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Tulsa Global Alliance Hosts Mongolian Judges
Between July 16-23, the Tulsa Global Alliance hosted a group of five judges from Mongolia, accompanied by an interpreter and facilitator, through the U.S. Congressional Office of International Leadership. The theme of their program was “Judicial Rule of Law” and the TCBA assisted in hosting and facilitating visits with local attorneys and judges as well as tours of our courthouses and the Bar Center.
Judge Keele hosted the Judges in her courtroom where they sat in on a Parenting Planning Conference docket for family cases involving custody/visitation of minor children. They watched Steven Amend, the Family Court Resource Coordinator, and Ross Aston, attorney with Oklahoma DHS Child Support Services give a presentation of important information to help guide litigants through the family court process.
Afterwards, Judge Keele answered questions about family court processes. The following day, OBA President Jim Hicks, TCBA President Kara Vincent, TCBA President Elect Philip Hixon, and Bench & Bar Chair Kevinn Matthews hosted the judges at the Bar Center for coffee and Q&A. It was an honor to meet these honorable individual and learn about their culture and judicial system, which is similar to the US.