4 minute read
Club banter
from TT01English
by Tuntreet
Cheers FFD!
Cheers Skriver!
Cheers $paregris!
Cheers Hunkatter!
Cheers Qlturelle and Xklusive!
Cheers Pusekatter!
Cheers Tora and Thorvald!
A new quotidian Year has creeped over the Agrarian Metropolis Yet, the Agrarian feels vacuous, and there are many commoners to behold from the Altan It is essential that we carry on, and have courage, surely, Samfundet will hear its Company.
Cheers for optimism!
Hunkatten has prevailed for 60 Years, and at rare Occasions new Studentresses new Oppertunity awaits for Admission to the oldest womanly Student Association in Norway and discover the true Meaning of Life
Cheers for FFDs Benevolence!
Unequivocally, there is no Doubt that the quotidian Year of 2021 will be capricious, yet we must remainastute, focus on the positive and keep an agreeable standing with one another, we shall see this through together!
Cheers for our common struggle!
Qultural regards FFD Mette, Skriver Erika, and $paregris We dream of an embrace. That we do not forget what it feels like to be close to one We dream of soft knees swirling across the floor with one you hold dear, while the fiddle carries the tone
We dream of friends and warm hands we hope we one day will see the rhythm of the musician’s foot And that the storm we face one day has settled
But in the meantime have a peek at our new logo NGA
Hello everyone! Because of the Corona-situation we find ourselves in, with additional measures and restrictions, it is difficult for us to know when to plan rehearsals and auditions for new members. We assume things will calm down and be a little less restricted so we can all meet again., so we can welcome new song-loving students into our ranks, but until then we must wait in patience. Take care of one another, keep your distance and remember to wash your hands.
Green and blue winter regards from Sangkoret Noe Ganske Annet.
DThe new year is here And we walk on our toes In hope of better times But under a new lock down we suffer
We’ve got a new mutant Which is quite tenacious The vaccination is slow And the government we roast
Erna blames the students When the travellers become the patients Digital education is the punishment But at least you can wear a night gown
Our association has a revue to write But any writing trip remains out of sight Yes, Zoom is keenly in use this year But in autumn, we in Aud Max hope to stand
We all have to hold out Keep at home, and do not go mad A walk might be sensible Even though it is a bit cold and sour
Forfatterfrøken Emilie Pisani Ekeli Feminin & Fornem January is past us and the Agrarian Metropolis is covered with a white veil of snow and frost, while we head for brighter and longer days. Even though the days may seem heavy and lonesome it is important to see the light at the end of the tunnel and that there is a hope for normal days ahead.
Gents Academy is currently planning digital events for the semester, and how admission of new members will proceed this autumn.
Gents Academy hopes the january block has gone well, and we wish you all an excellent spring parallell.
Gents Academy Lord Ambassador
The academy, with an infovors at the Agenda, followed by Whiskey Night. See you there! Editor, journalists and photographer. Good cheers! After many late nights on the office desk, we in the PP have grown fed up with monotonous and shitty coronaissues to write about, but we see the light as in the anus of a blue whale which has just swallowed you. With the light and the decaying smell we meet at the end Utgave II - år 2020 of the road, we might just see summer coming. A summer with greener grass on the other side of this treachery we call a “studying” semester. For every passing day, it gets brighter, and let this light remind us of what my grand uncle said: “It don’t get no brighter without the rotation of the Earth around the Sun.” Oterwise, there is not much to tell from up here, from the WEAL(L)thy students place, also known as Eplehagen. Pusen Brede still grows fat from eating salami (#winterbody) and the students conduct loud evening parties in the well known square. VEL VEL untalented journalist USM Pomona Posten
Have you heard...?
Pussycat I find it unfathomable that there is still no Telemark club!
Odelsgirl from Sarps When does the Odelscatalog arrive? I have a worthy female candidate
brrrr Clasern og Biltema have no heaters left. Kan SiÅs please turn the heat up or what
read and reply to your emails you ape Lecturers are shockingly bad at answering emails. To every one of you out there, there is hope even though you haven’t checked your uni-email for a few months, that’s when you are at the same level of “the adults”.
Grupperom Guri Really annoying when people book group rooms at sør to just sit there with headsets, should be meant for group work... regards frustrated fellow student that wants to discuss subjects Sletta Has anyone seen any “have you seen” lately?
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