............................................................................................................................ Ages 9-11 Poles ..........................................................................................................................Ages 12-14 Poles ..........................................................................................................................Ages 15-18 Stakes.......................................................................................................................... Ages 9-11 Stakes........................................................................................................................Ages 12-14 Stakes........................................................................................................................Ages 15-18


TULSA COUNTY FREE FAIR NOTES: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ 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2011 NOTES: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ 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Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Robert E.Whitson, Director of Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. This publication is printed and issued by Oklahoma State University as authorized by the Vice President, Dean, and Director of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and has been prepared and distributed at a cost of $2.78 per copy. 07/11

• T U L S A C O U N T Y F R E E FA I R 2 0 1 1 •

Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, disability, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures.

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