Amity Edwards -918 Interiors
Connell Curran -AbbeyHomes, LLC
Dolores Turner -Arvest Bank
Chris Hodges -Arvest Bank
Kirk Shell -AVB Bank
Dylan Nall -BHaulin’
Gretchen Casto -Bank of Oklahoma Mortgage
Susan Bevard -BTC Broadband
Sheryl Chinowth -Chinowth&Cohen
Carrie Deweese -Chinowth &Cohen
Susan Burch -Chinowth&Cohen
Rodger Tucker -Cobblestone Homes, Inc.
Greg Strange -Countertop Solutions
Carl Gibson -cre8tiveThings,LLC
BrentDeBoer -Dale &Lee’s Service, Inc.
Dana Day -Day Build &Design
Chad Potter -Drywall Repair Specialists
Ed McIntyre -EDS Wealth Agency
RhondaRamey -Emerald WatersTravel
HjornySkaftason -Eurocraft, Inc.
CarolParker -Executives Title &Escrow,LLC
Matt Emmons -Emmons Construction
Johann Skaftason -Eurocraft
Melissa Herron -First title & AbstractServices, LLC
Liz Mathis -First title & AbstractServices, LLC
StacyMontgomery -First title &AbstractServices, LLC
Lori Nosan -First title & AbstractServices, LLC
Emily Machetta -FlatBranch HomeLoans
Jill Garcille -Freedom Insurance
MaryPearce -FriscoTitle
Peter Grant -Grant Homes Remodel &Restoration
Sean McClanahan -Hahn ApplianceCenter
MikeWalker -HahnApplianceCenter
TimOrchard -HahnAppliance Center
Roland Rice -Heatwave Supply,Inc.
Kristal Mitchell -HOA Solutions
Mark Priess -HUB International CFR
Jennifer Kudirka -Independent Material Co,Inc.
John Madden -J.MaddenHomes
DixieMoseley -JDV Interiors
RandySpeegle -Jetta Corporation
KimWilliams -KTWilliams InsuranceGroup
Briana Parmele -Law Office of Briana J. Parmele,PLLC
David Lee -Lee SignatureProperties, LLC
Mark Jones -M Jones Homes
BeckyOrr -McGraw Realtors
Bryan Casey -MetroAppliancesand More
TarahDuncan -Metro Appliances and More
Ann Howell -Metro Appliances andMore
Kevin Dycus -MetroAppliances andMore
Russ Ellis -Metro Appliances andMore
Toby Wisby -MetroAppliancesand More
BarryLeahy -Mid-ContinentGroup
RobMiles -Milestone Homes, Inc.
Bailey Miles -Milestone Homes, Inc.
Creed Holt - Mill Creek Lumber
LauraRansbottom - PF Unlimited
LarryWilson -Pro-Tech Roofing, Inc.
Glenn Simms -Re-Bath of Tulsa
Charla Nicklas -Renaissance, Inc.
BarryHelms -Renovations By Helms
ClarkRobinson -RobinsonGlass
Dave Sanders -SandersEngineering
GentryDetter -SpectrumPaint Company
Brandon Jackson -Tara Custom Homes, Inc.
MikeFournier -The Sonrise Companies
Bud Farris -Tulsa FireplaceSupply
David Land -Tulsa Landscape,Inc
Chris Meyer -Turner Roofing&SheetMetal
Keely Hutchinson -Two Men and aTruck
Brendan Delehanty -Villa Homes, LLC
TimNall -WeBTrees
Jackson Whitacre -WhitacreGlassWorks
HomeMADE Stage: Interested in springcleaningand getting organized? Check out Mari Kondo expertorganizer Erin Mursch. She has all the tools and tricks to get your home spick and span.
Oklahoma Natural Gas’s Cooking Stage: Check out Master Chef winner Shawn O’Neale at the CookingStage.Not only will youget to learn his recipes, but also sample them!
Gardening Stage: Head overtothe Gardeningstage to check out local gardeningexpertPaulJames. He has all the tips forthose of youwith agreen thumb,and is happytoanswer anyofyour questions.
Family Stage: Did someone saytreat? Check out America’s Got Talentwinners The Pompeyo Family Dogs. There’senough tail wags forthe whole family!
Pella’s Beer Garden: Need to takeabreather and relax? Marshall Brewinghas the drinks. Kickback with acold one and enjoy Gracie Shriver,Travis Kidd, Mark Gibson, and more!
Spring is in the air and it’s time to start creating your home improvement list. Oklahoma’slargest home and garden productstrade showiscelebrating over 70 yearsand youwon’twant to miss the 2022 GreaterTulsaHome &Garden Show. With over 300 home improvement exhibitorsoffering ideas,expert advice and the latest product innovations for your home or garden, the GreaterTulsa Home &Garden Showisthe home improvement event of the year.Tulsa’s longest-running home and garden show will kick off Thursday,March 10 through Sunday, March 13,atthe Sage NetExpo at Expo Square. Presented by the Home BuildersAssociation of GreaterTulsa and sponsored by Burnett Home Improvement, the TulsaHome &Garden Showoffersaone-stop shop forall thingshome or garden, showcasing hundreds of ideas and the latest trends,as well as fun features forthe whole family.
Our showisthe perfect placetoexploreyour home improvement ideas featuring exhibitsfor everything from the front door to the backyard. Attendees candiscoverthe latest products, get inspired by exhibitsand speak first-hand to experts, all under one roof!Plus, shopperscan take advantageofexhibitor deals and specials exclusive to the event.
Formoreinformation on the event, call 918-663-5820 or visit TulsaHBA.com.
Thursday, March 10:10AMto8PM
Friday, March11: 10AMto8PM
Saturday, March 12:10AM to 8PM
Sunday, March13: 10AM to 5PM
Tickets are$10 foradults.Children under 12 mayattend forfreewhen accompanied by apaid adult.
HomeMADE Stage: Interested in spring cleaning and getting organized? Check out Mari Kondo expert organizer Erin Mursch. She has all the tools and tricksto getyour home spick and span.
Oklahoma Natural Gas’sCooking Stage: Check out Master Chef winner Shawn O’Neale at the Cooking Stage. Notonlywill youget to learn his recipes, but alsosamplethem!
Gardening Stage: Head over to the Gardening stagetocheck out local gardening expert Paul James.Hehas all the tipsfor those of youwith agreen thumb, and is happytoanswerany of your questions.
FamilyStage: Did someone saytreat? Check out America’sGot Talent winnersThe Pompeyo FamilyDogs. There’s enough tail wags forthe whole family!
Pella’sBeer Garden: Need to take a breather and relax? Marshall Brewing has the drinks. Kickback with acold one and enjoy Gracie Shriver, Travis Kidd, Mark Gibson, and more!
TheHBA Charitable Foundation also helped launch the Union Construction AcademyIntro to Construction course to help students learnabout careers in the trade industry.
TheHBA Charitable Foundation has renovated twolow-income houses in the Kendall-Whittier neighborhood.Our goal is to provide underservedfamilies with safeand secureliving conditions that meet local building codes and FHA mortgage requirements
Building Pathways and Improving Lives in our Community Formoreinformation visit the HBA Charitable Foundation at TulsaHBACF.com or call 918-663-5820.
Buying ahome is an investment in time and money. Formany people, ahome is the largest purchasetheywill makein their lifetime. Forfirst-time home buyers,the processcan seem in timidating, giventhe manysteps involved in the transaction. With adequateresearchand preparation, the journeytowards purchasing a newhome canbe arelatively smooth one. To help your home buying processbecome moremanageable, you’ll need to take adeep dive into your finances and prioritizeyour home amenitypreferences.Hereare afew stepstohelp youget started.
The best placetostart is to figure out what monthlypayment willfit your budget. Expertssay that your totalmonthlyhome expenses should not exceed morethan one-thirdof your gross monthlyincome.Your mortgage payment is onlypart of your monthly expenses.Property taxes, home insuranceand interest should alsobe factored intoyour monthlypayment.
Most people will choose to finance their home, so checking your credit score is another important first step. Your credit score willhelpyou figure out the financing options available to you. Lendersuse credit scoresto determine if aborrower has arecord of on-time paymentsand to gaugethe likelihood of repaying the mortgage.Your credit score will also impact your mortgage terms.The higher the score,the morefinancing options and lowerinterest rates will be available to you. Borrowers with scoresinthe low600s and even high 500s canstill find lenderswho will qualifythem, but borrowers should strive forscoresinthe midto upper-700s to landthe best rate.
As afirst-time homebuyer,you’llneedtodetermine a list of your “must-haves” foryour newhome. Do youabsolutelyneed aspace forahome office or morerooms for your growing family? Youshould have ageneral ideaofthe size,location and amenities youwantin your home.Figure outwhat featureyou arewilling to compromisetoensure your home fitsyour budget.
First, research mortgage ratesatvariouslendersonline. Shop around to find the lowest rate or work with amortgage lender to help youfind all of the loan options available. Thereare severaltypes of mortgagesavailable,includingFHA,conventional,adjustable rate and fixed-rate. You’ll need to learn moreabout them to figureout which option worksbest foryou. Thereare avarietyofmortgagesavailable forfirst-time home buyers as well.
To find anew home or formorehome buying advice, visit TulsaHBA.comorcall 918-663-5820.
The HBA ofGreater Tulsawouldliketorecognize andthank thefollowing volunteers fortheir dedication andsupport.
Names in pink arepast chairsofthe Show.
Francine Bandy
Kevin Blackburn Linda Blackburn
Rita Boggs¬
Jennifer Boczar-Ashley
Susan Burch
Gretchen Casto Frank Cerrito
Deb Cramer
CortneyDennis Carrie DeWeese
Amber Durett
Jill Fish
Cheryln Funk
Jill Garcille
Zelda Garrison
Scott Gideon
Jacob Giroux
Melanie Haines
Chris Hodges
Joe Hoffman
Janet Holt
In 1989,the Home BuildersAssociation ofGreater Tulsabegan recognizing builderswho made the best useofthe HBA. The Spirit Award is one of the highest honors, as it symbolizes the relationship between the contractor and the subcontractor and how extremely important it is when building ahome to only usequalifiedcraftsmen and supplies. Each year,manyworthycompaniesenter projects forconsideration of this honoor,which arethen analyzedby an accounting firmtodetermine which projects involved the greatest percentageofworkbyHBA Associatemembers.
Greg Jennings
Brandon Jackson
Allen Jenkins
Dub Jester
Donnie Johns Burr Kannady
Kandy Kirk
John Kiska Jennifer Kudirka
Roberta Larson
Felicia Leming Lisa Lenihan
Emily Machetta
John Madden
Liz Mathis
Ed McIntyre
Leslie McIntyre
Susan McKeon
David Miller
Maegan Miner JeremyMoore
BarbaraNall Lana Nelson
Carl Novara
Linda Nurnberger
Lora Phillips
Mark Priess
Sarah Ramsey
LauraRansbottom Brandon Rainbolt
CherlynReeves SusieRose
Heidi Roy Dave Sanders
Sabrina Shaw Kirk Shell
Rick Shoemaker¬
Lessie Simon
Jeff Starkweather
MikeWarren Sue Weston
Cahn Wiggs
Tony Wisby
Scott Wood
Willie Wortham
Josh Zajac
Asecondgeneration builder,Curran spent severalyears overseeing Cobblestone Homes’ interior and exterior design concepts, and has quicklybecome one of Tulsa’smost visionaryand innovative builders.He founded AbbeyHomes in 2012. Connell Curran joined the HBAin 2014, and has been an incrediblyactive member ever since. Involved in 40Be low, BuildersCouncil, Boardsof Directors, and manyother committees; he has generouslygiven much of his time to the HBA. Notonlydoes he volunteer greatly, in 2021 Curran raised aremarkable $52,875through the TotalResource Campaign.
The home involved roughly75associate members, making about 85%ofproject involvement. Curran states that “doing businesswith associatememebersisan imperative pieceofour associations success,” and he’supheld that belief through his ownwork.
The home is contemporaryinstylewith afunctional living design. Over 5,200 squarefeet of open concept living space and a“Room with aView”located upstairsoverlooksthe golf course in the beautiful Wyckfordedition located in Forest Ridge.This home comes equipped with high end finishes,GE Monogram appliances and featureshardwood floors and tile throughout the main floor.This housesitsona grand threequarter acrelot. It is HERSrated and Energy Star Certified. Curran is responsible forthe interior design work,and he purposefullyselected all of the finishesin the homes.
360 Painting113
3P’sManufacturing/ Spartan Mowers 215
4State Systems, LLC 1823
918 RedDirtFoam &Insulation 1913
ABest Roofing1549
ABlend Above 917
AHolistic Solution 814
ANew Leaf 505
A&J Salsa 617
A&R Exteriors2230
A1 Mechanical Services Heating, Cooking&Refriger 940
ADL Group,LLC -Oklahoma LED 831
Advanced Body Scan of Tulsa 1915
Advanced Body Scan of Tulsa 840
Affordable Insulation of Oklahoma 441
Agee Cabinet &Door Refacing 231
Air AssuranceCompany1129
Air Doctor DuctCleaning1831
Air Evac Lifeteam 340
Airco Service, Inc.1429
All American Air DuctCoating& Cleaning2216
Allied Fence2013
Allstate InsuranceAgencyMelissa Dawn 1639
American Leak Detection 1716
American Sleep Therapy813
Anthem Construction Co. LLC 2012
Anytime Roofing1934
ApplianceSolutions 1923
Arkoma Insurance413
Arrow Exterminators, Inc.657
ARRTConstruction &Roofing 705
Artisan Pool Builder 2117
Arvest Bank 811
AT&T 842
Atkins Tree Care 103
Austin Jones State Farm 242
Autumn Exteriors2219
Awesome Hilltop Acres-Emu Oil 702
BA Flooringand Design 2211
BA Lawn &Garden 921
BA Lawns &Landscaping2057
BathPlanet ofOklahoma 2015
Battle Ridge Shutters124
Bearwood Concepts 2217
Beauty-Crete 138
Beck Plumbing918,LLC 1642
Bedlam Concrete Lifting1917
Berryhill Ornamental Iron 1829
Best WindowSource 539
Better BusinessBureau1838
Bison Built LLC248
Black Hat CleaningServices 1900
Blind Ambitions 1517
BlueCross BlueShield of Oklahoma 632
Borgil Enterprises 741
BoxOwls, LLC220
Spas of Tulsa 313
BurnettHome Improvement
Cajun Kooling1143
Callahan Tree Care 2344
Carpet Direct1643
Casino Night of Tulsa 316
CertaProPainters 1212
CityofTulsa 241
Clear-tone HearingAid Labs 929
Closets of Tulsa 1236
Coldwell Banker Select-The BryanTeam 1715
College H.U.N.K.S HaulingJunk 420
Continental SidingSupply 1641
CounterTop Solutions 1105
CreativeGarden &Gifts 311
Crossroads Granite 734
Culligan of Tulsa 1005
CushingTruss Manufacturing 101
Custom Pools, Inc.2228
D&BSales 431
DABAKH Studios 616
Dale &Lee’s Service1405
Damsel In Defense 1834
DaVcoMechanical Contractors 2039
Deep Branch Winery300
Designer Palms 229
DesignFix Interiors400
Disaster ResilienceNetwork 512
DiscountGarage Door 2101
DiscountGarage Door 1457
DNA Hair Tools 1034
Dog TrainingElite 504
Dolphin Pool 1229
Drywall Repair Specialists 2009
East CentralElectric Cooperative 719
Edward Jones Investments 1012
Elite Cabinets1945
Elite Pools &Outdoor Living 532
Elite ServiceCompany429
EmcoTermite &PestControl of Tulsa 1045
Epic Connection Chiropractic 2019
Epic Homes 1817
Euroshine USA 2222
Euroshine USA 544
Euroshine USA 2045
Euroshine USA 545
Exterior SolutionsbyCraig’s
FamilySAFE 2404
Five Star CulinaryConnection 941
Five Star PaintingofTulsa 1741
Floor CoveringInternational 718
HavenFuneral Home& Memorial Gardens 1640
Four Seasons Sunrooms 419
Freedom Glass 630
Gadgets &More714
Galaxy Home Recreation 1057
Garage Innovations 1216
Garage Kings916
Generator Supercenter of Oklahoma 1044
Grasshopper Mowers/Kretchmar DistributingInc.2408
Green CountryChevrolet 2241
Green Okie 931
GreenGroOutdoor 2214
GreenScapes Custom Landscaping123
GreenScapes Custom Landscaping1905
Ground Zero SheltersCo. 1649
Guarantee Rate 2215
Guaranteed Siding and Windows 1733
Guardian SecuritySystems 1845
Hahn ApplianceWarehouse 2430
Hamilton Heat &Air 600
HardCover Hot Tubs, LLC1050
Hardscape Materials, Inc.821
Haul Aways1930
Hawaiian Moon 2129
Hawaiian Moon 610
HBARemodelersCouncil 1201
Heads Above Longhorn Skulls 541
Health &BeautyConnections, LLC437
Heartland Outdoor Living738
Hello Garage of Tulsa 1919
Hill Company640
Hoffman Fixtures Company701
Holly-Wood Refinishing531
Holman Seed Farms 440
Home Creations 1111
Home Spa 2113
Homerun-Products /EuroCAST Cookware 1820
Humane SocietyofTulsa 144
InnovativeAwnings &Screens 1140
Inside OutChiropractic 1014
InvisibleFence of Tulsa 433
Ironwood Homes, LLC1941
Ironwood Homes, LLC1933
Jack Nelson Heating&Air 1835
Jack Nelson ServiceExperts 119
Jack Wills Companies -Booth 11049
Jack Wills Companies -Booth 11243
Jack Wills Companies -Booth 11443
Jack’sBBQ SauceLLC 613
John Kennington Photography 341
JTPR Construction 411
K&D’sWood Refinishing2138
Kangen Water 533
KayterraFarms 612
KelleyDesign 1230
Kelly’sSoaps, Salts &Fizzies 1711
Kitchen CraftInternational 1739
Kitchen Tune-Up South Tulsa 2115
KND Services 221
KND Services 230
Knots of Nature&On Point Coffee Company2320
KnoxInspections 1545
Koala InsulationofTulsa 1740
KrazyDrainz 2112
KSCanuck 2016
LadyM Candles &Bath LLC 1943
Landmark Outdoor Services, LLC839
Landscaper Joe’s503
Lawn Legends, LLC137
LeafFilter North, LLC1719
LeeMechanical 321
Lifestyle’s 549
Lighthouse Intergrated Systems 733
LivingRightOutdoors, LLC1543
LuxurySpa of Tulsa 2118
M&E Sales 305
Mattress Firm 2420
Mattress Firm 749
Meadow’sConstruction 1811
MetroAppliances and More 1411
MetroPortable Buildings 105
Midtown Tree Service126
Midwest Buildings 2201
Midwest Exterior Products 1618
MikeThompson’s State Farm Agency1918
Miracle Method of Tulsa SE 1117
Mister SparkyTulsa 212
Monster Tree Service635
Moody Custom Homes 330
Moonlit GalleryOutdoor Lighting 1537
Morton Buildings 1513
Mosquito Shield of Broken Arrow 712
Mother Nature’sExterminating 2157
Mr.Door Guy 1032
MurphyWallbedUSA 2440
MyPillow, Inc.2001
Natural Stone Interiors913
NatureGuardPest &Lawn742
NexGen Lawns 1039
NHanceTulsa 1636
Note-Able Outdoor Living201
Nova Water &Air 1812
Nutri Green Professional Services 1816
OKCRETE -Oklahoma Concrete LLC2042
Okie Bee Farms 618
OklahomaBeef Council1622
OklahomaDepartmentof Environmental Quality1113
OklahomaFence&Construction 743
Lawn Guard-Oklahoma Landscape 611
Oklahoma Rhino Shield 1137
Oklahoma Shutters829
Oklahoma Siding834
One Billiards -Gameroom Design 329
Ornate Skin 1242
Ornate Skin 1612
Outback Concepts 2018
Outdoor Creations Roofing&
Precision Remodeling& Construction 643
Premium Cabinets2023
ProsperityBank 1030
QC Oklahoma 1938
Quality Construction & Remodeling511
Quality LeisureProducts DBA
Tuff Spas 245
Rain GuardofTulsa 349
Rain Tech 805
RAM Interiors Flooring&Design 540
Ram JackofOklahoma 2029
Real Okie Outdoor Living2137
Re-Bath of Tulsa 1623
Redfern Incorporated 211
Redfern Incorporated 800
Redfern Incorporated 1911
Reeves Remodeling730
RenewalByAndersen 1929
Restoration Chiropractic 240
Rick Miller 405
RickertLandscaping&Tree Service2205
RJW Construction 2316
Roark AcresHoneyFarms 1718
RodHenryConstruction 1849
RoncoConstruction &Supply Co. 1713
Roof Maxx 2000
Roper Hardwood FloorsCo. 2116
Route 66 Roll-Offs, LLC2221
Salt Soothers619
Sam The Concrete Man1121
Sandy’s Pools &Spas 1957
Scentsy 1742
Screenmobile of BrokenArrow 713
Seal Smart628
Seasonal Selections 1822
SelectOutdoor Solutions, LLC111
Shack Shine 2141
SheBrew Coffee 621
ShelfGenie of Oklahoma 601
ShowMeProducts 422
ShowMeProducts 529
ShowMeProducts 945
ShowMeProducts 745
Signs Now1521
Silver Creek Lights 641
Sixth DaySnacks 620
Skiatook Chamber of Commerce
Solar Power2223
Solatube by Perk 845
Solid Rock Realtors1138
Solid Rock Soap Co. LLC1837
Solution CapcityLLC /Status
SomethingNew 2031
SomethingNew 314
Southern SafeRooms 1614
SoyCandle Cottage 614
SparksVineyard &Winery 1721
SpaZen Living, LLC2017
SpecialtyTools Plus 1617
SRI Energy2218
Lawn Furniture649
Superior Overhead Door 1019
Superior Sleep 2049
Superior Termite &Pest Control 1114
Survival Zone 1805
TakenFor Granite 1841
Team Momentum LLC633
TerraNovaProperties 2037
TexasOutdoor Power1031
TexasToffee 501
TEXOK Fabrication, LLC515
The BrothersThat Just Do Gutters1738
The Cheek Ranch615
The Little Nut Hut 1932
The OutdoorHandyman 302
The Tunnel Rat 145
Thermal Windows 1449
Three Dog Bakery235
Tier-One Roofing1011
Timeless Surfaces 623
Titan Alarms 2245
T-Mobile 216
Tommy’sExpress 2121
Tornado AlleyArmor 2130
Tornado AlleyArmor 2131
Tornado Place318
Trail BlazerHomes/Penley Barns 933
Trimlight Tulsa 711
Tulsa Area Screen Company 1511
Tulsa Christian Bros Painting 131
Tulsa County Assessor 536
Tulsa County Conservation District1115
Tulsa County Treasurer 1810
Tulsa Dream Living817
Tulsa Driveways812
Tulsa Mosquito Control1635
Tulsa NewHolland 1505
Tulsa PaverDesign 1832
Tulsa Stained Glass 2403
Tulsa Vegetable Gardener 443
Tulsa World 642
U.S.Jaclean 310
UBuildit -Tulsa523
USA Coasters519
VersaLiftbyBPG 1029
Vesta Foundation Solutions 1130
Victorian House Wood RejuvenatorProduct323
Visions Tile and Stone, Incorporated 2145
Vista Pools 223
Wakefield Winery637
Walker Mid America 729
We BTrees 1529
Webster Enterprises 115
Webster Enterprises 135
Webster Enterprises
Webster Enterprises 205
Webster Enterprises
WhisperingMeadows Vineyards &Winery949
Will Family Chiropractic
Will ProConstruction Services
of Tulsa
Heat &Air Conditioning
KT Williams InsuranceGroup 2200
Center 357
Air Doctor DuctCleaning 1831
All-American AirDuctCoating &Cleaning 2216
Breathe-Easy AirDuctCleaning 911
ZerorezCarpet Cleaning1842
Hamilton Heat &Air 600
OklahomaDepartmentof Environmental Quality 1113
Show Me Products 529, 945, 422, 745
SRI Energy 2218
Team Momentum LLC633
Wolf’s Heat& Air Conditioning 1015
Appliance Solutions 1923
Hahn Appliance Warehouse 2430
Kangen Water 533
MetroAppliances and More 1411
Bearwood Concepts2217
DABAKH Studios616
John Kennington Photography 341
Tulsa StainedGlass 2403
QC Oklahoma 1938
AT&T 842
SolutionCapcity LLC/ Status AV 141
Tommy’sExpress 2121
Innovative Awnings &Screens 1140
BathPlanet of Oklahoma 2015
Buckingham Group The100
Burnett HomeImprovement 1205
Hoffman FixturesCompany
LuxurySpa of Tulsa 2118
Miracle Method of Tulsa SE 1117
Premium Cabinets 2023
QualityConstruction & Remodeling511
Re-Bath ofTulsa1623
Reeves Remodeling 730
RoncoConstruction&Supply Co. 1713
American SleepTherapy813
Mattress Firm 749, 2420
MurphyWallbedUSA 2440
MyPillow, Inc.2001
Webster Enterprises205,115, 120,415,135
Anthem ConstructionCo. LLC 2012
Disaster Resilience Network 512
Epic Homes1817
Guarantee Rate 2215
Home Creations 1111
Construction 411
Meadow’s Construction 1811
Midwest Buildings 2201
MoodyCustom Homes330
Morton Buildings1513
TerraNova Properties 2037
UBuildit- Tulsa 523
Will ProConstruction Services 1016
BradfordBuildings 402
Hardscape Materials, Inc.821
Mr. DoorGuy 1032
Bison Built LLC248
BradfordBuildings 402
Meadow’s Construction 1811
MetroPortable Buildings 105
Midwest Buildings 2201
Morton Buildings1513
Agee Cabinet &Door Refacing 231
Closets of Tulsa 1236
Elite Cabinets 1945
Garage Innovations1216
HelloGarage of Tulsa1919
Holly-Wood Refinishing531
Murphy Wallbed USA2440
Premium Cabinets 2023
ShelfGenie of Oklahoma601
BA Flooringand Design 2211
Carpet Direct 1643
Zerorez Carpet Cleaning1842
Green CountryChevrolet 2241
T-Mobile 216
Oklahoma Rhino Shield1137
Chamber of Commerce/ Municipality
OwassoChamber of Commerce 2111
Skiatook Chamber of Commerce 1840
Black Hat CleaningServices 1900
Breathe-EasyAir DuctCleaning 911
StickyRollers1833, 530
Tommy’sExpress 2121
Victorian House Wood Rejuvenator Product323
Beauty-Crete 138
Commercial DiamondPolish, LLC2220
Garage Kings916
Hello Garage of Tulsa 1919
OKCRETE- Oklahoma Concrete LLC2042
Sam The Concrete Man1121
Tulsa Driveways 812
Concrete- Forms& Foundations
OKCRETE- Oklahoma Concrete LLC2042
Sam The Concrete Man1121
Concrete- Repair
Tulsa Driveways 812
Vesta Foundation Solutions 1130
ARRTConstruction &Roofing 705
BuckinghamGroup The100
PrecisionRemodeling& Construction 643
RJW Construction2316
Five Star CulinaryConnection 941
Homerun-Products /EuroCAST Cookware 1820
KitchenCraft International 1739
Pampered Chef 2123
CounterTop Solutions 1105
Miracle Method of Tulsa SE 1117
TakenFor Granite 1841
Timeless Surfaces 623
Custom Home Builder
Epic Homes 1817
Meadow’sConstruction 1811
Moody CustomHomes 330
TrailBlazer Homes, Barns, Pools 933
Haul Aways1930
Monster Tree Service635
Route 66 Roll-Offs, LLC2221
We BTrees 1529
Beauty-Crete 138
Door Mats
Sierra National Products 913
Door Repair
Mr.DoorGuy 1032
Best Window Source 539
Freedom Glass 630
Pella Window&Doorsof Oklahoma 1949
RenewalByAndersen 1929
Superior Overhead Door 1019
WindowWorld of Tulsa2005
BoxOwls, LLC220
KrazyDrainz 2112
Ram Jack of Oklahoma2029
TheOutdoor Handyman 302
Drywall Repair Specialists 2009
Advanced Body Scan of Tulsa 1915,840
Better Business Bureau1838
BOCConbehalf of Tulsa County Treasurer1810
BOCConBehalf TulsaCounty Assessor536
DisasterResilienceNetwork 512
EastCentral Electric Cooperative719
Oklahoma Beef Council 1622
Tommy’sExpress 2121
Tulsa County Conservation District1115
Tulsa World 642
Mister SparkyTulsa212
Clear-toneHearingAid Labs 929
Generator Supercenter of Oklahoma 1044
Solar Power2223
BeerGarden 757
“Casino Night of Tulsa Cooking Stage FamilyStage”“316 Stage 457”
“GardeningStage HomeMADE Stage”“2450
Oklahoma Departmentof Environmental Quality1113
Shack Shine 2141
The Tunnel Rat 145
Allied Fence2013
ClaremoreFence Company 1611
Invisible FenceofTulsa433
Oklahoma Fence& Construction 743
Arvest Bank 811
Edward Jones Investments 1012
Prosperity Bank1030
Heartland Outdoor Living 738
Select OutdoorSolutions, LLC111
TEXOK Fabrication, LLC515
Direct 1643
Garage Innovations1216
RoperHardwood FloorsCo.
Flooring 1139
Wood Guys
Salsa 617
Bearwood Concepts
Murphy Wallbed USA
Billiards -Gameroom Design 329
DiscountGarage Door
Garage Kings916
Lawn &Garden
Vegetable Gardener
Branch Winery300
SauceLLC 613
KayterraFarms 612
Knots of Nature& On Point
ffee Company 2320
Okie BeeFarms618
Beef Council 1622
&Coffee Service
Honey Farms 1718
SheBrewCoffee 621
Snacks 620
Sparks Vineyard &Winery
ffee 501
Cheek Ranch615
The Little Nut Hut 1932
BerryhillOrnamental Iron 1829 Generator
ADL Group,LLC -Oklahoma
Evac Lifeteam 340
Generator Supercenter of Oklahoma 1044
ABlend Above 917
BoxOwls,LLC 220
D& BSales 431
Damsel In Defense 1834
Deep Branch Winery 300
Gadgets &More714
Hill Company 640
Kelly’sSoaps,Salts& Fizzies 1711
KitchenCraft International 1739
KND Services221, 230
KnotsofNature& On Point Coffee Company 2320
KSCanuck 2016
LadyM Candles &BathLLC 1943
Okie Bee Farms 618
Redfern Incorporated 211, 800,1911
Roark AcresHoneyFarms 1718
Solid Rock SoapCo. LLC1837
SpaZen Living, LLC2017
Specialty ToolsPlus 1617
TexasToffee 501
Fabrication, LLC515
Little Nut Hut1932
Tulsa Stained Glass 2403
USA Coasters519
Webster Enterprises205,115, 120,415,135
Vineyards& Winery949
CounterTop Solutions1105
Crossroads Granite734
RAM InteriorsFlooring& Design 540
SilexInteriors 345
TakenFor Granite1841
Timeless Surfaces 623
Culligan of Tulsa 1005
SRI Energy 2218
Tulsa County Conservation District1115
LeafFilter North, LLC1719
Rain GuardofTulsa349
Rain Tech 805
TheBrothersThatJustDo Gutters1738
4StateSystems, LLC 1823
AHolistic Solution 814
Advanced Body Scan of Tulsa 1915,840
Awesome Hilltop Acres-Emu Oil 702
BlueCross BlueShield of Oklahoma 632
Borgil Enterprises 741
Clear-toneHearingAid Labs 929
DNAHairTools 1034
Epic Connection Chiropractic 2019
EuroshineUSA 545,2045, 2222,544
Hawaiian Moon 2129,610
Health &BeautyConnections, LLC437
Hill Company 640 Home Spa2113
Inside OutChiropractic 1014
Kelly’sSoaps, Salts &Fizzies 1711
LadyM Candles& BathLLC 1943
Ornate Skin 1612,1242
Redfern Incorporated 211, 800, 1911
Restoration Chiropractic 240
Salt Soothers619
Show Me Products 529, 945, 422, 745
SolidRock Soap Co.LLC 1837
SpaZen Living, LLC2017
SpecialtyTools Plus 1617
918 RedDirtFoam&Insulation
Affordable Insulationof Oklahoma441
Koala Insulation of Tulsa 1740
AllstateInsuranceAgencyMelissa Dawn 1639
Anytime Roofing 1934
Arkoma Insurance413
Austin Jones State Farm 242
BlueCrossBlueShieldof Oklahoma632
KT Williams Insurance Group 2200
MikeThompson’sStateFarm Agency1918
DesignFix Interiors400
SomethingNew 314, 2031
College H.U.N.K.S Hauling Junk &Moving420
Haul Aways1930
Agee Cabinet &DoorRefacing 231
BuckinghamGroup The100
TheOutdoor Handyman 302
Tulsa Paver Design 1832
Tulsa Vegetable Gardener 443
We BTrees 1529
3P’s Manufacturing/ Spartan Mowers 215
BA Lawn &Garden 921
Gardener’sTouch &Clean Fight Disinfectant1920
Grasshopper Mowers/ KretchmarDistributingInc 2408
Kubota Center 357
Stewart Martin Equipment 1154
TexasOutdoor Power1031
Tulsa NewHolland 1505
Walker Mid America729
3P’s Manufacturing/Spartan Mowers 215
ArrowExterminators,Inc. 657
BA Lawns &Landscaping 2057
Callahan Tree Care 2344
Emco Termite &Pest Controlof Tulsa 1045
GreenGro Outdoor 2214
Holman SeedFarms 440
DesignFix Interiors400
Hoffman Fixtures Company 701
KitchenTune-Up South Tulsa 2115
Premium Cabinets 2023
QualityConstruction & Remodeling 511
Five Star Culinary Connection 941
Homerun-Products /EuroCAST Cookware 1820
KitchenCraft International 1739
Knots ofNature& On Point Coffee Company2320
Pampered Chef 2123
BA Lawns &Landscaping 2057
Designer Palms229
GreenScapesCustom Landscaping 1905,123
HolmanSeed Farms 440
Kelley Design 1230
Landscaper Joe’s 503
Heating& AirConditioning
Lawn Legends,LLC 137
Mosquito Shield of Broken Arrow 712
Mother Nature’sExterminating 2157
NatureGuard Pest& Lawn 742
NexGen Lawns 1039
Nutri Green Professional Services 1816
Oklahoma Landscape 611
Tulsa Mosquito Control1635
Lifestyle’s 549
Silver Creek Lights 641
SpaZen Living, LLC2017
Trimlight Tulsa 711
Jack’s BBQSauce LLC613
KayterraFarms 612
Okie BeeFarms618
Salt Soothers619
SheBrewCoffee 621
Snacks 620
SoyCandleCottage 614
The Cheek Ranch 615
College H.U.N.K.S
Ornamental Copper/Iron
Rain GuardofTulsa
OutdoorFurniture & Accessories
Cajun Kooling1143
Galaxy HomeRecreation
Green Okie931
Materials, Inc.821
Jack WillsCompanies-Booth 1 1443,1049,
M&E Sales
Moonlit GalleryOutdoor Lighting1537
NexGen Lawns 1039
Oklahoma Landscape 611
Outdoor Design LLC535
Outside Inc.335
Real Okie Outdoor Living 2137
Rickert Landscaping&
MetroAppliances and More 1411
Note-Able Outdoor Living201
Security Centers2229
Select Outdoor Solutions, LLC111
Artisan Pool Builder 2117
Cajun Kooling1143
ElitePools &Outdoor Living 532
Galaxy Home Recreation 1057
Heartland Outdoor Living 738
Ironwood Homes, LLC1933, 1941
Jack Wills Companies-Booth 1 1443,1049, 1243
KelleyDesign 1230
MetroAppliances and More 1411
Note-Able Outdoor Living201
OutbackConcepts 2018
Outdoor Design LLC535
Real Okie OutdoorLiving 2137
Select Outdoor Solutions, LLC111
SunriseLawnFurniture 649
CertaPro Painters1212
Five Star PaintingofTulsa 1741
OklahomaRhinoShield 1137
QualityConstruction & Remodeling511
Tulsa Christian Bros Painting 131
Four Seasons Sunrooms 419
Screenmobile of Broken Arrow 713
Tulsa Area Screen Company 1511
GrainZbo 405
Green Okie931
HeartlandOutdoor Living 738
Ironwood Homes, LLC1933, 1941
OutbackConcepts 2018
Select Outdoor Solutions, LLC111
ArrowExterminators,Inc. 657
Emco Termite &Pest Controlof Tulsa 1045
Gardener’sTouch &Clean Fight Disinfectant1920
Mosquito Reeper 2033
Mosquito Shield of Broken Arrow712
Mother Nature’sExterminating 2157
NatureGuard Pest& Lawn 742
Nutri Green Professional Services 1816
SuperiorTermite &Pest Control1114
The Tunnel Rat 145
Tulsa Mosquito Control1635
Dog Training Elite504
Humane SocietyofTulsa 144
Invisible FenceofTulsa433
MyPillow, Inc.2001
Three DogBakery235
American Sleep Therapy813
Mattress Firm 749, 2420
MyPillow, Inc.2001
Webster Enterprises205,115, 120,415,135
Battle Ridge Shutters 124
ANew Leaf 505
Gardener’sTouch &CleanFight Disinfectant1920
Jack Wills Companies-Booth 1 1443,1049, 1243
A1 Mechanical Services Heating, Cooking&Refriger 940
Air AssuranceCompany1129
Air Evac Lifeteam 340
Airco Service, Inc.1429
American Leak Detection 1716
Beck Plumbing 918,LLC 1642
DaVcoMechanical Contractors 2039
Jack Nelson Heating& Air 1835
Jack Nelson ServiceExperts 119
LeeMechanical 321
One Billiards -Gameroom Design 329
Shack Shine 2141
KND Services 221, 230
BOCConbehalf of Tulsa County Treasurer 1810
BOCConBehalfTulsa County Assessor 536
Coldwell BankerSelect -The BryanTeam 1715
Guarantee Rate 2215
Solid Rock Realtors1138
ARRT Construction &Roofing 705
BathPlanet of Oklahoma 2015
BuckinghamGroup The100
BurnettHomeImprovement 1205
CommunityBuilders 219
DesignFix Interiors400
HBARemodelers Council 1201
JTPRConstruction 411
Moody CustomHomes 330
PrecisionRemodeling& Construction 643
Premium Cabinets 2023
QualityConstruction & Remodeling 511
Re-Bath of Tulsa 1623
Reeves Remodeling 730
TakenFor Granite 1841
TrailBlazerHomes, Barns, Pools 933
UBuildit -Tulsa 523
Will ProConstructionServices 1016
Restoration-Fire &Water Damage
BruckeFlooringCompany 2249
Sam The Concrete Man 1121
The Outdoor Handyman302
Tulsa PaverDesign1832
Anytime Roofing 1934
ARRTConstruction &Roofing 705
CommunityBuilders 219
Exterior Solutions by Craig’s Roofing, Inc.735
Outdoor Creations Roofing& Solar 510
Precise Roofing& Contracting 1037
Rain Tech 805
RJW Construction2316
RoncoConstruction &Supply Co. 1713
Roof Maxx 2000
Tailored Remodeling521
Tier-One Roofing1011
InnovativeAwnings &Screens 1140
Outback Concepts 2018
SunestaofTulsa 129
Sunglow 1743
Tulsa Area Screen Company 1511
Damsel In Defense 1834
Guardian SecuritySystems 1845
LighthouseIntergrated Systems 733
SilverCreek Lights641
Titan Alarms 2245
LivingRight Outdoors, LLC 1543
RodHenry Construction1849
B-SewInn 1629
Redfern Incorporated 211, 800,1911
A&R Exteriors2230
Continental SidingSupply 1641
Guaranteed Sidingand Windows 1733
Midwest ExteriorProducts 1618
Oklahoma Siding834
RoncoConstruction&Supply Co. 1713
Tailored Remodeling521
WindowWorld of Tulsa2005
Signs Now1521
Outdoor CreationsRoofing & Solar510
Solar Power2223
ABlend Above 917
Seasonal Selections 1822
918 RedDirtFoam &Insulation 1913
Xsteam -Keedro LLC. 631
Steel Fabrication
Ironwood Homes, LLC1933, 1941
Survival Zone 1805
Midwest ExteriorProducts 1618
Visions Tile and Stone, Incorporated 2145
Closets of Tulsa 1236
Elite Cabinets1945
Garage Kings916
ShelfGenie of Oklahoma 601
VersaLiftbyBPG 1029
Storm Safe Rooms
FamilySAFE 2404
Ground Zero SheltersCo. 1649
RodHenry Construction1849
Southern Safe Rooms 1614
Survival Zone 1805
TornadoAlley Armor 2131, 2130
TornadoPlace 318
Four Seasons Sunrooms419
American Leak Detection
Anthem ConstructionCo. LLC
Artisan Pool Builder 2117
Custom Pools, Inc.2228
Dolphin Pool1229
Elite Pools &Outdoor Living
Galaxy Home Recreation
Landmark Outdoor Service, LLC839
Sandy’sPools &Spas 1957
Trail Blazer Homes,Barns, Pools 933
Tulsa Dream Living817
Vista Pools 223
Mr.Door Guy1032
Health &BeautyConnections, LLC437
Oklahoma 1938
Battle Ridge Shutters124
Blind Ambitions 1517
Budget Blinds of CentralTulsa 2314
KirtzShutters 1123
Oklahoma Shutters 829
Screenmobile of Broken Arrow 713
Solution Capcity LLC/ Status
Flooringand Design 2211
Carpet Direct 1643
RAM InteriorsFlooring & Design540
Visions Tile and Stone, Incorporated 2145
SpecialtyTools Plus 1617
Kubota Center 357
Tulsa NewHolland1505
Atkins Tree Care 103
Callahan Tree Care 2344
Lawn Legends, LLC137
Midtown Tree Service126
Monster Tree Service635
RickertLandscaping&Tree Service2205
Sand WTreeSpecialists 213
We BTrees 1529
East CentralElectric Cooperative719
Hardscape Materials,Inc.821
Culligan of Tulsa 1005
Kangen Water 533
MooreWater Treatment1734
Nova Water& Air1812
Pentair Water Solutions 237
Autumn Exteriors2219
Best WindowSource539
Burnett, Inc.
Freedom Glass
PellaWindow& Doorsof
RoncoConstruction &Supply
Thermal Windows
Branch Winery
Sparks Vineyard &Winery
Afamilybusinessstarting in 1979,Burnett has been apart of the showevery year since1980.Scott Burnett founded the companyin1979 with his fa ther,Guy.Guy passedawaysuddenlyonlyayear intothe business, but Scott soldiered on (he was 23 yearsold). Over the yearsScott added moreand moreservice offeringsand built it intowhat it is today, while always maintaining ablemish-free reputation with the Tulsamarketand business community. Scott &Kim Burnett aresignificant financial contributorsto5local organizations, pri marilyThe Little Light Houseand Pathways Adult Learning Center.Burnett employees all volunteer at various organizations 4hoursper month and volunteer at 4major eventsevery year Burnett’s cultureisunique in that theytakethe details very seriouslyand have aplatinum reputation forhonoring warranties and promises for jobs installed. It’s common forus to repair siding we installed in the 90s or earlier at no cost to the customer.“That is rare in our industry.If youcheck out our google reviews,you’ll seealot of people praising us forfollowing through on promises. We’venever had aBBB complaint in 43 yearsof serving Tulsa. We alsotakeTREMENDOUS care of our employees with afamilyfirst, work second philosophy.”saysBurnett employeeEli Ferrell. Theyaim to be the go-toguysfor ANYTHING having to do with remodeling –evenif it isn’ta serviceweoffer,theydoour best to connect our past customerswith reputable companies who will do them right. Their sales reps want to be a resource to our customersnomatter what it is they need.AtBurnett,theyknowits alsoabout the customer’sbest interest over companyprofit.“[They] alsoturn away siding jobs all the time forpeople whodon’tknowthat theyreallyonlyneed repair or agood paint job, when theythink theyhaveto spend thousands on replacement.”Bydoing so, theymaintain an honest and dependable reputation that has lasted formanyyears.