Place your ad online for Free! Buying or selling. Fast and easy.
Hello and welcome to your Tulsa World “How To” guide. Tulsa World Media Company continues to enjoy bringing the most critical information of the day to your doorstep. Trusted local stories, editorials, photos, advertisements and coupons that pack the pages with insight and knowledge that others can’t get anywhere else. We are proud to be part of these Northeast Oklahoma communities and provide that valuable service. And Tulsa World is undergoing great transformation as the demand for our digital products continues to increase. In fact, Tulsa World is enjoying its largest audience ever with more and more readers wanting to consume our information in different ways. Because of this, we want to not only bring your attention to many of our digital offerings we have, but help you take advantage of them to the fullest. We hope that these easy instructions for using many of our products and features found at will help enhance your enjoyment and satisfaction of our products. We hope you enjoy this guide and keep it as a handy reference to our services. It not only helps introduce you to the digital offerings but also how to start and stop your paper delivery, how to pay your subscription online or place a free classified ad. We hope you will check out all our features and if you have ideas of how to improve it let us know. There are directions to do that also!
Bill Masterson President and Publisher
Tulsa World Tulsa World’s 101 online page is your step-by-step guide to manage your account online, read the e-Edition, download the Tulsa World app, purchase a page reproduction, submit your own news and photos and so much more. MANAGE YOUR ACCOUNT • How to create a Tulsa World self-service account & manage your subscription online • How to change your address • How to report a delivery issue • How to stop your paper for vacation • How to create a Tulsa World public-profile account • How to place a classified ad • Frequently asked questions MANAGE YOUR DIGITAL ACCOUNT • Reading the e-Edition on your smartphone or tablet • How to download the Tulsa World app on your smartphone or tablet • Get push notifications on your smartphone from the Tulsa World app • How to link your Tulsa World account to share with others
CONNECT WITH US Tulsa World’s Connect page is an easy reference for all the ways you can engage with us. • Sign up for email newsletters to get news sent to your inbox • How to give a gift subscription • How to purchase a back copy of Tulsa World • How to purchase a page reproduction • How to purchase photography from Tulsa World • How to submit a story or photo to appear online on your community’s website • How to write a Reader’s Forum column • How to write a Letter to the Editor • How to add an event to the online calendar • How to submit an announcement • How to submit an obituary or In Memoriam • Find all your weather needs at 101
INDEX MANAGE yOUR AccOUNT: How to Create a Tulsa World Account & Manage your Subscription Online How to Change your Address & Contact Information How to Report a Delivery Issue How to Stop Delivery of your Paper for Vacation How to Create a Public Profile Account How to Place a Classified Ad FAQ List
6 7 8 9 10 11 13
HOW TO MANAGE yOUR DIGITAL AccESS: Reading the e-Edition on your Smartphone or Tablet How to Download the Tulsa World App on your Smartphone or Tablet How to Get Push Notifications from the Tulsa World App on your Smartphone or Tablet How to Link your Tulsa World Account to Share with Others Tulsa World’s Connect Page How to Sign Up for Email Newsletters
17 18 19 20
MAkE A PURcHASE: How to Give a Gift Subscription How to Purchase a Back Copy How to Purchase a Page Reproduction How to Purchase Photography
18 21 22 23
SUbMIT cONTENT: How to Submit Your News & Photos How to Write a Reader’s Forum & How to Write a Letter to the Editor How to Submit an Event to our Calendar How to Submit an Announcement How to Submit an Obituary or In Memoriam
24 26 27 28 29
15 17
HOW TO cREATE A TULSA WORLD SELf-SERvIcE AccOUNT & MANAGE yOUR SUbScRIPTION ONLINE You can manage your subscription online through our new, user-friendly self-service account, and access our digital products and services through your Tulsa World account. SIGNING UP fOR yOUR SELf-SERvIcE AccOUNT: 1. Go to and click on “Sign in to your Account.” Click on “New Subscriber” and enter the information. Click “Submit.” 2. Select the subscription type. Read our Terms and Conditions. Click “Continue.” 3. Enter payment information. You can opt to manage payments yourself, or you can choose EZ Pay, which automatically deducts your bill from your checking or savings account each month. Click “Continue.” 4. Once your subscription is successfully submitted, you will receive confirmation. NAvIGATING yOUR SELf-SERvIcE AccOUNT: Each account has a “Dashboard,” a home page where you can do a variety of things: MANAGE yOUR SUbScRIPTION: View the status of your subscription, see when your subscription expires, and stop your paper for a vacation. cHANGE yOUR cONTAcT INfORMATION cHANGE yOUR PASSWORD (for your self-service account) MAkE A PAyMENT ON yOUR AccOUNT: Make payments with your debit/credit card or enroll in EZ Pay. SUbMIT A SERvIcE ISSUE: Report a delivery issue for quick resolution. cHANGE yOUR bILLING OR DELIvERy ADDRESS
HOW TO cHANGE yOUR ADDRESS & cONTAcT INfORMATION Moving? Here’s how to update your delivery & billing address in order to continue your newspaper delivery smoothly and without any service interruptions.
cHANGE yOUR ADDRESS ONLINE: 1. Go to, click on “sign in to your account,” and login to your self-service account. 2. Click on “Change of Address.” Enter your current mailing address. Click “Continue.” 3. Next, enter your new mailing address and click “Continue.” 4. Enter the date you’d like this change to go in effect. Click “Submit.” 5. Review. If no corrections are needed, click “Finish” to confirm. cHANGE yOUR cONTAcT INfORMATION ONLINE: 1. Go to and login to your self-service account. 2. Click on “Change Your Name and Phone Number.” 3. Update your contact information and click on “Save Changes.” 4. Review. If no corrections are needed, click on “Save Changes” to confirm. 5. You’ll see a confirmation page. by PHONE: You can always call one of our Customer Solution Representatives to update your delivery address, billing and contact information at 918-582-0921 or toll free at 800-444-6552. Monday-Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday from 7-11:30 a.m. vIA EMAIL: You can also email one of our Customer Solution Representatives to change your address or information at Note: If you have trouble submitting your changes, or you don’t see a confirmation number, first try logging out and back in again or refreshing your web browser.
HOW TO REPORT A DELIvERy ISSUE We strive for excellent service. If you are having an issue with the delivery of your paper, we will work quickly to address the problem. Here’s how to report your service issue: REPORT A DELIvERy ISSUE ONLINE: 1. On, click on “Sign in to your Account.” Login to your self-service account. 2. Click on “Submit a Service Issue.” 3. Select from the drop-down list of options. For example, “wet paper” or “missing Thursday.” Click “Save Changes.” You’ll see a confirmation page, and one of our Customer Solution Representatives will get back to you shortly.
REPORT A DELIvERy ISSUE by PHONE: You can also report a delivery issue by phone by calling one of our Customer Solution Representatives at 918-582-0921 or toll free at 800-444-6552. Monday-Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday from 7-11:30 a.m. REPORT A DELIvERy ISSUE vIA EMAIL: You can also relay your issue via email to one of our Customer Solution Representatives at In your email, please provide a description of the delivery issue you are experiencing, what action you’d like us to take, and your contact information.
HOW TO STOP DELIvERy Of yOUR PAPER fOR vAcATION When you’re away on vacation, there are 2 quick and easy ways to put your paper on hold while you’re not at home: by phone or online. TO STOP DELIvERy by PHONE: You can call to talk to someone in person about stopping your subscription if you’re going to be away. Call one of our Customer Solution Representatives at 918-582-0921 or toll free at 800-444-6552. Their hours are Monday-Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday from 7 to 11:30 a.m.
TO STOP DELIvERy ONLINE: 1. Go to and click on “Sign in to your Account.” Login to your self-service account. 2. Click on “Manage your Subscription.” 3. Click on the “Status” button. Select from the drop-down list either: “Vacation/Stopped” or “Vacation/Held.” vAcATION/STOPPED: Newspaper delivery will stop on your vacation days, and resume on your restart date. (You will not receive the papers published for the days that you are away.) vAcATION/HELD: Newspaper delivery will stop on your vacation days and your newspaper carrier will save the papers you miss during your vacation time. On your restart date, your carrier will deliver all the papers you missed. Vacation Packs are only available for vacations lasting 2 weeks or less. For longer vacation durations, please contact our Customer Solution Center to discuss your options.
4. Enter the dates of your vacation (the first date is the day you’d like to stop home delivery and the second date is the day you’d like to restart home delivery). Click “Save Changes.” 5. Review. Click on “Save Changes.” 6. You’ll see a confirmation page. Note: While you’re away, All Access subscribers can still stay up-to-date on what’s happening in and around Tulsa with our e-Edition, which is a digital replica of our printed newspaper. You can read it on your computer, tablet or smartphone. To learn how, see page 10.
HOW TO cREATE A TULSA WORLD PUbLIc PROfILE AccOUNT Creating an account is free and quick. With your Tulsa World account, you can do a variety of things all in one place on your Dashboard. You can: • Complete a Public Profile (and comment on news & photos) • Link your Account & digital access with a member of your household (only if you are an All Access or digital-only subscriber) • Submit news & photos of your own • Add an event to Tulsa World’s calendar • Submit Announcements
cREATING yOUR AccOUNT: 1. Go to and click on “Sign Up,” which appears above the main navigation bar. 2. Enter your information and your desired screen name and password. Read our Terms and Conditions. Click “Submit.” Note: When you login, you are immediately taken to your dashboard home page. Once you’re signed in, you can move in and out of your dashboard home page to browse content, check out our Classifieds, or look at recent job postings, and so much more. AbOvE THE MAIN NAvIGATION bAR, yOU’LL SEE “My DASHbOARD,” WHIcH QUIckLy bRINGS yOU bAck TO yOUR DASHbOARD HOME PAGE ANyTIME yOU NEED IT.
How to Place a Classified Ad ON FREEADSTULSA.COM Tulsa World is now offering you a vetted, more dependable way to place your classified ads online. Our Tulsa World Classifieds page is easy for you to use and easy for others to search. There are several categories for you to choose from when placing your ad: Legal Announcements, Sales, Vehicles, Real Estate, Service, Property for Rent, Pets and Community. These categories are organized even further into sub-categories so that buyers can find your ad quickly without having to sift through hundreds of ads before finding what they need. For example, the category “Vehicles” separates cars from trucks, boats from RV’s, and motorcycles from commercial trucks and trailers. Anyone searching for a mini-van for sale does not have to sift through other types of vehicles in their search. 1. Go to (or from click on “Classifieds,” which appears in the main navigation bar at the top of your screen). 2. Click on the button that says “Place your ad.” 3. Login to your account. If you don’t have an account, setting one up is quick and free. This account is separate from your account..
4. From the Classifieds home screen, create new ads, manage current ads and view future ads. 5. To create a new ad, click “Create new ad.”
6. Select a category for what you’re selling that best describes the item. For example, if your item is a car, then you would select “Auto.” 7. Next select a sub-category that best describes your item. Choose from the sub-categories provided. Click “Continue.” For example, the sub-categories for a vehicle are: By Make, By Vehicle Type or Recreational Vehicles. 8. Select an ad package from the following options: Free, Enhanced and Ultimate Impact. Choose the package that best suits your needs. 9. Fill in specific information regarding your item for sale. Remember to fill out all required fields and to give detailed information for potential buyers. 10. Select the second tab that says “Customize your online search fields” and enter additional information about your item, upload photos and list location information. 11. Review the preview of your ad. Be sure to read the preview and check for any errors. If you don’t need to make any changes, click “Next.” 12. Schedule your ad. Select the date you’d like your ad to run by clicking on the calendar. The first date you select will be the first day your ad will appear. It will run for 7 days. (After that, you will need to renew your ad.) 13. If your ad is free, you’re all done. If you opted for a better package, enter your payment information and click “Submit.” 14. You will receive an email with your transaction number and the details and status of your ad. Note: Not all items can be listed using the “Free” package. Some items and services require enhanced Classified packages.
fREQUENTLy ASkED QUESTIONS HOW DO I AccESS TULSA WORLD WHEN I’M ON THE GO? Tulsa World’s mobile website is available on your smartphone or tablet. Go to and experience it for yourself. However, if your internet connection is slow because you’re not on WiFi, download our app so you’re never without your news. For help or troubleshooting, see page 12 for a tutorial on downloading the app. WHAT If I HAvE TEcHNIcAL TROUbLE AccESSING THE SITE? WHERE DO I GO fOR HELP? For technical assistance with the site or any of its associated products or services, please email or call 918-582-0921 or 800-444-6552. AS A SUbScRIbER DO I HAvE fULL AccESS TO THE E-EDITION? WHAT DOES THE E-EDITION OffER? If you are an All Access or digital-only subscriber, yes. If you are a print-only subscriber, no. The e-Edition is a digital replica of the print edition. It offers all of the same news content that your printed paper offers, including special section inserts and Weekend. It does not include advertising inserts, as not all are available electronically from advertisers. WHAT IS INcLUDED WITH THE fREE APP DOWNLOADED fROM THE APP STORE? The app includes certain content from, including latest news from each section, current local weather, movie show times, and job listings and classifieds. If you opt to receive push notifications from us, then you will also get breaking news alerts. If you have an All Access or digital-only subscription with Tulsa World, you can also read our latest e-Edition (as well as the past six months of e-Editions of the paper) in your app. IS IT fREE TO SEARcH THE TULSA WORLD ARcHIvE? Yes. Tulsa World’s archive allows free and unlimited search results. You can search it as many times as you would like at no cost. Most of the stories in the archive are produced by Tulsa World staff. Because of that, these stories, when clicked on from the search results page, do count toward a nonsubscriber’s monthly limit. The search is free, but access to the full version of stories is not unless you are an All Access or digital-only subscriber. WHAT WILL yOU DO WITH My AccOUNT INfORMATION? WILL IT bE SOLD TO TELEMARkETERS? Tulsa World will not sell, rent or share your personal information.
WHAT’S THE cONTAcT INfORMATION fOR cUSTOMER SERvIcE? The phone number for our Customer Solution Center is 918-582-0921 or toll free at 800-444-6552. Monday-Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday from 7-11:30 a.m. You can also send them an email at DO yOU DELIvER TO APARTMENTS? Yes, Tulsa World delivers to apartments within delivery range for both gated and non-gated communities. For more details, please call the Customer Solution Center at 918-582-0921 or toll free at 800-444-6552. cAN I cANcEL My SUbScRIPTION ONLINE? No, to cancel your subscription services please call 918-582-0921 or toll free at 800-444-6552 or email us at WHAT ARE TULSA WORLD’S GUARANTEED DELIvERy TIMES? Tulsa World delivers Monday through Friday by 6 a.m.; Sunday and Saturday by 7 a.m. For any delivery issues, please call 918-5820921 or 800-444-6552 or report your delivery issue online though your account. To learn how, go to page 3. I AM A WEEkENDER/SUNDAy ONLy SUbScRIbER. WHy DO I GET WEDNESDAy’S PAPER? We include Wednesday’s paper in your Weekender & Sunday subscription because it includes the Weekend magazine, as well as World Extra (which includes more Classifieds and grocery ads and coupons). HOW cAN I GET A STORy IN TULSA WORLD? WHERE DO I SEND A PRESS RELEASE? If you have news you want to share, you can call Tulsa World’s newsroom at 918-581-8400 or email If you have community news you’d like to share, you can submit your stories online. Learn how on page 19. cAN A GROUP TOUR THE TULSA WORLD? We offer free tours of Tulsa World that include the newsroom and presses. Contact Diana McLaughlin at 918-581-8515 or I’M A SUbScRIbER TO ONE Of THE cOMMUNITy PAPERS. HOW DOES TULSA WORLD’S NEW AcQUISITION Of My PAPER AffEcT ME? We are happy to be part of your world – please visit to learn how the acquisition of Broken Arrow Ledger, Coweta American, Owasso Reporter, Sand Springs Leader, Skiatook Journal and Wagner Tribune may affect delivery, your subscription and more.
Reading the e-Edition on your Smartphone or Tablet: If you are a Tulsa World All Access or digital-only subscriber, you can download and read the e-Edition of your paper on your mobile device or tablet.
Reading the e-Edition on your mobile device: 1. Go to and click on “e-Edition,” which appears above the main navigation bar. 2. Click on “Latest e-Edition” or “Recent e-Editions.” 3. Login to your account. Reading the e-Edition on Tulsa World’s app: 1. Open the Tulsa World app. 2. Tap “e-Edition,” and then select “Read Latest Edition.” 3. Login to your account. Navigating the e-Edition: To navigate, drag/swipe to scroll up and down the page, and double tap your screen to zoom in on photos or content. The arrow buttons in the red bar at the top of the screen navigate from page to page. The 3 white bars at the top of the screen is the menu.
At the top of the screen, change viewing settings: “View Page” is an exact replica of the whole page; “View Text” is only the text of the news content in the order that it appears on the page.
HELPfUL MENU OPTIONS: HOME: Redirects back to Tulsa World’s full website. bROWSE: Jump to different pages within the current e-Edition or
switch to a previous e-Edition (published in the last 30 days). SETTINGS: Customize your e-Edition—change whether you want
to see thumbnails of pages and most importantly, change the text size of the articles. TEXT SIZE OPTIONS ARE:
Normal, Large and Huge.
HOW TO DOWNLOAD THE TULSA WORLD APP ON yOUR SMARTPHONE OR TAbLET Tulsa World’s app gives you access to many sections of our website. You can read stories, check the weather and local calendar, and even browse classifieds and job postings. Downloading it is easy: ON AN IPHONE/IPAD: Go to the App Store and search for “Tulsa World.” The app is the first in the search results list. Tap it to download. If yOU HAvE AN ANDROID PHONE/TAbLET: Go to the Play Store and search for “Tulsa World.” The app is the first in the search results list. Tap “Install” to download it on your phone. USING TULSAWORLD.cOM ON A MObILE DEvIcE: We recommend using the full version of for the best viewing experience. You can download the app, but it is optimized primarily for smartphones. If you want to place an icon on your browser’s home screen, tap the share icon of your web browser. Then select “Add to Home Screen.” Once you do that, you will have an icon next to your app icons that easily lets you launch the website on your device. You can also select “Bookmark” to add the website to your browser’s favorites for quicker access to our full website.
HOW TO GET PUSH NOTIfIcATIONS fROM TULSA WORLD’S APP: Tulsa World’s app sends you breaking news alerts through push notifications on your smartphone or tablet. When you initially downloaded the Tulsa World app, you were asked if you would like to receive push notifications. If you selected yes, then you should already be receiving breaking news alerts. If you are not receiving these alerts, or you initially opted out of push notifications and would like to see them now follow the instructions below. ON AN IPHONE OR IPAD: 1. Select “Settings.” 2. Select “Notifications” (it should be in the second grouping in your settings menu). 3. Tulsa World’s app will appear in your “Do Not Include List.” Select it. 4. Swipe the button next to “Allow Notifications” to the right. ON AN ANDROID SMARTPHONE OR TAbLET: 1. Launch the Tulsa World app. Select “Menu” and then “Settings.” 2. In the pop up, check the box next to “Receive Notifications?”
How to Link Your Tulsa World Account And Share IT with Others To share your Tulsa World with another member of your household, you can link your account and grant digital access to your account. Here’s how you link to share your account with another member of your household: 1. Go to and click on “Login,” which appears above the main navigation bar. Once you’ve logged in to your account, click on “My Dashboard.” 2. On the left-hand side of your dashboard home screen, click on “Account Settings.” 3. Select “Linked Accounts.” 4. Enter the email address of the member of your household. Click “Add.” An email will be sent to that address to accept the changes. Note: You can only link your account to 1 other person. To unlink someone from your account: go to “Link Account” and click “unlink.”
How to Give a Gift Subscription Want to purchase a gift subscription for a co-worker, employee, client, friend, or family member? Give the gift of information, now more easily than ever before. Online: 1. Go to 2. Enter the information of the gift recipient followed by your billing information. Select the type of subscription and for what duration. 3. Enter your payment information. Click “Submit.” You’ll receive confirmation of your purchase. By Phone: Gift subscriptions are also available for purchase through the Customer Solution Center. Call 918-582-0921 or toll free at 800444-6552. Monday-Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday from 7-11:30 a.m.
TULSAWORLD.cOM/cONNEcT Tulsa World’s Connect page is an easy reference for all the ways you can engage with us. Links to FAQ pages on our print newspaper, our e-Edition and digital products, the latest subscription information, and a link to sign up for our email newsletters.
Links to Tulsa World’s social media pages: Like us on Facebook and get a steady stream of news posts. Follow us on Twitter and tweet at your favorite reporters. Or follow the Tulsa World photographers on Instagram and see a different part of your world. Find out what’s going on in your community with one of our many community pages. Stay engaged with the news; contact a reporter directly.
Read our latest special section and browse past special sections (like Holiday Planning, World of Homes, Weddings, and the 2015 College Guide). Enter one of our many contests and win a great prize. Save money with Daily Deals, read all of the top readerrated places in and around Tulsa for food, entertainment, etc., and browse local job opportunities.
And access Tulsa World 101—your step-by-step guide to all that Tulsa World has to offer. Learn how to put a hold on your papers while you’re away on vacation, submit a story of your own, download our app, read our e-Edition on your smartphone, and more. Also, check out our 101 page for any updates to these helpful tutorials -
How to Sign Up for Email Newsletters Tulsa World offers 16 free email newsletters to help bring the news directly to you. Delivered right to your inbox, these newsletters filter down to the news you care about most in one email. To sign up, it’s quick and free. Go to Select the newsletters you want to receive and enter your email address. You will start receiving them the next day. Here is what each newsletter provides you: Breaking News: When news breaks locally or nationally, you receive an alert with a link to the complete story. Daily Headlines: (Daily) Start your day with the top headlines in our News, Sports, Scene, Opinion and Business sections from that day’s newspaper. Latest Headlines at 4 p.m.: (Daily) Stay on top of the day’s news and get the latest headlines at the end of your day. OU Sports: (Daily) Get the latest news on the Sooners from our Sports Writers Guerin Emig and Eric Bailey. OSU Sports: (Daily) Get the latest news on the Cowboys from our Sports Writers Bill Haisten and Mark Cooper. TU Sports: (Daily) Get the latest news on the Golden Hurricane from our Sports Writer Kelly Hines. High School Sports: (Daily) Get the latest news on prep sports from our Sports Writers Barry Lewis and Mike Brown. Food & Restaurants: (Wednesdays) Are you a foodie? Get food features and recipes from Nicole Marshall Middleton and restaurant news and reviews from Scott Cherry. Weekend: Things to Do: (Wednesdays) Get the highlights from Wednesday’s Weekend magazine and find out what’s happening in and around Tulsa. Home & Garden: (Saturdays) Have a green thumb? Get planting and gardening features and advice from our master gardeners. Downtown Tulsa: (Thursdays) Keep up with what’s happening downtown with a weekly roundup of stories and events. Outdoors: (Sundays) Love the outdoors? Get features on fishing, hunting, camping and wild game from Outdoors Writer Kelly Bostian. Real Estate: (Tuesdays) A weekly roundup of what’s happening with residential and commercial real estate. Offers: (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) Get a daily deal of at least 50% off for you and your family. Advertising Offers: Get alerts on some of the best deals from local retailers and businesses. Contest Alerts: Find out before everyone else about our contests so you can enter to win.
If you want to purchase a copy (or copies) of a previous edition of Tulsa World, there are 3 ways you can do so: online, by phone or in person. Previous editions are available for the past 90 days only. PURcHASING A bAck cOPy ONLINE: Go to and click on “Buy a back copy.” Enter in the required information and click “Submit.” Your order is then forwarded to our Back Copy Office. PURcHASING A bAck cOPy by PHONE: You can also order a back copy of an edition on the phone by calling the Back Copy Office at 918581-8584. Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Here is the information to have ready before you call: your contact information, your payment information (if shipping), the date of the back copy you’d like and the quantity you need. PURcHASING A bAck cOPy IN PERSON: You can also stop by Tulsa World to purchase your back copy. The Back Copy Office is located on the first floor of our building, located at 315 S. Boulder Ave in downtown Tulsa. They’re open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Note: Orders that are shipped are subject to shipping & handling costs.
ON bAck cOPIES OLDER THAN 90 DAyS: We only keep editions published in the last 90 days, after that they are recycled. If you are interested in reading an older article, you can search our website for all Tulsa World and Tulsa Tribune articles from 1989 to the present. Or, if you are interested in an article or edition published before 1989, you can call the Tulsa City-County Library at 918-549-7323.
Were you or someone close to you (or perhaps your business, community, school or organization) featured in Tulsa World’s newspaper? Now you can purchase a page reproduction to display on your wall proudly. 1. Go to and under “Page Reproductions,” click on “Fill out online form.” 2. Select 1 of the 4 options available to you for a page reproduction: 12”x21” OR 13”x19” SINGLE PAGE REPRODUcTION: $35.00 SINGLE PAGE REPRODUcTIONS are printed as the page originally appeared in our print edition. This page option is ideal if the story you’d like to reproduce is only on one page, or if the story appeared on the front page of Tulsa World and you want to celebrate that fact.
12”x21” OR 13”x19” STORy REPRODUcTION: $50.00 SINGLE STORy REPRODUcTIONS look slightly different than how the story originally appeared in our print edition because you get the full story with photos on one page. This option is ideal if the story was lengthy and you’d like to make it available in full to others.
3. Enter your payment and contact information, and information about the page you’d like reproduced (like the headline of the story, date of publication, and section and page number). 4. Click on “Order Page Reproduction.” You will receive a confirmation. Note: All orders take 24-48 hours to process before shipping.
If you have additional questions, or need help ordering a page, please contact Jose Vega at 918-581-8418 or
HOW TO PURcHASE PHOTOGRAPHy fROM TULSA WORLD Love a photograph that you saw published in your newspaper or on Now you can purchase it as art for your home, office or business. All photographs are printed on high quality archival Kodak paper using a high-resolution of the image. You also have the option to have your photo framed and matted by us. TO ORDER A PHOTOGRAPH ONLINE: 1. Go to and click on “Visit Photos Page” under Photography. 2. Browse through the photos until you find one that you like. 3. Click on the “Buy this photo” button that appears under the photograph. 4. Select a size and finish. There are a variety of photo sizes and finishes for you to choose from:
PHOTO SIZES: 4x6 $25.00 5x7 $25.00 8 x 10 $30.00 16 x 20 $60.00 20 x 30 $80.00 24 x 36 $100.00
fINISHES: Matte finish: Very smooth, non-glare finish Glossy finish: Very smooth, shiny reflective finish Lustre finish: Between glossy & matte (Ideal for portraits)
5. Click “Order Products.” Now you can crop the photograph (if desired). 6. Review your order. Click on “Secure checkout.” 7. Enter your billing and shipping information. Click “Next Step.” Then add your payment information. 8. Click “Finish.” You will receive confirmation of your order. Please note that all orders take 24-48 hours to process before shipping.
by PHONE: Call Tulsa World’s store at 918-581-8418 and place an order. Have the following information ready: the name of the photograph and the photographer. Note: Not all photos are available for purchase. Only photos with a “Buy This Photo” button underneath it.
HOW TO SUbMIT yOUR NEWS & PHOTOS When you have news, you want to share it with your community. Now Tulsa World has 12 community websites that cover the Greater Tulsa area:
SUbMITTING yOUR NEWS & PHOTOS IS EASy. TO SHARE yOUR STORy ON ONE Of THESE SITES, fOLLOW THESE STEPS: 1. Begin by typing your story in a word document. Take pictures to accompany your photo and upload them to your computer. 2. Now you’re ready to begin your submission. Go to and select the community page where you would like to have your story appear. 3. In the right-hand column of each community website, you will see a box that says “Submit your news and photos.” Click on the box’s button. 4. A window will pop up asking you to sign in. If you have an online account already, simply sign in with your email address and password. (If you don’t have an account, complete the online form. It’s free and quick to fill out.) 5. Once you’ve signed in, you can enter your headline and story. Copy and paste your story from your word document. 6. Upload a photo to accompany your story. Choose a photo that best represents what you’re writing about. If you don’t have a photo, you can use your logo. Please include captions to your photo. 7. Next, enter your location information so that if we need to follow up or verify your story, we have another way to contact you. 8. Last, click the “Submit” button. If your story was successfully submitted, you will be taken to a confirmation page that reads: “Thank you for submitting your content, it will be available once it is approved.” If you do not see this confirmation, contact your Tulsa World Community Engagement Coordinator, Samantha Extance at for help.
Note: All stories and photos, once submitted, are sent to an editor for review.
Once your story has been reviewed, it will appear on the website. If you are submitting any stories about an event, please allow time for the story to be reviewed. Don’t forget to create an accompanying Calendar event at calendar and share your story on the community Facebook page!
HOW TO WRITE A READER’S fORUM cOLUMN Columns should be at least 500, and no more than 650, words in length. If you use figures, please cite a source (internally, footnotes aren’t required). We don’t use columns that directly rebut or answer a specific Tulsa World editorial, or argue with a previous Reader’s Forum piece or letter. Letters to the Editor is the proper place for such correspondence. This, of course, doesn’t mean that Reader’s Forum opinions cannot generally oppose or diverge from World editorial positions. The format should state a thesis (or purpose) and include supporting information. To be considered, a daytime phone number must be included. State how you would like to be identified: as a resident of a city, occupation or affiliation. Send your Reader’s Forum to Wayne Greene at Please type “Reader’s Forum Submission” in the subject line of your email. Or, you can mail it directly to us at: Tulsa World, Reader Forum Submission, P.O. Box 1770, Tulsa, OK 74102. For more information, please call 918-581-8308, Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
HOW TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor are encouraged. Letters have a 250 word limit and may be edited for length, style and grammar. Each letter must include: the author’s name, mailing address, and daytime phone number. The author’s name and city of residence will be used if the letter is used in print or online. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. Send letters via email to, or regular mail to: Tulsa World, Letters to the Editor, P.O. Box 1770, Tulsa, OK 74102. For more information, please call 918-581-8330, Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Note: If you are unsure if your opinion is best suited for a Reader’s Forum or a Letter to the Editor, take a look at current and past forum columns and letters published at for ideas.
HOW TO SUbMIT AN EvENT TO OUR cALENDAR Tulsa World’s event calendar is one of the most comprehensive available online about events happening in and around Tulsa. If you have an event you want people to know about, it’s quick and easy to add it for readers to see.
HERE’S HOW yOU cAN SUbMIT yOUR EvENT: 1. Go to (or click on “Calendar” in the main navigation bar at the top of 2. At the top of the calendar page, click on the red “Post your event” button. 3. Login to your online account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one. It’s quick and free. 4. Fill in the information about your event in the fields provided. Be sure to select which of our calendars you’d like your event to appear on: Community, Concerts, Family, Free, Government, Museums, Open Houses, Outdoors, Religion, Support Group and Arts. (You can select more than one.) 5. Add an event title, a link to a website with more information about the event, and an event description. Be sure to give specific details (like cost, where to find parking, and any other important information for event-goers). If your event has several components (like a festival or battle of the bands) it’s a good idea to list a schedule. 6. Next, check the boxes of the audiences that the event is targeted to and if an RSVP is required. 7. Enter the location information of the event and when it will be. If your event is recurring, click on either: Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly. If your event is one time only, select “Once.” 8. Finally, add your contact information so if we have any questions about the event we can contact you. 9. Review the information you’ve entered and then click “Submit.” You will see the following message: “Your event has been submitted.” If you do not see this message, try refreshing your browser and re-entering your event information. For further help, email Note: All events are first reviewed and then posted. Reviews are conducted daily. Your event will not immediately appear on the calendar so please plan ahead when posting events. If your event is for a specific community, like Broken Arrow or Jenks, then you must put an accurate ZIP code for that community in the location information, otherwise it will not appear on that community’s calendar.
How to Submit an Announcement Let us be the first to congratulate you! Announce your engagement, wedding, anniversary or birth to your family, friends and community in a big way with Tulsa World. There are 2 ways you can submit your happy news: By Phone: You can call our Celebrations Office to place an announcement at 918-581-8488. Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or email them at Online: 1. Go to and click on “Login,” which appears above the news navigation bar. Login to your account and then click on “My Dashboard.” If you don’t already have an account, you can create one. It’s quick and free. 2. In the dashboard home page, there are several menu options. Select “Announcements.” Additional options will appear: Add Engagement, Add Wedding, Add Birth and Add Anniversary. Select the one that you need. (Two options have further categories: Engagement & Wedding, where you need to further select either: Announcement for Bride & Bride, for Bride & Groom, or for Groom & Groom.) 3. Enter in the date you’d like to see the announcement published, your contact information, followed by information needed for each announcement. For Births: Information about the baby, parents and grandparents For Anniversaries: Information about the married couple, their children and their grandchildren For Engagements & Weddings: Information about the wedding, the bride and groom, their families and the wedding party 4. Next, upload photos to accompany your announcement. Your photo will be re-sized to fit the photo option you select so be sure to upload a high-resolution image. 5. Enter in the number of copies you’d like to receive. (The cost is 3 copies for $1.00.) 6. Review your information and click “Submit.” You will receive a confirmation email and someone from the Celebrations Office will contact you shortly regarding your announcement.
How to Submit an Obituary or In Memoriam First, let us offer our condolences for your loss, and we hope these step-by-step instructions make things a little easier for you during your time of grief. There are 3 ways that you can submit an obituary announcement in memory of your loved one: 1. Through Your Funeral Home: The funeral home will submit the obituary and organize its scheduling with Tulsa World to coincide with funeral services. 2. Through Tulsa World’s Obituary Desk: Call us directly at 918-581-8503 or email Hours: Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Closed on Sundays. Have ready: the date you would like the Obituary/In Memoriam published, the written Obituary/In Memoriam, a photo of your loved one (optional) and your contact information.
3. Through Tulsa World’s Self-Service Obituary Website: Submit your In Memoriam or Obituary online by following the steps below.
Submitting an Obituary Online: 1. Before you begin, take a look at some of our informational guides on writing obituaries, pricing and scheduling. Each of these guides details important information that will help you honor your loved one. (Read Tulsa World’s guide below.) 2. Go to and click on “OBITS.” 3. Click on “Submit an Obituary for Publication.” Login to your account. If you don’t already have an account, create one. It’s quick and free. 4. Click on “Home” and then “Start Here.” 5. Select the type of announcement: an Obituary or In Memoriam. 6. Select the layout for the Obituary/In Memoriam.
7. Enter the information about your loved one and upload a photo. 8. Proof your notice. If you don’t need to make any changes, click “Continue.” 9. Schedule your notice. Choose what day you’d like the Obituary/ In Memoriam to appear. 10. Enter your contact information. 11. Pay for your obituary with your credit/debit card.
TULSA WORLD GUIDE TO WRITING ObITUARIES An obituary will stand as perhaps the only narrative record of an individual’s life, and will be referenced by generations to come. Let us help you along the way by following a few helpful tips from this guide, and it may also help to check current obituary listings on to get some ideas before you start.
Every obituary is as individual as the person being memorialized.
Tips: 1. Include funeral service location, times and donation information. 2. Include full names of key relatives, both living and predeceased. 3. Gather the basic facts together such as date of birth, date of death, birthplace, schools attended, and names of survivors. These will form the foundation for your obituary. Be sure names, schools, cities, etc. are spelled correctly and that dates are accurate. It’s also important to be accurate in what is included, as well as what is not included. Full name, the date of birth and date of death and city of residence will be the introduction to your obituary. 4. Add special details about the individual to give readers a glimpse into his or her life. What will family and friends miss most? What was he or she passionate about? What did he or she do that touched people around them, or made them an individual? Write a narrative that focuses on and celebrates the life lived. Reflect on the person who was known and loved. 5. Proof the final version carefully. Accuracy is important.
Pricing: All Obituaries & In Memoriams require pre-payment. The pricing is as follows: $55.00 per column inch for Obituaries and $43.00 per column inch for In Memoriams. Scheduling: Tuesday-Saturday: Deadline for print is the day prior to publication by 1:00 p.m. Sunday-Monday: Deadline for print is the prior Saturday by 1:00 p.m.
Any changes or corrections made after deadline will change the publication day to the next available day.
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