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Theadvantagesofshoppinglocal andpersonalizedservice

Atypical impression is if you buyflooring from abig box store it’s going to be cheaper

“Usually,nothing is further from the truth in regardtoflooring,” said PennyCarnino,director of operations at Grigsby’s Carpet, Tile &Hardwood.

Carnino said Grigsby’s offers very competitivepricing on awide varietyofitems. Customerslooking to makeaninvestment in carpet, hardwood, laminate,natural stone, tile and vinylwillfind thatprices at Grigsby’s are consistentlyless expensive.

Priceisjust one of the things thatjumpstothe mind of a customer,building the notion local storescannot competewith larger brands. In reality, there are several aspects to buying flooring that makelocal shopsworth alook

One of the advantages Grigsby’s has is astaff with vast experience in the business

“Wehave astaff thathas tons of experience,”Carnino said. “My average salesperson has beenhere probably20years,sotheyhave awealth of knowledge, not only about the product but experience in regardtohelping the consumer choose what’s bestfor them and their situation. Whether they have kids, pets, there are just lots of flooring options out there and when aconsumer starts to look around, the averageconsumer gets very overwhelmed.”

It is easy forcustomersto become swamped by the myriad of flooring options available. Even if a customer entersthe floor shopping worldprepared, intricacieslikethe differences betweenavinyl plank being waterproof or onlytopically waterproof canbeconfusing.

“There are just alot of different things thatanexperienced salesperson canshare with a consumer so thattheyknowand thattheyhaveall thatinformation up front so theycan makeagood, educated decision on the floor they want to want to purchase,”Carnino said.

Customerscan take solace in the experienceofGrigsby’s veteran employees

“And while (customers) cando alot of research on the computer and allofthat, there’s nothing better than coming in and talking to somebodyand sharing with them what your ideasare, what your vision is and then getting some feedback about something thatis going to take care of thatfamily well and suit their needs,”Carnino said.

Customer serviceisanother areaitcan be advantageous to shop locally at aplace likeGrigsby’s “You’regoing to getvery personalizedservice,”Carnino said. “When youcallabig store, Ithink youprobablydon’t getasquick a response customer service-wise as youwhen youbuy from somebody locally ownedand operated.”

When acustomer walksinto Grigsby’s,heorshe willencounter an employeewanting to tailor the product to what the customer needs. Theideal flooring option depends on the customer’s situation and desires.

“When youcome in, we’regoing to talk about the type of flooring you’re interested in and the way the room is used, if youhavekids, pets, your lifestyle certainlymakes thatpart of it more personalized cause we’retrying to getwhatkind of flooring would be bestfor you, ” Carnino said.

Carnino said personalizing the customer experienceisan emphasis forher staff.Making sure customershave atremendous experienceispart of the reason Grigsby’s offersfreeestimateson its product.

“That’sa big thing forus,” Carnino said. “Wedofreeestimates and customer serviceisvery important forusand we feel like that’sjust an extrasomething that youshould getwhen youcome to Grigsby’s.”

Thesecurity of knowing a knowledgeable voicewillanswer acallatamoment’s noticeis valuable.

“Wehaveaninstillation manager that, if youhave an issue, we’regoing to getyou takencare of, we’regoing to getsomebodyright out there to look at it,”Carnino said.

“Same thing with the salesperson, Imean, they’re going to getright back to you, and you’ve gotsomebodythere to talk to.I don’tthink that’snearlyaseasy with abig boxstore.”

It doesn’t take long forthe entire Grigsby’s operation to function, from spotting an appealing flooring option to installing it.

“The things we have in stock, thatturnaround time is really quick,” Carnino said. “If you came in earlier in the week,the installation schedule obviously changes allthe time, but the likelihoodofyou coming in and getting it installedthe same week is fairly good.”

Grigsby’s openedits doorsin 1959.Carnino said, clearly,the store isn’t going anywhere.

“We’ve beeninthe business a really long time, we have agreat relationship with our vendors, Carnino said. “If there’s an issue, we’regoing to be able to getittaken care of foryou in aprobablymore timelymanner.”

Flooring options and inventory won’t be limited if acustomer choosestoshop locally at Grigsby’s Thousands of options in carpet, luxury vinyland tile are listed online.

Carnino said the items kept in stock are the most popular colorsand styles.Ifa bolder option is desired, Grigsby’s can accommodate it as an order, which usually takesaweekto10days. Backordering issues are improving afterstacking up during the pandemic.

“Wehaveatremendous selection,”Carnino said.

Carnino recognizesshopping forflooring canbeoverwhelming. HerhopeisGrigsby’s competitive pricing, knowledgeable salesstaff and freeestimatescan take some of the burdenoff customers.

“Consumerslook fora good valueand IfeellikeatGrigsby’s we offer great value,”she said. “In the end, that’swhatpeople want: Great customer serviceand agreat value fortheir investment.

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