National Rate Card 2014

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National Tulsa World Media Company offers an engaging portfolio of print and online products that fit the advertising needs of an incredibly important business – yours.

3. Terms of Payment Publishes Daily and Sunday

52% of area adults read Tulsa World in print or online in an average week. Source: Nielsen Scarborough 2014 R1 Tulsa CBSA

National Rate Card For advertising information, call or write Tulsa World Media Company P.O. Box 1770 Tulsa, OK. 74102 Phone (918) 581-8556, Fax (918) 581-8514 Offices located at 315 S. Boulder, Tulsa, OK 74103-3423 Business Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday Members: Alliance for Audited Media (AAM), Midwest NAEA, INMA, SCAMA, SNPA, AMCEA CONTENTS 1. Personnel 9. ROP Depth Requirements 2. Representative 10. Contract and Copy Rules 3. Terms of Payment 11. Closing Times 4. Policies 12. Mechanical Requirements 5. Black and White Rates 13. Special Classification Rates A. ROP 14. Classified Rates B. Resort & Travel 15. Comics C. CAP Rates 16. SectionsD. Political, Education, A. TV World Church & Charity Rates B. WEEKEND 6. Color Rates C. Tabloid Magazine 7. Special Services D. 8. Special Days/Features 17. Audience

1. Personnel Advertising Director.......................Jennifer Carthel....(918) 581-8509 Mgr of Inside Media Sales.............Shannon Hayden........... 581-8512 Mgr of Outside Media Sales..........Scott Baker.................... 581-8525 Major/National Accounts Mgr........Mandy Six...................... 699-8872 Special Sales & Training Mgr........Amanda Boyaci............. 581-8542 Marketing Director.........................Debra Worthington........ 581-8554 Credit Manager..............................Newt Collins.................. 581-8546 Production Director........................Bob Gutridge................. 699-8802 National Sales............................................................(918) 581-8556

2. Representative

Tulsa World Media Company shall, at its option require cash with order until credit has been approved. Tulsa World Media Company reserves the right to cancel advertising placed by an advertiser if the advertising and credit application is not received in the credit department one hour prior to ad cancellation time. Credit Policy: terms-net cash. Tulsa World Media Company uses a 5/4/4 billing cycle. All charges prior to the last day of the period become due and payable on the first of the month following insertion and delinquent after the 15th of the month following insertion. An accounts advertising may be discontinued by the end of the month following insertion until account is paid in full. A finance charge of 1 1/2 percent per month or annual percentage rate (APR) of 18 percent will be charged on all balances not received by the end of the period. Where credit is granted our billing is deemed to be correct both as to the amount of space and rate charged, unless within 10 days from the mailing of any such bill, you notify us in writing that the bill is incorrect.

4. Policies / Contract Information A. Volume rates are available to all advertisers except those requesting agency discounts, those who do not have an established business outlet within the retail trade zone and those engaged in interstate transportation. B. Publisher may revise rates at any time by giving advertiser 10 days written notice. C. TAX- should any government body levy a tax on any advertising covered by these rates, such tax will become an additional charge to the advertiser, over and above the rates mentioned herein. D. Advertiser cannot use a volume contract, weekly frequency agreement or frequency preprint contract to place advertising for any other establishment or group of establishments without expressed permission of Tulsa World management. E.Tulsa World Media Company reserves the right to reject any copy deemed unacceptable. F. Advertisements simulating news matter will be plainly marked “Advertisement” in small caps at top of ad. G. Please read your advertisement the first day it appears. In spite of our best efforts errors occasionally occur. We will make an adjustment on the FIRST INSERTION ONLY. The liability of Tulsa World Media Company in this respect shall not exceed such proportion of the space occupied as the noted error bears to the whole advertisement. H. Legality and propriety of advertisement is the advertiser’s responsibility. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Tulsa World Media Company, its officers, agents and employees from any litigation involving improprieties in advertising content. I. We will make every effort to accommodate position requests. We do not guarantee position, nor is advertising accepted for publication subject to position. Failure to comply with position requests will in no way constitute reason for non-payment or result in an allowance. J. When the wrong rate appears on an insertion order, the mistake will be considered a clerical error. We will publish the ad and charge the correct amount shown on the current rate card. K. By ordering an ad, advertisers acknowledge acceptance of the conditions and rates of the current rate card.

Independent. For rate and market information, call (918) 581-8556.

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Tulsa World National Rates

L. Converted preprint lineage, Front Page Ads and advertisements apply toward fulfillment of volume contract. M. Tulsa World Media Company, a locally operated business owned by BH Media Group - a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, reserves the right to refuse to publish any material submitted for publication. Tulsa World Media Company is not required to offer reasons for rejecting an advertisement or editorial submission and will not entertain inquiries relative to justification. The management of Tulsa World Media Company will be the sole decision maker as to the content of its editorial and advertising pages. N. For any contract rate to be in force, the advertiser must execute a contract and publisher must accept the contract in advance of publication. The effective contract date cannot be backdated more than 30 days.

All display advertising sold by the inch in 1/4" increments. A. ROP Open Rates Mon.-Wed. Thur.-Sat. Sunday Inch Rate Inch Rate Inch Rate Open Rate Net ..........$91.............. $103........... $119 (non-commissionable) Repeat Ad Incentive (not available on Sunday) Advertiser schedules the repeat dates the same time the original ad is scheduled and runs within 6 days of 1st insertion (Sunday World, TV World, movie studio and theater not included). When Sunday World is included in repeat ad schedule (Sunday is not eligible for discount but counts towards frequency), the first eligible day receives a 25% discount with subsequent insertions receiving a 50% discount. Pickup rate discount applicable to space and color. Example: 1st insertion – Saturday – 25% discount 2nd insertion – Sunday – full price 3rd insertion – Monday – 50% discount When Sunday World is not included, the first insertion day will run at full price with the second insertion receiving a 25% discount and subsequent insertions in the six-day period receiving a 50% discount. B. Resort and Travel Resort and travel accounts using travel pages qualify for these net rates when ads are placed direct. Mon.-Wed. Thur.-Sat. Inch Rate

Color charges for Daily or Sunday insertion. Pickup rate discount applicable to space and color. Net One color and black.................... $750 Two color and black.................... $900 Three color and black................. $1,000 Color by the inch. Applies to 1 inch through 29 inch ads. One or more colors plus black –$25 per inch. Pickup rate discount applicable to space and color.

7. Special Services

5. Black and White Rates

6. Color Rates

Inch Rate

A. Alterations Changes from original layout and copy will be made if time and workload permit. B. Art Services If ad requires art prepared by the newspaper or if complete layout is to be made by the newspaper, the closing time must be advanced one full working day.

8. Special Days/Features Best Food Day—Wednesday Weekend Entertainment Section—Wednesday TMC (World Extra)—Wednesday Home—Saturday World of Homes—Saturday Careers—Sunday Celebrations­—Sunday Travel—Sunday Special Section Calendar available upon request.

9. ROP Requirements See #12–Mechanical Requirements


Inch Rate

Net Rate.................. $65.15 ..........$73.20........$88.37

C. CAP Rates Manufacturers or distributors using multiple dealer listing or who distribute their products through local retailers qualify for the net CAP rates. Mon.-Wed. Thur.-Sat. Inch Rate.

Inch Rate

Sunday Inch Rate

Net Rate.................. $65.15...........$73.20....... .$88.37 D. Political, Education, Church and Charity Rates These rates apply only to established, recognized, non-profit organizations and institutions.

Mon.-Wed. Thur.-Sat.

Inch Rate

Inch Rate


Inch Rate

Net Rate.................. $64.51...........$72.48....... .$87.60

Tulsa World National Rates

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10. Contract & Copy Rules A. Political Advertising Contact your Tulsa World sales representative regarding political copy requirements. B. Corrections – Only errors made by our advertising production will be corrected on day before publication. No other corrections will be made on the day before publication. No proofs will be given on the day before publication. C. Information – No copy taken by telephone. Paper not responsible for coupons backed. Additional charges will be made for all alterations. Paper not responsible for codes or key numbers unless in art work provided. Position requirements accepted as request only. Tulsa World assumes no liability for inadvertant omissions.

11. ROP Closing Times See Closing Times on back page.

12. Mechanical Requirements A. Size Requirements All display advertising sold by the inch in 1/4" increments. Minimum 1 column by 1 inch. FULL PAGE DEPTH: 20.89 inches. Ads measuring more than 18.5 inches in depth are charged as full page depth.

DISPLAY AD WIDTHS 4-col.— 7.208" wide 1-col.— 1.708" wide 5-col.— 9.042" wide 2-col.— 3.542" wide 6-col.— 10.875" wide 3-col.— 5.375" wide — 22.875" wide Double truck — 13-col.

E. Island Position Stock Page Contact your Tulsa World sales representative for rates and availability. 2 column x 4''. 15% premium. F. Necessary Components – At the time of submission, include all components of the ad: layout, drawings, art work, as well as complete instructions on the pickup of art previously used. Failure to submit complete layout and copy can result in partial or complete loss of proof service. Tulsa World Media Company does not assume responsibility for reproduction quality of fax materials. G. Camera Ready Files (Digital Files) accepted – Pdf files preferred. Save with Acrobat settings of PDFx1a-2001 or contact Tulsa World Prepress Department at (918) 581-8589 to download the latest Tulsa World Acrobat settings. RGB color space preferred. CMYK or grayscale color spaces accepted. Image resolution minimum is 200 to 300 dpi (dots per inch). All fonts must be embedded. H. Electronic File Submission Files can be submitted electronically by using our Ad Submission website Tulsa World also accepts files from CD, DVD, Flash Drives and from subscription services such as Ad Send, Fast Channel and Ad Transit. Consult your Tulsa World sales representative for details. Files can be submitted anytime, but will only be processed during normal working hours, 8 am to 5 pm CST, Monday through Friday.

13. Special Classification Rates Polybags, Power Notes or Vendor Box Display Cards Call your Tulsa World sales representative for details.

B. Full Page Advertisement Measurement 6 columns by 20.89 inches - charged at 126 column inches. C. Double Page Advertisement Advertiser pays an additional column times the depth. Advertisers are charged for single page color. D. ROP Banner Ad Position request subject to availability.

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Tulsa World National Rates

D. Color Rates Color charges per ad for Daily or Sunday .insertion. Pickup rate discount applicable to space and color. Process Colors (Process red, blue, yellow,) Net One color and black.................... $750 Two color and black.................... $900 Three color and black................. $1,000 Color by the inch. Applies to 6 inch through 29 inch ads. Classified pages only. One or more colors plus black – $25 per inch ($6.25 per quarter inch) net. Pickup rate discount applicable to space and color.

In a month, reach more than 521,000 adults and gain more than 8.2 million gross impressions with Tulsa World. No other media compares! Source: Nielsen Scarborough 2014 R1 Tulsa

14. Classified Rates Local Phone Number – (918) 583-2121 Long Distance Number – 1 (800) 897-3557 Fax Number—(918) 583-3550 Fax Deadline 3 pm Daily A. Open Rate (non-commissionable) Mon.-Wed..............................$15.86 per 1/4 inch Thur.-Sat................................$17.50 per 1/4 inch Sunday...................................$19.36 per 1/4 inch B. National Employment Rates Recruitment ads placed by a national agency or by any employer advertising jobs outside of our defined circulation area will be charged the national employment rate.

F. Blind Box Service charge for use of a blind box number is $30.00 if picked up at Tulsa World, $40.00 if replies are mailed. G. Mechanical Measurements For accurate width specifications use the inch measurements below.


1/2 inch minimum

E. Cancellations Cancellation or changes in size of non-display ads cannot be made before publication because of make-up requirements.

4-col.— 7.208" wide 1-col.— 1.708" wide 5-col.— 9.042" wide 2-col.— 3.542" wide 6-col.— 10.875" wide 3-col.— 5.375" wide Double truck — 13-col. — 22.875" wide H. Deadlines See back page for Classified deadlines.

Net In Col.


per 1/4 inch

per 1/4 inch

Mon.-Wed.........$18.83...........$31.38 Thur.-Sat...........19.92.............33.20 Sunday..............22.05.............36.75

C. Automotive Association Rates Any automotive manufacturer that lists a dealer association, multiple franchise locations or a “visit your local dealer tag” will be charged at the appropriate Automotive Association Rate. Net

In Col.

per 1/4 inch


per 1/4 inch

Mon.-Wed.........$11.73...........$19.55 Thur.-Sat...........12.43.............20.72 Sunday..............14.56.............24.27

Tulsa World National Rates

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15. Sunday Comics Published every Sunday in Tulsa World. A. Format 1. 10.875 inches wide by 20.25 inches deep. 2. Ads sold in modular sizes only.

Publishes every Wednesday and delivers entertainment news. Music, art, movies, restaurant reviews and other interesting topics are all in WEEKEND.

16b. WEEKEND Entertainment Magazine Published every Wednesday.

B. Rates Includes full color and mechanical work.

5 columns x 10.875"

C. Deadlines See back page for closing times.

1. Rates All rates are per column inch and include full color.

D. Ad Sizes 1/2 Page – 10.875" x 10" Ear Ad – 2.5" x 2"


1-10" 11-20" 21-30" 31-40" 41-55"

Open rate______ $62___ $59____ $51____ $43____ $40 2-5 Insertions___ $58___ $55____ $48____ $41____ $38 6-12 Ins._______ $54___ $51____ $45____ $39____ $36 13-25 Ins.______ $50___ $47____ $42____ $37____ $34 26-51 Ins.______ $46___ $43____ $39____ $35____ $32 52 Ins.________ $42___ $39____ $36____ $33____ $30

16c. Tabloid Magazine 16a. TV World Magazine Published every Sunday. Call for availability and pricing. 1. Format a. 5 columns wide (10") by 10.875" deep. b. One column – 1.9" Two column – 3.925" Three column – 5.95" Four column – 7.975"

Published as a special supplement to Tulsa World. Format a. Full color magazine 5 column x 10.875'' b. Standard ROP ad sizes. c. Full page 9.042'' wide x 10.875'' deep. 55 total column inches. d. Double Truck size - 10 column (20") x 10.875". Color charged at single page rate. Contact your Tulsa World representative for more information.

16d. To advertise on, contact your Tulsa World representative for more information.

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Tulsa World National Rates

17. Audience Readership and market information available upon request.

Tulsa World is a powerful selling tool that reaches the right buyer in the right market at the right time. Tulsa World readership proves this point. Remember as you consider your marketing, no other medium offers more effective reach of your audience.

Core Based Statistical Area Adult Readers 1 issue*+1 day web 5 issues*+5 day web

Designated Market Area Adult Audience 1 issue*+1 day web 5 issues*+5 day web

Source: Nielsen Scarborough 2014 R1 Tulsa CBSA * Includes e-Edition

Source: Nielsen Scarborough 2014 R1 Tulsa *Includes e-Edition

Daily Tulsa World



1 issue*+1 day web 4 issues*+4 day web Sunday Tulsa World 295,949 405,164

Daily Tulsa World



1 issue*+1 day web 4 issues*+4 day web Sunday Tulsa World 361,300 502,369









2014 Special Sections Special sections help advertisers reach a targeted audience from sports fanatics to health conscious readers and more. Consider these sections when making your marketing plans. To reserve your space in any of these sections or for more information on other special section opportunities, contact your Tulsa World representative or (918) 581-8510. January 19 Health Answers FeBRuary 6 Heart Health March 2 Outlook 2014 5 Greater Tulsa Home & Garden Show 9 Outlook 2014 17 NCAA Basketball Preview 23 Summer Camps 30 Summer Camps April 6 College Guide 6 Summer Camps 13 Summer Camps 13 Consumer Guide to Local Businesses

June 21 Home Plans 22 Road Trips

October 19 Healthy Living 19 College Guide

July 27 Back to School 30 Weekend Best in the World Kickoff

NOVember TBA Basketball Previews 12 Holiday 1 26 Holiday 2

August 17 Healthy Living 24 College Football Preview 31 High School Football Preview TBA Real Estate

December 3 Holiday 3 7 Holiday 4 14 Holiday 5 TBA Bowl Game Previews

September 11 Cancer Survivors 15 Tulsa Weddings 28 Investment Guide 28 Best in the World

May 4 Nurses Day 11 OK Excellence In Education 11 Vacation & Travel

Tulsa World National Rates

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Tulsa World Advertising hours are 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. *Camera ready ads submitted as an electronic file should be in a pre-approved Tulsa World format and delivery method.

One Proof Ads

Publication Day Monday

Proof Approval / Camera Ready Space Reservation Copy Deadline*

For two proof service, advance one proof deadlines 24 working day hours

Copy Due

All sections







Monday Thursday, 4 pm Friday Thursday, 13 days prior

Monday Tuesday Friday, 12 pm Friday, 4 pm Monday Tuesday Friday, 12 days prior Monday, 9 days prior

Monday Monday, 10 days prior

Tuesday Tuesday, 9 days prior

Wednesday Wednesday, 8 days prior

Tuesday Tuesday, 10 days prior

Wednesday Wednesday, 9 days prior

Thursday Friday, 7 days prior




Tuesday Wednesday Thursday, 10 days prior Wed., 11 days prior

Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday, 9 days prior Monday 9am, 6 days prior Thursday, 10 days prior Friday 11am, 9 days prior

Tuesday All sections


WEEKEND TMC (World Extra) All ROP sections Wrapper

Thursday All sections Wrapper

Friday All ROP sections Wrapper

Saturday All sections

Sunday Scene (Women’s, Entertainment & Travel), Business Main News, Sports TV World Sunday Comics


Tulsa World Classified Advertising hours are 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. Phones are open until 6 pm, Thursday and Friday. *Camera ready ads submitted as an electronic file should be in a pre-approved Tulsa World format and delivery method. Publication Day Monday

Space Reservation & Copy requiring proof

Proof Approval/Camera Ready Copy Deadline*

Thursday 11 am

Friday 1:30 pm

Friday 11 am

Monday 1:30 pm

Classified section TMC Classifieds (World Extra)

Monday 11 am Friday, 12 pm

Tuesday 1:30 pm Friday, 12 pm

Classified section

Tuesday 11am

Wednesday 1:30 pm

Classified section

Wednesday 11 am

Thursday 1:30 pm

Thursday 11 am Monday 3 pm

Friday 1:30 pm Wednesday 3 pm

Thursday 11 am

Friday 1:30 pm

Classified section


Classified section

Wednesday Thursday Friday


Classified Section World of Homes


Classified & Career Section C.

Special Sections and Holidays Special Section and holiday deadline schedules will be available prior to each period. Cancellations and size change for Special Sections– 11 am one working day following space reservation deadline.


Special Service If ad requires art prepared by the newspaper or if complete layout is to be made by the newspaper, the closing time must be advanced one full working day.

E. Cancellation Charge 10% of ad cost will be charged for any display advertisement set but not published.

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F. Deadlines for ROP Cancellations and Size Changes Monday– No later than 3 pm Friday Tuesday through Saturday– 11 am day preceding Sunday– Main News, Sports– 11 am Friday Opinion, Business, Scene (Women's, Entertainment & Travel)– 11 am Thursday TMC (World Extra)– 12 pm Friday TV World– 9 am Monday, 6 days prior Comics– 9 am Thursday, 17 days prior WEEKEND– 10 am Tuesday Billboards, Banner ads– 2 weeks prior G. Deadlines for Classified Cancellations Sunday................................................................................. 11 am Friday Monday.................................................................................. 3 pm Friday Tuesday thru Saturday................................... 11 am day before publication World of Homes.............................................................. 3 pm Wednesday TMC (World Extra)................................................................... 5 pm Friday

Tulsa World National Rates

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