Tumwater Parks & Recreation Brochure TumwaterFall2022

Parks and Recreation Commission
7:00 p m. Commissioners would like to hear any suggestions that you may have. To keep in touch with current topics being considered by the Parks and Recreation Commission, contact us to be added to the list to receive monthly meeting agendas Commissioners Erin Carrier, Chair Stacy Brown Amy Hargrove Bill Kallappa II Mike Culley Kelly Von Holtz Tumwater Stay connected with Tumwater Parks & Recreation! Contact us at tumwaterparks@ci.tumwater.wa.us to be added to our email list and follow the City of Tumwater on Facebook. Check out some of the fun we had this summer! Whether or not you participate in one of our programs this fall, we hope you will get out and RECREATE! – Tumwater Parks & Recreation Staff Elected Officials DebbieMayorSullivan City Council Charlie Schneider Eileen Swarthout Angela Jefferson Peter Agabi Leatta DahlhoffMichael Althauser Joan Cathey
of each month
Commission meets
The Recreation at Wednesday at
City Hall on the third
Parks and
2 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks A Place to Live, Work, and Play

To provide Parks and Recreation services that are creative, beneficial, and responsive to the needs of the community there by improving and enhancing the overall quality of life in Tumwater. Share your talents! We are always looking for new instructors with innovative program ideas. If you have a talent, specialty, or area of exper tise, we invite you to teach for us. Call today to discuss how we can help you share your talents. Share your ideas! Maybe you don’t have a talent you want to share with us, but perhaps you have a great idea of what you would like to see us offer.
The Tumwater Timberland Library is located next to City Hall and offers free story times, events, computers, meeting room and study space.TheCity of Tumwater and the Tumwater School District share a successful working relationship and community spirit. This effort is reflected in the joint use of facilities, which sets forth the shared goals of maximizing taxpayers’ resources by jointly developing and utilizing
Let us know!
facilities for maximum community benefit. 7023 New Market Street, (360) 943-7790 621 Linwood Avenue SW, (360) 709-7000 Tumwater Timberland Library Tumwater School CommunityDistrict Involvement Table of TumwaterContents Fall 2022 Tumwater City Hall 555 Israel Road SW Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 754-4160 Old Town Center 215 N 2nd Avenue SW Tumwater, WA 98512 (360) 754-4160 Tumwater Valley Golf Course 4611 Tumwater Valley Drive Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 943-9500 Golf Course Golf Course Manager – Dave Nickerson Golf Superintendent – Eric Thompson Parks Parks and Facilities Manager Stan Osborn Parks Maintenance Supervisor – Jeff Pratt Recreation Recreation Manager – Todd Anderson Recreation Supervisor – Charlie Groth Recreation Coordinator Josh Irwin Recreation Coordinator Chad Harvell Recreation Coordinator Taryn Stroop Arts Coordinator Britt Bowman Tumwater Youth Program 4 Youth Enrichment ................................... 5 Youth Sports 7 Health & Fitness 12 Adult Enrichment ................................. 13 History Programs .................................. 18 Special Events 20 Volunteer Tumwater 21 Tumwater Valley Golf Club ................. 22 Old Town Center 23 Historical Homes 24 Park Shelter Reservations ..................... 25 Fall Registration Info 26 Administration Director – Chuck Denney cdenney@ci.tumwater.wa.us Administrative Assistant – Stephanie Klein Recreation Marketing Specialist – Marisa Worden Department Assistant – Kelsie Perkinson
Helping Hands! We are always looking for volunteers who would like to improve the quality of life in our community. Anyone who likes land scaping, weeding, or planting flowers and would like to volunteer their time should contact us. Gardening not your thing? What about painting or minor construction? If you, a group you belong to, or perhaps a neigh borhood group have an interest in helping us out, give us a call.
32022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Gender Equity Policy: The City of Tumwater complies with the State of Washington’s “Fair Play in Community Sports Act” (codified as RCW 49.60.500, 505 and 35.21.910) that prohibits discrimination against any person in a community athletic program on the basis of sex. Any questions or comments should be directed to Chuck Denney, Parks and Recreation Director. Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns regarding Tumwater Parks & Recreation programs, please contact staff. We appreciate your input.

Location: Tumwater Middle School Date: Friday, November 4 Location: Bush Middle School
Tumwater Youth Program (TYP) offers evening activities for teens and pre-teens in the Tumwater community. Grade school activities are open to youth grades 2-5 and middle school activities are open to youth grades 6-8. TYP events are a place to have fun, socialize with friends, interact positively with adults, and so much more.
TYP Activity Nights include: karaoke, arts & crafts, inflatable interactive games, food, open gym & more! Open to all Thurston County youth in grades 2 - 5. Pre-registration is available but not required. Register online via www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks.
Fee: $10
Late Nights
Middle School Late Nights include: DJ, karaoke, food, open gym, inflatable activity, games, and much more! Open to Tumwater School District youth only. Tumwater youth may bring up to two guests and the guests must be pre-registered. Pre-registration forms are available at Tumwater School offices and in the Tumwater Parks and Recreation Office. Pre-registration is available but not required. Register online via www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks.
Time: 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Fee: $10 (be prepared to show I.D.)
Fall Calendar Activity Nights
Location: Tumwater Middle School
Date: Friday, October 21 (Halloween Party)
Date: Friday, October 14
Location: Old Town Center, 215 N 2nd Ave SW Time: 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Min/Max: 15/30 Fee: $8 (registration required!)
Date: Friday, November 18
Location: Tumwater Middle School Date: Friday, October 28 (Halloween Party)
TYP T Shirt Sponsor Eric Zabala (State Farm)
Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Register online via www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks.
Tumwater Youth Program would not be possible without the generous support of our volunteers. Please call Josh Irwin, Tumwater Parks and Recreation, (360) 754-4160, to start the volunteer process today!
4 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Middle School – Grades 6-8 Grade School – Grades 2-5 Activity Nights are held from 7:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Date: Friday, September 30
Volunteers Needed
Middle School Game Night Come on out and join your friends for a night of fun and games! We will have video games, arts and crafts, laser tag, board games, and much more!
Location: Bush Middle School Late Nights are held from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.

52022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Bricks 4 Kidz Junior Robotics Class
Tumwater Dance Teams!
Dates: Tuesdays, Ongoing Location: Bush Middle School Aux. Gym Max: 24 per age level Fee: $55/month
Bricks 4 Kidz Minecraft Workshop
Day: Saturday, November 19 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Location: Old Town Center Ages: 6 - 10 Min/Max: 6/20 Fee: $30 Junior Dance (Ages 10-14) Day/Time: Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Midway Dance (Ages 7-10) Day/Time: Tuesdays, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Date: Saturday, September 17 Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m Location: Tumwater Fire Dept Training Room Ages: 11 15 Min/Max: 5/20 Fee: $42
Instructor: Paula Willadsen
Day: Wednesdays Dates: Session 1: Sept. 21 - Oct. 26 Session 2: Nov. 2 - Dec. 7 Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Location: Old Town Center Ages: 6 - 9 Min/Max: 6/16 Fee: $96
Instructor: Kim Griffin
Babysitting Designed to prepare 11-15 year olds for the responsibility of safely caring for infants and children. This dynamic, interactive, activity-based program pro vides participants with numerous hands-on learning experiences. Includes in struction in CPR, first aid techniques, problem solving methods, and supervision Don’t forget to wear comfortable clothing.
Dance Team students work on technique and learn routines in three different genres - Jazz, Pom and Hip Hop - and perform at commu nity events and competitions. Uniform fee payable to the instructor on the first day of class. Call Tumwater Parks & Recreation to check for availability.
Calling all Minecraft fans! Whether your chicken is crossing the road, spiders have invaded your mine, or zombies are on the loose, this fun Saturday workshop takes Minecraft to a whole new level with lots of LEGO building, challenges, crafts, and inspiration from the popular game to create an extraordinary experience — the Bricks 4 Kidz way! All kids make and take home a custom LEGO minifigure. Please bring a snack, lunch, and water bottle.
Children as young as 6-9 years of age can have fun learning robotics! Us ing software while working on tablets, kids will be able to program the model builds they craft using Bricks 4 Kidz model plans and LEGO tech nology to create exciting dynamic robots. This 6-week class provides a hands-on learning experience that actively involves young students in their own learning process while making lasting memories. Each session features different robots and lessons so sign up for either or both. All stu dents take home a custom LEGO minifigure (kits are reused not taken home).

Good morning, sunshine–it’s time to start the day! Babies can start their days in all kinds of ways–but the way to make the most of morn ings is to establish a loving, predictable, day-to-day pattern. Up and at ’em routines and rituals take center stage in Rise & Shine.
6 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Cuddle, bounce and bop with your baby! With age-appropriate ac tivities for newborns, infants and crawlers, this parent-child music and movement class will help you strengthen those early parent-child bonds, understand your baby’s development, and heavily focus on child development and communication with your baby through in strument play, dance and song.
Bumpity-bump, zippity-zoom, babies are on the go! This unit is packed with move-move-movement, as spatial development takes focus. Ac tivities that explore distance, speed, placement, reaching, dancing, rocking, bouncing, and wheels-on-the-bus-ing all get baby zoomzoom-zooming to big smiles in Zoom Baby.
Session 1: Rise 'n' Shine
Instructor: Bonnie Kim Day: Mondays Dates: Session 1: Oct. 10 - 31 Session 2: Nov. 7 - 28 Time: 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Ages: 0 - 5 Location: Old Town Center Gym Min/Max: 4/10 Fee: $80 per session ($70 per additional sibling)
Get on your tractor and drive down to the barn – it’s time to encounter a farmyard of fun! In this unit, we’ll explore some of the colors, shapes, and sounds found on the farm as we walk in the green grass, go ’round and ’round the haystack, and listen to roosters crowing and pigs oink ing. Colors & Shapes on the Farm is loaded with songs, dances, instru ment play-alongs, as well as listening activities that provide lots of play and lots of learning. So come on down to the farm!
Kindermusik Mixed Age Accommodating all levels of learning and musical ability, mixed-age classes are perfect for friends, siblings and family bonding! Movement activities, group dances, and instrument play will be modified for ev eryone to enjoy.
Session 1: Zoom Baby
Instructor: Bonnie Kim Day: Mondays Date: Session 1: Oct. 10 - 31 Session 2: Nov. 7 - 28 Time: 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. Ages: Infants up to age 1 Location: Old Town Center Gym Min/Max: 4/10 Fee: $80 per session
Kindermusik Foundations
Session 1: Colors and Shapes on the Farm
Session 1: Go, Go, Go Ready? Set? Go, Go, Go! It’s time to get in the car, row the boat, and ride the rails as we explore all kinds of movement in this transporta tion-themed unit. We’ll delve into the concept of up and down, have fun with tempo changes, and enjoy bumpy bounces and the challenge of stop-and-go games. We’ll also have a boatload of fun – and learning – as we sing, dance, play instruments, chug like trains and beep like cars. So buckle up, here we go!

Late Fee: $120 per player after September 30 Registrations received after September 30 will be processed only if space is available and assigned to teams/schools needing players.
Dates: Practices begin mid October; Games run November thru January
Pre-Season Clinic: Open to all players registered in the Recreational League; no separate registration required. Attendance is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged. At the clinic, high school coaches and play ers instruct participants on basketball fundamentals and skills.
Calling all Coaches!
BASKETBALLRECREATIONALLEAGUEYouth SeptemberRegistrationopens6!
Ages: 2rd & 3rd grade (“C” Division) 4th & 5th grade (“B” Division) 6th, 7th & 8th grade ("A" Division)* Fee: $110 per player
Days: Practices on weeknights, games on Saturdays & some Sundays
Clinic Details:
Location: Tumwater School District gymnasiums
Practices are held weeknights in local gymnasiums starting midOctober. Games scheduled for weekend play, beginning in No vember. Skill development, teamwork and improving your game is the focus of this league. Register online at www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/basketball. Late regis trations will be processed only if there is space available and as signed to teams/schools needing players. Registration fee includes team T-shirt. Registration and coach’s packets will be available on the City website and in the Parks & Recreation office in Sep tember.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
The Recreational Coach's meeting is Thursday, October 13 in the Tumwater Middle School Cafeteria, 6:00 p.m. Vol unteer coaches are always needed. Registration is open Tuesday, September 6 thru Friday, September 30 at 4:00 p.m. Boys and girls, grades 2 - 8, are eligible for play. Out of district players are accepted; however, Tumwater School District players will receive priority team placement.
72022 Tumwater Fall Brochure
Date: Saturday, October 22 Times: Girls, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Boys, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Location: Tumwater High School

Dates: November through January Location: Tumwater School District gymnasiums Ages: 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grade boys & girls Fee: $600 per team for 10 game season (No refunds after September 30) Late Fee: $650 per team after September 30 if space is available.
8 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure
Registration for Tumwater Youth Competitive Basketball is open Tuesday, September 6 through Friday, September 30 at 4:00 p.m. This league is team registration only; no individual player registrations will be accepted.
your team online beginning September 6: www. ci.tumwater.wa.us/basketball. Divisions are filled on a firstcome, first-served basis with priority given to teams that par ticipated last year. Team registration packet available online in September: www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/basketball. (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
League offers four divisions of play 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grade boys and girls. Teams need to be comprised of players from one high school service area only. Any exceptions must be cleared through the League Coordinator at the time of reg Registeristration.
Days: Games: Mostly Saturdays with a few Sundays
Start perfecting your touch for the annual Elks free-throw shooting contest. Be on the lookout for competitions offered through your elementary school. Champions from each school and age category will compete in the citywide Tumwater Shoot-Off held in December at a local gymnasium. Winners from that contest will advance to the Olympia Elks Lodge competition with the possi bility of qualifying for district, state, regional and national competitions. Tumwater has been well represented in this competition in the past, with kids advancing all the way to nationals! Congratula tions and good luck this year!

92022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks YOUTH SPORTS INTRAMURAL YOUTH SPORTS & FITNESS
Days: Monday - Thursday Dates: Session 1: Sept. 19 - Oct. 20 Session(Volleyball)2:Nov. 7- Dec. 8 (Creative Fitness - Arts, meditation, music) No class 11/21-24. Time: 2:45 - 4:15 p.m. Location: Tumwater Middle School (Session 1: Gyms; Session 2: Classroom near the Office) Grades: 6 - 8 Min/Max: Session 1: 10/50; Session 2: 10/20 Fee: $20 per session
Middle School
Tumbling and Taste of Ninja Join us at Ascend Gymnastics (formerly Alley Oop) for begin ner tumbling and Ninja skill development with our enthusias tic, safety conscious instructors. Students will be introduced to Ninja vaults, wall runs and kicks as well as developing rolls, handstands and Instructor:cartwheels.AscendGymnastics of Olympia Day: Saturdays Dates: Monthly / Sept., October, November (No class 9/3) Time: 11:45 - 12:30 p.m. Location: Ascend Gymnastics Center, 2643 Mottman Court SW Ages: 5-10 Min/Max: 3/7 Fee: $69 In partnership with the Tumwater School District, Tumwater Parks and Recreation is now offering the Middle School Intra mural Youth Sports and Fitness Program. Middle School Intramural Youth Sports and Fitness allows youth in grades 6-8 to supplement their day after school with indoor and outdoor sports opportunities. Participants will learn new skills, techniques and play modified games to help burn off some steam and unwind from the school day while supervised by our professional recreational staff. Develop learning, encourage imagination, and promote positive social skills in this intramural youth sports program. Fee includes a t-shirt. Program is open to students in the Tumwater School District only. No classes will be held on holidays or during school breaks. Space is limited.

10 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure
Times: Age 4 - 7: 5:00 - 5:45 p.m. Age 8 - 12: 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. Min/Max: 8/24
Session 2: Saturdays, Oct. 22 - Nov. 12
Skyhawks SuperTots
Sports Academy
Skyhawks provides a wide variety of fun, safe and positive programs that emphasize critical lessons in sports and life, such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship. Designed to give each child a positive introduction into sports while fostering a lifelong love for an active, healthy lifestyle. Register online directly through Skyhawks: www.skyhawks.com.
Times: Age 4 - 7: 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. Age 8 - 12: 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Min/Max: 8/24
The goal of this class is to develop kicking, running control, and dribbling. It also teaches listening and following instruc tions. The class uses a variety of fun games with lots of physi cal activity.
This is the progression class for Cubs II. More advanced skill development games are played as well as some introduction to soccer and team concepts. Some small-sided scrimmaging is played. Ages: 3 - 4 Time: 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. Min/Max: 4/10
Dates: Tuesdays, Sept. 20 - Oct. 11 Saturdays, Oct. 22 - Nov. 12
Ages: 2 - 3 Time: 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. Min/Max: 4/10 Bears
Session 1: Tuesdays, Sept. 20 - Oct. 11
Dates: Wednesdays, Sept. 21 - Oct. 12 Location: Historical Park, 802 Deschutes Way SW Fee: $60 per 4-week session*
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
*Fee increases $10 for registrations made within one week of session start date.
Skyhawks Soccer Clinics
Your young athlete will gain the technical skills and sport knowledge re quired for their next step into soccer. Areas of focus are dribbling, pass ing, shooting and ball control. By the end of the program, your child will have learned new life skills such as teamwork and sportsmanship, made new friends and improved their soccer skills.
SoccerTots are themed motor skill classes for youngsters to find success. Younger age groups focus on developing motor skills and self-confidence; older classes focus on developing core soc cer skills, personal focus, and introduce an element of light competition. Instructor-to-student ratio is kept small to maxi mize individual development, and above all else, we promote fun, fun, fun!
Skyhawks Sports Academy Classes & Clinics
*Fee increases $10 for registrations made within one week of session start date.
Location: Historical Park, 802 Deschutes Way SW Fee: $70 per 4-week session*

Dates: Mondays, Sept. 19 - Oct. 10 Saturday, Oct. 22 - Nov. 12
Skyhawks Baseball Clinic
Learn the fundamentals of fielding, catching, throwing, hitting and base running – all in a fun, positive environ ment. Specifically designed for beginning and interme diate players, this program teaches athletes new baseball skills along with vital life lessons such as respect, team work and responsibility.
Location: Historical Park, 802 Deschutes Way SW Fee: $70 per 4-week session*
Skyhawks Flag Football Clinics
*Fee increases $10 for registrations made within one week of session start date.
Session 2: Saturdays, Oct. 22 - Nov. 12 Times: Age 4 - 7: 12:00 - 12:45 p.m. Age 8 - 12: 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. Min/Max: 8/24
1: Mondays, Sept. 19 - Oct. 10 Times: Age 4 - 7: 5:00 - 5:45 p.m. Age 8 - 12: 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. Min/Max: 8/24
*Fee increases $10 for registrations made within one week of session start date.
Location: Historical Park, 802 Deschutes Way SW Min/Max: 8/24 Fee: $70 per 4-week session*
Location: Historical Park, 802 Deschutes Way SW Min/Max: 8/24 Fee: $70 per 4-week session*
SportsSkyhawksClinics Register online directly through Skyhawks: www.skyhawks.com.
Dates: Thursdays, Sept. 22 - Oct. 13
Skyhawks Volleyball Clinic Skyhawks Volleyball takes the energy and excitement of this great team sport and puts it all together into one fun-filled program. All aspects of the game are taught through drills and exercises that focus on bumping, setting, spiking, hitting and serving. This program is designed for the beginning to intermediate player.
Experience the excitement of football with Skyhawks Flag Football. Using a curriculum developed by USA Football, coaches teach skills like passing, receiving, kicking and flag pulling while gaining confidence and learning life lessons in a fun, positive environment.
112022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Times: Age 4 - 7: 5:00 - 5:45 p.m. Age 8 - 12: 6:00 - 6:45 p.m.
*Fee increases $10 for registrations made within one week of session start date.
Dates: Saturdays, Sept. 24 - Oct. 15 Times: Age 4 - 7: 12:00 - 12:45 p.m. Age 8 - 12: 1:00 - 1:45 p.m.

Day: Tuesdays or Thursdays, Sept. - Nov. Time: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Location: Firefly Yoga Ages: 16 and up Min/Max: 1/10 Fee: $58 per month
Beginning Yoga Begin your yoga practice here. This in-person only class will help you begin a yoga practice no matter what level of fitness you are at right now. Learn the basics of movement, breath and alignment. Begin to get healthier, more centered and more grounded. Connect to your body, mind and spirit through breath and movement.
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Location: Firefly Yoga Ages: 16 and up Min/Max: 1/10 Fee: $58 per month
Day: Saturdays Dates: Session 1: Oct. 1 - 22 Session 2: Nov. 5 - Dec. 3 (No class 11/26) Time: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Location: Old Town Center Gym Ages: 13 and up Min/Max: 5/12 Fee: $25 per session Ladies' Body Sculpting Fitness Ladies, grab your weights and fitness mats and join us outdoors at Pioneer Park. Come and get stronger, more toned and confident during this 60-minute class. A total body, low-impact strength training workout designed for all women. Bring a yoga mat and a set of 3 to 5 pound weights.
This class uses a chair as the starting point for a one hour flow of standing and sitting postures where students will build strength, release stress, and safely learn balancing poses. In this class we will also work on our ability to get up and down from the floor.
Instructor: Melissa Castaneda-Kerson
Energetic Yoga
Dates: Saturday, Sept. 10 - Oct. 15 (no class 9/24) Time: 9:00-10:00 a.m. Location: Pioneer Park Picnic Shelter Ages: 18 and up Min/Max: 5/15 Fee: $40 Yoga with a Chair
Instructor: Lisa Cosmillo
Yoga classes offered through a partnership with Firefly Yoga, 212 Tumwater Blvd.
12 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks HEALTH & FITNESS MixxedFit MixxedFit® is a people-inspired fitness program that combines explosive dance movements with body weight toning. You will dance to music that you'd most likely hear on the radio, at the club, or driving in your car. The music selection is upbeat, fresh, and famil iar. Moves are repetitive and easy to follow so you can easily focus on maximizing your workouts effectively. For more information about MixxedFit, visit ilovemixxedfit.com.
Day/Dates: Tuesdays, Sept. - Nov.
Instructor: Patricia Cash, AFFA Certified Personal Trainer
An energetic blend of yoga postures, breath and transitions present ed in an adaptable and approachable way.
Time: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Location: Firefly Yoga Ages: 16 and up Min/Max: 1/10 Fee: $58 per month
Day: Wednesdays, Sept. - Nov.
Instructor: Bill Sweeney
All About Chords
Date: Thursday, October 27 Time: 7:15- 8:45 p.m. Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW Ages: 13 and up Fee: $45 754-4160 www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks THEFAMILY!WHOLETumWalk
Beginning Guitar
Whether you have never played the guitar or can play a little and want to improve, this is the class for you. Learn proper techniques, melody, harmony, and some sight-reading. We will create an origi nal piece of music together!
Dates: Thursdays, Sept. 22 - Oct. 20 Time: 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW Ages: 13 and up Fee: $99 ($25 book fee payable to instructor at first class) Music Instruction
Please provide your own guitar (acoustic or electric with small am plifier).
After completing any beginning guitar class, you are ready to read and create chord diagrams. Learn how to be successful at playing basic chords through proven techniques for guitar harmony. Required text book: Diatonic Triad Book from the Beginning Guitar class.
Dates: Sign-up now, program is ongoing Challenges: Monthly challenges offered in the Pacer app! Ages: All Ages! Fee:
132022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360)
TumWalk is Tumwater’s walking program, started to encourage active and healthy lifestyles. Participation is easy from the convenience of your own neighborhood. Walking has become an increasingly popular way for us all to get outside, exercise, and engage both our minds and bodies. Register online, then download the Pacer mobile app (www.mypacer.com/). You'll get a link from us to join the Tum Walk group. Then, you can take on regular challenges, achieve goals and even win prizes, all while enjoying the beneficial activity of walking! Group members who achieve (25,000 steps) receive an exclusive TumWalk headband to wear proudly. Take your walk to the next level and make your steps count! Join the TumWalk team for free. Register online through Tumwater Parks and Recreation.

*The number of songs covered will range from 8 to 12, depending on the me dian skill level and pacing/comfort level of the class.
Learn to play classic Beatles hit songs on the ukulele. Besides having fun and adding numerous* Fab Four faves to your repertoire, you'll learn some new chords and get helpful playing tips along the way.
You'll learn the core components of the blues, including blues scales, blues chords, blues riffs and licks, and turnarounds. Then you'll apply what you've learned and play through some classic blues tunes on the uke.
Uke Gone Crazy This unique, fun-filled ukulele class will take you on a whirlwind of surprising musical adventures that span the stylistic gamut from Jimi Hendrix to Hamil ton (the convention-breaking, smash Broadway musical (and other songs of varied genres). If you have eclectic musical taste and your boat just won't float with prototypical uke songs, then this class is just the ticket for you!
Instructor: Jeff Saxon Dates: Fridays, Sept. 9 - Oct. 7 Time: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Location: Olympia Center Ages: 18 and up Min/Max: 1/3 Fee: $119 (includes instructional booklet)
Instructor: Jeff Saxon Dates: Wednesdays, Sept. 7 - Oct. 5 Time: 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Location: Olympia Center Fee: $119 (includes instructional booklet)
14 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Bluesin' up the Uke
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Location: Olympia Center Ages: 18 and up Min/Max: 1/3 Fee: $119 (includes instructional booklet)
Instructor: Jeff Saxon Dates: Fridays, Sept. 9 - Oct. 7
Pre-requisite: Ability to play a few basic uke chords and bring your soprano, concert or tenor uke (no baritone ukes, please) along with a pick and a uke capo to each class. No loaner instruments are available.
Instructor: Jeff Saxon Dates: Wednesdays, Oct. 12 - Nov. 9 Time: 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Location: Old Town Center Fee: $119 (includes instructional booklet)
Pre-requisite: Knowledge of 7 basic chords and ability to transition between them. Please bring your soprano, concert or tenor ukulele, a pick, and a capo to each class meeting. If you have a portable music stand or book holder, please bring these items to class. No loaner instruments are available.
Beatles Ukulele, Part 2 This class picks up where Beatles Ukulele Part I left off, but with another batch of amazing tunes by the Lads From Liverpool. If you didn't take Part 1, you can still jump right into this class. Learn to play numerous* timeless Beatles hit songs on the ukulele. Besides having fun and adding several Fab Four faves to your repertoire, you'll learn some new chords and get helpful playing tips along the way.
Pre-requisite: Yes You Can Play the Ukulele (or similar intro class) and/or abil ity to play at least 7 chords and transition between them. Bring your soprano, concert or tenor uke (no baritone ukes, please) along with a pick and a uke capo to each class. If you have a portable music stand or book holder, please bring these items to class.
*The number of songs covered will range from 8 to 12, depending on the me dian skill level and pacing/comfort level of the class.
Music Instruction Beatles Ukulele, Part 1
Pre-requisite: Knowledge of 7 basic chords and ability to transition between them. Please bring your soprano, concert or tenor ukulele, a pick, and a capo to each class meeting. If you have a portable music stand or book holder, please bring these items to class. No loaner instruments are available.
Uke Can Feel Good Again
Learn to play classic Christmas songs and carols and other fun holiday songs on the ukulele. Just bring your soprano, concert or tenor uke and be able to play a few basic uke chords. Then get ready to add some warm ukulele cheer to the coldest time of the year.
In what could be the most enlightening 2 hours you’ve ever spent, this class will show you how you can actually begin using your speaking voice for commercials, films, videos, and more. Most people go about it the wrong way. In this introductory class, you will learn about a unique, outside the box way to break into this creative, fulfilling, and potentially lucrative industry. Voice-overs can be managed on your own terms, on your own turf, in your own time, and with minimal overhead! Whether you choose to pursue voice-overs part-time or full-time, this could be the gamechanger you’ve been looking for.
152022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Instructor: Jeff Saxon Dates: Wednesdays, Nov. 16 - Dec. 14 Time: 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Location: Old Town Center Min/Max: 1/3 Fee: $119 (includes instructional booklet)
Pre-requisite: Ability to play a few basic uke chords. Bring a soprano, concert or tenor uke (no baritone ukes, please) along with a pick and uke capo to each class. No loaner instruments are available.
*Must have taken Beginning Ta iko previously Taiko Drumming Taiko, the art of Japanese Drumming, is now available to you! If you have ever wondered what it is like to play the big drums, now is your chance to find out! This is a physical activity that requires being able to stand for an hour and flex and stretch. No experience needed for the beginning class and drums are provid ed. We will be using River Ridge High School’s practice drums and playing on the rawhide drums during the final class.
The goal of the class is to get you playing some uplifting music on the uke and feeling good about life again! Bring a soprano, concert or tenor uke (no baritone ukes, please!) and a pick to each class. Sorry, no loaner instruments are available.
Ukulele Holiday Songs
Voice-overs: NOW is YOUR Time!
Date: Wednesday, Sept. 28 or Nov. 30
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Location: Tumwater Fire Dept. Training Room Min/Max: 5/12 Fee: $49
Music Instruction ENRICHMENT
Instructor: Jeff Saxon
Dates: Fridays, Oct. 14 - Nov. 18 (No class 11/4) Time: 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Location: Old Town Center Ages: 18 and up Min/Max: 1/3 Fee: $119 per session (includes instructional booklet)
Instructor: John Theine Dates: Thursdays, Oct. 20 - Nov. 17 (No class 11/3) Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. (Beginning); or 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. (Intermediate)* Location: River Ridge H.S. Band Rm. 608, 350 River Ridge Dr SE, Lacey Ages: 16 and up Min/Max: 1/5 Fee: $24
This ukulele class was specifically designed to bring some much-need ed musical joy and lyrical positivity into our lives. The songs that you'll be learning (most of which should be familiar) will span the stylistic and era spectrum and should be playable for anyone who knows at least 7 ukulele chords and is able to transition between them.

Cookie Decorating with Miriam Amaze your family and friends with your cookie decorating skills. Create amazing gifts and sweet surprises for your next party or event. This course will teach you techniques and skills needed to decorate incredible sugar cookies. Please bring a plastic storage container with a lid to store cookies. Fee includes supplies and tools. (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
October / Fall Foxes Cookie Kit Pick-up Date/Time: Friday, Oct. 21, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
September / Strawberry Lemonade Cookie Kit Pick-up Date/Time: Friday, Sept. 16, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Pick-up Location: Old Town Center Min/Max: 7/20 Fee: $20 Register by Friday, September 9 to guarantee your kit.
16 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure
Pick-up Location: Old Town Center Min/Max: 7/20 Fee: $20 Register by Friday, October 14 to guarantee your kit.
Take-Home Cookie Kits Transform your kitchen into a bakery as you decorate and eat delicious, themed cookies! Each kit comes with 4 sugar cookies, frosting, necessary decorating tools and all the toppings you need, nicely bundled in a “take home” kit with instructions from Miriam Dyer of May’s Sugar Stop! Pre-registration is required. Registrations close 1 week prior to pick-up dates.
Instructor: Miriam Dyer Day: Thursday Dates: Sept. 8, Oct. 13, or Nov. 10 Time: 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Location: Old Town Center Ages: 14 and up Min/Max: 5/12 per session Fee: $45 per session
November / Turkey Day Cookie Kit Pick-up Date/Time: Friday, Nov. 18, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Pick-up Location: Old Town Center Min/Max: 7/20 Fee: $20 Register by Friday, November 11 to guarantee your kit.

Date: Tuesday, October 18 Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Fee: $60 Instant Pot 101 So you have this cool gadget, now what do you do with it? Pressure-cooking has been around a long time, but what about these multi cookers everyone seems to have. Make beans, rice, lasagna, and even yogurt! Learn some of the uses for this handy gadget while we make a meal to share together. If you prefer to take your meal home, please bring your own single-serving container.
Date: Tuesday, December 13 Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Fee: $60
Location: Old Town Center Ages: 16 and up Min/Max: 5/10 Fee: $60 per class Kitchen Refresh Brush up your basic culinary skills or learn some new ones. Learn how to select a knife, best hand position, basic knife cuts. Roasting, searing, and braising. We’ll make a simple meal in about an hour to share together or take home. Please bring your own single-serving container if you plan to take your meal home.
Foundations with Chef Karen
Are you eager to learn new ways to expand your skills in the kitchen? Join Chef Karen Nelson for some fun, interactive classes that will inspire you to get in your kitchen. Learn to get over your fear of doing it right and start creating habits to keep you on track to improve your health.
172022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Instructor: Karen Nelson
Wolves: Life in a Sanctuary Wolf Haven, closed to visitors since March 2020, is open again! Join staff and volunteers for a walk through the sanctuary and conversation about the wolves who call Wolf Haven home and their wild and free counter parts across Washington.
BONUS! Your fee includes a 1-year membership, 1-year subscrip tion to our quarterly magazine, 5 guided sanctuary visit passes and a member window cling.
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 19 or Saturday, Oct. 22 Time: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Location: Wolf Haven International, 3111 Offut Lake Rd SE, Tenino Min/Max: 4/8 Fee: $30 per date
Date: Tuesday, November 29 Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Fee: $60
Holiday Sides Choosing side dishes to go with your holiday meal can be overwhelming. We'll create four dishes that even your choosiest family members will try (and it will get them to eat some vegetables too!). The tips and tricks you learn in this class will get you through the holidays and beyond. If you prefer to take your meal home, please bring your own single-serving container.
Baking Basics Butter, flour and eggs oh my! Learn the methods to making delicious baked goods every time! From shortbread, pie crust, pate brisee, or pie dough. You’ll get to sample each item and maybe take a couple of items home with you.
Date: Tuesday, September 20 Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Fee: $60
Instructor: Faye Peebles, Education Coordinator
Fee: Free History Pubs at Heritage: Geology of Thurston County
NEW SERIES: History Pubs at Heritage (for ages 21 and over)
John Dodge is an Olympia-area resident with a 40-year career in print journal ism, including 34 years at The Olympian as a reporter, columnist, and editorial page writer. He is the author of "A Deadly Wind: The 1962 Columbus Day Storm."
History Pubs at Heritage: The 1962 Columbus Day Storm
Speaker: Dr. Gary Ritchie
Speaker: Chuck TumwaterDenney,Parks & Recreation Director
Date: Thursday, October 6 Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
The Olympia Tumwater Foundation is excited to announce a new format for its popular history talks: History Pubs at Heritage. This new series of in-person history talks will be an hour long on a topic relevant to Tumwater or the surrounding area, and will combine history with science, sports, art, and many other subjects. Hosted inside the cask library of the new Heritage Distilling Co., near the Olympia Brewery. Guests are encouraged to sit back and relax, with a cocktail if they wish, and enjoy learning about our area’s history from captivating speakers. Registrants will receive tokens for discounts on Heritage drinks and merchandise.
History Pubs at Heritage: Tumwater Valley Golf Course
Date: Thursday, September 8 Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Most Americans have heard of Old Faithful or seen movies of Yellowstone bison in winter snorting great clouds of steam into the frigid Wyoming air. Many worry about the volcanic Yellowstone Hotspot erupting and obliterating most of North America. But let’s face it—to link the Yellowstone Hotspot to Tumwater Falls is a stretch. How could there possibly be a connection when Yellowstone is in Wyoming, 800 miles away? Good question. Hear Dr. Gary Ritchie tell us the Dr.story!Gary A. Ritchie earned a PhD in forest biology from the University of Washington, and has been a plant scientist, author, and lecturer on plant physiology and ecology for 45 years. During retirement, his interests in the natural world have broadened to include geology and Earth sciences.
Location: Heritage Distilling Cask Room & Library / 4200 Capitol Blvd SE Suite 104, Tumwater Ages: 21+ Min/Max: 5/30
Opened in 1970, Tumwater’s beautiful 20-hole course was built by a subsidiary of the Olympia Brewery Company for the public’s enjoyment. Come to the inaugural History Pub at Heritage, where Chuck Denney, Tumwater Parks and Recreation Director, will share the story of its impressive construction and how it has adapted into an environmentally-friendly course.
Speaker: John Dodge, writer
Date: Thursday, November 17 Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
The Columbus Day Storm of 1962 was a freak of nature, a weather outlier with deadly winds topping one hundred miles per hour. The storm killed dozens, injured hundreds, damaged more than fifty thousand homes, and leveled enough timber to build one million homes. This October marks the sixtieth anniversary of the storm. Join us as awarding-winning author John Dodge takes us through the whirlwind.
18 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Join us on a twilight tour of Tumwater history through the final resting places of local residents. Of eight cemeteries in Tumwater, four are located off Cleveland Avenue: Masonic Memorial Park, Odd Fellows Memorial Park, Calvary Catholic Cemetery, and Temple Beth Hatfiloh Historic Cemetery. This walk will cover the overarching histories of these hallowed grounds, as well as stop at graves of both prominent and lesser-known individuals significant to the area and with interesting stories to tell. Program will run rain or shine.
Instructor: Keith Phillips Day: Saturday, Oct. 1 (during Falls Fest) Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Location: Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls, 110 Deschutes Way SW, Tumwater Ages: All Ages Fee: Free - no registration required!
Journeymanquestions.stonecutter and stone-carving guru Keith Phillips has been carving sandstone in Tenino since the 1980s. He founded the Tenino Stone Carvers, a co-operative of local masons, and helped to create the sandstone horseshoe monument on display at Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls. (Part of the Falls Fest community event).
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Instructor: Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife Staff Lee Pilon Day: Saturday, Sept. 24 or Oct. 1 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Location: WDFW Tumwater Falls Hatchery, 110 Deschutes Way SW, Tumwater Ages: All Ages Min/Max: 10/75 Fee: Free
Live Stone Carving Demonstration
192022 Tumwater Fall Brochure
The Return of the Chinook Learn about the life cycle of Chinook salmon during the annual return of adult fish to the Deschutes. Salmon expert Lee Pilon will explain the process of fish returning, illustrate their anatomy with real fish, and tell the history of Washington hatcheries and why hatchery fish are important to the ecosystem. A Q&A session will follow the program. Program will run rain or shine. No registration needed for October 1 talk (taking place during Falls Fest event).
Twilight Cemetery Tour
Watch a live demonstration and ask all your burning stone-carv ing questions at Falls Fest! Keith Phillips and other carvers will be working at Falls Fest showcasing their craft and answering audience
Tour Guide: Olympia Tumwater Foundation Staff Day: Thursday, October 27 Time: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Location: Masonic Memorial Park, 455 North Street SE Ages: All Ages Min/Max: 6/15 Fee: Free

20 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks Pumpkins, paint, and refreshments are provided, you only need to bring your friends, family and a little creativity. Pre-registration is required and space is limited. Reserve pumpkins (for your own little pumpkins) online! Thanks to our event sponsor, Schilter Farm! Reserve online: www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks.
Brewery Park
Tumwater Falls City of Tumwater Olympia 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Tumwater
Farm Family Pumpkin Painting Thursday, October 20 | 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Tumwater’s 19th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Festival 2:00 - 5:30 p.m. | Saturday, December 3 THESAVEDATE More details online: www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/treelighting SPECIAL EVENTS
Falls More details online: www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/fallsfest • Kids' print-making workshop • Stream Team Scavenger Hunt • "Return of the Chinook" talk with WDFW's Lee Pilon • Live Stone Carving Demonstration with Keith Phillips • plus local artists, makers, and food vendors!
Tu mwater Foundation with support from Copper Wolf Tattoo Studio and Art Gallery Saturday, October 1 |
Fest Join us for a day of celebrating the transformative effect of water as a place of healing and community. Grab a cup of coffee or a bite to eat and take a stroll through the park grounds, soaking in the fall color as an Olympia Symphony Ensemble plays, or bring the entire family – there are activities for all! Presented by the

Put your free time to good use!
Volunteers help extend the reach of our City programs and provide valuable connections to the community. No long-term commitment required. We want your participation to be convenient, matched to your interests, and most importantly, enjoyable.
To learn more or get involved, visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/volunteer or contact Recre ation Manager, Todd Anderson: volunteer@ci.tumwater.wa.us or (360) 754-4164.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Annual Clean-up, Drop-off Event 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon | Saturday, September 24, 2022 Tumwater City Hall Parking Lot 555 Israel Road SW in Tumwater Safely discard unused prescriptions and expired medications; donate non-perishable food; and shred person al, sensitive or financial documents (4 grocery bag limit). It's fast, and it's free. Volunteers will help unload your vehicle, there's no need to get out of your car. Just drive through and drop off. Discard Responsibly destroy unused prescriptions or old medications at the Tumwater Police Department’s Prescription Drop ShredBox. personal, sensitive or financial documents to protect against identity theft at the shredding truck, sponsored by O Bee Credit Union. Please limit to 4 grocery bags. Donate If you're not using it, you may not need it. Donate your gently-used items and help people right here in our community. 212022 Tumwater Fall Brochure
If you have time and want to make good things happen in your community, now is the time to get involved!

22 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 943-9500 • www.tumwatervalleygc.com 4611 Tumwater Valley Drive SE | Tumwater, WA 98501 | (360) 943-9500 MUNICIPAL GOLF CLUB VALLEY GOLF ACADEMY The VGA is dedicated to offering quality junior group golf sessions as well as junior and adult individual instruction. To learn more about our instruc tional team and offerings, contact us today! To register or for more information: www.thevalleygolfacademy.com Our balloon-popping Annual Holiday Sale is back! That’s right golf fans, back by popular demand with discount coupons in every balloon ranging from 30% to 70% off your entire purchase. It’s a really fun atmosphere and allows us the opportunity to show our appreciation for your continued support of ThisTVGC.balloon-popping event is scheduled for Friday, December 9 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. SAVE THE DATE for the TVGC Holiday Sale: 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. | Friday, December 9

Food Bank
Senior Programs
Lunch Monday - Friday, 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Cost is $5 per day or $50 for a 10-meal ticket. Menus include a variety of meals (soups, casseroles, fruits and salads).
Tumwater Old Town Center (OTC) operates as a Senior Center weekdays from 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. The OTC provides seniors 55 and over, who are residents of the greater Tumwater area, with activities, lunch, coffee, snacks, and fellowship. Visit www. ci.tumwater.wa.us/seniors for updated senior program information. Please note: Participants must be fully vaccinated to attend.
Arts & Crafts Group
Monday, September 5: Labor Day Friday, November 11: Veterans Day Thursday & Friday, November 24 & 25: Thanksgiving
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. for pinochle in the lunch room. There is always somebody looking for a game.
Every Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. in the multi-purpose room. Please bring your own supplies. Call Todd Anderson at (360) 754-4164 for more information.
Annual Picnic - Thursday, September 8 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Tumwater Historical Park from Food will be served starting at 11:00 a.m. This is a potluck picnic, so please bring something to share!
232022 Tumwater Fall Brochure
Senior "Jam"
Old Town Center
Serving Seniors and Youth | 215 N 2nd Avenue SW | Tumwater WA 98512 | (360) 754-4160
Child Development
Sequoia’s Treehouse Childcare center is now open for enrollment at the Old Town Center! At Sequoia’s Treehouse, our emphasis is on the physical, cognitive, and social/emotional growth of children. Children are presented with experiences allowing them to discover and explore their world through art, science, language, music, dramatic play and the natural environment. Our focus is also allowing children the opportunity to explore and spend time in the outdoors as much as possible through free play and structured learning activities. Our goal is to promote every child’s individual development using an appropriate mix of academic and recreational activities. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. For more information, visit our website at www.sequoiastreehouse.com
Fall Closures:
The Thurston County Food Bank will visit the OTC on the 2nd Friday of each month at 11:00 a.m., to drop off alreadyprepared bags of food. To be eligible for this FREE program you will need to complete an Intake Form (available in the Cafeteria). Contact Todd Anderson at (360) 754-4164 for further information. (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Do you like old time tunes and bluegrass music? Every Tuesday from 9:00 - 11:30 a.m., you’ll find a group of like-mind ed folks ready to sing and play. Join us in the multi-purpose room.
Activities - All activities are free unless otherwise noted.
Second Wednesday of each month at 12:15 p.m. in the lunch room. Prizes donated by the OTC Senior Council.

Brewmaster's House (formerly Henderson House)
Crosby House Come visit the Crosby House Museum, Tumwater's oldest historic home, located across from the Brewmaster's House in Tumwater's Historic District at 702 Deschutes Way SW. This charming 1860 house was built by Bing Crosby's grandfather, Nathaniel, for his new bride, Cordelia Smith. Now owned by the City of Tumwater, it is managed by Olympia Chapter #4, Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington who have com pletely furnished the house with period pieces. A delightful addition is a 1"-scale, fully furnished miniature replica of the house.
24 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
The Crosby House is currently closed to the public information, contact: Karen L. Johnson, Curator, Schmidt House Tumwater Foundation PO Box 4098 | Tumwater WA 98501 (360) 890-2299 or more information, please contact: Ann Olson, President, Olympia Chapter #4 Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington (360) 943-5209 | sandaolson@outlook.com
| karen@olytumfoundation.org | www.olytumfoundation.org For tours
The Brewmaster’s House was built in 1905 for William and Lou ise Naumann. Mr. Naumann was a brewmaster at the Olympia brewery just across the river. Considered quite modern for its day, the house boasted hot and cold running water, a coal-fired boiler, and electric lights in each room. The design of the home was largely inspired by the Victo rian age, but was much less elaborate than earlier Queen Anne Theexamples.exterior of the home had changed over the years, but it was restored to its original appearance after the City of Tumwater acquired the house in 1977. The interior changed very little and provides a wonderful look at how Tumwater residents lived in the early 1900s. Interpretive signs give the visitor a thorough history of the house and its various owners.
. For more
Brewmaster's House is currently closed to the public

252022 Tumwater Fall Brochure (360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks Historical and Pioneer Park Shelter Reservations: Cancellations: • Reservation fees are refundable minus a $10 cancellation fee. • Cancellations must be made at least 14 days prior to the reservation to be eligible for a refund . Cancellations are not available through the online registration system; they must be requested by contacting office staff. • No refunds will be made due to inclement weather. Amenities/ Hours: • Parking space is limited. Carpooling recommended. • The parks can accommodate groups of up to 100 people. • Parks are opened at sunrise and gates are locked at sunset. • Historical Park Shelter: Accommodates 80 people. 3 power outlets, 20 amps max each, 1 group grill, and 1 water source. • Pioneer Park Shelter: Accommodates 50 people. 2 power outlets, 20 amps max each, 1 group grill, and 1 water source. Shelter reservation fees: 9:00 a m to 2:00 p m $50 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. $50 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. $75 Reservations: • Shelters are available to reserve 365 days in advance. • Reservations are not confirmed until completed form and fee have been received. Online reservations do not require completion of paper reservation form. • To check availability, visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks • Large/Public Events: For all events larger than 100 people and/or open to the public, a special event permit application must be completed and approved. No person shall use a city park for a public event without a special event permit. PARK AMENITIES GUIDE Size in acres 85 17 10 1 .5 .5 .5 1.4 .3 3 Barbeque Grills ✳ ✳ Baseball Field ✳ ✳ Basketball Court ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ Boat Launch ✳ Picnic Areas ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ Pickleball Court ✳ ✳ Play Toys ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ Restrooms ✳ ✳ ✳ Scenic Overlook ✳ ✳ Shelter (Rentable) ✳ ✳ Soccer Fields ✳ Tennis Court ✳ ✳ Trails ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ Volleyball Courts ✳ ParkPioneer ParkHistorical ParkHillTumwater ParkOverlook ParkStreetV ParkPalermo ParkBrownJim ParkSt.Grant&5th ParkBarcliftParkValleyDeschutes

• After the first class – 80%
• After the second class – no refund Online: Visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks and create your customer account.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
In Person: As of the time of this publication, City Hall open hours are Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. or by appointment. Please call (360) 754-4160 or email tumwaterparks@ci.tumwater.wa.us for updates
Fall Quarter Registration Fall registration begins on Wednesday, August 31, 2022.
• Prior to the first class – 100%
The programs in this brochure run September through November 2022.
• Class sizes are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
• For classes requiring an enrollment fee, the fee must be paid prior to your name being placed on the class roster.
All classes have minimum/maximum enrollment numbers to ensure a quality experience for all participants.
The City of Tumwater requires that a release of liability form be completed either in person or online for each participant in its Parks and Recreation programs. These forms will be provided at registration.
Classes with insufficient enrollment will be cancelled three business days before starting date unless otherwise noted.
• Classes may be cancelled (or combined) due to low enrollment.
26 2022 Tumwater Fall Brochure
If a class is cancelled, your registration will be refunded in full.
Refund Policy – unless otherwise noted:
Easy RegistrationEasy
Thurston County Specialized Recreation Programs
Thurston Co. Recreation Services Department , in cooperation with Tumwater Parks and Recreation, provides special service pro grams to area residents. These programs strive to meet the needs of the developmentally and physically challenged in the Tumwater/ Thurston County area. For more information, call (360) 867-2588 For the hearing impaired, the TDD number is (360) 754-2933.
Inclement Weather Should school be cancelled due to poor weather, power outages or other related circumstances, all parks and recreation classes, leagues and programs scheduled at those facilities will adhere to the school cancellation policies.