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President's Awards 2021-2022
Cheyenne Barnard
Cheyenne Barnard is entering her third year at the University of Tulsa College of Law. Cheyenne agreed to assist with the Street Law program and continued to be involved to the end. She rarely missed a session and actively worked with the students to teach the concepts we were covering. Her efforts were instrumental in making this program a success.
Rachel Johnson
Rachel Johnson is a recent graduate of the University of Tulsa College of Law. Rachel agreed to participate in the Street Law program from the beginning and she readily engaged with the students each time she was there. Her commitment helped to make this inaugural effort a success. Rachel is currently working with Housing Solutions and plans to take the bar exam in February.
Judge Rebecca Nightingale
Judge Nightingale is often found working to address issues that affect access to justice for the community at large. She currently presides over the Veterans Treatment Court, a program that helps those who served our nation, but who have been charged with a criminal offense while struggling with drug and/or alcohol addictions and/or mental health problems. She has served as presiding judge of the panel of state judges who hear cases involving judges being disciplined. Judge Nightingale is a true champion of access to justice.
Pierre Robertson
Pierre Robertson has been involved in the Tulsa County Bar Association for several years and while all members contribute to the success of the organization, Pierre invests himself significantly on multiple levels. Every time I ask Pierre to assist with a project, he says, “Yes!” He is enthusiastic and thinks creatively about how the TCBA can better help the community. This year, he was instrumental in working with the Street Law Project. From researching the teaching materials available to actually teaching the materials, Pierre became an integral part of the program. As an organization, we must assist our younger attorneys in developing their skills both as attorneys and as leaders and members like Pierre Robertson provide assurance that the further of the TCBA is bright.