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Building boom in northeastOklahoma
Two2,500-square-foot commercial spaces on the street level have been listed forlease in construction fieldsthatinclude electrical, plumbing, masonry, and heating and air conditioning.
With so much development happening in downtownTulsaand beyond, it canbe hard to keep up with the progress of various projectsacrosstown.
After abusyyearofconstruction, there’splentytoreport from multiple residential, retail, office and mixed-usedevelopments. And newprojectscontinue to launch in northeast Oklahoma that will bring businessbenefits foryears to come.
TheView apartments
Asix-storymultifamilydevelopment by American Residential Group opened in March 2022 at 420 E. ArcherSt. Some unitsofferbird’s-eye viewsofthe Tulsa skyline and ONEOK Field.
The View is afollow-up to 161unit The Edge, which opened in theEastVillage in 2016.The complexfeatures 198designer-finished units, twoswimming pools, including one on the rooftop,and an attached parking structure.
ARG, amultifamilyveteran in Tulsa, has alsodeveloped properties including the MetroatBrady, RenaissanceUptownand Tribune Lofts.

The office tower, along Greenwood Avenue between Firstand Second streets, is scheduled for completion in 2023.The facility contains six floorsofworkspace atop six levels of parking, with the exception of aground floor that includes alobby and about 12,000 squarefeet of rentable space.

The vast majorityisleased,with law firm Hall Estill setto fill the 11th and 12th floors.
Tulsa-based Laredo Petroleum, nowVital Energy,will bring its corporateheadquarterstoSantaFe Square. About local 100 employees started moving in lateJanuary floorseight through 10 of the office tower.
About 25,000 squarefeet of retail and restaurantswill line a pocket park that will include a 30-foot by 50-footdigital screen on which plazavisitorscan watch sporting eventsand other displays
Dirt work began in the fall on an adjacent 189-unit multifamily complex.
No tenant has yetbeen an- nounced forthe seventh floor which features about aloungeand fitness center.The entirecomplex is expected to be completed in summer 2024.
DavenportUrban Lofts n2015the project wasannounced. In 2019, officials held agroundbreaking ceremony. In 2023,residentsare settostart moving in at Davenport Urban Lofts, 405 N. Main St. Construction on the shell of the building next to Cain’sBallroom in the TulsaArtsDistrict has been completed. “Aswecompletethe units, we will be moving people in,”coowner Lori Schram said. “It’s going well.”
Of the building’s 29 condominiums,19havebeen sold and areexpected to be completed in thenext threetofour months
The building sitsonwhat used to be Davenport Street, the “D” in the series of east-west north Tulsa streetsnamed in the early 1900s TulsaPremium Outlets
Construction has resumed at the proposedTulsa PremiumOutletsmall after nearly athree-year hiatus,JenksCityManager Christopher Shrout said officials hope fora2024open date.
The 100-retailer mall, planned just south of the Creek Turnpikein Jenks, is expected to generate400 construction jobs and 800 parttime and permanent jobs
“It’s going to mean alot,”Shrout said. “Wehavesomuch development going on,but this just superchargesit.”
TulsaPremium OutletsLLC purchased 51 acres forthe Jenks project for $12 million. Baltimore-based Whiting-Turner, which has an office in Tulsa, is the general contractor/construction manager “It’s good news forthe whole metroarea,”Shrout said. “With the interest rate environment, I think it’s impressive that aprojectofthis sizeismoving forward.”

Cherokee Nation Career Readiness
Cherokee Nation brokeground
Feb. 7ona$10 million Career ReadinessCampus
It will be the newhome of the Cherokee Nation Building Trades Programand will provide spacefor expanded training opportunities
The campus,southwest of Tahlequah on the previous Cherokee CountyFairgrounds location, also will housethe tribe’shigh-voltagelineman and fiber technician training programs
The tribe’sCareer Readiness Actlegislation sets agoalof placing career serviceofficeswithin 30 miles of everyCherokee citizenwithin its7,000-square-mile reservation.
21 NorthGreenwood
A five-story, mixed-use 70,000-square-foot development planned by GreenArch LLCfor the southeast corner of Greenwood Avenue and Archer Street will featurethree stories of office space above aground-floor,retail/office component.
The law firm Pray Walker will occupynearlythe entirefourth floor, about 12,600 square feet. Alsoamong 21 North Greenwood’s tenantsisJuno Medical,backed by investor Serena Williams and Tulsa-based AtentoCapital.
“Therehas not been primary care medical on Greenwood in decades,” developer Kajeer Yarsaid.
The building’s rooftop event space, The Vistaat21, is booked regularly for special events. The deck alsooffersemployees a 5,000-square-foot enclosedarea forarooftop escape during the day.
GH2 Architectsdesigned the building, and Crossland Construction is the general contractor anna.codutti@tulsaworld.com
Juno Medical has signed alease at the 21 North Greenwood building, joining law firm Pray Walker (fourth floor) as tenants in theClass A mixed-used development.
“Therehas not been primary caremedical on Greenwood in decades, developer Kajeer Yarsaid.