A Place to Live, Work, and Play
Stay connected with Tumwater Parks & Recreation! Contact us at tumwaterparks@ci.tumwater.wa.us to be added to our email list and follow the City of Tumwater on Facebook.

Check out some of the fun we had this spring! Whether or not you participate in one of our programs this season, we hope you will get out and RECREATE!

Michael Althauser
Joan Cathey
Elected Officials
Debbie Sullivan
City Council
Charlie Schneider
Eileen Swarthout
Angela Jefferson
Peter Agabi
Tumwater Parks and Recreation Commission
Leatta Dahlhoff
The Parks and Recreation Commission meets at City Hall on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p m. Commissioners would like to hear any suggestions that you may have. To keep in touch with current topics being considered by the Parks and Recreation Commission, contact us to be added to the list to receive monthly meeting agendas
Erin Carrier, Chair
Amy Hargrove
Joel Hecker
Joe Munro
Bill Kallappa II
Mike Culley
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Shane Harrington
Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Tumwater Parks & Recreation programs, please contact staff. We appreciate your input.
Administration Director – Chuck Denney
Administrative Assistant – Stephanie Klein
Recreation Marketing Specialist – Marisa Worden
Department Assistant – Kelsie Perkinson
Golf Course
Golf Course Manager – Dave Nickerson
Golf Superintendent – Eric Thompson
Tumwater Timberland Library
Valley Golf Course 4611 Tumwater Valley Drive
Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 943-9500
Recreation Manager – Todd Anderson
Recreation Supervisor – Charlie Groth
Recreation Coordinator – Josh Irwin
Recreation Coordinator – Chad Harvell
Recreation Coordinator – Taryn Stroop
Parks and Facilities Manager – Stan Osborn
Parks Maintenance Supervisor – Jeff Pratt
7023 New Market Street, (360) 943-7790
The Tumwater Timberland Library is located next to City Hall and offers free story times, events, computers, meeting room and study space.
Tumwater School District
621 Linwood Avenue SW, (360) 709-7000
The City of Tumwater and the Tumwater School District share a successful working relationship and community spirit. This effort is reflected in the joint use of facilities, which sets forth the shared goals of maximizing taxpayers’ resources by jointly developing and utilizing facilities for maximum community benefit.
To provide Parks and Recreation services that are creative, beneficial, and responsive to the needs of the community thereby improving and enhancing the overall quality of life in Tumwater.
Community Involvement
Share your talents! We are always looking for new instructors with innovative program ideas. If you have a talent, specialty, or area of expertise, we invite you to teach for us. Call today to discuss how we can help you share your ta lents.
Share your ideas! Maybe you don’t have a talent you want to share with us, but perhaps you have a great idea of what you would like to see us offer. Let us know!
Helping Hands! We are always looking for volunteers who would like to improve the quality of life in our community. Anyone who likes landscaping, weeding, or planting flowers and would like to volunteer their time should contact us. Gardening not your thing? What about painting or minor construction? If you, a group you belong to, or perhaps a neighborhood group have an interest in helping us out, give us a call.
Gender Equity Policy: The City of Tumwater complies with the State of Washington’s “Fair Play in Community Sports Act” (codified as RCW 49.60.500, 505 and 35.21.910) that prohibits discrimination against any person in a community athletic program on the basis of sex. Any questions or comments should be directed to Chuck Denney, Parks and Recreation Director.
Table of Contents
Youth/Teen Camps ................................. 4 Bricks 4 Kidz (STEM/LEGO) ................ 6 Sailing Camps .......................................... 8 Youth Enrichment ................................... 9 Youth Sports/Sports Camps 11 Adult Sports 16 Health & Fitness .................................... 17 Adult Enrichment ................................. 18 History Programs 20 Arts Programs 20 Volunteer Tumwater ............................. 20 Special Events 21 Tumwater Valley Golf Club 23 Older Adult Programs .......................... 25 Old Town Center ................................... 27 Historical Homes 28 Park Shelter Reservations ..................... 29 Summer Registration Info ................... 30
All camp weeks are currently full. Register for the wait list online or call for more information.
Join us for another exciting year of summer camp as we explore a variety of weekly themes, create awesome crafts, engage in group games and go on adventurous field trips! Get ready to experience a whole lot of fun!

Fee for the first week attending must be paid at the time of registration. Reserve additional weeks at registration to hold your camper’s spot. Payments for additional weeks are due two Mondays prior to the reserved week.
Days/Dates: Monday - Friday, June 26 - August 18
Time: 7:30 a m - 5:30 p m
Location: Peter G. Schmidt
Ages: 6 - 11
Min/Max: 10/45
Fee: Weekly: $175 (Week 2: $140)
Week 1: June 26 - 30 Decades of Fun: Rollerdrome and Olympic Club
Week 2: July 3 - 7 (no camp 7/4) Spirit Week: Wild Waves ($140 fee, no camp 7/4)
Week 3: July 10 - 14
Week 4: July 17 - 21
Week 5: July 24 - 28
Week 6: July 31 - August 4
Week 7: August 7 - 11
Week 8: August 14 - 18
Superheroes: Tukwila Family Fun Center
Crazy Creatures: NW Trek
Barnyard Palooza: Thurston County Fair
Under the Sea: Westhaven State Park
Sports: Rainiers Baseball Game

Rockstars: End of Summer Celebration
Thank you to our 2023 Day Camp sponsor:
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks

Tumwater Trippin’ Tumwater Trippin’
2023 Teen Camp
All camp weeks currently full. Register for the wait list online or call for more information. Join Tumwater Parks and Recreation for a summer full of awesomeness and adventure. From our base camp, we will journey to new places all around the South Sound. Add some excitement to your summer days as you explore some of the area’s fun spots! The first week attending must be paid at registration. Reserve additional weeks at registration to hold your camper’s spot. Payments for additional weeks are due two Mondays prior to the reserved week. Participants need to bring a sack lunch and snacks; a water bottle and backpack are also recommended.
Week 1: June 26 - 29
Week 2: July 3 - 6 ($120 fee, no camp 7/4)
Week 3: July 10 - 13
Week 4: July 18 - 21 ($340 fee, Camp Cascadia)*
Week 5: July 24 - 27
Week 6: July 31 - August 3
Week 7: August 7 - 10
Week 8: August 14 - 17
Ascend Gymnastics Summer Break Camp
Join us for a week full of games, gymnastics lessons, free time, new friends and more. Campers bring their own lunch each day and Ascend will provide snacks.
Instructor: Ascend Gymnastics of Olympia
Day: Monday-Friday
Date: June 26-30: Fantasy Island
July 3-7: Ultimate Survival (No Camp 7/4)
July 10-14: Outer Space
July 17-21: Wacky Sports of Sorts
July 24-28: Harry Potter
July 31-August 4: Under the Sea
August 7-11: Superheroes
August 14-18: Dinosaurs
August 21-25: Bugs and Butterflies
Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Location: Ascend Gymnastics of Olympia, 2643 Mottman Court SW
Age: 5-10
Min/Max: 1/ 4
Fee: $300 per week; $240 for week of July 3
Days/Dates: Monday - Thursday, June 26 - August 17
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Meeting Peter G. Schmidt
Location: Elementary
Ages: 12 - 17

Min/Max: 6/13
Fee: Weekly: $160 (unless otherwise noted).
Chess Wizards Summer Break Camp
Chess Wizards has been teaching the game of chess since 2002. Join them for tons of challenging chess lessons, exciting games and cool prizes. Improve your chess skills, meet new friends and work out your most powerful muscle - your brain!
Chess Wizards camps include fun team chess games (like Corner Chess), recess time (of course), snacks, tournaments and puzzles. Participants need to bring a lunch.
Each camper receives a T-shirt, trophy and puzzle folder. All materials are provided. Unleash your brainpower and spend part of your summer break with Chess Wizards.
Instructor: Chess Wizards
Day: Monday - Friday
Date: June 26-30; or August 21-25
Time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Age: 6-12
Min/Max: 12/14 per session
Fee: $365
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Bricks 4 Kidz LEGO Camps
STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

Bricks 4 Kidz LEGO Camps
Bricks 4 Kidz offers extraordinarily fun STEM-based camps where kids use creativity and innovation to build with LEGO® Bricks, motors, mosaics, and crafts or build and computer program real working LEGO robots. All campers make and take home a custom mini-figure and photo collage of the week’s experience. Please send along a snack and a water bottle.
All Day Camp Option!
Register for both morning and afternoon camps and get a full day of supervision (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) at a discounted rate. Make sure to send a lunch with your full-day camper.
For all Bricks 4 Kidz LEGO Camps:

Location: Peter G. Schmidt Elementary
Ages: 6-12
Min/Max: 6/16
Fee: Half Day: $225; Full Day: $395
Mining & Crafting inspired by Minecraft
Experience the world of Minecraft® with LEGO® Bricks in this fun camp! Minecraft is a game about placing blocks to build anything you can imagine. At night monsters come out, so make sure to build a shelter before that happens. Kids will start by crafting their shelters and some of the mobs, critters and tools using LEGO Bricks. Campers will face new challenges each day, building models and crafting key elements from the popular Minecraft game.
Brick Ninjas Extreme LEGO Camp
Brand new camp for 2023! Welcome to the LEGO® Dojo where we practice the ancient art of LEGO Master Building in preparation for battle against armies of skeletons, slippery snakes, and robot pirates! We'll build ninja robots, weapons, and vehicles and learn about the art of Brick-jitsu, with lots of cool projects designed by your friends at Bricks 4 Kidz! Whether you're a Master or just starting out on your building “kicks and punches,” we've got plenty of awesome LEGO Projects and STEM-enriched activities to complete your training.
Dates: Monday-Friday, July 10-14
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Location: Peter G. Schmidt Elementary
Ages: 6-12
Min/Max: 6/16
Fee: Half Day: $225; Full Day: $395
Dates: Monday-Friday, July 10-14
Time: 1 - 4 p.m.
Location: Peter G. Schmidt Elementary
Ages: 6-12
Min/Max: 6/16
Fee: Half Day: $225; Full Day: $395
This creative camp series is designed to be an amazing LEGO-filled experience. Every day is a different adventure, with a variety of different building techniques, guided creative play time, an opportunity to make new friends, and so much more - all around our theme of the week. All campers make and take home a custom mini-figure and photo collage of the week’s experience.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
LEGO Camps (continued)
Bricks 4 Kidz LEGO Camps
Bricks 4 Kidz offers extraordinarily fun STEMbased camps where kids use creativity and innovation to build with LEGO® Bricks, motors, mosaics, and crafts or build and computer program real working LEGO robots. All campers make and take home a custom mini-figure and photo collage of the week’s experience. Please send along a snack and a water bottle.
All Day Camp Option!
Register for both morning and afternoon camps and get a full day of supervision (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) at a discounted rate. Make sure to send a lunch with your full-day camper.
A Brick Galaxy Far, Far Away LEGO Camp
A long time ago in a pile of LEGO® bricks in the living room...the forces of an evil galactic empire grapple with a group of small rebels (they are mini-figures, after all!) Some are masters of a mysterious force, others have hope and determination, and others are just bumbling droids that keep popping in for comic relief. And who is that baby with the pointy green ears? May the Brick be with you in this Star Wars®-inspired camp, as we get ready to take over the galaxy...the Bricks 4 Kidz way!
Dates: Monday-Friday, August 7-11
Time: 9 a.m. -12 p.m.
Location: Peter G. Schmidt Elementary
Ages: 6-12
Min/Max: 6/16
Fee: Half Day: $225; Full Day: $395
This creative camp series is designed to be an amazing LEGO-filled experience. Every day is a different adventure, with a variety of different building techniques, guided creative play time, an opportunity to make new friends, and so much more - all around our theme of the week. All campers make and take home a custom mini-figure and photo collage of the week’s experience.
Superheroes LEGO Camp
Got kids who are into spiders - the superhero kind? Or maybe kids that need to “avenge” their LEGO® building space in the living room from time-to-time? Then they’re going to love this superhero-themed camp with all kinds of cool LEGO building projects from your friends at Bricks 4 Kidz!

Dates: Monday-Friday, August 7-11
Time: 1 - 4 p.m.
Location: Peter G. Schmidt Elementary
Ages: 6-12
Min/Max: 6/16
Fee: Half Day: $225; Full Day: $395
This creative camp series is designed to be an amazing LEGOfilled experience. Every day is a different adventure, with a variety of different building techniques, guided creative play time, an opportunity to make new friends, and so much more - all around our theme of the week. All campers make and take home a custom mini-figure and photo collage of the week’s experience.
Sailing Camps held at Olympia Community Sailing, 201 Simmons Street NW, Olympia 98501
Youth Adventure Sailing: STEAM Mechanical Masterminds
Join us for a week of on-the-water fun! Sailors will explore Budd Inlet while learning the basics of sailing and investigating STEAM topics. We’ll emphasize mechanics and engineering, seeking to answer questions like: How do boats float? How do sailboats sail upwind? How is wind used as power? Sailors will get to contribute to a citizen science program! We’ll be partnering with local organizations like the Puget Sound Estuarium on projects including plastic monitoring, wind power, buoyancy and more.
Harbor Mice
Our youngest sailors will spend a week becoming comfortable around small sailboats. The goal is to have fun, and build confidence so that when they are old enough they are excited and confident to take Beginner Youth Sailing!
Harbor Mice is for 6-7 year olds, the “harbor mice” will sail with their instructors in small groups in our double-handed dinghies that the Teen and Race sailors use. In addition to sailing, Harbor Mice play games, make sailing crafts, and learn about the marine environment of Budd Inlet.
Youth Beginner Sailing
Join us for a fun-filled week on the water! Sailors will hop in a boat and learn the basics of sailing and seamanship while exploring the waters of Budd Inlet.
This beginner’s sailing class is for youth ages 8-12 that have never sailed, or want to refresh their skills before moving on to an intermediate class. Sailors are taught in Optimist (Opti) dinghies, an 8-footlong single-person sailboat.

Teen Beginner Sailing
Join us for a week on the water learning the basics of sailing and seamanship. Teens will learn how to properly rig, and sail their boat alongside a friend.
For teens ages 13-18 that have never sailed before, or want to refresh their basic sailing skills. Sailors are taught in 420 dinghies, a 420cm long (14 ft) two-person sailboat. Instructors are Alumni of the High School Sailing Team, and cater to the older age in the class.
Instructor: Olympia Community Sailing
Dates: Monday - Friday, June 26-30
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Ages: 8-12
Min/Max: 1/2
Fee: $495
Days: Monday - Friday (except Session 3)
Session 1: June 26-30, 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Session 2: June 26-30, 1 - 4:30 p.m.
Session 3: July 3-7, 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. (No July 4)
Session 4: July 17-21, 1 - 4:30 p.m.
Session 5: July 24-28, 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Ages: 6 - 7
Min/Max: 1/2 per session
Fee: $250 per session
Date/Session: Monday – Friday, June 26 - 30
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Ages: 8 - 12
Min/Max: 1/2 per session
Fee: $495
Dates: June 26-30; July 3-7 (No camp 7/4)
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Ages: 13-18
Min/Max: 1/2 per session
Fee: $445 per session
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Tumwater Dance Teams!
Dance Team students work on technique and learn routines in three different genres - Jazz, Pom and Hip Hop - and perform at community events and competitions. Uniform fee payable to the instructor on the first day of class. Call Tumwater Parks & Recreation to check for availability.
Midway Dance (Ages 7-10)
Day/Time: Tuesdays, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Junior Dance (Ages 10-14)
Day/Time: Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
This course is designed to prepare 11-15 year olds for the responsibility of safely caring for infants and children. This dynamic, interactive, activity-based program provides participants with numerous hands-on learning experiences. Includes instruction in CPR, first aid techniques, problem solving methods, and supervision. Don’t forget to wear comfortable clothing!

Instructor: Paula Willadsen
Day: Saturday
Dates: June 3 or Sept. 16
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Tumwater Fire Dept.
Training Room
Ages: 11 - 15
Min/Max: 8/20 per session
Fee: $50
Outdoor Storytime
Who doesn’t like a good book, especially on a lovely summer day at the park? Join our partners from Tumwater Timberland Library for Music, movement, books and activities for the whole family this summer at Pioneer Park. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Pre-registration is encouraged, but not required.

Instructor: Tumwater Timberland Library Staff
Dates: Wednesdays, July 12 - Aug. 23
Time: 10 - 10:30 a.m.
Location: Pioneer Park Picnic Shelter
Age: 6 and under (accompanied by an adult)
Min/Max: 10/50
Fee: Free
Instructor: Kim Griffin
Dates: Tuesdays, Ongoing
Location: Tumwater District Stadium
Mirror Room
Max: 24 Midway/28 Junior
Fee: $55/month
Fall Preview!
SAVED BY THE BELL: After School Hangout
In partnership with the Tumwater School District, join Tumwater Parks and Recreation for Saved by the Bell: After School Hangout. Saved by the Bell allows 6th-8th graders to supplement their day with indoor and outdoor recreation opportunities. Participants will burn off steam and unwind from the school day while being supervised by our professional recreational staff. This after school program will develop learning, encourage imagination, offer help with homework, and promote positive social skills. For Tumwater School District students only.
Program is closed on holidays and school breaks. Space is limited!
Beginner Gymnastics
Join us at Ascend Gymnastics for a beginner level gymnastics class. Work on skill development with Ascend's enthusiastic, safety conscious instructors. Students will be introduced to Floor skills (rolls, handstands, cartwheels, and more!) along with Bar and Beam skills!
Days: Monday - Thursday
Dates: Session 1: Sept. 18-Oct. 19 Session 2: Nov. 6-Dec. 7 (No program 11/21-24)
Time: 2:45 - 4:15 p.m.
Location: Tumwater Middle School
Grades: 6 - 8
Min/Max: Session 1: 10/50; Session 2: 10/20
Fee: $20 per session
Day: Saturdays
Date: Monthly / June, July, August
Time: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: Ascend Gymnastics of Olympia, 2643 Mottman Court SW
Age: 5-10
Min/Max: 3/7
Fee: $69
Simple Introduction to Golf
During this 4-week session, participants will be introduced to the key fundamentals of playing golf. The goal is to introduce the game of golf that allows the participants to enjoy their introduction to practicing and playing.

To register for a session, please visit The Valley Golf Academy: https://thevalleygolfacademy.wufoo.com/forms/m1ww4jll04ow6d7/
Instructor: Valley Golf Academy Instructors
Day: Tuesdays
Date: June 6-27; August 1-22
Time: 5 - 6 p.m.
Age: 16 and over
Location: Tumwater Valley Golf Course
Min/Max: 5/10 per session
Fee: $140 per session
Skyhawks Sports Camps
Skyhawks Sports Camps
Skyhawks Sports Academy provides sports programs where children discover and develop athletic skills and social values, such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship. Skyhawks offers children a positive sports experience while promoting a healthy, active lifestyle. Camps held at Pioneer Park, 5801 Henderson Blvd SE unless otherwise noted.
For all camps: Participants should bring a water bottle, two snacks, lunch (full-day camps only), sunscreen, and wear appropriate athletic attire. Every child receives an award certificate and Skyhawks t-shirt. Register online directly through Skyhawks: www.skyhawks.com. Note: Fee increases $10 for registrations made within one week of session start date.
Basketball Camp
This fun, skill-intensive program is designed for beginning to intermediate players. Using our progressional curriculum, we focus on the whole player, teaching sportsmanship and teamwork. Boys and girls will learn the fundamentals of passing, shooting, ball handling, rebounding and defense through skill-based instruction and smallsided scrimmages.

Date: Session 1: Wed. - Fri., July 5-7
Session 2: Mon. - Fri., Aug. 7-11
Times: Ages 4-7, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Ages 6-12, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Location: Peter G. Schmidt, 237 Dennis St. SW
Ages: 4-12
Fee: Session 1: $89 (Half Day/4-7); $109 (Full Day/6-12)
Session 2: $145 (Half Day/4-7); $199 Full Day/6-12)
Outdoor Volleyball Camp
Experience the energy and excitement of this great team sport in one fun-filled program. All aspects of the game are taught through drills and exercises that focus on bumping, setting, spiking, hitting and serving. Fesigned for the beginning to intermediate player.
Day: Monday-Friday
Date: June 26-30 or July 24-28
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Ages: 6-12
Fee: $145
Mini-Hawk (Baseball, Flag Football & Soccer)
This multi-sport program was developed to give children a positive first step into athletics. The essentials of each sport are taught in a safe, structured environment with lots of encouragement and a big focus on fun. Mini-Hawk games and activities allow campers to explore balance, movement, hand/eye coordination, and skill development at their own pace. Skyhawks staff are trained to handle the specific needs of young athletes.
Day: Monday-Friday
Date: June 26-30 or July 24-28
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Ages: 4-7
Fee: $145
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Skyhawks Sports Camps
Skyhawks Sports Camps
Skyhawks Sports Academy provides sports programs where children discover and develop athletic skills and social values, such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship. Skyhawks offers children a positive sports experience while promoting a healthy, active lifestyle. Camps held at Pioneer Park, 5801 Henderson Blvd SE unless otherwise noted.
For all camps: Participants should bring a water bottle, two snacks, lunch (full-day camps only), sunscreen, and wear appropriate athletic attire. Every child receives an award certificate and Skyhawks t-shirt. Register online directly through Skyhawks: www.skyhawks.com. Note: Fee increases $10 for registrations made within one week of session start date.
Multi-Sport programs are designed to introduce young athletes to a variety of different sports in one setting. Athletes will learn the rules and essential skills of each sport, along with vital life lessons such as sportsmanship, inclusion and teamwork.
Day: Monday-Friday
Date: July 10-14 (Baseball/Flag Football/ Soccer)
Aug. 14-18 (Volleyball/Golf/Soccer)
Time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Ages: 6-12
Fee: $199
Flag Football Camp fueled by USA Football
Using a curriculum developed by the experts from USA Football, coaches will teach skills like passing, receiving, kicking and flag pulling. Participants will gain confidence and learn important life lessons in a fun, positive environment.

Soccer Camp
Your young athlete will gain the technical skills and sport knowledge required for their next step into soccer. Areas of focus are dribbling, passing, shooting and ball control. By the end of the program, your child will have learned new life skills such as teamwork and sportsmanship, made new friends and improved their soccer skills.
Dates: Monday - Friday, July 17-21
Time: Ages 4-7, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Ages 6-12, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fee: $145 (Half Day/4-7); $199 (Full Day/6-12)
Date: Monday-Friday, August 7-11
Time: Ages 4-7, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Ages 6-12, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fee: $145 (Half Day/4-7); $199 (Full Day/6-12)
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Skyhawks Sports Academy Camps & Clinics
Skyhawks Sports Camps
Skyhawks Sports Academy provides sports programs where children discover and develop athletic skills and social values, such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship. Skyhawks offers children a positive sports experience while promoting a healthy, active lifestyle. Camps held at Pioneer Park, 5801 Henderson Blvd SE unless otherwise noted.
For all camps: Participants should bring a water bottle, two snacks, lunch (full-day camps only), sunscreen, and wear appropriate athletic attire. Every child receives an award certificate and Skyhawks t-shirt.
Register online directly through Skyhawks: www.skyhawks.com. Note: Fee increases $10 for registrations made within one week of session start date.
Baseball Camp
Learn the fundamentals of fielding, catching, throwing, hitting and base running - all in a fun, positive environment. Specifically designed for beginning and intermediate players, this program teaches athletes new baseball skills along with vital life lessons such as respect, teamwork and responsibility.
Dates: Monday - Friday, July 31-August 4
Time: Ages 4-7, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Ages 6-12, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Location: Tumwater Hill Park, 3115 Ridgeview Court SW
Fee: $145 (Half Day/4-7); $199 (Full Day/6-12)
Skyhawks Soccer Clinics

Skyhawks provides a wide variety of fun, safe and positive programs that emphasize critical lessons in sports and life, such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship. Designed to give each child a positive introduction into sports while fostering a lifelong love for an active, healthy lifestyle.
Register online directly through Skyhawks: www.skyhawks.com. Note: Fee increases $10 for registrations made within one week of session start date.
For all Skyhawks programs below: Day: Wednesdays
Dates: Session 1: June 21-July 12 Session 2: July 26-August 16
Location: Pioneer Park, 5801 Henderson Blvd SE
Fee: $70 per 4-week session
Times by Age Group:
Age 2-3: 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Min/Max: 3/24
Age 3-4: 4:10 - 4:40 p.m. Min/Max: 3/24
4:50 - 5:20 p.m. Min/Max: 3/24
Age 5-7: 5:30 - 6:15 p.m. Min/Max: 5/24
Age 8-10: 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. Min/Max: 3/24
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks

Tumwater Tennis Academy & High School Tennis Readiness Camp

Tumwater Tennis Academy
Join the fun this summer at the Tumwater Tennis Academy! Instructor Greg Bert, USPTA Certified Developmental Tennis Coach & IFPA Certified Tennis Conditioning Specialist, uses the US Tennis Association game-based approach to teaching. Participants may register for one or more sessions and are grouped according to experience and ability level. Each participant will receive one academy t-shirt per summer.
Session 1: Monday - Friday, June 26 - 30
Session 2: Monday - Friday, August 7 - 11
Time: 9 - 11 a.m.
Location: Black Hills High School
Ages: Fall grades 1 - 10
Fee: $65 per session, includes one academy t-shirt for the summer camp series
High School Tennis Readiness Camp

Are you planning to play tennis this fall or next spring 2024? Do you want to play, but don’t know how? Well, this camp is for you. We will get you “up to speed” on all things tennis to prepare you for high school tennis at Black Hills or Tumwater High. This camp is taught by Greg Bert, an award winning Physical Education teacher, author, and HS Tennis Coach. Participants will work on groundstrokes, serving, volleying, and score keeping. Camp is open to all students who will be attending high school this upcoming fall (2023).
Days: Monday - Friday
Dates: August 14 - 18
Time: 9 - 11 a.m.
Location: Black Hills High School
Ages: Fall grades 9 - 12
Fee: $50
Registration for Tumwater Recreational Basketball is open Tuesday, September 5 thru Friday, September 29. Boys and girls, grades 2-8, who reside within Tumwater School District boundaries are eligible for play. Practices held weeknights in local gymnasiums starting mid-October. Games scheduled for weekend play, beginning in November. Skill development, teamwork and improving your game is the focus of this league.

Register online: www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks. For in-person registration: City Hall is open to the public Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Late registrations will be processed only if there is space available and assigned to teams/schools needing players. Registration fee includes team T-shirt. Coach’s meeting is Thursday, October 12 at in the Tumwater Middle School Cafeteria at 6 p.m. Volunteer coaches are always needed.
Registration and coach’s packets will be available on the City website and in the Parks & Recreation office in September.
Tumwater Youth Competitive Basketball registration is open Tuesday, September 5 thru Friday, September 29. This league is team registration only; no individual player registrations will be accepted. League offers four divisions* of play for 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grade boys and girls. Teams need to be comprised of players from one high school service area only. Any exceptions must be cleared through the League Coordinator at the time of registration.

Register your team online: www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks. For in-person registration: City Hall is open to the public MondayFriday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Divisions filled on a first-come, first-served basis with priority given to teams that participated last year.
Call Tumwater Parks & Recreation to request a team registration packet; available in September.
*Grade levels may need to be combined to form complete divisions if team registrations are low.
Registration opens September 5!
Days: Practices on weeknights, games on Saturdays & some Sundays
Dates: Practices begin mid-October; Games run November thru January
Location: Tumwater School District gymnasiums
Ages: 2rd & 3rd grade (“C” Division) 4th & 5th grade (“B” Division) 6th, 7th & 8th grade ("A" Division)
Fee: $110 per player
Late Fee: $120 per player after September 29 Registrations received after September 29 will be processed only if space is available and assigned to teams/schools needing players.
Days: Games: Mostly Saturdays with a few Sundays
Dates: November thru January
Location: Tumwater School District gymnasiums
Ages: 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grade boys & girls
Fee: $600 per team for 10 -game season (No refunds after September 29).
Late Fee: $650 per team after September 29 if space is available.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Kickin' It Adult Kickball League
Time to lace up the tennies and get your friends together for a fun game of kickball! This coed self-officiated recreational league includes 1 captain and no less than 9 and no more than 15 players. Teams will play 2 games per night. The season will conclude with a playoff tournament. League champions will receive t-shirts.
League meeting: Tuesday, June 20, 5 - 5:45 p.m. (Pioneer Park Picnic Shelter)
Adult Cornhole League

Day: Tuesday
Season: June 20 - Aug. 1 (No games 7/4)
Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Location: Pioneer Park Baseball Field 1
Min/Max: 4/8 teams
Fee: $150 per team
Registration Deadline: June 13
We're bringing back the fan-favorite lawn game turned league. Do you have what it takes to become the Tumwater Cornhole champion? This self-officiated league will consist of 5 weeks of play, 45-minute matches (best out of 3 games). Playoff tournament will be held in week 6. Teams will play two games (up to 6 matches) per night. League champions receive t-shirts.
Pre-season meetings will be held at the Pioneer Park Picnic Shelter: June 6, 5 - 5:45 p.m. Coed Recreational (June/July league)
August 8, 5 - 5:45 p.m. Coed Recreational (August/Sept. league)
Season: Tuesday - Coed* Recreational: June 6 - July 18 (No Games 7/4)
Tuesday - Coed* Recreational: Aug. 8 - Sept. 12
Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Location: Pioneer Park Baseball Field Outfield #4 (June leagues) Baseball Outfield #1 (August league)
Min/Max: 6/24 teams per division
Fee: $60 per team. Teams are allowed up to 3 players
Registration Deadline: May 26 for June league; July 28 for August league
*Teams are not required to be Coed.
Adult Sand 4 v 4 Volleyball League
Let's bump, set and spike in the sand! Coed teams will play on Thursday evenings at Pioneer Park Sand Courts. Limited to 8 teams. Matches consist up to 3 self-officiated games per night. The season will conclude with a playoff tournament. League champions will receive t-shirts.
Pre-season meeting: June 22, 5 - 5:45 p.m. at the Pioneer Park Picnic Shelter
Rally in the Valley Volleyball Tournament
Bump, set, spike! This one-day self-officiated volleyball tournament will consist of 2-person teams, men’s and women’s in the morning and Coed in the afternoon. Both A and B divisions offered. Teams will participate in pool play and then all teams will go onto a double elimination tournament. Teams will be seeded in the tournament based on win/loss record. Food trucks will be on site to satisfy your appetite and keep your strength up! Teams are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis or until full. Deadline to register is May 31.
Season: Thursdays, June 22 - July 27
Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Location: Pioneer Park Volleyball Courts
Min/Max: 4/8 teams
Fee: $150 per team
Registration Deadline: June 15
Date: Saturday, June 3
Time: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Men and Women), check-in: 8:15 a.m. 3 - 8 p.m. (Coed), check-in: 2:15 p.m.
Location: Pioneer Park Soccer Fields 1-3
Min/Max: 8/30 per division
Fee: $50/team
$40/team if providing own net
Registration Deadline: May 31
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Yoga with a Chair
This class uses a chair as the starting point for a one hour flow of standing and sitting postures where students will build strength, release stress, and safely learn balancing poses. In this class we will also work on our ability to get up and down from the floor.

Beginning Yoga
Begin your yoga practice here. This in-person class will help you begin a yoga practice no matter what level of fitness you are at right now. Learn the basics of movement, breath and alignment. Begin to get healthier, more centered and more grounded. Connect to your body, mind and spirit through breath and movement.
Day: Wednesdays, June - August
Time: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Ages: 16 and up
Min/Max: 1/10
Fee: $58 per month
Energetic Yoga
An energetic blend of yoga postures, breath and transitions presented in an adaptable and approachable way.
Yoga classes offered through a partnership with Firefly Yoga, 212 Tumwater Blvd. SW
Instructor: Lisa Cosmillo
Day/Dates: Tuesdays or Thursdays, June - August
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Ages: 16 and up
Min/Max: 1/10
Fee: $58 per month
Day: Tuesdays or Thursdays, June - August
Time: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Ages: 16 and up
Min/Max: 1/10
Fee: $58 per month
TumWalk is Tumwater’s walking program, started to encourage active and healthy lifestyles. Participation is easy from the convenience of your own neighborhood. Walking is a great way for us all to get outside, exercise, and engage both our minds and bodies.
Register online, then download the Pacer mobile app (www.mypacer.com). You'll receive a link from us to join the TumWalk group. Then, you can take on regular challenges, achieve goals and even win prizes, all while enjoying the beneficial activity of walking! Group members who achieve (25,000 steps) receive an exclusive TumWalk headband to wear proudly. Take your walk to the next level and make your steps count! Join the TumWalk team for free. Register online today.
Dates: Sign-up now, program is ongoing Challenges: Monthly challenges offered in the Pacer app!
Ages: All Ages! Fee: Free
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Mixxedfit is a people-inspired fitness program that combines explosive dance movements with body weight toning. You will dance to music that you would most likely hear on the radio, at the club, or driving in your car. The music selection is upbeat, fresh, and familiar. Moves are repetitive and easy to follow so you can easily focus on maximizing your workouts effectively. For more information about Mixxedfit visit ilovemixxedfit.com.
Ladies Body Sculpting Fitness
Ladies, grab your weights and fitness mats and join us outdoors at Pioneer Park. Come and get stronger, more toned and confident during this 60-minute class. A total body, low impact, strength training workout designed for all women. Bring your mats and some 3 to 5 lbs weights.
Towing with Confidence
Get confident with towing and trailer backing! Are you new to backing a trailer or looking to increase your skill? Being comfortable towing a boat, camper, utility, or other trailer can be the difference between a fun, productive day and a stressful one. In this 2-hour hands-on course, we will provide effective techniques as you back your trailer through real-life scenarios in a calm, stress-free manner. The course includes handy tips for improving communication between the driver and spotter, and is ideal for all family members who want to feel confident backing a variety of trailers. You must provide your own vehicle and trailer for this course. For more information call (360) 602-1024 or email luke@boatsafenw.org.
Instructor: Melissa Castaneda-Kerson

Dates: Saturdays, July 8-August 12
Time: 9 - 10 a.m.
Location: Barclift Park
690 Barclift Lane, Tumwater
Ages: 16 and up
Min/Max: 5/10
Fee: $25
Instructor: Patricia Cash, AFFA
Certified Personal Trainer
Dates: Saturdays, Aug. 19-Sept 30 (No class on 9/2)
Time: 9 - 10 a.m.
Location: Pioneer Park Picnic Shelter
Min/Max: 5/10
Fee: $25
Instructor: Luke Robert, Training Director
Date: Saturday, June 10, July 8, August 12
Times: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. or 1 - 3 p.m.
Location: Trails End Arena
1500 79th Ave, Tumwater
Min/Max: 2/4 per session and time slot
Fee: $200 per session/time slot
Voice-overs: NOW is YOUR Time!
Date: Monday, July 10
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Min/Max: 5/12
In what could be the most enlightening 2 hours you’ve ever spent, this class will show you how you can actually begin using your speaking voice for commercials, films, videos, and more. Most people go about it the wrong way. In this introductory class, you will learn about a unique, outside the box way to break into this creative, fulfilling, and potentially lucrative industry. Voice-overs can be managed on your own terms, on your own turf, in your own time, and with minimal overhead! Whether you choose to pursue voice-overs part-time or full-time, this could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.
Fee: $49
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Beginning Guitar
Discover what guitar playing is all about! If you have never played the guitar, or can play a little, this class is for you. You will study proper techniques, melody, harmony, and some sight-reading. Bring your own guitar (acoustic or electric with small amplifier). $25 book fee payable to instructor at first class.
All About Chords
After completing any beginning guitar class, you are ready to read and create chord diagrams. Learn how to be successful at playing basic chords through proven techniques for guitar harmony. Required textbook: Diatonic Triad Book from the Beginning Guitar class.
Instructor: Bill Sweeney
Date: Thursdays, June 29 - July 27
Time: 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW
Ages: 13 and up
Min/max: 1/2
Fee: $99
Instructor: Bill Sweeney
Dates: Thursday, August 3
Time: 7:15 - 8:45 p.m.
Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW
Ages: 13 and up
Min/max: 1/2
Fee: $45
Taiko Drumming
Taiko, the art of Japanese Drumming, is now available to you! If you have ever wondered what it is like to play the big drums, now is your chance to find out! This is a physical activity that requires being able to stand for an hour and flex and stretch.
No experience needed for the beginning class, and drums are provided. Students will use Nisqually Middle School’s practice drums and play on the rawhide drums during the final class. *You must have taken Beginning Taiko to register for Intermediate.
Yes, You Can Play The Ukulele: Part 2
This class picks up where "Yes, You Can Play" (Part 1) left off. Learn to play several more classic, timeless songs of different genres and eras, learn some new strum patterns to add rhythmic interest and variety to your playing, get to know some new chords, and more.
Pre-requisite: Part 1 class or knowledge of at least 6 basic chords and ability to transition between them. Bring a soprano, concert, or tenor uke (No baritone ukes, please). You will also need a uke capo for this class. No loaner instruments are available.
Ukulele Summer Songs
It's time to celebrate summer! And nothing goes better than warm weather than happy summer songs played on the ukulele! Learn fun, summer-themed songs by artists like The Beach Boys, Jimmy Buffett, Van Morrison, Seals & Crofts and more, as you simultaneously improve your uke skills and strumming options.
Pre-requisite: Bring a soprano, concert, or tenor uke (No baritone ukes, please). Have taken intro class and have knowledge of at least 7 basic chords and ability to transition between them. You will also need a uke capo. No loaner instruments are available.
Instructor: John Theine
Dates: Thursdays, July 13-August 24
Time: 6 - 7 p.m. (Beginning); or 7 - 8 p.m. (Intermediate)*
Location: Nisqually Middle School, 8100 Steilacoom Rd SE, Lacey, 98503
Ages: 16 and up
Min/Max: 1/5
Fee: $30
Instructor: Jeff Saxon
Dates: Mondays, June 26 - July 31 (No class 7/3)
Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW
Min/Max: 1/3
Fee: $119 (includes instructional booklet)
Instructor: Jeff Saxon
Dates: Wednesdays, June 14-July 19 (No class 7/5)
Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW
Min/Max: 1/3
Fee: $119 (includes instructional booklet)
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Riverwalk Guided History Tours
Riverwalk tours are back! Learn the history of Euro-American settlement along the Deschutes River – now the location of Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls – and the relationship between people and the river over the last two centuries, from trusted local guides.Participants will meet the tour guide outside of the Olympia-Tumwater Foundation office at Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls. Pre-registration is required. Questions regarding location or logistics? Call (360) 786-8117 or email history@olytumfoundation.org.
Help with registration? Email tumwaterparks@ci.tumwater.wa.us.
Art in the Parks Workshop
Day: Tuesday
Date: June 6, June 20, July 11, July 25, August 8, August 22
Time: 5 - 6 p.m.
Location: Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls, 110 Deschutes Way SW, Tumwater Corner of C St. & Deschutes Pkwy
Min/Max: 5/15
Fee: FREE; pre-registration required
Spring is a great time to enjoy our parks and soak up all the creativity that comes from the blooming flowers and chirping birds. No experience is necessary to take part in this workshop. Join us to enjoy community and art making in our parks!
Painting in the Park - led by Tara Hodge, The Traveling Artist
In this workshop, Tara Hodge of The Traveling Artist will lead attendees through the creation of their own painting of Mount Rainier. All supplies are provided, as well as refreshments. Come enjoy a pampered painting experience while taking in the breathtaking views at Overlook Park.


Day/Date: Saturday, June 17
Time: 1 - 4 p.m.
Location: Overlook Park
Age: 14 and up
Min/Max: 5/15
Fee: $40
National Trails Day LEND A HELPING HAND!
Saturday, June 3 | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. |
Historical Park
Tumwater Parks & Recreation is celebrating National Trails Day with a fun and rewarding stewardship work party. Join fellow volunteers in making improvements along the trails at Tumwater Historical Park. Tools, gloves, water, and light refreshments will be provided.

To register for the National Trails Day service project, visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/NationalTrailsDay.
Put your free time to good use!
Volunteers help extend the reach of City programs and provide valuable connections to the community. No minimum time commitment is required. Visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/volunteer for more details.
Dog Days
Dog Days celebrates the companionship between humanity and our furry friends. Over time, dogs have evolved into our protectors, service providers, and companions. Join us in celebrating “Humanity’s Best Friend” as we kick off the summer season.

Special thanks to our Presenting Sponsor TwinStar Credit Union and our Community Partner Thurston County Humane Society.
Community Participants: Thurston County Joint Animal Services, Tumwater Police Dept K9 Unit, Tumwater Water Resources, Concern for Animals, Happy Dog Institute, Old Dog Haven, Adopt-a-Pet Shelton, and Fences for Fido.
event sche D ule
Parent/Pup Look-A-Like Contest Dog Costume Contest
Celebrate July 4th in Tumwater!
Parade, Artesian Family Festival & Thunder Valley Fireworks Show

Fireworks Premier Sponsor: Nisqually Red Wind Casino

Independence Day Parade | 11 a.m.
Join the City of Tumwater for the 35th Annual Independence Day Celebration Parade. This year’s theme is "Christmas in July."
Interested in entering the parade? Get all the details and complete the Parade Entry online: www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parade.

Calling all convertible owners! Want to escort a parade dignitary? We’d love to hear from you! Escort vehicle entries filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Tumwater Artesian Family Festival & Thunder Valley Fireworks Show | 6 p.m. gates; 10:15 p.m. fireworks

For the 22nd year, we will host this fun, family-friendly event at the golf course driving range. It's the biggest and best fireworks festival in the County!
Music, food, games and more! Gates open at 6 p.m. Fireworks show starts at 10:15 p.m. Parking $10 per car.
love our sponsors!

2023 Series Sponsor:

GreenScreenon the
What better way to spend summer nights in the PNW than at an open-air cinema? Grab a blanket, pack a picnic, and join fellow parkgoers for a family-friendly movie under the stars. Oh, and did we mention that Sweetlee's Ice Cream will be there? Screen on the Green is more than just an outdoor movie experience. It is an inclusive space that celebrates community connections and encourages young and old to get outside and enjoy the natural beauty of our parks.

The series is FREE and kicks off on the 3rd Friday in July. Low-backed chairs are allowed, but please leave grills, umbrellas, and pets at home. Movie screenings begin at dusk. www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/screenonthegreen
Movie Line-Up:
Friday, July 21 | "Vivo" (PG) - Tumwater Valley Golf Course.

Sponsor: WSECU
Friday, July 28 | "Enchanted" (PG) - Tumwater Hill Park.
Sponsor: Greene Realty Group Betty Holt
Friday, August 4 | "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" (G) - Barclift Park.
Friday, August 11 | "Top Gun Maverick" (PG-13) - Tumwater Valley Golf Course. Sponsor: Lacey, Capital, Chehalis, Extreme Collision Centers
Saturday, August 19 | 1 - 8 p.m.
SIP beer from 50 PNW breweries (along with cider and spirits!)
SAVOR food from local vendors and restaurants
PLAY supersized lawn games, enter a stein holding competition, & more!
ENJOY live and DJ music

Premier Sponsor: O Bee Credit Union
Tumwater Valley Golf Course 21 & over event www.TumwaterArtesianBrewfest.com
First Tee golf sessions for spring, summer and fall are offered for youth ages 4-17 at Tumwater Valley Golf Club. To register or for additional information, please visit: www.thefirstteesouthpugetsound.org.
Kathy was nationally recognized by her peers in 2012 as one of Golf Digest’s “50 Best Women Teachers in America.” In 2008, LPGA members voted her a “Top 50 Teacher in the LPGA.”
Kathy brings to the lesson tee many innovative ways of communicating. She is dedicated to making the game rewarding, fun and accessible for everyone!
Contact Kathy to get started: kokelly2@comcast.net or (360) 701-2295.
To book your individual or group instruction, or to simply learn more about our instructors and offerings, please visit: www.thevalleygolfacademy.com or contact us directly at (360) 347-6282.

Simple Introduction to Golf
During this 4-week session, participants will be introduced to the key fundamentals of playing golf. The goal is to introduce the game of golf that allows the participants to enjoy their introduction to practicing and playing.

To register for a session, please visit The Valley Golf Academy: https://thevalleygolfacademy.wufoo.com/forms/m1ww4jll04ow6d7/
Instructor: Valley Golf Academy Instructors
Day: Tuesdays
Date: June 6-27; August 1-22
Time: 5 - 6 p.m.
Age: 16 and over
Location: Tumwater Valley Golf Course
Min/Max: 5/10 per session
Fee: $140 per session
Active Adult Trips and Tours - Age 50 & up
Our trips and tours program for active adults 50 and up offer exercise, sightseeing, photo opportunities and a chance to meet some great people. Departure location will be from the Tumwater Library parking lot. Deadline to register is one week prior to the trip.
For special accommodations, please contact staff: tumwaterparks@ci.tumwater.wa.us or call (360) 754-4160.
Wolf Haven International Sanctuary
We are heading towards the small town Tenino known for their nationally recognized wolf sanctuary that has rescued and provided a lifetime home for nearly 200 displaced, captive-born wolves since 1982. This guided tour will offer a rare close-up view of the wolves like you have not seen before.

After our tour, we will head to the Sandstone Café in downtown Tenino for lunch. Price includes trip management, transportation, and admission.
Instructor: TPRD Staff
Date: Thursday, June 29
Time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Min/Max: 5/8
Fee: $45
Legislative Building Tour
We are staying local for a tour of the Legislative Building. The Capital Campus is the "crown jewel" of our State Capital and home to our Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, and Treasurer. After our tour, we will grab bite to eat at Tugboat Annie’s located on the West Bay Marina.
Be sure to bring your picture ID; it will be required in order to access the building for this tour. Price includes trip management, transportation, and tour.
Above The Trees; TreeHouse Point Tour
Come along as we venture to Fall City where peace and tranquility await. TreeHouse Point Retreat Center is nestled along the Raging River where we will visit eight different tree house’s high above the tree line. The tour will take approximately 1.5 hours. Our first stop will be for brunch at the Roadhouse Restaurant in Fall City Make sure to bring extra money for the gift shop.
Please note the tour is not wheelchair or walker friendly and there is no opportunity for sitting. Pre-registration is required by August 1st. Price includes, trip management, transportation, and tour.
Instructor: TPRD Staff
Date: Wednesday, July 12
Time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Min/Max: 5/8
Fee: $45
Instructor: TPRD Staff
Date: Wednesday, August 30
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Min/Max: 6/8
Fee: $90
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Senior Driving Workshop
Do you feel safe on the road? Nowadays, there are more cars on the road which means more ways for accidents to happen. With 52 years of experience, join Gerry Apple for an interactive workshop that covers areas such as texting, driving in bad weather, handling emergencies, freeways, stop positions, reference points, what to do in case of a collision and more. Guest speakers from Washington State Patrol and Operation Lifesaver (Railroad Safety) will be in attendance. At the end of the workshop, you will receive a certificate that will apply a 5 to 10% discount on your auto insurance over a two-year period. Feel safe again on the road.
Instructor: Gerry Apple, WTSEA
Day: Tuesday, August 22 or September 19
Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Age: 55 and up
Location: Old Town Center
Min/Max: 8/15
Fee: $20
Fun and Film at the Old Town Center
Join us at 12:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month for a movie. Popcorn is included.
June 14: "Driving Miss Daisy" (PG)
The story defines Daisy and her point of view through a network of relationships and emotions by focusing on her home life, synagogue, friends, family, fears, and concerns over a twenty-five-year period.
July 12: "Fried Green Tomatoes: (NR)
Date: Second Wednesday of the month / June, July, August
Time: 12:30 - 2 p.m. or until movie is over
Age: 55 and up
Location: Old Town Center
Fee: Free
A housewife who is unhappy with her life befriends an older lady in a nursing home and is enthralled by the tales of the people in her past.
August 9: "The Long Long Trailer" (PG)
Nicky and Tacy are going to be married. Nicky wants to save up money for a house, but Tacy dreams of starting off with their own home on wheels, a trailer.
Coffee with the Mayor
Coffee Hour with the Mayor
Tumwater is growing and changing every day. If you want to stay updated and informed, join Mayor Debbie Sullivan for a monthly coffee hour. This program will feature upcoming projects, committee updates special guests, and City news.

This is a great opportunity to get to know your elected officials in the City of Tumwater. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided. Pre-registration is preferred but not required.
Date: Wednesday, October 11 Time: 10 - 11 a.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Age: 55 and over
Fee: Free
Collette Vacations
2024 Collette Tours Presentation
Join Collette for a presentation of Irish Splendor and Memorials of World War II. Get a detailed overview of each of the tours along with handouts. Leave the planning up to Collette and book that trip of your dreams now. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required.
Collette Vacations and Tumwater Parks & Recreation have combined efforts to offer our Active Adults opportunities to travel in the US and abroad. Contact Chad Harvell at charvell@ci.tumwater.wa.us for details.
Spotlight on New York City Holiday
Presenter: Toni Ray Ingram
Date: Wednesday, June 7
Time: 10 - 11 a.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Age: 50 and up
Min/Max: 1/20
Fee: Free
Dates: Dec. 14-18, 2023
Triple Occupancy: $2,919
Double Occupancy: $3,949
Single Occupancy: $4,249
Experience the “Big Apple” alive with holiday spirit. From Rockefeller Center to Greenwich Village, NYC shines even brighter during the holidays. Spend 4 nights in the heart of Midtown close to Central Park’s skating rink and Times Square. Watch the curtain rise for an exciting Broadway show. See the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall, featuring the world-famous Rockettes! Ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. See the Empire State Building and Central Park. Visit the poignant 9/11 Museum and Memorial. Enjoy free time to shop and see the elaborate 5th Avenue holiday window displays and more. Book by July 14 and save $350 per person. To book your tour visit https://gateway.gocollette.com/link/1147294
Irish Splendor

Dates: March 1-8, 2024
Double Occupancy: $3,149
Triple Occupancy: $3,119
Explore the historical city of Dublin including a tour of medieval Christ Church Cathedral and its imposing crypt. Gaze upon the historic Rock of Cashel. Kiss the Blarney Stone. Explore the spectacular Dingle Peninsula and drive the Slea Head road for majestic coastal views. Meet a local family and enjoy tea and scones at their farm. Stand in awe on the Cliffs of Moher. Spend the night in a stately castle and relax by a roaring peat fire. Sip on the “Water of Life” at a whiskey distillery. From Dublin’s charming Grafton Street to the breathtaking sights of County Kerry, gaze across the countryside and culture of Ireland. To book your tour, visit https://gateway.gocollette.com/link/1168145.
Single Occupancy: $3,649
Memorials of War
Dates: April 8-17, 2024
Double Occupancy: $5,099
Single Occupancy: $6,099
An unforgettable journey awaits as you travel between London, Normandy and Paris on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. Explore London’s connections to WWII. Cross the English Channel, retracing the journey nearly 160,000 courageous Allied troops took on June 6th, 1944, as they set out to liberate Europe from the Nazis. Immerse yourself in the history of Normandy’s D-Day Landing and visit the Normandy American Cemetery. Visit Saint-Mère-Église, the first French town liberated from the Nazis and learn about the brave paratroopers who parachuted into Normandy. Conclude your journey in Paris, with a dinner cruise along the Seine. To book tour, visit https://gateway.gocollette.com/link/1168216.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Old Town Center
Serving Seniors and Youth | 215 N 2nd Avenue SW | Tumwater WA 98512 | (360) 754-4160
Child Development
Sequoia’s Treehouse Childcare center is open for enrollment at the Old Town Center! At Sequoia’s Treehouse, our emphasis is on the physical, cognitive, and social/emotional growth of children. Children are presented with experiences allowing them to discover and explore their world through art, science, language, music, dramatic play and the natural environment. Our focus is also allowing children the opportunity to explore and spend time in the outdoors as much as possible through free play and structured learning activities. Our goal is to promote every child’s individual development using an appropriate mix of academic and recreational activities. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. For more information, visit www.sequoiastreehouse.com.

Senior Programs
Tumwater Old Town Center (OTC) operates on weekdays, 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. The OTC provides seniors 55 and over, who are residents of the greater Tumwater area, with activities, lunch, coffee, snacks, and fellowship. Visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/seniors for updated information. Participants must be fully vaccinated to attend.
Activities - All activities are free unless otherwise noted.
OTC Summer Closures:
Memorial Day - Monday, May 29
Juneteenth - Monday, June 19
Independence Day - Tuesday, July 4
Monday - Friday, 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Cost is $5 per day or $50 for a 10-meal ticket. Menus include a variety of meals (soups, casseroles, fruits and salads).
Senior Picnics
Thursdays, June 8; Aug. 3; and Sept. 14 at Historical Park. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Food will be served starting at 11:30 a.m. See the monthly senior menu for more picnic details!
Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. in the lunch room. There is always somebody looking for a game.
Senior "Jam"
Tuesday, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. Do you like old time tunes and bluegrass music? Join a group of like-minded folks ready to sing and play.
Second Wednesday of each month at 12:15 p.m. in the lunch room. Prizes donated by the OTC Senior Council.
Arts & Crafts Group
Every Wednesday and Thursday, 9 - 11:30 a.m. Please bring your own supplies. Call Todd Anderson at (360) 754-4164 for more information.
Leather Crafting Group
Every Friday from 9 - 11 a.m. in the multi-purpose room. Beginners welcome. No tools necessary to begin. Call Britt Bowman at (564) 669-0051 for more information. Sponsored by the Tumwater Arts Program.

Food Bank
The Thurston County Food Bank will visit the OTC on the 2nd Friday of each month at 11 a.m., to drop off alreadyprepared bags of food. To be eligible for this FREE program you will need to complete an Intake Form (available in the Cafeteria). Contact Todd Anderson at (360) 754-4164 for further information.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Brewmaster's House (formerly Henderson House)
The Brewmaster’s House was built in 1905 for William and Louise Naumann. Mr. Naumann was a brewmaster at the Olympia brewery just across the river.

Considered quite modern for its day, the house boasted hot and cold running water, a coal-fired boiler, and electric lights in each room. The design of the home was largely inspired by the Victorian age, but was much less elaborate than earlier Queen Anne examples.
The exterior of the home had changed over the years, but it was restored to its original appearance after the City of Tumwater acquired the house in 1977. The interior changed very little and provides a wonderful look at how Tumwater residents lived in the early 1900s. Interpretive signs give the visitor a thorough history of the house and its various owners.
Brewmaster's House is currently closed to the public.
For more information, please contact:
Karen L. Johnson, Curator, Schmidt House Olympia Tumwater Foundation | PO Box 4098 | Tumwater WA 98501 (360) 890-2299 | karen@olytumfoundation.org | www.olytumfoundation.org
Crosby House
Come visit the Crosby House Museum, Tumwater's oldest historic home, located across from the Brewmaster's House in Tumwater's Historic District at 702 Deschutes Way SW. This charming 1860 house was built by Bing Crosby's grandfather, Nathaniel, for his new bride, Cordelia Smith. Now owned by the City of Tumwater, it is managed by Olympia Chapter #4, Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington who have completely furnished the house with period pieces. A delightful addition is a 1"-scale, fully furnished miniature replica of the house.
The Crosby House is currently closed to the public.
For tours or more information, please contact:
Ann Olson, President, Olympia Chapter #4 Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington (360) 943-5209 | sandaolson@outlook.com
Historical and Pioneer Park Shelter Reservations:
• Shelters are available to reserve 365 days in advance.
• Reservations are not confirmed until completed form and fee have been received. Online reservations do not require completion of paper reservation form.
• To check availability, visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks.
• Large/Public Events: For all events larger than 100 people and/or open to the public, a special event permit application must be completed and approved. No person shall use a city park for a public event without a special event permit.

• Reservation fees are refundable minus a $10 cancellation fee.
• Cancellations must be made at least 14 days prior to the reservation to be eligible for a refund . Cancellations are not available through the online registration system; they must be requested by contacting office staff.
• No refunds will be made due to inclement weather.
Amenities/ Hours:
• Parking space is limited. Carpooling recommended.
• The parks can accommodate groups of up to 100 people.
• Parks are opened at sunrise and gates are locked at sunset.
• Historical Park Shelter: Accommodates 80 people. 3 power outlets, 20 amps max each, 1 group grill, and 1 water source.
• Pioneer Park Shelter: Accommodates 50 people. 2 power outlets, 20 amps max each, 1 group grill, and 1 water source.
Shelter reservation fees:

Summer Quarter Registration
Summer registration begins on Friday, May 26, 2023. The programs in this brochure run June through August 2023.
Online: Visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks and create your customer account.
In Person:
City Hall open hours are Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. or by appointment. Please call (360) 754-4160 or email tumwaterparks@ci.tumwater.wa.us for updates
• Class sizes are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
• All classes have minimum/maximum enrollment numbers to ensure a quality experience for all participants. Classes may be cancelled (or combined) due to low enrollment.
• For classes requiring an enrollment fee, the fee must be paid prior to your name being placed on the class roster.
• The City of Tumwater requires that all Parks & Recreation program participants complete a release of liability form either in person or online.
Inclement Weather
Should school be cancelled due to poor weather, power outages or other related circumstances, all parks and recreation classes, leagues and programs scheduled at those facilities will adhere to the school cancellation policies.
Classes with insufficient enrollment will be cancelled one week before starting date unless otherwise noted.
If a class is cancelled, your registration will be refunded in full.
If the participant withdraws from a class/program and requests a refund, the refund policy is as follows unless otherwise noted:
• At least 24 hours prior to the first class - 100%
• After the first class, or less than 24 hours prior to the first class - 80%
• After the second class - No refund
Thurston County Specialized Recreation Programs
Thurston Co. Recreation Services Department , in cooperation with Tumwater Parks and Recreation, provides special service programs to area residents. These programs strive to meet the needs of the developmentally and physically challenged in the Tumwater/ Thurston County area. For more information, call (360) 867-2679. For the hearing impaired, the TDD number is (360) 754-2933.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks