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Äóëàìñ¿ðýí Ö., Ãàíòóëãà Á. Ìîíãîë ñóäëàëûí ìîíãîë õýëýýð ãàðñàí á¿òýýëèéí íîìç¿é: Íýãä¿ãýýð äýâòýð/ Ðåä.Ã.Àêèì, Æ.Öýçýí, Á.Òóíãàëàã.- ÓÁ.: Áåìáè ñàí, 2009.- 128õ.– ISBN 99929-7839-2 Àãóóëãà: ÿí óõààí, øàøíû óõààí, íèéãìèéí øèíæëýõ óõààí, ñî¸ë óðëàãèéí óõààí, ò¿¿õèéí óõààíü óãñààòíû ç¿éí óõààíû íîì ç¿é ...
Ôèëîñîôè ýðõèéí ñóäëàë: XXIII áîòü/ Ðåä. Ö.Óðòíàñàí.- ÓÁ.: Áåìáè ñàí, 2008.- 315õ.– ISBN 97899929-77-65-5 Àãóóëãà: Ôèëîñîôè, øàøèí ñóäëàë, Ñýòãýã÷äèéí îíîë, ¿çýë áàðèìòëàë, Ñîöèîëîãè, Óëñ òºð ñóäëàë, Òºð ýðõèéí ñóäëàë, Ãàäààäûí ñýòãýã÷ ýðäýìòäèéí á¿òýýë, Ñîöèîëîãèéí òîäîðõîé ñóäàëãàà
Ñîöèîëîãèéí ñóäàëãààíû àðãà ç¿é, àðãà÷ëàë/ Ðåä. Ö.Óðòíàñàí, Ö.Ï¿ðýâ.- ÓÁ.: Sansudai, 2008.- 237õ.– ISBN 978-99929-0-644-8 Àãóóëãà: Ñîöèîëîãèéí øèíæëýõ óõààíû á¿òýö, ¿¿ðýã, Ñîöèîëîãèéí ñóäàëãààíû áýëòãýë ¿å øàò, ×àíàðûí ñóäàëãàà, ò¿¿íèé òºðë¿¿ä, Òîîí ñóäàëãààíû àðãà, Õýìæèëò, øêàë áàéãóóëàõ àðãà, Ñîöèîëîãèéí ìýäýýëëèéí øèíæèëãýý
Êðó÷êèí Þ. Èõ íàðàí óëñ/ Ä.Íàðàíòóÿà, Ñ.Çîëçàÿà.- ÓÁ.: JKC printing, 2008.- 94õ. Àãóóëãà: ßïîí îðíû áàéãàëü ò¿¿õ, ñî¸ëûí òàëààð òîâ÷
Êàòóó Á. Àëäàðò òóóëü÷ Ì.Ïàð÷èíû òóóëüñ/ Ðåä. Õ.Ñàìäèëäýíäýâ.- ÓÁ.: Áåìáè ñàí, 2006.- 620õ.– ISBN 99929-6-1778-3 Àãóóëãà: Ì.Ïàð÷èíû òîâ÷ íàìòàð, ìýðãýæëèéí òóóëü÷ áîëîõ íü, òóóëèéí õàãæèëä îðóóëñàí õóâü íýìýð, ò¿¿íèé òóóëèéí àãóóëãà, õýëáýð, óðàí ñàéõíû îíöëîã, ò¿¿íèé õàéëñàí òóóëüñ
Ãàëñàí Ò. Áýëãý ¿ã: Òýðã¿¿í áîòü/ Ðåä. Ñ.Äóëàì; Çóð. Æ.Òºìºðõóÿã.- ÓÁ.: Nomadic Mongolia, 2009.- 454õ. Àãóóëãà: Ìîíãîë àìàí çîõèîëûí òºðºë ç¿éë¿¿ä çàí ààëèéí áîëîí áýëãýäýëò øèíæòýé áàéäãèéã òîäîðõîé¸î õàðóóëàõ íýãýí ç¿éë íü áýëãý äýìáýðëèéí ¿ãñ þì...
Êðó÷êèí Þ. Ìîíãîë-Îðîñ, Îðîñ-Ìîíãîë òîëü áè÷èã: 33000 ãàðóé, 90000 ãàðóé ¿ã õýëëýãòýé/ Ðåä. Æ.Àìãàëàí, Ä.Ñàíæñ¿ðýí, Á.Óíäàðìàà.- ÓÁ.: JKC printing, 2009.- 1255õ.– ISBN 97899929-971-4-1 Àãóóëãà: Ìîíãîë-Îðîñ òîëü íü 33000 ãàðóé, ÎðîñÌîíãîë òîëü íü 90000 ãàðóé ¿ã õýëëýãòýé
Öýöýãìàà Ö. Õ¿íèé íººöèéí ìåíåæìåíò: Îíîë, ïðàêòèê, æèøýý: Ñóðàõ áè÷èã/ ðåä. Õ.Ï¿ðýâäàãâà.- 2 äàõü õýâë.- ÓÁ.: Ãîëäåí Àé Ïðèíòèíã, 2009.- 487õ.– ISBN 978-99929-75-62-8 Àãóóëãà: Õ¿íèé íººöèéí ìåíåæìåíò-Àãóóëãà, ò¿¿õ, çàãâàð, õºãæëèéí ÷èãëýë, Áàéãóóëëàãûí õ¿íèé íººöèéí ìåíåæìåíòèéí ÷èã ¿¿ðýã, Áàéãóóëëàãûí õ¿íèé íººöèéí áîäëîãî áà ñòðàòåãè, Áàéãóóëëàãûí öàëèí , óðàìøóóëàë, Õ¿íèé íººöèéí ìýäýýëëèéí ñèñòåì ...
Ãóí-Ààæàâ Ø. ̺íõèéí äóóëàë ìèíü ìîíãîë öýðýã: Äóóíû öîìîðëèã/ Ðåä.Ö.Íàöàãäîðæ.- ÓÁ.: Äàçë, 2009.- 139õ. Àãóóëãà: Öýðýã ýõ îðíû ñýäýâò äóó, Èðãýíèé óòãà óÿíãûí äóó
Øàðàâ Á. ×èíãèñ õààí äóóðü: Äàðàìæ: Áîäðîë äóó, õîðøèë: III/ Ðåä. Ö.Íàöàãäîðæ.- ÓÁ.: ̺íõèéí ¿ñýã, 2009.- 82õ.ISBN 99929-6-383-2 Àãóóëãà: ª¿ëýí ýõèéí àðè, Òýì¿¿æèíèé àðè, Õàäààíû Àðèîçî, Æàìóõûí àðè, ×èíãèñ õààíû àðè, Òýì¿æèí Æàìóõà íàðûí õîðøèë
Äàãâàäîðæ ×. Ýýæ äóóäíà/ Ðåä. Ä.Öýâýýíäîðæ; Çóð. Ö.Óóãàíáàÿð.ÓÁ.: Greenmirror, 2009.- 336õ.- ISBN 976-99929-2-041-9 Àãóóëãà: Çîõèîë÷èéí ø¿ëýã, äóóíû ÿðóó íàéðàã
Õèøèãñ¿õ Á. Õààí ñóðãààë öîìîðëèã: Ýðòíèé ìîíãîë óðàí çîõèîëûí óíøèõ: Èõ äýýä ñóðãóóëèéí îþóòíóóäàä çîðèóëàâ/ Ðåä. Ò.Äàøöýðýí.- ÓÁ.: Õàéòàí, 2009.- 230õ. Àãóóëãà: Àëóí-ãóà õàòíû äîìîã, Àðãóñàí õóóð÷èéí äîìîã, Àëòàí îðäíû ¿éñýí äýýðõ áè÷èã, ×èíãèñ õààíû áèëèã çýðýã ýðòíèé çîõèîëóóä
Àëòàíãýðýë Ä. Àíãëè-Ìîíãîë òîëü/ ðåä. Æ.Õàôôìàíí, Ï.×èìãýý.ÓÁ., Èíòåðïðåññ, 2002.- 582х.- ISBN 99929-2-111-0 Àãóóëãà: 30000 ãàðóé òîëãîé ¿ãòýé, 6600 òîäîðõîé æèøýýòýé, 4228 õýâøìýë õýëëýã, õýëö ¿ãèéí òàéëáàðòàé, 330 òàéëáàð çóðàãòàé, 20 ñýäýâ÷èëñýí çóðàãòàé
Kottak C.P. Cultural Anthropology: CD-ROM.- 11th ed.- New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.- 440p.– ISBN 0-07-295250-4 Àãóóëãà: What is anthropology, Applying anthropology, Ethics and Methods in cultural anthropology, Culture, Ethnicity ans Race, Language and communication, Making a Living ...
Bentley J.H., Zeigler H.F. Traditions encounters:A global perspective on the past: CD-ROM.- 3rd ed.- New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.776p.- 0-07-299834-2 Àãóóëãà: The postclassical era, 500 to 1000 c.e., An age of cross-cultural interaction, 1000 to 1500 c.e., The origins of global interdependence 1500 to 1800
Stuart T.S., Bostrom C.G. Childern at promise: 9 principles to help kids thrive in an at-risk world-turning hard knocks into opportunities for success.- 1st ed.- San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003.- 180p. – ISBN 0-7879-6875-7 Àãóóëãà: The at-promise perspective, Requirements for growth: At-promise principles 1 and 2, Promise character:At-promise 3 to 9
Babbitt B. Cities in the wilderness: A new vision of land use in America.-Washington:Island Press, 2005.- 200p.– ISBN 155963-093-0 Àãóóëãà: Everglades forever, Cities in the Wilderness, What’s the matter with lowa?, At water’s edge, Land of the free
Muir J. John Muir’s last journey: South to the Amazon and east to Africa/ edit. M.P.Branch.- Washington: Island Press, 2001.- 337p.– ISBN 1-55963-640-8 Àãóóëãà: Preparing for the last journey:California, New York and Boston, Southbound and up the great Amazon, Goastal Brazil and up the Iguacu river into the Araucaria braziliensis forests ...
Helgren D.M., et al. Holt People, places, and change: An introduction to world studies/ D.M.Helgren, R.J.Sager and A.S.Brooks.Orlando: Holt, Rinehert and Winston, 2005.-712p.– ISBN 003-036707-7 Àãóóëãà: An introduction to world geography and cultures, United States and Canada, Middle and South America, Europe, Russia and its western neighbors, Southwest and central Asia, Africa …
Markle S. Family science:Activities, projects, and games that get everyone excited about science!.- New Jersey: Wiley, 2005.- 282p.– ISBN 0-471-65197-0 Àãóóëãà: Science in the kitchen, Science in the backyard, Science in a minute, Science games, Science toys, Science art, Science contests
Olson D.H., DeFrain J. Marriages and Families: Intimacy, diversity and strengths.- 5th ed.- Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006.- 490p.ISBN 0-07-298527-5 Àãóóëãà: The social context of intimate relationships, dynamics of intimate relationships, Stages of intimate relationships, challenges and opportunties
Thee S.S., Sokolis G. Science probe I.- New York: McGrew-Hill, 1997.553p.- ISBN 0-538-66900-4 Àãóóëãà: Investigating matter, Understanding your living body, Examining the earth, Exploring space, discovering energy around you, Managing our environment
Thee S.S., Sokolis G. Science probe II.- New York: McGrew-Hill, 1997.543p.- ISBN 0-538-66901-2 Àãóóëãà: Exploring space, Harnessing energy, Investigating matter, Examining the earth, Exploring the basic of life, Understanding ecology,
Denning S. Squirrel Inc.: A fable of leadership through storytelling.- San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.- 2004.- 182p.ISBN 097879-7371-8 Àãóóëãà: Squirrel Inc.: How to craft a story to spark organizational change, Diana tells her story: How to perform the story to spark change, Save Squirrel Inc. night: Seven types of organizational storytelling, Whyse’s story: How to use storytelling to reveal who you ars and build trust ...
Fleming T.J. Mysteries of my father.- Hoboken:Wiley, 2005.- 341p. - ISBN 0-471-65515-5 Àãóóëãà: A message from the past, The bad old deys, An uptown world, Three beauties, My rosary, The sporting life, The escape artist, Salesman’s blues, To Europe with love ...
Astor G. The jungle war: Mavericks, marauders, and madmen in the China-Burma-India theater of world war II.-Hoboken: Wiley, 2004.- ISBN 0-471-27393-7 Àãóóëãà: The venues and opening shots, The Japanese enlarge their war, First strikes, War comes to Burma, Futher additions to the cast, “We got a hell of a beating” ...
Boehm R.G. et al. Geography: The world and its people/R.G. Boehm, D.G.Armstrong, F.P.Hunkins.- New York: McGraw-Hill.2000.- 780p.- ISBN 0-02-821485-4 Àãóóëãà: Geography of the world, The United States and Canada, Latin America, Europe, Russia and the Independent republics, Southwest Asia and North Africa, Africa South of the Sahara, Asia, Australia, Oceania, and Antractica
Appleby J., et al. The American journey: Building a nation/ J.Appleby, A.Brinkley, J.M.McPherson.- New York: McGrew-Hill.- 2000. -798p.- ISBN 0-02-821872-8 Àãóóëãà: Different worlds meet beginnings to 1625, Colonial settlement 1587-1770, Creating a nation 17631791, The new republic 1789-1825, The growing nation 1820-1860, Civil war and reconstruction 1846-1896, Reshaping the nation 1858-1914, Reform and expansion 1865-1914
A message of ancient days.- Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1999.- 542p.- ISBN 0-395-93065-0 Àãóóëãà: The world past and present, The earliest people, Early middle eastern and north African Civilizations, early Asian Civilizations, The foundation of western ideas, Rome: A world power
Across the centuries.- Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.- 558p.- ISBN 0-395-93066-9 Àãóóëãà: Links to the ancient world, The growth of Islam, Sub-Saharam Africa, Asian civilizations, Medieval societies, Europe:1300-1600, Civilizations of the Americas, Europe:1600-1789
Scienceplus: Technology and Society/C.McFadden, R.E.Yager.- Austin: HBJ., 1993.- 660p.-ISBN 0-03-074961-1 Àãóóëãà: Interactions, Diversity of living things, Solutions, Force and motion, Structures and design, The restless earth, Toward the stars, Growing plants
Earth science.-New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995.-120p.ISBN 0-02-276127-6/6 Àãóóëãà: Literature link, Language arts link, Math link, Social Studies link, Health link
Earth science.-New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997.-792p.ISBN 0-02-827808-9 Àãóóëãà: Earth materials, The changing surface of earth, Earth’s internal processes, Change and Earth’s history, Earth’s air and water, You and the environment, Astronomy
Physical science.- Austin: Holt, 2001.- 650p.– ISBN 0 -03-055797-6 Àãóóëãà: Introduction to matter, Motion and forces, Work, machines, and energy, The atom, Interactions of matter, Introduction to Astronomy
Holmes A., Holmes D.L. Holmes principles of physical geology.-New York: Wiley, 1978.- 730p.-I SBN 0-471-07251-6 Àãóóëãà: Science and the world we live in, The dynamic earth, The changing continental surfaces, Materials of the earth’s crust: Atoms and minerals, Igneous rocks: Volcanic and plutonic ...
Plummer C.C., et al. Physical geology/ C.C.Plummer, D.H.Carlson, D.McGeary.- 11th ed.- Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007.- 650p.ISBN 978-0-07-282692-0; 0-07-282692-4 Àãóóëãà: Introducing geology, the essentials of plate tectonics, and other important concepts, Atoms, elements, and minerals, Igneous rocks, intrusive activity and the origin of igneous rocks ...
Kraus H. Sigi Wulle und der Einbrecher.- Berlin: Verlag, 1978.172p.- ISBN 3-7817-1033-5 Àãóóëãà: Tomahawk und echte Adlerfedern, Die folgen eines uberfalls, Eine woche hausarrest, Auf falschen ...
Babbitt N. Tuck Everlasting: A sunburst book.- 1985.- 140p.ISBN 0-374-48009-5 Àãóóëãà: This book is about the beautiful time of summer and, specially about August which is the top of the live long year. Therefore, it is about what Mr Wunnie Foster, Mrs Mae Tuck and her two sons, Miles and Jesse, who are the citizen of Treegap village are doing in this beautiful period.
Reisler J. Babe Ruth: Launching the legend.-New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.- 288p.- ISBN 0-07-143244-2 Àãóóëãà: “I can’t turn that down” Babe Ruth becomes a Yankee, “I still can’t believe what I saw” Legend in the making, “I’ll snow you some hitting of the old apple” The 1920 Yanks tara shape ...
Taylor I.T. Backtracking: Safari Press, 1998.- 201p.– ISBN 157157103-5 Àãóóëãà: Harking in, Sounds, A hard straight shooter, Meat hunter or sportsman, First deer hunt, Maud, Jack Blackwell, Speck, Pluma, High pockets, Five dollars to boot ...
Ligth L. What to eat: the ten things you really need to eat well and be healthy.- New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.- ISBN 0-07145313-X Àãóóëãà: Eating shapes your fate, Ten rules for healthy eating, Kids-hungry for change, Healthy eating, Your diet makeover tool kit, What to cook, Food, mind and spirit ...
Kamien R. Music: An appreciation.-5ht brief ed.-Boston:McGraw -Hill, 2006.-411p.- CD-ROM.-ISBN 0-07-296655-6 Àãóóëãà: Elements, The middle ages and Renaissance, The Baroque Period, The classical period, The romantic period, The twentieth century and beyond, Nonwestern music
Schubert 200 songs in three volumes: Vol.I: 100 songs: for voice and piano/ edit. S.Kagen.- New York: IMC., 274p. Àãóóëãà: Die schone mullerin, Winterreise, Schwanengesang, 42 selected songs
Schubert 200 songs in three volumes: Vol.III: 50 songs: for voice and piano/ edit. S.Kagen.- New York: IMC.,156p. Àãóóëãà: 50 songs
Cohen R. Theatre.- 7th ed.- Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2005.560p.- ISBN 978-0-07-297504-8; 0-07-297504-0 Àãóóëãà: What is the theatre, What is play, The ancients, The middle ages, The Shakespearean era, The theatre of Asia, The royal theatre, The modern theatre: Realism, The modern theatre: Antirealism, The musical theatre, The actor, Designers and technicians, The director ...
Cohen R. Theatre: Brief version.- 7th ed.- Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2005.- 392p.- ISBN 978-0-07-297505-5; 0-07-297505-9 Àãóóëãà: What is the theatre, What is play, The modern theatre: Realism, The musical theatre, The actor, Designers and technicians, The director, Theatre traditions: East and West ...
The World Almanac and book of facts 2007/ edit. Z.Kasher.- New York: A WRC Media, 2007.- 1008p.– ISBN 978-0-88687-995-2 Àãóóëãà: Economy, business and energy, Health and vital statistics, Personalities, arts and media, Science and technology, U.S. facts, history and elections, World history and culture, Sports
Äàâàà Á. Ýíýðýëèéí òýíãýð: 2CD.- ÓÁ.- MABU records, 2009 Àãóóëãà: Ø¿ëýã, ÿðóó íàéðàã, óÿíãûí áîëîí õîøèí ºã¿¿ëëýãèéí õîñ öîìîã.