13th Annual
Benefiting Family Hospice of Erie
November 21, 2023
SPECIAL THANKS to our Presenting Sponsors Rebich Investments and UPMC Health Plan, our media sponsor Erie News Now, and to Walker Tree Farm for donation of the tree. Thank you! LIGHT OF PEACE
South Erie Turners
Pamela Agostini In Memory of Richard Agostini In Memory of Helen Mikotowicz In Memory of John Mikotowicz In Memory of Stacy Sceiford
LIGHT OF STRENGTH Anonymous Jim Boyle In Honor of Valerie Boyle Corry Central Labor Club Premier Conduit, Inc. In Memory of Larry Baumann
DOVE SPONSORS K. Stephen Anderson In Memory of Treva Goss Anderson
Aulenbacher, Batts, Husvar In Memory of Bill Aulenbacher, Jr. In Memory of Bill Aulenbacher, Sr. In Memory of Carol Aulenbacher In Memory of George Aulenbacher In Memory of George Aulenbacher, Jr. In Memory of Harry Aulenbacher In Memory of Ruth Godmaire In Memory of Debbie Marr In Memory of Joseph Otto In Memory of Margaret Otto
The Bosner Family In Memory of Gregory A. Bosner
Paul and Janet Demjanenko
Erie Strayer Company
Sally DeWitt In Memory of Bill DeWitt
Nguyen and Huynh Families Lakeshore Community Services, Inc. Barry D. Stamm, MD In Memory of Carol Stamm Pauline Stevens and Monica Masterson In Memory of Dr. Richard D. Stevens and John Masterson
Brian Durniok Frances M. Kramer, DNP, CRNA In Memory of Cynthia J. Crissman, CRNA Judy and Rod Troester In Memory of Lowell and Millie Troester Wesleyville American Legion—Carl Neff Post #571
LIGHT OF HOPE cont. Elaine Zohns In Memory of Darlene Huegel Nancy Zohns, Barb Costilla, and Elaine Zohns In Memory of Myrna Zohns
LIGHT OF FAITH Mary Adiutori and Family In Memory of David Adiutori Anonymous In Memory of Sr. Matthew Baltus In Memory of Edith Haller In Memory of Henry Lochner In Memory of Marie Lochner In Memory of Edith Wilson, Sr. John and Cindy Becker In Memory of Helene Becker In Memory of Spafford Becker In Memory of Betty Bjalme Mary Concoby In Memory of Darla Bilotti In Memory of John Giebfried In Memory of Barry and Cecil Plouse In Memory of Charlotte (Char) Richards In Memory of Maynard and Keith Sweeney In Memory of Walter, Janet, and David Sweeney
Claire E. Domino In Memory of James T. Domino In Memory of Ralph C. Muller
Tim and Laurie Faller In Memory of Helen Faller In Memory of Robert Faller In Memory of Joan Lutsch In Memory of Victor Lutsch In Memory of Thomas Scarpitti Maryann C. Flaherty In Memory of Dort and Val Duszynski In Memory of William “Coach” Flaherty In Memory of Ceil and Ed Schneider In Memory of Patrick J. Yochim In Memory of Timothy “Yogi” Yochim Lou and Michelle Floros In Memory of Frances Floros In Memory of George Floros In Memory of Catherine Golis In Memory of Edwin Golis In Memory of Helen Golis Dr. and Mrs. Francis P. Foti In Memory of Ernest Csakany In Memory of Caroline DiPlacido In Memory of Jospeh Foti In Memory of Robert Foti In Memory of Joe Manzi Garrett Fuhrman In Memory of Carol Stamm Pam Giewont In Memory of Nelson Dinger In Memory of Michael Giewont In Memory of Shawn Giewont In Memory of Amber Merry In Honor of Family Hospice of Erie Staff Katie Hamilton In Memory of My Sassy Girl
LIGHT OF FAITH cont. Barbara Hudson In Memory of Clara Cagnoli In Memory of James Hudson In Memory of Ann Natale In Memory of Frank Natale In Memory of Ron Sitter
Doug and Jody Loesel In Honor of Joanne Figurski In Memory of Louise K. Loesel In Memory of Richard O. Loesel In Memory of John E. Smith In Memory of Marie B. Smith
Joan E. Jackson In Memory of Donald F. Jackson
Paul and Christine Lombardo In Memory of Josephine Colbert In Memory of Mary Louise Gober In Memory of Janet Lathers In Memory of Selma Saloom In Honor of Lilian Stanton
Patti Johns In Memory of David Johns Charlene Kellerman and Lisa Locke In Memory of Helen Kellerman In Memory of Robert M. Kellerman In Memory of Charles Locke In Memory of Helen Locke In Memory of Marily “Lynne” Swanson
Dennis and Cathy Marin In Memory of Peter Marin Michael P. Martin In Memory of Sandy Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kuneman In Memory of Grace Aymong In Memory of Jack Aymong In Memory of Andrew Catalde In Memory of Delores Catalde In Memory of Diane DeLuca-Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKenzie In Memory of Dowd Family In Honor of Family Hospice Volunteers In Honor of Mrs. Catherine Maughn In Memory of John Maughn In Memory of McKenzie Family
Richard and Rhonda Kurczewski In Memory of Aimee Rodak In Memory of Randy Rodak In Memory of Richard Rodak Jr. In Memory of Richard Rodak Sr. In Memory of Ronald Rodak
Chuck and Patti Myers In Memory of Johnni Janukites In Honor of LeAnne Morton In Honor of Brenda Rodland In Memory of Rick Stoner In Memory of Megan Sweezey
Maria Langer In Memory of Lois Jean Battaglia In Memory of Louise Battaglia
Dennis and Elaine Renz In Memory of Dr. Frank Benes III
LIGHT OF FAITH cont. Theiss Family In Memory of Edward Selleny In Memory of Bob and Dolly Theiss In Memory of Gregg R. Theiss In Honor of Julie Yerger, Ed and Joe Theiss In Honor of Noah Yerger
Carmeline M. Coverdale In Memory of George W. Coverdale
Phyllis DiPlacido In Memory of Ann DeDionisio In Memory of Carl DeDionisio In Memory of Mark DiPlacido
Vickie Baker In Memory of John Greenawalt In Memory of Meade Greenawalt In Memory of Myrtle Greenawalt Jaimee Barr In Memory of Rose Bargielski Donna Battersby In Memory of Eugene C. Battersby In Memory of Gordon Griffey In Memory of Shawn McNeeley Robert W. Becker In Memory of Cathy Becker Linda Binney In Memory of Jerry Stoner In Memory of Marge Stoner In Memory of Rick Stoner Marc and Carol Bryant In Memory of Bryant Family In Memory of Hymiak Family Linda T. Bush In Memory of James Bush In Memory of Anne Tepper In Memory of Lou Tepper
Frank and Shirley Czulewicz In Memory of Roger Alan Czulewicz In Honor of Andrea Dunnewold In Memory of Anna F. Walsh
Jim and Kristen Donnelly In Memory of Carol Donnelly In Memory of Dale Donnelly In Memory of Debbie Donnelly Agnes Gausman In Memory of Joseph A. Gausman In Memory of Alice Nellis In Memory of Fred Nellis Ms. Kristin Grande In Memory of Helene Grande In Memory of Louis J. Grande In Memory of Andrew Stump Kim Green and Kirk King In Memory of J. William Green In Memory of Maxine Green In Memory of Wayne King Janet Griffin In Honor of Christopher Bureau In Honor of Rebecca Bureau
LIGHT OF HEALING cont. Drew and Geri-Lyn Hoffman In Memory of Angeline Hoffman In Memory of David Hoffman In Memory of Laura Lee Falletta
Patty McMahon In Memory of Abby In Memory of Al In Memory of Joan
Andrew Hoover, Nicholas Hoover, and Julianna Musi In Memory of Leo W. Hoover
Rick and Patty Miller In Memory of Helen Zelina In Memory of Jay Zelina
Linda Kmetz In Memory of Karen Kmetz
Tamra Minnier In Honor of David Gibbons In Memory of Glen Minnier In Memory of Marilyn Minnier
Alex and Anna Kosenko In Memory of Peter Kosenko In Memory of Maria Wowk In Memory of Walter Wowk Family of Teresé Lachesky In Memory of Timothy Dowdy In Memory of Teresé Lachesky Mary Beth Lachesky-Daley In Memory of Robert (Bobby) J. Lachesky In Memory of Teresé Marie Lachesky Elmer and LeAnne Lemock In Honor of Kelli Hermann In Memory of Steve Lemock In Memory of Rick McLaughlin Jim and Sue Livingston In Memory of Aaron Snyder In Memory of Gary Snyder In Memory of Kathy Snyder Deborah Majewski In Memory of Rita Marie Wear
Diane Robinson Mongillo In Memory of Dorothy Robinson In Memory of Paul L. Robinson In Memory of Paul L. Robinson Jr. Larry and Lorelei Newell In Honor of Meredith Dailey In Honor of Andy Lasko In Honor of Cindy Lasko James C. Nuber In Memory of Katherine (Katchy) Nuber Carmella A. Orlando In Honor of Nicole M. Ferretti In Memory of Amelia D. Presogna In Memory of Daniel N. Presogna In Memory of Joseph A. Presogna Catherine Podgers Chuck and Lisa Priestap In Memory of James O’Hern In Memory of Marie O’Hern In Memory of Charles Priestap, Sr.
LIGHT OF HEALING cont. Rosan Radack In Memory of Jane B. Kweder In Memory of Joseph J. Kweder In Memory of Stephen T. Radack, Jr.
Karen L. Winston In Memory of Charles H. Kibler In Memory of William M. Kibler In Memory of Richard G. Winston
Trudy Reichert In Honor of Cindi Joyce In Memory of Bill Reichert In Honor of M. Sue Roos
The Yurcak Family In Memory of Dad In Memory of Papa Bud In Memory of Buddy Yurcak
Greta R. Shaffer Family In Memory of Delbert D. Shaffer
Diane Ziegler
Carol Sheldon In Memory of Dolores Landis In Memory of Holly Mendes and Alice Novakowski In Memory of C. Pat Sheldon
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Strasser In Memory of Dr. Joseph McClellan Jennifer and Frank Sulz In Memory of Elizabeth A. Trohoske Judy, Kimberly, and Michael Turner In Memory of William Turner Judy and Rod Troester In Memory of Lowell Troester In Memory of Millie Troester In Honor of Tom Hill Marilyn Wilmire In Memory of Mathews Family In Memory of Schneider Family In Memory of Wilmire Family
Lureda Afton In Memory of Carol Dick Karen Anderson In Memory of Karl Anderson Anonymous In Honor of Bridget Shanahan, DO Anonymous In Memory of Patricia Zeppieri Joan Baker In Memory of Woody Baker Cynthia Baron In Memory of Gary W. Baron Teresa Becker In Memory of Mary Carbaugh Mom, Dave, Bella, Iris, and Eli Bostwick In Memory of Emily Reynolds Bostwick Noel J. Burgoyne In Memory of Charles Burgoyne
LIGHTS cont. Marianne Calkins In Memory of Joanne Adams
Ann R. Hoover In Memory of James A. Hoover Sr.
Roxanne M. Cook In Memory of Patricia A. Cook
Family of Mary Humenay In Memory of Mary Humenay
Linda Dakis In Memory of Anthony T. Dakis
Patricia Kertulis In Memory of Raymond Kertulis
Mrs. Darlene Dick In Memory of DeeDee Bules
Kathleen Kinzig In Memory of Crystal Kinzig
Richard Dombrowski In Memory of Louise Dombrowski
Robert F. Kuntz Family In Memory of June M. Kuntz
Kathleen Donnell
Nancy LaCour In Memory of Jim LaCour
Barbara Dulin In Memory of Bernie Berarducci Marilyn Dunlap In Memory of Pierina Turco Theresa Edder In Memory of Ryan Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. David Felton In Memory of Anthony J. Fadale Peter and Elaine Gibson In Honor of Dan H. Hill Jean, Larissa, and Shelby Giese In Memory of Bill Giese
Angela LaFuria In Memory of Croce LaFuria Chrylene Lindsley In Honor of Mary Ellen McBride Jan Macinnes In Honor of Loved Ones Charlie and Patty Mello In Memory of Cary Jo Kaufmann Mercy Center for Women In Honor of All Mercy Center Families
Steve Gula
M.R. Murphy In Memory of Robert Jares In Memory of Ann Murphy
Susan, David, and Jessia Henry
Michele Murzynski
In Memory of Lloyd D. Henry
In Memory of Patricia J. Murzynski
LIGHTS cont. Rob, Chris, and Julie Musi In Memory Leo W. Hoover
Richard Sposito In Memory of Joan Sposito
Sonny and Carole Mussig In Memory of Chris Dawson
Miss Lisa Tiblandi In Memory of Domenico Tiblandi In Memory of Doris Tiblandi
Loving Wife and Sons of Phil Myers In Memory of Phil Myers Charleen Nelson In Memory of James Nelson Jim and Sue Ohrn In Honor of Sue Ohrn Ellen and Leo Sadovy In Memory of Patricia Feltz Lynn Schrimper and Family In Memory of Bill Schrimper Joseph and Jennifer Shaffstall In Memory of David Brown Gloria Shearer In Memory of Arnold (Herk) Shearer Joy Sherred In Memory of John Sherred Jean V. Smith In Memory of Charlotte Anderson
Michele Tomczak In Memory of Tomczak Family R. Michael Vincent In Memory of Kathleen M. Vincent Levi and Doris Walker In Memory of LaQula Walker David H. Ward In Memory of Rick Heckathorn Mrs. Dona L. Webster In Memory of James L. Webster Catherine Wienczkowski In Memory of David Wienczkowski Rebecca Wilson In Memory of Nancy Liebau Susan Wurzbach In Memory of Grace Rudolph Christine Youngs In Memory of Donald E. Youngs
Susan Snyder In Memory of Jack Snyder Cheryl Spizarny In Memory of Louis Spizarny Comments or questions? Contact us at 814-877-7020.