Tulsa World Outlook 2022: Quality of Life

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SPECIAL SECTION | SUNDAY,MARCH 27,2022 |tulsaworld.com OUTLOOK2022 ABIG CITY RENAISSANCE Tulsacontinues to reachnew heights, refineuniquedestinations NewattractionshelpTulsa take music city reputation to next level PAGE 2 Area high schools, TCCpartner to expand degree access PAGE 3 Tulsa-area restaurant sceneboasts unexpectedrichness,diversity of flavors PAGE 18 INSIDE

New attractionsenhance musiccityreputation

S.E.Hinton book that inspired the film.

Maybeit’sanatural progression forthe OutsidersHouse to become amusic venue.Actorand musician C. Thomas Howell has performed concertsonthe museum’slawn.



More than ever,Tulsacan flexits music citymuscles

Church Studio,Leon Russell’s jampad formusic artistsinthe 1970s, underwent amajor restoration and reopened in March.

The BobDylan Center is scheduled to open near the Woody Guthrie Center in May.

The OklahomaMuseum of Popular Culture, which will honor all types of Oklahoma creatives, musicians included, is expected to debut in 2023

Historic Cain’sBallroom has, fordecades,been attracting mu sic lovers from all over the globe ever sinceBob Wills and the Texas Playboystransformed the joint intothe Carnegie Hall of Western swing. The newattractions will help elevate Tulsa’sstatus as a music destination.

Music and all, let’s explore2022 entertainment options people can enjoy in Tulsa(and towns ashort road trip away).Advice: Don’tmiss outonthecity’smuseums,andhead to theGatheringPlaceany dayyou feeltheurgetosoakuptheoutdoors.

Need alaugh?

The clown princes (andprincesses) of basketball will grace the BOKCenter when the Harlem Globetrottersroll intotownMarch 26.Theworldsofsportsandcomedy will collide again when aDude Perfect tour stop arrivesJuly10atthe BOKCenterandwhenDavidFeherty performsMay19atHardRockLive

Anjelah Johnson-Reyes,a “MADtv” alum and former NFL cheerleader,isdoing stand-up April 22 at HardRock Live.“SaturdayNightLive”alum JonLovitz is booked fortwo shows April 2at Cain’sBallroom.

The Cove at RiverSpirit Casino Resort is hosting shows by Trevor Noah (April 23) and Theo Von (May6).

TulsaTheater is welcoming Bill Engvall (April 1), IlizaShlesinger (April 7), Bert Kreischer (May15), Brian Regan(May19) and a“My Name is NotMom”tour stop (June 10). Youcangetacomedy-plus-magic fixwhenPenn&TellerperformOct. 28 at RiverSpirit and when Piff the Magic DragonarrivesNov.1 at Cox

BusinessConventionCenter.CBCC alsowill host shows by SalVulcano (April 23) and SteveCrowder/Dave Landau (May14).


BOKCenter’slist of scheduled performersinMarch includedDua Lipa, Justin Bieber,Slipknot and Snoop Dogg (with IceCubeand Warren G). ASnoop Dogg show sold out so quickly that asecond datewas added.

Movingforward,theaward-win ningarenavenuewillhostKoeWet zel(April 9), Marco Antonio Solis (April29),Megadeth/LambofGod (April30),theEagles(May16),Jack White(May24),JasonAldean(Aug. 6),TheLumineers(Aug.17),Poison (Aug. 20), Iron Maiden (Sept. 15) and Thomas Rhett (Sept. 24).

Oklahomacountry superstars

On April 23,Garth Brooks’ stadium tour will bring him to Donald W. ReynoldsStadium in Fayetteville, Arkansas.Itwill be his only stadiumappearanceinArkansas or Oklahoma this year

BlakeShelton will return to his home statetoheadline aJune 11 HighwaytoHenryettafestival at Henryetta’sNichols Park.The news wasannounced latelast year by former Dallas Cowboysquar terback Troy Aikman,aHenryetta High School alum. Proceeds will benefit educational and communityinitiativesinHenryetta. Go to highwaytohenryetta.comfor information.

Reba McEntireannounced in November that Reba’s Place—a restaurant, live music venue and retail store— will debut in Atoka in 2022.

Constructed in acentury-old MasonicTemple,Reba’sPlace will featuretwo stories of dining space that opens up to acentral stage that will host live music perfor mances.The venue will include a curated collection of memorabilia fromMcEntire’spersonal archives. OutsidersHouse Museum Music artist DannyO’Connor is responsible for“saving”the OutsidersHouseand turning the former filming siteintoa museum devotedtothe 1983 movie and the

On May7and May8,BarryWil liams from “The BradyBunch” will gethis turn. Stay gold —and groovy

For tickets and information, go to theOutsidersHouse Museum Facebook page.The museum is open fortourson weekends


Scheduled to open May10, the BobDylan Center will houseand exhibit morethan 100,000 exclusive cultural treasures created and owned by Dylan over seven decades.Items include handwrit tenlyric manuscripts, previously unreleased recordings, never-before-seen film performances,rare or unseen photographs and other pricelessitems spanning an unparalleled career.Tolearn more, go to bobdylancenter.com.

Elvis Costello will perform May 7atCain’sBallroom as part of a VIP grand opening forthe Dylan Center

If youwant to seealiveDylan show, he’sperforming April 13 at TulsaTheater


The eyes of the sporting world will be on TulsaMay 16-22when Southern Hills is the siteofthe 2022 PGAChampionship.Southern Hills is an old prowhen it comes to hosting golf majors.Here comes another

Music jackpot

Casino venues offer multiple stages formusicartiststoperform inTulsa.

Forinstance: The Cove at RiverSpirit will welcome Air Supply(April 7),Boys II Men(April 8), Foreigner (April 14), Jimmie Allen (April 21), the OakRidgeBoys(April 30), Bonnie Raitt (May20), John Fogerty (May21),TanyaTucker (July8)and Frankie Valli &The Four Seasons (Oct. 21).

Artistsscheduled to perform at OsageCasino’sSkyline Event Center areGin Blossoms/Sister Hazel (April 1), ScottyMcCreery (April 29), Skid Row(May6), Los Lobos(June 11), TedNugent (July 28) and Locash (Sept. 9).

Among music artistsbooked at HardRock Live areJoe Nichols (April 14), Easton Corbin (May12) and Tesla (June 29).

WeirdAlYankovic has history in Tulsa. He starred in “UHF,” a 1989 comedyfilm that wasshot in Tulsa. The parody artist supreme is returning foraJune 1perfor manceatTulsaTheater Othersperforming at Tulsa Theater in 2022: 311 (April 5), BrothersOsborne (April 14),Modest Mouse(April 28),LeonBridges (April 29), Christone “Kingfish” Ingram (May3), The Cult (May4), George Thorogood (May5), Papa Roach (May24), Brit Floyd (June 7), the Masked Singer Tour (July 10), W.A.S.P.(Nov. 6) and RumoursofFleetwood Mac (Nov.9).


From June 14-20, CelebrityAttractions is presenting areimagined, controversial production of Rodgers&Hammerstein’s“Oklahoma!” at the TulsaPerforming ArtsCenter.For ticketsand info, go to celebrityattractions.com.

Pryormusic festivals

Rocklahoma will take place Sept.2-4atthe PryorCreek Music FestivalGrounds north of Pryor. Forinformation, go to rocklahoma.com.

The Born &Raised music festivaldebutedin2021onRockla homa turf andwill return Sept.16 18.The festivalfeatures “outlaw” andRed Dirt music.For tickets,go to bornandraisedfestival.com.

Cain’s Ballroom

Your Tulsaexperienceisn’t completeunlessyou have heard live music at Cain’sBallroom. Go to cainsballroom.comfor an updatedlist of pending shows Amongmusicartistsplayingthe historichonky tonk in 2022 are theSubtronics(March30), girlin red(April3), LaurenAlaina (April 7), theTurnpike Troubadours (April 8-9), Nathaniel Rateliff & The NightSweats(April21), Citi zenCope (April 25), St. Paul &The Broken Bones (April 26),Clutch (May 12), GangofYouths (May 26), TheWar on Drugs (June 4), Tech N9ne(June 9), Bone ThugsN-Harmony(June 23),Ray Wylie Hubbard(July 15), Purity Ring (July17),Cat Power(July 27), SimplePlan &Sum 41 (July 29), Toadies/Reverend Horton Heat (Sept. 13)and Dinosaur Jr.(Sept. 21)

It gets better.In2023, Cain’s Ballroom visitorswill be able to walk across thestreet to the Okla homa Museum of Popular Culture. jimmie.tramel@tulsaworld.com

Church Studio, BobDylanCenter, OKPOPmuseum amongnew options
visitorsthatChurch Studio,whichopened in March, hasbeen designated as anational historiclandmark TULSA WORLDFILE Elvis Costello will perform at Cain’s Ballroom in conjunction with the openingofthe Bob Dylan Center

Area schools, TCCpartner to expand degree access

Five area high schools and Tulsa CommunityCollegeare working together to increasethe number of studentscompleting adebt-free associatedegree program.

About190 studentsfromacross the Tulsaareaarecurrentlypar ticipating in TCC’sEDGE: Earn a Degree, GraduateEarly program, which provides an opportunityfor studentstosimultaneouslyearn an associatedegree forfreeand a high school diploma.

“For me, time is the biggest gift youcan get,”Union junior Daniel Flores said. “When you’re offered twoyears (ofcollege) forfree, it wasa no-brainer.”

Union High School is setto graduateits second cohort of EDGE studentsinMay.Memorial and McLain’sinaugural cohorts started this school year with 15 studentsateach campus.The first freshmen at Charles Page High School in Sand Springsand KIPP TulsaUniversityPrepHighSchool will start the programinAugust.

With the inaugural graduating classcompleting an averageof63 credit hoursper student, the program is showingsigns of contin uous growth, said Lissa Steadley, director of dual credit programs at TulsaCommunityCollege.

Along with the 120 eighth grade studentswho have appliedtojoin the programinAugust, Steadley noted that leadersfromanother dozenschool districtsaround the Tulsaareahaveexpressedinterest in participating.

“This is along-term investment made in collaboration with our high schools,” she said. “It’s not fast work.When we getevery bodywho wantstoparticipate, at full capacitywith what we’re planning, we will be graduating 180 high school studentsper year.”

Studentsare selected as eighth graderstoparticipateand completea collegepreparatory cur riculum as ninth gradersbefore entering EDGE in the 10th grade. While in the program, students take collegecoursestaught by TCCfaculty. Thecoursesare in troduced gradually, with three forsophomores,then eight for juniorsand nine forseniors. Tu ition, books, fees and transportation costsare all coveredbyTCC and the partnering schools Memorial’sSommer Baker teaches the EDGE program’sIntroduction to Collegecoursetoher school’s15freshman participants.

The classwas developed by TCC staff and incorporates concepts such as time management, how

to speak to professors andcollege jargon.

Additionally, Baker’sstudents have visited the Universityof Tulsaand Oklahoma StateUniversity’sStillwatercampus to help get amoretangible ideaoftheir po tential futures

“I onlyhavethem this one year, so Iwanttomakesurethey’re readyfor college,”she said. “A lot of them don’tknowwhata prereq uisiteisorwhat’s acredit hour or what all is involved with getting abachelor’sdegree or amaster’s degree.”

On topofthe academic component, studentsget additional support from TCC,including access to itsfacilities,programs and advisers.

The studentsare alsointroduced to other aspectsofthe communitycollegeexperience,

includingmeetings with represen tativesfromfour-yearinstitutions and figuring out howtotransfer to those schools with as much earned credit as possible.

“This is aprogram trying to provide achancetoexperiencecollege classeswith asupport system,” Union Collegeand Career Center Director Marla Robinson said. “If you’re afirst-generation college

student, youmight not have a familymember whoknows how to approach this.Wewanttogive them the chancetoexperience collegewith those supports.”

About60% ofthe EDGEstu dentsatUnion arefirst-genera tion college students. Additionally, accordingtodatapublished by theU.S.Census Bureau, less thanone-thirdofadults over age

25 in TulsaCountyhaveabachelor’sdegree.

Flores and severalother EDGE studentsatUnion said having access to the program’ssupport network,not onlyfromTCC,but from their school and one another, has been critical to finish both de grees on time.

“It’s been aphenomenal experience,”senior Keirsten Metcalf said. “I’ve had acohort of friends around me whoare doing the same thing that Iam. Becauseofthat cohort, Ican look to them and the advisersfor guidancewhen Ineed it.”

lenzy.krehbiel-burton@tulsaworld. com
WORLD Union High Schooljunior
Hannah Beesleyisamong about
from across theTulsa area currently participatinginTCC’s EDGE: Earn aDegree,Graduate Earlyprogram. Union High Schoolstudents work in thethe Catherine E. Burden College and Career Center on March 9. Union is amongareaschools partneringwith Tulsa CommunityCollege to increase the number of students completinga debt-free associate degreeprogram. Union High Schooljunior Conner RitchieisparticipatinginTCC’s
EDGE: Earn aDegree, Graduate Earlyprogram. Find outmore Parentswith questions on the EDGE:Earn aDegree,Graduate Early Program areencouraged to contactthe eighth grade school principal at theirchild’s school or reach outtothe TCC Dual Credit program office at dualcredit@tulsacc.edu, 918 595-4705 “I only have them this oneyear, so Iwant to make sure they’re readyfor college.” Sommer Baker, EDGE teacher PA RT NERS IN PR OGRESS

memory problems, depression, libido issues and weight gain sound like a recipe for an overall feeling of unwellness that many people would chalk up to too much stress.

But for many men, the answer might be much simpler: too little testosterone.

Greg Girard of Tulsa Men’sClinic said there are anumber of early indicators that aman’stestosterone might be lacking. They include alack of energy,waning mental alertness, falling asleep after dinner,alack of strength and endurance, little success from workouts, being unable to lose weight and little to no interest in sex.

“When you have no energy,you have no life,” Girard said. “Then you can fall into heavy depression and become obese because you’re not exercising or getting out.”

He described it as acascade effect that can worsen even further from there

–inactivity,obesity and depression can exacerbate cardiovascular issues and lead to diabetes, for example.

Testosterone benefits the body by helping convert fat to muscle mass at ahigher rate, increasing the libido, improving energy,assisting with memory and cognition, helping with endurance and focus, and promoting much better results at the gym.

And all of those things contribute to astronger,healthier person, including a more active love life.

Tulsa Men’sClinic can help.

With aboard-certified urologist and medical doctors on staff, Girard said, the clinic offers two treatment protocols: onceweekly injections or time-release pellets inserted into the fatty tissue that last for months.

The pellet therapy is agreat option for men who don’t like needles or who don’t have time to incorporate aweekly appointment into their schedules, he said.

It’salso beneficial for people who might live far from the clinic.

With the pellets, asmall incision is made, typically in the buttocks or “love handles,” and then apellet is inserted. The incision is closed, and the testosterone is released gradually and consistently over about four months.

The injections require aquick weekly visit to the clinic, but “with the injectables, you feel it every week,” Girard said. “You get aboost every week.”

“About day six you start to roll off a little bit, but then you’re aday away from the next injection,” he said.

It’sreally just about what fits best with your lifestyle.

“They’re equally effective, and they’re the same price,” Girard said.

Most insurance policies don’t cover testosterone therapy except in cases in which the hormone is at critically low levels, he said, but Tulsa Men’sClinic does offer payment plans.

Girard said the clinic offers several different packages but that testosterone therapy typically runs between $150 and $225 amonth.

How long treatment will be necessary depends on the client’sage and lifestyle.

“We’re getting alot of guys in their 20s now,” he said, pointing to high estrogen levels in food and even high cortisol levels from the stress of playing video games.

“And nothing will make you lose your testosterone quicker than smoking alot of cannabis,” he added.

Girard said most people older than 40 will likely need to continue therapy throughout their life.

“But Ican’t think of atime in history where we need our alpha males more than we do right now,and we need alot of energy,” he said. “Weneed all of our men out there to come in and get their testosterone right.”

For more information visit tulsamen.com

O4 | SUNDAY,MARCH 27, 2022 TULSA WORLDOUTLOOK2022|QUALITYOFLIFE PA RT NERS IN PR OGRESS •Promised improved results or your first visit is FREE •Treatment given by only the most qualified Board Certified Doctors, not Physician Assistants or Nurse Practitioners •Our treatments are all medically safe, with proven results from multiple studies •Wewill always give you multiple treatment options so you have more information to make thebest decisions for your health Get Your AlphaMale Back •Erectile Dysfunction Therapy •Low Testosterone Therapy •HGH (Human Growth Hormone) •Priapus Shot (Male Enhancement) •Premature Ejaculation Therapy Better Treatment Results for Men Weight gain &more effects men’slibido Testosterone is answer to overallmen’s health F atigue,

TulsaSymphony Orchestraprovidesmusic forthe soul of ourcommunity

Not exactly the first thought that mightcome to mind when youget your tickets foraTulsa SymphonyOrchestra performance.

But to Keith C. Elder,the Executive Director of the Tulsa Symphony Orchestra, it’shis purpose to emphatically impactlives through TSO’slivemusic

“Music,and it’sproven, from a psychological standpoint, touches all of us. It is the one thingthat if youput somethingonaradio with abeat,everyone’s finger will move. Youdon’t knowwhy,but it happens.”

The TSOcontributed their talents to unite and provide healingduring the 2021 remembranceofthe 1921 Tulsa RaceMassacre.

“Webroughtinaprojectwith the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra, Wynton Marsalis, the Tulsa SymphonyOrchestra, and achoir comprised of communitymembers. We playeditatthe BOK Center because music wassoimportantin bringingtogether acommunityfor healing.”

Elder’s viewofmusic is similar to his viewofahospital.

“A hospital cures the physical body.Music cures the mental and soul.”

Avibrantcommunityneeds both.

“When we playinplaces that have Alzheimer’s patients or patients that have been non-communicable we’rehearingfromfamily members that when theycome to aconcert, theycan hear them singalongwith somethingortheycan see them become animated, and youcan see asparkle in their eyes. It touches them.”

And he isn’t talkingabout just any music from aplaylist or radio to evokeemotions. He’s talkingabout livemusic

“When we think about it,our heart beats IS abeat.Wehavearhythm.”

With livemusic,Elder says, you feel the actual vibration coming from the music,fromthe stage,and your body has aphysical reaction when you’re listeningtolivemusic that is completely differentthan amplified music

“When we listen to the radio, we’renot experiencingitwith a thousand other people around us, so there’sanenergy missing. When we listen to music live, there’s an energy that is undeniable and tangible.”

SomethingweOklahomans understand is the difference

between watchingthe OU-OSU BEDLAM football game on TV vs. goingtothe game

“There’sanenergy from the musicians, there’sanenergy from the audience, and you’re partof somethingthat is lifechanging.”

TSOMission: The Tulsa Symphony Orchestraisavital community serviceorganization that entertains, educates, heals, and inspires through musical excellence, innovation, and collaboration.

Youmightfind it odd that one word—arts—is omitted from the new mission statement.

That is intentional, and Elder explains why.

“We’re not an arts organization. We’reacommunityservice organization. The Tulsa Symphony is not aluxury. We areanecessity.

On abigger sense of who we are and what we do is forTulsans.

Elder says their purpose is more than growingthe economy, it’s unitingacommunity.

“Fromaneconomic side it drives revenue,and it drives downtown revenue when we do concerts.”

TSOtoursaround the countryto recruit musicians from schools to liveand perform in Tulsa.

“Communities that have astrong arts presencefind it easier to recruit and bringbusinesses to their communities. People want to move to and liveincommunities likethat.”

“Weuse the powerofmusic to touch and really enhanceand be

able to build abetter community forall—which is incredibly important.

TSOperforms sevenconcerts each season at the Tulsa PerformingArts Center

Next season will have everything from music of West Side Storyto abanjo concerto which appeals to the tastes of all kinds of audiences.

“It’saccessible music.Anybody within the communitycan come to these concerts and really feel that powerofmusic.”

Elder says that listenersknowhow importantmusic is, whether the full realization is there.

“Music is on all of our commercials, on the television, it’s playingall the time.”

Through the TSOHeartStrings program, musicians perform at places, such as Iron Gate and the Tulsa DayCenter,wherepeople who mightnot have access can get the music

“It touches them, and that is exactly what this is all about.”

Elder has spoken about the connection between mental health and music at the Zarrow Mental Health Symposium.

“We’re bringingthe healingpower of music to parts of the community that can’t necessarily get out or affordtocome to aconcert.”

Education programs arepartof the outreach efforts to strengthen communityconnection.

DuringCarpool Concerts at area schools, when students are

dropped off and picked up,they areaccompanied by TSOmusicians playinglivemusic.Through the partnership with the Rosa Parks Early Childhood Education Center,teacherscan expand their conversations with youngchildren in areas of music,instruments and creativearts.

Carnegie Hall Link Up reaches morethan 25,000 students in Green Countryand students join the TSOfor concerts that include them playingtheir recordersand singing.

All throughout the month of April, the TSOwill presentthe Flint Family Foundation ConcertSeries, aspecial free family-oriented concertseries at Guthrie Green featuringdifferentensembles of TSOMusicians each night. Elder says, “Weare thrilled to share this fun series with our fabulous community, our teachers, our students, and our families.”

Elder says that music is important to everyone’s lives, not just those who learned to playaninstrument.

TSOalso collaborates with the Oklahoma Aquarium foraprogram called Symphonybythe Sea. Aquarium staff talk about the differentanimals while the TSO plays music

TSOmusicians teach privately in nearly all the Tulsa school systems.

The Josie Winter Chamber Music Series is amoreintimate settingfor concerts with question-and-answer session.

“There’saninteractivepiece that helps the audienceand the community.”

PHOTO COURTESYOFTULSA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA TulsaSymphonyOrchestra 117N.BostonAve., Tulsa, OK 74103 918-584-3645 |tulsasymphony.org TULSA SYMPHONYORCHESTRA PHOTOCOURTESYOFTULSA SYMPHONYORCHESTRA “There’sanenergy from the musicians, there’sanenergy from the audience, and you’re part of something that is lifechanging.”
C. Elder, Executive Director TulsaSymphonyOrchestra ExecutiveDirectorKeith C. Elder JOHN CLANTON, TULSAWORLD FILE PA RT NERS IN PR OGRESS

On May20, TSOwill presentWalt DisneyAnimation Studios ‘A Decade In Concert’ at ONEOK Field.

“Sit on the field on ablanket and watch aDisneymovie with the orchestraplayingthe undertrack.”

He says that people who might feel slightly intimidated can showupinaspacethat feels less intimidating.

“You can have beer,brats and Beethoven.”

That is all so importantto the qualityoflifehereinour communities.

“Ifyou look at Tulsa and the surroundingcommunities and how manymusic programs or marching programs, we areanextension of all of that by providinghigh quality professional musicians and music to this community.”

It’sproventhat communities that have strongartsare strong and vibrantand grow and are communities on the upswing, he says.

Elder spentnearly 18 yearswith the Boston SymphonyBoston Pops. He’s no stranger to huge productions. He’s produced the pregame showofthe Super Bowl. He’s done the ringceremonyfor the World Series and coordinated programmingatthe Ryder Cup.

Elder arrived and wasimpressed with the people,the potential and the understandingofthe possible “Wewerethe first orchestrainthe countrythat did aconcertfor over athousand people after

policedepartmentbecause we have so manypeople there, theyare shuttingdownthe streets, there’sa real energy—that’savibrant community.

He says that Tulsa embraces

“Tulsa is on an upswingright now. We’releadingthat through enhancingthis communitywith wonderful music.”

When youthink of big cities—like aChicago or Boston and LA or San Francisco—theyhave vibrantarts communities. And that’swhat’s goingtohelp us as acitymove forwardinthat qualityoflifeto be able to provide morethan just housingfor our community, he says. “A cityisnot just based on houses and streets.

Acityiswhat fills the buildings.A cityiswhat fills the community. And what fills the communityismusic, and this orchestraistakingthe lead of that by unitingthis community and providingthe service.

A501(c)(3) charitable organization, Tulsa Symphony Orchestraisset apart, Elder explained, in that theylook outward to the community.

“We’re fortunate that when we’reprovidingthe servicetothe communitythat the community understands the value and then they’re able to provide the support back to the orchestra.”

Elder says that the arts, when it comes to TSO, areinclusiveand essential to qualityoflife.

“I wasinvolved in an orchestra therethat waspartofthe city and that anyevent that wasan importantevent had the orchestra involved. Isee this citymovingin that direction.”

Elder movedfromAspen to Tulsa in 2019and then, we knowall too “Music unites. That’swhy when Covid hit,the orchestracouldn’t shut down.”

Covid hit,inasafeand responsible manner.”

He says that the performanceat ONEOK Field wasonthe levelof anymajor production he has worked on previously Big vision isn’t lackingfor future events, either “I see avision of moreoutdoor concerts. Iwould love concerts whereI’m havingtodeal with the

the arts and understands the importanceofthe arts in attracting business and contributingtoquality of life.

“I see as avision movingforward is just increasingthe excellence to the levelthat this community deserves.”

He says that the lifeTulsa offersis whycrowds continually choose to transplant.

“That’swhat the orchestradoes. It unites and brings people together.” Forafull list of upcoming education and community enrichmentopportunities, go to tulsasymphony.org PHOTO COURTESY
PHOTO COURTESY OF TULSASYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PHOTO COURTESY OF TULSASYMPHONY ORCHESTRA TheJazzatLincoln Center Orchestrawith Wynton Marsalisperformswith the TulsaSymphony Orchestrafor
6, 2021
“If youlook at Tulsaand the surrounding communitiesand how manymusic programs or marching programs,weare an extension of all of that by providing high qualityprofessional musicians and music to thiscommunity,” Elder said
“That’s what the orchestra does. It unites and brings people together,” Elder said
TulsaSymphonyOrchestra 117N.BostonAve., Tulsa, OK 74103 918-584-3645 |tulsasymphony.org

Oklahoma City CannaCon tops list of must-attendcannabiseventsin2022


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CannaCon 2022

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O10 | SUNDAY,MARCH 27, 2022 TULSA WORLDOUTLOOK2022|QUALITYOFLIFE PA RT NERS IN PR OGRESS AT OKLAHOMA STATEUNIVERSITY,WEUNDERSTAND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT is critical forachieving economic growth. Investing in our students createsacompetitive advantage —for them and forour state. With learning resourcessuch as the Oklahoma AerospaceInstitutefor Research and Education, the Hamm Institutefor American Energy at OSU, and the OSUCenterfor Health Sciences, we areuniquely positioned to deliver the highly-skilled workforce of the future. ORANGE IS THE ANSWER. .

Let Grigsby’stake guess work out of remodeling Expertsencourage preplanningand navigating

Remodeling your home sounds like afun idea until you’re in the thick of it.

Suddenly those visions of a“wet room” bathroom with heated tile floors, new hardwoods throughout the living room, dining room and office, and the luxury vinyl plank floors in the family room downstairs seem distant.

Those grand ideas have been replaced with alayer of dust an eighth of an inch thick created by all of the tile that has been removed.

You’re eating takeout for the 23rd night in arow in the bedroom –the only livable room in the house –while you wait for the new tile or hardwood to show up, and you’re realizing that it’d be better to eat boxed mac and cheese now that unexpected costs have left you half-broke. If only you could use the kitchen.

That’sanightmare scenario, but it’srooted in reality,says Penny Carnino, director of operations at Grigsby’sCarpet, Tile and Hardwood in Tulsa. And reality is right where she wants her potential customers to be.

That’sbecause she knows that the experts at Grigsby’scan help customers turn potential remodeling nightmares into the homes of their dreams.

“When you watch HGTV, they’re not really good about showing the horrible mess that comes with any remodeling project,” Carnino said. “I think there are alot of people that don’t grasp that.”

“Wetry to manage it as best we can, but there’sgoing to be a mess,” she said.

“Also, in aperfect world, there are no back orders or delays,” she said. “Realistically,those things are happening right now,especially with the way things are in the ports, then there are no truck drivers, and then there are supply issues due to labor shortages.”

And lastly,costs are only increasing.

“More price increases are coming. That’safact,” Carnino said. “I would not delay one minute if you want something done for the holidays.”

Telling customers that their dreams will be messy,take time and cost money might not sound

like agreat business strategy,but Carnino wants clients to know that Grigsby’scan help them navigate the reality minefield and end up with the beautiful home they envisioned.

As far as the mess, know that there is going to be one, she says. The installers will keep it to a minimum, that the cleanup won’t take forever,and that it will be worth it.

Grigsby’shas atool on its website that allows visitors to try out new designs by uploading photos of their rooms and then choose flooring options so they can better visualize what the new floor looks like in their space.

“That really helps take part of the guesswork out of it,” Carnino said. “But first thing, once you have an idea of what you want, come in the store and start the looking process. Always check to see what’sinstock. We always have great values in style and design that customers are looking for.”

“Showrooms can be overwhelming, but if you’ve been online and at least know what you like, our experienced staff can guide you in

the right direction.”

If at all possible, “don’t start a project until all of your material is in hand,” she said.

Don’t put off the project too long.

“If it’sfeasible for you to do it, now’sagreat time. It’sgoing to be less expensive now than it will be later,” she said.

“Wejust really want people heading into that remodeling process to be aware of what they’re getting into and know in the end it’sworth it.”

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CB Bank wasformed out of aneed duringthe Great Depression when good people were struggling.

Theyneeded ahand, and banks were not meeting their needs. RCB Bank’sfoundersstepped in to help local citizens keep their farms afloat and their businesses operating. RCB Bank made bold movestolend money, because it knewaperson’s character —not just their accountbalance—was worththe investment.

RCB Bank opened its doorsfor the first time in 1936with apromise to be friendly in serviceand progressivein spirit.Nearly 90 yearslater,that promise still directs its decisions today.

“RCB Bank strives to remain the communitybank in everymarket we serve,” RCB Bank Presidentand CEORoger Mosier said. “Our shareholders, directorsand employees understand and expectour engagementwithin all our communities. With growth, we areconstantly reminded of this expectation while simultaneously using advancements in technologytomeet the evolvingneeds of all our customers. We’ve grownfromone bank in one town to morethan 60 locations across Oklahoma and Kansas while keepingour focus on communitybanking.”

RCB Bank attributes its legacyofgrowthand stabilitytoits customer service, alongwith its careful business practices and conservativebankingstyle

“Weinvest into the communities we serve by encouraging growth, providingexceptional service, and continuing the tradition of commitmentestablished 86 yearsago by our founders,” RCB Bank’sBrokenArrow,Union and Coweta Market PresidentRichardWillhour said. “We arecommunitybankerswith strength, commitmentand integritywho areeager to serve.”

That philosophyhas helped the bank expand from one location in Claremorein1936toa$4.1billion community bank with 65 locations in 36 cities across Oklahoma and Kansas with morethan 750 employees.

And thereisnosign of that growth slowingany time soon.

RCB Bank completed the purchase of Oklahoma State

Bancshares Inc.last year,acquiringits twobanks and five locations, and acquired twolocations from Arvest Bank this year

“The newcommunities and customerswewereintroduced to in 2021 areoutstandingfits forRCB Bank and our existingcustomer base,” Mosier said. “Our business model fits well within all those locations, makingthe transactions anatural fit.Welook forwardtobeingastrongpartof these communities foryearstocome while providingthem with the services and enhanced products theyhave grown to expect.

RCB Bank believesinbuildingstronger communities by providingfinancial services to help citizens thriveand local businesses grow,RCB Bank ClaremoreMarket President MattMason said.

“Wedon’t just sponsor an event, we participate,” Mason said. “Weare sensitivetothe needs of our communities, and we respond accordingly.Wegiveback to our communities through our personal involvementand donations with area schools, local organizations and civic activities. We serve because we care, and we sharelife with our customers.”

Servingcommunityneeds also extends outside RCB Bank’s business walls. “Our employees have along-standing historyofvolunteeringtheir time and resourcestothe communities wherewe’re located,” RCB Bank Senior Vice Presidentand HR Director Kelli Sellerssaid. “Whether it is anon-profit board, alocal school activityorany other worthwhile endeavor, our employees arewillingtoserve forthe benefit of their communities.”

Home is wherethe heartis, and RCB Bank’sheartisin Green Country—and all the communities it serves.

“Wesupportcommunityenrichmentbecause we livehere, too,” RCB Bank’sCatoosa and Inola Market PresidentJeff Howell said. “Our employees and their families live, work and playevery dayinthe communities we serve.We’re proud to have akey role in the community, and we’re proud to call it home.”

RCB Bank has been in the lendingbusiness formorethan 85 years. With experiencecomes the knowledge and abilitytohelp people solveproblems and achieve their financial goals.

“You can countonusbeingherewhen youneed us,” RCB Bank Owasso Market PresidentSkip Meffordsaid.

“Whether it is an auto loan, ahome loan or aloan foryour commercial business, chances arewhen youcome into the bank youwill see the same friendly lender.This experience is what allows us to build relationships and truly provide great personal service.”

RCB Bank offersall the amenities of national banks, but because it is locally owned, it keeps ahometown, friendly feeling.

“Our customersare not anumber in the system to us,” RCB Bank’sBartlesville and Skiatook Market President Geoff McGoffinsaid. “Theyare likefamily to us. Our No.1 goal is to help maketheir lifeeasier.”

It’seasy to see whysomanyofits customerssay “RCB Bank,that’smybank!”

RCBBankisRootedinCommunity RCBBankBrokenArrowemployeeshelpoutattheTiger TailgatepriortoaBrokenArrowHighSchoolfootballgame lastseason.Thegrouppassedoutbottlesofwaterwiththe RCBBankkooziesonthem.Fromleft:AVPLoanOfficer AndrewWinslow,BrokenArrow,UnionandCowetaMarket PresidentRichardWillhour,AVPLoanOfficerThadReimer, LeadTellerKyleBurns,LoanAdministrativeAssistantJulie EscobedoandLoanAdministrativeAssistantRobinO’Brien Mosier ToFindaBranchNearYougotoRCBbank.com ON ALL THINGS TITLED 1.79% APR CONSUMER LOANS AS LOWAS NEW|USED |REFINANCED Ends 8/31/22. WAC. Fees and restrictions apply. Member FDIC. RCBbank.com/LoanPromo

TulsaTechstudentsget up close in aviation maintenanceprogram

NexttoTulsa Riverside Airportare TulsaTech’s aviation maintenance programs.Studentscan compareand contrast flight characteristicsand variousaircraftdesigns and execute ground operations,including preflightinspections,enginestart-ups andaircrafttaxi.

TulsaTech students getupclose to non-destructive inspection,corrosion controland partsfabrication plus learn howtorepair an airplane

TulsaTech Aviation Program CoordinatorSherylOxleysaid that there is such asurplus of aviation mechanic jobs nationally,thatthe programisdoing theirpart to help equipstudentsand fillthose open positionsasquickly as possible

“If you’re in high school, youcan enterthe programasajuniorora senior then continue theprogram either your senior year or as you graduate andenter theadult program.”

High school students aren’t required to have prerequisites, butthey arerequiredtohavethe appropriate creditstograduatehighschool.

Careercounselorswithin sending schoolscoordinateadmissions.

Adultstudent entryrequirements areeithercollege credit or the entrance exam called Accuplacer. TheAccuplacerexamisanuntimed, multiple-choicetest giventoall high school andadult program applicants exceptPractical Nursing, Surgical Technology andRadiologic Technology

If time flewbyalittletoo fast, no sweat. TheTulsa Tech Aviation Programdoesn’t have acap-out age.

“I thinkthe oldest student I personally had wasinhis mid- to late 60s, andhewantedtocomethrough becauseitwas somethingthathe always wanted to do.Hedidn’tknow if he wasgoing to do anything with it,” Oxleysaid.

Some choose the programasa hobbyonthe side.“Maybethey already work with some people that ownairplanes andtheyjustwantto be able to be the person that signsit off sincethey’ve been workingonit forsolong. So, you’ve gottohavea certification to be able to do that,” she said

Oxleysaidthatsomeofthe younger studentsare completely in thedark as farashavinga clearpathway lined up career-wise.“Weworkhardto paintthatpicture forthemand show them what the industry lookslikein amultitude of differentsectors,” she said

“Astheycomethrough the program, they’re goingtofind areasthatthey really really enjoy andprobablyareas that they mightnot enjoysomuch,” Oxleyadded

As they grow,staff help channel studentstofind the jobs in the areas theyappreciate.“A person that maybedoesn’t even really like to get dirtyorturnwrenchestoo much can go work in inspectionswhere they predominantlydoprecision measuring and lookingoverother people’s work,” she said

Someonewho likes to gettheir

handsinthe mixofthingshas their pick as well

“Peoplethatreallywanttoworkon thingsand work with their handsand really be in thereand fix things and seethe resultsoftheir work—there’s avenuesfor that.”

Students with artistic flare will also fit rightintothe program.“Iftheyhave acreativeside, but they stillwantto work on airplanes, that’s theperfect placefor structures technicians, for your sheetmetal andcomposites,” Oxleyadded

“Whether it be reciprocating enginesorservant enginesfromyour corporatesizejetsonup, there’swork centersthatdonothing butthatkind of maintenance.”Ofcourse, you’ve gotthe businessesthatdoall of it Maintenance, Repair andOverhaul (MRO’s)thatare anotheroptionwhen entering theworkforce,she said

The programoffersamorning class 8a.m.-11 a.m. andanafternoon option 12 p.m.-3 p.m. TulsaTechalsooffersa full-time, eveningprogram

TulsaTech also has what is called theAerospace Academy.Itallows students to spendall dayatthe Riversidecampus, and stillkeepup with theirhighschoolcoursework

through, Edgenuity.“It’s notyour traditionalhighschooldistance learning. They’reinthe classroom with acertifiedinstructor.”

Oxleyexplained that theinstructor takesahands-onapproachtonot only helping studentswith their generaleducation studies, but also life skills to be put into practice outside of theclassroom.The instructor appropriatelycalls theclass Adulting 101, andteaches topics such as budget

“Ifyou’regoing to be successfulin theworkplace afteryou graduate high school,you’vegot to know howtolive, too. That’s akey componentthese students aremissing,” she said

TheAerospace Academy ties in theworkplace vs.outside of the workplace. Mentorsfromindustries help the students,who vary from IT, machiningand aviation

“Theyare stillamemberoftheir home high school andgotoall their high school functions, buttheydon’t physically attend classesattheir school.”

Studentsinthe AerospaceAcademy benefit by being on campus forthe full day. They spendthree hoursintheir CareerTech classand threehours on theirhighschoolcoursework

Financially, anyofthe TulsaCounty sendingschools that TulsaTech has,it doesn’tcostanythingfor that student, Oxleysaid.

When studentsgraduate high school,theyare eligible for scholarship. Foradultsenteringthe program, it is $4.00per seat hour

Afterearning acompletion certificate from theAviation MaintenanceTechnologyProgram, graduates aretheneligibletotestfor theirFederal Aviation Administration Airframeand Powerplant certificate

Oxleysaid that TulsaTechdoesnot charge thestudentstotakethe written FAAexam, whichisthe computerized knowledgetest, but students are

required to payfor their oral and practicalexams

“Ifyou do have that certificate,it’s saying that youhavebeendeemed competent to acertain standardfor thesethings. Nottomention, it’s federallyrequiredfor alot of the companiesinmanyoftheir positions,” she said

Oxleysaidthatjobsare abundant in the Tulsaarea, andTulsa Tech is doing theirbesttoget graduates out theretofill employers’ needs as fast as theycan

“There is such asurplus of aviation mechanic jobs right now. We don’t seeanend to theneed. Theneedis outgrowing thesupply. It’s already outgrown thesupplythatnationwide that the aviation maintenanceschools canprovide,” shesaid.

“We’ve gotthe largest aviation MRO in the worldwith American Airlines here, and they’rehiringright now. Not to mention, they’renot the onlygame in town.EvenwhenAmericanAirlines is not hiring,westill have adeficitof skilledmechanics forthe workforce around.”

Some graduateschoose other opportunities, such as goingonto collegeorjoining the military.“Our goal is to getthemthrough school,get them certified,get them to work with one of ouremployers in the area that areneeding people drastically,” Oxley said

Enrollment Adult—August,October,January,April Eveningprogram—Augustand January High School—August Financial Aid 918-828-5000 RiversideCampus 801E.91stSt. Tulsa, OK 74132-4008 (918) 828-5000 PhotocourtseyTulsaTech
TULSA WORLD SUNDAY,MARCH 27, 2022 | O15OUTLOOK2022|QUALITYOFLIFE YOUR FUTURE IS CALLING. MAKE YOUR OWN PATH Broken Arrow Campus 4000 W. Florence St. Lemley Memorial Campus 3420 S. Memorial Dr. » ClientService Center » HealthSciences Center » IndustryTraining Center Owasso Campus 10800 N. 137th E. Ave. Sand Springs Campus 924 E. Charles Page Blvd. Riverside Campus 801 E. 91st St. Peoria Campus 3850 N. Peoria Ave. Don’tmissyour chancetotrain forthe career of your dreams. At Tulsa Tech,wehelp students get on the path to asuccessful career. Preparefor yourfuture in state-of-the-artclasses and labs and learn the skills to achieve yourgoals Apply nowfor the 2022-23schoolyear at tulsatech.edu/apply or formore information, call (918)828-5000 » Full-time Careers » Part-time Classes » Workforce Training (918) 828-5000 | info@tulsatech.edu

Investinginquality of life

of Fame and the Hardesty National BMX Stadium in the historic Greenwood District. This is such an impressive complex, and the long-term investment USA BMX is making in Tulsaisadirect reflection of the investmentsour region has made in itself this past decade.

in northeast Oklahoma during 2021.

AsIreflect on the past couple of years, wordslike adversity, resilienceand perseverancespring to mind. As Ithink ahead through 2022 and beyond, another word is just as applicable to our region. That word is investment.

The Tulsaregion continues to make significant investments in itself.Inthe past year, we have seen significant, game-changing projects moreforward.Projects likeZink Dam, the newArkansas River Pedestrian Bridge, and the reimagined Gilcrease Museum all made progress

Theseprojectsare being funded in whole or in part through Vision Tulsa. The TulsaRegional Chamber led the public campaign in support of passage of the Vision funding packageback in 2016. All of the Vision projectsare proof positive that oursisacommunity that investsinitself

Taking flight

Just over amonth ago, another Vision project opened itsdoorstothe public.All of us here at the Chamber—and especiallythe members of our regional tourism team—were thrilled to be part of the ribboncutting celebration for the amazing newUSA BMX headquarters, Hall

Of course,our regional investment extends well beyond the Vision projects. Last year, the opening of the Greenwood Rising historycenter helped our citycommemoratethe centennial of the Tulsa RaceMassacreand invest in abetter tomorrow

That tomorrow begins with the education of today, and in 2021 Tulsavotersinvested in futuregenerations by overwhelmingly approving a$414million TulsaPublic Schools bond package.

Anumber of air carriers –including American Airlines and Breeze Airways –upped their investmentsinour region by adding newdirect flightsfromTulsa.

Individuals and companies from across the countryand around the worldare seeing the advantages our region offers. Theysee our lowcosts of living and doing business, our high qualityoflife, our short commutetimes,our centralized location, our educational and training opportunities,and our talented workforce. As a result, theyare investing in us,and the Chamber is heretohelp

Booming economy

Tulsa’sFuture, the Chamber-led regional economic development partnership,supported the creation of 4,125 jobs and $421 million of capital investment

Tulsa’sFutureisa collaborative economic development partnership that workswith the CityofTulsa, Tulsa County, morethan 200 private investors, and numerous regional and tribal partnerstofurther economic prosperityin the Tulsaregion. Since itsinception 16 years ago, Tulsa’sFuturehas supported the creation of morethan 72,000 jobs and morethan $4.2 billion in capital investment.

Much of Oklahoma’s economic identityhas long been tied to the aviation and energy industries.That’s still true, but major investmentsintourism and qualityoflife opportunities during the past decade have catapulted tourism into our state’sthirdlargest industry. Tulsaisabig part of that.

Amenities abound

The cycle of economic success from the Tulsa region’stourism industry

Tulsa’s Future, the Chamber-led regional economic development partnership,supported the creation of 4,125 jobs and $421 million of capital investmentinnortheast Oklahoma during2021.

In responsetothe COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 TulsaCounty awarded the Chamber CARESAct funds to help tell the Tulsarecovery storytoanational audiencethrough a dedicated marketing campaign. In 2021 the Chamber pivotedto Tulsa’sFuture: Road to Recovery,a one-year strategic work plan that addressedurgent needs forrecoveryand attracted newemployers and transformative projectsto the region.

And it worked. During 2021, the Chamber’s economic development team sawits largest uptick in project requestsand sitevisits in years. This year, we arelaunching an aggressive neweconomic development plan called Tulsa’sFuture: Acceleration. This threeyear plan will support existing industries and pave the wayfor new industrygrowth.

is strong and growing stronger.Thankstothe hardworkoftourism staff,volunteersand investors, Tulsaisknown as avibrant, welcoming cityfor diverseeventsand visitors.

From morethan $1.5 billion in public and private investment in downtown, to qualityof lifeimprovementslikethe $465million Gathering Placeriver development, to marquee venues such as the BOKCenter and ONEOK Field, our communityis“on the map” in amajor way.

That’s alsothanks to outdoor spaces like Guthrie Green, River Parksand Turkey Mountain, and events such as the TulsaRun, Saint Francis TulsaTough and the IRONMAN triathlon. Tulsamakes it easy to walk, bike, and run, or to simplyrelax and soakupthe sun.

Tulsaisalsofamilyfriendly. Our region’s attractions –including

our zoo, botanic garden, parksand lakes –appeal to young and old alike, offering fun forthe entire family. Tulsaisagreat placetovisit afair,takein an outdoor concert, and splash in the water.

Forthose wholove music and the arts, we have Philbrook, and ahha Tulsa, and the WoodyGuthrie Center, the soon-to-open Bob Dylan Center,and the Oklahoma Museum of Popular Culture(OKPOP) being built across from the world-famous Cain’s Ballroom.

Our region has also invested in sharing itshistory. From our treasuretrove of Art Deco architecturetoiconic Route66, Tulsaoffers sightsand sounds that chronicle the historyof our nation. Tulsaoffers world-classmuseums that bring the artsand historyofour region, and other regions,tovivid life.

When I’masked about our city, Ialwayssay this: Tulsaisasmulti-faceted as itscitizens,and our best days arestill ahead. After all, acommunity that investssoheavilyin itself is suretoattract the continued investment of others. That’s exactly what happened in 2021, and there’snoreason 2022 will be anydifferent.

With moreprojectsin the pipeline than ever before, and newevents being announced almost daily, our region is poised foranextremelybright future. Yes, adversity wasone word for2021. But so wasits opposite: prosperity.

All of us at the Tulsa Regional Chamber look back proudlyatall our region has collaboratively accomplished. And we look forwardtothe promiseofaprosperous 2022 and beyond.

MIKE NEAL Presidentand CEOofthe TulsaRegionalChamber
The newUSA BMX headquarters, the Greenwood Rising historycenter and the IRONMAN triathlon arejust some of the attractions and eventsenhancing the qualityof lifeinour region.

Whateveryourfoodmood might be,from classic diner fare to haute cuisine,familiar favorites or inter national delicacies,you’re likelyto find exactlywhatyou want at Tulsa-area restaurants.

The Tulsadining scene has takenoff in recent years, with localchefsexploring newculinary frontiersthat areearning them national recognition.

Earlier this year,the James BeardFoundation, the most prestigious culinaryorganization in the United States,whose awards areseen as an imprimatur of excel lence,recognized eight Tulsa-area establishmentsasnomineesfor its 2022 awards

The restaurantscited hint at the richnessand diversityofthe Tulsascene: high-end gourmet dishes createdbyLisaBecklund of Living Kitchen Farm &Dairy and Matt AmbergofOren; restaurants introducing flavors of the Caribbean (Sisserou’s),Indonesia(Rendang&Co.)and the Basque region ofFranceand Spain (Basque); and one of the city’sbest places for soul food (Evelyn’sSoul Food).

But thesearen’tthe onlychef led restaurantsthat aremaking Tulsaadining destination.Dozens of restaurantsare offering unique menus that combine the best often locallyproduced —ingredientswith innovative techniques to create memorable meals,including Lowood Modern Woodfire, Stonehorse Cafe,the PalaceCafe, the BostonDeli,Amelia’sWood Fire Grill, Biga, the Cardinal Club, Juniper and Bodean Restaurant.

Tulsa’sThe Polo Grill, which has been afine-dining destination forTulsans fordecades,was alsonominated forOutstanding Wine Program, while arelative newcomer,Valkyrie, known forits unique cocktail preparations,isa nominee forOutstanding Drinks Program.

But arestaurant certainly doesn’tneed afancyaward to be known forturning out excellent food.

Sometimes all one needs to do is look forthe lines and the “Sold Out”signs on places such as Oakhart Barbecue, arecent addi-

tion to Tulsa’swide-ranging barbecue scene that has brought the authentic tastes of Central Texas barbecue north of the RedRiver Barbecue in Oklahoma is some thingofanamalgam of influences from meat meccassuch as Kansas Cityand Texas. Manyofthe city’s barbecue joints, such as Stutt’s HouseofBar-B-Q,Leon’sSmoke Shack and the recentlyreopened Elmer’sonBrookside, celebrate that uniquelyOklahoma blend of sweet and heat, smokeand spice. Others, such as Alpha Grill, bring in flavors from around the country intotheir take on barbecue.

Those lookingtoexperiencethe world from their seat at the dining roomtablehaveawealthofchoices

One cantraveltoSand Springs for authenticItalian food at Little Venice,enjoy German andPolish specialties from Margaret’s Ger manRestaurant,haveatrue taste of Honduranfood at SinFronteras, discoverthe wealthof Thai and Malaysian foodsatZogam Cafe, treatyourself to thebuffet at India

Palace, orenjoy thefamilyrecipes attheheartofKaiVietnameseCuisine, just to name afew


Frommansions to modest bungalows, Rossi Brotherscan do it all when it comes to remodelingofyour home in the Tulsa area and surrounding.

“Pretty much anything and everythingyou can do to ahouse from painting to doorsand windows to room additions to flooring,” said Natalia Lough of Rossi Brothers.

Rossi Brotherscelebrates their 50th anniversarythis year

“Weare asmall family owned business. My dad, VanRossi, started the companyin1972.

VanRossi’sbrother Glen joined him and formed what is nowRossi Brothers.

Their specialtyis their 100-percent wood

plantation shutters.

“Everythingisgoingto be custom finished,” Lough said.

Manyoftheir clients keep goingback overthe years.

“Some of our more long-term customers, they will have us quote full home remodel projects bathroom, kitchen, painting, all of that –and then they will break it down from there,”she said.

“Wedoreally have that morepersonal touch than goingtolikeyour big standardbox storeorbigger chain company.

Their top requested projects: kitchen remodels, bathroom remodels, and door &windowreplacement.

“SinceCovid and the shutdown, we thought we would slowdown, but

our business has actually picked up.Ithink that just has to do with people being stuck at home and having to use their kitchens and their bathrooms moreand thinking, ‘this needs to be updated if I’mgoingtobe stuck in my house looking at it.’”

Not all updates involve the whole shebang, especially when puttingyour house on the market to sell.

“It’sawonder what a fresh coat of paintcan do Just the change up of color interior or exterior,” she added.

If youplan to stayawhile, Lough says it pays to invest whereitcounts.

“Ifyou’ve got older windows, upgradingto newer, moreefficient windows, that’sgoingtobe ahuge uptick.That’sgoing to save youalot on utilities if youget good quality windows,” she said.

Request aquote on their website,and then Glen will do afreein-home estimate Visit their showroom to get ideas foryour next home project, flip through their catalogsand customize your space.

whoare following their culinary dreams here, with such restaurantsas918 Maples Cafe&Catering, Madre’sMexican Kitchen, Que Gusto, Cancun, El Rio Verde, Calacaand TacosDon Francisco

One thing that bringsthousands of visitorstoTulsaeach year is “the Mother Road,”alsoknown as Route66.And forthose wanting to makethe trek as authentic as possible, Tulsaishome to all sortsof places that offer the sort of meals one might have encountered along the way, likedinerswith hearty breakfast and lunch dishes,and locallyowned burgerjoints, including Arnold’sOld Fashioned Hamburgers,Ron’sHamburgers & Chili, HowdyBurger, Bill’sJumbo Burger,Fat Guy’sBurgers,Brown ie’s, Claud’sand Weber’s.

If youpreferyourburgersmore upscale, it’s hardtotop the burger at The Tavern, though thereare places such as the Local Bison, Prhyme Steakhouse, Roka Bar & Asian Flavors,and Goldie’sthat serveupsophisticated burgers

And one can’ttrulysay they have dined in Tulsawithout having sampled the chili dogs at the original ConeyIsland HotWeiners.

It’s impossible to coverall that Tulsahas to offer in the spacewe have,sothink of this as an amuse bouche,a sampler to begin your ownexplorations of Tulsa’sfood scene.

Tulsaisalsohome to asizeable population of citizens of Central and South American origins
james.watts@tulsaworld.com Restaurant sceneboastsrichness, diversity
TULSA WORLDFILE The fried calamari at RestaurantBasque is servedwith peppersand asauce madefromsquid ink,with asideof
garlic aioli.
STEPHEN PINGRY,TULSA WORLDFILE Aloaded baked potato(clockwise from left), sliced turkey,pork ribs, jalapeño cheddar andbeef sausages andsliced brisket from Oakhart Barbecue areshown. The sides include (right, from top) cheesy grits, cole slawand macaroni and cheese TOMGILBERT,TULSA WORLDFILE Cochinita pibil at Madre’sMexican Kitchen.
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Photo courtesy of Rossi Brothers Photo courtesy of Rossi Brothers.

OLLI @OkState: Learning NeverRetires

Wedon’t stop learning when we leave school. Youmightevensay that learningisalifelong endeavor. In fact, that’s exactly whatthe Osher LifelongLearningInstitute at Oklahoma State Universitysays. It’sall right thereinthe name

Known as OLLI@OkState forshort, the organization keeps seniors activeand social through classes, lectures, workshops, travel opportunities and special events. This member-driven program is designed for adults age 50 or better who areinterested in enriching theirlives by expanding intellectualexperiences. Thereare no tests and no grades. Memberspursue learningfor purepleasure.

“The classes givepeople adifferentfocus. They thinkfurther than theydid before; even discussions aredifferent,”said Mona Long,along-time member and regular OLLI student “Asweget older, learning

creates excitement forlife and wakesupthe mind

Youare engaged with the peopleand the world around you.”

OLLIoffersin-person courses. In the Tulsa area, these classes areusually at MontereauRetirement CommunityorZarrow Pointe Senior Living. If you’dprefertokeep things online,OLLI provides Zoom classes. Other in-person classesare available in Stillwater,Bartlesville and Oklahoma City.

The schedule forOLLI@ OkState runs on what you might recognize as a shortened semester calendar

Most classes are one day aweek at

either 10 a.m. or 1:30p.m.

Volunteer instructors include currentand retired OSU faculty, museum and facilitydirectorsfrom across the state,authors, historians, astrophysicists, medical professionals, musicians, artists, and all othertypes of subject matter experts.

Springsession is running nowuntil early April Summersession is May 16-June 17;the Fall session starts September 19

Memberships are $40 (ala carte annual membership) or $200 (premium annual membership). All programming is funded through memberships and donations. Visit OLLI.Okstate.edu formore information,email (OLLI@ okstate.edu) or call 405-744-5868

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Thebenefits of

CloudComputing for SmallBusiness

Agilityiskey forsmall businessownersand their employees, especiallyintoday’s ever-changing business climate. This means having information and resources exactlywhen needed, whether your employees areontheir laptops, tablets, and mobile phones ..inthe office,out in the field or on the road.

Added agilityisexactly wherecloud computing comes in. Cloud computing is amanaged digital service that allows userstoaccess important programs and dataanywheretheyhavean internet connection.

With itslow upfront costand benefitsthat can include increasedefficiency, anywhereaccess,improved cash flow, and reduced risk during acrisis,it’shardto imagine whyany business would not at least consider the advantages associated with making amovetothe cloud. Here arejust afew noteworthybenefits.

IncreasedFlexibilityand Collaboration

One of the biggest benefitsofpivoting to cloud computing is the increased flexibilityitoffersyour company. No matter what type of businessyou’re in, there’sacloud-based app that canhelp youget things done moreefficiently.

Apps likeShopify, for example, bring inventory management, point-of sale, order tracking, and e-commerce intoasingle application. Microsoft 365 is another cloud-based productivitysolution that letsemployees collaborate

on projects, download important files,and work directlyonspecialized computer programs

From payroll and accounting appstomarketing and management tools,the cloud canhelp solvebusiness problems quicklyand efficientlybyallowing youto add newtools to your toolkit as needs arise.

Scalability: Features that will Grow with Your Business

Most small businessesare looking forwaystogrowand expand.

But there’sadanger in growing toofast too quicklyand outpacing your infrastructure. This can lead to arangeofissues that canhaveanegative effect on thingslikebudget and finances,HRand payroll, product delivery,and customer engagement.

Thesetypes of problems onlybecome moredifficult if you’re using some sort of inhousesolution. Forexample, while a“do it yourself” solution fortracking calls canworkverywell when you’re dealing with alimited number of customers, you’re going to run intoproblems if yousuddenlyneed to rapidly scale your customer service.

The good news is that there arecloud-based solutions in placethat canhelp solve your needs today, as well as keep pace with your growth and help youget thingsdone tomorrow.That’s the power of the cloud—youhavethe flexibilitytoadd capacityas youneed it, without having to reinvent the wheel.

IncreasedResilienceand Reduced Risk

Most small businessesare thinking about managing

day-to-dayactivities,not about what they’re going to do if adisaster strikes.This is totallyunderstandable; there’ssomuch to worry about when you’re running a small businessthat planning foranything elsebeyond keeping the lightsonand the doorsopen feels likean unnecessary distraction.

Nevertheless, youstill need to makethe time to plan fora crisis

If you’re not prepared for acrisis,you aren’talone. Seventy-fivepercent of small businessownersdon’thavea plan in placefor what they’ll do if adisaster strikes

Fifty-twopercent of small businessownerssay that it would take at least three months to recoverfroma disaster.Overshadowing all of this is the simple fact that 40 percent of small businessesnever reopen after adisaster shutsthem down.

Businesscloud services enable your team to perform key jobfunctions,nomatter wherethey’re working from. Moving your key dataand businessprocessestothe cloud provides youwith the redundancies youneed to makesurethat youdon’t lose key dataorfunctionality when disaster strikes

In addition, ahostedvoice solution allows youtopick up the phone even if your office experiences aservice interruption. Cloud storage offsitemeans youcan still get at the information youneed even if youcan’tphysically access your ownequipment.

As Oklahomans,weknow that severe weather alone has become afour-season concern. And that doesn’t take intoconsideration things likefires, databreeches, cyberattacksand other natural disasters. Makesure

youhaveaplan forwhatever scenario might occur

Improved Resource Utilization

Beyond the worst-case scenario,moving to the cloud canlighten the load whoever manages your company’sIT functions.This is especially true if youtakeadvantageof amanaged serviceprovider to help with day-to-daytasks likenetwork monitoring and support.

In asmall business, it’s often astruggle to put out everyfire;that putsyou in a reactive mode, whereyou’re responding to problems as theyarise. The problem with areactive approach to managing your infrastructure is that it doesn’tleaveroom forinnovation. You’re not thinking ahead because you’re spending so much time figuring out howto deal with what has already happened.

Shifting intoaproactive mindset is imperative if you hope to bring innovation intoyour business. Taking advantageofcloud-based monitoring and IT solutions helpsmakethat possible by offloading the reactive work, which in turn frees-up your team to focus on growing and advancing your business.

Reduced Business Expenses

Formanybusinesses, the costsaving benefits of cloud computing is critical. Regardlessofthe sizeofyour business, you canfind significant savings through reduced spending on computer equipment, IT resources, software and more. The costofabusinessoriented cloud serviceisstill amonthlyexpense, but it’s a manageable and predictable


In addition, cloud computing canprovide a small businesswith access to tools,programs,and applications theyneed, but that might otherwisenot be affordable.

The lowupfront costs of moving to the cloud, combined with these other benefits, makeita worthwhile consideration for almost anysmall business.

IncreasedCapabilityand Capacity

Most IT professionals agree that cloud computing is the futurefor small businesses; what’s great is that it’s available today. Cloud computing puts“big company” capabilityand capacitywithin reach of a smaller business’ resources and budgets. And it provides access to state-of-the-art datacenters, with highly trained expertswho will keep youupand running 24-7

The competitive advantages of cloud computing, including the ease of moving dataand applications,makes it an opportunitythat’s too important to ignore. For the benefitsnoted here, and more, it’s worth investigating howacloud solution canhelp contributetoyour company’s performance, productivity and ROI.


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Muscogee Nation dedicatedto tellingauthentic story

eveling in the Reservation isn’t a newideatothe Muscogee Nation.

According to Principal Chief David Hill, the useofthe Reservation is paramounttotelling a trulyauthentic storyofIndigenous life.

The filmingofReservation Dogs, by co-creators and executive producersSterlin Harjoand Taika Waititi, has piqued interest of fans and even prompted them to visit new-to-them areasofOklahoma.

“Wecertainlyforesee aboost in tourismfromprojectslikethis

When the beautyand realnessofour communities is shown to aglobal audience, that audience wants to come seewhat this placeisall about,” Hill said.

“Sterlin Harjohas been on record saying that if he couldn’t shoot this series in Oklahoma,then he would not have gone forth with the project. It wasthat important to tell it from home, and specificallyfor us,entirelywithin the Muscogee Reservation.”

The FX on Hulu showisnot onlya catalyst forexploration, but alsofor people groupstofeel represented, finally, on screen.

“When people in our communities and neighborhoods tune in and seethe places where theyliveand work and raisetheir families,it’srepresentation that they’ve waited for. When people outside of our communities,and outside of our tribe, seeit, it leads to abetter understanding of our dayto-daylives,” Hill said.

The Muscogee Nation has ramped up itseffortsincultural tourism with renovationsatthe Council HouseMuseum and through their Cultural Center department

Big-time eventshavealso happened thankstoMuscogee Nation.

“This past November we became the first tribal Nation in historyto host the Miss USAand Miss Teen USA Pageant at our award-winning RiverSpirit Casino Resort. That event wasincrediblysuccessful for the tourismindustryinTulsafor the week, and we can’twait to seek out

and bring morelikeitback to the Reservation,” he said.

Muscogee Nation serves all citizens through four community hospitals.The most recent hospital is Council OakComprehensive HealthcareinTulsa. Principal Chief Hill said that everyMuscogee Nation project keepsinmind the futureand leaving thingsbetter for the next generation.

“Mainlythat we areheretobe good neighbors, good partners, working together forthe good of Oklahoma.Webuild and repair miles and miles of roads and bridgesinour communities, providing much neededassistance and collaboration forour county partners. We give thousands of tribal dollarstopublic schools on our Reservation in supplies,parking lots, gym renovations, etc. It’s all apart of our mission; taking care of each other.What’s good forour Nation and our people is ultimately what’s good forthose around us and our state,”hesaid.

The Nation is continuing the effortsofthe previous administration to reconnect with theiroriginal homelands in Georgia and Alabama.

“This mission is two-fold. We

want to reconnect becauseto understand whereweneed to go, we need to understand wherewe’ve been.”

The Nation has gone back to communitiessuch as Oxford,Ala.

Hill said theyare welcomed in while theyeducatethe people of Oxford aboutthe beginningsoftheir city.

“And we need to be established therefor protection as well, making surethat our presencethere signals that anyand all attempts to circumvent the Nation in any cultural practices or archaeological or environmental practices will not be tolerated. We mustprotect sacred sites and we must defend them when theyare disturbed,”hesaid.

Economicallyspeaking, the Nation is thriving and improving livesaround them with their businessdecisions

“Ourcommercedepartmentwas thrilled to be invited to present at this year’sstate of the economy event from the TulsaRegional Chamber and shareall the good initiativesand returns we’reseeing on projectsthat we’reworking on,” he said.“We’re proud of the recent economic development strides we’vemade, particularly in the

development of our agribusiness ventures.”

In fall 2021, the Muscogee Nation completedthe largest land acquisition in modern tribal history with the purchaseofthe Stephens Ranch in Okmulgee County. The morethan 5,000-acreranch is wherethe Nation will grazeits cattle operation. The operation serves as a supplyline to their all-newLooped SquareMeatCo. meat-processing facilityjust alongHighway75.

“This facilityisalready surpassingprojections each week.

Located in aUSDA-designated ‘food desert,’itfortifies and addresses needsfor us in food sovereigntyand insecuritywhile alsocreating over 40 jobs and providing fresh grocery items in the area,” Hill said.

The Nation keepsinmind the importanceofkeeping youth involved in all the cultural aspectsof the tribe.

“Those thingsare what set us apart and distinguish us as Muscogee. Languageisextremely important. If we don’tspeak our language, what makes us Muscogee? Statistics showusthat forbest resultswemust immerse our childreninthe languageatan early age, so we areimplementing programs to do that,”hesaid.

Hill added that when the coronavirus hit, it opened their eyes to whowould need to carryontribe traditions

“Welostalot of cultural knowledgetothe pandemic,with severaltraditional elderspassing from the COVID-19 virus.Aswe ask ourselves whowill fill those shoes,welook to our youth and our childrenbecausetheyare the future. At Muscogee Nation we saythat we do everything forour people, for our communities and forour future

The moreyoung people that we can gettobuy in to cultural fluencyand our ways,the better we’ll be. Our survivalasnot just apeople, but as a culture,depends on it.”




Years ago,aparticular American-made automobile manufacturer wanted us to know thatits carwentperfectly with baseball, hot dogs and apple pie in the good ol’USA.

Advertising wasdifferentthen, buta lot of Americans even then probably would have added cold beer to those summertime-themed television commercials

Andy O’Neal,who owns Owasso Liquor &Wine,would be one of them.

Thestore,justeastofU.S.169andnorth of 86th Street North, has been meeting Owasso’sretail liquor needs since 1991.

Owasso Liquor &Wine is open from 9 a.m. to 9p.m. Mondaythrough Saturday and from noon to 6p.m. on Sunday.

O’Neal said his father –who wasa wholesale beer supplier when O’Neal wasyoung –opened the liquor store when O’Neal wasinhigh school“because he couldn’t get the scotch he wanted in Owasso andhad to drivetoTulsa to getit.

“Atone point, we were the only liquor storeinOwasso,andwe’vejustgrownwith the city,”hesaid

O’Neal eventually inherited the store from his father,but before that, he served another kind of tour of duty.

He wasinthe Navy –onactivedutyand in the Reserves–for eightyears,serving twoyears of thataboardthe USS America, aKittyHawk-class aircraftcarrier.He servedintwo theaters: Bosnia and Iraq

O’Neal later went to Oklahoma State University-Langston on the GI Bill and got a degree in accounting, not long after that is when his father told him he wanted his son to take over the store.

O’Neal said it’salways his goal to have the best inventory, to charge the best price, and to provide the best customer service.

The store’swebsite drives home the point, stating, “We provide our customers with personal attention and offer the largest and most diverse wine and spirit selection in Owasso.”

But even beyond the inventory, price and customer service, O’Neal emphasizes what he thinks really makes Owasso Liquor &Wine ahot commodity –the cold.

Specifically, the store’smassive amount of refrigerated space, whichallows O’Neal to provide not only ahuge variety of beverages but ahuge variety of cold beverages.

“We have more refrigerationthan most liquor stores in the state because we want to compete against those big box stores, he said.

“Wehaveitcold,and it’s ready to go.”

Owasso Liquor &Wine boasts 10,000 square feet of retail space that includes a27-door beer fridge, asix-door seltzer fridge and a14-door wine fridge, all of them chilled by more than half amillion dollars’worth of refrigerationequipment, O’Neal said. He added that the store has 3,000 square feet of additional storage space across the parking lot.

“We have well over $1 million in inven-tory,”hesaid. “Our inventory average is about $1.4 million to $1.8 million,”de-pending on the season.

“I’ve done this for 20 years,”O’Neal said. “When it’scold outside, we sell whiskey. When it’swarm and the grass is growing, we sell beer.

As aveteran, the holiday's are important to O’Neal, even though he likely won’t get to enjoy the entire holiday.

The store is closed on Christmas and Thanksgiving but open on all other major holidays with reduced hours because “my employees deserve to have the holiday off,”hesaid, adding that family members –his father, his twin brother and he -will be running the store that day.

alwayshad afull selec tion of the finest mix ers forcocktails ready to go.”

He added thatZatarain’s and Frank’s Hot Saucehaverecently come out with some interesting bloodyMary mixes,too Andfor veterans the best prices canbe even better “Wedodiscounts and also do fundraising events with veterans,” O’Neal said pointing to the Oklahoma DAVGolf Classic on Aug. 30 at the Broken ArrowGolf& Athletic Club,for which Owasso Liquor &Wine is ahole sponsor “Wesupportour veterans and the people who protect our countryhereand abroad,” he said.“We liketogiveback.”

TheCOVID-19 pandemic gave the store yetanother opportunitytogivebacktothe people who needed it O’Neal said Perhaps going against expectations “businesswas actually up during thepan demic,” he said.“It kind of dipped alittle bit oncethe vaccine came out,but then oncepeople went back to doing yard work,itpicked back up again.”

He added: “Wedidn’t miss astride We shut our lobbydownfor about two months last year and just did everything through the drive-through.

Still,O’Neal said his storedefinitely faced some challenging times

“It’sbeenhardtohirepeople,”hesaid. “We’ve been understaffed and areoverworking ourselves.”

But thatquandarymade him think about all those other businesses out theretrying to surviveduring apandemic –manyofwhich were not deemedessential,likeliquorstoreswere– andhedecidedthere wassomething he coulddo.

“Sowegaveevery customer discounts to trytohelpthemmeettheir ownexpenses,” he said.“Forawhile there, we sold everything at cost.”

Eventually,O’Nealhad to thinkabout hisown bottom line

But“sometimesit’sbetternot to make money,”hesaid.“I like to give back.”

will want some cold beverages to help them celebratethe nation’s birthday.
Hestoppedshortofmakinganyspecific recommendationsfor what beveragescus tomers should check out fortheir holiday celebrations,saying that“tastes areall over the place,”but he added: “Wehave thevariety.You canpickupyourcoldbeer and get some seltzers or tryother things too. Andwehaveitcold.” Although mixers areatinyportion of the store’sbusiness,O’Neal said customers canlikely find whatthey’re needing in thatarea, too. “We’ve added
Monsters,Coca-Cola products,differenttonics,”he said.“We’ve
Left: Andy O’Neal, middle:Mike‘Booz Man’ O’Neal,right: ScottO’Neal
But O’Neal understands that custom

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